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Deus Vult [little sis Shimmer x Anon]

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 16:54:20
Updated: 2021-11-05 06:25:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Archives:
  2. ----------------------------
  4. >"What do you think, brother? Does it look good?"
  5. >Everything on the table looks edible as far as you can tell.
  6. "Yeah, sure."
  7. >Your sister clears her throat, sitting over the dinner table.
  8. >Picking up the fork, you notice her glaring at you, clearing her throat.
  9. >"I'll say grace."
  10. >Awkwardly putting the fork back, you clasp your hands, waiting for her to start.
  11. >"Lord, thou who art in heaven, please bless our parents on the road, my friends from school..."
  12. >She continues listing off a bunch of names for 'the lord' to bless, eyes closed.
  13. >Your little sister has had some weird phases before, but this one really takes the cake.
  14. >It started a couple of weeks ago with her insisting on calling you 'brother', apparently to be formal.
  15. >Then she ditched her t-shirts and started wearing sweaters inside.
  16. >That must be uncomfortably warm, but when asked, she just mumbled something about modesty.
  17. >None of this made any sense until she started openly reciting bible verses and prayers in your face.
  18. >The only welcome thing about this development is that she now cooks for you sometimes, for whatever reason.
  19. >"...and bless the lettuce and the hands that pulled them from the ground. Ah-men."
  20. "Ay-men."
  21. >She clears her throat again, eyes drilling holes through your head.
  22. "Uhh... ah-men."
  23. >"Thank you."
  24. >Apparently that's the historical pronunciation, or something.
  25. >You chomp through the food, quietly impressed by her skill.
  26. >As genuine as she seems, the length of this phase is starting to worry you.
  27. >She doesn't hang out with her friends much anymore, instead engrossed in back-to-back bible readings.
  28. >"So, brother, how about it? Will you go with me tomorrow..?"
  29. "I'm not going to church, Shim."
  30. >She looks at you as if you're a lost puppy.
  31. >"Is that video game really more important than your soul..?"
  32. "Well, it's a really good game."
  33. >You ignore her look of disapproval, chomping on some more food.
  34. "I actually think you'd like it, it's about reclaiming the holy land."
  36. >"Thanks, brother, you're the best!"
  37. >She gives you a quick Christian side-hug before running up the stairs and into her room.
  38. >Who'd have thought she'd be so excited about a copy of Crusader Kings 2 as an early birthday present?
  39. >You follow her into the room, figuring she's going to need some help.
  40. "Alright, how's it going?"
  41. >"This is... complicated."
  42. "I'll give you a hint, start as an Irish duke."
  43. >You spend the next couple of hours going over the basics with her, which she absorbs with ease.
  44. >You quite enjoy the mentor role. What better feeling is there than being useful to someone who looks up to you?
  45. >Looking at the screen, you notice her heir and his twin sister just came of age.
  46. >Taking over the mouse and checking their profiles, you notice they're both geniuses.
  47. "Whoa, lucky you. Check the marriage menu for others with a genius trait."
  48. >She filters the list, showing no results.
  49. >"It's empty... does that mean I can't have- I mean, my duke can't have genius babies?"
  50. >She actually looks sad.
  51. "Well... there is one thing you can do..."
  52. >Her face lightens up.
  53. >"Yes?"
  54. "I mean... you can just marry your twins..."
  55. >"Yeah, but to whom? The list was empty."
  56. "To each other."
  57. >A moment of silence passes, both of you looking away as you notice each other's blush.
  58. >"Isn't that... bad..?"
  59. "One time should be fine, just don't do it too often."
  60. >"No, I mean... is that allowed, in the church?"
  61. >Figures that's the angle she's worried about.
  62. "Yeah, I guess. Royalty did this all the time in Europe."
  63. >She doesn't look convinced.
  64. "I'm pretty sure the Old Testament borderline endorses this kind of thing, too. You'd know better than me."
  65. >A bulb seems to light above her head.
  66. >"Woah, you're... right. It kinda does..."
  68. >The next morning, the Sun wakes you up.
  69. >Performing your usual waking-up routine, you notice your sister's Steam profile is active.
  70. >Which means she didn't go to church this morning. Success!
  71. >Deciding to check on her, you knock on her door.
  72. "Shim, are you in there? How's it going?"
  73. >The door opens, revealing your sister.
  74. >Her hair is completely ragged, her eyes have bags under them, and she's wearing a t-shirt and no pants.
  75. >"I did it, Anon... I mean broth-ugh, whatever."
  76. >She waves you inside, pointing to the screen, looking triumphant.
  77. >"Look!"
  78. >Well, you'll be god-damned. Not only did she get the Jerusalem title, but she also formed Britannia.
  79. >"Those Muslims didn't know what hit them."
  80. "Did you stay up all night?"
  81. >Seeing her falling down on her bed answers your question.
  82. >Noticing her king's three chins, you check his profile, revealing the most horrific monstrosity you've ever seen produced by this game.
  83. >A weak, inbred imbecile, ugly and clubfooted, and infirm on top of that. An impressive cocktail of negative traits to say the least.
  84. >His parents are siblings. As are his grandparents. And great-grandparents. This entire family tree is just a ladder.
  85. "Shim... how in the f-"
  86. >She wraps her arms around you from behind, dropping her head on your shoulder.
  87. >"Can I ask you something..?"
  88. >Damn it, her face is way too close.
  89. "S-sure..."
  90. >"Will you be my husband?"
  91. >Your hands go limp as you sit back into the chair, giving your little sister a raised eyebrow.
  92. "You need to go to sleep."
  93. >"N-no, I-" A yawn cuts her off. "I don't!"
  94. "Okay, well, I should, uhh... get going..."
  95. >Your words trail off as your sister begins tracing patterns on your chest instead of releasing you from the hug.
  96. >"You know, I think we have some matching traits..."
  97. "What's gotten into you..? Do you have a fever?"
  98. >You reach for her forehead, feeling her warm, smooth skin against your palm.
  99. >"See? I'm fine."
  101. >"So will you do it?"
  102. >She sits back on the bed, fluttering her eyes at you.
  103. >"Please?"
  104. >What monster have you created?
  105. "N-nobody will marry us, Shim."
  106. >"I'll do it."
  107. "You'll... marry us? Does that even work?"
  108. >"Anything is possible when God wills it, Anon."
  109. "How do you even know that?"
  110. >She pats the bed beside her, summoning you by her side.
  111. >She jumps on you and sits on your lap, arms around your shoulders.
  112. >"I'm sure of it. The Lord sent me the signs using this game, and it's telling me that you are the one."
  113. >That's some quality Christian logic right there.
  114. >You're done arguing. You know she's too stubborn to have her mind changed, and you've been dreading the day she gets a boyfriend anyways.
  115. "Fine... if you insist."
  116. >That's a one-way ticket to hell guaranteed, but the overjoyed look on her face makes it all worth it.
  117. >"A-alright!" She springs onto her feet, dragging you with her.
  118. >She hands you a piece of paper, looking excited.
  119. >"Recite this."
  120. >Looking at the words written, an entire leg's worth of blood rushes into your face.
  121. >You're supposed to say *this* to your sister..?
  122. >Looking up at her, she's waiting for you to start.
  123. "Uhh... I, Anonymous take you... Sunset Shimmer, t-to be my... w-wife..."
  124. >You gulp, hand covering your face in shame. It only gets worse from here, but it's too late to back out.
  125. "I p-promise to be true to you in good times and in bad..."
  126. >Looking up, she's drawing circles on the floor with her foot.
  127. " s-sickness and in health..."
  128. >Your eyes meet, the awkward contact breaking immediately as your eyes go back to the paper.
  129. "I will... loveyouandhonouryouallthedaysofmylife, DONE."
  130. >You hear a giggle as you catch your breath, the vow finally done with.
  131. >"Alright, my turn."
  132. >She takes a deep breath and recites the entire pledge in a single exhalation, not skipping or mincing a single word.
  133. >Ignoring your speechlessness, her eyes close and her hands move behind her back, puffing out her chest.
  134. >"You may kiss the bride..."
  136. >How the hell did it come to this?
  137. >You just wanted a sister you could play video games with, instead of that absurdly devout nun.
  138. >On her toes and arching up her chin, your sister is standing as tall as she possibly can.
  139. >It seems to have worked, but this... this was beyond your expectations.
  140. >Sure, she's cute, but this is your little sister, not some cheap skank off the streets.
  141. >This is the adorable fire-headed little girl who always insisted that the only place she could hide from thunderstorms was in your arms.
  142. >Or she was, at least.
  143. "Is this really necessary..?"
  144. >"This is part of the ceremony, Anon. You're a man, aren't you?"
  145. >Her eyes still closed, she looks like she's losing her balance.
  146. >Not amused by the implication, you grab her be the shoulders somewhat roughly, eliciting a surprised jolt.
  147. "F-fine."
  148. >This is totally normal in France, right? What's the difference between a kiss on the cheeks and the lips, really?
  149. "I can't do this with your mouth closed, you know."
  150. >"Heh, right..."
  151. >Her mouth hanging open, you throw caution to the wind and ram your tongue into her orifice.
  152. >Closing your own eyes as you probe around, your image of your surroundings changes.
  153. >Suddenly you see a big, decorated podium, and a beautiful young woman in a frilly, white dress in front of you.
  154. >Your heart falters, shocked by the vividness of the fantasy.
  155. >Is this divine intervention? Is 'God' showing you the way?
  156. >Breaking the kiss, you submit to a sudden urge to wrap your arms around her back.
  157. >"A-anon?"
  158. "What?"
  159. >"There's... one more thing."
  160. >Dragging her panties down to her knees, she backs up against the wall behind her, dragging you along.
  161. >"Consummation. Now."
  162. "What? Is that even still a thing?"
  163. >"Yeah, the pope can nullify our marriage if we don't."
  164. >Putting aside her blatantly absurd concern, you drop your pants on the floor and kick them away.
  165. "Okay... stay still."
  166. >Moving your hands up under her shirt, you hold her against the wall by her sides.
  168. >"Pfft... that tickles."
  169. >Getting your aim right, you figure you should give her some kind of warning before doing the deed.
  170. >You're not some kind of savage, after all.
  171. "D-DEUS VULT!"
  172. >Jamming your erection into her holy land, the first crusade against your sister's virginity is a resounding success.
  173. >You make out a mumbled plea to continue, following her initial yelp and the sound of her head banging the wall behind her.
  174. >Pulling almost all the way out, you commence the second crusade and then the third in quick succession.
  175. >"Ahh... m-more-"
  176. >Every sound from her lips eggs you on further, chipping away at your self-control.
  177. >Your restraints now completely gone, you move a hand further up her shirt and find your fingertips in unobstructed contact with a perked nipple.
  178. >Your arousal peaking, you thrust another two centuries' worth of papal war declarations inside your sister in a matter of seconds.
  179. >"Y-yes... unf~"
  180. >Seeing her tongue peeking at the outside world, you enter her mouth in for a second taste, all the while continuing your holiest of duties.
  181. >Soon feeling your sister starting to slide down the wall, your arms wrap around her to keep her upright.
  182. >"Ahh... alm-ahhh... almost..."
  183. >Unleashing your final series of thrusts, you suppress a groan as your mission ends with three spurts of your goo, the final one landing outside as you pull out.
  184. >Your sister, meanwhile, makes no attempt to muffle her satisfaction, loudly moaning your name while failing to stand under her own weight.
  185. >Also debilitated by the wave of euphoria, you simply fall down on the floor with her.
  186. >Breathing heavily with your sister in your arms, you notice her resting a little too peacefully.
  187. >You almost forgot she didn't get any sleep tonight.
  188. >Standing up, you pick her up and lay her down on the bed, careful not to rouse her.
  189. >Signing the cross on your chest for the first time in years, you exit the room, a true believer once more.
  191. ----------------------------
  192. fin

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

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Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

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Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

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Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

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