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Dommy Celestia Shitpost

By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2022-02-20 23:37:40
Updated: 2022-02-21 22:58:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt(s):
  3. Anonymous 02/18/22(Fri)18:07:04 No.38238635▶>>38238646 >>38247772
  5. >>38238610
  6. Plot twist: Daybreaker is the sub while Celestia is the dommy sunmommy.
  8. Anonymous 02/18/22(Fri)18:09:50 No.38238646▶>>38243441 >>38243622
  10. >>38238635
  11. he said it HE SAID THE THING
  14. >Deep breath.
  15. >Your knuckles hover over the solar cutie mark that adorns the heavy wooden doors; the last barrier between you and whatever fate awaits behind it.
  16. >Why are you so nervous?
  17. >There's no reason for it, especially since you've been Princess Luna's assistant for...what, almost two years now?
  18. >You've interacted with Celestia countless times since coming into her sister's service, and she's been nothing but kind to you.
  19. >Still, you can't help but wonder why Celestia insisted on you filling in for Raven while the cute little unicorn was away on vacation, especially considering your obligations to her sister.
  20. >Luna was likewise perplexed by her sister's request, but acquiesced, instructing you to focus solely on your temporary reassignment.
  21. >*knock knock knock*
  22. >The doors open far enough to grant you passage, their prime mover unknown to you.
  23. >No sooner do you cross the threshold into the chamber do they close themselves.
  24. >Celestia's study was arranged in a similar fashion to Luna's, complete with all the bookshelves, thick tomes, stacks of paper and ink wells you'd expect to be present in a princess's office, the most obvious difference being the sun motifs that adorned various objects instead of the lunar theme you'd grown accustomed to seeing at work.
  25. "Princess Celestia?"
  26. >Nothing.
  27. >Perhaps you misread when you were supposed to report to her?
  28. >With a sigh you fish the letter from the depths of your messenger bag.
  29. >Yup. 9 o'clock in the morning, Princess Celestia's study.
  30. >So where the hell is-
  31. >"Hello there." Princess Celestia says in a low, sultry voice, her lips not an inch away from your ear.
  32. >Her hot breath sends shivers racing down your spine.
  33. >You totally didn't scream in a deafening falsetto, nor did you jump halfway to the moon, because you're a big boy.
  34. >Celestia covers her mouth and giggles as you reenter Equestria's atmosphere.
  35. >"Oh, forgive me, Mister Anonymous, I couldn't help myself."
  36. >You press your palm against your chest, lest your heart burst out of it.
  37. "G-gah! P-Princess! I didn't see you there!"
  38. >Another giggle.
  39. >It's quite charming, her demure laughter, and it does wonders for calming you down.
  40. >"That was the point, dear."
  41. >She circles behind you, gilded metal shoes clicking on the waxed tile floor.
  42. >You hear nothing, save for the faintest, "Hmmm," when the mare lingers directly behind you.
  43. >As the princess reenters your field of view to your nine o'clock, her wing coaxes you towards the paperwork-laden desk straight ahead.
  44. >"Wait."
  45. >You freeze mid-sit, ass hovering over a chair that, surprisingly, isn't too small for you.
  46. "Something wrong, Your Highness?"
  47. >Celestia's eyes dance over your body. "This won't do. This won't do at all."
  48. >Oh no.
  49. >Your mind races as you try to determine what you did wrong.
  50. >"Oh!" Celestia says with a reassuring smile. "You're fine, Mister Anonymous. More than fine. Your attire, however... it isn't becoming of your station, is it now?"
  51. "Well, it *is* my nicest suit," you admit while your gaze falls.
  52. >"And you look quite dashing in it, if I say so myself," she adds, running an unshod forehoof over your jacket sleeve. "Generosity knows her craft better than anypony. However, the dark blue colors, the thin silver pinstripes- you chose them to reflect your ties to my sister, yes?"
  53. "Yes, Your Highness."
  54. >Celestia waves a hoof at you. "Just, 'Celestia', dear. And what shall I call you, now that we've dispensed with the formalities?"
  55. "Anon."
  56. >"Splendid, Anon. Now, returning to the matter at hoof..."
  57. >Her horn lights, bringing a large white garment bag into existence before you.
  58. >"... I anticipated such an issue and took the liberty of commissioning this."
  59. >She unzips the bag under her magical influence, revealing a brilliant white suit.
  60. >The jacket's lapels are accented with orange silk, complete with Celestia's cutie mark embroidered over the breast pocket.
  61. >You're relieved that Rarity refrained from incorporating any gems into the ensemble as she is wont to do, though something about the vest's fabric gives it a unique iridescence, albeit biased towards varying hues of orange and yellow; as if the fabric itself was woven of citrine threads.
  62. "Wow..."
  63. >"Do you like it?"
  64. "Like it!? Celestia, this is incredible! Thank you so much!"
  65. >Forgetting yourself, you throw your arms around the mare, who tenses somewhat at your initial contact, only to melt in your embrace a heartbeat later.
  66. >"Mmmmm," she murmurs in your ear, her forelegs snaking around your torso and squeezing with enthusiasm.
  67. >This hug has lasted for well over a minute.
  68. >Should you let go, or should you let her release first?
  69. >Is there some kind of etiquette to follow when hugging a princess?
  70. >That's actually a good question, and it pains you to realize you are ignorant of the answer.
  71. >We're well beyond two continuous minutes of sunhorse hug.
  72. >Maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move.
  73. >Is that why her breathing has quickened somewhat?
  74. >"Nuh-uh," she groans when your arms slacken around her shoulders. "Sunmommy hasn't had her fill of thissss..."
  75. >Sunmommy?
  76. "Sunmommy?"
  77. >Celestia rubs her face all over your head.
  78. >"I could be your Sunmommy... would you like that, Anon? Do you want to call me 'Sunmommy'?"
  79. "Ah-heh...whaaaa- no! I didn't mean it like-"
  80. >Your head is wrenched backwards by an unseen force.
  81. >Celestia's magenta eyes sparkle; alight with fire.
  82. >"Would you like to call me 'Sunmommy', Anonymous?"
  83. "I'm n-not really into that kind of thing-"
  84. >"You WILL call me 'Sunmommy' this instant!"
  85. >The air above her head shimmers from the heat that radiates from it.
  86. >Okaaaaay, then- you're just gonna go ahead and give her what she wants.
  87. "Yes, Sun...M-Mommy..."
  88. >Celestia releases a shuddering sigh onto the nape of your neck at your renewed embrace.
  89. >Well, if you're gonna do this, you might as well go balls out.
  90. >You drive your palms into her brilliant coat; fingers pulsing into taught muscles below.
  91. >Celestia answers your affection initiative with a knicker and three quick nibbles at your hair.
  92. "Thank you for the suit, Sunmommy. I love it."
  93. >"Will you serve your Sunmommy well, Anon?"
  94. >You find a knot behind her withers and drive a knuckle into the tense muscle.
  95. "I'll give you my all, Sunmommy."
  96. >"That's a good colt..."
  97. >Okay, you should probably wrap this up before you reach frontiers of unexpected weirdness you didn't think existed.
  98. >"Thanks, Sunmommy... you're the best."
  99. >She coos at that.
  100. >"Anon!? Tell me I'm- tell me I'm Best Princess."
  101. >SSSSSSSSS- OOOHHHHHhhhhh, yeah... not gonna be able to do that one, chief.
  102. >That honor belongs to Cadence, and Cadence alone.
  103. >Luna's a close second.
  104. >Oh, and there's that patented Anonymous head-wrenching action again!
  106. >Apparently waiting thirty-five milliseconds to begin responding was too long for Celestia's liking.
  107. >There's a brilliant flash of whirling colors that dance overhead, accompanied by the most amazingly-unwelcome feeling of something tickling your shithole.
  108. >Where are you?
  109. >And why are you naked?
  110. >You're suspended in the fetal position some six feet above the undulating sapphire surface of a swimming pool, aglow in champagne light that kinda tingles inside your ears.
  111. >"I'll ask again, Anonymous... Who is Best Princess?"
  112. "Well, let's talk about the definition of 'best' for a minute, Sunmommy. Are we talking 'best' as in, 'Twilight Velvet is the best milf pone', or more of a, 'Man, I'm telling ya, mix a couple tablespoons of milled flax seed into your oatmeal... goddamn, dude... it'll clean you the fuck out. It's the best.' kind of way?"
  113. >Man, it'd sure be a shame if Celestia decided she's had enough of your shit before you can talk her down...
  114. >Doesn't matter.
  115. >Somebody else will help carry this burden that you've, until now, shouldered alone.
  116. >Sow the awkward breeze, reap the autistic whirlwind.
  117. "Like, real talk for a minute, Celestia- ah fuck, I mean, Sunmommy. You know what? Fuck it, this is too serious to bother with the role playing. So like, no shit, there I was minding my own business when something gets my guts a-wrigglin'."
  118. >This earns you a Lifted Celestial Eybrow™
  119. >It'd be wise to stop now, but no- You are Anon, and thus, can only contain your 'tism for so long.
  120. "I'm like, 'Jesus Christ!' So I'm tryin' to get up from the couch and run to the bathroom, and- aw fuck... So, you know how like, when you're trying to scurry to the bathroom without shittin your britches, you lean back in an attempt to clench your ass as tight as physically possible while waddling to the toilet? Wait, you wouldn't. Be glad you don't- it's the true burden of the bipeds. Anyways, I'm buttcheek-clench-waddling to the shitter, and wouldn't you know it, but the lid is closed. But here's the deal- my warp core containment fields is at ten percent and fading fast... I'm gonna have to eject. But do I lean down to lift the lid, or do I try and get my toe under the lid and kick it open?"
  121. >Celestia stares at you, mouth hanging open in hushed awe.
  122. "It all boils down to unclenching too early, right? I finally decide to try to kick it open. So I take a deep breath, and-"
  123. >Summoning forth years-old muscle memory, you perform the maneuver for the unblinking princess, pretending to kick a toilet lid to the sky, followed immediately by the miming of dropping your drawers whilst pirouetting, leading to the climax of slamming your ass on the can- all while being suspended above a swimming pool, mind you.
  124. "'Keeeeeeee-yyyyaaaaaaAAAAH!' And I shit you not, Celestia, I'm straddling the bowl, my ass is coming down, by cock-n-balls are flailing in the breeze as I'm crashing down to earth... and before my ass hits the seat, I see this- this fucking SNAKE erupting out of my ass. I'm talking Maverick buzzing the ballsack tower... there's even a shockwave as it passes my mushroom tip. My fucking bowels were fully evacuated before my cheeks made landfall, and- my hand to Horse Jesus or whatever you guys worship here, I had given birth to an eighteen-inch golden gutter python. Fucking milled flax seed, Sunnybuns... not even once."
  125. >*Splash*
  126. >Yeah, you kinda deserved that, being thrown into the drink and all.
  127. >Too bad, that- seeing as you can't swim and all.
  128. >Shit, you can't swim!
  129. "Acgh! Celestia! Help!" You shriek whilst thrashing to keep yourself afloat. "I can't swim!"
  130. >"Best Princess, Anon! Who is she?" Celestia bellows over your flailing.
  131. "You! *cough cough*-"
  132. >You inhale a mouthful of water; chlorine burning everything it can.
  133. "*cough!* It's you! *hack!*"
  134. >Next thing you know, you're out of the water, feet hovering *just* above solid ground, not unlike the way you held your hands *just* over Anna ------'s hips at the eighth grade winter dance; Savage Garden's "Truly Madly Deeply" booming throughout the school basketball court.
  135. >So close, yet so far...
  136. >You wonder what happened to her.
  137. >And to think, in hindsight, she really showed some serious signs of being into you the summer before your Senior year.
  138. >She was really pretty, Anon, but your ass was too oblivious to catch on in the moment, and too chickenshit to take action after you finally interpreted her signals.
  139. >*Sigh*
  140. >As Lee Harvey Oswald said, "You miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don't take."
  141. >Oh well, things worked out pretty well for you in the long run, working directly for magic pony royalty and all.
  142. >Speaking of, one psychedelic laser spectacular and taint-tickling later, you're standing back in Celestia's study, fully dried and looking ready to crush some cute pony puss in your new suit.
  143. >Celestia brushes past you, making for a large plush cushion resting beneath the desk opposite yours.
  144. >"Well, then... let's get started, shall we?"
  145. "Wait- really? We're just going to pretend none of that happened?"
  146. >The princess sighs and summons a quill and ink.
  147. >"Anonymous, if I don't think about that account of your bowel movement again prior to my sun going supernova, it'll still be too soon."
  148. >You say nothing, opting to offer a half-assed apology comprising of a stifled chuckle, a sheepish smile, and a shrug.
  149. >Things got pretty normal after that.
  150. >Well, as normal as they could be, all things considered.
  151. >You're able to recognize her tells quickly enough, and soon, you've established a synergy of sorts.
  152. >Momentum carries you straight past lunch and onto dinner's doorstep.
  153. >Celestia decides to finish paperwork princessing around five o'clock.
  154. >Her horn lights, and with it, the shadows outside grow a bit longer.
  155. >"I believe that's enough for one day," she says, rising from her cushion.
  156. >You follow suit, then push your chair in.
  157. >"Good work today, Anon. I can already tell that this arrangement is going to work wonderfully."
  158. "Aw, thanks, Celestia-"
  159. >That gets you a huff and a glare.
  160. -er... Sunmommy. Glad you think so."
  161. >Somepony knocks on the door.
  162. >"Come in~!" Celestia sings to the visitor.
  163. >"Hello, Sister!" a well-rested Luna calls from the threshold. "How did my assistant do on his first day?"
  164. >The younger princess saunters over to where you stand.
  165. >"Greetings, Anonymous. How fares my faithful assistant?"
  166. "Uh... good! It was good, My Princess."
  167. >'Oh, it's 'My Princess' to Luna, but not me, is it, Anon?' Celestia's voice whispers inside your min, 'I am your princess now, Anon!'
  168. >"Slendid! Don't be too hard on him, Tia, and send him back to me in one piece!" Luna giggles before turning away.
  169. >You don't notice Celestia's intense gaze tracking your eyes as you follow Luna's withdrawal from the study.
  170. >Luna's tail preserves her modesty, but you watch the rhythmic flexing of her tight little posterior as she exits the room all the same.
  171. >"Enjoying the view, Anon?"
  172. "Hmm? Oh, I wasn't... I mean, what are you talking about, Cel- Sunmommy?"
  173. >Celestia flutters her eyelids at you.
  174. >"Dont' play coy with me, young stallion. I watched you oogling my sister's backside.
  175. >The solar princess turns to face you.
  176. >"What is it about my sister's rump that you find so enticing, hmm, Anon?'
  177. >You stare at the floor and mumble your answer.
  178. >"Speak up, Anon. I didn't quite get all that."
  179. >You clear your throat.
  180. "Your sister's butt excites me so," you say to the floor.
  181. >"Ha! Really!? Her tiny heinie?"
  182. "It's a totally-adequate derriere."
  183. >"But nowhere near as nice as mine." Celestia walks past you, swaying her hips as she goes. "Wouldn't you agree?"
  184. "Uh..."
  185. >"Look at my rump, Anonymous... LOOK. AT. ME."
  186. >You comply, your gaze reaching its destination just as she's hiking her tail.
  187. >"Come here, Anon."
  188. >With your eyes fixed upon her vulva, you take hesitant steps towards the elder princess until you're directly behind her.
  189. >"Feel me up, Anonymous. I want you to let your hands wander all over my backside- explore every nook and cranny to your heart's content and then try to tell me that Luna's rump is better than mine."
  190. "Sunmommy, I..."
  191. >"Your princess gave you a command, Anon. Violate her."
  192. >You?
  193. >Violate the princess?
  194. >That seems to run counter to the dommy vibe she's been trying to establish, doesn't it?
  195. >Whatever- you're nothing but a red-blooded pony fucker at heart, so it's not like you'll have trouble enjoying it.
  196. >Getting paid to grope the biggest pretty pony princess?
  197. >Sign me the fuck up, man.
  198. >Celestia stands in place, swaying her hips while you draw near, fingers spread wide in anticipation getting two overflowing handfuls of solar mass.
  199. >Just as you're about to make contact with the porcelain posterior, shackles of golden energy spring to life from the aether, binding your wrists.
  200. >"On second thought, you haven't earned that privilege yet."
  201. "Oh, come on!" you whine, struggling to no avail against Celestia's magical restraints.
  202. >"You'll get your chance, Anonymous... provided you can prove to me that you've 'seen the light'."
  203. >She chuckles at her own corny one-liner.
  204. >Magic lifts you, contorting your body until you're kneeling on the floor, facing Celestia's backside.
  205. >Celestia flicks her tail to the side again and begins a backwards strut towards you.
  206. >She looks back, ensuring that you see her smirk as you're forced to watch the inevitable solar eclipse.
  207. >A few inches out, you begin to smell her excitement.
  208. >Hopefully her snatch tastes as good as Luna's.
  209. >The bottom puckered edge of Celestia's ponut presses into your nose, her lower lips meet yours.
  210. >"Ooh~" Celestia moans mid-shudder. "I've needed this."
  211. >For a moment, you just kneel there, your face pressed into Celestia's genitals, and for a moment, you believe the naive thought that this is as far as she'll take things.
  212. >'Anon~...' There's that telepathic voice trick of hers again; singing in your mind. 'Service your princess.'
  213. >An invisible force pressures the back of your head forward for emphasis.
  214. >Well, it's far from the first time an alicorn princess has shoved your face into her vagina, and it sure as hell won't be the last.
  215. >But, to be fair, it was explicitly consensual for every other occasion.
  216. >You wriggle your face down, your chin teasing Celestia's vulva.
  217. >Next, you shove your nose and tongue forward, separating her puffy, glistening lips.
  218. >"Yes, Anon! Yesssssss..."
  219. >You're using your tongue to play whack-a-clit, and your score isn't so great because you haven't got a feel for the timing of Celestia's winking yet.
  220. >A few more seconds of cunnilingus leaves you with an increasingly-sticky face and needing to breathe.
  221. >Seriously, you can't breathe.
  222. "Mmmmmfff! Mmmm-mmmmmffff!" you shout into Celestia's cunt.
  223. >"Oh!" Celestia steps forward, allowing you a chance to gasp for air. "What was that, dear?"
  224. "Couldn't- *gaaaasp!*- breathe..."
  225. >"Hmmm."
  226. >She turns somewhat to better look at you.
  227. >"Anonymous, not only have you gotten well acquainted with my rear, you've gotten to taste the sun, something no living pony can claim. What say you about Luna's atrophied ass now?"
  228. >Aw, come on, man.
  229. >You can't talk shit about Luna behind her back like that!
  230. >Luna's your buddy, your princess pal, your homegirl, your amiga, and ironically enough, your butt-buddy!
  231. >"Well, Anonymous? Who has the superior posterior? Me, or..."
  232. >She squints at you.
  233. >"Luna?"
  234. >You can't do this.
  235. >You'll always defend those tiny cheeks that-
  236. "Excite me so."
  237. >Your whispered, desperate prayer escapes your lips.
  238. >In your mind's eye, you see it rising like smoke on the air and sailing out of a nearby open window.
  239. >Horse Jesus, hear Anon's prayer.
  240. >Deliver him from the land of the immaculate sunbooty.
  241. >"Come again, Anon?"
  242. "Luna." You growl with conviction. "I'll never betray my princess or her tight, unusually-small-yet svelte horse booty!"
  243. >Celestia huffs; consternation darkening her face.
  244. >"So be it."
  245. >The Solar Princes lunges rearwards, driving your face into that sweet, sweet horsepussy.
  246. >As you are pushed back, you wonder if ingesting too much of Celestia's nectar would give you diabeetus.
  247. >Celestia continues driving herself back until the back of your head hits the cushion she'd been sitting on previously.
  248. >Your back is pinned against the floor, your head sandwiched between a firm cushion and Celestia's thick, hot flanks.
  249. >She grinds her rump back and forth on your face, adding insult to injury.
  250. >So this is it.
  251. >This is how it ends.
  252. >Death by snu-snu.
  253. >And what a glorious death it will be.
  254. >Time to break out the big guns.
  255. >You blow a raspberry onto Celestia's winking clit.
  256. >"WEEEEEOOOOOHHH!" the mare shrieks, leaping into the air by reflex.
  257. "Ha ha haaaa... gotcha!"
  258. >The princess muffles your laughter with her vagina again.
  259. >"Very funny, Anon. I shall break you yet!"
  260. >Celestia counters your motorboating of her pussy lips by cumming- HARD.
  261. >Your mouth is awash with hot marecum; full-bodied and tangy with a sweet finish.
  262. >Everything is muffled and blurry.
  263. >Finally- sweet relief!
  264. >Celestia gives you a minute to hack and suck fresh air.
  265. >She poses the question again after your breathing settles down.
  266. >"I grow weary of your insolence, Anonymous. WHO has the fairest flanks in all the land!?"
  267. >You lock onto her hungry stare.
  268. "Luna."
  269. >"You just don't learn, do you?"
  270. >Her magic grips your tongue, forcing you to clean her ponut.
  271. >It's tart and has a taste distinct from her vagina; much more musky.
  272. >Once again, she raises her rump to give you a breather.
  273. >"Well!?"
  274. "Luna's tiny butt excites me so!"
  275. >"SUB-MIT to your SUN-MOMMY!"
  277. >Your roar is long and loud, reverberating off the stone walls and tile floor.
  278. >Celestia growls.
  279. >Your tongue experiences the now-familiar sensation of being magically manipulated.
  280. >It's pressing directly into the puckered center of Celestia's ponut when you hear something new- hoofsteps.
  281. >They grow louder, their cadence increasing.
  282. >You hear the study doors burst open, as well as the voice of an angel.
  283. >"Sister, is everything alright? I thought I heard Anonymous defending the honor of my tiny- *GASP!*- CELESTIA! What is the meaning of this!?"
  284. >Luna's aura surrounds Celestia, cancelling the elder sister's hold on your tongue and lifting her off you.
  285. >"Luna? I can- I can explain..."
  286. >Moon hoers shoots her sister an incredulous look whilst helping you to your feet.
  287. >To your shock, all of Celestia's juices roll right off your exquisite suit and onto the floor, where it pools around your white patent leather shoes.
  288. >Sensing your amazement, Celestia explains: "I enchanted the fabric to repel all of my precious bodily fluids!"
  289. >Luna's sharp snort makes Celestia pause mid-giggle, then add in a much quieter voice, "There's a perfectly...*ahem!*... reasonable explanation for that..."
  290. >"I'm sure there is," Luna deadpans. "And I can't wait to hear all about it- AFTER I see to my faithful assistant here."
  291. "Thanks, Lulu," you mutter under your breath.
  292. >She winks at you, then coaxes you towards the door.
  293. >"Anon?"
  294. >Celestia's voice stops you as you're about to exit the study.
  295. >You spin on your heel to see her taking measured steps towards you.
  296. >Luna wraps a wing around your shoulder and flares her free one, though Celestia is undeterred.
  297. >"I know I... came on strong-"
  298. >She sighs, then shakes her head.
  299. >"-but I will make it up to you Anonymous. By my burning Sun, I will make it up to you."
  300. "That's really not necessary, Cel-"
  301. >"BY. MY. BURNING. SUN. ANON."
  302. >Luna pushes you out the door.
  303. >"Come, Anonymous. Quickly now."
  304. >She leads you most of the way to your quarters on the other side of the castle before speaking.
  305. >"Anon, you have my most sincere apologies for what happened today. By the moon, I never expected Celestia to cave to her urges around you!"
  306. >You reach your room, unlock the door, and motion for Luna to enter first.
  307. "It's... *sigh* I'll be fine, Lulu. But I hope you'll understand that I would prefer to not work for your sister again. Don't get me wrong, if she and I were on the same page with all of that, it would've been okay. But we weren't, and I'm not about to be anypony's sub."
  308. >Luna nods her understanding, then looks at you as if expecting you to say more.
  309. "What?"
  310. >"Oh, it's nothing."
  311. "No it's not. Something else is bothering you. What's up?"
  312. >Luna blushes.
  313. >She kicks at the corner of a floor tile before daring to look into your eyes.
  314. >"Anon, I know this is the worst possible time to be asking you about this, but... this experience with my sister..."
  315. >Luna huffs and mutters, "You can do this, Luna!" under her breath.
  316. >She looks at you with concern dominating her face.
  317. >"...I pray that this experience hasn't ruined cunnilingus for you altogether!"
  318. >You throw your head back and laugh for what feels like a lifetime.
  319. >Luna's concern dissipates and soon, she's laughing with you.
  320. "Never in a million years, Luna!" You say, bending down to nuzzle your silly moon princess. "Nothing will ever come between me and my love for your moon pie!"
  321. >"Oh thank the stars!"
  322. >Luna throws herself at you, bringing you into a crushing hug.
  323. >"I don't know what I'd do without your and your 'stress relief' sessions!"
  324. "No need to worry," you reassure her, patting her withers as she holds you. "You know, there's still some time before Night Court begins. If you wanted, I could..."
  325. >She smiles and shakes her head. "Unfortunately, I cannot tonight. I have extra items to attend to before Court."
  326. "Well, shit."
  327. >"Go to sleep, Anon." Luna says with a kiss to your cheek. "I shall see you in your dreams."
  328. >One flash of blue light later, and you're alone in your room.
  329. >Though you haven't eaten since breakfast, you don't have any appetite to speak of, so you take Luna's advice and get ready for bed.
  330. >Your head spins at everything that's transpired today.
  331. >Who would've thought that Celestia was so kinky?
  332. >Certainly not you.
  333. >All things considered, it was still pretty hot, being forced to eat her box like that, save for the not being able to breathe part.
  334. >Your pecker agrees and stands to attention at the memory.
  335. >Put another dime in the jukebox, bros.
  336. >This one's called, "Looks Like it's Me and My Hand Tonight."
  337. >You've only begun to hook your thumbs underneath your waistband before your world explodes into a blur of sight and sounds.
  338. >Next thing you know, you're in a free fall, arms flailing in a feeble attempt to right yourself.
  339. "Oof!"
  340. >Your back meets a very soft mattress, bringing a very soft end to your fall.
  341. "What the hell...?"
  342. >Moonlight shines though large windows.
  343. >You're in a bedroom, a very large bedroom.
  344. >Something's burning- you can't smell it, but you can hear it.
  345. >A strong orange glow appears behind you.
  346. >"Hiiiii Mister Anon~!"
  347. "Cel...Celestia?"
  348. >>38238635
  349. >The Solar Princess's doppelganger shakes her head and giggles.
  350. >"Nuh-uh! I'm Daybreaker, her mild-mannered alter-ego..."
  351. >She brushes by you, this Daybreaker, feathers stroking your lower back as she does.
  352. >Strange how her fire mane 'n' tail don't actually burn, let alone hurt to touch.
  353. >"...and I've been *such* a naughty filly..."
  354. >It's now you get a better look at the mare.
  355. >Wow, Daybreaker pulls of the anime schoolgirl look like she invented it.
  356. >God damn, girl... work that skirt!
  357. >"Please don't expel me, Principal Anonymous! I'll do ANYTHING!"
  358. >You know what?
  359. >You can work with this.
  361. The End.

Twilight Velvet and Anon (WIP)

by DaybreakerAnon

Dommy Celestia Shitpost

by DaybreakerAnon

/Marital Problems/ Short Stories

by DaybreakerAnon

Anon Vs. the 'Mane-iac'

by DaybreakerAnon

Homeless Glim-Glam Shitpost

by DaybreakerAnon