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Twilight Velvet and Anon (WIP)

By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2021-12-28 06:36:01
Updated: 2021-12-29 08:11:11
Expiry: Never

It started with this post:

Lonely Twilight Velvet

Anonymous 12/12/21(Sun)18:05:33 No.37947048▶>>37947063 >>37947072 >>37947079 >>37947080 >>37947085 >>37947091 >>37947130 >>37947149 >>37947192 >>37947202 >>37947256 >>37948063 >>37955885 >>37958579 >>37961937 >>37971094 >>37996624

>"Oh, Anon, I didn't know you were here"
>"Don't mind me, I'm just withering away in an empty house"
>"But it's fine, I had a good life with two successful children, so successful that they never visit!"

Which led to this prompt:

Anonymous 12/12/21(Sun)18:36:04 No.37947149▶>>37947194 >>37947195 >>37948969 >>37951064 >>37975529

>>37947048 (OP)
"So... what about your husband?"
>"Him? Hes gotten to the point where he can easily focus his days on his hobbies. He hardly even looks at me anymore. Its always, 'not now, I'm working on this new shelf!' Or, 'this carriage will look like new after I'm done with it!'"
"Isn't that a good thing? Having a husband whos been successful enough to be comfortable in life like you both are?"
>"Well, yes. Our life is easy, can't really worry about finances. Especially with my children being who they are."
"So whats the dea-"
>"I haven't had sex in months, Anon."
>"I'm starving, Anonymous." She looks at you, as though your presence comforts her, "I'm glad you came over, by the way..."

Which brings us along to my contribution. Enjoy.

Twilight Velvet and Anon (A work in progress)

<"Why's that?" is your breathless reply.
>"Do I really need to spell it out for you, Anon?" Velvet answers with a brief flutter of her eyelids and a coy smile.
>Your instincts are screeching at you to remove yourself from this situation.
>Sexually entangling yourself with a married mare is not a recipe for long-term survival, your evolved monke brain contends.
>Unfortunately, it's also been a hot minute since you've gotten laid, and your balls are compelling you to stay put and see what may happen.
<"Yeah," you say after an audible gulp. "Yeah, I need you to."
>Velvet's coy smile has morphed into a smirk.
>Her left hoof hovers over the back of your right hand whose palm you have planted into the love seat cushion.
>You can feel the base of her hoof tickle the little hairs that stand on the back of your hand.
>Looking back to the mare, you find her eyes locked onto yours, and you start to lose yourself in her sky-blue irises.
>You've always thought Velvet was a pretty mare, but now, being this close to her, you're taken aback by how beautiful she really is.
>Despite being old enough to be your mom, Velvet has no noticeable wrinkles, and the white stripes in her mane and tail might very well have been there since birth.
>Furthermore, she's the epitome of unicorn femininity; captivating eyes, lithe legs, and an ass that just won't quit.
>In short: Daddy likes.
>Velvet commits to her play and presses her hoof onto your hand.
>"Anonymous," she whispers, never breaking eye contact, "I-"
>She slides her hoof up your forearm.
>Her hoof reaches your collarbone, and she leans forward, moving her face dangerously close to yours.
>Only when she brings her hoof to a rest on your cheek does she finish her sentence.
>"-I want... I want you to make me feel like a mare. I want to feel wanted again." she says, her voice low and sultry.
>Her breath tickles your ear as she adds, "I want you toravage me, Anonymous."
>You gasp at the mare's request; both for her audacity and delivery.
>Velvet pulls away far enough to lock eyes with you again.
>"I want you to mount me, to claim me, and breed me like the virile stallion I know you are."
>A faint, flowery aroma reaches your nostrils, and you've spent enough time in magical horse land to know what it is.
>Your dick could be used to mine diamonds right now; a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by your potential lover.
>She drops her hoof from your cheek in favor of tracing over the tent that's risen from your pants.
>"Seems like you're glad you came over too..."
<"Velvet, we... we can't," you manage to stutter, courtesy of your rational mind.
>"Why not!? Because I'm married?"
<"Um, yeah, that would be why."
>Velvet retracts her hoof, huffs, and jumps off the couch.
>"'Married'. Ha! Some marriage I have when it's my writing that's paid for our lifestyle, it's me that does everything around the house, yet all he has time for are his little hobbies!"
>You're unsure of what to say to this.
>As Sun Tzu once said, "Keep your fucking mouth shut and listen, faggot"... or something like that.
>So you follow that time-honored tidbit of military strategy.
>Good thing too, because Velvet isn't done airing her grievances.
>"... I make a point to set aside time to spend exclusively with him! But do you think we actually DO anything?"
<"Um, no?"
>"Exactly! He's always 'too tired', or 'has a headache', or doesn't want to leave the house-"
>"-but if it's something that HE wants to do, nothing gets in his way!"
<"Velvet, I'm right here, you don't have to yell."
>"Celestia forbid he wants to do something with ME, his WIFE!"
>Velvet punctuates the word "wife" by bucking a nearby ottoman.
>It sails into the kitchen, landing harmlessly on the floor.
>The distraught mare before you collapses onto her haunches and looks at you with shimmering eyes.
>"Is it too much to want to feel wanted, Anonymous?"
<"No, it's-"
>"Am I really that old?" she asks, cutting you off. "Does my own husband not find me attractive anymore? Is that what's causing all this?"
<"Velvet, that's not-"
>"He always used to compliment my looks. Have I really lost it? Did I ever really have it to begin with?"
<"Twilight Velvet!"
>Your sharp invocation of the mare's name makes her flinch, but it also shuts her up long enough to get more than three words in at a time.
<"Listen to me," you say, dropping to a knee before her, "I don't know what Night Light's problem is, but I can tell you what I see in front of me."
>You reach down and grab her right foreleg, pulling her hoof towards your chest.
>She gasps and shudders at you touch; holding her breath in anticipation of your next words.
>Her hoof is perfect, just perfect; must be a recent hooficure.
>You run your thumbs along her coronet, then drag your fingers across her cannon and fetlock.
>She's never been caressed with fingers before, and the sensation is enough to jump-start her breathing; exhaling with a shuddering moan.
>Looking up from her lovely toned foreleg, your gaze lingers on her chest and its thick fluffy fur that's just begging your face to rub against it.
>Finally, your eyes meet hers- what you see makes your heart skip a beat.
>It's apparent by the desperate look in her eyes, what you say next could very well make or break this mare's psyche.
>Your brain scrambles to compose something eloquent, but you weren't blessed with the gift of gab, so you instead speak straight from the heart.
<"Believe me when I say you are a gorgeous mare, Twilight Velvet. A real stunner."
>This earns you a bashful smile as she looks away.
>"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
<"I'm not. I truly mean that."
>"But I'm old..."
<"You don't look it," you're quick to offer.
>"Thank you," she says, softly pulling her hoof from your grasp to wipe her eyes.
>Once again, the "right" words elude you.
>Throwing caution to the wind, you reach out and wrap your arms around Velvet.
>She's warm, surprisingly so, and oh-so-soft.
>Velvet leans into your embrace, rubbing the side of her head on your shoulder as she does.
>You pull her tighter against your chest, to which she responds by pushing into you, knocking you on your butt.
>Her mane is silky smooth and smells of lilacs after a spring rain.
>"Oh, Anon... that feels so nice." she murmurs as you run your finger through her mane.
>A hoof slides over your chest, tracing small circles over your shirt before sliding under the bottom hem to make contact with bare skin.
>You draw in a sharp breath when this happens, but Velvet is quick to shush you.
>"Shhh," she whispers in your ear. "Please... please, Anon... let me have this."
>It's now that you realize that Velvet's forelegs are resting on your shoulders, so the hoof that's presently working its way down your sternum to your navel is...
>Oh boy.
<"Velvet, we probably shouldn't be doing this," you whisper back, now scritching behind her ears with your left hand.
>She doesn't reply- at least, not with spoken words.
>The mare does hum into your neck when her hoof meets your waistline, then follows that up with a half-moan, half-growl when her hoof reaches your bulge.
<"Velvet, we-"
>She kisses your neck, making a point to suck on it at the end.
>Her lips sent chills down your spine and you gasp.
<"W-we s-s-shouldn't-"
>Another kiss shocks you, this time on your jaw.
>Meanwhile, your cock continues to be teased by Velvet's frog; only two layers of cloth separating them.
>Your hands slide down her neck and barrel, but pause on her belly.
>Velvet pulls back to look at you, her eyes full of want.
>"C'mon, Anon," Velvet encourages you in a low, erotic voice, sensing your hesitation. "You know you want to..."
<"We shouldn't be-"
>You kiss her neck.
>She kisses your chin.
>Your hands reach her teats.
>They're plump, easily filling your hands; erect nipples pressing into your palms.
>Velvet gasps.
>She grabs the sides of your face with her forehooves, her grip on you firm as she tilts your head back.
>"You're right," she breathes, barely loud enough for you to hear. "We shouldn't be doing this."
>As much as it pains you to acknowledge it, you know she's right, besides-
>Why... is she still giving you that look?
>Her lips are a mere centimeter away from yours, her large, gorgeous eyes dominating your field of view.
>You can taste Velvet's sweet breath when she speaks next.
>"Which makes me want you even more."
>That's all you manage to say before the lonely mare kisses your lips.
>You can feel her frustration, her loneliness, her desire to be wanted- all poured into the kiss she gives you.
>It sends tingles down your spine and a rush of adrenaline into your gut; this overwhelming tide of emotion that Velvet unleashes.
>Through this temporary connection, you begin to understand.
>No, more than that... you begin to empathize with this mare.
>Moral conflict notwithstanding, you feel Velvet's desire for intimacy.
>It's more than the superficial lust that you could practically feel radiating off her a scant few minutes ago.
>Beneath that veneer is a feeling you recognize all-too-well.
>A desire for a genuine connection; to feel like you matter to somepony.
>You're two years into your unexpected, irreversible relocation to Equestria.
>There are several ponies you're grateful to call friends, the diarchs of this land among them.
>Now self-employed and making a very comfortable living, frankly, life has never been better; in this world or the old one.
>But you remember how difficult those first months were; full of uncertainty, fear, and above all else, loneliness.
>When Velvet breaks her kiss, you remember how hollow you felt when the full weight of your new reality finally hit you.
>You remember how desperate you were for companionship, for an anchor, for a foundation on which to build your new life.
>Just how neglected has this poor mare been if you can see your past self in her?
>Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor- you can understand why Velvet might not see them for months at a time- but for her own husband to ignore her to the point of driving her to infidelity?
>Infidelity that you are beginning to indulge in with this married mare, your conscience is quick to remind you.
>Yeah... that.
>You've just been sitting here, hands idly cupping awesome rocking pony tits while their owner plants sensual kisses on and around your mouth, each carrying more desperation than its predecessor.
>"Anon?" Velvet's voice derails your train of thought.
>Staring back at the pony on your lap, you see the fear in her eyes.
>Fear of being ignored again; of being discarded.
>Fear of rejection.
>That she's placing all of her hope in you, to banish her feelings of abandonment and inadequacy, it gives you pause; more than your existing apprehension, even.
>"Anonymous... please."
>That simple, honest plea obliterates your remaining hesitation.
>You pull your hands away from Velvet's perfect teats so you can cup her cheeks.
>Her ears fall, uncertain of your decision; eyes shimmering.
>For a moment, you consider reciting a few lines of a romantic song from earth, but you quickly purge the idea from your mind.
>The last time you serenaded a pony with lyrics from earth, you recited a few bars of Mystikal's "Shake Ya Ass" to Princess Celestia.
>You don't even like rap, but talk about a helluva spaghetti-fueled Freudian slip.
>To this day, the solar princess still blushes whenever you make eye contact with her.
>You absolutely nailed that delivery, though.
>No, your capacity for spontaneous spaghetti generation is the stuff of legend, so you wisely don't speak.
>Pulling Velvet's face back to yours, you vanquish her fears.
>She moans into your open mouth, her broad tongue gentle as it mingles with your smaller counterpart.
>You run your fingers through Velvet's mane and caress every part of her body you can reach with your eager hands.
>The mare wraps all four legs around your torso and squeezes with all her strength.
>Kisses become more intense, your groping grows needier with every passion-fueled minute that passes.
>Apparently convinced that you won't dissipate into the aether if she loosens her grasp on you, Velvet readjusts herself to place her hot, wet rump firmly on the tent in your pants.
>It's a good thing your lips are sealed on hers, otherwise the moans escaping her mouth as she grinds to and fro on your bulge would be much louder.
>You grab her lower cheeks with both hands, pulling her onto your covered erection with vigor.
>Despite being clothed, you can tell the tip of your member is just inside the threshold of Velvet's entrance.
>Velvet breaks the kiss and moans "Ohhhh, ANON!" into your ear before biting on it when another wave of pleasure courses through her little pony body.
>Her bite stings somewhat, but it's lost in the sea of otherwise-pleasurable sensations that are driving you ever-closer to sating your need-
>A need to breed.
>"I can't wait any longer," Velvet whines, clearly on the same page as you. "I need you, Anon. NOW."
>Her mauve aura concentrates around your waistline, making short work of unfastening your button and zipper.
>Bucking your hips skyward, you assist your soon-to-be lover in removing your pants.
>Upon spotting your underwear, Velvet frowns, though it morphs into a smirk in a flash.
>Keeping her eyes locked on yours, Velvet secures the waistband of your boxers in her bite and begins to pull them down.
>Velvet peels the cloth- soaked in her arousal- down to your base, then along your erect length; mere inches from unleashing it fully-
>You both freeze.
>Oh fugg.
>A stifled "Eeep!" escapes Velvet as she jumps off you.
>Before you can reach for your pants, your benis is bathed in a steady stream of magical light.
>You can feel your skin and underwear drying while Velvet sweeps her magic all over you and your clothing.
>Seconds later, her magic has you fully-dressed, completely dry, and smelling of fresh laundry instead of a mare that's hot to trot.
>Velvet likewise turns her attention on herself, her magic suppressing any hint of her arousal.
>"I'll be right there!" she calls to the door.
>You rise from the floor and take a seat on the couch, but not before securing your messenger bag.
>The ice that runs through your veins from almost being caught isn't enough to distract you from your aching erection.
>Your balls throb with your elevated heartbeat.
>"Oh, Posey! Hello!" you hear Velvet call out from the door. "Please, come in!"
>A bespectacled red-maned yellow pegasus enters and follows Velvet inside.
>What's Fluttershy's mom doing here?
>The pegasus is quick to notice your presence and stops in her tracks.
>"Oh, my. I didn't realize you already had company, Velvet. I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, Mister Anonymous."
<"You didn't!" you and Velvet shout simultaneously.
>Opening up the messenger bag that's strategically placed on your lap, you dig through its contents to find something- anything- that might justify your presence.
<"I was just uh, y'know, in the neighborhood..." you say, still rummaging through your bag, "and I, uh... happened to run into Velvet-"
>You're telling the truth so far, but goddammmit, it sounds like bullshit to you.
>"-And it's been so long since we visited, I invited him over for tea!" Velvet finishes for you.
>Also true, by the way.
>Sure, you both neglected to mention everything that transpired after the tea was poured, but what Posey Shy don't know won't hurt her.
>"Oh, how nice!" Posey says with the trademark innocent smile you've seen on Fluttershy. "Still, I don't want to intrude..."
>"You're not, Posey, you're not." Velvet replies with a partially-suppressed sigh.
<"Yeah. Besides, I was just leav-"
>"Oh, no! Please don't leave on my account, Mister Anonymous."
<"Please, just call me, 'Anon', Mrs. Shy."
>The pegagus giggles and pats your shoulder with a wing, letting it rest there as she says, "Then call me, 'Posey', Anon. If- If you want to, that is."
>Behind Posey, you see Velvet grinding her teeth, glaring daggers at the butter-colored primary feathers that linger on your shoulder.
>"So, Anon... how has life been?" Posey asks, retracting her wing.
<"Good! Good," you say. "Work's been keeping me pretty busy lately-"
>With her attention focused on you, Posey doesn't notice Velvet turn around.
>Posey certainly doesn't notice Velvet flag her tail, nor the smirk the unicorn gives you as you stumble over your words.
<"-but I uh... c-can't complain... about the-"
>Velvet winks at you- both ways.
>You gasp in spite of yourself.
>"Anon, are you alright?"
>Tapping into willpower reserves you didn't know you possessed, you tear your eyes away from Velvet's posterior and refocus on Posey's concerned face.
<"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." You lie, pulling a handkerchief from your bag to dab away the sweat that's accumulating on your forehead.
>Daring to glance behind Posey again, you're relieved to see that Velvet has turned around; facing you head on.
>Whether you're unable or unwilling to look away from her eyes, the end result is the same; a flushed face and fluttering heart.
>Velvet's blush matches yours with a smug smile to boot.
>"Are you enjoying Canterlot, Anon?"
>Posey's gentle voice coaxes your attention away from the stunning gray mare behind her.
<"I am, thanks for asking, Posey."
>Velvet takes a seat to your immediate left.
<"Don't get me wrong, Canterlot doesn't have Ponyville's charm, but there's a larger potential client base here."
>Posey hums and nods. "Fluttershy was sad to see you move away. She cherished the time you spent helping her with her little animal friends, you know."
<"Fluttershy's a sweet girl. I still keep in touch with her, though, and I visit her every time I return to Ponyville."
>"Twilight was also sad to see you move," Velvet adds, patting your shoulder. "But every cloud has a silver lining."
>Her hoof slides down your back and slides underneath the bottom of your shirt.
>You try not to react when her hoof makes contact with your bare skin, and likewise remain unfazed when she says in a low voice, "There's so many opportunities here, Anonymous-"
>Velvet pulls her right forehoof from underneath your shirt, but immediately places her left one on your shoulder, patting it once.
>"-you never know-"
>She slides her hoof onto your collarbone, where it lingers for a second.
>"-what opportunities may fall into your lap!"
>Her hoof slides down your chest and pats your thigh for emphasis.
>"Isn't that right, Posey?"
>"Um, yes, of course!" the pegasus mare replies. "Not only business opportunities, but social ones too! I'm sure you've made all sorts of friends since you moved here..."
>Are you imagining things, or does she have the slightest blush accenting her cheeks right now?
<"I've made a few..."
>"Do you have a special somepony, Anon?" Posey asks suddenly.
>Aaaannnnd that kills your stubborn boner.
>It's too late to hide your frown by the time you realize you're doing it.
>"Oh, Anon- I- I'm sorry if that's a sore subject."
<"It's okay, Posey, I..."
>You look at a picture of a young Twilight Sparkle of the opposite wall and sigh.
<"I met a mare last year while traveling for work. We hit it off instantly. Had great chemistry and everything, but-"
>"But what?" the mares flanking you ask in unison.
<"Well, the long-distance aspect was always a struggle. Spent a lot of money going to Sire's Hollow on the weekends."
>Posey purses her lips and whistles softly. "That's quite the train ride to be making twice a week. She must've been a special mare."
>You nod and stand.
<"She was, er, still is."
>Velvet begins to reach for you when you rise from the couch, but her situational and self-awareness compels her to ultimately keep her hooves to herself... for once.
>Pacing around the living room doesn't help you escape the heartache you've been bottling up since your breakup, but it's better than sitting still.
>Velvet's voice coaxes you to a stop.
>"Anon, dear... you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."
<"No, it's fine. It's fine. Really, it is."
>You walk the few steps back to the couch to retake your seat between the mares.
<"The distance didn't help anything, but it wasn't what doomed the relationship."
>Posey and Velvet are silent as they wait for you to continue; both mares leaning towards you in their seats.
<"She was really overbearing and was obsessed with 'having a plan'," you say with air quotes. "As our relationship progressed, she became more and more... 'controlling' isn't the best word, but uh-"
>"Domineering?" Velvet offers.
<"Ah! Exactly!" You give the mare an appreciative smile before turning to Posey and saying, "Leave it to the bestselling author to know the right words to say, huh?"
>Poses nods.
>Velvet giggles, then gives your arm a playful shove.
<"Anyway," you continue, "my marefriend, she uh... started making plans for me- plans for my business, my life in general... Don't get me wrong, she cared deeply for me, but her plans were exactly that- hers. Things came to a head four months ago and..."
>You take a deep breath and let it out in a long, shuddering sigh.
<"...and I broke up with her."
>Fuck, this hurts more than you realize.
>That's why you bottled it up- so you wouldn't have to deal with it.
>Naturally it would come back to bite you in the ass in the presence of two gorgeous mares.
>"Oh, there, there, you poor thing," Posey coos, scooting closer to you.
>She pulls you into a hug, guiding your face down to her fluffy chest, which smells faintly of flowers.
>"I know it hurts now," she says, rubbing your back, "but that will fade with time. Trust Momma Shy on that."
>Velvet jumps off her seat to stand next to Posey.
>"Posey's right, Anon," she offers, placing a hoof on your knee. "If that silly young mare can't respect you enough to let you make your own plans- and work with you to figure out how she can fit into them- then she doesn't deserve you!"
>This makes you smile.
<"Thanks. Both of you."
>The mares smile and nod.
>You reflect on Velvet's words for a moment longer and chuckle to yourself.
>"What is it?" Velvet asks.
<"Oh, something you said- 'silly young mare'."
>"What about it?"
<"Well, it may surprise you to know that Stellar Flare, my ex-marefriend, is twice my age."
>"Oh, really?" Velvet and Posey reply together.
<"Yep. I... I kinda have a thing for older mares."
>"You 'kinda' have a thing for older mares?" Velvet asks, a playful incredulity present in her voice.
>You look away in a futile attempt to hide your sheepish smile.
<"Okay, okay. I really have a thing for older mares."
>Velvet and Posey exchange a glance; one you don't see.
>"Um, may I- may I ask why?" Posey inquires, her voice barely audible.
>Fuck it, might as well lay it all out there.
<"Sure. Maturity is attractive to me, for starters. Older mares are typically better about expressing their desires and don't play the mind games that younger mares do. The sex is WAAAAY better-"
>You slap your palm over your mouth.
>Both mares giggle furiously.
>Posey fans her face with a wing.
>The bedroom eyes Velvet gives you makes your heart skip a beat.
>Your silent prayers to Horse Jesus for a swift, sudden, merciful death go unfulfilled.
>This Freudian slip isn't as bad as what happened with Celestia, but it's bad enough to keep you locked up in disbelief at your autism.
>"Relax, Anon," Velvet says, giggling. "We're all adults here. Posey and I don't mind a little raunchy talk, do we?"
>Posey doesn't look at you when she mutters, "It's better than hearing Gentle Breeze drone on about his cloud collection."
>Velvet nods. "This is certainly more exciting than being ignored by your hus-"
>It's Velvet's turn to cut herself off.
>Though you and Posey have the tact to not acknowledge it, the awkward silence that persists is suffocating.
>Everyone fixates their gaze on a section of carpet, or a picture on the wall- anything but each other.
>A couple awkward clearing of throats later, and the conversation has resumed, albeit on more tame topics.
>Velvet makes more tea, clearly enjoying the company.
>To your surprise, Posey also vents her frustrations with her husband.
>An hour passes in the blink of an eye.
>Posey excuses herself to the bathroom, leaving you and Velvet temporarily unsupervised.
>Both of you listen to Posey's carpet-muffled hoofsteps grow fainter as she makes her way to the bathroom.
>Velvet's body shakes; her hungry stare locked on you.
>The instant the faint click of the bathroom door latch reaches your ears, she pounces.
>She rubs her head all over yours, then nibbles on your ear.
>"I didn't know you preferred older mares over ones your age."
<"They're my weakness," you say, tracing a finger along her muzzle.
>Velvet takes your finger into her mouth and sucks on it.
>Her tongue slithers around your digit before she takes it into her mouth again.
>Those captivating eyes of hers never leave yours as she bobs her mouth up and down your finger.
>While her mouth is busy making all sorts of slurping sounds on your finger, her hoof travels down between her hind legs.
>You stop her hoof from reaching its destination, offering your free hand in its stead.
>The soft fur of her belly meets your palm for the second time this afternoon.
>You pinch Velvet's nipples, earning you a throaty moan.
>"Oh dear," a voice squeaks from the hallway.
>Velvet freezes, then releases your finger from her mouth, the light gray fur on her face turning a whiter shade of pale.
>Likewise, you release your grasp on Velvet's teat.
>Looking to the left, you see Posey in a wide-legged stance a few meters away.
>Her barrel heaves with her heavy panting, wings are spread, locked in a rigid "V"; a deep blush burning her face.
<"Fugg," you actually say out loud.
>Your Spurdo impression snaps Posey back to reality.
>"Oh! Oh my! I'm so, SO sorry!" she exclaims whilst forcing her right wing to cover her face.
>The statue formerly known as Twilight Velvet looks on in horror.
>Posey stammers and stutters out apologies at a frantic pace, her voice growing quieter by the second.
>Then she shocks you again.
>"Um... you didn't have to stop. I won't tell anypony."
>You look back to Velvet, whom you're not sure is breathing anymore.
>"Would it... would it be alright if I watched?"
>"What was that?" Velvet asks, breaking out of her shock-induced stupor.
>Posey covers her face again.
>"But I'd rather join you if it's not too much trouble." she whimpers, her eyes still covered by her primaries.


Twilight Velvet and Anon (WIP)

by DaybreakerAnon

Dommy Celestia Shitpost

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/Marital Problems/ Short Stories

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Anon Vs. the 'Mane-iac'

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Homeless Glim-Glam Shitpost

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