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By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:51:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 27th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day 95 in Equestria
  5. >Wake up
  6. >Everything is oddly quiet today
  7. >Listen intently for the sound of birds
  8. >Nothing
  9. >Kick off the covers and get dressed, listening closely all the while
  10. >As you eat breakfast and stare out a window, you see that the town is rather still.
  11. >See a single pony run through the streets and into a house
  12. >Cautiously poke your head out the front door, looking around for signs of trouble
  13. >Decide that it's safe enough and step onto your doorstep.
  14. >Look around
  15. >Met with a face full of yellow
  16. >"G-good-"
  17. Where is everyone?
  18. >She looks around and stares back at you sweetly
  19. >"Whatever do you mean, handsome?"
  20. Cut the shit. Is Zecora back in town or something? I thought they were over her.
  21. >"Oh no. There's no Zecora here. Just me and you."
  22. >Narrow your eyes at her and give her your most intimidating glare
  23. >She faulters under your gaze
  24. >"Umm... I-I mean uhh, I h-have a question for you..."
  25. What.
  26. >"Are ummm..."
  27. Spit it out.
  28. >"I-I was just wondering if..."
  29. I don't have all day, Fluttershy. What is it? What could you have POSSIBLY done this time?
  30. >"A-are-"
  31. >She awkwardly pulls something out from a saddlebag and places it at your feet
  32. >It's an egg.
  33. >A large one at that.
  34. >It's covered in strange markings, and when you reach out to touch it you can feel a faint heat radiating off it
  35. >Draw your hand back
  36. What is it?
  37. >An earth-shattering roar is heard echoing over the valley
  38. >Your eyes widen
  39. >Fluttershy stares back, tears forming in her eyes and her entire body shaking violently
  41. >Look towards the mountains in the distance
  42. >A massive red-scaled monstrosity is heading straight for you
  43. >"A-are dragons your fetish?"
  44. >The Dragon lets loose another roar, filling you with a sense of dread you haven't felt since Fluttershy's birthday party last month
  45. >Pick up Fluttershy and run as fast as you can towards the town centre
  46. >Hear the sound of heavy wing flaps and a shadow passes over you
  47. >Watch in horror as a beast the size of a mansion lands on the town hall, perching on the roof and causing grevious structural damage
  48. >It's cries vibrate the very air around you
  49. >Fluttershy has pissed herself
  50. >The Dragon fixes you with a soul-piercing glare
  51. >Makes yours look feeble
  53. >Fluttershy wriggles free from your grasp and takes to the skies
  55. >The Dragon screams in fury
  56. >She points a hoof at you
  58. >Oh you utter faggot
  59. >You can't even speak right now
  60. >Try not to cry as the Dragon's head slowly turns back towards you
  61. >It's eyes are practically glowing red with rage
  62. >It snarls and bares it's teeth, each one the size of a pony and gleaming pearly white in the sun
  63. >Your inner voice reverts back to your more primal instincts
  65. >You turn tail and sprint towards a nearby alleyway
  66. >The Dragon roars
  68. >The egg was back at your house
  69. >That's ages away
  70. >But it's your best shot to get the egg and hope that the Dragon has a good side
  71. >You exit the other end of the alleyway to watch a house infront of you get reduced to cinders
  72. >The Dragon launches itself off the town hall and starts walking along the tops of buildings to get to you
  73. >A claw grips the roof of a house and a razor sharp talon brushes the top of your head
  74. >An earsplitting scream erupts from the enraged beast, and it continues it's rampage
  75. >Run in the general direction of your house, dodging stray Dragon limbs and fireballs
  76. >Ponies are now in the streets with you, screaming their little heads off and filling the air with a cacophony of fear-induced noise
  77. >Your ears are ringing between the shrieks of the population and the roars of the Dragon
  78. >Hear it shuffle around on top of buildings, rooftops collapsing in and wood splintering
  79. >"I SEE YOU, HUMAN."
  80. >Oh shit oh god oh fuck
  81. >Instinctively duck down another alleyway and look over your shoulder to see the ground you were stood upon go black and charred as Dragonfire scorches it
  82. >The ground shudders and you hear rapid movement getting louder and closer
  83. >A nearby wall collapses under the weight of the Dragon's foot, and you catch a glimpse of the terrified family behind it huddled together as you run through the alley
  84. >More Dragonfire lights up the skies above, which are now filled with a thick black smoke
  85. >Watch as the Dragon's spiked tail whips around and cleaves an entire 3-story building in half, the debris crashing to the streets
  87. >Look over your shoulder just in time to see the Dragon look your way while perched on multiple buildings
  88. >It opens it's maw and takes a deep breath, unleashing a torrent of orange fire your way
  89. >Roll to the side and see several market stalls turn to ash
  90. >Pick yourself up, coughing from all the smoke and skin burning from the intensity of the heat
  91. >You see your house up ahead, the egg still on it's side infront of your door
  92. >Pick up the pace and run as fast as your legs will let you towards the egg
  93. >Hear the Dragon take flight behind you then land, it's weight causing pebbles lining the road to bounce slightly
  94. >It begins running after you, the rhythmic pounding getting ever closer
  95. >Your heart is racing in your ears and your chest is sore from exhaustion and smoke
  96. >Reach out your hands as you near the egg
  98. >Tears are streaking down your face as your fingers nearly touch your salvation from this nightmare
  99. >Only to have it swiped away at the last second by a yellow blur
  100. >Fall to the ground in a heap where the egg was, staring at your hands in disbelief
  101. >Search around for the egg
  102. >Your eyes settle on Fluttershy
  103. >Holding the egg.
  104. >"N-now, Anon. I-I'm sure if you gave this nice mister Dragon a chance, h-he'd become your fetish! And then we can be together!"
  106. >"Language, mister. I'll keep this egg nice and safe while you work things out with mister Dragon"
  107. >She flies away and out of your reach, singing a merry tune all the while
  108. >You stare after her hopelessly
  109. >A massive claw clenched into a fist slams the ground infront of you
  110. >Shaking like a leaf, you turn and stare the crimson behemoth in the face, which is about 3cm away from yours
  111. >"WHERE. IS. MY. EGG."
  112. >His entire face is about as large as the front of your house.
  113. >His breath stinks of sulphur and decaying flesh
  114. >You can actually see the fire forming at the back of his throat as he glares open mouthed at you
  115. >You're petrified by his visage, and can't manage an answer
  116. F-flu...tter...
  118. T-the p-pony took it.
  119. >"WHICH PONY?"
  120. The one that s-stole it in the f-first place
  121. >You shakily point a hand towards where Fluttershy flew
  122. >You eye the Dragon's fists, which are on either side of your body, each of them easily the size of a Van
  123. >They clench even harder
  124. >You glance back at the dragon, who's nose is now pressed against yours
  125. >You tremble and shudder beneath this gargantuan engine of rage and destruction, and all it does is glare back and utter a single word.
  126. >"OKAY."
  127. >It stands back up and looks towards where you pointed, somehow glaring even harder than before
  128. >You watch, still frozen in fear as it stomps off through anything in it's path, trees or buildings alike
  130. >You are Fluttershy
  131. >The silly little egg you stole was sure to win Anon's heart. Once he saw how brave you were after stealing it!
  132. >That Dragon didn't need it anyway. It was just sitting there on a pile of gems, doing nothing.
  133. >You cradle it and sigh, sat on your sofa back in your comfy little home. Soon to be Anon's as well
  134. >You blush at the thought of Anon stepping through the door naked and ranting about dragons
  135. I wonder if he's okay...
  136. >Muse to yourself and lazily look towards the window
  137. >The scenery has changed
  138. >Now all the trees and such have been replaced with a massive yellow orb with a black slit in the middle, surrounded by a deep red border
  139. >Your eyes widen
  140. >You drop the egg in your panic
  141. >It hits the floor and cracks
  142. >Freeze
  143. >Everything seems to stop and go silent
  144. >Watch as a clear liquid seeps out of the cracks in the egg
  145. >You start hyperventilating
  146. >Look back towards the yellow orb, which is now turning a red hue
  147. >Hear a low, rising growl all around you
  148. >The growl turns into a roar
  149. >Eventually all you can hear is a deafening scream
  150. >It lasts about 5 more seconds until the very roof of your house is torn off by two enormous claws
  151. >The Dragon stands at full height, looming over the wreckage of your house
  152. >It glares down at you and bares it's teeth, it's eyes now completely red
  153. >It's hot breath hits you and you see a strange orange glow get brighter in the back of it's throat
  155. >You are Anon
  156. >You watch in amazed silence as the Dragon rips Fluttershy's house apart and cleanses the entire area in fire
  157. >It concentrates it's flame into a single white hot stream of plasma, obliterating whatever it was touching
  158. >It keeps this torrent of superheated breath up for a good 10 seconds before letting it die, plasma residue dripping from it's muzzle
  159. >It lets loose a low moan, almost like one of sadness and you see it gently pick up a small white object
  160. >The Dragon moans again and takes flight, cradling the object in it's claw as it flies back to where it came from
  161. >Wait for a while
  162. >Decide to check out the wreckage
  163. >Walk through where the door used to be, the entire area is black and cracked, embers glowing and the air distorted with heat
  164. >Look down a large hole in the floor
  165. >This must be where the dragon concentrated it's fire
  166. >The hole stretches deep into the earth, the very ground itself seemed to have melted under the heat
  167. >You're glad you weren't on the receiving end of it.
  168. >Dash out of the house when you realise your shoes were melting
  169. >Walk home in silence and stop outside the door
  170. >Look at Ponyville
  171. >The entire village is a smouldering wreck. Black smoke fills the skies and ponies treat their wounded and cry in the streets
  172. >Shrug
  173. >Walk back indoors
  174. >Sit down on the sofa
  175. >Sigh as you carry on reading the book you started two days ago
  176. Fucking Fluttershy.
  178. The End

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