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The Gluttons of Nirvana

By Tankris
Created: 2022-02-08 17:06:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Late night. Downtown in a new, flashy city on a Friday night. The perfect time and place for parties, trouble and fun. Creatures of all shapes and sizes were gathered for another huge get together in one of the fanciest hotels around. There was no want, no desire too extreme or outrageous for tonight. Tonight was THE night. It was going to be fun.
  3. At least it should be for one shy stallion. As everyone else was partying, one particular gray stallion was sitting in his hotel room. In his hand was a very special invitation. It was the whole reason he was here. The whole reason he spent so much money to fly out and even more for the hotel room. It all hinged on this one special postcard and yet something held him back.
  5. He brushed a bit of his golden mane from his eyes and sighed. “What am I doing here? I'm no party boy. No swinger. There's nothing for me here at all.” That's what he told himself as he stared hard at the postcard.
  7. “To Blitz Tale. A special invitation to special people like you! Present this postcard to the Nirvana room at ten o'clock and get ready for the fun. Come hungry for anything and everything.”
  9. Blitz Tale groaned as he flipped over the postcard again and again. “....This is so stupid. Why did I waste all the money to travel if I'm not gonna go to this thing?” A tinge of red spread on his face. An appetite for anything...could be a lot of things. A lot of things that Blitz longed for. A lot of things that scared Blitz Tale. What was he to do?
  11. The stallion closed his eyes. “Maybe....I should at least head to the event room and see what this is about. If I'm there, I can't back out and run away.” Blitz Tale didn't move from his hotel bed. He just looked at the invitation again before glancing at the clock.
  13. “Nine-Thirty. If I don't go now...” He thought back to scheduling this whole thing. How excited he was to get the vacation time. How shaken he was from spending so much on such a short trip. How he was ecstatic to learn a few friends would be here to hang out and chat. A whirlwind of emotions in his heart and it was all wasted in this hotel room.
  15. Suddenly, Blitz Tale stood up. He moved to the door and grabbed the handle. “I gotta do this. Shit, I really got to do this. I'm not going to spend my life at home reading and playing tabletop games. No regrets, no unfulfilled desires.” Blitz Tale took a deep breath...and finally opened the door.
  18. The air felt thick and heavy. His feet weighed a ton. Everything seemed to keep Blitz Tale from walking to the elevator. The timid pony slowly forced every inch towards the party. Excitement had triumphed over fear, if only barely. Blitz Tale could feel his heart pounding as he forced himself to step into the elevator and head down.
  20. It was only after the ride did Blitz Tale remember one critical thing. “Dang it...where IS the Nirvana room?” He checked his phone. Fifteen minutes to ten o'clock. The best way to find it at this point would be to ask. “Who to ask, though? Probably a member of hotel staff....and let them know I'm heading to some sort of perverted party? Ugh....”
  22. The fear had returned. No way Blitz Tale could ask hotel staff! He had to find someone from the con. Someone “less professional”. Even then, Blitz could feel his face heating up as he walked up to two people wearing a convention staff badge. One was a tall, pink cow and the other was a rather short, blue goat. “E-E-Excuse me. Do you two know where...the...um...Nirvana room is?”
  24. “Ohohoho! Heading there, too? Come on, we're on our way there. Got your invitation?” The bubbly cow smirked at Blitz Tale. “Heading there a little late, huh? You almost missed it, buddy!”
  26. “Y-Yea. Never been to anything like this before.” Blitz quietly admitted.
  28. “Ohhh it's gonna be so much fun!” The cow smiled. “Sure, it's the first time the con has ever done this but hey, I put down a LOT of money to fund it and the convention. The only terms was to keep this thing very hush hush and invitation only.”
  30. “Wait...funded by you?” Blitz Tale took a look at the postcard once again. “Funded by The Sweet Retreat bakery? Mulberry Tart? You and Bleu are hosting this thing?”
  32. The small goat began to giggle. “Yup, that's us. If you've got that invitation, that means we know you, too! Give us a name already!”
  34. “Oh, it's me, Blitz Tale! We met at the convention last year in the vendor hall. I can't believe I didn't recognize you.” Blitz Tale felt the fear disappear from his shoulders. A friendly face made all the difference.
  36. “Aha, I remember. You had that sexy as hell picture of your thick character fall on the floor and it got us talking. Glad to see you here, Blitz.” Mulberry Tart flashed the stallion a perverted smirk. “You're gonna be so glad you came to this little party tonight. I know I will.”
  38. Mulberry's eyes glanced all over Blitz Tale for a second. “Wh....what do you mean?” Blitz Tale quickly asked.
  40. “Nah-uh. No telling till you're inside.” Huckleberry Bleu warned. “Here we go. The Nirvana room's guest entrance. Go down the hall and give the postcard to the person at the door and they'll let you in. Follow their instructions and relax.” The goat winked at Blitz Tale before disappearing through a different door.
  42. “See ya soon.” Mulberry Tart flashed another smile towards Blitz before heading after her boyfriend.
  44. Alone again. Blitz Tale could feel the fear surrounding him again. He quickly took off down the hallway before he got cold feet. Sure enough, there was a large hippo waiting outside a door. “Invitation, please.” He asked in a gruff tone.
  46. Blitz Tale handed over the postcard with a nervous smile. “Okay, approved. Come with me.” The hippo opened the door behind him and squeezed through. Blitz Tale followed him into a small room that had been converted into a makeshift changing room. “Here you go. Everything you need.” The hippo handed the stallion a briefcase.
  48. “Dress code for this event is as follows: Tops are optional, bottoms are mandatory. While attending the party, there may be times where other guests get personal. Make sure you have the appropriate button on your top or bottoms to let others know your preferences. Green is good to mingle, yellow is please ask, red is a stern no. Anyone caught breaking these rules or getting too frisky are thrown out. Understand?”
  50. Blitz nodded.
  52. “Good. Your briefcase is here. Once you change, it gets locked up till the end of the party. Any valuables aren't my responsibility so dont cry if you don't lock up your stuff properly. Have fun, kid.” The hippo nodded before leaving Blitz Tale alone to change.
  54. “Dress code, huh. Lets see...” Blitz Tale opened the briefcase. Inside was a stretchy pair of gym shorts, a crop top shirt and a bikini top. “Oh....wh-wh-what is this? I have to wear THIS?” Blitz Tale held up the crop top and blushed hard. The word FATTY was printed on the shirt in bold lettering. “I can't wear this!”
  56. He looked over the clothing once more. It was either the embarrassing shirt, the bikini top or nothing. Blitz Tale bit his lip and swapped clothes. The gym shorts were cozy enough but the crop top was another story. Blitz Tale was a chubby stallion. Some would say outright fat. The crop top did a terrible job of hiding his doughy chest and his belly was on full display. He COULD just pull the gym shorts up...but that would be another disaster altogether.
  58. “It's fine....it's fine....everyone will be dressed the same. You wont look odd, you'll fit right in...” Blitz Tale could feel his face burning up. No matter how many times he told himself, the embarrassment wouldn't go away. The only thing left was to decide which button to wear. “I'm already in the thick of it...I guess it would be a waste to back out now.” Blitz Tale told himself as he put on the green button.
  60. With everything stored and locked up, it was time to join the party. Blitz Tale sighed and opened the door leading to Nirvana. As soon as the door was open, an overwhelming smell hit his nose. His tummy grumbled, desperate for whatever smelled so good. Blitz Tale looked into Nirvana and gasped in delight.
  62. Several long tables were sitting in wait with dozens of platters of food upon them. Pizzas with slices bigger than your hand, whole chicken and turkey platters, huge slabs of ham, hamburgers stacked to the sky, french fries piled high, fried chicken sitting in gigantic buckets. That was just a small sampling of what was for dinner. Dessert tables were scattered everywhere, filled to the brim with cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts and everything in between. It literally was Nirvana!
  64. Blitz Tale took a few steps towards the food. He was already drooling and his tummy was grumbling loudly. Without fear clouding his mind, hunger was ready to take over. “Hey buddy, hold up. The hostess is about to go on stage.”
  66. A staff member politely stepped in front of Blitz Tale. “I know it looks good but think of how much better it will be after the wait. Don't worry, there's enough for everyone and more.” Blitz blushed as the staff member was clearly staring at his belly as they talked.
  68. “S-Sorry.” Blitz apologized. He quickly took a seat in a comfy looking beanbag chair. He could see the staff gathering more platters on a nearby stage that was partitioned off with ropes. “A VIP area, huh? I wonder who gets to eat up there...”
  70. No sooner had the question left his mouth did Blitz Tale get his answer. Mulberry Tart slammed open a door near the stage. Blitz Tale gasped as he watched Mulberry strut onto the stage. She was wearing nothing but a red string bikini that left nothing to the imagination. Her plump, bouncy breasts threatened to spill free from the slender straps and her tummy jiggled free with every step. Blitz Tale was lost for the second time that night, staring at something incredible beyond his wildest dreams.
  72. “Hey there party people!” Mulberry Tart shouted into a microphone. “Are you guys ready to eat?”
  74. The room erupted with a grand cheer. “Are you guys ready to get fat?”
  76. Another loud cheer. Mulberry Tart smiled as she looked over the crowd. “Damn right you are. Everyone here has been invited personally by me to enjoy this fantastic party. I wanna see some bellies, I wanna see some tummy, I wanna see some people get drunk off gluttony tonight!”
  78. The crowd was in agreement, pumping their fists and hollering loudly. “Good to hear, boys and girls.” Huckleberry Bleu had joined Mulberry on stage. He was still wearing his clothing from the lobby, however. “While I enjoy every little bit of my girlfriend on stage, I do have to be the muscle around here if things get out of hand. No unwanted touching, no explicit junk and no getting on the stage and disrupting the star of the show or else.”
  80. Huckleberry Bleu gave his own tummy a pat as a warning before turning back to Mulberry Tart. “Anything else you wanna say, sweetie?”
  82. “Hell nah, I just wanna eat! EVERYONE DIG IN!” Mulberry commanded.
  84. A swarm of people rushed up to the tables. Blitz Tale sat and watched as people grabbed as much food as they could. Some piled food high on their plate, some grabbed multiple plates all at once. He swapped his focused to the stage and blushed as he watched Huckleberry Bleu already hard at work feeding his sweetheart.
  86. “Nice couple, huh?” A strange voice perked up beside Blitz Tale. It came from a chubby Eevee wearing a red scarf. “Wouldn't that be nice, though? To have someone pamper you like that. Really looks amazing, yea?”
  88. “Y-Yea....it does.” Blitz Tale nodded.
  90. “Good. I'll be right back.” The Eevee said with a wink.
  92. “H-Hey...hey wait!” Blitz Tale tried to call out to him but either the crowd was too loud or he didn't care. The bold, red scarf made it easy to watch as this new friend gathered up two plates of food and grabbed a soda with ease.
  94. “Here. I hope I got some favorites. “ The Eevee smiled as he offered the cold can of soda to the stallion.
  96. “I appreciate that. Let me just...” Blitz reached out to grab the plates.
  98. “Mmmmmm nope. They aren't for you.”
  100. “Oh....well, thanks for the soda at least.” Blitz Tale was about to get up when a slice of pizza was pushed towards his face. He looked past it and saw the Eevee looking with an expecting grin. “.....ummmm.”
  102. “Come on. I can tell you're hungry, big boy. Go on and take a bite.” The Eevee pushed the pizza slice a little bit closer. Blitz slowly opened his mouth and the slice entered his mouth. “There you go. Is it good?”
  104. The Eevee didn't wait. As soon as Blitz had swallowed, more pizza was offered. Blitz Tale chomped and chewed, slowly letting down his reservations as the distraction of food kept him tempted. “Mmm...is good. Really good.”
  106. “Wonderful to hear. I'll go get more.” The Eevee backed away, departing to the tables. Blitz was in a daze. How much pizza did he bring? Did Blitz eat it ALL? How much more was that Eevee going to bring back?
  108. It didn't take long for this new friend to come back with even more. A gigantic serving of fries, fried chicken, hamburgers and a few cookies to top it all off. “You looked really hungry so I got a lot this time. Tell me when you want more and it's yours, tubby.”
  110. Blitz Tale blushed hard as he remembered the crop top wasn't covering his belly at all. He was suddenly more aware of the Eevee glancing down every so often. Blitz slowly opened his mouth and was rewarded with a crunchy bite of chicken. Why did he open his mouth so easily? Well...the food WAS really good.
  112. A bite here, a bite there. Soon, it was all gone. Time for a burger. Bite, chomp, swallow. Blitz Tale resumed his snacking, losing his wariness in favor of the delight of food once more. The Eevee never wavered, keeping up a steady pace that never left Blitz hungry. All the stallion needed to focus on was eating and swallowing. Gulping and blorping. Grow big with each new bite.
  114. “Wow. Four plates full of food. What do you have to say to that, piggy?” The Eevee grinned at Blitz Tale. Blitz was getting really full at this point. The heaviness in his gut was just enough to snap him out of his stupor for a moment.
  116. “H-Hey, I'm not a pig. I'm a pony!” Blitz Tale interjected.
  118. “Could have fooled me. I didn't know ponies ate so much and got so round.” The Eevee reached out and gave Blitz Tale's belly a jiggle. “Nah, I know these things. This is a piggy belly and I don't think it's full yet.”
  120. “Mmmmmffffffffff” Blitz inhaled hard and moaned as soon as the Eevee's hand touched his belly. It was like electricity that made his body and mind fuzzy and weak. Blitz Tale immediately knew why he suddenly became so cooperative. This Eevee...this attention....it was intoxicating and it hit ten times harder than any drug.
  122. “Ohhhh piggy liked that. Tell you what, you eat like she does and you'll get all the belly rubs you can handle.” The Eevee grinned.
  124. It took a moment for Blitz Tale to focus his eyes but he finally saw what the Eevee was pointing at. It was Mulberry Tart on stage absolutely devouring everything in her path. Entire pizzas, whole chickens, thick slices of meat downed in one gulp. Mulberry's “talents” were certainly letting her eat as ravenously as she wanted and it showed on her belly.
  126. A cow determined to fill every one of her four stomachs is a force to be reckoned with. Superior stomach capacity meant that Mulberry Tart was having no trouble finishing portions that would have taken any other person a whole night to eat. Her stomach was happily bloated and full, sagging on her lap with no signs of stopping. The gigantic pink gut had pushed away the string bikini, leaving her hefty breasts to sit atop her gurgling belly. She was the queen of gluttony and everyone else in the room was a speck compared to her.
  128. “Come on. One more plate of food, then dessert. You do that...and you'll get all the belly rubs you want.”
  130. Blitz Tale bit his bottom lip. Slowly, he nodded his head. Blitz needed more. More food....more flab....more of that intoxicating touch and would do anything to get it.
  132. The Eevee was quick to return with more burgers, pizza and a giant stack of doughnuts. Blitz Tale greedily opened his mouth in wait, letting a bit of drool fall on his ill fitting shirt. “That desperate, huh? Oh my, I found such a good piggy. Are you a good piggy?”
  134. “Y-Yea....” Blitz Tale blushed as his reward was stuffed in his mouth. Another bite and another swallow. A gluttony machine desperate for more. Still, even someone as determined as Blitz was starting to slow down. Each bite was taking longer to swallow and every gulp made the ache in his tummy worse.
  136. “Hmm....I may have to offer my reward a little early. Someone has eyes bigger than their stomach, which is pretty difficult all things considered.” The Eevee joked as he put down the food. Slowly, he reached out his hands and gently placed them on Blitz's tummy. That familiar fuzziness came back in spades, making Blitz Tale groan in delight.
  138. “Full piggy loves his belly rubs. Gotta help him relax and let the belly turn it all into cute, jiggly flab. Are you gonna be a fat piggy for me?” The Eevee pressed down on Blitz's tummy and forced the stallion to belch so hard, a few party goers turned to look where it came from.
  140. “There you go. Nice and relaxed, right? More room for the piggy to eat and stuff himself full.” Blitz Tale opened his mouth on instinct and resumed eating. The savory delights quickly faded as frosting, filling and fried dough became the final course. Doughnut after doughnut was pushed into Blitz Tale's mouth and he happily accepted it.
  142. “Come on, piggy. Not much left.” The Eevee claimed. He placed a hand on Blitz's tummy and rubbed little circles on his rock hard gut. “Keep going. Eat. Be as big as you can be.”
  144. “Last one. Are you ready?” The Eevee asked. Blitz Tale simply sat with his mouth open, huffing and groaning. One final doughnut was placed in his mouth and Blitz ate it right up. Another belch filled the room as the Eevee got to work with those magic hands. “I can't believe you ate it all. Good boy. You're such a good boy.”
  146. “Hfffff....good....me....don't stop.” Blitz Tale begged. His once chubby belly was now a stuffed tight drum sagging down low between his legs. The crop top certainly wasn't going to hide this sinful orb of gluttony at all. Not even the stretchy shorts could think to hide such a huge, heavy gut.
  148. “I wont stop. A good fatty like you deserves attention for the rest of the night.”
  150. “Hah.....mmmmmggggfgffgf.” Blitz Tale couldn't form the words. He didn't want to. All he wanted was this to last forever. This special feeling, the intense weight inside him, the fuzziness that drove away all the worry and doubt. Please, just make it never stop.
  152. The entire room was in agreement. The white noise of the crowd had shifted from excited cheering and munching to softened groans of content. Some were alone, basking in their gluttony, others were busy comparing bellies, comparing portion sizes and complimenting each other. Then there were those with a dedicated friend being spoiled just like Blitz Tale and Mulberry Tart.
  154. Mulberry had slowed down as well. Huckleberry Bleu was spending more time at her side rubbing her titanic belly than feeding her. Even the queen of gluttons had her limit, something the affectionate little goat was too ready to exploit. His hands were all over her tightly filled gut while he smooched and groped her belly and body all over.
  156. “Mmmm...I haven't eaten like that in a while.” Mulberry groaned into the microphone. “I see a LOT of good bellies in here and it makes me glad to know I made it happen. Those of you who can't eat another bite, good job. You're one step closer to being a wonderfully plump fatty just like me.”
  158. The staff began to wander around, grabbing empty plates and half eaten food. While no one wanted to say it, the party was on the decline. A few people rose to their feet clutching their bellies and waddling to the changing room. Some were gluttons to the end, snacking on one last treat before leaving Nirvana.
  160. “Come on. I can tell my piggy is done. Up, up, up! Let me take you to your room.” The Eevee smiled as Blitz Tale was helped to his feet. Poor Blitz Tale was out of it, inching himself forward as best he could.
  162. It was past one o'clock in the morning as the stuffed stallion made it to his room. The Eevee helped Blitz inside and eased him into bed. “There. My perfectly stuffed piggy in a blanket.” The Eevee giggled as his joke before taking off his red scarf and wrapping it around Blitz Tale. “Something besides the dozen pounds you gained to remember me by.” The Eevee smiled and left Blitz to fall into a food coma.
  164. Blitz Tale slowly opened his eyes the next morning. “Mmm...eleven o'clock. Jeez...” He grumbled before sitting up. His stomach was still bloated and heavy but it lacked the tightness from last night. “What...a wonderful night....What an experience...”
  166. The fat stallion blushed as he realized he was still wearing the crop top...as well as a certain red scarf. He took off the scarf and noticed a little scrap of paper with a number on it. “H-He left his contact info? Oh....oh jeez....” Blitz Tale was sputtering and nervous all over again. If that was the idea of a good time for this potential new friend...Blitz had a feeling he might have found what he had been searching for after so long.

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