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Pinkie's Sexy Summoning

By Tankris
Created: 2021-10-31 21:53:06
Updated: 2021-10-31 21:59:51
Expiry: Never

  1. The sun had finally set on this spooky, gruesome holiday of terror. Every pony, creature and critter scrambled to their homes in fear. Darkness was looming over Equestria tonight for it was the haunting hour everypony had been waiting for. Decorations lined the houses and streets, ponies were transforming in their homes, a dense fog began to spread along the streets. It. Was. Time!
  3. “Ugh how the hell did I get dragged into this...” You moan to yourself. Your bedroom is dark as could be, save from the soft blue glow of your computer screen. It was the perfect atmosphere for some terrible horror movies and a pizza. The badge dangling from your neck was tugging you out of the house. “Stupid chaperone duty. Why didn't I accept the invite to Sparkle butt's dumb party?”
  5. Better get going. If the mayor's aide doesn't see you at the introduction, it's gonna mean trouble. You take a quick peek at yourself in the mirror. Hair askew, clothes mismatched and faded, hole in your hoodie. Perfect costume as a long forgotten drifter of realities. You slip on your shoes and take off towards the center of town.
  7. Fillies and colts were already running around in their costumes, giggling and singing in celebration. It takes a bit of wiggling and dodging to avoid the crowds of anklebiters and rowdy teens. Thankfully, it was still early enough to keep most crowds thin enough to slip through.
  9. The main square had been totally transformed by the time you got there. A giant stage belching out fog and covered in lights had been erected in the middle of the town. Several booths for games, treats and snacks were waiting around the stage along with more stall snaking down the market lane. Everypony was poised and ready for a good time. Everypony save the lone human sighing at the back of the chaperone party.
  11. “...And Anonymous...check. Okay, chaperones, we're all here to make sure everything goes well and everypony has a good time. Most of you will have stationary posts while a few of you will roam around to make sure the smaller foals aren't going anywhere they aren't supposed to.” The mayor's aide droned on with her practiced speech. To think, you could be watching Friday the 13th right now.
  13. “Anonymous, since you've got a bit more experience with the darker corners of the town, why don't you take a patrol spot for a while? If you're good about it, I'll let Applejack slide you a free drink from behind the bar if you get my drift.” She offered a weak smile before rolling her eyes and turning back to the actual chaperones.
  15. Fine. You know when you aren't wanted. Time to pick a direction and start wandering. The farther you get away from the cheesy music and the shouting foals, the better. You slowly wander around the stalls, peeking at the food, drink and games. All kids stuff and endless sugary pony food. Nothing interesting. A pizza and a movie sounds really good right about now...
  17. No matter where you go in the approved patrol zone, the noise and the foals don't seem to fade. It's irritating and giving you a headache. You wander your way back to the stage and catch the mayor's aide. “Hey, I'm gonna do a...exterior sweep of the place, okay? I'll be back in sight in a bit.”
  19. The aide hands you a walkie talkie. “Don't you dare run off, Anonymous. I've got my eye on you, young man!” She shouts at you. Jeez, you ding dong ditch the mayor's office ONCE and suddenly you've become a terrorist.
  21. You turn down an alley and dash a few houses down. Far enough to finally make the noise fade but still close enough to barely hear the music. Finally free from that lame Nightmare Night zone, you continue wandering around to kill time. The chilly night air feels amazing and the calm quietness puts you at ease.
  23. The precious, quiet night is cut short as a pair of teens colts cut across the street and down into a nearby alley. Punks couldn't have been older than 14 but they had a very familiar grin. One you've seen in the mirror plenty of times. A face of mischief and misdeeds.
  25. “Through here! I overheard Pinkie Pie say she had a very interesting party planned for this year. Think she finally ditched the cupcakes for some beer?” One of the boys said.
  27. “Beer? Please. I'm sure she's got something WAY better. Rum, tequila and maybe even drugs. How else do you think she stays so peppy all the time?” The colts laughed as they vanished down the alley.
  29. Hmmm. You had a decision. Be a narc or let those kids have fun. On one hand, every teenager needs to get into SOME sort of trouble. Then again, getting brownie points with the mayor's aide might mean she shuts up a little...and gets you that free drink. Still, their conversation has your interest peaked. You follow them down the alley, tailing them is easy enough as they joke and giggle in the night.
  31. Suddenly, they stop at a strange wooden stand at the end of the alley. Behind the stand is a door leading into a building you aren't sure you've ever seen before. The hair on your neck stands up as something begins to feel exceptionally wrong with everything going on. This is exactly how murder movies start. You should know.
  33. One of the colts rings a little bell on the stand. A small hole opens in the door and a pair of glowing eyes stare out from the exposed darkness. “Hey, is this the actual party?” He calls out.
  35. “Not for you.” A deep voice calls from behind the door. “You're not ripe enough for this appetite. Run off before I decide to gobble you up anyway.”
  37. “Aww come on, Pinkie Pie. We know its you! Invite us to your dumb party already!” The other boy shouts.
  39. “Not happening. Scam before my henchman decides to intervene. Unlike me, he DOES enjoy the flavors of ones so young.”
  41. As you lean in closer to try and see who is behind the door, your foot smacks against a nearby trash can. The bang echos through the alleyway, making the colts scream in terror. “Wh...What was that? Does...Does she really have a henchman?”
  43. “Who cares? RUN!” Both colts take off towards the town square. All the way back to the safety of adult supervision. The alley is quiet once more, yet you have the feeling a certain pair of eyes are still watching from behind the door.
  45. You grab your radio and click it on. “Hey, Anon reporting in. Just saw two teens running around in the alleys and 'persuaded' them to head back to the square. If they claim a monster scared them, it wasn't me!”
  47. “Sure thing, Anonymous. Check around to see if there's anypony else wandering around where they shouldn't be, then come back.” The aide replied.
  49. You turned back to the alley and approached the stall. “Anypony else where they shouldn't be, huh? Pinkie, don't you usually run a stall or go trick or treating yourself?” You call out to the eyes staring at you.
  51. Slowly, the door opens and a tall figure walks out of the darkness. Sure enough, you're greeted by the one, the only Pinkie Pie wearing a witch costume. She smiles at you before letting out one of her bubbly giggles. “Caught me! I'm certainly a pony where they shouldn't be, but I have a very, very good reason!”
  53. “This year, I'm the one doing the pranks! You don't know how many colts and fillies I've already scared off!” Another giggle escapes her lips.
  55. “Funny. Too bad I'm not as easily scared. Especially with you in that outfit.” Pinkie was certainly dressed up but not quite like everypony else. Her witch costume was lacking in a lot of cover, revealing lots of soft, supple Pinkie Pie curves. Sure, there was the usual big brimmed witch hat but that was the only ordinary thing about the costume. The only thing covering her chest was a seductive jack o' lantern print bra, a skimpy purple shirt that couldn't have been longer than an inch or two and long, black and orange socks that cut into her plump, meaty thighs. If there WAS a party going on behind that spooky door, it most certainly was eighteen and up only.
  57. “Don't worry, Anony. I've got just the prank for you.” Pinkie Pie smirked as she plunged a hand into her cleavage and pulled something out. She pushed it into her hands and giggled.
  59. You looked at the miniature package she had smuggled into your hand. It was a small, square package with a tiny ring bulging through the thin paper. “A...condom? Why is it so small?”
  61. “You know exactly why.” Pinkie Pie smirked as she pinched her index finger and her thumb together before quickly jerking her arm back and forth. “Pffffahahahahahaha!” Pinkie giggled as hard as she could.
  63. “Very funny. Any more gags before I head back to the town square?” You grumbled as you tossed the micro condom in the trash.
  65. “Aww, don't be so sour, Anon. I know just the treat to make up for such a mean trick...All you have to do is follow me.” Pinkie Pie turned around and walked back through the door. Before the darkness of the room swallowed her up, Pinkie Pie flicked her tail upwards, revealing her juicy, plump, pink pony booty.
  67. “N-No underwear...” You muttered. A cold sweat had suddenly hit you, making the chilly night a bit uncomfortable. Slowly, you walked into the dark room ahead, curious at just what game Pinkie Pie was playing at. As the darkness swallowed you up, the door slammed closed behind you.
  69. A series of candles lit up around in a circle surrounding Pinkie Pie, casting an eerie glow on the spooky mare. “Tonight's party is just the two of us, Anon. No games, no candy, no foreplay. We're conducting a very important ritual, one to end all of Equestria as we know it!”
  71. “Uhh...Pinkie, you're being weirder than normal. What the hell are you talking about?” You asked.
  73. “No more talking! No more waiting! We must copulate in primal desire if we're to summon the eternal cake demon! Everything is perfect and we have to act soon!” Pinkie Pie blushed as she reached down and pulled up her skirt. Indeed, the plump mare wasn't wearing any panties under her indecent clothing and in the flickering light, you could see the faint gleam of arousal building down her lips.
  75. “Puh...Pinkie! Wha...” You tried to make sense of it but Pinkie stopped your thoughts by pulling you into the ring of candles and kissing you hard. Her soft breasts pushed against you as she wrapped one of her legs around your body. Pinkie grabbed your hands and placed them on her ass just begging for you to get two big handfuls of the bakery wobbling behind her.
  77. It was all so fast. Your head was spinning as Pinkie kissed and smooched you all over, leaving dozens of black lipstick marks on your face and neck. The room was soon boiling with a forbidden heat building between you two as Pinkie smooched and rubbed herself all over you. “Anony....please....help me out tonight?”
  79. Slowly, she unbuttoned your pants and let them fall to the floor. Your erection was tenting your underwear, leaving a tight bulge that left nothing to the imagination. “Oh goodie, a nice, fat treat for me!” Pinkie Pie moaned as she set herself down on her knees. She nuzzled the stuff bulge in your underwear before pulling them down and letting your cock spring free.
  81. “Gotta prepare. There isn't much time, Anon!” Pinkie moaned as she buried herself in your crotch. Her kissing continued, leaving more of those seductive lipstick marks all over your cock and balls. “Yes yes yes! Just like that, Nonny. I can see your own lust building up.” Pinkie cried out in excitement as her wonderful teasing had you leaking already.
  83. “I offer this lust and this seed to the goddess Epona! Let you bless us with endless fertility for the cake monster of the apocalypse!” Pinkie shouted before stuffing your erection deep down her throat. You couldn't help but groan as Pinkie bobbed her head in a steady, seductive rhythm. The overzealous mare denied a slow build up, instantly quickening her pace to rapid speeds. She wanted you to cum and cum hard.
  85. It didn't take long. Her frantic sucking and bobbing could break any man and you were no exception. “Puh....Ponka....” You tried to warn her. Pinkie pulled back and grinned at you as she wrapped a hand around your slick member and jerked you off as fast as she could.
  87. You bit your lip as the dam broke, letting the cum spill on the floor. “Damn...why not finish me off right? You really are a blue baller, Pinkie Pie.”
  89. “Sorry, Nonny. I needed that first one to land on the sigil or else it wouldn't work.” Pinkie Pie turned her attention to the ground. Your seed was mingling with the candle wax leaking into a carved design on the floor. The circle began to glow bright red as an ominous black cloud of smoke began to swirl around the room. It took shape, gathering together above you in the form of a very busty, very round looking mare.
  91. “You have summoned Epona, goddess of fertility and love. Tell, what is the meaning of this contract?” The smoke moved what looked like a mouth but her voice echoed through your head.
  93. “Goddess! I seek your greatest boon! Bless us both with incredible fertility and strength so we may bring the end of Equestria!” Pinkie cried out.
  95. “So be it. May your life be long and your children live longer. Accept my power!” The black smoke swirled and churned before rushing straight at you. It pushed itself into your lungs, filling you with an odd tingle that ran from your head to your toes. It began to build up in your crotch, making your head swim as a powerful magic took hold.
  97. You watched as the magic filling your body centered around your junk. Every beat of your heart seemed to make your penis a little bit bigger. Your eyes widened as you realized it WAS getting bigger. You huffed and groaned as your balls joined in too, both becoming absolutely ridiculously huge.
  99. A moan from Pinkie Pie caught your attention. The magic was affecting her as well, increasing her assets and giving her the body of a goddess. Her plump tits were quickly outgrowing her bra, pushing it up over the titanic swell of her growing udders and letting them spring free. “Mmmmmffff feels so good, doesn't it?” Pinkie moaned as she grabbed her chest, causing a great stream of milk to gush and flow forth.
  101. Pinkie's hips and thighs were also growing softer. Her already impressive waist widened out, tearing apart the skirt like it was paper. Pinkie's thighs were so soft and yet more jiggly fat was piled onto her body, tearing apart the socks as they whined and complained.
  103. Even her belly had grabbed a little padding, giving her a glorious tummy meant for kneading and groping. Pinkie's gigantic ass swelled bigger and bigger like the party balloons on her flank, easily dwarfing your head with a single cheek. Pinkie Pie had evolved past mere thick and juicy and had become a literal goddess with perfect curves for breeding.
  105. “Mmmmm, Nonny....come here....I...need you....and that monster of yours so bad.” Pinkie moaned with a sigh.
  107. You had been so distracted with Pinkie Pie that you hadn't realized your own changes. You had never been the biggest but you didn't worry about personal size. Now, there was no being in Equestria that could match you. Your cock was easily longer than your arm and had the girth of a tree trunk. Your balls were gigantic melons swinging against your knees, heavy and full with lust and seed.
  109. Pinkie Pie grabbed your shirt and pulled you close. Her kisses were more intense than ever and her softer body made it even harder to resist. Slowly, she pulled you to the floor with nothing but raw lust in her eyes. “Come on, Nonny. Breed me with that glorious cock till I'm numb.”
  111. You couldn't stop even if you tried. Pinkie Pie laid on her back and spread her plump thighs, revealing her soaked passion and desire to you. You leaned in and kissed her cheek, down to her breasts, one for the tummy and then a final kiss right on spot above her womb.
  113. “There...right there....please!” Pinkie begged.
  115. It was time. You got on your hand and knees and angled your behemoth into position. Your tip kissed Pinkie's waiting lips, making you both shudder and moan. With a slow, deliberate thrust, you pushed your entire length into Pinkie Pie. You watched as your grand erection spread her apart and bulge through her body.
  117. “Yesssss.” Pinkie Pie hissed in delight. “It feels so good. I feel....complete.” The horny mare moaned as she wrapped her legs around your back. “Now I'm never letting go. Come on. Breed me. Fuck me. Make me your mare.”
  119. You pulled back as much as Pinkie Pie would let you, then thrust right back as deep as you could. It felt so good, so right. Your whole body was tingling again as the pleasure flowed through you. There was no stopping now. All thought was gone as you pressed Pinkie against the floor with each mighty thrust.
  121. Each plap of soft pink flesh against your body was followed by a heavy moan. Pinkie's body wobbled from each desperate thrust while her pussy clenched and pulled at your huge dick. Both of you were yearning for it. Begging for it. The only question was not if you were going to cum, but when you were going to flood her womb with cum.
  123. It was all a blur. Pinkie would shudder and grip you tight and you'd feel yourself go tense. You would thrust hard and feel the release of everything you had. Most of the time, you could hold each other for a moment as it happened together in bliss. The only way you could even tell how long it had happened was the growing, sloshing bulge only getting bigger and bigger inside Pinkie's belly.
  125. As the sun rose upon Ponyville, the magic within you began to fade. The endless endurance and passion faded away and most of your size increase had shrunk down. You were still packing a goliath but at least this one fit in your pants. On the other hand, Pinkie Pie was still impossibly curvy and perfect. The only change to her was the belly stuffed full with your potent seed. Her womb was so large that you'd need both arms to properly wrap around it.
  127. “What a night....” Pinkie moaned. “Look...I got just what I wanted. All the baby batter I need to make a cake.”
  129. “Pinkie Pie, what are you talking about? Can you please explain why you want a cake to destroy everything?”
  131. “Oh, um....destroy the baking world, maybe? I had overheard Mister Cake talking about baby batter and when he wouldn't tell me, I had to go looking myself! Turns out boys just MAKE batter. I never knew that!” The silly pony giggled as she rubbed her distended belly.
  133. You sighed as you got up and put your clothes back on. “Pinkie Pie, 'baby batter' is just a term for cum. You can't bake anything with it...unless you mean like bun in the oven.”
  135. “Which oven?” Pinkie Pie asked.
  137. “YOUR oven, you dummy! It's just slang for sex and making babies.....oh crap, you invoked a fertility god. You're absolutely pregnant, aren't you?” The realization knocked the wind from your lungs, forcing you to sit back down in the mess of candle wax and sweat.
  139. “Oh, really? Well then, I guess we'll see how good of a baker you are in nine months!” Pinkie Pie giggled once more, leaving you groaning in worry. You were no good with kids! How the heck were you gonna deal with like, a billion of them at once?
  141. You let your worries build up until a voice called out from outside. “Hello? Anyone in there? Anonymous?”
  143. Oh great, the mayor's aide. Another problem. This WHOLE thing could have been avoided if you just stayed home and watched the same old horror movies like you did last year...

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