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Mane Six Fat Greentext Pack

By Tankris
Created: 2022-06-15 19:57:45
Updated: 2022-06-15 19:59:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Candy For Pinkie
  5. >Be Anonymous in Equestria
  6. >Be in bed sleeping, due to it being your day off from working at Sugarcube Corner
  7. >Rapid knocking at your front door breaks you away from your light slumber.
  8. >Knocking that quick can only come from one certain pink pony you know too well.
  9. >Sure enough, Pinkie Pie greets you with a smile as soon as you open the door.
  10. >”Hi Anon! I was wondering if you wanted to help me with my rock candy giveaway party! I accidentally made way, WAY much when my sister came to visit.”
  11. > You do remember Pinkie and her friends carrying around some weird candy over the past few days.
  12. “Sure, Pinkie. I've got nothing better to do.
  13. >”Thanks, Nonny. Meet me outside my house at noon!”
  14. >She gives you a rib crushingly tight hug before bouncing off to her home.
  15. >You glance at the clock and notice it's only 8 A.M.
  16. “Goddamn it, Pinkie Pie.”
  17. >With nothing better to do, you show up a little bit before noon.
  18. >Awaiting you is Pinkie Pie with a GIGANTIC mountain of candy sitting in an oversized bucket.
  19. “Wow, you weren't kidding about having too much of this stuff.”
  20. >”I know, right? I just got a little, teeny, tiny bit carried away when I made this batch. Now I have candy for the whole town to enjoy!”
  21. >Sure enough, a small line of foals and even some adults had lined up for the offer of free candy.
  22. >”C'mon everypony! FREE CANDY!” Pinkie shouts as she shoves giant hooffuls of candy at all the waiting ponies.
  23. >The crowd disperses, leaving a sizable amount of candy left over.
  24. “Free candy and sweets made by the one and only Pinkie Pie! Get it before it's gone.”
  25. >Ponies simply pass you by, each one politely refusing both you and Pinkie Pie.
  26. >”This is a lot harder then it looks! Who knew giving out free stuff was a challenge?”
  27. >Pinkie Pie's tummy growls and she sheepishly rubs her belly.
  28. >Without a second thought, she swipes her hoof out, grabs a giant stack of candy and shoves it into her mouth.
  31. >It happens little by little, but the pile dwindles down as the day goes on. However, none of the candy is taken away from the ponies passing by.
  32. >You watch in amazement as Pinkie's stomach bloats even bigger than it was yesterday.
  33. >Pinkie's stomach groans in discomfort. Her hooves wander to the stretched tummy and rub the taxed skin with small circles.
  34. >”Oof. At least the candy is gone. Too bad I can't just sit in bed and eat all this candy all myself in one day.”
  35. “Yea...”
  36. >Your eyes are locked on her stuffed stomach as she sinks a hoof into the jiggling flesh, causing another giant burp to escape her mouth.
  37. >Pinkie sighs and lets her stomach go, causing it to bounce into her lap.
  38. >”I know, right? My tummy would get all round and heavy and jiggle every time I moved. Still wanna try tomorrow? I kinda ate all of today's candy.”
  39. >You nod your head and help her drag the empty bucket inside her house. Her packed stomach wobbles as she slowly walked into her house and collapsed onto her couch.
  40. >Pinkie lets out another burp as her back slams onto the couch. She gives her taxed skin a few rubs and sighs before noticing you staring.
  41. “Oh...uh, bye Pinkie!” You shout out and slam her front door,
  42. >There's no denying that she saw you staring at her. You awkwardly make your way back home as the last memory of Pinkie Pie burns through your skull like a match to paper.
  43. >The third day begins as usual. Pinkie greets you and you both sit down next to the giant bucket of candy. You try not to peek but Pinkie has DEFINATELY gained a bit of weight on her frame.
  44. >Her cheeks are just a bit chubbier and her middle is plump and round. Her thighs show a hint of extra thickness and the way her fat rump squishes into the ground makes you envious of any chair.
  45. >”Wow, the ponies just seem to be walking by us again. Why don't they want any of my great candy?”
  48. >Her hoof makes a slow sweep over to the rock candy and she drops each piece into her mouth one by one. She makes a dramatic show of it that you can't help but watch.
  49. >“MMMM! It's so tasty. I just can't stop even though I'm trying my best to give it all away!” Pinkie grabs another hoofful and crams it all in her mouth and swallows with a giant gulp. You can see a giant lump slide down Pinkie's throat and settle in her tummy.
  50. >Her moans grow deep and throaty as she inhales piece after piece. With the whole day dedicated to nothing but eating, Pinkie finishes off the pile in record time.
  51. >Pinkie just leans back and uses both hooves to rub her stretched belly in contentment.
  52. >”I'm just a little Piggy Pie lately. I ate all the candy again!”
  53. “Maybe you should stop before its all gone, Pinkie.”
  54. >Your reply is hollow and empty, just like the candy bucket. You shift yourself to try and hide your stiff erection but Pinkie Pie just grins.
  55. >Well then we kick it into overdrive and make sure ALL the candy goes away. See ya tomorrow, Anon!” She makes a show of getting up, her belly jiggling and swaying as she picks herself up from the ground.
  56. >She takes a few steps and your dick nearly bursts out of your pants. Her wide hips pump from side to side and cause her bubble butt to jiggle and quake with each bit of movement.
  57. >Pinkie's huge gut brushes her hind legs as she walks and she soon adopts an awkward waddle in leiu of her bouncy hops. Her tail quickly flicks to the side and her marehood flashes into view, framed by her plump thighs and fat ass.
  58. >You shout as you walk away, doing your best to conceal your blush and massive erection.
  59. “Okay then, bye Pinkie!”
  60. >There was no denying it now. She knew all her candy binging was turning you on. The remaining piles of rock candy still littering her living room come to mind and you shudder.
  61. >There's no way she can eat it all...can she?
  64. >Turns out Pinkie CAN eat it all.
  65. >She doesn't even try hide it anymore. Pinkie's already munching down on rock candy when you arrive and her teeth are coated in tiny flakes of it. “Hi Anon! I got a really good feeling about today, I just know it.”
  66. >She reaches up on her hind legs and gives you a hug as best she can. Her titanic belly smooshes into your legs. Her hooves can barely wrap around you
  67. >She does her best to bounce up and down, only causing the fat in her ass to wobble and jiggle before she slams her rear back onto the ground.
  68. >Pinkie returns to shoveling the candy into her mouth as you try to hide the biggest erection you've ever had. Her expanding stomach is mere inches from the ground and the bucket shows no sign of running out of treats.
  69. “Pinkie, are you okay? You've been eating a LOT of candy lately.”
  70. >Her eyes stare into yours and she gives you a very seductive grin. “Oh I think the candy is going to a good cause. Don't you agree?”
  71. >Pinkie readjusts her rear legs and lets her stomach pool in front of her. She rubs the ball of fat for a moment and bats her eyes at you. “Besides, I think I'm more attractive like this anyway. Right, Anonymous?”
  72. >You sigh as you finally accept defeat. Why keep denying what you really want?
  73. “Yes, Pinkie. I find your new shape more attractive.
  74. >”Yay! That makes me super happy to hear you say that!” With blinding speed, she jumps off the round and tackles you into a hug. Her squishy belly pins you down as she pulls you against her soft body.
  75. >”Well, it seems that YOU'RE super happy about this as well.” Pinkie Pie giggles as her body grinds against your erection, the sudden movement causing her fat to jiggle.
  76. >”Lets go inside, Anon. I think I want to finish this candy in private.”
  77. >Pinkie grunts as she picks herself off the ground. Her entire body wobbles uncontrollably as she waddles into her house.
  80. >You follow her inside to find several cakes and pies loaded with candy sit around her living room.
  81. >A smile spreads on your face as you find a few desserts with several bite marks.
  82. >”I'm still so hungry, Anon. Could you help me fill up properly?” Pinkie rolls onto her back, thrusting her gut right into your face.
  83. >You approach Pinkie and stare at her wobbling mountain of fat. There's no way you can start without touching it first.
  84. >Giggles fill the room as you quickly rub and caress your hands against the pink belly. “Anon! That tickles!”
  85. >Pinkie kicks her hooves in the air, causing her stomach to bounce under your touch. A growl escapes her tummy and you remember just why you're here.
  86. >You turn towards a pile of candy and grab a giant handful of the sugary gems. You can hear Pinkie drooling as she spots your prize for her.
  87. >She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue and you place a few pieces of candy on it.
  88. >Her tongue disappears into her mouth and she swallows the candy whole. “Aww c'mon Anon. I know you wanna see me eat more than that!”
  89. >Pinkie's eyes widen as you collect as much candy as you can in both hands and shove every bit into her mouth at once.
  90. >Her cheeks pull out like a hamster as she munches down greedily on it all.
  91. >Pinkie's throat expands as a sizable lump travels down to her tummy. She sighs and pats her stomach in delight. “Keep it coming!”
  92. >The process continues with Pinkie begging for more candy. Each handful is stuffed into the infinite maw of her mouth and sent right to her growing belly.
  93. >Several piles sitting around the room dwindle down to nothing under Pinkie's constant chewing. Her pink tummy swells as more and more candy is gulped down.
  94. >”Anon, pass me a pie or some cake...and could you rub my belly again?”
  95. >You gently place a hand right over Pinkie's belly button and slowly swirl your palm in little circles. Pinkie giggles as your fingers drag across her vast belly and your palm presses into her soft form.
  98. >Your hand scoops up a slice of cake and you offer it to Pinkie Pie. She grins and thrusts her muzzle into the cake, causing the pastry to spread it all over her face.
  99. >”It's so much better eating all this stuff with you here, Anon. Eating alone is no fun at all.” She moans in pleasure as you press into her fat stomach with your free hand.
  100. >A few more bites and the cake is completely gone. Pinkie's belly is stuffed full, crumbs adorning her face and her upper stomach.
  101. >”I'm so super stuffed, Anon. Look at how full I am!”
  102. >even with her generous coating of fat, Pinkie's stomach is rock hard. She presses her hooves into her stomach and forces out a loud, satisfied belch.
  103. >”Although I might have room somewhere else...”
  104. >Pinkie grins as she does her best to widen her hind legs. Her huge belly almost completely hides her wet, dripping slit as you continue to rub her stomach.
  105. >You lean down and stretch out her plump pussy. Her small whimpers explode into moans as you drag your tongue from the bottom of her snatch to the underside of her tummy.
  106. >Her fat jiggles as she moans. Her thighs wrap around your head and press you closer to her chubby body. With nowhere else to go, you press forward and insert your tongue into her pussy.
  107. >”Ohhh! Right there!” Pinkie yelps. Her fat thighs squish against your head as you bring her closer and closer to orgasm. Your tongue swirls around her clit and Pinkie screams in pleasure.
  108. >The pressure of her thighs clenching on your head is becoming painful as she rides down on her explosive orgasm.
  109. >Her thighs finally go limp and you pull away for a desperate gulp of fresh air.
  110. >Pinkie finally recovers and manages to lift up her head. She throws you a lust glare and her hoof points at your crotch. “Pants. Off.”
  111. >You waste no time, eagerly stripping down and finally freeing your rock hard erection. Pinkie holds out a hoof as you begin to position yourself.
  112. >”Anon, could you get me that pie over there? It just looks too good to pass up.”
  115. >You stall for a moment and press your hands into Pinkie's stomach. While not at hard as before, Pinkie still feels like she's carrying a whole bakery inside her.
  116. >You dismiss your thoughts and lean over the pink mass under you. With a bit of desperate reaching, you grab two pies and gently place them on her swollen tummy.
  117. >She scoops up a giant chunk of pie and and holds it in her hoof. She teasingly licks a bit of the filling and winks at you. “The faster you pump, the quicker these pies disappear.”
  118. >Pushing her stomach out of the way, you finally line yourself up with the final prize. You thrust yourself in, grabbing onto her wide, pudgy hips for leverage.
  119. >Pinkie's moans are drowned out by her voracious eating of pie. Her plump pussy squeezes your dick tight as you thrust. Your eyes are locked onto Pinkie to watch every little bit of flab jiggle and bounce in time with your thrusts.
  120. >Her face and hooves are smeared with pie and crumbs as she finishes the first pie. Her eyes roll into the back of her skull with each powerful thrust.
  121. >You lean over as best you can and shove the second pie into her face. She stretches her mouth impossibly wide and swallows the pie whole.
  122. >Her stomach swells under your fingertips and you can't hold back any longer. You fire your load right into her fat pussy. Pinkie Pie screams out as her second orgasm follows shortly after yours.
  123. >Pinkie just lies in bliss, her belly rising and falling with each heavy breath.
  126. >Reluctantly, you pull out of the glorious marehood and lay yourself on top of Pinkie's belly.
  127. >”That was amazing...I should have done this sooner.” Pinkie Pie sleepily blurts out.
  128. “Me too, Pinkie. Me too.”
  129. >You both giggle and Pinkie Pie does her best to roll onto her hooves. “Can you help me get into bed, Anon? I'm feeling a bit sleepy.”
  130. >With considerable effort, you roll Pinkie Pie over and help her upstairs to bed. She pats the mattress and you slide in next to her, wrapping your arms around her plush belly.
  131. >The two of you nap together until a loud rumble from Pinkie's gut wakes you both up.
  132. >”Anon...I'm hungry again...”
  136. Fair Food
  140. >“Citizens of Ponyville! Today marks the day for the Ponyville Days celebration!”
  141. >The ponies cheer in delight as the mayor gives a small speech about the founding of Ponyville.
  142. >You are Anonymous, and your attention is locked on your marefriend, Rarity.
  143. >Her usual flair and style was accented today with a very fancy looking dress of her own design. The design, however, seemed to be made for a pony with a slightly smaller build.
  144. >Rarity's usually slim figure had softened up during her relationship with you. You completely spoiled her every chance you could with chocolates and sweets and it showed where her chubby body slightly strained the dress.
  145. >It wasn't a secret for too long that you likes fatter mares. Rarity was apprehensive at first but she was slowly learning to tolerate her new physique.
  146. >Rarity's stomach was hugging the middle of the dress and her new girth had caused the back of the dress to fall short of covering the lower section of her rump.
  147. >Her eyes dart back and forth from each food stall. She grumbles under her breath as her cheeks tint to a rosy pink color.
  148. >”Anonymous, Darling. I really, really REALLY hope you keep your end of the bargain after I do all this.”
  149. >Her stomach grumbles in protest and Rarity let out a nervous titter. “Alright, I MAY be a little hungrier than usual. Just don't let me ruin my beautiful figure too much...”
  150. “Rarity, you know I can't promise that. Not if you want me to take you somewhere not so quiet during the Fair and fuck you senseless.
  151. >Rarity's face was full red now. Her hoof darts to your mouth as she looks around in embarrassment.
  152. >”Don't let anypony hear you say that! My reputation would be ruined!”
  155. “Hey, you're the one that likes to be watched. I agreed to this because you agreed to get fatter. Don't tell me you're getting cold feet?”
  156. >”Cold hooves, Darling...Today is a celebration and I suppose the only thing to do is enjoy it to the fullest.”
  157. >Her stomach groans once more and you grin mischievously.
  158. “Full is right, my chubby marshmallow. I hope the mayor finishes soon so we can get something in that fat belly of yours.”
  159. >The mayor finally ends her speech and everypony stomps in celebration. You take the lead and make a beeline for the nearest stall.
  160. >Mr. Cake smiles as he sees you and Rarity approach. His hooves dart under the counter and he produces a massive cupcake.
  161. >”Oh hi there Miss Chairpony of Celebrations. The stall owners and I can't thank you enough for all your hard work making this Ponyville Day extra special.”
  162. >Rarity grins and gives a dismissing wave. “It's nothing, Mister Cake. I'm just here to make sure everypony has a good time.”
  163. >”Well that's great because we got together and decided to each make you something special for you and your coltfriend today completely on the house.”
  164. “Well, that IS good news. We'll have to stop by every station today if everypony is offering. We can't turn down such generosity, could we Rarity?”
  165. >Her eyes are pinpricks as Rarity scans each stall, noticing everypony producing a massive serving of their wares at the sight of her. “Just...great. Thank, so much.”
  166. >You grab the massive cupcake in front of you and put on hand on Rarity's back. With a little coaxing, she finally takes a few steps toward a bench and sits down.
  167. >”There are dozens of stalls here, Anonymous. There is no way I'll ever be able to eat everything here.” she whines.
  170. “But if you don't, the stall owners might get disappointed. They just want to impress you with all their food.”
  171. >You can barely contain yourself. The thought of Rarity eating all day long is giving you the biggest erection you've ever had.
  172. >”...Fine. Just hurry before I collapse from hunger, Darling.”
  173. >It takes you several trips back and forth but you finally got every last item for Rarity. A giant mountain of cakes, pies, soda and chocolate tower over her.
  174. >Her horn lights up with magic and she withdraws a single candy. She tosses in her mouth and chews for a few seconds before swallowing and grabbing a new piece.
  175. “That's no way to eat. If you don't use magic, I'll up the ante of my bargain.”
  176. >Rarity raises an eyebrow as she swallows another chocolate. “Just what do you have in mind?”
  177. >You lean in close and whisper into her ear.
  178. “No matter where we are,you can ask me for sex. Whenever we head over to the castle and are in the gardens, somepony else's house. Hell, even right here on this table. Wherever, whenever, even if we are so busted, I'll cum inside that fat pussy of yours so hard you wont be able to walk for a week.
  179. >Her hoof flies towards the pile and she removes a giant slice of cake. The frosting stains her hooves and lips as she shoves it messily into her mouth.
  180. “Ohh, someone's suddenly so eager to be seen like a little piggy. What would everypony think if the prim and proper Miss Rarity was caught stuffing her face like some sort of mule?”
  181. >The taunting does it's job and Rarity grabs an entire pie and thrusts her muzzle into it. Flakes of crust and filling spray from the tin and into her hair. You look down and notice a small, wet spot forming on the wooden bench near her crotch.
  184. >”I'm such a bad pony, eating like this where everypony can see me. I want your dick inside me so bad, Darling. Just let them see us fucking here like I eat like some sort of starved whore.”
  185. >Her words are drowned out by another piece of cake shoved into her mouth. She can't say anything as you begin helping the food along into her fat stomach.
  186. >The dress begins to rise up as her stomach swells out with food. The once slightly racy glance at her rump has become a full time show as her plump ass is revealed bit by bit.
  187. >Her pile of fattening gifts dwindles as the night goes on. Rarity's face, hair and dress are stained by her gluttony. Crumbs and frosting cling to her mouth and her dress is painted on her marshmallowy body.
  188. >With a final shove, you push the last cupcake in her mouth. She squeals in delight as the feast finally comes to a close. Rarity groans and slumps down in her seat. “Ohh....too full.”
  189. >Your hands dart over to her stomach and gently raise the dress upwards. Rarity's bottom half is fully exposed and her packed stomach wobbles slightly before you begin to massage her hardened stomach.
  190. >”That feels simply divine, Darling. Keep rubbing like that...” she sighs as your hands work away all the stress and pain for her.
  191. >A huge pocket of air lurches up her neck and Rarity releases a giant burp. Her ears flatten against her head and she blushes slightly. “Oh goodness, did anypony hear that?”
  192. >You laugh as you spot one of two ponies turn towards the impressive sound.
  193. “Maybe a few, Rarity. Not enough to make a real scene.”
  194. >”Thanks for that massage, Anonymous. I feel so much better. Now, I dare say that we...”
  195. >Her voice is cut out by the speaker system surrounding the park. “Will all the attendants for the pie eating competition please make your way to the middle of the Fair. Special guest attendant Rarity, will you please head to the middle of the Fair.”
  198. >She jerks her head towards you and gives you an ice cold stare.
  199. >”...You didn't. How dare you bring me all that food and then sign me up for the pie eating competition!”
  200. “But Rarity, everypony watches the pie eating competition since Rainbow Dash and Applejack made it a big deal out of competing against each other last year. Can you imagine being on stage and having everypony watching you eat like a fat cow?
  201. >Instantly, a small line of arousal leaks from Rarity's exposed pussy. “Everypony...”
  202. >She grunts as she rolls off the bench. Her horn lights up and she does her best to readjust her dress and fix her mane.
  203. >With as much grace as she can muster, Rarity begins to waddle her way towards the middle of the fair. You slowly follow, keeping an eye on her jiggling, bouncing butt.
  204. >Mayor Mare grins as Rarity leisurely walks on stage and takes her place at the end of the table.
  205. >“With our guest of honor finally seated, I shall explain the rules. Every contestant has ten minutes to eat as many pies as he or she are able to. When you can't eat anymore, simply raise your hoof and we'll escort you away from the table and count your empty pie tins.”
  206. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack are staring at each other, while Rarity, Bulk Biceps, Big Macintosh and Derpy Hooves idly sit as several pies are stacked next to everypony.
  207. >”On your marks, get set, GO!”
  208. >The ponies slide a pie towards themselves and begin eating. Rarity shocks everypony watching by simply shoving her face right into the pie.
  209. >The other contestants gasp as Rarity cleans out her pie tin in seconds. She pulls her face from the empty tin and her entire face is stained blue.
  210. >Rarity takes another pie and continues eating. Applejack and Rainbow Dash waste no time mimicking their friend in a desperate attempt to beat everypony else.
  213. >Derpy Hooves is the first to drop out, followed by Bulk and Big Mac. Rarity continues to eat and eat, causing everypony looking on to murmur about her irregular behavior.
  214. >With one minute left, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash have slowed down considerably. A tower of empty pie tins litter the table and the tension is high. Applejack and Rainbow Dash struggle to match each other bite for bite while Rarity simply sits in her chair.
  215. >Mayor Mare walks over to Rarity and pats her on the shoulder. “Rarity, are you done eating? Do you give up?”
  216. >A giant rip echoes through the microphone and rings out on the speakers on stage. Rarity sighs as her overstuffed belly forces her dress apart at the seams, her fat oozing through the newly formed gaps.
  217. >The sliding of tin on wood fills the air as Rarity attacks the pie in front of her. Rainbow Dash and Applejack watch stunned as Rarity manages to eat three more pies before the buzzer sounds.
  218. >Mrs. Cake slowly walks up to the table and quickly counts all the empty tins. “It seems that Rarity has won by one pie!”
  219. >The crowd cheers as Rarity is handed her trophy. She groans as she tries her best to stand from her chair and accept the pie shaped trophy.
  220. “Here, Rarity. Let me help you up. You're amazing, you know that?”
  221. >Rarity puffs out her cheeks trying to stifle a belch as you help her up. You notice a very damp spot on her chair as she finally stands.
  222. >”Thank you everypony. Make sure you visit Sugarcube Corner for some of those delicious pies!”
  223. >Rarity groans as her restrictive dress rips a bit more with each step off the stage. Her belly is mere inches from the ground and her dress is nearly destroyed around her bulging stomach.
  226. >”I think I need a big, strong man to accompany me to the bathrooms. Celestia knows this dress needs to come off.”
  227. >Rarity swishes her tail at you, causing her fat ass to wobble in the moonlight. You wrap your arms around her barrel and lift her up into your arms.
  228. “Oof! You're almost too heavy to carry, Rarity. Are you sure you didn't just stuff a pig into your dress and push it onstage?”
  229. >Her tail smacks your face as you laugh. “Joke time is over, Darling. It's your turn to oblige me.”
  230. >You take a quick look inside the park's bathrooms before carrying Rarity inside. You make your way over to the last stall and place Rarity on the seat,
  231. “Let's get that dress off. It looks like it fits a mare half your size.”
  232. >You tug and rip at the fancy cloth, marshmallow fat oozing through the widened cracks and helping you along. Her stomach barely jiggles as you pull, a testament to just how full she is.
  233. >Finally, you yank the last bits of dress away and revel in the sight. Her pregnant looking stomach shines against the lights and her upper body is caked with food.
  234. >Her magic surrounds your body and your clothes completely vanish. “There, now we're even. No covering up for either of us. Now fuck your fat little cow before someone spots us both!”
  235. >Rarity spreads her legs as wide as she can in the cramped stall. Her belly sags down and pushes against her wide thighs and hides her slick pussy. You press your dick into her belly and give a quick thrust to watch her fat jiggle to your touch.
  236. >”No more games. FUCK ME NOW!”
  237. >Her shout echoes through the bathrooms. Worried you'll be caught, you lower your dick and find her winking pussy. A firm thrust hilts you inside and Rarity screams out once more.
  240. >You panic and lean over her fat stomach. Gathering as much fabric as you can, you ball it up and stuff it into Rarity's mouth. She moans through the cloth, her breath becoming ragged as her arousal intensifies.
  241. >Satisfied, you draw back and thrust one more time. Her moans are sufficiently muffled as spit over saturates the makeshift gag.
  242. >Your hands glide over her packed stomach and find a place near her chubby hips. Eager thrusts hit deeper and the pace of your fucking increases.
  243. >Lost to the sensations, you don't hear the gentle clopping of hooves on the stone floor. All you care about is watching Rarity's hypnotic body bounce in time with your thrusts.
  244. >”Hello? Who's in here?”
  245. >You turn around and notice Derpy focusing her gaze on you and Rarity. The gray pegasus blushes as you continue to pound Rarity's fat pussy as she writhes in delight.
  246. >”Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!” The mare's wings shoot upright and her eyes skew as she rushes out of the bathroom. Rarity moans in pure joy as she cums violently.
  247. >The sudden rush fills you with energy you never knew you had and you fuck Rarity even harder. Her pussy tightens around your cock and you can't stop from flooding her womb with your seed.
  248. >Panting, you slump against the bathroom wall in exhausting. Rarity finally calms down enough to remove the dress from her mouth.
  249. >”Oh my Celestia, she saw. She saw us fucking like dirty animals and it was SO AMAZING. I told you this would be the best sex ever...”
  250. >Rarity awkwardly shifts off the toilet and steps over you. “We better leave before we get in serious trouble. Come on, Darling!”
  251. >You exit from the bathrooms and run around the fair towards Carousel Boutique. A couple of close calls kept you sticking to the bushes but you finally arrive at Rarity's home.
  254. “That was almost too close. Mayor Mare almost caught us leaving the bathrooms after Derpy tried to squeal on us.
  255. >”Oh shush with the pig jokes and kiss me!” Rarity raised herself up on her hind legs and kissed you fiercely. “I'm still turned on after running through the park...and it looks like you are as well.”
  256. >True enough, your erection hasn't faded since you left the bathroom. Rarity leans toward your ears and whispers lightly. “Upstairs in five minutes. Bring that delicious cock of yours.”
  257. >It was the longest five minutes of your life but you finally walk into Rarity's room. Your fat marshmallow is waiting on the bed, her huge ass wiggling in the air.
  258. >Arrows written in marker ink point towards her butt crack. Her magic spreads her heavy cheeks to reveal a crude target with her asshole in the center.
  259. >Wasting no time, you jump towards the bed and begin fondling Rarity's doughy ass. The fat spreads and wobbles in your hands as you play with her cheeks.
  260. >Your line up your cock against her lubed hole and lightly press into the pucker. Rarity hisses through her teeth as you ease yourself inside her ponut.
  261. >She groans as your balls press against her winking pussy. You stay like this for a few moments, allowing Rarity to relax enough to pull out.
  264. >The tip is barely inside before you thrust again. Rarity moans in pleasure as you hilt yourself deep in her fat ass. Her butt jiggles like gelatin with each thrust which goads you into more thrusts.
  265. >”I'm such a dirty slut. Letting you fuck me in the ass like some fat cow. I bet you're thinking about how to feed your piggy marshmallow next so my ass can jiggle just by thinking about it!”
  266. >You give her plump ass a firm slap as she talks. Each cheek gets attention as you alternate your slaps. >A dull thunk against the nearby window steals your attention from your fat mare.
  267. >Derpy Hooves stares as you fuck Rarity as hard as you can. Her hooves are buried in her crotch as she furiously masturbates awkwardly in the air.
  268. >You grin and give Rarity's tail a hard yank as you thrust. Her screams fills the room as you fuck her harder and harder with your voyeur watching intently.
  269. >With one last thrust, you cum deep inside Rarity's ass. Her legs give out soon after as she rides her own climax out. You gently remove your dick from Rarity and watch as her gaping asshole oozes out your cum and onto her pussy and thighs.
  270. “Huh, Derpy's gone. Who knew the mailmare got off to watching other ponies fuck.
  271. >A loud snore fills the room and you turn around to the bed. Rarity lies asleep on her bed, exhausted from the busy day. You tuck yourself in and try to wrap your arm around the fat mare as best you can before falling asleep yourself.
  275. Winter Gains
  279. >It's wintertime in Ponyville. The snow is lightly falling, ponies don cute little scarves to keep warm and you actually get to sleep in for once.
  280. >You are Anonymous, currently snuggling in bed with your marefriend Applejack.
  281. >The usually demanding rules set in for the day to day grind of farming life are set aside for a few weeks of peaceful relaxation.
  282. >It's just you and Applejack alone, the rest of the Apples off visiting their relative Braeburn in the dry desert of Appleloosa.
  283. >You don't mind the empty house at all. It gives you a few liberties that you would otherwise miss out on.
  284. >One bonus includes quiet mornings sleeping in with Applejack, both arms wrapped around her chubby stomach.
  285. >Paradise cannot last forever as Applejack finally wakes from her slumber.
  286. >”Mornin' Anon. Time to get up and start the day.”
  287. >The absence of Applejack's cuddly body leaves the bed rather cold. You pull yourself up and lean down towards Applejack, stealing a kiss before climbing out of bed.
  288. >Applejack hops from your bed and gives a light stretch. The lack of chores around the farm have allowed a few pounds to cling to her body and her tummy jiggles as she rises back to her hooves.
  289. >That same tummy grumbles in protest to her empty stomach. “Oh gosh, Ah'm starved Anon. Can y'all start breakfast while I hop in the shower to warm up?”
  290. “No problem, AJ. Take your time.”
  291. >You linger in the room for a few moments, eyes darting to her rump to watch her ass bounce slightly as she leaves for the bathroom. When the show ends, you dart downstairs and begin gathering your supplies.
  292. >In no time at all, you've prepared a tower of pancakes, stacks of waffles, platters full of hay bacon, hash browns and buttered toast with lots of jam.
  295. >”Something smells mighty tasty, sugarcube. What's on the menu for today?”
  296. >Applejack walks into the kitchen, her hair tied up and her coat sparkling clean. She stares at the impressive spread and her stomach growls in need.
  297. >”Y'all made so much! I hope I can get a taste of it all.”
  298. >Applejack licks her lips as she sits down in her chair. Hooves dart all over the table as she prepares a hearty helping of everything and more.
  299. >You take only a little and leisurely eat as you watch Applejack begin her feast. Her extra large plate holds over half of everything you cooked and she wastes no time in generously covering it with syrup.
  300. >Applejack's earth pony pride means no utensils are needed as she simply lowers her mouth to each item.
  301. >Her muzzle quickly becomes stained as she eats, the gooey syrup clinging to her once clean fur.
  302. >The chair groans slightly as the orange mare packs away her meal. You slowly whittle away at your food as Applejack's stomach swells outward.
  303. >Carefully, you nudge a few more pancakes and slide a waffle or two onto her syrup soaked plate. She doesn't notice and simply moans in delight as she treats her taste buds to everything.
  304. >Applejack finally slows down just as you finish your last bite. Her once chubby stomach is now a full blown gut as it struggles to handle more and more food.
  305. “Hey Applejack, you wouldn't mind finishing the rest, would you? Granny would kill me if she knew I made so much food and we didn't eat it all.”
  306. >Applejack groans at the mention of more food. She quickly presses a hoof into her overly full stomach and sighs. “Ah suppose if you've had your fill...”
  307. >She grabs the last strips of hay bacon and the few pancakes and begins to eat. Her stomach protests with each bite, yet she struggles on in determination.
  310. >You collect the plates littering the table and rush them to the sink. Applejack huffs as she finally finishes her meal and grabs her plate. Her stomach sways with each step and her hind legs take care not to rub too harshly against her protruding tummy.
  311. >”Ah think Ah ate a bit too much, Anon. Mind if I go lie down in the den?”
  312. “Go ahead, I've got this covered.”
  313. >Applejack smiles as she makes her way to the couch. You stare at her rear again as she walks, the near constant jiggling making you rather eager to cuddle up with your newly stuffed marefriend.
  314. >Chores finished, you head to the den to find Applejack lying under a blanket snoozing away. You lean down and lift up the blanket, her packed stomach almost pooling off the side of the couch.
  315. >Her newly fattened body gives you such an erection as you fantasize about just what you could keep feeding her with as the off season progressed.
  316. >A bit of practice has enabled you the ability to slide behind Applejack and wedge yourself between her and the back of the couch. Her stomach wobbles slightly as it gets pushed off the edge of the cushions.
  317. >You wrap an arm around her stomach and lightly rub her coat. She moans in her sleep and snuggles herself closer towards you.
  318. >The comfort of a fattened pony pillow is too much and slowly your eyes close. Your arm is locked tightly against Applejack's belly as you both sleep the late morning away.
  319. >Howling winds jolt you awake from your spot on the couch. Your realize your arms are empty as you try to hug Applejack for a bit of needed warmth.
  320. >The front door rattles against the frame as the chilling wind continues to assault the farm. You head over to the door and manage to spot a speck of orange amongst the whitened ground.
  323. >Grabbing your winter gear, you notice her hat and scarf missing. Once outside, you push your way through the snow and wind towards Applejack.
  324. “Applejack! What are you doing out in the cold!”
  325. >When you finally get close, it becomes clear what she's up to. Special weighted boots cling to Applejack's hind legs as she bucks the tree behind her.
  326. >Sweat glistens off her forehead as she bucks the fruitless tree over and over. Even as she works herself in the cold, her stomach bounces and jiggles with each mighty kick to the tree.
  327. >“Ah can't come back inside just yet, Anon. Just a few more an' Ah'll go inside.”
  328. >Before she can kick again, you wrap your arms around her neck in a hug. Her heavy breathing slows down as you whisper into her ear.
  329. “I'm sorry I made you fat, Applejack. Please, just come back inside before you catch a cold.”
  330. >Applejack hangs her head as she prods her gut with a hoof. “Ah suppose Ah can wait a bit longer before working off this winter weight...”
  331. >She follows you back to the house, the wind cutting through the stressful silence between you both.
  332. >The door closes behind you and the harsh winds soften their terrible cry. You take off your winter gear and stow it along with Applejack's damp hat and scarf.
  333. >You head to the den to find Applejack sitting next to the heating stove. Fire roars in the steel pit as as you ease your way towards her.
  334. >”Anon, we need to talk about something.” She takes a moment to think as you sit down next to her.
  335. >”Y'all really don't think I didn't notice you lookin' at me so much after all the weight Ah've put on?”
  336. >Blood flushes to your cheeks as a quick smile flashes over her muzzle. “Ah thought so. Ya like me a bit...round and pudgy, don't ya?”
  339. >She accentuates her point by pressing her hoof into her chubby tummy. Her hoof doesn't quite disappear but it's enough to get your attention.
  340. “Well...yes. I'd love you at any size but there's just something about a mare that's well fed that I'm attracted to.”
  341. >”More cushin' for the pushin'?” She teases as she suddenly leaps at you. Her new weight shifts you off balance and her body overflows over you.
  342. >Her fat pools around your crotch and Applejack grinds her tummy against your pants. In no time, you're completely hard and ready.
  343. “Well...if we're both being honest about each other, what kind of fantasy could I play out for you?”
  344. >Even through her coat, Applejack's blush shines through. “Well, If ya must know...there's a reason Ah'm so good with mah lasso...”
  345. “Rope bondage? On yourself or others?”
  346. “Y'all know me too well to think Ah'm the submissive type. Ah love the control of having a pony tied up and helpless to mah desires.”
  347. >As she talks, you notice a small damp spot on your jeans. You give her a seductive look and Applejack snaps out of her fantasy.
  348. >“Aw jeez, sorry Anon. Seems like we both can get carried away when we wanna.”
  349. >You both laugh, the tension finally dispelled like a huge weight off your chest.
  350. “I know you'll need to get back into shape before the next season starts. Is there any way we can kinda...push this once or twice before that happens?”
  351. >Her eyebrow raises ever so slowly as talk. A hoof wanders to her already chubby tummy as you finish your request.
  352. >”Like how? Gonna just fatten me up or something like a pig or something? Then what?”
  353. “Then I let you tie me up as you let that fat ass of your suffocate me as much as you please.”
  354. >She takes a sharp inhale through her nose and you can clearly see her biting her lower lip.
  357. >”Deal. How about we meet in the barn for 'dinner' and then Ah can provide ya with a lasso show?”
  358. >She spits on her hoof and extends it. Mimicking her action, you seal the deal with a wet hoof shake.
  359. >”Ya'll better cook something great. Ah'm getting a little hungry from all that buckin' Ah was doin'.”
  360. >Her stomach grumbles as she waddles off to your bedroom. She looks back right as you snap your eyes away from her butt and she giggles.
  361. >Her blonde tail raises up and gives you a perfect view of her round, plump ass and her shining sex.
  362. >Applejack rocks her hips with each step up the stairs, causing every bit of her to jiggle and bounce.
  363. >It's all you can think about as you fly to the kitchen and prepare a feast for a whole Apple family reunion.
  364. >The sun barely hangs over the horizon as you finish your last pot of applesauce. You pour the contents into a mobile heating wagon and wheel the enormous meal towards the barn.
  365. “There's so much sugar in these batches of applesauce. I can't wait to see her gains for it all.”
  366. >You prepare the final touches inside the barn and ring the dinner chime as hard as you can.
  367. >Applejack arrives soon afterward. Her stomach is looking much smaller than before, something you aim to drastically change before the night is over.
  368. >Her lasso dangles from her mouth limply. She grins as she catches the scent of applesauce wafting through the barn.
  369. >She blushes as she spits the rope from her mouth. “Howdy, Anon. Ah suppose it's dinner time, right?”
  370. >You nod as you gesture over to a sizable trough sitting in the middle of the barn. “What's the animal trough doing out, Anon?”
  371. “Well, you DID mention that you would be okay eating like my little piggy tonight and I thought it would be appropriate.”
  374. >Applejack balks at your serving methods. “Well now wait just a minute! If y'all are gonna get me to eat outta that thing, we do it on my terms. Clothes off, Chef Anon!”
  375. >In a flash of hooves and rope, your clothes are lying on the ground and you've been tied up rather tight. Your hands are completely bound behind your back and you can barely keep your balance.
  376. >Applejack takes a moment to ease you to the floor. She grins as she spots your rock hard erection sticking out between all the knots
  377. >”Now, you're gonna be my little toy as I eat. Maybe if it's a good meal, Ah'll find something cream filled for desert.
  378. >Applejack grips a bit of rope and drags you toward the trough. The warm applesauce makes her tummy rumble as she gets closer.
  379. >”It DOES smell mighty nice, Anon. Ah hope you don't mind if I sit down as Ah eat all this food.”
  380. >Applejack places your head close to the metal trough. She leans in and soaks her muzzle with the sugary sauce as her jiggling butt lowers onto your face.
  381. >All you can see is a vast sea of glorious orange butt before darkness envelops you. Her weight completely pins you down, her butt cheeks spilling over your face and her plump pussy pressed right into your face.
  382. >Applejack's slit slides open as her clitoris sneaks out. Her sex begins to lightly ooze all over your face, causing her fur to cling to your skin.
  383. >Not wanting to be a rude chair, you open your mouth and kiss her lips. Her body shakes as a jolt rushes through her body at the stimulation.
  384. >Her body seems to grow heavier as Applejack leans back onto your face. You use your tongue and give her sex a generous lick from her clit all the way to the tip of her mons.
  385. >”Oh good Celestia, Anon. Keep licking like that! It just feels so good.”
  388. >You couldn't stop even if you wanted. The rope, plus Applejack's sizable flanks, kept you helpless as Applejack pushes her marehood harder and harder into your face.
  389. >Applejack collapses to her side, the impact sending her chub rippling for a moment. Your face is absolutely drenched with her cum.
  390. >“Mah word...if Ah knew you could lick me off like that, I would have put on some weight when we first met.”
  391. >It takes a bit of struggling, but you pull yourself to your knees and inspect the remainder of the applesauce.
  392. “Applejack, you barely ate anything! Was I that much of a distraction?”
  393. >She blushes before getting to her hooves. “Maybe we can take this a bit slower? Ah'll make sure to eat every last bit, but Ah can't have ya licking me like that so soon.”
  394. >Applejack approaches the trough and grins. “That don't mean that Ah still don't need a seat.”
  395. >She taps you lightly and your back slams into the ground. She grips the rope and drags you back under the trough.
  396. >Applejack lines herself up and plods her rear right onto your dick. The warm fat ignites your dick and soon enough your erection is poking into her butt crack.
  397. >Applejack says nothing, only plunging her muzzle deep into the gooey food.
  398. >She continues on and on, her stomach pushing out further and further onto your legs as she eats.
  399. >Applejack has to constantly readjust her legs to accommodate her widening stomach. Her plot grinds up against your throbbing erection in just the right ways when she does.
  400. >Her smacking and slurping slow down as she nears the end of her meal. You can't see it but you can feel her stuffed tummy pushing against your knees at this point.
  401. >Applejack groans as she forces the last bit of applesauce down her throat. She pulls herself off you just long enough so that she can turn around and flop her impressive gut right on top of you.
  404. >”Ah did it. Every last bit of that delicious applesauce, Anon. Now Ah want dessert.”
  405. >She grabs as much of her huge belly as she can with her forehooves and pulls her stomach and plot up into the air again. She lowers herself down more and more until she finally lines her pussy up with your erect penis.
  406. >Her legs are shaking and a small bit of sweat drips from her forehead. The strain is too much and she finally lets herself drop down, impaling herself on your cock.
  407. >The shock contrast of the warm, wet pussy you're currently penetrating compared to the chilly air of the barn is amazing. As hard as you might try, the ropes hinder your ability to thrust at all.
  408. >”Ah mean it when Ah said Ah'm in control tonight, Sugarcube. It's just me and mah desires.”
  409. >Applejack pulls up her rump as high as she can and crashes it back down on your pelvis. Her chub wobbles and jiggles for a moment, the hypnotic flesh the only thing you can concentrate on.
  410. >Another slap yanks you from your staring. Applejack grits her teeth as she pulls her heavy body up and down on your dick.
  411. >Her pussy leaks all over you and causes every slap of her flab to squish and squelch against yours. Applejack keeps her pace going, determined to climax before exhaustion overtakes her.
  412. >Her forelegs lock beside your head and she stops for a moment. She leans down and gives you a slow, passionate kiss before leaning back and crying out into the barn.
  413. >Her orgasm shoots through her, giving her a violent shudder. Her pussy, along with her beautiful, jiggling body, draw out your orgasm. Applejack simply stares at the ceiling in bliss as you blast her pussy full.
  416. >Applejack gently lowers herself next to you. Her hair is a mess and she's covered in sweat, but a very happy smile dismisses it all.
  417. >”Now that was somethin' Ah've been thinking about for a long time. Ah just didn't realize how hard it would be with all this meat on mah bones.”
  418. >You chuckle as she leans over and unties a few knots. The rope slips off easily, giving you the perfect chance to peck Applejack on the lips.
  419. “Let's get back inside. I think we've earned tonight's rest.”
  420. >You throw on your clothes as quick as you can. You notice Applejack still lying on the ground as you finish donning your clothes.
  421. >A snore reaches your ears and you smile at your marefriend. You wrap your arms around her and lift her up into your arms.
  422. “Oof! Perhaps I SHOULD lay off for a while...nah, this is too sexy.”
  423. >You rush back into the house and place Applejack in your bed. She snores peacefully as you put on your winter pajamas and snuggle in next to her.
  424. >Her hooves reach out towards you and she snuggles against you in her sleep. You return the hug and close your eyes, thankful for such a loving pony to keep you company during the chilly winter.
  428. Fatty Duo
  432. >It's mid afternoon in Ponyville and you're bored. Stuck behind the register at Sugarcube Corner is always a chore after the noon lunch rush.
  433. >You stare off into space for a few moments until the welcoming bell chimes a new customer.
  434. >”Hey Anon! How ya been!” Rainbow Dash flies over the counter and topples you with a tackle hug. “How's my favorite human?”
  435. “Dying of boredom and too much hugging. Finally done with that trip of yours?”
  436. >”It was an expedition, Anon. We DID find something awesome, didn't we Ms. Yearling?”
  437. >You peer over the counter to spot a mare wearing a purple cloak, red glasses and a giant hat. “Keep it down, will ya Dash? Might as well just shout out my name from the rooftops.”
  438. >As you take a closer look, you notice her rather bland, tan coat and bits of her gray and black mane are sticking from under her hat. She gives you a stern glare and your eyes dart back to Dash.
  439. “Interesting friend you've got, Dash. You guys here to buy something?”
  440. >On cue, two stomachs begin growling in hunger. Both ponies blush as their eyes dance towards the glass cases.
  441. >”Kid, I'm starving. How about I just buy a few of everything for us?” The tan mare reaches under her cloak and pulls out a bulging sack of bits.
  442. >Rainbow Dash flies behind the counter and scoops up as much as she can. The rainbow blur empties out case after case and stacks the sweets on the nearby table.
  443. >The mares drool in anticipation as you tally up the cost of their sugary meal. Bits clink on glass as you finally collect the proper amount of cash.
  444. “Mister Cake! We're closed down due to lack of stock!”
  445. >You shout draws out Mr. and Mrs. Cake from the kitchens. “Goodness! Our entire stock is gone? Who ordered it?” Mrs. Cake asked as she stared at the empty cases.
  446. >You point over to the nearby table as Dash and her friend greedily scarf down an entire platter of cookies. Mr. Cake grins at the overflowing register and pats you on the back.
  449. >”Looks like we won't be needing you for the rest of the day. Me and the missus'll start prepping for tomorrow so take the rest of the day off. You'll be paid, of course.”
  450. “Thanks, Carrot. Appreciate it.”
  451. >The Cakes head back into the kitchen and you hear a high pitched squeal of happiness. Pulling up a chair, you watch as Rainbow Dash and Ms. Yearling stuff their faces full of cupcakes.
  452. >”Help yourself.” Ms. Yearling mumbles though bites of her pile of snacks. You gingerly reach out and grab a single cookie and munch on it slowly.
  453. “Aren't you guys the least bit full? I know ponies tolerate sugar better than humans but even Pinkie would be puking by now.”
  454. >”I already told ya, we were on an expedition. Living off quick rations and grass takes its toll on anypony!” Dash moans as she scoops up a giant glob of cake and jams it in her mouth.
  455. >Both ponies are filthy with crumbs and frosting litters their faces. You peek under the table and notice their bellies slightly glowing with a strange light.
  456. “Not to be a buzz kill, but your stomachs are brighter than a lighthouse. Are you SURE you're okay?”
  457. >Ms. Yearling stops her chewing for a second and looks down at her tan stomach. Her eyes widen as she prods her new chubby belly, smearing icing all over her coat.
  458. >”Dash, stop eating...those delicious cakes...and muffins.” Ms. Yearling's eyes glaze over as her hooves dive back into the tower of fattening sweets, unable to stop filling her growing tummy.
  459. “Girls? Hellooooooo?”
  460. >Waving a hand over their faces gives no response. Snapping, slamming the table and even a light slap on the face did nothing to deter them from their binge.
  461. >You swipe a cupcake from Dash right as she is about to chomp into it. Her eyes lazily stare at the cupcake and she lunges at you.
  462. >Her mouth wraps around your entire hand and she swallows the cupcake whole, leaving nothing but drool and slobber all over your skin.
  465. >As horrified as you were, the sight of your friend eating with reckless abandon sparked a deep arousal in your pants. One of the benefits of working at Sugarcube corner was the nice view of Mrs. Cake's huge, jiggly rump.
  466. >The duo finally finish off the last bits of food and they sigh in contentment. Rainbow Dash pats her belly, causing her eyes to fill with uncertainty and terror.
  467. >”What? What happened? WHY AM I SO FAT?!?”
  468. >Ms. Yearling snapped her eyes open and she looked down at herself. “Dash, I TOLD you this relic was cursed! Why did I even listen to you and take it from the temple?”
  469. >Ms. Yearling jumps from her seat as best as she can. Her new weight throws her off balance and she tumbles to the floor. Her cloak flies up, giving you a perfect glance at her plump ass.
  470. >It's not the only thing you notice, as you spy a set of wings and a compass rose cutie mark. The gears click and you suddenly recognize the mare on the floor.
  471. “I KNEW I've seen you before! You're Daring Do from Dash's books!”
  472. >The tan pegasus jumps up and adjusts her cloak, causing a strange, wooden statue to drop from a pocket and onto the ground.
  473. >You pick up the object and blush as the statue depicts a well fed mare sitting on a throne of ponies.
  474. >”Well, that's out of the bag. I guess we should go see your bookworm friend and find out what this curse is all about. C'mon Dash. You too, Aynon.”
  475. >Rainbow Dash just nods and hops onto her hooves. Her new tummy slightly jiggles with each step, causing her to turn red.
  476. “It's Anon. And why me?”
  477. >Daring Do smooths her cloak over her chubby body and sighs. “You might be cursed too since you touched it. We gotta fix this pronto.”
  478. >The walk takes entirely too long, both Rainbow Dash and Daring Do refusing to take the main roads to preserve their dignity. You finally make it to Twilight's castle and enter through crystal doors.
  479. “Twilight? You here somewhere? Rainbow Dash is in troooooouble again!”
  482. >”Don't say that! You remember last time you said that? She made us BOTH sort her books for a week!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she followed you into the throne room.
  483. >”What kind of trouble are you two talking about?” Twilight's eyes wander to the cloaked pony and her face brightens into a smile. “Oh, Miss Do! What do I owe the honor?”
  484. >”The usual. Found an artifact in a temple, got placed under a curse and we need the help of a well read pony like yourself to find out what we're dealing with.”
  485. >”Twilight! You gotta help us! One minute I'm chatting with Anon and the next, I've eaten all the food in Sugarcube Corner!”
  486. >Dash leans back onto her hind hooves and lets her chubby belly spill onto the ground in front of her. It's becoming more and more difficult to stand still with your stiff erection trying to tear through your pants.
  487. >”Oh my. I'm sure I can find out how to help, just as long as I can see the statue.” Twilight's horn activates as she begins levitating books towards the circular table.
  488. >”Here, just don't get too close or else you might get stuck with a few extra pounds...” Daring Do holds up the statue in her hoof as Twilight cracks open her books.
  489. >”Fat mare supported by other ponies. From what Dash said, you two were in the Hayseed Swamps so I'll start looking for ancient pony tribes there. For now, I suggest just relaxing and staying out of trouble.”
  490. >”Stay out of trouble, got it. Can we hide out in your house for a while, Rainbow Dash?”
  491. >”Sure. It's a cloud house so we'll be safe from prying eyes.”
  492. >Both pegasi spread their wings and headed over to the nearest window. Rainbow Dash pumps her wings as hard as she can, only to rise about an inch from the ground.
  493. >”Great...a magic canceling curse. Anon, you live on the ground, right?”
  496. >You sighed as you checked behind you for the fifth time. Daring Do and Rainbow Dash rushed from cover to cover as fast as their new bodies allowed. Daring Do's chubbier belly wobbled as she struggled to keep hidden while Dash's inflated rear bounced with each step she took.
  497. “You two are acting silly. There's nopony that lives this far out so you might as well save time and energy walking instead of sneaking about.”
  498. >”I gotta work off this fat somehow, Anon. No way am I letting this slow me down!” Dash boasted as she picked up her pace.
  499. “Fine. We're here anyway.”
  500. >Daring Do sighed in relief as you opened the door for the tubby mares. She tossed her cloak, hat and glasses aside and unfurled her wings. “Goddess, I hate disguising myself like that. Cramps my style.”
  501. “Feel free to help yourself to anything you need. Guest bed is down the hall if you need a nap and kitchen is fully stocked.”
  502. >At the word “kitchen”, both mares groaned as their tummies gurgled loudly.
  503. “No WAY you two want more food already. It has to be that curse or something.”
  504. >”Ya think? Just...get us something, please. I'm starving all over again.”
  505. >”No way! I'm not gaining any more weight, curse or no curse.” Rainbow Dash crosses her hooves over her chest, only for her belly to complain even louder.
  506. >”Kid, it's for the best. If you ignore a curse, BAD things happen.” Daring Do trots into the kitchen and pulls open the icebox.
  507. >Daring Do reaches in and pulls out a few carrots and apples. Her mouth opens wide as she makes quick work of each bite.
  508. >Her stomach still empty, the tan mare digs around until she finds a cupcake or two hidden in the back. She barely chews, simply stuffing each one into her mouth and swallowing them up. “MMMmmmmm.”
  509. >Her stomach glows once more and her gain is much more noticeable. Her stance widens as her chubby belly balloons into a full blown gut and her rear plumps up with fat.
  512. >The empty stare returns and soon her hooves are like clockwork. The pegasus stuffs herself with everything and anything she can set her hooves on.
  513. >Her hind legs buckle and her butt cheeks squish into the ground. Her belly slaps the floor with a loud thump, her hooves still reaching for more and more food.
  514. >At last, the entire icebox was empty and Daring Do lets out a massive belch. Her hooves wanders to her belly and she sighs in happiness. “I could get used to this, actually.”
  515. >You and Dash stare at the mare's astonishing gluttony. Dash out of pure shock and you out of arousal.
  516. >Daring Do huffs as she picks herself off the floor. Her awkward waddle shakes her full belly and rocks her round, curvy body back and forth. She makes her way to your couch and takes a seat, causing the frame to groan in protest.
  517. >You stare at the fat pony in your living room until Dash lets out a pained cry. Her hooves dart to her glowing stomach and she doubles over in pain.
  518. >The bright aura spreads from her tummy and coats her entire body. You shield your eyes as Dash becomes far too bright to stare at.
  519. >Her cries fill the room as her body flares with magic. A huge surge knocks you off your feet and the room stops glowing. You peer over at Rainbow Dash and your jaw drops.
  520. >The once slim mare is now a round, tubby ball of pony. Her fat pools on the floor as she tries her best to pick herself up.
  521. >Her round tummy jiggles with each little movement and her ass...oh Celestia her ass. Dash's rear was MASSIVE, eclipsing Mrs. Cake's own chubby rear in terms of sheer plumpness.
  522. >The sight leaves you short of breath. Your hands clumsily move towards her body as she does her best to pick herself up.
  523. >Tears form at the corners of her eyes as she finally picks herself off the floor. “I'm...fat. Nopony wants to see a blimp perform for the Wonderbolts!”
  526. >Your hands finally make contact with her belly and you draw small circles into her coat. Dash stops crying and notices your fascinated stare.
  527. >”Are you okay, Anon? What's gotten into you?” Rainbow Dash begins to moan as you rub bigger and bigger circles over her belly. She rolls onto her side and lets her flab slide into your eager hands.
  528. >”Your friend is into bigger mares, Dash. If you couldn't tell, he was staring at that mare from the bakery as soon as she turned around.”
  529. >You snap out of your trance and blush at her words. Rainbow Dash leans back onto her hooves, trapping your hands under her mountain of belly. “Is..that true, Anon?”
  530. “, you see.”
  531. >You stumble over your words as your face becomes beet red. Rainbow Dash grins and wiggles her rump, causing her ass to jiggle and bounce her cutie mark to and fro.
  532. >”You should have told me sooner...” Dash whispers in a husky voice as she waddles over to your kitchen. She throws open the pantry and grins at all the preserved fruits and jams stored inside.
  533. >With a quick hoof, Dash has several jars cracked open. She dips her muzzle deep into each jar, slurping and sucking up all sorts of calorie laden fruits.
  534. >What doesn't gets immediately slurped up causes Dash to pick up the jar and let gravity finish the job. Her stomach fills with the magical glow once more and her already flabby body starts to inflate to obscene proportions.
  535. >Speechless, you look over to see Daring Do waddling over to your pantry. You grab a few jars for her and open them as you notice the familiar, hungry stare associated with the curse.
  536. >Dash's body bloats out as she swallows more and more food. Her ass simply grows and grows, the lightning bolt cutie mark stretching out as her thighs grow nice and thick.
  537. >Daring Do fares no better. Her belly is pressing into the floor now and rolls upon rolls of fat quake with each movement. You keep up the pace, opening jar after jar for the fattened mares.
  540. >All too soon, you've completely run out of food. Both mares are sticky with jam and sugar plastered over their faces. They lean in and give you a kiss as you fondle their bloated tummies,
  541. >Rainbow Dash knocks you over and plants a kiss on your mouth. Dash's tongue invades your mouth without mercy, causing you to moan into the kiss.
  542. >You feel pressure on your legs as Daring Do lazily flops onto your body. Your zipper is yanked down and soon, your rock hard erection is staring her in the face.
  543. >Her chubby cheeks jerk into a smile as she effortlessly slides your length down her throat. Her tongue laps at your testicles as she deep throats your cock with practiced ease.
  544. >Dash fumbles around, her huge rear wobbling closer and closer to your face. Without warning, her ass crashes down on top of you. Her honey oozes from her slit and her arousing scent bleeds into your nose.
  545. >It's your turn to eat as you lash your tongue at her winking clit. Rainbow Dash emits a moan as you gingerly suck and lick at her love button.
  546. >The air gets stale and musky as her pussy grinds on your face. Your hands sink into her fat hips and you pull her on top of your mouth. Jerking your head back and forth, you tongue fuck Dash's plump folds.
  547. >Her pussy floods your mouth with her nectar, triggering your orgasm. You shoot your sticky load right down Daring Do's throat and fill up her fat tummy.
  548. >The glorious fat disappears as both mares slowly pull themselves off you. Gasping for air, you look to find them angling their doughy asses near your crotch.
  549. >Their eyes still carry the same lifeless stare from earlier, only now they grin with deep, burning arousal.
  550. >Heavenly pleasure fills your mind as their cheeks collide upon your dick. Blue and tan fat smooshes around your dick as both mares fight for dominance.
  551. >Rainbow Dash's fuller rear easily wraps around most of your cock, but Daring Do keeps her smaller rear pressed firmly against Dash, tightening the grip on your throbbing erection.
  554. >The mares push each other back and forth for a bit, the effort forcing beads of sweat to drip from their foreheads.
  555. >Dash's legs weaken for a moment and her beautiful ass slides down your cock an inch or two. Not to be outdone, Daring Do lowers her cheeks downward to the base of your cock.
  556. >The mares grind their wobbling cheeks up and down your dick. Their fatty cheeks almost envelop your erection as they sit on your pelvis and the jiggling flesh is driving you wild.
  557. >You cry out and release your second orgasm of the day, letting your cum launch into the air. It splatters against Dash's and Do's docks, cheeks and cutie marks, staining their bodies with your seed.
  558. >Exhausted, Daring Do slumps to the ground. Rainbow Dash plops herself on top of Daring's giant stomach, causing both mares to jiggle in place.
  559. >Dash lifts her tail, exposing her fat, blue pussy grinding into Daring's own soaked cunt. Dash looks back towards you and gives her meaty rump a good shake.
  560. >Your erection simply wont go away at the sight of two fat mares begging for cock. You easily slide yourself between their soaked lips and give a sharp thrust.
  561. >Feminine moans cry out as your cock brushes against their winking clits. Your dick pushes lightly into the chubby mass of pony until you pull away every so slowly.
  562. >Pushing in again, you grin as you watch Dash's fat ripple from her ass to her stomach. The energy travels through Daring Do and her thick tummy jiggles and slaps the ground. You wrap your arms around all the pony fat you can and fiercely piston your dick between their slits.
  563. >Sweat clings to your chest as your body sinks into Dash's back fat. You try your best to rub their fat stomachs as you pump yourself hard against their slits.
  564. >Finally reaching your end, You pull yourself away from the bliss that is Dash's body and shove your cock right into her pussy. She moans in pleasure as you blast a thick load of cum inside her.
  567. >You feel another pulse of cum and quickly push into to Daring Do's needy sex. Satisfied, you unleash the last bits of cum into her and fall back onto Dash's body.
  568. >The three of you bask in the afterglow when the front door bursts open. “Anon? Dash? Miss Do?”
  569. >You angle yourself just enough to spot Twilight staring at the three of you, her wings completely erect. “Oh...sorry for barging in like this but I found out the cure to the curse.”
  570. >The two pegasi simply moan as they lie in post coital bliss. Twilight's face is a deep red as she tries to break her eyes away from the sight of your cum slipping out from their cunts.
  571. “They might be out of it for a while. You can just relay the info to me.”
  572. >Twilight sits and fiddles with her hooves for a moment. “Well, it's not a curse that's affecting them. The statue in question belonged to a prosperous tribe long ago that worshiped...bigger mares. After bountiful harvests, they would use the magic idol to fatten the mares of the village for sexual pleasure.”
  573. >”You got that right!” Dash mumbles as she finally rolls off of Daring Do. “Anon, I never knew you were such a stud.”
  574. >You blush as Twilight continues her explanation. “Well then, that's good. The only known way to dispel the magic is lots and lots of intercourse. The fat will burn itself off after a few days of whatever I was interrupting I guess.”
  575. >Twilight picks up the statue with her magic and sighs. “Another tribal artifact Zecora will want to get her hooves on. I better take it to her while you guys...fix this.”
  576. >Her horn flashes with light and Twilight teleports away. Daring Do groans as she manages to flip onto her belly. “Well, you heard the girl. Time to keep going, lover boy.”
  577. >Daring Do and Dash raise their tails in anticipation. As you approach their wobbling rumps, they bump hooves in triumph. “This vacation is gonna be so awesome!”
  581. Gobbleshy
  585. >The seasons of Equestria still seemed like an odd concept to you, even after a year or two of experiencing it first hand.
  586. >Ponies held the weather in their hooves, literally molding clouds to create any sort of precipitation.
  587. >The ponies of Ponyville make a celebration for each season and with your inclusion, it's gotten even better.
  588. >Fall brought on the Run of the Leaves, a racing event where the adorable little ponies ran and stomped to clear the trees of dead leaves
  589. >Giant picnic tables gather around the planned finish line for this year's run. Ponies were busy setting down pots, pans and all sorts of containers filled to the brim with food.
  590. >”So Anon, how is it? Everything look okay?” Twilight Sparkle waved a hoof as her quill scratched off another item off her scroll.
  591. “I gotta say I'm flattered you even did this. I may not have blood relatives here for a pony themed Thanksgiving, but you might as well be family. Thanks Twilight.”
  592. >You scoop her up in a hug and the unicorn yelps in surprise. “Okay, okay! You're welcome!”
  593. >She blushes as you set her down. Twilight returns to her duties as you hear Pinkie's cannon signaling the racers.
  594. >”They should be done after an hour or two. The mayor will give a nice, little speech and then we'll get to the food.” Twilight rambles as she looks over the tables.
  595. >”Why don't you go and talk with everypony? I'm sure they'd love to hear all about your old home's holiday.”
  596. >Twilight gives you a smile and you nod. Sticking your hands into your pockets, you lazily wander around.
  597. >The tables have ponies scattered about as they talk and ready themselves for a grand feast.
  598. >They wave as you walk past, merely thanking you for an opportunity for a free meal and returning to their business.
  601. >Sitting down, you sigh and place a hand on your chin. A tap on your shoulder breaks you from your boredom and you turn towards the poking pony.
  602. >What awaits you almost causes you to burst out laughing. Fluttershy stands next to you, wearing an elaborate, skin-tight turkey costume and a smile.
  603. >”Hi Anonymous. What's the matter?” She asks as you try to straighten out your face.
  604. “Nothing's really the matter. What's with the costume?”
  605. >”Oh, do you like it? I heard that Thank Givers celebrated turkeys, or something like that. Twilight wasn't really clear about why but I thought I'd dress up for the occasion!”
  606. >She wiggles her rear, causing her tail feathers to shake in the breeze. You giggle and gesture to the seat next to you.
  607. >Fluttershy sits down and pokes you once more. “So why were turkeys important? Were they special in some cute, adorable way?”
  608. “Well, it was the national bird of the United States. It was used as a theme since it was chosen back when the country was founded.”
  609. >Fluttershy sat next to you as you retold the tale of the pilgrims landing from Britain, barely surviving the harsh winters and finally making friends with the natives.
  610. >It broke your heart to see her frown at the mention of turkeys as the favorite meal of the holiday but she still clung to every word.
  611. >”And the winner is Bulk Biceps!” You hear Pinkie shout from her megaphone. A distinct YEAH! could be heard coming from the finish line as several other ponies complete their runs.
  612. >“Aw, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are gonna be upset they lost first place again.” Fluttershy looks over to find both girls kicking around dirt sheepishly before clacking their hooves together.
  613. “Another year of competition for them. You really think they would have let that feud rest even if one of them took first?”
  616. >Fluttershy shakes her head and giggles. “They'll compete over anything. I even heard them bragging about who could eat the most food today.”
  617. >At the mention of food, Fluttershy's tummy gives an impatient rumble. She blushes as she rubs her belly through her snug costume.
  618. >”I guess skipping breakfast wasn't a good idea. I was so worried I wasn't gonna fit into my costume.”
  619. >Her cheeks get even redder and she covers her mouth with both hooves. You find it absolutely adorable and you give the pegasus a quick hug.
  620. “Don't worry, Fluttershy. You're still a cutie no matter how big your belly is.”
  621. >Her embarrassment reaches critical levels and the poor mare falls out of her seat. She quickly picks herself up and covers her face with her wings.
  622. >” think the mayor is about to give her speech. Why don't we go over and listen?”
  623. >Fluttershy quickly turns and trots towards the stage.
  624. >You take this time to notice her belly does seem a tiny bit bigger. The costume hugs her curves from her convex belly to her jiggly, soft butt.
  625. >”Checking out the turkey, Anon?” Rainbow Dash whispers right into your ear. It's your turn to be embarrassed as you look her in the eyes.
  626. “What, I can't find her cute? She even dressed up for today and everything!” Dash pats you on the back before hovering in front of you.
  627. >”I'm just saying you were looking at a lot more than just that suit, Anon. I bet you'd love to tear her out of it right now and...”
  628. “Okay, okay. You caught me. Now can you leave me alone?” You cross your arms and glare at Rainbow Dash.
  629. >”Hey, I'm just kidding. You should so make a move for it, though. I don't see any other ponies dressed up as a turkey after Twilight mentioned you ate them.”
  630. >Dash shrugged her forearms and soared off to the stage right as Mayor Mare was beginning her speech.
  633. >You simply sat down as the gears began to turn. “So she knew humans ate turkeys but she dressed up? For me?”
  634. >You sit, lost in thought until you feel somepony sit next to you. “Mayor Mare ended her speech and let everypony start eating a while ago, Anon. Since I saw you still sitting down, I got you some food.”
  635. >You look down and spot a little bit of everything sitting on a plate. You look over and see Fluttershy smiling at you as she sets down her own meal.
  636. >While your plate had a bit of everything, Fluttershy had a LOT. Flowers, breads, cupcakes, pie slices and several other foods were stacked on her plate.
  637. >She sat down and started eating away at her mountain of food. She chewed away until she noticed you were still staring at her servings.
  638. “You really must have to have skipped breakfast AND lunch to need that much.”
  639. >”Oh...well...I...might not have skipped anything, to be honest.”
  640. >She shoves another mouthful of food in her mouth and continues after politely swallowing.
  641. >“Pegasi are usually lighter than other ponies due to our body structure.” She slowly begins explaining to you. A hint of red rises from her cheeks as she talks between bites.
  642. >”Usually, our downy wings are enough to keep us warm as we fly round but I really don't like flying that much.”
  643. >Her bites becomes smaller and smaller as she talks. Fluttershy stops eating for a moment and begins to play with her hooves.
  644. >“Because I don't fly as much, I have to increase my body weight for the winter.” She trails off, letting her voice die out to the commotion of the crowds nearby.
  645. >Her face is a deep crimson as she realized how much shes eaten so far compared to you.
  646. >”Oh, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't ruin your appetite. I didn't realize I was distracting you.”
  649. >The growing tent in your pants is distraction enough as you try to keep your composure.
  650. “I'm good...I think it's fine that you have to eat so much. You look great no matter what.”
  651. >Her eyes seems to light up as you finish your sentence. Her worries banished, she resumes eating what's left of her treats.
  652. >You finally turn to your meal, only to realize one important thing. Ponies don't use forks.
  653. “Aw, crap. I'd rather not get my hands dirty eating some of this.
  654. >Fluttershy finishes her plate and flaps up from her seat in a rush.
  655. >”Oh, sorry Anon. Twilight actually had some utensils set aside for you and I completely forgot! Let me go get them!”
  656. >”Fluttershy flaps her wings and lifts herself slowly from the picnic table. She glides over to the serving tables and grabs a fork and knife in her well as another huge plate for herself.
  657. >”Ere yoo go, Amon.” She says with her lips wrapped over the silverware. You gently take it and begin eating while always keeping an eye on Fluttershy.
  658. >You manage to finish your small collection of food right before she devours her second plate. Her stomach is lightly stressing her costume now and she gives her belly a small pat.
  659. “Hey Fluttershy, want me to get some more for you? Just tell me your favorites and I'll go find some for you.”
  660. >”Oh...okay.” She presses a hoof into her stuffed stomach and stifles a burp with her wing.
  661. >You can tell she doesn't truly want more, but you can't stop daydreaming about that yellow belly ripping that costume.
  662. >You stack up a decent sized plate for yourself and an absolutely overloaded one for Fluttershy. Your wrist is numb as you finally place the meal over to Fluttershy.
  663. >Her eyes widen as she looks towards you. “Anon...I dunno if I can finish all this.”
  666. >Without a word, your hand drifts down to her round tummy. You press into the offending orb and rub circles into the costume.
  667. >Fluttershy moans as your hands massage her stuffed gut. Her mouth widens as she releases a massive belch that causes several ponies to turn their heads.
  668. >”Excuse me!” She mumbles, shrinking in her seat as she notices each pair of eye on her. You pull your hand away and grin.
  669. “Feeling better, Fluttershy? I can help you get it down if you want.”
  670. >You scoop up a piece of pie with your fork and offer it towards the gluttonous pony.
  671. >Hesitantly, she leans her neck out before wrapping her lips around the morsel and chews.
  672. >Her body begins to relax as you feed her more and more pie. Fluttershy closes her eyes as she eats everything you provide.
  673. >You place your free hand back on her tummy and resume your massage, Her wings slowly rise up and extend out as your efforts cause her to moan with each bite.
  674. >Her stomach grows hard and taut under your fingers. The costume strains through the added pressure as you keep rubbing with her overfed tummy.
  675. “All done.”
  676. >She opens her eyes to find both plates cleared of food. Her hooves move over to her belly and she rubs the packed tummy alongside you.
  677. >”I'm soooo full, Anon. It kinda hurts...but I love it.”
  678. >Her face grows that familiar red as she tries to stop herself from saying more. Her wings forcibly snap back to her sides and Fluttershy tries to roll out of her seat.
  679. >She falls over, unused to her sudden increase in weight. You quickly stand up and scoop her in your arms.
  680. “Wanna go home, Fluttershy. You look kinda tired.”
  681. >She pushes her beet red face into your chest and you feel her nod against your torso. You cradle her as best you can and take off to her cottage.
  684. >As you escape the crowds, Fluttershy yawns and nuzzles herself against you.
  685. “Sleepy? Just relax and let your tummy work away all that food, okay Fluttershy?”
  686. >Fluttershy moans a response as she cuddles into your straining arms. You shake off the ache of carrying her as you peek at her smiling face.
  687. >You finally arrive at her cozy little cottage at the edge of the forest. You awkwardly open the door and are greeted by the myriad of animal friends awaiting her return.
  688. “Shh..she's sleeping. Can you show me to her bedroom?”
  689. >Angel Bunny jumps from the crown and points over to her staircase. He hops up each step and beckons you to follow.
  690. >He opens a door at the top and hops back downstairs. You gently pull the sheets up and place Fluttershy down onto the bed as gently as you can.
  691. >”Anon?” Fluttershy calls out as you pull your hands away. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles as she sees you standing over her.
  692. “Anything I can do for you before I go?”
  693. >She thinks for a moment before slowly drooping her eyes and giving you a very arousing look.
  694. >”I still have some soup downstairs that I didn't take with me to the feast. Could you heat it up and bring me some?”
  695. >She pats her distended belly through the blanket and grins. “I could use a bit more stuffing...if you know what I mean...if that's something you'd like to do.”
  696. >She blinks to find the room empty. You've already barreled to her kitchen and find a decent sized cooking pot halfway filled with a rich, thick soup.
  697. >You can barely wrap your arms around the pot as you lug it over to her primitive stove.
  698. >Stove is generous, It's simply a metal pit to throw wood into while a mesh screen rests over the flames.
  699. >Preparing the stove takes little time. Soon, the kitchen is filled with a warm, relaxing glow.
  702. >”Anon, are you still here? Is the soup ready?” Fluttershy calls from her room.
  703. >You dip in a spoon and give the contents a spin.
  704. >Taste testing proves to be a mistake as the awkward taste of hay and grass cause your tongue to twitch in agony
  705. >Satisfied with the heat, you pour a giant bowl full of soup and let the pot rest away from the fire. You carefully head upstairs with a spoon in hand.
  706. >Her face darkens back to red as she spots your arrival. “Anon...could you feed it to me. I dunno if I can actually eat it myself...”
  707. >Pulling over a chair, you prop Fluttershy up with a few pillows and take a seat next to her. You raise a spoonful of the soup and blow on it for her before offering her the spoon.
  708. >Her lips wrap around the utensil and she moans before swallowing it down. Another serving is ready before she swallows and she gulps that down just as quick.
  709. >Her hooves rub her filling tummy, her moans growing sour as you keep filling her up.
  710. “Do you want me to stop? You can always just save it for tomorrow.”
  711. >Fluttershy forces out a burp before shaking her head. “If it wasn't for the meals earlier...I would have already eaten that entire pot.”
  712. >”I just....I LOVE being so full it hurts. I'm sad to see my animal friends leave for the winter. I try to help them prepare to hibernate but I always end up eating too much to help.”
  713. >You offer another helping and Fluttershy slowly forces it down into her stressed barrel. One hoof keeps rubbing while another grabs your hand.
  714. >She pulls your hand under the blanket and presses it against something rather damp and sticky. Your eyes widen as she moans at your touch before withdrawing your hand and licking your fingers clean.
  715. >”More...please.”
  716. >With the soup already warmed up, you were back with another bowl in seconds.
  719. >Fluttershy opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue. You go to scoop out more soup when she closes her mouth and shakes her head.
  720. >”It hurts less if we do it all at once...” She mumbles before opening her mouth again.
  721. >Your grin widens as you set down the bowl and run back downstairs.
  722. >Idea in mind, you rush around until you find everything you need. You pocket the items as best you can and grab the entire pot of soup.
  723. >It takes a bit of work, but you finally haul everything up to Fluttershy's room.
  724. >”Anon, what are you doing?” Fluttershy asks as you set down the pot.
  725. >You unravel a clean garden hose from your waist and offer one end to Fluttershy. Retrieving the funnel from your back pocket, you plug up the other end and lift the bowl up to the top.
  726. >Fluttershy's eyes gleam with desire as she immediately shoves the hose in her mouth.
  727. >You tip the bowl over and let the soup ride straight to Fluttershy's stomach. In seconds, the whole bowl is gone and Fluttershy moans into the hose.
  728. >Bowl after bowl after bowl slides down the funnel and into Fluttershy's gluttonous tummy.
  729. >Her moans and grunts are a mix of pain and pleasure as she continues to feed on the massive servings of soup.
  730. >One hoof keeps the hose clamped in her mouth and the other is too low to be rubbing her stomach.
  731. >You look into the pot and notice there isn't much left. Lifting it up is so easy that you can do it with one hand.
  732. >Fluttershy nods furiously and she grips the hose with both hooves. You tip the pot over and send the rest rushing through the hose.
  733. >Soup pools near the top of the funnel as the pot empties. Fluttershy sucks on the tube and the level drops considerably.
  734. >She keeps gulping down more and more of the soup as her belly rises higher and higher under the sheets.
  737. >She gives one final gulp and rids the hose of any left over soup inside. Fluttershy sighs, finally relaxing after forcing so much food down.
  738. >Her sigh is masked by the sounds of tearing fabric. Her belly swells as the ripping grows louder, all while Fluttershy moans in pleasure.
  739. >She pants hard, rocking her firm gut up and down. You pull away her blanket and gaze upon her glorious belly.
  740. >Her poor costume is split right down the middle. Her huge, yellow tummy pushes the fabric aside with ease with each breath she takes.
  741. >You take notice of a little bump on the crown of her belly. Fluttershy brushes a hoof over the strange little nub and she begins to blush.
  742. >”I've never popped out my belly button before. I must be super full, all thanks to you, Anon.”
  743. >You also notice the crotch soaked through to her bedspread. The air fills with her arousal and you drink in the musky scent.
  744. >”Oh, my costume. It's ruined...” Fluttershy arches her back, pushing her belly higher and higher.
  745. >Your hands magnetically lock to the yellow gut and gently caress her stretched skin. Her belly offers no give as her full stomach tries it's best to digest all the food.
  746. >Fingers dance around her popped out belly button. She giggles as you glide the edge of your fingers over the sexy bump.
  747. >”Mmmm. Anon, I need more stuffing. I wanna be your full, fat turkey night now.”
  748. >Her hooves slide down past her stomach and grip the poor cloth of her costume. Fluttershy tugs at her ruined outfit, her belly cutting through the remaining cloth hiding her pussy.
  749. >She groans in delight as her slit parts in a desperate wink. Her clit slides in and out of her folds, begging for attention.
  750. >”I'm all yours, Anon.” She whispers with a husky, needy tone. She spreads her legs wide, ripping her suit and exposing her wet vag even more.
  753. >Your suit is nearly torn off as you frantically try to get it off in your lust fueled state. Yanking down your underwear reveals your diamond cock for her to see.
  754. >”I want it all, Anon. Show me what YOUR thankful for.”
  755. >You grip her legs and give her a powerful thrust as deep as you can. Her body shivers everywhere but her belly.
  756. >A true testament to how full she really is. You pull back and thrust again, her belly still ignoring your passionate and powerful thrusts,
  757. >Fluttershy screams as your cock fills her up. Her clit winks in time with each thrust, leaking femcum all over your balls.
  758. >You reach a hand out and massage her belly. The taut orb refuses to budge to anything, pinning Fluttershy to the bed.
  759. >Fluttershy's cheeks begin to puff out, and suddenly her mouth flies open to release a huge, loud belch from deep inside her stomach.
  760. >Her belly shrinks a tiny bit, finally giving the taxed skin release from so much strain. Her hooves cradle her gut, coaxing more gas to force itself out.
  761. >She finally forces the last bit of air out of her stomach. Her face is a mix of incredible relief and orgasmic bliss as you never stopped with your horny assault.
  762. >Her belly button even receded back into her tummy. Just a slight bit but enough to return to its natural concave shape.
  763. >You place a finger near the edge and slip it inside, swirling her skin and pressing in as far as you can in time to your thrusting.
  764. >”That's right. Keep fucking your not so little turkey and fill her up. Fill her so much that she gets so big and fat she can't move for hours!”
  767. >Her sudden and rather kinky perversions make you stop your pumping. As you stare at her, a slow blush creeps up on her face and she mumbles away from your gaze.
  768. >“Um...too much?”
  769. >Shaking your head, you give her a predatory grin.
  770. “Not at all. I just never thought I'd ever hear you talk with such...dominance.”
  771. >” what are you waiting for?” She returns the grin as she resumes rubbing her colossal gut.
  772. >Placing your hands back on her legs, you build yourself back up to speed in no time.
  773. >Her belly slightly wobbles now, and her hypnotic flesh triggers your primal desire.
  774. >Your whole body tenses up and you feel yourself fill her pussy until cum leaks from her slit.
  775. >Fluttershy moans, wrapping her legs around you as best she can to keep you locked in place.
  776. >Both of you are left panting and exhausted. “That was amazing, Anon.”
  777. >Her blush returns as she looks into your eyes. “Did you really mean what you said at the festival? being bigger?”
  778. >Pulling yourself next to her, you spoon her from behind and cradle her tummy.
  779. ”I meant every word. And if this is how you wanna do it, You certainly have my encouragement.”
  780. >You press yourself against her body, hugging as much of her as you can. Her hooves grip your arms and she lets out a heavy yawn.
  781. >”You bet. I had a great day and I'm certainly thankful for you, Anon.”
  782. ”I'm thankful for you too, Fluttershy.”
  783. >You half yawn, half reply to Fluttershy. She giggles before helping you pull the blanket over the both of you.
  784. >Even with the chilly autumn gripping Ponyville, neither of you felt it. Warmth from each other and a bit of chub from the fattening pegasus in your arms kept you warm through the night.
  788. Princess Perks
  792. >Coffee in hand, you step outside to greet another fantastic day in Ponyville. Celestia's sun is shining brightly and the ponies are eager to start their day.
  793. >Some ponies are a bit slower than others. Ever since you've started to “branch out” into physical relationships with these colorful equines, one thing has been a complete constant.
  794. >Don't want none unless you got buns, hon.
  795. >At first, it was brushed off as coincidence. Pinkie was always known for being a big eater but seeing her pig out just for you ignited a small spark.
  796. >That tiny spark grew into a roaring inferno as ponies noticed every mare you've slept with was outright fat or even obese as they bragged about how passionate you are in the sack.
  797. >The town whispered when Applejack and Rainbow Dash sported drooping bellies.
  798. >They stared as Fluttershy and even Rarity traded a ladylike walk into a slow waddle.
  799. >Everypony was stunned as even their rulers weren't safe from your feeding habits.
  800. >Mares all around town began to swap out salads and sandwiches for cakes and pies.
  801. >It was never enough, though. A hard working rural town like Ponyville meant that everyone was always working.
  802. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash slimmed down instantly. The other few you'd had the privilege of feeding managed to return to near normal weight after a month or two.
  803. >When asked, they would always back out. “It was rather nice to let myself go like that, Darling, but I simply can't keep doing this. What would everypony think?”
  804. >You stop your reflection when your mailbox belches out a bright, purple glow. A small scroll sticks out of the opened mailbox, inviting you to grab it.
  805. >Grabbing the scroll, you instantly recognize the star pattern stamped in wax upon the seal. You break off the wax and unfurl the fancy looking parchment.
  806. “Anonymous the human, please come to the castle immediately. I have urgent business to discuss with you. Signed, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”
  809. >Quickly rolling up the scroll, you head inside for a moment to dispose of your coffee mug before hastily walking towards Twilight's castle.
  810. >The castle stands near the middle of town as a welcome beacon of hope and friendship. You knock on the front door, causing it to slowly creak open.
  811. “Twilight? Are you here? I got your letter!”
  812. >You shout into the castle and only your echo responds. You look around the giant foyer, trying to decide which way to go.
  813. >Each hallway bathes in darkness, no lit torches in sight. You peek down each one until you notice a faint light peeking under a door.
  814. >With no better idea, you approach the door and give a small knock. “Come in.” you hear Twilight call out from the other side.
  815. >Turning the handle, you quickly push open the door and gaze inside. Twilight sits at the end of a massive banquet table surrounded with all sorts of sugary treats.
  816. >Pies, cakes, cinnamon rolls, candy and every manner of unhealthy junk foods seem to branch out from her seat.
  817. >Twilight waves at you as she stuffs a giant slice of cake into her mouth. Her jaw sluggishly chews and she seems to struggle as she swallows the moist treat.
  818. “Um. Hi Twilight. What's up?”
  819. >”Hi Anonymous! How are you doing?” She says in a cheery tone. She beckons you over with a hoof as she tries to force a slice of pie into her mouth.
  820. >Her face looks a little green and you begin to notice why. Her stomach is rounded out and seems to be stuffed full. Her usual slim figure has been replaced with a small dome of a belly.
  821. >She pants after swallowing another slice of cake. “So, how do you like it?” She asks as her hooves slowly work circles into her belly.
  822. “Twilight, what are you doing? Why all the food?”
  823. >Her sultry stare turns into an annoyed one. “I'm pigging out just like all my friends. That's what they did, right?”
  824. >You face palm at being so dense. It really should have been obvious, yet you never catch onto these things.
  827. “You look sick, Twilight. Maybe you should stop for now.”
  828. >”I will not!” She shouts. Her hoof slams the table, sending a violent jiggle through her overfed stomach.
  829. >”Oooof. How did they do this? I've been eating since I woke up and I'm not any fatter at all!”
  830. >Your hands gravitate to her stomach and begin rubbing circles in a practiced manner.
  831. “Dunno. It does seem like they got obscenely fat when they did this with me. Was it maybe a spell or something?
  832. >”I tried asking Princess Celestia but she wouldn't tell me. I guess she wants to keep you to herself. It's not fair!”
  833. >”Why them and not me?” Twilight's face burned with embarrassment and jealousy as more food seemed to levitate to her mouth.
  834. “Whoa, Twilight. You better quit before you end up hurting yourself. Is it really worth it just to have sex with me?”
  835. >”YES! That's what I've been trying to say all morning!” She drops the food on the table and slowly gets up from her chair.
  836. >Her legs slightly squish into her stuffed gut, causing a burp to fly from her mouth. She sighs and relaxes as her tummy deflates just a bit.
  837. >”I needed that. Now I need something only you can provide.” She slowly rotates on the spot, raising her tail to reveal her pussy to you.
  838. “No offense, Twilight but I'm not really in the mood right now. Plus, you still look kinda pale.”
  839. >You take a look around and notice the lack of a certain green and purple dragon.
  840. “Aren't you worried Spike might show up? What would he say if you knew you were doing this to yourself or possibly see us in the act?”
  841. >Her horn lights up as she grabs you with her magic. “No! I need this, Anon. I sent Spike away for a whole month to visit Cadance and my brother. Just fuck me already.”
  842. >You wriggle as hard as you can and manage to break free of her hold.
  843. “Told ya you aren't up for this. You can't even force me with your magic.”
  844. >Twilight sighs and lies down on the floor. “Why? Is there something wrong with me? Is it my coat? My cutie mark? What?”
  847. >You wrap your arm around her and give her a hug. She cuddles in your arms for a moment before looking you right in the eyes.
  848. “Twilight, you're obviously forcing this for a silly reason. I know rumor has gone around and it certainly helps that certain ponies seemed to know exactly how to get me in bed, but you can't just abuse that for a pity fuck.”
  849. >Twilight gives a small nod as you keep rubbing her sore belly. “I guess you're right. Almost everypony you slept with was either a one night stand or it just didn't work out.”
  850. “ really didn't.”
  851. >You mumble wistfully as you begin daydreaming again. So many good times ruined just because you were just too picky with your mares.
  852. >Twilight breaks away from your hug and rises to her hooves. “Well, I better put away all this food. I can't believe I let jealousy get the better of me like that. Thanks Anon.”
  853. >You give her one last hug and depart from the castle.
  854. “Glad I avoided that potential disaster. She looked like she was gonna vomit all over me.”
  855. >The humdrum days passed by after that. Working the random odd jobs around Ponyville was tough. Finding them was even tougher.
  856. “Another three doughnuts guys! Plus a cranberry muffin.”
  857. >”Got it!” you hear Pinkie Pie shout from the kitchen.
  858. >A lunch rush at Sugarcube Corner always meant a small sack of bits and a snack. Handing out another bag of treats, you turn and smile at the next customer.
  859. >”Hi Anon. Working another shift for the cakes?” Twilight asks as she approaches the counter.
  860. “Oh yea, it's been crazy. What can I get ya?”
  861. >Her hoof brushes against her chin as she mumbles to herself. You can't help but notice Twilight has put on a few pounds over the last few days.
  862. >Her forelegs have a slight softness to them and her cheeks are rounder than you remember.
  863. >Saddlebags wrap around her barrel, snugly clinging to the beginnings of a chubby little potbelly
  864. >Twilight's stomach gives an impatient groan and her eyes lock onto the doughnut rack.
  867. >”I just can't decide. Just give me all the doughnuts in the case.”
  868. >You look at her with a bit of disbelief.
  869. “All of them? Twilight, that's got to be about three hundred bits worth of food.”
  870. >”No problem!” She says as her magic swirls in your hands. You grunt as a huge bag of bits pops into your palms.
  871. “Ooooookay, then. Mister Cake! We're all out of doughnuts!”
  872. >”What? How?” He rushes outside to see the giant sack of bits in your hands and Twilight levitating every single doughnut she can find into her saddlebags.
  873. >Her eyes never leave yours as she empties the case in seconds. One doughnut doesn't make it as she chomps down into the fried dough. “See you later, Anonymous!”
  874. >You KNOW she was wiggling her butt at you as she walked. Even Mister Cake was looking flustered at the jiggling display in all its glory.
  875. >”Wait, ALL the doughnuts?” Missus Cake calls out. She exits the kitchen and her jaw drops.
  876. “Yea, Twilight just came in and literally tossed bits at me.”
  877. >You heft up the clinking bag and peer inside. Eyes widen as you begin to pour a few of the golden coins onto the counter.
  878. “These are all 10 bit coins...she must have paid at least triple what they cost!”
  879. >The cakes couldn't grin any wider as they counted the register at the end of the day. Twilight's coin purse was filling up as the cakes finally finished balancing everything.
  880. >”Here you go, Anonymous. More than a fair share for today's huge success!” Mister Cake shoves the bag into your hands.
  881. “Oh, I really don't think...”
  882. >”Nonsense, deary. A nice boy like you deserves every bit for being such a fantastic salepony.” Missus Cake gives you a hug before seeing you out.
  883. “There's no way Twilight would do that unless she WANTED me to notice her. Three hundred bits worth of doughnuts just to please me?”
  884. >Your thoughts wander back to her plump purple plot as she walked away. It was softening up nicely and you could imagine just where all the calories of those doughnuts were going.
  887. “This is what she wants...and it's working.”
  888. >You mutter, trying to keep your excitement down before ponies noticed.
  889. >With a fat sack of dosh, you were able to take a vacation for job hunting, at least for a while. It wasn't until a rapid knocking at your door broke you away from your relaxation.
  890. >”Anon, ya gotta help me. Somepony placed a giant order fer three wagons FULL of apple pies. Big Mac 'n I can't haul all of it at once. Could you pretty please help us out?”
  891. >Without waiting for a replay, she reaches into her saddlebags and pulls out a pouch three times as big as the one that Twilight gave you a week ago.
  892. “DEAL!”
  893. >You shout as you grab at the large bag in Applejack's mouth. The weight almost slams your hands to the floor as you realize just how many bits are inside.
  894. >”C'mon then! Those pies aren't gonna move themselves!” Applejack cheers as you both sprint towards her farm.
  895. >Three giant wagons sit outside of the Apple family house with Big Macintosh strapped to the first cart.
  896. >He gives you a small nod as you help Applejack into her harness before grabbing onto the final cart.
  897. >”Just follow Big Mac. He knows where we're goin'.” Applejack calls out as her brother starts at a brisk pace.
  898. >You have to dig your feet into the dirt just to get the wagon moving. The pies rattle on top of each other as you make your way down the winding paths and into the heart of Ponyville.
  899. >Exhaustion hits you quicker than you thought, causing you to lag behind. You keep your mind on all those bits waiting in your house, eager to blow it all on good food and cheap drinks for yourself.
  900. >With haggard breath, you finally realize Applejack has stopped. You wipe away the waterfall of sweat from your forehead, only to realize where you are.
  901. >All three carts sit in front of Twilight's castle. You groan, knowing EXACTLY why Twilight ordered so many pies
  902. >”All right now. Anon, can ya let Twilight know we're here?” Applejack asks as she pulls at her harness.”
  905. “Yea, sure.”
  906. >You give yourself a moment before slamming your fist on the door as hard as you can.
  907. “Twiliiiiiiight! PIES!”
  908. >”Anon, it's rude to shout!” Applejack snorts as the door opens.
  909. >You were not prepared for what was on the other side.
  910. >For two weeks, you had managed to slip around meeting with Twilight since your shift at Sugarcube Corner.
  911. >The calories from those doughnuts, plus so much more, had been generously piled onto her once slender frame. Her cheeks were the first thing you noticed as she smiled at you.
  912. >Round and chubby, with a double chin to match. You swear she started posing as your eyes traveled from her face down her flabby chest and locked onto her sagging stomach.
  913. >A forehoof wanders to the front of her globular stomach and gives it a firm pat, sending a wave of ripples down her body.
  914. >”Hello Anon. It's nice to see you after so long. What have you been up to since I saw you last?”
  915. “Oh...umm...n.nothing.”
  916. >”Nothing? That's a shame. I've been catching up on a lot of reading, just sitting around and all that.”
  917. >She takes a few steps back from the door and slowly reveals her new curves. Her belly easily squishes into her legs, giving Twilight a slow waddle as she moves.
  918. >Your eyes dart all over, taking in the sight of her fattened ass, wobbly thighs and the pudge from her sides spilling down to her gut.
  919. >”Golly, Twilight. You havin' a party tonight?” Applejack chimed in. You would have picked up on her stiff tone if you weren't so focused on something softer.
  920. >”Nah, I'm just a bit hungry. Thought it might be a good night to have an apple pie or three.”
  921. >Twilight's stomach gurgles as the scent of all the pies waft into the castle.
  922. >”Sounds like fun. Need any more help?” Applejack asks in the same over-practiced manner.
  923. >Purple magic surrounds the pies and they all teleport behind Twilight. “No thank you, Applejack. I might just sit down here and start eating them. I'm SO hungry.”
  926. >Twilight shifts her weight back and lands on her meaty butt. Her fat squishes outward, sending endless ripples through her belly and back fat.
  927. >”So long, Twilight!” Applejack calls out as she closes the door. Her gaze switches to you and a small grin forms on her face.
  928. “ knew we were coming here, didn't you?”
  929. >”Oh, umm....nooooooo?” She mutters, sweat dripping down her face.
  930. >Her eyes dart down and easily notice your erection threatening to shred your pants wide open.
  931. “I'm going home...whatever she's planning, it wont work!”
  932. >You shout to nopony in particular. Before Applejack can comment, you turn towards your house and quickly run off.
  933. >A freezing cold, thirty minute shower finally lifts the cloud of arousal out of your brain. You recount the situation over and over in your head, knowing full well the trap had been successful.
  934. “She thinks that just a...lot of extra weight is gonna sway me. I wont give in. Twilight can't play me like this and I'll show her!”
  935. >If you thought you were keeping secluded before, this time you've become a ghost.
  936. >Several times, ponies have come knocking on your door to find your house dark and empty.
  937. >They would call your name, peek through windows and even entice you with more bits than you've every seen in your life.
  938. >Nopony could even come close to finding you and soon the visits stopped. You lurked around town at dusk, buying the leftovers from the markets and buying their silence.
  939. >The ride came to an abrupt stop as the giant bag of bits ran dry after two weeks.
  940. >It's been a whole month since Twilight first invited you to the castle.
  941. >Confident that her attempts are finally over, you step outside and breathe in the crisp, morning air.
  942. >The smile on your face is swapped with a frown as your mailbox flashes with a familiar purple glow.
  943. >A scroll sticks out of the door, tempting you to grab it. You stomp over to the mailbox and tear apart the parchment before tossing it into the air.
  946. >Another flash and another scroll appears in the box. You shred the duplicate and toss it, only for three more to replace it.
  947. >Striking a match, you light the scrolls on fire and drop them on the dirt. Purple light flashes from the corner of your eye and your jaw drops.
  948. >Hundreds if not thousands of scrolls are piled into your house. They spill from the front door, eager to be read.
  949. >You wade through the stacks of rolled parchment, only to see more and more piling up in your house.
  951. >You shout mindlessly as you grab the nearest one and break the seal. The other letters vanish before your eyes, allowing you to concentrate on your open scroll.
  952. “Dear Anonymous, you are invited to the Ponyville Princess Banquet today at noon. Princess Twilight will be blessing the hardworking farm ponies of this town with her good fortune. Come and indulge your sweet tooth! Tributes of food are always welcome and shall be repaid in full.”
  953. “Best Regards, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”
  954. >You finish reading and toss the letter away. It disintegrates before hitting the floor, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your stomach.
  955. “She's gonna force me to go...No matter what I do, I have a feeling I'm getting fucked today.”
  956. >You check your clock and sigh. It's already nine in the morning and she said to be there at noon.
  957. >You ran out of food and bits two days ago. If nothing else, this banquet will give you a chance to eat something. You hope you get a chance to have some food as well.
  958. >Arriving at the Ponyville castle, you whistle at the long line of ponies eager for Twilight's attention. >The Apples, the Cakes, the Carrots and every earth pony in between all line up with carts of food ready and waiting for the purple princess.
  959. >At noon, the giant doors finally open and everypony starts hauling in their offerings. You casually stroll in and follow them to the dining hall.
  962. >The door to the hall is open, allowing everypony to file into the hall as quickly as possible.
  963. >A collective gasp from everypony sucks out all the air from the room. At the end of the table sits Twilight, rounder and fatter then anypony had ever seen.
  964. >Her double chin had faded, her whole neck becoming a round, doughy roll of fat. Her forelegs constantly squished into her massive stomach that was spilling off her lap.
  965. >Her purple orb of a stomach had grown to immense size, nearly grazing the floor from her throne. It jiggled with each heavy breath Twilight took between bites.
  966. >Twilight's hind legs had disappeared behind her belly, the only indication of her legs were her plump hips and jigging, enormous butt cheeks.
  967. >She sat proudly in her throne, not caring if the leg rests were pinching her barrel or that large cracks were forming near the base.
  968. >Twilight's face was smeared with cake frosting, chocolate and sugar. She didn't bother looking up from her meal, only giving a small wave to her guests.
  969. >Every ripple of her blubber was burning through your brain and igniting the lust in your crotch. You NEEDED to fuck Twilight, but your pride kept your legs stiff and bolted to the floor.
  970. >”Welcome everypony! Please, sit down and enjoy!” Twilight mumbled through a mouthful of pie. The ponies awkwardly made their way towards the massive table lined with food.
  971. >A tug on your shirt finally broke you away from your position. The purple glow picked you up and placed you delicately right next to Twilight.
  972. >”Hi Anon. So glad you could join us today.” She says with a sly tone.
  973. >You notice a sticky hoof wander down and pat her belly, giving her flab a long, violent jiggle. She giggles as your stare only breaks away after the giant mass of fat stops quivering.
  974. “Twilight...I know what you're doing and it's wrong. Please...stop.”
  975. >”Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?” She asks as her magic swirls and coils around the straining erection in your pants.
  978. >”Everypony, dig in! No need to be afraid. Those of you who brought donations should see me before they go.”
  979. >The various ponies cough stare as Twilight resumes feeding herself. A few begin pulling small servings of pastry to their plates and try to eat as fast as they can.
  980. >Even you manage to eat a little bit of food between staring at Twilight's impressive size and mindlessly rubbing her colossal gut.
  981. >The Cakes are the first to approach Twilight, obviously uncomfortable as they try not to stare.
  982. >”Ah, Mister and Missus Cake. Thanks for showing up!” Twilight levitates a scroll over to Mister Cake and offers it to him.
  983. >”Just take that writ to the train station. The staff there will have your payment.” Twilight explains as she levitates a dozen cupcakes to her mouth.
  984. >”Wait, the train station? Just how much did you...oh goodness.” Mister Cake gives a quick bow to Twilight before pulling Missus Cake out of the hall.
  985. >Curious, ponies left and right begin asking for their scrolls. Each pony rushes out after grabbing one, eager to claim their reward.
  986. >All too soon, only you and Twilight are left with a mountain of food remaining. She sighs and turns toward you.
  987. >”They've all left, Anon. Do you want to claim your blessing from me or do you wanna wait?”
  988. >Your response is lunging your face deep into her belly fat and caressing the blobby orb with both hands.
  989. >Twilight chuckles as your fingers wander under every fold of fat and cellulite clinging to her body. Her magic peels away your clothes, eager for her reward as well.
  990. >For a moment, you simply rest your head against her stomach, listening to all the churning and bubbling of her stomach digesting everything she's eaten.
  991. >”You really like my belly, don't you?” Twilight asks. You nod your head into her fur, relishing the feel of her body against yours.
  992. >”I'm not quite ready for the main event, Anon. I'm still so hungry...” She emphasizes by levitating giant hunks of cake into her mouth.
  995. >”Why don't you have some fun elsewhere?” Twilight's magic grips her body and begins tugging at her belly.
  996. >The throne creaks and groans as she desperately tries to free herself. A giant crash fills the room as the weakened throne shatters into tiny pieces.
  997. >Her massive butt cushions her fall, sending waves through her formidable, fatty bulk. Twilight leans back, pushing her stomach towards the ceiling.
  998. >Your fingers search and probe her belly until you find it. The deep hole hidden by so many rolls and flab, her belly button.
  999. >A lone finger is barely enough to explore inside the slick, glorious hole. You press your hand in and manage to wiggle it inside a few inches and still can't hit the bottom.
  1000. >Twilight moans as you massage her belly through a mouth full of cookies. You line yourself up and quickly thrust yourself inside as deep as you can.
  1001. >Your eagerness rewards you with a violent jiggle shaking every little bit of Twilight's body. She simply moans in delight as more food forces into her throat and continues to expand your fatty fuck toy.
  1002. >Her damp, tight belly sucks at your cock with each desperate attempt to penetrate as deep as you can. You start off slow, trying to reach the bottom until you realize you simply can't.
  1003. >You change up, speeding yourself up faster and faster until Twilight is one giant, endlessly quivering blob of pony.
  1004. >She continues to eat, causing you to lift further and further away from the ground. Her binging only makes her belly button tighter and tighter of a squeeze on your cock.
  1005. >With one last, deep thrust, you cum hard into her belly. You give and give for what seems like eons and no trace of your jizz seems to spill out of her tunnel.
  1006. >Twilight laughs as you slump down onto her gut for a quick rest. “Now that won't do. A whole month just for one go?'
  1009. >Her magic tingles on your penis and you can feel it hardening instantly. “You're going to fuck me silly, Anon. It doesn't matter if you fall asleep while humping me, I EARNED this!”
  1010. >”So, bedroom?” She asks. You can't seem to concentrate as your mind becomes slow and muddy.
  1011. “Yea?”
  1012. >Twilight pulls you away from her belly and rolls over. Her stomach squishes into the ground, leaving her hooves dangling uselessly from her sides.
  1013. >”Oops, I guess I ate too much again. Anon, can you help me to my room?”
  1014. >You can only nod as you walk back to her ample ass. Her cheeks quiver as she struggles to reach her legs to the ground.
  1015. >A combination of you pushing and groping her butt and lots and lots of magic finally move Twilight through the castle, up an endless staircase and to her bedroom door.
  1016. >The frame gives a foreboding creak as she slips her fat barrel through the door. Finally, she pops loose, allowing her to levitate herself onto her bed.
  1017. >Immediately, the bed cracks and gives way, plummeting to the floor. You ignore it all as you get another chance to fling yourself at Twilight.
  1018. >She lies on her belly and raises her tail. Her huge ass blocks any possible view of her pussy and she giggles once more.
  1019. >”Sorry Anon. Ready to do a bit of digging?”
  1020. >You grip her hips as well as you can and thrust your whole body into butt crack. The warm fat envelops you as your divining rod tries desperately to find your prize.
  1021. >Hitting something wet, you continue pushing your dick inside. Twilight moans, her tongue slowly drooping out of her mouth.
  1022. >”Yeeeessssss. It's been such a wait but it's worth it!” She lustfully pants as you fill up her pussy.
  1023. >Her horn lights up and you can feel her magic working on you. The need to cum begins to burn into your brain and your lower half becomes numb.
  1024. >You pick up the pace, fucking Twilight as hard as you can. Wet slaps and desperate moans fill the air as you rocket in and out of her plump pussy.
  1027. >”Right there! Faster! Harder!” Twilight screams as her whole body is sent shaking.
  1028. >Her fat, flabby body quakes with each violent thrust, only clouding your mind with more lust.
  1029. >Just as you feel like the dam is going to burst, the pleasure cuts off for a second or two, ruining your whole rhythm.
  1030. “Twi...wha? Wanna cum but...I caaaaan't”
  1031. >You whine and moan in agony. You were so close to finishing. You frantically begin to double your efforts at once.
  1032. >“Like I said, I'm getting my prize and I want it all day long. You aren't finished till I say you are.”
  1033. >Twilight shudders as you bring her to a first climax. Her body shifts as she pulls herself up from her bed, pinning you under her immense weight.
  1034. >Her hips crash down hard on your pelvis, forcing your cock as deep as it can go. Your breathless both from the immense pleasure and Twilight's enormous stomach pushing it out of you.
  1035. >Her body rocks back and forth, never letting her gut, ass or any part of her stop jiggling. Her hips crash down again and she smiles.
  1036. >Over and over you find yourself unable to climax, stopping just short of your bliss filled goal. Your crotch begins to sting and throb as Twilight's magic continues to work against you.
  1037. >Twilight keeps going, riding you cowgirl style until you can't breathe to missionary with your face buried in her fat gut and pony style as you ride her massive ass.
  1038. >”I'm a bit tired, Anon. Mind if I take a seat?” Twilight whines as she shifts herself once more.
  1039. >Her magic yanks you onto the bed and her ass pins you down. Dazed and trapped, you struggle to breathe as Twilight smushes her pussy on your face.
  1040. >You can hear her moaning through her thighs and feel her sucking on your cock.
  1041. >Her tongue endlessly swirls around your tip and Twilight even teases your poor, swollen testes with her hooves.
  1042. >Lightheaded, you lick and suckle on her juicy clit as her thighs press on your face. The obese pony wobbles around you as your attentions give her another orgasm.
  1045. >She flops on her side, allowing you fresh air at last. The urge to cum is still burning you up and you plunge yourself back in.
  1046. >”Anon...wait! Stoooooopppp. No! Ahhhh....Don't stop!” She tries to refuse but your lust addled mind cannot even slow down.
  1047. >Hours pass as you're continue to fuck her senseless. Her moans and grunts swapped to mindless babble long ago, not like it matters to you what she's saying anymore.
  1048. >Just when you think you might finally pass out, the magic flickers on her horn for just a second as Twilight's concentration breaks.
  1049. >Like a volcano, you finally feel all your pent up seed blasting out of you and deep into Twilight.
  1050. >Your climax is long and draining as hours of saved up cum is send rushing through her walls.
  1051. >You and Twilight scream out as surge after surge of hot, sticky spunk coats her cunt. It immediately flows out and leaks all over your crotch and her thighs.
  1052. >What seems like minutes tick away before you finally pass out, snuggled against her belly. Twilight comes down from her massive orgasm and yawns, drifting off to sleep under you.
  1053. >Celestia's morning sun pours into Twilight's room, waking you from such a wonderful slumber.
  1054. >The first thing you notice is how sore and achy your crotch feels. Secondly, you find Twilight completely missing from the bed.
  1055. >You can barely remember anything once you got into the bedroom, but you certainly remember the resulting orgasm. Even in your weakened state, you feel a half erection poking into the bed.
  1056. “Twilight? You around? I'm ready for round three!”
  1059. >You shout out the bedroom door. The sound of approaching hooves grows near and you hear Twilight voice calling out.
  1060. >”Well, if you insist.” She says in a cheery voice. You pull yourself up from the bed and the sight makes you sick.
  1061. >Somehow, Twilight was skinny again. Her glorious belly was gone, giant ass missing, and any trace of a wobble or jiggle had vanished.
  1062. “Twilight, what did you do? Where has that beautiful body of yours gone?”
  1063. >”This IS my beautiful body! I just had to convert all my extra mass into a magic burn that lasted all night while I was sleeping. I'm back to normal.”
  1064. >She lids her eyes and raises her tail. “Now, what were you saying about round three?”
  1065. >You get up and begin walking towards her. Twilight's grin goes from sultry to confused as you walk right past her and start descending the stairs down.
  1066. “I knew it, I knew it, I fucking KNEW mare in this town can keep the weight on if their lives depended on it.”
  1067. >”Anon wait! What's wrong?” You give no response and continued walking right out the front door. >The shame of being naked was nothing compared to how embarrassed you are at how easily you were manipulated.
  1068. >”Wait, Anon! I can gain it back, see!” Twilight rushes after you, trying her best to shovel down three cupcakes into her mouth and looking absolutely sick doing so.
  1069. “Leave me alone, Twilight! You had your chance and blew it!”
  1070. >You begin running back to your house, naked as a pony while Twilight tries her best to chase you and keep her mouth full of anything her magic could grab.
  1071. >The mares in the town watched and grinned. Anonymous was still on the market and some nice, chubby, plump mare was going to be next.
  1072. >They went back to what they were doing, stuffing a few extra cupcakes and sweets into their stomachs, hoping the stud would notice her next.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

by Tankris

Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris