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Anon Vs. the 'Mane-iac'

By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2022-03-21 00:41:10
Updated: 2022-03-31 12:54:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >The rainstorm scheduled for this afternoon shows no signs of relenting.
  2. >Not that you minded, having reached your destination prior to it starting.
  3. >With Celestia busy addressing whatever trivial "emergency" the castle staff deemed worthy of interrupting your quiet Saturday together, you had little else to do but shuffle to the Canterlot Library.
  4. >You've got some reading set aside for a rainy day such as this.
  5. >A librarian at the front counter gives you a subtle, but respectful, nod as you stride past her post.
  6. >Thank goodness the ponies at your usual haunts finally learned to not make a big deal over your presence.
  7. >Tables become less populated the deeper into the library you venture.
  8. >Nopony's around to witness your nonchalant retrieval of the latest five issues of Power Ponies, nor how you tuck them into your jacket with such practiced ease, nary a page peeking out from behind the lapel.
  9. >Finally, you find your favorite place to read- a worn, oversized (by pony standards) armchair nestled in a semicircular alcove complete with a tall window that faced the city's waterfalls.
  10. >Yes, this should keep your boredom at bay until your better half fulfills her obligations.
  11. >As much as you admire your wife's unwavering commitment to her little ponies, there were times, such as today, when her tendency to err on the side of putting others before herself grated on you.
  12. >Enough sulking, more escapism!
  13. >The Mane-iac may be batshit crazy, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't think she was hot as hell.
  14. >She probably has a sexy voice like [spoiler]Chrysalis.[/spoiler]
  15. >At least, that's how you imagine her.
  16. >Note to self, get Celestia into cosplay.
  17. >Two, three, and four o'clock come and go with no fanfare and a disappointing lack of a certain big white pony.
  18. >You'd long since exhausted your supply of unread comics and had switched to something heavier.
  19. >Normally you would've returned to the castle by now, annoyed and hungry, but you'd actually become enthralled by the book you'd found.
  20. >And what a book it is, larger than most you've seen in your life.
  21. >So absorbed are you in your book, you don't notice her arrival until she speaks.
  22. >"Hello, dearest," she says with honey in her voice. "I'm so sorry it took so long-"
  23. >Celestia delivers her apology with all the sincerity you'd expect, and to be fair, she did have a good reason for leaving you all by your lonesome for most of the day.
  24. >But that's beside the point- you've got a delightfully devilish plan to execute.
  25. >So you dismiss her apology with a disinterested "Hmmmph" and return your attention to your book.
  26. >Her sigh and barely-audible "I suppose I deserve that," is enough to break your heart, but you remain stoic and hope you didn't make a severe miscalculation.
  27. >"What are you reading?
  28. "Jacky," you say, not daring to look away from the sentence you've been re-reading since Celestia first broke the comfy silence.
  29. >"You seem rather captivated by it."
  30. Turning the page, you shrug. "It's unlike anything I've ever read before."
  31. >Celestia's horn springs to life with its signature champagne light and gentle chiming.
  32. >Your comic books float before her one at a time under her magical influence.
  33. >"And the Power Ponies? Are they as riveting as this 'Jacky'?"
  34. >Though you don't look at her, Celestia's voice lets you know she's sending a smirk your way.
  35. >Gotta maintain the facade.
  36. "I'll have you know the writers have done a great job developing all the characters in that series." you retort with slight indignation in your voice, albeit somewhat too soon.
  37. >"Oh? Well, in that case..."
  38. >Your armchair glows, then becomes a love seat.
  39. >"...I suppose I'll give it a try." she says, sitting beside you.
  40. >This wasn't how you imagined things going.
  41. >You can't let Celestia gain control of the situation- she's supposed to believe she's in the doghouse!
  42. >The text on the page becomes out of focus while you ponder your best course of action.
  43. >Stupid sexy sunwife; always keeping you off-balance.
  44. >"Hmmm."
  45. >Ignore her, Anon.
  46. >"Oh my."
  47. >There's plenty of amusement in her voice, but there's another quality present, one you don't immediately identify.
  48. >"You know, Anonymous..."
  49. >Oh boy, she used your full name- something's up.
  50. >" much as I'm inclined to believe your assessment of the writing quality of this series, part of me believes there's another reason you like it."
  51. >Golden-tinged comic pages slide into your peripheral vision, slowly drifting over your book.
  52. >"I couldn't help but notice that most of the characters in this comic are mares. Mares with rather... *flattering* costumes."
  53. >Focus, Anon.
  54. >Keep your breathing under control.
  55. >Good, you're not blushing.
  56. >"And would you look at this 'Mane-iac'! Talk about a femme fatale!"
  57. >The comic floats inches from your face, directing your attention to an unusually-detailed drawing of the villain.
  58. >"If I didn't know any better, Anon, I'd say..."
  59. >Your wife's lips tickle your ear.
  60. >" read it for the plot."
  61. "Believe what you want," you counter, waving the comic out of your face.
  62. >She's grinning at you.
  63. >You don't see it since you're bringing "Jacky" closer to your face, but you can sense her smug aura.
  64. >Minutes pass in silence, save for the occasional hoofsteps of ponies passing behind you.
  65. >Celestia remains quiet.
  66. >Her magic chines at random intervals to turn the pages of whichever issue she's on.
  67. >"I think I'm going to dress up as the Mane-iac for this year's Nightmare Night." she states, unprompted.
  68. >Your heart skips a beat.
  69. >Celestia rises from your armchair-turned-love-seat.
  70. >She lights her horn again.
  71. >This time, a skin-tight purple and black bodysuit materializes over her fur.
  72. >"What do you think, Anon?" She inspects her foreleg with feigned indifference. "Am I a convincing Mane-iac?"
  73. "Well, I... uh-"
  74. >Your wife rolls up one of the comics with her magic, then uses it to strike her own rump.
  75. >*SMACK*
  76. >"Wait. Don't answer that." she commands with a faint scowl.
  77. >It's not like you could, even if you wanted to- mesmerized as you were with the rippling of Celestia's latex-covered solar mass.
  78. >"I should finish getting into character first."
  79. >Celestia summons forth more magic, coalescing it around her mane and tail.
  80. >Her magic fades, then her pastel tail freezes mid-air, as does her mane.
  81. >You're about to ask what's happening when they move again, but not like you're accustomed to seeing.
  82. >First her mane splits into five evenly-divided sections.
  83. >Next, her tail follows suit, forming an additional set of prehensile pastel-colored appendages.
  84. >Holy shit, she's actually doing it- she's walking on hair tentacles like the Mane-iac!
  85. >A final glow of her horn transforms the love seat you sit upon into a four-legged wooden chair, complete with armrests.
  86. >"Hello, Anonymous," your faux-villain wife moans at you. "My henchponies tell me you've been quite resistant to the usual interrogation methods..."
  87. >A shiny black hoof caresses your jaw, then raises your chin with more force than necessary.
  88. >She drags her tongue from your collarbone, up the side of your neck, over your Adam's apple, then finishes by nibbling on your earlobe.
  89. >You gasp for air and shudder when she blows cold air over the slick saliva trail her tongue left behind.
  90. >"...but don't worry. I have my own ways of making you talk."
  91. "Celestia, the library is still open," you manage to utter after hissing through clenched teeth. "Somepony could see us."
  92. >"The name's, 'Mane-iac', big colt."
  93. >Personally, you prefer 'Celest-iac', given the context.
  94. >A hair tentacle wraps around your face.
  95. >"I suggest you tell me everything I wish to know, for your own sake."
  96. >Her hair tightens around your head like a python.
  97. >"Where is the Electro-Orb?"
  98. "I don't know!" you whisper-shout at her.
  99. >Celest-iac frowns, turns around, and whips her ass again, this time across both flanks- and with another hair-snake at that.
  100. >Despite your anxiety, your eyes lock on to your wife's rippling cheeks.
  101. >Your eyes trace around the perimeter of her ponut and puffy marehood, where the material of her costume seems to be thinnest.
  102. >Hell, you can even see her pearl thumping against the synthetic purple membrane that partitions it from the open air.
  103. >The opportunity to enjoy the view is short-lived, however, as sections of her tail have slithered around your ankles, binding your legs to the chair's.
  104. >Likewise, you discover that your wrists are secured to the chair's armrests in a similar fashion.
  105. >A new set of hooves strike the library's stone floors at a slow, ambling tempo, turning your blood to ice.
  106. >The hair tendril that had been controlling your head loosens but a moment, only to tighten again; now a gag.
  107. >Your wife plants her butt onto your crotch and begins to grind back-and-forth, coaxing your own snake to life- all while looking over her shoulder; ever-vigilant.
  108. >The hooves draw closer, yet Celest-iac gyrates her hips faster.
  109. >"This can be over when ever you want, Anon," she whispers. "Just tell me where the Orb is."
  110. >Her eyes widen at something behind you.
  111. >She suppresses a gasp, then presses her face to the floor, ostensibly to hide from whomever walks directly behind you.
  112. >You hold your breath and remain rigid while listening to a pony retrieve books from a shelf some fifteen meters aft.
  113. 'Please don't look over here,' you think with all the intensity and focus you can muster, 'please don't look over here, pleasedon'tlookoverhere...'
  114. >[Anxiety intensifies]
  115. >Glancing down, you're shocked to see that not only does your wife appear barely concerned, she's still giving you a lusty stare.
  116. >The hair tendril that gags you tilts your head, coaxing you to look at a different part of her.
  117. >With Celest-iac's face on the floor and her rump high, you can see how her costume accentuates other feminine features.
  118. >Her full teats bulge against their new, shiny purple coverings.
  119. >Your wife's long, erect nipples threaten to pierce through the wafer-thin material.
  120. >Celest-iac gives her hind end a slow shake which does more to jiggle her teats than anything else.
  121. >Dick status: MUH
  122. >The wide, high-backed chair you sit upon is likely the only thing enabling your tenuous hold on secrecy, and your better half isn't doing you any favors by continuing to jiggle her teats at you.
  123. >Oh boy, if she shakes her ass any harder at that tempo, her cheeks are going to-
  124. >*CLAP CLAP CLAP*
  125. >Both you and your wife gasp; short and synchronized.
  126. >"Prince Anonymous?"
  127. >Oh no, it's Dusty Pages, one of the librarians.
  128. >"Is everything alright, Your Majesty?"
  129. >You can feel the color drain from your cheeks.
  130. >Face still pressed to the floor, your wife whispers something; a low chant in an ancient tongue.
  131. >The hair gagging you loosens, then slithers off your body, back to its owner.
  132. "Yes, Dusty, everything's fine," you call over your shoulder with a stray pink hair stuck to your tongue.
  133. >"I thought I heard-"
  134. "Oh, that was just me! Nothing to worry about! I got, uh... excited! Yes! So excited by this story that I just... had to... clap?"
  135. >The elderly library pone chuckles.
  136. >You can hear her approaching by the slow clop of her hooves.
  137. >Near your feet, Celestia's quiet chanting accelerates.
  138. >"I know the feeling. Say, Your Majesty, did you happen to see the princess? Somepony told me they saw her pass through not long ago."
  139. >Outside your window, there's a break in the clouds, and through it shines a concentrated column of sunlight, aimed straight at your window.
  140. >Behind your chair, Dusty stumbles mid-step.
  141. >"Oh, goodness me! The sun came out of nowhere!"
  142. >Celestia's rear hoof slides around the tip of the tent you've pitched
  143. "She has a habit of doing that."
  144. >Dusty enjoys a short giggle at your quip.
  145. >"Well, I need to finish shelving these books before my shift ends. Do you need anything from me?"
  146. >Celest-iac's tendrils poke around your waist, working to unbutton your pants.
  147. >You look from your wife's swollen teats, to her *very* satisfied smirk, and finally, over your shoulder.
  148. >The button and zipper of your pants succumb to Celest-iacs hair, which is now working to free your fully-hardened length from your underwear.
  149. "Pray for Mojo."
  150. >"What was that?"
  151. >Your wife pulls down the elastic waistband with one tendril, then wraps the tip of another around your shaft, giving it an experimental tug.
  152. "Ah fuuuhhh- *Ahem* N-Nothing!"
  153. >"Hmmm. Happy reading, Prince Anon!"
  154. "Y-you-"
  155. >Aaaaannnnd there's the hair gag again.
  156. 'Too.'
  157. >Your wife mutters in that strange language again, and the hole in the clouds vanishes, resetting the ambient light to its former dreary comfiness.
  158. >The echoing clip-clop of Dusty's hooves grows more faint, prompting Celest-iac to redirect her smoldering, hungry magenta eyes back to you.
  159. [Kill music]
  160. >"That was close," Celest-iac says, rising from the floor.
  161. >Two hair tendrils probe her costume's tail hole, the tips hooking just inside.
  162. >That lusty smile returns to color her face.
  163. >"But close only counts in horseshoes."
  164. >Celest-iac backs up.
  165. >Her rear hooves step onto your chair, straddling your thighs, leaving her dock at your eye level.
  166. >The prehensile pastel pythons that were hooked within your mare's costume tail hole begin to tear at the thin material, peeling away the shiny purple film for an unrestricted view of the treasures it had previously obscured.
  167. >She takes her sweet time revealing herself, pausing for a minute to stare into your eyes after her ponut is revealed.
  168. >All you want in this moment is to trace your finger along the puffy, puckered ring that's inches from your face.
  169. >Your limbs tremble as you fight against your restraints, but they're far too strong for you to break free.
  170. >"I don't think so, naughty boy," Celest-iac teases. "You had your chance and squandered it. Now we're doing things my way."
  171. >She giggles when you groan into your hair-gag.
  172. >"Should've told me where the Orb is. Oh well..."
  173. >Her hair resumes its deliberate peeling, exposing the start of her glistening vulva and giving you the first real whiff of your wife's arousal.
  174. >The intoxicating scent of sweat and mare musk assaults your nostrils as your snake-like gag loosens its hold on your head.
  175. >"I'll give you another chance to tell me what I whaaaahaaa~"
  176. >Capitalizing on this opportunity, you shove your face into the dripping white cunt that has been (until now) frustratingly out-of-reach.
  177. >Your tongue is overwhelmed by the thick, tangy fluid that spurts from your wife's vagina into your mouth.
  178. >"Naughty, naughty boy!" Celest-iac chides, stepping away from you. She blushes at the sight of her nectar dripping from the corners of your mouth. "You'll pay for that."
  179. >Normally, you'd retort with something witty, but that damned gag has slithered back over your mouth, controlling your head once more.
  180. >The wife wastes no more time- her hair tendrils tear away at the back of her costume as if it were made of wet tissue paper, freeing her flanks and teats in the process.
  181. >Her sigh of relief when her teats jiggle free of that tight latex- it makes you twitch, coaxing a bead of precum to your tip.
  182. >Your breath catches in your throat upon seeing those beautiful white teats hanging free again.
  183. >"Oh, you want these, don't you?" Celest-iac taunts, tweaking her nipples with her magic.
  184. >She steps backwards and lowers her chest again, bringing her teats a hair's breadth away from your twitching member.
  185. >A single tear rolls down your cheek after seeing her nipples flanking your cock, but realizing that no amount of thrusting will bring you any closer to your prize, courtesy of Celest-iac's restrictive telekinesis.
  186. >You are Punished Anon, a man denied his wife's awesome rocking tits, er, teats.
  187. >For a moment, you think you see her villainous facade buckle, but her smirk returns just as fast.
  188. >And then it happens, that familiar golden glow returns and with it comes the warmth and softness of two perfect, swollen teats wrapping around your dick.
  189. >At first, Celest-iac strokes your shaft with agonizing slowness, further aggravated by her hair tentacles that keep you unable to thrust back.
  190. >"Let's see how long you last now."
  191. "mmmmhhhhfffffnnn-fnnn-"
  192. >Celest-iac giggles.
  193. >"What was that?" she asks, loosening her hold on your head.
  194. "*fffpth* Y'know, Celest-iac-"
  195. >"Mane-iac, darling."
  196. "...Mane-iac... as much as I *love* rutting your teats, it would be much better with some lubrication."
  197. >The trap is set.
  198. >You hope she takes the bait.
  199. >"Hmmm. You make a valid point. Very well, Anonymous, I will humor you, if only to make my torture more unbearable."
  200. >Hiding your smile is a losing proposition.
  201. >She's just too damn cute sometimes, getting so into her role and whatnot.
  202. >The magic wrapping her teats around your shaft diminishes.
  203. >Your cock twitches and throbs in the open air for an agonizing few seconds before your wife starts to drag her wet pussy lips over it.
  204. >Sucking air through clenched teeth, you struggle to retain your composure as Celest-iac's vulva winks- HARD- again, and again, and again.
  205. >Every violent wink is accompanied by a light, wet slapping noise; her clit kissing your cock.
  206. >Soon your entire cock is dripping with hot, sticky mare juice, though your mare shows no signs of ceasing her sliding tease.
  207. >With every additional slide Celest-iac's vagina leaks more onto your cock, even coming out in little spurts at times.
  208. >You're about to say something about being sufficiently lubricated when she surprises you again- this time releasing your pastel restraints.
  209. "What-"
  210. >That's all you can utter before she turns on a bit and plants her lips on yours.
  211. >Her kisses are quick, needy; borderline desperate.
  212. >Taking full advantage of your freed hands, you cup her cheek with one hand and pull her closer to you with the other.
  213. >"Ah- Anonnnnnnn~" she moans into your mouth.
  214. >You break the kiss to get a gentle taunt in.
  215. "What happened to the my big, bad villain, huh?"
  216. >"She needed her husband," Celestia replies with a nibble to your ear. "Oh Anonymous, I'm so sorry for neglecting you today. I'm so..."
  217. >Her lips suck on your neck, then release with a loud *pop*.
  218. >""
  219. >Celestia showers your face with apologetic kisses.
  220. >"...sorry, my dearest love. I can't tell you how my heart ached every minute I had to be apart from you."
  221. >There's no eloquent words you can summon in this heartfelt moment, so you pull her face back to yours.
  222. >"Oh, Anonymous..." she hums between wet, noisy kisses.
  223. >Her primary feathers tickle your sack for a few seconds, then wrap around your cock with surprising tightness.
  224. >While she tugs, you help yourself to a handful of those glorious teats, and by the Sun, do they feel better than ever; warm, soft, and surprisingly heavy.
  225. >Celestia giggles when you give her fat teat a slap, stopping the jiggling with your palm.
  226. >She speeds up her feathery tugjob, you slap one teat against the other.
  227. >You trace around the perimeter of her areola, which makes her shudder and moan.
  228. >Next, you follow that up with a long pull to her long, erect nipple whilst giving her neck a teasing bite with your canine teeth.
  229. >Celestia gasps at this, and the next thing you know, you hear two very loud splatters on the floor.
  230. >That's the heaviest blush you've seen on her in a long time.
  231. >"I-I need you, Anon. I need to feel your hands squeezing my flanks as you drive yourself as deep as you can into me. I need to feel you filling my womb with your hot seed."
  232. "Celestia, honey, I want you too, but we're in a library. Somepony could-"
  233. >Those magenta eyes you adore burn with authority and no small amount of carnal desire.
  234. >"You're going to take me. Right here, right now."
  235. >Well, then.
  236. >You've never beat it up in the library, in this world or the old one, but there's a first time for everything.
  237. >Celestia's wings are rigid and wide as she turns her rump to you; primaries reminiscent of fingers with their spread.
  238. >She leans her front to the floor again with her tail tendrils flipped over her back to better present herself to you.
  239. >You scoot forward in your chair, cock in hand.
  240. >Celestia winks again- her clit comes out so forcefully, you swear you could hear her muscles contracting as it happened.
  241. >*slap slap slap*
  242. >Droplets of your wife's arousal splatter everywhere as you flick her swollen pussy lips with the tip of your cock.
  243. >"Anon!" Celestia whisper-shouts at you. "Don't make me tie you up again! Stop teasing and rut me already!"
  244. >This gives you an idea- tease your wife more!
  245. >Keeping your grip around your base, you take your free hand and slide your fingers along the sides of your wife's lips.
  246. >She winks again, and you strike, pinching her lips between your fingers and thumb.
  247. >Her clit tries to retract, but your firm grip on her vulva keeps it exposed, allowing you to get to work.
  248. >Any words of protest your wife might have had are forgotten as you rub your tip over her trapped clit.
  249. >Celestia shudders and paints your cock with two spurts of marecum, so you wipe a long bead of your precum on her clitoris.
  250. >It's too much for her, and her magic forces you to release her.
  251. >Not that you'd be able to hold on much longer anyway, as wet as she is.
  252. >Celestia's magic orients and holds your shaft in place while she backs herself onto it.
  253. >She's so fucking tight, it's good she's as wet as she is when you begin to penetrate her.
  254. >"Hnnnn! Yessssssssssssss!" Celestia moans, shaking as you continue to drive deeper.
  255. >Looking down, you see the last inch of your dick disappear into your wife's cunt, then her full, round flanks hit your crotch, making her cutie marks bulge as they flex against you.
  256. >"Ohhhh-ooooh, Anonymoussss..."
  257. >She presses back despite you already being hilted, grinding her flanks against you, making them jiggle with every shaky breath she takes.
  258. >You grab her ass, squeezing on her cutie marks.
  259. >With your hands on her flanks you guide her rhythmic grinding, redirecting her hips into a figure-eight motion.
  260. >Celestia's vagina is squeezing and pulling at you with reckless abandon, sending your heart into overdrive.
  261. "N-now *this* is podrac-"
  262. >She steps forward, sliding up your cock with a wet sucking sound as her walls try to wrench you back inside.
  263. >Before your tip can break free, Celestia lunges back, impaling herself on you with a wet squelch.
  264. >"Nnnn! Anon!" she cries whilst biting her lip, eyes shut tight.
  265. "Shhhh!" you whisper as you snake your hands under her belly.
  266. >Your palms cup her full, heavy teats, fingers pinching her nipples as she continues her grinding, tickling your tip with her cervix.
  267. >Pulling at her nipples sets off her orgasm.
  268. >A gold-capped hoof flies to Celestia's face, desperate to muffle the whinny that escapes her muzzle.
  269. >"Hah! Oooooaahaahhh, 'non, I'm cummingI'mcummingI'mcumming..."
  270. >Her vagina clenches down on your cock in one crushing pulse.
  271. >"cum- *gaaaaasp* ming!"
  272. >A torrent of hot wetness flows around your cock, down your balls, and over your chair as Celestia chants your name whilst riding out her peak.
  273. >As if her whines of pleasure weren't loud enough, her cum drips so loudly on the floor, you're convinced somepony will hear.
  274. >Not that you really cared- you were close too.
  275. >Celestia's erect wings throb with her rapid heartbeat; barrel heaving with labored breaths.
  276. >You reach up to pull her back against your chest, then hold her, listening to the sound of her excited breathing and of her cum splattering on the floor.
  277. >Her walls finally unclench and pulse with uncoordinated spasms while her clit pops and drags along your base at random intervals.
  278. >All the sensations- her pulsing, her intense heat, her wetness, it's all that's needed to keep driving you to the edge.
  279. "Cel... I- I'm gonna-"
  280. >That snaps your wife from her pleasure-induced stupor.
  281. >She lunges forward and your cock breaks free with a squelch and a *pop*.
  282. >Celestia uses one of her tail hair tendrils to grab your cock, jerking it with vigor whilst aiming it towards her bottom.
  283. >Her wings reach under her barrel, then you see her primaries pushing her teats together.
  284. >"C'mon, dear. Cum for me. I need you to. I need you to cum all over my big teats, Anon. Paint them with your cum."
  285. >She jerks you off faster, which in turn makes her teats jiggle, pushing you over the edge.
  286. >Your heart thunders as the pressure in your balls reaches the point of no return.
  287. >Celestia's tongue peeks out the side of her mouth, concentrating on finishing you onto her mounds.
  288. >You cum so hard you literally can't breathe as you unload onto your wife's teats.
  289. >The first rope erupts across her left teat, the second glazes her right areola and nipple.
  290. >"That's it, Anon! Keep cumming for me, darling! Give me all of it!"
  291. >Her hair jerks you fast as ever, and her aim suffers.
  292. >Three ropes of cum sail high, hitting her dock, ponut, and marehood.
  293. >Your vision fades somewhat, then comes back when you finally breathe again.
  294. >You see cum dripping off Celestia's ponut and onto her clit, which happened to wink out at the perfect moment.
  295. >"Wow... you came so much," she whispers, still a little short of breath.
  296. >Nodding is all you can manage to do as you recover from emptying your prostate all over your gorgeous sunwife.
  297. >One of her primaries wipes a strand of your cum off her teats, then she licks the feather clean.
  298. "We should probably clean all this up."
  299. >With a hum of agreement, Celestia brings her magic to bear on your surroundings, eliminating all evidence of your canoodling within seconds.
  300. >Likewise, her magic transforms your chair back into the cozy love seat she made following her arrival.
  301. >After conjuring up some blankets from the aether, your wife snuggles against you, her golden aura wrapping a blanket around you both.
  302. >"That was amazing," she says, kissing your cheek.
  303. "So, uh... would you be up for doing more costume stuff like this?"
  304. >Celestia gives you a smile- a big, toothy, goofy thing.
  305. >You smile back.
  306. >Lighting her horn a final time, Celestia floats your book (which you're pleased to note is clean and dry) onto your lap before retrieving a new comic for herself.
  307. >Electric blue light brightens the dimming grey sky in a momentary flash.
  308. >Thunder rattles the windows a second later, prompting Celestia to throw her wing around you and pull you closer.
  309. >Celestia kisses your cheek again, then your ear.
  310. >"I love you, Anonymous, my Sunshine."
  312. END

Twilight Velvet and Anon (WIP)

by DaybreakerAnon

Dommy Celestia Shitpost

by DaybreakerAnon

/Marital Problems/ Short Stories

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Anon Vs. the 'Mane-iac'

by DaybreakerAnon

Homeless Glim-Glam Shitpost

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