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[FLUTTERRAPE] Here Be Demons

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:39:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 20th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day 2(4+9)-((34 + 6)*2)/6+100 in Equestria
  5. >Wake up feeling heroic
  6. >Get dressed, go downstairs and eat breakfast
  7. >Still feeling pretty heroic
  8. >Throw open the front door to see Fluttershy about to knock
  9. >"G-good morning Anon! Is Sunny Weather your fe-"
  10. We're going on an Adventure. Pack your shit and meet me back here in 1 hour.
  11. >"Do I have to?"
  12. Yes.
  13. >"Oh... Okay..."
  14. >One hour and a trip into Ponyville later you find Fluttershy stood outside your house
  15. >She's wearing a sandlebag and a pair of Aviator goggles.
  16. Ready to go?
  17. >"W-where exactly are we go-"
  18. >Slam a map down on the floor infront of her
  19. >It shows Ponyville, a large dotted line and a red X over "Here be Demons"
  20. >"Y-you w-want t-to g-go t-to... Where d-demons a-are?"
  21. You didn't stutter on "Where"
  22. >She looks down and paws the ground
  23. >"Sorry..."
  24. >She looks up quickly
  25. >"Are apologies-"
  26. And we're off!
  27. >You and Fluttershy start heading towards the Everfree forest.
  28. >Who knows what adventure awaits you?
  29. >What horrors?
  30. >What mysteries!
  31. >What-
  32. >"So are dark wooded areas your fetish?"
  33. I should have asked Rainbow Dash.
  34. >You and Fluttershy trek through the densely crowded trees
  35. >Ducking under branches
  36. >Stepping over roots
  37. >Fluttershy flies behind you, humming
  38. >"Hmmm hmmmm hm hmm hmmm!"
  39. >Yeah like that.
  40. Fluttershy?
  41. >"Yes?"
  42. Stop looking at my ass
  43. >"Okay..."
  44. >She flies past your face and hovers infront of you
  45. >Her tail swishes from side to side, giving you a full view of her nether regions
  46. >"L-like what you see, Anon?"
  47. Nope.
  48. >"Oh."
  49. >She slows down in mid air suddenly and you walk nose first into her vagina
  51. >"How about now?"
  52. >Pull her off your face with a loud sucking noise
  53. >Damn that mare has good muscle control
  54. >But now your face smells like horse
  55. >Gross
  56. Knock it off, Fluttershy. We're meant to be having an adventure here
  57. >"We can have an adventure... You and me... Alone in these woods..."
  58. >She flies right up to your face, causing you to stop walking
  59. >"Y-you don't have to tell anyone we did it"
  60. You make a very good point, Fluttershy.
  61. >She grins
  62. Now please get out of my way so I can carry on with my adventure.
  63. >"Don't you mean OUR adventure?"
  64. It won't be if you carry on like that
  65. >Hours pass and you decide to stop by a stream to rest your feet
  66. >Fluttershy lands next to you on the grass
  67. >She glances at the water then back to you
  68. >You saw it, and you know what she's planning
  69. If you push me in there, I'll hold your head under it until you stop breathing.
  70. >"Oooh you won't do that, Anon!"
  71. And why wouldn't I?
  72. >"Because I'm an Element of Harmony, and my death will render the rest of the elements useless, thus giving way to the hordes of chaos that threaten Equestria at every turn."
  73. >"And also Celestia will kill you."
  74. >Well fuck. She's got a pretty good defense.
  75. >But you have a counterpoint
  76. You're a faggot.
  77. >He ears flatten
  78. >"That's not very nice..."
  79. It wasn't meant to be
  80. >"You're quite moody today, mister. Do you want something to relieve your stress?"
  81. >She offers you her marehood again
  82. >"Go on, you know you want to..."
  83. >Sigh
  84. >Crack your knuckles
  85. >And ram your entire fist in there
  86. >Fluttershy screams with delight and her walls tighten around your hand
  87. >Firmly attached to your hand, you walk over to the stream
  88. >Then make a throwing motion at the water as hard as you can
  89. >Fluttershy's juices cause her to slide off your hand mid-throw and into the water
  90. >Wash your hand in the stream and get back to resting, smiling at a soggy looking Fluttershy walk out the water, trembling
  91. Don't do that again.
  92. >Nightfall
  93. >You and Fluttershy make camp and turn in for the night
  94. >You wanted Fluttershy to sleep outside because you don't allow animals in your tent
  95. >She distracted you by throwing your water bottle on the camp fire
  96. >While you were getting it off the flames and screaming in rage, she went and made herself cozy in your sleeping bag
  97. >You saved the water bottle, but at what cost?
  98. >Enter the tent and look sadly at Fluttershy
  99. Really, Flutters?
  100. >She grins at you
  101. >"I-if you want to get some sleep, you'd better hop in with me."
  102. I will sooner die.
  103. >She frowns
  104. >"You would really rather die than make foals with me?"
  105. Yes.
  106. >"Oh..."
  107. >She's quiet, and looks to be in deep thought
  108. >"Is Necrophilia your fetish
  109. SON OF A BI-
  110. >Morning
  111. >Wake up with a Fluttershy-Sleeping-bag-buritto wrapped around you
  112. >Growl
  113. >She stirs
  114. >"G-good morning, lover. Was last night good for you too?"
  115. >The birds and animals of the forest shit themselves as a bloodcurdling scream echoes through the area
  116. >Back in the tent, Fluttershy giggles
  117. >"Oh, Anon... You're so easy to f-fool"
  119. I'm beginning to regret this adventure. We haven't even fought any demons yet.
  120. >"You can fight my demon"
  121. That doesn't even make sense, you twit.
  122. >"Oh."
  123. >"Umm. You could-"
  124. Stop. Talking. Lets go.
  125. >You pack up and move out towards your goal
  126. >Cue a montage of funny gags and hilarious incidents as you and Fluttershy get chased by sentient cannibal bears, nearly drown, unearth a colony of giant ants and trip over a rock
  127. >You run into the cave, panting and wheezing
  128. >Fluttershy crawls along the floor and lies there gasping for breath
  129. Oh god... I'm so glad we got out of there alive
  130. >"Who knew the Rats were behind the rebellion the whole time?"
  131. That's gonna be a tale for the history books. I'd hate to have missed an event like that
  132. >"Nothing else in history was as exciting"
  133. Sure do hope someone writes down our adventures during those particular events some day
  134. >You both freeze as an ominious wind blows through the cave
  135. >Hear a distant screaming on the breeze, like a hundred angry gods just cried out somewhere in the universe
  136. >Shiver
  137. Let's keep moving. We've got a long road ahead of us
  138. >As you move over the snow-laden mountain you stop to take in the sights
  139. >All of Equestria is stretched before you, the sun gradually heading towards the horizon and coating the land in a mesmerising orange glow
  140. >You sweep some snow off a rock and sit down on it to enjoy the view
  141. >Fluttershy does the same on a different rock
  142. >Both of you are silent for a while. Just sat watching the sun go down
  143. >"It's lovely, isn't it?"
  144. Yeah. It is. Even on Earth, sights like this are rare.
  145. >No reply
  146. >Look towards her
  147. >She's simply looking out over the world, a small smile on her lips
  148. >She glances towards you and her smile grows, one side of her face a bright orange and her eyes are practically sparkling
  149. >You smile back at her, just enjoying the moment
  150. >Both of you watch as the last bit of sun disappears behind the horizon, leaving the mountaintop as dark as it is silent.
  151. >You spot a sheltered area on the mountain side and gesture for Fluttershy to follow you
  152. >After reaching it, you settle down with your back to the wall and let Fluttershy snuggle up to you to keep you warm
  153. >You wish every day was like this. Just peace and quiet with nothing weird happening.
  154. >The last thing you see is a moonlit equestria under the watchful eyes of the stars as you drift into a deep sleep
  155. >You wake to a sensation of warmth under your shirt
  156. >You skin feels wet
  157. >Look down
  158. >Oh for fucks sake.
  159. Really? I mean, REALLY? After last night you just HAD to wake me up like this?
  160. >Fluttershy's head pokes out of your shirt, her head a millimeter away from yours
  161. >"O-oh, well I saw you shivering so I decided to warm you up"
  162. That I can understand, but why am I wet?
  163. >"You taste really good..."
  164. Uuuuugh.
  165. >Drag her out from under your shirt and toss her out of the shelter into the snow
  166. >She slides on her face
  167. >You get a good view of her marehood as she slides
  168. >Shiver
  169. >Not what you want to see before breakfast
  170. >Get out the map and an apple
  171. >Read it as you munch
  172. >You're about one day's travel from "Here be Demons"
  173. >Can't wait to punch one
  174. >Your punching hand gets itchy at times and ponies are too soft to satisfy your needs
  175. >Also adventure. That's another reason why you're doing this
  176. >Look towards Fluttershy, who's back end is sticking out of the snow
  177. >A free hoof is frantically rubbing her marehood and you hear her whining
  178. >Drag her out by her tail
  179. >"Oh. H-hello, Anon. Fancy meeting you here!"
  180. >Look around the mountain top and surrounding valley
  181. >You must be the only people around for at least 25 miles
  182. >Glare at her
  183. Why can't you be normal?
  184. >"Are normal people your fetish?"
  185. Yes. But I still wouldn't screw you even if you were, so don't get any ideas.
  186. >She pouts
  187. >"I was a model once."
  188. Really.
  189. >"Yes. I was deemed one of the most attractive ponies in Equestria. I was famous. I made loads of money and had Stallions lining up at my door just to see me"
  190. Wonderful.
  191. >"Yet you don't even take a second glance at me..."
  192. If you're trying to guilt me into banging you, it's not working. At all.
  193. >She growls in frustration
  194. >"L-lets just go and find your stupid demons..."
  195. >She storms off
  197. >Follow her down the mountain and into another wooded area
  198. >Damn she must be mad at you
  199. >She hasn't spoken or even looked back in over an hour. She just keeps marching on
  200. Fluttershy?
  201. >Nothing
  202. Fluuuuttershyyyy?
  203. >"Leave me alone, mister I'm-too-good-for-a-supermodel"
  204. >Wow
  205. Look, I'm sorry, ok? You know I just don't find you attractive at all. What with all the fetish guessing and the species barrier and the disgusting smells you make when you get aroused.
  206. >She glares even harder
  207. >Damn you're good at talking to women
  208. Soooo we cool?
  209. >She flies up to you and slaps you across the face.
  210. >Hard.
  211. >Watch her trot on ahead angrily with renewed fury, now you can hear her muttering to herself
  212. >Smile
  213. >This is actually kind of amusing
  214. >Jog to keep up
  215. Hey, hey Fluttershy.
  216. >"Don't you even THINK about it"
  217. Fluttershy guess what.
  218. >"DON'T. YOU. DARE."
  219. Fluttershy.
  220. >"..."
  221. I think you're cute when you're angry
  222. >She turns around and fixates you with the glare of an angry lioness
  223. >Uh oh
  224. >She takes a step towards you, growling
  225. Ok, that was dumb and very rude. I'm sorry.
  226. >Another step forward
  227. You can stop that now, I'm sorry.
  228. >She growls more menacingly, her face contorted with rage
  229. >She opens her mouth and says one word.
  230. >"Rape."
  231. OH GOD NO
  232. >You run as fast as you can through the woods, with the Element of Kindness screaming obsenities and other forms of linguistic assualt after you
  233. >Tear past trees and branches, several of them slapping you in the face and giving you little cuts and scratches
  234. >You don't care
  235. >You need to get away from Fluttershy until she calms down
  236. >Look over your shoulder
  237. >You can't see her
  238. >Slow down and breathe a sigh of relief
  239. >"I CAN SMELL YOU, BOY."
  241. >Carry on running in the general direction of the demons as pointed out on the map
  242. >You'll punch a thousand demons and make one your wife if you get out of this un-Fluttered
  243. >See the trees start getting more spaced out
  244. >You can still hear Flutterrage screaming within the forest
  245. >Run out of the forest edge and into a clearing
  246. >Oh bugger. You can't hide now
  247. >A massive green plain goes on for several miles over rolling hills with absolutely no cover
  248. >Whimper
  249. Why me?
  250. >These demons had better be worth it
  251. >Sprint across the plains as fast as your legs can take you
  252. >Hear an earthshattering roar escape from the forest
  253. >Look back to see Fluttershy burst out of the canopy and immediately make a bee-line for you
  254. >OH SHIT, YO.
  255. >Carry on running, your legs growing heavier with each step
  256. >You're fuelled by fear, but Fluttershy is fuelled by rage.
  257. >She also has wings.
  258. >So unfair
  259. >You'll complain later on, for now you have to keep running.
  261. >Look around for anything that can help you
  262. >Nothing but fields of endless green
  263. >It can't end like this
  265. >Just then Fluttershy slams into you back and you both go tumbling down a hill
  266. >You roll to the bottom and groan
  267. >Fluttershy crawls on top of you and forces you onto your back so that you're staring at the sky and an incredibly pissed of pegasus
  268. >"I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner...You and me in the middle of nowhere. Nothing can help you! It's so easy!"
  269. >She laughs and her eye twitches slightly
  270. >Yeah, you pushed her over the edge
  271. >Nice job, asshole.
  272. >You're completely exhausted from running and you feel dizzy from that tumble down the slope
  273. >Gaze up at your doom
  274. >She stares down and starts drooling on you
  275. >You just stare at each other for a while
  276. Soo uhh, Are you going to rape me then?
  277. >"I-I guess..."
  278. >Raise an eyebrow
  279. Fluttershy... You do know HOW to rape someone, right?
  280. >"Umm... I think so"
  281. You mean to tell me that you never had a plan this whole time and just wanted to chase me?
  282. >"W-well sort of... I mean, um. I d-don't know."
  283. >She reminds you of a dog chasing cars. Puts her heart and soul into doing it but wouldn't know what to do if she actually caught one.
  284. >She tears up
  285. >"I-I... I don't know what to do!"
  286. >Reach up and stroke her mane
  287. There there, little one. There there. Let's just go, yeah? You can rape me later when you've figured out how
  288. >Chuckle and stand up
  289. >She stares up at you, lower lip trembling and sniffing frequently
  290. >Pat her on the head
  291. It's a shame. You had a golden opportunity then.
  292. >Laugh and get out your map
  293. Ok, Demons be... THAT way.
  294. >Take a step forward
  295. >Fluttershy tackles you again
  296. What the fuck?!
  297. >"Is being lulled into a false sense of security your fetish, Anon?"
  299. >"No. Monkey Fucker."
  300. >Before you can protest she forces her mouth on yours and begins forcing your own tongue into submission
  301. >She moans and starts dry humping you
  302. >You try and wrestle her off you but she must have been storing energy or something because this bitch is STRONG
  303. >And also you're tired. Totally not just a weakling.
  304. >Honest.
  305. >Fluttershy continues to violate your mouth then draws back, a strand of spit linking you both
  306. >She stares into your eyes and you stare back fearfully
  307. >She grins
  308. >"Oh yes, Anon. This is happening"
  309. >Your eyes widen
  310. >This is it.
  311. >She sits on your face, her marehood dripping juices onto your face and lips
  312. >She reaches back with a hoof and applies pressure to your crotch
  313. >"Lick it."
  314. >You refuse
  315. >She starts pressing down on your balls.
  316. >"Lick. It."
  317. >You growl and open your mouth, her juices drip onto your tongue
  318. >It's sweet, like honey and strawberries. Nothing like what it smells like.
  319. >You start lapping it up and obediently licking the inside of her folds
  320. >She quivers
  321. >"Oh yeah... Just like that..."
  322. >You continue to eat her out, feeling utterly repulsed but fearful.
  323. >You don't want to lose your balls.
  324. >They've really grown on you over the years
  325. >Ba dum tsssss
  326. >Fluttershy starts shaking more violently and her juices begin flowing
  327. >She cries out and her walls tighten around your probing tongue
  328. >Your mouth is flooded and you turn to the side, spitting it all out.
  329. >All you can taste is sweetness
  330. >Fluttershy pants heavily
  331. >"That... That was good. Okay. Let's move on..."
  332. >She lies down on your chest and forces her tongue down your throat again
  333. >You growl and shift uncomfortably from the unwanted contact
  334. >Fluttershy takes this the wrong way
  335. >"Oh, so you DO like it, huh?"
  336. >She uses a rear hoove to rub your crotch
  337. >As expected, your primal urges kick in from the delicate touch and you feel yourself starting to rise
  338. >Fluttershy giggles
  339. >"Oh yes. You like it."
  340. You'll suffer for this, Fluttershy.
  341. >She slaps you
  342. >Your cheek stings and you wince through the sharp pain
  343. >"Now now, Anon. Just relax and enjoy it"
  344. >Not moving from her spot, she uses her back legs to push down on your pants waistline, forcing them down your legs and exposing your boxers
  345. >Your dick throbs from the sudden breeze through the thin fabric and Fluttershy uses a back leg to push that back as well
  346. >Struggle some more and kick your legs
  347. >Fluttershy reaches back and squashes your sack against the grass
  348. >She then pushes down, hard
  349. >You let out a cry and stop struggling
  350. >She's got you by balls this time
  351. >Yeah thanks for the feedback, brain.
  352. >Fluttershy moves down your body, keeping eye contact with you at all times
  353. >She positions her dripping entrance over you and smiles sweetly
  354. >"This one's for us, dear"
  355. >And she takes it all in one hard thrust
  356. >You can't help but moan
  357. >Her walls are tight, hot, and wet. Your dick is in it's element.
  358. >You try to stay angry and defiant against the waves of pleasure coursing through your body
  359. >Fluttershy rises up
  360. >Then drops again, even harder than the first time
  361. >She repeats this again and again, thrusting herself onto you slowly and deliberately
  362. >She squeals and groans
  363. >You feel your dick get squeezed and a fresh load of juices sprays out, coating your lower half.
  364. >She continues to ride you, making sure to lean forward and push down on your chest as hard as she can to keep you down
  365. >You can hardly move from the sensation of it all, and feel yourself getting closer
  366. >You can't let her win, though.
  367. >Don't give her the satisfaction
  368. >She shows no sign of stopping.
  369. >Seconds tick by slowly as she climaxes over and over
  370. >Eventually it's just too much
  371. >You release inside her, pushing her over the edge again and causing her to moan as you spray your seed deep inside her
  372. >She falls backwards and off your dick onto the grass
  373. >You shakily stand and pull your pants up
  374. >Look down at Fluttershy, who's in a world of her own, sighing happily and covered in sweat, and both her's and your juices
  375. >Shake your head and glare at her
  376. >You feel nothing but hatred for her right now
  377. >She looks up at you and giggles
  378. >Your fists clench
  379. >"Did you e-enjoy that, Anon? I know I did... Ooooh Celestia that was amazing..."
  380. >You can't take it
  381. >Roar and pick her up by the throat
  382. >You clasp both hands around her neck and start choking her
  383. >She kicks and struggles against you but you're invigorated with hate now, and she's the weak one from exhausting herself
  384. >Her breathing becomes more laboured and sporadic
  385. >You watch as her eyes roll back into her head
  386. >Just as you think her pathetic life is about to end you hear a roar in the distance
  387. >Drop her
  388. >Fluttershy throws up and starts gasping for air
  389. >You don't care though
  390. >You know what you heard
  391. >Pull out your map hastily and stare at it
  392. Oh god. I didn't realise...
  393. >Look up and see figures running across the plains towards you and Fluttershy
  394. >Demons.
  395. >Jump over to Fluttershy and drag her to her feet
  396. Fluttershy, we gotta go, NOW. This was a stupid idea.
  397. >"W-what's g-going on?"
  398. >Turn her head to the oncoming warband
  399. >Her eyes widen
  400. >"D-demons?!"
  401. >Pull out a pocket telescope
  402. >Huge red monsters, armed to the teeth with scythes, seratted edge swords and coverd in spikes are rampaging across the meadow
  403. >You're shocked that this peaceful plain of all places is their home
  404. >There's no way in hell you can punch those things before they tear you limb from limb
  405. >What the hell were you thinking?
  406. >You turn tail and run like hell
  408. >She scrambles after you and you both make a break for the edge of the forest
  409. >Hear the demons scream louder at you running away
  410. >By now you can actually hear them scream
  412. >Jesus fucking Christ are you in Equestria or Hell?
  413. >Look over your shoulder
  414. >They are running after you in great strides, faster than you or any pony can move on foot
  415. >They'll be on you in no time unless you get to the forest
  416. >Fluttershy is running alongside you, tears streaming down her face
  417. >"I'm sorry Anon! I'm so sorry!"
  419. >The edge of the forest is growing nearer and you can hear the Demons closing in
  421. >Holy fuck you're going to have nightmares about this moment for the rest of your life
  422. >The tree line rushes to meet you and you burst into the thick forest just as the Demons catch up
  423. >You trip over a branch and go face-first into the mud
  424. >Fluttershy stops dead
  425. >"ANON!"
  427. >Hear the Demons enter the forest behind you, tearing through the undergrowth like a pack of angry bulls
  428. >You lie on the floor and watch them step closer to you
  429. >The lead Demon grins down at you
  430. >"Well well well. What do we have here? Some kind of monkey thing."
  431. >The other chortle
  432. >The leader raises his Greatsword
  433. >"I'm gonna make you hurt, little monkey"
  434. >Before he can bring the blade down on you his head is removed from his body and blood showers all over you and the other demons
  435. >The leader stumbles around for a while before toppling over
  436. >The other demons back away
  437. >One of them wails "Not again! NOT AGAIN!"
  438. >They start to run for the treeline but branches and vines appear from the darkness of the forest and latch onto arms, legs and weapons
  439. >You watch in horror as the Demons are torn to shreds by the very forest itself, several of them getting dragged into the deepest parts of the forest before their screams are cut short by a sickening crack
  440. >Silence
  441. >You stand up, legs shaking and watching the trees
  442. >They sway silently in the breeze, harmless and carefree
  443. >You walk up to one and pat it on the trunk
  444. Uhh, thanks.
  445. >The tree says nothing
  446. >You look around at the massive amount of gore that coats the area
  447. >The Demon's blood seems to be absorbed by the group until there's none left, and the weapons scattered around are entangled by roots from the ground
  448. >They get dragged into the earth along with any body parts or evidence that the battle even happened
  449. >You stand there amazed
  450. >This must be why the demons never attacked Equestria. Or anywhere for that matter
  451. >Take out your map and hold it in a sunbeam from a hole in the canopy
  452. >The forest surrounds the entire plain
  453. >Keeping the demons trapped in a natural prison
  454. >A fitting place for them
  455. >You sigh, wipe your face with a free hand and set off back into the forest
  456. >You take 5 steps before Fluttershy crashes into you, hugging you tightly
  457. >"ANON! Oh I was so worried, I thought the demons had you!"
  458. Nope, the trees have other plans. After today I think I'm going to respect nature a little bit more.
  459. >She squeezes you tighter
  460. >Pry her off and hold her at an arms length
  461. You still raped me, Fluttershy. You don't get off that easily.
  462. >She blushes
  463. >"W-well... I kinda did... Several times..."
  464. >Shake your head
  465. You're unbelievable
  466. >Despite everything you can't help but laugh
  467. >You laugh and laugh and laugh, your voice echoing throughout the forest
  468. >Once you're done you pat Fluttershy on the head and head towards the mountain you climbed over
  469. Come on, you horny little bugger. Lets go home.
  471. The End.

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

by Nebulus


by Nebulus


by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

by Nebulus