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Beach Boy Bikini

By Tankris
Created: 2022-09-13 19:44:33
Expiry: Never

  1. It wasn't unusual to see a limousine driving around the streets of Las Pegasus. Tons of celebrities, big shots, brown nosers and snobs elected to hire somepony else to drive them around. What WAS unusual was the heavy metal blaring from the open windows as the long vehicle whipped around corners at dangerous speed.
  3. “YEAAAAA! Summer vacation!” A shrill voice shrieked from the open sun roof. The mad driver cut a corner and slammed into an empty trash can. The limo sped down the street, flying past the boardwalk and approached a lavish line of fabulous looking beach houses. Ponies watched as the limo spun into a fat doughnut, then calmly drove into the parking spot of a red beach house.
  5. The driver flung open her door and hopped out of her seat. She was a lithe, spunky, absolute goblin of a pegasus with messy orange hair and a bright blue coat. Everyone's favorite chauffeur and best friend, Quick Trip, took a deep breath of the beach air and sighed. “Oh man, nothing like nature to get your blood pumping. Come on, Winterlight, come get some of this air!”
  7. Quick Trip rushed to the back seats of her limo and yanked open the door. Sitting in the seats like a stone was her bestest of best friends, Winterlight. His brown coat couldn't hide the tinge of green on his cheeks as the poor stallion eased a shaking hand out of the limo. “Solid ground, my only friend.” Winterlight flopped onto the concrete and began kissing it with intense desire.
  9. “Oh please, my driving isn't THAT bad. I'm just so excited! We haven't had any time to relax with each other in what feels like forever. Can you blame me for driving a little fast?” Quick Trip stuck out her tongue with a playful smile.
  11. “No no, don't let the screams, destruction of property and the COPS tell us what to do. They were tailing you for miles until you cut through that alleyway and launched the limo down that hill. HOW do you still have a driver's license?” Winterlight asked as he slowly picked himself off the ground.
  13. “Don't sweat the small details and relax. We're here to have some chill fun and the first thing you gotta do is forget all the worry.” Quick Trip walked to the back of the limo and popped the trunk. “We can always drive back if you don't wanna stay.”
  15. The thought of getting right back in that death trap with Quick Trip at the wheel made Winterlight shudder. “No way! Lets just get our luggage and get unpacked. I'm not gonna barf in your limo again.”
  17. Winterlight reached in and grabbed his bags along with Quick Trip's stuff. “Aw, my big, strong helper.” She swooned before grabbing a few plastic bags from the trunk.
  19. “Did you get enough groceries? I dunno if all that will last a whole week.” Winterlight said as he approached the beach house.
  21. “Ahhhh we'll be fine. It's a five minute walk to the boardwalk and there's ALWAYS good food at a boardwalk.”
  23. “Quick Trip, I'd like to eat something more than just junk food while I'm here. You're not going to ruin my figure on this trip every single day.” Winterlight frowned.
  25. “Me? No, never! I'm just a terrible cook is all. Who's really counting the funnel cakes and popcorn bags?” Quick Trip flashed an angelic smile to her friend before handing him a key. “Here, your copy just in case. Come on, I need to get out on that patio and do a little sunbathing already!”
  27. Winterlight popped open the door and headed inside. The beach house was spacious enough for the two of them. A decent kitchen, a cozy looking couch with a nice, big television and two bedrooms for them to hide away from the world. “Pick whichever room you want, Winter. I'll put the food away and make some sandwiches.”
  29. The stallion wasn't too picky. Both rooms had nice lighting and tons of beach decorations. He placed Quick Trip's luggage outside of one room and took his bags into the other room. A book or two, a mobile game system and his ocarina were safely tucked away into a corner while his clothes vanished into the convenient dresser.
  31. Satisfied, Winterlight left the bedroom to see Quick Trip placing the last sandwich on an absolute gigantic tower of sandwiches. Surrounding the monstrosity were a dozen bags of chips ripped open alongside empty packs of water and soda. There was even a bottle or two of cheap alcohol on the counter as well.
  33. “Quickie....you didn't just buy sandwich stuff, chips and drinks, did you? Tell me you have something more than that...”
  35. “Umm....a few frozen meals we can pop into the oven if we want?” She blushed. “You know I never have time to learn how to cook due to my schedule!”
  37. Winterlight flashed a cheesy smile and nodded. “It can't be related to the fact that you've bribed every last restaurant and fast food joint to get you mega discounts on food thanks to the “impact” you have on their business, right?”
  39. “Well then you cook!”
  41. “With what? We'll have to find a nearby grocery store and being near the tourist spots, means it wont be cheap at ALL!” Still, Winterlight grabbed a sandwich from the impressive pile and took a bite. “Mmm. Good, but it's also hard to mess up a sandwich.”
  43. “We have food for now, can we please just take an hour or two to relax? We just got here!” Quick Trip shot Winterlight a big, sad pout as she hopped in place.
  45. “Ugh, we can relax for a little bit but afterwards, we HAVE to find some proper food. I'm not spending one hundred dollars a day on snack food and restaurants.”
  47. Quick Trip grinned. “I don't mind spending the money. Does this mean I can fund all your meals and buy you whatever I want?”
  49. “I'm also not walking away from this vacation fifty pound heavier! Jeez, you're such a dork!” Winterlight blushed. “I'm changing and grabbing a book. You're welcome to hang out with me on the patio.
  51. “EEEEEEE SUN TIME!” Quick Trip shouted. She grabbed the giant plate of sandwiches, a few bags of chips and a cooler filled with drinks and placed them on the patio deck before running into her room. She was back in a flash, wearing a sleek, red two piece bikini.
  53. “Ahh, that's better. Time for a week of zero responsibility.” Quick Trip giggled as she headed outside and flopped onto a deck chair. She slipped on a pair of sunglasses and sighed.
  55. Winterlight was quick to join her. His beach attire was a plain white shirt and a set of red swim trunks. He took a moment to angle a sun umbrella just right, then took a spot on a nice deck chair in the new shade. The stallion cracked open his book and grabbed a water from the cooler, finally ready to relax.
  57. “Awwww who sunbathes in a tee shirt? How lame.” Quick Trip teased from her side of the patio.
  59. “I do, cause I'm not trying to sunbathe, you goof.” Winterlight replied.
  61. “No fair. You get to see all of this....” Quick Trip gestured to all her exposed skin and coat. “and these...” She took a moment to grope her chest. “And all I get is a tee shirt.”
  63. Winterlight was blushing again. Quick Trip always knew how to press his buttons. She enjoyed teasing everypony and Winterlight was no exception. “Come on....ten minutes without that boring shirt...”
  65. “...Fine.” Winterlight put down his book and yanked off his shirt. The stallion puffed out his cheeks as he draped the shirt on the back of his chair. “Happy?”
  67. “Aww, there's the cute lil tummy I gifted you last vacation. Finally worked it all off, huh?” Quick Trip was biting her bottom lip just a little at the sight of topless Winterlight. The stallion barely had a layer of chub left from the last time Quick Trip had been a bad influence. Not even enough to call a tummy. Still, it was enough to get Quick Trip to lean over and give Winterlight a kiss on his stomach.
  69. “You're so weird....love ya, though.” Winterlight sighed. “Now can I please get to my book?”
  71. “Sure thing, Light. I'll stop....for now.” Quick Trip grabbed a sandwich, a bag of chips and a soda before flopping back into her chair. Winterlight did the same and relaxed with his book.
  73. It didn't take long for the sounds of the beach and the calm air to soak in and calm the two ponies down. Quick Trip was out like a light and Winterlight was speeding through his book. He continued to nibble at the sandwiches and chips while totally absorbed in his story. Sandwich assembly must be a necessary skill to have if you can't cook anything tougher than an egg.
  75. Soon, the sun was setting on the beach. A bright, golden glow was cast upon the world as Celestia's sun began to dip under the horizon. “Whoa....Quickie....Quick Trip, wake up!” Winterlight begged as he stood up from his chair.
  77. The sleepy mare groaned as she slowly sat up. “Mmmmm I had the best dream. I met a mare with cute glasses and pink hair and she wouldn't let me stop feeding her.”
  79. “Get your mind out of the gutter and come see already. The sunset is gorgeous!” Winterlight had to yank Quick Trip out of her chair to see. “You can't say that isn't beautiful...”
  81. Quick Trip stared at the beach and the imposing sun. The sun looked like it was going for a swim in the water, slowly dipping down past the horizon. The sounds of the crashing waves, the ponies down on the sand and Winterlight so close made it a wonderful moment.
  83. “Dang...now this is exactly why I wanted to come out here. This is so pretty.” Quick Trip mused as she grabbed a sandwich.
  85. “Just like you.” Winterlight said.
  87. “No, you!” Quick Trip tried to jab Winterlight in the ribs before finishing her sandwich and moving back to her chair. “Wanna stay out here for the night? I bet the stars are amazing!”
  89. “At least until the mosquitos start biting, sure. I'm guessing you didn't grab any bug repellent, either...” Winterlight groaned.
  91. “What mosquitos? It's a beach, not a swamp.” Quick Trip joked before slapping her arm from a buggy assault on her bloodstream.
  93. “Come on, we can watch the stars from inside. Help me wrangle this mess back inside.” Winterlight grabbed the plate of sandwiches and set them in front of the television. Quick Trip followed with the chips and cooler before letting herself fall onto the couch.
  95. “Ahh, this is even more comfy. We could get some really good cuddle sessions going on this couch.” Quick Trip began to tease again.
  97. “I bet we could, starting right now!” Winterlight didn't shy away this time, sitting down right next to Quick Trip and giving her a big hug. “This has been a wonderful first day.”
  99. “Well save that excitement for tomorrow cause we're gonna hit the boardwalk! All those rides, all that excitement, all the food! It'll be the best part of the trip.”
  101. Winterlight rolled his eyes. “You know I don't like scary thrills like that. Can't we just stay like this?” He hugged Quick Trip tighter, finally making the mare blush. “Are you really gonna make me stand around while you go on all the rides?”
  103. “There's gonna be SOMETHING you'll ride. If not, it'll be your job to win me a prize from all the dumb game stands while I go on the roller coaster a few dozen times.”
  105. “Deal. You'll never need to feed another pony after you see the super soft plushie I win for you.” Winterlight smirked.
  107. “Never say never, dude. There's no replacement for the real thing.” Quick Trip hugged Winterlight back before turning on the television. “Now, lets see what kind of trashy TV we can find on this thing!”
  109. The television was an ample distraction for an hour or two while the ponies chipped away at the stack of sandwiches. Even if the experience wasn't unique to the beach, it was still nice to slow down and enjoy being together and having this one little moment.
  111. “Quickie, you can't just put the sandwiches in the fridge. They're gonna get rock hard.”
  113. “Well then SOMEPONY better finish them off.” Quick Trip wiggled her eyebrows and shoved another sandwich into Winterlight's hands.
  115. “No thanks. I've had enough sandwiches to last a lifetime.”
  117. Quick Trip pouted. “So what are you gonna eat when we lounge around on the beach? Nothing?”
  119. “ANYTHING but a sandwich. Please, I beg you.” Winterlight responded. The stallion stretched and let out a yawn. “We can figure it out later. I'm sure you're gonna want to visit the boardwalk first thing tomorrow so I'm gonna get some sleep.”
  121. Quick Trip rushed over to her friend and gave him a hug. “You know me so well. Sleep tight, buddy. Tomorrow is gonna be so much fun!”
  123. “For you! I'm off.”
  125. “Hey....sure you don't wanna sleep together? You know I don't mind...” Quick Trip flashed a devious smirk at her friend.
  127. “These beds are TINY. We're gonna have a hard time sleeping so cramped. Good night!” Winterlight rushed into his bedroom, eager to hide the hints of a blush creeping on his face. He let out a little sigh before sliding into bed and falling asleep.
  132. “Are you SURE you don't want to ride with me?” Quick Trip grinned as she looked over the coaster one more time. A fifty foot drop, sharp, hairpin turns, a loop and several tons of steel glistened in the early sunlight of the beach. Quick Trip was hopping in place, her wings completely unfurled and twitching as she looked at the giant coaster.
  134. “All I had for breakfast was a cold sandwich...and the idea of riding this thing is making me nauseous. Winterlight held back a groan as his face began to turn green.
  136. “Man, you sure are a scaredy pony, Light. Okay, fine. Your mission today is to ride the kiddy track ONCE and earn me a plushie twice as tall as I am.” Quick Trip grabbed a plastic card from her back pocket and shoved it into Winterlight's hand. “You have unlimited credit on that thing so go nuts.”
  138. “Quick Trip, I don't need...”
  140. “Shhh. I know you don't wanna spend my money but if I'm not gonna compromise on sharing the day with you, I need to provide some way for you to have fun on the boardwalk. Do whatever you like, I know there's tons of things to do here that aren't the rides.” Quick Trip gave her friend one more hug before running off to the rides.
  142. “Well....dang it.” Winter Light frowned. “I guess I better make use of this...somehow. She'll kill me if I don't have something for her after sunset.” The stallion wandered off, letting his curiosity lead him through the boardwalk.
  144. Ponies of all shapes were attending to the games center. Big, small, young, old, tall, squat, but all of them had one thing in common. They all shared the same big booming voice demanding you play their game of skill. Darts, pop guns, water blasters, spin the wheel...anything to get you to cough up money for cheap toys and excitement.
  146. Winterlight wandered the games section for a few minutes. An endless supply of credit meant he could play forever...but what in the world would Quick Trip even want? Toy car? Plushie dragon? Giant body pillow of Princess Celestia? Wait, why do they even have that one? Winterlight looked far and wide for the perfect prize.
  148. “Hey there, kid. You got a lost look on your face. Why don't you sit down and try a game of Inflato-Pop?” A unicorn with a white coat, brown hair and glasses waved over at Winterlight. “Inflate the balloon and see if you can stretch it to the biggest size without it popping and win a prize! Come check it out!”
  150. The brown pegasus looked over the stall. It looked like a simple enough game. A balloon was connected to an air tank and a valve controlled the air pressure. The balloon inflated inside a little, clear box that had nails pointed at the balloon. Too little air and you didn't win a prize. Too much air and the balloon would pop.
  152. Winterlight looked around the booth. “Hmm...what kind of prizes could this stall have?” He looked at the far corners of the booth and saw it. The perfect prize. It was a huge, plush pegasus wearing a red scarf. It was the ultimate gift and Winterlight knew it was the one.
  154. “Sure thing! Let's win a prize or two.” Winterlight dropped the card on the counter and sat down.
  156. “Perfect! Let me just scan this and...yes! You're good to go. You get three tries to get the balloon as big as possible. Good luck.” The stallion said with a grin.
  158. Winterlight wrapped his fingers around the air valve and began releasing air into the balloon. It quickly began to inflate, growing bigger and bigger. Winterlight fiddled with the knob, increasing and decreasing the pressure with an expert eye, watching as the nails began to poke into the balloon.
  160. “Slowly....just like that. Little more.” Winterlight muttered to himself. The unicorn working the booth watched in awe as the balloon continued to inflate bigger even with the nails digging deep into the elastic. It didn't take long for the entire box to be completely filled with the balloon touching the sides of the box without one hole, tear or pop.
  162. “Wow....just....wow....how the heck did you do that, kid?” The unicorn asked.
  164. “I..uh...know my way around balloons.” Winterlight blushed.
  166. “Well, a deal is a deal. I really shouldn't do this BUT because you managed to completely inflate the balloon without it popping, pick ANY prize you want.”
  168. Winterlight smiled and pointed at the massive pony. “That one, please. It's perfect.”
  170. A green aura of magic plucked the pony plush from the stall and shoved it in Winterlight's arms. “Looks real good, kid. Now scram. Ponies are gonna think my stall is a freebie for prizes.”
  172. Mission accomplished in record time. Winterlight was beaming with joy as he marched along with his pony shaped prize. “Well...now what? I still have all day!”
  174. Suddenly, something caught the attention of Winterlight's nose. “Ohhhh...That smells like....tacos.” The stallion's tummy began to rumble and gurgle at the idea of something other than a cold sandwich. Winterlight followed his nose deep into the food section of the boardwalk and licked his lips.
  176. “Corn dogs, tacos, pizzas, chicken? I better watch it or else I'll be getting a plate of everything here. I just need a plate of tacos and I'll be fine.” Winterlight rushed over and made an order from the taco stall.
  178. His eyes bulged as he opened the styrofoam box containing his order. The tacos were massive, the portions of rice and beans were immense and the whole box felt as if it was ready to fall apart if he didn't support the bottom with both hands. “Whoa...all this was five bits? How in the world do they stay in business?”
  180. The stallion sat down with his huge plushie and began eating. It had been the first real meal since he had arrived at the beach and Winterlight savored every bite. The tacos were cooked to perfection, the rice was moist and the beans were savory and rich. Winterlight demolished the entire meal and sighed in relief, giving his bloated tummy a quick pat of satisfaction.
  182. “Oh man, now that was a meal. I wish I could eat that every day.” He licked his lips and tried to stand up, only to sluggishly fall back down on the bench. “Ugh...maybe moving isn't the best move right now. Better just sit here and relax.”
  184. “OH MY GOSH! IS THIS MY PRIZE??” Winterlight barely registered what has happening before something fast and blue slammed into him. “This is amazing! Perfect! Awesome! Incredible! You have no idea how much I love this!”
  186. “I have....ow...some idea....” Winterlight groaned as he sat up. He picked himself up off the ground and groaned. “So...all done with the rides?”
  188. “For now. Realized I was starving after the fourth ride on that gigantic coaster so it's time for a lunch break. Come on, lets go get pizza and funnel cake!” Quick Trip licked her lips as she grabbed Winterlight's arm.
  190. “Quickie, you don't gotta..URRRPPP....don't gotta treat me to lunch! I already ate!” Winterlight's protests fell on deaf ears as his friend nearly yanked his arm off. “I'm coming! Don't pull so hard!”
  192. Quick Trip rushed up to the pizza stall and slammed her credit card on the counter. “One pepperoni pizza, please!”
  194. “A whole pizza? Quick Trip, I told you. I already ate!” Winterlight rubbed his still full tummy.
  196. “We can just take the leftovers to the beach house before I get back on the rides. Don't worry so much! Go and get us a seat and I'll get us a drink or two.” Quick Trip gave her buddy a hug before running off to the soda machines.
  198. “Ugh, this mare will be the death of me.” Winterlight sat down at a nearby table and sighed. “Still, glad she's having a good time.” Winterlight sat the plush on the opposite side of the table for Quick Trip and tried to relax all over again.
  200. It didn't take long for Quick Trip to slam a few cans of soda on the table along with a delicious looking pepperoni pizza. She flashed a goofy smirk and looked to Winterlight. “Pizza time.”
  202. “For you. I told you, I'm full.” Winterlight repeated himself. There were too many ponies around for him to try and rub his full tummy and he needed it badly.
  204. “Aww, not even one slice? You gotta try out the food while you can. We wont be here forever.” Quick Trip grabbed her giant pony plush and sat next to Winterlight. “Gotta savor every moment...” She smiled as she put her hands on his gut.
  206. “H-Hey! Not with everypony staring!” Winterlight protested. His face was growing redder by the second.
  208. “Nopony is staring, you goof. Just don't make any noises.” Quick Trip winked before pulling herself away. “Well then I guess I better get started before it gets cold.” The blue pegasus grabbed a big slice and chomped it down.
  210. “Mmm, ish sho good!” Quick Trip gobbled up the rest of her slice and grabbed another. “You're really missing out!” She teased Winterlight more, dangling a cheesy slice of pizza in front of his muzzle.
  212. “...Fine...It does smell really good.” Winterlight took the slice and slowly took a bite. It was delicious, crispy crust, melted cheese, tangy sauce. It all blended together into the perfect treat. Winterlight finished the slice and sighed. Any space that might have been left was gone for sure.
  214. “Just one slice?” Quick Trip pouted. “I know the key to opening that cute mouth of yours.” With one hand, Quick Trip ate another slice of pizza. The other hand quickly returned to Winterlight's tummy. She slipped her hand under his shier and began rubbing his bloated gut.
  216. “Hff....you fiend. Harpy....You lovely little mare.” Winterlight sighed as the tension in his belly seemed to melt away. There was something about her gentle, yet dominant touch that always KNEW how to find more room in a tightly stuffed belly.
  218. Without thinking, Winterlight grabbed another slice and a can of soda. Before long, both were sloshing happily inside his gut. Quick Trip kept up the pace, making sure both her and Winterlight were properly splitting the pizza. It didn't take long for nothing to remain on the serving plate but crumbs and grease.
  220. “Mmmmm, one of the best pizzas I've had in a while. How about you, Winter?”
  222. The stallion refused to answer. His belly was so big and bloated that it was peeking out from under his shirt. There was no more coaxing or rubbing that could be done to alleviate the ache throbbing through his belly. Winterlight with one hundred percent stuffed to capacity.
  224. “Nggghhh...you....You did it again. I'm too full to move!” Winterlight whimpered. “I dunno how you get me to do this to myself every single time...”
  226. “Aww, my poor lil baby. Come on, I'll help you get back to the beach house and you can rest, okay?” Quick Trip grabbed her massive pony plush and her extremely stuffed friend and walked down the boardwalk. Ponies couldn't help but watch the blimped up pegasus waddle through the sidewalk to the safety of the beach house.
  228. Winterlight slumped onto the couch. “I'll be fine. I just need to be away from you and food for a while.”
  230. “Don't worry, I wont force you to eat anything else....for the rest of the day. There's a restaurant or two I wanna try and a lady should never go anywhere alone. Here, in case you need it.” Quick Trip set a glass of water, a container of heartburn tablets and indigestion medicine on the coffee table.
  232. “Oh, so you didn't buy actual food but you have those in your back pocket? I should have known.” Winterlight eased himself down to lay on the couch. “I'll be fine. Don't worry too much about me.”
  234. Quick Trip rushed over and gave Winterlight a smooch on the forehead. “I always worry about you because you're my bestest friend. Sorry I did this to you...again.”
  236. “Heh, who's keeping track?” Winterlight tried to joke but he knew this extra large meal was going to mean more cardio training after this little vacation was over.
  238. The blue pegasus gave a little wave. “I wont be gone for too much longer. They'll ban me from the rides sooner or later and I'll come back with something great I know you'll enjoy. Be well, bestest buddy.”
  240. Winterlight relaxed on the comfortable sofa. “I wish I had her metabolism. Half of a giant pizza and she didn't slow down at all.” The stallion placed his hands on his bloated tummy and groaned. “It'll be so terrible to sleep this all off...but whatever.” He closed his eyes and slowly fell into a deep sleep.
  242. “Psst. Hey. I got that surprise for ya” A siren's call rose Winterlight from his slumber. The sweet call of a siren of the beach...and the smell of something fried to golden perfection.
  244. Winterlight opened one eye to see a piece of fried chicken dangling in front of his muzzle. It smelled so good! Slowly, he leaned up from the couch to see Quick Trip leaning over him with a gigantic bucket of chicken.
  246. “What time is it?” Winterlight asked.
  248. “Dinner time, silly! I got a favorite of yours as an apology for earlier.” Quick Trip sat down on the couch and turned on the television. “A big, heaping bucket of chicken and fries!”
  250. Winterlight scoffed at the bucket sitting on the coffee table. It was easily twice as big as his head! “No way. I can't eat all this. You better believe this is for both of us or I'm not taking a single bite!”
  252. Quick Trip leaned over and grabbed the biggest piece she could find. “Man, I haven't eaten since that pizza and I'm starving. You better wrench it out of my hands before I eat it all!” True to her word, Quick Trip devoured the chicken as quickly as she could.
  254. “Good. Maybe YOU'LL get fat for a change.” Winterlight caught another whiff of the greasy chicken and felt his stomach grumble. He took a piece and wasted no time in munching it down.
  256. “Doubt it!” Quick Trip smirked as she slammed a big bottle of soda and ketchup on the table. “Just eat and relax. This is a vacation, not an exercise in counting calories.”
  258. Another night of trashy television, another night of feasting on food. Winterlight and Quick Trip cuddled close as they let the night pass them by. It didn't matter if they weren't doing anything special, just that they were doing it together.
  260. “Say goodnight, Mini Winter.” Quick Trip smiled as she made her cute pony plush offer a little wave.
  262. “Mini Winter?” Winterlight asked.
  264. “Of course. He IS the smaller one.” Quick Trip giggled as she reached out and grabbed a big handful of Winterlight tummy. The tacos, pizza and chicken were already softening him up into a plump, not so little pony.
  266. “Ack! Hey! Stop that!” Winterlight was blushing again. “Keep those grabby hands to yourself!”
  268. “You didn't mind when we were on the boardwaaaaalk.” Quick Trip flashed one more cheeky grin before disappearing into her room. “Don't worry, tomorrow is just a nice day at the beach. No way I can fatten you up there, can I?”
  270. Winterlight sighed. “I guess. Just a picnic on the sand and I doubt she can carry a feast with just two hands.” He prepared himself for bed and found himself sleeping like a baby, hands on his soft tummy all night.
  272. Another day, another chance for relax. Quick Trip and Winterlight were all set for a lazy day on the beach. No worries, no responsibility, just fun in the sun. Quick Trip carried the cooler for drinks and food and Winterlight hauled the towels, his book and a giant umbrella. Now all they needed was the perfect spot.
  274. “Ohh, here! Right here!” Quick Trip pointed to an empty spot in the sand. She set the coolers down, yanked the umbrella out of Winterlight's hands and spiked it deep into the sand. “Soft sand, close to the beach house and most importantly, quiet.”
  276. “Agreed. I was just getting to the good part of my book the other day. I almost don't want to finish it.” Winterlight chuckled. He set his gear aside and began to dig a groove into the sand. He placed the towel over the groove and laid down. “Oh yeaaaaa. Who needs a chair when you can just lay in the sand like this?”
  278. “Great idea! Looks really cozy.” Quick Trip mimicked the way Winterlight dug through the sand.
  280. “Uhh, Quickie? You wanna dig long ways...you know, under the shade of the umbrella...” Winterlight offered some advice.
  282. “I know what I'm doing. Trust me!” Quick Trip grinned. She dug her little groove and set down her towel. “Ahh, time to relax.” She sat down and placed her head on Winterlight's tummy, then sprawled herself down into the sand. “Mmmm...comfy.”
  284. “Y-You goof.” Winterlight buried his face into his book to hide the creeping blush on his face. “I don't see how that will be comfortable for more than ten minutes.”
  286. “There's not gonna be any softer pillow on the beach.” Quick Trip sighed. “I'll get up in a second and properly lay down. Lemme enjoy this for a moment.” She flipped around and buried her face into Winterlight's chubby tummy.
  288. “Hff...” Winterlight couldn't help but make an embarrassed little grunt. “You....mmm...” He decided to ignore the mare hugging his gut and focused on his book. This was one fight he knew he wasn't going to win.
  290. Soon enough, Quick Trip pulled herself away and dug herself a new divot in the shade. It allowed Winterlight a chance to finally lean over and grab a drink. “Wait, two coolers? What did you pack in the second one?”
  292. He peeked into the second cooler. “Wait...when did you get more sandwich stuff?”
  294. “I didn't...” Quick Trip replied.
  296. “Oh....The same sandwiches from when we first got here. The cold, probably stale sandwiches.” Winterlight grabbed one and sure enough, it was stale. The bread was hard and the insides had become gooey and gross. “Ugh, it's not a huge deal but what are we gonna eat?”
  298. “Are you hungry? The boardwalk isn't far if I fly. I can be your personal delivery mare today!” Quick Trip sat up and flexed her wings.
  300. “Today is supposed to be a day to relax. I can't make you fly around for my sake.”
  302. Quick Trip shook her head. “It's my poor planning that put us in this situation so it should fall on me to fix it. I swear, anything you need will be yours in a flash.”
  304. No sooner had Quick Trip made her promise, a dual cry of empty tummies growled out. Both ponies blushed before looking over to the boardwalk. “Um...you mentioned there was a taco stand at the boardwalk, right? I'll just...yea.”
  306. True to her word, Quick Trip returned from the boardwalk in a flash. Her hands were full with giant styrofoam containers and fresh drinks. “It might not be a regular picnic lunch fit for the beach but the way you described it yesterday made it seem like it was the best. Gotta try it for myself.”
  308. Quick Trip opened her box and dug into her meal immediately. Winterlight took a more relaxed approach, nibbling at everything little by little as he read. Bit by bit, both his book and his meal disappeared. It was only when his plastic fork scratched the bottom of the tray did he pull himself away from his book.
  310. “Aw, gone already? Well, it was pretty delicious. Thanks for getting breakfast like that.” Winterlight smiled as he returned to his book.
  312. “Time for my favorite post meal activity.” Quick Trip swooned as she placed her hands on Winterlight's stomach. “Mmm my big, sweet, lovely friend and his big, big tummy.”
  314. “H-Hey! What if somepony sees us??”
  316. “Winter, there's nopony here! This is our quiet little corner of the beach. All the lazy tourists are on the sections of the beach advertised for tourists and I learned that the other beach houses are being cleaned out this week. We more or less have a private beach all to ourselves.”
  318. “SO! This is an order to relax. Enjoy yourself...just like I am right now.” Quick Trip grinned as she grabbed at more of that lovely brown belly. It grumbled and gurgled in agreement as Quick Trip let her magic fingers do all the work.
  320. It didn't take long for another growl of hunger to escape Winterlight's gut. “Oh my, hungry again? Just say the word and I'm off.”
  322. Winterlight looked away. He didn't want to admit it but being around Quick Trip ALWAYS made him a little hungry. It became worse anytime she insisted on a belly massage. “F-Fine. I'd like something a little less heavy. Don't get a whole meal this time.”
  324. “Aye aye, captain. Don't you worry. I'll be back to fill that lovely, lovely belly of yours.” Quick Trip flew off at breakneck speeds to the boardwalk and returned with a basket of corn dogs, hot dogs and french fries. “How's this for a snack food?”
  326. Winterlight sighed. “It's fine, but you didn't need to get so much!” He shrugged and grabbed a corn dog. It was still warm and perfectly crunchy. “Mmm, can't complain about the quality though.”
  328. The routine was set. Winterlight lounged about with book in one hand and a snack in the other while Quick Trip busied herself with the beach and her buddy. The food kept coming, light enough to not quite fill up the distracted stallion but tasty enough to keep him wanting more.
  330. Hours passed, the trash pile stacked and Winterlight's tummy grew bigger and bigger. It wasn't until he finally put the book down and admired the sunset did he look over at the impressive stack of trash his unknown gluttony had caused.
  332. “Wh...Where did all these paper baskets come from?” He looked from the pile of trash on the sand to his big, bloated belly. It had easily doubled in size since he sat down and it had only started to soften from such a huge assault of calories.
  334. “Oh...oh noooooo....” He bit his bottom lip in fear. “I...I JUST worked off that winter gut....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” He put his face in his hands and began to pout.
  336. “Aww, it's not a big deal. You look better with a tummy anyway, cutie.” Quick Trip was in heaven, rubbing and nuzzling the big brown belly with glee.
  338. “Oh it's big alright....no idea how HUGE I'll be at the end of the week.” Winterlight huffed and squirmed. “I think it's a good time to go back to the beach house.”
  340. “Good idea! We can get changed for the restaurant I saw on the way here. Really nice steak place that I bet you'll love.” Quick Trip gathered up the pile of trash as best she could. “I'll come back for the coolers, could you get the towels and the umbrella?”
  342. “Quickie...I'm not sure going out is a wonderful idea. I..uh....” Winterlight blushed as he slowly gripped the waistband of his swim trunks. “I'm gonna be hanging out of my clothes with this belly. It's embarrassing!”
  344. “Aw, you don't need to worry about that. I'll ask if we can get a spot at the back, okay? I'll be right back.” Quick Trip smiled and soared off to the boardwalk one last time.
  346. “That mare...the audacity of her...” Winterlight gathered up everything at the beach and hauled it back to their vacation home. “Silly, silly mare...still wants to feed me...cuddle me...make me happy. Guh, I can't stand her sometimes!” Winterlight tried to grumble and groan but his face was plastered with a happy smile.
  348. Winterlight put the towels aside and put away the umbrella. He retreated into his room and struggled out of his swim trunks. “There's NOTHING that's gonna cover me...I just hope she doesn't insist to the point of tears. I can't stand that.” Winterlight grumbled as he put on a pair of shorts that cut into his softening thighs and a shirt that barely reached his navel.
  350. “Oh, changed already? Let's go!” Quick Trip grinned as she ducked into her room. A mere second had passed and yet the speedy mare had already discarded her bikini and had changed into shorts and a shirt much like Winterlight. Unlike Winterlight, her clothes actually fit properly.
  352. “Can you just...bring me something back? I can't go out like this...also gonna need some new clothes tomorrow for sure.” Winterlight blushed. He felt so exposed.
  354. “No way, I want your company. If you're so worried about it, you can just have a salad while I eat a steak. Stop worrying so much.” Quick Trip gave Winterlight a big hug. “Besides, if you don't come with me, I'll start crying...”
  356. “Ugh lets just go. I'm not going to get guilt tripped again with those tears of yours. I swear, you're just the worst!” Winterlight groaned.
  358. “You know you love me. Besides, I bet it will be the best salad you ever had.” Quick Trip grabbed her keys and pushed Winterlight to the limo.
  360. Sure enough, Quick Trip was able to get a table in the back of the steak house. It was a moody, dimly lit place that made Winterlight feel a bit more at ease with his big size. Quick Trip stared at the menu with feverish intent while Winterlight sipped at his water.
  362. “So, have you two decided on what you want?” The waiter asked.
  364. Quick Trip immediately began spouting off an order. “An appetizer of shrimp, the filet and lobster tail special, a plate of ribs, a bacon double cheeseburger, the loaded potato soup and a serving of strawberries and crème shortcake.” Her eyes locked onto Winterlight halfway through her order with a dreamy, loving stare into his eyes.
  366. “Um...I'll...just have a salad....” Winterlight began to sweat. There was no way Quick Trip planned to eat ALL that food and both ponies at the table knew it. The waiter jotted down the order and rushed off to the kitchen.
  368. A massive wave of steak and seafood filled the table along with a tiny side salad and a heaping plate of cheesecake. Quick Trip licked her lips as she began sampling a little of each dish, moaning with each bite. “Mmm it's all so good. I'm glad I ordered so much. How's your salad?”
  370. “It's pretty good. Just as good as your steaks and seafood. No need for me to try anything, honest!” Winterlight tried to offer a big smile but his tummy betrayed him. A small, hungry gurgle seemed to echo through the restaurant as Winterlight ate his meal.
  372. “Doesn't sound like it. Come on, I ordered too, too much. Wont you help me finish some of it? Pleaaaaaaase?” Quick Trip begged.
  374. “N...No...I...I can't.” Winterlight blushed. Her charms were in full effect, making the stallion second guess himself.
  376. “Oh I bet you can. Come on, doesn't it smell good?” Quick Trip dangled a shrimp in front of Winterlight. It's so good. Come on, have one! At least one!”
  378. Before Winterlight could say anything, she pushed the shrimp and her fingers into Winterlight's mouth. Once the tasty little treat was on his tongue, there was no more resistance. He carefully chewed and swallowed the savory, buttery little shrimp before giving Quick Trip's fingers a desperate little lick.
  380. “That's my big, soft, hungry boy. Come on, it's a vacation. Eat all you want.” The same phrase she used when the two first met all over again and it was working well. Quick Trip moved to the chair besides Winterlight and began to feed him bits and pieces of her order. Thick, savory, butter grilled steak, perfectly cooked seafood, rib meat that fell off the bone and even the salad found its way into Winterlight's big, bloated tummy.
  382. “You made every bite look delicious. Was it really that good?” Quick Trip smiled at her heavy friend.”
  384. Winterlight nodded. “Ye....yea. Very good.” His eyes wandered to the slice of cheesecake sitting all by itself. “You...uh...didn't sample the cheesecake yet.”
  386. “Oh We're gonna share that cheesecake, my wonderful friend. Here ya go.” Quick Trip shoved a big handful of the cheesecake into Winterlight's mouth and lips, then gave him a sloppy, messy kiss. “Your reward for being such a good, heavy boy today.”
  388. All Winterlight could do was swallow down the huge glob of cheesecake before another was forced into his mouth. There was zero room in his stomach but each bite found a little extra room thanks to the sweet, sweet smooches of his best friend.
  390. It took a lot of effort to get Winterlight out of his seat. There was almost zero chance of getting him to waddle up the steps to the beach house. Still, Quick Trip wasn't going to let her friend sleep in the limo, no matter how comfortable it was. “Come on, buddy. Up, up, up! Gotta get you nice and clean and get those poor clothes off you.”
  392. As much as Quick Trip loved to tease Winterlight, she loved to dote on him. She helped him clean up in the bathroom and helped peel off his super tight clothing. “I know I always overdo it but you always let me...and you're just the cutest lil stallion I ever did met.”
  394. Winterlight was too drunk from the endless gluttony to properly respond. He gave a weary smile before pushing his lips to Quick Trip's face. A small little thank you that sent steam shooting out from Quick Trip's ears.
  396. The poor stallion was seconds away from passing out. Quick Trip hauled him to his room and eased him into bed. “Shame these damn beds aren't any bigger...I'd love to cuddle my big, soft, buddy.”
  398. Quick Trip leaned down and gave the sleepy boy a kiss on his big tummy before retreating to her room. She set her alarm as early as possible and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her gigantic friend all night.
  402. Winterlight woke up in a daze. He couldn't remember much after the cheesecake last night. “Ugh....well, that went about as well as I thought it would. I guess lets see the damage...”
  404. He peeked at the nearby mirror and sighed. There was a nice, jiggly layer of blubber all over his body. Chubby cheeks, flabby chest, a gigantic belly and a wide, soft butt were his penalty for not sticking to a proper diet on his vacation. “Better renew my gym membership when I get home. Bleh.”
  406. The blubbery stallion stared at himself for a moment more then groaned as a thought wormed itself into his mind. “I don't have ANYTHING to wear, now. My clothes were already so tight last night and now I'm gigantic. Dang it.”
  408. Winterlight stood up and went to his dresser only to find a big bag waiting on the floor. There was a note attached to it. “Dear Winterlight. I had a wonderful time last night. You're always the special light in my life. Bought you a full wardrobe of clothing for the time being as an apology. If it fits, come find me at the beach lounging about.”
  410. “Oh...She always has a plan up her sleeve, doesn't she. Well, lets see what she got me.” Sitting inside the bag were plenty of shirts, shorts, pants, belts and underwear. Winterlight tried on a few things and was surprised they all fit fairly well. “I swear, she's some sort of psychic when it comes to fattening me up.”
  412. “Hm, what's this? Maybe a bathing suit.” Winterlight grabbed the garment and held it out in front of him. The longer he stared, the redder his face became. “No way...she isn't SERIOUS with THIS one, is she?”
  414. He checked and double checked the bag. “This is it...she bought...THIS as swim wear.” Winterlight sighed. “Well....I guess I better change into SOMETHING...”
  416. Quick Trip looked back to the beach house. “I hope he isn't too mad. I should have just let him eat the salad. Ohh...he's gonna come out in a normal outfit and start screaming, I know it.” Quick Trip couldn't sit still. She knew divine retribution was coming via a very angry stallion.
  418. Instead, what came was a happy, jiggly boy wearing the most revealing swimsuit ever. It was a huge, black, one piece swimsuit that clung to his soft body and accentuated just how big and soft his belly and chest had become. The back was merely straps, leaving Winterlight's thighs, butt and hips open and free to wiggle and jiggle with every step he took towards the beach. It was something more fitting for a mare and yet Winterlight rocked the swimsuit with more grace and passion than anypony ever could.
  420. “Hi, Quickie. Hope you haven't been waiting too long.” He smiled and waved to his friend. His hips and butt looked like they could snap through the insignificant looking straps digging into his flab at any moment.
  422. “I...I...I...um ium im unm I Uhhhhh....Hi...Winter.” Quick Trip's face was glowing red at this point, her eyes unable to look at anything but her chunky friend. “You...sleep...good?”
  424. “I did, probably thanks to you. I also appreciate the clothes, although this swimsuit is just a little tight...” Winterlight smirked as he turned around. He showed the back of the suit was just a skimpy thong buried deep into his vast butt crack. “Everything fit wonderfully but this is just a little TIGHT, as you can see.”
  426. Quick Trip was drooling at this point. So much soft, cuddly boy toy right in front of her. “There's....I bought....actual trunks for you....big..um, I mean buddy.”
  428. “Hmmm...maybe tomorrow. You keep saying vacations are a good time to relax and while this outfit is snug, I feel so free wearing it.” Winterlight reached out and grabbed Quick Trip's head and pushed her face into his belly and chest. “Besides, it would be rude to refuse a gift from a friend, right?”
  430. The poor mare went limp against her friend. “Mmmmmm....soft....boy.” It was all Winterlight could hear in the muffled section of his chubby belly.
  432. “I'll take that as a yes. Now, lets get nice and cozy on the beach...with breakfast.” Winterlight smiled. “It might come as a surprise but I'm kinda hungry now that I've been around you for a few minutes.”
  434. Quick Trip was a blur. Ponies could barely see a pony shaped blur running through the boardwalk stealing food and slamming down cash on the counters of a dozen food stalls. She was back in record time, arms overflowing with food.
  436. “Your wish...is my command, Winter.” She had a big, goofy smile on her face as she set everything down under the umbrella. “Just say the word...and you wont ever have to lift a finger again.”
  438. “Pffft, I don't need you to do THAT!” Winterlight giggled as he sat down on the beach. “All I need are the waves, a snack and you.” He pulled his friend close and snuggled close in the sand as he opened up the first of many styrofoam boxes. He took two slices of pizza out of the box and offered one to Quick Trip. “To a wonderful vacation.” He grinned before tapping his slice of pizza to hers and taking a big, greedy bite.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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