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By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:47:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 24th, 2012
  2. ---
  5. --------------
  6. This story was written a while back, at the start of December, but I never saved it. As a result, it's technically the first Flutterape Christmas story I wrote.
  7. Special thanks to a wonderful Anon who went through the trouble of searching an old archived thread to find it. I love you dearly.
  9. <3
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. >Night 120 in Equestria
  13. >Sat up in bed reading a book by lamplight
  14. >Feel a sudden chill
  15. >Shiver and pull the covers up further
  16. >Damn this is a good book
  17. >Feel a shiver again
  18. >Notice that the window is open
  19. >Odd, you don't remember it being like that
  20. >Get out of bed and shut it
  21. >Back to bed
  22. >Hear a faint moaning
  23. >The hairs on the back of your neck stand up
  24. >Feel a shiver once more, much colder than previous times
  25. >See a faint blue/white glow from your left side
  26. >Teeth chattering, look over at it
  27. >A ghostly version of Fluttershy is hovering next to you
  28. >Oh. Your. God.
  29. Flutter...shy?
  30. >"OooooOOOooooo! I am the ghost of Fluttershy! Tonight you will be visited by 3 spirits! Each will show you a vision of things that once were, things that are, and things that shall be!... If... umm... That's ok with you..."
  31. Hang on, is this because Christmas is getting nearer?
  32. >"What-mas?"
  33. Chris- forget it.
  35. Get the fuck out of my house
  36. >"ok"
  37. >She floats through the wall next to your bed
  38. >Fucking Ghostshy
  39. >Final chapter of your book
  40. >Fucking hell this is exciting
  41. >The detective just confronted the murderer, but things have taken a violent turn
  42. >Thank god there's nothing here to distract you
  43. >Look over to your shoulder
  44. >Fluttershy looks back at you
  45. >Look back to your book
  46. >Freeze
  51. >"Oh, Anon. You startled me..."
  52. I startled YOU?!
  53. >"Yes... Is that your fetish?"
  54. FUCKIN-
  55. >"ok ok. Look. Umm. I'm the ghost of Rapemas past, here to show you events long past"
  56. Rapemas. Are you fucking kidding me. I haven't even been here a whole year yet.
  57. >"I know. But i'm here to show you a previous Rapemas"
  58. You're a moron.
  59. >"ok..."
  60. >Suddenly you're not in your bed anymore
  61. >You're stood on a bridge completely naked surrounded by snow
  62. >Flutterghost is hovering next to you
  63. >Even as a ghost you can tell when she's blushing
  64. >However the hell that's even possible
  65. >"Oh... my~"
  66. Eyes up here, asshole. Why are we here?
  67. >She points infront of you
  68. >Fluttershy, the real one, is stood infront of you
  69. >She's talking to... A stallion?
  70. Who's that?
  71. >"Me"
  72. The other one, genius.
  73. >"That's... umm..."
  74. >"maolboyfren..."
  75. What?
  76. >"My old boyfriend"
  77. The fact that you even had a thing for stallions amazes me
  78. >No answer
  79. >Fluttershy is looking longingly at the stallion
  80. Hey, Flutters, Are you ok?
  81. >She sniffs and wipes her eye with a hoof
  82. >"I-I'm fine, really. Now watch"
  83. >The real-past Fluttershy speaks up
  84. >"Oh, Sunbeam. I'm so happy being with you! I-I think we should take it to the next level of our relationship!"
  85. >Sunbeam smiles at her
  86. >"I like you too, Fluttershy"
  87. >This give Fluttershy pause
  88. >"L-like or love?"
  89. >Sunbeam looks nervous
  90. >Ahh, you've seen this kind of thing before
  91. >"W-well, I do like you a lot, Fluttershy, but umm..."
  92. >"Do you love me?"
  93. >"I..."
  95. >Fluttershy is fuming, her muscles tense and her entire body leaning into Sunbeam's face, using the Stare at full force
  96. >"L-look. I really enjoy being with you, but i'm just not ready for that kind of thing. I can't say I love you yet, ok?"
  97. >Fluttershy calms down
  98. >"Ok. I understand"
  99. >Sunbeam relaxes
  100. >"Good..."
  101. >Fluttershy's face takes on a much more sinister look
  102. >"I'll just have to make you love me."
  103. >"W-what?"
  104. Oh god please say you didn't.
  105. >Look at Fluttershy
  106. >She smiles weakly
  107. >"I... May have done..."
  108. >Your eyes widen
  109. >You quickly look back at Sunbeam and Realshy
  110. >Fluttershy lunges on top of Sunbeam
  111. >"You're going to love me, darling. Trust me"
  112. >"Fluttershy what are you-"
  113. >She kisses him deeply, he seems to relax a little bit and gets into the kiss
  114. >Fluttershy starts rubbing between his legs
  115. >That makes him tense up again
  116. >"Fluttershy i'm really not ready for that-"
  117. >She slaps him and starts Staring again
  118. >"Quiet. You WILL love me."
  119. >He starts whimpering
  120. >Fluttershy always was stronger than she seemed
  121. >She pins him down and places her crotch over his face while she starts licking the end of his member
  122. >As expected, it goes hard.
  123. >The curse of being male
  124. This is... Horrible, Fluttershy.
  125. >Realshy starts kissing and nibbling the end of Sunbeam's dick
  126. >He moans slightly but cuts it off at the end to struggle some more
  127. >She kicks him in the face
  128. Ouch
  129. >Ghostshy giggles
  130. >"He only ever dated me because he was scared of me"
  131. And you're proud of that, are you?
  132. >"N-no... Not really..."
  133. You're a terrible pony.
  134. >"..."
  135. >Real shy is now deepthroating Sunbeam while his head rolls around, his eyes unfocused and his nose bleeding profusely
  136. >Suddenly he tenses up and starts cumming
  137. >Fluttershy swallows every last drop
  138. >She gets off him
  139. >"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
  140. >He starts crying
  141. >You feel anger well up inside you
  142. >The world starts going blurry
  143. >Everything stretches before you and you feel yourself falling
  144. >You blink
  145. >Back in your bed
  146. >Ghostshy next to you
  147. >Waste no time in berating her
  148. That was fucking horrible, even by your standards. That was low, Fluttershy. What ever happened to the poor guy?
  149. >"He moved out of town the next day"
  150. Fucking hell.
  151. >Silence between you both
  152. >"A-anyway..."
  153. >"OoooOOooooOOOO!! Tonight you will be visited by two more spirits! One will show you what is, and the other shall show you what will be!"
  154. Why.
  155. >"Shush"
  156. >She flies out the house through the wall
  157. >Fuckin A
  158. >Go back to your book
  159. >2 hours later
  160. >Trying to sleep after finishing it, but can't get the mental image of Fluttershy raping that poor stallion out of your mind
  161. >Shiver slightly
  162. >Uh oh
  163. >Shiver again
  164. >She wasn't lying
  165. >Hear distant laughing as Ghostshy crashlands through your roof
  166. >She's dressed in a festive outfit and laughing merrily
  167. >"Haha! Hello there, Anon! I am the ghost of Rapesmas Present! I'm here to show you what will happen should you accept Fluttershy's love!"
  168. Wait, you aren't Fluttershy? I thought you'd died and no one had told me.
  169. >"Oh Anon! You're a crack up! Hahaha! Come! Let us make haste! Awaaaay!"
  171. >Out of your bed again
  172. >Fucks sake
  173. >Look around
  174. >It's Ponyville during some kind of winter celebration
  175. >Fillies are running around laughing and carollers are at doors singing happily
  176. >The whole thing fills you with contentment and you feel relaxed and happier just looking at it
  177. >Feel yourself smile
  178. >Ghostshy is floating around basking in it all
  179. >"Wonderful, is it not? This is Ponyville during Hearth's Warming Eve. A time of happiness and warmth so that ponies everywhere may shut out the cold that resides outside!"
  180. >You've never seen Fluttershy this happy, she seems like Pinkie Pie. High on life.
  181. So it's like Christmas then
  182. >"Whatmas?"
  183. Whatever.
  184. >"...Come! Follow me to my cottage!"
  185. >Float through the air alongside her towards Fluttershy's cottage
  186. >Land outside a window
  187. >Fluttershy beams at you and motions for you to look inside
  188. >You do so
  189. >And gasp
  190. >You and Fluttershy are wrapped up in blankets drinking hot chocolate
  191. >She's nuzzled up to you chest and you have your chin resting on the top of her head, your eyes closed and a massive smile on your face
  192. >You both seem completely and utterly at peace with everything, hell even the bags under your eyes are gone
  193. >You worked on those for 10 years as well
  194. >Fucking Happiness
  195. What... IS this?
  196. >"This is life for you should you ever accept my love. All I want is for you to be happy, Anon. We could live out the rest of our days together like this. In each other's arms and loving company"
  197. You don't have arms. You're a horse.
  198. >"Whatever."
  199. So this is life, huh? Seems pretty good. What's the catch?
  200. >"No catch. You live out the rest of your days with me"
  201. Ah. That's the catch.
  202. Well sorry, Flutts. But that's not going to happen anytime soon. I don't do horses. Take me back.
  203. >Her face suddenly changes
  204. >It's no longer the jolly face of pure bliss you'd grown to like
  205. >It's replaced with a look of fear, sadness and pity.
  206. >"I'm sorry you feel that way, Anon. I really am."
  207. >You blink and suddenly you're back in your bed
  208. >Fluttershy is next to you, looking at you with eyes full of concern
  209. >She gulps before speaking
  210. >"T-tonight..."
  211. >Uh oh.
  212. >"Tonight you will be visited by one more spirit... It will show you what will come to pass."
  213. >"I'm so sorry."
  214. >And she's gone.
  215. >That was unnerving, you have to admit.
  216. >You've seen Fluttershy portray a lot of emotions, but never have you seen her so genuinely concerned about you
  217. >You try to go back to sleep, but just end up lying in bed looking at the ceiling
  218. >A third spirit?
  219. >What will come to pass?
  220. >You think back to what you just saw
  221. >You looked so happy with Fluttershy, you looked like a huge burden had been lifted from your shoulders
  222. >And that hot chocolate looked and smelled amazing
  223. >Fucking Bribery at work, here.
  224. >You close your eyes and try to get the image of you nuzzling Fluttershy out of your head
  225. >It's not working
  226. >About an hour passes in complete silence
  227. >You feel yourself drifting off to bed when you sense that something is horribly wrong
  228. >An wave of dread washes over you and you feel incredibly cold, worse than any of the shivers you'd felt this night
  229. >A faint thud is heard below your room
  230. >Tense up and sit perfectly still
  231. >Listen intently as heavy footfalls are heard coming up your stairs
  232. >Slow and deliberate, each one echoing throughout the house
  233. >Your door creaks open and your try not to cry out
  234. >Fluttershy is stood in your doorway
  235. >She's dressed in a shredded black cloak, and looks like she hasn't eaten or slept in years.
  236. >Her bony visage and sunken eyes behold you
  237. >Ohshitohshitohshit
  238. F...Fluttershy?
  239. >The "thing" representing Fluttershy slowly trudges towards the foot of your bed
  240. >It hold your gaze for what seems like forever
  241. >Starting to get lost in the black holes that are her eyes
  242. >She says nothing
  243. >Merely points at you and all goes black
  244. >You open your eyes and once again, you're not in your bed.
  245. >And you're also naked
  246. >For fucks sake.
  247. >Flutterdeath turns towards you and looks at you for a few seconds
  248. >Then she turns and walks away
  249. >You look around
  250. >Everything is silent, the snow of the ground is dark with the lack of light, and not even the moon is out.
  251. >A low fog is all around you and you can barely make out the shape of Flutterdeath infront of you
  252. >You decide to follow her, since she's your only way out of this mess
  253. >Run to her side
  254. >She doesn't acknowledge you, she just keeps walking
  255. >Decide to make small talk with the being of your nightmares
  256. Soo... What are you here to show me?
  257. >You already knew. But you felt it was polite to ask
  258. >No reply
  259. >She just keeps walking
  260. >You follow suit and eventually come to a dark house
  261. >No lights in the windows
  262. >Even in your spectral form you can feel the wind, it chills you to where your bones would normally be
  263. >Peer inside a window
  264. >The entire place is trashed
  265. >Flutterdeath walks up to the door and straight through it
  266. >You follow, walking through the solid wood
  267. >Man that felt weird
  268. >Wood molecules look funny
  269. >You follow her into the living room
  270. >Hang on, how did you know where it was?
  271. >Look around
  272. >Holy shit this is your house
  273. Woah, why is my house so messed up? What happens in the future?
  274. >No reply
  275. ANSWER ME
  276. >No reply
  277. >She just looks at you with those damned eyes
  278. >You feel pressured to do something
  279. >You start walking around, looking for clues
  280. >See a picture on the floor with a cracked frame
  281. >Look at it closely
  282. >It's your photo with the rest of the mane 6, it's your most treasured possession in this world
  283. >The mane 6 have been scratched out though, and the only ones left are Fluttershy and you.
  284. >You can see where this is going
  285. >Walk into the kitchen and look for something to give you more clues
  286. >Nothing
  287. >Go back to Flutterdeath
  288. Any ideas?
  289. >She looks at the stairs
  290. >Follow her gaze
  291. >Slowly walk up them
  292. >Even if you are spectral, and therefore it's safe to assume you're invincible, it scares you.
  293. >Reach the landing and look towards your bedroom
  294. >The door is shattered open
  295. >Like a rabid animal broke it open
  296. >See scratch marks all over the front of it
  297. >Walk in and freeze
  298. >There you are
  299. >Naked, bloody and lifeless
  300. >Your dick is covered in blood and dried cum
  301. >Your face is streaked with tears and reflects your final moments
  302. >Fear, disgust and sorrow.
  303. >Look towards where DeadAnon is looking
  304. >The normally empty wall facing your bed now bares a message written in blood
  305. >"YoU'Re GoInG To LOVE Me"
  306. >Fear.
  307. >You feel nothing but fear.
  308. >Fluttershy kills you
  309. >She actually fucking kills you
  310. >Start to panic
  311. >It can't end like this
  312. >Run downstairs to find Flutterdeath waiting patiently
  313. This is a joke, right? I can't die! I can't! WHEN DOES THIS HAPPEN?
  314. >She looks at the wall
  315. >A calender is there on a slant
  316. >You run over it it
  317. >December 25th - 3002 After Discord (AD)
  318. >That's this year.
  319. >She kills you on this shitty little pony holiday because you keep rejecting her
  320. >Sink to your knees, looking at the calender with your mouth hanging open
  321. >Slowly shaking your head over and over
  322. I can't die. I just can't...
  323. >Toss up the facts
  324. >You accept Fluttershy: You live in peace and happiness for the rest of your days
  325. >You reject her: You die this year
  326. >You piss her off: She rapes you in public on a bridge somewhere.
  327. >Tough choice
  328. >You stand up, you know what you have to do.
  329. >Walk back over to Flutterdeath
  330. I've seen enough, I know what I have to do.
  331. >She nods and suddenly you're back in your bed
  332. >Stare at the wall infront of you, which not 5 minutes ago bore the message of your doom
  333. >Get up and get dressed
  334. >Look outside, see that it's morning
  335. >Look at the Calender
  336. >December 25th - 3002 AD
  337. >Sigh
  338. >Head towards Fluttershy's house
  339. >On the way there, see ponies dressed up and in festive clothing
  340. >Goddamn Equestrian Weather. Yesterday it was sunny with not a flake of snow on the ground. Now it looks like a Whatmas Pageant.
  341. >Continue onwards to the cottage
  342. >Hear carollers singing
  343. >Cheesy as fuck
  344. >You remember what the Shy of Rapesmas Present showed you, and suddenly you feel a lot happier.
  345. >Arrive at the cottage
  346. >Mentally prepare yourself
  347. >Knock twice
  348. >Fluttershy opens the door
  349. >"Oh! Anon! How wonderful to see you!"
  350. >She smiles
  351. >It fills you with happiness and fear
  352. >Fucking Spirits
  353. Hey... Fluttershy... Listen. I was just wondering if you'd like to uhh...
  354. >Look past her
  355. >Notice a huge black tome on the table
  356. >"Y-yes, Anon?"
  357. >She moves to block your vision
  358. Hang on, what's that book?
  360. >Stride past her and look at the front cover
  361. >Dream Manipulation for Dummies: A concise guide to altering sleeping patterns and creating realistic illusions.
  362. >Feel your eye twitch
  363. >Spin around
  364. >Grab Fluttershy by the throat and start throttling her
  366. >Suddenly Pinkie Pie bursts out of a closest and bounces right up to you
  367. >She grabs your head in her hooves and looks right into your eyes, you feel like she's staring into your soul
  368. >Nothing can prepare you for what she says next
  369. MERRY WHATSMAS, /mlp/!!!
  371. The End

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

by Nebulus


by Nebulus


by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

by Nebulus