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Spike's Sexy Birthday commission

By Tankris
Created: 2022-07-19 18:18:12
Expiry: Never

  1. The Equestrian sun was low in the sky as a lone dragon walked home. Spike could feel the dull ache in his feel slowly rising through her legs. His suit was slightly disheveled and messy as the purple dragon draped his jacket over his shoulder “Maaaan. What a ripoff. Why, oh WHY did Twilight assign me to reorganize the ENTIRE crystal library on my birthday?” The dragon pouted as he shoved a claw in his pocket and continued his walk.
  3. “At least I've got my own house to myself now...along with my sexy girlfriend.” Spike's eyes lit up as a small cluster of balloons were hanging from his mailbox. “Ripoff? More like jackpot!” His weariness forgotten, Spike dashed to his house. It was a modest home that fit right in but to Spike, it was HIS castle.
  5. Spike opened the door, only to be greeted by blackness. The dragon squinted through the dark in his home until a small, flickering light caught his eye. “A candle? What in Equestria?” His eyes caught another dancing flame and another, eyes widening as a trail of roses accompanied the sweet smelling candles. Spike felt his cock twitch as he slowly made his way through his house and arrived at his bedroom.
  7. The room was empty, save for a few candles lit around the bed and a mass of roses splayed over the sheets. “Rarity? Are you in here?” Spike called out as he set down his jacket. “Finally home, darling?” Rarity called from the bathroom. The door creaked open and Rarity slowly strutted out to greet her lover. Spike's eyes widened as his girlfriend shook her hips with every step, making her bust jiggle and bounce. Tight black lingerie clung to her every curve with lacy garters and stockings accenting her outfit.
  9. “Did my Spiky have a good day at work?” Rarity asked as she leaned in close. Her tits squished against Spike's face as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. “Ummm...I....not...really....” Spike mumbled into the soft valley of cleavage. “Awwwww, my poor little baby. An awful day on your birthday? How can momma make it all better?” Spike's hips pressed right into Rarity's thigh, poking her with his growing erection.
  11. “Ohh, my not so little Spiky Wiky is being a BAD dragon. Just what am I going to do with you?” Rarity moaned as she felt Spike's claws dig firm into her ass. “Spike....waaaaant.” He grunted as he groped and fondled his lover. “Simply barbaric. One could say that you'd NEVER be sated by just my body alone.” Rarity teased as she had to pry her little lover away from her. “What would you say....if I could amplify a little something?”
  13. Spike blushed as he regained control of himself. “You don't have to do anything like that, Rarity. All I need is you.” The unicorn giggled before giving Spike a small peck on the cheek. “You're so sweet to say that...but I know how you REALLY feel.” Rarity's horn sparked with blue magic and lit up the room. Her magic swirled around her body like a whirlwind. Spike watched as the blue tinge of magic clung to Rarity's body, making her glow from the inside.
  15. When all was said and done, the only thing that had changed was the glow shining from Rarity's coat. “Um...what was that supposed to...” Rarity pressed a finger to his lips and politely shushed the dragon. “What is life without a little fun and suspense. Just watch.” Rarity insisted. Her hands gripped Spike's wrists and forced his hands upon her sizable breasts. The anxious dragon gave her tits a firm squeeze, making Rarity moan in delight.
  17. “I'm already so sensitive. What do you think, darling?” A small heat was radiating from Rarity's breasts, encouraging Spike to fondle her even more. Rarity had always been a bombshell of a pony and knew how to flaunt her curves. The unicorn was gasping and moaning as Spike's thumbs played with her erect nipples. A small patch of wetness spread into the lingerie, staining the material and dripping onto Spike's thumb.
  19. “What in the?” Spike questioned. He slowly ran his forked tongue over his thumb and his eyes widened. “M...milk! Rarity, you're lactating?” The unicorn moaned as Spike unconsciously played with her nipples, encouraging more and more sweet milk to stain her bra. “Ye...yessss....It feels so good. Don't stop!” Rarity begged as Spike continued to tease more and more milk from her breasts. “Rarity...is your chest getting larger?”
  21. Spike was no slouch when it came to details. Working in a library his whole life meant he knew how to pick up on every little thing. The horny dragon immediately noticed on the subtle growth that accompanied Rarity's sudden lactation. Her once snug bra was beginning to strain as her boobs inched out and grew. Spike let out a huff, small trails of fire leaving his nose, as more and more tit flesh was oozing out of the cups of the black bra.
  23. “That's...not all.” Rarity moaned as she pulled her heaving tits from Spike's hands. Her eyes flicked down and noticed his sultry, svelte hips were flaring out just like her bust. Inch upon inch of healthy, toned muscle and fat clung to Rarity's hips, straining her garter belt. Her thighs were plumping up as well, ripping small holes into her legging as her body was becoming more and more ripe for breeding and sex.
  25. “I know it's something of a faux pas to admit, darling...but does my rump look big in this?” Rarity turned around and practically smothered Spike with her rear. Her supple, plump cheeks were swelling up as well, growing rounder and fatter by the moment. Spike's hands were trembling as he reached out and sunk his claws deep into her rump. “Hmmmmmmm!” Rarity bit her lip as her lover caressed and toyed with her ass cheeks. They bounced and clapped in his claws as their growth began to hide any evidence that she was wearing panties at all.
  27. Rarity had to struggle to pull her ripe, soft body away from Spike's roaming claws. “I can...I can feel them...feel it all. I'm growing everywhere and that look.” Rarity stared at Spike's needy expression and shuddered. “That look of absolute desire and lust. That's what makes me wet and ready every day.” Rarity locked lips with Spike and kissed him hard. The wind was knocked out of the poor dragon as Rarity nearly sucked it all out of him. Her could feel her body growing bigger and bigger against his body until he heard the sound of fabric tearing.
  29. “Oh no! My bra!” Rarity sang as she pulled away. A small tear had formed on one of the cups as it struggled to hold in Rarity's impressive tits. “I made this outfit special for this night and now it's ruined!” Rarity bounced in place, aggravating the tear and exposing her nipple through the hole. Milk began to splatter from her chest and soak into the floor. “And now I'm just leaking everywhere. Is there somepony...or some dragon...around, willing to empty my overflowing tits?”
  31. Spike's lips lunged as Rarity's nipple, clamping down with a gentle, but firm touch. His cheeks sucked in as he nursed right from Rarity's chest. “Ohhhhhh! By Celestia above, Spiky...keep sucking!” Rarity bit her lip as every nerve in her breast screamed in pleasure. In seconds, Spike's mouth was flooded with rich, creamy breast milk. The taste was indescribable as it seemed to change with every suckle of his lips.
  33. “What kinda magic is MMMPPPHHH!” Spike sputtered as Rarity clamped his head right to her breast. “Don't stop! I'm so, SO CLOSE....SPIIIIKE!” Rarity shuddered as an orgasm rocked her body. Spike's mouth was flooded with milk as his lover climaxed. The excess ran down the corners of his mouth and dribbled onto the bed. Rarity loosened her grip but still kept Spike pinned in place. “That's right...keep drinking...my lil Spiky Wiky.”
  35. Spike suckled for what felt like hours. The room became silent and peaceful, only faltering as Rarity began to pant and moan all over again. Spike could only smile as his claws roamed her body while he drank. Firm, strong gropes gripped Rarity's enchanted body from her enlarged breasts, to her hips and thighs and her round, plump ass. “Oh dear....the bra snapped off.” Rarity whispered.
  37. Finally free from her embrace, Spike watched as Rarity pulled away her bra. Her massive, milk bloated tits flopped down, bouncing and jiggling like mad. “I know I've been greedy all night...but could you maybe suckle the other one? It feels like it's about to BURST!” Rarity moaned as milk almost seemed to spray from her breast. “Of course. Anything for my gemstone.” Spike teased as he darted his tongue over Rarity's nip and tickled her flesh.
  39. “Oh don't you dare tease me, Spike. I'll suffocate you with these tits before the night is over!” Rarity warned as she pulled him closer. “Too bad I'd die happy.” He replied right back before stuffing Rarity's breast into his mouth. Spike tugged at her tit, allowing his mouth to overflow with sweet milk before he resumed his suckling.
  41. Rarity was paralyzed with arousal. All she could do was hold onto her lover and moan as he toyed and teased her breasts. His claws never groped the same place twice, sending electric shocks through Rarity's body. “Oh Spiiiiiike....You're so aggressive...Grope me more. Make me your toy!” Spike pulled his claw back and gave Rarity a nice swat on the rump. Rarity nearly screamed as her grip tightened again in the throes of another orgasm.
  43. The room was spinning when Spike was finally freed from the iron head lock. His eyes wandered up to Rarity as she lay panting atop their bed. “Oh...I'm so sorry, Spike....I...um...” It was Spike's turn to lay a claw on Rarity's lips. “It's alright, gemstone. This has been delightful.” Spike leaned back and winked as the tent in his pants seemed to pulse. “But I think it's time for the birthday boy to get greedy.”
  45. Spike slowly unlatched his belt and lowered his pants. His underwear left nothing to the imagination with his cock so hard and erect. He smiled as Rarity's eyes never seemed to wander from his crotch, even as he unbuttoned his shirt and left himself almost nude. “Are you ready? My turn to have some fun with those lovely pillows.” Spike inched his underwear down and slowly revealed his cock, making Rarity drool with every centimeter he exposed.
  47. At long last, Spike pulled off his underwear and tossed them to the floor. Rarity's horn instantly lit up, enveloping his crotch with her spectacular light. “This...this night needs to last...be special, right?” Rarity winked as Spike felt a deep warmth bubbling into himself. “Stamina and endurance, mostly. With this enhancement, we could go all night.”
  49. “Oh, I plan to, you little minx.” Spike grinned as he felt the warmth ebb away. His cock began to dribble pre all over himself, allowing him the perfect opportunity. He approached Rarity and spread his legs over her torso, wedging his cock right between her breasts. His strong, powerful arms squished together Rarity's tits, forcing milk to dribble from her nipples. “Oh YES. Take me, Spike. I've been a naughty pony and I need a good, HARD titfucking!”
  51. Spike bucked his hips forward, grinding his cock deep into Rarity's ocean of cleavage. Even with his impressive size, his cock was completely swallowed up by Rarity's tits. Her whole chest bounced up hard, forcing more milk to wash over both of them. It made her breasts slick and slippery, perfect for Spike to increase his speed. Every thrust had a bit more speed, a bit more power as Spike pushed into a perfect rhythm.
  53. “You feel so good! Your tits are swallowing me up....” Spike moaned between wet plaps of his crotch against Rarity's chest. “That's right. I'm just your little fuck toy. Cover me in cum, drink my naughty milk. Fill me with spunk and seed until everypony knows I'm your dirty slut!” Rarity teased Spike on, grinning as the very tip of his cock began to peek out of the top of her cleavage. “Ohh, I have a visitor. Does he want a little kiss?” Rarity stretched down and planted a tiny kiss on Spike's cock. “Mmm..salty with just a touch of sweet milk.”
  55. Spike moaned and bit his lip hard. If he didn't have scales, there might have been a chance he would have bitten through his skin. He gave one final pump and pushed as hard as he could to expose his tip through Rarity's tits. Warm cum splattered all over Rarity's face, prompting her to open her mouth wide. Rope after rope of pearly cum splashed over her lips, on her muzzle and in her mouth. “Mmmmm. My big boy doesn't disappoint. Give me more! I want my whole body sticky with your cum before the sun rises!”
  57. “Hey now. What about me?” Spike turned around and his jaw dropped to see Applejack standing there, clad in a pair of white panties and a button up plaid shirt. “Oh hush, Applejack. This is SPIKE'S birthday, after all. Perhaps we should act like it is and offer him what HE wants.” Spike's dick throbbed between Rarity's milk soaked tits and was in full control of his brain.
  59. “Rarity....the spell....use the spell.” He moaned as Rarity used her hands to glide her tits over his cock. “Oh? Does my Spiky want two big, plump breeding bimbos to fuck tonight?” Rarity teased. Her hands never left her tits as she charged up the spell. “Whoaaaaaa, hold on a sec. Don't I get a say in this?” Applejack teased as the magic began to dance over Applejack's body.
  61. “Spike.....WANT.” The dragon firmly demanded. His eyes seemed to dilate for a moment as his dragon nature took over. “Alrighty, Spike. I get ya. The orchard has to be nice and ripe for PLOWING, after all.” Applejack moaned as the magic took hold and warmth spread through her body. The buttons on her shirt began to strain as her already impressive bust grew with Rarity's magic. “Ohhhh dang it all. This is my favorite shirt, Rarity.” Applejack whined as the buttons struggled to hold on.
  63. “Hey, what else is happenin to me?” Applejack wondered as she spun around. Her huge hips were blooming out into professional breeder status, preparing her for the long, arduous task of bearing and raising children. And her ass? Oh Celestia above her ass. The strong farmpony was already blessed with a perfectly toned, massive rear that always seemed to keep a slight jiggle no matter how hard she worked out.
  65. Thanks to Rarity's spell, her amazing booty was swelling up at least twice as fast as her tits. “Oh....golly....It's getting hard to tolerate these panties of mine.” Applejack moaned as she pinned her thick thighs together. Her supple flesh mashed together and teased her body, driving her deeper and deeper into a lust filled haze. “Rare...You gotta teach me this spell...”
  67. “Oh Applejack. Visit our bedroom more often and I'll cast it on you whenever you like. Just be ready to tame the dragon afterward.” Rarity giggled as Spike's attention was locked onto Applejack's body. His attention, and his cock, rose as one of the buttons flew off from Applejack's shirt. “Oh goodness...I lost a button. Darn.” Applejack moaned as her erect nipples brushed against her shirt. Her hands flew to her tits and began to play with them as Spike took in the fabulous show.
  69. POP
  70. POP
  71. POP
  73. Buttons began to drop off Applejack's shirt faster and faster. One single, solitary button remained, the only thing keeping Applejack from exposing herself. “Want to see these puppies free?” Applejack moaned as she heaved her growing rack up to her chin. Spike could only nod as Applejack let go, allowing her breasts to bounce and strain that last stubborn button. With a sharp PING, the button flew off and allowed Applejack's tits to breathe.
  75. “Mmm...That felt good.” Applejack moaned as she took a sultry step towards the bed. Spike's eyes widened as Applejack's panties seemed to disintegrate right over her wide, expansive hips. “That's fine, Sugarcube. Nothin an Apple likes more than riding bareback. Now tell me, stud. What part do you wanna ride first?” Spike's claws slowly gripped Applejack's hips and spun her around. Her firm, yet fat ass wobbled and bounced as Spike began to drool over himself,
  77. “How absolutely mischievous, darling. Her rear? What ever could you be planning?” Rarity teased as Spike pulled his cock from Rarity's tits with a messy SLURP. Spike couldn't reply, his arousal driving him as he forced Applejack to sit down right on his lap. Her fat ass squished into his crotch as her ass cheeks swallowed up his cock. Much like Rarity's breasts, Applejack's cleavage completely engulfed his member.
  79. “Ah think this here MAN wants a ride. Is that what you want?” Applejack teased as she squeezed her ass around his cock. Spike moaned and squirmed as Applejack pushed her full weight onto the waiting dragon. “MMMmmm...Nopony can resist mah rump, Rare. Stallions travel for miles around just to LOOK.” Applejack grinned as a small dribble of pre began to slather and splash into her crack.
  81. “Well miss cowmare. Why don't you give me a show since you're so confident.” Rarity sighed in relief as she finally felt strong enough to sit up and relax. The bed shook as Applejack slammed her rump down HARD, making Spike hiss in delight. “Y'all seen nothing yet. Ah'm just getting warmed up!” Applejack teased as she began to speed up. The river of pre spurting out from Spike's buried cock was making it hard for Applejack to keep her grip nice and tight.
  83. “I ain't seen a fella this worked up in aged. What did you do to this poor birthday boy?” Applejack shuddered as Spike's claws dug deep into her orange rump. “Well, besides the two of us teasing him to Tartarus and back, I also enchanted him with a virility and endurance spell. He'll be cumming alllllll niiiiight long.” Spike pushed Applejack down hard, forcing his cock to pop out of the top of Applejack's enormous ass crack.
  85. “No fooling. He looks like a dam ready to burrrrrrst!” Applejack moaned as Spike finally took the reigns. His claws wrapped around her hips and pulled her down fast and hard. His shaft began to grind against Applejack's wet pussy, filling the air with even more lewd, wet slaps. “Oh gosh! He's so biiiiiig! You....he....how do you do this every night?” Her ass wobbled, jiggled and vibrated with every squelch of her rump smashing into Spike's thighs. It was only a matter of time before Applejack went limp as her orgasm rocked her body hard.
  87. “Look at her. She's yours now, Spiky. Another cute fuck toy for you to fill up and cover with your seed. Even now, I bet she'll be walking funny tomorrow...or maybe a week.” Rarity giggled as her teasing pushed Spike harder and harder. “MMMMmmmfffff....stop....teasing!” Spike whined as his cock was primed and ready for release. He pushed his claws over Applejack's rump and squeezed her cheeks together as he came. Thick, heavy spurts of cum rose up into the air and fell onto Applejack ass, staining her orange coat a dull white.
  89. “I told you earlier. I'm never going to be enough mare for you, Spike. What do you say Applejack and I....do this more often?” Rarity rose from her position on the bed and pressed her body into Spike's back. Her big, milk filled tits squished against him as milk began to flow down his scales. “Her, me and your cock all night long, fucking away like rabbits or mares in heat until the sun rises” Spike moaned as Rarity moved around, squishing her tits against his back again and again.
  91. “Her pussy on your face, my pussy wrapped around your cock. All the milk and booty you could ever want. What do you say? Does my Spiky Wiky want to fuck his little toys every night like this?” Spike turned around and planted a kiss right on Rarity's lips. “Only if you say it's okay, of course. Then again...you two seem to be enjoying it when I'm in control.”
  93. “Darn....right.” Applejack moaned as she finally seemed to recover from her “ride”. Rarity giggled as she pulled herself away from Spike's body. With a flash of her horn, the silky lingerie adorning her body vanished. “I agree. What else would our big, strong dragon want with his meek breeding toys?” Rarity flashed a lewd grin as she spread her thick thighs apart and revealed her wet pussy.
  95. “Actually, I don't think I'm quite done with this toy, yet.” Spike licked his lips as he spun around and kissed Applejack on the lips. The farmer blushed in surprise as Spike's flat, forked tongue snaked around her mouth. “Goodness. Such a powerful mate I chose. And just what does my mate desire with this forbidden Apple?” Spike shifted on the bed so that Applejack was face down on the bed. Next, he gently placed Rarity on top of Applejack's rear, squishing their fat cheeks together.
  97. “Oh my. Are you planning what I think you're planning?” Spike only grinned as his cock slowly pushed between the absolute heaven that was the space between the two asses. Spike moaned as he “hilted” between the soft cheeks, smiling as his face was completely buried in Rarity's chest. “Yes you are, you naughty boy. I suppose you deserve it for all the teasing we gave you. Go ahead. Hot dog us both, you stud.”
  99. Spike didn't need to be told twice. His hips bucked forward, sending a jiggle through both Rarity and Applejack. Both mares moaned as Rarity's horn lit up and magic flowed to their slits. A big, thick illusion of Spike's cock teased the entrance of their pussies before mimicking Spike's actions. “When were you gonna let me know about that trick?” Spike chuckled as both mares moaned hard. “Ladies...always keep...secrets, Spiky.” Rarity teased between deep, heavy pants.
  101. The room was filled with the moans and grunts of two toys getting exactly what they needed. A long, hard fucking by their studly breeder. Spike knew he was in heaven as both sets of cheeks molded to his cock, milking him and coaxing out more and more of his seed. He would groan every time Applejack flexed her rump and moan when Rarity leaned her full weight onto his cock. His slippery thrusts grew more and more desperate as he felt that need bubbling deep within him all over again.
  103. “Cum for us, Spike. Cum all over Applejack's back and claim her as yours. It's your right as the Alpha Breeder after all.” Both mares worked their charms and squeezed Spike hard. It was enough to lock him in place with their fat, cum soaked ass cheeks. “AaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Spike roared as he came, sending cum splashing like a tidal wave all over Applejack's coat. “Oh yeaaaaaaa....use me like a slut, Sugarcube.” Applejack tensed up as the magical cock in her pussy began to pulsate and flood her body with warmth. Rarity and Applejack cried out as well as the fake orgasm brought them to their own.
  105. “No...no more fooling. No more fake stuff. Lemme get that tongue already, Spike!” Applejack demanded. Rarity smiled as she shifted off her new partner and allowed Applejack to pin Spike to the bed. “Spike want, huh? How about Apple WANT!” Applejack's plump thighs clenched around Spike's head, coaxing out his snake like tongue and forcing it to dive into her sex. Rarity smiled as the joke left her lips. “Spike, darling. Does she taste like apples?”
  107. Applejack moaned in annoyance as she turned to face Rarity. She straddled Spike in reverse cowmare fashion as she rolled her eyes. “Oh har har har. Very funny, prissy pants. Why don't you make yourself useful and ride that cock like a real mare?” Rarity blushed as Spike's cock twitched and spurted more and more cum all over his lap. “Alright, fine. If he IS the Alpha Breeder, I'll happily take the spot of Alpha Broodmare.” Rarity moaned as she squatted down and felt the tip of Spike's cock grind against her pussy.
  109. “Cum to mama!” Rarity moaned as she plunged Spike deep inside her. Her body had to stretch just a bit to accommodate Spike as his cock filled her pussy to the extremes. “Ahhhh....that's my big man. Fill me up nice and full. Show Applejack what a real mare can take!” Spike thrust his hips upwards, making Rarity cry out in pleasure. Her massive tits flopped up and down, reigniting her leak of sweet, creamy milk.
  111. “Rarity, are you lactating?” Applejack tilted her head in confusion. “The...the spell....it makes ME lactate.” Rarity blushed as more and more milk splattered all over the farmer. “Now THAT'S something Ah have experience with. Come over here, you big, fat cow.” Applejack wasted no time locking her lips onto Rarity's nipple. “Oh APPLEJACK! I had no idea...you were....” Rarity blushed as the duo pressed, licked and pumped against all her buttons at once.
  113. “That's it! Keep fucking and sucking!” Rarity demanded. Her belly was growing a bit round as Spike continued to flood her pussy with his ultra virile seed. It splattered all over as it tried to escape her plump lower lips. Meanwhile, Applejack moaned into Rarity's chest as Spike continued to work his tongue as rough as he could over Applejack's pussy. Her nectar flowed freely into his mouth as he lapped at her folds and her rapidly winking clit.
  115. Spike couldn't decide who to keep his hands on. While Applejack continually kept a steady grip, her ass was a sea of jiggling flesh that demanded his attention. Meanwhile, Rarity's hips were so supple and soft, and placing his hands there meant he could force himself a bit deeper in her hungry sex. Eventually, Rarity broke the dam first as she wailed and moaned through her intense orgasm.
  117. Spike stopped his thrusting and pressed his hands hard into Applejack's rear. With the added pressure, he forced his mouth and more of his tongue deeper inside her sex. Applejack bit her lip and straddled Spike's face for as long as she could before an enormous orgasm shattered the farmer. His hands darted back to Rarity and resumed thrusting hard and deep into her pussy, igniting Rarity's arousal all over again. The bed and sheets were ruined with the gallons of cum spilling out of the unicorn and Spike was sure to thrust for as long as he could.
  119. It was in this way he took shifts. When Rarity climaxed, he pressed Applejack hard on his face. When his magical tongue had finished her off, Spike resumed fucking his Alpha Broodmare. Both mares were reduced to babbling, sex crazed husks of themselves as Spike made sure they knew who was in charge. Hours seemed to pass by as the suckling, sitting and fucking continued long through the night.
  121. Spike didn't remember when., but Applejack left his head at some point. Rarity too, dismounted from him and slumped over on the bed, her pussy oozing out what felt like a river of dragon cum. A pair of breasts engulfed his cock and pushed him into splattering somepony right in the face. Another mare worked his cock with her mouth, allowing every single drop to splash in her tummy. He clearly remembered both girls at some point splayed out on the bed with mouths open, eager for a giant facial to grace their waiting tongues.
  123. As the sun began to peek into the room, Spike, Rarity and Applejack were finally out of steam. The enchantments had run out quite some time ago, but Spike refused to fall until he was completely empty. Load after eager load filled, splattered and shot in and over his mares. The entire mattress let out a sickening squelch as the three of them collapsed in a naked, sweaty, cum filled heap.
  125. “So...amazing.” Spike panted as he almost fell asleep right then and there. “While that might be true, we need to wash up first. I wont be sleeping in an absolutely filthy bed,” Applejack snorted out a chuckle as Rarity shooed them into the bathroom. “Oh, and who was it I recall saying something like 'Oh please, Spiky Wiky! Coat my whole body with cum and make me yours!' earlier?” Rarity blushed as she marched into the bathroom and started up a hot shower.
  127. “That was then and this is now. I believe we are all quite sated for tonight.” Rarity giggled as Spike's erection was still throbbing for release. “In my defense, it isn't tonight. It's today.” Spike scoffed as both mare giggled at his toughness. “Don't worry, Spike. If this is what y'all call a fun night, count me in!” Applejack teased as she slid her slicked up rump against his crotch.
  129. “A-HEM! We are trying to be CLEAN, here!” Rarity frowned as she had to separate the two horny lovers. “Okay, I get it. Clean. No more sex....but what about the bed?” Applejack teased as she washed all the hardened cum out of her coat. Rarity's horn flashed from inside the shower and she grinned. “What dirty bed?” Applejack giggled as she washed herself off. “Oh, I bet you WOULD know that spell by heart.”
  131. The trio left the shower and reveled in how much lighter they felt without a few layers of dragon cum coating their bodies. Applejack slipped on a pair of white panties and a plain red shirt while Rarity prepared a nice pink bra and panties. “Nothing for me, tonight? “ Spike teased as he slipped into the middle of the bed. “Well, unless we don't count as something for you to wear.” Rarity teased as both mares slid into bed and smothered Spike. The dragon smiled as a pair of tits wrapped in a red shirt blocked his view while a set of marshmallow soft breasts squished into the back of his head.
  133. While Applejack cradled his head, Rarity went below the belt and gripped Spike's cock firmly. “Rarity want...” She whispered into Spike's ear, making them both smile for a moment. A soft blue glow shut the curtains on the sun, encasing the room in total darkness. “Good night, my sexy toys.” Spike muttered as Rarity lazily stroked his cock with her gentle touch. The three of them passed out in total exhaustion, knowing full well they would be playing again VERY soon.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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