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Immovable, but Led Astray (Part of 'Ever The Sun Rises' Adventure)

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-01-11 01:59:26
Updated: 2022-01-16 04:35:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Immovable, but Led Astray
  3. Bright, sunny skies. A long, winding road. Two long-time friends of wildly different backgrounds, yet they shared a meaningful glance.
  4. “Y'know, it's been a while since we had a cutie map problem. Ain't complainin' mind,” said the taller of the pair, dressed in simple but sturdy clothes in muted colours. Her ponytail-tied blonde hair fluttered in the breeze, held down by a well worn stetson hat that had a rainbow feather tucked into the band. She was huge, a couple of inches over seven feet tall and muscular, but also curvy and bottom heavy.
  5. Beside her, shorter at six feet, four inches tall and lithe yet toned woman smiled and observed the scenic, flowery plains around them. She wore clothing that, at a glance, seemed overly fancy for travel, but closer inspection would reveal they were well designed for the long walk. They were well fitted but just rugged enough for practicality.
  6. “Certainly so, Applejack. With Princess Lustre settled in with Princess Luna, it's quite a change of pace. Not to mention with our lady's boon, I don't mind trying out my fabulous new stamina and a chance to test my new active-wear range.” She paused, and posed. “Function and fashion in the perfect ensemble!”
  7. “Heck, well, might as well make a date of it, sure. Hey, Rarity, whaddya think's gonna be the problem? A farm in trouble 'cause too many folk wearin' high heels and damagin' the seeds?”
  8. “Ooh, perhaps a poor farmgirl has to charm her way through an impromptu fashion show to woo a prospective lover?”
  9. “That'd be somethin'. Hey, bein' that we're Princess Lustre's personal handmaidens, maybe it's a more... y'know, intimate problem?”
  10. Rarity pursed her lips. “I hadn't thought of that. Well, if that's the case, we're adequately prepared for such an occurrence. A boon from one of us is more than enough for even the most fastidious prude to become eager. Share the love and the pleasure!”
  11. A town appeared over the next hill, a simple place not unlike Ponyville, and as the pair drew near, they could hear music playing and many of the townspeople abuzz about something in the town square.
  12. “Some kinda festival goin' on, d'ya think?”
  13. “Maybe, but I'm not seeing the usual accoutrements for such an affair. No banners or flags or what have you. Do you think perhaps...”
  14. They reached the town square.
  15. Two men, one with a moustache, both with red hair and dapper clothing.
  16. “Really? The Flim Flam brothers? Really? That's why we're here? What hokey horse-apple dressed up in glitter-paper are these two scumbags peddlin' this time?”
  17. “Nothing good, I'm quite sure,” Rarity sighed as they heard cheerful music build in volume as they drew near the middle of town.
  18. An excitable male voice cried out, “come one, come all! For the short and the tall!”
  19. A similar, if deeper voice added, “for the meek or the weak or with no strength at all!”
  20. “Just three bits a pip, so please, don't be a dip!”
  21. “And in time, you'll tell, that you're feeling just swell!”
  22. And both, together, “and behold, Flim and Flam's marvellous, magnificent, malady removing, mind-expanding and mesmerising muscle-mass-magnifying, massively magical miracle pills!”
  23. Applejack and Rarity watched as the red-haired pair paraded about on a stage, complete with a massive wagon nearby, with signs reading much about the same substance as they were singing and peddling.
  24. “Ah, brother of mine,” said the moustachioed Flam, “I'm seeing some nay-sayers in the audience!”
  25. “Quite so, quite so! Then behold! After just a few weeks of our potent pilule, we present Osmiana Zenith!”
  26. Rarity stopped dead in her tracks and gasped. “... Ozzy? No, it couldn't be...”
  27. “Someone ya know, Rarity?”
  28. The fashionista gave Applejack a quick glance and frowned, but continued on without another word.
  29. Flim and Flam stepped aside as a young, towering noble-blood woman took to the stage. Easily over seven feet tall, with a long, flowing deep blue mane. She wore a tight, sparkly and form-fitted outfit that accentuated her rippling muscles and generous curves. She nervously looked at the gathered crowd with big, pretty silver eyes and bit her lip.
  30. “This poor girl was once as small as a doll and weak as one too! But a few weeks on these miracle pills, and look at her now!”
  31. Osmiana stammered, “w- wait, no, that's not quite correct, I-”
  32. Flam cut in and said, “tut tut, you're not paid to talk.” He then addressed the crowd once more. “But looks aren't everything; witness her might!”
  33. Flim wheeled a cannon and aimed at the towering Osmiana.
  34. “What the hay're they doin'? Tryin' to kill the poor girl?”
  35. Flam sparked a match and lit the fuse as the crowd gasped, yet Osmiana just widened her stance and her muscular shoulders tensed as she raised her arms to protect herself. She stared at the business end of the cannon with a determined scowl.
  36. “I've gotta stop this!” Applejack began pushing her way through the crowd, but they were tightly packed and she struggled to get around them without causing an injury. “C'mon, get outta the way!” Just as she reached the stage proper, the cannon fired!
  37. Everyone gasped again and averted their gaze, though the smoke from the cannon obscured everything but Osmiana's legs, which remained still. The smoke finally cleared, revealing the powerful girl with an arm outstretched, her fingers embedded in the metal and her eyes glowing a brilliant white as her dark purple horn thrummed with power.
  38. She had stopped the iron cannon ball one handed.
  39. Osmiana's magic faded, her horn vanishing and eyes returning to their normal silver as she sighed with relief and splayed her fingers. The warped metal ball fall on the stage, where it punched a hole clean through the sturdy wood as the girl stood and ran her fingers through her hair.
  40. “I dare say, Applejack,” Rarity said, “that even you would be hard pressed to achieve that.”
  41. “I'd normally agree with ya, but it's gotta be a fake ball, and woodworm's gotten into the stage or somethin'. This is Flim and Flam we're talkin' about, they're always up t'somethin'.”
  42. Rarity ducked to one side of the stage and looked at the cannon ball, half-embedded in the soil. Her white horn appeared and glowed light blue as she tried to lift it, blinked, focused and finally pulled it free of the ground “That's solid iron, alright!”
  43. “Yer serious?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her friend, then looked between Osmiana and the brothers. “That may be, but she used magic to stop it, by the looks of it. That's all it was I reckon. spare the townsfolk wastin' their bits on a pair of conmen. I don't know what's goin' on with that girl, but we're gonna get to the bottom of this!”
  44. “Come on up and buy your miracle pills, and feel the power swell within you!” Flam said, “come come, don't be shy! Three bits each or fourteen for a bag of seven! Only one bag per customer!”
  45. They opened a booth, topped with jars filled with purple tablets, a set of scales and a cash register, which Osmiana stood obediently to one side. An exchange of bits and a small wrapped paper of pills later, one of the townsfolk popped a pill and shuddered, smiled and went about his day.
  46. Rarity bit her lip. “That seemed to have a tangible effect... I fear this won't be as simple as proving it a fake and closer to the placebo effect they performed on Granny Smith, but until we can get a look at what they're actually selling, we might have trouble convincing the townsfolk.”
  47. “Hmph, just watch me. I ain't waitin' for another song'n'dance number to show everybody they're frauds” Applejack leapt onto the stage and stormed up before Rarity could object.
  48. Flim saw the towering farmgirl's approach and scowled. “Oh no, not you again.”
  49. “Yes, me again, ya darn tricksters!” Applejack said to them, then faced the crowd. “Don't you pay no mind to these two! They're after yer bits and they ain't got a darn thing worth'em! Show these folk what yer peddlin', every ingredient, and I bet it's all hogwash!”
  50. Osmiana walked up to Applejack. “That's simply not true and I resent the accusation! These two are simply spreading word of a truly wondrous medicine! It is only fair they receive compensation for their efforts.”
  51. Flam smirked and said, “exactly so, Osmiana! Don't let her tell you otherwise.”
  52. “They're conmen, girlie,” Applejack said. “Snake-oil and bunk's all they're sellin'. Stand-aside so I can give'em a good talkin' to.”
  53. Applejack went to gently push Osmiana aside, only to have her step in the way again. And again, and again. She tried to push the girl aside with force, only for her arm to be twisted, bent and, before she could even yelp, she was flipped over and hit the stage floor so hard, the wood buckled.
  54. Osmiana dropped into a combat stance. “I'm sorry, but you shall not harm my employers. Please leave.”
  55. Applejack sat up and shook her head and growled. Then she picked up her hat, squared up to Osmiana again and said, “just you try yer fancy dancin' nonsense with me again, and see what it gets ya!” She tried to push through again.
  56. This time, the noble-blood spun Applejack around like a spinning top and kicked off the stage, who splatted into the well-trodden ground. “Please desist,” Osmiana said, matter-of-factly, “while your strength is impressive, your technique is atrocious. You are outmatched.”
  57. Applejack pulled her face out of the mud and seethed, “that tears it!”
  58. Rarity helped Applejack up, but said, “darling, stop! Let's think this through!”
  59. The farm girl's eyes glowed and she grew a foot taller, her muscles and curves bulging bigger and straining her clothes to their limit as she invoked her power as Princess Lustre's handmaiden. Then she stepped up on the stage and ripped off her sleeves as she stormed up to Osmiana.
  60. The now smaller girl didn't flinch, she just inhaled deeply and deepened her stance.
  61. Applejack threw out a kick with her famously powerful legs. “I said get outta my way!”
  62. Osmiana received the kick and, with a look of surprise, was launched from Applejack's vastly enhanced strength. She rolled and tumbled backward with the impact several feet, but flipped upright as Applejack pressed the attack. This time when Applejack threw a haymaker, Osmiana ducked as her eyes glowed and horn appeared, then she stepped in and drove her fist into Applejack's rock hard abs.
  63. There was a long silence, and Osmiana backed up a step as her magic ended.
  64. Applejack shrank back down in size, slouched, coughed once, and collapsed in a heap.
  65. “Applejack!” Rarity cried out and ran to her fallen friend.
  66. Osmiana immediately panicked and fretted, tugging her long hair over and over. “Oh, oh no! I'm sorry, I thought you were a legitimate threat! Let me help you!”
  67. “Leave her, Osmiana,” Flim said as they began making sales. “She's not worth your time or effort.”
  68. “B- but I might have seriously hurt her!”
  69. “Please, Ozzy,” Rarity pleaded, “I need your help. She's a bit too big for me to carry!”
  70. “Of course, Rarity.” Osmiana bent down and went to help Applejack up, but stopped, stared at the finely dressed woman and blinked. “Rarity? Grace of Celestia, Rarity! I haven't seen you since we were children!”
  71. “We can catch up later, just help me with this dear but foolish friend of mine.”
  72. The two girls helped Applejack up onto Osmiana's shoulders, and headed into town as Flim and Flam shrugged and sold their merchandise.
  74. * * *
  76. Applejack groaned as a doctor looked her over half delirious from pain medication.
  77. Osmiana sat and quietly sniffled like a scolded child as Rarity patted both of their hands in support.
  78. The doctor whistled, impressed by the bruise now covering Applejack's midsection, finished his examination and said, “and you're sure she wasn't hit by a sledgehammer wielded by a dragon? Because I've seen that before and this looks similar.”
  79. Osmiana whimpered, “it is all my fault! Such lack of restraint against an inferior opponent... the shame!”
  80. “There there, Ozzy,” Rarity said and sighed. “Applejack didn't exactly present herself to you as she should have, but I suppose with her history with the Flim Flam brothers, there was only going to be one outcome.”
  81. The doctor packed his bag and said, “just rest for a few days and remain still, Ms. Applejack. You should be fine. And try to eat soft foods.”
  82. Rarity huffed, “well, that means the Flim Flam's will have free reign to sell whatever they so please. Unless I stop them, of course.”
  83. Osmiana wiped her eyes and said, “why are you so insistent that they are vagabonds? They have been nothing but personable, and the medicine they sell is genuine.”
  84. “You seem to know an awful lot about it, Ozzy. Perhaps you should explain? And I'd love to know what you've been up to these past, what, fifteen years? I know you became frightfully ill, but when your family vanished like that, I honestly feared the worst, darling.”
  85. “Well, that actually coincides with the reason my parents took me out of school. Let me explain...”
  87. * *
  89. A tale of worrisome woe, as at a tender age, I was beset by a malady most foul! A rot of the body and spirit. Weakness and wasting overcame me, and no cure was forthcoming, and alas, my parents felt they had to seek a more esoteric solution.
  90. They consulted Princess Celestia, who in her infinite wisdom and kindness, sent them to the Canterlot library, whereupon they found out about the monastic order of the Cloven Hoof. A lost sect who once sought to defend the shamed originator of the style when she was in deep meditation, back when she were good and noble. But just as our leader had fallen from grace, so too had they believed that the Cloven Hoof way would be seen as dark and cursed, and so became secluded from the world, and only took in those who sought absolution from their own past crimes.
  91. So my family travelled westward, toward the setting sun as my strength failed and I was bed-ridden. I was unconscious more days than I was awake, but we found them; three ancient noble bloods, who initially were reluctant to spread their cursed ways to another who had done no wrong, but sadly, my parents had already sacrificed so much already. It was clear that the ailment had afflicted them, as well, but... they passed away before they could do ought for them.
  92. It was that I was adopted by the Cloven Hoof priests. They first roused me from my fugue state with the very medicine that my employers now provide to the good townsfolk, but it becomes swiftly poisonous without perfection of the self. The brothers are aware of this, and in their mercy, they only provide several days worth of the curative before moving on.
  93. But as I was brought around, I was pushed into vigorous exercise, intense study and deep meditation. Everything to fight off the disease. I learned magic, but instead of affecting the world around me, instead I learned to use it to purge my body of the ailment, first overcoming the weakness, then enhancing my strength.
  94. I had mastered the style, and perfected myself. I was one with my magic.
  96. * *
  98. “...Sadly, the last monks passed away as well not long after, and I was left alone.” Osmiana clasped her hands and bowed toward the setting sun out the window. “With no place to call home, I began to travel without a goal. By chance, I stumbled upon those kindly brothers, who have been looking after me for the last month or so.”
  99. Rarity patted Osmiana's back. “I'm so sorry you had to go through that, darling... oh, if I'd only know, I would have gladly let you stay with me.”
  100. Applejack sat up and winced. “I'm sorry too, Osmiana. I suppose I let my past with the Flim Flam's blind me to bein' civil to folk who didn't know otherwise.”
  101. Osmiana pouted. “Yet you still insist on besmirching their good names. Whatever your grievances, they have been nought but decent folk to me. Although...” She tapped her chin, “they were not quite so charitable with me until I mentioned the medicine, and they kept interrupting my story to ask where they gathered the ingredients for it, but once I told them, they have been very kind ever since.”
  102. Applejack gave Rarity a funny look, who responded by rolling her eyes. The wounded farmgirl huffed, gasped in pain, and said, “so, a genuine product, but yeah, still the ol' Flim Flam underhandedness.”
  103. Rarity nodded. “Ozzy, had it occurred to you that perhaps spreading the secrets of an order that has kept it hidden for so long might not be the best of ideas? What does go into the medicine?”
  104. Osmiana scratched her head, “oh, a few simple herbs, seeds and a splash of water steeped with a stone tainted with the raw, vile darkness of night's malice. The body conquering such evil power emboldens the soul and strengthens the muscles for a time.”
  105. Applejack flinched, groaned in pain again, and said, “that can't be good. Anythin' evil in the Flim Flam's hands is only ever gonna be used wrong.”
  106. “Ozzy, please, if you give us a chance, we can prove to you that they are almost certainly up to no good.”
  107. “I suppose I owe Applejack for my overreaction... very well, I shall grant you the chance to prove their ill intent.”
  108. Rarity raised an expertly groomed eyebrow. “You would turn against them that easily?”
  109. “I am no turncoat, Rarity” Ozzy said and folded her arms, “but I shall request they discontinue their use of my order's secrets should they prove untrustworthy. I felt their support was worthy of such a repayment, and assumed they had good intentions, but if you believe them to be not acting with kindness in their hearts, then the only solution is to ask their intent.”
  110. Applejack sighed, “they're jus' gonna lie to ya, girlie. It ain't like they're gonna confess to lyin' to ya jus' because you asked.”
  111. “I would be loath to have to intimidate them when they have been looking after me for these past months...” Ozzy said and tugged on her hair.
  112. Rarity tittered. “Then I shall offer a superior alternative until they reveal their true colours.”
  113. “Whaddya mean, Rarity?”
  114. “Oh, Applejack,” Rarity giggled, “maybe Ozzy knocked out some of your senses along with your pride? Perhaps you have forgotten; we are the handmaidens of Princess Lustre, and can provide boons even stronger than some medicine. The results are more obvious, too. Just like with their admittedly brilliant cider machine, I'm sure once they're pressured to compete, they will show their true colours. Let's go, Ozzy!”
  116. * * *
  118. “Oh, how I missed the daily hustle! The casino was so... stifling, but anyway; a fine day's trading, brother of mine!” Flam chuckled and twirled his moustache.
  119. “Absolutely, and the day isn't even over yet!” Flim snickered and packed away another bag of bits. “Perhaps we could afford to push a little harder in such an affluent town?”
  120. Flam licked his teeth but frowned as he bagged up another seven pills. “As much as I'd love to say yes, I am a little concerned about what that lummox of a girl said about this stuff turning poisonous to the marks. After what that Apple girl did to our reputation over the years, we should really keep our noses clean in case they're a bit more canny.”
  121. “The girl's an idiot, brother, two bags per customer will mean double the profits and who cares if they develop a stomach ache? We'll be long gone by the time that happens!”
  122. “Sir Flim? Sir Flam?” Ozzy said as she entered their wagon and bowed. “I have returned. Applejack will be well, in time. Forgive my absence.”
  123. “Oh, I suppose that's alright, Osmiana,” Flim said. “After you took care of that hard-headed farm girl, things went quite smoothly. Now, if you've finished wasting your time with the rubes, we can get our evening trading done?”
  124. Suddenly, a female voice from outside. “Step right up and receive the blessing of Princess Lustre! A boon of fertility, strength and fabulousness the likes of which will amaze, mesmerise and leave others to fantasise!”
  125. The brothers left, only to find a ramshackle kissing booth set up on the opposite side of the town square.
  126. Rarity stood on a chair and announced, “just three bits for three days of a better you, five for partners, but the first three couples will receive their blessing gratis! Don't just feel better on the inside, but show it on the outside! You'll be stunning all over!”
  127. A few people showed interest, but a tubby gentleman and his short lady friend approached first, and Rarity smiled as she reached out and took one of each of their hands, and kissed them.
  128. “Go with Lustre's blessing and enjoy, darlings!”
  129. The man looked down at himself and looked confused, then trembled as his gut receded and his build swelled with muscle, and a noticeable bulge formed between his legs. His companion gasped and then also shivered, her bust swelling several cup sizes, her legs stretching longer as the girl soon grew taller than him, then her hips and ass filled out. The two looked at each other, blushed, kissed each other and fled to a nearby house, slamming the door behind them.
  130. Everyone made a beeline for the stall.
  131. The brothers looked at each other, then as Flim ran out back to get their product, Flam cleared their stall and shouted, “now selling double the pills for twenty bits! Bulk order now to save, save, save!”
  132. A few people started towards the brother's stall, and Rarity shouted, “announce your love to your beloved, or confess to your crush at this stall, and receive a blessing for both of you for only two bits! Consecrate your love to save your bits for a fantastic date or gift! Increased stamina in the bedroom and guaranteed pleasure for all or I'll double your bits back!”
  133. Everyone once more headed to Rarity's stall, and she began kissing out blessings on everyone's hands, including the occasional cheek for the more eye-catching clientele.
  134. Flam was sweating, and mopped his brow with a handkerchief. “Fifteen... no, fourteen bits for fourteen pills!”
  135. “What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you doing, Flam!? We can't sell that low!”
  136. “We need to compete somehow!”
  137. Flim snarled across the square as the handmaiden blew them a kiss between her blessings, and he whispered to Flam, “it's not money, it's the transparency of her magic mumbo-jumbo! If ours has a better effect, we can haggle and compete, but she's sinking us, fast! What if... what if we make a batch of pills with a stronger dose of that stone? We know the stuff works, but we need these idiots to see it actually working!”
  138. A strong hand landed on both of their shoulders. Osmiana turned them both to her and said, “you cannot do that, Sir Flim and Sir Flam. You swore you would not.”
  139. Flim slapped her hand off of his shoulder. “If we lose to that painted hussy, it will be your livelihood on the line as well! You're under contract with us!”
  140. Osmiana scowled at them. “A contract I signed under the condition you would not poison people!”
  141. “I heard that, ya dang varmints!” Applejack said and staggered from behind the wagon. “Ozzy, grab'em!”
  142. Osmiana grimaced at the pair, but hesitated. “I... I don't know if I can... they have not yet done any wrong.”
  143. Flam squinted at the two large girls, then at his brother. “I think it's time we annulled the contract, picked up sticks and started fresh on greener pastures, brother of mine.”
  144. “That might be the best idea we've had all day.”
  145. “Ready?”
  146. “Indeed!”
  147. Both brothers dashed past Ozzy, and into their wagon, locking the door behind them. With a rattle, a clanking and a rumble, an engine sprouted out of the mobile home, green magic sparked over it, and the whole thing began to roll away at high speed.
  148. “Wait, the stone!” Osmiana cried and reached for the wagon, but just missed. She scowled, her eyes and horn glowing and sparking to life as she ran so quickly, the ground was kicked up in huge clumps by her footfalls. She caught up with the motor-wagon, leapt on top of, then in front of it and dug her feet into the ground, bringing the vehicle to a dead stop.
  149. She bellowed. “Relinquish the stone or suffer my wrath!!”
  150. Flim hollered back, “never!”
  151. Flam screeched, “for the love of bits and our mother, Flim, just give it to her! It's not worth it!! Damn you, give it here!”
  152. Flam tossed a fist sized stone out the window, which Osmiana caught. She held the wagon fast, but after a few seconds, her eyes stopped glowing. She stepped aside and released them, allowing the vehicle to careen through a few fences before making a straight line out of town.
  153. Applejack slowly walked up to her, holding her midsection. “I'm surprised ya let'em go.”
  154. Ozzy tugged on her hair and held the stone to her chest, and her eyes grew wet. “I... cannot do them harm, on my order's code, Applejack. They had not yet done any wrong.”
  155. “But they will. They always will. Y'all heard how they were gonna overdose the townsfolk!”
  156. “Perhaps now, but only because Rarity forced them to compete! If they were left to trade and not harassed, none of this might have happened!“ Osmiana clasped her head and winced, and fell to her knees. “I do not know the right course of action... do we punish those who have only the intent to do wrong? Or where does the blame lie when external forces have caused them to take those actions? The world is a confusing place...”
  157. Applejack knelt down, stroked Ozzy's hair and then gently squeezed her shoulder. “You really are a gentle soul, aren't ya, sugarcube? Beneath all the muscle, fancy words 'n' fancier fightin', I mean, yer... well, I don't mean to be insultin' or nothin', just honest, but yer too naïve. Nothin's easy out here, and y'all need to learn that.”
  158. Ozzy sniffled. “You speak truthfully... I just do not know how to proceed...”
  159. “I'll say this much,” Applejack said and smiled at her “I've never met anyone quite like ya. Yer one in a million, Ozzy, but y'all need someone to look after you, and I don't mean no two-bit conmen. I wish we could go after'em before they poison some poor townsfolk tryin'ta make some new medicine but they're probably halfway to Griffonstone by now in that contraption of theirs.”
  160. Applejack struggled to her feet and looked at the massive line still set up for Lustre's blessings, with Rarity still doling them out, and said, “let's go help Rarity out, and we can work out what to do with ya later.”
  162. * * *
  164. The three sat in a tavern, Rarity watched the loving revelry of the Lustre enhanced town around them with pride and a fair bag of bits, Applejack slowly ate a bowl of pureed vegetables and Ozzy looked distant and in deep thought.
  165. “Y'know,” Applejack said, “it never occurred to me that Ozzy's mom was why you knew a little of that fancy fightin' ya sometimes used.”
  166. The despondent younger amazon blinked. “Forgive me, were you talking to me? I was elsewhere in my mind.”
  167. Rarity smiled at her old friend and said, “Applejack was just commenting that you studied martial arts under your mother back when we were schoolmates, and that she taught me on the side as well.”
  168. “Oh, yes. Back before I was unwell, maybe three or so years old, I found the motions quite beautiful and earned my cutie mark when I passed my fourth grade in my original style. If you would like, it would gladden my heart and put rest to my unease if I could teach you both. I fear Applejack's technique is sorely lacking.”
  169. Applejack pouted and Rarity tittered, then said, “and I would gladly receive your instruction, although I fear Applejack may need a little more time to recover. She isn't as refined as you or I, but I think she could stand to learn a thing or two of your decorum.”
  170. “Ain't nothin' wrong with my dee-core-um, Rarity. And what's with yer insults, girlie? I thought we were past that.”
  171. Ozzy tilted her head, confused. “It was no insult. You just fight like your strength will resolve all the world's woes.”
  172. “Comin' from the girl who barely knows how the world works,” Applejack huffed and spooned another mouthful of vegetable paste.
  173. “Your words, once more, shame me,” Ozzy said and sighed. “I shall remain silent and not offer my instruction, out of fear of doing wrong by you once more.”
  174. “If I might offer a solution, Ozzy? Princess Celestia is currently in need of people of remarkable talents, and I cannot think of an even better candidate than yourself; the sole student of the Cloven Hoof and your immovable, indomitable strength!”
  175. Applejack thumbed her chin. “Immovable, but led astray a little too easy, I reckon. Though, yeah! Learnin' a thing or two from Princess Celestia would be a great idea!”
  176. Osmiana gasped. “To meet her highness would be an honour beyond all others! I have but one labour that I must perform first.” She put the stone she had recovered from the Flim Flam brothers on the table. A spherical stone with a deep gouge on one part. The way she placed it on the table, it really did resemble a cloven hoof. “I must return this to the temple.”
  177. Rarity gingerly picked it up and looked it over. “Quite a simple looking thing. Why from this angle,” she said and held it up, “it almost looks like... a crescent moon.”
  178. “A moon?” Applejack cocked an eyebrow at Rarity, then looked at Ozzy. “Didn't you say it was made of 'night's malice' or somethin' like that?”
  179. “Sadly, yes... though her name has long since been lost to the order, it is said that the progenitors of the order were protectors of Princess Celestia's sadly lost sister, protecting her physical form while Lady Luna assisted those who slept. Well, before she became the ill-fated Nightmare Moon, and this stone was with her when it happened. You see, before that time, she was-”
  180. “Uh, sugarcube? Y'all realise that Princess Luna's back, right?”
  181. Osmiana blinked and said, “what?”
  182. Rarity nodded. “Quite so, darling. Myself and Applejack are two of the Elements of Harmony, and we helped restore Princess Luna to her former, kind hearted self with the help of our friends.”
  183. Ozzy's jaw dropped. “Y- you speak truthfully!? Lady Luna is once more...” She squealed like a little girl and grabbed Rarity and Applejack in a massive hug, lifting both off the ground with ease. “Such astounding wonders! Such heart gratifying gladness! I cannot possibly express the full thanks of my order, but in the name of the Cloven Hoof, thank you both!”
  184. Applejack gasped and gritted her teeth as her injured midsection was squeezed, and even Rarity barely managed to gasp, “you're welcome, darling... please put us down!”
  185. “Oh, forgive me!” Ozzy gently lowered them, with Applejack collapsing in her chair and wheezing.
  186. Rarity caught her breath and said, “if you join Princess Celestia's entourage, you would have ready access to Princess Luna, if you would like to meet.”
  187. “Yes, more than anything! Perhaps I should ask for Lady Luna's advice on what to do with the stone as well. While replacing it in the temple may help, I do worry that it may be stolen and put to nefarious use. I should go prepare for travel on the morrow!”
  188. Osmiana ran out of the tavern, as Applejack and Rarity watched as the back of their hands glowed with their cutie marks.
  189. “Huh... funny, that didn't feel like a friendship problem,” Applejack said.
  190. Rarity twiddled her hair. “Unless of course the problem was, in fact, for Princess Celestia's friendship. The poor dear does tend to get stuck with official duties over just enjoying herself.”
  191. “Ain't that the truth. If The princess wants gifted folk, we've got'er a doozy. And I bet, once she learns more about the world, Ozzy'll be a mighty fine defender of Equestria, maybe even a teacher of that order of hers. It's been a while since I've seen someone so innocent.”
  192. “I was proud of her before when we were friends, and so happy to see her again for my own reasons, but you're so right, Applejack,” Rarity said and looked out the window as Ozzy bought some supplies at the late day market, a little wet eyed. “But I bet she'll shine like no other. A girl of her purity is a rare find indeed.”
  194. The End

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT