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The Reflection of Raw, Untamed Light (Part of 'Ever The Sun Rises')

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-01-31 04:06:20
Updated: 2022-02-02 03:02:08
Expiry: Never

  1. The reflection of Raw, Untamed Light
  3. “This feels so nostalgic! After everything that’s changed this past year, it’s a nice change of pace,” Twilight said, aloft on purple wings.
  4. Fluttershy glided beside her and said, “Even I have to agree. Don’t get me wrong, having so much confidence to tap into at will is incredible, so much so that I even feel braver as my old self, but it’s nice to just be the old Fluttershy for a while.”
  5. Twilight and Fluttershy slowly flew lackadaisically over the land, enjoying the sunny weather as they approached a friendship problem according to the cutie map. With the lush flower meadows in the area, they couldn’t help but take their time.
  6. Twilight said, “I’m still a little confused how your whole dynamic works, though. Right know it just feels like I’m talking to the old you.”
  7. “Oh, goodness, I’m sorry. We are very different, I know, but I think we’re trying to strike a balance. As much as I lose myself to the Lustre side of me, it’s still me in control, but at the same time, knowing how much power I have makes it easy to just go with the flow. Especially giving people boons and spreading the pleasure of loving indulgence.”
  8. “I guess the cutie map showing your old butterfly mark instead of Lustre’s hearts means this will need a little more kindness than making people procreate or just have a tumble in the sheets fun. And I must say, you’ve just been your old self for several days now. Are you sure you’re still in complete control?”
  9. Fluttershy hesitated. “Sure, absolutely!”
  10. “Uh-huh…”Twilight pouted, then grinned and few ahead, letting her skirted ass stick up as she pretended to survey the ground, then moved back beside her friend.
  11. Fluttershy’s pink hair was a noticeable shade deeper, a vibrant red and her eyes turned deeper green as she said, in a breathy, sultry voice “unless you want to Sparkle things up, of course.” The changes reverted back to the single red streaked lock as she cleared her throat. “Sorry… I want this to be a break away from that side, I’ll try to rein it in. You know, the offer still stands though.”
  12. Twilight rolled her eyes but giggled. “Maybe later. I keep worrying I’ll get between you and Luna though.”
  13. “She’s a sweetheart. And I think she needed a kindred spirit like Lustre to confide in for things she felt uncomfortable talking to Princess Celestia about. We’ve certainly come a long way from me hiding in my house on Nightmare Night and you asking me to teach her how to speak softly.” Fluttershy looked dreamily behind them, towards Canterlot, now a tiny speck in the distance.
  14. Shy continued, ”but she also knows Lustre lives and breathes passion, and she can’t be truly restrained to one person. My heart belongs to Luna, but my soul requires carnality and spreading my power to flourish, even if I prefer being with those I trust.”
  15. “I can’t complain about the boons, though. Applejack’s getting her work done quicker thanks to her amazing strength. Dash is even faster than before. Pinkie doesn’t really make much use of hers, but she's much fitter and even more energetic when she wants to be. Rarity certainly seems to have taken her role as handmaiden in stride since it really sings to her generosity. I used to have misgivings about my creeping height as a princess, but with all these bigger people around, it doesn’t seem quite so bad.”
  16. Fluttershy smiled and said, “I’m glad. I just wish I could convince Princess Celestia that I’m only trying to improve the lives of others in my own way.”
  17. “She’ll come around. It’s only been a little over a year since you took the role of the Princess of Lust, after all. She’s lived for over a thousand years.”
  18. A bright flash far ahead stunned them both to stop, and they watched as a massive beam of white light shot up from within a forest. The projectile fizzled and faded as it rose, but still evaporated a circular hole in a thick cloud as it vanished into nothing.
  19. Twilight gasped and shook her head. “What the heck!That was a *huge* surge of power!”
  20. “I didn’t do much see it as I *felt* it,” Shy said, “any idea what that was?”
  21. “Besides magic? Whoever cast that spell must be an incredible wizard!”
  22. A flurry of birds flew by and, down below, a throng of animals fled from the direction of the blast.
  23. Shy darted down and knelt, and a rabbit dived into her lap, which she cuddled and quietly talked to the shivering critter.
  24. Twilight dropped down and waited for Shy to do her thing, and when she let her new, calmer friend go, she said, “this isn’t the first time that’s happened. Every few days, another blast.”
  25. “Strange, you’d think something this out of place would draw more attention, but nobody we’ve seen on the way here has said anything. I guess we’re here to investigate anyway, so we’ll add it to the list!” Twilight levitated a scroll and a pen from her bag, and did just that, then the pair continued on.
  26. They were far from any other town or village, but having checked a map ahead of time, Twilight knew there was a tiny hamlet in the area, several small cottages and farms nestled alongside a series of country roads. As the pair saw the first couple of humble homes, things couldn’t be more calm, despite how close they now were to the blast.
  27. A big, strapping earthblood man was cutting wood, spotted the pair, and waved. He had to be a solid 6’2, but the two princesses were far taller, with Twilight at 7’8 and Shy just a little taller than that.
  28. “Good morning, ladies! Lovely weather we’re having today!”
  29. “Morning! I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend, Fluttershy.” The pair waved, though Shy’s gaze ran down the man’s body, and a subtle darkening of her hair flowed over the soft pink before she cleared her throat and focused.
  30. “The name’s Thatch. Peat Thatch. Have you been travelling long? We don’t have an inn here in Sunride, but my wife would gladly make you something to eat or drink if you’re tired.”
  31. Twilight replied, “thanks, but we’re okay. We’re more concerned with that huge blast of magic that happened a little while ago.”
  32. Peat looked around and shrugged. “Not sure what you mean, but my offer stands if you change your mind. I’d best carry on with my chores. Have a good day, now!”
  33. They parted ways, and once out of ear shot, Twilight said, “I don’t know if the *other* you was trying to drop hints, but friendly as he was, there’s no way they didn’t notice that.”
  34. Shy blushed. “Oh, no, he was just handsome and rugged. Sorry, I don’t know, I let myself get distracted.”
  35. “If you need to dip into your powers, Fluttershy, go right ahead. I won’t judge you.”
  36. The pair watched as a young noble blood man jogged up the road. He had big green eyes, messy golden hair and a well toned physique despite his short, 5’4 and otherwise slim frame. He eyed the two princesses warily but jogged past with just a nod of greeting.
  37. Every step, Shy’s eyes looked over the young man like a predator stalking its prey. “Oh, oh no…”
  38. “Shy? What’s wrong?”
  39. Fluttershy but her lip and quivered as her hair subtly shifted red, “he’s cute *and* handsome and… there’s something else about him that’s hitting a dangerous spot between our shared preferences…”
  40. Twilight’s eyes went wide eyed as Shy’s already huge bust swelled a couple of cup sizes bigger and her height began to increase, so she tapped into her magic and pressed a hand on Shy’s forehead.
  41. Fluttershy gasped, slouched over, and her changes reverted. “Thanks… sorry, I’m okay now. I think trying to hold *her* all back *and* take a break from indulging must be taking its toll.”
  42. “No problem, but maybe we should check on that guy just in case, especially if Lustre was sensing something we couldn’t. Are you *sure* you don’t want to let it all out or at least have a…” Twilight air quoted with both hands and said, “‘magic with benefits’ session? I really don’t mind if you need to scratch the itch.”
  43. Fluttershy sighed. “I need to prove to myself I’m not dominated by my other self. I’ll be fine, let’s go and look for that cutie… uh, younger gentleman.”
  44. They headed back and saw Peat wave to the younger noble blood.
  45. Once they drew closer, Twilight asked, “excuse us again, who was that?”
  46. “Oh, him?” The earthblood smiled and shrugged. “Don’t pay him any mind. Nice young fella, helps out everyone who needs it, but he mostly keeps to himself and we respect his privacy. Sorry, but it ain’t my place to talk about him.”
  47. Shy and Twilight shared a glance, and followed after young man.
  49. ***
  51. They followed trail and found their way to a health clinic.
  52. “We can’t be sure he’s here,” Twilight said, “but considering this is probably the only clinic for miles, I suspect they may know everyone in the area.”
  53. Inside was two rows of beds, everything clean and sanitary, perfectly maintained and only a few patients. A slim, beautiful, young noble blood woman fretted about, her long chestnut and orange two-tone hair a tousled mess and her otherwise pretty blue eyes looked heavy, which matched her slouched shoulders as she looked at the two princesses and forced a smile.
  54. “Good morning! I’m the resident physician Pearlescent Lux, but you can call me Pearly. Are you both well? Any injuries or concerns?” The apparent doctor clasped her hands in front of her and awaited instruction.
  55. “Uh… nope!” Twilight smiled. “Both in perfect health! I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is Fluttershy.”
  56. The doctor sighed and rubbed her eyes and mumbled, “thank goodness,” then cleared her throat and asked, “nice to meet you. In that case, how can I help you today?”
  57. Shy frowned and looked worried. “Forget about us for a moment, are *you* alright? You look exhausted!”
  58. Twilight nodded. “She’s right, a doctor should look after herself just as much as anyone else. Is there anything we can do to help? It doesn’t seem that busy here.”
  59. Pearly said, “I’m fine, honest, there’s just always something going wrong.”
  60. Twilight said, “like huge blasts of magic?”
  61. “Uh…” Pearly’s eye twitched. “N-nope nothing like that. Just cuts, bruises, maybe the occasional panicked animal bite. Nothing major, just always… something!” She laughed, utterly without amusement, and slumped. Her simple dress fell loose off her shoulder before she calmed herself and tightened the loose fit, revealing an attractive, womanly set of curves under the thick garment.
  62. “We should let you get on, and maybe try and get some sleep?” Shy politely bowed as her hair turned red, and she added, “though if you want a *really* good rest, I could tucker you out…”
  63. “Fluttershy!” Twilight swatted Shy on the shoulder, who shifted back and blushed. “Though, seriously, I’ve burnt the candle at both ends and done three day stretches in my duties plenty of times, and it never ends well. We’ll be here for a while, and we both know a thing or two about medicine; we’d be glad to help out.”
  64. Pearly brushed her hair with her fingers, then tutted to herself and ran off to wash her hands. When she realised Shy and Twilight were still watching her, she said, “I’ll consider it.” She then started sorting medicine bottles.
  65. “Oh, by the way,” Twilight said, “could you point us toward a young, blonde noble blood we saw-“
  66. Pearly dropped a bottle. “Oh… fiddlesticks.”
  67. Twilight used her magic to clear up the mess, the glass shards lifted in a purple aura as a nearby towel wiped up the liquid, and she asked again, “so, that guy?”
  68. Pearly overrode Twilight’s magic, a light green horn appearing on her head and the same colour aura around the glass shards and took over cleaning. “W- why do you want to talk to him? Lumen’s very shy, maybe I can answer any questions?”
  69. “He’s not in any trouble,” Fluttershy said, “we’re just curious.”
  70. Pearly frowned and huffed. Several of the shards disintegrated into dust as Pearly’s magic intensified for a moment, and Twilight’s eyes went wide.
  71. The doctor said, forcefully, “he’s a good man and a close personal friend. Lumen just values his privacy and wants to be left alone! Now,” Pearly took a deep breath and sighed, returning to her tired and gentle demeanour, and continued, “if you need something, I will do what I can to you, but I should return to my duties.”
  72. One of the patients groaned and suffered a coughing fit, and once the wasted medicine was disposed of, Pearly teleported to him and cast another spell spell. The patient was bathed in her magic’s aura, and his heavy coughs eased almost instantly.
  73. “Maybe we should come back later,” Shy mumbled, but this time, Twilight was distracted. She nudged the friendship princess and their left.
  74. “Did you see that? Local country doctors don’t usually know teleportation, or can pulverise glass into powder, or… that curative spell! I’ve never even *seen* that before. Considering the power of that blast we saw, maybe she’s the one we’re searching for?”
  75. “I really don’t mean to cast doubt, but she did seem a little high strung, like maybe casting such a huge spell was what tired her out. Everyone here seems to be hiding something, especially about this Lumen, but Pearly even more so,” Shy said as her eyes pulsed green, “she’s got a dark side, and that’s *ridiculously* hot! Not evil, but… severe. Protective.”
  76. Twilight smirked and said, “well, let’s not jump to conclusions just yet, but if all else fails we’ll just have to investigate Pearly some more later. For now, let’s keep looking out for Lumen.”
  78. ***
  80. Several polite but secretive villagers came and went on their search, but Twilight and Shy soon found a humble little cottage that allegedly housed one Lumen Haze.
  81. Twilight knocked.
  82. The door opened a crack, and a green eye peered through. He stammered, “uh, h- hello? Can I help you?”
  83. “Lumen Haze? Hi, I’m Twilight Sparkle, can we come in?”
  84. “I- I, uh… really don’t know…”
  85. Fluttershy smiled warmly. “We just want to talk, and we won’t be a bother,” she said, then her chest swelled a few cup sizes, “but you can bother me all you want, stud.”
  86. Twilight elbowed Shy into reducing, and said, “don’t mind her. Shy’s a little-“
  87. Lumen opened the door. “Possessed, or host to a primal spirit of great power…” Lumen said, firm and confident. He stepped out and studied Fluttershy closely.
  88. Shy bit her lip as small pulses of red flowed through her hair, which Twilight knew meant she was feeding off his admiration.
  89. Lumen’s horn glowed pure white as he tapped his chin and a book levitated to him from behind, opened and he seemed to be cross referencing between it and Shy.
  90. “Incredible…”
  91. “Aren’t I?” Shy posed, then blushed, cleared her throat and corrected into, “uh, I am?”
  92. “Of the ancient spirits lost to time, you closely resemble Lustre, the spirit of Lust, passion or power. Theoretically related to the origins of the sirens, if the theory that they were an example of those corrupted by her will in full. That's unconfirmed, considering there's even mention of windigos also being tangentally related to sirens too.”
  93. He read in silence for a few moments, then closed the book. “Moreover, Lustre would seed power within others, and as their strength grew, she would harvest some in return, growing ever stronger without causing any noticeable harm to the ‘sprouting’ individual. In a time of desperation, though, she could bend those imbued individuals to her will. This was how she fell foul of Princess Celestia centuries ago; as she investigated Lustre’s hold on her subjects, a clash ensued, but the sun goddess defeated and banished the spirit, transforming her into an ordinary woman. Primal spirits cannot be destroyed, only buried, carried down from generation to generation. Could you be… Lustre, reborn?”
  94. Shy put a hand on his chest, pressed him against the wall and whispered, “would you like to find out in a… private study session?”
  95. Twilight cleared her throat. “Shy?”
  96. Lumen froze, his horn sputtering and sparking as Lustre leaned down and caressed his cheek and giggled. He froze as she didn’t just study him, but her eyes glowed and stared through him.
  97. “Shy!”
  98. Lustre purred and continued, “hmm, you’re just *full* of magic, waiting to explode.” Her hand stroked down his abdomen and into his pants. “Need a hand with that? I don’t mind getting *messy*.”
  99. Twilight snapped her fingers with a quick flash of her purple horn, and Shy winced, held her forehead, withdrew and composed herself.
  100. Twilight changed the subject and said, “I’m impressed. Finding information about Lustre has proven difficult, although that may have been Princess Celestia trying to keep her buried to the annuls of history. But you’re right; my friend is the new host of the spirit of lust. I just have one question though… do you know anything about that huge surge of magic a few hours ago?”
  101. Lumen was still pressed against the wall, staring at Shy. “Uhh…” His former clarity once more gave way to stammering as his horn continued to spark and fizzle. “I- I have no idea what you’re talking about. Sorry, I’m very busy.” He retreated inside and closed the door.
  102. Shy nervously coughed. “Oh goodness, do you think I was a little too forward?”
  103. Twilight said, snidely, “you think!?”
  104. “He’s definitely the cause of that magic blast. Even after that, I could feel he was still filled with power.”
  105. “Now that we know for certain, we should go back and ask people about him. Just letting loose that much power is dangerous, and if that isn’t enough to deplete his magic and I wonder if the strain keeping it under wraps may be tied to the friendship problem we’re here to solve.”
  107. ***
  109. “He saved my wife once, you know? There was a terrible storm that set the home ablaze,” Peat said. “All that rain and the fire still just ran rampant, and it’s only because of Lumen that she survived.”
  110. “What did he do?” Said Twilight.
  111. “He couldn’t be sure where she was and couldn’t risk blasting the wall in case the whole house collapsed, so he pulled in all the rain over the village and used it like a hose to directly attack the fire. Once he made a safe enough space, he teleported himself in, got her and blasted out the wall. But that’s when he lost control.”
  112. The man poured the two princesses more tea as his pretty wife nervously fiddled with her hair, accidentally revealing a burn scar on the side of her face.
  113. “He unleashed all his power upward, like that blast that drew you here. All but completely pushed away the storm clouds.”
  114. Shy but her lip, and Twilight sipped her tea, staring into the cup. She said, “there’s no two ways about it; he’s extremely powerful, possibly even more than I was before I ascended. But without rigorous practice, it’s extremely dangerous to leave that amount of power unchecked.”
  115. “He just wants to be left alone,” Peat sighed. “He doesn’t want to hurt people, or let his power be used by anyone. And things were fine. When that Tirek bastard drained everyone, Lumen managed to hide somewhere. I don’t know where, but I dare to think how things would have played out if he had Lumen’s strength. There was just one problem.”
  116. Shy said, “which was?”
  117. “Ever since then, his powers have been creeping up beyond his control. He would lose control before then, sure, but only when he overused his magic. Now, every few days, he has to go deep in the forest and let loose. I don’t know magic, so you’re better off asking Pearly. I believe you’re here to help, but I just worry you’re gonna force him to do something he doesn’t want to do.”
  118. “We aren’t here to take him away,” Twilight said. “We’re only here to help, however we can.”
  119. “We believe you,” Mrs. Thatch said, “but we’re not the ones you’ll have to convince. It’s Pearly.”
  120. Peat nodded slowly. “They were sweet on each other once, but ever since Tirek’s attack and however he managed to avoid him, her strong magic kept triggering Lumen’s uncontrolled surges. They didn’t have a choice but to break up, for all our sakes.”
  121. “Just hoping things will get better won’t solve anything,” Shy said.
  122. Twilight stood and said, “absolutely! We need to find out how Lumen hid from Tirek, see if we can fix what changed with his control over his magic, try and bring Lumen and Pearly back together, and solve this friendship problem!”
  123. “We just need one thing,” Shy added.
  124. Everyone looked at her, but Shy beckoned Twilight to one side.
  125. “If we’re going to deal with both Lumen *and* Pearlescent, maybe it’s time to concede defeat with holding back my other self… they’re both powerful and I doubt I’ll be able to resist either of them in my state.“
  126. “Privacy may be a problem in a cosy hamlet like this. I suppose I could always teleport us back home, unless…” Twilight pondered for a moment, then smirked and said, “it seems to me we have one unicorn with too much and one with too little energy. Solve one, gain control for the other.”
  127. Shy considered this, and her hair subtly shifted into red. “I’m going to pay a visit to the doctor,” she said in a sultry tone, “I need a very thorough, very *invasive* examination.”
  128. “That’s the spirit!” Twilight chuckled. “I’ll go back to Lumen and see if I can learn anything else from him about Tirek’s attack.”
  130. ***
  132. Pearly’s eyes felt heavy. They always felt heavy. She learned on the broom in her hands and only snapped to when her own snoring woke herself up. The ward was empty now, with her only patients sent home to rest and recover. All the same, she had to clean and sterilise the whole place. She never knew when another incident might happen, and what.
  133. The door to the clinic opened.
  134. “Good afternoon, welcome- oh, it’s you again. Fluttershy, was it?”
  135. The tall, curvaceous airblood smiled at Pearly. It was a friendly smile, but tinged with a hunger. Shy said, “I just wondered if you’d considered our offer to help you. To relieve you of your burdens.”
  136. “I was mostly joking,” Pearly said and rubbed her eyes, “it’s not that I don’t think you can’t help, it’s just a habit thst I just prefer to see to things myself. The joys of being a small village doctor. And besides, all the patients have been seen to for now.”
  137. “I understand,” Shy said and stepped closer, “sometimes the only way to know something’s been done is to really get hands on. And I respect that, but it’s obvious this is a strain on you. Is it because of Lumen?”
  138. Pearly flinched. “… I don’t want to say. It would make me sound petty.”
  139. Shy smiled and sat down on a bed near Pearly, and patted to sit beside her. “Nothing you could say to me will make me think less of someone so dedicated to giving kindness to others. If anything, you deserve more kindness than you likely know, and if I can be of any help, I’ll do it in a heartbeat, Pearly.”
  140. Pearly sighed and sat beside the towering woman. She said, “I suppose someone told you about us?”
  141. Shy nodded. “Yes, that you were once an item. What happened?”
  142. Pearly initially wanted to say nothing, but something about being near Fluttershy just… coaxed it out of her. She said, “… we felt like a perfect match. The passion was great. We ran this clinic together, yet we knew how to keep things professional and still found time to just be together and enjoy one another’s company. Lumen was eager to find ways to help without using his magic.”
  143. “He struggles to control it, hmm?” Her hand gently stroked Pearly’s back, who relaxed as she stared into those brilliant green eyes.
  144. Fathomless depth that just drew Pearly in, pulling her further from within herself. “Yeah… now, at least. He suddenly went from struggling to manifest his magic to having too much. I’ve tried to teach him the magic I learned back in the school of gifted unicorns over in Canterlot, but… he just kept it bottled up. Then Tirek happened…”
  145. Shy leaned closer to Pearly, who blushed and ran her fingers though her hair, trying and failing to straighten the wild, messy locks. “I helped him hide,” Pearly said in a whisper, “a secret place. Dangerous, but we didn’t have a choice.”
  146. “You’ll have to show me… once I give you the attention you deserve,” Lustre said, caressed Pearly’s cheek and gently kissed the smaller woman.
  147. Pearly gasped and felt a tingle run through her, and for a split second, she wanted to dedicate every living moment to the giant beauty before her. But then felt liberated, her own woman once more.
  148. The princess of lust pushed her new thrall down onto the bed and, with a gesture and a manifestation of a yellow horn, locked the door.
  150. ***
  152. Twilight snooped in the bushes near Lumen’s house. There had been a flash of magic in the windows, and after a few minutes, another. Then another. Finally, Lumen emerged in a panic, glanced around, and jogged down a side path. His horn sparking and flaring all the while.
  153. Twilight followed as he ran down a faded footpath through the woods, but even the soon gave to truly wild foliage. Lumen occasionally turned and checked he wasn’t being followed, and each time, Twilight held her breath and used a spell Starlight Glimmer had shown her, which let her blend in with the surroundings.
  154. Lumen eventually made his way to a tunnel almost imperceptible against the surrounding brush, checked the area once more, and entered.
  155. Twilight entered and noticed the stonework, struts and supports dotted about. It resembled an old mine, except the brickwork was easily centuries old. If she had time, she would have studied it more, but headed farther inside.
  156. Lumen cast a simple light spell with his horn once deep enough inside, and he seemed to relax, clearly feeling safe he hadn’t been followed. The tunnel winded and twisted, but soon opened up to a large underground chamber.
  157. At the far end was a mirror, but cracked and filthy, but Lumen approached it and seemed to hesitate.
  158. Twilight kept hidden back in the tunnel, heard him clear his throat and the mirror fragments shifted and shuffled.
  159. They levitated away from the frame, and formed a vaguely humanoid shape, like a glass puppet, then Lumen stepped back as the figure stood by its own power, and the mirror parts took on the skin tone and rough appearance of Lumen himself as he sighed.
  160. “Mirrionette? I’ve come to ask again; please, you’ve got to give it back to me. I was almost caught.”
  161. The puppet laughed and spoke in Lumen’s voice, “and that’s my concern, how? You still owe me a favour on top of our existing arrangement,” Mirrionette raised a shard-like finger and wagged it at Lumen, “despite your tremendous power, Tirek didn’t find you. You’re still here, he’s not. I’m not seeing the problem.”
  162. Lumen snapped, “one act of desperation, and that it? I’m doomed to fight against my own magic forever? My relationships strained and broken? People getting injured because I can’t hold back my power? When does it stop!?”
  163. Mirrionette shifted, taking on Pearly’s appearance and voice, it’s shards narrowing and compacting into a feminine form, “you know exactly when it stops, Lumy. It ends when Pearly gives me what I want, makes me whole!” It shifted back to Lumen’s appearance.
  164. Lumen scowled. “Never. You know she’s too dear to me!”
  165. “I don’t want to hurt her, you fool! Just complete the abilities you’ve given me to set me free.”
  166. Lumen pinched his brow. “There’s another problem. The princess of friendship is here, with another old spirit, like you.”
  167. Mirrionette loomed in closer to the noble-blood. It changed appearance into a strange amalgamation of body parts. “Don’t leave me in suspense! Who is it? Discord?” it said then shifted back.
  168. “Lustre.”
  169. Mirrionette’s shards swirled and vibrated with a din of clattering glass, growing in speed and intensity until the sound was overwhelming. Suddenly they reconvened and it hummed, sharp fingers tapping its face plates.
  170. “A new deal, Lumen Haze. Forget about sending Pearly to me, if you can convince one of those two to come down here and make an agreement with me, I’ll consider your debt paid. Especially Lustre.”
  171. Twilight gritted her teeth and stepped forward. “Just what the hell is going on here!?”
  172. Mirrionette swirled like a tornado of glass and reformed beside Twilight, taking on her appearance. “Well, well, well…” it said in Twilight’s voice, “A new face. It’s very comfortable! Hello, Twilight Sparkle.”
  173. Lumen panicked and his magic sputtered. “Now, you leave her alone, Mirrionette! Your business is with me!”
  174. With a wave of its pointy hand, Lumen’s horn flashes and he yelped, then teleported away.
  175. The puppet smiled at Twilight and slinked around and studied her. “Ignore Lumen, he’s all nerves, yet refuses to ask to be set free of their hold. We could be fast-friends, you and I! If there’s anything you need, any limitation you feel restrained by, you just ask your new friend, right here; after all, a period of self reflection can expose the aspects we dislike, and I can liberate you.”
  176. Twilight tapped her chin, and said, “let me guess, Mirrionette, there’s a terrible price to pay?”
  177. “Hah, please! There is no price, I simply hunt down and take on your flaws.”
  178. “Perceived or otherwise, no doubt,” Twilight muttered. “What did you take from Lumen in exchange for hiding from Tirek?”
  179. “A promise of a visit from his old flame, nothing more.”
  180. “And his lack of control over his magic? You caused that?”
  181. Twilight’s mirrored face twisted into an ugly, rictus grin, then shifted into Lumen’s face with then same expression. It said, in Lumen’s voice, “his business is with me.”
  182. Twilight felt a chill up her spine. She said, “well, this has been enlightening. I have a think and get back to you, ‘kay?”
  183. Mirrionette’s stolen expression sank and it sighed. “As you will. But we will see one another again. I guarantee it.” It turned into a cloud of shards, and replaced itself in the mirror frame, silent once more.
  184. Sufficiently creeped out, Twilight exited the cave just as Lumen ran up to her.
  185. “Please tell me you didn’t strike a bargain with Mirrionette!”
  186. “I’m not exactly interested in making deals with supernatural entities I know little about unless I have no choice. But I would like an explanation.”
  187. Lumen sighed and nodded. “Y- you’re right. Let’s go to my cottage and I’ll tell you everything.”
  189. ***
  191. Moans. Gasps. The suction and pop of rapacious kissing. The creak of the bed frame.
  192. “Ah-! More.”
  193. Lustre had what she wanted from Pearly, a wide and potent stretch of magic sadly limited by her fatigue, and now gave her new follower what she wanted in turn; a dose of raw passion and power. She brought the smaller woman to her climax, the tantric cry echoing through the ward, then sat up against the wall to enjoy the moment.
  194. Pearly laughed as she came down from her bliss. Her beautiful blue eyes locked onto Lustre’s as she whispered, “you have no idea how long it’s been.”
  195. “Oh, I know,” Lustre purred and giggled. “You were ravenous! It was beautiful to see you unrestrained, but the best is yet to come.”
  196. Pearly looked confused, then shivered. Her lithe body began to swell; her curves bulging, her limbs lengthening and firming up with cords of muscle.
  197. In moments, the overtaxed doctor cried her second climax, then gasped as she looked down at herself, then stood.
  198. The humble, 5’3 woman now stood a firm, eye catching 6’1. Pearly asked, “what just happened?”
  199. Lustre’s wild red hair cooled into a messy pink and red blend as she lounged on the bed. “I’ve awoken the untapped power of your love. How do you feel?”
  200. “I feel… amazing! Refreshed! Like I’ve slept for weeks.” Her horn appeared and glowed, and every tiny imperfection in the beds, every slightly out of place bottle and jar of medicine and even the bed they had just spent the last hour making a mess all glowed and moved back in place.
  201. Lustre even tittered as she was lifted so the blanket could be adjusted before she was gently placed down again. “So… not to ruin the mood, but about Lumen.”
  202. Pearly sighed and brushed her even wilder hair back, only for a few random cowlicks to spring back out. “Fine. I’d best show you, but you have to promise not to do or say anything unless I tell you to, because we’re dealing with…”
  204. ***
  206. “… another of the old spirits, like your friend, Fluttershy.” Lumen handed Twilight a book; ‘Ancients, Obscures and Obtuses.’ “Lustre may have been banished within her original host and reawakened, but in a time before Princess Celestia’s reign, Mirrionette was the cause of a great deal of strife. The mirror itself isn’t evil or good, but it’s predatory. It copies anything in sight, but lacks power by itself. Instead, it offers to take on the weaknesses of those it interacts with.”
  207. “A wish giver of sorts then,” Twilight said and found the article within the book and began to read. The Mirror of Internal Reflection.
  208. “A truly amazing and terrible power. It literally strips the perceived weakness from the subject, and gains the reflection of that weakness as Mirrorionette’s strength. Again, any power or advantage the subject gains, *it* too gains the same, but you become linked to it. That becomes a chain… like how he managed to manipulate my magic to make me teleport away.”
  209. Twilight frowned at the book as she read out, “and weaknesses perceived are simply strengths of another stripe. Without the ability to conquer our flaws and overcome them, we lose a chance to grow.”
  210. Lumen nodded. “I… was foolish. I assumed I knew the risks when I approached Mirrionette and asked him to help me.”
  211. “What did you ask for?”
  212. The young man gulped and said, “I wished he would take away…”
  214. ***
  216. “…his numbness to magic.” Pearly said and tugged at her tight, more revealing robe as they approached the forest cave. “He struggled to learn how to use magic effectively because he was always struggling to feel the world around him like noble bloods do with their telekinesis, let alone learning other spells. Also, he was too sensitive to it.”
  217. Shy said, “oh dear, that would explain why he’s always going off accidentally. And boy, does he go off.”
  218. Pearly gave Shy a funny look, and the subdued princess of lust giggled.
  219. “Sorry, I meant that magical blast. I haven’t had the pleasure,” Shy said and smirked. “Yet.”
  220. The doctor’s brow twitched. “Anyway, he’s certainly gained power from the deal, but the destructive potential still means he doesn’t know many spells; if he gets too agitated or emotional, his magic goes haywire. The same if any magic is used near him. It was what drove us apart…”
  221. “I’m sorry to hear that. You do seem like you would make a good team.” Shy squinted into the dark as they headed farther underground.
  222. “We did… but it just put a strain on us both, so we’ve kept separate since. And, of course, it was only made worse when Lumen also asked the mirror to hide him, which Mirrionette had no choice but to acquiesce. If Lumen loses his magic, the mirror does too, but by hiding inside of the mirror, his unrestrained magic shattered it and gave birth to… this.”
  223. Pearly gestured and her horn sparked to life to the open chamber, and as soon as Shy saw the broken mirror, the shards peeled away from the frame and took up a humanoid form.
  224. The glass pieces twirled and coalesced near Pearly, and the reflections took on her appearance. “Greetings, Pearlescent Lux,” it said in her voice, “I almost didn’t recognise you. And you!” It restructured to Shy’s height and curvaceous shape, thinning out the shards as it seemed to struggle to maintain a presence, and finally projected an imperfect representation of the princess of lust. “You are so very familiar. I remember you, Lustre… do you remember me?”
  225. Shy tilted her head and closed her eyes. Her hair turned full red as she smiled. “Ondrarion…”
  226. Ondrarion smiled with Shy’s imitated plush lips. “It’s been a long time.”
  227. Pearly said, “wait, you know each other?”
  228. Shy nodded. “When I first came to be, in my vanity, I sought the finest mirror in the land to capture my beauty. But if I recall, it couldn’t. Not in my true form.”
  229. Ondrarion’s reflections faded as it seemed to slump. “I can capture and reflect the most brilliant and luminous, but never you, Lustre.”
  230. “And yet you’re still trying. Taking things that don’t belong to you, like poor Lumen’s control?”
  231. “I do what I must to reflect the greatest things in Equestria,” Ondrarion said and bowed. “It’s as in my nature, just as it is in yours is to be radiant and beautiful, perfect… but that’s the past. Now I do what I must to become strong enough to gain my freedom. I demand you give me another sliver of your power, as you’ve given it to so many, Lustre. I must live to have my own chance to shine! I beg you! I could make you even more beautiful!”
  232. Lustre folded her arms and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but even if I was my old self, I cannot.”
  233. Ondrarion’s shards quivered and shook, clattering and tinkling. “Always to be inferior, is it? But I recognise your work on improving others…” Several shards flew and cut into Pearly’s dress, lifting her and pulling her to the mirror frame as the rest of Ondrarion fitted itself together.
  234. Pearly tried to cast her magic, but her horn sputtered and faded. “Ah! Let go of me!” A high pitched whine resonated from the shards, and Pearly cried out before slumping.
  235. Lustre grew to her ten foot and gloriously curvy full size, her clothes bursting but a magical swirl of shining robes wrapping around her, accentuating her form. She floated as her powers fully blossomed, a yellow horn forming on her forehead. “What are you doing!? I demand you release her!”
  236. “Just taking my own destiny into my own hands, Lustre! Either you submit to my demands, or I’ll take Pearlescent Lux as *my* host, just as Fluttershy is yours!”
  237. Lustre raised her hand to pull the captured doctor free, but the reflective creature brushed aside the glowing red aura as if it was its own magic. Lustre shouted, “you can’t do that! I command you to stop!”
  238. Ondrarion laughed. “Have you forgotten? You’ve given me so much of your power already from way back then when you fought Celestia… enough to resist you! Now, give me what I want!”
  239. Lustre diminished back into Fluttershy, and panicked as Odrarion returned back into its mirror form, and Pearly was pinned to its surface, unconscious. “Think fast… I’ll give you one hour to decide.”
  241. ***
  243. “That’s quite a mess,” Twilight said and closed the book. “And a well hidden one at that. I think I could probably cross reference the mirror with some other books on my library, or the Canterlot archives to get a better understanding of exactly what we’re dealing with, but if it’s true that this Mirrionette is tied to Lustre, it could be tricky. Out of fear of her coming back, Princess Celestia has hidden references to the Princess of Lust in a… well hidden section of the archives. I’ve only recently been given access.”
  244. Lumen replaced the tome on his shelves. “I- I assume for good reason? She was dangerous, well capable of taking over Equestria by turning everyone she put under her spell into stronger versions of themselves. Yet she seems to be a close friend of yours.” He grimaced and suddenly looked afraid. “Wait, you aren’t one of her thralls, are you?”
  245. Twilight took a moment to consider what to say. “It’s different, you don’t need to worry. Lustre’s current host is a very dear friend of mine. Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness, so the two seem to have merged into a well meaning if… mischievous woman. Technically, I am her thrall, but I’ve also learned many of her spells, including one that allows me to block her ability to control me, but I haven’t had to use it since the first time, before Lustre realised we accepted her.”
  246. “That’s a relief. These old spirits are peculiar, neither good, nor bad, it can be difficult to tell where you stand with them, but they’re always fiercely tied to their focal aspect. Lustre being passion and power, Mirrionette, or the Mirror of Internal Reflection being clearer as understanding the self. The problem arises when they learn to use these aspects as weapons.”
  247. Twilight tapped her chin. “Like Lustre using her thralls’ passion to defend her or attack others. Or Mirrionette turning what should be introspective growth into corruption of the best or worst aspects of ourselves; too much good without the bad to offset it.”
  248. “Exactly. Without that numbness of my magic, I no longer have anything holding back how much power I can wield. But… it also means I can’t stop it if I get overwhelmed. I could seriously harm someone, or even myself!”
  249. The door burst open and Lumen yelled in panic as his horn sparked bright white.
  250. Lustre entered, equally frightened, and said, “it’s Pearly! She’s been taken by Ondrarion!”
  251. Lumen didn’t calm, but did focus. “Who? Wait, you mean Mirrionette?”
  252. Lustre nodded. “I’ll explain on the way!”
  254. ***
  256. The three reached the chamber, which was aglow with Pearly’s magic as slivers of mirror floated around her.
  257. Each shard had her appearance, but wisps of energy flowed from the shattered glass and into her body. Pearly herself was still pinned to the frame, her eyes closed, even as her horn continued to fuel the mirror’s sadistic plan.
  258. “Good, you’re all here,” Ondrarion cackled, part Pearly’s voice, part some high, nails-on-chalkboard screech, “is Lustre ready to bargain?”
  259. Lumen stepped forward. “You’re bargaining with me, Ondrarion! That’s what this was always about… you sensed my potential when I hid within you, and now-”
  260. “Don’t flatter yourself, Lumen,” the mirror said and briefly grouped enough shards together to show a twisted, smirking version of Pearly. “That was true once, but your companions are all the more potent. I’ll let Pearlescent go if one of those two will take her place.”
  261. Twilight gritted her teeth and tried to cast a spell, a purple haze appearing over Pearly’s body, only for the doctor to cry out in pain.
  262. “Tut tut, Princess of Friendship.” Ondrarion sneered, this time in Lumen’s facade “If you move Pearlescent or teleport her, oh… it won’t be pretty. She is bound to my form now, and either attempt to extricate her will tear her to ribbons! You cannot best me! *I* have control!”
  263. Lumen winced, then his eyes darted about. “Control?”
  264. Fluttershy stepped forward. “Take me, then!”
  265. Twilight grabbed her friend. “Fluttershy, no!”
  266. “I can’t let Pearly be taken… this is my fault. And besides,” Shy leaned in and, as tears formed in both their eyes, she whispered to her friend, “you can use my magic against me… do what you must. I’m sorry it has to end this way, Twilight… thank you for making me believe in myself, and tell Luna that I love-
  267. “Enough!! This ends now!”
  268. Everyone stopped and looked at Lumen. His horn glowed an almost painful white light, assured, confident. It was building.
  269. “I’ve been running, and hiding and trying to ignore the harm I’ve done to everyone for too long!“ He stormed up to Pearly and Ondrarion. “You are bargaining with *me*!!”
  270. “Lumen, what are you doing?” Twilight asked.
  271. Ondrarion sneered at Lumen in his own twisted, reflected face. “What is this pathetic charade? You never use your magic besides the most base mundanity!”
  272. “Because I was afraid! No longer. If anyone’s to lose their life here, let it be me! One way or another, I’m through holding back!” His horn thrummed with power and he yelped in pain, but the power still grew.
  273. The mirror’s shards trembled. “You intend to attack me? You’ll kill her, too!”
  274. “No. Not you, me.” Lumen grinned and clutched his horn with both hands. “I wonder, how powerful will you be without my ability to truly control your power? What’s the reflection of raw, untamed light, you monster!?”
  275. Lustre approached Lumen, but a sudden arc of power shot from his horn and blasted the ground in front of her. “Lumen, stop!”
  276. He winced and grunted as the power built, seemingly without end. “It’s my own fault. My own stupidity started this, and now it’s up to me. I’ve hurt so many, and pushed Pearly to the brink with everyone being hurt by my lack of control.”
  277. Ondrarion tried to wrest control from Lumen, but the green aura of his use of Pearly’s magic was overwhelmed by the sheer power built in Lumen’s horn, and even too much for Ondrarion’s borrowed control of the young noble blood’s powers.
  278. Twilight put a barrier around herself and approached. “What about your friends, Lumen? All the people in this village care about you! You’re a good man. We’ll find another way!”
  279. “They deserve Pearly, not me. She’s the strong one. She was the reason I took that stupid deal, to keep up with her. All it did was break us apart.” He began bending his horn.
  280. “You can’t do this!!” Ondrarion screeched, an amalgamate of faces twisting across the shards. “Stop!”
  281. Lumen glanced as Twilight got nearer, her barrier receiving several strikes and cracking. He closed his eyes and continued to bend his horn. “Everyone. I’m sorry.”
  282. Lumen’s horn cracked, and Ondrarian screamed, and it’s shards span and vibrated violently before they launched all over the room, exploding into tiny fragments in a cacophony of crashing glass. Then silence.
  283. Pearly fell from the frame and slumped. Her eyes slowly opened. “L- Lumen?”
  284. Twilight was still trying to fend off the intense magic, and Lustre looked on in a panic.
  285. Lumen was no longer trying to break his horn, but clutched his head and writhed as his magic continued to swell.
  286. Peary shook her head and teleported to him, helped him up, and said, “Lumy, I’m with you! Let it out!”
  287. She held his hand and directed it upward, and cast her healing spell on him, her pale green aura blending with his peerless, intense white.
  288. He visibly relaxed, closed his eyes, and he let loose his magic.
  289. The ceiling of the cave was obliterated as a scalding ray of white light fired from his hand. The night sky warped from the sheer swell of power that left the surface of Equestria.
  290. And clipped a chunk off the moon.
  291. A deafening silence took hold as everyone stared up in awe. Then they looked at Lumen as his horn faded, he chuckled weakly, said, “I’m sorry,” and collapsed.
  293. ***
  295. Back in the clinic, Pearly gently brushed Lumen’s forehead and down his cheek as he remained unconscious. Her horn glowed as Lumen’s body absorbed her unique healing magic. Pearly focused and put both her hands on his temples, intensifying her spell, and his own cracked horn briefly appeared, some of the damage becoming undone. Then he grunted and his own magic began reacting, and he grunted in pain, so Pearly stopped and sighed.
  296. Fluttershy fiddled with her fingers, the only sign of her true power once more a lone lock of red hair. Worry suppressing any lewd thoughts, the wish for kindness over power in charge.
  297. Twilight flipped through a number of Lumen’s books, but her growing scowl reached a peak. “Ugh!” She eventually uttered and magically stacked all the books together. “It’s no good! I can’t find anything else on Ondrarion.”
  298. “Shh!” Pearly hissed.
  299. “Sorry!”
  300. Pearly bit her lip. “I didn’t mean to snap,” she whispered, “you’re only trying to help. Forgive me. I have not been myself for some time, let alone when we first met.”
  301. “Is Lumen going to be okay?” Fluttershy asked.
  302. “It wouldn’t be the first time he’s gone too far with his magic. His horn didn’t fully break, so he will recover but it’s unlikely he’ll be able to cast magic effectively for some time. Once he does, I suppose we’ll just go back to covering for him again.”
  303. Twilight paced about. “I’m guessing defeating Ondrarion hasn’t restored Lumen’s numbness then?”
  304. “I doubt it. And Ondrarion can’t be defeated that easily. One shard of glass, able to capture the light, and it’ll be restored. And thanks to Lumen destroying the cave, all we’ve bought is time; the moonlight is already going to be restoring its power. Things will go back to how they were.”
  305. Twilight covered her eyes and rubbed her face “While I’m sure I could offer some assistance, this really isn’t a friendship problem any more. Lumen’s got friends in this community, and he’s well respected and beloved. This problem is far more rooted in his unique circumstances, and without some other means to deal with Ondrarion, I’m not sure what else we can do besides have Lumen live in a small community like here in Sunride where he’s less likely to cause anyone harm.”
  306. Fluttershy’s hair turned red and she huffed. “The answer is simple. Celestia is seeking powerful and uniquely skilled individuals, and she’s still a teacher at the school of gifted unicorns. If anyone can help Lumen find an alternative form of control, it’s her. Not to mention, I suspect Lumen’s own fears are also holding him back, and my Luna can take a direct look at his dreams.”
  307. “That’s impossible,” Pearly said, “he still needs my healing to fix his horn.”
  308. “Well, you’re a uniquely skilled unicorn yourself, Pearly, maybe you could go too?” Twilight said and put a hand on the doctor’s shoulder.
  309. “I suppose I could, but what about my clinic?”
  310. Fluttershy said, “I know a couple of doctors back in Canterlot who are looking for a quieter, more personal practice after all the incidents like the Storm King’s attack. They could take over for a while. And the palace physician could certainly use a woman of your talents too.”
  311. Lumen stirred and held his forehead. “What’s going on?”
  312. Pearly slowly explained the situation and asked, “so, fancy a trip to Canterlot?”
  313. “I don’t know,” Lumen said, his eyes darting about, “i- it’s kinda populated. Like… *really* populated, being the capitol city and all…”
  314. “You’ll mostly be following Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, “and she likes to take care of her social interactions personally. You’ll be there to do chores for her, protect her from any harm, and just be her friend! Also, I’ll let Moondancer, an old friend of mine, know to let you use my old library!”
  315. “Not to mention,” Fluttershy said, her eyes flashing deep green, “Celestia likes cute, magically strong types. I know she’ll just *adore* you. The poor dear’s been a little uptight for some time. You’ll definitely help her ‘aches’ just as much as she helps yours.”
  316. Lumen blushed but said nothing.
  317. Pearly tried, and failed, to stop herself from glowering at Shy. She cleared her throat, patted Lumen’s hand, and said, “don’t worry, I’ll be there with you. I know it’s been some time, and the spark has faded but… maybe a fresh start for both of us a lot of good?”
  318. Lumen still looked doubtful, and winced as his horn sparked and flickered. “If it means I can stop being a danger to people, I guess it’s for the best. Hiding’s done nothing but make things worse.”
  319. Shy and Twilight watched as the cutie marks on the back of their hands flashed, and they smiled at one another. Twilight said, “well, that was a strange friendship problem, but no matter! Pearly? Lumen? I look forward to see how you get on as Princess Celestia’s friends. She’s been a little lonely as of late since Fluttershy’s been going steady with Princess Luna.”
  320. Shy grinned. “No doubt. And if you need any advice, I’ll be around too.” Once more her hair turns red. “And if you need a little tutoring on *really* getting to know her, I can-“
  321. Twilight cleared her throat, loudly.
  322. Lumen mumbled, “what have I got myself in to…”
  324. ***
  326. That morning, as the sun beamed down and bathed the land in glorious sunlight, the freshly broken soil in Sunride’s nearby forests began to be reclaimed by the animals.
  327. And within a great chasm, unnoticed by any critter or bird, two fragments of glass shimmered, rolled together, and fused to one another.
  328. And a low, sinister cackle echoed through the trees.

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT