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Fracture: A Long Time Coming

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-25 19:59:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published March 8th, 2018
  3. Turns out I'm stupid and forgot to put this in the right order with the other entries.
  4. Read this after Interlude in Pink, but before Navel Oranges. Read everything else in the order posted. Thank you.
  5. ------
  7. >Day...Hell, you've honestly lost count
  8. >You are Anonymous, sole human in Equestria
  9. >It has been one year to the day since the magical cast and sutures on your dong disappeared
  10. >It's a bit of a long story
  11. >Totally wasn't embarrassing at all walking around with a big cast on your junk for 2 months
  12. >It felt like years while it was on though
  13. >So many loads you could have blown...
  14. >"Anonymous? You've stopped walking. Are you alright?"
  15. Hmm? Oh, sorry. Just lost in thought. You go on ahead.
  16. >You are currently taking Fluttershy, or her clone rather, to Twilight's for a checkup
  17. >Another long story, lots of blood that needed to be cleaned up that day
  18. >Fluttershy continues walking ahead towards Twilight's Castle at your affirmation, and you went slowly after her
  19. >You never could get used to that crystal monstrosity, nor Twilight's coronation as the Princess of Friendship.
  20. >Granted, she really was an excellent friend outside of her morally dubious experiments, but she could never get o-
  21. >"ANONYMOUS WOULD YOU GET INSIDE ALREADY?!", a purple princess hush-screamed at you. "SHE COULD BE WATCHING!"
  22. 1/
  24. Twilight, I've told you time and again that Celestia doesn't care about your "projects."
  25. >"But she DOES, Anon, I know it! Why else would she make me a Princess?"
  26. To reward you for finally coming out of your NEET-o-sphere and saving the world a few times?
  27. >"Or maybe it's because she wants the stress of my higher position to make me crack and confess, but that ain't happening!" Twilight beams, confidently
  28. >This confidence is quickly replaced by a nervous glance at a somewhat conspicuous flowerpot in the corner of the room
  29. "N-not that I have anything to confess, no ma'am!"
  30. >She casually turns the plant around as she serves up tea and cookies for the three of you
  31. >It's a nice and fragrant black tea, and the cookies are ginger snaps
  32. >"So, Anon, how has she been doing?"
  33. Mphhmohmma, you mumble through a mouthful of cookies
  34. >If ever you had a weakness, it was ginger snaps
  35. >Twilight smiles and shakes her head
  36. >"Glad to see those baking lessons are paying off. So, Fluttershy, how would you say you are doing?"
  37. 2/
  39. >"Mphmpmah."
  40. >Shy's mouth is stuffed to bursting with cookies as well
  41. >You choke a bit as you laugh a crumb into your windpipe
  42. >Twilight just shakes her head
  43. >A purple aura surrounds the tray of cookies and lifts them towards the cieling
  44. >"I'm sorry, Shy, I didn't quite catch that."
  45. >Twilight hands Fluttershy one of the cups of tea, pulling out a small journal as she does so
  46. >Fluttershy takes a sip of tea to soften up the cookies, and swallows
  47. >"Things are going well, Twilight. Anon has been a very gracious houseguest, and the animals have really taken to his being around."
  48. Oh stop, you flatter me.
  49. >It really wasn't too hard
  50. >As long as you took the carnivores fishing every now and then, you avoided most of the major problems
  51. >Everything else was handled by your admittedly shoddy impersonation of their original master
  52. >"I'm serious! For some reason the animals just seem to ignore me lately."
  53. >"Interesting...", Twilight scribbles furiously in her notebook
  54. >Her horn lights up again, and a small necklace appears in Twilight's hooves
  55. >It's the Element of Kindness, its gem dull and washed out
  56. >"Let's see if you're able to synchronize, Fluttershy."
  57. 3/
  59. >Twilight lowers the Element, moving Fluttershy's mane out of the way so it can rest on her neck
  60. >Twilight releases her aura, and the Element glows a bright teal
  61. >Fluttershy's eyes go white as she floats into the air
  62. >A magic wind begins swirling around the sitting room as the power of the-
  64. >The Element loses its glow, and Fluttershy's return to their mint green as she falls back onto the couch.
  65. >"Ow."
  66. Heh.
  67. >"Anon! This is not funny!", Twilight glares at you
  68. I think it's very funny, Twi. I mean, it's a powerful magical artifact and it farts.
  69. >Twilight scribbles into her journal again, still glaring at you
  70. >Fluttershy quietly hands the Element back to Twilight
  71. >"I thought it was pretty funny" another voice chimes in
  72. >It's coming from a little dragon holding a big scroll of paper
  73. Thank you, Spike!
  74. >Twilight rolls her eyes
  75. >"Anon, please, I've seen Spike laugh because his Alpha-Bits spelled 'Boty'."
  76. >"No, I was laughing because they almost spelled 'Booty'."
  77. 4/
  79. Point is, his opinion has more weight than yours here.
  80. >"I....I guess you're right."
  81. >Twilight stops writing for a moment
  82. >The castle goes deathly silent
  83. >Fluttershy quietly takes a sip of tea
  84. >Your breathing feels like the loudest thing in existence
  85. >"HMH", Spike clears his throat, breaching the forced calm
  86. >"Well...I better go give this scroll to Trixie. She said something about Starlight's birthday coming up soon and...yeah..."
  87. >With that, he heads to some other room in the castle
  88. >"Y-yes. Anyway Anon, as I was saying," Twilight continued "I don't think this very funny."
  89. >She flips through her the pages in her journal
  90. >"The Elements of Harmony are very...'finicky', to put it plainly. It probably thinks something is missing from Fluttershy, but I'm not sure what..."
  91. >You look over at Fluttershy
  92. >She seems to have gone pale
  93. >"M-missing something?"
  94. >Her teacup starts to shake a bit in her hooves
  95. >Twilight sees this as well and changes tone
  96. >"Don't worry Shy, it's probably just some magic dissonance from your progenitor. I'm sure that you'll be using your Element in no time!"
  97. >She smiles, probably a bit more than she needs to
  98. >But it takes the edge off Fluttershy, and she gives a small smile in return
  99. 5/
  101. So, what are you making there?
  102. >Twilight began the second phase of testing some time ago
  103. >Something about "Shallow Memory Reading" and "MagiMuscle Coordination", and a whole slew of other 20 dollar words
  104. >She was one damned thorough mare when it came to tests
  105. >You thought it was boring as hell, so you wandered off to see what Spike and Trixie were up to
  106. >"Why, it is a drawing of the 'iced cream' Starlight told Trixie so much about!"
  107. >Trixie beams with pride as she passes you the scroll
  108. >"Trixie made it 'swirled' flavor.
  109. >Taking a look, it's a double-scoop of swirled ice cream on some kind of fancy cup
  110. >Literally, the two scoops were resting on top of the glass
  111. >Wasn't even drawn that well
  112. >They kinda looked more like wrinkly peaches than ice cream, really
  113. Hmmm...
  114. >You grab a pencil as inspiration strikes
  115. It's almost perfect Trix, you just need a few condensation lines here and OH! A streak of ice cream coming off the bottom of the glass like this...
  116. >Trixie watches with awe as you make her drawing into the best birthday card it can be
  117. >Spike is holding back giggles as you turn her ice cream into a veiny wang
  118. And a few sprinkles for good measure~!
  119. 6/
  121. >Trixie looks stunned by your handiwork
  122. >"Th-thank you, Anonymous! Starlight is sure to love this!"
  123. >Spike composes himself for a moment
  124. >"You sure, Trixie? I thought Starlight was more of a mare's mare-PFFTThehehe", he says, relapsing into giggles
  125. >"Mare's mare?' Trixie ponders the question over her birthday card
  126. >"Heheheh"
  127. Yeah, I don't think she'd be able to handle such a thick and meaty birthday card
  128. >The tips of her ears turn bright red, and soon the rest of her face follows suit
  129. >"T-T-TTRIXIE NEEDS A GREAT AND POWERFUL ERASER!" She screams as she flails around in her art supplies
  130. >You and Spike fall to the floor, rolling as Trixie alternates between erasing your drawing and batting at the two of you
  131. >She hits pretty hard despite her slight frame
  132. ow-OWOW!Shit! I was just kidding, calm down!
  133. >"Trixie, what are you doing?" A voice calls into the room
  134. >Looking over, it's Fluttershy, who looks a little upset
  136. I used pencil, didn't I? It'll get covered up easy with some paint.
  137. >You hoist yourself onto your feet
  138. 7/
  140. So all your tests done, then?
  141. >Fluttershy nods, "Yes, Twilight says everything is okay, barring my inability to use the Element of Kindness. She's still unable to find the cause though."
  142. >Ooph, that's got to be a bit of a bummer
  143. Don't worry about it Shy, I'm sure it'll come back to you soon enough.
  144. >You head around the room, saying your goodbyes
  145. >Trixie gives you a small huff
  146. Oh come on, I'm sure Shimmer will enjoy whatever you give her.
  147. >This softens her up a bit, just enough to give you a weak hoofshake
  148. >Spike asks "Are we still on for this Wednesday?"
  149. Sure, I even figured out a way to get AJ involved too, so don't worry.
  150. >He hugs your leg
  151. >He hugs it a bit longer than he should, probably
  152. >You kinda smear him onto Trixie as you leave
  153. Night guys! Night, Twilight!
  154. >You open the door, seeing the sky for the first time in hours
  155. >The sunset gets you right in the eyes, and it hurts like hell
  156. >But with Fluttershy in tow, you head back to her cottage
  157. >Twilight, however, is spazzing out behind you and calling for Spike to bring the notebooks
  158. 8/
  160. >The air is refreshing and cool as you make your way back to Fluttershy's cottage
  161. >You pass by your house along the way, tarps on its windows
  162. >Only you knew the tarps were just for show
  163. >"So, your house is still being painted?", Fluttershy pipes up
  164. Oh, uh yeah. Apparently they can't get the right type of primer that covers the woodscrews.
  165. >"O-oh. Okay then."
  166. >Wew, thank god she knows nothing about construction
  167. >The rest of your walk is fairly quiet
  168. >The crickets and cicadas make a chirpy soundtrack to your walk
  169. >Eventually, you reach the cottage
  170. >A comfy little shack that Fluttershy shares with you, Angel, and Discord
  171. >When you enter, it's still and dark
  172. Hey Shy, what day is it today?
  173. >"Monday, Anon. Why?"< Fluttershy responds as she heads upstairs
  174. No reason, just wondering where everyone is.
  175. >You take off your shoes, and set your jacket on the coatrack
  176. >Being Monday night, Angel was probably out in the Red Light district overseeing his business ventures
  177. >Which would mean Discord is...
  178. >"Discord is...what?"
  179. HOJEEZE
  180. 9/
  182. >The coatrack, it turns out, was a very big antler
  183. >Connected to a very tiny Discord resting on top
  184. >"Oh my, Anonymous, were you hoping I wasn't here? Expecting a romantic evening alone with Miss Shy?"
  185. >His eyes grow large and flutter-flitter at you
  186. No, you perv. Just making sure my roommates aren't off in a ditch somewhere.
  187. >He snaps off his antler, making you wince a bit
  188. >He then pops back to full size, and inflates a new antler from his head
  189. >"Yeah yeah, I like you too and all. Now, what show are we going to marathon tonight?"
  190. >The couch you two used as a bed is transformed into a row of theater seats and a small t.v.
  191. >It wasn't shared for sex reasons, you just like having someone to cuddle, and Discord is just so plush and curvace-
  192. Hey! Quit changing my internal monologue!
  193. >"Alright fine, buzzkill."
  194. >Discord lounges across most of the seats, and pulls out a remote
  195. >"I hear CSI: Apploosa is good for some laughs."
  196. Perfect. I'll get the popcorn ready.
  197. >As you make the popcorn, you think you hear a faint retching noise
  198. >Fluttershy usually feels sick after her sessions
  199. >You would too, being poked and prodded by that weird purple monstrosity
  200. >I mean, whose bright idea was it to live and work from a big crystal abomina-
  201. Discord!
  202. >"I'm not doing it! Hoonest~!"
  203. >You let out a chuckle as you head back to the living room with popcorn
  204. >This week, you thought, is going to be great
  205. 10/
  207. >RING RING
  208. >"I'll get it!"
  209. >Discord lazily stretched his arm out to the phone, followed by his mouth and left ear
  210. Gross, dude.
  211. >He responds with a wink
  212. >"Why hello, Princess Twilight! Why so la-oh yes, he's right here"
  213. >Within an instant of an instant, you were plopped onto the floor of the kitchen.
  214. Ow.
  215. >You take the phone from Discord's talon
  216. Hey Twi, what's up?
  217. >"Anonymous, I need to talk to you. Are you free now? Is anyone bugging the call?"
  218. >Oh great, more paranoia
  219. One sec. DISCORD I SWEAR IF YOU ARE LISTENING IN THAT I WILL DRAG YOU TO TARTURUS MYSELF!, you yell to the draconequus on the couch
  220. >You can see him jam his hands into his ears
  221. >A thumbs-up, covered in earwax, is shot to you in reassurance
  222. Sorry Twi, I'm kinda busy till Fri-
  223. >"Friday? Awesome, come in on Thursday, first thing in the morning. Alone. This is a royal decree."
  224. >Click
  226. >You hang up the phone
  227. Great, you huff as you head back to the couch
  228. >Guess this week won't be so great after all
  229. 11

c: April Fool

by Greggums

Trixie's Machine

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Delectable Scrotum

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Fracture: The Breaking of the Shaft

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Fracture: Anon in Zoo-Land

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