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[FLUTTERRAPE] How Anon Stole Christmas

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:20:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 9th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day Holiday Special in Equestria
  5. >Wake up
  6. >Feet are sticking out of the end of the blanket
  7. >Shit's cold, man.
  8. >Get out of bed and begin developing Hypothermia
  9. >Shiver and walk on the way to the bathroom
  10. >Shiver shit, shiver shave, hot shower
  11. >Shit's scalding, man.
  12. >Dress in your warmest clothes and go to get breakfast
  13. >Look out the kitchen window
  14. >Snow everywhere
  15. >First Christmas in Equestria
  16. >Better be a good one
  17. >They called you mad when you cut down Applejack's prized tree then desecrated the corpse with goods stolen from Pinkie Pie's Party Supplies
  18. >You'll show them
  19. >You'll show them all.
  20. >Pick up your Anti-Unconsensual-Sexual-Intercourse-Apparatus and step outside
  21. >Grin at the idea of the coming day
  22. >You don't have the money to buy yourself material wealth in order to replicate the traditional human ritual of holiday greed
  23. >But by god you're going to try.
  24. >Because this year, you are Anon.
  25. >Professional Christmas Thief.
  26. >But how are you going to steal Christmas?
  27. >Think back on your life and all the times you religiously watched "How the Grinch stole Christmas" in your younger years
  28. >Remember him sneaking into houses and stealing presents
  29. >Think for any better ideas
  30. >Brain: Got nothin', brah.
  31. >Let out a victory cheer
  32. SUCCESS! It's settled then! I, Anon, shall steal Christmas!
  33. >"Umm, what's a christmas?"
  34. >Turn around
  35. >Damn. You should have expected this
  36. >Fluttershy is behind you in the most adorable winter get up imaginable
  37. None of your business.
  38. >Gotta act the part, at least.
  39. >"O-oh, ok... It just sounded like you were trying to steal something. And stealing is w-wrong..."
  40. I don't care.
  41. >"...And you'll get arrested, and then you'll be taken to jail, and all the big criminal stallions will r-rape you in the shower"
  42. Stop talking.
  43. >"Oooh~ And then you'll be moaning and grunting as they thrust h-harder and harder and fill you up with their hot sticky-"
  44. QUIET!
  45. >She squeals
  46. >Glare down at her
  47. >Her hot juices are melting the snow beneath her
  48. >"S-so can I help you steal things so you can get raped in the shower?"
  49. >Ponder this for a while
  50. >On the one hand you could get her to help you steal Christmas
  51. >On the other hand she's a real goodie two shoes and might ruin your plans
  52. >Think for a while
  53. >If everything goes pear shaped you can always...
  54. >"If everything goes wrong we can blame Princess Luna and say that she's gone mad again!"
  55. >My god this horse is a fucking genius
  56. Very well, Fluttershy. I'll brief you on my diabolical schemes.
  57. >You discuss your plans with Fluttershy over hot chocolate in Sugarcube Corner
  58. >"S-so your plan is to break down the doors of the houses, tie up the ponies inside and steal all the presents?"
  59. >Smile proudly
  60. Eeyup.
  61. >She stares at you
  62. >"Anon that's a horrible idea"
  63. How is it?
  64. >"Well for starters breaking down the door will attract too much attention, the family will probably scream when you attack them which will alert the other households in the area, if the family has a unicorn of enough magical power you'll be taken down, and your idea of wearing a rubber glove over your face as a disguise is flawed because you're the only human looking thing in Ponyville so everyp0ny will know that it's you."
  65. >You're flabbergasted
  66. >"Umm. But if you want to carry on then that's... umm... fine..."
  67. Well uhh, got any better plans?
  68. >"You will climb onto the house roof after all the lights are out, enter through an open window of chimney, quietly sweep all the presents into a sack before leaving through a window which you will then close behind you, making as little noise as possible so as not to disturb the occupants of the house"
  69. >Good lord.
  70. How do you know all this stuff?
  71. >"I umm... Sneak into your house sometimes"
  72. >Figures
  73. Ok, we'll go with your plan, since it's better.
  74. >She blushes
  75. >"Y-you know I'm also better than your right hand at pleasuring your dick"
  76. Well that's just inappropriate.
  77. >"Sorry..."
  78. >You both finish your drinks and head back outside
  79. Ok, Fluttershy. Meet me at my place this evening. Got it?
  80. >"Got it! It's a date!"
  81. Wait, what?
  82. >She's already gone
  83. >Fuckin' horse.
  84. >That night, at 9 o Clock, you're stood outside your house freezing your nuts off
  85. >Grumble under your breath
  86. Where is she?...
  87. >Your front door opens and out walks Fluttershy
  88. >"Oh, sorry. I thought we were meeting inside your house..."
  89. Where exactly were you?
  90. >"On your bed waiting for you"
  91. >God dammit
  92. Ok whatever. Lets go steal Christmas
  93. >"Whatsmas?"
  94. >You both job down the path into Ponyville
  95. >Fluttershy is dressed in a jet black skin-tight latex outfit that moulds around every part of her body
  96. >You're amazed she's still breathing
  97. >As for you, you're in a black outfit with facepaint to cover up that pale white face of yours
  98. >Ye' goddamn shut in
  99. >Make it to the first house on your list
  100. >Lower your voice to a whisper
  101. Ok, so here's the plan. I'll climb up on top and-
  102. >"I'll FLY up, go down the chimney and open a window for your to climb in through on the ground floor"
  103. ...Yeah. Why are you so eager to help me steal shit?
  104. >"I really want to see you get raped by a stallion."
  105. >Well at least she's honest about it.
  106. >Watch her fly up and down the chimney
  107. >After a few moments you hear her whisper into the night
  108. >"Anon! Over here!"
  109. >Clamber into the open window and crouch down on the floor like some unfit amateur ninja
  110. >Target acquired: The Tree
  111. >This one's an actual Christmas tree, not an apple tree you stole.
  112. >Applejack sure was angry at you that day
  113. >But you said you'd chop down more if she laid a hoof on you
  114. >Unfortunately, the term "Chop down more" means something completely different in Equestria than it does on Earth
  115. >As a result Applejack took it the wrong way and you spent the next 4 hours fucking like animals in the barn.
  116. >Your dick still hurts
  117. >But at least Applejack let you off on the condition that you "chop down more" in future
  118. >Bloody rednecks.
  119. >Fluttershy starts feeling your arse and you snap back to reality
  120. >Start to float upwards
  121. >Oh shit, there goes gravity.
  122. >Fluttershy drags you back down and motions to the tree
  123. >"You grab the presents, i'll keep an eye out"
  124. >Nod
  125. >Start shovelling presents into the sack
  126. >Once it's full you retreat out the window
  127. >Fuck yeah. Human Greed.
  128. >Fluttershy follows you out carrying something you missed
  129. >A 10" dildo
  130. Where the fuck did you get that?
  131. >She blushes
  132. >"Oh, I found it lying around in the parent's room"
  133. >Stare at her some more
  134. >She grins back
  135. >"W-want me to loosen up your butt-"
  136. Let's keep moving
  137. >Throughout the night you and Fluttershy enter houses and steal presents, filling up your sack until it weigh as much as 50 criminalgrams
  138. >Smile to yourself as you and Fluttershy walk down the street to the last house on your list
  139. >Fluttershy shoots down the chimney and opens a window
  140. >You hop inside with your sack
  141. >And nearly step on a child
  142. >Oh shit
  143. >They booby trapped the fucking floor
  144. >Gawp at what seems to be about 25 foals sleeping and snoring on the floor around the tree
  145. >Jesus Christ
  146. >Start stepping over them like organic landmines
  147. >Start sweating a lot more
  148. >Tremble as you step over the last foal and begin carefully placing presents into your sack
  149. >"Ponyta?"
  150. >Your head swivels 180 degrees around
  151. >To hell with biology, the mission comes first
  152. >A child is talking to herself in her sleep
  153. >"mmm... Ponyta..."
  154. >You feel the sudden urge to throw balls at things
  155. >You put it down as repressed homosexuality and carry on looting
  156. >Once done you start your trek back to the window
  157. >Get half way there and freeze.
  158. >Fluttershy
  159. >She's smiling at you
  160. >And holding a glass of water
  161. >Directly over the head of a small colt
  162. >Whisper as quietly as you can
  163. Fluttershy... What the fuck are you doing?
  164. >"You could go to prison, Anon. If they found you here. Sneaking into houses, stealing goods and endangering foals"
  165. This wasn't part of the deal! If we get caught we're both dead!
  166. >"Oh I'll be fine. My father is the supreme judge of the Equestrian High Court. They won't touch me."
  167. >Holy fuck you didn't run a background check
  168. >You moron.
  169. Fluttershy. I'll do anything. Just don't drop that water.
  170. >She smiles harder
  171. >"Would you be willing to take it in the ass from a stallion?"
  172. If it's not in prison, yes! Please! Anything! We can talk about your demands later let's just get out of here!
  173. >Notice the foals around you start to stir in their sleep
  174. >One of them yawns
  176. >Fluttershy thinks for a second
  177. >"Ok then."
  178. >Sigh in relief
  179. >Carry on stepping over foals
  180. >Reach the window
  181. >Get out safely and watch as Fluttershy flies out after you
  182. That was a close one. What the hell were you thinking?
  183. >She looks at you sadly
  184. >"I just want to watch you get violated by a big stallion dick, is that too much to ask?"
  185. >She starts tearing up
  186. >Fucking hell.
  187. >Crouch down and start petting her
  188. >She looks up at you and smiles
  189. >Then leans in for a kiss
  190. Stop being creepy. Come on, lets go home.
  191. >Both of you walk back to your house and fall asleep on your sofa with a massive sack full of Christmas loot at your feet
  192. >Just before you drift off you smile and say to yourself:
  193. At least nothing went wrong...
  195. >Wake up the next day
  196. >Fluttershy is still out like a light
  197. >Push her off the sofa
  198. >"Eep!"
  199. Get up and get out. You fulfilled your end of the bargain
  200. >"W-what do I get for it?"
  201. >Think for a second
  202. The satisfaction that thanks to the multiverse theory, somewhere out there in the reaches of reality, there is a world exactly like this one where you and I are happily married and have 3 foals.
  203. >She stares at you then blushes
  204. >"A-are we living in my house?"
  205. Sure.
  206. >"D-do we have r-regular... sex?"
  207. Every night.
  208. >"Eeep!"
  209. >She shudders then falls to the floor in a puddle of her own discharge
  210. >Disgusting.
  211. >That was a nice rug as well.
  212. >Drag her by her tail to the front door and throw her out in the snow, where she sinks in and starts steaming due to how hot she is
  213. >Shake your head and go back inside
  214. >Sit down at your Christmas-Apple-Tree and inspect your loot
  215. Toys... Toys... Books... Junk... Aha!
  216. >Lift up a small gold necklace
  217. Looks like this whole adventure wasn't a total waste after all!
  218. >Giggle and sigh contently
  219. >Close your eyes and enjoy the warmth of your house
  220. >Suddenly the far left wall explodes inwards
  223. >Combat roll over the back of the sofa and pull out the shotgun you brought with you to Equestria
  224. >Magic Missiles and paralyzing spells fly at you through the dust cloud
  225. >Reply in kind with shot after shot
  227. >Stop to reload
  228. >A stallion the size of Big Mac leaps over the sofa-turned-shield and tackles you to the ground
  231. >"CCTV, MONKEY MAN."
  233. >Get arrested and dragged out the hole in your wall
  234. >You killed like, 7 police ponies
  235. >Thrown in prison.
  237. >Day 4 in Prison in Equestria
  238. >Walk into the showers
  239. >Pick up the soap
  240. >Drop the soap
  241. >Stare at the soap
  242. >Look around
  243. >You're the only one in the shower block
  244. >Try to pick up the soap as fast as you can
  245. >As soon as you bend over you feel a massive stallion dick enter your tight virgin ass
  248. >Continue to scream and grunt as every single prisoner within a 1 mile radius takes turns
  249. >Meanwhile, a pair of teal eyes watch from a nearby window, pleasuring herself with a 10" dildo
  250. >Fucking Fluttershy
  252. The End

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