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A Different Kind of Cow

By Tankris
Created: 2022-06-01 23:31:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Exhausted. Weary. Defeated. A lone stallion struggled to move forward with each step. His hoof steps echoed through the late hour of Ponyville's streets as he struggled to get home. Every muscle screamed for relief that would not come. Barnyard Bargains was on the other side of town and while Ponyville wasn't a gigantic, sprawling metropolis, it certainly felt like it to Blitz Tale.
  3. Another double shift. Second one this week and Blitz could already tell that tomorrow was going to be the same. He couldn't remember his last day off. Blitz couldn't remember the last time he felt calm and relaxed. No smiles, no happiness. It was nothing but work and stress.
  5. Finally, his end goal was in sight. The front door to his incredibly tiny home. A bedroom, a kitchen area and a bathroom. Not even a living room to sit back and relax. Still, it was a welcome sight. Blitz Tale unlocked the door and pushed himself inside. His work apron was thrown to the ground as he inched his way towards the bathroom.
  7. The faucet roared to life, filling the tub with hot water. A quick soak was all the comfort Blitz could afford tonight. No games, no books or shows, just sleep. As the tub filled, the tired stallion took a look at himself in the mirror. His dull gold hair was matted and disheveled, a far cry from the posh looking bangs he painstakingly styled every day. Blitz's shiny gray coat was dull, dirty and grimy from having to clean up after all the customers all day.
  9. Dark bags were forming under his eyes and while he didn't mind being a bit on the chubby side, stress eating was making his tummy hefty and heavy. The poor stallion was a mess. Blitz Tale took a deep breath and sighed. “It's not fair. I work so hard and get nothing back.”
  11. He turned off the faucet to the tub and eased himself into the water. Instantly, Blitz Tale could feel himself loosen up and relax. “Tomorrow...Tomorrow, I get a newspaper and look for something different. Anything to get away from Barnyard Bargains. I have plenty of experience, I should be able to land a job easy!” Blitz Tale closed his eyes. Tomorrow was another day and he would force a change whether he liked it or not.
  16. Hair brushed, tie straight and a smile on his face, Blitz Tale rushed out the door. A newspaper sat in his saddlebags filled with circled suggestions for local jobs. It was a wonderful day and Blitz knew that nothing would stop him. All he needed was a cheery attitude and the determination of sticking to it.
  19. “Sorry, you aren't what we're looking for.”
  21. “Is that your ONLY qualifications for this job?”
  23. “Oh, we filled that position last week. Sorry.”
  25. Blitz Tale was met with rejection after rejection. Slowly, he burned through his list as the day flew by. He took a small break at the park and took out his newspaper to look for more jobs. “Hmm...I didn't want to try that one but...ugh.” The stallion sighed as he set his sights lower, going from desk positions to sales positions.
  27. “Ugh, you think you'll sell anything looking like THAT?”
  29. “Sure, you can work for us! We just need a thousand bits deposit for your first shipment of our product!”
  31. “Hahaha are you serious? No, not in a million years...”
  33. Blitz Tale was crushed. The only jobs left in his newspaper were food sales and retail work. “I wanna move up, not a little to the left or right. Never working in food service again, not after that incident at the bakery with that crazy mare...”
  35. “There has to be SOMETHING left...” Blitz Tale flipped over the newspaper again and again, desperate to find something that didn't have a big, red X marked on it. “Retail...Retail...Food service...the only ones left besides those jobs are the sketchy ones and the pure physical labor ones.”
  37. The gray stallion subconsciously pushed a hoof into his soft tummy. Sure, Barnyard Bargains kept the poor guy on his hooves but it wasn't like he was doing heavy lifting all day. His love of pizza also kept Blitz nice and chubby.
  39. “Maybe there's something a bit more on the technical side? A job that's more tedious than hard out in the field somewhere...” Blitz shifted his mindset and looked at some of the jobs he had already crossed off. “Let's see. Cow pony. No experience required, all that's needed is a small physical to assess your compatibility with the livestock. Oh yea, I crossed this off immediately because of the physical.”
  41. Blitz Tale sighed. “I guess if there's nothing else, lets try this at the very least. Where is this place? I hope I can get a snack on the way.” Another glance at the newspaper pointed Blitz towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Ah, I bet the physical is to make sure you can deal with wandering in the Everfree in case a cow or something gets loose. Well then, just gotta make sure I don't lose any livestock. Let's try applying here!”
  43. “This is a farm? I may not be the sort of pony that works hard labor but I think farms don't look like THIS.” Blitz Tale was in awe of the strange building that sat so innocently near the edge of the forest. There wasn't a fence for the livestock, plowed soil for crops or coops for chickens and game. It was a small, residential looking building detached from Ponyville.
  45. “Maybe....this is just a hiring center? A temporary building while they get things set up....which is why they are desperate for anypony to apply.” Blitz Tale convinced himself over and over as he approached the door. He raised his cream colored hoof to the door but before he could knock, it swung open by itself.
  47. A mare with a white coat and blue mane tied into a bun smiled at the surprised stallion. She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a clipboard with her unicorn magic. “Good afternoon. My name is Sweet Dose. I'm hoping you're here for the farmhand position. We're in desperate need of workers and we can hire as soon as today!”
  49. “Oh...well I'm currently employed and looking around at the moment.” Blitz Tale scratched the side of his foreleg. “I hope that doesn't mean I can't come in and talk about it, right?”
  51. Sweet Dose smiled. “Of course not. Come in and we can do a bit of an informal review for now.” She pointed towards a comfortable looking couch and a few chairs in the middle of what looked like a break room. Along with the chairs, there was a refrigerator, microwave and some drawers. “Please, sit wherever you like.”
  53. Blitz Tale took a seat on one of the chairs, allowing Sweet Dose to sit at the sofa. “So, let's chat! You know my name but I don't know a thing about you...”
  55. “Oh! My name is Blitz Tale, ma'am. I currently work at Barnyard Bargains in the center of Ponyville. I saw your ad and was just wondering what exactly I'd be doing if I agreed to work here.”
  57. “Of course. It's all very simple.” Sweet Dose flipped over her clipboard. On it was a little map of the building. “We're here testing to see if creatures raised in the forest and disconnected from the magic of Equestria behave differently. You'll show up here every morning, monitor the cows, give them food and care for them and if need be, administer drugs to the livestock.”
  59. A small, metallic gun was pulled out of a nearby drawer and loaded with a vial from the refrigerator via Sweet Dose's magic. “Don't worry, you'll be trained on how to do everything we need you to, even use this handy little device. All you do is load it up like this, press against the skin and pull the trigger like this.”
  61. Blitz's eyes went wide as the gun was pressed against his foreleg. A small hiss filled the air as the trigger quickly pumped something into the stallion's blood stream. “H-Hey! What the heck was that for? I'm....not.....live....stock.”
  63. The room was spinning. Blitz Tale couldn't keep his balance as his muscles refused to listen. Slowly, the stallion fell to the floor in a slumped heap. He looked up to see Sweet Dose looking down at him with a twisted smirk on her face. “Always too easy” Her voice echoed through Blitz's ears before he passed out.
  66. ____________________________________________________________________
  71. “Ughhh.....” A masculine voice groaned as a pounding headache roused him from a stiff slumber. Blitz Tale opened his eyes. “Ahhhhg! Why is it so bright???” Blitz shielded his eyes from the bright lights burning down on him. “What the hell happened?”
  73. The headache only seemed to get worse as Blitz Tale tried to think. “Job search...the house by the forest...that doctor! That's right.” Blitz Tale groaned as he tried to sit up. “What did she do? It feels like my brain got hit with a hammer.” Blitz Tale forced himself to open his eyes a little.
  75. He was no longer in the cozy little office area. There was nothing in the room with him. No furniture, no shelves, nothing but a mirror that stretched along one of the walls. The room was totally bare, not even a window or door in sight.
  77. “Where's the door? Wait...where am I? How long have I been asleep?” These thoughts sank deep into Blitz's heart, forcing him to rise to his hooves. He slowly walked to one of the walls while still trying to block out the bright lights. Blitz poked and prodded at the walls but there was nothing that stood out. No knob, nothing to slide, no button to push, a latch to pull...the wall was blank.
  79. Blitz Tale forced himself to readjust. Headache be damned! The poor stallion rushed to the next wall, pushing and prodding at every inch he could. Moving around seemed to help keep the headache at bay; at least something was going right. Blitz Tale rushed to the third wall and moaned as the pulsing ache in his brain suddenly faded into extreme pleasure.
  81. Pleasure. Bliss. The wonderful calm after a monstrous climax. It hit hard from nowhere, sending the panicked stallion reeling. “Wha....What the hell was that?” Blitz Tale was blushing as he looked around the room. The bloom of intense euphoria was bubbling up again as Blitz noticed he was getting erect.
  83. “What in Equestria? Stop! No. This isn't the time!” Blitz Tale tried to focus but a sudden fog was forming in his mind. He tried to focus on the wall in front of him but each thump of his hearth was pulsing through his erection and it felt good. Too good. Blitz leaned back and sat down, panting and sweating as his throbbing dick pressed into his barrel.
  85. “Guh....why am I so horny? NEVER been this horny before. Gotta think. Gotta focus.” He turned to the mirror and blushed hard. “Gosh....I look like a porn star or something.” Blitz tried to straighten his hair but every beat of his heart made his cock twitch. There was something surreal, something incredibly sexy about staring at himself while so needy.
  87. “N-No...gotta check the last wall.” Blitz Tale groaned. He forced himself back onto his hooves and slowly walked up to the wall. “The mirror....it's part of the wall. What if it's not just a mirror....but glass? I could break it and get out of here!”
  89. Blitz Tale reared back, pulling his foreleg into position to strike. “One....two...THREE!” Blitz shifted his weight forward, only for another sudden jolt of pleasure to override his brain. “GUH!” He moaned, slumping down onto his butt as all strength left his body.
  91. “...Stupid boner....I'll deal with you LATER.” Blitz Tale grunted as he tried to get back into position. Another throb, another jolt of body numbing pleasure. “Gosh....ugh....f-fine. You win” The stallion blushed as he pushed his back to the mirror wall. “Somepony better not barge in, I swear. This is already so stupid...”
  93. Slowly, the needy stallion fondled his erection. “Jeez...was it always this big?” He shuddered hard as the softest touch sent a chill down his spine. “Never this sensitive....something is off.” Blitz pulled his hooves away and crossed his forelegs. “No. No I can't do this. That mare did SOMETHING to me and I can't let my guard down.”
  95. No sooner had he said that, Blitz noticed his hooves were inching back towards his member. “N-No! I don't need it.” A little touch on the tip, already flared and ready. I-I don't need it.” One quick stroke down the shaft and Blitz was already jerking his hips forward. “I...I....oh gosh I n-n-n-need thissssss.”
  97. Blitz Tale couldn't take it. He pressed both hooves against his penis and tugged hard. “GUH!!!” He groaned out in desperation as he sped up his movements. Every touch, every move, even the way his own breath glided against his throbbing skin. It was all electrifying. Blitz slumped onto his back and pushed his hips into the air, letting his cock tower over him. “Cuuuuhhh....cummmmmingggggg!”
  99. Vision was gone. All breath had left him. Blitz Tale grit his teeth so hard, he was worried he would break them. From somewhere deep in him, the need to climax burned like the sun. He couldn't stop jerking his hips as a huge rope of cum launched into the air and splattered against the mirror. Again and again, Blitz found himself climaxing harder than he had ever experienced and it was so wonderfully draining.
  101. SPLAT
  102. SPLAT
  103. SPLAT
  105. It wouldn't stop. Blitz couldn't stop it. No matter how hard he tried to calm down, the storm was still in full force. “St....stuh.......mmmmm Don't stop!” His mind was lost to it as his body betrayed him. More and more spunk splattered the window, coating it with lust as it dripped to the floor.
  107. This never ending pleasure was too much. Blitz felt his strength leaving him. The room was spinning, the air was thin. He let out a final, meek moan before slumping to the floor and passing out. From the other side of the mirror, an evil smile bloomed in delight.
  109. “Alert! It is now feeding time!” A mechanical voice shouted into the room. Blitz Tale popped open his eyes and struggled to get a bearing on what was going on.
  111. “Door...gotta open the door. Where is it?” Blitz tried to keep an eye on each door to see where salvation would lie. Mechanical whirring caught Blitz's attention as a small hatch no bigger than a book opened up and extended a long feeding trough into the room. “Wha? No way, where's the door!!”
  113. “Commence feeding!” The strange voice shouted again. Blitz watched as a few things were pushed onto the feeding trough. A sandwich, a hayburger, some really nice looking clumps of fried sweet-grass. It all smelled so good that Blitz's tummy instantly growled for a bite.
  115. “Oh come on. Like I trust anything after that doctor mare injected me with that knockout stuff. No way am I eating that.” Blitz Tale sat down and crossed his forelegs. “Nope. Not hungry enough to eat poison food.”
  117. “Subject is not eating. First warning until force is permitted.” A pair of robotic arms reached out from the wall and grabbed food from the trough.
  119. “I said no! Leave me alone or better yet, let me out!” Blitz Tale shouted at the machine. He sneered in rebellion and turned his head away...only for his tummy to let out a pained, needy growl of hunger. “I...I can get something at HOME after I LEAVE.” Blitz grumbled.
  121. “Second warning. Approaching final warning.” The machine echoed through the room. Blitz Tale yelped as a new arm grabbed him and forced him closer to the food. “Eat.” It repeated the demand.
  123. “Can't make me. I don't how hungry I am, I am NOT EATING IT!”
  125. “Final warning. If compliance is not given in ten seconds, the feeding will begin.” The mechanical voice warned as a fourth arm reached out and forced Blitz to open his mouth. He was trapped in place and the arms wiggling about with food were inching closer to his face. If the arms could easily pry open his mouth...
  127. “Ohkay! Fine! Ah'll eat!” Blitz Tale whined. Instantly, the metal arm in his mouth withdrew and the ones carrying food gently placed their payload into his hooves. The only one that didn't back away was the one pushing him closer to the trough. There was no bluffing or fooling the machine. It was either force him to eat his own way, or...
  129. Blitz Tale pushed a hayburger to his lips and took a bite. He chewed slowly, waiting for the inevitable surprise of poisons, toxins or anything malicious. Nothing. It was just a hayburger. A really, REALLY tasty hayburger. Before he knew what he was doing, Blitz Tale was gobbling it up.
  131. Any other pony might have wondered just how long they had been sleeping to be so ravenous. Others might have stalled on eating, using deliberate, slow bites to trick the machines into backing off. Blitz Tale was already lost in his desire for food. The chubby stallion polished off the hayburger and was already halfway done with the slice of pizza in his other hoof.
  133. He was inching his way towards the trough thanks to the metal arm. The sight, the smells, the flavor sinking into his tongue. It was all Blitz could think about. He couldn't help it. Blitz Tale reared up on his hind legs and stood up tall to reach the trough. Another hayburger was already in his mouth while his other foreleg reached for some potato fries. Everything was so good and it had just enough grease on it to slide down without a drink.
  135. CHOMP
  136. CHEW
  137. GULP
  139. Blitz Tale continued to eat as the trough was refilled. More greasy, fried, heavy foods were pushed in front of him. The stallion moaned in delight as if he had never eaten before in his life. It was too good to resist, even as his gut began to distend from the endless gluttony.
  141. CHOMP
  142. CHEW
  143. GULP
  145. The starved stallion grunted as he readjusted his hind legs. “Why...is this thing...so high up??” Blitz groaned. His belly was beginning to weigh him down, bouncing and bubbling full of food. It was so annoying to have to stand like this to eat...but the sensation of his gut getting so big and tight was oddly thrilling.
  147. CHOMP
  148. CHEW
  149. GULP
  151. More. The need infected him like a disease. All he wanted was more, even if it began to hurt. Even if it was a struggle to stand and to swallow. So much weight and yet somehow, Blitz felt like he was floating. It all felt so good. Too good. The piggy boy was so entranced with this feeling that he didn't notice, or didn't care, that he was getting erect again.
  153. His cock throbbed in time with his quick, greedy bites. Each swallow made him twitch. Each twitch made him hungry all over again. Blitz Tale was gone. All that was left was a horny eating machine. The gray stallion groaned as his erection brushed against his bloated tummy, driving him to buck and thrust his hips as hard as he could.
  155. No sooner had he tried thrusting the air did a small machine rise up from the floor. It was a cylindrical tube that was at the perfect crotch height for Blitz Tale to slide his member right in. He penetrated the tube and groaned in endless delight as the hole closed around him, pressing against his cock from all side.
  157. The one thing that could keep Blitz Tale from eating another bite was the pleasure of thrusting into the machine clamped on his dick. He pushed himself away from the trough to rear back as best he could. It made sure Blitz could thrust as deep as he wanted. Pumping his hips was all he could do now. Pre cum was leaking into the tube, making each thrust wetter and lewder than before.
  159. Blitz grunted and moaned. His cock ached for release. It felt like his balls were overflowing. There was nothing that he could do to stop. With a loud, feral shout, Blitz Tale climaxed hard. The tube was flooded with cum. Not even the tight seal could stop it from leaking out onto the floor. The room was spinning. All the pent up lust was leaving Blitz Tale with every fat rope of cum filling the device.
  161. It felt like a lifetime to Blitz Tale but only a few seconds had passed. Satisfied, the machine let go of Blitz's member and the feeding trough retracted back into the wall. No support, no energy, body heavy, Blitz slumped down onto the floor. His breathing was ragged and heavy. He barely had the energy to look over as a hissing noise filled the room. A familiar mare was standing in the doorway with a gigantic smile on her face.
  163. “A perfect specimen. The royal court will be pleased with you, Blitz Tale.” Sweet Dose walked up to the exhausted stallion with the injector gun hovering next to her.
  165. “N..No....I...leave me alone!” It was all Blitz Tale could manage to say before the gun was pushed to his hip and the trigger was pulled. The world went dark once more as the intense stuffing, unnatural orgasm and the chemical brew took their toll.
  170. “Vitals....normal....he....hooked up? Double check it.....no mistakes....” A voice was pounding into Blitz Tale's head. Every word was a distorted scream. Every sound made him nauseous. Blitz Tale forced himself to open his eyes and see whoever was making such a racket.
  172. Her. That bitch. Even in the darkness of the room, Blitz Tale could see her. Sweet Dose was busy talking to an unfamiliar pony. That pounding, that screeching. Everything was her fault! Blitz Tale huffed as he rose to his hooves to get in her face and scream at her.
  174. At least, that's what he wanted to do. As soon as Blitz tried to move, his attention was pulled to the heavy steel shackles weighing down his legs. No matter how hard he struggled, all he managed was the rattle the chains keeping him pinned down.
  176. Sweet Dose looked over and smiled. “Ah, I see you DIDN”T measure the correct dose. No matter, he's right where we want him. Leave us for now.”
  178. The other pony wandered out of the dark, foreboding room. “What....is your.....deal? Drugging me, feeding me? Locking me up? The police will find this place and throw you in jail!” Blitz Tale threatened.
  180. “Ha...haha...ahahahaha! Throw me in jail? For what, providing you the best job in Equestria? How amusing, considering this facility has the backing of the Royal Estate!” Sweet Dose continued to chuckle under her breath.
  182. “The Royal Estate? The committee of ponies directly under Princess Celestia? I don't buy it for a second! What would they need to kidnap ponies for?” Blitz Tale demanded to know.
  184. Sweet Dose slowly approached the shackled stallion. The smile on her face was twisted with sick glee. “This is the reason, my dim witted cow pony!” She said pushing her foreleg against something hard...and throbbing.
  186. Blitz Tale looked down and blushed. He was erect again. Painfully so. Each throb and twitch of his penis sent shivers down his spine. “I..uh....guhhhh.” Blitz couldn't stop himself from pinning his ears to his head and looking away from Sweet Dose. “What...what does that have anything to do with this?” Blitz asked while trying his best to pull his legs together
  188. “You see, you indecent little cow, the elite of Canterlot are kinky freaks just like you and I. The number one trend for Canterlot has been rearing a child out of wedlock for centuries. Everypony knows the children are illegitimate but nopony cares! Whore mothers celebrate with fake fathers of newborn babies every day without knowing who the real father is and they pay top dollar for such a privilege.
  190. Blitz Tale shook his head. “That's absurd! Nopony is that messed up!”
  192. “Oh, so when you woke up after being knocked out by a stranger, your first instinct every time is to jack off? I seriously doubt it.”
  194. Another blush washed over Blitz Tale. “You...You did something to me! I know it! I couldn't help myself...”
  196. “Yet you also went for the milking device after eating enough food for three stallions. You SURE you aren't some sort of sexual repressed kinkster, Blitz Tale?” Sweet Dose reached out and gave a light stroke to Blitz's cock.
  198. Instantly, the poor stallion tried to buck and squirm free. The sensation of just the hoof was too much. “Guh...what....why? Hffff....” Blitz Tale groaned in need. “How...How dare you do this to me and tease me for it!”
  200. “Come on, kiddo. I could see it in your eyes the moment you walked in my fake little clinic. You weren't just looking for a job, you wanted to escape your depressing life. I can give that to you. All you have to do is be a good cow and do what we say.
  202. It's easy. Sit around all day, no worries, no stress and all you do is eat and cum. We'll monitor your health and keep you safe from the big, bad world outside. There's other stallions to interact with between feedings and harvests. The physical benefits leave every stallion feeling empowered...sexy...dominating. Drop the act and submit to what you know you want. You'll start to enjoy it sooner or later anyway...”
  204. A buzzing noise began to call out from Sweet Dose's coat. “Hmm, seems we're out of time. You're at peak harvesting time and you'll need a nice, big meal to make sure you don't immediately pass out afterwards. See you later, cow.” Sweet Dose giggled before leaving the room.
  206. “Physical benefits?” Blitz Tale echoed to the empty room. He tried to look over himself while still trapped in his bonds. “I don't see any difference between now and two days ago...”
  208. Blitz Tale's muttering was cut short as a robotic arm descended from the ceiling. A bright light washed over him, slowly traveling up and down his body. He felt exposed all over again, trying in vain to hide himself from view
  210. “Feeding time scans complete. Food transfer to begin soon. Would subject like to see the report while eating?” A mechanical voice asked.
  212. “...Yes. If something is happening to me in here, I demand to know.”
  214. A bright light flashed in front of Blitz Tale and hovered in front of his face. It was like some sort of digital scroll made out of light. It had his name, cutie mark, height, weight and information about his abduction. “Wait....it's been TWO WEEKS since I went job searching?! How come nopony has found me yet??”
  216. Sweet Dose's voice came from somewhere near the report. “Oh sweetie, everypony in town already knows that you're gone. Everypony you ever talked to or cared about now thinks some cushy place in Canterlot moved you to a swanky, do nothing job that pays a fortune. Nopony EVER questions it and if you're a good cow, we MIGHT let you actually write a few letters home.”
  218. “You can't hold me here forever! I'll get outta herrrrphhhh!” Blitz Tale was cut off as a slippery hose was forced into his mouth. “MMMMMppppphhhhh! MMMMpppph!” He struggled and groaned but it was stuck deep inside him to wiggle out.
  220. No sooner had the hose been shoved into position did a warm, goopy substance flood Blitz Tale's mouth and throat. It was sweet. Impossibly sweet. Artificially made and obviously terrible for consumption. Blitz Tale fought against his bonds as hard as he could but the heaviness growing in his gut soon pacified him.
  222. He drank and drank but it wouldn't stop! Blitz Tale could feel his tummy sloshing and blorping bigger and bigger with each forced swallow. The hose wasn't going anywhere, it was too big to bite through and there was no way he was freeing his limbs. The poor stallion was stuck slurping and gulping the muck down.
  224. With nothing else to do, his eyes returned to the glimmering, digital scroll in front of him. 'Wait....weight since last scan? Penis size? Cum volume? Testes growth? What kind of stats are these??' Blitz Tale was stupefied by what he saw.
  226. As if it was reading his mind, the scroll split into two separate screens. He struggled to focus as his tummy was getting stuffed painfully tight. Two weeks ago, weight was one hundred and ten pounds; now it was one twenty five? How had he gained fifteen pounds while sleeping for two weeks?
  228. He went down the list, blushing harder and harder as he realized the trend continued. They weren't just fattening him up, they really WERE turning him into a cow! A hyper sexual, well hung, fertile cow kept passive from far too much food.
  230. Blitz Tale looked back at the hose still pushing more and more sludge into his belly. It HAD to be full of drugs as well as sugar but what? How could he stop himself from eating any more?
  232. “Subject nearing maximum capacity. Now administering relief.” The robotic voice called out. The floor between Blitz's legs parted as another hose shot out from the ground. It had the same milking tube from before, now shining and glistening with lubricant. “Beginning extraction.”
  234. “MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!!” Blitz Tale moaned into the feeding tube hard as the extraction arm slid down his cock. Pre-cum was already leaking out of him as he weakly bucked his hips. His full belly wobbled and jiggled with his weak attempts. “Mppph! Mmmmmmpppppppp...” Blitz whimpered.
  236. Slowly, the extractor arm began to vibrate and glide up and down. Blitz Tale didn't have to do a thing. The weak stallion twitched and groaned, instantly lost in the intense pleasure. Belly stuffed full, cock at full mast, balls already tight and bloated with seed, Blitz Tale was losing his mind.
  238. 'More....' He begged to himself. It felt so good. The only way he was going to survive is if he got more. The feeding tube nor the extractor stopped, only going faster to sate the fat cow pony. Blitz jerked his head back and slumped against the wall behind him as the release began.
  240. The extractor pushed itself against his crotch and whirred to life. Each desperate, thick rope of cum vanished down the collection tube. No matter how much Blitz Tale tried to flood the container, the suction didn't spill a single drop. 'I'm gonna black out again...' It was the last thought Blitz had before he finally stopped. The extractor released itself with a wet POP and retreated down the hatch.
  242. “Subject has finished. Ending feeding session.” The tube was coaxed from Blitz Tale's mouth and returned to the wall. Blitz Tale slumped down, forelegs danging weakly from their shackles. From the other side of the room, the door opened once more. Blitz Tale could barely lift his head to see Sweet Dose looking down at him.
  244. “So...do you want to go back to the hardships of a life you hate....or stay here and be a wonderful, horny, fat, cow for us?”
  246. Blitz Tale opened his mouth only to let a crude belch escape his lips. “Guh...oh gosh that's so much better....” He breathed in tried to compose himself. “I...don't suppose...b-belly rubs...are too much to ask for?” A blush as big as his belly was painted on Blitz's face.
  248. Sweet Dose smiled. “Usually the interns do it...but I suppose I can help. Happy cows make MUCH more seed, you know.” Sweet Dose reached out with her hooves and cupped the tight, gray orb that was Blitz Tale's gut. “My goodness, you ate far past expectations. You really are the perfect cow.” She winked at Blitz Tale, making the stallion sputter and bite his bottom lip.
  250. “D-Don't say things like that.....” His breathing was getting heady and he could feel himself getting hard all over again.
  252. Both ponies looked down as Blitz couldn't hide his arousal. “You....again? Oh...Oh my...Most stallions aren't ready to go again for hours but you...you're REALLY into this, aren't you?” Sweet Dose teased. “Well you're only getting the belly rub. Don't expect anything more from me.”
  254. Blitz Tale whined. “O-Okay....this does feel really nice. Th-Thank you.” He could barely process what he was saying. Thanking his captor and kidnapper? Was he really going to submit so easily??
  256. Another buzzing noise caught Sweet Dose's attention. “Hmm, I'm going to be late for my next appointment again. Dang it, I was supposed to enable a few quality of life functions but now I'll have to do it on the go. See you later, cow boy.” Sweet Dose winked as she left Blitz all alone in the room.
  258. As she left the room, Sweet Dose pulled out a small device from her coat. A few bleeps and bloops later, the room came to life. The dim lights slowly brightened to reveal a well furnished living area. There was an extra large bed, a massive couch, tons and tons of books as well as a television suspended from the wall. The metal arm holding the TV slid over to Blitz Tale and flickered on.
  260. Several stallions of all sizes were in their own rooms, busying themselves with leisure activities, feedings and “collecting”. Some looked new just like Blitz Tale but others were well fed and doughy. Some were absolutely massive, sporting huge, flabby guts that sagged to the floor. The one thing each stallion did have in common was their genital size. Each one was certainly a five star breeder with fat balls and stiff erections.
  262. “New roommate 121184 Blitz Tale logging in for the first time. Say hi to the newest cow boy, everypony!” A voice called out over the speakers. Many of the stallions looked up and smiled. They all began chattering at once with big smiles on their faces.
  264. Blitz Tale blushed. So many compliments about his hair, his eyes, even his tummy. “So...uhh...what are we supposed to do here? Anything we want? Does anypony...happen to play Ogres and Oubliettes?” Blitz asked.
  266. “Oh yea, dude. We love to play all the time! Are you a DM, a player or both? There's a game going on right now over comms channel three, a new group about to start in a few days over channel five and I'm personally starting a game tomorrow!”
  268. Just like that, Blitz Tale smiled for the first time since he woke up. Maybe....maybe it wasn't going to be so bad here...
  272. With the various distractions in his new home, it was easy for Blitz Tale to “comply” to the demands of his captors. Be happy, eat as much as you can, nut as hard as you can. It only took a few days for Blitz Tale to be released from his bonds due to how “healthy” he had become.
  274. His eagerness to eat had fattened him up all over. Blitz Tale was gaining faster than any other cow in the facility! A big, doughy gray gut was already threatening to sag past his knees and scrape against the floor. His face and neck were chubby and wobbly, a testament to his desire to grow.
  276. Blitz Tale heaved around a plump, jiggly rump that was made for squeezing and spanking. It wobbled with every step and ripple through his body. His tree trunk thighs cradled his engorged, fat balls so perfectly. Always on display to show off how well his treatments were working.
  278. Even with all the growth, softness and bulk, Blitz's cock refused to be left behind. What was once a modest penis was now a thick, girthy monster as long as his foreleg wiggling and throbbing between his legs. Special harvesting equipment had to be installed just to handle such a behemoth.
  280. “So, excited to graduate to permanent resident?” Sweet Dose asked. She held the keys to Blitz's bonds in her magical grip.
  282. “Sure am.” Blitz Tale sighed. “These cuffs are starting to get a little tight.”
  284. “Most stallions don't eat half of what you do, fatty.” Sweet Dose smiled as Blitz Tale blushed. “Okay....one, two...three...and four. Welcome to the proper cow life, Blitz Tale. Enjoy being a fat, lazy fuck for the rest of your life.”
  286. Sweet Dose pulled a small box from her coat. “Your graduation present. Wear them with pride, you absolute stud.” Sweet Dose winked before turning to the exit. Her strut was deliberate as her tail rose up just enough to flash Blitz her pussy.
  288. “Damn tease...she knows its close to collection time.” Blitz whimpered. His cock twitched in desperation. “Better see what she gave me before I make a mess...”
  290. Inside the box was a pair of white stockings and foreleg warmers with black spots. “Cow print, huh? Fitting. I just hope they DO fit...” Blitz Tale mused. Slowly, he pulled them on. They glided against his coat, slipping on easy as could be. “Wow...I really do look the part now, don't I?”
  292. Blitz Tale stretched his legs and moaned. “Man...really could have used this sooner. I'm so stiff, it's hard to move.” It was what Blitz told himself as his lardy belly wobbled and bounced with every step. There was a body mirror next to the bed and Blitz Tale took a moment to check himself out.
  294. Big. Imposing. Thick and sexy. The more Blitz Tale looked at himself, the more aroused he got. “No one to make fun of me. All the food I could ever want....all the relief I need.” It all felt so good. The way his body rippled, the soft plap of his rump fat, even the way his cock pushed against his belly. Everything about Blitz Tale was so fucking sexy.
  296. “Subject 121184, your vitals are out of accepted range. Prepare for emergency collection and feeding.” Blitz Tale blushed even harder as a mechanical arm coaxed him to the massive couch. All he needed to do was sit down and let it all happen...again and again and again. Even with the thick tube in his mouth, Blitz Tale smiled. Now THIS was the life for a perfect cow just like him.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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