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Spreading yourself through Thin and Thick

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-08-18 12:38:40
Updated: 2022-11-07 04:03:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >”Y’know, y’all had me goin’ for a second there,” Applejack chuckled
  2. >Pinkie cocked an eyebrow as she looked up from a list so long that even Twilight would be daunted
  3. >”I'm just sayin' that when you started bouncin’ around, about plannin’ parties for ‘half of Equestria,’” AJ continued as she air quoted, “I thought you meant it were gonna be for every single town, not just one big get together.”
  4. >Applejack glanced again at the list and cherry picked the parts she was able to cover
  5. >sharing catering duties with Pinkie, setting up enough benches and tables, helping Rarity sew some parasols in case of rain… all by the end of the month? Easy
  6. >Pinkie, after a few moments of silence, sighed and sat back. “I couldn’t do all this without you and the girls, that’s for sure! I mean, not after the *other* towns I’m planning to run parties for.”
  7. >”Whaddya mean, other towns?”
  8. >Pinkie pulled out another twelve lists. “Appleloosa, Dodge Junction, Rockville, Rainbow Falls-“
  9. >Applejack went pale. ”Those're... other parties you're doin’ later, right? As in this is what you’re doin’ for the rest of the year or whatever? When you said ‘next few weeks’ I thought y’all meant just-”
  10. >Pinkie shook her head. “Nope! I Pinkie promised I’d be there to plan every single one in time for the Summer Sun Celebration!”
  11. >Somehow AJ's expression sank further. ”A- as a consultant, right? Y’all can’t be in all these towns, *and* Ponyville doin’ the work we agreed on! It’s impossible!”
  12. >Pinkie rolled the lists back up and stuffed them into her thick, curly pink hair. “Oh, silly Applejack! It’s not impossible!” She reached across and pinched AJ’s cheek. “Who’s a silly pony? You're a silly pony, Applejack!”
  13. >AJ blinked, batted away Pinkie’s hand, then huffed. “We ain’t ponies, Pinkie, or do I gotta show you two specific fingers to prove I ain't got hooves?”
  14. >Pinkie giggled and adjusted her form-hugging top, sending her massive boobs and pudgy belly rippling. “If everyone I’ve asked to help pulls through, I’ll be able to do my part in each town in time for the celebration! And if they can’t, I’ll be there to pick up the slack! See? It’s impossibly possible. Possibly even probably impossibly possible!”
  15. >AJ wasn’t paying attention to her friend’s Pinkieisms, and just shrugged. ”Far be it from me to stampede through your plannin’. I just ain’t seein’ it, but… you know your business better than me, Sugarcube.”
  16. >”Okie dokie lokie! Let’s get this party soirée hootenanny gathering function shindig celebration shaking!”
  18. *a few days later*
  19. >”There!” Pinkie said, placing down a tower of crates, and catching her breath. “Phew! Ten thousand balloons in rainbow colours. How’s the bunting and streamers coming along?”
  20. >the gathering of Rainbow Falls looked at one another
  21. >one girl said, “we’re still waiting for Pillow Fort to get them. She should be here by now.”
  22. >”Didn’t Pillow say she was busy finding paper plates?” Said another. “Streamers was meant to be *your* job.”
  23. >”No it wasn’t.”
  24. >”Yes it was!”
  25. >”Nuh uh!”
  26. >”Uh huh!”
  27. >after more back and forth, Pinkie got between them and said, “its okay! No need to get tied up in a bunch! Although of someone could actually blow up some balloons and tied *them* up in bunches instead, I'd appreciate it. I’ll go hunting for the bunting!”
  28. >she hid the fact her back was aching already, but it didn’t matter
  29. >Pinkie also ignored her stomach grumbling; she had already skipped lunch, and was late for dinner
  30. >but it was fine! She could catch up with eating once Rainbow Falls was set up, grab what she could to eat, then move on to the next town
  31. >”Pinkie Pie!” Pillow Fort said, running and in a panic. “The wagon carrying the paper plates fell in the river! I’m so sorry!”
  32. >Pinkie sighed, but put on a brave face. “It’s alright! I have a surplus back in Ponyville; I’ll just have to run them here tonight. The bunting’s on the way too! It’ll be like cooking two cakes with one oven! Everyone else, you know what you’re doing, I’ll be back before midnight.”
  33. >her stomach roared again, and she helped herself to a sandwich provided for the party prep team, but Pinkie knew it wouldn’t be enough; the happiness of others came first, and every minute mattered
  34. >Pinkie wheeled back into Ponyville at 2am, having delivered the supplies to Rainbow Falls, and caught the last train (as a special favour to her by Princess Celestia; normally they stopped far earlier)
  35. >she staggered off the train exhausted, but fulfilled
  36. >all the party supplies were in place, and she would just need to return in a week to perform the next step of arranging the Summer Sun Celebration venue
  37. >one town down, so many to go
  38. >she dragged herself into Sugarcube corner, eyed the cake display, naturally empty since everything was in storage, and patted her complaining stomach
  39. >”We’ll have a super big, ultra delicious breakfast tomorrow morning, tummy! Trust me.”
  40. >Pinkie went to her room, and settled into bed
  41. >and closed her eyes
  42. >…
  43. >*riiiing*
  44. >Pinkie slapped her alarm clock
  45. >that time already?
  46. >she only just… zzz
  47. >”Pinkie?” Mr. Cake said and entered. “Far be it from me to tell you your business, but aren’t you due in Appleloosa in half an hour?”
  48. >Pinkie shrieked and spring from her bed, glared at the clock, and realised she’d slept in
  49. >”Go get dressed,” Mr. Cake said. “I’ll whip up some breakfast for you. You can still make it!”
  50. >Pinkie but her lip. “No time! I’ll… grab something while I’m there!”
  51. >Pinkie hastily threw on some clothes and sprinted out to the train station
  53. >at the end of the week, Applejack casually triple checked the zap apple jam supply, the cider stocks, ticked them off her list, and sighed, smiling at a job well done
  54. >”Is it all here?” Pinkie said, wearily, her poofy hair a bit deflated. “Or has everything gone super wrong like, oh I don’t know, everywhere else?”
  55. >”Got it all in hand, Pinkie! How’s… you okay, Sugarcube?”
  56. >Pinkie stood, or rather, sagged
  57. >there were bags under her eyes and her smile just a little too forced for comfort
  58. >”I’ll be fine,” Pinkie replied and yawned. “I just didn’t hit the ground running. More like I hit the ground like a cartwheel and I’m at that wobbly, wiggly stage before it falls over. But I’ll make it work, and I’ll-“
  59. >Pinkie’s stomach rumbled so loudly, Applejack almost dived for cover
  60. >”What in tarnation was that!?”
  61. >AJ saw Pinkie clutching her midsection
  62. >she didn’t look quite as… robust as she usually did
  63. >Applejack put an arm around Pinkie's shoulder. ”As one gal known for her appetite to another, you ain’t been eatin’, have ya?”
  64. >”Not really,” Pinkie said and sighed as she rubbed her noticeably narrower waist. “It’ll be fine. Nurse Redheart’s been saying I should lose some weight. What better time when I’m too busy to eat?”
  65. >”Nuh-uh, no way, no how, Pinkie. That ain’t healthy.”
  66. >”I just don’t have time to have meals!”
  67. >”Then *make* time! Other folks’ happiness ain’t worth your health!”
  68. >”But I *Pinkie* promised! And I’ve got to get going, I-”
  69. >AJ held up a hand to make Pinkie wait, and dug up a pile of hay, exposing a trap door
  70. >”You’re family, Pinkie,” she said while unlocking it, “so I’m gonna open up my secret stash for you. Besides the usual jams and ciders, we set aside a little special somethin’ for a rainy day.”
  71. >Pinkie glanced outside and skyward. “It’s a little grumpy looking up there, but Dashie said it isn’t going to rain until the day before the celebration to make sure the flowers were well watered.”
  72. >AJ snickered and said, “what I mean is, if you’re dead set in doin’ so much work alone, I want you to have these.”
  73. >she handed Pinkie box of zap apple jams that were so brightly coloured, they seemed to glow
  74. >”Granny Smith’s secret zap apple super strength jams. A single spoonful of these will have you zippin’ around like ya’ll’re made out of the same lightnin’ that strikes the the zap apple trees! Just don’t go spreadin’ it around and tellin' folks about it. Granny Smith don’t like me bustin’ the cache open for just anyone.”
  75. >Pinkie dipped a finger in one of the jars and licked it
  76. >her curls suddenly stood out on end and reinflated to full poofage, her eyes lit up and she vibrated on the spot for a moment. “Ooh, tingly!”
  77. >Applejack closed, locked and re-covered the trapdoor, saying. “Now, go easy on the stuff. It picks a punch, and- Pinkie?”
  78. >only her party girl wasn’t there
  79. >”Tsk. Ah, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” AJ mumbled, reassuring herself. “She’ll figure it out.”
  81. *a few more days later*
  82. >”Looking good, Pinkie Pie! Work those arms!”
  83. >Pinkie glanced up at Dash as she hovered, then finished hammering in a support for a flagpole, then lifted the whole thing into a hole, then packed the base in with sandbags, then sat on them
  84. >she said, ”whew… hey, Dashie!”
  85. >Dash landed and sat next to her. “Well I’m ready to get us to Dodge Junction if you are. Trains aren’t cutting it, huh?”
  86. >”Just need a second to catch my breath, but yeah; if we’re gonna meet the schedule, I need your help.”
  87. >”Of course!” Dash pointed a thumb at herself. “The Element of Loyalty is at your beck and call.”
  88. >Pinkie scratched her head. “The buck’s a beck? Though I did call you. We need to be there in the next half hour, and there’s a bunch of party stuff I’ll need your help with.”
  89. >”Atta-girl! When you roped us into the Summer Sun Celebration, we were all glad you weren’t doing anything stupid, like taking on too much work alone, working yourself into misery and illness and needing an intervention to say you don’t need to face these burdens alone. Man, that would be stupid!”
  90. >they both laughed, but Pinkie’s slowly devolved and became stilted and desperate, before she said, “yeah, *really* stupid… okay, let’s fly!”
  91. >Dash limbered up and put on a flight harness, wrapped her arms around Pinkie’s waist as she clipped herself into the passenger straps, then both leapt as the speedy pegasus took wing
  92. >as they levelled out towards Dodge Junction, Dash said, “you, uh, dieting or something?”
  93. >Pinkie peered over her shoulder and said, “not really, I just haven’t had a chance to eat much lately. Why?”
  94. >”I can feel it. You’re *way* lighter than the last time I carried you.”
  95. >”It’s nothing, honest! A lot went wrong in Rainbow Falls so I had to take up more of the work, but I’m sure it’s gonna easy street from here! Smooth sailing! Like riding a bicycle! A bicycle with easy sails sailing the smooth roady sea-streets!”
  96. >Dash blinked, confused. “Riiight… well, just tell me what you need and I’ll get it done double-time!”
  97. >they touched down in Dodge Junction not long after, and Pinkie set out the celebration plans
  98. >once the townspeople were given their tasks, Dash rubbed her hands
  99. >”Alright, coach! Whaddya want me to do? Uh… Pinkie?”
  100. >the party planner looked vacantly at Dash for a few seconds, then shook her head and just uttered, “huh?”
  101. >”You sure you’re alright? You look pale.”
  102. >”I’m just-“
  103. >Pinkie winced as her stomach roared
  105. >”Just a little hungry. It’s okay, though! I’ve got some zap…” Pinkie clapped a hand over her mouth, remembering AJ's warnings
  106. >”Zap apple jam, huh? Look, I like a good carb load as much as the next girl, Pinkie, but what are you having with it?”
  107. >Pinkie sighed with relief and replied, “mostly by itself. It’s nice, though! I just don’t have time to eat.”
  108. >Dash folded her arms. ”Baloney!”
  109. >”Oh, yes please!”
  110. >Dash rolled her eyes. ”Tsk, what I mean is, you gotta eat something with some substance, and a lack of time ain’t no excuse. What you need is some protein, and so long as you keep it to yourself, I want to give you a super secret Wonderbolt ration that’s in testing.”
  111. >Dash took outr a thick foil bag, opened it and showed it to her: it looked like jerky, but there were only about thirty tiny pieces
  112. >Pinkie giggled. ”No wonder you don’t want me to spread them around; there’s barely enough here to share.”
  113. >”I’m being serious! We’re still waiting for the higher ups to okay these things. Somebody accidentally dropped a months supply of protein powered and vegetable jerky into the cloud condensers in Cloudesdale, and these came out. Feel the weight!”
  114. >as Pinkie took it, her eyes went wide and nearly fell forward. “Whoa! This is heavier than pound cake!”
  115. >Dash asked, “the food or the kid?”
  116. >”Yep.”
  117. >”Whaddya mean…” Dash started but sighed and redirected, “Whatever. Pop one of these bad boys and you’ll get a days worth of food to burn off. Just take it easy with’em, okay? There’s a couple of weeks worth in there”
  118. >Pinkie took one, eyed it, then popped it in her mouth
  119. >she mulled it over, then swallowed. “Hmm… it’s alright. It’s almost as hard as Limestone’s take on one of my birthday cake recipes.”
  120. >Dash grinned. “Wait for it…”
  121. >a massive gurgle sounded from Pinkie’s stomach
  122. >she grabbed at her midsection as it swelled out into a respectable food baby, and she loudly belched before giggling
  123. >”There it is!” Dash cackled. “It rehydrates in the stomach to give you something to burn while you work. All you gotta do is stay hydrated and active and you’ll be fine! Now, let’s get this pre-party-prep started.”
  125. >the pair split up to get to work
  126. >between occasional spoonfuls of zap apple concentrate, plenty of water and a daily chunk of Wonderbolt ration, Pinkie was attacking her jobs like she had at the start of the month
  127. >tasks were just being demolished so quickly, by the time the week was over, even all the details that could wait were mostly complete as well
  128. >”Now *that* was a solid, week-long workout!” Dash said, mopping her brow with a towel. “Not a fan of the heat in Dodge Junction, but dang… we should do Summer Sun Celebrations every month!”
  129. >Pinkie slumped into her seat and guzzled some water, then threw the rest over herself. “Whatever you say, Dashie.”
  130. >”Whats wrong now, Pinkie?”
  131. >Pinkie pulled a wet letter out of her pocket and handed it to Dash
  132. >but Dash just stared at Pinkie’s outstretched arm and uttered, “whoa!”
  133. >Pinkie watched, confused, as Dash reached over and peeled up her sleeve
  134. >exposing a nicely rounded bicep, tricep and a broad, rounded shoulder
  135. >”Sweet Celestia, Pinkie!”
  136. >”Oh, that? Yeah, I‘ve put a bunch more weight back on since having that protein and vegetable jerky…” Pinkie tapped her chin. “Verky? Proky. Vegeprokerky! Provegerky…”
  137. >”That ain’t weight!“ Dash interrupted as she felt Pinkie’s bicep, which made her giggle, ticklishly, and flex her arm on reflex
  138. >the bicep swelled up to the size of a small apple, and Dash’s eyes grew as big as saucers
  139. >”That’s pure meat! Nice! You’d give Applejack a run for her bits! And that’s not all that I can see.”
  140. >Dash pointed below Pinkie’s still large bust as her T-shirt clung to her midsection, revealing a solid set of abs
  141. >”You could play tic-tac-toe on those things,” Dash said, unable to keep herself from licking her lips
  142. >”Yeah, I got bored… wait, how’d you know that? Have you been spying on me?”
  143. >Pinkie lifted her shirt and, sure enough , there were ink smudges on her topmost abs
  144. >Dash snickered. “Pinkie Pie, you are, and always will be, *so* random. But anyway, about that letter…”
  145. >Pinkie handed it over, and Dash quickly read it (squinting at the smudged ink)
  146. >”Rainbow Falls again?” Dash scowled and slapped the wet paper on the table. “How’d they manage to ruin all your work? C’mon, you can’t keep helping them *and* help Rockville! They made their own mess.”
  147. >”But I promised I’d make their summer sun celebration the bestest best summeriest summer sunny sun celebratastic celebration *ever*! And it’s in a few days!”
  148. >Dash sighed, “lemme guess… Pinkie promised?”
  149. >Pinkie nodded, crossed her heart and jabbed herself in the eye
  150. >”Look, Pinkie. I know you don’t wanna disappoint anyone, but there’s no way you’ll be able to help everyone out at this point. I’d love to do more, but I’ve gotta do the Wonderbolt routine and I’ve yet to start my drills with the other guys, so I’m busy from here on out. And Twilight and the girls are already busy elsewhere with their jobs on top of doing *their* part of the celebration? At some point you’ve gotta call it quits!”
  152. >Pinkie took the letter back, stuffed it between her smaller but still ample cleavage, and slumped. ”There’s gotta be someone who can help.”
  153. >”Look, normally if we got in trouble, we’d talk to Twilight,” Dash said and sighed. “But she’s already busy with the Canterlot side of things.”
  154. >Pinkie mumbled “And if *she* was ever in trouble, she’d either get one of us, or ask Princess Celestia.
  155. >”And obviously we can’t ask her, because it’s her celebration! It would be like me asking someone to plan their own birthday party.”
  156. >Pinkie deflated down to the table as she let put a long sigh. “I don’t know what I can do. I guess this whole thing is through.”
  157. >Pinkie blinked and managed a giggle. “That rhymed!” She slowly sat up. “Wait a minute… that gives me an idea!”
  158. *one flight back to Ponyville later…*
  159. >”I sympathise, and I will, of course, do my part,” said Zecora. “But I have doubts for your stamina, if not your heart.”
  160. >”I just need one final push, Zecora! I don’t care if I have to sleep for a week afterwards, I can’t stop now! Everyone’s relying on me!”
  161. >”You will come to harm following this course.”
  162. >Zecora looked at the firm tone of Pinkie’s arms and thighs
  163. >”Even if you look healthy as a horse.”
  164. >Pinkie fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around Zecora’s waist, squeezing her painfully with all her desperate strength
  165. >”Pleeeaaaase! I’ve tried so hard to make the summer sun celebration perfect for everyone! And everyone’s worked so hard already!”
  166. >Zecora grunted and wriggled free from Pinkie’s grip.
  167. >”Enough is enough, you’ll drive me insane!” She then sighed. “Though everyone’s efforts can’t have been in vain.”
  168. >Pinkie leapt up and have Zecora an even tighter hug, lifting the shaman clear off the ground. “Eeee! Thank you! So, what kind of potion are we talking? Oh, and what flavour!?” She dropped the shaman and slumped. “‘Cause if it’s zap apple, or vege-prot-table-ien-jerky, I think I’m gonna barf.”
  169. >”Uh… no, Pinkie, nothing quite so overt.”
  170. >”Phew!”
  171. >”For this potion, simply put, just tastes like dirt.”
  172. >Pinkie blinked.
  173. >then shrugged. “Eh, I’ll take it.”
  175. >Zecora stood and headed over to a set of shelves, and sorted through them
  176. >”Here we are, just drink this to the final drop.”
  177. >Zecora handed Pinkie a murky, brown potion
  178. >”And it shall untap earth potential that will never stop.”
  179. >Pinkie popped the cork, but Zecora put her hand over Pinkie’s lips
  180. >”Before drinking this, understand there’s no going back.
  181. >You won’t be able to stop, until your vision goes black.
  182. >You’ll have endurance unending, nor a desire to rest.
  183. >You’ll give your all, to the end, at your earthblooded best.”
  184. >she released Pinkie’s mouth, who again went to drink, then Zecora slapped her hands over Pinkie’s mouth again
  185. >”You mentioned zap apple jam, and some other concoctions,
  186. >but with this potion you must be careful of your consumption options,
  187. >anything too dense or potent could leave you a mess,
  188. >so you must do without, lest you come to distress!”
  189. >Pinkie shrugged free from Zecora’s grip. “Okay, if this is how you’re gonna be, I’m gonna drink this elsewhere. Not everyone likes people bursting into constant rhyming or songs every time they do anything! Sheesh.”
  190. >Pinkie stoppered the bottle and left
  191. >before she poked her head back through the window and said, “thanks, Zecora! See you at the celebration!”
  193. >Pinkie headed home first, both to plan what to do, and take her usual dose of protein jerky and zap apple concentrate
  194. >hay, a dirt flavoured potion as a chaser would be a welcome change of pace
  195. >so she smeared a larger piece of ultra-condensed ration in a thick coating of ultra-strong apple sweet and sourness, and after forcing down the gag reflex, popped it in her mouth
  196. >her stomach rumbled, roared and subtly expanded, and she belched as the jerky hydrated and swelled
  197. >then she popped the cork of her earth potion, and guzzled it down
  198. >Pinkie smacked her lips a few times
  199. >”Eh. It’s no rock farm dirt, but I’ve had worse.”
  200. >her stomach gurgled and roared again
  201. >then she felt weak
  202. >more than anything, she felt hungry somehow
  203. >starving even
  204. >she tried to stop herself, but the hunger was too strong!
  205. >she grabbed the protein jerky, and began shoveing piece after piece in her mouth
  206. >then did the same with the zap apple jam
  207. >then everything edible in sight before she felt even remotely sated
  208. >her abdomen bulged for a split second, then burbled and shrank
  209. >then swelled again, then shrank
  210. >it made her feel queasy, but finally her guts seemed to settle down with a long groan
  211. >then she felt it
  212. >so much energy!
  213. >Pinkie couldn’t stay still
  214. >and her mind buzzed with all the things that needed doing for the celebrations across Equestria
  215. >in a flash, and leaving smoking footprints, Pinkie got to work, faster than even Rainbow Dash
  216. >the prep team for Ponyville all ducked for cover as a pink blur zipped between them
  217. >tents, flags, streamers and more were hung and set up, tables and chairs were hammered together, treats were made and somehow baked by the furious neon streak and everything was put in place
  218. >all before it bolted away quicker than it arrived, leaving a burning trail in its wake
  219. >Pinkie’s shoes disintegrated from the speeds she was hitting, but it was fine, she didn’t have time to worry about silly things like shoes
  220. >the rest of her clothing felt tight on her body too, but she couldn’t be distracted
  221. >and by the time she reached Appleloosa and got to work, she heard a rip from her pants
  222. >a lumber yard was stripped bare
  223. >balancing the wood, let alone carrying it, was almost effortless
  224. >Pinkie knew she wasn’t strong enough to carry it, but… somehow she was succeeding
  225. >her sleeves burst away from her arms, but nothing mattered
  226. >she had to give everyone the best celebration she could!
  228. >she entered the post office to retrieve some supplies
  229. >only, oddly, her head smashed through the upper doorframe
  230. >what the hay…?
  231. >focus, Pinkie!
  232. >she collected the supplies and continued, placing them near the celebration grounds
  233. >only for her ass to burst out of her pants
  234. >… it’s fine!
  235. >there was a spare banner she quickly fashioned into a sarong
  236. >and just as her back sheered through her top
  237. >just as well she has spare flags and streamers…
  238. >and, hay, she looked like a walking advertisement for the event!
  239. >Pinkie was aware it was dark, which seemed odd, but carried on her way back towards Rainbow Falls at a full sprint so speedy, she uprooted shrubs and small trees as she passed by
  240. >and, in a flash, she was there
  241. >and after a split second, she delved into fixing the disaster area that was the celebration grounds
  242. >well, no wonder everything broke… everything seemed so small!
  243. >and the materials given seemed real flimsy
  244. >so she reinforced everything with whatever she could
  245. >and, within an hour, the celebration setup was complete
  246. >nobody got to even thank Pinkie before she shot off so quickly she left behind her shredded clothing
  247. >the list of things to get done was relentless
  248. >but so was Pinkie!
  249. >she zoomed all across Equestria, finishing the preparations and moving on with nary a thanks, if she was spotted at all
  250. >most folk just dived for cover as the pink whirlwind zipped through
  251. >just to play it safe, she visited each of the towns she swore to help and caught up with every piece of work, plus everyone else's, she could
  253. >at last, on the dawn of the Summer Sun Celebration itself, Twilight and the others were gathered, with just cooking and baking to complete the final touches
  254. >but a tremor caused them to panic and, in the distance, a dust cloud approached
  255. >it rolled over them as the shaking stopped
  256. >and as the dust cleared, the girls all gasped
  257. >it was Pinkie Pie
  258. >thighs thicker than tree trunks, arms as wide as Applejack’s sturdy waist
  259. >which would have been freakish, but she wore the extra mass well
  260. >mainly because she was almost ten feet tall
  261. >and, despite everything, she still had some padding on her waist and more than a few spare inches on her bust
  262. >new musculature besides, she was still one of the bustiest girls around
  263. >not to mention the ample size of her ass; it was *huge* with a perfect balance of muscle and fat
  264. >an apex earth girl if there ever was one
  265. >and only bare shreds of summer sun celebration banners covered her shame
  266. >”Phew,” she sighed and wiped her brow. “I made it! I…”
  267. >her knees went wobbly
  268. >”I hope it’s all perfect, and you all enjoy the Summer Sun Celebration, and I… I…”
  269. >Pinkie fell down onto her ass
  270. >everyone yelped as the ground subtly shook from the impact, and sent the softer parts of her physique jiggling
  271. >Pinkie slumped
  272. >”I… I’m gonna take a nap…”
  273. >she then collapsed and snored like a buzzsaw
  275. >”Hey! She’s waking up!”
  276. >”Phew! Alright, give'er some room!”
  277. >”I’ll try, but she’s already taking up most of it!“
  278. >Pinkie opened her eyes and groaned
  279. >she felt like she’d had the biggest sugar crash ever
  280. >”Pinkie? How are you feeling?”
  281. >she sat up, and was surrounded by Twilight, Dash and Applejack
  282. >Pinkie rubbed her eyes. “I feel all weird, and bulky, and wobbly.” Her stomach purred. “And really, *really* hungry.”
  283. >”That’s to be expected,” Twilight said. “You’ve been unconscious for three days and, as much as I’ve tried, you’re kinda stuck like that.”
  284. >”Like what?”
  285. >Pinkie looked down at herself
  286. >her gigantic bust, her muscular arms, her immense thighs
  287. >and rubbing her stomach, she felt her abs flex under the layer of healthy fat padding
  288. >”Oh, right.”
  289. >Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “Yeah, we talked with Zecora and told her about thte stuff me and AJ gave you. Who’d’ve thought a butt load of protein, super condensed carbs and about a years worth of exercise crammed into a few weeks, on top of a potion that makes earth girls ultra earth girly would turn ya into a freaking giant?”
  290. >Twilight rolled her eyes. “What she said. You pretty much subjected yourself to the perfect storm of gainful exercise and, thanks to Zecora’s potion being fuelled by two abnormally potent foodstuffs, where you’d normally have collapsed or hit a physical peak, your body responded by growing bigger to find more room to pack on muscle, and the sheer amount of carbs ensured you weren’t lacking for energy. So much so you’re in really good shape, all things considered.”
  292. >”Physically, maybe,” Applejack said and put her hand on Pinkie’s own
  293. >Pinkie almost giggled at how small it seemed compared to hers, but AJ’s worried expression kept her from even smiling
  294. >Applejack continued, “how d’ya *feel*, Sugarcube? We know you’ve been under a lot of stress and strain.”
  295. >Pinkie pulled AJ into a hug. “I’m okay. Did everyone enjoy the Summer Sun Celebration?”
  296. >Twilight awkwardly looked to the side. “N- not really.”
  297. >Pinkie slumped and her eyes went wet. “I tried so hard…”
  298. >Dash scoffed. “That’s exactly the problem!”
  299. >Applejack scolded, “Dash!" She looked back to Pinkie and continued, "look, what I’m sure she means is… as soon as everyone heard what you’d done to yourself tryin’ to make things perfect for everyone, nobody wanted to celebrate. Not at the cost of makin’ ya fret and pass out.”
  300. >Twilight nodded. “So Princess Celestia postponed the celebrations until you were well and ready to attend.”
  301. >Dash continued, “and it’s gonna be a much smaller event. A bunch of people from all the towns are gonna chip in.”
  302. >AJ finished, “and you’re gonna to be the honorary Princess for the day! You’re the brightest sun around, anyway. I can’t think of anyone better for the role.”
  303. >”Though you’re going to need something to wear,” Twilight said and felt Pinkie’s huge bicep, marvelling at the way the supple slab of earth girl brawn suddenly swelled and went rock hard. “I’m sure Rarity can oblige.”
  304. >Pinkie sighed and lay back down. “Sorry about making you all worry. Guess being all big is gonna take some getting used to.”
  305. >Dash snickered. “I’m sure it’ll be alright. And besides, you can party even harder now.”
  306. >Applejack nodded. “You’ve definitively earned it, girlie.”
  307. >Pinkie picked all three of them up and gave them a massive hug
  308. >Twilight went to object at being squeezed against a boob as heavy as she was, only for Pinkie’s stomach to roar. After Pinkie giggled and rubbed her abs, Twilight said, “I’ll go get you something to eat. Oh, how about this new vegetable jerky the Wonderbolts have-“
  309. >Dash and Pinkie both cried out, ”no!”
  310. >Twilight tutted, taped her chin and said, “oh, I have some lovely zap apple-“
  311. >Applejack and Pinkie both uttered, “nuh-uh!”
  312. >Pinkie stuck out her tongue as she had a think, then said “Y’know what I’m craving? A lettuce sandwich.”
  313. >the other three all just blinked at each other
  314. >”With marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles! Oh, and carrot cake for bread!”
  315. >her stomach rumbled even louder
  316. >”And a giant chocolate milkshake! Now, as for dessert…”
  317. >they all giggled, life went on
  318. >and despite everything, not much really changed
  319. >well, Pinkie worked herself harder and maintained her new physique thanks to Dash and AJ’s help, since she was an absolute party behemoth, but she was still the same old Pinkie Pie
  320. >she was now just a literal ton of fun
  321. The end

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT