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>”Ah’m tellin' yah, yah overgrown mosquito, that a necklace'd be perfect for his birthday!"
>"And I'm telling YOU, you mangy dog, that a brooch would be leagues better than some silly necklace!"
>You're Anon.
>Right now two of your three wives are arguing about something stupid again.
>This happens almost every night.
>The two arguing are the unicorn Midnight Rose, and Earth Pony Honeycrisp.
>Now this would be bad enough, considering one is a prideful Canterlonian unicorn.
>And the other is an Apple, the family that produces some of the most stubborn Earth Ponies in Equestria.
>At least, that’s what Honeycrisp tells you.
>Despite being...ousted from the family of hillbillies and hating her full name of Honeycrisp Apple; Her stubbornness never went away.
>But no, what's worse is that Midnight is a vampire and Honeycrisp is a hengstwolf (AKA a pony werewolf.)
>Both types of creatures are rivals, making it a miracle that the two don't try to kill each other...too often.
>"What'd yah call me yah bloodsuckin' freak?!"
>Welp, better go calm them down as usual.
>"I called you a mangy dog, you mutt!"
>You head down stairs and see them staring daggers at each other while pushing their foreheads together.
"Ok girls, that's enough! Remember what I discussed with both of you before. When you both have a disagreement…"
>They both break their hateful gaze and sigh before finishing your sentence.
>"Sit down and talk it out peacefully."
>"Sit down 'n talk it out peaceful-like."
"Good! Now what was this all about?"
>You already know, but you'll let them say it for themselves.
>"Ah was tryin' to tell Midnight that mah idea for a birthday gift for yah was leaps 'n bounds better 'n her's! But she jus' won't listen!"
>Midnight shoots a dirty look at Honeycrisp before explaining her side.
>"And I was telling Honeycrisp that my idea for a gift is a lot more fashionable. Not to mention that it has more staying power! I've been around for over 200 years Anonymous, I've seen fashion trends come and go and have seen what stays and what doesn't! Who is SHE to doubt what I've seen with my own eyes?!"
>Time to explain yourself again.
" know I don't care much about fashion, never have. At the same time, you know I'd wear whatever the two of you would get me, whether that'd be a necklace, or a brooch!
>They both look embarrassed as it dawns on them.
>"Oh! Heh, ah guess we were louder than we both meant, huh?"
>Suddenly, the third member of your herd materializes.
>"I'll say! *cough* I could hear the both of you all the way *wheeze* in the spirit world!"
>Incandescent Hope has made her presence known.
>Sadly, it seems she's having another 'episode'.
>Ghosts like her sometimes end up exhibiting signs of whatever they died of.
>You and your herd met the pegasus ghost when you all moved into this old house a few months ago.
>She explained to you that she died in this house of some kind of disease that was ravaging the area at the time.
>Because of this, she'll get coughing fits and will start wheezing when she has a ‘flare up’.
"Hey Hope! How're you doing? Are you able to materialize long?"
>Sadly, she can only enter the living world for a short while.
>Some days she can stay longer, or can't at all.
>She looks back at you with her clouded-over eyes.
>"*wheeze* Not long tonight I think...came to check *cough cough* on you all after I heard *hack* all the arguing."
>Damn, you hoped you could spend some time with her, but it seems like it's another off day.
"Thank you for checking up on us. It's really nice to see you."
>You try to hug her, but you pass right through.
>Given that she's not able to materialize too well today, she's transparent so the both of you will pass through each other.
>It's the thought that counts though.
>"Well shucks Hope, maybe soon you can be solid enough so that we can finish our poker game! Yah know ah'll whoop the flank of everypony else here!"
>Midnight chimes in after listening for a bit.
>"Indeed, I too would like to finish our little game. However, all of you know that I'LL obviously be the victor!"
>Honeycrisp lightly stomps her hoof onto the wooden floor.
>"Horseapples! Yah couldn't win a game fair if yah had a deck fulla aces!"
>Sensing that the two were about to walk right into another argument, Hope decides to interrupt.
>"Perhaps soon I'll be able to. Who knows who may win? *wheeze* Maybe we'll get to find out whe-"
>She's beginning to fade. Looks like her time is up for now.
>"Time's up...sorry!"
>Before she disappears, you say your goodbye for now.
"I love you Hope, I'll see you soon!"
>"I love you too Ano-"
>She's gone.
>"Poor mare. Jus' ain't right that she can't be here with us! When are you gettin' that stone thing done Midnight?"
>"You mean the soul stone? As I've explained to you COUNTLESS times before; A soul stone is not at all simple to make. One false move and it's ruined!"
>A soul stone is something you learned about from Midnight.
>She explained that it's a type of artifact typically made by necromancers; Usually as a phylactery in order to become a lich.
>Knowledge about them is rare though, since the princesses have sought to eradicate any and all public knowledge of dark magic such as necromancy.
>Though this isn't a problem for somepony as long lived as Midnight Rose.
>Her plan is to bind Incandescent Hope to it, so that Hope can use it as an anchoring point to the living world.
>This should, at least in theory, allow her to manifest herself a lot more easily and often.
>Of your herd, she's the one you get to see the least of due to how ghosts work in Equestria.
>You really hope the plan works.
>"Aaargh! All this emotional mumbo jumbo is makin' me hungry! Ah'm gonna go hunt somethin'. Yah want anythin' in particular Anawn?"
>Ah yes, one of the benefits of being with a pony werewolf in a country full of herbivores.
>She eats meat too.
"Hmmm...wild boar sounds nice!"
>She gives a salute.
>"Ah'll see what ah can find! Be back soon!"
>She heads out the door leaving you with your vampiric waifu.
>"Hmm, you know Anonymous...I'm getting quite peckish myself.
>Looks like it's time for her favorite meal.
>Well, your blood anyway.
"Alright, let's go."
>The two of you head into the bedroom and walk over to the herd's bed and sit down.
>You lean up against the headboard as the dark-purple furred vampire climbs onto your lap.
>Her mouth makes its way to your neck as you hear Honeycrisp howling in the distance.
>Soon you feel the now familiar pain of her fangs sinking into your neck.
>Afterwards, she begins sucking out your life essence to feed.
>It's funny how vampires work.
>It hurts when they first bite, but strangely enough it feels good when they begin actually drinking.
>You like to pet her ghost-white mane when she does this.
>She would never admit it given that it'd damage her pride and ‘emaresculate’ her, but she likes it when you do so.
>A short amount of time later, and she's finished.
>She's careful not to drink too much, only leaving you a little light-headed.
>She licks her lips and fangs of your blood.
>"Ahh, delicious as always! Alas, I cannot partake too much lest you die, and that is not something I desire."
>"...were you only to give the word I would happily embrace you, and the both of us would live forever!"
>For a while now she's wanted to turn you into a vampire.
>Honeycrisp is the same way, wanting you to become a werewolf.
>It's an additional source of conflict between the two, but one you refuse to budge on either way.
>You put forward the idea of becoming some mix of both in a bid to calm them both down, though apparently that's impossible.
>Saves you from being the Mary Sue of some shitty, edgy fanfiction you suppose.
“I know you would Midnight, but you know that I don’t want that.”
>She looks into your eyes with her dark red, slit-pupiled eyes with a somewhat annoyed expression on her face.
>”Is it because that mutt Honeycrisp doesn’t want you to? Did we REALLY have to bring her along with us in the first place Anonymous? She questions and complains about EVERYTHING I do or say!”
>She does exactly that towards Honeycrisp too and she knows it.
>”The only reason why I let her be in this herd is because you want her here for...some reason!”
>Her frustration mellows into a more somber expression.
>”*sigh* I know you love her Anonymous, but I fail to understand why you do.”
>You give the creature of the night a hug to cheer her up.
"And I love you too Midnight! I just...don't want to live forever, y'know? Humans just aren't built for it. Ponies wouldn't be either, but you have magic to help with that."
>You give her a kiss to seal the deal and stare into each other's eyes lovingly.
>The two of you cuddle in the bed until you hear the sound of the front door being flung open.
>"Anawn? I got 'im! I managed to track you a boar!"
>You slowly get up, breaking the cuddle to head back downstairs.
>You see Honeycrisp wearing the special saddlebags she takes with her on these hunts.
>She reaches back and hoofs you two chunks of boar meat she somehow managed to wrap up.
>Pony hooves are weird.
>You immediately get to work cooking and seasoning both of them.
>After setting her plate down in front of her she shifts into her hengstwolf form and tears into it.
>You're honestly surprised at how good she is at hunting.
>Most of the time the disowned Apple is about as subtle as a fireworks warehouse set ablaze.
>But thankfully, she displays subtlety when it really matters though.
>Not long after setting it down in front of her, you're broken from your thoughts by a more gruff voice that comes from her in her wolf form.
>"Thanks hon, good as always! You know without you I'd only eat it raw on account of not knowin' how to cook anythin'!
>You're actually the only one in the herd that can cook.
>Apparently quite rare for her massive former family; Honeycrisp Apple can't cook for shit.
>Midnight Rose can't either due to her diet of solely drinking blood.
>And Incandescent Hope is out too. Because even if she had the knowledge and experience, she couldn't act on it due to her trouble with manifesting.
>It's not difficult though, since only you and Honeycrisp need regular food.
>After the meal she shifts back into her normal form.
>"Oh! Also, when ah was huntin' I think I saw some hunters snoopin' around! They didn’t see me but they looked like they were headin’ this way!"
>Midnight's usual Canterlonian pridefulness practically melts off her face at the news.
>"Damn it all to Tartarus! They're likely searching for us. Somehow they must've caught wind that we're here! It didn’t occur to you to mention this first?!"
>Ah yes, something that you neglected to mention in your inner monologue.
>You and your herd are on the run.
>Still be Anon, but in the past.
>You and your vampire wife are being surrounded by a bunch of angry looking mares.
>You were just out getting some groceries at the night market when this group of unicorns jumped the both of you.
>Their horns are charged and ready to fire with…
>You don't know what spell, but you'd rather not find out the hard way.
>One suddenly walks up and begins talking.
>"Anonymous the…'hyoo-man' is it? Please come with us. The mare you're with is a very dangerous vampire and has been feeding off of you and your life essence!"
>Vampire slayers?
>Damn it, you wanted to get your shopping done tonight.
>Maybe you could talk them out of this?
"I already know she's a vampire, but she isn't dangerous at all! Look at her, she's cute! Can you really call her a threat with that adorable face?"
>Oh my god, please work!
>"Celestia-damn-it, he's been enthralled!"
>Ok mares, fire at will and take the human back to Headquarters to be deprogra-"
>Her orders are stopped as you grab the hunter horse and are pointing the sharpest thing you have at your disposal at her neck.
>Sadly, it's just a pen from your suit's pocket, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Uh...nopony move! Let us go or she...uh, she gets it!"
>Midnight Rose facehoofs.
>"Ugh, are you serious Anonymous? Why don't we try this instead?"
>Using your impromptu diversion, Midnight's horn glows red and suddenly a red mist rapidly covers the area.
>You feel something hot whiz by your face as bolts of magic are wildly flung through the blinding haze.
>You hold on to your hostage as she struggles and swears against you.
>Though you drop her when a pair of hooves grabs you and you're led out and away from the mist.
>Thankfully it's Midnight, as the both of you run for your lives down the trail as you hear shouting and the barking of orders behind you.
>After feeling like you just ran a marathon, you collapse onto the ground to catch your breath.
>Midnight however, is unfazed by the distance the both of you ran.
"I think...I think we lost them. You ok Midnight?"
>You feel like your lungs are on fire.
>"Am I ok? I'm not the one who looks like they're about to collapse from exhaustion!"
>Damned vampire stamina.
>”By the way, when we have the time, I really must teach you how to make a better threat! No offence, but a FOAL wouldn’t have been intimidated by that back there!”
>Maybe that could prove useful in another situation like this, and you’re way too exhausted to throw a quip back at her right now.
>She looks like she’s growing impatient though.
>”I must ask that you hurry with your rest however, as they could still be following behind us. The next town is about 50 miles from here, so we must make haste!”
>After a few minutes you pick yourself up and keep walking.
>All this despite everything below the waist hurting.
by Eccentric_Anon
by Eccentric_Anon
by Eccentric_Anon
by Eccentric_Anon
by Eccentric_Anon