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[FLUTTERRAPE] Pyromancer Woes

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 08:53:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 4th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day 80 in Equestria
  5. >Wake up
  6. >You're tied to your bed again
  7. >Fluttershy is stood over you
  8. >"R-ready for this, big boy?"
  9. Nah.
  10. >The ropes catch fire and turn to cinders
  11. >Fluttershy's mane also sets ablaze for good measure
  12. >She screams and throws herself out of your window
  13. >Stand up and stretch, rubbing your wrists where the binds were a second ago
  14. >Look outside and see Fluttershy running away with her hair on fire
  15. >She broke your window
  16. >That scoundrel
  17. >Go downstairs and get some bread out
  18. >Look at it for a second
  19. >It's now toast
  20. >And your kitchen table is a block of charcoal
  21. >You're running out of money for tables
  22. >Step outside your front door eating the black square that was once bread
  23. >Look around lazily and see a couple of weeds on your front lawn
  24. >Blink and look again
  25. >They are now mounds of ash
  26. >As is your entire garden
  27. >Plants stopped growing around here a while ago.
  28. >You're not sure why
  29. >Oh yeah
  30. >You are Anon
  31. >Pyromancer
  32. >Walking into Ponyville, licking the crumbs off your fingers
  33. >A few ponies see you approach and keep their distance, but they manage a smile
  34. >"H-hello, Anon! Nice day, don't you reckon?"
  35. Yeah, it's a beauty. So. Anything you need help with?
  36. >The group of ponies gasps and they all start shaking their heads frantically
  37. >"NO! N-no, we don't... Just carry on, Anon. Have a great day!"
  38. >Shrug
  39. >Ponies never want your help.
  40. >You're not sure why
  41. >Walk around aimlessly for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of an early morning Ponyville
  42. >See Applejack setting up her stand
  43. >Smile and walk on over
  44. >She sees you coming and her eyes shrink
  45. >"Uhh, howdy, Anon!"
  46. Morning! What are you selling?
  47. >She blinks at you
  48. >You look at her with a completely clueless expression
  49. >"W-waddya THINK I'm sellin'?"
  50. >Look at her stall
  51. >Seems to be a great number apple related products here
  52. Fruit?
  53. >She sighs and places a hoof to her face
  54. >"Apple... Anon. I'm selling Apples."
  55. Ah. I was close though, right?
  56. >"Yeah. I guess. So do ya' want any?"
  57. No, I'm good. I think I might go and see Twilight
  58. >"Didn't she say you're never allowed near the libr-"
  59. You got a little something on your apples
  60. >She looks at her apples
  61. >They have been replaced with fire
  63. >Walk away towards the Library, whistling while you smell something like burnt fruit
  64. >Wonder what could have caused it
  65. >Knock on the library door
  66. >Spike opens it
  67. >He gasps
  69. >Hear a scream from inside
  71. >Huh. Wonder why they said that.
  72. >Twilight runs up to you and with a pulse of magic sends you flying backwards
  73. >You slide on your back for a while away from the library
  74. >Grind to a halt, looking at the sky from your new position
  75. >See a flash
  76. >"I told you never to come here again, Anon! You're dangerous around... Well... EVERYTHING!"
  77. Why?
  79. I don't mean too, Twilight... It just kinda happens
  80. >She sighs
  81. >"I know, Anon. But I can't risk you nearly burning down the library like you did last week"
  82. >Frown at her
  83. Well what am I supposed to do? I've got nothing to do all day, Twilight. I can't help anyone because they inexplicably set on fire. I'm running out of money for food.
  84. >She gets a sad look
  85. >"I'm sorry to hear that, Anon. But until you learn to control these... Talents... Of yours, I can't risk another incident!"
  86. I understand...
  87. >"Good to hear. I really am sorry, Anon."
  88. >She smiles at you
  89. >Get up and dust yourself off
  90. Well. I guess I gotta look for some work then
  91. >"Good luck!"
  92. >She turns and walks away
  93. >Chuckle
  94. Heheh... Her tail's on fire...
  95. >Walk towards Sugarcube Corner
  97. >Enter Sugarcube Corner
  98. >Every single pony promptly leaves or goes to the bathroom
  99. >Odd. Must be a virus going around.
  100. >Mr Cake comes out to see what all the commotion was about
  101. >He gasps, then gets a stern look
  102. >"No. Anon. Out!"
  103. >He points a hoof to the door
  104. But-
  105. >"No."
  106. I just want-
  107. >"NO."
  108. Can't I-
  109. >"OUT."
  110. >Sigh and leave, sulking.
  111. >It's a hard life.
  112. >And a lonely one at that.
  113. >Every tried your best to help people and just mess things up even more?
  114. >That's what it's like every day for you
  115. >You just want to see people's lives improve, yet all you do is reduce everything you touch to ash
  116. >Sigh
  117. >You just want someone to talk to without them being so scared of you
  118. >Think about Fluttershy
  119. >Or rape you
  120. >Put on a brave face and carry on walking
  121. >Head out towards the outskirts of Ponyville
  122. >Try to whistle
  123. >A nearby bush starts burning
  124. >Try to hum
  125. >A squirrel starts running around in circles with a smouldering tail
  126. >Growl angrily
  127. >An orange filly flies past on a scooter screaming
  128. >A large fireball follows her down the path
  129. >Sit down next to a tree, hoping it doesn't turn black and dead.
  130. >You hate it when things go black and dead
  131. >Close your eyes and just listen to everything around you for a while
  132. >Peaceful
  133. >Tranquil
  134. >Solitary
  135. >Feel a presence
  136. >Open eyes and look up
  137. >Fluttershy is drooling all over your head from a tree branch
  138. Hello again. Sorry about the hair.
  139. >"O-oh that's ok, Anon. My love for you is far to strong to worry about that!"
  140. >You notice a large bald patch on the side of her head, with a bit of charred skin exposed under the fur
  141. >Wince when you see it
  142. >"So are burn victims your fetish?"
  143. No... They just make me feel sad.
  144. >She giggles
  145. >Not what you wanted to hear right now
  146. >She sets down next to you
  147. >She starts stroking your leg
  148. >"You know... I bet I could get your fire going..."
  149. You'd die a horrible fiery death.
  150. >"No, silly. You're OTHER fire"
  151. >Her hoof slides over your crotch
  152. >She gives you bedroom eyes
  153. Fluttershy, just leave me alone. I'll just hurt you. And I don't even want this.
  154. >Unfazed, she keeps rubbing
  155. >Your member begins to harden
  156. >You know you have to scare her off again by burning her
  157. >But you just hate setting her on fire.
  158. >It hurts you just as much as it hurts her.
  159. >Prepare yourself to set her alight when a large flying object slams into her
  160. >That snapped you out of it
  161. >"Fluttershy? Are you ok?"
  162. >She's down for the count, a dizzy looking grey blob lying on top of her
  163. >"Whoops... Sorry, Fluttershy"
  164. >She doesn't respond, what with being unconscious
  165. >The blob looks at you
  166. >Oh it's a pony.
  167. >And it's eyes are crooked
  168. You should really watch where you're going, you might have hurt her!
  169. >The mare looks down sadly
  170. >"Yeah, I know... I didn't mean to though. Sometimes I just lose track of where I'm going and crash into things"
  171. >She forces a smile onto her face
  172. >"Because that's me! The lovable town clutz! Derp derp derp!"
  173. >He smile fades again and she stares glumly at the grass
  174. >Damn. The poor thing
  175. >Scoot over to her and touch her shoulder
  176. Hey, I know how you feel
  177. >She looks up, gazing at you with slightly watery eyes
  178. >"You do?"
  179. Heh. Yeah... I can't do anything without it all going up in flames.
  180. >Her eyes widen
  181. >"No way!"
  182. Way.
  183. >You both share a short laugh
  184. >She looks up at you, a small smile forming on her lips
  185. >"S-so what's your name?"
  186. I'm Anon. That guy that sets fire to things.
  187. >"I'm Ditzy Doo. Everyone else calls me.. Derpy..."
  188. >At that she looks sad again
  189. >She must try and wear the title with pride in an attempt to show others that she doesn't care. But it must be eating her up on the inside
  190. Don't worry, Ditzy. I make mistakes all the time. I just kinda learn to roll with it
  191. >"But it's just so hard! I try to deliver letters and all I do is-"
  192. -Mess things up, and when you try to correct your mistakes-
  193. >"-I only make things worse..."
  194. >You both look at each other for a while
  195. >"Wow, I never thought I'd find somep0ny like me! I mean, not being bad at everything I mean, umm"
  196. >Put a finger to her lips and smile
  197. I understand
  198. >Smile at her, it's the most genuine feeling of happiness you've felt in a while.
  199. "Sooo... Wanna umm. Go do something?"
  200. >"Are you sure we won't ruin anything?"
  201. >Grin at her
  202. Hey, with both of us working together, we'll bring this town to it's knees
  203. >She giggles happily and stares at you again
  204. >Then kisses you on the lips
  205. >She draws back and blushes, looking away
  206. >At first you're shocked, but you feel yourself smile harder than you have since you got here
  207. >Draw her into a hug
  208. I'm glad I met you, Ditzy
  209. >"I'm glad I met you, Anon."
  210. Let's go
  211. >You both get up and walk down the path into Ponyville
  212. >In your path there are smashed fences, garden gnomes and windows
  213. >All the trees and bushes burn as well as several ponies
  214. >Amidst the chaos two figures dance and laugh around
  215. >Ponyville is consumed by an inferno and no window is left uncracked as the two figures bask in the warm glow of the once peaceful town
  216. >10 minutes later you and Ditzy are sat on a hill overlooking the smouldering wreckage of Ponyville
  217. >Ditzy rests her head on your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her, happy that you've finally found someone who understands you
  218. >You close your eyes and smile, breathing in the smoke
  219. >Ditzy speaks up
  220. >"Oh... I was supposed to deliver mail today. Do you think ponies will mind?"
  221. >You look at the area where Ponyville once was
  222. Nah.
  224. The End

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