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Bimbo Gilda Orgy

By Tankris
Created: 2022-09-08 18:23:57
Expiry: Never

  1. “Stupid ponies...don't know sexy when they see it. Idiots.” The griffon muttered as she flew aimlessly over the forest. Her talons reached up and gave her small bust a squeeze. “So what if I don't have huge tits like those slutty earth ponies. I can break a bed just like they can.” The griffon grumbled and muttered to herself, not realizing she was wandering closer and closer to the Everfree forest.
  3. A scream through the forest caught her attention. Without thinking, Gilda dove through the trees and landed hard. Right onto a manticore. “Oh shit. Not good!” Gilda jumped into the air and hovered around, desperately trying to avoid the speedy stinger on the manticore's back. The beast pounced, shooting through the air and managing a swipe at Gilda's clothes.
  5. “You better not have ruined my jacket!” Gilda screamed as she flew forward and punched the manticore in the face. “Hurry, while it recovers from the stun! Move your wings and run!” A zebra warned as she sped off from the threat. “Stupid ponies. Always running from a fight.” Gilda huffed as she fled the battle.
  7. “Goodness, I never would have guessed that a mighty griffon would cure my distress.” The zebra spoke in confusing rhyme, making Gilda's head hurt. “Hey, you got a name or something?” Gilda huffed as she ran beside the zebra. “Zecora is my name. And now I must ask the same.” The griffon moaned internally at the the zebra. “Gilda. Where are we running to, exactly.” Zecora smiled as she stopped by a nearby tree. “Here is it, my home, my space. Here, we can recover from our little race.”
  9. “Ah, please come inside. I simply must reward you for protecting my hide.” The zebra smiled as she offered her home to the griffon. Gilda the griffon ducked her head inside the hollowed tree and scoffed. “Nice digs. Too bad you gotta live in the middle of a wild forest.” Gilda scanned the room, inspecting every little nook and cranny for something valuable to swipe in case the opportunity presented itself.
  11. “But it allows me to brew the best potions. One to help with certain motions.” Zecora smiled as she filled her cauldron with water and began throwing in various powders and herbs. “This potion shall...amplify a few things. Enough to make any stallion sing.” Gilda rose her eyebrow as a cloud of smoke erupted from the cauldron. A small vial was placed in her hands as Zecora gave a smile. “I'm afraid I can't replace your dress, That fight surely left you a mess.”
  13. Gilda simply scoffed as she brushed her jacket with a talon. “The shirt and shorts will live. It's my jacket that's important so don't worry about it.” Her shirt had a few new holes in it and her shorts were once a set of denim jeans but the smaller things didn't matter. All that mattered was getting something good off this zebra.
  15. “So tell me...how DOES a zebra defend herself in the big spooky woods?” Gilda teased as Zecora searched for something that wasn't a simple loincloth. “Zebra are blessed with mighty hips and rears. A small shake can rid me of most of my fears.” Zecora shook her hips in a circular pattern, attracting Gilda's attention instantly. “What? How...does...that...woooooork.” Gilda felt a little drool slip through her beak as the room spun in a rainbow of colors.
  17. “A circular wiggle of my hips and thighs are more than enough to hypnotize.” Zecora giggled as she stopped shaking her booty. Slowly, the effects of the hypnosis wore off, leaving Gilda confused and rather aroused. “You...umm....uhhh.” Gilda blushed as she leaned back against a table. Her talon wrapped around a small flask that she quickly pushed inside her jacket. “Gotta...gotta go!” She raced out of the hut and zoomed her way into the sky.
  19. Before Zecora could protest, Gilda was out of the Everfree forest. Her talons dug through her jacket and pulled out the tiny vial. “Essene of love? What the heck?” Gilda uncorked the flask and took a small sniff of the vial. Her body warmed up with a fierce intensity as she felt a small tingle between her legs. “Ohhh....oh fuck...that's....unf.” She squeezed her thighs together and moaned. “I know...JUST the place for this!” Gilda pumped her wings hard, flying off to a glorious city in the sky.
  21. The Cloudsdale red light district. A part of town that a proud, honor bound pegasus would never admit existed in their amazing town. Yet as Gilda scoped out the dark alleys and blazing neon lights, dozens of pegasai were fluttering around, bar hopping and chasing all sorts of tail. The griffon smiled as she slipped her talons into her pants and fished out a bit of her red thong for a bit of sexy flare. Her hip hugging shorts barely contained her plump rear as she let it wiggle with every step. Gilda the griffon growled as she spotted the busiest bar on the whole district, completely packed with easy marks for her new “skills”.
  23. A small blush crept up on her face as she gave her booty a little shake. “Am I sexy enough?” Gilda muttered as she looked down at herself. Sure, her ass was plump and full and her body was lithe and sexy...but it could always be better. The griffon dug through her pockets and smiled as she withdrew the small vial Zecora had given her. “Stupid zebra. Leaving her own potions sitting out, begging to get nicked.” Gilda giggled as she pushed the vial to her lips and took a small sip.
  25. Gilda's throat burned as the potion slid down into her tummy. A low, guttural moan escaped her beak as her skin prickled with the zebra's seductive magic. Her ass began to plump out and her tits grew heavy, changing and morphing out in a sexy hourglass shape. In her building arousal, Gilda pulled open her favorite bomber jacket and tore off her shirt, letting her fatter, bigger tits flop out into the chilly air. Her shorts whined as the griffon's thick hips swelled out, giving her the widest, motherly hips anypony had ever seen.
  27. “There...we go.....” Gilda shuddered . Her hips carried a deep sway as she stomped into the bar. Every set of eyes peered over their drinks as the griffon demanded attention. A few sets of wings seemed to ruffle and expand out as Gilda strut herself through the bar. “It's already working. I can FEEL their eyes on me.” The griffon suppressed a shudder as she watched a few stallions turn their heads as she approached the bar.
  29. “Why HELLO there...” the bartender smiled as Gilda leaned over the bar. Her impressive bust dangled seductively from her chest, making the bartender drool with delight. “Say, big boy. I'm looking for something STRONGER than this cheap swill you ponies call booze. Mind if we go to the back and check out your cock? I mean, stock?” Gilda eased herself down and let her boobs squish into the wooden bar, enticing the horny stallion even further.
  31. “Why...yes...yes you can.” He mumbled and stuttered as he gestured towards the griffon. Gilda smiled as she made sure to wiggle her hips even harder as she followed the sleazy bartender. His cock was eagerly poking through his pants as the bartender shut the door behind him. “Oh yea baby. Gimme some of that chicken ass.” He drooled as Gilda slid off her shorts. Her ass bounced and jiggled with every little movement, making the bartender gasp in excitement.
  33. “You want this ass, buddy? This big, soft, fuckable ass?” Gilda teased, swaying her hips and threading her red thong through her butt cheeks in a rhythmic manner. The bartender nodded like a dope, his eyes never leaving Gilda's wobbling rump. “Keep staring at it. Look at it loooong and hard.” The bartender blinked rapidly and relaxed as he stared and stared at the massive booty. His eyes rolled in his head until a colorful spiral filled each eyeball. “It worked! Oh hell yes!” Gilda gave her ass a clap or two, keeping the bartender nice and occupied.
  35. “This booty dancing hypnosis thing is amazing. Who knew the zebras had such dirty tricks. Saving that Zecora pony in the woods was MORE than worth the headache of dealing with her rhymes.” Gilda made sure to keep shaking her ass in giant circles, making it jiggle in just the right ways to keep the bartender's mind empty and unfocused. Satisfied he was under her control, Gilda stopped and began putting her next step into play.
  37. Gilda smiled as she turned around and faced the bartender proper. “Alright, pony. Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna walk out there like this and get everyone's attention. When I say to give everyone a free round, give them a shot with this laced in the booze.” Gilda bent over and pulled the stolen vial from her shorts. The pink, clear liquid bubbled and sloshed about inside, eager to be consumed. The bartender nodded as Gilda placed the vial in his hands. “Make sure EVERY pony gets a drink or you'll be getting a lot more than my shapely curves tonight, got it?”
  39. The bartender nodded slowly. “Good. Are you ready to have the wildest night of your life, you dopey fuck toy?” Gilda didn't wait, only bursting through the door with her arms outstretched. “Hey! Good news, losers. The bartender and I have decided everypony gets a free drink on me!” The crowd cheered as they lined up to the bar. “Losers.” Gilda giggled to herself as she watched each sleazy pony walk up and snatch up a shot and down it immediately.
  41. “Oh LOOK! It's Gil-dumb!” Gilda's eye twitched as she turned to see three VERY familiar stallions. “Oh great. Who invited you three morons?” Standing in front of Gilda were Hoops, Dumb Bell and Score, the very same bullies from junior flight school. “Well, I CERTAINLY don't remember ordering a total slut to this party. What did you do the to bartender? Blow him for some tap water?” The three stallions laughed as they pushed past Gilda and eagerly grabbed their free drinks.
  43. “Hah. You idiots are dumber than you look.” Gilda smiled as she watched everypony guzzle down their booze. The bartender and Gilda were the last ones to drink, shuddering as the cheap swill and the potion sloshed inside their tummies. A warmth spread through her skin as the potion went to work, making her tingle in all the right places. Her pussy was on fire in seconds, making her legs wobble and tremble as she tried to remain standing.
  45. She watched as the other ponies in the bar grew just as uncomfortable. A sly tug at a pant leg here, a dainty set of thighs grinding together. Everypony was fidgeting as pure, untapped arousal began to flood their bodies. Gilda moaned as she pulled off her bomber jacket and tossed it aside. No need to keep her big, fat, sexy tits hidden anymore. “Don't mind me. It's just a little HOT in here, isn't it?” Several ponies followed her lead, pulling off shirts and even some mares unclasping their bras.
  47. “You know...it might just be ME that's setting the room on fire.” Gilda teased. She leaned over a stallion and pressed her tits against his head. The blushing pegasus fiddled with his hands as his wings began to extend out against his chair. “Don't be shy. Turn around and enjoy the view.” The whole table of stallions turned and watched as Gilda began wiggling and shaking her rump.
  49. “One...two...three. Under my spell.” Gilda commanded. She gave her ass a wiggle and a bump, sending her cheeks clapping against each other. Each set of eyes watching her was flooded with rich, colorful spirals. The stallions happily smiled as all rational thought left their brain. “All you can see is my ass. Your thoughts locked on my sexy booty. Be good little sex toys and wait in the corner...with your clothes off.”
  51. The dopey stallions stood up from their chairs and complied. They slowly shuffled to the corner and happily waited for more instruction from their bimbo goddess. A few patrons gasped as they began to fully strip down, revealing their rock hard arousal as they stood at attention. Gilda moaned as she clenched her thighs together. “That felt so good....all that power and attention...I gotta do that again...” She smiled as she parted her glistening thighs and walked over to the next table.
  53. “Oh, mare's night out? A little booze and fun?” Gilda teased a pair of mares sitting at the bar. “I think the fun shouldn't be restricted to just cheap drinks, right?” Gilda chuckled as she nearly slammed her rear into the closest mare's face before giving her hips that sultry wiggle. “I can even command mares to love my body. You want me, don't you? These massive tits, my huge ass. Moan if you want to taste my wet pussy, girls.” As their eyes began to swirl and spin, a lewd, girly moan rang out through the bar. A few tables thumped as the mares stood from their seats and pulled Gilda in for a sensual, deep throated kiss. “Go strip over by the stallions in the corner, you sluts. And no sex until I say so.”
  55. The mares moaned as they pulled their hands away from their own tits and shuffled over to the corner. Ponies were growing aware of what was happening...yet none of them left their seats. “Everypony eager for a lap dance? A little sexy, kinky fun? Good. Keep drinking that arousal potion for good measure. I don't want anypony getting soft on me tonight.” Every patron in the bar couldn't refuse their bimbo goddess as they consumed and drank themselves silly.
  57. “Ah, it's the loser table.” Gilda chuckled as Hoops, Dumb Bell and Score blushed at her arrival. “So...so is that how you get laid? You gotta...control ponies...with..with that sexy...juicy...assssss.” Score mumbled, doing his best to keep the insults flowing as his cock throbbed hard in his pants. “Oh, does the little teenager not know how to control himself? I should just leave you three over here, suffering while everypony else enjoys my body.” Gilda chuckles as they all shift in their seats while her talons groped and teased her fat tits.
  59. “Then again...I bet if I leave you three over here, you'll just do what you always did back in school and make out with each other.” The griffon laughed before turning around and presenting her ass towards the horny bullies. “So I GUESS I'll allow you the privilege of staring at my perfect ass. Just watch it sway and clear what little you have left in your head.” Gilda made sure to pump her hips extra hard, making her ass cheeks clap together as the dopey bullies slowly fell under her spell.
  61. Every set of eyes in the bar was swirling and churning like crazy. Gilda smiled as she soaked every shred of clothing in booze before lighting them on fire. “No need for these here. We're all just a bunch of indecent, horny fuckers, aren't we?” The whole bar shouted out. “YES GODDESS!” Gilda shuddered as the power intoxicated her further. “Okay...I've made you loser wait long enough. Everypony...except you three.” Gilda smiled as she pointed towards Hoops, Dumb Bell and Score. “When I take off my panties...we can begin. Don't leave me waiting.”
  63. Gilda leaned over and slowly pulled down her panties. Every inch seemed to take hours as the greedy griffon took as much time as she wanted, making every horny pony wait on her. The red cloth pulled under her rump and made it violently wobble as her panties slid down her thighs. Gilda had about a second to kick away her panties before hands were groping her all over. “Oh YES...fuck me....FUCK ME HARD!” Gilda commanded.
  65. In seconds, Gilda felt a big, thick cock slam into her pussy. She would have moaned if not for another cock sliding right past her beak and slamming into her mouth. Gilda mumbled and groaned around the dick in her mouth until she felt a prodding at her asshole. The griffon gulped and grunted as she felt another hard cock slowly pushing through her tight ring and filling up her ass. The whole sensation of being filled up and fucked drove her crazy.
  67. Gilda looked up and watched her partner. His dopey smile widened with every moist, wet thrust as Gilda was forced to swallow his thick, meaty member. Her whole body was in a constant flux of motion as the oddly timed thrusting forced the cocks inside her to plunge even deeper. Her body was jelly in their hands as they unloaded several spurts of cum deep inside her.
  69. Gilda took a much needed gasp of breath, only for a wet pussy to smother her beak. One of the mares moaned as soft thighs wrapped around her head. The griffon would have blushed if not busy eating out her new friend. The mare let out a symphony of lewd, throaty moans and mewls as Gilda's tongue probed her slit. Another few spurts of cum were pushed inside her, leaving the males at her rear satisfied.
  71. A shudder ran through her body as a mare and a stallion latched onto her. The mare was all too eager to lick her clit and lap at her folds while the stallion rammed her asshole hard. Every inch of her skin tingled as her body was pushed back to orgasm so quickly. Her oversensitive pussy was gushing like crazy, forcing multiple orgasms into Gilda's brain as she was used like a cheap toy.
  73. The mare at her head finally came and released Gilda from the thigh lock. The griffon gasped again, letting a cock slide right into her mouth. “I can't breathe! Oh gosh...” She shuddered and whimpered as her vision faded in and out. The over stimulation was breaking her and she still had so many ponies to please. Gilda could feel her insides sloshing about as the stallion behind her pumped more and more cum into her belly.
  75. Gilda pushed a hand to her tummy, her eyes wide as she felt the slight bulge forming in her body. “So...much...cum.” She whimpered as another stallion slapped his cock right between her ass cheeks. He gripped at her rump and moaned as her big, fat ass sandwiched his cock completely. “So...sexy...my goddess.” He moaned as he jerked himself off between the pillow like griffon rump.
  77. Gilda desperately shouted as the stallion at her face finally finished. “No more! I need time to breathe! Cum all over my face if you have to...” Gilda blushed as an army of cocks were pushed into her face. Pre leaked from each tip as the horny pegasai jerked themselves off, forcing their bulging sacks to swell and pulse with anticipation. “I still wont be able to breathe if they hit me like this...” Gilda shuddered as she made sure to kiss and suckle on the tips of so many delicious cocks.
  79. Her vision went white as gallons of cum stained her face. Each hot load splattered on her with such force that she felt droplets fall onto her back. Or was that just the stallion behind her? Gilda's skin was burning up as warm, sticky cum splattered all over her from every direction, turning her brown feathers and coat a healthy, pearly white.
  81. Two mares leaned forward and kissed Gilda all over, slurping and licking off all the cum sticking to her face. “Oh man...what a sexy cleaning crew I have.” Gilda moaned as she kissed one of them, getting a mouthful of spunk. She made sure to gulp it down and savor every drop before another trio of stallions pushed themselves inside her. All the griffon could do was moan and take it all as her belly began to bounce with every forceful thrust.
  83. Another thrust, another load of cum. Gilda's muscles screamed as she barely kept herself on her hands and knees. Maybe an hour or two had passed, yet Gilda felt as if a whole lifetime had sped through her eyes. Her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath again while she stroked her expanding tummy. “So full...so much cum....can I handle all of it?” She wondered as she felt another cock spear her pussy.
  85. “Break...break time....fuck each other or something...” Gilda wheezed as she collapsed into a massive puddle of cum. It stained her body all over as she rolled off her sensitive stomach and plopped onto her back. Cum oozed from her rump and her pussy as she finally found a moment to relax without something blocking her orifices.
  87. The bar was an orgy of debauchery and sin as ponies enjoyed themselves at the command of their goddess. Stallions fucked mares silly, nipples were sucked, asses were spanked, clits were licked and cum flowed like water. It made Gilda tingle with delight as she sat in the biggest puddle of them all, soaking in all the sin and cum that she could.
  89. “You. Come here. I need to sit down for a second.” Gilda smiled as she pulled a mare from the crowd. Her hair was matted and sticky and her coat was slick with sweat and cum. She eagerly lay down on the floor for her goddess, instantly lapping at the cum filled holes pressed against her face. Gilda hissed as the sensitivity made her tingle and groan, her body still not completely recovered from her earlier pounding.
  91. Still, Gilda straddled her face and let her orgasms peak and ebb through the night. Everywhere she looked, happy faces with swirly eyes met her gaze. Even the loser bullies stuck in the corner. “Hah. I might use them sometime soon...but until then, let's see what else these ponies can do.” Gilda stood up on shaky legs and gave her ass a small clap. Every set of eyes turned to her as she moaned out her next command. “Okay, break's over. Why don't I have cocks in me yet?”
  93. The horny griffon was filled in seconds as another army of cocks surrounded her. Between her tits, buried in her throat, grinding between her ass...everywhere you looked, cocks and cum were pressed into Gilda's body. Her already expanded stomach swelled out bigger and bigger as she guzzled down every last drop that wasn't splashed onto her body.
  95. Gilda drifted in and out of consciousness. The raw, sexual pleasure was simply too much for the griffon to bear. Her eyes opened as another cock was rammed into her mouth, a forceful thrust into her ass would snap her from her daze for moments at a time, the ever growing dome of her belly tingled with slight pain as her skin was stretched inch by inch with every fresh, warm load of cum.
  97. Finally, her army of cocks seemed to retreat and soften. The thrusts were weak and pathetic. Cum was growing watery and more and more eyelids were shutting. Gilda moaned as she weakly pulled a stallion out of her mouth and sighed. “Really? Is that all you losers got?” She grumbled. Standing was extremely difficult as her jelly legs and massive tummy hindered her balance.
  99. “No pony? No pony else is ready to satisfy me?” Gilda chirped before looking back to the corner of the room. Hoops, Dumb Bell and Score stood not at attention, but with worry and confusion. Their eyes lacked the colorful swirl from before and their hands were covering themselves in shame. “Oh YES. Still somepony left to fuck!” Gilda moaned as she slowly made her way over to the bullies.
  101. “Gilda? Just....give us our clothes. We don't wanna start anything.” Hoops blushed as the goddess approached them. “Aw, where's the fun in that? Why don't you boys want a good lay?” She teased as she groped her tits. “Gilda, you DRUGGED US. Why would we EVER fuck you?” The griffon gave a shrug before turning around and bending over. “Oh...because I'll MAKE you fuck me, you idiots.”
  103. The bullies closed their eyes and covered their faces. “We aren't falling for that trick again, you whore.” Dumb Bell smiled as Gilda's swaying, twerking and jiggling was rendered useless. “You three really are stupid. If your hands are up there, then I can just do THIS!” Score tensed up as he felt a massive, soft rump swallow up his cock. “Oh...oh fuck....that's so good...” He muttered. A peek revealed Gilda grinding her ass against his crotch, hiding his cock completely in her ass crack.
  105. “One little look. That's all it takes and you're mine!” Gilda pushed her rump a little harder and forced a little swirl to appear in Score's eyes. “That's right. Fall under my power again like a good little cock with legs and fuck me. I want that stud spunk deep inside me.” Score went limp everywhere but his cock as Gilda gripped his erection harder with her rump. “You aren't gonna help him? What friends.” Gilda teased as she felt a pair of hands tightly grip her hips.
  107. “That's right. Tell me I'm too sexy and you can't resist this ass.” Gilda cooed as she felt his cock grind against her cheeks. “So sexy....goddess has the best ass...ever.” Score mumbled happily as the colorful swirls dominated his eyes. “Score, no! Don't let that whore manipulate you.” Dumb Bell moved his hands away for a second and approached the two, yet stood still. His eyes soon succumbed to the rocking of Gilda's hips and his mind became empty and blank.
  109. “Score, move over. Let Dummy in so you can both fuck me at the same time.” The two slaves complied, spreading Gilda's legs wide and pumping their cocks inside her. Gilda moaned as the fullness returned. “Hey, Hoops. Are you gonna get over here and fuck my mouth or what?” Hoops moaned as he struggled with himself. Every little moan and grunt Gilda forced through her beak made his cock twitch with excitement. “You...goddesssssss.”
  111. Gilda's jaw stretched around his cock, finally filling her up to the limits. Already, Score and Dumb Bell were leaking so much pre into her body, making her bloat out even bigger. A dull POP filled the air and Gilda reached over her stomach. A small, stubby nub stuck out from her belly, her navel distended and forced outwards as if she was pregnant.
  113. Pregnant. The thought swam through Gilda's mind over and over. So big that she looked pregnant. So inflated with cum that she probably WAS pregnant. Gilda's body was reduced to jelly as orgasm after orgasm exploded through her body. As she tensed up, she could feel the trio of cocks pumping inside her, filling her up even bigger. The sensation of her taxed stomach growing even bigger made her climax all over again.
  115. The bullies pulled out from Gilda's abused body, just to swap positions and continue. She didn't know who was fucking her mouth. She couldn't tell who was balls deep inside her ass. All that mattered is that she fucked and sucked off her males and grew bigger, bloated herself to impossible sizes. A small spurt of white drew her attention as one of the spent stallions was jerking himself over her. “Completely wasted, yet they still cum for me? They better!” Gilda thought as another warm splatter stained her body.
  117. More and more of the fallen patrons rose from their puddles of cum and payed tribute to their goddess. Stallions stained her coat with more cum, mares kissed and licked her from her face to her paws. All gathered to worship the griffon in any lewd way imaginable. All while Score, Dumb Bell and Hoops plowed her harder and harder.
  119. “Another break...I need another break!” Gilda shuddered and groaned as she was gently placed on the floor. The entire room was caked white as the orgy continued on and on. Gilda grabbed a glass rolling on the floor and used it to inspect her body. The proportions skewed along the glass, giving Gilda an impossibly curvy look. Breasts bigger than her head. An ass that could be used as a shelf. A big, massive, pregnant looking belly sloshing and gurgling with gallons upon gallons of cum. “I'm a sex goddess.” She cooed, groping her body and smiling as she spotted a stallion entering the bar.
  121. “Oh, another worshiper for the party. Bring him to me!” Gilda cried out. The stallion was tackled and shoved towards Gilda, forced to stare at her as she weakly began dancing. In seconds, his body went limp as his eyes filled with swirls. “I've got a great idea. Go out and bring more ponies here. I'll have half the damn town worshiping me and my rear!”
  123. The stallion said nothing, only walked out of the cum flooded bar. Gilda supported herself on a nearby pole as she watched more ponies get pushed inside the bar. It mattered not if it was stallion or mare, all were welcomed inside and forced to watch Gilda shake her hypnotic ass and grope her heavy body. Everypony got a nice face full of plump griffon rear before seeing the colorful swirls invade their vision.
  125. Soon, the entire bar was crawling with “followers”. Fully nude, fully erect and all ready to fuck. Gilda cooed with every splatter of cum at her feet and on her body, even as it all hardened and completely ruined her feathers and coat. The cum was spilling out into the street now as Gilda demanded more and more love and lust to fill the bar. With so much sin and debauchery in the air, Gilda didn't notice the alarms outside growing in volume as she shook and bounced her heavy ass on her makeshift stage.
  127. “This is the Cloudsdale Police! What in Celestia's name is going on in there?” Gilda's ears perked up as she stopped her dancing. She carefully waddled outside and put on her best “innocent” face as she spotted a crew of officers waiting outside. “Oh goodness! Ma'am what are you doing in there? In your condition, no less. When are you due?” One of the officers approached her. “Due....pregnant?” Gilda repeated, shuddering as his words echoed through her mind and through her arousal.
  129. “Yes, pregnant.....you are pregnant, aren't you?” The stallion reached out and gasped as her belly sloshed and bounced. “No, I can't say that I am. Do you wanna help me out in that regard?” Gilda smiled as she turned around and danced in the street. The police and anypony nearby watched as the gravid looking griffon shook her impressive ass in their faces. “I want your cum. Give it to me...all over me...inside me.” Gilda cooed as she whipped her tail towards one of the officers.
  131. He unzipped his pants and moaned as Gilda's tail wrapped around his cock. Her jiggling, wiggling hips ever so slowly jerked him off. “Don't just stand there. Get to cumming, studs.” Every male on the block crowded around as Gilda continued to wiggle and pump her hips, her tail dancing and tugging on the officer's cock while everypony watched in desperation and lust.
  133. Another thick layer of cum splashed against Gilda's ass as every stallion offered her fresh, warm, pearly white cum. Gilda stepped away from her newest followers and smiled as her constant shaking, sloshing and gyrating attracted the attention of every pesasus in the red light district. “I will RULE this city. Me and my perfect ass!” Gilda cackled as she felt another cock push inside her ass and deposit another healthy load of cum.
  137. Gilda yawned as she felt a kick or two wiggling inside her. She smiled as she placed a talon on her massively gravid stomach. That wild night so many months ago may not have led her to conquer the city, but she did find her own little world to call her own. Gilda rolled out of bed and grunted as her knees fought to keep her standing. Her growing weight was becoming impossible to lug around, a thought that made her thighs wet.
  139. She waddled downstairs completely nude. At her massive size, there wasn't a point for clothes anymore. Gilda owned her own lavish house in Cloudsdale, thanks to a little “help” from the red light district. She'd walk around as she pleased, not minding if her arousal stained the couch or if a bit of milk from her ripe, overflowing tits spilled on the floor. There were more important things to worry about, like feeding herself, her children and sex.
  141. A random stallion from the previous night smiled as he watched Gilda waddle into the dining room. “Fellas! She's awake! You know what that means.” Instantly, several naked pegasai rushed to her side, easing her to her chair and helping her move. “You boys are alright. I think I might keep you around for another night, actually.” A pleased, dopey grin spread on their faces as a flicker of rainbow spirals filled their eyes. “Yes, goddess.” They chanted in unison as breakfast was prepared for her.
  143. “Pancakes? But where is my syrup?” Gilda commanded. At once, several thick cocks hovered over her meal as each stallion eagerly worked their hands up their shafts. Gilda smiled as the first thick globs of cum were smeared all over her breakfast. “You, get on your knees. You get the reward of eating ME.” The other stallions moaned as Gilda chuckled. “Hey, the runner ups get to suck my tits and rub my belly. You BETTER enjoy it, seeing as how the kids inside me might be yours.”
  145. Gilda moaned as her slaves were eager to get to work. Soft lips eased the fullness in her chest while cool lotions were smeared along her huge, pregnant tummy. A soft sigh of satisfaction left her beak as the winner lapped at her pussy with desperation. “Oh yes...this is the life.” Gilda smiled as she eased a salty sweet bite of pancakes to her mouth. The stallions were all too eager to please their goddess, eventually easing away the aches and pains of such a huge pregnancy.
  147. “Yummy...I feel so stuffed....or do I?” Gilda teased as she stood from her chair. “Follow me, boys. Gotta do a bedroom workout or two to stay in shape.” The stallions followed Gilda with excitement as she marched them into her room. They all crowded around Gilda as they followed, unashamedly poking her fat, supple ass with their erections. “Calm down, losers. There's plenty of ass for every cock.” Gilda teased as they arrived to her bedroom. She splayed herself on the bed and pushed her belly out to the ceiling, moaning as she made herself look even bigger. “Well? Fuck me already!”
  149. The familiar feeling was welcomed as Gilda felt their cocks filling her up. Even with as gravid as she was, Gilda refused to stop. She craved the feeling of a stallion bending her over and plowing her ass and her pussy till the sun came up. Gilda moaned as she felt the cock in her mouth pump a bucket load of cum right into her tummy. The full feeling intensified as more and more cum was forced inside her drop by drop.
  151. “I'm such a naughty little cum slut. I hope one of you is a doctor. I'll probably be fucking you right up to the birth.” Gilda moaned over and over as she ran the thought through her mind. “Keep me knocked up. Fill me with your cum. Fatten me up and make me ripe for breeding!” She begged, forcing her studly slaves to force more cum inside her. Gilda shuddered as she felt her stomach grow warm and damp. Another cum bath to clean her up from yesterday. More cum to lap up, more cum. Gilda sighed as she was forced to accept another cock in her mouth. This was paradise.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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