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Winterlight's Weighty Vacation

By Tankris
Created: 2022-08-24 18:55:13
Expiry: Never

  1. “Oh my gosh, there it is!” Winter Light giggled and danced in place as he spotted his ride. The pegasus dashed towards the bright red hot air balloon with his wings flapping happily at his sides, saddlebags bouncing against his barrel. “This is great! I'm so excited!” The nearby stallion shook his head and kept a low chuckle to himself. “What kinda pegasus gets excited about a hot air balloon?” Shrugging his forelegs, he gave the burners one last ignition and smiled as the basket began to lift off the ground.
  3. “HEY HEY! Wait for meeeeee!” Winter Light panicked as he flapped himself airborne. The brown pegasus dove right into the wooden basket, forcing it to wobble and sway violently. “Hey, kid! Watch it over here...you HAVE wings, you know.” Winter Light looked up through his brown mane and smiled. “Oh...um...sorry. I'm just a bit eager to get started on my vacation, is all.”
  5. The pilot chuckled as he pat the small sack of bits clipped to his saddlebags. “If you don't mind me asking...why take a hot air balloon to Cloudsdale, son? Don't know your way or something?” Winter Light scratched the back of his neck for a moment before shaking his head. “Can't say I've ever been. My family grew up in Dodge City, so I've never really been to Cloudsdale or anywhere too high up.” The stallion shrugged as he pulled the cord next to him, forcing the balloon higher into the sky.
  7. “Got any plans for when you get to town?” His words were lost as Winter Light began to feel a chill in the air. His wings puffed up and a big, almost dopey smile widened on his face. “Wow...you feel that chill? Is it ALWAYS this cold at this height?” The pilot cocked his head and sighed. “You really ARE a grounded pegasus, aren't you? Yea, it's this chilly up here. You better have a jacket prepared if you can't handle it, soil boy.”
  9. Winter Light didn't hear the insult. His excitement and happiness was nearing peak levels that he could barely contain. “I LOVE the chill! The cold! The icy touch of the sky!” Winter Light jumped from the basket and happily soared around the balloon as it climbed higher and higher. “Huh...must be a surface thing...” The pilot mused as Winter Light gently hovered back inside the basket. If he wasn't so lost in his delight, Winter Light might have caught the awkward stare of the pilot boring into the back of his head.
  11. “Here ya go, kid. Cloudsdale. Hope you enjoy the sights.” The stallion said as they broke the cloud line. Winter Light gasped as his eyes scanned the horizons. The massive cloud city seemed to sparkle in the high altitude as pegasi of all shapes and colors zoomed through the sky. Winter Light could barely keep track of them all as they flew randomly through the air. “Wow...it's beautiful.” He whispered to himself.
  13. The basket clipped into a dense cloud, rocking Winter Light from his sightseeing. “End of the line. I suppose I'll see you here in a week?” The stallion asked. “Yea, sure! Thanks again!” Winter Light waved and waved as the balloon slowly floated away from his position. Winter Light wrapped his red scarf tight around his neck and quickly took to the sky. His haste immediately cut off several pegasi, nearly causing a massive collision. “HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU DOOFUS!” They shouted and screamed.
  15. Surprised, Winter Light dove towards the nearest cloud. “Oh jeez....is...is there some sort of flight code around here? How do I know where and how to fly?” Questions and mysteries swam and swirled into his brain, causing him to frown. “How am I to see the town if I can't fly where I want to?” A light, cheery voice called from behind, scaring the pegasus out of his coat. “A newcomer to Cloudsdale? I can help!”
  17. Winter Light turned around and spotted his sneaky assailant. A mare sporting a deep blue with messy orange hair smiled at him as she hovered next to a small cloud. “H..hey! Don't scare me like thaaaat!” Winter Light moaned as the mare giggled. She reached out a hoof and violently shook Winter Light's foreleg like a limp noodle. “Quick Trip is my name! You need a ride somewhere, I'm the mare to call!” She flicked her tail happily as she sat down on her cloud.
  19. “Um...yea, I do. My name is Winter Light, but you can just call me Light. How could you tell I'm new around here?” Light went red in the face as the mare giggled. “You cut off about a dozen lanes of mainstream traffic in two seconds. Only tourists and dummies do something like that and you don't look like a dummy to me.” Light felt a new wave of embarrassment crash onto his face as Quick Trip pulled a contraption made of several straps out of her nearby cloud. She slipped in around her chest and tummy, then attached it to the cloud. “I know this town like the back of my hoof. For a small fee, I'll fly you around town and even steer you towards the best sights around town!”
  21. Light smiled as he dug a few bits from his saddlebags. “Wow, that sounds amazing! How much to commission you for about a week?” Quick Trip gasped as she grabbed his hoof. “A whole week? You MUST be a tourist. Which means you know NOTHING about this town!” Quick Trip flew behind Light and shoved her hooves against his butt. “Get on that cloud already! We can worry about money later. C'mon, c'mon!”
  23. The stallion almost leaped into the air as blue hooves squished into his butt. “Okay! I'm on the cloud!” Light sighed as Quick Trip egged him on. Satisfied, the mare extended her wings and zoomed into the sky. The brown stallion gulped as he clung to the cloud for dear life, completely forgetting his wings glued to his sides. “Wooooo hooooo!” Quick Trip hollered before leveling out and flying off to a first destination.
  25. “So THAT is the weather factory...” Light smiled as they approached the guest entrance. “Yup. Anything from clouds to rain and even the snowflakes are made here.” Light puffed out his wings at the mere mention of snow. “Really? Can we go see the snowflakes? Can we, can we can we???” He begged. “Hey, it's YOUR vacation. You don't need MY permission to do stuff, you know.” Light chuckled as they made their way to the winter wing of the factory.
  27. The brown stallion was beside himself as he delicately danced around the viewing area. A chill ran through his bones that kept him at peak happiness as the tour guides explained the process of making snowflakes. “Oh, they even let you MAKE ONE? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Light nearly fell over in excitement as he cautiously picked up the tools on display.
  29. “I'm no artist, but what do you think?” Light beamed as Quick Trip looked through the lens. A tiny, blurry shape stared back at her from the other side. “Do you like it? It's me!” Quick Trip giggled as she slid the snowflake towards the eager pegasus. “Looks...great!” She let out a small chuckle. “Why don't you try getting a job here? You seem to like all this cold weather stuff.”
  31. “Oh no, I couldn't do that. A lot of ponies depend on me for lots of help. It WOULD be nice to be in this chilly room all day.” Light smiled as big as he could. “Most ponies I know wear two coats when they even think of walking into the winter wing. How come you're so relaxed?” Light smiled as he pointed to his cutie mark. “As a young colt, I got lost in a freak blizzard in the middle of Dodge City, if you can believe that. The town had never seen snow before and before we knew it, it was below freezing.”
  33. “Me? I LOVED the cold...I actually got lost because I was playing in the snow for hours after dark. I have a natural resistance, maybe even immunity to the cold.” Light laughed as his stomach grumbled. “Oops...guess it's lunch time!” Quick Trip strapped her harness back on and smiled. “Good! There's about a dozen little diners with the BEST hayburgers around. Hop on!” True to her word, Quick Trip was soaring through a veritable smorgasbord of diners, restaurants and fast food dives.
  35. “Lemme know if you smell something good. We can head wherever you want.” Light sniffed at the air for a second, then pointed a hoof. “Th..there....” He moaned as his tummy let out another desperate gurgle. “Perfect. Let's head in, yea?” Quick Trip yanked off her harness, then yanked Light inside. “HEY! GREASE TRAP! THE USUAL!” Quick Trip shouted as she pulled Light to a corner booth. “Hey! You're gonna pull my leg offfff!” Light yelped as he was forced into his seat.
  37. A nice mare in an apron walked up to the booth and smiled. “Hi Quick Trip. Who's your new boyfriend?” Light's face went as red as a cherry as Quick Trip shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno, some guy out back. Why, you want him?” The two mares chuckled as Light hid his face with his hooves. “C'mon, Light. We're just teasing you. This is Spot Shine. I pretty much know every worker in every diner in this area of the city.”
  39. “Oh yea, I believe that.” Spot Shine teased. Quick Trip rolled her eyes as Spot Shine opened her notepad. “The usual, huh? Gonna show your friend what real food is, dear? What would you like to drink?” Quick Trip slid a menu over to Light and smiled. “You should REALLY go for a milk shake. Some of the best strawberry shakes in Cloudsdale, you know.” Light smiled back as he nodded. “Sure. A milkshake with a soda on the side sounds great!”
  41. “So, do you REALLY know all the ponies working in ALL these diners?” Light giggled as he leaned back and looked outside. “Yea, I do. As a taxi driver, I end up taking dozens of fares to the same places. It helps to be friendly with as many ponies as possible.” Light smiled as he turned his gaze back to Quick Trip. “Is that how you got your cutie mark?”
  43. Quick Trip tapped her hooves together and let out a sigh. “Well...I wasn't always the best flier around. I could barely finish any of the easy endurance trials at beginner's flight school. Every day, the counselors would try and try but I could never improve.” The mare giggled as she pointed to her cutie mark. “I was pushed and pushed to fly into endurance races long into the night. One day, I got so mad that I scooped up a cloud with my hooves and dragged it behind me. The added resistance helped build up my wings bit by bit.”
  45. The drinks clanked against the table, prompting Quick Trip to take a sip of her soda. “Soon, I was pulling it behind me when I flew with a bit of rope. After that, I was racing around while I pulled around other ponies. I went from the worst flier in my class to one of the best, passing my final test while carrying around one of the counselors around. When I flew over the finish line, My flank shined bright with magic and I knew I had gotten my cutie mark.”
  47. Light slurped at his milkshake and smiled. “So what made you think it was for ferrying ponies around and not because of your speed?” Quick Trip put her drink down and giggled. “Because there are WAY faster fliers around. The thing is, they can't pull as much weight around while staying that fast.” Light nodded as he saw Spot Shine carrying a massive serving platter. “Wow, who ordered the mountain of food?”
  49. Light's eyes bugged out of his head when the plates began to pile up on their table. “We did.” Quick Trip gave a sly smirk as more and more plates were shoved onto Light's side of the table. “Did...did you REALLY order all this? I dunno if I can even pay for all this. I haven't even checked into my hotel yet!” Light blushed as Quick Trip reached over and grabbed his hoof. “Hey, don't worry about it. You've got connections to the work staff, remember?” Quick Trip winked as she grabbed a burger from one of the plates.
  51. “Oh...well...um...” Light didn't wish to seem rude, but his tummy certainly was. It grumbled and whined with every second that he delayed his meal. His hooves reached out and gripped the biggest, greasiest burger from the table. “There you go. It's a vacation, right? Just relax and eat. I know all the best places so don't worry about going hungry.” Light didn't hear her. He was too busy moaning into the heavenly cooked hay swimming in his mouth. “Oh by Celestia and the sun....that's GOOD!” Light made sure everything was inside his mouth and not on it, which was certainly a feat in of itself.
  53. His tongue reached out and greeted the burger long before it reached his lips. Light lapped up a bit of grease and ketchup before pressing the meal into his lips and moaning once more. “I told you it was good. Don't take too long on that one, you've got more to sample, you know.” Light looked down and gulped as he remembered the mountain of burgers, pile of fries and apple pie waiting for him. “Oh...I guess I do, don't I?”
  55. Light made sure to properly enjoy himself with every bite. The fries were warm and salty, prompting him to drain his soda several times. His stomach was slowly growing and rounding out as he was encouraged to take more and more bites. Chomp, chew, swallow. Chomp, chew, swallow. Light fell into the pattern easily, cramming calorie after fattening calorie into his belly. His only alert to stop was when his overstuffed tummy nudged the table a tiny bit.
  57. Quick Trip smiled as she slid the massive wedge of pie towards him. “Try at LEAST a bite of the pie. It's so sweet and tasty.” Light suppressed a burp and moaned in his seat. “I...I dunno...So full.” His eyes went from droopy and tired to alert and confused as he felt a pair of hooves on his tummy. “Relax....feel your muscles going slack and softening. It'll be okay.” Light panicked and looked around the diner. Nopony could see them from where they were sitting, right? Right???”
  59. He let out a small gasp as Quick Trip pressed her hooves into his tummy. “Oh....ohhhhhhh.” He sighed as his body went limp. The slight tingle of pain and the anxiety of eating so much disappeared as if a switch had been flipped in his brain. “There you do. All better?” Quick Trip asked, her face a mix of concern and delight.
  61. “Yea....I am.” Light barely said before the pie was placed on top of his round, tight belly. He gulped as Quick Trip scooped up a fork full of glazed apple filling and crispy crust. Without warning, he opened his mouth and accepted the bite. “Sho guuuud.” He mumbled between chews. A small line of drool escaped his mouth, which Quick Trip rubbed away with a gentle touch. “Don't worry. There's more coming right up.”
  63. Light moaned as another chunk of pie was eased into his mouth. He was full. BEYOND full...yet Quick Trip's hoof kept his tummy in motion, finding more and more room for the pie. It sloshed and gurgled with every touch, making Light pant and moan with embarrassment. “Not a lot of ponies eat as much as you did. That was amazing to watch.” Quick Trip cooed in delight as she pushed the last bits of pie into Light's mouth.
  65. The overstuffed stallion barely covered his mouth to suppress a belch. His stomach rose like dough with every breath, even with Quick Trip's hooves eagerly massaging and pressing into her belly. “Where's your hotel? We'll pack up the rest of this food, get you settled in and you can sleep for a while.” All Light could do was nod as Spot Shine placed several plates of food into baggies and helped ease the bloated stallion onto Quick Trip's ferry cloud.
  67. Light was able to get to his room just fine, if not for one or two complications. His heavy belly swayed and bounced with every step, pressing into his legs and jostling around his dense meal. “I'll come pick you up early tomorrow, okay? Be ready for another big day, big boy.” Light stuttered hard at her comment before turning around and entering his room. The bags of food were shoved to the side as Light eased himself onto his bed.
  69. His stomach sloshed and gurgled quietly through the day, shrinking down but not disappearing. A small layer of chub padded his whole body, giving him a cute, chubby look. His belly was soft and malleable, his rump widened out and small rolls of fat surrounded his legs and face. Not nearly enough to be a complete change, but just enough for those close to the snoozing pony to realize he had gained a pound or two. His eyes fluttered open a few hours later as a certain noise stirred him from his sleep.
  71. Light felt the sting of hunger tickle his belly as his eyes lazily popped open. He looked over to the clock and gasped as he realized the time. “I....I slept till past sunset.” He let out a wistful sigh as he pulled himself out of bed. “Well...it's too late to go out in this darkness. Who knows what kinda trouble I'd get into?” Light sighed as he flicked on the television nearby and grabbed a few bags sitting on the floor. While not as good as before, the cold burgers definitely hit the spot. Light stuffed burger after burger unto his mouth, still not aware of his new softness at all.
  73. “Man...it felt so much better...when she did it.” Light blushed as he rubbed his full tummy. The whole scene replayed in his mind again and again, making his heart race. “And...and I'll see her all week...” Light smiled as he threw away his trash and decided to go back to sleep. A tiny bit more soft, jiggly fat padded out his belly and booty as he rested up for his next big day.
  75. “Hey! Light! C'mon and get out here, you goof!” Quick Trip shouted as she banged on his door. The sleepy stallion was slow to rise from his bed, still eager to sleep in. “Hold on...I'm...I'm coming.” He grumbled as he tossed the blanket away. “I need a cloud bed at home.” Light moaned as he finally pulled himself away from slumber. Light brushed his mane for a second and paused. “Was....Am I fatter?” He let out a small gasp of surprise as a hoof poked his belly and was able to find a few good pounds to jiggle against his legs.
  77. “Finally! You've GOT to try out the Prench toast that this nearby restaurant has!” Quick Trip grabbed a leg and began to pull. “A..actually...I'm...I'm not that hungry.” Light mumbled as Quick Trip dragged him along. His stomach, however, had other ideas as it alerted both ponies to its desire. “Oh, somepony's stomach doesn't like that response. It's a vacation! Let loose!” Light grumbled as he slapped his belly lightly. “Bad tummy!” He thought as Quick Trip strapped on her harness and pushed his big butt onto her cloud.
  79. Just as before, Quick Trip sat them down and barked out an order similar to yesterday. Light couldn't help but realize they were packed into a corner just as before. “Quick Trip...what are you doing?” The blue mare stuttered as she scratched the back of her head. “Um...treating you to breakfast?” She squirmed under his gaze, fumbling with the coffee mug in her hooves as Light waited for a response. Her cheeks grew white hot as Light squinted at the shrinking mare.
  81. “F...fine. I AM up to something...” Quick Trip was almost purple with how hard she was blushing. “I....I kinda have this...this thing I like....” Light gasped as the blue mare ducked under the table and placed her hooves on his chubby belly. “I like watching tourists and ponies in general eat themselves fat.” She whispered under the table. Her hooves lovingly stroked and jiggled the chubby tummy in front of her before nuzzling her face in Light's soft belly.
  83. Light was stunned. His mouth was moving, but all that came out was a series of babbling and stuttering. “So..so...you..um...like like me?” Quick Trip pulled herself away and took her seat. “Well...I like it when you eat...and get bigger...” Both ponies avoided each others gaze in silence for a moment or two before the giant breakfast platters arrived. The delicious smell of Prench toast, hay bacon, eggs and a perfectly stacked tower of toast began to fill the air, making Light desperate for a bite.
  85. “You're lucky that you're cute and I'm hungry.” Light giggled as he began pouring syrup on his Prench toast. Quick Trip couldn't help but shudder as Light stuffed his whole face full of a massive slice of toast and squished it in his mouth. Her wings popped out and seemed to throb and twitch as Light made a show of swallowing his slice of toast and patting his belly. “Mmmm...buttery and packed with so much fattening sugar. How many do I even have left?” Light teased as he gave his own tummy a small jiggle.
  87. Quick Trip dove under the table and got to work immediately. Her hooves were glued to Light's stomach as he swallowed another slice of Prench toast. Even with the sticky syrup dripping from every bite, he made sure no mess dare drip on his face, chest or Quick Trip's head. His stomach began to bloat out all over again as he satisfied his hunger and more. He could feel Quick Trip's hooves slowly push away as softness and flab turned into a tight, overstuffed tummy all over again.
  89. “Oh yes....so...so irresistable.” Quick Trip moaned as she began kissing the brown belly in her hooves. Light moaned louder than ever as he slid away an empty plate. The eggs and bacon were next, filling up his tummy to the brim as the Prench toast expanded in his stomach. “Oh...Celestia....why did I do this?” Light moaned as he could visibly see his stomach inching outwards with every breath.
  91. The table slid against the ground as he reclined into his seat. His massive, jiggling belly towered over him, making Light shudder with an odd satisfaction. “Oh my gosh.....hmmmmmmmffffff.” Quick Trip moaned as she continued to massage and play with Light and his rounded tummy. “Hmm. You landed a good one this time.” The waitress giggled, sending both ponies into a massive fit of stuttering and embarrassment. Quick Trip slammed a pouch of bits on the table and coaxed Light to waddle outside.
  93. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!” She pleaded as Quick Trip hid them in an alley way nearby. Light barely heard her as his stomach loudly gurgled and sloshed. It was struggling to digest the massive meal sitting inside him as he lie helpless on his back. “I...I dunno. That WAS some really good Prench toast...” Light belched and sighed as a bit of the tightness ebbed away. “You...you aren't mad?” Light chuckled. “Mad? No. Embarrassed? YES! ….but don't worry about it. Let's go see some of the sights before lunch.” Quick Trip's jaw dropped through the clouds and to the ground while her wings popped out to the sky. “Oh..um...yea...sure!”   
  95. After breakfast was a tour of the center of the city. Light was in awe of all the Romane style structures and government buildings. He was in even more awe of the sandwiches he was offered for lunch. His belly never felt tighter as he had to rest a foreleg on Quick Trip just to make it back to the taxi cloud. Dinner was no exception as Quick Trip refilled plate after plate of delicious buffet food for Light all night long.
  97. Quick Trip's trips became slower and slower as the week continued. With an open invitation to order whatever he wanted, Light was sure to indulge the mare paying his tabs. His belly began to squish into tables even before he began eating. His rump was hanging off the sides of any chairs, confining him to booth seats. His embarrassment faded with every meal as his hunger grew, forcing him to order more and more food every time they stopped.
  99. Her belly rubs were simply the best. No matter how full Light felt, her hooves were there to ease the pain and help him make room...and even pinch his every growing body as he fattened up before her eyes. Light was always forced to stop eating for a second when he felt a set of roaming hooves jiggle his belly, pinch his thighs and grope his massive, doughy butt.
  101. “Light....be serious and pull yourself around, tubby!” Quick Trip giggled as she pushed him along. The poor stallion was practically in a food coma already as his overstuffed belly scraped the clouds as he waddled. “Aw...just lemme sleeep.” He whined as he kicked out his legs and plopped on his belly. Quick Trip inhaled through her teeth as she watched Light's body squish and sag over the clouds. “By the sun.” She mumbled. Her legs seemed to guide her along as she placed her head against his belly. The warmth from his body eased the tired mare to sleep. She needed it for tomorrow.
  103. “Wait, you DON'T wanna go to breakfast?” Light half questioned, half whined as Quick Trip pushed her cloud as low as she could. “Nope. You aren't getting a single bite until dinner.” A massive, brown belly grumbled and complained at the lack of Prench toast and bacon inside it. “Don't you worry...I'll feed you nice and big tonight.” Light blushed as Quick Trip kissed his tummy before slowly dragging Light towards the regal side of town.
  105. “Quick Trip....lemme off...ponies are staring...” Light begged as she pulled him along inside the museum. “Don't worry about it. Enjoy the rich history of this place. It's your last day, right?” The flabby stallion hid himself behind his wings as they continued on through the tour. They bounced from one location to the next, never stopping for food or snacks. Light moaned in time with his aching stomach. “Quick Trip...please....pleaaaaase!” He whined.
  107. “Okay...I can see I've tortured you long enough.” She giggled. Quick Trip sighed as she tugged and pulled along her blimped up buddy to a massive bakery nearby. “Quick Trip...this is a bakery.” Light questioned as she pulled him around back. “ I know that. I'M the one that lives in this town, silly.” The back door was unlocked, allowing Quick Trip and Light to slip inside. “I figured the one thing every pony NEEDS to experience once in their life is cloud cake and ice cream. So I made a little deal with this bakery. Quick Trip teased as Light caught sight of something huge sitting on a table.
  109. A wispy looking cloud sat upon a platter twice as round as Light. It towered over both of them with a heavy, demanding aura. Beside it was small industrial tank with a thick hose connected to it. “THAT...is a cloud cake. You're so VERY hungry, right? Why don't you take a slice or two....” Light gulped as Quick Trip floated up and cut an ENORMOUS slice of cake and placed it in front of Light. “Last day to enjoy yourself. Better decide if you REALLY want to have a good time.
  111. Light took up the plate with a shaky hoof. “I...I....I'll need your help...” He shuddered before grabbing a fork. Several slices of cake were ready in mere seconds as Quick Trip slowly carved at the monstrous, sugary beast. “Go ahead. You wont run out anytime soon.” Light eased the fork into his cake and brought it to his lips. As he wrapped his tongue around the fork, his eyes widened with delight. An empty plate clattered on the table as Light licked his lips. “That...that was AMAZING!” Light gasped as he rushed towards another plate. The fork was almost forgotten as Light pushed his muzzle into the cloud cake and began devouring it as fast as he could.
  113. “I should warn you though...cloud cake is easily one of the most fattening desserts in Equestria. And because it's so light, you feel like you aren't eating at thing.” Light shrugged as he started on his third piece. His stomach filled out but not with cake. Dozens of pounds were padding out his obese frame, making it harder and harder to waddle about as he tried to continue stuffing his face.
  115. His ass wobbled, his belly threatened to sag through the cloud layer, his legs were near useless stumps on his body. Light huffed and moaned as he powered through another slice. How many had he eaten? A dozen? Two dozen? Without the familiar throb of a full tummy, He couldn't tell. All that mattered was that he continued eating. He finally looked over and saw half the cake was missing. No, not missing. Stuck to his drooping, wobbling belly as it jiggled and grew with every bite.
  117. “So....good.” He moaned. With the last bits of energy he had, Light waddled over to his cake and sat down. His hind legs were forced apart by his obesity as his stomach plopped onto the clouds. He leaned forward and took a bite right from the cake, somehow keeping his face completely clean. Quick Trip swooped down to his side and leaned into his body, shuddering as she sank deeper and deeper into his flab. “Go on...keep eating...such a good piggy pony, you are.”
  119. Her hooves toyed, jiggled and caressed his body as it grew and grew. “I've never seen a pony get this big...this fat...this sexy.” Quick Trip whispered in his ear. “You've got to be at least four hundred...five hundred pounds...keep...keep eating.” She moaned as she peeked at the cake. Her eyes widened as she noticed how little of it was left. “My gosh....you...I may need to visit YOU when I get some time to myself.” Quick Trip giggled as she spun the platter around for Light.
  121. Chew, gulp, grow. Chew, gulp, grow. Light continued for what felt like ages. His whole body shuddered and quivered with every breath as he continued to feed himself into serious obesity. “I can't get my hooves around you any more. You're so big and fat.” Quick Trip let her hooves run over Light's body until her hooves met his wings. “Hah...you probably wont need these anymore. No more vacations anywhere above ground level.”
  123. She extended his wing and let it flop into his back. “Even your WINGS are fat, Light!” Quick Trip shuddered as she continued to move his flabby, blubbery wings. Every useless flap caused a massive ripple to dance along Light's body, making them both moan in delight. “Cake...cake's gone!” Light gasped as he clutched his enormous stomach. “Good boy. You finished your dinner. Ready for dessert?”
  125. Light barely had time to react as Quick Trip stuffed the hose in his mouth. She twisted the nozzle and watched as the hose went from slack to taut. The thick, cold ice cream flooded Light's mouth and was forced into his tummy. The chill of the cream invigorated him, sending him into a feeding stupor. He began to suck and pull at the hose, struggling to flap his fat wings with every gulp.
  127. Quick Trip's face seemed to turn purple as she watched the scene unfold. “You.....You're ALMOST too much pony for me....Oh gosh...Oh gosh.” Quick Trip moaned as she bit her lip. She lowered her head down and listened in as Light's tummy gurgled and sloshed with every gulp. Her hooves rubbed at his massive tummy, unable to get every little flab and roll anymore. She watched every swallow run down his thick neck and heard it slosh inside his full gut. “Keep eating...bigger...bigger.” She moaned as the sloshing became louder and louder.
  129. Hours seemed to pass as Light gulped down his dessert. The moon rose high in the sky as he bloated and swelled, making the perfect cuddle bed for Quick Trip. She fought off sleep for as long as she could, pulling her head up and trying to focus. Her ears twitched as the tell tale sounds of an empty tank filled the room. Lazily, Quick Trip walked over and turned off the nozzle before easing the hose out of Light's mouth. She covered his mouth as his tummy let loose a belch that wobbled Light from his plump cheeks to his massive rump.
  131. It was a struggle for Quick Trip to wake herself up. It was even more troublesome getting Light through the back door. His massive, fat hips and rear were completely crammed in the frame. Quick Trip flapped and flapped hard, only managing to sink her body deeper into his rump. “C'mon....gotta get you to the hotel!” She panicked before giving one last shove. The building finally gave in, expanding outwards and allowed Light to fall onto the taxi cloud carefully placed near the door. The trip was long and exhausting, but Quick Trip enjoyed every second of it.
  133. “Today is the day I leave back for my little town.” Light said with a heavy sigh. It wasn't the only heavy thing about him, though. His belly was peeking out from under the cloud layer for one and his ass was so big, it was sagging over itself. His legs were lost in a mountain of fat and his wings were pinned to his sides. His saddle bags sat on his back, far too small to fit around his waist. His red scarf barely wrapped around his neck as the early morning winds whipped about.
  135. “Don't worry. I'll come down and see you sometime soon. I'll make sure to bring you a SMALL cloud cake.” She teased before leaning in and giving Light a kiss on the cheek. Both ponies blushed in the early morning sunlight as a familiar roar echoed through the air. “Hey! Winter pony? You here yet?” The hot air balloon pilot called out as his balloon rose above the clouds.
  137. “Well, that's you. I'll see you some time later, cutie.” Quick Trip giggled as she soared off into the sky.
  139. “HEY! LADY! I CAN'T FIT HIM IN HERE! GET BACK HERE AND GET HIM TO THE GROUND OR SO HELP ME BY THE MOON AND THE STARS!” He cursed out as Light's face lit up a deep crimson hue.
  141. “I suppose I gained a few pounds since last week.” He chuckled to himself, wondering how in Equestria ANYPONY could get him to the ground where he belonged.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

by Tankris

Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris