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Past Sins Burdens of Tomorrow

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-11-18 19:41:40
Updated: 2022-11-10 04:25:46
Expiry: Never

  1. (Recommend OST: Sympathy For Lady Vengeance OST ~ #6 Fatality)
  3. >When you closed your eyes, you could still smell it
  4. >The charred corpses of the witches
  5. >When you closed your eyes you could still hear it
  6. >The cries of the witches, raped, mutilated, disemboweled
  7. >The laughter and the revelry of the witch hunters, praising His name as the small splash is made from the boots on the blood pools
  8. >When you closed your eyes you could still feel it
  9. >The trembling hands as you cradle your friend's body
  10. > When you closed your eyes you could still taste it
  11. >The blood in your mouth as you assumed this would be your final moment
  12. >When you closed your eyes, you could still see it
  13. >The great war, unending in a spiral in a field of flames
  14. >Then you open your eyes
  15. >Standing tall as a fortress, the academy you were to live in for the next years or so as a teacher. If you were drunk and someone told you this you would’ve laughed your ass off
  16. >Then proceed to throttle the bastard for making a joke such as the bastard deserve.
  17. >At the entrance a woman waited for you, a witch no doubt
  18. >Her dark blue hair waved light in the autumn wind, shining from the setting sun.
  19. >“Adjudicator Incognito.”
  20. >The voice was cold, cutting, crisp, and her glare went on to be ignored from your tired eyes. No doubt she’d seen the Great War of the Hunt, but she wasn’t in one. Too young, but young enough to see the dead.
  21. “Vice Headmistress Luna. Please, call me Incognito. That rank is just a formality now.”
  22. >“Very well. Follow me, I will lead you to the staff meeting room.”
  23. >Each steps you made echoed in the tall halls made of stones, cold and stalwart. The students in the courtyard chatted away freely, ignoring your presence.
  24. >Then, at the top of the staircase, you meet the faculty
  25. >The faculty, as expected were all women, witches of distinguished achievements. At the center was the witch herself, Celestia, the witch that ended the war between the witches and the hunters
  26. >You remember a glimpse of her during the treaty signing when you escorted Herr Marshal.
  27. >“Welcome, Mister Incognito. Please, introduce yourself to the staff then we can get you situated.”
  28. “I am Anonymous Incognito. Please to meet yo all.”
  29. >You stop, think, then wait.
  30. >There was a quiet forced applause, loudest from Celestia
  31. >“Thank you. Please, let me guide you to your quarters.”
  33. “Headmistress-”
  34. >“Please, Anonymous. Outside of class you can call me Celestia. I hope you don’t mind me using your name.”
  35. >When was the last time someone called you by your name? Feels like ages.
  36. “Is that an order?”
  37. >Crap, you didn’t mean to sound like an ass
  38. >“A suggestion, nothing else. Right, if I remember in the Ironbreakers using first name is..."
  39. “Breach in decorum. However, I am no longer bound by such rules. I can call you such.”
  40. >“Whatever you are comfortable with. I know you didn’t mean disrespect. What were you going to ask?”
  41. “Do they know?”
  42. >“Which order you were in? I’m afraid I do not know.”
  43. >You nod solemnly. Whether they knew it or not, in their eyes you were the enemy. That wouldn’t change, and sometimes you wish it wasn’t “were the enemy” but “an enemy”
  44. >It was hell, but at least it was simple.
  45. >“They don’t. Not that I know of. The war is over Anonymous, there is no need to feel apprehension.”
  46. “You’re too forgiving.”
  47. >“My sisters have also committed grave sins. As did your brothers and sisters in arms. It is better to forgive but to never forget.”
  48. “I… I suppose so.”
  49. >The expected kindness was still uncomfortable, her smooth words of forgiveness grated onto your ears
  50. >“Here it is, your quarters. Are you sure this is alright? There are better arrangements available.”
  51. >It was certainly bigger and more luxurious than your previous living spaces, then again during you slept in a tiny tent most of your life.
  52. >Restroom, bed, closet, a window with the view of the courtyard and the lake if you look further.
  53. >Your belongings (what amounts the clothes on your back, a suitcase, and your weapon) didn’t seem enough to fill the room,
  54. >Life of a minimalist you suppose
  55. “This is preferable, thank you.”
  56. >“Excellent, then we can begin the tour.”
  57. >You were lead around to many places, holding your tongue as you were introduced to the pertinent locations
  58. >Fancy place this was, and lots of colors, the kind that the students would like
  59. >The students’ stares were on you, and off of you in the path of your direction
  60. >Coming back to the courtyard the final location was the cafeteria, since professors could go on their own to the town most didn’t visit here
  61. >Eating amongst the student wasn’t the most fond idea
  62. >Then again you can just make your own since there’s an accessible kitchen here
  63. >Options options
  65. >The voice that of a child, yet your body refused to acknowledge that
  66. >Your arm goes for your hip, pulling out your sgian-dubh, turning around to confirm to your brain and body that it truly was a child
  67. >She grinned widely,
  68. >“Good afternoon Ms.Pie. How are you?” Celestia asked
  69. >“Peachy! Thank you for asking! Who’s this?”
  70. >Celestia smiled, a kind and gentle one, it was almost scary to think she can make one despite the past she suffered. “This is Professor Anonymous. He will be teaching Alternative Combat Magic elective and physical education.”
  71. >“Hiya professor I’m Pinkie Pie! You can call me Pinkie!”
  72. >She extended her hand, soft and unblemished. You lift your hand slightly for a shake but you stop, retracting back to your side.
  73. >You didn’t deserve to touch something so pure
  74. “A Pleasure.” You answer back.
  75. >“I apologize Ms.Pie, we need to hurry to introduce the professor to the campus.”
  76. >“Okie, see ya professors!”
  77. >Walking back to your quarters silence was exchanged until to the door of your quarters.
  78. >“That concludes the tour, if you have any questions feel free to ask the staff.”
  79. “Thank you.”
  80. >“And professor, one more thing.”
  81. “Yes?”
  82. >“Sometimes, facing your past also means facing your fears. Everyone is capable of it, but it’s what you do with it.”
  84. >The weekends passed with you inside the room, going over the materials you will teach.
  85. [spoiler]>And to avoid the students[/spoiler]
  86. >Today however, was the day.
  87. >Looking at the mirror, you adjust your uniform for the fifth time
  88. >You’re ready
  89. >The halls were unexpectedly empty until you arrived to the door of your class
  90. >Focus, easy breath. You’ve briefed for a League of Queendoms, to the Elder himself, and to the elite knights
  91. >This will be no different
  92. >You open the door, to hear the lively chatter die down to a halt. Silence, so long and strenuous the drop of a quill could be heard
  93. >The students’ eyes were on you, and the heavy clacks of your boot echoed
  94. >Clack… clack… clack…
  95. >Back then, that was the sound a witch heard in their final moments
  96. >The sound of the boots hitting the obsidian pavement inside the Fortress Monastery of your order.
  97. >Unless they could hear after they’re beheaded
  98. >On the podium, you clear your throat,
  99. “I am Professor Anonymous Incognito, I will be teaching you Alternative Combat Magic, physical education, and history of the Great Witch Hu-”
  100. >Not again damn it, that wasn’ the name anymore! Again, you clear your throat.
  101. “The War Before the Unification on the Perspective of the Witch Hunters. If you are here this hour on Monday means this will be the class.”
  102. >One of the students raises their hands
  103. “Yes, Ms.Sparkle?”
  104. >Easy to say you already memorized the students’ name and their general behaviors
  105. >“We don’t have a text book. I searched in the library but there wasn’t any.”
  106. >Clever girl
  107. “Correct, there is no present textbook of that perspective. Rest assured, you will be taught with the same level regardless?”
  108. >“Are you a researcher?”
  109. “No, a Witch Hunter.”
  111. >The classroom is silent. Honestly, if they left or refused to be taught it meant you going home. A small part of you wanted that, the “unification” was enough after the agreement of ceasefire
  112. >The sweet annulment of your duty was left unfulfilled.
  113. >The students did not say much, their eyes gazed off away from you and the small whispers multiplied
  114. >As expected, the students of the wind tribes stood from their seats.
  115. >Their great wings rustled, and the group of the students were amde into a arrangement of colorful collection of wings
  116. >The same wings you used to cut off from the witches of the wind tribes. You forgot if it was for revenge or a fear tactic.
  117. >Did it really matter in the end?
  118. >“We’re sure as boiling cauldrons we’re not going to take a lesson from a murderer like you!”
  119. >The most ferocious student and the most troublesome you expected, Rainbow Dash shouted at you. However, you heard things worse than a murderer.
  120. >With the signature glare that all wind tribes had all of the wind tribe students left the room. The silence lingered.
  121. “If other students wish that they do not wish to learn. You are free to leave.”
  122. >In doing so, few more left, with a quarter of the class gone. This was to be expected.
  123. “Then we will begin with the fundamentals of the lessons. In the beginning of the Post-Discovery Era, magic was at its highest in its research and most lacking in its regulation...”
  124. >And the lessons went on smoothly after.
  125. “So then, the Temple of the Malicificarum was established with the first Elder, often referred to as Old Man of the Mountains. Thus, their effort began to eradicate the witches and ended the Blackened Gold Era. Three orders were created from the old sages. The Order of the Valiant Hearts. The Order of the Silent Dawn. Finally, the Order of the Iron Noose.”
  126. >You noticed a student raising a hand
  127. “Yes Ms.Sparkle?”
  130. >“I understand why the war occurred but… couldn’t there have been a way for peace? Both sides immediately prepared for war as if it was the only option when like you said there clearly was.”
  131. “Beliefs, Ms.Sparkle.”
  132. >“Beliefs?”
  133. “We are capable of boundless kindness, love, and mercy… but we are just as capable of hatred, paranoia, and bloodlust.”
  134. >You lightly adjust your eyepatch, then the memories flood back in.
  135. “Disregarding who is right and who is wrong. Once blood is spilled there is no going back, Ms.Sparkle. The matter of morality fades away. Our visions are bathed in crimson and all we can feel is rage… It is easier to kill than to forgive. We only see the price we paid once we regret our decision, only it is too late and all that can be done is to grieve.”
  136. >The bell finally rang. The students were visibly tired now. Then again, the content you were ordered to teach was no simple matters.
  137. “One lesson to impart before you leave. If you choose the path of violence. Be prepared to meet the same fate as you did to your enemies. Fate, has a sense of humor that you will not find so amusing..."
  139. >“Professor Incognito, why did I see students running amok in the court yard during class?”
  140. >The cold and stern voice was already enough for you to tell who it was from behind. Vice-headmistress Luna, the second alicorn. It was funny, despite their powers as an alicorn they chose to give up their political power in the pursuit of educating the future witches.
  141. >Then again you were an adjudicator. Not a man of the court. You were sure they had their own reasons.
  142. “They refused to be in my class, vice-headmistress.”
  143. >You answered, reaching into your pocket for the tobacco pouch to put into your pipe. It was break time after all.
  144. >“So you just let them go?”
  145. “Yes, ma’am.”
  146. >You answered back immediately. You watched the vice-headmistress take your pipe from your mouth then place it on the table. It was rather kind of her not to merely throw it on the floor then smashing it.
  147. >“And you think this is the right thing to do?”
  148. >“Yes, ma’am.”
  149. >“Is this some sort of a jest, Professor Incognito?”
  150. “No ma’am. After telling the children that I am a witch hunter they all chose to leave. Who was I to stop them when they were about to be taught from a man that probably killed their family?”
  151. >She pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing as her wings ruffled lightly. A sign of agitation? >“Professor Incognito, your current objective is to teach the children is it not? That means all students. You have the authority, and if they refuse to listen you are allowed to exercise your authority as such. Do not let me see you making this mistake again, do you understand?”
  152. “Yes ma’am.”
  153. >She stares at you for a few moments, a glare that you received by the nobles when you took their resources and arms. You didn’t understand why they got mad, it was in the edict after all.
  154. >“Then see to it that you don’t.”
  156. >You rest inside your classroom, pondering on how to make the students like you.
  157. >Was that even possible?
  158. >You, the man that killed countless witches and known across all three tribes?
  160. >Your body twists to the direction of the sound. Once you see the student grinning rather too widely you ease your body. One of these days you were going to hurt a student accidentally if they kept sneaking like that.
  161. >Wait… how did she-
  162. >“Nonners!”
  163. >“Yes Ms.Pie?”
  164. >She grabs your hand and walks along as if it was the most normal thing it could be. She gave you a nickname, that meant she liked you right?
  165. “Ms.Pie, may I ask what’s going on?”
  166. >“It’s a surprise, silly!”
  167. >You hated surprises
  168. >Even so, it was hard to deny a student’s request. If you were to be a teacher (albeit by force) you might as well not be a teacher at all.
  169. >The room was dark, but there was a faint scent of gunpowder, cake, and lots of other sugary confectionaries.
  170. >POP!
  171. >“SURPRISE!”
  172. >The room was finally illuminated.
  173. >As expected there were confectionaries, a banner that read as “WELCOME NONNY!” with balloons. Not the observation balloon, they were much smaller and colorful.
  174. >“Huh… I’m sure I’ve sent out invitations.”
  175. “Ms.Pie, what is this?”
  176. >“It’s your welcome party! Though it looks like no one came. We can still party together!”
  177. >She handed you a plate of a small confectionary with odd cream on top. She went over to the counter to grab something else after you took the plate.
  178. >“Come on Nonners try it!”
  179. “Am I to eat this?”
  180. >“Yes? Nonners have you ever tried a cupcake?”
  181. “Is that what this is called?”
  182. >She froze for a good two minutes before-
  183. >“WHAT!”
  184. >You slightly wince at the unexpected noise. She brought a tray full of assorted baked goods. The smell of sugar was toxicating.
  185. >“Then we need you to catch up!”
  187. >By Faust, if you had to smell sugar you were certain you were going to throw up.
  188. >On the bright side it looked like you weren’t hated by everyone.
  189. >Oh right she was still talking about her party plannings
  190. >She knows a lot of people
  191. >Wait...
  192. “Ms.Pie, you seem to know everyone, might you assist me in something?”
  193. >“Sure, but only if you call me Pinkie!”
  194. “Alright, Pinkie. Will you help me get to know the students?”
  195. >“Sure!”
  196. >That was easy.
  197. >“Who do you want to start with Nonny?”
  198. >Hmm…
  201. >Your arm goes for your hip, moments away from pulling out your sgian-dubh. One glance was all you needed from stabbing the girl that was going to bump into you.
  202. “It was just a prank sis come on take a-”
  203. >The first one with the rainbowed colored entered through the entrance with another girl following her
  204. >The hand so eager to feel the warm blood stops, then you see the girl covered in cream and crust of the pie, wearing the uniform yet with a touch of individuality of small gems and matching violet fabrics that complimented her hair
  205. >Rainbow Dash should’ve been keeping her eyes on the front. If it weren’t for you turning around and grabbing her wrist before falling.
  206. >It was odd how she ran instead of using her wings. Though that was most likely to be chased, if she truly wanted to escape she could’ve well flown away.
  207. >You still remembered which joint was the easiest to cut through, seeing how many wings you have cut them in both combat and interrogations.
  208. >Many tries to commit suicide after that happens. The determined would bite their own tongue off. That was prevented by the gag tool.
  209. >Your old memories were abruptly ended by the pull of your wrist
  210. >“LET GO OF ME!”
  211. > “Rainbow Dash!”
  212. >Of course you released her. The moment you did the girl’s scowl was deadly, with the eyes that carried the wrath of the unjustly murdered generations. Her wings were unfurled to hide the girl behind her. A behavior when a pegassian was threatened.
  213. >You, a human and a witch hunter saw it too many times.
  214. “Ms.Dash, I was hoping to-”
  215. >“Come on Rarity we’re leaving!”
  217. >“So… I’m guessing it didn’t go well?” Pinkie asked
  218. >You sit in your office with your mug of coffee in hand. Inside your quarters you thought about the hatred in her eyes. Pure and unadulterated, you chuckle in remembrance. You were like that once. Never releasing the said anger until festered inside, infecting you from within.
  219. >Then, the smell of the cupcakes ended your thoughts. Pinkie (somehow) came close to you without making a sound. You take the cupcake off her hand.
  220. “Unfortunately not.”
  221. >“You know I’ve never seen Rainbow hate someone like that, I think that makes you special!”
  222. >You couldn’t tell if she was joking or not
  223. “What do you suggest?”
  224. >“Well…” She says as a folder is pulled out of her hair. “She enjoys Daring Do books and she prefers her party to be wild with lots of people. Though seeing that you’re a professor befriending her in a party is impossible.”
  225. >Daring Do
  226. “What on earth is Daring Do?” You ask
  227. >“It’s a book. You never heard of it professor?”
  228. >“Not at all. Is it like Hamlet?”
  229. >“It’s not a story about pigs, silly!”
  230. >You learned to ignore the fact that she can just pull things out of her hair
  231. >Pinkie handed you the so called “Daring Do” book.
  232. >This book was titled “Daring Do And The Lair of the Witch Hunter”
  233. >It was a story about Daring Do outsmarting a witch hunter… that had an eyepatch and used the same weapon as you did. Not to mention the villain’s name was Manonymouis
  234. >The final nail in the coffin was the author’s name A.K. Yearling
  235. >That little brat…
  237. >You are the best and the most awesomest adventure, most fearless, prettiest, hottest, and the most gifted self taught (and self proclaimed) witch. That can only be one beautiful person.
  238. >You are Daring Do, aka, A.K. Yearling. Again, you are a fearless witch and adventurer.
  239. >So when you’re shaking you’re shaking from excitement and not fear… who are you joking you’re freaking the heck out. You knew the witch hunter Anon, and you admit you made a story about him. A light hearted one really, nothing too slandering too.
  240. >In your hand was a letter. The unmistakable handwriting showed it was Anon. And somehow he found about your book. The only thing he read as far as you knew was some really old stuff. The fact that he found out meant someone told him. Probably a student too…
  241. >At this moment it really didn’t matter. He “politely” asked you to come to his new work place. The fact that he became a teacher for witches was surprising. His hatred for witches died, but guilt replaced it with much more volume.
  242. [spoiler]>Though you would understand if he still had it.[/spoiler]
  243. >So why did he want you to come personally? Was he really that mad about you putting him as the villain? What could be so possibly important that it couldn’t be spoken over letters?
  244. >Whatever it was, you couldn’t really deny him. Not after everything he did for you. If he’s gonna scold you about it then let him. Maybe even cut him a few bits for his troubles. Though you weren’t sure what he actually owns other than whatever he has on his hands. He never was a materialistic person after all.
  246. >So here you were, walking with THE Luna the Pale Moon Witch. It was hard to believe she herself would take time to see you personally. And people say that you’re haughty, how can you not be when someone like her came to see you?
  247. >“While we are ecstatic to have you here, Ms.Yearling. Your visit is rather sudden, do please send a letter three days before your visit next time.” The Pale Moon Witch’s cold voice made you shiver lightly, and her tone was flatter and cold as the frozen lake. How can Anon stand up to someone like her?
  248. >You look around the campus as you walk by her. Though you listen to her words intently as she gives you a light tour you see the academy itself.
  249. >Under the giant oak tree in the courtyard you see the students. They went about their lives, laughing, smiling, without a care in the world. You saw the magic nurturing the young witches, in ways they will never know. The old magic oozed out of the once bloody fortress. Magic of old that was older than this kingdom itself.
  250. >Clack clack clack, you hear your boots hitting the pavement on the stoney structure of the academy. You smell the brewed potions as you pass by the classes, and the herbs growing in the campus grounds and the greenhouses.
  251. >This fortress just swelled with life. It was troubling to think how Anon adjusted here. He was… still is, a scarred man. Even though you were afraid of being caught with your shenanigans you were scared for him more.
  252. >“Ms.Yearling, I assume you are here on the behest of Professor Incognito.”
  253. >You flinch. Your relationship with Anon was a closely kept secret. But being a with like Pale Moon Luna you wouldn’t be that surprised if she knew.
  254. “Y-yes, vice-headmistress. Is he… is he doing well?”
  255. >“Well enough.” Her reply was curt, with a light furrow in her brow.
  256. >You’re guessing she doesn't like him as much, but not for a reason made from malice. You and the vice headmistress arrive at the tucked in corner of the academy. You give the vice-headmistress a polite thank you and knock on the door then enter.
  258. >“Aty.”
  259. >There he was, waiting on the bed. Your guts twist when you see the eye patch on him. No matter how many times you would it will never make you stop shivering at the sight of it. Anonymous Incognito, your adoptive father.
  260. ”Hey Anon… look, about the book.”
  261. >“I didn’t call you for the book, though we are going to talk about that later."
  262. >You chuckle nervously
  263. “So… what do you want me if it isn’t about the book?”
  264. >In his hand was a book, your book. The latest volume too.
  265. >“Can you sign this for me?”
  266. >You look at the book, back to him, then back down to the book. Your brain turns off for a moment, then lights back up.
  267. “Uh… did you call me all the way here just to get my signature?”
  268. >“There’s this student. She hates my guts as expected but I want to try befriending her. I want to try befriending them all. If they want to.” There’s a long drawn sigh that made your heart ache. “I just- I think I can do good here. I want to atone for what I did… as much as I can.”
  269. >You take the book off his hand and sign it with Anon’s quill on the table. Then, an idea struck. A good idea as always.
  270. “You know… I can give it to her personally. Put in a good word for you?”
  271. >“You know I can’t ask you to do that.”
  272. “Good thing I’m not asking then.”
  273. > “Aty, I don’t know what to say…”
  274. >You smile, hugging his large physique as best as possible. It’s been a while since you felt his warmth.
  275. “Hey, what are families for?”

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