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Lumen Haze Character Sheet (ETSR CYOA protag)

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-03-15 18:05:33
Updated: 2022-04-25 03:21:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Lumen Haze - Unicorn/Noble Blood
  2. Current Rank: Equerry of Princess Celestia
  4. Core Attributes:
  5. Gallantry - A reflection of physical toughness, fitness and martial prowess, both practical and theoretical.
  6. Below Average (D8): Lumen is physically fit, as a suggestion he read about from books concerning his magic woes which mentioned being well in body helps prevent injuries formed from miscast spells, but otherwise lacks any combat training and is quite slim and unassuming.
  8. Cunning - A reflection of wit, sneakiness, banter and observation, as well as a body of non-magical knowledge.
  9. Above Average (D12): Clever already, and bolstered thanks to a day spent observing Princess Celestia and fellow equerry Mistral Shear in court, Lumen is learning the ins and outs of social interraction with the many figures in Canterlot as well as engage in banter with his peers.
  11. Mysticism - A reflection of magical power, knowledge, both scholarly and esoteric.
  12. Exceptional (d20): While born with a numbness to magic, his relationship with powerful spellcaster Pearly, as well as extensive magic knowledge besides, has given Lumen a broad understanding of the topic. His ill-fated dealing with the Spirit of Introspection, Ondrarion, has unlocked his magical powers, at the expense of his control and an almost uncontrollable sensitivity to nearby magic sources.
  14. Abilities -
  15. Unique Talent: Extreme arcane sensitivity (Formerly a type of magical numbness, both casting *and* being afflicted)
  16. Can detect small shifts in magic from a fair distance. Can be overwhelmed by strong surges. Suffers from wild magic surges when agitated, which allow him to uncontrollably unleash tremendous amounts of power. Critical passes or fails cause differing re-rolls of his mystic attempts, greatly boosting their potency or other, negative effects based on what was attempted.
  18. Spells:
  19. Telekinesis - Basic unicorn ability too lift, move and manipulate objects from afar (formerly advanced, lost practice due to fear of losing control)
  20. Blast - Basic attack spell
  21. Shield - Basic projection of solid force that protects from physical and magical attacks
  22. Lustre's Growth - Combat version: A short lasting, rapid induction of growth in another, but can only be used during a surge (controlled or otherwise)
  23. Passion version: Slow, pleasurable growth caused in another, but can only be used during a surge (controlled or otherwise)
  25. Skills:
  26. Zen state/The Empty Room - When not under direct duress, Lumen can spend time in meditation, entering his 'inner empty room', which brings his state of agitation back to zero. A lesson taught by Celestia in her 'intimate training'.
  27. Controlled surge - When in a calm, un-agitated state, Lumen can willingly induce a surge (automatic 20 and a reroll) without risk of losing control. A lesson taught by Celestia in her 'intimite training'
  28. Sensitivity control - Lumen's ability to resist his sensitivity to magic: Training in progress
  30. Affinities: These bonuses and penalties reflect, as a manifestation of the power of friendship, all rolls made when in close proximity.
  31. Equerries -
  32. Osmiana Zenith: +4
  33. Mistral Shear: +5
  35. Princesses -
  36. Celestia: +6
  37. Luna: +?
  38. Lustre: +?
  39. Twilight: +3
  41. Others -
  42. Pearlescent Lux: +10
  43. Moon Dancer: +2

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