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A Heart as Big as a Mountain (Part of Ever the Sun Rises Adventure)

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-01-07 03:28:23
Updated: 2022-01-16 04:35:09
Expiry: Never

  1. A Heart as Big as a Mountain
  3. Two winter-wear clad figures fought through the blizzard. White as far as the eye could see, besides the occasional tree and a dark narrow ribbon of a footpath guided them. The single path protecting them from the savage winds, with banks and hills protecting them from the worst of the winds.
  4. One said, in a scratchy, grumpy tone, “stupid cutie map.”
  5. “Aw, it isn’t *that* bad, Dashie,” said the other, in a high, enthusiastic squeal. “I always thought you loved snow!”
  6. “Pinkie, we’re up in the ass end of nowhere, freezing my wings off because the blizzard’s too harsh to fly through. Whoever’s out here, they don’t need a friendship problem solved, they need to make a better town! And sure, snow’s great when you know you can go in somewhere cosy whenever you want, and it doesn’t force your pet tortoise to hibernate every dang time.”
  7. “Dashie is a grumpy-grump! She’s got snow up her rumpy-rump!”
  8. ”Have not.”
  9. ”Have too!”
  10. “Have not!”
  11. “Have too!”
  12. Dash wasn’t in the mood to carry on until Pinkie reversed the statements. Instead, she flapped her blue wings, wrapped them around herself and shivered.
  13. Pinkie, meanwhile, continued to bounce along to her own rhythm.
  14. “Oh, thank Celestia, a road-sign!” Dash burst into a brief sprint and ran up to the rickety thing, and floated high enough to brush the icicles and packed snow off the two signs.
  15. Crystal Empire: twenty miles back, Fetlock Peak village: one mile ahead
  16. “Pinkie, we’re almost there.”
  17. “Does this mean we won’t get to try my piping hot cake soup? I was *so* looking forward to trying it!”
  18. “Yeah, no, you knock yourself out, I’mma hold out for the last mile. A good, hot bowl of oatmeal with honey. Ooh, maybe coffee. Heck, I’d go for tea right now.”
  19. “Your loss!” Pinkie took out a thermal flask, poured out a steaming, chunky, multicoloured mush into the cup and knocked it back. “Mmm, red velvet and sprinkle bisque!”
  20. The pair pressed on, and the blizzard mercifully subsided to a slow tumble of snowflakes, which allowed them to pick up the pace.
  21. They spotted the village, a cosy arrangement of glowing lights and snow-blanketed walls, sitting at the foot of Fetlock mountain itself, a massive, looming and imposing landmark against the grey skies. The blizzard seemed to swirl above it like an angry eye.
  22. There wasn’t much reason for the place ever since the Crystal Empire returned. It was once the only civilisation this far north, and a safe haven for anyone travelling to or from Yakyakistan in centuries past. According to Twilight, the people here were stubborn and determined to keep the place alive, and chafed against interference from the empire.
  23. Dash pulled her hood off and feathered her rainbow hair, then removed her goggles and squinted at the village with magenta eyes. “Is it too much to ask that we’re here to tell them to move to the empire and we can just go back home? This place looks ‘hay bales for beds’ levels of rustic. Call me pampered, but there’s only one reason I’d make a bed outta hay”
  24. Pinkie’s thick, curly hair spilled out of her hood as she did the same, removing her tinted goggles and fluttering her vibrant blue eyes. She giggled. “Oh, I get why you’re so grumpy now! You miss Applejack, don’t you?”
  25. Dash turned beet red. “N- no, don’t be stupid. I’m off working with the Wonderbolts all the time while she’s working the farm. It’s not like we’re not joined at the hip or something.”
  26. “Most of the time,” Pinkie said with a wink. “Besides, your getting-together-versary isn’t until next week. We’ll be back in time for it, or my name isn’t Pinkamena Diane ‘maybe Apple’ Pie! Let’s go solve a friendship problem!” They hooded back up and approached the town.
  27. A few villagers were out and about, dressed much like the approaching pair, but it was late afternoon and the light was already starting to wane. The villagers watched the pair with suspicious stares, except one small air-blooded girl, who smiled and approached.
  28. Only for one of the other villagers to get between them and shake his head. “You know the rules, Misty.”
  29. Misty stepped up to the man, who towered over her, but she puffed out her chest and snapped, “I’m not a little girl any more, I can look after myself. Besides, they look friendly.”
  30. “Your funeral. I’ll tell your father about this.”
  31. Pinkie leaned over to her friend and said, “I take it back, Dashie, *he’s* the grumpy-grump.”
  32. Misty smiled and walked up to the pair. She only stood as tall as Dash’s bust, and she was the shorter than Pinkie. Misty pulled her hood down and exposed a short silvery grey and lavender striped bob cut. She held her hand out to shake.
  33. “Hey, welcome to Fetlock, where the weather and people are just as frigid as each other. Don’t mind’em, though, they’re just… living every day just the same as they have for the last few centuries, angry at everyone. Gotta love traditions, right?”
  34. Dash shook her hand. “It wouldn’t be the first time we got got the cold shoulder in a new place,” Dash paused as Pinkie giggled at the unintentional pun. “So, what, you’re not allowed to talk to outsiders or something?”
  35. Misty blew a raspberry. “The position of mayor’s up for grabs and Fetlock’s always had a ‘no interference’ rule, and we’re supposed to kick all outsiders out of the village until it’s over. The only problem is, there’s a stalemate that isn’t going to clear up any time soon 'cause Unc- uh, the mayor's missing, so we’re stuck in limbo until people get their heads out of their own butts or the current mayor reappears.”
  36. “So why *are* you talking to us?” Dash asked.
  37. “Yeah, don’t get me wrong,” Pinkie added, “we’re super happy to see a happier face in grumpsville, but won’t you get in trouble?”
  38. Misty shrugged, and looked both of the friends over. “Let'em complain. I just had a good feeling about you two, and I'm sick of all the judging and crap and just wanted to, y'know... talk?
  39. You look self-assured and cocky, but like you can back up what you say, which is cool, because everyone around here's just grinding away at life and there's no colour any more,” she said and nodded to Dash, then looked at Pinkie, “and you seem like you’ve got your heart on your sleeve and try and make everyone a little happier, which Celestia knows, we need some of that. Mostly, I just wanted to warn you that, If I were you two, I’d head back to the Crystal Empire. There’s no reason to be here anymore. All the same, you can stay at the inn so long as you don’t step on anyone’s toes, since it’s getting late. I’m gonna get a quick flight in before it gets too dark. Seeya.”
  40. Misty took flight on pale pink wings and headed towards the mountain.
  41. Pinkie said, “I guess the friendship problem’s gotta be stopping the stalemate, huh? Sounds boring.”
  42. Dash shrugged, “sounds like it. We’ve gotta snoop around and work out who’s who and what’s what. Why’re we the ones picked for this? It’s more of a Twilight problem.”
  43. With no answers forthcoming, the pair wandered the village and found the inn.
  44. Inside, the room was almost exactly split in two. The carpet was worn on either side, where the two groups were sitting, but an almost untouched strip ran all the way to the middle of the service counter, where a withered old noble blood woman sat and read a book.
  45. The two sides of the room, mostly airbloods, glared at each other as they ate their meals and whispered amongst themselves.
  46. Dash approached the owner, paid for a couple of rooms and got meals, the hot oatmeal Dash had been so craving, and looked at where to sit. All the tables had occupants, but there were plenty of empty seats.
  47. Dash and Pinkie went to one side when an angry voice shouted, “oh, throwing your lot in with the Flintquills, huh? How much they paying you!?”
  48. The pair looked at each other, then moved to the other side.
  49. The same voice said, “bah, the Shears don’t want ya either! Get outta here, ya outsider scum!”
  50. “We’ve gotta sit somewhere!” Dash snapped.
  51. Pinkie pouted. “Do you think they’ll be into my ‘you’ve gotta share’ song? I haven’t seen this many meanie-pantses in one place for a while.”
  52. Dash grumbled, grabbed a spare seat from each side of the room. put them in the middle, and sat down.
  53. “We’ve gotta find out what this is about,” Dash whispered, “this is starting to look like that Hooffields and McColts thing all over again that Twi and Shy dealt with.”
  54. Pinkie dug into her bland oatmeal, and after wincing at the flavour, poured some of her cake soup into the bowl. “I’m not seeing any cute critters to help us out though. Where do we begin?”
  55. “If you listen out around here, ask a few locals what’s going on, I might see if I can find that Misty girl up the mountain. She seemed friendly enough, maybe she can tell us more?”
  56. They ate quietly, then Dash headed out.
  58. ***
  60. Pinkie snooped about, looking at each of the inhabitants of the village as they returned her stare with suspicion. Nobody returned her greetings, let alone any questions. Then she found a big, important looking building with a sign out front that read, ‘Fetlock Mayor’ and approached.
  61. “Where do you think you’re going, stranger?” Said a squinty eyed, grey haired airblood man.
  62. Pinkie grinned and said, “to here!” And pointed about two feet in front of her, which she reached and stopped.
  63. “Just… there? Why?”
  64. “Well, you asked where I thought I was going, and I wasn’t sure, but I was super sure I could reach this spot right here! Why’d you ask? Am I not allowed to be here?”
  65. “Uh,” the man scratched his head, “I guess that’s fine? Just leave the mayoral building alone! No outsider interference!”
  66. “What about outerference?”
  67. “What’s… outerference?”
  68. “It’s like interference, but from outsiders.”
  69. “Then… I guess that’s not allowed either?”
  70. “But you said it’s fine if I’m here. I can’t interfere if I’m outside, but I’m primed and ready to outerfere! I’d be an outsider, fereing up a storm!” She grabbed the man by the collar, shook him and screamed, “think of the scandal!”
  71. The man said, “oh no, you’re right! What should we do?”
  72. “There’s only one solution!” Pinkie bounced up to the door, “if I go inside, I won’t be in any danger of outerfereing, right?”
  73. “Right! Good idea! I…” the man looked deeply confused, “I think I need to go lie down.”
  74. Pinkie waved him on his way, and crept inside the building.
  76. ***
  78. Rainbow Dash circled around the base of the mountain, checking the area and looking out for Misty. The peak was bereft of snow, but the sides were completely vertical, so the whole charcoal black coloured mountain was more like a peg of stone than a normal mountain. The area just around the summit was an angry nest of thin spires, narrow passages and crags.
  79. She eventually saw the girl high up, hovering. She suddenly folded her wings and dived straight at the base of Fetlock peak, took wing and the winds launched her skyward. Misty tried to correct as she reached the peak, but the savage updraft soon jettisoned her back away from the peak in an uncontrolled spin.
  80. Dash soared after her and caught Misty, then slowly let her take wing under hew own power again.
  81. Misty punched the air in frustration. “Dang it! Ugh…” she turned to Dash. “You didn’t need to do that, Celestia knows I’ve done that a thousand times before. I appreciate it, though, thanks.”
  82. Dash grinned and gave a thumbs up. “No problem, kid. Misty, right? You okay? What’re you trying to do up there?”
  83. The younger girl sighed. “Trying to reach the peak, but I’m surprised you’re still here. Usually most people get the usual welcome and that’s all they can take.”
  84. “Pfft. It takes more than a couple of jerks to get rid of me!”
  85. “Who are you, anyway?”
  86. “The name’s Rainbow Dash! I’m a Won-“
  87. Misty gasped loudly, fluttered and kicked in the air with excitement. “Rainbow Dash!? You’re a Wonderbolt! Oh my gosh! You guys are my heroes! I tried to join over and over but…” She deflated, slumped and rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m just not a very strong flier. I could never hit the wing power minimum for admission to the academy.”
  88. Dash put a hand in Misty’s shoulder. “Yet you’re out here, busting your chops trying to get through what look like extreme updrafts? It’s not for the lack of trying. You’ve got heart, Misty, but not everyone’s gonna be a powerhouse flier, like my friend, Fluttershy!”
  89. “Yet nobody’s trying to reach the peak but me, because the crosswinds over the peak are even stronger. You have to ride the updrafts, then dip into the maze of spires.”
  90. “Not to toot my own horn, but I could probably get up there.”
  91. “And no offence, Rainbow Dash, but you’re a little big.”
  92. Dash crossed her arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
  93. Misty threw up her arms in submission. “No, no! Not like that, I can just tell you’re jacked, even beneath that thick coat. You’re taller than I thought you were too.” She turned and pointed up to the peak. “Those passages up there are inches wide, and that’s what’s turned away even the strongest fliers in the village. Look, follow me and I’ll show you where I train; a few years ago, a few segments of the peak fell off and I’ve put them back together. If you can pass my obstacle course, then by all means, you can try the Fetlock peak challenge yourself.”
  94. “Lead the way” Dash said, and they headed away from the mountain. “What’s so important about getting up there, anyway?”
  95. “My uncle is stuck up there. He should be alright, he'd never go up there unprepared to be stuck for a while since the winds are unpredictable, so I’m not worried… yet. Also, it’s tradition,” she said, cleared her throat and recited, “'all future leaders yet brave the peak must exemplify the best of the pegasi; a flier with strength, agility, but also a heart as big as the mountain.'”
  96. Dash shrugged “Sounds like a decent challenge.”
  97. Misty laughed, dryly. “It's supposed to weed out idiots. Nobody but the truly exceptional and experienced can get up there alone without breaking several bones, like my uncle. He was a Wonderbolt from way back. But anyway, I’ll cut to the punchline; that nonsense about the 'best of the pegasi?' I’ve long since worked out it’s not supposed to be just one pegasi who achieves it, but a team effort, but the Flintquills are generally the strongest fliers, and us Shears are the nimblest. My dad succeeded a little while ago, but something hasn’t been right when… eh, never mind, I’m rambling. And, I’m not bragging, but I’m the most agile flier I know, bar none, so it’s gotta be me.”
  98. “I dig the confidence, but I fancy my chances,” Dash said and grinned. “And you’re right, a coordinated team could probably counteract the winds long enough to let one lighter flier through.”
  99. “Exactly, so until everyone stops being jerks, I’ve got no choice but to try and go it alone. Wicked respect to you, Rainbow Dash, and I know you can run rings around me in a race, but what I lack in speed, I’ve done my darnedest to make sure I have no wasted drag and refined the aerodynamic technique in my flight method little by little, every single day. If I had your strength, I’d be a Wonderbolt too. I certainly wouldn’t stay here in this horrible town.”
  100. “Why don’t you move away?”
  101. Misty pouts. “Family, mostly, between my dad and uncle Sirrus. I guess I keep hoping they’ll all learn their lesson, and we’ll go back to being a normal little village.”
  102. The pair flew on as Dash glanced at the village, and she hoped Pinkie had learned something that could be used to bring the place together.
  104. ***
  107. The building hadn’t been used in a while, but Pinkie found something that caught her eye immediately. Even before she could pull out her deerstalker hat and bubble pipe, although she was sadly lacking someone to put her derby hat on as a sidekick.
  108. There had been a party at some point , but the dust and mouldy food upset Pinkie; such a waste, and such a monument to a broken village, bereft of laughter and togetherness. The cake didn’t even have a single slice cut out of it. The banners and streamers were celebrating a birthday of one of the Flintquills. Several well-wishing cards saying about how they were looking forward to the then-mayor’s passing over of mayorship to one Vector Shear.
  109. Another card, lovingly written to “Uncle Sirrus” from one Misty Shear, seemed odd. It was thicker than the others, despite the same design. She knew her way around birthday cards like Twilight knew her books or Fluttershy knew her critters.
  110. “Hmm… I wonder…” Pinkie fiddled with the card, only to discover it was concealing a letter between the ply.
  111. She read it out loud;
  112. “Dear Uncle Sirrus, I hope you have a fantastic birthday, but I have to tarnish it to tell you something important. Please don’t hand control of the town to my father. In recent weeks he’s become severe and distrusting, even with his own family, and I worry that if you give him the office of mayor, he will turn this malice towards Fetlock. He’s grown increasingly unwell ever since he returned from his expedition to the peak, and he refused to tell us what he found up there, and while I wish I could investigate, the winds are just too strong for me. I fear you might be the only flier in the town who could make it besides my father, but it’s too risky right now. I remember reading in the village charter that you can postpone the usual passing of village mayorship until a vote can be held, like before our family’s were so close. It should give us time until we can find a better solution. I love you, uncle, and stay safe, Mistral.”
  113. Pinkie tucked the letter into her coat, and tapped her chin (while also pulling out and donning her deerstalker).
  114. She checked upstairs, poking around the mayors bedroom, finding pictures of a few people she recognised from the village, a few of Misty herself. She suddenly felt her ear flinch, her left leg tap by itself and her hair to frizz up.
  115. “A secret letter? Ooh! The plot’s thickening like a rich, vanilla custard!” She then looked around and said, “who am I even talking to?”
  116. Pinkie checked around some more and noticed one particular picture, of the mountain, that seemed out of place, which clearly belonged on the other side of the room with a bunch of landmarks. Checking behind and around it, a small strip of paper fell loose. It read;
  117. ‘Misty, by the time you find this, I’ll gone to the mountain while the winds were low to protect the peak. Don’t come. Contact the Crystal empire, your father’s found something he shouldn’t have. Something belonging to an old foe of Equestria. Tell nobody else.”
  118. “Ahem.”
  119. She turned, and saw several angry men. Pinkie nervously smiled. “Uh… hi?”
  120. “You’re coming with us,” the biggest one growled.
  121. “Okie dokie lokie!”
  122. “Really? I was expecting a fight.”
  123. “Nah, fights aren’t fun. I prefer these!” Pinkie opened her jacket and a swarm of balloons flew free from her jacket and the man was bumped back. She quickly tied the two letters to one of the strings, ran to the window, and shoved it outside as the attacker grabbed her from behind and put a bag over her head.
  125. ***
  127. “You call this a training ground? It’s a big pile of jagged rocks!”
  128. “Oh, *now* you’re worried?” Misty giggled, then dived into the ravine. She squeezed between the pointed spires, weaving and winding through what looked like an impossible gap, zig-zagging the entire run before flying out the other side with a huge grin. “Give it a try!”
  129. Dash bit her lip, took a deep breath and took a dive. She squeezed through the small opening Misty had used, and almost immediately had her hips crash into two spires and break, but her momentum carried her through several more before coming to a stop.
  130. Dash raised a hand, and despite her defeated expression and tone, said “I’m okay!”
  131. “Like I said, I don’t doubt you’re a better flier than me in almost any type of race or event, but before they turned into jerks, folks around here once said I could fly through the eye of a needle.”
  132. Dash pulled herself out and flew up to Misty, who stretched and did some exercises. “I know I can get through, I just need more practice, that’s all.”
  133. “It’s not just raw agility, I’ve got another trick up my sleeve, too!” Misty stretched her arms, then brought them around herself, locking them together. She then raised a leg in a standing split, lowered herself on the other, and finally used all her limbs to encircle herself until she looked like a living ball. She mumbled, through her limbs, “I’m double jointed!”
  134. Dash’s jaw was already slack, but the way Misty unravelled herself made her almost queasy, until she then turned herself into a wheel by bringing her legs up and over her head.
  135. “So yeah, all those narrow passes and gaps are no problem. I just lack the strength to get in there.”
  136. “Then the answer’s easy! We team up, I fly us up there,” Dash said, then pointed at the spire maze in the crevice, “and you navigate the spires. I should be able to-“
  137. “Dash? What’s up?”
  138. Rainbow Dash flew down to her crash zone in the maze, and looked inside one of the broken rocks. Black crystals.
  139. “Uh… you said these things came from the peak?”
  140. “Sure, why?”
  141. Dash frowned. “I think we’ve got bigger problems. You ever hear of a guy called King Sombra?”
  143. ***
  145. “We found this one creeping around the mayors house, Vector,” said one voice, and the bag was pulled from Pinkie's head.
  146. She was now in front of a few grim faced villagers, including a sunken eyed man with silvery hair and a greyish purple stripe, who Pinkie guessed was Vector Shear. He grinned at her and coughed weakly.
  147. Pinkie shrugged. “I wasn’t creeping. I was stopping myself from outerfereing!”
  148. “Oh, not this again!” Said the man from before.
  149. Vector sneered at her. “Why’re you here? What’s your game, stranger?”
  150. “Eee, I love games! Like pin the tail on the donkey! And hide and seek! And tag! And piñatas! And-“
  151. “Shut up!” Vector coughed and walked up to Pinkie, giving her a close look. “Wait, I know you. You’re that Pinkie Pie girl who’s involved with the Crystal empire. One of the heroes tied to that Princess Twilight Sparkle girl.“ His face twisted into a grin. “I’ve got a few questions for you.”
  152. “I love twenty questions, too! Let’s play! Me first; are you an animal, mineral or vegetable?”
  153. “Mineral,” Vector chuckled, coughed and pulled out a roped shard of black crystal, which pulsed with a green light.
  154. Vector’s goons pushed Pinkie onto a chair, and the man himself approached and slipped the crystal around his neck. “My turn… how does the Crystal empire’s protection work?…”
  155. Pinkie tried to stay silent, but she couldn’t take her eyes of his crystal. She felt her eyes droop and she flatly answered, “it’s protected by the crystal heart…”
  157. ***
  159. “That’s heavy…” Misty said and handed Dash a flask of coffee. “There are carvings and stuff up on the peak, but we never knew who they were for.”
  160. Dash took a long drink and sighed with relief. s the hot drink fought off the chill. “He’s been defeated, don’t get me wrong, but there’s still a bunch of stuff around that he’s placed around Equestria to try and help him return. Seriously, Twilight should be here sorting out this mess if he’s involved.”
  161. “… so this Sombra guy, I don’t suppose he’s known to turn people evil, or anything?”
  162. “I’unno,” Dash shrugged. “Probably. I’m no expert.”
  163. “I’m worried. My father… he changed when he climbed the peak recently, after an especially big storm. Usually the lightning knocks down some of the spires, hence my training ground, but what if it also uncovered something up there? And your friend, Pinkie? I’m worried about her, too.”
  164. Dash looked towards the village, and saw a conspicuous balloon flying overhead. “You’re not kidding!”
  165. She launched skyward and snagged the balloon, the returned to Misty and they both read the letters.
  166. Misty paced from foot to foot and smacked herself on the forehead. “I didn't think he'd write me a message back! I'm such an idiot! Damn it, we need to get back and check on Pinkie!”
  167. They flew as fast as they could back to the village, but it was fully dark by the time they got there. The haze and low lamplight somehow gave the place a far more sinister tone.
  168. Misty looked at one side of the village, and cocked an eyebrow. “That can't be good either. Usually my family’re watching out watching the place like hawks, but there’s barely any of them around.”
  169. “Definitely. But where do you think they'll take Pinkie?”
  170. Misty gasped as a green flash lit up one of the houses, in an upstairs window. Followed by a distinctly high scream. Misty winced and said, “c’mon!”
  171. “Right behind ya!”
  172. They ran up to the house and tried to enter, but the door, a massive, heavy thing, was locked.
  173. “Dad! Open the door!” Misty shouted, but there was no answer.
  174. Dash said, “I could probably break this, but it’ll take a while. There another way in?”
  175. “Knowing him, Dad has this place locked down tight! He’s been reinforcing the place since he started acting weird There’s no way besides the door… unless...”
  176. Dash watched Misty pull open a small window in the door, or maybe a large peep-hole. It was a maybe the and a half inches wide, but to deep to reach through. She then ran back, flew up and exhaled deeply.
  177. “I know you’re slinky, kid, but there’s no way- wait!”
  178. Misty dived in, took wing to fly at the hole, and then spiralled, arms forward.
  179. Dash’s jaw almost hit the door as, with a rip, shreds of coat, and a puff of pink feathers, Misty somehow squeezed through the tiny hole with an almighty thud in the other side.
  180. Seconds later, with the sound of bolts and locks being undone, a scratched, bruised and tattered Misty opened the door. “Ta-da!”
  181. “You’re something else, kid!”
  182. They ran inside, only for a few of the villagers to intercept.
  183. Misty put up her fists. “You ain’t stopping me! I’m through letting my dad ruin this town and keep hurting people!”
  184. One of the thugs bared his teeth. “Girl, you may be the bosses daughter, but he ain’t got a problem with us roughing you up.”
  185. Dash smirked, cricked her neck and cracked her knuckles, “I wanna see you try!” She zipped in quicker than anyone could blink, driving a fist into his face and sending him flying backwards. She then took wing and kicked two more goons in the face.
  186. Misty rushed the fourth man, only to get thrown against the wall. She darted into a side room, slammed the door in his reaching arm, but he grabbed her and cracked her head against the frame.
  187. Dash grabbed Misty’s attacker by the scruff of his neck and hurled him against the opposite wall, then helped the girl up. “You good?”
  188. “Yeah! Sorry…” Misty rubbed her new bruise. “I’ve never been much in a fight. Sweet Celestia, you’re strong!”
  189. Dash flexed, her biceps bulging and straining her coat. “I was awesome anyway, but I’ve been blessed by Fluttershy… uh, Princess Lustre. But never mind, it’s a long story.”
  190. “I think I could use some of that. Let’s go.”
  191. They rushed up stairs and Dash barged through a door, with green light flowing from the gaps. Inside, Vector, along with a huge henchman and Pinkie, who was unconscious as the old pegasi pressed a black crystal against her forehead. He turned it towards the intruders, and a green wave of power washed over the pair which froze them in place as Pinkie slumped weakly on the floor.
  192. Dash yelled, “let my friend go, asshole!”
  193. Vector looked at Pinkie, who sat up and said, in a creepy monotone, “join us, Rainbow Dash. Give in to the dark…”
  194. “As you can see, I left an impression on your friend.” Vector admired the crystal.
  195. Misty looked horrified. “Dad, what in the winds are you doing!? What is that thing!?”
  196. “The unbreakable heart of King Sombra! The empire must fall for the sake of the village, and now I know how! We have to destroy the crystal heart! And with the power stored in Fetlock peak, the heart of Sombra shall replace it! He will be restored!!”
  197. Misty shook her head. “I didn’t want to believe it, but we were right. Uncle Sirrus said you were obsessed with the ruins ages ago. And I knew you’d found something.”
  198. Vector smirked at the crystal in his hand and coughed a black liquid into his sleeve. “I've almost everything I need. But that damned Sirrus fled to the peak and is no doubt trying to find the staff that goes with this fragment of Sombra’s heart. Then I can control everyone in the village and mount an attack on the empire, and before they realise what’s going on, shatter the crystal heart! In fact, with two of the Elements of Harmony under my control, I have the perfect way to get close without arousing suspicion! Now, bow to me!”
  199. Vector approached and the energy grew stronger, which caused Dash to clutch her head and fall to her knees, but he then stumbled and began coughing violently.
  200. Misty also fell against the wall. She let her arms droop and suddenly droned, “father, you’re unwell… allow me to help you.”
  201. “Misty, no!” Dash pleaded as she struggled to fight back, only for the henchman to grab her and pin her head to the ground.
  202. Vector held himself up against a table, and looked between Misty and the crystal. He nodded and cackled. “About time you listened to me, girl. You always were spirited. Like your mother.”
  203. Misty stumbled over and stood behind Vector, then opened the window. With the boards in place, it only opened a little.
  204. Vector glanced at her. “What are you doing, Misty?”
  205. “You need air, father,” Misty said slowly. “You’re unwell.”
  206. Vector sneered and growled, “shut the window, the cold makes it worse.”
  207. Misty just stood still, her face blank.
  208. “Damn you, girl!” Vector snarled and staggered over to the window to close it.
  209. Only for Misty to dive outside, snagging the crystal as she did and once more squeezing through what looked like an impossible gap.
  210. Vector screeched and coughed violently as he tried to follow, but even as thin and wiry as he was, he couldn’t.
  211. As the crystal’s influence suddenly lessened, along with the distraxtion, Dash kicked out the goon’s footing, hopped up and head butted the man, and slung a boot into his ribs for good measure. She then and loomed over the withered, sickly man. He stumbled and fell into a chair, and held his head.
  212. Pinkie groaned and also rubbed her brow. “What happened?”
  213. Dash helped her up. “Things got real complicated, real fast. And we need your help; we’ve gotta bring this town together and explain what’s goin’ down. You think maybe a party’ll do the trick?”
  214. Pinkie grinned despite still looking worse for wear. “Now we’re talkin’.”
  215. “I’m gonna go find Misty and make sure she’s alright,” Dash said, then looked at Vector again. “As for you, you’re gonna tell the village everything, alongside her, and then…“ She paused and took a closer look him as he slumped and gasped for breath, and said, “he doesn’t look so good.”
  217. ***
  219. Pinkie managed to put together a party spread with even the basic supplies the village had, and even got the two families talking by the time Dash got Vector to the village doctor.
  220. Dash started to head toward the peak, but noticed Misty sitting alone on the roof of her home, her face hidden as she hugged her knees.
  221. “Hey, Misty! That was some good thinking back there. What did you do to the crystal?”
  222. The slim girl looked at Dash for a second, then hid her face again. “I tried to break it, but nothing I did even chipped it, so I've buried it as far as I dared to. It’s torn this village apart for only a couple of weeks, but it barely feels like home any more.”
  223. Dash sat next to her and lit a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “How about you go join in the fun? Pinkie’s really bringing the village together and you’re a hero for helping me save her, everyone in Fetlock and even me! You don’t just got guts, Misty, you’re certified awesome!”
  224. A tiny smile danced on Misty’s lips, but she sighed and shook her head, turning grim again. “Thanks, but… nah, I don’t feel like it. I don’t even know if my father will ever be the same, or if he’ll recover from this…”
  225. “We can’t know the future,” said a male voice from behind, “but I know it’ll be a bright one when you're in charge of the village, Misty.”
  226. Both girls turned and saw a haggard, but sturdy looking old pegasi man with slate hair with grey eyes. Grim as he looked, his smile was broad and friendly.
  227. “Uncle Sirrus!” Misty didn’t even stand, she flapped her wings, twisted in the air and propelled herself into his arms.
  228. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help sooner, girlie. Those damn winds… windigo spawned, if I had to guess. They’ve only just started to wane now that the village isn’t going at it like a pack of rabid dogs. Not to mention likely drawn by the darkness at the peak. ”
  229. Dash smiled at the reunited pair. “At least it’s over, right? Problem solved?”
  230. Sirrus patted Misty’s head but grumbled. “Not exactly. The peak’s still running heavy with darkness. I can’t even be sure I haven’t been affected yet. Which is why I’ve brought this.” He pulled out a coiled length of blackened wood, which grew from three to six feet as he held it. “Sombra’s staff. I’ve got a plan; I take it by things calming down here, you’ve done away with the crystal?”
  231. Misty nodded and said, “yeah, I buried it out by-“
  232. Sirrus put a finger on her lips. “Don’t tell me. Listen, you take the staff. Take it away from here and give us time. The power up there’s insidious, and if I know where the crystal is, there’s no guarantee I won’t go and take it for myself. And you, you’re Rainbow Dash, right?” He said as he turned to her, “I recognise you from the newer Wonderbolt fliers Misty’s been looking at lately.”
  233. “Sure am, nice to meet another Wonderbolt out here!” Dash said and saluted.
  234. Sirrus chuckled, saluted back and said, “Altius volantis, kiddo! But like leaving those old glory days, I’m supposed to be stepping down as mayor here, even more so now I know I can’t trust myself for long. And as much as I'd love to rely on this bright spark of a girl here, we both know Misty’s not ready for this responsibility and Vector’s compromised… I need you to run a message to the Crystal Empire. Tell’em what happened here, and we’re submitting to their rule in exchange for their help with the dark power up there on Fetlock peak.”
  235. Dash smirked. “Leave it to me, sir! In fact, I might have an idea about something Misty can do.” She turned to the younger girl. “How’d you like to meet Princess Celestia? She’s looking for special people right now, and who better to show you the ropes of leadership than the ruler of Equestria! That is if you want to. It’s no Wonderbolt academy, but with your wits and guts, I know you’ll make waves working for the princesses.”
  236. Misty looked at Sirrus, who smiled and nodded. “I- I’d be honoured! And if it lets me forget about this place for a while, all the better.“
  237. Sirrus held Misty close and gently kissed her on the side of the head. “Keep in touch, Misty. I'll let you know what's going on with your father in the meanwhile, and the second you see anything strange about my letters, you'll know. I trust your judgment.”
  238. “Uncle... of course.” Misty wiped away a tear as Sirrus released her and handed her the staff. “Rainbow Dash?”
  239. “What's up, kid?”
  240. “I'm gonna go get my things. And thanks, for everything.”
  241. Dash nodded as Misty dropped down and entered the house.
  242. “Heart as big as a mountain, that one,” Sirrus said, “if she'd only recognise how strong she really is. She's a great flier, but flying's not just about wings and muscle. It's about courage and wits, and she's got more of those than any two Wonderbolts combined.”
  243. Dash smiled and looked at the revelry in the village. “No kidding. I know Princess Celestia's looking for help, but she's gonna train them in return, so I know Misty'll knock'em flat when she learns her potential. Something's coming, or that's what the princess claims, and she needs people closer to her than Twilight Sparkle or the elements to protect her, almost as much as she protects the people. She ain't saying what's needed yet, but I can feel it; Misty's one of'em, and I bet my friends are finding the other two as we speak.”
  244. The top of Dash's hand glowed, and her cutie mark shone as a sign she had finished her task. She whispered, “give'em hell, kid.”
  246. The End

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT