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Mane 6 Greentext Pack 2

By Tankris
Created: 2022-07-05 18:25:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Dessert And a Show
  4. >You are Anonymous, and today is your birthday.
  5. >Well, birthday might not be quite accurate.
  6. >It's been three years since you magically ended up in Equestria and you have a group of friends that wont let you forget it.
  7. >All week, Pinkie Pie has been bouncing off the walls with excitement. “It isn't every day our favorite human turns three years old!”
  8. >Pinkie's joke always left her in stitches. You know you're somewhere in your twenties, but accuracy doesn't really matter now.
  9. >Putting on your best suit, you exit your small house. Peering down to the road, you notice the little flag on your mailbox standing upright.
  10. “Odd, Derpy doesn't make her rounds this early. Wonder what's inside.”
  11. >You slide the miniature door open and the sickly scent of far too much perfume assaults your nose.
  12. >Suppressing a gag, you reach inside and grab a letter sitting in the back.
  13. >You remove the letter and inspect it at arm's length. The handwriting is filled with exquisite loops and swirls belonging to the fanciest unicorn in Ponyville.
  14. “To Anonymous.”
  15. >You can barely read the fancy hoof writing. Tearing off the top releases even more perfume into the air.
  16. “Dear Anonymous, please meet me in my boutique before you arrive at Sugarcube Corner. I have a gift that simply must be received in private.”
  17. >Does it say “Love” at the end? Unmistakeably at the bottom, Love is written right next to her name.
  18. >Nervous sweat forms on your brow as you turn towards Ponyville. Even from your house, you can spot the pointed top of Carousel Boutique.
  19. >It's no secret that you're a bit friendlier with Rarity than most other ponies but a pink letter laced with perfume? Not that friendly.
  20. >Weak knees slowly trudge toward town. Your nerves were on edge and thoughts were swimming about in total confusion.
  23. “I know I stopped by every so often but did I really send those kinds of signals?”
  24. >Your mind wanders to your last visit to her boutique. She was closed for the night but Rarity let you in anyway.
  25. >She easily mended the tear in your shirt while you sat in her dining room. What turned into a quick stop lasted all night as she worked on important orders while you kept her company.
  26. >Rarity even offered her bed when she realized how early in the morning it was. You refused, insisting her comfortable chaise lounge was more than enough for you.
  27. >Breakfast was served bright and early and you recall the rose on her cheeks when you hugged her goodbye.
  28. “Damn...why don't I just wear a sign that says “I like Rarity” or get Rainbow Dash to write it in the clouds?”
  29. >Your daydreaming mind barely even registers that you've arrived at her front door.
  30. >You clear your throat and give a sharp knock on her door.
  31. “Rarity, It's Anon. You said you wanted to see me?”
  32. >”Come right in, Darling. The door's open.” She calls out with a cheery tone.
  33. >You push the door open, squinting your eyes to see in the darkness of her foyer. The light from the door shines on a trail of rose petals lined up from her door to the showroom.
  34. “Oh god...this is really happening right now.”
  35. >Following the roses, you find a chair sitting front and center of her personal runway. Brushing off the rose petals, you take a seat and lean back.
  36. >”Oh I'm ever so glad you decided to show up, Anonymous. Happy Birthday, Darling. I hope you like what you see.”
  37. >Her voice echos from the behind the curtains of her runway. Sultry music begins to play as the curtains draw back and reveal...
  38. >A cake. A massive three layer cake wider than the barrels Applejack uses to store her wares.
  41. >You watch at the cake slowly moves forward on the small platform it sits upon. Gauging its height, you'd guess the cake would rise to your shoulders.
  42. >The expanse of frosting and sugar stops just short of the edge of the walkway. A spotlight lights up the cake, giving the white frosting a soft glow against the brown chocolate.
  43. >You sit there for a few seconds, unsure of how to proceed. Before you can stand up, the top of the cake sags towards the center.
  44. >Muffled chewing reaches your ears as the top of the cake continues to collapse inwards. A long lock of purple hair bounces out from within the frosting at the top.
  45. “Rarity? What are you doing inside that cake?”
  46. >The chewing stops for a moment and you hear a small pout. “Drat, ruined by my own magnificence. Time to star the show, I suppose.”
  47. >Her chomping continues until her head pokes out from the top of the cake. Her mouth, cheeks and fur are matted with chocolate crumbs and sweet frosting.
  48. >Rarity opens her mouth wide and begins devouring the top layer at insane speeds. Your stomach begins to cramp as you imagine stuffing so much cake in your tummy.
  49. >”I hope you don't mind.” Rarity says after swallowing another huge bite. “I realize this cake is for you but I just had to try a piece.”
  50. >More and more cake disappears into Rarity's hungry mouth. With half of the top layer missing, Rarity finally pulls her body out of her chocolatey prison.
  51. >A black, silky dress hugs her body, accentuating her various curves. Several buttons line the middle of the dress, running from her breast down to the bottom of her tummy.
  52. >You can spy a button or two straining against her full stomach. She gives a small twirl, launching a bit of frosting from her hair.
  53. >”What do you think, Anonymous? Does such a fine dress fit such a fine mare like myself?”
  56. >She pats her middle as she talks, smearing frosting everywhere with her hooves.
  57. “It looks fabulous, Rarity. Quite an entrance but I think you may have ruined it.”
  58. >”Oh Anonymous. You haven't even BEGUN to see ruined.” Her eyes gleamed with mischief as Rarity lowered her mouth back towards the cake.
  59. >A deep moan of satisfaction filled the showroom as she bites into the lavish dessert. Rarity squishes her bulging cheeks with her hooves as she attempts to swallow her ridiculous bite.
  60. >Finally, she swallows the cake in her mouth, relishing in the lump in the throat descending into her stomach.
  61. >The dress gives a slight grunt of protest as her tummy swells outwards just a tiny bit. Not enough to do any real damage to the dress but enough to get your attention.
  62. >”Darling, if there's one thing I know, it's how to read the small details. It's no mystery where that magazine discussing bigger mares went after your visit a few weeks ago.”
  63. >”Tell me. Where is that magazine now, Darling? Tossed under your bed for whenever you need a bit of release?”
  64. >She winks at you while pumping her hoof in a lewd manner. Rarity giggles as you fidget in your chair, trying to hide your blushing face.
  65. >”I thought so. There's no need to be ashamed, Darling. Let Rarity fix that problem for you.”
  66. >She returns to the cake with vigor. Her lips wrap around each bite, sending more and more cake into her belly.
  67. >Rarity's binge comes with a massive consequence. Her cheeks become soft and round, her frame widens out and her belly begins to properly strain the silk dress clinging to her growing body.
  68. >She finishes the top layer and gives her swollen belly a playful pat. Her cheeks puff out and Rarity allows a small, dainty burp to escape.
  69. >”Pardon my manners, Darling. I'm simply making a pig of myself tonight.”
  72. >She smiles back at you before eying the second layer. “I must say, this is absolutely divine! Will you allow me just one more?”
  73. >You sit in silence, amazed at how much cake Rarity is devouring. Her efforts aren't as quick as the second layer is considerably wider than the top.
  74. >Rarity uses her hooves to scoop up as much cake and frosting as she can. Giant mouthfuls of cake disappear down into her expanding barrel.
  75. >She licks away a touch of frosting off her hooves, trailing a small string of saliva away from her lips.
  76. >”Are you enjoying yourself, Darling? I know I sure am.”
  77. >She gives her stomach another pat, causing a ripple to vibrate across her dress. It gives a pathetic whine as her body remains packed inside like a giant, squishy marshmallow.
  78. >The buttons across her belly were taking the most strain. Patches of white flab pour out between each crying button.
  79. >The dress gives one last cry for help before several buttons snap off from the bottom of the dress. Her belly begins oozing free from the silk prison, bit by bit.
  80. >Rarity bites her bottom lip and moans. “I have to submit. This dress simply wont fit me anymore. Help me take it off, Darling?”
  81. >You stand up and reach your hands towards the poor buttons. “Not like that, Anonymous.”
  82. >She carefully pulls herself out of the cake, sending frosting everywhere. She lies on the ground and feels her stomach.
  83. >Her eyes flutter and a giant grin spread across her face. “My...belly button. I wanna see these buttons FLY off from your love.”
  84. >She removes her hoof, revealing her belly button. You lean down and press your face against her fat, sticking your tongue deep into her crevice.
  85. >Sweet frosting fills your taste buds as you gauge her depth. You couldn't even reach the end with her so full and fat.
  88. >Rarity moans as you remove your pants. Your erection stands proud and aching as you lean yourself over her.
  89. >”Fuck me hard, Darling. Fuck me so hard those naughty buttons bounce off the ceiling.” She coos.
  90. >You press in hard, enraptured by the warmth and softness of her belly. Rarity's hooves grab the back of your head, keeping you buried inside her.
  91. >Her fat, barely contained by the dress, squishes around your cock. You give her stomach another pump and the flesh molds and jiggles against you.
  92. >Rarity keeps her hooves around you, her tongue rolling out of her mouth. “Oh my goodness! More! I need more!”
  93. >Her hooves wrap even tighter around you, restricting your movement. With no other choice, you speed up, pounding her belly button as hard as you can.
  94. >”I need it all! I just can't help myself!” Rarity screams. Her horn lights up as she grabs huge chunks of cake via her magic.
  95. >Her moans become stifled by the giant globs of cake. She chews and chews, fattening herself up as you assault her belly with harder and harder thrusts.
  96. >Her soft stomach squishes around your dick, increasing the pressure with every needy swallow of cake.
  97. >Rarity opens her mouth wide and pushes the last of stolen cake in her mouth. Her throat bulges outward as she struggles to finish her huge serving.
  98. >Your dick feels her stomach growing and it's too much. You give one final pump, breaking off all the buttons at once and filling her belly button full of cum.
  99. >Her body shudders as Rarity hits her own peak. She pulls herself away, using her magic to slide down towards your crotch.
  100. >Rarity envelops your cock with her mouth, letting the last wiry strands of cum hit the back of her throat.
  101. >Her gulp is exaggerated as she moans in delight. Her hooves wander to her belly, a smile crossing her face as your cum begins to leak all over her fur.
  104. >As you do your best to recover from the best orgasm from your life, a thought finally manages to break through the lusty haze in your mind.
  105. “Rarity, why the fuck didn't we do this sooner?”
  106. >She gives a polite laugh as she lies on the ground. “Oh Darling, it wouldn't have been the same. You NEED to set the proper mood for these things, you know.”
  107. >The mood is suddenly ruined by a grumbling from Rarity's colossal stomach. Her eyes dart to the final layer of cake with primal desire.
  108. >You gently wrap your arms around as much of the alabaster unicorn as you can and place her near the edge of the cake.
  109. >She offers a smile of thanks before returning to her feast.
  110. >Rarity's bloated stomach continues to grow bigger and bigger with each bite, sending ripples through her generously fattened body.
  111. >The jiggling ends at her immensely plumped up rear. Once firm and slightly toned, her butt has become two giant pillows you could easily rest your head upon.
  112. >There's no denying the small puddle forming under her fat ass, either. Each bite into the cake causes Rarity to moan a little bit louder.
  113. >You take the initiative and spread her cheeks as wide as you can. Lustful moans escape from Rarity as your breath hits her soaked pussy.
  114. >Releasing your grip, her ass presses your face into her wet slit. Her moans are drowned out by fat and cake as your tongue begins cleaning her honeypot.
  115. >Everything jiggles against your face as you lick and suck on her folds. Your hands are busy massaging her ample rear as it grows heavier and heavier.
  116. >Her body shudders as her clit winks vigorously at you. Her honey begins to coat your face and drown you in her love.
  117. >Rarity shudders as you manage to catch her clit in your mouth. Giving it all your attention, you grab her ass and bury your face deep in her pussy.
  120. >Rarity screams out before slumping down to the floor. Her weight brings you down, almost pinning you to the floor with her immense weight.
  121. >Sadly, you pull yourself away from her sex and inspect the damage. Rarity lies in the last bits of cake, panting hard.
  122. >”Remember what I said about the proper mood, Darling? Forget it. Just fuck me nice and hard already!”
  123. >Your hands grip her wide hips and you press your dick into her butt crack. With so much fat, you can barely feel her pussy on the tip of your penis.
  124. >You give a tentative thrust, forcing her ass to widen to your efforts. Slowly, you manage to thrust past her globular cheeks and hilt yourself deep in her sex.
  125. >Rarity lies on her belly, reaching for the last bites of cake. Her hooves are sticky with caked sugar and coated with a fine sheen of saliva as she polishes off the cake.
  126. >Rarity finally finishes the last bite of cake and moans. Her horn fires up and a mirrors roll over to the showroom stage.
  127. >You get every possible angle of her body from each mirror. You take a second to admire each new, plump feature of Rarity.
  128. >Each thrust against her huge rump sends a giant jiggle through her entire body. Her thighs, back, belly and her plump face all wobble as you fuck her.
  129. >”Look! Look at how huge I am!” She rubs her squishy belly as she talks. “I've made a complete PIG out of myself!”
  130. >She pushes a hoof to her nose and turns it upward. “OINK! OINK! OINK! Fuck this fat piggy till I squeal!”
  131. >Your pumping speeds up as she talks. Unable to control yourself, you give her left cheek a mighty slap, followed by a hard spank to the right.
  132. >True to her word, Rarity squeals like the happy pig she is. Her pussy clenches down on your dick, milking you for your seed.
  135. >You tense up as you climax, sending your seed as deep as you can. Giving one last grunt, you pull yourself out and collapse on her expansive body.
  136. >”Happy birthday, Darling. I hope you enjoyed your present. I know I enjoyed your cake” Rarity pants as she recovers.
  137. >Even with her stomach packed, it still growls for more. Rarity blushes as she rubs her giant tummy.
  138. >”Err, terribly sorry, Darling. I LOATHE to ask, but is there any more?”
  139. >You laugh and give her squishy belly some attention yourself.
  140. “Probably. You know how Pinkie Pie loves to cater for parties.”
  141. >At the mention of your party, you snap over to the clock on the wall.
  142. ”Oh no! Pinkie's party! We're gonna be late if we don't hurry...”
  143. >”Oh goodness, you're right! I've made such a mess and I have nothing to wear at all.” Rarity begins to whine as she gets to her feet.
  144. >Rarity half waddles, half drags herself over to the front door. Her horn flares out as she walks, cleaning all the mess from her body.
  145. >Your clothes reappear on your body with a flash of blue light. Prepared and clothed, you head to the front door and open it for Rarity.
  146. >”My, my. Still such a gentleman to little, old me? Well, maybe not little anymore.” She titters as she presses a hoof into her flab.
  147. >Her magic grabs your tie and pulls your face down to her level. She gives you a kiss on the lips, causing you both to blush.
  148. >Rarity's stomach grumbles even louder, breaking the endearing moment.
  149. “Right, the party. Shall I escort you, Miss Rarity?”
  150. >You offer a hand and she grabs it with a fore hoof. Together, you head over to Sugarcube Corner to continue “Celebrating”.
  154. Bouncy Cloud Butt
  157. >Ah, the winter months. The time of year where everypony bundles up in scarves, hats and little booties to slow the chills sent from Cloudsdale.
  158. >The perfect weather to dress up in your wool pajamas and sleep the day away in your bed.
  160. >You lie in bed, eyes sealed shut. Silly you, imaging a pony knocking in the cold at this early hour
  162. >”Anoooooon! I know you're in there. Get up ya bum!”
  163. “Rainbow Dash, nooooooooo.”
  164. >Muttering under your breath, you heave your blanket around you like a cloak and plod to the door.
  165. >”Anoooooooon! C'mon, open up!” Rainbow Dash shouts as her hoof threatens to demolish your door.
  166. >Flinging your arm out, you whip open the door and catch her hoof in mid swing.
  167. “Inside, before you let the cold in.”
  168. >Your demand is followed by yanking the blue pegasus towards you while slamming the door shut.
  169. >”Hey, not so hard! Is that any way to treat a friend?”
  170. “You tell me, Dash. It's one in the morning and here you are, banging away at my poor, defenseless door.”
  171. >”Oh, right...sorry. It's just...”
  172. >She shuffles her hooves across the wooden floor and flutters her wings slightly.
  173. >”Well, I have a HUGE favor to ask you. My house kinda....crashed.”
  174. >Shooting her an odd look, Rainbow Dash places a hoof on her face and sighs.
  175. >”It's the stupidest thing ever. The first huge snowfall of the season, and squad D messed it all up.”
  176. >”Too much snow got sent around town and now my cloud house froze over. Everything iced over and the whole thing went crashing into the ground.
  177. >Her hooves hang in the air for a second before smacking into the floor with a clop, along with various sound effects from Rainbow Dash.
  178. >”Specialists from Cloudsdale are gonna be here to fix it, but I might not have a home for a while.
  179. “And you're hoping to stay here, am I right?”
  180. >”Oh can I, Anon? Please please pleaaaaase? We already hang out so much it's like we're roomies already!”
  183. >She sits up as straight as she can and sticks out her lower lip. “Pleaaaaaaaaaase?”
  184. >Rainbow Dash hits you hard with the big guns. That sappy pout has received too many free ciders at the pub.
  185. “If I say yes, can I go back to bed?”
  186. >”Hey! Is your bed really worth more than your friend?” She shouts as she flies right up to your face.
  187. >You grin as your arms fling out and grab the blue pegasus in a giant, blanket filled hug.
  188. “Of course you can stay here. Like I'd really do that to you.”
  189. >”Help! Celestia! I've been caught by a total doofus!”
  190. >You both laugh for a moment before you release her.
  191. “Need some help getting set up? Extra blankets or pillows?”
  192. >As Rainbow Dash slides under the heavy blanket, you recall a certain tortoise absent from all this.
  193. “Hey, Where's Tank?”
  194. >”No need to worry. He's hibernating in the park so there's no need to get a bed for him. All I need is a place to sleep...and cider...and snacks and movies.”
  195. “Sleep first, Dash. Then after we snooze the day away, we'll stay up late and watch some of those action movies you love.”
  196. >She pumps a hoof in the air and cheers. “Dude, I can't wait!”
  197. >You walk her to the guest bedroom and open the door. Rainbow Dash suppresses a tired yawn before floating straight onto the bed.
  198. “It's probably nowhere near as good as a cloud bed. Sorry about that.”
  199. >”This bed probably wont freeze on me like clouds do.”
  200. >As you close the door behind you, Rainbow Dash calls out to you.
  201. >”Thanks dude. I really appreciate all this. Good night!”
  202. >You make your way back to your own bed, eager to reclaim your lost sleep.
  203. >Jumping in with reckless abandon, the bed creaks as it takes all your weight at once.
  204. >Weary and warm, slumber claims you as soon as you hit the mattress.
  207. >”Anon? Dude, wake up...I'm hungry.”
  208. >Rainbow Dash pokes you in the gut, pulling you our of your deep sleep.
  209. “Dash, what the fuck?”
  210. >”Anon, can you make us pancakes? Sleepovers are the best with pancakes in the morning.”
  211. >You glare at her before peeking at your alarm clock.
  212. “Holy Celestia, it's seven AM, Dash. Can't you go back to sleep for another five hours and bug me for breakfast at a decent time?”
  213. >”Lame! My tummy's rumbling for pancakes.” Rainbow Dash yanks your blankets away, sending a chill through your body.
  214. “Okay, okay....but JUST for today. Pancakes and bacon with toast and eggs.”
  215. >”YES! Race ya!” Rainbow Dash soars from your room, eager to make everything a competition.
  216. >You toss on a basic set of clothes and head to the kitchen.
  217. >No surprise Rainbow Dash is sitting at the table, unwilling to help make the breakfast she demanded.
  218. >Heating the burners, prepping the pans and making coffee are your first steps to kicking things off.
  219. >It's all a sleepy blur until that first sip of coffee kick starts you awake.
  220. >In no time, you've managed a decent stack of pancakes with several eggs scrambled and waiting. >Bacon sizzles away while toast piles up next to butter and jam.
  221. >”Smells gooood” Rainbow Dash moans as her wings lift her out of the seat, sending her floating into the kitchen.
  222. >A blue hoof inches towards the pancakes in greed until a spatula blocks and counters the assault.
  223. “Wait for everything to be done, or you'll be disappointed. No one likes a breakfast of one item at a time.”
  224. >”'re like Pinkie, never letting me taste the batter while she scarfs it down all by herself.”
  225. “Pour yourself a coffee or juice while I finish everything here.”
  228. >The last strips of bacon fly off the pans as you divide everything up on two massive plates.
  229. >You haul them into the dining room, placing one in front of Rainbow Dash and the other to your seat.
  230. >Rainbow Dash wastes no time in stuffing bacon strips into her mouth while buttering her toast and loading eggs on top of it all.
  231. “Ahem....”
  232. >”Oh...ummm. Tanks?” She mumbles with a slice of toast hanging from her mouth.
  233. “You're welcome. Try not to choke or anything I dunno if the Heimlich maneuver works on ponies.”
  234. >Her resonating blush is almost cute...until she slurps up the toast still hanging from her lips.
  235. >The rest of the meal is pretty uneventful as you both eat, Dash keeping a steady pace instead of inhaling her food.
  236. >However, no crumb or drop of syrup is safe as she licks her plate clean.
  237. >”That was AMAZING! You HAVE to cook like that every morning!”
  238. “Oh yea? What makes you so sure I'm gonna do that?”
  239. >”Are you kidding me? Did you even taste what you cooked?”
  240. “Yes I did. I also see the DISHES that piled up because of it.”
  241. >Rainbow Dash turns to the sink to see greasy pans and bowls piled up to the top.
  242. >She moans and hops out of her seat, slowly sulking towards the mess.
  243. >”Fiiiiiine. If YOU cook, I clean....and I suppose I could spare a few bits every week for expenses...and cider.”
  244. >Well, that was a ton easier that you expected. You get up from your chair and gather up all the dishes on the table, as well as grabbing a chair for Rainbow Dash to stand on.
  245. >”Sheesh, these'll take forever to clean...” Rainbow Dash groans as she grinds a sponge to the messy contents of the sink.
  246. “I'll leave you to that. I've got some things to do in town, so just make yourself comfortable after your done. If you leave, use the spare key hidden in the garden.”
  247. “Got it! Get offa there you stupid....” She trails off as she resumes cleaning.
  250. >Satisfied, you head out, lock the door and make your way to town.
  251. >The massive amount of snow makes it difficult to traverse and the cold bites through your jacket. She really wasn't kidding.
  252. >You can even see quite a few unfamiliar pegasai soaring around where you think Rainbow Dash's house usually floats.
  253. >The town hall, marketplace and the tavern are graced with your presence and your bits. It sucks, but having a house, food and strong drink is worth it.
  254. >Harsh wind begins to kick up the snow right as you return to your house. Juggling everything around, you manage to unlock the door and step inside.
  255. >”Sup bro?” Rainbow Dash calls out from the living room. You peek over the couch, spotting her sprawled out on the couch with all your snack foods surrounding her.
  256. “Dash, did you clean me out of all my snacks?”
  257. >”Hey, it's not like the bags were full! They were near empty when I got em, so I kinda had to grab more.”
  258. >The slight dome of her barrel says otherwise, but you drop it.
  259. “Good thing I bought more food. At this rate, I might have to go back to the markets tomorrow.”
  260. >”I said I was good for it! What's the big deal?” Rainbow Dash flailed her hooves in the air in defiance.
  261. “Cause I thought it might be a nice surprise to make pizza tonight and watch some movies or something, and you being full on snacks doesn't help.”
  262. >”Cider, pizza and movie night? You think I'm gonna pass on that?”
  263. >Rainbow Dash snatches up all the empty bags surrounding her and quickly tosses them away. Her hooves dart towards your grocery bags, locked on a certain fizzy prize.
  264. “Really, Dash? One mention of cider and you wanna have some right now?”
  265. >Her lips are already draining a bottle as you talk. She wipes her lips and sighs in content.
  266. >”Man, I'm just trying to have some fun. It's not every day I get an awesome room mate.”
  269. >Sighing, you reach out and wrap the pegasus in a bear hug. “Lemme go, Anon! Not cool!”
  270. “I'm celebrating too! Don't deny your feelings, Dash!”
  271. >She pulls away and hovers in front of your face. You swear you can see a twinge of blush on her cheeks.
  272. >“Okay, I get it. Slow down and enjoy it. I can do that....maybe.”
  273. >You pick up the bags and start setting up supplies for pizza while putting the rest away.
  274. “Gotta slow down at any rate, Dash. Even YOU would gain weight with so much lying around and junk food.”
  275. >” IS the off season, and weather work is over so quick when you just have to move in whole sheets of clouds.”
  276. >Turning towards Rainbow Dash, you can see her patting her stuffed tummy. There was no way she'd be called fat...maybe chubby and cute, but not fat.
  277. >”Anything I can do? Since I know...pigged out earlier.”
  278. >Bringing a hand to your chin, you try to think of any way to let her help.
  279. “Um...not really. I don't mind if you just chill on the couch for a while.”
  280. >She grins as she hovers back to the couch. The TV clicks on and some Wonderbolts show begins to blare through the speakers.
  281. >With a chuckle, you return to your task. The ignition of the over is your first step, allowing it to preheat to perfection while the groceries disappear to their proper spots.
  282. >Heat creeps out from the over, warming the chilly house and sending a soothing blanket over your body.
  283. >The instant dough awaits as you prepare the sauce, grate the cheese and slice up fresh pepperoni.
  284. >Everything is ready and so you get to work. Sauce smears over the dough, cheese lands on top and pepperoni is carefully arranged all around.
  285. >You gently place the pizza in the oven and crank your timer. Satisfied, you join Rainbow Dash on the couch as she cheers about something on the TV.
  288. >”Hey, where's the pizza?” Rainbow Dash asks as she rests her hooves on her tummy,
  289. “Are you joking, Dash? It just went in the oven! What did I tell you about patience?”
  290. >”Oops...' She slips her hooves over her muzzle. “Well...what movie did you wanna watch?”
  291. >She hovers off the couch and floats over to your DVD racks. “I kinda want an action flick. Which ones are good?”
  292. >Rainbow Dash slides out a case and waves it in the air. “Mad Max: Fury Road? What's this one about?”
  293. “Dash, that's the sequel. Grab the first one and we'll watch that one, then Fury Road.”
  294. >After grabbing the right disc, you help her put it into the player and begin the movie.
  295. >It doesn't take long for the smell of pizza to fill the living room. Rainbow Dash is practically drooling, her attention drifting from the TV to the kitchen.
  296. “Keep watching. I'll be back, okay?”
  297. >You aren't sure she heard you over her food daze, but you still take off towards the kitchen.
  298. >The pizza is cooked to perfection and you withdraw it from the oven, cut it up and grab a few ciders.
  299. >”It smells so good! Hurry it up, Anon...” Rainbow Dash whines from her seat.
  300. >You're barely set the pizza down before Rainbow Dash flings her hooves towards a slice. “OW!” She drops the slice and shakes her hoof in the air.
  301. “You never learn, do you Dash?”
  302. >She blows on her hoof while grumbling to herself. “Yea yea...patience and all that.”
  303. “Here, put this on it.”
  304. >You offer her the bottle of cider and she gingerly cools her hoof down, then immediately drains the cider into her tummy.
  305. >”Yea, that certainly helped. Thanks Anon.” She slips you a dopey grin before turning back to the screen.
  306. >The credits roll as Rainbow Dash swipes the last slice of pizza and chomps it down. “That was great, Anon. Wanna watch the other one?”
  307. “It's getting a little late, Dash. Don't you have work tomorrow?”
  310. >”It's not a huge deal. Like I said, cloud duty is just keeping the sky covered with snow clouds. I could do it in my sleep!”
  311. >Her hooves wander to another bottle of cider and she chugs it down. You keep silent, your eyes glancing down at her full stomach.
  312. >She ate most of the pizza and downed a ton of cider on top of everything she snacked on. How is she still not full?
  313. “Well, okay. Let me make some popcorn and grab some soda.”
  314. >”Hey, got any cider left? I'm looking to have fun here, not relax with the girls at the spa!”
  315. >Sighing, you toss the popcorn in the microwave and grab the last of the cider bottles. You pass her a few and set the rest aside for yourself.
  316. >The movie soon becomes a blur as more cider flows through your veins. A near empty stomach plus all that cider was really messing with your head.
  317. >Your concentration was placed elsewhere, mainly Rainbow Dash's tummy as she snacked and snacked right out of the popcorn bag.
  318. >She seemed so...cute sitting there, not bouncing off the walls with energy. She was slouching just like you, allowing her paunchy belly to push upwards as she ate.
  319. >”Guh...I think you were right, Anon. I think I overdid it and now my stomach hurrrrrts.” She clutched her belly and moaned in pain.
  320. >Your drunken mind was paying no attention to your hands slowly headed towards her stomach. The sensation of soft fur tickling your hands finally yanked you to reality.
  321. >”Ohhhh, that feels pretty good, Anon. Keep going.” Rainbow Dash begged as your hands glided over her stuffed barrel.
  322. >Her tummy was packed full, yet still had a small amount of squishy softness to it. You found yourself pinching and playing with her belly fat as you rubbed and squeezed her stomach.
  323. >At last, a heavy belch escaped her lips, tinting her cheeks a soft rose. “T...thanks Anon. I feel a lot better.”
  324. “Don....don't mention it Dashie.”
  327. >”Sho like, why couldn't they just share everything?” Rainbow Dash mumbled as the credits rolled.
  328. “Ah, humans are dumb. When they want shomething, they usually fight for it.”
  329. >Your voices were a bit slurred, and the room was moving from side to side, but you were fiiiine.
  330. >You pulled yourself up from the couch, only to nearly trip and smack your head on the coffee table.
  331. >”Anon, you light 'HIC' weight! C'mon, you're drunk...”
  332. “I'm only as sexy as you are drunk!”
  333. >You blurt out. It SEEMED funny in your head.
  334. >”Really? Let's get you to bed.” Rainbow Dash jumped up from the couch, just as woozy as you were.
  335. >Leaning on each other was the trick to success, as you managed to make it to your bedroom.
  336. >It took some time, but with Rainbow Dash's help, you managed to strip down to your boxers.
  337. “Bed tiiiiiime!”
  338. >You flop onto your bed and sigh, tossing the covers over you. Your eyes begin to close until you feel something slide into bed beside you.
  339. >”Hey Anon. You mind if I crash here...the room's all...spinny.”
  340. >Without another word, you reach out and cuddle the blue pegasus with all your might.
  341. >”H.hey! I said sleep, not hugs!”
  342. “But you're so warm and soft and cute. I never wanna let you go.”
  343. >Her struggling stopped and her wings seemed to rise up a little.
  344. >”Yea, right. You're just saying that.”
  345. >You just grab her tighter, letting your hands roam around her belly.
  346. “Ponies are cuter with snugly bellies like yours.”
  347. >Her wings are sticking out at full attention now. “Oh...really?”
  348. >The only response in the dark is your soft snoring behind her. Rainbow Dash grumbles to herself while pushing herself closer to you and wrapping her forearms around yours.
  351. >”Psst. Hey Anon. Wake up already...”
  352. >Your eyes crack open, then you shut them tight. Head throbbing, light killing you and the taste of cotton in stuck in your mouth.
  353. “Oh fuck...Dash? What's going on?”
  354. >”It's starting to get late is what's going on...I can't get outta bed if you're hugging me so tight.”
  355. >You pull your arms away and feel weight shifting off your bed.
  356. “Wait...WAIT!”
  357. >Even with the massive hangover, you pull yourself up and open your eyes. Rainbow Dash stands at the end of your bed with a raised eyebrow.
  358. “What....what happened last night? Did..did we?”
  359. >Her cheeks puff out for a second before laughter fills the room. “Pffft, no! We were just a tip tipsy from the cider. You really don't remember?”
  360. “It hurts just to think at the moment. I can't remember much after the start of the second movie.
  361. >You can almost see a glint of mischief on her face as you finish your sentence.
  362. >”Well, you know what cures hangovers best? Good breakfasts!”
  363. >Groaning, you awkwardly shift out of bed and plod towards the bathroom.
  364. “Let's clean up a little, first. Then coffee, then breakfast.”
  365. >Water pats against your skin as you try your best to ignore the pounding headache and various aches.
  366. >You couldn't shake the feeling SOMETHING happened last night. Usually drinking and you don't mix very well and it always ends up bad.
  367. >No matter how your tried, the only memory that came to the surface was getting more cider popcorn.
  368. >Oh well. If Rainbow Dash said nothing happened, then it's fine. You grab a towel and begin to dry off as well as plan your outfit for the day.
  369. >As ready as you can get, you head to the kitchen where Rainbow Dash is patiently waiting for you with a cup of coffee.
  370. “Thanks. Anything in particular you're craving today?”
  371. >”Oh, what you made yesterday would be great...just...could you make a lot of it? I'm famished!”
  374. “More than yesterday? Dash, I told you I can't keep cooking like this!”
  375. >”Already taken care of.” Rainbow Dash grinned as she pointed to a bag on the counter. You peeked inside to see a massive pile of bits inside.
  376. >”I promised, right? Does that cover a few things for my stay?”
  377. “Y..yea. Thanks Dash.”
  378. >You wrap your arms around her in a hug. Her wings point to the ceiling for a second before she calms down and returns the hug.
  379. >Her stomach grumbled and you chuckle.
  380. “Okay, I get it. Breakfast coming right up!”
  381. >Rainbow Dash simply mumbles something as she pours herself a coffee and juice before setting the table.
  382. >It takes a tiny bit longer than yesterday, but breakfast makes it's way to the table. True to her word, Rainbow Dash demolishes almost everything.
  383. “Wow.”
  384. >That's all you can say as she finishes her last bite. The only things she didn't eat was what you pulled for yourself.
  385. >Her normally flat tummy has a prominent bulge in it, blue fur and belly jutting away from her body.
  386. >”Ohh...that...hit” Rainbow Dash winced as her hooves wandered to her stomach.
  387. >Almost on instinct, you had stood from your chair and approached Rainbow Dash.
  388. >Your hands slid up and down her taut belly, gently rubbing away the aches and pains of over stuffing herself.
  389. >”Right there...ohhhhh.” Rainbow Dash moaned in pleasure as her body relaxed until she was limp.
  390. >Rosy cheeks contrasted against her blue fur as your hands danced over her belly. Up, down, over her belly button and every which way as you cradled her softness.
  391. >”Thanks Anon. Your hands are magical, you know.” Rainbow Dash picked up her hooves and placed them on your hands, guiding your touch.
  392. >Satisfied, she finally pulled your hands away and flapped into the air. She collected all the plates and headed towards the kitchen to clean up.
  393. >You were left there, wondering just what had happened...and why you were so aroused from it.
  396. >It had to have been all the cute little moans, right?
  397. >Cute? Well, Rainbow Dash WAS kinda cute like that...with her sighs of comfort and her adorable belly...
  398. >The clock chimed away, signaling the late morning hour. Seven, Eight, Nine...
  399. “Nine o'clock? Shit, I'm gonna be late! Lock up when you're off to work, okay Dash?”
  400. >”Sure thing!” is all you hear as you slam the door behind you.
  401. >The snow was hell to plow through by foot but luckily the roads had been cleared a bit by the earth ponies.
  402. >”Anon, you're late! Get in the kitchens, we're gonna need a lot of quick prep before the lunch rush!” Savoir Fare shouted from the back.
  403. >Tying an apron around your waist, you prepared yourself for another shift at the Ponyville cafe, Lucky Clover.
  404. >With your skilled hands, you make quick work of all the remaining prep work needed for the lunch rush.
  405. >Ponies never believed you could be a decent chef without a cutie mark, but you were quick to prove them wrong.
  406. >Their surprise at your mastery of pony cuisine was shocking, considering the different palettes and your dislike of flowers and grasses.
  407. >”Okay, table one and five. One daisy sandwich, one rose salad and two trays of hay fries!” The sous chef barked.
  408. >Everything was plated in just a few minutes and sent out, putting a smile on your face.
  409. >Service continued at a smooth pace, until the sous chef came back with a lengthy ticket.
  410. >”Big order, you lot! Hooves and hands at the ready! Two platters of fried mozzarella sticks, two servings of hay fries, three rose and daisy sandwiches with extra mayo and to top it all off, three slices of death by chocolate cake!”
  411. “Wait, dessert as well as appetizers and sandwiches? Did Celestia come in with friends?”
  412. >”Nah, I think it's that Rainbow Dash mare coming in for lunch. No more questions, get to it!”
  415. >The size of the order keeps you busy even though the lunch rush is practically over.
  416. “What is she doing ordering all this for herself? She had a huge breakfast and now this?”
  417. >Shaking your head, you placed the last slice of cake on the plate and called for service. It took two waiters to take everything to where Rainbow Dash was sitting.
  418. >You checked up on her over the better part of an hour as she worked on cleaning up the massive meal.
  419. >You were able to peek out to watch as she munched, chewed and devoured almost everything on her plates.
  420. >Her belly stretched out in her lap, growing big and round with each messy, fattening bite.
  421. >She sighed as she looked at what was left. Half a sandwich, two or three cheese sticks and two slices of cake.
  422. >Rainbow Dash raised her hoof in defeat, bagged up what remained and left a sizable bag of bits behind.
  423. >It was an impressive feat after such a large breakfast. You stood there as she left, her usual strut replaced with a slow, awkward waddle.
  424. >”Hey Anon. What in Celestia's name are you doing? Back to work!” You heard Savoir Fare shout from the front.
  425. >After that, the day went on smoothly. Dinner service arrived before you knew it and the rush allowed you to put Rainbow Dash in the back of your mind.
  426. >Quitting time came too late for your liking. You were beat and ready to head home.
  427. >Exhausted after two busy services, you trudge to your front door and unlock it.
  428. >“Hey Anon!” You hear Rainbow Dash call out from the living room.
  429. “Sup Dash? Sorry for returning so late. Dinner rush was a mess.”
  430. >”No problem. When you didn't get off at your usual, I flew through Hayburger. There's something for you in the kitchen.”
  431. “Thanks Dash.”
  434. >Upon the counter sat a bag from the local Hayburger. The smell of potato fries and a cheeseburger lift your spirits and you snatch the bag.
  435. >Your eye catches something in the trash and you stop yourself. A big bag from Hayburger is already sitting the trash.
  436. >Intrigued, you open your refrigerator and peek inside. There isn't a trace that she went to the Lucky Clover waiting withing.
  437. >Did...did she eat the rest AND fast food on top of that?
  438. >”Hey Anon, can you bring me another cider? I'm running out!”
  439. >Looking down, you find a whole shelf stocked full of cider. You pull out a few and head into the living room.
  440. >Rainbow Dash is sitting on her butt, round belly sticking out from her body. She looks absolutely full to bursting, yet she's still munching on burgers from her own bag.
  441. >”Thanks, buddy. I dunno what I'd do without you.”
  442. >She raises her bottle in a toast and you oblige her. Rainbow Dash chugs the cider and resumes eating.
  443. >”Sho...what doo you wanna watch tonight?” She mumbles with her mouth full.
  444. “Uhhhhhh...:
  445. >You trail off, your eyes locked on her taut orb of a belly.
  446. >”Fine, I'll pick.” She groans. It takes Rainbow Dash a moment to roll off the couch with her belly in the way.
  447. >”Hmm....wait, Speed? What's THIS one about?”
  448. “Oh, you might really like that's kinda corny but it's about a bus that can't stop or it'll blow up.”
  449. >”Oh, I like the sound of that. Could you put it on? Please?”
  450. >Soon, the house is filled with rather cheesy dialogue and Rainbow Dash's comments.
  451. >”You really weren't kidding. This movie isn't horrible but man...”
  452. “Yea, it has it's moments though. Watch this...”
  453. >The bus soars through the air, just barely crossing the massive gap.
  454. >”Holy Celestia! Did you see that!” Rainbow Dash leaps in her seat, only for her to double over again.
  457. “You uh...really need to slow down, Dash. You ate quite a bit today.”
  458. >”I had a light lunch. I didn't think a few extra hay fries would be a pain...literally.
  459. >Her denial of her massive lunch was beginning to worry you, but all that crossed your mind was that she was in pain again.
  460. >Your hands were on her belly once again, rubbing around in the places you had learned she liked.
  461. >”Ohhh, Thanks, Anon. You always know how to make me feel better.”
  462. >Her moans were getting to you, flushing your cheeks red and tightening your pants.
  463. >Was it your imagination or was she a little...softer than last night? With all she had been eating, it wasn't any surprise.
  464. >The real surprise is how calming it was to rub and play with her belly, even with a growing erection down below.
  465. >Her hooves rubbed what you couldn't, providing her stomach with a very sensual, jiggling rubdown.
  466. >With a sigh, Rainbow Dash relaxed her body and flopped her limbs like a rag doll.
  467. >”Those hands of yours are magic. Have you ever thought of working at the spa?”
  468. “Ummm...”
  469. >You were just too distracted and aroused at the moment to think. It was heaven playing and rubbing her belly like that.
  470. >”Hey, it's cool if you don't wanna. You're still too good of a chef to quit.”
  471. “Th..thanks.”
  472. >It was all you could say as she leaned back towards the bag. Rainbow Dash groaned as she pulled back an empty hoof.
  473. >An explosion jerked you away from Rainbow Dash, as the climax of the movie played out.
  474. >”Wait, so they tricked him using that weird camera thing? Lame.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she continued watching.
  475. >Rainbow Dash was in full complaint mode as the weak ending played out.
  476. >Credits began to roll, leaving Rainbow Dash rather unhappy.
  477. >”Eh, I dunno if I can follow that up with another movie. I'm just gonna crash, okay?”
  478. >Living room cleaned, trash taken out and in bed, you lay in bed questioning it all.
  481. “Should I ask her about it? Nothing is wrong, but why would she lie to me about lunch?”
  482. >You shrug it off and go to sleep. No doubt she would want an early breakfast tomorrow.
  483. >Sure enough, Rainbow Dash continued to insist on a big, early breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, toast with jams, eggs and all sorts of calorie laden foods entered her mouth.
  484. >Followed by her showing up to the Lucky Clover, ordering enough food for three ponies and polishing it off.
  485. >You would come home to either take out being devoured, or bags in the trash as Rainbow Dash mentioned various meals she wanted.
  486. >The bits kept flowing, so you obliged her as long as she cleaned up after herself.
  487. >It wasn't too long before the consequences of her constant eating caught up with her. By the end of the week, she was noticeably chubbier, with a soft, round belly and thicker thighs.
  488. >Her ass had taken the brunt of her calorie assault, growing bigger, rounder, softer and jigglier. Booty fat spilled over her chair at breakfast, giving you quite a show.
  489. >Belly rubs only seemed to increase as the amount of food on her plates grew as well. You kept your mouth shut at it took you longer and longer to rub the expanding gut in your palms.
  490. >Rainbow Dash had even stopped flying everywhere, her steps sending her booty wobbling slightly as she walked.
  491. >She had been staying for a week on the dot when the cycle was broken.
  492. >”Hey Anon. Wake up bro, we gotta go.”
  493. >Your eyes fluttered open to see the chubby pegasus beaming at you.
  494. “Why should we leave bed, Dash? Bed is good.”
  495. >”Bed doesn't get us to the breakfast buffet at Sugarcube Corner, silly!”
  496. >A blue hoof tapped your shoulder as her teeth pulled back your blanket.
  497. >”C'mon, I'm never up early enough on a Sunday to go and I don't wanna fly solo for this. Please?”
  498. >Her lip sticks out into a pouty face. Damn that pouty face.
  501. “Okay, okay. Let me clean up and we'll go.”
  502. >”YES!” she shouts, pumping a hoof in the air. You can't help but notice the tiny bit of jiggle her body creates with her motions.
  503. >She struts out of your bedroom, sending her rear jiggling with her steps. As soon as she leaves, you sigh.
  504. “Good...she must not have seen it.”
  505. >You blush as you peek down at your erection poking from inside your underwear. The shower was incredibly cold to keep yourself in line.
  506. >”Breakfast, breakfast, gonna get some break fast!” Rainbow Dash sings as she leads the way to Sugar Cube Corner.
  507. >You tried your best to walk beside her, but Rainbow Dash kept speeding up when she realized you weren't behind her.
  508. >That gave you the best view of her widened rump, wiggling right in your face.
  509. >Not only that, but her saddlebags were deliciously squeezing into her flowing love handles.
  510. >Your only solace was that you weren't the only guy around ogling Rainbow Dash's new “assets”
  511. >Her weight didn't seem to slow her down one bit, leading you two to arrive at Sugar Cube Corner soon enough.
  512. >”Hiya! Welcome to the Sunday buffet here at Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinkie Pie shouted with her bubbly voice.
  513. >”Heya Pink. Set me and Anon for a buffet, please.”
  514. >She withdraws some bits from her saddlebags and placed them in Pinkie's hooves.
  515. >”Thanks! You two enjoy yourselves!” Pinkie Pie waved as Mister Cake handed you both a plate.
  516. >Rainbow Dash wasted no time, heading over to the buffet. Cinnamon rolls, muffins, cupcakes, pancakes, chocolate cake and all sorts of pies awaited.
  517. >Her plate was overloaded with food as her stomach rumbled with desperation.
  518. >You only picked up a few things and sat besides Rainbow Dash as she began to eat.
  519. >At first, she was polite enough, her utensils were properly used and crumbs fell on her plate.
  520. >Then, she started leaving stains on her lips and her plate was surrounded by a small mess.
  523. >It was after her third or fourth full plate you fetched for her did she really pig out.
  524. >Her hooves were stained and sticky with frosting, pie filling, syrup and chocolate.
  525. >Rainbow Dash's mouth was slathered with sugar and crumbs. Her tongue would lick her lips between bites, smearing it over her chubby cheeks.
  526. >Crumbs littered her growing belly, as well as smudged, sticky marks from her hooves.
  527. >”Anon....could you unfasten my saddlebags? Things are kinda getting tight in the front.”
  528. >Bending over her, you found the clasp slightly hidden from her fat.
  529. >You had to push and shove her blue belly out of the way before undoing the loop.
  530. >Her stomach surged out from the bonds and she breathed a massive sigh of relief.
  531. “Hey, Dash. Are you feeling okay? You've eaten four plates already.”
  532. >”Is that a challenge? Bring me another, please.”
  533. >That pouty face won out, and you headed back to the buffet.
  534. >”Psst! Anon!” You head somepony call out.
  535. >Mister Cake gestured over to you, his face rather concerned.
  536. >”Anon...I hate to do this but I gotta cut you off. She's eating EVERYTHING!”
  537. >You took a look around and frowned. The previously packed restaurant was near deserted, with the few ponies left staring daggers at Rainbow Dash.
  538. “Just....two more plates? I'll let her know what's up and see if she might be willing to...tip well.
  539. >His face contorts to slight annoyance and he sighs. “You better get here out of here before lunch, Anon. You got me?”
  540. >A quick nod and he returns to his duties. You gather up what else you can and push it in front of Rainbow Dash.
  541. “Last two plates, then we leave.”
  542. >”Aw, how come?” Rainbow Dash moans as a hoof leaves her belly to grab a cupcake.
  543. “One, you cleaned out the place. Two, the Cakes said so. You scared everypony off.”
  546. >She stops for a second and looks around. Her ears flatten against her head and she sighs.
  547. >”Okay, I'm sorry. Could...could you rub my belly while I finish?”
  548. >A rose tint covers your cheeks. Your heart beats faster as you look around, then dive under the table.
  549. >Her magnificent blue orb awaits your hands. A gentle touch begins your assault on her belly, sending a small jiggle though her body.
  550. >Even with so much food inside, her stomach is still soft and malleable. Your hand sinks in a little with each touch, giving you a feeling of great satisfaction.
  551. >Rainbow Dash suppresses a moan through clenched teeth. Your skilled hands reach up and stuff a cupcake in her mouth to keep her silent.
  552. >Frosting from your hand coats her fur as you continue rubbing and playing with her fattening gut. >Her hind legs wiggle as you stick a finger in her deep belly button.
  553. >Rainbow Dash shivers as you reach the bottom of her navel, sending more of her fat jiggling.
  554. >She pants as she finishes her breakfast buffet. “Anon, we gotta”
  555. >You peek above the table, finding the Cakes and Pinkie Pie staring right at you and Rainbow Dash.
  556. “Yea, okay, leaving now!
  557. >You mutter to the cakes, a hot blush rising to everypony's face as you dig inside Rainbow Dash's saddlebags.
  558. >Finding some more bits, you toss them on the counter and help Rainbow Dash out of her chair.
  559. >Her walk is now a full blown waddle now, sending her booty on a nonstop jiggling mess..
  560. >It's unbearably hot, even outside in the snow. You can't seen to stop blushing alongside Rainbow Dash.
  561. >Her saddlebags are slung over your shoulder. There was no way there were fitting around her right now...or maybe ever again.
  562. >Rainbow Dash's pace is now agonizingly slow, but you arrive at your house all the same.
  565. “Okay, are you ready to tell me what this is all about?”
  566. >”What? What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash turns away, hiding her face.
  567. “Oh you know what. All the weight gain! It's no secret you're doing this on purpose. The demand for breakfast, heading into the cafe every day, takeout or huge meals every night!”
  568. “And now the buffet thing? Please, just tell me Dash.”
  569. >Her wings were covering her face. It still didn't stop the almost white hot blush on her cheeks.
  570. >”Al...alright, you caught me. Pegasi need to bulk up for the winter and I've been making a total pig of myself because of it.”
  571. >Her response catches you off guard.
  572. “Why? Why do this to yourself?”
  573. >She stomps a hoof and folds her wings to her sides.
  574. >”Because pegasi aren't meant to deal with the cold like earth ponies or unicorns! We..we have to build up a layer of fat for the winter.”
  575. >”I'm doing it NOW because I don't like it. Fattening up like this usually takes the whole fall, but I delay it so long.”
  576. >”The gain is super noticeable since it do it this way, but it's how I do it. You happy?”
  577. >You had no idea. It didn't even cross your mind that it might be a pony thing or even a pegasus thing.
  578. >Leaning down, you wrap Rainbow Dash in a hug
  579. “Sorry, buddy. I didn't know...:
  580. >”Hey, no need to apologize. I didn't mention it so I should be saying sorry to you.”
  581. “Well, if you need any help, let me know.”
  582. >”Anon, You've been plenty help. All those belly rubs have been doing wonders for my gains.”
  583. >Her hoof slaps her belly, sending a gelatinous ripple through her gut.
  584. >”I think I'm due for a nap. If you happen to start dinner or something, let me know, okay?”
  585. “Sure thing, Dash. Rest well.”
  586. >Rainbow Dash heads to the guest bedroom, her rump shaking along with her round belly.
  589. >The rest of the week is a blur without worrying so much about Rainbow Dash.
  590. >Your attention becomes almost paternal as you help her load up with all sorts of fattening foods during the week.
  591. >Milkshakes in the morning instead of juice, packing her an extra big lunch for her to eat before heading to the Lucky Clover, baking a cake every night just for her.
  592. >Added affection and added calories meant Rainbow Dash was blimping out quite nicely.
  593. >Her face had the tell of a double chin coming in, as well as a set of adorable, squishy cheeks.
  594. >Rainbow Dash's stomach was swelling out constantly either from food or more pounds. It was beginning to sway when she walked, forcing her legs wider and wider.
  595. >The biggest victim was her rump. Extra rolls of heavy fat padded her rear, forcing whiny groans from any seat she crushed with her new weight.
  596. >You didn't say anything when her chair began to creak when she slammed her ass down on it, nor how your couch seems to buckle under her.
  597. >Her new waddle sent her ass rocking from side to side, her hips pumping her cheeks back and forth on a non stop jiggle.
  598. >You were happy to help her out. She was still flying strong and able to work, but Rainbow Dash seemed to only walk around you.
  599. >Belly rubs were becoming a chore now, her vast expanse of blue belly squished so softly in your hands.
  600. >No matter how full she was, it always piled into your hands like a pillow.
  601. >She was so big, you sometimes rest your head on her stomach, listening to her belly digest her tasty meals as you watched another movie during the night.
  602. >Rainbow Dash was one big, cuddly, fat pony after two weeks of almost nonstop eating. You were proud to help her bulk up for the winter.
  605. >It was the two week mark when Rainbow Dash didn't wake you up early for breakfast.
  606. >Your eyes slid open as you stretched awake. Looking at the clock, you gasped when you saw the hands at Ten Thirty.
  607. “Daaaash! We're late for breakfast!”
  608. >You walked over to the guest bedroom to find a note taped to the door.
  609. “Dear Anon, I've gone out to do some shopping for myself. Don't wait up, just enjoy yourself.”
  610. “Love, Dashie.”
  611. >You could feel yourself grow warm at that nickname. It almost sounded familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint it.
  612. >You went to the living room and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels revealed junk shows, reruns, the same old movies and infomercials.
  613. “'s really quiet here without Rainbow Dash.”
  614. >For the first time in two weeks, you were finally alone. You hated it.
  615. >Even if she was muzzle deep into a cake, she was still laughing, talking and being her cute self.
  616. >That's when you felt it. Heartache. You missed her company, and wanted to do anything to have it back.
  617. “Well...she said she would be back. I have to just kill time till then.”
  618. >You looked over at your movie collection, most of the action flicks piled up to the side.
  619. “Damn, We've burned through most of my movies already.”
  620. >With a shrug, you turn the TV on to one of the older, cheesier flicks and settle down for the afternoon.
  621. >No Rainbow Dash meant you were paying attention to the horrible movie on screen. Boring you to sleep, you found yourself dozing off once or twice before falling asleep on your couch.
  622. >A door slamming shut stirred you from your deep slumber.
  623. “Dash? Ya home yet?”
  624. >You open your eyes to find nopony nearby, only a note stuck to the blank TV.
  625. “Go to the bedroom for a surprise. Love, Dashie.”
  626. >The note wrinkled in your shaking hands. Something was up and it was sending butterflies to your stomach.
  629. >You make a slow approach to your bedroom, anxious about just what this surprise might be.
  630. >Spotting the lights to your room on, you find yourself breathing heavier and heavier.
  631. >Gripping the doorknob, you give it a gentle twist and push the door open.
  632. >Upon your bed lies Rainbow Dash on her belly, her gigantic rear end shaking back and forth in the air.
  633. >”There you are, Anon. Ready for your surprise?”
  634. >You look over her body. Red fishnet stocking ride up her cellulite packed legs and thighs, around her soft mountain of ass and cling helplessly around her waist.
  635. >A very small pair of red silk panties block off her privates for the most part. Her added girth spills out of the lingerie, pressing them hard against her pussy.
  636. >Blue fat bulges from each gap in the fishnet, displaying all of her gains from the previous weeks.
  637. “Rainbow...what...I...uh...”
  638. >Stumbling around your words is the only defense you have. Too much blood is draining from your brain to your cock.
  639. >She turns her head back and flashes sultry eyes your way. “Now, now, Anon. Is that any way to talk to your cuddly, sweet, little Dashie?”
  640. >A hoof reaches back and swats her bum, sending her body into a jiggle fest.
  641. >”You honestly forgot everything, didn't you? Well, your hands couldn't forget those belly massages. Why don't you give my hot ass a squeeze instead?”
  642. >Rational thought fails you as your hands reach for a giant, blue butt cheek. Her softness gives way to your touch, allowing you to play and bounce her fat around.
  643. >”What was is you said that night? Drunk beyond all measure, you said you LOVED fat, cuddly ponies like me.”
  644. >She pushes herself back, forcing more and more of her weight into your hands.
  645. >”Prove you love me. Fuck this pony raw until this bed breaks.”
  648. >”OHHH!” Rainbow Dash gasped as your face plunged into her butt crack, desperate to yank away her panties with your teeth.
  649. >Your face is surrounded by heavy blue ass fat, and it drove your lust even higher. Your hands were free to rip off your clothes as Rainbow Dash's panties were dragged down her thighs.
  650. >With both of you finally ready, you pulled yourself on the bed. The weight your poor bed endured caused the frame to creek with a pained groan.
  651. >You place your hands on the inside of her crack and spread her cheeks wide, revealing her winking pussy.
  652. >”Show me, Anon. I showed you how much I wanted this for two weeks. Show me what you got!” Rainbow Dash moaned with haggard breath.
  653. “You want my moves? FINE!”
  654. >Roaring, you push yourself deep inside her pussy with one firm thrust.
  655. “First! I whip it out!”
  656. >You pull out of her snatch, leaving the mare desperate for more.
  657. “Then I thrust it!
  658. >Rainbow Dash moans in bliss as you plunge yourself deep inside once more.
  659. “With great force...”
  660. >You pick up the pace, thrusting deep insider her. Ripples form on her body as your crotch jiggles her ass and travels up her back and belly.
  661. “Every angle!”
  662. >Mixing up your pace, Rainbow Dash can't concentrate long enough before your skin is damp with her cum.
  663. “It penetrates! Until...”
  664. >A particular hard thrust sends Rainbow Dash over the edge again. Her words are gibberish as you please her hedonistic body.
  665. “With great strength...I”
  666. >Her body is a sea of putty in your hands. Each fistful of hips, ass or belly molds to your touch.
  667. “RAM IT IN!”
  668. >Your lust floods your body, bringing you to climax as Rainbow Dash hits her third.
  669. “And in the end...”
  670. >You give her a few more pumps as your cum begins to leak from her slit.
  671. “We are both satisfied.”
  672. >Panting, you slide off of her and hit the bed next to her.
  673. “And you are set free.”
  676. >Everything is a daze. You can't seem to focus your eyes or think straight.
  677. >All you knew was that everything felt amazing right now.
  678. >”That's all fine and good, but I don't WANT to be set free.” Rainbow Dash mumbles next to you.
  679. >She shifts herself up and slides you under her.
  680. “Dashie?”
  681. >You call out, finally recovering from your escapades.
  682. >”Anon, I said we were breaking this bed. I MEAN that, even if it means I gotta work for it myself.
  683. >She turned around, her juicy, jiggly ass facing towards you.
  684. >”Help me out here, or I might crush your junk.” She teases as she lowers her rear at your crotch.
  685. >As quick as you can, you try to spread her cheeks out and help her find your cock.
  686. >You feel your dick press up against her butt and you frown.
  687. “Hey Dashie, wrong hole.”
  688. >”Perfect.”
  689. >Without warning, she spears herself on your dick. “Fuuuuck” She cries out as her decent sends more ripples through her body.
  690. >Her rear has a near painful grip on you, her tight pucker clearly not ready for your package.
  691. >”Gimme...gimme a second.” She begs, all while her weight begins to crush you.
  692. “Fuck, Dash. A bit sudden for that, don't you think.”
  693. >”Hey, all the pounds went to my ass. Are you saying you DON'T like that jiggle?”
  694. >A firm slap is your response, sending a shiver through her spine and a wobble through her butt.
  695. >” I go!”
  696. >Rainbow Dash picks herself up a bit, then slams herself back down. Her ass is so tight and perfect as it jiggles on your crotch.
  697. >She rises up again and and slams down. Finding a pace to her liking, Rainbow Dash rides you hard and fast.
  698. >Everything about her is a nonstop wobbling blur as her fat keeps jiggling. From her ass up to her cheeks, nothing stops jiggling.
  699. >You reach up and grip her waist, pulling yourself up on her descent.
  702. >Adding your own work to the equation sends Rainbow Dash into a frenzy. Her tempo speeds up, causing her ass to crash down upon you harder and harder.
  703. >Your bed whines with each slap, it's cry growing louder and louder until...
  704. SNAP
  705. >The frame shatters into pieces, sending the mattress to the ground.
  706. >Rainbow Dash shudders as she cries out. Her body tensing up finally forced you to your own sexual peak.
  707. >You fire deep into her ass, not like you have a choice. Her weight keeps you pinned down until she gathers the strength to pick herself off your cock.
  708. >”So...worth it.” She moans before falling to the mattress beside you.
  709. “Really? Well, I don't have a bed anymore thanks to you.”
  710. >”Oh, quit whining. Until we get a bigger, sturdier frame, I'm your bed.”
  711. >You chuckle as you jump on top of her blue belly, making sure to spread your arms around her fat.
  712. “Dashie, you aren't THAT big and I dunno if I want you to. Can't you just take the guest bed and I'll crash on the couch?”
  713. >”Fine, I guess. You better get a new frame though. We've got the whole winter to wear it out.”
  714. >From deep in her blubbery belly, her stomach rumbles something fierce.
  715. >”Hey, it too much trouble to ask for lunch? I, uh...skipped breakfast today.”
  716. >Smiling, you get off her stomach and help her to her feet.
  717. “Sure thing, Dashie. Just go get yourself cleaned up and presentable and I'll make you some sandwiches.”
  718. >”Thanks, Anon!” She smiles and pumps her wings, struggling to get in the air. Rainbow Dash plants a kiss on your cheek before lowering herself to the ground, panting hard.
  719. “Someone's looking a little out of shape, there. Sure you wouldn't rather work out?”
  720. >”I'm just tired, Anon. Jeez...” She tries to puff out her cheeks in anger, which causes you to break into laughter.
  721. >Rainbow Dash can't help it and joins in as well. She waddles off to the guest bathroom as you watch her leave.
  722. >Her ass wobbles to and fro as she waddles away, igniting your erection even after two climaxes.
  723. >Life is good.
  726. Pudgy Pizza Shop
  729. >Another day spent alone in your deserted shop.
  730. >You cringed as you peeked out the window. Ponies were lined around the block just to enter Sugarcube Corner.
  731. >Meanwhile, your modest bakery couldn't even attract rats.
  732. >Shelves upon shelves were lined with treats. Cakes, muffins, cupcakes, pies...everything Sugarcube Corner offered.
  733. >Yet no matter what you tried, brand loyalty for Sugarcube kept their shop full and yours empty.
  734. >A heavy sigh escapes you as you drag your feet to the door. You spin the sign from open to closed and remove your apron.
  735. >”Umm...excuse me...Anon?” You hear a small voice call out.
  736. >Spinning around, you find Fluttershy playing with a very interesting pebble on the ground.
  737. “Fluttershy? What's up?”
  738. >”Oh, well...I was just gonna come in to buy something for a picnic later but if you're closed...”
  739. “No! Come in!”
  740. >You fling open the door and almost drag the poor pony inside. A moment passes as the stars clear from her eyes as you approach the counter.
  741. “What do you need?”
  742. >She looks around for a second before pointing to a dozen chocolate cupcakes.
  743. “No problem. That'll be six bits.”
  744. >”Only six? The Cakes charge ten for a dozen.” Fluttershy muses as she places the bits on the counter.
  745. “Yea...I feel bad for undercutting them, but it doesn't help.”
  746. >”What do you mean?” Fluttershy asks. Your response is a wave of the empty seats collecting dust.
  747. “Nopony comes to this store like they'll catch a cold or something.”
  748. >You muse as you toss the meager amount of bits in your register.
  749. >Fluttershy inspects a cupcake from her box and takes a small bite. “I can't see why. These are just as good as something from Sugarcube Corner.”
  750. “I guess that's what happens when you play with the big dogs, Fluttershy. You just can't compete.”
  751. >”I wouldn't say that. Sometimes all a doggy needs is a bit of love and attention.”
  752. “Wrong kinda dog, Shy. I'm talking about competing with Sugarcube.”
  753. >”Oh...” Fluttershy frowns, her wings folding back to her sides.
  756. >”Well, what if you changed your business? If you can't compete with the Cakes, try selling something else.”
  757. >The thought rings through your brain and you shake your head.
  758. “I'm only good at cooking two things, Fluttershy. Sweets and pizza.”
  759. >”Pizza? I don't remember hearing anything like that before.” Fluttershy tilts her head in response.
  760. “Think of a kind of flat cake that isn't sweet, but topped with tomatoes, cheese and other veggies.”
  761. “I tried to introduce it to Ponyville, but most didn't even WANT to take a bite. Said it was 'creepy human food'.”
  762. >”Hmmm...” Fluttershy taps a hoof to her chin. “Did you try adding in any daises? They're a common staple for meals around Ponyville and I know a few ponies that eat ANYTHING with daisies on it.”
  763. >You stare at the little butter horse for a second, her gaze shifting around to escape your frantic look.
  764. “OH MY CELESTIA! I'm so stupid! If I put horse food on pizza, ponies might actually try it!”
  765. >Before she can react, you scoop up Fluttershy and grip her in a massive bear hug. Her wings shoot out as she tries her best to escape.
  766. >”Anon! Could you...maybe...let go..a tiny..teensy bit?” She squirms, trying her hardest to breathe.
  767. “Oops! Sorry, sorry, sorry!”
  768. >You blush and let her flutter back to the ground.
  769. >”It's no problem, Anon. Glad I could help!” She smiles as she picks up her box of cupcakes.
  770. “Wait! Before you go, can I ask you one more thing?”
  771. >You slip a notepad on top of the box and stick a pencil under her wing.
  772. “If you have any more ideas or suggestions, could you write them down for me? I know you're probably busy but it would be a HUGE help.”
  773. >Fluttershy smiles as she gives a small nod. “It's no problem, Anonymous. I'll drop off any ideas I have after my picnic.”
  774. >You hold the door open for her as she walks out. She offers one more smile before turning to the park.
  775. >With fresh inspiration, you close your shop and head towards the markets for everything you need for proper experimentation.
  778. >It felt awkward leaving the flower shop with the idea that you were buying food and not simple decoration. The flower trio were just as surprised that “the human” was visiting their shop as well.
  779. >Either way, you placed everything in your kitchen and got to work.
  780. >Flour, yeast, sugar, garlic powder and salt get tossed into a bowl and mixed thoroughly and left to rise while you started mashing the tomatoes into paste.
  781. >Your oven heats up the kitchen as you strain some of the water from the sauce, leaving it nice and thick. You toss in a few spices and seasonings and stir.
  782. >A giant block of cheese is shredded down into a bowl and set aside, leaving you with the wild card ingredient...daisies.
  783. >Awkwardly, you cut off the stem of the flower and leave the remainder to dry out on a plate. You stare at the stem in your hands before shrugging and allowing it to dry as well.
  784. >Confident your dough is perfect, you roll it out for a nice, thin crust and cut off the excess.
  785. >When you are done, three small circles of dough are ready to transform into pizza.
  786. >The dough gets a quick bake in the oven to solidify, then come the toppings.
  787. >Sauce, cheese and daisies land with ease onto the toughened crust. You place a pizza inside, along with the dried daisy stems.
  788. >An idea hits, prompting you to grab a vase.
  789. >You fill the vase with water, along with a few spices and tumble the water with a wooden spoon.
  790. >Satisfied, you dip the remaining stems in the water while you wait for the first round of pizza and stems to bake.
  791. >The glorious smell of pizza fills your entire house as you bake the second pizza and let the seasoned stems dry out a little.
  792. >You don't notice the sun setting as the third pizza comes out of the over with a few of those seasoned stalks.
  793. >Even with the flowers adorning the pizza, they look great. The crust is a golden brown and even the daisies look nice and crisp.
  796. >A soft knock on your door breaks the hypnotic spell over your nose. You plate up a warm slice with a stem and place it on the table before heading to the door.
  797. >Opening the door reveals Fluttershy with your notepad in her mouth.
  798. >”Hai Anominish...” She mutters.
  799. >She sticks out her neck and offers you the pad, filled with ideas and suggestions.
  800. “Oh wow, I wasn't expecting so many ideas. Did Pinkie think of them?”
  801. >”Well...actually...I thought of most of them. I just kinda sat down and wrote ideas while everypony else chatted about their week.”
  802. >Fluttershy blushes as you flip through a few pages of her notes before you hear a small sniff.
  803. >”Anonymous...what smells so good?”
  804. >Her wings extend out and begin flapping. She hovers an inch above your floor as her nose guides her to your kitchen table.
  805. “Well, I took your idea and made a daisy pizza. I was actually going to ask you to”
  806. >You look at the empty plate in awe as Fluttershy almost has the entire slice stuffed into her mouth.
  807. >Her loud, noisy chewing threw you for a loop. Where was the shy pony you served cupcakes today?”
  808. >With the pizza slice devoured, she chomps away at the stem, moaning in delight as she finishes the green treat.
  809. >”BUUUURRRPP”
  810. >Fluttershy's cheeks bulge out as her belch fills the quiet dining room. Her eyes lock onto you and you swear her whole face turned red for a second.
  811. >”Oh...umm...excuse me?” She mumbles as she licks her lips.
  812. “Fluttershy...are you one of those ponies that will eat anything with daisies on it?”
  813. >Your question was innocent enough, yet a deeper shade of red paints Fluttershy's face.
  814. >”....Yes” she squeaks out, hiding her blush with her hooves.
  815. >With her eyes covered, she can't see you taking her plate back into the kitchen.
  816. >Her nose, however, is quick to pick up the smell of fresh pizza heading towards her.
  819. “Don't be ashamed, Fluttershy. I'm taking this as a HUGE compliment. I made a bunch so if you want some more or just wanna take it home, be my guest.”
  820. >She looks down at the two slices on her plate and a tiny smile spreads on her face.
  821. >”I...w..would like that a lot.” She is careful to pick up a slice and uses a much slower pace this time.
  822. >”Hmm...the bread is delicious and chewy and the garlic gives it a nice kick.”
  823. >”The fresh tomatoes and spices really blend well with the cheeses.”
  824. >”And these daisies are crisped to perfection! So tasty!” She mumbles as she takes another bite.
  825. “Wow...I had no idea you were such a foodee, Fluttershy.”
  826. >Her blush returns as she picks up her third slice. “Well...when you cook for so many critters, you have to know each and every one of them likes their meals.”
  827. >As she chews away, you shrug your shoulders and fetch a slice for yourself. With a sigh, you take a bite, letting it all mix together on your palette.
  828. >Surprisingly, the daisies aren't as bad as you thought. You manage to finish the pizza without any gagging or strange aftertastes.
  829. >”Um...Anonymous?” Fluttershy calls out your name as her hoof is already grabbing onto another slice.
  830. >You chuckle and push the entire pan her way. Her teal eyes light up as she stuffs more pizza into her mouth.
  831. “Glad you like it so much. What did you think about the stems?”
  832. >”Oh! Doeth were guuuud!” She swallows and picks one from the tray.
  833. “I soaked them in water, seasoned them, then let them dry out a bit before baking them. Did they get any flavor from that?”
  834. >Your response is a few stems missing and another slice gone. Fluttershy's tummy is certainly a little rounder since she came in.
  835. >She gives her stomach a small pat and sighs. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eat so much,”
  836. >Before she can protest, the remaining pizza is stuffed into a box.
  837. “Take the rest home. Share it with your critter friends.”
  840. “Just...could you keep it a secret from anypony? I might be sitting on a bits mine right here.”
  841. >Her smile and nod fill your heart with happiness and glee. You don't realize you've got her in another giant hug until she lets out another embarrassed squeak.
  842. “Sorry Shy.”
  843. >The heat coming from both your faces could power the sun for a thousand years.
  844. >”Well, thanks again for the meal. I had no idea I'd have such a gentlepony treating me to dinner tonight.”
  845. >She places the boxes on her back and you open the front door for her.
  846. >You watch her walk into the darkness until the shadows swallow her up. You close the door and find the notepad on the table filled to the brim with new ideas.
  847. >Gripping it tightly, you hop on the couch and begin absorbing all the ideas and suggestions within.
  848. >It isn't long before your clock is chiming away at a Luna forbidden hour.
  849. >You nurse a mug of coffee before standing up. Your joints give an audible pop as you return to the kitchen.
  850. >Several bowls of dough are ready for chilling as is a giant container of pizza sauce and heaps of shredded cheese.
  851. >Everything is wrapped and sealed away before you wash out your mug and yawn.
  852. >You'll still need to drop by the flower shop again, but it'll be worth all the prep time if this pays off big.
  853. >Eyes aching, you shuffle off to bed and change into pajamas. Your head barely hits the pillow before you're out like a light.
  856. >Celestia's sun stings something fierce after last night, but you HAVE to get everything ready as soon as you can.
  857. >Applejack was nice enough to sell you a rather used cart a while ago. Your prepared ingredients slide back and forth as several bouquets of daisies, roses, tulips and lilies sway in the breeze.
  858. >You approach your shop, not surprised at the lack of customers. It might be late in the morning but you had the sense to know you weren't disappointing anypony.
  859. >Using your foot to keep the door open, you awkwardly carry each of your ingredients inside and begin your work.
  860. >The premade dough easily flattens out after the warm ride over. Sauce splatters on the dough, followed by cheese and a few daisies.
  861. >Into the oven it goes, followed by a rose and tulip covered pizza as you prepare a daisy and lily pizza.
  862. >You stick a chair against the door, keeping it open and allowing the delicious scent of pizza to wash over Ponyville.
  863. >Your stem sticks are all dried out and you set a dozen in the oven as you hear a familiar, quiet voice call out.
  864. >”Anonymous? Are you making more pizza?”
  865. >Peeking from the kitchens reveals Fluttershy waiting near the register.
  866. >It's just too cute to watch her sniff the air as her wings begin to ruffle in excitement.
  867. “I sure am, Fluttershy. Wanna come back and grab a slice?”
  868. >Her teal eyes fill with stars and she bolts to the back as quick as her wings allow.
  869. >Chuckling, you head to the back and cut a slice of the daisy and lily pizza for her to try.
  870. >The kitchen is filled with her satisfied moans as she is quick to devour your offering.
  871. >“Oh my goodness, that was just as tasty as I thought it would be! Can I have another?”
  872. “Sure thing.”
  873. >You cut another slice and offer it to her. She motions to grab it but stops herself and reaches into her saddlebags.
  876. >”Oh, here I am taking all your food. How much are you charging for a pizza?” She asks. Her excitement ebbs away as she reaches into her bags and only finds one bit.
  877. “I can't really charge friends, can I? Besides, you're just doing some quality assurance for me, right?”
  878. >She jumps into your arms for a second or two, giving you as big of a hug as she can. “You're too kind, Anonymous.”
  879. >You try your best to hide your blush as she hops out of your arms and resumes eating.
  880. >”Excuse me? Are you open? What's that smell?” A voice calls out from the front.
  881. >You cut up a slice of the rose and tulip pizza and plate it. You grin as you spot Roseluck sniffing the air.
  882. “Hey Roseluck. What's happening?”
  883. >She doesn't play around, her face scrunching up in determination.
  884. >”My nose doesn't lie. I smell flowers in here. Roses and tulips to be exact, the same flowers I sold you today.”
  885. >Grinning, you offer the plate to her.
  886. “Just a little something I'm trying out. Since you're my first customer, I'll only charge a bit for a slice.”
  887. >She eyes the pizza warily before placing a bit on the counter. Her hoof grabs the slice and she nibbles a bit of the cheese off the end.
  888. >”Mmmmm.” She muses, allowing herself to take a bigger bite. Roseluck's eyes widen as she bites off a rose and then, the pizza in her hoof is gone.
  889. >An empty gaze fills her eyes as she licks her lips. You wave your hand in front of her face, snapping when she doesn't react.
  890. “Hello? Equestria to Roseluck? Rose?”
  891. >” you have more?” She finally whispers as tears form at the corners of her eyes.
  892. “I'll sell the rest of the pizza for fifteen bits.”
  893. >Her coin purse almost smacks you right on the nose.
  894. >You rush to the back and box up the pizza as quick as you can.
  895. “Here you go, Roseluck. Come...again?”
  896. >As soon as the box was in her hooves, Roseluck was gone.
  899. >”Wow...did she like it that much?” Fluttershy asks as you massage your throbbing face.
  900. “I suppose so. Let's hope she tells everypony else.”
  901. >A stampede of hooves roar through your shop, causing you and Fluttershy to peek over the door.
  902. >It seems everypony in Ponyville is standing around, sniffing the air like bloodhounds.
  903. “Oh my Celestia...”
  904. >Swearing under your breath, your legs turn to jelly and you almost fall to the ground.
  905. >Fluttershy does her best to ease you to the ground, her concerned gaze sweeping over your body.
  906. >”Anonymous, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
  907. “I...I have customers...they want my pizza...OUR pizza!”
  908. >”Our?” Fluttershy mumbles as you get to your feet.
  909. “No WAY am I taking all the credit for this, Fluttershy. Any money I make from this, half is yours, okay?”
  910. >Her mind seems to lock up as she stares at all the ponies chattering at the front. “Oh, I couldn't do THAT! You worked so hard on those ideas!”
  911. >You smile at the kind butter horse in front of you and pull out your notepad.
  912. “Fine. If you won't accept it for free, would you mind doing me a small errand?”
  913. >You write down several ingredients on a list and offer it to Fluttershy.
  914. “Could you take my cart and run off to the market? I have enough supplies to make dough, but not enough for anything else.”
  915. >She nods with determination and heads to the front door, only to return to the kitchen.
  916. >” you have a back exit somewhere? The front is really, REALLY crowded...”
  917. >Laughing, you show her the back exit and see her off. The crowd in the front is certainly getting loud as you see some ponies stomping the tiles.
  918. >”What is that aroma?”
  919. >”Can I have some?”
  920. >”Hey, me first!”
  921. >You roll up your sleeves and approach the mob with a grin.
  922. “Welcome to Anon's Pizzeria! If you want a single slice? Four bits. A whole pie is twenty. Stock is limited for today!”
  923. >The hail of bits ensures a black eye tomorrow.
  926. >The rest of the day went by in a blur of orders and pizza.
  927. >Fluttershy continued to help in any way she could, offering to take orders when you were in the back.
  928. >The sun slides under the horizon and casts the town into twilight as you flip the open sign to closed.
  929. “That was the busiest day this shop has ever seen! Just look at the till.”
  930. >Indeed, the machine wouldn't even close with how stuffed it was.
  931. >Fluttershy smiles as she makes her way to the door. “I'm glad everything worked out today.”
  932. “And where are you going? I said I was splitting profits with you.”
  933. >Fluttershy stops and faces your shoes. 'Well...I know you said that...but I don't feel like I deserve anything.”
  934. >”It was your cooking skills that brought ponies in. I just helped a little.”
  935. >If this mare would stop being so modest and adorable about it.
  936. “If you wont accept money, how else can I repay you? You spent all day here helping me or getting more supplies.”
  937. >Her tummy rumbles and Fluttershy's face lights up with a rosy blush.
  938. “Hmm...I think I know just what to do.”
  939. >You head to the back and grin as the ovens are warm enough. You quickly make a daisy pizza and toss it in.
  940. >The smell of roasting daisies has Fluttershy flapping her wings in excitement.
  941. “Now I know your weakness, Fluttershy. Anytime you wanna come over for a pizza, you got it.”
  942. >”Oh but I couldn't do that! You work too hard to give away food like that.” She frowns as she stares at the oven.
  943. “Let's make a deal on it, then. Anytime you come over to help, I'll pay you in pizza instead. That way we both keep our bits to ourselves.”
  944. >Her hoof wanders to her chin as she thinks. However, the rumbling of her stomach audibly makes the decision for her,
  945. >”Deal. Now we just have to shake on it...”
  946. >With a look of mild disgust, she spits into her hoof and offers it to you.
  947. >You complete the pact just as the timer calls out. The pizza slides into a box and is placed on Fluttershy's back as she takes her leave.
  950. >The next day begins even earlier than the next. You stop pulling your cart as you see ponies wrapped around your store, all waiting for a chance to taste your pizza.
  951. “Holy shit! Shit shit shit!”
  952. >You toss everything into place and begin daily prep, sweat dripping down your face as you work at speeds rivaling Rainbow Dash.
  953. >The first pies are barely out of the oven when you hear rapid banging on your door.
  954. “Okay! Hold on you guys!”
  955. >Your shout towards the door riles up the crowd as they see you approaching the front.
  956. >With a soft click, the lock disengages and ponies of all sorts rush into the dining area.
  957. >”Hey, do you have any daisy and lilac pizza ready yet?”
  958. >”Anonymous! Can I get a rose and lily pizza?”
  959. >”Sir? Are stem-sticks on discount if you buy in bulk?”
  960. >Everypony assaults you at once, demanding pizza and answers as they stomp their hooves.
  961. >You retreat to the back and toss in more pizza while serving what you have.
  962. >For every pony you serve, another three take his or her place.
  963. >The noise is growing too loud and you can barely think anymore.
  964. >”EVERYPONY CALM DOWN!” You hear a pony shout over the chaos.
  965. >You turn to the noise and see Fluttershy staring down a few ponies close to her.
  966. >”Now, I want a calm, orderly line to the counter. If you misbehave, I might have to ask a certain BEAR to KEEP things in line!”
  967. >A giant cloud of dust kicks up as ponies scramble to form a quiet, orderly line. Your jaw drops as you turn to Fluttershy
  968. >Her body shakes as she tries her best to stand tall and confident, her breath quick and shallow.
  969. “Psst..thanks, Shy”
  970. >Her body visibly deflates as you step forward and begin talking to the first customer. When you head to the back, you hear her engaging with the next one.
  971. >The entire day follows the trend of Fluttershy taking command of the front while you streamline your cooking process.
  974. >The final pony struts out of the store with a rose and daisy pizza on her back. You reach over to the door and flip the open sign with haste.
  975. “Wow. WOW. What a day that was...”
  976. >You find Fluttershy sitting down, her head lying on the nearest table.
  977. >”I...I don't know if I've EVER talked that that many ponies before in my entire life!” She shrinks in her seat and sighs.
  978. “Fluttershy, you saved me AGAIN. Why are you so good to me?”
  979. >The edges of her face shines with a rosy blush as she stutters to the table. “O..o..oh...I...umm...”
  980. “Reward time, Fluttershy. Do you want anything different or should I make another daisy special?”
  981. >She picks up her head, revealing her lingering blush. “Oh, could I get a rose and lily pizza instead?”
  982. >You smile and prepare a rose and lily pizza and a daisy pizza and toss them in the oven,
  983. “What you did today was special, Fluttershy. I'll need to look into hiring some full time help, but I think you deserve something tasty.
  984. >Her wings unfold a tiny bit as she smells her rewards cooking in the oven.
  985. >”Two pizzas? For me? Anonymous!”
  986. >She folds her forearms and sticks her lips out in a cute little pout.
  987. >”You're not making me two pizzas just for today! I don't deserve that!”
  988. >She flaps over and tugs at your sleeve, but you can see that pout breaking out into a smile.
  989. “Too bad. You're getting two pizzas tonight and that's final.”
  990. >You wrap her up in a giant hug, causing her to crack from her stubborn facade.
  991. >She giggles a tiny bit before you let her go and she glides to the floor.
  992. >You take her pizzas out of the oven and box them up for her.
  993. >”Actually...why don't we eat the rose one here? I told everyone back home I'd be late again. What's another ten minutes?”
  994. >You crinkled your nose at the prospect of eating roses, but you just couldn't say no to that face.
  995. >She opened the box and sat down, a slice already in her hooves as you joined her.
  998. >It was crazy that first week, but it soon became a routine that you fell into.
  999. >Late night prep work for more dough, tomato sauce and cheese after closing while Fluttershy helped with cleaning and brainstorming.
  1000. >Early purchases of discount flowers, thanks to a deal struck to the flower trio. Discount pizza for discount flowers was an obvious hook up.
  1001. >Roseluck never stops drooling when she sees what kinds of flowers you buy.
  1002. >Lots and lots and LOTS of preparing the more basic pizzas for quick service.
  1003. >Letting in the early pegasi and serving up your first batches.
  1004. >Fluttershy coming in to help for the lunch rush while you worked your magic.
  1005. >An extra worker or two would pop in for the evening as everypony demanded pizza for dinner.
  1006. >Closing, counting down and sending your full time workers home.
  1007. >With the massive spike in profits, you were able to redesign everything.
  1008. >True brick oven style ovens to speed up cooking times and enhance the product.
  1009. >A redesign of the interior, allowing ponies to come in and actually eat on a full sized table.
  1010. >Removing the glass display counters allowed for even more space up front for ponies to wait for service.
  1011. >You even got official uniforms for yourself and your growing crew.
  1012. >Fluttershy refused on a uniform, insisting on something simpler when she decided to help out.
  1013. >She came in one day with a frilly, pink apron tied around her waist. It was just too cute to refuse.
  1014. >A quick order at Carousel Boutique gave it a kick, adding in your restaurant’s name as well as embroidering Fluttershy's name in exquisite cursive.
  1015. >Anon's Pizza Palace was booming. Even after a month, customers were still lining up like crazy in the mornings just for a slice or two of pizza.
  1019. >It was just another day to you now when you opened the back of the store. A few young colts eagerly followed you inside.
  1020. >They begin their tasks with ease while you did some paperwork, accounting and prep work for the morning.
  1021. >Everything was right on schedule, including Fluttershy's arrival.
  1022. ”Hi, Shy. Doing okay today?”
  1023. >”Yes...just a little hungry I guess.” She looked up with her starry, teal eyes and you instantly caved.
  1024. “One daisy pizza, coming up!”
  1025. >”Yay!” She quietly cheers to herself as she retrieved her apron. As she reached out, you couldn't help but notice her chubby belly sticking out just a bit more than you remember.
  1026. >She dons her apron and heads to the back. You follow her, eyes wandering down to her jiggling rear.
  1027. >Fluttershy hadn't become fat in any real sense of the word, but her constant snacking on pizza was beginning to show all over.
  1028. >Her face had softened, giving her smile an even more irresistible nature.
  1029. >Fluttershy's tummy had grown round and plump, offering a small wobble with each step.
  1030. >Even her thighs had found a few pounds to cling to, her stance widened a bit to accommodate her thicker frame.
  1031. >Your eyes darted up to the ovens as she turned to face you. “I hope you don't mind making something for me this early. Angel was being a little fussy bunny today and I couldn't get a decent breakfast.”
  1032. “No problem, Shy. All you have to do is ask and you can get whatever you want.”
  1033. >”Yay!” She smiled, her little jump sending another small jiggle through her belly.
  1034. >You had to turn away, half from cuteness overload and half from the confusing erection growing in your pants.
  1035. >Her pizza cooked to perfection, Fluttershy wasted no time. In seconds, two slices had disappeared into her belly.
  1036. >She gave a small pat to her stomach and moaned. It took her a second to savor her pizza before she approached the front counters.
  1039. >”Psst! Mister Anon. You gonna ever ask her out?” One of the colts whispers to you.
  1040. “What? Who? Fluttershy?”
  1041. >Your face tints red as you absentmindedly turn to look at her. She's definitely not the same pony she was simply a month ago.
  1042. >She carried herself a lot better for the crowds, standing brave and tall to take even the most complex orders or demands.
  1043. >Her kindness always won everypony over, no matter what issue was presented to her.
  1044. >...Not to mention how excited she was for the smallest things. It always brightened up her cute smile when a friend showed up or someone complimented her on her cute apron.
  1045. >”Mister Anon? Isn't it rude to stare at a mare's....rump?”
  1046. >Your head snaps towards the young colt, both of you blushing as you work.
  1047. “ it is. C'mon, we've got to get more prep done before lunch.”
  1048. >”Yes sir!” He salutes before rushing off for more dough.
  1049. >You take a deep breath and try to concentrate on the pizzas.
  1050. >Fluttershy had other plans, as she picked up another slice of her personal pizza.
  1051. >”Mmmmm! Anonymous, you always make these perfect just for me! I just want to gobble this one up!”
  1052. >She sticks her tongue out and wraps her lips around the cheesy goodness, munching and moaning like a mare in heat.
  1053. >Fluttershy takes a slice with her as more customers line up at the till. You quickly make another pie exactly like hers and toss it in the ovens.
  1054. >Orders come and go, and the extra pizza sits around without anypony to claim it.
  1055. “H..hey, Fluttershy. Got a second?”
  1056. >She leans around the corner and gives you a great, big smile. “Need something, Anonymous?”
  1057. “Well...I just wanted to let you know that somepony didn't pick up their pizza. I was gonna throw it out, but it's a plain daisy.”
  1058. “You...wouldn't want it, would you?”
  1061. >Her eyes light up and she rushes over to you. “You would do that for me? Aw, thanks Anonymous!”
  1062. >She rears back and gives you a big, giant hug.
  1063. >You pray to every princess you can think of, hoping that she doesn't notice your excitement down below.
  1064. >Fluttershy grabs the last slice of her old pizza and a warm one from your offering. She greedily bites into them both, sending a small line of grease down her chin.
  1065. >You mind is flooded of thoughts of that grease pooling deep in her belly, forcing her fatter and fatter right before your eyes.
  1066. >”Oops, excuse me!” Fluttershy blushes as she wipes away any stains on her face. She offers you a quick smile before walking back to the counters.
  1067. >Work became rather difficult that day. You absolutely HATED to see Fluttershy walk off with two more pizzas that day.
  1068. >While it would have been fun to watch her eat, you knew the distraction would hurt the most during the busy evening hours.
  1069. >You forced it to the back of your mind, keeping on task with the usual flood of orders that comes when the sun sets.
  1070. >You signal to Ponyville that your day is done, then head to the back for tomorrow's prep work, tonight's paperwork, and a bit of cleaning.
  1071. >The door chimes as it opens, and Fluttershy joins you in the back.
  1072. “Hey, Shy. How were things at the cottage?”
  1073. >”Wonderful. A new momma bird was teaching her young to fly today and it was so nice to take a moment to watch them soar into the world.”
  1074. >That adorable twinkle in her eye was infectious, sending a grin across your face.
  1075. “Need anything before I shut the ovens off? A daisy? Rose and lily? Lilac and lavender?”
  1076. >Fluttershy bites her bottom lip for a second, her hoof wandering to her chubby belly.
  1077. >” the hay. Can I get a daisy and a lilac and lily?” She asks.
  1080. >Her pizzas are done in a flash, giving the pegasus something to snack on as she cleans.
  1081. >Meanwhile, you start up the industrial mixer and begin adding in your dry ingredients.
  1082. >The mixer hits full speed as you combine everything else, turning the loose flour into a squishy mountain of dough.
  1083. >You remove the dough and begin molding it for easier cutting. You grab a giant chunk and tense up as your thoughts from earlier return.
  1084. “ like a giant Fluttershy belly...”
  1085. >Your mind is flooded with naughty ideas as your hands begin kneading and massaging the dough in an almost lewd manner.
  1086. >Fluttershy's munching and moaning in the front end isn't helping at ALL.
  1087. >Red as a tomato, you hurry along and cut the dough before more thoughts fill your head.
  1088. >The rest of the night goes as smooth as it can, Fluttershy making small talk about her critter friends while you finish and lock up.
  1089. >After that day, you did your best to ignore your secret fantasies.
  1090. >And yet...
  1091. >You found yourself offering Fluttershy more and more pizza, feeding into her desires.
  1092. >One pizza when she came in was disappearing quicker and quicker.
  1093. >Numerous false orders kept arriving, allowing more snack breaks for Fluttershy.
  1094. >Her payment at the end of her shift was cranked up to three large pizzas of her choosing.
  1095. >And her irresistible pout meant another two or three during her return cleanings for the night.
  1096. >Fluttershy's smile never lost it's luster. No matter what, she always kept that friendly smile on her face.
  1097. >That friendly smile always widened a bit more for you...and pizza.
  1098. >It had been two months of Anon's Pizza Palace offering the best in fine pizza dining.
  1099. >And it had been a month of Fluttershy accepting more and more gifts.
  1102. >The morning was routine as always. Open the back, oversee the workers while you do paperwork, help with the prep.
  1103. >...And wait fondly for when Fluttershy would grace you with her presence.
  1104. >You can't remember when you began to anticipate her coming in every day, but now it's second nature.
  1105. >Always peeking at the clock, anxiety filling your stomach as her arrival loomed closer.
  1106. >The door chime rang and a familiar voice called out.
  1107. >”Hi Anonymous? What do you have for me today?”
  1108. >Fluttershy waddled into the kitchen and you grinned.
  1109. >The slim pegasus you knew from two months ago had been transformed into a cute, fatty butterball you just wanted to hug so badly.
  1110. >Fluttershy's face had softened, giving her a set of cute, chubby cheeks that every pony wanted to squeeze.
  1111. >An extra chin had formed on her soft face, leading down to a rounded neck and fluffy chest.
  1112. >Her forearms had found a few loose pounds as well. They jiggled along with everything else as she waddled her way to you.
  1113. >She reared back and you gave her a great, big hug like always.
  1114. >Your hands sunk DEEP into her sides, her massive belly squishing against you.
  1115. >A quick embrace ends with her slamming her forehooves on the tile. Her belly sent wobbling and jiggling like gelatin for a few seconds.
  1116. “I made a rose pizza, a daisy and lily and a lavender and daisy for you, Shy.”
  1117. >”Thanks Anon. You're a lifesaver! A few new critters wouldn't behave today and I didn't get a chance to eat.”
  1118. >You've long stopped buying that excuse. It's cute to see what new distraction she comes up with.
  1119. >Fluttershy simply has to follow her nose to find her breakfast. She waddles over, pumping her wide hips along.
  1120. >Her rump jiggles, wobbles and shakes with each slow step. Even the colts find themselves memorized by her fat ass nowadays.
  1121. >Even her cutie marks hadn't been spared. The cute little butterflies on her haunches had stretched out into massive blobs with wings, each as big as your hand.
  1124. >A whole pizza disappears into her stomach in what seems like seconds. Grease coats her lips as she chews, another pizza vanishing before your eyes.
  1125. >Fluttershy pats her belly with a greasy hoof. “Ah, that always hits the spot. Thanks Anonymous!” She waddles to the front and grabs her cute apron.
  1126. >She tosses it over her head and pulls the straps around her back...or at least tries to,
  1127. >The straps barely touch each other after winding around her full, plump belly. She blushes as she walked back into the kitchen.
  1128. >”Um...Anonymous? Could me get my apron on?”
  1129. >Her face was a fiery red as you noticed her predicament. You grabbed the straps and yanked a bit.
  1130. “Suck in, Fluttershy. This might be a tight fit!”
  1131. >She exhales, then takes a sharp breath. The straps begin to touch and you tie them together with a feeble knot.
  1132. >”Thanks Anonymous!” Fluttershy says with a bit of strain in her voice. She waddles back to the front, her apron pinching her belly hard.
  1133. >It wouldn't hold for long. Any free second Fluttershy had was spent gobbling up her breakfast pizza...then her snack pizzas....then her lunch pizzas.
  1134. >She moaned as another daisy slice entered her mouth. A loud rip caught your attention as Fluttershy sighed in relief.
  1135. >A strap had completely torn off, allowing her stuffed belly to expand after a full day of stuffing.
  1136. >It jiggled like crazy, even with Fluttershy being as full as she was.
  1137. >”Well, at least I have more room!” Fluttershy shrugged as she began munching on two slices at once.
  1138. >Fluttershy finished her snack and made her way to the counters once more.
  1139. >...At least she tried to. A soft cry rang out through the kitchens and everyone turned to see,
  1140. >Fluttershy had tripped on her loose apron, her face dangerously close to hitting the floor.
  1141. >All while her ass was on full display for you and all the colts.
  1144. >With a heavy sigh, you helped Fluttershy back on her feet.
  1145. “Hey, listen Fluttershy...why don't you come back later tonight? I'll have one of the guys work up front for a while, okay?”
  1146. >”Oh...did I do something wrong?” Fluttershy pouted, sorrow washed over her face.
  1147. “Shy, no. Stop that. I can't stand to see you sad.”
  1148. >You leaned down and hugged her as best you could.
  1149. “I need to talk to you in private, is all. I don't wanna make a scene in front of the colts, ya know?”
  1150. >A soft smile returned to her face. “Okay, Anonymous. I trust you.”
  1151. >She leaned forward and gave you a small peck on the cheek before sliding off her apron and wadding out the door,
  1152. >She offers a small wink before she pushes open the door and makes her way home.
  1153. >You turned around and noticed all the colts giving you a very peculiar look.
  1154. “Hey, I don't see workers around here, I see slackers. Slackers don't get paid for standing around, you know!”
  1155. >”YES SIR!” They responded, resuming their work.
  1156. >Time dragged for the rest of the shift. All you could think about was Fluttershy.
  1157. >You had to be real about it. You liked her...a lot...a LOT LOT.
  1158. >That kiss was more than an innocent little favor, you could tell that much. The way she winked at you as she left didn't help things either.
  1159. >All you could do was wait. You needed to clear all this up before things got really awkward around here.
  1160. >The twilight hour hit, allowing you to close up shop.
  1161. >You weren't waiting for long as Fluttershy arrived on time as usual.
  1162. “Hi Fluttershy. Let's have a seat so we can talk about a few things.”
  1163. >”O...okay” She mumbled. It had been a while since you heard her without an ounce of confidence in her voice like this.
  1166. >” did you wanna talk about?” Fluttershy mumbled. Her hooves wouldn't stay still and her eyes wandered all around the room.
  1167. “I think you know, Fluttershy. I wanna know about us.”
  1168. >”What about us? I..I..I just work here for pizza...”
  1169. “Fluttershy, you KISSED me today. I almost think this whole thing is an outcry for my attention...”
  1170. >” it working?” She squeaked, hiding her rosy cheeks with her hooves.
  1171. >The cat was out of the bag. She did like you after all.
  1172. >You picked your words carefully after a moment of thought.
  1173. “I suppose it depends on a few things. Are you just working here for free pizza anymore?”
  1174. >” really?” She asked, unsure of her answer.
  1175. “So you're working here to try and get me to notice you? Why not just ask me about it?”
  1176. >Her breathing was quickening and her whole body seemed tense at this point.
  1177. >” you were staring at me...when I...first started...showing.”
  1178. >The silence was thick and a certain butter yellow pegasus in the room.
  1179. “Showing what?”
  1180. >” new size.” She mumbled. She was so quiet, you barely heard her.
  1181. >It all started to make sense. The moaning, the messy eating, her increasing appetite.
  1182. “Why not ask me about it? Did it have to go to such extremes?”
  1183. >Her blush deepened and her forehead softly thudded upon the table.
  1184. >”I..”
  1185. >”I LIKE IT! I WANNA BE YOUR FAT, SEXY PONY!” She shouted, pulling her head up,
  1187. >Her shouting caught you off guard, dropping your jaw to the floor.
  1188. >And her statement couldn't have made your pants tighter at all.
  1189. >Her hooves darted to her mouth and she began to tear up.
  1190. >”Oh...oh must think I'm...I'm some wierdo pony.”
  1191. >She couldn't even begin to sob as your arms wrapped around her as quick as you could.
  1192. “Fluttershy, you aren't a wierdo pony...You're my fat, sexy pony.”
  1195. >Her astonished look was met with a kiss on the lips. Her hooves wrapped around you as she moaned into the kiss.
  1196. >Your hands wandered down from her shoulders down to her belly pooling on her plump thighs. A soft squeeze of her fat caused another moan around your tongue.
  1197. >A finger slides into her belly button. Fluttershy pulls back, a string of saliva still connecting you as she gasps and shudders.
  1198. >Her yellow fat slaps against your hand for a moment as Fluttershy tries to calm down.
  1199. >You lift her belly up with your hand and let it flop down onto her thighs. Everything jiggles and wobbles as you sit mesmerized by her belly.
  1200. >Fluttershy leans forward and falls out of her chair, pinning you under her weight.
  1201. >”Let's do it! Let's fuck right here on the floor! I need your cock inside me now!” Fluttershy demands as her hooves fly to your belt.
  1202. “Whoa, whoa WHOA! Fluttershy, calm down...I can't fuck in my own store like that! It's unsanitary...and not very romantic”
  1203. >Fluttershy stops her hooves and her face returns to deep crimson.
  1204. >“Oh gosh...I'm sorry Anon...”
  1205. >She picks herself up and sighs. “ DO I get to...f..f..fuck you?” She mumbles before covering her face with her hooves.
  1206. >This mare is gonna kill you with adorableness.
  1207. “Hmm....well, why don't we make it special?. We'll do something tomorrow.”
  1208. >She withdraws her hooves a bit, staring at you with one eye. “To...tomorrow?”
  1209. “Yea. Come over at about...noon or so. I'll have everything I need ready by then.”
  1210. >Fluttershy drops her hooves from her face and leans down.
  1211. >A smooch on the cheek brightens your face with a blush.
  1212. “Let me just make a few signs, finish my paperwork and we can head out early, okay?”
  1213. >She nods and grabs a broom while you head to your office.
  1214. >Signs warning customers and staff that you were closed hang onto the front and back doors as you follow Fluttershy outside.
  1215. “See you tomorrow, cutie.”
  1216. >”Okay, Anonymous...It's a date.” She smiles as she waddles home.
  1219. >The butterflies in your stomach wouldn't settle down as you practically skipped home. A real date with Fluttershy, alone, in your house.
  1220. >You needed to prepare. This wasn't something to take lightly.
  1221. >Chuckling at your own joke, you open your front door and head right to the kitchen.
  1222. >Every bag of flour, all the packets of yeast, enough sugar to put Pinkie Pie in the hospital and heaps of salt go into your biggest bowl.
  1223. >Massive handfuls of tomatoes are pulped up and strained with every little bit of zing added from your spice rack.
  1224. >Two massive wheels of cheese are grated down into shreds and sealed into an enormous container.
  1225. >The dough is left to rise overnight as you clean and put everything away.
  1226. >You'd need two final things. Lots of flowers and a little heat.
  1227. >Slumber finds you after a late night of tossing around in excitement.
  1228. >As sleepy as you were in the morning, there was no time to waste.
  1229. >The flower trio gasped as you placed a massive bag of bits on the counter and emptied their entire stock for the day.
  1230. >You said nothing, only grabbing handfuls of bouquets at a time for your cart.
  1231. >Swinging by the castle, you were able to convince a certain dragon to come along at the price of two buckets of fresh gems.
  1232. >The dough was laid out just as Spike lit the massive fire.
  1233. >Enchanted green flames licked the bottom of the giant pizza pan as you poured buckets and buckets of pizza sauce on top.
  1234. >Even Spike got into the act of slinging cheese all over your creation.
  1235. >One by one, every flower was placed in a delicate and precise manner. It all had to be perfect!
  1236. >You look at the clock as the gigantic pizza finishes cooking. Eleven-Thirty on the dot.
  1237. >The pizza cools down as you wait for Fluttershy, anxiety building in your chest.
  1240. >”Anonymous? I smell pizza...where are you?”
  1241. >Her nose leads her to the backyard where you and your gift await.
  1242. “Hi, Shy. How ya doing?”
  1243. >Fluttershy's stomach emits a thunderous growl, causing her to blush.
  1244. “Sounds like you're a bit hungry. Want some...”
  1245. >Is all you get to say. The hungry pegasus dives right in, picking up several of the bite sized cuts of pizza and stuffing her face.
  1246. >”Mmmmm, it's so good! All these different flowers are delicious!” She moans as grease and sauce begin to coat her mouth and face.
  1247. >As she eats, you hands wander to her sides, massaging and groping her belly as she stuffs herself silly.
  1248. >She's too busy eating to reply, but her moans of satisfaction let you know where to go.
  1249. >Fluttershy's stomach is soft and pliable, allowing you to grip and jiggle her flesh to your desire.
  1250. >Her tail begins to rise up, higher and higher until her privates are on full display.
  1251. >Arousal leaks down her thighs and drips onto the grass as her stomach fills with such sinful delights.
  1252. >Your hands give her tummy a soft squeeze and she stops. Fluttershy tries to keep her mouth shut but a mighty belch escapes her lips.
  1253. >She blushes for a moment and her hooves slow down a tiny bit. “S..sorry, Anonymous.”
  1254. “Shhhh. Piggy ponies aren't sorry when they enjoy themselves.”
  1255. >You whisper into her ear as a hand wanders back and grips her blubbery ass.
  1256. >”Eeep!' She squeaks before you stuff another slice of pizza into her mouth.
  1257. >Fluttershy relaxes, chewing away as you feed her more and more pizza.
  1258. >Her stomach swells out as you force bite after bite into her, fattening her up with more grease and cheese.
  1259. >Fluttershy's tail whips around, the scent of her arousal beginning to swim in your mind.
  1262. >She's consumed half of her feast and the effects are already weighing down on poor Fluttershy.
  1263. >The once soft belly is beginning to harden up, packed full with dough and cheese.
  1264. >Rolls of fat smoothing out as her belly becomes a giant, yellow dome of gluttony.
  1265. >Hind legs weak as her lust addled mind continues to drive her hunger.
  1266. >”Oink! Oink!” Fluttershy mumbled through the food in her mouth as her hooves try to massage her expanding stomach.
  1267. >Her chewing has slowed as she descends to the ground and rolls on her back.
  1268. >The yellow gut rises high into the air before sagging to her sides.
  1269. >”Uhhh...sorry Anonymous...I dunno if I can finish it.”
  1270. “Shhhhh.”
  1271. >You comfort her with a kiss, allowing you to taste all the pizza grease still clinging to her mouth.
  1272. >A hand wanders down to her belly and begins an aggressive massage of her taut gut.
  1273. “You don't have to finish it all. All I want is you to be my little piggy pony like you said.”
  1274. >She giggles as she pats her stomach. “I don't think “little” is the word to use”
  1275. >Fluttershy blushes as a massive burp escapes her stomach, followed by smaller, cuter burps.
  1276. >Her globular stomach shrinks with each belch, softening her rock hard tummy.
  1277. >”Ah...I feel so much better....”
  1278. >She eyes the pizza once more and opens her mouth. Her tongue lulls to the side and she points to her mouth.
  1279. >With a steady hand, you resume stuffing her mouth full of pizza.
  1280. >”Oink!” She chants, teasing you any time you allow her to swallow it all.
  1281. >Her stomach swells out all over again, becoming taut and full with tens of thousands of calories all at once.
  1282. >Grease slides down her cheeks and chins, staining her coat as she is forced to eat it all.
  1283. >Tummy full, your hands stop feeding and start massaging her once more.
  1284. >You grope and play with her belly, coaxing all that troublesome gas out in the form of more cute, little burps.
  1285. >Her stomach doesn't deflate as much, but she still opens her mouth for more.
  1288. “Last bite! Open wide, piggy!”
  1289. >”Oink, OiHRF.” She moans as the last bit of pizza is stuffed into her mouth,
  1290. >You're positively certain you can't fit any more into her stressed stomach. The taut, yellow ball wont yield anymore.
  1291. >Pressing a hand into her stomach causes a low, satisfied moan to leap from Fluttershy's throat.
  1292. >”So fat!” She mumbles has her hooves wiggle about in a pathetic manner.
  1293. >”Are you gonna fuck me, yet?” Fluttershy asks in a sultry tone. Her hind legs are spread apart as wide as she can, yet her belly blocks the view of her marehood.
  1294. “Not out here, even if it suits you, piggy. I want our first time to be special.”
  1295. >That little glow in her eyes lights up and she smiles. “Such a charmer, you are.” She giggles.
  1296. >You lean forward and attack her lips with yours while your hands fondle her stuffed belly.
  1297. >Her cheeks puff out as you press hard, forcing one last gas bubble through her throat.
  1298. >The burp forces you to part lips as Fluttershy belches right in your face.
  1299. >Garlic floods your nose as she blushes hard.
  1300. >”S..sorry! I..umm..MM!”
  1301. >Her apology is lost as your mouth presses back into hers.
  1302. >Fluttershy moans as you continues rubbing her belly, her entire body putty in your hands.
  1303. >Your cock is threatening to burst through your zipper at this point.
  1304. >Breaking away from the kiss leaves a small trail of saliva lingering through the air.
  1305. “C'mon Shy. We've teased each other for far too long.”
  1306. >Your hands sink into her belly as she is rolled onto her hooves.
  1307. >Her big, yellow stomach slaps the ground as you lift her up nice and slow.
  1308. >With a hefty grunt, Fluttershy picks herself up and stands on her hooves.
  1309. >Her legs squish her belly even with her wide stance.
  1312. >Fluttershy awkwardly shuffles and waddles inside with your help. Her belly drags across the dirt, leaving a trail where her belly scraped the ground.
  1313. >You graciously opened the back door and allowed her entry.
  1314. >”Thanks, Anon. What would I do without you?”
  1315. >She pulls herself though at a snail's pace, her fat clinging to the door frame with each wiggle.
  1316. >Her ass bounced about with each inch she managed to squeeze through your door.
  1317. >”Um...Anon? I'm....I'm stuck...”
  1318. >You give her a small shove and she doesn't least, not forward.
  1319. >Pressing your hands into her soft rear, you put your weight forward and really give her a push.
  1320. >Her body squishes against your grip, making it hard to move her at all.
  1321. >The wooden frame groans in protest as you carefully push Fluttershy into your house.
  1322. >You manage to slide the bulk of her fat through the door, making the rest of the process simple.
  1323. >You're both panting on the other side, Fluttershy flushed and embarrassed.
  1324. >”I'd say you'd be stuck in that door without me.”
  1325. >You say with a smirk.
  1326. >Laughing it off, you lead Fluttershy to your staircase, She gives a worried look before pressing a heavy leg onto the first step.
  1327. >The stair holds, giving her just a bit more confidence. She takes another step, allowing her full weight to test your stairs.
  1328. >She grins with delight as she heads up to the second floor, even as her belly flops against each and every step.
  1329. >At last, you arrive at your bedroom. Fluttershy sighs as she takes a peer around.
  1330. >”It's so cozy in here. A nice little spot to have some fun.”
  1331. >She rocks her hips back and forth as she approaches your bed. Her body quakes and jiggles with each pronounced step.
  1332. >Fluttershy pulls her forearms onto your bed and hops up. Her heavy belly slides the mattress forward and her hind legs fall back onto the ground.
  1333. >With a bit of help, you ease her onto the bed lying face up.
  1336. >”Thanks, Anon...but you can't really...get to this.”
  1337. >She emphasizes by spreading her legs again, allowing her belly to pool between her legs
  1338. >Your shirt is already on the floor and you're pulling off your pants.
  1339. “Oh don't worry, Shy. I've got a better idea.
  1340. >With your pants off, Fluttershy glances at the bulge in your underwear. Her wings straighten out against the bed as her face reddens.
  1341. >You slide away the garment and let your cock spring free. The pegasus growls in enjoyment as you lean your nude body against hers.
  1342. >A wonderful kiss starts you off. The hungry pegasus moans in your mouth for a moment as your lips travel down her face and neck until you find yourself kissing her belly button.
  1343. >She squirms as you stick your tongue into her button, making her hole nice and slick for your next move.
  1344. >Her eyes widen as you angle yourself properly and shove your cock right in. Fluttershy's fat tummy slaps against you as you bottom out in her belly.
  1345. >Her warm fat grips your cock with a gentle touch. Enough to make your shudder but not too hard to make you uncomfortable.
  1346. >You pull back and thrust again, jiggling the fat belly under you.
  1347. >Fluttershy moans as her hind legs tense up. “Ohhhh! Keep doing that...”
  1348. >Her eternal blush matched with her heavy breathing is just too cute. You oblige, thrusting again as her body reacts in spades.
  1349. >Fluttershy's whole body jiggles from her belly to her fat pooled on your sheets.
  1350. >She moans hard with each thrust, her hind legs squirming as she tightens her grip on her barrel.
  1351. >The extra pressure clamps down on your cock, almost milking it each time your try to pull out.
  1352. >Sweat and precum build up in her belly button. Your cock begins to glide through with each thrust, allowing you to speed up.
  1353. >”Anon! OH Celestia!!” Fluttershy cries out as her hind legs give her belly a final squeeze.
  1356. >The tightness around your cock puts you on the brink. You push in as hard as you can and cum deep into her belly button.
  1357. >A satisfied sigh fills the room as you roll off of her. Both of you are panting and covered with sweat as you ride your orgasms down.
  1358. >”Oh my goodness...that was sooooo good. belly wouldn't stop grinding against me.”
  1359. >Fluttershy giggles as she feels something erect press into her belly.
  1360. >”Still excited? That's good.”
  1361. >She manages to roll onto her belly, smearing your load all over her fur and your sheets.
  1362. >Her stomach spills on the bed, widening her hind legs as far as she can.
  1363. >Fluttershy wiggles her body, giving her booty a nice, lengthy jiggle.
  1364. >”Come get some pussy, Anon. Don't keep me waiting any longer.
  1365. >You lean over her ass and press your crotch against her cheeks. Fluttershy moans as she feels your cock dive between her fat ass.
  1366. >Her crotch is still wet and slick from her earlier delights, letting you slip your body right through.
  1367. >Your fingers roam over her rear, gripping and playing with her booty to ease you ever closer to her honey pot.
  1368. >The heat coming from her guides you until at last, you hear Fluttershy gasp in excitement.
  1369. >”T..There, Anon...F..fuck me...fuck me hard!” She screams.
  1370. >You take her invitation and plunge yourself into her depths.
  1371. >Her pussy tightens around your cock, weakening your knees. If her belly was heaven, her pussy was a kingdom for the gods.
  1372. >Your hands move over to her wide hips and grip as much of her meaty sides as you can before you pull out just a bit and slam back in.
  1373. >Fluttershy is reduced to a drooling mess as you use long, slow thrusts to drag out the enjoyment.
  1374. >Her body shudders every so often as cum splatters onto your crotch and down onto the sheets.
  1377. >You take a moment to gather yourself, stopping while completely inside her.
  1378. >It can't end yet. It mustn't!
  1379. >Gritting your teeth, you lean forward and wrap your arms around as much of her belly as you can.
  1380. >Then, you start properly fucking her.
  1381. >”AHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Fluttershy screams as you pump your cock as fast as you can in her already twitching pussy.
  1382. >Her body will not stop wobbling and quaking, each lovely roll of fat jiggling from your thrusting.
  1383. >The bed frame gives a warning groan as you rock the bed harder and harder.
  1384. >It can't take it, and the frame creaks and shatters.
  1385. >You're sent lurching to the ground, but Fluttershy's soft body completely cushions the fall.
  1386. >With a mighty roar, you pump one last time and bring yourself to orgasm.
  1387. >Your load completely fills Fluttershy up with plenty of excess cum leaking out her pussy.
  1388. >Panting, you reluctantly pull yourself out of her warm folds.
  1389. >You lean over to see Fluttershy smiling with her eyes closed.
  1390. >”Was...was it amazing for you, too?” She whispers as you kiss her cheek.
  1391. “Like nothing I've ever experienced...something I wanna make sure I do over and over.”
  1392. >She giggles as she opens an eyelid. “Should we get up? your bed.”
  1393. >You wrap your arms around her and get comfortable as the “big” spoon,
  1394. “Nah. I got something comfortable to cuddle with right here.”
  1395. >She giggles as your hands roam around what parts of her belly you can reach.
  1396. “We can just stay here for all I care. If you need to go or something...”
  1397. >”Oh no, no! I just...well...”
  1398. >She makes herself comfortable as well in your embrace and sighs.
  1399. >”I might need to head back home sometime later for my critter friends. Is that a problem?”
  1400. “Nah. It's about time I came over and met your friends, don't you think.”
  1401. >”That would be...nice” Fluttershy yawns.
  1402. >It isn't much longer until you're both asleep on your wreck of a bed enjoying each other in sleepy silence.
  1405. It had been two years since Fluttershy had helped you build a whole new business that rocked the restaurant scene in Equestria from Las Pegasus to Manehatten. The profits from Anon's Pizza Palace ensured more shops around Ponyville and even a few in Canterlot, Manehatten and even one in Appleloosa. A new deal in the works clinched your financial future for decades to come. All that was left to do was celebrate your success.
  1407. The celebration wouldn't be complete without your trademark pizza, however. With everything in place, you announced to the hungry ponies of Equestria of your new offer. A giant sheet of pizza the size of a wagon cart and a barrel of Apple family cider. As soon as it was revealed that Anon's Pizza Palace was selling Apple family cider, ponies were knocking down the doors in desperation to eat your savory pizza and chug the refreshing cider.
  1409. Satisfied with business, it was time to throw your own, personal celebration. You loaded up a wagon cart with five of the gigantic pizzas and two heavy barrels of cider and began the trip home. “I hope she's hungry for all this. It's quite a lot, even for her.” You blushed as you imagined what she was doing right now...probably snacking on something and waiting for your return.
  1411. It had also been about a year and a half ago since Fluttershy had confessed her love for you. An awkward confession if there ever was one, but it made you happy all the same. The chubby butterball had gained your attention by devouring as many pizzas as she could to increase her size. Her adorable face still caused butterflies to flap up a storm in your stomach, even if her adorable face was round and chubby.
  1413. You rushed inside your house as fast as you could, desperate to see your cutie immediately. She was laying on your near ruined bed, munching on popcorn as she watched a movie. “Oh, hi Anon! How did everything go?” She licked a stray dollop of butter from her lips as she beckoned you over. You walked over to her side and gave her a big, jiggly hug, wrapping your arms around as much of her as you could.
  1415. Fluttershy had said that she wanted to be your cute, immobile ball of flab and love and she meant every word of it. Her body was as big as the wagon you pulled home and three times as heavy, Her belly sunk deep into the bed and hung off the sides, proving her dedication to eating just for you. Yellow stubs of jiggly flab were her limbs, too thick to properly move her around without dragging her belly and scraping her hooves along the floor. Her ass rose above her like two giant beach balls, wobbling with every breath she took.
  1417. “Everything went better than fine. I negotiated with the Apples and we managed to an agreement. For now, ponies can grab an entire barrel of cider and a massive pizza for a hefty fee.” Fluttershy licked her lips at the mention of food and drink, even as she crammed popcorn into her mouth. “Massive, huh? Just how big are they?”
  1419. “Wanna see? They might be a little bit bigger than the one I cooked for you years ago.” Fluttershy's stomach let out a desperate gurgle for food as you ran off. Thankfully, the doorways had been widened just enough for you to get all five pizzas and the kegs of cider into the bedroom. “Oh all looks wonderful.” Fluttershy drooled on her chins as the delightful scent of pizza filled the room.
  1421. “Well? What are we waiting for? Lets start this feeding frenzy!” Fluttershy begged as she struggled to move from her position. You giggled as the gluttonous mare flapped her flabby wings in desperation to inch herself closer to her meal. “Shy, you're too big to move, remember?” She giggled before sticking out her tongue. “But you like watching me jiggle.”
  1423. She wasn't wrong. Her face was eye level to your crotch and your erection was plain as day. You pulled off your clothes and cuddled next to your butterball for a moment before grabbing a monstrous slice of pizza. “ you still have my apron?” Fluttershy asked. “Yea....why?” Fluttershy blushed as she looked at herself. “I wanna see how big I've become. It wont fit...but wouldn't it be sexy to try?”
  1425. You ran to the closet and grabbed her old work apron. The straps were worn and frayed but it was in pristine condition everywhere else. You put in on the bed and pushed your arms under her obese mare, easing her onto her back so you could drape the apron over her belly. “It's so TINY.” Fluttershy bit her lip as the apron barely covered a fourth of her gut.
  1427. “I'm such a piggy. All I ever do is eat and get bigger, fatter and sexier.” Fluttershy winked as she called you back to bed. “Now come here and make me sexier. I've been craving pizza all day.” Fluttershy swallowed the first slice whole, moaning as her throat bulged out. “Oh yea, that's it. The cheese, the grease, the pressed daisies all over...” Fluttershy seemed to forget everything as she ate, swallowing faster and faster as her black hole of a stomach digested it all.
  1429. Her belly swelled up with every bite, flab oozing onto her stomach near instantly. “Keep going...this is heaven!” Fluttershy cooed as you continued to stuff her face. Grease spilled all over her lips as you crammed it all in, leaving her moaning between swallows. Your eyes widened as you reached into the box, only to find it was all gone.
  1431. “Jeez, Fluttershy. You just ate a pizza meant for ten ponies like it was nothing. You're gonna get so faaaaat.” You teased, jiggling her tummy about. Fluttershy bit her lip and sighed with pleasure. “How many calories was that? A couple hundred thousand? I'll be at least fifty if not a hundred pounds heavier by the end of this.” Fluttershy blushed as she struggled to rub her plump, tree trunk thighs together.
  1433. “Yup. You'll be an even bigger, sexier mare than ever.” You teased as you opened the next box. Fluttershy opened her mouth with glee as you resumed feeding her. She rubbed her stomach slowly with every bite, struggling to reach past her gigantic yellow swell. You aided her in her rubbing, reaching lower and lower until you found her navel.
  1435. “Oh Anon...please....” She gasped as you wiggled two fingers into her cavernous navel. Fluttershy jiggled and squirmed as you pushed your hand in, gliding into the sweaty belly button and tickling her flesh. “Oh my goodness....oh gosh...unnnnfffff.” Fluttershy shuddered hard. She slumped back into the mattress, panting hard.
  1437. “ better not stop after that!” Fluttershy commanded. You obliged your needy butterball, doubling her feedings while you continued to tickle and tease her gut. Fluttershy laid back and let you take the lead, simply swallowing and moaning as you had your fun. Another pizza gone and Fluttershy was grinning from ear to ear. “Yeeesssss. Feed me more...I'm almost starting to feel full!”
  1439. You tapped into one of the cider kegs and pushed the hose into Fluttershy's mouth. The full force of the spray sent little dribbles of cider down her chubby cheeks as the hungry mare chugged hard. Her belly swelled and sloshed with every gulp until the keg was completely dry. A massive belch shattered the windows of the bedroom, letting a little fresh air into the hot bedroom.
  1441. Before Fluttershy could say a thing, your lips were locked to hers. You ran your hands through her mane while she gripped at your shoulders with tender care. You didn't dare break away, not even with your lungs burning for oxygen. It had to end, sadly, as you both pulled away blue in the face and gasping for a breath. “Wow.” Fluttershy could barely whisper before you resumed the feeding.
  1443. Her bed cried out on agony as her weight increased with every bite. Reinforced steel was no match for the eating powers of your adorable glutton. “Are you about to break another bed? How many is this gonna be? The fourth? The fifth? What a lazy slob.” Fluttershy was panting hard with every word, struggling not to scream out once more. It was all over as you jiggled her belly and forced another giant belch from the depth of her gut.
  1445. She moaned. She screamed. Fluttershy trembled with another shattering orgasm, one that you continued to tease out by playing with her navel. “More! I'm almost there!” Fluttershy screamed. You did as you were asked, feeding her slice after slice as fast as you could. Her swollen belly looked almost double the size it had been when you first came home, bloated with pizza, cider and fresh, jiggly flab.
  1447. “ there any left?” Fluttershy begged for more. “Nope. You ate enough pizza and cider for fifty you seriously want more? I can go get you some.” Fluttershy shook her head, jiggling her entire body in the process. “No...not really.” She rubbed her belly and cooed at she focused on every wobble of her belly. “What I you.” Fluttershy reached out and pulled you as close as she could. Her warm body squished against you, smothering you with tons of sexy flab.
  1449. “I NEED you...please.” Fluttershy pleaded as she felt your erection poke into her belly. You groaned in delight as you eased yourself lower, thrusting your hips into her stomach until you found it. Her navel easily gripped your entire length. “Gimme that cock...fill me me a naughty pig as you cum all over my belly.” Fluttershy teased and teased, making it even harder to concentrate.
  1451. You sank into her soft gut like a giant yellow pillow, her body rippling with every lewd squelch. Sweat spread across her body, making it harder and harder to grip her flab. You had to wrap your arms as tight as you could around her belly as it wobbled violently. All the pressure and motion riled up the trapped gas in Fluttershy's tummy, forcing her to belch right in your face over and over.
  1453. All you could do was struggle to stay on top and hump her gut as hard as you could. The warm, wet, tight flesh gripping your cock seemed to milk you with every withdrawal of your cock. “'re too sexy....and fat.” You moaned, struggling to slam the tip of your dick against the back of her navel.
  1455. “Fuck me.....fill my belly button me that you love this enormous pony!” She taunted you harshly. You pulled back and slammed your crotch hard into her gut again and again, causing the bed to groan louder than before. “Ready to break another bed, fatass?” You asked as you gave one more pump of your crotch.
  1457. You came hard, instantly filling up the lewd belly button with cum. It squirted from her navel with every load that rocketed from your throbbing balls, smearing all over her sweaty belly and leaking all over the bed. Fluttershy screamed in delight as you came, wiggling her gigantic thighs and hind legs as a third orgasm blasted her mind to pieces.
  1459. Exhausted, you snuggled up to your giant Flutterbutter and wrapped your arms around her. “Love you, sweetheart.” You grinned before kissing her on the cheek. “You too, pizza boy.” Fluttershy closed her eyes as you gently rubbed her belly, falling into a little food coma instantly. You yawned as you cuddled up to your soft mare and sighed in content. “Can't wait to do this tomorrow.”
  1463. Cowpony
  1467. >You stand at the front door of the Apple family house, a feeling of dread weighing heavily in the pit of your stomach.
  1468. >The news you bring isn't good at all, but the longer you wait, the worse it might be.
  1469. >Stalling for time, you grip the doorknob lightly before letting go and sighing.
  1470. “Stop it. Just go in and break the news.”
  1471. >You turn the doorknob and enter the Apple home. Everypony is sitting in the living room gawking at Applejack.
  1472. >Odd white splotches cover her body from her face down to her legs. Applejack stares at a mirror in her hoof, her face scrunched in worry.
  1473. >”Anon! Y'all are back!” Applebloom shouts as she skitters across the floor over to you. “Did ya get it?”
  1474. “Yea...the thing is....Zecora is out of EVERYTHING. She's been treating a lot of cases of poison joke lately and she wont have the materials for at least a week.”
  1475. >”A week! Ah'm gonna be stuck like this fer a week? What about the spa?” Applejack groaned as her eyes wandered away from the mirror.
  1476. “That's where all the supplies went. Everypony has been going to the spa almost non-stop.”
  1477. “Nopony could have guessed Derpy was covered in poison joke pollen till she was stuck doing aerial corkscrews through town”
  1478. >”Well, no sense in frettin' over what's what. Best you deal with it till that Zecora gets her flowers.”
  1479. >”Eeeyup.”
  1480. >”Oh, that's EASY fer y'all two to say. Ah'm going to bed.”
  1481. >Applejack stomps off to your room. Everypony looks over to you and you sigh.
  1482. >You follow her up the stairs and notice light leaking from the bathroom. Leaning close, you can hear Applejack muttering under her breath as water flows over her hooves.
  1483. >”Stupid gall darned flowers...I swear Ah'm gonna.” She grumbles as she tries to wash away one of the spots stuck to her coat.
  1484. “Applejack, you know that wont work. Just come to bed and we'll worry about it tomorrow.”
  1485. >You lean in and give her a small hug. She sighs and grips your arms with her forehooves.
  1488. >”Ah suppose y'all are right. No sense frettin' over a few spots.” Applejack spins around in your grip and gives you a small peck on the lips before walking out of the bathroom.
  1489. >She releases her hair from her bands and slides into bed while you change into your pajamas
  1490. >Relaxed and under the covers, You reassure her with another hug.
  1491. “I know it's not fine, but everything will be okay. I'll handle working the stalls for you while you keep at it in the fields. Nopony will notice the change at all.”
  1492. >”Thanks, Sugarcube. You always know how to make me feel better.” You feel her relax as you run your hands over her coat.
  1493. >Soon, slumber overtakes you as you hold Applejack tight to your body. Her warmth and steady heartbeat guide you into a deep sleep.
  1494. >Your eyes stir open in a lazy stupor as the cold sends a shiver down your spine. Reaching out, you find emptiness on Applejack's side of the bed.
  1495. >Glancing over at the clock reveals it's still late into the night
  1496. >The blanket had been tossed off the bed almost in a frenzy. A damp splotch on Applejack's side of the bed is the only clue that somepony had even been there.
  1497. >You yank the blanket back onto the bed and wait.
  1498. >After thirty minutes, you sigh. Something was wrong.
  1499. >You slide out of bed and walked into the hallway. Darkness greeted you on all sides, offering no clue as to where Applejack had gone.
  1500. >A noise from downstairs grabs your attention and you descend the stairs.
  1501. >Soft glowing from the kitchen piques your interest. With caution, you walk into the doorway.
  1502. >Satisfied moans fill the room as somepony sits in front of the refrigerator. A mess of discarded wrappers and half eaten fruit sit on the floor around the pony in question.
  1503. >She moans as you catch her hooves heading towards her mouth. A loud gulp fills the room as the pony slams whatever was in their hoof into their mouth.
  1504. “Applejack? Is that you?”
  1507. >At the sound of her name, Applejack snaps her head towards you. She stares at you before picking up a half eaten apple from the floor.
  1508. “Applejack? Hey, Applejack...”
  1509. >You walk over and put a hand on her shoulder. You give her a shake and her eyelids flutter for a second.
  1510. >”Anon? What's goin' on?” She asks as she stares at the apple in her hoof. Applejack looks around at the mess and gasps. “What in the hay?”
  1511. “Applejack, did you get enough to eat at dinner? Is something wrong?”
  1512. >Before she can reply, her cheeks puff out. Her lips part as a burp escapes her belly.
  1513. >” much did Ah eat? My tummy hurts.” She moans as she presses her hooves to her stomach.
  1514. >Her belly is a small dome of orange and white. Taut and springy, Applejack shudders as she rubs her barrel.
  1515. “C'mon, lets get this cleaned up before we wake somepony.”
  1516. >A blush flares on her face as she nods. The half eaten fruit is saved for the livestock while all the trash is dumped.
  1517. >Applejack groans she waddles to the stairs. “Every time I walk, this gut swings a tad and it wont stop aching,”
  1518. >You scoop her up in your arms and head upstairs, walking past your bedroom door and stepping into the bathroom.
  1519. “Here, lets get you cleaned up a bit, okay?”
  1520. >She nods as you set her down into the tub and run the tap for a moment.
  1521. >You take a sponge and gently wash her face and chest, making sure to get rid of every sticky splotch on her mouth.
  1522. >Applejack closes her eyes and lies back into the tub. Her breathing slows as you begin washing her stomach with small, circular scrubs.
  1523. >It's not quite as hard as before, her skin allowing the sponge to sink into her belly as you wash her soft coat.
  1524. >A soft snore echoes through the bathroom as you finish draining the tub.
  1525. “Aw...she'd bop me if she heard me call her cute.”
  1526. >You gently dry her off with a fresh towel before taking her to bed.
  1527. >Applejack wraps a fore hoof around your torso as you snuggle close to her.
  1528. >With a smile on your face, you head to sleep for the second time that night.
  1531. >The early morning sun creeps into your eyes and stirs you from a deep slumber.
  1532. >Your arms reach out and find Applejack still snugged against you.
  1533. >After a quick sigh of relief, you slide yourself away from her and get out of bed.
  1534. >As much as you know she doesn't like it, you let her sleep in just a little bit as you head off to the bathroom.
  1535. >You do your morning rituals in peace. Fresh and prepared for the day, you knock on your bedroom door and slide inside.
  1536. “Applejack, shower's free.”
  1537. >Silence greets you as you stare at the empty bed. Where did she go?
  1538. >Your stomach grumbles, deciding where you should check first. The faint smell of breakfast climbs in your nose as you head into the kitchen.
  1539. >The apples dart around the kitchen with grace, each one cooking up something delicious.
  1540. >Applebloom sets the table while Big Mac cuts up a few apples for breakfast.
  1541. >Granny Smith is busy whipping up batter for apple cinnamon muffins while Applejack is hard at work flipping a few pancakes.
  1542. >”Well howdy, Anon. Sleep well last night?” Granny Smith smiles as you toss a few paper wrappers into the muffin tray.
  1543. “Slept fine, Granny. You should have warned me Applejack was such a cuddler when we started dating.”
  1544. >”HEY!” Applejack snaps, a blush on her face. Everypony laughs before returning to their cooking.
  1545. >You slip over to Applejack and give her a small kiss on the cheek.
  1546. “Stop being so cute when you're mad and maybe I'll stop teasing you like that.”
  1547. >”Mfff.” She mumbled back. You lean over to find a pancake half stuffed into her mouth.
  1548. >She swallows the flapjack and licks her lips. “Y'all better be careful 'fore Ah do something about it.”
  1549. >Applejack grins at you as she slips another pancake into her mouth.
  1550. >Her impressive stacks of pancakes would be enough to feed Big Mac for the whole day.
  1551. “So what's with all the food? Somepony coming over?”
  1552. >Applejack's stomach grumbles as she stuffs a third pancake into her mouth. “Uh...nah? Ah'm just STARVED this mornin'.”
  1555. >A glint of worry creeps in the back of your head. No way she should be hungry after last night.
  1556. >Everypony finishes cooking and takes a seat. A silent moment of thanks is observed before the Apples dig in.
  1557. >Your eyes flicker over to Applejack's plate. Even with her earlier attempts to sneak pancakes, she's still got about ten on her plate.
  1558. >Two muffins sit beside her, as well as an uncut apple. You keep an eye on her as she quickly shovels her meal into her mouth.
  1559. >Syrup splatters on her muzzle as she chews, saliva and crumbs slipping from the corners of her mouth.
  1560. >She finishes her pancakes quicker than anypony else. Everypony stares as she slathers her last pancake in syrup before swallowing it whole.
  1561. >The soft, buttery cakes expand in her stomach, bloating it just enough to touch the table.
  1562. >Applejack yanks the wrappers off the muffins with her teeth, then opens her mouth wide as she can.
  1563. >She crams both of the huge treats in her mouth and chews, moaning as her hooves wander to her round belly.
  1564. >Her eyes close as she eats her pastries. Applejack's stomach grumbles in appreciation as she swallows, causing a massive lump to slide down her throat.
  1565. >Her hooves stop rubbing her belly just long enough for her to grip her apple. Without a second thought, she shoves that into her mouth as well.
  1566. >As Applejack finishes her breakfast, she finally realizes every set of eyes upon her. “...Whut?”
  1567. >Everypony is silent, save for one green mare at the other end. She chuckles to herself before turning to you.
  1568. >”I was wonderin' if I was gonna get any great-grandchildren any time soon. Good job, Anon.”
  1569. >”GRANNY!” Applejack shouts. She opens her mouth to protest but something else stops her.
  1573. >A blush crosses your face as Applebloom leaps from the table. “Ah'm too young to be an aunt! Awwww!”
  1574. >Granny and Big Mac laugh as Applejack hides behind her hat. “Ah'm NOT pregnant, thank you very much!”
  1575. >Applejack hops off her seat and waddles outside. Her overfull gut wobbles and shakes as she makes her leave.
  1576. “ really think she's...”
  1577. >”Aw shucks, how would I know? I just love teasin' the poor girl is all. Either way, you two better follow her example and get to the fields, ya know.”
  1578. >You finish your breakfast and head outside. The early morning sun casts the fields in a soft, beautiful glow.
  1579. >First stop is the barn. You unlatch the doors and pull the first wagon outside. Inside are a few dozen buckets as well as your padded sledgehammer.
  1580. >You haul the wagon to your assigned part of the orchards for today and place a few baskets around.
  1581. >Hefting the hammer into your hands, You position into a batter's stance.
  1582. >Feet apart, breathe in, breathe out, hammer at the ready. With a wide swing, the hammer snaps to the wood and shakes the tree hard.
  1583. >Apples fall into the baskets below with a few scattered to the ground.
  1584. “Nice. Only missed a few that time.”
  1585. >You travel to tree to tree, thwacking each one with your hammer.
  1586. >The baskets fill nicely as you set a decent pace. You top off the wagon after a few hours and haul it back to the barn.
  1587. >You aren't surprised to see an impressive pile of apples awaiting inside the barn. While you consider yourself decent, Applejack and Big Mac are WAY more efficient.
  1588. >”Howdy, Anon. This your first haul?” Applejack grins as she dumps out her wagon of apples.
  1589. “Yea. Kinda hard to compete with the strongest apple farmer out there.”
  1590. >”Aw, shucks. Haven't I blushed enough for one day?” Applejack winks at you before taking an apple from your pile and taking a bite.
  1593. >You peek down at her belly for a second. While not at taut from breakfast, it seems rounder and softer than last night.
  1594. >”What're y'all looking at? Ah don't got any more of those spots on me, do I?” Applejack glances down at her belly.
  1595. “I'm just thinking about the poison joke is all. You've eaten a lot of food today, Applejack.
  1596. >”So? Maybe it's just a side effect of these spots. As long as nothing stops me from working, Ah'm fine.”
  1597. >Applejack takes her empty wagon outside and speeds off towards another field. Shrugging, you head back to your section as well.
  1598. >By supper, you've managed a decent pile for the day.
  1599. >You latch up the barn and head back to the house. Your shirt clings to your back, completely coated in sweat.
  1600. >”Mighty fine harvest today, eh Mac?”
  1601. >”Eeeeeyup.”
  1602. >”Hope sales for tomorrow are good. Countin' on you, Anon.”
  1603. “Just worry about keeping the stock up. I'll handle the markets.”
  1604. >She leans in and gives you a kiss on the cheek. “Just as long as you shower first...”
  1605. >Granny Smith doesn't let you near the dinner table until she's sure you've taken two showers. Your fingers are a tiny bit pruned as you head downstairs.
  1606. >Stepping into the kitchen reveals a similar scene. While a plate has been saved for you, the loads of surplus food is sitting on Applejack's plate.
  1607. >Crumbs cling to her mouth as she eats a pie right from the tin. What doesn't stick to her mouth lands on her chubby belly.
  1608. >Everypony shifts in their chairs as the pie tin clangs to the table. Applejack leans back in her seat for a moment, allowing her taut stomach to rest on her thighs.
  1609. >”That pie was fer all of us...” Applebloom pouts as Applejack's hoof wanders back to her plate.
  1610. >She stuffs a daisy salad in her mouth piece by piece while munching on a candy apple. Applejack's gut gurgles as she reaches over and swipes a few cornbread muffins.
  1613. >”Hmm...well, no sense in worryin'” Granny Smith shrugs as she begins eating her salad.
  1614. >Everypony finishes their meal while Applejack polishes off all the excess food. Her hooves rub circles on her expansive belly as she moans in pleasure.
  1615. >”Ahh, what a meal! Ah think it's about time to hit the hay, right Anon?”
  1616. “Yup. Gotta get some beauty sleep for the markets tomorrow. Zombies can't sell apples.”
  1617. >You change into your pajamas and land on your bed. Applejack does the same, the bed frame creaking as she lands.
  1618. >”Good night, Sugarcube.” She whispers before snuggling close to your side of the bed.
  1619. >You reach over and wrap an arm around her, frowning when your arms barely covers her stuffed tummy.
  1620. >While Applejack's eyes close, yours stay open.
  1621. >There's something going on with her, and you need to find out before she hurts herself.
  1622. >Exhaustion hits you hard as the clock ticks the night away. Your eyes almost close for good when you feel Applejack shifting around in the bed.
  1623. >She slides out of the bed and stands still for a moment or two. Her stomach growls angrily as she begins walking to the door.
  1624. “Applejack? Applejack?!?”
  1625. >Your whispers fall on deaf ears as she heads right out of the bedroom.
  1626. >Her hoof steps echo through the hallway, growing fainter and fainter with each second.
  1627. >You toss aside the blanket and creep into the hall. Straining, you swear you hear the front door slam shut.
  1628. >Running as quietly as you can, you head into the kitchen and grab a flashlight.
  1629. >The front door swings open, your flashlight leading the way.
  1630. “Applejack....Applejack!”
  1631. >You call out again and again, wandering around aimlessly in the dark.
  1632. “Where is that silly pony? She could get hurt or something.”
  1633. >The sliding of the barn door alerts you to a presence nearby. You speed off towards the barn in hopes you find Applejack.
  1636. >Your light peeks into the barn, cutting through the darkness.
  1637. >It stops as you spot Applejack, sitting down in front of the massive pile of apples.
  1638. >” nom.” She munches away. You make a slow approach, not wanting to startle her.
  1639. >As you inch closer and closer, your eyes notice the lack of apple cores. The crunch of teeth gnawing on apples intensifies as you arrive at Applejack's side.
  1640. >Her eyes are completely empty as she eats. Her cheeks bulge out as she stuffs whole apples in her mouth.
  1641. >Her stomach sloshes and groans as she swallows, the orange and white dome pushing further and further away from her.
  1642. >You reach over and pull an apple from her hooves only for her to grab another from the slightly dwindled pile.
  1643. “Applejack....Applejack? APPLEJACK!”
  1644. >Your voice doesn't snap her from her feeding frenzy. Desperation fills your veins as you begin to shake Applejack.
  1645. >Her head bobs back and forth for a second while her tummy jiggles against her hind legs. No matter how hard you shove, she continues to cram more apples into her mouth.
  1646. >Applejack jolts her body, causing you to stop.
  1647. HIC
  1648. >Her stomach bubbles and groans, finally making Applejack stop her frenzy. Her throat expands as gas rushes from her tummy.
  1650. >Applejack's gut deflates a tiny bit and her body seems to relax. Without warning, Applejack leans back and falls to the floor.
  1651. “Applejack!”
  1652. >You kneel down and shine your light on her. A snore escapes her mouth, causing you to sigh in relief.
  1653. >Cradling her in your arms is no easy feat as her increased size strains your whole body.
  1654. >Her tummy bounces and sloshes while you carry her back to the house. If the whole situation didn't have you panicked, it would have been cute.
  1657. >You snake through the house as silent as can be. Placing her gently in the tub, you sigh as you run the taps.
  1658. >A washcloth rubs over her soft belly, forcing a chuckle out of Applejack in her sleep. Her smile warms your heart a tiny bit as you rinse off all the sticky fructose from her lips.
  1659. >Shampoo pools into your hand and you get to work scrubbing her mane. The suds make quick work of the gooey apples stuck in her hair.
  1660. >Your hands stop as you feel two bumps on the top of her head. Curious, you part her hair a little and gasp.
  1661. >The bumps are more like little white nubs poking out of her head. You prod and poke them until Applejack moans.
  1662. “Shhhh. Everything is okay, Applejack. Just...stay asleep...please.”
  1663. >Your honeyed whispers lull the farmer back to sleep. Blinking hard, you realize how badly your eyes are burning.
  1664. >The water swirls down the drain as you dry off your sleeping marefriend. Another grunt slips from your mouth as you pick her up and head back to the bedroom.
  1665. >As slow as you can, you ease Applejack into the bed. Exhaustion hits you hard as you climb into bed after her.
  1666. >”Hey Anon. Sleepyhead...wake up already. It's getting' late!”
  1667. >Silently cursing to yourself, you creak open your weary eyes to see Applejack frowning at you.
  1668. >”There y'all are! Ah've been nudging you for a while now and you're just now waking up. Is something wrong?”
  1669. >You debate to tell her just what you saw last night, but decide to keep it secret. No sense in worrying her.
  1670. “A little tired from working yesterday. Looking forward to working the stall today, if I'm gonna be honest.”
  1671. >She flashes you a small grin and pokes your side. “Well lets get the day started already!”
  1672. >Applejack blushes as her stomach rumbles in a desperate cry.
  1675. >You have to bite down hard on your tongue as Applejack devours nearly everything on the table.
  1676. >Her once, trim belly had ballooned out with her heavy meals, giving her a plump, rounded curve.
  1677. >A bit of fat wobbles as her foreleg reaches out for another muffin while her rump eclipses the seat.
  1678. >Applejack keeps eating as if nothing is wrong. Even when her belly touches the table, she continues to devour everything in front of her.
  1679. >The Apples simply shrug and eat their own breakfast. No sense in worrying.
  1681. >Applejack sighs as she finishes her intense meal. Her belly doesn't even seem full, her fat still squishing into the table.
  1682. >”Now that was good! Ah'm headed out to the fields!” She boasted, not noticing how much her ass bounced with her heavy strut.
  1683. >”Ahh, that girl. If she doesn't watch it, she'll be a piggy in the barn sooner or later.” Granny Smith cackles at her own joke.
  1684. “...What about a cow?”
  1685. >”Ha! That's even better. A cowpony like her turning into a cow. Hilarious!” Granny Smith laughs even harder.
  1686. >The Apples all chime in, dismissing your fears casually.
  1687. “I'm serious. What if that poison joke is really affecting her eating habits like that?”
  1688. >Granny Smith just smiles and pats your hand. “I know you're worried about her but poison joke never REALLY hurts anypony. It just makes 'em act funny for a while or they take that bath.”
  1689. >”The only hard part is when she realizes she needs to burn off that butt!” Apple Bloom shouts, sending everypony into a laughing fit.
  1690. “If you're sure poison joke is harmless...”
  1691. >You muse to yourself for a moment. While Granny Smith isn't really a doctor, she HAS been living near the Everfree Forest almost her entire life.
  1692. >”Anywho, I DO know I see two strapping, young gentlecolts who might need to get some hustle in their step.” Granny Smith warns as she begins to collect the dirty plates.
  1695. >The day at the market drags at a crawl. While you are certainly busy for most of the day, the sun just doesn't move like when you're in the fields.
  1696. >You manage a pretty successful day all in all. You only have about two barrels to carry back with you along with a hefty bag of bits.
  1697. >It's a silent walk back to the farm. The calm does little to settle the turbulence in your mind.
  1698. >”Hey, Anon. Back so soon?” Applejack calls out from the outskirts of the farm.
  1699. “Yup. Made a decent haul today. Only two barrels left unsold.”
  1700. >You jangle the massive pouch of bits and smile.
  1701. >”Fantastic! Why don't y'all head on home. Ah'll get these apples to the barn right quick.”
  1702. >She gives you a smile as you leave the barrels with her. Suspicion fills your mind as you notice her glance around with a sense of worry.
  1703. >Ducking behind a tree, you hide your presence and take a moment to observe.
  1704. >There's no hesitation as Applejack tips both barrels over and lets the apples cascade onto the ground.
  1705. >Her stomach rumbles with hunger as she leans down and devours a whole apple.
  1706. >Crunching and smacking signal the beginning of Applejack's impromptu feast. Her plump rear wiggles in the air with excitement, causing it to bounce and jiggle like gelatin.
  1707. >Her belly hangs low to the ground, inching ever closer as she crams more and more apples into her needy belly.
  1708. >A small burp echoes through the orchards before she resumes. Applejack moans, her whole body shaking and wobbling with excitement.
  1709. >Your eyes widen as you notice a hoof sneaking under her heavy belly and make contact between her legs.
  1710. >Applejack's moans intensify as her hoof lazily circles her fat cheeks and slips through to her prize.
  1711. >Even your breathing gets hot and heavy as Applejack moans through another giant bite of apples and sin.
  1714. >It doesn't take much longer for Applejack to finish. With the last apple in her belly, she gives herself a final pat before standing up straight.
  1715. >Her stomach bounces and sways with each labored step, her legs weak from arousal.
  1716. >You depart from your hiding place and hurry home. Opening the front door reveals nopony inside.
  1717. >Allowing yourself a moment, you begin to calm down from what you just saw. The image of Applejack seems burned into your mind and your pants feel tight.
  1718. “Did...I really enjoy that?”
  1719. >A new conflict bubbles inside your mind. Do you dare ENCOURAGE Applejack's new habits? Granny said it was harmless, after all...
  1720. >Applejack strides in the front door and finds you standing around. “Howdy Anon. Y'all see Granny around? It's about time to get supper started.”
  1721. >Even now, she thinks of food. It takes all your self control to calm down.
  1722. “Haven't seen her or anypony else. Maybe they went out?”
  1723. >A note sitting on Granny Smith's rocking chair catches your eye. You scoop it up and read aloud.
  1724. “Dear Applejack and Big Mac, your great aunt Pine Apple invited me over for the weekend. See y'all around Monday!”
  1725. “Went out with the fellas. Mac.”
  1726. “CMC super secret stuffs.”
  1727. >”Well, looks like we've got the house to ourselves for a while. What do you wanna do about supper?”
  1728. >Your eyes glance down at Applejack's bouncing belly and you smile.
  1729. “Why not make just our favorites? Nopony here to share with or anything like that.”
  1730. >Applejack's eyes light up as her mouth waters. “Oh, candied apples coated in chocolate with hay fries, a side of baked apples and cinnamon blasted apple pie.”
  1731. “Sounds great! Let's get to work...”
  1734. >You could hear Applejack's gut grumble in protest as she did her best not to snack on everything as you cooked.
  1735. >Even so, you had to drop back into the pantry a few times to replace all the apples she had eaten.
  1736. >”Hey, Anon. That's WAY too many candied apples. It's just us, ya know?”
  1737. “Nonsense. If we cook too much, Apple Bloom or Big Mac will just eat it when they get home. Nothing will go to waste, I'm sure.”
  1738. >Applejack shrugged as you dipped the fifteenth apple into the chocolate-caramel mix.
  1739. >A small grin formed on your face as you noticed only thirteen were left to dry as you tossed the flower salad for Applejack.
  1740. >Five apple pies baked away, filling the house with the sweet scent of sugar and cinnamon apple.
  1741. >A low groan filled the room as Applejack began gnawing on her salad right from the mixing bowl.
  1742. >The sizzle of the oil signaled the hay fries were ready to be dipped. Each golden, crunchy strand of hay was just begging to be eaten as Applejack finished her salad.
  1743. >By the time all the pies and baked apples were done, Applejack was licking fry salt off her hooves.
  1744. >Her already stuffed belly was growing tight and full, yet Applejack continued to stare at food like she had never eaten in her life.
  1745. “Go sit down, Applejack. I'll bring everything to the table.”
  1746. >You didn't have to tell her twice. She sped off to her chair and scooted to the table, completely ignoring the pinch against her belly.
  1747. >The tray of candied apples came first. Applejack grabbed them right from the tray and bit down into the sweet snack.
  1748. >Chocolate, caramel and apple juice clung to her face with each hurried bite. Her moans were muffled out by her constantly stuffed mouth.
  1749. >You set six of the baked apples near her plate, grinning as she licks a bit of chocolate off her hooves. Her chest is drenched with apple juice and chocolate is everywhere.
  1750. >By the time you return with the rest of the baked apples, the final candied apple disappears in her mouth.
  1753. >Her eyes flicker around and spot the baked apples. Applejack grabs one in each hoof and takes turns chomping down between her two hoof fulls of food.
  1754. >You look down and notice her belly spilling more and more over the table, almost pushing her away from the meal with each huge bite.
  1755. >The fleet of pies touch down as Applejack finishes her tenth baked apple. Her eyes are drooping and her stomach is gurgling as the heavy food sits in her belly.
  1756. >”Is...sooo gooood.” Applejack moans between bites. She stuffs another apple in her mouth and chews it slowly.
  1757. “Well, don't tell me you're done. There's still pie to be had.”
  1758. >”....Pie?” She responds. Her mind is lost in a haze of food and gluttony, but her belly grumbled in need at the mention of food.
  1759. >You cut a massive slice of the first pie and present it to Applejack. Her nose sniffs at the air for a second before she leans down and starts eating off her plate.
  1760. >In seconds, the massive slice is gone. Applejack pats her belly, smearing chocolate on her spotted coat.
  1761. “Want more?”
  1762. >You don't even cut a slice and slide the rest of the first pie in front of her. Applejack grips the tin and tilts it to her lips, letting the pie fall into her mouth.
  1763. >Apple chunks, crust, and gooey filling cover her muzzle as she scarfs down the remaining pie. Her belly swells out, her chair grunting as it slides away from the table.
  1764. >As soon as she drops the empty pie tin, another is right in front of her. Without thinking, she shoves the tin at her mouth, demolishing the second pie in seconds.
  1765. >The third and fourth go down but the fifth stalls in front of her. Applejack's belly gives a loud, angry gurgle and she sighs.
  1766. >Without a word, you move over to her side and cut the pie. A small slice bumps her lips and she opens her mouth.
  1767. >Your free hand rubs her full, taut gut, encouraging to eat another tiny slice.
  1770. >The last slice takes a bit of coaxing, but Applejack finally finishes the entire meal.
  1771. >Your hands rub and massage her gut as it glorps and gurgles under your touch.
  1773. >Applejack's lips vibrate as the massive belch flies from her lips. Her eyes close and her breathing slows to a crawl.
  1774. “C'mon, sleepy. Let's clean you up and get you tucked in.
  1775. >You slide her away from the chair and stop in your tracks.
  1776. >Under her massive, orange belly is a small, pink patch bulging from her body. Four small bumps sit upon the odd patch of skin in a square pattern.
  1777. “That....that's an udder. Oh Celestia, that's an udder.”
  1778. >You place your hand on the udder and lightly poke the exposed skin. Nothing seems wrong to you...other than your pony marefriend has a real cow udder.
  1779. >Applejack moans in her sleep, causing you to jerk your hands away.
  1780. >You cradle her with your arms and give a mighty grunt. Her heavy body weighs down on your arms as you take care climbing the stairs.
  1781. >Removing her hat sends another shock through your body. Proper horns had grown from the small nubs once poking through her hair.
  1782. >You stare for a moment before your legs cry out for relief. Setting her in the tub, you try not to stare as you turn on the taps.
  1783. >Applejack cradles her belly as the tub fills with water. You take extra care to wash her face and belly clean of all the messy chocolate and pie filling.
  1784. >It takes a bit of time to scrub out all the mess from her bigger belly and her fatter cheeks. All done, you heft the blubbery mare into your arms once more.
  1785. >You lean down and collapse on the bed. Too tired from carrying Applejack, you find your eyes closing in the comfort of bed.
  1786. >Leaning over, you give Applejack a tiny kiss.
  1787. “Love you, Applejack.”
  1788. >” moo too.”
  1792. >Applejack's scream threw you out of bed. You picked yourself up and ran straight for her voice.
  1793. >As you peered into the bathroom, you caught Applejack's reflection in the mirror.
  1794. >Her eyes were focused on her reflection as her hooves pokes and prodded at her horns.
  1795. >Applejack frowned as her hooves wander from her pearl white horns to the round, pink orb bouncing under her stomach.
  1796. >Her udder had swollen through the night, the pink mass sloshing with liquid at each poke.
  1797. “Applejack?”
  1798. >Her eyes peered at the mirror and caught you staring. “Anon, don't loooooooook!” Her voice trailed off at the lazy oh sound, drawing it out like a moo.
  1799. >Applejack blushed and hurried over to the door as fast as her bulky body would allow. With a slam, the door shut in your face.
  1800. “Applejack? Applejack! Unlock the door!”
  1801. >”NO! Ah'm not letting moooo see me like this! It''s embarrassing.”
  1802. “And? I've never known appearance to stop a pony like you.”
  1803. >Yea, a PONY like me! Nooooooow Ah'm just a...a...a big fat cooooow!”
  1804. >Sobbing began to echo through the bathroom, shattering your heart.
  1805. >You had to get in somehow. Ideas floated through your mind as you wandered away from the door.
  1806. >The giant mess in the dining room brought out a brilliant idea. You toss the mess in the sink to soak while you prepare a secret weapon.
  1807. >In no time, you place your weapon next to the bathroom door and wait.
  1808. >A groan of hunger reaches your ears and you smile. Quick sniffs alert you to Applejack's nose crammed near the bottom of the door.
  1809. >Slowly, she creaks the door open to spot a fresh apple pie in front of the door.
  1810. “Hi, Applejack. Can the pie and I come in?”
  1811. >Applejack goes to shut the door but you intercept.
  1812. >With a dive, you push through the door and grab Applejack in a hug from behind.
  1813. >”Anon! Let go!”
  1816. “I will not! I can't stand hearing you cry like that...”
  1817. >Applejack squirms in your grip but you keep your arms wrapped tight around her chest and belly.
  1818. >”But...but Ah'm just a freak. Look at me! Ah'm a cow!”
  1819. >She taps a horn for emphasis. A sigh fills the air as Applejack begins to relax in your grip.
  1820. “But you're still the sweetheart I've been falling for all these months. You're just a bit....sexier.”
  1821. >The room is silent for a moment. A small giggle breaks the tension in the air.
  1822. >”Sexy? Maybe it's YOU who needs a doc, Anon.”
  1823. >Her laughter grows louder and louder, coaxing you to chime in. Your laughter echoes through the bathroom until Applejack sighs.
  1824. >”Well...Ah do feel something poking into mah butt right now. That wouldn't happen to be you, would it?”
  1825. >You blush as Applejack spins around in your grip. “Ah, I know that face. You DO find this attractive, don't ya?”
  1826. “I might have gotten a good look at your new booty once or twice.”
  1827. >”Um...speaking of mah rear...can I ask you a favor?”
  1828. >Applejack blushes as you release her from your grip and turns around. “Seems everything' back there. Might Ah get you to..mi...milk me?”
  1829. >Her udder seems to twitch as she says “milk”. You grin and pick her up.
  1830. >”Hey! Just what are y'all doing?” Applejack shouts as you place her rear in the tub. Her belly squishes against the rim as you retrieve the pie from the hallway.
  1831. “Relax, Applejack. Just calm down and enjoy the pie I baked.”
  1832. >”Oh sure. Eat the pie. What did y'all make it out of? Butter?”
  1833. >A chuckle floats through the air as Applejack's belly gurgles in hunger. She blushes before leaning down and taking a massive bite.
  1834. >Applejack casts a wary eye as you lean over the side of the tub. Her hind legs are slightly spread, allowing access to her pink udder.
  1835. >You rub your hands together for a bit of warmth, then grip one of her hanging teats.
  1838. >The scream from Applejack snaps you away from her rear. You lean over to see Applejack, face completely buried in the pie.
  1839. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
  1840. >Applejack raises her face, sloppy with pie filling, and mashes it against your lips. Her tongue darts into your mouth, playing with yours before breaking away.
  1841. >You're left panting and breathless as Applejack suppresses a shudder. “ that again!”
  1842. >The massive blush creeping on your face leaves you feeling hot. You return to her rump and reach out again.
  1843. >Applejack moans hard as your fingers caress her teat. Her whole body shudders as you slowly drag your grip down and release her udder.
  1844. >”Oh goddess...that feels AMAZING!” Applejack moans as you tug again.
  1845. >A heavy musk fills the air and your gaze wanders up. Applejack's love button is winking right at you, her arousal spilling from her sex.
  1846. >Applejack moans through a giant mouthful of pie as you continue to tug at her udder. All at once, her teat begins leaking a slow stream.
  1847. >The golden liquid falls to the tub and runs down the drain. You swab a finger through the river of lactation and lick your hand.
  1848. “'re lactating CIDER!”
  1849. >”Ah don't care if orange juice was comin' out. Don't stop!” She begged as her front legs wobbled with arousal.
  1850. >You grabbed her leaking teat and pulled, grinning as the stream intensified.
  1851. >With one leaking at a decent speed, you grabbed two of her other teats and began to coax cider from her full udder.
  1852. >Applejack shouted all over again, her chest heaving as she moaned from your touch.
  1853. >A thought crossed your mind and you lean forward. You pucker your lips and latch on to her clit, giving the pink pearl a quick suck.
  1854. >”OHHHHH!”
  1855. >Applejack's legs turn to jelly as she cums HARD. Her rear almost falls out of the tub as Applejack near collapses from your touch.
  1856. >Cum and cider spill into the tub, coating you with her excretions.
  1857. >You sit next to Applejack and a single thought escapes you.
  1858. “That was hot.”
  1861. >Your alarm clock blares as the early morning sun casts its light upon the apple orchards.
  1862. >An eye is slow to open as the noisy bells rattle you from a deep slumber. It's another fantastic day in Ponyville.
  1863. >The bed feels a little empty without Applejack cuddling your body, but you manage a smile.
  1864. >Zecora had stopped by last night with a package, one of many sitting in her heavy saddlebags.
  1865. >”The cure to poison joke is here! Now, Ponyville has nothing to fear!”
  1866. >A small, white bag was shoved in your hands. Zecora gave you a small nod and ran off to the other affected ponies left in town.
  1867. >With the bag in your hands, you walked over to the barn and slipped inside.
  1868. >A giant, orange and white mass awaited you inside. Applejack's snores echoed through the barn as she slept away the morning.
  1869. >Her appetite had skyrocketed once her “milk” production started.
  1870. >It had become a problem when you found her slamming her hefty rear into trees and simply eating every apple that fell.
  1871. >There were no remnants of her meal from last night, save a few strands of hay, and a pie tin licked clean.
  1872. >You almost regret disturbing the adorable cow, but today is her final day.
  1873. “Applejack. Applejack, sweetie.”
  1874. >You give her shoulder a small shake, sending her body shaking.
  1875. >Her long, snaky tail whips in protest as Applejack slowly opens. She smiled upon seeing you and yawns herself awake.
  1876. >”Hooooooowdy, Anon.” Applejack says, her greeting almost trailing off.
  1877. >Her hooves rub her belly and she blushes.
  1878. >”Ah doooon't suppoose y'all got a bite tooooo eat?”
  1879. >On cue, Applejack's massive stomach rumbles, demanding her morning meal.
  1880. “I've got a little bit better than that.”
  1881. >Applejack raises an eyebrow as you walk over to a tarp in the corner of the room.
  1884. >You yank the tarp away and reveal a massive collection of food.
  1885. >Applejack drools a tiny bit as the sweet smell of apples and chocolate fills her nose.
  1886. >About a dozen pies sit on a warming plate while two dozen chocolate coated apples surround them.
  1887. >”Wow...that's a lot! Any special occasion?”
  1888. “What? I can't spoil my little cowpony?”
  1889. >Applejack blushes as she yanks her hat over her face. “Ah told yoooooou not ta' call me that!”
  1890. >Giggling, you pull the white bag from your pocket.
  1891. “That, and Zecora stopped by with the poison joke remedy. I thought we might have one last morning like this before you return to normal.”
  1892. >Applejack's stomach interrupts, once more demanding the food so tantalizingly close.
  1893. >”Well, don't just stand there! Hand oooooover those pies!”
  1894. >You pick up the pies from the tray and place them near her hooves. Applejack reaches out over her fat chest, grabs one and promptly stuffs her muzzle in the gooey pie.
  1895. >Her moans reverberate off the tin, filling the barn with her pleased tone.
  1896. >The tins fall to the ground in seconds after Applejack picks one up. In no time, a dozen empty tins sit beside her,
  1897. >The candy apples are next. You grip the first one and place it near her lips.
  1898. >Applejack sinks her teeth into the apple, juice spilling onto your hands and her cheeks.
  1899. >In seconds, the apple is gone. Your hand lingers as Applejack licks and slurps away the chocolate clinging to your fingers.
  1900. >Applejack's already massive belly inches out with each bite, her new flab spilling onto the hay covered ground.
  1901. >The last apple slides into Applejack's mouth, signaling the grand finale.
  1902. >With a happy, full belly, her gut begins to churn and gurgle away the sweet treats.
  1903. >Applejack puffs out her cheeks as her mouth is forced wide open.
  1907. >The sugary belch washes over you, tipping you to the breaking point.
  1908. >You stand up and begin unbuttoning your pants.
  1909. “Ready for dessert?”
  1910. >You ask as you let your pants fall to the ground.
  1911. >Applejack grins as she opens her mouth wide. She licks her lips as your cock inches ever closer to her mouth.
  1912. >You jam your cock into her mouth, causing Applejack to gag a bit. Before she can rear back, you grip her horns and keep her locked in place.
  1913. >Groaning in delight, you pump your hips hard. Applejack moans around your cock as you thrust deep into her mouth.
  1914. >It ends as quickly as it begins. You furiously face fuck Applejack for a few seconds until you feel that tightening sensation in your balls.
  1915. >You shove your cock in as far as you can and cum deep down Applejack's throat.
  1916. >Applejack coughs as you finally pull your half hard member from her throat. She pats her belly as she wipes away a tear or two.
  1917. >”Jeez, Anon...never seen yooooou so horny before.”
  1918. “I could say the same for you.”
  1919. >You both laugh at your corny joke until Applejack twitches in discomfort.
  1920. >”Ugh...Anon...Ah'm fuh...full.”
  1921. “I bet you are. Ready for your last milking?”
  1922. >Applejack nods, a blush creeping over her face again.
  1923. >She never could mention her udder without blushing.
  1924. >You head over to the milker and grin. In just a week, she's filled up almost all the storage tanks in the barn.
  1925. >The excess cider certainly will come in handy once the season hits proper.
  1926. >You take a moment to heat up the nozzles as you peek at her udder.
  1927. >Her pink teats are twitching as her ripe, sloshing organ is stretched full of cider.
  1928. >Little, amber droplets are dripping from her teats just begging for a quick suckle.
  1929. >A grin slides on your face as you lean down. You wrap your mouth around her teat and pull, allowing your mouth to fill with the sweet beverage,
  1930. >”AAHHHHHHNON! Ohhhhhh Doooooon't tease me!” Applejack begs.
  1933. >Her hind legs wiggle in anticipation as each suction tube is placed on her teats.
  1934. “Ready?”
  1935. >You don't wait for her response as you activate the machine.
  1936. >Applejack's legs go from wiggling to completely slack as the pleasure completely overrides her brain.
  1937. >”Moooooooo!” Applejack hums as her sore udder is drained.
  1938. >The thick musk of arousal fills the barn as Applejack begins to shudder and groan.
  1939. >All her groaning has you perked up from your earlier workout.
  1940. >Her tail whips from side to side, teasing you towards her rump.
  1941. >You peek at her rear and frown. Her udder blocks any sort of access to her pussy.
  1942. >However, you DO see one way you can get off.
  1943. >You kick off your pants and spread your legs over her udder.
  1944. >The goofy position causes you to fall over, your hands sinking deep into her fat ass.
  1945. >Applejack moos in content as she feels you awkwardly grinding against her butt.
  1946. >You finally get into position and place your tip at her back door,
  1947. >”MoooOOOOOO!” Applejack cries out as you plunge yourself deep into her asshole.
  1948. >Her warm, tight walls clamp down hard, almost painfully so.
  1949. >Hands wanders to her hips and give her a reassuring rubdown and maybe a squeeze here or there.
  1950. >Applejack relaxes a little bit, giving you enough room to slide back out.
  1951. >You push back in, shuddering as her ass clamps down on you again.
  1952. >It's certainly tight, but it's so irresistible.
  1953. >Her ass wobbles and shakes with each heavy thrust, sending the rest of her blubbery body into a jiggling fit.
  1954. >”Moooooo” Applejack moans as you feel her shudder under your grip.
  1955. >Thrust after thrust has Applejack moaning and mooing like crazy. The increased gurgle inside the milker sends a shiver down your spine.
  1956. >The combined sensation of her fat body squishing in your fingers, Applejack's moaning and her tight ass force you to your limits
  1957. >You yank on her tail and thrust hard, cumming deep into Applejack's rear.
  1958. >Her output goes into overdrive, overfilling the milker and sending cider all over you.
  1961. >You weakly hump her ass for a few seconds, then pull out and collapse on the hay.
  1962. >”That...was...AMAZIN', Sugarcube.” Applejack moans as the last bits of cider empty from her udder.
  1963. >You pick yourself up from the ground and walk over to her front.
  1964. “Ready for that bath?”
  1965. >It took a few hefty shoves, but you're able to get Applejack into a crude, wooden tub.
  1966. >Water splashes out as her fat squishes against the sides.
  1967. >You add in the mixture and do exactly what the instructions say, making sure to get all of Applejack's body coated in the healing waters.
  1968. >In no time, the magic works its wonders and Applejack begins to shrink.
  1969. >The white spots over her body fade, replaced with her usual orange coat.
  1970. >Her horns shrink and disappear with a comical pop.
  1971. >Hair fluffs up around her tail as it retracts into her body
  1972. >Finally, her udder shrinks in size before disappearing into her coat.
  1973. >”Ah'm me again! YEEHAW!” Applejack shouts as she leaps from the tub.
  1974. >She dances around with glee as you pull out a small mirror.
  1975. >”No spots, no horns....maybe a bit more padding here and there, but Ah'll take it!”
  1976. >She leaps into your arms and gives you a massive hug. It feels so nice to feel her warmth like this after so long.
  1977. >That doesn't stop your hands from wandering down and giving her chubby rear a nice squeeze,
  1978. >”Anon! You pervert.” She grins before kissing you.
  1979. “Hey, I like your new curves. I get to hug you like this AND you have a great ass.”
  1982. >”It seems all is well now that Applejack is no longer under a spell.
  1983. > Zecora stands in the entrance to the barn with a smile on her face.
  1984. >”Ah can't thank ya enough, Zecora. Ah can finally get back to mah life.”
  1985. >A glint of mischief flashes in Zecora's eyes as she holds up a small vial.
  1986. >”Ah, but from those screams, not everything is at it seems.”
  1987. >”Perhaps the remedy was given too quick since Anonymous likes to think with his dick.”
  1988. > A blush simultaneously lights up on your faces as Zecora chuckles.
  1989. >”The vial I hold contains Heart's Desire. If used properly, It could change you back to what you admire.”
  1990. >”However, it will only last a bit. Make sure to have fun how you see fit.”
  1991. >Zecora wiggles her eyebrows at you before taking her leave. You stare at the vial in your hands until Applejack chuckles.
  1992. >”Well ain't that a hoot and a half. A way to change back into a cow....if only for a while.”
  1993. >Applejack takes the vial from you and hides it in her hat. “Can't let you hold on to that. Gotta make sure it's a special occasion next time, Anon,”
  1994. >Her lusty smile surprises you as she walks out of the barn. You make sure to catch a good glance at her rear before she turns around.
  1995. >”C'mon, Anon. Ah had a good vacation but there's work to be done!”
  1996. >You groan as you get to your feet. Exhaustion creeps into your legs as Applejack shoves you out of the barn.
  1997. >The life of an Apple. All work and no play.
  2001. Royal Piggy
  2004. >Anxiety. It was the only thing you could feel as the sun rose upon the horizon. The hard lump in your chest ached, even as you sat in the comfiest bed you've ever known.
  2005. >The entire room was decorated with fancy crystal furniture perfect for a princess. It was all fitting since you WERE in one of the many guest rooms in this castle.
  2006. >With a sigh, you pulled yourself out of bed and prepared for the inevitable failure of the day.
  2007. >You played out every action in your head. Head downstairs, make idle chit chat with the princess keeping you alive, then fail to get a job
  2008. >The regal and very polite princess would insist you didn't need to leave but it wasn't in your blood. You were a working man and held no debts to your name.
  2009. >Dry and clothed, you headed towards the dining room.
  2010. >Princess Twilight Sparkle sits in her seat like always. A book or scroll in her magical grip and a quill spinning near her head..
  2011. >”Good morning, Anonymous.” She flicked her eyes off her parchment and flashed you a quick smile.
  2012. “Good morning, Princess.”
  2013. >The blush on her face always amused you as she almost gagged on the food in her mouth.
  2014. >”Anon, please! I've told you not to call me that. You're more than welcome to just say “Twilight”, you know.”
  2015. “As you've said countless times, but I respect those who go out of their way to help those like me.”
  2016. >Twilight pulls her parchment away and looks at you with her stern, calculating eyes.
  2017. >“Anon, please. Don't put yourself down like that. You've more than welcome to stay here even after you find employment.”
  2018. >The guilt burns in your heart as Spike wheels in a tray. “Breakfaaaast!” He announces as he delivers you a bowl of cereal along with some fruit.
  2019. >You laugh internally as Spike delivers another bowl to Twilight. Sure, it was a free, prepared meal but it was just cereal.
  2020. >The sugary meal fills your stomach, but not as well as you would have liked. Thoughts of your mother's home cooking swims in your head as you stare at the bowl.
  2023. >Shrugging off the melancholy thoughts, you finish breakfast and stand from your seat.
  2024. >”Any plans for today, Anon?” Spike asks as he slides your bowl over as he finishes his serving.
  2025. “The usual. Hit the streets for work.”
  2026. >”Well, I wish you good luck, Anon.” Twilight smiles as she finishes her cereal. Her smile burns into your brain as you leave the castle.
  2027. >Her kindness haunts you as the trip through town begins. You stuff your hands into your pockets and sigh at how empty they are.
  2028. >With Twilight's crystal castle near the center of town, you begin there and circle out to the furthest reaches of town.
  2029. >Every store, every stall, every business. They all offer the same kind words as they turn your down.
  2030. >Your depression spirals just like your path through town. You stop walking into stores and just wander, hoping to catch a sign or a lucky break.
  2031. >Nothing favorable comes your way at all. Dejected and low, you slink back to Twilight's castle in shame.
  2032. >There was only one thing you could think of that would even consider smiling. Some of your mother's perfect pancakes.
  2033. >Lucky for you, it was one of the few things you made sure to learn from her.
  2034. >You pushed into the kitchen and stared about. Since Spike did most of the “cooking”, you were at a loss.
  2035. >Cupboards and cabinets lay open as you rummaged around. Soon, you managed to find everything you needed and then some.
  2036. >You had no idea that ponies even had “safe” variants of eggs, bacon and sausage but there they were. Shrugging at all the “hay” puns, you gathered all the pans needed and crowded over the unused stove.
  2037. >The flour mixed in with the eggs and milk delightfully, making the batter nice and thick. You whisked and churned the mix until the pans were hot and ready.
  2039. >You watched as the mix was poured into the pan. You made sure each pancake was nice and thick to absorb all the syrup needed to eat the monstrous flapjack.
  2040. >The eggs were scrambled and ready as you stirred them about. It was a bit harder to keep an eye on all the hay products since you had NO idea how to properly cook them.
  2041. >They sizzled in the pan all the same and it made your mouth water. You had a small collection of food ready when you heard the door open behind you.
  2042. >”Anon? What are you doing in here? And what is that GREAT smell?” Twilight asked.
  2043. >You saw a bit of drool escape her mouth as she pulled herself up on her hind legs. Her wings puffed out a bit as she watched you cook the hearty meal.
  2044. “Just something I used to cook back home. I hope you don't mind that I'm making a mess.”
  2045. >You watched as Twilight levitated a slice of bacon into her mouth. She shuddered as the crispy crunch filled her mouth as she chewed.
  2046. >”Mind? You think I would mind you making breakfast better than Sugarcube Corner? This bacon is AMAZING when it's this crispy.”
  2047. >You had to pull a few more strips out of the air as Twilight made a rush for more.
  2048. “Hey, hey! If you eat it all, you wont have any to go with the rest.”
  2049. >”Well, hay IS for horses, Anon.” Twilight teased before you pushed her out of the kitchen.
  2050. >Two massive pancakes each, a stack of bacon, sausage and a generous spoonful of eggs overflowed the biggest plates Twilight had.
  2051. >You wheeled out the massive meal alongside some orange juice and syrup. Twilight was almost bouncing her in her seat as Spike looked curious.
  2052. >”Breakfast for dinner? I dunno how you got Twilight to agree to this.” Spike chuckled.
  2053. >Twilight stole her plate from your hands as her impatience peaked. No sooner had the plate slammed on the table was food flying into her mouth.
  2054. >Spike sat stunned for a second before placing some bacon in his mouth. His grin was almost as big as Twilight's as he sampled the salty strip.
  2056. >All manners left the table as everyone ate bare handed. Your hands were greasy and sticky with syrup as you chomped away while Twilight was smearing eggs all over her face.
  2057. >The quick pace soon turned against you as the pancakes swelled in your stomachs. A simultaneous groan rang out as everyone dropped their pancakes mid bite.
  2058. “Oh man....I forgot how filling this is.”
  2059. >”But it's so good.” Twilight shuddered as her sticky hooves rubbed her bloated tummy. She was caught between smiling and wincing as she tried to relax
  2061. >Twilight blushed as the massive gas bubble escaped her tight tummy. You grinned and gave a polite golf clap as Spike offered a thumbs up.
  2062. >Satisfied, Twilight picked up her pancake and slowly chewed it. “I'm so full, but I don't wanna stop. What magic did you use to make these??”
  2063. “Just a recipe my mother used. Nothing special.”
  2064. >”Nothing special? I bet you could give the Cakes a run for their bits with food this good!” Spike grunted as he tried to force a belch himself.
  2065. “Cakes aren't hiring and I don't have the bits to set up something on my own.”
  2066. >You could see the light bulb moment click in Twilight's head as she dropped her pancake to the plate.
  2067. >”Anon, I hereby hire you are my personal, royal cook. We can figure out your pay and all that tomorrow. I NEED you in that kitchen if this is what you can do.”
  2068. >”Hey, yea! That solves everypony's problems.” Spike agreed.
  2069. “ can just do that? Offer me a job out of the blue?”
  2070. >”Well...I didn't want to insult you by offering you a job for nothing. If you keep making such delicious food, I'll happily enlist you as a royal worker.”
  2071. >You sat stunned at this golden opportunity. Cooking for royalty? You smiled for the first time in months as you lifted your glass.
  2072. “Twilight, I accept!”
  2074. >The sun had barely peeked above to horizon the next morning before you felt something poking you awake.
  2075. >You cracked an eye open to see both Twilight and Spike bouncing in place with a little line of drool running out of their mouths.
  2076. “What time is it?”
  2077. >You barely managed to whisper over the sound of Twilight's stomach growling. “It's pancake time!” Twilight blushed as she whispered back.
  2078. >You had to lock the bathroom to make sure they didn't watch you shower.
  2079. >The new routine was refreshing, at least. You could hear them fidgeting in the dining hall as you cooked up another meal.
  2080. >Twilight and Spike shot out of their seats and rushed the cart over to the table. Your meal was slammed near your seat as Twilight and Spike began to eat.
  2081. >They ate like demons possessed. Syrup and butter was slathered over everything before they dare consume anything.
  2082. >The sticky, sweet mess was quick to coat their mouths, hooves and claws.
  2083. >You took it a bit easier than yesterday, however. You grinned as you continued to eat while Twilight and Spike were left cradling aching stomachs.
  2084. >”This has got to be my best AND my worst idea ever.” Twilight weakly smiled as she rubbed her belly.
  2085. >She sat for a few moments in silence as she took a few more bites at her leisure.
  2086. >Twilight struggled as she finished her meal, nearly collapsing into her chair as the last bite pushed into her tummy.
  2087. “Ahh...” Twilight shuddered as she stretched in her seat. You collected the plates and set them to soak while Twilight shook off the drowsiness of a stuffed tummy
  2088. >”Let's go and do some paperwork before I fall asleep.” Twilight giggled as she hopped out of her chair.
  2089. >You chuckled under your breath as her full belly seemed to bounce with every step.
  2091. >”We don't really have a set budget for food right now, so until we find a reasonable balance for spending, feel free to stock the pantries as you see fit.”
  2092. >Twilight scribbled down her notes with her magic as a hoof lazily glided over her stomach. Her coat was dotted with little bits of syrup that stuck to her hoof and fur.
  2093. “Well...that might be a bit hard for now. Those pancakes are all I really know how to make.”
  2094. >”It'll be fine, Anon. I think you might have a knack for cooking and we have TONS of cook books here.”
  2095. >”Besides, I bet even your failures will taste good!” Twilight teases as she pokes you with a wing.
  2096. >You can't help but notice Twilight still cradling her belly as she drafts up an official contract.
  2097. >”Here you go. I made it fairly simple for the both of us. Just sign at the bottom and you'll be working for me.”
  2098. >She slid the parchment over to you, staining the paper with a smear of syrup.
  2099. >Twilight blushed as the syrup clung to your fingers. You blushed as you spotted your new salary.
  2100. “Five hundred bits a WEEK?!? Twilight, what am I going to do with that kinda money when I'll be living here?”
  2101. >”Do what you want with it. It's your money now.” Twilight smiled as she levitated the quill to you.
  2102. >”Besides, that's the minimum that someone under a royal contract is allowed to make. Celestia has always been adamant about paying her workers tremendously well.”
  2103. >With shaky hands, you sign the contract and slide it back to Twilight. She smiles and extends a hoof.
  2104. >You shake it, trying not to grimace at the greasy, sticky hoof in your palm.
  2105. >Twilight yanks back her hoof and blushes even harder. “I think the first thing I need to do is shower. I may have gone overboard today...”
  2107. >The days following were a whirlwind of cooking failures and trips to the market.
  2108. >You poured yourself into each recipe, learning the ins and outs of pony cuisine as best you could.
  2109. >Handling flowers and grasses was the weirdest part. Everything had to be pressed and dried or else it could ruin the whole dish.
  2110. >Thankfully, Spike didn't seem to mind at all when something was a little too burnt to be edible.
  2111. >Twilight was sure to help out when she could by offering her favorite types of food, flowers and spices.
  2112. >At least breakfast always came with a happy smile on everyone's face. Twilight made sure to lick her plate clean when it came to your pancakes.
  2113. >Her tummy would bloat out nice and round as she ate, sating her hunger for the perfect pancakes you crafted every morning.
  2114. >You would smile at her as she grinned right back, content with her stuffed belly.
  2115. >This continued on for days as you trained at your new craft. A delicious breakfast in the morning, some small sandwiches or salads for lunch and an attempt at a decent dinner.
  2116. >Your progress showed in two big ways. One was that your meals were looking more and more edible as you practiced.
  2117. >The other was Twilight's body. When you first started, Twilight had a thin, slender shape for the most part.
  2118. >Her booty might have been a tad on the big side, but she was always sitting on it...
  2119. >Now, every inch of her had acquired a downright adorable softness to it.
  2120. >Twilight's belly bounced just slightly when she wasn't stuffed to the gills with pancakes
  2121. >Her face had slightly rounded, giving her a cuter smile
  2122. >A bit of her legs had found some spare fat, giving her thighs a delicious jiggle.
  2123. >Plus, her rump had widened out as well. It squished against her chair so sensually as she prepared herself for a new meal.
  2125. >You lingered in the kitchen longer than usual today. Peering into the oven, you watched the cake inside rise up as it baked.
  2126. >It was looking nice. Sighing, you found relief that cakes were easy enough to bake.
  2127. >You made sure no pony or dragon entered the kitchen as you pulled it out of the oven.
  2128. >Chocolate frosting danced upon the cake as you let another one bake in its place. You grinned as the perfect dessert was ready for Twilight.
  2129. >Twilight and Spike sat in their seats as you wheeled out dinner. Nothing too complex, just a few sauteed and fried flowers in a grass broth.
  2130. >You made sure to put a few gems into Spike's bowl as you offered him his meal.
  2131. >They licked their lips and began to slurp up your dinner. “This is really good, Anon! I told you that you had a knack for this!”
  2132. >Twilight smiled as she resumed eating. You chuckled as you slurp up your portion of dinner.
  2133. “It HAS been about a month. I figured I might get something right sooner or later.”
  2134. >”Hey, just keep the gems coming, buddy.” Spike grinned.
  2135. >You made sure Twilight and Spike were done as you took their plates. Twilight moved to get up but you held up your hand.
  2136. “Actually, I have a surprise for good ponies and dragons who stay seated.”
  2137. >Twilight cocked her head to the side as you disappeared into the kitchen.
  2138. >Her face lit up as she spotted the two personal cakes sitting on the serving tray.
  2139. >”Anon, you didn't! You're spoiling us with this!” Twilight grins as she spots a line of drool escaping Spike's mouth.
  2140. “I might be. But since you let me get away with so much, I better repay the favor.”
  2141. >You gently place a cake in front of Spike before he dives in with his claws.
  2142. >Twilight is just a little more patient as she uses her magic to cut small bites from her dessert,
  2144. >Her manners begin to slip as the belly below has other plans. Twilight smudges a bit of frosting on her lips as she swallows a bite slightly bigger than the rest.
  2145. >Twilight moans as she chews the huge slab of cake in her mouth. You can spot her hooves slipping to massage her swelling orb.
  2146. >The soft, malleable chub begins to tighten as Twilight demolishes her cake. Crumbs and loose frosting spill on her belly as she scarfs down.
  2147. >Her soft rubbing spreads a little chocolate into her fur but who's watching?
  2148. >Besides you with an erection stiffening in your pants.
  2149. >Twilight's every movement, every jiggle, every moan sends a volley of shivers down your back.
  2150. >You had no idea watching Twilight making a pig of herself was such a turn on,
  2151. >A quick reach for your leg helps keep you steady as Twilight lifts up the plate and slathers herself with the remnants of her cake.
  2152. >The little piggy sets down her plate and sighs, placing both of her dirty hooves on her belly.
  2154. >The plates rattle as Twilight lets loose a dragon sized belch. Spike follows suit with a belch of his own, signaling the end of the meal.
  2155. >You quickly collect the plates and rinse whatever residue might be left.
  2156. >A smile spreads on your face as you notice both connoisseurs of your pastries nodding off in their chairs.
  2157. “Psst. Guys. The dinner table isn't a bed.”
  2158. >”I'm...not shleppy.” Twilight protests as her head bobs to and fro.
  2159. >You snatch up Spike and head to his room. The sleepy little guy doesn't fuss as you ease him into bed and cover him up.
  2160. >Twilight still sits in her chair nodding off every few seconds. You chuckle and poke her belly to stir the sleepyhead,
  2161. >Twilight lets out a low, sensual moan as your finger fights the resistance of her stuffed tummy.
  2162. >You both blush for a second before you scoop her up in your arms.
  2164. >She's considerably larger than Spike, and heavier too. While your back certainly minds, your hands are in heaven as you cradle her soft, squeezable rump in your hands.
  2165. >Twilight seems to be more awake if her blushing is any indication. Her eyes dart around as you stare straight ahead.
  2166. >You arrive at her bathroom not a moment to soon. Gently, you ease Twilight out of your grasp and into the tub.
  2167. >Her magic squeaks the faucets, letting a rush of water flow into the tub.
  2168. >The warm water lulls Twilight to her sleepy state, leaving the hard work to you once more.
  2169. >A nearby bottle of lavender soap spills on her belly as the water almost overflows the rim.
  2170. >Your hands start slow, massaging and working the fur shampoo into Twilight chocolate stained belly.
  2171. >The princess stifles another moan as her hooves grip your hands.
  2172. >She guides you about, finding all the tense, throbbing muscles in her stomach.
  2173. >Twilight's ears droop in total relaxation as she sinks further into the tub.
  2174. >Her coat clean, you swap over to her face and mane.
  2175. >More shampoo is lathered into her purple mane, leaving you scratching behind Twilight's ears.
  2176. >The water near her legs splashes a little as you itch away all her troubles.
  2177. >Satisfied, you pull the drain and let the water spiral downward.
  2178. >A quick rub down leaves Twilight's coat fluffy and warm as she begins to snore in the tub.
  2179. >Lifting with your knees this time, you pick her back up and head into her room.
  2180. >It takes a moment of twisting the sheets but you manage to tuck her in nicely.
  2181. >A happy little smile rests on her face as you watch the rhythmic rise and fall of her chubby belly.
  2182. >You make absolutely sure you close the door quietly as Twilight retires for an early night.
  2184. >The morning comes too quickly for your liking, yet you find yourself awake anyway.
  2185. >An early demand for pancakes keeps you diligent in the mornings, nowadays.
  2186. >You prepare your feasts like always when Twilight walks into the kitchen and peeks at the stove.
  2187. >”Good morning, Anon. How did you sleep?”
  2188. “Okay I guess. Yourself?”
  2189. >You don't catch the blush rising to her face as Twilight fidgets with her hooves.
  2190. >”I...uummm...really appreciate what you did for Spike and I. It was...sweet.”
  2191. >Twilight sighs and fidgets even more as you finish plating the last of the breakfast.
  2192. >”Hey! Anon!....I...can I get, two extra pancakes today?”
  2193. “Twilight, you barely finish the two you get every day. Why do you want more?”
  2194. >”No reason! I mean, it wont be any trouble, right? You're good on your supplies, right?”
  2195. >You shrug and start making more batter.
  2196. “If that's what you want, Twilight. Just be ready to be stuffed till dinner.”
  2197. >Twilight gives your leg a quick hug before trotting off to the dining room. Her belly still seems a bit bloated from last night as it bounces and jiggles with her steps.
  2198. >Shaking your head, you cook another two pancakes and head off to the dining room.
  2199. >Spike raises an eyebrow as he spots the massive stack on Twilight's plate. “Hey, why does Twilight get more?”
  2200. “Because she asked nicely, Spike.”
  2201. >The infantile dragon pouts for a second as he nibbles on his meal.
  2202. >Twilight, however, is in a frenzy of chomping and moaning. Every bite leaves her cheeks swollen as she struggles to chew as much as she can.
  2203. >You can see each swallow as a massive lump sliding down her throat that pushes out her belly an extra centimeter or two.
  2204. >With some sort of weird fascination, you keep an eye on Twilight as she bloats out her stomach with WAY too much food.
  2206. >It's subtle at first. An odd humming reaches your ears as you watch Twilight begin on the third pancake.
  2207. >You look away from her belly for a second and see a very faint slimmer of light spark from her horn.
  2208. >Twilight is completely silent as she chews away at her breakfast. Your eyes widen as she seems to pick up a second wind and eats even faster!
  2209. >In no time, her stomach is tighter than you've ever seen it. Twilight groans as she pulls herself away from the table.
  2210. >Her belly eases slowly from it's squished state until it flops onto her thighs.
  2211. >She gives her stomach another rub, opening an eye to make sure you watch her struggle with her full load.
  2212. >Spike steps out of the room as he finishes his meal, leaving you alone with Twilight.
  2213. >”Anon? Can you rub my belly like you did last night? I'm REAAAALLLY full!”
  2214. >She juts out her stomach, making it look twice as big as it spills over her thighs.
  2215. >A small layer of sweat forms on your head as you move to Twilight's side and reach for her belly
  2216. >The passionate moan she whispers in your ear sends a tingle through your crotch.
  2217. >Slowly, you ease your fingers into her belly. Twilight's hooves guide you once more, easing you to the points of most resistance.
  2218. >Twilight grins as she lifts her belly up and lets it smack on her thighs again.
  2219. >The resulting ripple through her soft body makes you both squirm uncontrollably.
  2220. >Twilight pulls herself forward, squishing her belly into your crotch.
  2221. >”Ahh...Ahhhnon. I...Can you feed me more than usual at lunch?”
  2222. >”I...I can't explain it...This feels so good. You feel so good.”
  2223. >Every word makes you harder and harder as you feel yourself poking into Twilight's gut.
  2224. >” that a spatula in your pocket?” Twilight chuckles as she pulls away.
  2225. >”I can't stay to play all day. Maybe during lunch of after dinner, okay?”
  2226. >You both nod through a furious blush as Twilight waddles out of the dining room.
  2228. >Instead of taking some time to read or sit about, you find yourself standing in front of the stove once more.
  2229. >Your mind swims with possibilities. Endless fattening ideas swim in your mind as you think of what to prepare.
  2230. >Opening the refrigerator still has you stumped. You had kept to Twilight's budget so well that there wasn't anything you could really do on impulse.
  2231. >Sliding about the shelves and the doors doesn't seem to help until you hit the cheese section.
  2232. >A huge stack of cheese and Haynadian bacon sits waiting for you. A grin spreads on your face as you pull both stacks aside.
  2233. >You gently cut thin slices of bread and chuckle as you slather everything in butter.
  2234. >Two slices of cheese, two slices of Haynadian bacon, and a bit of a soak in a hot pool of butter earns you the greasiest grilled cheese you've ever seen.
  2235. >The process continues until you hear a few hoof steps enter the kitchen. “What smells so good in here?”
  2236. >You turn to see Twilight nearly drooling on the floor. Her magic lifts up a freshly made sandwich and you can see her eyes twinkle.
  2237. >”Oh no, Anon...these are FAR too greasy for Spike to eat. I can't raise a baby dragon on such fattening...disgusting foods.”
  2238. >Twilight pulls the sandwich to her mouth and moans as a splash of cheese and grease splatters her lips.
  2239. >She licks the yellow cheese off her lips and shudders. “I...guess I'll...have to eat..ALL of them.”
  2240. >Twilight stuffs the rest in her mouth and begins to chew. The sloppy bite sends a mess spilling out of her mouth and on the floor.
  2241. >Your arousal can't hold back any longer. A sandwich in each hand, you push them towards Twilight's mouth.
  2242. >Grease slides between your fingers as she eats. As she finishes a sandwich, Twilight stops to suck every drop from your fingers.
  2244. >Her belly begins to squish into her hind legs as you help stuff Twilight silly.
  2245. >No matter how much she chews, there's always a greasy, messy bite in her face.
  2246. >Twilight can't resist, causing her to pant and sweat just a tad as her body heat rises.
  2247. >You grin as she has to widen her stance for her expanding gut.
  2248. >The only time either of you stop is to ease her to the floor so she can rest her heavy girth,
  2249. >Her belly rises high with every breath between bites. Purple hooves rub and caress her swelling belly as she continues to eat.
  2250. >The last sandwich slides down with a moan. You and Twilight are left panting as the clock strikes noon,
  2251. “Huh...time for lunch, I guess.”
  2252. >Twilight smiles at your silly joke. Too exhausted for anything else, she pulls your hand to her belly with her magic.
  2253. “Hey, my hands are all greasy, Twilight. I dunno if you want me doing that.”
  2254. >”That's what makes it so naughty and fun.” She giggles as small, yellow stains sink into her coat.
  2255. “I still have to make an actual lunch for Spike, you know. Do you really want him catching us like this?”
  2256. >Twilight sighs. “No, not really. me up and I'll get to the tub to wash myself.”
  2257. >You hands sink into her belly as you lift her up. Her legs wobble a tiny bit, making you inhale sharply.
  2258. >”As long as you make another cake tonight, Anon. I need something sweet to offset all this grease.”
  2259. >Twilight wiggles her rear at you, giving you a generous look at the fat jiggling under her tail.
  2260. >She struts off, leaving you slightly incapacitated with a nose bleed.
  2261. >Spike gives you a look as a bowl full of gems sits in front of him.
  2262. >”Anon? I know I like gems but isn't this off for you? Usually you have a...salad prepared.
  2263. “Hey...ha ha...I figured you might want a break from me trying to make your meals “healthy”. Twilight doesn't have to know, okay?”
  2264. >The dragon shrugs as he tosses a gem in his mouth. 'Whatever, bro.”
  2266. >Twilight shudders in her seat as you wheeled out a cake twice as big than her previous one.
  2267. >You made sure Spike was in his room reading a comic before you got ready for the show.
  2268. >Magic swirled around Twilight's body as she readied herself for another massive, messy feast.
  2269. “So what HAVE you been casting on yourself all day?”
  2270. >You ask as Twilight shoves cake into her mouth.
  2271. >Crumbs splatter about as she tries to explain. You chuckle as she swallows her current bite and tries again.
  2272. >”I'm increasing my digestion rate while slowing my metabolism. That way I can keep eating and gain weight while I eat!”
  2273. >Twilight emphasizes her point by pushing her hooves under her belly and giving it a massive shake.
  2274. >Her giggle is cut short as you shove a massive wad of cake into her mouth.
  2275. >The pony moans around your fingers as you make sure her mouth is nice and full and her lips are slathered with frosting.
  2276. >Another cycle starts up. Twilight only has to chew and rub her belly as you make sure every little crumb enters her mouth.
  2277. >You fail every so often as a glob of frosting or a chunk of cake spills onto her growing tummy.
  2278. >With half the cake gone, Twilight grunts. Her horn sparks to life and the magic flows into her stomach.
  2279. >Her hard, full gut surges outwards, her newly acquired fat spilling over her thighs and resting on the chair.
  2280. >Twilight forces a messy hand onto her belly, making you gasp as your fingers inch away from each other.
  2281. >”I'm getting so fat and it's only been a day...” Twilight laments as you smear the mess on your hands into her coat.
  2282. “Well...we can stop anytime...I can't force you to do this.”
  2283. >”Who said anything about stopping? I can't believe how turned ON I am right now.” Twilight teases.
  2285. >Another few giant scoops of cake later, Twilight is left with only the crumbs clinging to her belly.
  2286. >” even lift me, tonight?” Twilight winks.
  2287. >She makes a show of slapping the fat on her ass that had been slowly growing over the sides of her chair.
  2288. >Even with her hind legs helping, you simply can't lift her out of the seat.
  2289. >”I'm that biiiiiig.” Twilight shudders. You help her to the ground and follow her to the tub,
  2290. >You can't help but notice her tail rising higher and higher as she feels herself ripple and jiggle with every step.
  2291. >Twilight smiles as she spots you looking at her rear. She pumps her hips harder, making every inch of her body jiggle violently.
  2292. >Her teasing isn't without consequence. A thin sheen of sweat forms on her forehead as she tries to show off.
  2293. >The sweaty, messy mare barges into her bathroom. She lifts her torso up and heaves, leaving her belly to squish on the rim of her tub.
  2294. >Her hind legs wiggle about while her wings flap hard, sending her rear bouncing about.
  2295. >”A little help?” Twilight blushes as you hands sink deep into her ass.
  2296. >You ease her into the tub and fill it with warm water. The previous night repeats itself as you help Twilight scrub herself clean.
  2297. >Her soft coat feels so good on the palms of your hands as you rub her belly dry.
  2298. >Content, Twilight pulls herself out of the tub by herself this time.
  2299. >”So...ummm...” Twilight blushes hard. As she stumbles on her words.
  2300. >”I know that...I'm your employer and all...ROYALTY at that...”
  2301. >”But....I wouldn't mind a bit of company tonight.”
  2302. >Twilight leads you to her bedroom, awkwardly stepping over her hooves as you approach.
  2303. “Twilight, relax. I don't mind if you don't.”
  2304. >The giddy mare hops up and down before leaping as quick as she could into bed.
  2305. >You slide in beside her and wrap your arms around her. She sighs in your grasp as you snuggle her warm, jiggly belly.
  2307. >As the days went by, you found your arms snuggling more and more of her belly.
  2308. >Twilight pushed herself everyday, snacking between meals to keep herself impossibly full.
  2309. >You had to ask for a few budget increases as the stock dwindled faster and faster every day.
  2310. >Every inch of Twilight jiggled in approval as she signed off on more food.
  2311. >Her rump exploded out, hanging off her pillows as she sat down for a quick book or two.
  2312. >Twilight's cute face had become even cuter with how round and jiggly she became.
  2313. >A waddle was her standard method of walking as her thicker legs slammed about.
  2314. >Her belly had become the true prize. With her stomach stretched out to an immense size, her tummy was always bigger than you last saw it.
  2315. >Fat and bouncy when she woke up, Round, taut and messy by dinner time.
  2316. >You both moaned the day you were unable to completely wrap your arms around her in bed.
  2317. >She made sure to reward you with her fat rump pressing into your erection all night.
  2318. >”Hey you think I'm fat?” Twilight asked one morning as she stared at herself in a mirror.
  2319. “Well...yea? I mean you're at least double the weight since I started as your chef.”
  2320. >”Celestia right, I am! I almost feel like celebrating!” Twilight smiled.
  2321. >The twinkle in her eye was in full force as her magic pulled you out of bed.
  2322. >”You know...I think we should have a celebration. Get someone to cater it so you can have a night off.”
  2323. >A drop of drool hits the floor as Twilight spills her thoughts.
  2324. >”We could get the Cakes to cater a party for everyone. Cakes, pies, fudge...and all you'd have to do is watch me eat.
  2325. >The simple thought of Twilight getting bigger on purpose puts a smile on your face.
  2326. >”Oh, but I'll need a new outfit for a party like that.” Twilight mused. “We better get started if we want this to happen as soon as possible!”
  2328. >Ponies stared as Twilight waddled through town. None had really seen her since she started gaining and the confused looks were in spades.
  2329. >Twilight kept her head high and her hips moving, giving you a near indecent show in the middle of town.
  2330. >A light coat of sweat was running down her forehead as she pushed herself forward. It had to have been the biggest workout she'd had in a month.
  2331. >You open the door for her to Sugarcube Corner. Twilight pants as she squeezes in and stares at all the pastries.
  2332. >”It all looks so good. I might just order one of everything!”
  2333. >”Twilight! How's it going?” Pinkie Pie bounces from behind the counter and hugs her chubby friend.
  2334. >”It's going great! Say, could I make a catering order for sometime soon?”
  2335. >The bouncy pink pony pulls a notepad from her mane and begins to write off Twilight's demands.
  2336. >Pinkie's face slowly shifts from happiness to awe as she writes several pages worth of treats.
  2337. >”Wowee! That sure is a lot. What kind of party are you planning?”
  2338. >”Oh, just something for us. I'd love to have you and the rest of the girls over for a little party.”
  2339. >”With all that food? You maaaay want to invite a few more ponies than just us...”
  2340. “It'll be fine, Pinkie. We'll worry about invitations so all we need is a delivery time.”
  2341. >Pinkie hops over the counter and scratches her pencil to the pad.
  2342. >”I can have it ready for you in three days. Now all we need is...”
  2343. >A bag of bits is slammed on the counter, cutting Pinkie Pie off.
  2344. >”Ohh, Payment! Thanks Twiliiiiight!”
  2345. “So, I make the invitations while you get a new dress?”
  2346. >”Actually, I think I might grab some doughnuts first.” Twilight smiles.
  2347. >You leave Twilight to her gluttony as you return to the castle.
  2349. >The big day is finally here. Even with the biggest wagon around, it took several trips to haul Twilight's order to the castle.
  2350. >Dozens of boxes are levitated through the halls as Twilight sets up the tables.
  2351. >A few cupcakes here and there disappear into her belly as she prepares herself.
  2352. “I told you it was a bad idea to fast all day yesterday. You're already eating everything.”
  2353. >”I am NOT!” Twilight giggled as she wiped away a smudge of chocolate.
  2354. >Her stomach looked odd without a whole day's worth of food packed inside but that was quick to change.
  2355. >You watched her devour a pie in four bites, smearing the filling all over her mouth.
  2356. “Hey, why don't you slip into that dress you got from Rarity before you can't fit inside it any more?”
  2357. >Twilight blushed as she waddled out, leaving the remaining work to you.
  2358. >Everything was picture perfect save for the spots where food had slipped in Twilight's mouth.
  2359. >”Like what you see?” Twilight called as she strut into the room.
  2360. >Your eyes bugged out of their sockets. Twilight had to be wearing the tightest dress you've ever seen..
  2361. >It barely smoothed over her flabby rolls as it jiggled along with Twilight.
  2362. >The hem barely covered her rump, something you're sure wasn't part of the original design.
  2363. >Her wings hugged her sides as gracefully as they could through the stretched material.
  2364. “Oh Twilight...I'm LOVING what I'm seeing.”
  2365. >Twilight blushed as you leaned in close and stole a kiss. Her lips tasted faintly of chocolate as you pulled away.
  2366. >”Ahem...we ain't interrupting anything, are we?”
  2367. >You spin around as red as the apples on Applejack's rump. The girls giggle as they look at the matching blushes on you and Twilight.
  2368. >”Twilight and Anon, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!” Pinkie Pie snorted as she rolled on floor giggling.
  2370. “W..well? So what if we are?”
  2371. >”Darling, please...if Twilight's new....aura is from your pampering, we couldn't be happier.”
  2372. >Rarity's grin was stretched tight along her face as the ponies behind her gave stiff nods of approval.
  2373. >”I can't help it, girls. Anon makes the best food in Equestria. I MAY have let myself go just a tad.”
  2374. >You can see a subtle jab into Rainbow Dash's gut to stifle the smart filly before she can reply.
  2375. “Come on, guys. Let's relax and party!”
  2376. >Party for Twilight meant hovering around the food tables.
  2377. >No matter what, Twilight wasn't seen without something in her magic or her hooves.
  2378. >Cakes, pies, chocolate fudge filled brownies...everything seemed to disappear into the void of her stomach.
  2379. >You spot Rarity fuming across the tables as she watches Twilight’s dress become ruined with globs of frosting and fudge.
  2380. >Twilight either doesn't notice or doesn't care. All that matters is filling her poor, starved belly.
  2381. >As the night goes on, you notice more and more stares heading towards Twilight.
  2382. >Every pony has their eyes on the growing purple pony as she demolished an entire triple layer cake on her own.
  2383. >Pinkie shrugs her withers and eats alongside Twilight, making a mess alongside the winged piggy.
  2384. >”Hey...Twilight...It's been fun but I gotta get going...” Rainbow Dash mutters before zooming out a window.
  2385. >Rude! Oh well, more food for Twilight.
  2386. >The hungry mare has taken to swirling a variety of treats around her face, lazily taking a bite during conversation to keep herself going.
  2387. >Her dress is riding up even higher as her filling belly and fattening curves spill out of her dress.
  2388. >Twilight's massive ass is left completely exposed due to her gorging.
  2389. >Finally. Applejack steps up and pokes Twilight in the belly. “Umm...Sugarcube? Is this all we're supposed to do?”
  2391. >” gosh.” Twilight finally muttered as she snapped out of her frenzy.
  2392. >”You're all....staring...just watching me get fat.” She blushed...before cramming a massive bite of cheesecake into her mouth.
  2393. >All eyes widen as she increases her speed, almost swallowing treats whole as her tummy sags lower and lower to the ground.
  2394. >Twilight moans through a massive glob of cake, forcing a chain reaction of blushing and embarrassment through the room.
  2395. >A purple hoof pushes into her belly and Twilight shudders. The pressure on her dress is too much and the show begins.
  2396. >A rip here, a tear there...even Rarity's top notch stitching bursts at the seams. Purple fat oozes from the dress, making the blood run from Rarity's face.
  2397. >Twilight moans even louder with every tear, dropping on her side and hugging her belly tight.
  2398. >”It'! me...stuff me...make me FAT!”
  2399. >You rush to her side and slip a chunk of pie into her mouth. The excess filling splatters on her mouth, making a huge mess of her face.
  2400. >Everypony grimaces while slowly back trotting out of the room.
  2401. >By the time you've noticed, you've managed to push five pies in Twilight's stomach.
  2402. >The fat mare pants and moans as little rips and tears still ring out from the dress.
  2403. >”Wait....Anon, Wait...”
  2404. >She struggles to her hooves, moaning when her belly brushes the ground.
  2405. >”Grab...the biggest cake...take me to my room.” Twilight commanded.
  2406. >You comply, easing the massive, five layer vanilla beast onto a cart.
  2407. >It's hard to follow Twilight with a clear mind as she moans with every labored waddle.
  2408. >Her ass is completely hanging out of her dress now, jiggling with every strut of her wide hips
  2409. >You can't wait as she opens the doors and waddles to her bed.
  2410. >It takes everything she has plus her wings just to plop halfway onto the mattress.
  2412. >You take care to ease her on the bed, sinking your fingers deep into her fat.
  2413. >Twilight flops on her back and moans as she rubs her stuffed, restricted gut.
  2414. >”Watch...I'm gonna speed up my digestion....I'll burst out of this...oh my Celestia.”
  2415. >Her hooves awkwardly shifted around her belly to grip her plump thighs. As much as she tried, she couldn't reach her burning sex.
  2416. >Twilight began casting the spell. Your hands sink into her belly as you felt it grow under your touch.
  2417. >The ripping and tearing sounded off like a firecracker. With nothing left, the entire thing shredded to scraps.
  2418. >Twilight screamed as you violently massaged her belly. Every inch, every once of flab bounced and jiggled from your touch.
  2420. >Twilight belched, shaking her belly even harder.
  2421. >Her hot, heavy moans echoed through the bedroom and pushed your arousal to new levels.
  2422. >With the dress ruined, you heaved yourself over her and straddled her belly.
  2423. >One hand never left her tummy while the other grabbed and clawed at the cake.
  2424. >The sheets under Twilight soon became stained with vanilla as you fed and stuffed the piggy.
  2425. >Dark chocolate and the white frosting smear all over her face and belly, coating her with a slight layer of filth.
  2426. >Everything grows, everything is bigger, better, SEXIER.
  2427. >When you feel her belly nudge your thighs, you shudder. Twilight continues to make herself fatter with every bite she demands from your hands.
  2428. >A massive puddle soaks through her sheets right between her legs. If Twilight wasn't horny before, she certainly was now!
  2429. >”I'm so faaaat.” She moans between bites. Twilight uses her magic to nab the last few crumbs off your hands as she rubs her massive belly.
  2430. >The entire five layer cake is either inside or on Twilight. She lights up her horn and allows herself to expand once more.
  2432. >Twilight's stomach slams into your thighs, forcing you to widen your stance.
  2433. >Her face, her neck, legs, belly, butt....everything gets thicker, rounder and fatter.
  2434. >All while she grows, she jiggles. Any part of her that isn't grinding against you or the bed is in constant movement.
  2435. >The hypnotic jiggling is too much and you tear away your clothes in a heartbeat.
  2436. >Your erection stabs into Twilight's gut, making you shudder with pleasure.
  2437. >”You want it? You want all that fat, sexy belly for yourself? Claim it!” Twilight commands.
  2438. >With frantic, lust driven movements, you heave up a few of her rolls and prod her stomach.
  2439. >Twilight is caught between moans and giggles as you thrust and hump her belly lightly.
  2440. >A small shimmer gleams in the moonlight. Twilight's body burns to the touch and her sweat is dripping off her rolls.
  2441. >You gasp as you finally penetrate what you had been looking for.
  2442. >Her deep navel grips your cock tight as you push in. Farther and farther you go until you hilt in her tummy.
  2443. >Twilight moans as you force her body to jiggle. “You...can't even reach bottom? Oh gosh, oh my gosh, yes yes yes!”
  2444. >Her body tightens around you as she climaxes. The warm grip on your cock tightens, almost coaxing you to cum right there.
  2445. >Grinning, you take hold of her tummy and push in harder.
  2446. >Twilight moans as the ripple through her belly slaps her thighs.
  2447. >You push again, forcing a louder moan through the piggy pony.
  2448. >Slowly, you build up speed. Twilight only shouts louder and louder as the vibrations through her body work to get her off again.
  2449. >It takes every ounce of self restraint to last. Her navel is too good at milking and squeezing your cock just right.
  2450. >Twilight wiggles her hind legs as she finds herself at another climax. The ripples against your cock are too much to bear.
  2451. >A hot, sticky load surges through her belly button. All Twilight can do is moan as you finish inside her tight navel.
  2453. “I'm not done yet...not after all those weeks of teasing.”
  2454. >Twilight babbles nonsense as you heave up her belly.
  2455. >Her wet pussy twitches with excitement as you push yourself as close as you can.
  2456. >Fat squishes against your chest, making every inch a challenge.
  2457. >You have to force yourself inside as you grip her hips and push forward.
  2458. >The tip of your cock enters her pussy and Twilight shudders hard.
  2459. >Her belly ripples against your stomach, slapping you and splashing a bit of sweat all over.
  2460. >It's an uphill fight, but you manage to hilt inside Twilight once more.
  2461. >Twilight does her best to wrap her thick thighs around your waist to keep you in deep.
  2462. >You push and thrust, amazed as her massive belly wobbles and jiggles with every breath and every pump of your hips.
  2463. >You work our a system of shoving and playing with her gut.
  2464. >Slow, wide circles enable you to push in harder and faster into the overtaxed mare.
  2465. >Her muscles clamp down on you as she climaxes for the third time.
  2466. >You watch everything jiggle one last time and spank her rear.
  2467. >Exhausted, you cum deep inside her greedy pussy.
  2468. >You both shudder in the sensual embrace before your strength leaves you.
  2469. >Twilight's magic eases you next to her on the bed. You barely notice all the mess and crumbs as you wrap a messy hand on her stained belly.
  2470. “Worth the wait.”
  2471. >”Worth the weight.”
  2472. >You both mutter, laughing in the calm of the night.
  2473. >She makes sure you're gripping as much of her fat as you can before nodding off.
  2474. >Her warm body presses against you, almost threatening to smother you over night.
  2475. >The warmth lulls you to sleep as Twilight's stomach gurgles happily throughout the night.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

by Tankris

Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris