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Princess WG Mindbreak

By Tankris
Created: 2022-08-22 17:10:50
Expiry: Never

  1. The slow hum of machinery rustled Princess Celestia from her sleep. The white princess moaned as she opened her eyes as slowly as she could. The dim lights above flickered weakly, providing little visibility for her prison. Chains held up her flabby arms and kept her restrained no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Princess Celestia looked down at her body and was always shocked to see the changes slowly altering her physique.
  3. Her once trim, supple body was gone. It had been replaced with one that seemed to enjoy sweets, food and overall overzealous gluttony. A thought flickered to the mass media always trying to catch her snacking on a SMALL slice of cake here or there. If only they could see her now. Big, heaving breasts jiggled on top of a MASSIVE belly with every breath. Her rump squished and spread over the cold floor like dough. Legs and thighs so round and plump that she could barely raise them off the ground on her own power. Princess Celestia was weak, obese and helpless. A fact that made her seethe with anger.
  5. “Ah, I see my glorious goddess is finally awake.” A voice called out through a nearby speaker. “I think we should wake up your prized student, don't you? Besides, you two are late for breakfast.” Princess Celestia blushed as she heard a muffled vibration coming from the pony next to her. Twilight Sparkle moaned as the vibrations between her legs grew louder and louder, stimulating the purple porker awake from her nap.
  7. Twilight Sparkle was smaller than Princess Celestia, but she was in no way skinny. Her huge breasts drooped over a tightly packed, overflowing belly. Her rump squished into Princess Celestia's side with nowhere else to grow. Her tree trunk thighs tensed every so often as the pulsing vibrations changed speed and intensity every few seconds. Twilight Sparkle drooled over her thick body as her tummy grumbled with want.
  9. “Oh, someone is ready and eager for breakfast,” The voice called from behind his speaker. Princess Celestia growled as she saw two thick hoses approaching Twilight Sparkle and herself. “What do you want? Why all this torture? Who do you think you AUHHHPPHH!” Princess Celestia's complaints were stopped by the hose jamming itself in her mouth. “Now isn't the time for questions. Now is the time to EAT!” The voice commanded as the subtle whirring of machinery grew louder.
  11. Princess Celestia frowned as she watched her hose bulge out with thick, sugary goop. Strawberry flavoring hit her tongue as it forced its way inside her mouth. With no other option, the princess forced down a mighty gulp of the highly fattening sludge. She could feel her stomach expanding as they heavy slurry landed in her tummy with a thump. The princess tried not to think about how much heavier she was sure to become with every forced gulp.
  13. A blush spread along her face as the vibrating began between her legs. She tried to deny herself any sort of pleasure, even as the vibrations intensified. Her lower body began to wobble as she struggled to keep her mind clear. “Still resisting? Why not relax and have fun with it?” Whirring filled the air as a small television lowered into Princess Celestia's view. The bright colors stung her eyes as she was forced to focus in on the flickering monitor in front of her.
  15. She could see a picture of herself. Her once skinny, beautiful self. A buzzer rang out as a cross slashed through the picture. More and more photos of previous self flickered on the screen, only to be refused and thrown away. Slowly, the images of her grew softer and the alarms faded into sweet chimes and chanting. “EAT! GROW FAT! BE BIG! ENJOY IT!” The chanting echoed through the room, growing louder and louder as the pressure inside the hose increased,
  17. Celestia's eyes grew slightly fogged as she concentrated on gulping down her food. How many gallons were inside her now? Five? Ten? It was so sweet and delicious...she had to have more! Princess Celestia began to suck on the tube, pulling more and more into her tummy. Her stomach grew taut and round as the feeding continued. She could feel her belly scraping the ground as her breasts were pushed higher and higher into her field of view.
  19. The vibrations maxed out, teasing her along as she grew. The monitor showed delightful images of a happy princess, a well fed princess. Images of her outgrowing her throne, pictures of her tearing her way through clothing. Everything flashed by so quickly that Princess Celestia barely had time to think. Instead, she simply focused on the pleasures of a massive belly growing fuller and the vibrations inching her towards climax.
  21. At once, the vibrations stopped and so did the feeding. Princess Celestia refocused her eyes and groaned at the pain throbbing through her stomach. Her whole body felt white hot as her stomach tried its best to digest all the kilo-calories sloshing about in her belly. Sweat began to accumulate on her body as Princess Celestia let out a few labored pants. “Guh....why?” She grimaced as she made the mistake of turning to look at her former pupil.
  23. Twilight Sparkle's eyes were locked to the monitor with a smile on her face. She drank in the images and her food happily as her eyes glazed over with lust. It hurt for Princess Celestia watch as her former student had not a care in Equestria except to eat like a pig. Twilight Sparkle moaned with every needy suck on her tube, her belly audibly groaning as she forced far too much of the fattening goop into her stomach.
  25. The hose soon retraced from Twilight Sparkle's mouth. She let out a small hiccup, making her body bounce hard. A puddle of sweat and arousal was spreading under Twilight Sparkle as her toy continued to tease her between the legs. The purple piggy let out a harsh scream as she climaxed. Princess Celestia let out an anguished sigh as her former student went slack. “You monster. How dare you do this to her...to US! I swear, when my sister finds us...”
  27. The speaker simply crackled with a deep, throaty laugh. “You think Luna will find you? Do you think you'll simply reverse what I've done?” The voice couldn't help but laugh harder as a nearby door slid open. A hooded figure stepped into the hot, sweaty room and stood before the plumped ponies. “You two...are FAT! More than just fat! Obese piggies just waiting for your next meal!”
  29. Twilight Sparkle moaned at every word. She bucked her hips hard and was rewarded as her toy slowly buzzed to life. “You see? Your little prized student knows what's good for her.” The hooded figure outstretched a hand and pinched and poked at Twilight Sparkle's breasts. Her response was immediate, moaning harder and harder as her body was jiggled about like a toy.
  31. “You, however, aren't quite taking this as I had hoped.” The hooded figure turned his attentions toward Princess Celestia. “Tell me...how does this make you feel?” Hands reached out and prodded Princess Celestia's belly button. The princess moaned in a mix of delight and surprise as her sensitive body betrayed her. “You see? Even with your full focus on hating me and your body, you can't deny you've been enjoying this.”
  33. Princess Celestia blushed as the hands wandered up and squeezed her fat tits. They were raised up and dropped on her belly, making her jiggle like gelatin. The mare whimpered and shuddered with arousal as she began to pant and moan. “Aha, there's the piggy buried underneath all that hatred. Let go...enjoy yourself.” The voice commanded as the toys lodged between Princess Celestia's legs began to vibrate all over again.
  35. “Ne...never! This...will never...wooooork!” Princess Celestia huffed as a particularly sharp jolt made her shudder. “It wont? Then why are you breathing so hard? Why are you moaning like a little slut?” Princess Celestia blushed harder as she felt another jolt rock and jiggle her body. “Whatever you're planning...it wont...wont...” Princess Celestia couldn't finish as the toy was pushed to maximum power.
  37. “You have no clue...” The hooded figure giggled as it watched Princess Celestia writhe in pleasure and frustration. “You two are already far big enough for my plans. I simply enjoy watching you two stuff yourselves fatter to let you go.” Princess Celestia's eyes widened as the hose began to inch back towards her face. “No...no more! I'm already so full!” She whined.
  39. “Never. You'll never be too full. Never be too fat and heavy.” The hooded figure smiled with glee as the hose was forced back into Princess Celestia's mouth. “All you need to do is learn to enjoy it. Isn't it nice to eat and grow without a care?” The first globs of sweetened slush met Princess Celestia's mouth and was forced inside her throbbing stomach.
  41. The monitor came back as well. It resumed the slide show and filled the air with more chanted. “Fuh...food...need...food.” Twilight Sparkle mumbled, even as her belly angrily sloshed beyond full. “Atta girl.” The voice commanded as Twilight's hose was eased into her mouth. While nowhere near as fast as Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle continued her fattening feast all the same.
  43. “You really want to know why?” The figure scoffed as Princess Celestia was forced to drink another gallon of pure sugar. “It's because I find mares like you so alluring.” The cloaked pony circled the two massive mares and moaned as they plumped up before them. “My desires are quite simple. I don't want money. I don't want power. You can KEEP the title and throne for all I care.” A hand reached down and gave each swollen, stuffed tummy a loving pat.
  45. “I simply wish for an Equestria where everypony is as big and massive as you two are.” The figure smiled as he watched the two mares grow bigger and bigger. “Twilight Sparkle will certainly be a good agent in Ponyville. When everypony sees how much she LOVES her new body, all the mares will follow her lead.” Princess Celestia would have gasped had her mouth not be full of goopy mush.
  47. “Imagine it. A whole city full of fat mares with big, soft bellies or plump, soft tits.” More groping and moaned made Princess Celestia blush at every touch. “Or asses so round that you could bounce Bits off of. Doesn't that seem like a happy, sexy place?” Princess Celestia could only whimper as her stomach let out an angry gurgle. “Not to mention all the sexual training you two have been put under. I doubt you could even look at a cake without getting aroused anymore.”
  49. Naughty thoughts began swimming through Princess Celestia's head. Images of her flickered on the screen of her bent over a table with a stallion right behind her. The princess on the screen ate and ate from a massive cake while the stallion was humping Princess Celestia's massive ass. The white mare shuddered as her body betrayed her and forced her into an intense climax. “Yesss...Give in to it all.” The hooded pony chanted as Princess Celestia's eyes glazed over, just like Twilight Sparkle.
  51. Days...weeks...months....Princess Celestia couldn't remember how long she had been down here. It didn't matter to her. Her stomach grumbled with a mighty hunger as her feeding tube inched closer to mouth. White hands were finally free enough to dig under her bloated tummy and ease herself into sexual release as she felt the first gallons of slurry enter her belly. “More...more food.” She mumbled around the tube before slurping and sucking more of the fattening feed into her mouth.
  53. A slam echoed through the room as the nearby door bowed inwards. The heavy slams bashed and cracked at the door until it flew off the hinges and fell to the floor. “Sister!” Princess Luna called out as the royal guard flooded the room. “Sister? Sister!” Princess Luna cried out as she eased the hose away from her MUCH bigger sister.
  55. Princess Celestia blinked as her mind slowly returned to her. “Luna? Oh Luna! Thank the sun and stars you've come!” Princess Luna eased Princess Celestia to her hooves and helped her waddle out of the door. “Sister, what happened? What in Equestria was going on in there?” The princess of the sun blinked for a second as she was presented a blanket to cover herself. “Why don't...we talk this over...at the castle...with some tea and cake...” Princess Celestia smiled as her stomach growled in agreement.

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