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Anons Ghostly Misadventure

By LocaldurnKanon
Created: 2022-06-11 16:47:45
Updated: 2022-06-11 16:50:17
Expiry: Never

  1. This green was actually written on 4/7/2022 I just now got around to posting it here.
  3. >Anon purchases an abandoned house from an old pony couple for a really really good price.
  4. >it's practically robbery but the old couple seem reluctant but also releaved that some one else is buying the house.
  5. >they tried warning him that it was haunted with a very hoofsey ghost but anon being anon tried discounting it as poner shenanigans.
  6. >I mean kinderponies are scared of tall slides, fucking s l i d e s.
  7. >anon buys it with full confidence that he could handle the issue.
  8. >on the day of him moving in he gets tons of comments and learns of the rumor's of his now humble abode.
  9. >you know the stereotypical oooo spooky ghost house comments but there was some comments that piqued his interest.
  10. specifically of stories that where about the previous occupant before the old couple came into possession of the house.
  11. >apparently long ago the house was occupied by a very prolific and horrific, by pony standards of course, struggle snuggler called the ponyville snuggler.
  12. >He was apparently a very depraved and brutal struggle snuggler that no pony knew the identity of until he was caught snuggling his own daughter, when the ponice got involved the sick bastard started bragging about his numbers and was convicted on those claims.
  13. >he would hold his victims extra tight so they couldn't get away then he would bury is head in their mane and sniff them then sigh and bury his head deeper and hold on even tighter. He'd even boop them a little too hard. Which was easy for him because he was a very large pony supposedly larger than big mac but smaller than trouble hooves.
  14. >He ended up racking up a total of 300 years in prison on 68 charges of struggle snuggling, a hefty sentencing by kinder pony standards.
  15. >needless to say he spent the rest of his life in prison and even continued to struggle snuggle in prison until he was put into solitary confinement, but on his death bed he vowed to continue his struggle snuggling into the next life.
  16. although interesting to anon due to the historic aspect of the ponyville struggler being pretty much the first and only of his kind and the only pony to ever get an >actually significant punishment he proceeded undeterred completely and utterly undeterred by the prospect of invisible struggle snuggles.
  17. >1 month later after anon is settled in he starts noticing things.
  18. >like sheets and items seemingly being moved from where he put them.
  19. >he even found his house keys on the floor even though they were on a rack tall enough that only the princesses or a really tall pony could reach by rearing up
  20. when he went to pick them up though he swore he could feel somepony nuzzling him.
  22. >But no one was there, he just brushed the happenings off as him being forgetful or blaming it on drafts.
  23. >But last night was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak.
  24. >while he was sleeping he was startled by his door being slammed open.
  25. >when anon shot up bat in hand ready to fuck some one shit up what he saw was what looked like a pony in a sheet.
  26. "what the fuc-fudge! who are you?"
  27. >"ooooo Im the ponyville snuggler ooooo, im here to take your snuggleginity oooo!"
  28. "bullsh-poop that guy is dead, now we will see who you really are!"
  29. >with that anon lunges forward and rip the sheets off the apparition only to see nothing there.
  30. >The sound of anon shitting him self was legendary it was known as the fart heard around the world.
  31. >After also screaming like a bitch he tried to turn tail and run only to get fucking body slammed to the ground dropping his bat and feel what could only be classified as getting hugged by a gorilla.
  32. >"oooo my first victim in over 100 years oooo Im going to enjoy this!"
  33. >anon tried to get out of the ponies grip but the fucker was actually pretty goddamn strong.
  34. >anon feeling around found the apparitions head then decided to punch up as hard as he could instead.
  35. >"ow ow ow ow ow"
  36. >he was released by the ghost poner grabbing his snoot.
  37. >anon used this opportunity to GTFO.
  38. >He ran all the way to golden oaks library to seek counsel from twiggles.
  39. >she was horrified and yet astounded that anon made it out relatively unmolested and that he used violence against a ghost.
  40. >they eventually were able to remove the spirit with the help of some poner priests but not with out a few of them getting snuggled.
  41. >anon was given a literal slap on the wrist for assaulting a ghost pony though.

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