After posting this a second time I figured I might as well save it here.
Original Prompt

Anonymous Thu 06 Jan 2022 02:28:53 No.38042532 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>38042536 >>38042538 >>38042543 >>38042548 >>38042577 >>38042764 >>38042766 >>38042789 >>38042929 >>38043112 >>38043217 >>38043589 >>38044892 >>38045134 >>38045288 >>38045297 >>38045455 >>38045694 >>38045703 >>38046588 >>38046722 >>38046813 >>38048232 >>38049634 >>38049650 >>38050722 >>38062481 >>38067411 >>38070859 >>38082642 >>38085261 >>38085268 >>38093029 >>38097792 >>38099411 >>38101206 >>38107181 >>38107185 >>38109413
>knock knock knock
>H-Hey anon how are you? You're doing well...
>I know this is sudden but could you just hear me out for a few minutes?
>I'm homeless anon. After my latest friendship scheme, Twilight kicked me out of Ponyville.
>She said if I came back she would use the Elements to imprison me forever. Even Sunburst turned against me.
>My home village doesn't want me. I can't even stay in Canterlot. Everywhere I go I'm shunned.
>So I've been wandering trying to survive. I'm so cold and I haven't eaten in days.
>I'm pretty much out of options and you live on the outskirts of Everfree. So I'm I'm begging you. Can I stay with you until I get back on my hooves?
>Please anon find it in your heart. I don't want to die out here alone and hungry..
This one was fun- actually cracked up a couple times when I wrote it.
Anonymous Thu 06 Jan 2022 18:05:40 No.38045288 Report
Quoted By: >>38045306 >>38045365 >>38046545 >>38047454 >>38106059 >>38118098

>Well this certainly isn't what you expected on a Thursday evening.
>It breaks your heart, seeing Starlight like this.
>Not that you were close with the mare- you weren't- but your interactions with her had always been pleasant.
>What exactly was Glimmer trying to pull that led to all of pony society ostracizing her?
>You'd heard of her time as a former dictator of some commietopia, but wasn't she supposed to be reformed and everything?
>If anything, this is as much an indictment on Twilight's failing as a teacher/mentor as it was on Starlight's reformation deficiencies.
>Perhaps that's why Twilight threatened such severe retribution? Scare her failure away forever so the spotlight of shame would never swivel back to her?
>Regardless, talk about an unexpected windfall.
>Not only have you come into a position of power over a very powerful unicorn, you may just have acquired leverage against a princess should you need it.
>The possibilities make your head spin.
>This feeling that overwhelms you- is this what it means to feel drunk with power?
>Starlight looks up at your towering form.
>You can see her last vestige of hope flicker in her tear-filled eyes.
>She's looking for a savior, so a savior you will be; a god-king, even.
<"The ponies were cruel to shun you, Friend Starlight Glimmer," you say in a put-on Brazilian accent. "Twilight too, was cruel to reject you."
>Starlight allows herself to hope and holds her breath; frozen by anticipation.
<"But I am kind."
>You're impressing yourself with just how well you're pulling off the Xerxes voice.
<"True friendship. All the pepperoni hot pockets you could ever desire... The love your fellow ponies and the false princess denied you, I will grant you. For I am kind."
>Whether Starlight is mystified by your act or delirious from hunger and exposure is irrelevant. She's so close to agreeing to any terms you demand.
>You spread your arms, reminiscent of Christ in his final tortured hours.
<"Embrace me! As your king and as your god! Submit yourself to me, and your joys will be endless!"
>Starlight drops to haunches. "Yes!"
>Unbeknownst to you, Starlight's lady bits moisten in anticipation of the inevitable ravaging you'll subject her to. It is the way of the jungle.
>"I want it all!" she continues. "Friendship. Food. Love!"
>You allow the slightest hint of smug to flash across your face as you unbuckle your belt.
>Starlight's eyes watch your pants fall to the floor. You see her eyes track your hardened length as it bounces, finally free of its confines.
>She looks in your eyes once more. Your nod is nearly imperceptible; your silent command understood nonetheless.
>Holy shit, she's actually gonna do it.
>This is so fucked up.
>Your new roommate hesitates, seeming to sense your inner conflict.
>However, she takes you into her mouth all the same.
>Fresh tears roll down her cheeks as she suppresses her gag reflex.
>You stroke her mane tenderly and reassure her.
<"You will find... that I am kind."