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Background Character Greentext Pack

By Tankris
Created: 2022-06-26 19:21:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Vibrations
  4. >Soft snoring fills your bedroom during the ripe hour of three in the afternoon.
  5. >You are Anonymous, owner of Ponyville's hottest new club on the edge of the Everfree forest.
  6. >Not everyone caught on with The Handyman's Bar, but you like the title too much.
  7. >The mayor was unbelievably strict with the location, but you made it work. Parties raged from dusk till dawn and everypony involved always had a good time.
  8. >Checking the clock, you notice it's barely past four in the afternoon.
  9. >With a lazy stretch, you finally jump out of bed and make your way down into the main dance area. As always, you tiptoe your way through plastic cups, various puddles and even a passed out mulberry mare still on the floor.
  10. >You grab a bottle from the bar and pour a bit of brown liquid in a glass. Downing it quickly, you sigh in disappointment. No matter how strong it is, cider never compares to the real stuff back on earth.
  11. >As you make your way through the back and into the kitchen, a loud knocking comes from the back door.
  12. >You open the door, only to get slammed on your back by a pink blur. “Hi Nonny!” Pinkie Pie yells out while squeezing your torso tightly.
  13. “Uhhhgg...Hi Pinkie Pie. What do I owe this honor?”
  14. >”What do ya mean? I got a delivery order for your club paid in full yesterday morning for three whole cartloads of cupcakes, pies, snacks, the works!”
  15. >Leaning forward, you spy the huge load of sweets packaged and waiting. Pinkie Pie bounces outside and begins offloading everything to your kitchen.
  16. “Wait, paid in full? I know I didn't order anything like this, Pinkie.”
  17. >She digs in her mane for a second, withdrawing a huge stack of papers with an unfamiliar signature on the bottom. “Now that you mention it, I was wondering why the order form came from Trottington.”
  18. >Peering down, you take note of the signature at the bottom. Messy hoof writing barely makes out the name DJ Pon three.
  21. “DJ Pon three...where have I heard that name before?”
  22. >”She's ONLY the bestest DJ ever! I'm so excited to hear her play this weekend at your club, silly!” Pinkie giggles to herself as she unloads another few boxes on the floor.
  23. >As if on cue, a white unicorn trots through the open door. Her vibrant blue and purple mane and passionate purple eyes beg for attention as she makes her way over to you.
  24. >Her soft body jiggles with each step towards you. Rounded cheeks widen in a smile as she notices your wayward glance at her hanging gut and wide hips.
  25. >”I've only just arrived and already I'm getting praise on my mad skills. Name's DJ Pon Three.”
  26. >You stretch out your hand and she merely bumps it with her hoof. “So psyched to play here tonight. Pinks, ya got my hookup ready to go?”
  27. >”Aye Aye, Miss Scratch!” Pinkie drops the last of the boxes on the floor as she shoots her extremely large grin at the unicorn.
  28. >”Perfect. My roadies will set everything up. Just show em where all this food's gonna go.”
  29. >The unicorn levitates a box over and opens it up. Fresh pastries disappear into her mouth one by one as she heads outside.
  30. >Several burly earth ponies wearing lanyards walk in with lots of large, expensive looking equipment in tow. “Hey bud, where ya want this?” One grunts towards you.
  31. >You lead them towards the main room and point towards the stage. The earth ponies set everything down and in minutes, assemble what has got to be the most extravagant DJ booth you've ever seen.
  32. “Jeez, I dunno if I'm more impressed on how quickly that was set up or just how much tech is sitting on my stage.
  33. >”Boss doesn't skimp out on anything. Ever set up a fog machine in here before?” The lead roadie grunts out as even more equipment makes its way inside.
  34. “Fog machine? Nah. I don't get enough traffic in this town for something so expensive.”
  35. >”That'll change soon! We're gonna rock this town till Celestia herself stops us!”
  38. >Vinyl makes her way onto the stage and fiddles with her switchboard. The blue glow of her magic never stops as she uses her magic to snack on what looks like an entire cake.
  39. >She turns the systems on and goes into several sound checks. Her tummy jiggles as she bounces to the sound of each new beat. She powers everything down after a few songs and tosses the empty cake box into the trash.
  40. “So Miss Scratch...just why did you have so much food delivered here? I don't want to presume it's all for you?”
  41. >Her eyes lock onto you and she frowns. “You really don't know who I am, do you? Just where are you from, anyway?”
  42. “Human from another dimension. I'm Anon, owner of this club. Been operating it for about a month so no, I don't know many of the DJs in Equestria yet.”
  43. >”Oh man, really? You booked me without knowing that you've booked the biggest DJ in Equestria? I'm not telling you ANYTHING now. You'll just have to wait till showtime, big boy. When do you open?”
  44. “Ten at night. Just make sure you don't destroy my club, okay?”
  45. >Vinyl Scratch just laughs as her roadies set up a large table in the middle of the dance floor. They open box after box from Sugarcube Corner and set up everything to the point of perfection.
  46. >The bar gets a huge overhaul as well with several new drinks and sugary cupcakes everywhere.
  47. >You pour a glass and instantly smell something you haven't truly indulged in after coming to Equestria. You knock back the drink, feeling the familiar burn of real booze mixed with light taste of cake frosting.
  48. >”Good, huh? I have to carry around my own stash since nopony seems to want the real stuff.”
  49. >Vinyl grins as she downs a shot and shudders. Her plump rump wobbles a bit as she quickly composes herself.
  50. >It takes a bit of work, but the roadies finally get everything how Vinyl wants it. At nine-fifty, she waves her hoof and calls you over.
  53. >”Listen, you've been cool and all, but I've got some rules for ya.”
  54. “Rules? But this is my club you know.”
  55. >She scoffs as she levitates a flashy pair of purple glasses over to her. “I only have two requests and both are simple as pie.”
  56. >“One, my stage name is DJ Pon Three. No miss, no ma'am, no Vinyl Scratch. Two, you better have fun, considering all the glances you've been stealing at me.”
  57. >You blush as she trots away. She almost seems to be teasing you as her hips sway back and forth like a sexy, chubby pendulum.
  58. >You can't help but notice the skimpy thong disappearing into her deep butt crack.
  59. >Ten o'clock arrives and you throw open the doors. The sight is breathtaking as an ocean of ponies unfamiliar to Ponyville are waiting outside.
  60. >They cheer as you open the door and begin filing inside the dance room. Wasting no time, they instantly gravitate towards the food.
  61. >Plus sized mares ranging from slightly chubby to full blown obese waddle around the dance floor as stallions chat and offer food to them.
  62. >The floors and bar are packed as everypony stuffs themselves inside the club. Vinyl's voice booms out from all the speakers and the ponies cheer.
  63. >”Hey all you party ponies. Thank you for coming to The Handyman's Bar in Ponyville! If you're surprised I'd pick such an out of the way location, it's because the food here is amazing. Be sure to thank your host, Anon, as he's NEVER heard of my kind of parties before.”
  64. >Everypony oohs at that remark and you feel a million eyes upon you. A chubby mare walks up to you and gives you a predatory smile.
  65. >You can barely hear here as Vinyl starts blaring music throughout the club. Some ponies go off to dance while some stick close to the food.
  66. >“Never been to a DJ Pon-3 party before? Let me show you how to have some fun, Anon.”
  69. >You move over to the food table and find stallions of all type feeding several mares by hoof. The mare closes her eyes and sticks out her tongue.
  70. >You hesitate for a second, suddenly realizing everypony at the table is looking at you. You gently pick up a cupcake and place it in her mouth and she chews slowly, moaning in delight.
  71. >The ponies cheer and resume their previous feedings. The mare stops chewing and opens her eyes, only to see you stuffing another cupcake right into her mouth.
  72. >She smiles as she chews her gift. “That's more like it. I'm Cherry Cake. Welcome to the party, sugar.” She waddles off, looking back as you stare at her doughy ass bounce and sway.
  73. >The party goes on, several mares introducing themselves as you feed and pamper them. You hear your name over the speakers and spot Vinyl waving her hoof at you.
  74. >”Hey, nice work out there. I told you this would be your kind of scene.”
  75. >She lifts up her glasses and gives you a wink. You fumble with your hands as several ponies shout and holler at you.
  76. “Hey...did you want anything from the food table before it gets polished off?”
  77. >Vinyl laughs as she cues up her next song. “You better hurry before the next song, Romareo. Things are gonna pick up real quick.”
  78. >Hurrying along, you manage to grab a handful of candies and cupcakes as the next song starts up. A low rumble fills the room and the crowd goes wild.
  79. >The fog machines belch out thick, white smoke and it washes over the dance floor. Soon, the entire room has a misty haze lightly obscuring your vision.
  80. >Each breath becomes harder to inhale as the think air fills your lungs. Your concentration wavers and you wander into a mare and stallion in a full blown make out session.
  81. >The smoke thins and your vision is filled with everypony swapping spit. The stallions show no shame as their erections begin to show.
  84. >Cherry Cake waddles over to you and plants a sugary, frosting filled kiss on your lips. “This is where the fun REALLY starts, baby. Get those pants off so I can get my real treat.”
  85. >You stumble towards the stage with your snacks still in hand. Vinyl laughs as she levitates some of the cupcakes out of your hands.
  86. >”Like it? There's nothing like watching your fans party hard and really let loose!”
  87. >Without warning, you grab a cupcake from the air and mash it into her face. She greedily chomps and swallows her food before opening her mouth wide.
  88. >Every little bit goes down as you feed her. She moans with each bite and her hind legs waver to the intense pleasure.
  89. >The crowd breaks away from their heavy petting and cheer you on. The unicorns levitate more and more food for Vinyl onto the stage.
  90. >Vinyl drools at the offering and keeps her mouth open. Her music drops out as you feed her more and more, watching her plump tummy fill out as she eats.
  91. >The DJ finally finishes her meal, grinning at you. “You wanna play this game with me? Fine then, let's play.”
  92. >Her magic flares out as she sets up her next song. It begins with a huge burst of bass, causing the fat on her body to jiggle and vibrate non-stop.
  93. >The stallions cheer as the mares in the room begin to jiggle with the beat. Plump, sweaty flesh wobbles and shakes in every direction and the powder keg ignites.
  94. >Stallions begin mounting random mares left and right. In seconds the room is filled with moans, grunts and wet slapping as an orgy breaks out.
  95. >Magic grips your body as Vinyl pushes you towards the ground. Her heavy rear slams down on your face, the music muffled by her chubby butt cheeks.
  96. >Her thong is soaked in the crotch and her musky scent drives you wild. Her vibrating body jostles around as you press yourself into her crotch.
  99. >Her pussy leaks fluid everywhere as you rub your face and tongue into the soft material. The DJ can only moan as her magic keeps the bass beat going.
  100. >Your hands reach out and grab a wiggling roll of flab on her hips. It's too much for you to hold as her body oozes out from between your fingers.
  101. >A slap or two rewards you with a gushing torrent of secretions all over your face. Even as you struggle to breath under the mare's ass, you desire nothing else but her sexy body.
  102. >The song ends and Vinyl finally pulls herself up on shaky legs. You try your best to bury yourself in her butt crack but her roadies pull you away.
  103. >”Calm down, Anon...I'll be seeing you after the show.” She winks at you before throwing out another bass filled song.
  104. >You wander to your room above the club. Your hair is matted and slick from her sweat and honey all over your face. With your pants uncomfortably tight, you head to the shower to undress and clean up.
  105. >Even with the cold water blasting you, your erection doesn't want to go away. The fog's presence still swims in your mind and you can barely think about anything but Vinyl's curves.
  106. >Embarrassed, you throw on a pair of shorts to try and hide your stiff erection.
  107. >The clock reads three o'clock as you peer down at the dance floor. Several ponies are sleeping on the floor, signs of their rampant sex staining everything.
  108. >A knock pulls you away from the scene. You open the door a crack and find Vinyl Scratch waiting on the other side.
  109. >”Yo dude. Can I come in? They finally peaked a while ago and the set's finished up.”
  110. >You pull open the door and Vinyl steps inside. Her mouth is still stained and her hair is a sweaty mess.
  111. “You didn't tell me you were gonna drug everypony. Is this what happens at a DJ Pon-3 party?”
  112. >She simply nods her head as she leaps onto your bed. The frame bends a bit as she adjusts her weight to get comfortable.
  115. >”Yea...discovered that I had a feedee fetish with an old fling. The DJ lifestyle is so luxurious, and I found out that I could really let myself go. Even found some fans that enjoy it as well.”
  116. >She awkwardly plays with her hooves and sets her glasses down. “You...aren't mad at me, are you?”
  117. “You're actually kind of cute when you're flustered like this.”
  118. >She looks up at you, surprised when your lips bump into hers. The frosting and sugar tingles your mouth as you indulge yourself
  119. >You break away and slide off your shorts. It's difficult at first but when you free your throbbing erection, they fall to the floor with ease.
  120. >Vinyl whistles as you remove your underwear. “Most ponies don't hold out for long without a suitable release after inhaling the fog.”
  121. “Most ponies didn't get an opportunity to get a close up of that huge ass of yours.”
  122. >You leap onto the bed, the frame groaning in protest. Vinyl leans back, letting her flab pool around her.
  123. >Her hooves grip at her heavy belly. Her damp panties glisten in the light before you yank them down with your teeth.
  124. >Vinyl moans as your hands reach up and knead her chubby thighs. You fling the panties away and let your tongue dance across her lips.
  125. >Vice like thighs wrap around your head as you push yourself once again into her pussy. Your hands fondle her rolls and hips while her hooves massage what little of your head she can reach.
  126. >Her hips buck against your face, eager for deeper penetration. You give everything you've got as you lick her sex and suck on her winking clit.
  127. >Her thighs clench hard as you finish her off. Her honey explodes from her sex in bursts and you savor the sweet taste.
  130. >You pull away when you hear a sudden smacking and chewing. Sounds of magic fill the air as you spot Vinyl munching on a giant chocolate cake.
  131. >”Don't act surprised. I said I loved food.” She offers you a slice, full knowing what you plan to do.
  132. >It takes no time for you to press the cake into her mouth. Crumbs dirty her chest and frosting coats her cheeks as she messily chomps on her food.
  133. >Slice after slice goes into her widening gut. Her pussy drools as each bite is pushed into her rounding belly.
  134. >She summons another cake and places it on your bed. With a bit of huffing and grunting, she turns onto her tummy and wiggles her rump in the air.
  135. >”I've been such a greedy pony tonight. Fuck me while I eat this cake. Fill me with that dick like the whore I am!”
  136. >You slam your pelvis forward, instantly hilting yourself inside her slit. Her cry is drowned out as you press her face right into the cake and get her eating.
  137. >You're too far gone and lust is all that guides you now. Vinyl makes a point of smacking and groaning with each thrust. Her body jiggles and wobbles as you fuck her senseless.
  138. >”This cock is just as good as this cake! I love being filled like a piggy from both ends like this. Don't stop Anon!”
  139. >Stressed wood creaks and wails as you pound the musician against the bed. They become louder and louder until the wood gives one final screak...
  143. >The bed frame gives and the mattress flops to the floor. Your hands grasp her hips, giving you a bit more penetration to fuck her even harder.
  144. >Vinyl's face is completely covered in frosting, her face buried in the last chucks of cake on the plate. Her pussy milks you hard as she climaxes, her booming shout spraying half eaten cake everywhere.
  145. >You finally feel relief as you flood her womb full of spunk. The haze finally gone, you collapse on top of Vinyl.
  146. >Her soft body provides the perfect cushion and you fall asleep instantly.
  149. >”Miss Scratch, please wake up. Everything is packed and you've got another venue booked for tonight.
  150. >You wake up next to Vinyl on your ruined bed. She groggily gets up and waddles over to the door. “Be right out!”
  151. >She glances down at the dance floor to find it completely spotless, something that hasn't been achieved since you opened the club.
  152. >You stand up and stretch. With a yawn, you walk over to Vinyl and smile.
  153. “Your crew sure is great. Not as great as you, DJ Pon-3”
  154. >”Hey, that's Vinyl Scratch to you. I'll have to make sure I stop by again and play for you again.”
  155. >She gives you a sweet tasting peck on the lips and levitates her glasses onto her face. She waddles over to the door and looks back.
  156. >”And don't worry about the bed. I'll order you a reinforced one for next time, Anonymous.”
  161. Tricks and Treats
  165. >The foals of Ponyville squealed in delight as the sun slowly slipped under the horizon. Nightmare Night had finally returned and everypony in town was out in costume to celebrate.
  166. >Fumbling though your pockets, you remove the special letter adorning the seal of Princess Celestia herself.
  167. “Why did Twilight have to mention that I don't like this holiday? I just want to stay home and relax, not wander around and beg for candy with Luna.”
  168. >The letter wasn't the only thing she sent. An odd necklace with a purple, crescent shaped gem sat heavily in your pocket. “Make sure my sister wears this when you meet her on Nightmare Night. I have the feeling it'll get you into a festive mood.”
  169. >You walked into the town square, observing all the decorations and “scary” props littered the normally boring town. Fillies and colts scramble around your feet in their quest for candy.
  170. >Everypony gives a wayward glance towards the sky and you follow their gaze. The clouds swirl, crash and fill the air with lightning. Everypony screams and hides as a blur whizzes low into the throngs of scattered ponies.
  171. >”HAHAHAHA! Fear the evil witch of Canterlot! Run like the scared little foals you are!”
  172. >Unamused, you stand in place as the blur flies by you. Another pass leaves you yawning, causing the blur to screech to a halt. “What brave soul dares to stand against me?”
  173. >Recognizing the voice, you begin a slow golf clap for the blue princess hovering in front of you.
  174. “Hi Princess Luna. You really scared the rest of the town with that whole act.”
  175. >The princess of the night is riding on what looks like a broom. True to her word, a giant witch hat clings to her head, her long horn poking through a hole near the top. A ragged cape whips in the wind and a tight corset shows off her slender alicorn body.
  176. >”I have to say that We have never seen such bravery before. Tell me, Anonymous. What makes you so fearless?”
  179. “You've never watched daytime television from my world. The kinds of things they let kids watch for free is horrifying.”
  180. >The ponies in town come running from their hiding spots, cheering their princess. Several foals circle the princess, eager to talk to the evil witch and her magic broom.
  181. >”Hi Princess! Where did you get that broom? Can I ride it? Want some candy?”
  182. >The last question hangs in your ear as you watch the foals dump out candy onto Luna's hooves. She produces a bucket with her magic and scoops up the strange offering. “Thank you, little ones. It's so nice to know I wont have to eat anypony tonight!”
  183. >She chomps her teeth together and the foals step back, giggling at the joke. “Anonymous, where is your costume for Nightmare Night?”
  184. “Simple, I don't want any candy so I don't need a costume.”
  185. >”Celestia was right about you not being any fun.Luckily, I have something prepared just for this occasion.”
  186. >Luna's hat glows as her magic focuses on you. With a puff of smoke, a red cloak appears around your neck and fake horns adorn your head.
  187. >She giggles and levitates a mirror towards you. “How do you like it? I've always wanted my own imp from Tartarus!”
  188. >Groaning, you shove your hands into your pockets. The necklace radiates a strange warmth in your palm. You pull it out and stare while Luna lets out a comical squee.
  189. >”A gift for me? Such a kind imp to make such an offer.” She uses a hoof to push away her starry mane and you click the necklace into place.
  190. >You notice the gem glow for a second and Luna blinks. Her blue eyes change to a soft purple, mimicking the necklace.
  191. >”Goodness, the trip from Canterlot must have been longer than I thought. I just realized how hungry I am.” Luna drools as she spots the bucket of candy on the ground and she dives her muzzle straight in.
  192. >She smacks and moans as she devours all the little treats. In seconds, the container is emptied and Luna sighs in contentment.
  195. >Her eyes return to their blue color and Luna grins with excitement. “The children should be ready to head to my monument near the Everfree Forest. Shall we head off, Anonymous?”
  196. >The entire sight was slightly arousing. Watching a mare like Luna stuff her face was definitely something you'd hang around for.
  197. >You follow Luna as she makes her way into the forest. Her rump sways with a certain weight you're sure she didn't have before. You keep walking until you hear Zecora ranting to the foals following her through the forest.
  198. >Luna says nothing as her body diffuses into a cloud of smoke. “And that is why we offer candy to this statue, so Nightmare Moon shall not eat...”
  199. >”YOU!!!” The cloud reforms into the shape of Nightmare Moon. The children scream, causing them to drop their impressive stashes of candy towards the statue.
  200. >”My my, what a scare. Since when did you like using such flair?” Zecora grinned as Luna scooped up all her loot into her bucket.
  201. >”I must admit, I've been practicing for a few days.” Nightmare Moon bares her fangs for a moment before returning to her normal self.
  202. >The foals come back slowly, cheering Princess Luna on her impressive scare. Some even offer more candy and Luna's stomach grumbles at the generous helpings in front of her.
  203. >Her eyes glow purple once more and her mouth opens wide. The children giggle as they place candy right into Luna's mouth, pointing when her throat bulges outward when she swallows.
  204. >”We'll be back with more as soon as we can!” They cry out as the run to town. Luna gasps for air after swallowing one last giant mouthful.
  205. >Her blue eyes snap to the children running away. Luna looks around slightly confused as her hoof wanders to her stomach.
  206. >She pats the corset and moans. “When did this get so tight? Anonymous, can you perhaps...”
  207. >Luna blushes as you fumble around at the straps. You yank the knot loose and you hear the princess let out a huge breath of relief.
  210. >Her once slim, slender stomach had been replaced with a slight curve. Her blue face darkens even further as she presses a hoof into the chubby belly.
  211. >”I look like my sister after Doughnut Day. How in Equestria is this possible?” Luna trots in place as she continues to poke her stuffed tummy.
  212. >The necklace lights up like a firecracker and Luna grows docile. Her eyes flutter closed and she begins to tilt over. You rush to catch her and she collapses in your arms.
  213. “Princess, are you feeling okay? Should I get Twilight or something?”
  214. >Her eyes open and her irises shine a brilliant purple color. Luna simply stands in place, her head bobbing side to side.
  215. “Um...what did that necklace even do?”
  216. >Luna's stomach protests with a ferocious growl and she pats her chub once more. “Anon, can I have some candy? I'm just so starved tonight!”
  217. >Tentatively, you pluck a small chocolate from the bucket and offer it to the princess. Her muzzle shoots at your hand and she swallows the sweet without chewing.
  218. >”Mmmm...can I have more?”
  219. >”Hello? Is this recording magic working or not?”
  220. >You can hear Celestia's voice coming from somewhere. As you look around, you notice a fog oozing from the magical gem.
  221. >”Anonymous, if you can hear this, you successfully made my sister wear the special necklace I gave you. In this state, she's incredibly easy to manipulate as you please and she'll be in a state of constant hunger.”
  222. >The sounds of Luna magic hits your ears and you catch her slowly placing a few candies in her mouth.
  223. >”Luna doesn't appreciate the healthier physique of a mare like me. Make sure she understands what it means to be truly full from both ends, lover boy.”
  224. >The fog dissipates, leaving you alone on the edge of the Everfree Forest with a fattening princess and a bucket of candy.
  225. >You can't help but peek at Luna's drooping gut as she enjoys her previous spoils. The stone around her neck shines fiercely, the magic pulsing through Luna's eyes.
  226. “So THIS is what Celestia meant. I just hope she doesn't mind her sister getting fatter than she is. Although that might be a problem if the town sees you like this...”
  227. >Luna smiles blankly at you. Her horn lights up, causing the corset to tighten as much as it can around her chubby barrel.
  228. >Fat squishes outwards as she ties the strings. “Don't let me take this off unless I burst out of it, Master Anonymous.”
  229. “Good. I expect the townsfolk to have plenty to force that measly thing off your beautiful belly.”
  230. >The moon princess blushes as you give her hidden stomach a loving pat before finding the path back to town.
  231. >You walk back into town, barely sating Luna with a few pieces of candy every so often. You find that for such a small bucket, you can somehow fit your entire arm inside of it.
  232. >As you make your way back to town, you notice Applejack running an apple bobbing stand and a modest food cart.
  233. >”Howdy Princess Luna! Care to do some apple bobbing? Or maybe try out a pumpkin pie or some apple fritters?”
  234. >Luna says nothing as smashes her face into one of the pies. Applejack watches in shock as each pie is devoured in second.
  235. >”Golly, if Ah knew you were hungry Princess, Ah would'a sent you over to the pie judging competition. You're the special judge for it this year.”
  238. >”That is a most filling suggestion, Applejack. Come, Anon.” Applejack watches Luna walk away, mumbling something about lost bits.
  239. >Luna's body shines with the gem's magic, digesting her meal into luscious curves and rolls of fat. You're absolutely sure her cutie mark wasn't bigger than your hands earlier, nor did it jiggle with such energy.
  240. >”Princess Luna, you've arrived!” Mayor Mare grins as she sits Luna down at a fancy table. “I hope everypony is ready for the official bake off for this year's Nightmare Night!”
  241. >Ponies cheer as they line up with their various dishes on their backs. “First up is Pinkie Pie with her chocoholic carrot cake!”
  242. >Pinkie Pie squeals as she trots over and places her layered cake on the table. She grins as Luna drools at the sight of it.
  243. >“This is seriously one of my best works I mean who puts chocolate AND carrots together NOPONY has so I thought this...was...”
  244. >Pinkie finally stops her rant as Luna places a few hooffuls of candy on the cake and begins eating. Ponies sit in awe as Luna quickly demolishes the cake in seconds.
  245. >Frosting and candy stick to her face as Luna gives a blank but happy smile to the crowd.
  246. >”O...kay then. Next is Carrot Top and her King Carrot Cake!” Mayor Mare announces.
  247. >Carrot Top doesn't even get a chance to talk as Princess Luna levitates it toward her mouth and begins eating. The poor mare simply walks away as her cake disappears into dark void of Luna's stomach.
  248. >You spy ponies sneaking bits of candy into their dishes as the event continues. Chocolate, whipped cream, even pure sugar gets dumped onto each treat in hopes to sate the gluttonous princess.
  249. >Mayor Mare keeps a smile on her face, announcing each item with a strained tone as Luna keeps eating and eating.
  250. >Her eyes carry the dull, purple shine and her happy smile is eternal, even as her body swells with tons of calories.
  253. >Luna's ass grows from under her, swallowing the seat as the magic gem keeps her hungry. The compressed belly oozes from the tight corset, straining the strings with each messy bite.
  254. >The contest drags well into the night as Luna makes a point to eat every little bit offered. Nothing is spared from the Princess of the night and her insatiable hunger.
  255. >The chair groans as another cheesecake is swallowed up. Mayor Mare relaxes as she notices only one pony waits in line. “Finally, here's Derpy Hooves with her Pumpkin Spice Muffin!”
  256. >The gray pegasus grins as she flies off. Everypony gasps as she comes back struggling to fly over a muffin twice as big as Luna.
  257. >”THE WINNER IS THE MUFFIN!” Luna shouts as Derpy places it in front of the Princess. Ponies groan and trot off, leaving yourself, Luna and a confused Derpy Hooves.
  258. >Luna's hooves lash out at the impressive feat of baking genius, her cheeks puffed out as she refills her cheeks to maximum capacity.
  259. >A huge section is already missing when the chair gives its final protest, The wood snaps and Luna lands on her plump ass, causing it to jiggle and shake for a few seconds.
  260. >You reach out and hand Luna another massive bite of the fluffy bread. “Do you need any help, Princess?” Derpy asks as she begins feeding Luna as well.
  261. >Luna simply moans as her throat sends more and more fat to her body. Her ass is truly immense and you note a few strings starting to fray on her corset.
  262. >Crumbs litter the ground and Luna's face as she finishes her giant prize. She beckons Derpy over with a hoof and plants a giant kiss on her lips.
  263. >The blushing pegasus simply smiles and licks her messy face. “I love muffins too!”
  264. >Princess Luna struggles to roll to her hooves. Her fat quakes with each motion, sending ripples throughout her doughy rear. “Anonymous, help me up so we can finish the celebration a bit more private.”
  267. >You move over to Luna and press your hands into her exposed back fat. It squishes under your touch as you knead and rub her soft flesh.
  268. >A bit of effort on your part has Luna back on her thickened legs. Her legs press into her slightly exposed belly and her ass bounces with each step.
  269. >”Princess Luna! Wait!” Several foals run up to you, each hauling a massive bag of candy on the ground.
  270. >”Ah, another offering from my fans? I offer my thanks, little ones. This will definitely keep me from eating you up.” The children pour the immense collection of candy into the magic bucket, waving goodbye as their parents call them inside for the night.
  271. >Your eyes are trained on Luna's quivering butt as the moons of her cutie mark jiggle as she walks. It takes forever to get to your house , yet neither of you complained as long as Luna had a mouthful of candy.
  272. >Finally, you arrive. Opening the door is troublesome as Luna uses her magic to pull down your pants. You stumble inside and the moon Princess allows her body to fall on top of you.
  273. >Her warm fat pools around your body, making it a bit difficult to breathe. Your hands push at her heavy rolls and she rises back to her hooves as best she can.
  274. >”So, how do you want to fuck these moons of mine?” Luna lids her eyes slightly as her hoof smacks her rear. The hypnotizing movement delays your response and stiffens your cock like a diamond.
  275. “Bedroom, Moona. Face up. I wanna watch your fat ass burst that corset off when I plow that sweet pussy.”
  276. >She wiggles her rump and teleports away. You rush to your bedroom, slinging off your clothes as you go.
  277. >You burst open the door and gaze at the massive blueberry on your bed. Her costume lies discarded on the floor, everything but her strained corset.
  280. >She levitates the bottomless bucket to her mouth and begins chewing away at her sizable bounty.
  281. >Her fattening stomach causes her legs to spread wider and wider, giving you a perfect view of her plump pussy and her thunder thighs.
  282. >Your arms reach out and grab her shaking hind legs. You slide your cock along her lips and her whole body shudders and jiggles in anticipation.
  283. >Slowly, you inch yourself into her warm slit. Her tight walls resist as you push and thrust until you press against her womb.
  284. >Her fat pools against your body at this point, almost trying to push you away. She stops eating and grins as you begin to pull out.
  285. >As soon as you're almost out, you push in hard. Her whole body shakes with your motion and she moans into her bucket of candy.
  286. >The strings on her corset groan in protest as her body presses tighter and tighter against it. You keep pumping until you hear a small snap.
  287. >Looking down, the string at the bottom has finally broken. You rub a bit of the exposed tummy for a second, squishing the blue fat under your hand.
  288. >You resume and watch in fascination as the straps and strings begin bursting one by one. Each heavy breath Luna takes forces the corset to release another glorious roll of fat.
  289. >It happens as Luna cries out in pleasure. The final bits of string snap and her stomach finally forces itself free. The massive belly wobbles and jiggles on the bed as you keep pounding Luna through her orgasm.
  290. >The beautiful sight is too much to bear and you push in as far as you can go, releasing your load into Luna's womb. You pull out and grin as your jizz weakly leaks from her slit.
  291. >Luna rolls onto her stomach, placing the bucket under her chins. She wiggles her massive rear at you and you lunge for her huge moons.
  294. >As you angle yourself to penetrate her ass, your bed gives a horrible groan before the wooden frame shatters to bits. Luna's ass jiggles in your hands, making it harder to penetrate her rear.
  295. >Your dick slides between her cheeks, making her ass wobble in your hands. It's too much ass to handle as the fat rolls over your hands as you massage her cutie marks.
  296. >Still slick from the previous fucking. You slowly ease your cock into her asshole. Her butt clamps down on your dick in an inescapable vice of sexual delight.
  297. >Her hips provide all the leverage you need as you begin humping her backside. Luna can only cry out into her sugary treats as her fat massages her winking clit.
  298. >Your crotch feels funny and you spot Luna's horn lighting up. The pressure on your dick increases as she clamps her ass cheeks together as tight as she can.
  299. >You scream out in pure joy as you shoot your load right into her ass.
  300. >”Fill me up like your personal cumdumpster, Anon. Flood my insides with your seed!” Luna moans as her stomach begins to grow even more.
  301. >Bigger and bigger she gets, her stomach rolls smoothing out as she becomes more spherical in shape. You cum and cum, unable to stop the flood induced by Luna's magic.
  302. >You finally run dry and collapse on top of Luna's wobbly body. Her stomach sloshes as she adjusts herself as carefully as she can.
  305. >Your snoring fills the room soon after and the Princess smiles. The gem around her neck glows white, then shatters. Luna's eyes close and her face hits your pillows in a dead sleep.
  306. >The sun rises slowly over Ponyville, flooding your house with light. You open your eyes and sigh, knowing you got the most relaxing sleep ever.
  307. >Luna's body deflated during the night, her stomach still sloshing lightly as you rub your hands over her smooth fur.
  308. >The princess wakes up as the sun hits her face. “Wha? What am I doing here?”
  309. “Oh..ummm..some colts played a prank on you with some magic candy. I hid you here until it wore off but your...bloated appearance hasn't gone away.”
  310. >”Then why are you lying on top of me nude and rubbing my coat? And what's poking my back?”
  311. >You blush and leap off of Luna's body. The fat princess tries her best to wiggle off your ruined bed before teleporting herself off the mattress.
  312. >”No matter. I shall inform my sister of what happened. Surely she will know what to do!”
  313. >You put on some clothes and take Luna outside. Her horn flares up and her flying broomstick reappears next to her.
  314. >She lifts a hind leg and pushes her weight onto the slim stick. The wood complains as she levitates inch by inch into the air. She smiles just as the broom breaks, causing Luna to tumble to the ground.
  315. “Get Twilight for help?”
  316. >”Please...”
  320. Big Bolt
  324. >The early morning sun barely shines over the horizon overlooking the Wonderbolt Academy. While everypony still slept, one human was overlooking the final details of the opening day.
  325. “All the vets are checked in and accounted for. New recruits should be waking up just about...”
  326. >A shrill siren rings out as you continue to look over your notes. Instructors bark orders as the siren dies down, the rookies flying out in a panic.
  327. >Grabbing your clipboard, you head over to the veteran bunks. Already waiting and standing at attention are the infamous Wonderbolts, heads held high in pride.
  328. “Good morning, mares and colts. Welcome back to training camp. I assume your break was enjoyable?”
  329. >”SIR, YES SIR!” The vets call out at once. You walk down the line, nodding to each pony in turn.
  330. >After a moment, you notice one very important pony missing from the lineup.
  331. “Hey, where's Spitfire? I figured she'd be out here barking orders to you guys before I showed up.”
  332. >Soarin leans out and waves a hoof. “She didn't show up last night and wasn't in her bunk this morning. None of us know where she is.”
  333. “Great. What a way to start the training season. Soarin, lead the team in warm ups and light drills while I look for her.
  334. >They all give a salute as you walk away. Just where in the base came could she be?
  335. >You run around the expansive training camp, checking everywhere and anywhere. Her personal office, the barracks, and the lockers are all empty.
  336. >Aimlessly, you wander around the base in hopes of finding her. A faint sound reaches your ears near the mess hall and you rush over to investigate.
  337. >Cracking open the door reveals an orange pony stuffing her face with all sorts of pastries and sweets. Her fat rear strains the chair under her as she happily smacks and chews her calorie filled treats.
  338. “Spitfire? Is that you?”
  339. >The mare snaps out of her feeding frenzy and her ears droop across her head. “Oh...hi Instructor Anonymous. What's up?”
  342. >You hardly recognize the Wonderbolt with her wider frame. Her once trim and fit body has been filled out with an excessive amount of round, jiggling fat.
  343. “Yes, I AM looking for you. Wake up call was fifteen minutes ago and you're absent. Although looking at you, you're not as absent as I thought.”
  344. >The pegasus blushes as she gets to her hooves. Her belly swings as she moves toward you and her face is stained with crumbs, frosting and glaze.
  345. >”Couldn't sleep last night. I checked in a bit late and and woke up feeling starved.” She pats her belly for emphasis, sending a small wave rippling through her body.
  346. “Look...just head outside and find Soarin. He's running warm ups right now and you need to be there for everyone's sake. Team needs their captain.”
  347. >”Sir, yes sir!” She salutes and begins to waddle outside. Her hind legs bump and jostle her swollen tummy and wide hips wiggle and shake her fat ass.
  348. >Sighing, you take a look at her half eaten mess. Boxes from several bakeries in Canterlot hold all kinds of unhealthy snacks that are off limits to every Wonderbolt during the regular season.
  349. >Each missing piece is just more fat going to her rounding belly and bouncing ass. That sweet, plump orange ass in your hands as you massage it as she eats.
  350. >You quickly snap out of your fantasy. It's your turn to blush as you notice your erection pushing against your pants.
  351. >With everything disposed of, you head out to find Soarin and the crew counting out wing ups on the grass.
  352. >However, Spitfire is lying face down on the ground, panting as her soft stomach pools around her.
  353. “Spitfire, just how many did you do before you gave up?”
  354. >”Well...I almost did three until my wings gave out. I've been resting ever since.”
  355. >You poke her in the side, watching your finger disappear into her folds. The pegasus blushes as you move your hand under her huge stomach and struggle to lift her up.
  356. >She tucks her hooves under her as you let go. She stands as best she can while her tummy wobbles under her.
  359. “Okay, wing ups are out of the question. Can you do regular push ups while using your wings to compensate?”
  360. >Spitfire gives a salute and locks her legs into position. Her wings can barely wrap around her belly to touch the ground.
  361. >Her body eases towards the dirt as her legs bend and wings flex. Her tummy squishes against the soft earth as she gently allows herself to descend.
  362. >”One!” She barks before pushing herself up. Her breath is already labored and her legs shake under the strain of her own body.
  363. >Everything jiggles as she locks herself in the start position. A smile spreads over her face and Spitfire descends for another push up.
  364. >“TWO!” She shouts as her body compresses against the ground and jiggles as she raises herself up. You watch in fascination as her body ripples and bounces with each motion.
  365. >”Anon. Hey Anonymous. We're gonna fly some laps, okay?”
  366. >Soarin's voice finally registers and you turn to see everypony looking at you. You panic and nod your head frantically.
  367. “Yea, sure, sounds great. Train hard guys!”
  368. >The Wonderbolts take off to the skies as Spitfire shouts out her fourth push up. Her tired legs give out as she tries to return to the start position.
  369. >”Hey, four is a pretty good start for today. What's next?” Spitfire smiles as she rubs a bit of dirt from her expansive tummy.
  370. >You think as Spitfire tries to catch her breath. What drill could she even do in her state?
  371. “Spitfire, on your back. I wanna see you try some situps.”
  372. >The mare gulps as she slowly rolls over on her back. Her belly heaves up and down as she breathes, giving the mountain of fat a slight jiggle.
  373. >Placing your hands on her hooves, Spitfire launches herself forward in a valiant effort. Her belly speeds forward, smacking you right in the face.
  374. >Her warm body squishes against your skin for a brief second before the momentum sends you reeling back. Her gut wobbles backwards as she flops to the ground and tries again.
  377. >Her stomach moves like gelatin as it shakes and wobbles around. It's hypnotic movements coax a deep arousal inside you and your pants begin to tighten.
  378. >The show ends as Spitfire slams her back into the grass, exhausted. “Anon, when's breakfast? I'm getting hungry.”
  379. >Your hand reaches out and fondles the round orb in front of you. Spitfire coos as your hand swirls and rubs her fat tummy.
  380. “We can't let this progress go to waste, Captain. I think some jumping jacks are in order.”
  381. >Spitfire moans as she shakily picks herself up on her hooves. She extends her wings upward and makes a pathetic attempt at jumping in place.
  382. >Her wings clap together as she lands. Feathers swim through the air as she flexes and moves her wings up and down to a lazy pace.
  383. >She leaps again, every part of her body shifting and wobbling with each hop. The orange mare counts out each clap, oblivious to your stares at her juicy, plump ass.
  384. >Each cheek slaps together in a lewd manner as she hops, her cutie marks rippling with each motion.
  385. >Exhausted after only five claps, Spitfire hits the ground. Her fat keeps moving even after her initial impact.
  386. “Looking good. Now a few laps and you'll be set for a very small break.”
  387. >You wrap your arms around her belly again, taking a moment to feel her fat spilling out of your arms. >On her hooves once more, Spitfire pants as her tired wings begin flapping hard.
  388. >Her legs pull from the ground inch by inch as she struggles to get airborne. The Wonderbolt makes it to your torso before her flapping begins to slow down.
  389. “Keep it up! You've barely moved from your starting position!”
  390. >Her wings angle slightly and she begins to fly forward. Her wings give a series of powerful pumps, sending her soaring towards you.
  391. >”It's too much, Anon! I gotta land!” Spitfire shouts as she crashes towards you. Her wings stiffen as she glides forward, crashing right into you.
  394. >The first thing you notice is that you can't breathe at all. The second is how divine your erection feels as it pushes between Spitfire's fat, golden cheeks.
  395. >The two of you lie in awkward silence. Spitfire looks you in the eyes as you blush in embarrassment.
  396. >”Wanna help me up...again?” Spitfire mumbles as she tries to roll herself off you. A hand sinks into her belly and she manages to free you from her heavy belly.
  397. >You stand up, erection and blush clearly visible to the embarrassed captain. Her stomach grumbles in hunger and you sigh in defeat.
  398. “I guess it's time for a break. Wanna head to the mess hall?”
  399. >”Nah. I think I wanna check on some things in my office first.” Spitfire waddles off towards the offices, leaving you confused and aroused.
  400. >Heading to the mess hall, you spot the vets sitting at their separate table. They wave as you grab a tray and head over.
  401. “So how were laps? Who ended up racing who?”
  402. >The crew begin to chatter at you, boasting times and skills with plenty of smack talk thrown in for good measure.
  403. >”So Boss, what's with Spitfire? I figured you'd both head over for breakfast early or something, ya get me?”
  404. >Soarin's question snaps everypony's attention towards you. You notice Spitfire still hasn't shown up, even with her obvious signs of hunger.
  405. “She said she was heading to her office but she seemed really hungry. I'll go find her and check.”
  406. >You make your way to the personal offices across the landing field. Opening the door, you make a beeline for Spitfire's room and give a small knock.
  407. >The door slowly opens, revealing Spitfire muzzle deep in another collection of delivery boxes from Canterlot.
  408. >She eats as if possessed, her mouth never completely free of food. Spitfire leans back in her chair, the wood creaking in protest to her added pounds.
  409. “So, wanna tell me why you've been binging on junk?”
  410. >Spitfire jerks her head towards the door and her chair gives one final protest. The wood snaps and her heavy plot smacks onto the ground with a loud thump.
  413. >She swallows her last bite and pats her full stomach. “Alright, I'll tell you since you caught me. During the off season, some company in Canterlot offered me a marketing deal to advertise for them.”
  414. >”They were in pretty bad shape, so I said I would do it for free. When sales skyrocketed, they insisted on paying me with food.” Her hooves circle her stomach as she sighs.
  415. >”It was like nothing I've ever eaten before. I couldn't stop and they were too happy to oblige my increasing demands. I know I should have stopped I just can't.”
  416. >She grabs a cupcake from the closest box and stuffs in in her mouth. Frosting smudges against her lips as she chews and swallows her food.
  417. >Standing there, you keep watching her slowly eat through her box of cupcakes. A grin spread across her face as she bites into the last one and wipes the frosting off her lips
  418. >”So, I'm guessing you're staying for a show?”
  419. >You blush and awkwardly shift your hands in front of your crotch.
  420. “Okay...that's it. I'm gonna do something I should have done this morning.”
  421. >Before Spitfire can react, you're behind her with your arm raised and ready. You swat her ass with as much force as you can, watching her booty shake in place.
  422. “Now, how much of this stuff do you have? I'll have to confiscate it.”
  423. >”Whaaaat? That's not fair! It's all mine!”
  424. >Spitfire protests, trying to shift herself to her hooves. Her belly sags in front of her, making her effort near impossible.
  425. >She finally stands, only to see every box in your hands. You set them outside for now and resume checking everywhere you can.
  426. >It's no surprise when you find some hidden under her desk and in the nearby closet.
  427. “Every single box, Spitfire. I think the recruits are gonna love these treats for a long time.”
  428. >The pegasus pouts as you comb through her office, finding all sorts of packages and sweets hidden away.
  429. “You're dismissed for the day. I suggest you head to your bunk and rest up for the upcoming workout you'll be going under.”
  432. >She waddles out of her office and heads to the barracks. You grin as her belly nearly scrapes the ground as she shuffles to her bunk.
  433. >It takes several trips but you manage to move her loot into your office
  434. >Soon, all the boxes are sorted and you rush off to the lockers. You wander over to the storage area and dig in a very particular box.
  435. >Treasure in hand, you run back to the offices and hide your newest find. Excitement fills your mind as you preform one last task.
  436. >Fist raised, you give a few short raps to Spitfire's room.
  437. “Spitfire! It's Anon. I'd like to talk to you sometime soon before dinner. Come to my office and don't you dare skip this for a meal!”
  438. >You run out before she can respond and get ready for her arrival. You wait and wait, nervous if she'd blow you off for some chow.
  439. >The setting sun gives off a brilliant orange glow as Spitfire knocks on your door.
  440. >”So, what's this...all about?” She pauses as she notices every single box of hers open and waiting.
  441. “We're going to start you on a new exercise starting right now. The first step is you putting this on.”
  442. >Spitfire gives a weary chuckle as you hold up a brand new uniform with her name painted on the back. “Anon, you know those are probably my OLD measurements.”
  443. “I”m well aware of that. It's crucial that you do your best to fit inside it.”
  444. >She glances at the uniform again before setting it on the floor. Her hooves easily slide in the leg holes but her progress slows as she tries to pull it up.
  445. >Her thicker legs stretch the material as she yanks and tugs it up. A small rip is heard as she continues to pull her uniform on.
  446. >The outfit instantly gets caught the second she tries to stuff her fat ass in the back of the suit. You get up from your chair and make your way over to the helpless pegasus.
  447. >You begin by feeding her tail through the tail hole and start kneading her chub into the restrictive suit. Her plush rear barely fits inside as the tight material presses against her marehood and pucker.
  450. >Before she can say anything, your hands glide to her stomach and begins kneading her stomach into the suit. “Ohhh, keep rubbing right there, it's kinda sore from rubbing on the ground.”
  451. >Your hands continue to knead at the requested spot until her suit is stuffed full of pony gut.
  452. >Her skin still bulges out from front and you bend down for the hardest part.
  453. >There's no way the zipper is closing but that's not going to stop you. You tentatively grab the zipper and look her in the eyes.
  454. “Suck it in, big girl.”
  455. >Spitfire inhales and some of the blubber disappears from view. You immediately yank up, careful not to pinch her skin or catch her fur in the teeth. You tug and tug, forcing the zipper to hold in the orange blob.
  456. >Amazingly, the zipper reaches the top of her suit. Spitfire lets out a sigh of relief, only for her uniform to whine at the strain.
  457. >” what?” Spitfire's tummy rumbles as she drools at the various snacks in front of her.
  458. “Never start a routine on an empty stomach, Spits. Go ahead and start.”
  459. >She gives you a stupefied look before carefully making her way over to a pie. You smile as she slowly but surely devours the treat.
  460. “Just make sure you eat it all, Spitfire. We can't have you wasting away during the training.”
  461. >Her muzzle is already deep into a cake as you talk. Her moans fill the room as she fills her tummy with forbidden desire.
  462. The empty boxes pile up as she demolishes her way through her food. Each sweet bite causes her uniform to groan and creak in protest to the increasingly fat pony contained within.
  463. >”Anon...I can't eat anymore. It's too tight.” Spitfire reaches for her zipper and pulls, yet nothing happens. She tugs and tugs but the zipper refuses to move an inch.
  464. >You reach out and scoop up a bit of cake with your hands. Presenting it to her, she licks it from your hand and continues her binge at a much slower pace.
  467. >This continues for several boxes as you stuff Spitfire with more and more. The suit gives one last groan before the zipper bursts and her stuffed belly explodes forth.
  468. >”Ahhhhhh...” Spitfire groans as her stomach pools onto the floor under her. She begins eating faster as your free hand wanders down to rub her growing barrel.
  469. >Soon, all but one box is completely gone. A cake fit for a wedding sits on your desk and Spitfire's eyes glow with a bottomless hunger.
  470. >She drags her stomach over to your desk and widens her stance. Another loud rip rings out and her fat ass bursts from the blue uniform.
  471. “I think you're ready for the workout. Get ready, Spits.”
  472. >Walking behind her gives a view blessed by Celestia herself. Spitfire's huge booty sticks out of her ruined uniform. Her wet pussy exposed as she continues to fill her sagging gut between her legs.
  473. >Giddy eagerness fills you as you drop your pants and place your cock right against her sex. A hand on each padded hip gives you the leverage you need to push yourself deep into her pussy.
  474. >Her fat thighs and pussy surround your dick like a warm, chubby ocean of joy. Her moans are drowned out as her muzzle still continues to stuff herself even fatter.
  475. >It's a struggle to pull yourself out. Half due to how tight she is and half because you didn't want to leave. You piston her pussy once more, enjoying her fat rippling in time to your fucking.
  476. >The strained suit tears more and more as you cause her body to jiggle against your desk. Again and again you pump her cunt as your hands wander from her hips to her squishy ass cheeks to her plump thighs.
  477. >Spitfire moans as her clit winks against your sack. Her slit milks your cock tighter and tighter until a shuddering, wobbling orgasm rolls through her body.
  478. >You oblige her needs and flood her womb full of jizz. Smile plastered to your face, you lean on her body while you feel each spurt overflowing her pussy.
  481. >”Quite an exercise you've got, Anon. I dunno if it'll help me get into shape, though.”
  482. > You both laugh as you clean up the giant mess of boxes, frosting and cum. “So, what happens now? I guess I need to triple my usual workout efforts if I wanna fly this season.
  483. “I hate to see that glorious ass go to waste. Perhaps you'd be interested in a drill instructor job as you slowly work off the weight?”
  484. >Spitfire grins before turning around as best she can and wiggling her huge ass your way. “Deal. That way I won't kill myself getting into shape and we get some more fun.”
  485. >Spitfire looks towards the rising moon and sighs. “Guess I better get to bed. Gotta be up early for drills, right?”
  486. >She drags herself towards your door and walks out. Or at least she tries to do so. Her gut clings to the side of the door frame and her hooves scrape across the wood floor.
  487. >”Anon, I'm stuck! Can you go get some help?”
  488. >All you've noticed is her jiggly booty as she wiggles it back and forth. Spitfire feels your hands on her rump once more and her cranes her head back.
  489. >”Good thinking, you might be able to puUUUUSH!”
  490. >Spitfire yells out as you stuff your erect cock right back into her pussy. Spitfire bites her hoof as she tries not to be heard through the camp.
  491. >”Are you crazy? Just stop....stop...ooohh don't stop, Anon!”
  492. >Your dick slams into her womb in earnest, her body rippling from each thrust. Spitfire barely contains herself as a muffled moan echoes through the camp.
  493. >The door frame creaked and groans as Spitfire's body wiggled back and forth. Her plump thighs did their best to wrap around your torso, keeping you hilted inside her.
  494. >You pound her hard and fast, forcing Spitfire to scream. Several lights turn on as ponies check to see the commotion.
  495. >You push hard and Spitfire pops out of the frame. You land on her back as you cum inside her pussy again and again.
  498. >Quickly, you pull yourself up and help Spitfire back to her hooves. She yanks your pants back up and you button them just as Soarin glides over.
  499. >”You guys okay? We heard a shout that sounded like a pony in trouble.”
  500. >”No trouble, Soarin. Anon was just showing me a new exercise to help me lose a few pounds.
  501. >Nodding furiously, Soarin sighs and gives you a pat on the leg. “Sounds like a doozy. Maybe show me sometime?”
  502. >Spitfire laughs as you stutter. “Maybe some other time, Soarin. We're beat.”
  503. >She and Soarin make their way back to their beds. It's your turn to smile as that beautiful orange butt bounces away as your creampie oozes out between her thick thighs.
  507. Private Show
  511. “Magic show? Twilight, why would magic ponies want to watch something that happens every day?”
  512. >You are Anonymous and tonight is Nightmare Night. You walk as smoothly as you can in your hand crafted Slenderman costume while Twilight smooths out her Starswirl the Bearded cloak and hat.
  513. >”I know it sounds silly, but unicorn magic is fickle. Most unicorns only rely on magic for their special talents and for extremely easy things like levitation.”
  514. >”I'm actually curious as to how much Trixie has learned since her last visit. She didn't even preform, just stopped by to say hi to me.”
  515. >The fillies and colts giggle in their costumes as they stop by each house. Nothing says Nightmare Night like candy, activities and costumes.
  516. >”So why was this Slender Pony so significant in your world, Anonymous? Seems kind of silly to go out in your usual suit with just a white sock over your head.”
  517. >Before you can reply, a blasting fanfare rings out and tons of explosions light up the night sky. Twilight grabs your hand with her magic. “C'mon, Anon. The show is starting!”
  518. >A decent crowd of all sorts of ponies pack themselves around the wooden cart. A stage pulls out from under the small wagon and a large puff of smoke obscures your vision.
  519. >”Be amazed and astounded at the wonderful magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Magical cracks fill the air and the smoke quickly clears.
  520. >The sight on stage is almost comical. A blue unicorn wrapped up in moldy, faded gauze stands on stage with her forehooves raised high in the air.
  521. >Her stomach sticks out in uneven lumps from several spots in her “costume”. Her stomach jiggles lightly as she lands back on her hooves.
  522. >”Trixie can see the excitement in your eyes. You simply can't wait for the show to begin.
  523. >”Looks like your weight was pretty eager to show up as well!” You hear a certain blue pegasus shout from the clouds.
  526. >Trixie smiles as she pulls off her hat and cloak. “Sounds like we have our first volunteer!” Trixie's magic shoots from her horn, coating Rainbow Dash in a bright pink aura.
  527. >”Hey! Lemme go!” Dash shouts as Trixie pulls in the bratty pegasus. Before your eyes, Rainbow Dash is shrunk down until you could hold her in your hand.
  528. >Without hesitation, Trixie leans her head back and stuffs Rainbow Dash down her throat. Her skin bulges outward as Rainbow Dash slides down into her stomach.
  529. >Her stomach glows pink as Trixie charges her next spell. The glow fades and a loud blast rings in the air.
  530. >”AAAAAHHHHHH!” Rainbow Dash screams as magic propels her away from the stage. The ponies cheer and stomp as Trixie takes a small bow.
  531. >”Neighsayers shall learn to obey The Great and Powerful Trixie as she displays many wonders and magical delights to everypony present. Now, for my second trick!”
  532. >More smoke billows over the stage as Trixie works her magic. Soon enough, a banquet table fit for Celestia herself sits upon the stage.
  533. >”Watch as Trixie makes this delicious, scrumptious meal disappear!”
  534. >The crowd mutters in confusion as Trixie leans over a tray of candy apples. Her magic grips each handle and Trixie begins chewing through each one.
  535. >Her moans offset the crickets in the audience. A hoof wanders to her wrapped tummy and she gives her belly a pat of satisfaction.
  536. >”Hey, I thought you said you were gonna do some magic?” A random pony calls out from the audience. Another loud bang interrupts the chewing and smacking on the stage as Trixie shoots him across the town.
  537. >”Are you ponies deaf? Trixie said she all neighsayers are to be silent while Trixie is on stage.”
  538. >The candy apples gone, Trixie focuses on several pies. Her cheeks puff out as she crams several bites into her mouth at once.
  541. >Ponies begin wandering away from the stage one by one. Trixie pays them no mind as she continues to demolish her collection of confections.
  542. >”Let's go, Anon. I get the feeling that this is all we're gonna see tonight.”
  543. >You don't hear Twilight. All your attention is focused on Trixie's stomach as you watch it peek out more and more from her binds.
  544. >Twilight scoffs before trotting away. Soon enough, only you, Mister Cake and Big Macintosh are left to watch Trixie in her feast.
  545. >”So the true fans are here to stay? And just what is it about The Great and Powerful Trixie do you love the most?” She spins around slowly, letting her stuffed belly jiggle as much as it can while wiggling her fat rear over the table.
  546. >The three of you cheer as Trixie stops her flaunting. A small blush creeps on her face before she resumes her eating.
  547. >A giant tray of apple cobbler is her next victim. Her muzzle dives into the gooey, sugary mess. Her cheeks become sticky with apple and sugar as she eats her way though the mix.
  548. >Her hoof slowly rubs against her tightening gauze bindings. Her blubber oozes forth as her body swallows down each fattening calorie.
  549. >Trixie moans as she swallows her last bite of cobbler. She stops, taking several deep breaths before turning towards a giant bucket of chocolates.
  550. >Her tail inches upwards as she chews into each rich chocolate. It's hard to look away, but you easily notice the puddle growing behind Trixie.
  551. >Halfway through her chocolates, Trixie grunts and pushes both hooves on her tummy. A strap or two of her costume snaps away, allowing her fat to billow outwards.
  552. >She sighs in relief before resuming her fattening feast. You, Mister Cake and Big Mac watch on in arousal as she makes her way over to her final act of the night.
  555. >A giant cake sits at the end of the table. Trixie smiles as she points toward you and motions for you to join her. The other guys pout in defeat as you make your way to Trixie's side.
  556. >”Feed me this cake, my humble assistant. And make good use of those exotic hooves of yours...”
  557. >Eagerly, you plunge a hand into the cake and offer it to Trixie. Her greedy gulps leave nothing behind, her lips wrapping around your fingers for each frosting filled bite.
  558. >Your other hand wanders down to her blue tummy and gently rubs through the gauze to soothe her packed stomach. Trixie coos in delight as your fingers dance across her fur and tickle her belly button.
  559. >”More. I want more cake!” Trixie demands. You quickly scoop up as much cake as you can and force it all into her mouth.
  560. >She moans as she chews and chews. Trixie leans back into your arms as she quivers mid shallow.
  561. >You're sitting in a giant puddle of her arousal now and your pants are simply ruined. Dismissing it all, you help her swallow her cake before placing more into her mouth.
  562. >You feed her like this for a while, never stopping even when her stomach completely breaks through her wrappings. Her increasingly full gut pools in your hands as you finally help Trixie finish her final act.
  563. >”Th...thank you, assistant. Trixie has never had such an enjoyable show before.” Her stuffed stomach gurgles in agreement as she pulls herself back to her hooves.
  564. >”However, I think you deserve a reward for being such a lovely assistant. Wait for the door to my wagon to open and you'll get your reward.”
  565. >Trixie lights up her horn and smoke billows from under the stage. You feel weightless for a second before gravity slams you hard on your ass.
  566. >The stage and table are gone, leaving you and your aching erection to sit alone in the grass. You make your way to the steps of her wagon and patiently await your cue.
  569. >Before long, the doorknob glows pink and the door opens. You step inside and find the wagon far more spacious on the inside then you would have guessed.
  570. >A couch, full sized table, a kitchen area and even more rooms await inside. Trixie's voice calls out from a door across the entrance.
  571. >”Well? I'm waiting...”
  572. >You open the door and are greeted with a most arousing sight. Trixie lies on a large bed, face down and ass up wearing the sexiest purple lingerie you've ever seen.
  573. >The silky material clings to her round, supple curves as her excess fat pools out of the stockings and garters. “You've won your prize, assistant. May Trixie bring you to joy unlike you've ever had before.”
  574. >She turns her head and bats her eyes at you. You swear you can even see a little pink heart float upwards from her sultry wink.
  575. >Your clothes scatter into her bedroom and soon your cock is pressing right into her panties. You rub your dick up against the smooth material, allowing your head to dive between her plump ass cheeks.
  576. >Trixie shudders as you grind yourself against her. She bucks her hips back, keeping her warm ass in contact with your member.
  577. >With a delicate touch, you slide the panties to the side and smile at her winking clit. You pull away for a moment, just long enough to give the nub a sweet little kiss.
  578. >Her body shudders in delight as your cock presses into her entrance. Trixie's tight pussy slowly relaxes as you thrust yourself deep inside her slit.
  579. >You wrap your arms around her fat tummy and push, hilting yourself inside. Trixie moans before pushing her hips back against your crotch.
  580. >”Enough teasing! Just fuck me already!”
  581. >Ready to comply, you pull yourself out and quickly start pounding her wet sex. Trixie screams out as you pump and piston yourself in and out of her plump pussy.
  582. >Her fat pools in your hands as you grip her tightly. Wet slapping fills her wagon as her chubby rear smooshes into your crotch with your combined thrusts.
  585. >The sheets darken as Trixie's arousal spills out onto the bed. She gives one last cry of pleasure before her body wobbles with orgasm.
  586. >Her magic flares out and you feel another sensation gripping your cock. Trixie's magic caresses your dick as you fuck her as hard as you can.
  587. >You blow your load right into the back of her pussy, grinning as you feel it pool inside her and slowly creep out of her drenched slit.
  588. >With your arms wrapped around her round, blue orb of a belly, you slowly rub circles around her belly button as you keep yourself hilted inside her.
  589. >”That was one of the best fucks I've ever had. Keep rubbing just like that until I fall asleep, assistant.”
  590. >You close your eyes and lie next to Trixie. Your hands never leave her heavenly body even after you both fall asleep.
  591. >A soft knocking wakes you up in the morning. You open your eyes to see Trixie standing in the dining room.
  592. >”I hope you like scrambled eggs...I can't really cook them any way else.”
  593. >You put on your pants and follow Trixie into the dining room. A massive pile of pancakes, eggs, hash browns and hay bacon sits on the table.
  594. >Trixie clears her throat and awkwardly fiddles with her hooves. “That was amazing what you did last night. I just wanted to thank you for everything.”
  595. >She levitates a sizable portion of the food towards her, leaving more than enough for you.
  596. >”Tell me...are you looking for a life filled with travel and adventure?”
  597. >You shrug as Trixie begins eating herself. She smiles as she pats her jiggly tummy.
  598. >”What if I said I was suddenly looking for a full time stage assistant for my magic shows?”
  599. >You raise an eyebrow as she continues to fill her fat tummy with pancakes and hay bacon. Her wink definitely causes a pink heart to float towards the ceiling and you smile in response.
  603. Special Delivery
  607. >It was the middle of winter in Ponyville. The whole town was buzzing with excitement for the opportunity to hang festive decorations.
  608. >The pegasus ponies had certainly done a fine job of coating the ground with fresh, white snow. It caked the ground, the buildings and even the trees.
  609. >Lacking a fur coat during the winter was one of the few downsides to living in a world made by ponies. The heavy powder kept you inside for the most part as you tried your best to stay warm.
  610. >Today you were nestled by the fire on your couch. The only problem was trying to wrap your arms with a blanket while reading the huge stack of books you borrowed from Twilight.
  611. >Everything was quiet until an energetic knocking snapped you from your story.
  612. >”Mail call, Mister Anon!”
  613. >You grinned as you set aside your reading. There was only one pony in the postal service that announced her arrival with such gusto.
  614. >Opening the door revealed Derpy Hooves. The gray pegasus always knocked with a bright smile, and a gaze that never agreed on what to look at.
  615. >Her eyes spun for a moment until they focused on you. “Hi Mister Anon! I got a letter for you.”
  616. >She dug into her mail bag and withdrew a single letter. You placed it on the table and motioned for her to come in.
  617. >She let out a heart stopping squee of joy and fluttered in. She rushed up and gave you a giant hug, letting her chubby belly squish against you.
  618. ”Let's go make some muffins. I bought some fresh blueberries at the market yesterday since you mentioned you liked em.”
  619. >Her golden eyes unfocused as she happily soared into your kitchen.
  620. >”Muffin time!' Derpy cheered as she began to collect all the ingredients.
  621. ”And you're sure you're done with work this time?”
  622. >You asked while gathering a bowl and several trays.
  623. >”Yup! Boss let us out early today. The busy season wont pick up till Hearth's Warming Eve gets closer.”
  626. >She reached down to grab the dry ingredients as you fetched the cold ones. Her rump swayed from side to side as she searched, giving her curvy rump a slight jiggle.
  627. >”Found it! I can never seem to find that pesky flour bag when we need it, Mister Anon.
  628. >Derpy dropped the flour on the counter alongside the sugar, butter and eggs. Her golden mare shone in the lights as she carefully measured everything and tossed it into the bowl.
  629. >Seeing the mare carefully inspect her work put a smile on your face. Derpy never let anything stop her when it came to muffins.
  630. “Got everything ready for the mixer?”
  631. >You ask as you set the beater on the table. Derpy nodded, grinning as the hand held machine whirs to life.
  632. >She dances on the spot as you churn the mix. Soon, all that was left was a bowl of goopy muffin mix.
  633. >Derpy tossed in several hooffuls of blueberries and watched them turn the mix blue. Finished, you eject the beaters and hold one out to Derpy.
  634. >Another squee escaped her as she frantically licks the beater. Her tongue darts around the metal, making sure to grab every last drop.
  635. >You absentmindedly lick yours, trying to think of anything but that tongue working the erection in your pants.
  636. >All done!” Derpy announces before taking the beaters and putting them in your sink. You snap out of your trance, allowing you to finish preparing the muffins into the pans.
  637. “Now for the hardest part. Waiting. Wanna join me by the fire and get warmed up?”
  638. >Derpy follows you into the living room and plops onto your couch. Her wings delicately grip the blankets for you as you sit down with a different book in hand.
  639. >Her wings wrap around you, helping you warm up as you crack open a Daring Do book.
  640. >”Oh boy, I hope she escapes from Captain Jack. He's a meanie!” Derpy can't help but smile as you wrap an arm around her and begin reading aloud.
  643. >Your hand sinks into her pudgy middle and it takes all your will power not to rub her cuddly belly.
  644. >In no time, the kitchen timer is ringing as the smell of fresh muffins reaches the couch.
  645. >”Yay!” Derpy shouts as she carefully untangles herself from the couch and rushes off to the kitchen.
  646. >Following her, you reach for an oven mitt and remove the baked treats from the oven. Derpy already has a pitcher of milk on her back as well as two glasses balanced on her wings.
  647. >She pours some milk for you and herself as you carefully pop out each muffin from the tray. Derpy drools on your counter as she watches with fascination.
  648. >”I can't wait!” She suddenly shouts and grabs a piping hot muffin from your hand. She stuffs the muffin in her mouth and chews with vigor.
  649. >A dopey look spreads across her face as she finishes swallowing. “How do you make muffins taste so good, Mister Anon?”
  650. “I have a great helper who adds lots of love to each batch.”
  651. >You joke, poking her on the nose. Her eyes follow your hand for a second until she notices another muffin in your hand.
  652. >”Mister Anon, can I have another one?” She bashfully looks to the floor to inspect the tiles for a moment.
  653. ”Derpy, you know I can't eat all these myself. Take as many as you like.”
  654. >She grins before taking another muffin and slowly nibbling on the treat. Her face is one of unrivaled joy as she eats another and another.
  655. >Before long, half of your muffins are gone. Derpy chugs her milk and sighs, patting her slightly bulging tummy.
  656. >”Can you read to me some more before it gets dark? We're almost finished!” Derpy begs as she pulls you back to the couch.
  657. >You bring the rest of the muffins with you. Knowing Derpy, she'll want another one or three halfway during the story.
  658. >Placing the muffins down, you curl up beside the happy, full pegasus and continue reading. Your hand snakes over to her tummy and wraps around her chubby middle.
  661. >Either she doesn't notice or she's just too enraptured by the story to notice the small circles you rub into her stuffed gut.
  662. >Her full stomach presses against you while her chub squishes between your fingers as you play with her flab.
  663. >Story time continues as Derpy “sneaks” the last few muffins into her stuffed tummy. She finishes off the last one and sighs as the sunset hits your face.
  664. >”Oh no, it's gotten so late!” Derpy scoots away from you and gets to her hooves with a bit of awkward shuffling.
  665. “Wanna come back tomorrow? We can make more muffins and I might be able to finish these last chapters.“
  666. >Derpy's gray cheeks darken into a deep red blush. “Oh Mister Anon, I couldn't...the ponies have been talking about us, you know.”
  667. >Her eyes focus right at you and you can see the seriousness in her face. “I know it's silly but they have some kind of silly notion that you're gonna eat me.”
  668. >A gray hoof wanders down to her stomach and gives the round orb a reassuring pat. “Something about how chubby I've been getting lately since I've been coming over for stories and muffins.”
  669. >Your face grows hot as Derpy continues to jiggle and play with her stomach. A small smile replaces her concerned gaze and she trots to her mailbag.
  670. >”I might be able to fix that not so little problem, Mister Anon. Just come over to my place tomorrow!”
  671. >Derpy reaches inside the bag and withdraws a pink letter. The air instantly becomes thick with perfume as she places it on your table.
  672. >You swear she bats her eyelashes at you as she lets go of the letter. “I better go now, Mister Anon. See you tomorrow!”
  673. >She flings your front door open and spreads her wings. She looks back and gives you a wink while wiggling her plump rear at you.
  674. >The sound of flapping wings barely distract you from her plot as she takes off. Her whole body bounces and jiggles as she flies out towards Ponyville.
  677. >You look toward the letter laying on your coffee table, awaiting your attention. You slowly pick it up and breathe in the overpowering scent of the perfume.
  678. >Opening it blasts more perfume in your face. You suppress a gag as you remove the letter inside.
  679. >A photo falls to the table as you unfold the delicately folded letter.
  680. >Her hoof writing is impressively detailed in fancy cursive. It takes a moment to adjust to the looping hoofmanship but it instantly ignites a desperate arousal deep within you.
  681. >”Fill me up with your white, hot, sticky love.” is all the letter says. You glance over at the photo and gasp.
  682. >Derpy somehow managed to get a shot of her ass from behind as she spread her chubby butt cheeks. Her hooves could barely hold onto the plump rear to reveal her wet, winking slit.
  683. >Even her round belly was in frame, teasing you with it's softness.
  684. “I guess it stopped being a secret when I started offering tummy rubs for thirty minutes straight.”
  685. >Too distracted, you head upstairs and hide her letter. The photo stays in your mind all night, keeping you in a state of constant lust.
  686. >The sun wakes you up bright and early. You fumble around your bedroom as eagerness turns to nervousness
  687. >Derpy never told you when to show up, just to come over. You throw on something casual and make your way to her house.
  688. >You try your best not to sprint through the snow all the way to her house. Your arrival is announced with a small knock on her door.
  689. >”Mister Anon? Is that you?” You hear Derpy call out from somewhere inside.
  690. “Yea, it's me. Am I too early?”
  691. >”Not at all. Come on in.” She says with a hint of her own desperate arousal.
  692. >You creak open the door and instantly spot a trail of muffins on the ground. Following the trail, you pick up each muffin as you head into what looks like a dining room.
  693. >Your jaw drops as huge platters of muffins stacked impossibly tall sit on a fancy table. A silver platter sits covered in the middle of the feast.
  696. >Grasping the handle, you pull away the cover to find Derpy lying on her back in the middle of the huge silver plate, a giant red ribbon wrapped around her body.
  697. >Her belly sags in front of her as the ribbon struggles to support her weight. Her mare bits are snuggly hidden as the naughty fabric clings to her pussy.
  698. >”Hi Anon. Like what you see?”
  699. >She picks up a stray muffin and idly bites into it as her gray hoof rubs her fat belly. She swallows the rest of her muffin whole and moans as it slides down her throat.
  700. >”Derpy, what is all this? Why didn't you call Mister Anon like you always do?”
  701. >Derpy's eyes lock onto you and she grins. “I may be a very silly pony, Anon but I could tell you liked me.”
  702. >”Even before you started offering me my favorite muffins every day, I could tell just by how you smiled at me.” She presses a hoof into her belly, letting it sink into the flab.
  703. >”Now you look at me differently. And I love it.”
  704. >Another muffin gone and she moans again. “Everypony just looks at my eyes and gives a fake smile, so I gave them fake politeness. You never did and now you look at every little bit of me.”
  705. >She picks herself up and turns around. The ribbon cuts through her butt crack, separating her plush, bouncy butt cheeks.
  706. >She shakes her rump, causing her rear to jiggle and quake with each rippling movement.
  707. >Your hands reach out and squeeze each cheek as she continues bouncing her hips. Her meaty butt claps and trembles in your palms as you grope her behind.
  708. >Suddenly, she turns around and tackles you. Derpy lands on your legs, her weight pinning you down.
  709. >”So I wont call you Mister Anon anymore. We're well past such fake pleasantries.”
  710. >”Now, show me how much you love me. All of me.”
  711. >With a quick hoof, your pants are gone. Your erection presses into her fat belly, her fur tickling your skin.
  712. >Derpy mashes her belly against your throbbing member again and again. Her warmth surrounds your cock as she plays with her fat.
  715. >”Got it!” She smiles as you feel your dick sliding into her belly button. “You're mine now, Anon.”
  716. >She pulls herself up just a bit before plopping herself back onto your crotch. Her warm belly button presses around your dick like nothing you've ever felt before.
  717. >Your hands grip her belly and squeeze, intensifying her grip on your penis. Her fat flows over your fingers with each “thrust” of her belly.
  718. >Her wings pop out and start flapping. Her belly draws away from you, only to land harder and squishier on your dick.
  719. >Sweat begins to form all over her gray coat as Derpy keeps pushing herself. You start thrusting upwards into her gut as she falls to help speed up your climax.
  720. >Your hands glide over her damp coat and wrap around her heavy barrel. You can't reach past her back as you squeeze her body against yours.
  721. >Your cock presses deep into her belly button as you fire load after load of cum into her stomach. The excess works out of her canal and oozes onto your crotch.
  722. >Derpy shudders as the warmth spreads through her coat. Your legs grow sticky as her femcum pools on your skin and into her carpet.
  723. >With a wet pop, Derpy rolls off your crotch. She pants hard, heaving her belly up and down as her hooves smear your jizz into her coat.
  724. >”So much...I can't believe you came so much.” She moans as another small puddle forms near her crotch.
  725. >Her tummy grumbles with hunger as she finally catches her breath. You pull yourself off the floor and toss your shirt aside.
  726. “Sounds like you haven't eaten today. Want me to help you with some muffins, Derpy?”
  727. >She nods and continues rubbing her tummy. You lean down and give her a small kiss before stuffing her face with the first muffin.
  728. >She wastes no time in devouring the baked treat. Crumbs and fruit stain her face as she is forced to swallow muffin after muffin.
  731. >The room fills with her moans as you keep filling her mouth full of calories. You manage to empty one of the four trays before Derpy holds up her hooves.
  732. >”Milk....So thirsty.” Derpy moans as she smacks her dry lips.
  733. >You rush over to the table and find a pitcher of chilled milk sitting in ice. Taking a huge glass, you pour her some milk and pull her head off the floor.
  734. >Derpy gulps down the cold drink, letting her belly swell further. Her hooves continue to rub and caress her stuffed tummy as she grows bigger and bigger.
  735. >Her already round stomach is bulging obscenely from her body. Derpy's legs press into her heavy belly, she's so full.
  736. >”I'm so big and fat and full of your love, Anon. I need you so bad.”
  737. “What about the rest of the muffins?”
  738. >Derpy's cheeks puffed out as she let out a massive belch. “No way, Anon. Not right now.”
  739. >”Besides, you need something to eat. How about a bit of what I have to offer?”
  740. >Her hooves grip her belly and pull up as much fat as she can. Her spread legs reveal her lips clamped around the skimpy piece of ribbon trying to cover her up.
  741. >”Carry me to my bedroom, Anon. Last door on the right.”
  742. >With a grunt, you pick up the immense pegasus and head back into the main hallway. You carefully make your way to her bedroom and delicately place Derpy on her bed.
  743. >She rolls onto her belly and presents her rump to you. The bow awaits right above her tail and she gives her plot a jiggly shake.
  746. >”Well? Aren't you hungry?”
  747. >You tug at the ribbon and the bow comes loose. The tight fabric falls from her body, revealing her plump, soaked pussy to you.
  748. >Your hand push aside her heavy butt cheeks as best you can. Without obstruction, you push your face into her folds and begin lapping at her sex.
  749. >Her whole body shudders at your touch, her butt jiggling against your face. Your hands release their grip and you feel her fat compress your face.
  750. >Hands free, you wander to her hind legs and pull, inching yourself further into her moist pussy.
  751. >”Ohhhh that's right. Eat me out you vicious human. Just like all the other ponies said you would.”
  752. >Derpy gasps and moans your name over and over as you keep licking her slit and sucking her winking clit. Her body twists around, placing your head under her body.
  753. >Her weight pins your head under her heavy flanks. Even if you wanted to move away, you couldn't move an inch.
  754. >Oxygen is replaced with her musk and your mind is flooded with her scent. Your skin grows sticky and moist as you continue to press your face into her sex.
  755. >One final scream marks her climax as her femcum splashes into her face. Derpy rolls her butt off your face and happily sighs into her bed.
  756. >”Amazing. Why did we wait so long for this?” Derpy questioned.
  757. >”It's not over. Not by a long shot.”
  758. >Derpy shrieks as your rod penetrates her tunnel. Her wings flare out immediately and her tongue pops out of her mouth.
  761. >Each wet slap of your crotch against her butt sends a delightful ripple through her fatty body. Your hands wander her slick coat, rubbing all her fleshy chubbiness.
  762. >Your hands wander her massive expanse of a belly until you find her belly button. Still sticky with cum, you plunge your finger inside as you continue pumping her pussy.
  763. >”Ahhhh! It's too much!” Derpy screams as another splash of her cum stained the bedsheets.
  764. >Not satisfied, you match your finger's thrusts with your hips, always keeping her filled at just the right moments.
  765. >Derpy is a moaning, panting, jiggling mess as you keep pushing yourself deeper inside. Your hands leave her belly button and firmly grip her wings.
  766. >”Ready for it, Derpy?”
  767. >You ask her without waiting for a response. You pick up speed and frantically pump her slit as fast as you can.
  768. >Derpy has stopped making noise at this point. Her face seems to be frozen in pure heaven as you give one last final thrust inside her.
  769. >The climax hits you hard, even for the second one of the day. You feel her pussy heat up as more and more cum floods her sex.
  770. >You pull out and a few white strands land on her back, wings and lovely ass. Pulling her close, you hug her plush body as you collapse next to her.
  771. >No words were spoken. Neither of you had the breath or composure to do anything but ride down the intense fucking session.
  772. >Derpy leans in and give you a kiss on the nose. Her eyes straighten out and she happily looks at you before closing her eyes.
  773. >Sleep begins to overpower you as well. You snuggle up to the messy blimp of a pegasus next to you and smile back at her.
  774. “Sweet dreams, muffin top.”
  775. >”Sweet dreams, stud muffin.”
  778. Praise The Sun
  782. >You take one last breath of air before a heavy, white cloud smashes onto your face.
  783. >The weight is almost too much as more and more pounds are pressed against your head. Darkness is all you can see as you feel yourself drawn into whatever is on top of you.
  784. >Your hands dart out and find a grip on something soft and malleable. You squeeze and pull at the unknown substance, causing a deep moan to rock your core.
  785. >A heat begins to build on your face as you press into this white cloud.
  786. >The weight, the heat, the pressure... it all shoots past uncomfortable as the fluffy, jiggly mass continues crushing you.
  787. >And can't ignore the arousal flooding your brain. Your cock is stiff and twitching, just begging for attention.
  788. >A wet vacuum surrounds your cock, sending your brain into a haze. Nothing matters anymore but the otherworldly sensations making your skin tingle.
  789. >Dripping water finds your lips in the black void and you open your mouth. The sweet nectar purifies your soul as it runs over your tongue.
  790. >You crave more. You NEED it now. Bountiful and free flowing, you attach your mouth to the source.
  791. >The sucking on your cock increases ten fold, making you shiver and shudder in your heavenly prison.
  792. >As if you wanted to leave anyway. Every single neuron running through your brain tells you to stay.
  793. >More and more nectar floods your mouth, spilling over your lips and dribbling down your chin and cheeks. You weep at the lost opportunity as the heat only grows in intensity.
  794. >The white mass shivers and shudders as you make one final effort to chug this godly drink. You thrust your hips hard, filling up whatever has been attending to your cock with your seed.
  795. >Your entire being dissolves as you find ultimate pleasure. For a moment, all you see and feel is nothing.
  798. >Your eyes shoot open as the early Equestrian sun peeks into your bedroom. Sheets drenched in sweat, you pull yourself up from your pillow in a heavy pant.
  799. “What...the fuck?”
  800. >Your question goes unanswered as you peel yourself out of bed. The slick sweat clinging to your body makes your skin crawl as you walk towards the shower.
  801. >A blush creeps across your face as you notice a stain farther down on your underwear. What are you, a thirteen year old?
  802. >Even with the water blasting chilling water, a comforting warmth coats your skin. The dream returns to your mind, making your knees weak.
  803. “What's wrong with me? Am I sick or something?”
  804. >You pinch your arm, testing to see if you're still asleep. Everything SEEMS fine to you.
  805. >Stepping out of the shower, you groom yourself and put on fresh clothes.
  806. >Your bedsheets are yanked to the washer as you pour yourself a simple bowl of cereal.
  807. >Before you can take a single bite, a rapid knock hits your door.
  808. “A visitor this early? Well, today hasn't exactly been normal.”
  809. >You shrug and head towards the door. Opening it reveals Derpy Hooves, still trying to knock on empty air.
  810. >”Oops! Hi Anon!” She says with that endearing smile on her face. “I've got a very important letter for you! Came in this morning from Canterlot.”
  811. >She opens her saddlebag and begins peeking at her letters. “No...nope...not that one....Where is it? It's all shiny and gold...I can't miss it!”
  812. >You chuckle as you notice something gold and shiny sticking out of her hat.
  813. “Hey Derpy, is your hat falling off?”
  814. >”Oops! Let me fix that.” She muses, wandering a hoof onto her head and nudging the letter.
  815. >”Oh yea! I put it in my hat so I wouldn't forget! Thanks, Anonymous.” She beams as she hands you the letter and flies off.
  818. >You spin the letter around and frown. A sun pressed into a wax seal reveals just who sent urgent mail this early.
  819. >Realizing how important this must be, you take care with the wax seal and open the envelope.
  820. >Unfolding the letter, you take a moment to adjust to Princess Celestia's measured, looping cursive.
  821. “Hello, Anonymous. It is my personal delight to invite you to attend the Canterlot Culinary Festival as my personal assistant.”
  822. “Ponies from far and wide are here to show their creative talents in the kitchen and it would mean ever so much for you to be at my side for the day.”
  823. “Inside the envelope is a special ticket to Canterlot Castle. The next train to Canterlot is leaving Ponyville at seven in the morning and I hope to see you on it.”
  824. “Signed, Princess Celestia.”
  825. >Your fingers glide over the sun seal pressed into the letter. Sure enough, you find a golden ticket hiding in the envelope waiting for you.
  826. “Seven, huh? What time is...oh shit!”
  827. >Peering at the clock reveals the time to be six forty-five. You toss the bowl of cereal in the refrigerator and make a mad dash for the train station.
  828. >The train station was on the other side of Ponyville and you needed to book it if you expected any chance of catching the train.
  829. >Everypony that tries to wave and greet you only gets a cloud of dust in response.
  830. >You approach the platform to find royal guards stationed on the platform. They spot you in a flash and shove you aboard the train.
  831. >”Mister Anonymous, so glad you arrived.” One of the guards said as he showed you to a very lavish seat.
  832. “So....what's this all about?”
  833. >”We were told that the Princess would inform you herself when you arrived. We're merely here for protocol and to see to anything else you might need.”
  834. >Almost on cue, your stomach rumbles in agitation. A guard runs another car while you sit down in the comfortable seat.
  837. >The guard returns with a cart filled with the best breakfast you'd ever seen. Pancakes drenched in syrup with bananas and honey on top with a side of eggs and bacon.
  838. >”If you need anything else, let us know. We'll be outside.” The guards give a small bow before walking out of the private car.
  839. >You almost don't want to eat it. Everything looks so perfect as it is. Hunger wins you over and the breakfast is demolished.
  840. >As you sit in silence, your eyes wander around the private cabin. It seems fit for Celestia herself with fancy decorations and comfortable seating everywhere.
  841. >Grinning, you pick up the magazine sitting nearby entitled “Fancy Cakes Around the World.” Yup, it's fit for Celestia, all right.
  842. >It was no secret she was a cake fiend, always known to enjoy a slice of cake with her afternoon tea. Ponies all around Equestria often sent her cakes just for the chance to hear her praise.
  843. >You pick up the magazine as there's nothing else to do. Flipping through the pages shows off everything you expect.
  844. >Large, fancy cakes adorn every page with a small description or an interview of the chef who created it.
  845. >You flip to the next page and a slow blush creeps onto your face. A picture of Princess Celestia gorged on the cake in the magazine is taped to the page.
  846. >Frosting is smeared all over her face and belly as a scoop of cake sits in her hoof.
  847. >Her eyes glint with mischief as she stares right at you. You flip to the next page and your hands begin to shake.
  848. >Princess Celestia is rubbing her tummy with more frosting. A new cake is sitting next to her, half eaten with bite marks lining her meal.
  849. >A picture of her giving a cake a sultry lick.
  850. >Another of her bent over, her plump ass right in the shot.
  851. >The next page has her muzzle deep in a cake almost as tall as you are. A second pic shows her cradling a huge chunk of cake positioned on her swollen stomach.
  854. >The magazine crinkles as your hands shake and your hot, heavy breaths fill the air. It hurts to keep your erection in your pants as you continue to browse the magazine.
  855. >It was just so erotic to you. The ruler of Equestria and famous goddess of the sun pigging out in some sort of naughty feeding session.
  856. >You shuddered as another glorious shot of her ass adorned the page. A hand wandered down to your pants when a loud, screaming whistle snapped you out of your lust.
  857. “Oh fuck!”
  858. >You hurl the magazine across the train car, eager to ditch the evidence as the guards trot back in.
  859. >”We'll be arriving at Canterlot Castle in a few moments....are you alright, Anonymous?” One of the guards asks.
  860. “FINE! NEVER...never better, man.”
  861. >Your cheesy smile doesn't seem to convince him as they make their exit. The train begins to slow as you spot Canterlot Castle approaching fast.
  862. >The train stops at the station and the guards open the doors. You step onto the ornate marble floor and spot Princess Celestia awaiting you.
  863. >”Good Morning, Anonymous. How was your trip?” Celestia asks in a motherly tone.
  864. >Embarrassment fills your brain and your mouth shoots out a reply before you say something stupid.
  865. “Great! It was a smooth ride and the breakfast waiting me was amazing!”
  866. >You feel some of that familiar heat return to your face as your eyes flicker from Celestia's face to her body.
  867. >Her thin, lithe form betrays the images you saw on the train. Relaxing a tiny, bit, you give a small bow.
  868. >”Oh goodness, Anonymous. You don't need to be so formal. Today is a day of casual celebration! Follow me and I'll show you what I mean.”
  869. >Princess Celestia trots to a nearby balcony and waves her hoof. You look to the streets of Canterlot and take in a most impressive view.
  872. >The streets are filled with booths packed with food, ponies wandering around having a grand time while munching on all sorts of tasty looking delicacies.
  873. >”It's the Canterlot Culinary Festival today and you've been chosen to be my personal assistant.” The princess smiles at you as you stand in awe.
  874. “But...what does that mean? Don't you have the guards to help you out any time you need it?”
  875. >Princess Celestia grins as she walks away from the balcony. “While it's true my guards are excellent for my many needs...”
  876. >Her horn cracks with magic and her regalia and crown disappear from her body,
  877. >”...They can be real sticks in the mud sometimes. Today is about fun.”
  878. >She winks at you and playfully sticks out her tongue. “So just do what feels natural today, Anon. No formalities, no restraint. Make your desires come true.”
  879. >You swear she shook her hips as she put emphasis on the word “desires”.
  880. >She guided you through the halls and out to the bustling streets. Ponies began to bow at the sight of their ruler but she held up a hoof.
  881. >”Plug your ears, Anon. I don't want to cause you any discomfort.”
  882. >You covered your ears as best you could before Celestia's booming voice almost knocked you over.
  884. >Her royal decree over, Celestia turns to you and her mouth moves.
  885. >The ringing in your ears keeps her words from reaching you.
  887. >She smiles and giggles like a schoolfilly. Celestia walks over to the nearest stand as her stomach lets out a small rumble.
  888. >Celestia returns with two plates in her magical grip. She offers you a slice of pie before bringing a plate to her muzzle and takes a huge bite.
  891. >Celestia moans as she eats, finishing her pie in seconds. Crumbs adorn her mouth as she dabs her mouth with a napkin.
  892. >You've barely taken a single bite as Celestia trots off to another stand. Cake is her target this time as she holds a massive slice of what looks like Germane chocolate cake.
  893. >She almost shoves the entire slice in her mouth, her cheeks bulging outwards as she moans in contentment.
  894. “Whoa, Celestia. The fair lasts all day, right? Maybe you should pace yourself and actually TASTE the food you're eating.”
  895. >Another napkin smears away the chocolate stuck to her cheeks. “Oh, have no idea how LONG I've been waiting for this day.”
  896. >She doesn't break eye contact as several pastries are grabbed with her golden aura, just for each treat to get shoved right into her mouth.
  897. >Celestia's neck bulges outwards as the massive flow of sugary treats is sent right to her stomach. She groans as her stomach seems to inflate right before your eyes.
  898. >She smiles as she swallows the last morsel floating in front of her.
  899. >”The castle saves up funds just for this day. Every stall is paid off in full so everypony here gets anything they want for free.”
  900. >”So I let my little ponies loose in Canterlot for a day, every single one of them indulging until they all become massive gluttons.”
  901. >”And I am always at the top, the biggest, fattest glutton of them all.” Celestia leans in close and whispers in your ear.
  902. >”Don't pretend you don't enjoy this. I KNOW you looked at those pictures in the train and it was no coincidence your dreams were so vulgar.”
  903. >Celestia pulls away to stuff a wedge of angel food cake in her mouth and to watch your increasing blush as she swallows it.
  904. “”
  905. >You mumble as you sweat bullets. Celestia gives you a soft smile before turning around and heading to another stall.
  906. >Her ass wiggles to her steps and her small dome of a belly bounces along with it.
  909. >”Celestia! Would you like to try some cookies?” A mare calls out, waving her hoof like crazy.
  910. >Celestia eagerly trots over as her magic begins snatching up cookies from the booth. The mare grins as several other ponies trot over and begin feasting on her wares.
  911. >By the time you approach the stall, every cookie on the counter is gone. Celestia and her mob let out a simultaneous belch as they pat their stomachs.
  912. “You're gonna get full sooner or later. I've never seen a pony eat so much in one sitting.”
  913. >”If you thought that was something, you should wait till I get REALLY full.” Celestia says with a husky whisper.
  914. >She smacks her lips and coughs. “I need a bit of milk to wash down all this rich food. Anon, can you find a milk stall?”
  915. “You mean like the one right next to the cookie stall?”
  916. >You point over to the next booth as the waiting mare fills up a glass pitcher full of milk. “Would you like a glass, Celestia?”
  917. >”Pour a glass for Anon and leave the pitcher.” Celestia asks. The mare is quick to fill a tall glass for you before turning to her other customers.
  918. >You pick up your glass and take a small sip. It's good. VERY good.
  919. >Tilting the glass back, you drink up the milk in a hurry. When you finish, Celestia hands you the almost full pitcher.
  920. >”Using my magic has overtaxed me, Anon. Could you help me drink mine?” Celestia bats her eyes at you and pouts.
  921. >Shaking your head, you heft up the pitcher and place it on her lips. The creamy milk enters her mouth and she noisily gulps away at her drink.
  922. >You tilt the pitcher away, only for her magic to force your arms back into position. The flow becomes too much and milk begins to dribble down the sides of her mouth.
  923. >It runs down her cheeks and her neck before splattering on the ground. Each gulp that does make it inside her mouth sends her belly swelling outwards.
  926. >Both you and the stall mare are blushing as Celestia finishes. She pats her tummy and wipes her mouth with a hoof. “Delicious. You need to learn to enjoy the little things, Anon.”
  927. >She gives the mare a wink and trots off, her belly sloshing with each step.
  928. >The mare behind the booth lets out a sigh and her tail rises just a bit. You turn to look and notice she's hooked up to her supply tank.
  929. >She bites her lip and shudders as her supply tank surges with fresh milk. It's her turn to wink at you as your whole face become red.
  930. >”Anon! Where are you? I need somepony to help me hold all these cupcakes!” Celestia calls out from the crowd.
  931. >You run off, leaving the mare to her...”job”. You find Celestia at a nearby stall as several cupcakes revolve around her head.
  932. >”Anon, can you hold these cupcakes still? I can't seem to concentrate when I'm so full!” She whines as she snaps her teeth at a spinning sweet.
  933. >Your shaky hands grip a cupcake from the air and present it to Celestia. Her lips wrap around the icing as she slowly devours the treat.
  934. >The cupcake is gone in seconds without a trace left behind. You move to grab another cupcake but her lips wrap around a finger, sucking off any stray flavors left behind.
  935. >Your finger exits her mouth with a lewd pop saliva dripping from her lips and your finger for a moment.
  936. >She moans as another cupcake is placed near her lips. Celestia's magic grabs your hard and forces the cupcake and your fingers in her mouth.
  937. >Her tongue runs over your skin as she idly shoves the cupcake in her cheek. You remove your hand and grab another cupcake.
  938. >Before she can force it, you shove the cupcake into her mouth. Her moans grow louder as you shove a third one inside her eager lips.
  939. >She begins to chew and swallow, moaning all the while. You can see her tail raising itself up as you continue to keep her cheeks stuffed with pastry and icing.
  942. >With the last one in her tummy, Celestia shudders in delight. Her body falls against yours, making sure your hands land around her taut stomach.
  943. “Okay, I think we overdid it. Do you need me to get a few of your guards to help you back to the castle?”
  944. >”Just...rub my belly for a moment? I promise I'll feel better if you do.” She whispers in your ear.
  945. >Your hands begin wandering around her taut gut, her fur tickling your palms.
  946. >The telltale hum of magic fills your ear. Her belly begins to soften in your hands, tight fullness replaced with soft, squishy chub.
  947. >Her growing belly spreads your fingers apart just a little as her stomach squishes to your touch.
  948. >Celestia straightens herself out and smiles. “I feel so much better, Anon. Thank you so very much.”
  949. >She gives you a kiss on the cheek before turning around and trotting off to another stand. Her belly wobbles and jiggles as her newly added pounds cling to her body.
  950. >Her ass joins in on the fun, bouncing in time to each little step. You and several other ponies stare at her impressive rear before you take after her.
  951. >”Oh! Oh! Celestia! Would you like to try some pudding?” A young colt asks as she approaches the stall.
  952. >He offers a small cup and slides a spoon over the counter. Celestia giggles as she levitates the cup to her mouth and gulps down the entire serving in an instant.
  953. >”I hope that was just a small taste test for the main event, sir. As you can see, I'm VERY hungry today.” Celestia grins as she pats her new pounds.
  954. “H..hey, buddy. I got this, okay?”
  955. >You walk into his booth and grin as you see a pressurized container sitting on the ground. You lift a nozzle over the counter and offer it to Celestia.
  956. >”Goodness, Anon. When did you become so bold?” Celestia grins as she places the tube in her mouth. She sits on the ground with her belly on display as you crank open the valve.
  959. >Her cheeks puff out as the pudding fills her mouth. Celestia's throat bulges outwards as she is forced to swallow massive gulps of the chilled treat.
  960. >The effects are immediate. Her stomach swells out with each massive gulp, forcing Celestia to spread her hind legs just a bit.
  961. >Inch by inch, her tummy grows before your eyes. Celestia suppresses a cold shudder as she struggles to force the newest treat into her stomach.
  962. >She groans in discomfort as she pokes her stuffed stomach with a hoof. It barely seems to give as more pudding is forced into her belly.
  963. “Want to stop?”
  964. >She shakes her head, moaning as her magic hums to life. You walk away from the counter and begin massaging her belly as she converts the heavy pudding into plush fat.
  965. >A crowd forms around Celestia, cheering her on as she drains the tank. “DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!”
  966. >Your hands sink into her softening belly, rolls of fat clinging to her body as a hollow sound echoes from the tube,
  967. >”YEAAAAAA!!!!” The crowd goes wild as Celestia sits on the ground in a dazed stupor. She gives one last moan before her cheeks puff out once more.
  968. >”BUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAP!” She releases a sickly sweet belch in the air, causing the crowd to lose it and run off to mimic their princess.
  969. >Her belly squishes into her hind legs, hovering inches from the ground. She sighs as she shifts her weight, her stomach jiggling and smooshing against the ground and her body.
  970. >”Oof...I haven't tried anything like that in years.” She moans in delight. Her tail hikes up in excitement, revealing her soaked nethers.
  971. >Her ass is truly fitting for such a massive glutton. Her cutie marks have stretched a little as her expanded ass seems to jiggle with her every move.
  972. >”Tell me, Anon. Which do you like better? My new belly or my squeezable rear?” She pushes her butt against your chest as her magic forces your arms to her belly.
  975. >You give her belly a small grope and a pat before pulling them back to her booty. You take a step back to allow her rear to bounce in your face and grab each cheek with ferocity.
  976. >Celestia moans and raises her tail even higher as you allow your fingertips to lightly graze her skin before pulling away.
  977. >Her breath is ragged as she yanks you to another booth. “Feed me, Anon. Stuff me until I can barely use my magic to bloat that ass just for you.”
  978. >Several stallions cheer as you shove an entire pie tin at Celestia's muzzle, staining her glorious coat a vibrant pink as she makes quick work of the pastry.
  979. >Another pie takes it's place and another after that. You keep up the pace until the entire stall is cleaned out of anything sweet and fattening.
  980. >Celestia's magic works overtime as she keeps her body digesting everything as she eats it, not allowing her belly to fill up as it fills out.
  981. >With another cake, her face becomes soft and plump. Those cookies give her legs and thighs just a bit more jiggle and wiggle as she trots to another stand.
  982. >An entire stall's worth of cookies give her chest and neck a nice layer of plush fat for you to squeeze and play with.
  983. >A stand dedicated to pancakes and Prench toast gives her a more hug-able, squeezable belly that sags and sways lower and lower with each bite.
  984. >On top of it all, every single bite sends more calories to her hips and ass. Her hips round out and fill up with soft rolls of fat, giving her walk a pronounces strut.
  985. >A strut that sends her ass into a constant wobble as she eats. Her nonstop eating keeps her rear growing bigger, fatter, more plump and bouncy as she stuffs herself with everything and anything you present her with.
  986. >You reach the last stall in the line, exhaustion catching up with you as Celestia finishes her pitcher of milk.
  987. >She sighs as she sets down the glass and smiles. “You've done well as my assistant, Anon. Now you get to help me with the final attraction for the day.”
  990. >You follow her, keeping a close eye on her swaying ass, onto a stage in the busiest section of the fair.
  991. >Celestia takes a deep breath, cuing you to cover your ears.
  993. >Ponies cheer as they gather in front of you. Two giant wheelbarrows of snacks appear on either side of the stage.
  994. “So...just what is this final act?”
  995. >”It's quite simple, Anon. To close out the daytime ceremonies and bring on the night for my sister's turn, I am going to set the sun while my subjects feed me...”
  996. >She widens her stance and fully raises her tail, revealing her ripe, plump ass to you. “All while my assistant shows off his work by fucking me senseless.”
  997. >You instantly blush. Noticing every single set of eyes on you and Celestia, you panic.
  998. “It would have been NICE to know this back at the castle, Princess!”
  999. >A pony approaches the stage with a large doughnut in his hoof. He shoots you a grin as the stallion offers the fried treat to Celestia.
  1000. >She gobbles it up and grins as another pony takes his place. The crowd, however, begins to frown as nothing else happens.
  1001. >”PANTS OFF! PANTS OFF! PANTS OFF! FUCK HER! FUCK HER!” They chant as you stand there, bashful and red.
  1002. >Magic hums through the air as somepony tugs on your clothes. More and more horns light up as several spots are pulled at once.
  1003. >With a giant rip, your shirt is torn into about five different pieces.
  1004. “HEY! Stop that!”
  1005. >You cry out as somepony yanks off your belt and another pops the button from the waistband. Your pants fall to the ground, exposing your boxers to the crowd.
  1006. “Celestia, your subjects are HUGE perverts!”
  1007. >”Isn't it great?” She says before a few cookies are shoved into her mouth.
  1010. >Magic grips at your boxers and you shout in surprise.
  1012. >They cheer out as you quickly slip off your underwear and toss them into the crowd. A group of mares leap at the cloth, shredding it to bits as they demand it for themselves.
  1013. >You take a few deep breaths and place your hands on Celestia's wide hips. Your fingers sink into her fat and your cock twitches in excitement.
  1014. >With a gentle touch, you press your hips against Celestia's massive rear. Your cock slides through her butt crack and the crowd cheers like crazy.
  1015. >You're forced to reposition your hands to her ass and spread Celestia's cheeks as wide as you can. Even with your cock fully erect, you can't get past her flabby rear and thick thighs to enjoy her wet slit.
  1016. >Celestia's ass cheeks squish and flatten against your crotch as you guide yourself blind through the sea of white fat.
  1017. >Something wet nudges your cock and you thrust hard. Celestia moans through her mouthful of brownie as you finally penetrate her sex.
  1018. >Her forelegs give out and her upper body slams into the stage. Her fat ripples from her chest to her belly and back to her ass cheeks.
  1019. >Everything jiggles at once, sparking a deep, primal lust inside you. If you were gonna fuck the ruler of the country, it was gonna be something to remember.
  1020. >A deep grunt escapes you as you push your cock deeper into her pussy. Celestia cooed as both ends are filled, causing the crowd to cheer in delight.
  1021. >Spectators left and right are mounting mare, stallions and anypony willing to get cock inside them.
  1022. >Soon, the entire block is moaning with the combined lust of half the town.
  1023. >Their lust drives you as you drive your cock as deep as you can into Celestia. With everypony too horny to stand straight, she's taken it upon herself to deliver her snacks to her greedy mouth.
  1026. >You place your hands on her hips and find the strength to pump even faster. Celestia's body never stops jiggling, even as her belly swells tight with more and more empty calories.
  1027. >The sun dips over the horizon, cascading the town in a deep purple aura until the streetlights flare with magic.
  1028. >Every face is trained on you, watching you in anticipation as Celestia has finally stopped eating.
  1029. >Her tongue flops out of her mouth and her face is coated with crumbs and frosting.
  1030. >”” She moans, barely able to make noise as you slow your thrusts and pound her fat ass for all you've got.
  1031. >Celestia screams as the sun finally sets on Canterlot, her orgasm flaring out and burning bright like the giant suns stretched out on her flanks.
  1032. >Her violent reaction tips you over the edge. Celestia milks your cock as your teased, pent up load is unleashed into her wet, slippery depths.
  1033. >Sweat drips from your forehead as you try to recover. The day was finally over with you leaning on top of Celestia's immense ass as her citizens continue to feed her.
  1034. >She eats like a machine, unable to do more than chew and swallow. Other stallions follow suit, feeding their mares of choice as everypony basks in the afterglow.
  1035. >”ARE YOU PONIES READY FOR THE NIGHT?” A royal Canterlot voice echoes from the sky. The ponies cheer as Princess Luna soars through the air and lands on the stage.
  1036. >An orange pegasus follows behind and Princess Luna grabs him with her wing. “Come, Astro! Let us see if Celestia managed to leave anything for us to enjoy!”
  1037. >Little hearts float from his eyes as he follows Luna around, already eager to assist her in every way possible.
  1038. >”Let...let us head back to the castle, Anon. I'm in need of a shower.”
  1039. >Celestia's magic tugs at your entire body and the world blurs. When everything corrects itself, you realize you are in Celestia's bedchambers.
  1042. >Celestia waddles over to a spacious room connected to her bedroom and looks over her shoulder.
  1043. >”Well, assistant? Unless you desire to nitpick, the day isn't technically over. Want to join me in the shower?”
  1044. >She gives her mighty booty a shake, sending her ass cheeks jiggling and clapping against themselves.
  1045. >With a shrug, you follow her into the grand bathroom. Ornate decorations hang from the walls and the ceiling, the entire place screaming royalty.
  1046. >You whistle at Celestia's bathtub. It isn't so much a bathtub as it is a highly decorated pool just for her.
  1047. >She giggles and leads you to her shower. A massive section walled off by glass. Celestia opens the door and trots inside, moaning as her hips and rear become wedged in the door.
  1048. >”Assistant? Could you help me get into my shower? Your desire for a fat derriere has gotten me stuck.” Celestia pouts as she peeks back at you.
  1049. “Sure thing, Celestia. Let me just...”
  1050. >Your hands sink onto her ass, fingers curled up as you grope and knead her fat instead of properly shoving her through.
  1051. >Her moan echoes through the bathroom and rings through your ears. She tenses up and pulls herself through after a forceful shove of your hands.
  1052. >You follow her inside as she turns the water on. Several spouts cascade warm water over you both, relaxing all the tension of the day.
  1053. >Her magic offers you a giant bottle of shampoo. You reach out and squirt a generous amount on her back and scrub the suds around.
  1054. >”Your hands truly feel wonderful on my skin, Anon. It's been an absolute delight today to have you rub every inch of my body.” Celestia coos as your hands wander to her bloated sides.
  1055. >As you scrub, you feel a certain butt pressing into your crotch. Celestia gives you a wink as she smooshes her rear into you, letting her fat grab your cock once again.
  1056. >Celestia moves backwards until you're pinned to the wall, her massive butt crack swallowing most of your lower body.
  1059. >You wriggle around for a bit, grabbing huge rolls of Celestia's flab to try and relieve some of the pressure but the hefty princess doesn't budge.
  1060. >Instead, she lowers her body and lets her wet ass cheeks glide and grind on your dick. Her warm fat envelops your body and you shudder.
  1061. >Without any other option, you pinch her butt cheeks with your arms, tightening her grip on you.
  1062. >You can feel the heat of her pussy running up your length as she jerks you off with her ass.
  1063. >”C'mon, Anon. Cum all over my ass. You know it's the best in Equestria.”
  1064. >You offer her a slap on her butt, sending her fat wobbling like crazy.. She picks up her pace, her belly slapping the ground each time she lowers her rear,
  1065. “It's the best. The only way you could improve it is if I had more to grab and snuggle my face into every night.”
  1066. >Celestia moans as you give her rear another slap. Red, palm shaped marks pop up as you slap, fondle and squeeze her perfect ass,
  1067. >She slides down one last time and you lose it. With your cock barely free of her grip, you release yourself, cumming all over her pearly white booty.
  1068. >Celestia grins as she picks up the forgotten shampoo and places it back in your hands. You squirt the shampoo onto her rear and scrub, washing away your dirty deed.
  1069. >She behaves herself for the rest of the shower as you manage to clean every last spot. Content, she turns off the shower heads and slips through the doorway.
  1070. >Hot, fluffy towels await you both, although it takes a bit longer to dry off Celestia.
  1071. >You follow her to her bed as she holds out a small comb.
  1072. “You're really laying it on for me, Princess. I bet you do this to all the guys you fuck in the shower.”
  1073. >She giggles as you take her ethereal hair and gently comb it, slowly restoring her mane to its usual glory.
  1076. >”Thank you, Anon. I know I've stated it before, but you've really made me feel wonderful today.” Celestia sighs as she lies in her bed.
  1077. “It was an honor, Princess. Can't say I've ever had an experience like that.”
  1078. >She smiles as she pats the space next to her in bed. “It would be rude of me to send you off to the train without any clothes. Perhaps you wouldn't mind staying the night?”
  1079. >Celestia pulls up the blanket and you slide right in. You sigh as she wraps her arms around you, her body warm and squishy to the touch.
  1080. “So...this all ends tomorrow.”
  1081. >You ask, a hint of melancholy in your voice.
  1082. >”Ah, the stress of a princess is never over. By tomorrow, my body will have burned off most of this lovely gift you have given me and I shall return to my duties.”
  1083. >An idea sparks in your mind and you wiggle out of her grip.
  1084. >”Anon? What are you ohhhhhhhh.” She moans as you trail kisses down her chest, to her belly and to her plump thighs.
  1085. >Celestia flips onto her stomach, giving you full access to her rear. You drag your tongue along her rump, starting near her legs and slowly reaching her dock.
  1086. >Her body shudders, sending her booty quaking in desire. With a mighty shove, you part her heavy cheeks and gaze upon your prize.
  1087. “You know, Celestia. You never made good on your dream last night. I aim to fix that.”
  1088. >You taunt her by pressing your head between her pillowy cheeks and kissing and caressing the edges of her sex.
  1089. >It brings a smile to your face as she grunts in frustration, shifting her body to try and get you into proper position.
  1090. >You get nice and close, letting your breath tease her winking clit when you hear her horn flare with magic.
  1091. >”Anon, you better start licking if you know what's good for you!” She moans as her magic presses your face right into her pussy.
  1094. >Her arousal almost burns as Celestia clenches her rear against your head. You stick out your tongue and finally get a taste of her sweet nectar.
  1095. >It's even better than her dreams could have imagined. You dive in, shoving your tongue deep into her depths as her ass keeps you trapped.
  1096. >That doesn't mean you don't keep busy. Your hands reach over to her rear and fondle her cheeks, savoring her soft, squeezable ass for the last time.
  1097. >Celestia's moans are muffled by the fat blocking your ears but it doesn't matter. All you focus on is her sweet, plump pussy and the divine booty gripping your head.
  1098. >Fingertips glide over Celestia's perfect skin, sinking into her fat as you grip as much as you can
  1099. >It's getting harder and harder to breathe as Celestia's arousal fills your lungs. Even as your lungs burn for fresh air, you keep licking.
  1100. >Her clit winks furiously as she ebbs closer and closer to her peak. Your tongue runs along the pink nub before pressing your lips around it.
  1101. >Your cheeks sink into your mouth as you suck on her clit for a second. Celestia screams and you know it's time to finish this.
  1102. >You pull yourself in as deep as you can go, lashing your tongue at any part of Celestia you can when her body shudders and wobbles violently.
  1103. >A beautiful scream fills the air as Celestia cums, drenching your face with her femcum as her walls clench your tongue.
  1104. >Her body relaxes and Celestia's head thumps to her pillow. You carefully slide out of her butt crack, sweat and cum dripping from your head.
  1105. >Celestia's soft snoring fills the room, her face plastered with a smile as she sleeps.
  1106. >You slide close to her and wrap your arms around as much belly as you can. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.
  1107. >The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest and gentle warmth lull you to sleep. Your day as her assistant is finally over.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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