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Far Cry From Normal

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-12-16 06:25:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >“Even if I die I know that I will live on, through you. You are my greatest creation ”
  2. >You’re not like that.
  3. >You’re not a killer.
  4. >Those words… it always stuck with you. Even now. Therapies after therapies the world you left left its mark on you. That ink would stay forever on your arm, as its final piece of reminder of what you truly were. A monster, a killer, a man with a unbeating heart. The world was so dull in your eyes, so hazy and diluted. Your hands itched for a weapon and the soaking of the warm blood. Another reminder of Sabbath.
  5. >Some say that the darkness in their heart is locked away, their inner killer begging to be let out. For you it was the other way around. No matter what you try you can’t bring back the old you. A hostage can be negotiated and even be turned to their side. Corpses however cannot negotiate and neither can it speak. So what can you do when even the chance to be normal was dead?
  6. >Tik… tik… tik...
  7. >Inside the cafeteria your ears are focused on the surrounding sounds. The voices of students, footsteps, and the damn clock. It sounded the same as that old grenade you used. Even in this noisy place you couldn’t help but to not ignore it. You still remember every time you scrambled to get away from the blazing shrapnels. Running away from the bullets.
  8. >The panic, the sorrow, the deaths, the betrayal…
  9. [spoiler]>The thrill[/spoiler]
  10. >You are quickly snapped out of such thoughts as you hear footsteps coming near to you. It’s light, hesitant, almost fearful.
  11. >Whatever it was, it was too late to care
  12. >The bell chime rang
  13. >After class you go to one place that you couldn't be judged.
  14. >The school petting zoo, some sort of a zoo or a club activity. Though you never anyone else taking care of them
  15. >You like animals
  16. >They understood you
  17. >The never judged you
  19. >Sabbath, Neighpal
  20. >You squint your eyes, breath heavy with shivering lips.
  21. >Maybe it was twenty hours, almost a day, but you finally found a track
  22. >At this rate making a clean kill doesn’t sound so appealing anymore
  23. >Yes you get more pelt but this little fucker has been keeping you awake
  24. >But now that you’re so close the anticipation is palpable
  25. >For one you needed that pelt to make a new pouch
  26. >Second, you were hungry
  27. >Like hell
  28. >You don’t have any jerkies anymore either
  29. >Then the sound of rustling leaves
  30. >About fucking time
  31. >Breath in
  32. *creak…*
  33. >You nock the arrow, imagining the where the arrow will land
  34. >Right between the fucker’s eyes
  35. >Just as you released the arrow the bastard moves to side, hitting the body instead of the head
  36. >Fuck
  37. >You pull your pistol and kukri out
  38. >You’re getting that tiger pelt no matter what
  39. >Timing it was all about timing
  40. >It’s running, full sprint with that fucking rooar of his
  41. >As the tiger jumped you were too late moving away, and you felt your arm being mangled by the tiger’s fang
  43. >You slash away your kurki hard as possible, making the tiger back off. Your arm is not bleeding, it’s pouring blood.
  44. >You should run away
  45. >But you still have one more arm left
  46. >It’s tiger meat for dinner
  48. >You’re snapped out of your reminiscence
  49. >There it was again, that small footsteps lingering behind you
  50. >It doesn’t bother being silent
  51. “Someone there?”
  52. >The girl peeks out, it was Fluttershy. The girl that would cry if she swatted a fly. In her hand were large bags of various kibble-like foods. It’s surprising that she managed to carry it all the way here.
  53. >If you remember she did before
  54. >“Oh uhm… excuse me. I need to feed the animals.”
  55. “You’re the one taking care of the animals here? I usually come here ”
  56. >“Yes.” She replied, barely enough for you to hear.
  57. >Well it made sense that someone was taking care of the animals
  58. >There was an awkward silence between you and her.
  59. >You quickly leave the petting zoo area. The last thing you wanted to do was be a burden to that girl. Especially when she’s known for being scared about just anything. The heavy (well heavy for her you thought) grunts turn your attention back to her.
  60. “Here let me help.”
  61. >You take the kibbles off her hands and quickly bring it back to where the bowls were.
  62. “See you later.”
  63. >“Maybe… maybe would you like to feed them with me?”
  65. >You were afraid of Anon
  66. >Not because of himself, but the rumors surrounding him
  67. >But now you knew it couldn’t be true, not when you saw how gentle he was to the animals!
  68. >Maybe rumors were only rumors.
  69. >“I’m Anon by the way.”
  70. “Fluttershy.”
  71. >By now everyone knew his name, not that they talked to him
  72. >Probably everyone in the town, maybe even the world knew his face by now
  73. “Equestrian Tourist Crushes The Neighpalese Revolution.”
  74. >The first few days were chaotic because of the reporters and scary looking men in suit wanting to speak to him
  75. >Some of the students couldn’t even get to school because of how big it was
  76. >You remembered some of the questions as well
  77. >“Mr.Ghale is it true that you aided King Min to end the revolution?”
  78. >“Is it also true that you will inherit Neighpal?”
  79. >“What can you say about the accusation laid against you by the Golden Path?”
  80. >You didn’t pay attention to politics, but you admit you were curious
  81. >The most outlandish rumors was his use of bows to… to do that to the people. The amount of blood in his hand (or so they said) was said to break the long standing world record
  82. >Seeing anon now it had to be a lie
  83. >Right?
  85. >A flash of white, then your eyes begin to adjust to the senses. First, you saw two hippie looking potheads cradling some bud in the mouth. Then, you smelled the thing wafting in the air. It was rank and made your nose scrunch like a folded accordion. Dear god what was that smell?
  86. >“Oi mate I think he’s alive.”
  87. >You groan, trying to get up but only get stopped gently by a hand. You see two people, each with bloodshot eyes with a mellow expression. The tight bandages covering your bodies chaffed on your skin, clinging tightly and giving you a general discomfort. One of them place a bud between your lips.
  88. > “Take a puff mate, you’ll feel better.”
  89. >Inhale, then exhale. It took a few minutes to get the effects but the pain felt was going numb. Not completely but enough to make you relax more. You couldn’t be relaxed. You didn’t want to be relaxed. Those Golden Path fuckers took your sister to make her some living god. Not on your fucking watch.
  90. >You knew you shouldn’t have taken your sister to bury mom.
  91. >It all began with a trip to Sabbath. You and your little sister saying final goodbye to mom.
  92. >Maybe do a little sightseeing to learn your heritage. And your sister needed some time away from the city. It reminded too much of mom. An eight year old shouldn’t grieve so much, even if it’s a little bit you hope she would enjoy her stay here. New things tended to excite her after all.
  93. >But before you know it the bus ride you were on was hijacked by the people known as the Golden Path. Some soldiers managed to stop it but it devolved into a firefight. You and your sister got out of the bus before it could explode.
  94. >It’s a miracle that you’re still alive.
  95. >You needed one more miracle to rescue your sister.
  97. >“Damn, Anon. Nice tats.”
  98. >You turn your head over to Flash Sentry, the school’s popular guy. At least that’s how it looked to you. He never was alone where he went, a total opposite of what you are. Though it was more of a choice more than anything.
  99. >The way they were staring at your body was almost uncomfortable. Though the last time you remember someone staring at your body was… well it wasn’t a good memory. You got the scars to prove that. Then again not many had full body tattoos like you did.
  100. >You just nod to Flash as you change. School was about to be over, meaning you would see Fluttershy again soon.
  101. >“So what do they mean?”
  102. “It means nothing.” You reply curtly, a small mumble.
  103. > “Come on I’m just asking, no need to be a dick about it. You were in Neighpal doing some ninja shit, right? Like the news said. I heard Neighpal gives some sick tats.”
  104. >You finish changing and leave the gym. Whatever he had to say was brushed aside. You had enough attention once in your life. Then you feel a hand on your shoulder. There was little you could do after. Your sharpened instinct took hold.
  105. >You look back, see the face, then launch your elbow as hard as you could. A movement you have done thousands of times against the Golden Path.
  106. >There was a wet crunch, and the dull drop of the blood pouring out of his nose.
  108. >Oh shit that’s not good
  110. >The clicking of the clock was the only thing you heard between you, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Your eyes wander, a picture of the school team. That’s right, while you were gone the school game happened. You missed on shit load of events. Honestly anything that helped you forget about their stern glared would suffice in distracting you.
  111. >“Mr.Anonymous, do you realize what you did?” Celestia asked.
  112. “I broke his nose with my elbow. I know what I did was wrong but I couldn’t help it! I’ll take whatever punishment there is.”
  113. >“As you should.” Vice-principal Luna added in. “I understand that your… trauma made you act in such a way. But that does not mean it cannot be excused.”
  114. “I understand Vice Principal Luna.”
  115. >“Anonymous, I’ve noticed that you don’t have many friends.”
  116. “You mean I have zero friends.” You corrected her statement.
  117. >“May I ask why?” Celestia asked.
  118. >You reply first with a sigh, twiddling your thumbs to think of a lie.
  119. “I just don’t want any.”
  120. >That wasn’t the real answer. But it was real enough. It felt strange, almost unnerving to go back to “normal”.The only time you felt normal and truly in place was in Neighpal. As much as you hated to admit it.
  121. >You killed because you had to, not because you felt joy. And the times it felt like joy or an accomplishment similar to winning a competition those were the adrenaline. At least that’s what you blamed on anyways.
  122. >“Mr.Anonymous, perhaps-”
  123. “Having friends and not having a friend won’t change the difference in my muscle memory. Just… can’t you just give me the punishment and get it over with?”
  124. >“It’s a suggestion Mr,Anonymous. As for your punishment you will be suspended for three days. Be glad that it won’t come up on your records due to… your unique situation. You are dismissed after your three days of suspension. .”
  125. >You get up from your chair and leave the campus. At least you had three free days to mess around with… though you weren’t sure how to tell Fluttershy.
  126. >Maybe it was better that you wouldn’t talk to her. By the time you come back the story would’ve spread. You’d rather have her away from you so she won’t be harmed by your doing. Not that her friends would let that happen, even with your little socializing you knew they were the most popular girls in school.
  127. >You were better off alone.
  129. >Anon wasn’t a violent person, not in the slightest.
  130. >So when you heard of his suspension and what he did it surprised you… not that everyone else was surprised. There was an unproven reputation of Anon that he was a violent maniac.
  131. >You would speak against it… “would” being a strong word. Thinking about it made your stomach turn into butterflies.
  132. >Inside the Sugar Cube Corner business was as usual. You hear the overlapping sounds of conversations, from classes to the more unsavory gossip. There’s the smell of fresh pastries wafting in the air, the sweetness of the cupcakes and donuts making you hungry for more. In front and side of you were your girls, your most cherished friends, your sisters.
  133. >You don’t speak much, you’d prefer to listen. Today, gossip roamed more than the usual chatter. With how bloody it was and only a few that watched it was blown out of proportion.
  134. >It didn’t help when girls like Rarity and Rainbow Dash were discussing it so enthusiastically.
  135. >“No no no I heard he grabbed his collars then headbutted him!” Rainbow Dash said while motioning headbutt.
  136. >“Darling, they were in the locker room. He was elbowed in the face, for reasons I don’t know.” Rarity said, she leaned to signal the girls to listen in closer. “I heard he did it because they asked about his tattoo.”
  137. >“He has a tattoo?” Applejack asked.
  138. >Rarity gave a sharp “shh”
  139. >“Apparently from my anonymous sources he got them during his time in Neighpal. During when he did you-know-whats.”
  140. >Your group went silent.
  141. >“I read some articles and watched the news. I really doubt they are true because if they are I’m certain Anon would be arrested.” Twilight added into the conversation. “So this whole rumor is just a theory.”
  142. >“It’s no rumor that Anon lives in the most expensive apartments, and it’s also no rumor that he moved and I quote ‘like a super assassin’.” Rarity said. “Rumors don’t just appear out of nowhere, darling.”
  143. “M-maybe it’s all a rumor? Anon isn’t that bad of a person.”
  144. >Again, the room went silent, all eyes staring at you. Then, a mischievous green appeared.
  145. >“Fluttershy, darling. Why do I get the feeling that you know much more than you let on? It’s very unlike you to partake in gossip after all.”
  146. >“Yeah, what’s up with that Shy?”
  147. >You and your stupid mouth. It didn’t help when Rainbow Dash was suspicious about it. She wasn’t the type to let it go simply either. It didn’t help you kept the relationship secret.
  148. >Relationship? Girl! You’re making it sounds like you Anon were g-going out!
  149. >“It’s just… I uhm…”
  150. >Your tongues fumbled and your heart pounded as you thought for some kind of answer.
  151. “Well… we’ve been speaking with each other.” You say nervously. “For a while.”
  152. >“WHAT!” The girls said in perfect unison. You look down to your thighs, avoiding the eye contacts from the other customers.
  153. >The girls huddle up, speaking in only whispers.
  154. >“Come on Shy spit it out!” Rainbow Dashed urged.
  155. >“Yes and details, darling!”
  156. >There wasn’t much detail to it. And you explain it as so.
  157. >And the girls didn’t believe it, each having their own sceptical looks.
  158. >“So what… you and Anon just feed the critters and... talk?” Appljack asked.
  159. >You nod sheepishly.
  160. >“And the entire time he didn’t do anything? He didn’t hurt you did he?” Rainbow Dash said.
  161. >This time you shake your head.
  162. >This was no offence to Pinkie but you were glad she wasn’t here. If she was you were certain this would’ve been blown out of proportion much more.
  163. >“Hey girls are you talking about Anon?”
  164. >And as always her timing was frighteningly impeccable.
  165. >“Shhh!” Rarity said, she then pulled Pinkie into the pile.
  166. >“Oooh are we planning a surprise party for Anon? We’ll need lots of chocolate eclair!”
  167. >“Pinkie isn’t it still your shif- wait, how do you know his favorite donut?” Rainbow Dash said.
  168. >“Because he orders them silly!”
  169. >“I didn’t peg him for a sweet tooth kind of guy.” Rainbow Dash said.
  170. >“But we never saw him. Not once!” Applejack said.
  171. >“He usually comes around late or has his bodyguard.” Pinkie said.
  172. >“And how do you know he has a bodyguard?”
  173. >“No one has the money to order twenty chocolate eclairs, silly!” Pinkie said. “Whoops my shift is over gotta go!”
  174. >You and the girls see Pinkie tending to another customer. Having a pink bun with a hair pin. You can see aggravation giving her an edged frown. Then, you and the girls heard the most darnest thing ever with the most coincidental timing
  175. >“Can I get twenty eclairs?”
  176. >You see the woman take the orders and leave. The girls return to form the huddle and you see Rarity with a mischievous glance.
  177. >"Well girls, how about we do some good old fashioned detective work?"

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