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Heavy Sleeper

By Tankris
Created: 2022-07-12 19:44:57
Updated: 2022-07-12 19:48:39
Expiry: Never

  1. The sky was filled with glorious streaks of soft, soothing reds and oranges as the Equestrian sun rested for another day. The beautiful reflections upon the snow cast Equestria into it's own brilliant hues. A chill shook Princess Celestia to the core while her sister smirked. The princess of the moon and stars, Princess Luna, wrapped a blue wing around her sister and sighed.
  3. “Still not a fan of the cold, Tia? You should bring a scarf next time. You might look cute in a long, flowing scarf.” She stuck her tongue out at his sister, who giggled playfully.
  5. “Ah, but the more cynical of ponies might call me “weak” my dear sister. You remember those awful rumors from the last Culinary Festival? I couldn't even enjoy a mere slice of cake due to all the paparazzi snapping pictures!”
  7. The princess of the night smiled as her wing slipped to her sister's barrel. “Ahh, perhaps it might be better for you to enjoy a few extra pounds, sister. It might help fight off this winter chill.”
  9. Celestia huffed, a small blush rising to her cheeks. “Luna! Stars forbid such a thing would happen! My image would be forever ruined!” The white alicorn giggled as Luna's wing wiggled at her stomach. Luna smiled as the wheels began to turn in her head.
  11. “Alas, it has been quite a day. I think I shall retire a bit early tonight.” Celestia sighed before wrapping her sister into a hug with her massive, white wings. “I shall see you tomorrow for the raising of the sun.” Celestia broke into a hurried trot to return inside, leaving Princess Luna to her thoughts.
  13. The princess of the night concentrated her magical horn, her body melting to the shadows. In seconds, her shadow spell had transported her to her secret workshop. Dozens of hastily written blueprints, scattered tools and empty coffee mugs lined her workbench. A small, blue orb glowing with intense magic swirled and levitated in the middle of the table. Princess Luna pointed her horn at the device and concentrated, forcing more and more of her own magic inside.
  19. The device grumbled and groaned as Luna worked, sweat pouring down her face as she poured everything into it. A small DING filled her workshop as a small button raised itself on the device. “It's ready!” Luna giggled as she held the orb in her hooves. “Everything is perfect for my ultimate Dreamweaver device. All it needs is a test.”
  21. The princess could feel her legs turning to jelly in excitement as she made her way to her royal bedchamber. The device floated over her back as she slowly made her way to her room. Her guards nodded as she passed through the massive doors, none the wiser at their princess's plot. Luna giggled as she wrapped the heavy blankets over her body and cradled her device. She shut her eyes and focused on the Dream, building it within her mind. Her hoof slipped upon the device and clicked the button.
  23. At once, a massive shock wave rippled through Equestria as the pent up magic within the Dreamweaver soared out. Luna's magic synergized with her mind, her thoughts bleeding into the world as the shock wave silently passed through the minds of every sleeping pony. The Dreamweaver whined as it powered down, it's magic completely spent.
  25. Princess Luna opened her eyes and pulled herself from her bed. She turned, looking back to see her real self snoring the night away. “EUREKA! I've cast the whole realm into a massive dream state! IT WORKED!” The princess fluttered her wings with pride as she poked her sleeping form. “Now, to see if the Dream I created is in effect.”
  27. Princess Luna opened the doors to her bedchamber and grinned as she noticed her guards wearing ridiculous costumes. “Princess, are you ready for the Nightmare Night celebrations? We have your chariot awaiting you.”
  34. Luna had to concentrate on not bursting with joy. The Dream worked! “Actually, I was thinking of keeping a low profile while I was out tonight.” Luna lied. “I think you two should enjoy yourselves and have fun.” Princess Luna reached through the Dream and conjured two MASSIVE barrels of candy for her guards. “Why not eat a few sweets to pass the time?”
  36. The guards zoomed towards the candy with haste, shoving huge globs of sugar into their mouths. Luna blushed as she looked upon their tummies and noticed them swelling outwards. It wasn't just their tummies as she noticed small deposits of fat growing on their legs and cheeks. “You two enjoy yourselves!” The princess called out as she trotted off to her chariot.
  38. Princess Luna stared through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Her sister's rather tame decorations lined the walls and obviously fake cobwebs were scattered about. “This needs a little bit of a fix.” Luna smiled as she thought about her own dream surrounding her and the changes began immediately. Her thoughts rippled from her mind, changing the gaudy decorations in to real terrors of the mind. Giant cobwebs blocked the hallways behind her as terrifying shadows skittered from spot to spot. “Perfect. I can shape my Dream any way I see it.”
  40. The Lunar princess was too giddy to sit still, spreading her wings and soaring into the night sky. In her mind, she visualized Equestria and all the towns from Los Pegasus to Manehatten and smiled. “I must act with haste if my plan is to succeed!” Her magic took over and Princess Luna took her shadowform once more, easily making her way to the glamorous, trendy town of Los Pegasus.
  47. Luna sulked in the shadows, spying on the residents of the flashy town. Fillies and colts strutted around wearing gaudy, store bought costumes while their celebrity parents gossiped about nothing. The Host of the Dream stepped forth as a fitting costume swirled around her. A slick, blue suit appeared on her body while sunglasses formed on her muzzle. She blended it so well that the young foals barely noticed her.
  49. “IT'S PRINCESS LUNA!” They all chanted . Paparazzi hounded the well dressed mare, cameras flashing in her face. “I hope you little ones have been busy collecting candy tonight. I wouldn't want to have to gobble you up.” Her eyes glowed behind her sunglasses, spooking every pony staring at her.
  51. With a mere thought, everypony surrounding her was gifted a bottomless barrel just like her guards. The fillies cheered as they dumped out a massive pile for their princess while gobbling down the delicious sweets. Luna smiled as she ate with them, her influence on the Dream forcing everypony else to eat along with her. Luna could not hold back a wicked grin as she watched her subjects bloating out with fat with each bite. Even the adults could not hold back, their tummies growing round and full with sugar.
  53. When her pile was done, Luna could not deny the incredibly stuffed feeling in her gut. She gave herself a small poke, gasping when she hit a roll of fat upon her tummy. “It seems I am not immune to this gluttony I have unleashed...” Luna thought as she felt her stomach jiggle as she flew away. She blushed as she felt her hoof slowly rubbing her tiny potbelly. “So be it. It would be rude to exclude myself from the festivities tonight!”
  59. Luna turned south and entered the arid areas of the untamed Macintosh hills. She spotted the wild and free town of Appleloosa and descended. Her hooves hit the ground and she began to sprint, another costume swirling around her body. A white and black striped shirt adorned her slightly chubby chest along with a black mask on her face. She twirled a fake pistol with her magic as she turned to find a group of trick or treaters walking by.
  61. “FREEZE! Bandit Luna demands your candy!” The Princess shouted, holding out her bag. The foals and buffalo gasped and giggled at Luna's antics, not noticing their bags bulging with candy. Some of the bottomless share was given to Luna as the foals sat down to enjoy their spoils.
  63. A chocolate here, a gummy there...Luna could feel her body swelling out with every bite. Her rump squished just a little bit more into the dirt and her belly was resting quite nicely in her lap. She suppressed a belch and blushed as the children giggled. Princess Luna winked at her subjects before flying over the town and granting everypony their own bag. She spotted pony and buffalo alike munching down on candy, not realizing the newly acquired fat clinging to their bodies.
  65. The salty sea air hung in the air as Luna arrived at Baltimare. “Such a large city...Can I survive eating so much candy?” She pressed a hoof to her wobbling stomach and shrugged her shoulders. “We shall all be fat by tomorrow's sunrise. A small price to pay for such fun!” Luna mused as she blended into the shadows.
  67. She stepped out from the darkness and into the streets, wearing a massive train costume. “Choo Choo! Who wants some candy from the Snackville express!” Several train cars followed behind her, magically tethered to her costume. Her cry grabbed the attention of all the nearby ponies who where mysteriously drawn to the caravan of candy.
  73. Ponies from all ages gathered from the streets, happily gorging on candy as Luna trotted down the roads. Again, the effects of the Dream were instant, forcing all to enjoy the free bounty and grow fat from the surplus of sugar. Many stopped to offer her candy, placing it upon her tongue for Luna to gobble up. Her belly felt tight and full yet it jiggled with every step, filling out her costume until she was about to burst our of it! Luna blushed as she spotted her reflection from a nearby mirror.
  75. Her cheeks were soft and round from all the sweets, fat descending into an extra chin and a roll of fat lining her neck. The costume pinched her thicker legs as they billowed from the leg holes. She could no longer deny the gentle slapping of her rear on the insides of the costume as she found herself waddling about town. As she swallowed another chocolate, she could feel her ever growing belly pressing into her costume, making it curve outwards.
  77. With a flash of magic, she sent the carts speeding off towards town as she took flight once more. She struggled with her takeoff, not used to her new weight. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she finally launched into the air and made her way north to Manehatten. Luna concentrated as she bolstered her form from within the Dream. Flight became easier as her wings became strong enough to support her jiggling form through the air.
  79. She flew through the skies of Manehatten as another costume fit snug on her plump belly. Dark leather and armor coated her body from top to bottom as a yellow belt pinched her gut. A hood and cape completed her outfit and she smiled to herself. “BATMARE is here!” She grumbled in a rough voice. Luna looked down and spotted a few foals dressed up as monsters. “BATMARE to the rescue!” She shouted, stunning the foals with her mean shout.
  87. “Stop you monsters! Or else I shall have to use force!” Luna grunted as she tossed a small orb at the ground near the foals. They shouted in surprise as the orbs exploded into a cloud of smoke. As the smoke cleared, Luna was gone but a mountain of candy was sitting in her place. The foals cheered as they crowded around and shoveled the enchanted candy into their buckets.
  89. Luna flew from spot to spot, leaving giant piles of candy in her wake. As each trick or treater took some of the candy, it enchanted their containers to endlessly fill with sweets. Luna couldn't deny herself a few pieces for herself as she took off from each group of little ones. Her belly pinched harder and harder against her yellow belt with each candy sent down her throat.. Her crusade against “crime” came to an abrupt stop as one particular piece of chocolate sent the belt soaring off her tummy. Her smoke bombs detonated randomly, leaving several gigantic pile of candy blocking several streets.
  91. The princess blushed as she stopped and allowed her hooves to massage her jiggling, fat tummy. “It feels so odd to carry around such a heavy burden...I hope everypony else doesn't mind.” She let her stomach flop about in her hooves, biting her lip as she caressed her sensitive skin. Nopony seemed to mind as they were too busy stuffing chubby cheeks with candy. “I am quite proud of our citizens! Feasting and glutting on candy until they are mere blobs of themselves!” Luna's cheeks reddened as she craned her neck and spied her wide, fat rear jiggling with every movement.
  98. The Host of the Dream flapped her wings and soared through the calm night air. She huffed and puffed as she made her final approach to Ponyville, her new weight wobbling with each flap of her wings. She landed in the Everfree Forest and changed her form yet again. Her dark blue regalia shifted until it resembled black battle armor. A war helmet slid on her head, ethereal mane billowing underneath the sturdy metal. Her teeth grew sharp and pointy, a set of fangs burrowing through her gums.
  100. “AHAHAHAHAHA! NIGHTMARE MOON HAS RETURNED!” Her voice echoed through the Ponyville streets. Everypony shuddered as the shadows warped and twisted with the eerie wind flowing through town. Nightmare Moon stalked through the moon light and picked her first target for the night. “Ahh, Laughter. She shall help in our schemes most foul!” Nightmare moon cackled as she jumped out from the shadows.
  102. Her heavy belly pinned Pinkie Pie to the ground, resulting in a shriek of terror...followed by a volley of giggles. “Hiya Princess Luna. How ya doing tonight?” Nightmare Moon blushed as she felt Pinkie's hooves sink into her belly as the earth pony cooed in delight. “Been gobbling up a few ponies? Tee-hee!” Pinkie snorted as she giggled, sending a few ripples through the black belly on top of her.
  104. “Indeed I have! And if you don't wish to become another meal, you shall hand out candy in my stead!” A bottomless bag of candy appeared in Pinkie's hooves as Nightmare Moon shifted her weight and freed Pinkie Pie. “Thanks for the candy!” Pinkie shouted as she darted off, candy stuffed into her mouth as she hopped away. Nightmare Moon smiled as each bounce became jigglier and jigglier, Pinkie Pie constantly stuffing her face as she hopped.
  113. Nightmare Moon went back to her task, scaring fillies and colts everywhere while handing out more and more candy. The young children made a constant point to give Nightmare Moon her share. Her armor whined and groaned as her already hefty belly strained the metal, black patches of blubber oozing from her costume. With a poof, Luna returned to her “normal” self and pumped her wings. She took to the sky like a lazy cloud, slowly but surely heading to her next destination.
  115. By the time Princess Luna had arrived as Cloudsdale, sweat was dripping from her body. Every little fold of fat was coated in a fine sheen of salty perspiration. Luna lazily puffed through a cloud and sighed as the water vapor cleaned her coat and cooled her off. She set her hooves upon a cloud, worry flashing upon her face as her belly sunk into the cloud. “Goodness...I've become quite a whale of a pony! Or...maybe even a shark!”
  117. Luna's costume for Cloudsdale was incredibly simple. A small dorsal fin strapped to her flabby back was the entirety of her outfit. Giggling, she sunk under the clouds, humming a small tune to herself. The fin sliced through the clouds, creating the perfect effect for Luna's trick. She glided through the air until she heard a group of foals trotting by.
  119. With a mighty roar, Luna soared upwards like a sea creature and nabbed one of the foals. “OM NOM NOM IMMA EAT YOU!” She shouted, the foal squirming and laughing until a bag of candy appeared in his hooves. With a wink, she pushed him back above the clouds as he shared off his newest bounty. A few pieces of dropped licorice sailed through the clouds and Luna was content to catch it all in her mouth. Her feeding frenzy traveled far and wide through Cloudsdale, candy gifted to the many fillies and colts walking through the town.
  127. BUUUUURRRP * Princess Luna blushed as she felt her belly sink even further through the cloud she was resting upon. She pulled herself to her hooves and waddled about, noting her belly was cutting right through the cloud. She shrugged and extended her wings out. Hopefully she could just glide her way to her next destination.
  129. Her hooves seem to slam into the paved Canterlot roads. Luna's body jiggled quite nicely as she landed, overstuffed belly sloshing about as she waddled around town. Several ponies looked towards her plump, well fed form and bowed immediately. Some of the mares shifted their eyebrows as Luna strut around, working her blubbery body like she was a supermodel. “What did she DO to herself?” A mare whispered a little too loudly. Princess Luna craned her neck and scoffed, raising her nose to the sky.
  131. “She's so confident about herself...and her weight...” The mares whispered about as they noticed the stallions giving Luna's rump a long, hard look. Suddenly, the mares found buckets upon buckets of candy surrounding them all. Every pony rushed over to the enchanted sweets, clamoring for more as they stuffed themselves to be just like the princess.
  133. “These royals and nobelponies. So easy to manipulate.” Luna scoffed as she grabbed some candy with her magic. The buckets were placed strategically through the town, allowing Luna to glut and stuff her belly until it was dragging upon the ground. Her wide, thick legs were having trouble reaching over her growing belly as she inched her way to her final destination. Canterlot Castle.
  139. Princess Luna was exhausted as she stepped through the front gates of the castle. “Princess Luna! What has happened to you?” The guards and maids cried out as she made her snail like approach. “It's not safe in the Castle, Princess. Some form of monster has been lurking the halls tonight!” Luna reached once more into the fabric of the Dream and simply conjured more bags of candy. She thrust the bags into their faces, foregoing crafty tricks for a more direct approach. Satisfied, Luna slunk into her shadowform and made her way to the final pony on her list.
  141. Princess Celestia lie upon her bed, calmly reading to herself. Nightmare Night was Luna's holiday and she was content to allow Luna her fun. The sneaky blue alicorn slipped right into Celestia's room unnoticed. Her magic faded away, revealing massive new body and an equally huge bucket of candy. “Happy Nightmare Night, dear sister! How have you fared tonight?”
  143. Princess Celestia sputtered as she looked at her sister. “Luna! What happened? Did someone attack you during your travels?” Celestia flapped her wings and leaped from her bed, forcing a chuckle from Luna.
  145. “I have, by the many gifts I have received from the foals of the realm!” Luna giggled as she played with her flabby, jiggly belly. She let it flop against the tile as she scooped up a big hoofful of candy. “It has been a delight eating so much candy, Tia. Do you want some?”
  147. Celestia walked circles around her sister, worry plastered on her face. “NO! Something is wrong. VERY wrong!” Celestia opened her mouth to continue but found her teeth stuck together by a very thick block of taffy. Luna giggled as her sister struggled to chew the treat until it was safely tucked away in her belly. Celestia smacked her lips as her eyes dulled. “That was great! Do you have any more candy?” She spoke in a slow, calm voice.
  154. “Help yourself!” Luna happily replied as she pointed a hoof towards the giant bucket. Celestia drooled as she sniffed at the tasty treats inside before shoving her head into the candy. “That's right, sister. Eaaaaat. You've been holding back for so long and I can't stand to see you upset.” Luna grinned as she saw Celestia's throat bulge out with each needy gulp.
  156. The effects were immediate as soon as Celestia swallowed her first bite. Her trim, tight belly expanded out into a soft, doughy ball of flesh that grew and grew with each gulp. Celestia's slender legs widened out, becoming full columns of fat that sank into her every widening belly. A fit, slim face gathered several pounds, granting Celestia the chubbiest cheeks, the cutest chins and several heavy rolls of neck fat.
  158. All while Celestia sat upon her increasing rump, fat spilling more and more to the ground as Celestia drained the barrel dry. As her body expanded, Celestia found herself drifting away from her stockpile of sweets. “Luh...Lunaaaaa! I can't...reaaach!” She whined, sticking our her tongue in desperation.
  160. “There, there, Tia. We shall fix this.” Luna cooed as she levitated her sister to the nearby bed. It creaked and whined as Celestia's belly spilled over the sides. Luna rest her hooves upon her sister's massive tummy and rubbed in small circles as she sent each piece of candy into Celestia's mouth. The white alicorn moaned as she was pampered to bigger, better weights. Luna smiled as her sister ate, feeling her body soften under her hooves. She gave Celestia's tummy a quick shake, hypnotized at how her sister's fat jiggled at her touch.
  162. The sneaky blue alicorn even popped a few pieces in her own mouth, savoring the feeling of bloating up alongside her sister. Long into the night did both sisters feed and grow deliciously fat. They both consumed and munched alongside each other until the barrel was completely clean. “Oh dear...all out?” Luna mused as she finally broke away from her feeding trance.
  168. She looked down and smiled. Both her and her sister were the epitome of gluttonous blobs. Extra plump, fat cheeks sinking deep into a neck layered with several rolls of neck fat. Tremendous bellies that sagged to the ground, bulging out more sideways than to the floor. Limbs that resembled thick tree branches that sunk into their massive bellies. Asses that a dozen ponies could rest on and still have room for more. Luna blushed as she gazed at her new beauty. A smile came upon her face as she noticed the sun peeking over the horizon. “See you on the other side, dear sister.” Luna giggled before kissing her sister on the cheek.
  170. The dream began to collapse in on itself, the magical energies completely spent. Magic spread throughout Equestria rushed back towards Canterlot Castle and forced itself back into Luna's mind. Her eyes snapped open as she felt the powerful spell return to her. She lifted a massive, jiggling forearm in front of her eyes and beamed. “It really worked! I can't believe it!” Luna gigged as she peeled away her blanket to reveal her massive, obese form nearly crushing her bed frame. She gave her belly a massive slap that sent her belly jiggling and her bed whining. The pathetic wood and steel cried out for mercy before buckling hard and crashing to the floor.
  172. “LUUUUNNNNNAAAAAA!” Celestia screamed as she teleported into the room. Her white coat wobbled madly as she did her best to stomp over to her sister. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” Celestia shouted as she sank a hoof deep into her excess fat. “Can you tell me why I just woke up from the craziest dream about you stuffing me full of candy? And why I can TASTE that candy on my lips? AND WHY HAVE I GAINED FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS??”
  179. Luna merely chuckled as she noticed her guards waddling into her chambers. “I freed us. Freed from the public image of having to diet and work out to be considered proper. With everypony in Equestria in a state of obesity, how can they make fun of you for being the best?” Luna played with her belly as she talked, forcing her fat to slap amongst itself.
  181. “But...but....no! This isn't right!” Celestia protested. She stomped her hoof and blushed as she noticed her body wobbling like gelatin. “But sister....now you can have cake every day for breakfast and nopony will care.” On cue, both their tummies grumbled with a fierce hunger, sending more ripples through their already active bodies.
  183. “Luna, I....I...um....” Celestia blushed. “That...sounds so good! But...I...” Celestia pouted as she could feel her hunger egging her on, demanding the cake she knew she desired. “F...fine...I'll have the kitchens prepare us a dozen cakes each...” Celestia drooled as she slowly waddled out of the bedchamber. “Make it two dozen for me!” Luna cried out as she shifted and heaved her belly back in forth in an effort to roll out of bed.

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