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Her Royal Roundness

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-10-10 10:12:57
Updated: 2022-10-18 06:42:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Her Royal Roundness
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be standing in the grand foyer of Canterlot Castle
  7. >Be Prince of Equestria
  8. >You’re dressed in a white uniform, with an indigo sash, and a star attached to it.
  9. >Two medals adorn your chest, and one cross hangs from a ribbon around your neck.
  10. >A gold diadem rests on your head.
  11. >Though you’re not averse to dressing up, there’s a reason for your appearance tonight.
  12. >The Grand Galloping Gala.
  13. >The biggest night in Canterlot.
  14. >If last year was any indication, it’s bound to be eventful.
  15. >You still have no idea how bubble gum wound up on the chandelier.
  16. >Of course, what you really need to focus on is the politicking.
  17. >Or rather, skirting around it.
  18. >Fortunately, you’re not alone.
  19. >Beside you, standing with poise, is Twilight Sparkle.
  20. >Princess of Friendship, Ruler of Equestria.
  21. >And your wife.
  22. >A gold crown with a jewel in the shape of her cutie mark sits atop her head.
  23. >Her tricolor mane is held up in a bun.
  24. >From her withers flows an elegant, royal blue dress which flows like a waterfall down her flank.
  25. >In the middle, however, the dress is stretched out tightly. Practically bursting at the seams, it barely contains the Princess’ royally pregnant stomach.
  26. >Designed almost a year in advance, Rarity hadn’t counted on you filling Twilight’s belly with foals.
  27. >She had to make some last minute additions. Mostly in the form of additional fabric.
  28. >Hopefully it lasts the night.
  29. >Nevertheless, your wife looks unbothered by the situation. Her warm smile greets every guest that comes to greet the two of you.
  30. >Politicians, magnates, celebrities, nobility, and anypony else with a ticket comes in their own time.
  31. >After you kiss an heiress’ hoof in greeting and she takes her leave, your wife glances aside at you and beams.
  32. >”You seem much more relaxed than last year, Prince,” she whispers.
  33. “Second time’s the charm.”
  34. >”You didn’t do too bad last year. Everything went smoothly until… the incident. And it’s not like it was your fault.”
  35. “Well, I’m still avoiding the chocolate fountain.”
  36. >Twilight laughs.
  37. >”Suit yourself.”
  38. >You shudder at the traumatizing memory.
  39. >You need a distraction.
  40. ”So… are the foals behaving?”
  41. >Twilight glances at her bulging middle.
  42. >”So far so good. The Chamberlain brought me that fancy pillow over there if I need to sit down.”
  43. “Is my lap not good enough?”
  44. >Twilight smirks.
  45. >”If you’re comfortable with over a hundred pounds of pregnant mare sitting on you, I won’t say ‘no.’”
  46. >You rub under Twilight’s chin and lean down to give her a chaste kiss.
  47. “You’ll be in my lap before the night’s over, Princess. Though you won’t get any rest when you do.”
  48. >Twilight grins and tries to stifle a giggle.
  49. >”Honestly. Such words are unbecoming of a prince… but I promise not to tell anyone.”
  50. >The two of you turn your heads.
  51. >That transatlantic accent is unmistakable.
  52. >”Rarity!”
  53. >Your wife starts descending the stairs, when the white unicorn stops her.
  54. >”Ah, ah, ah. We’ll come to you, darling,” she says.
  55. >”You shouldn’t be dealing with stairs in your condition.
  56. >Accompanied by her husband, your cousin, Rarity walks, up the stairs.
  57. >Or waddles, rather.
  58. >Twilight raises a brow.
  59. >”In my condition? Rarity, you’re pregnant, too.”
  60. >Indeed. Even in a burgundy dress that resembles a rose the way its folds descend down her flanks, Rarity’s enormous baby bump is hard not to notice.
  61. >She makes it up, however, much to your cousin’s relief.
  62. >He’s dressed in a perfectly tailored white tie ensemble. With court shoes, white cloves, and a jacket that descends just past the waistcoat.
  63. >You give him a subtle nod of approval for his sartorial adeptness. Given that most here were ponies, few would appreciate the attention to detail.
  64. >But you know.
  65. >”You look gorgeous, Rarity,” your wife says, hugging her friend.
  66. >”As do you, Twilight. Oh, I just wish I could have done more for your dress. I tried anticipating how big you would get but-”
  67. >”Oh, it’s perfect, Rarity. I love it. Besides, I think the tight fit works. I’ve been doing some research on pre-Equestrian nobility since that’s always helpful, and it turns out, pregnancy was seen as a sign of fertility and divine blessing, which in turn gave the implication that the land itself would be blessed with fertility, not just of harvest, but also birth-rates, and-”
  68. >Rarity grins sheepishly.
  69. >You smile.
  70. >You love it when your wife goes nerd-mode. It’s so cute.
  71. >Suddenly, you notice some more guests appearing.
  72. >Twilight’s friends, in fact.
  73. >All four of the other elements, and Starlight, as well.
  74. >All of them accompanied by their much taller husbands.
  75. >All of them wearing stunning outfits.
  76. >And all of them very, VERY pregnant.
  77. >”In fact, artists would often be commissioned to paint noblemares with pregnant stomachs even when they weren’t so-”
  78. >You nudge Twilight.
  79. >”Oh, sorry, Prince I… girls!”
  80. >All of Twilight’s friends and your cousins make it up to the central landing.
  81. >No formalities, however. It’s all giggles and hugs.
  82. >Rainbow Dash surprises you, however.
  83. >She’s still flying.
  84. >Even though she’s so big and round she looks like a blue parasprite in her Wonderbolts outfit.
  85. >”I still wish you would have let me make a dress for you, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity says.
  86. >”Well, it turns out I made the smart move. Nothing’s stopping me tonight. Spandex, baby!”
  87. >She stretches out the flight suit and lets it snap back onto her belly, making it jiggle.
  88. >”Well, tight dress or not, Ah plan on throwin’ down at this hoedown, mahself,” Applejack insists, giving her husband a playful nudge with her elbow.
  89. >”What about you, Starlight,” your wife asks.
  90. >”Uh. Only if it’s a waltz. That way he’s holding onto me, otherwise, I’ll probably fall. Still getting used to this belly, after all.”
  91. >Fluttershy nods.
  92. >”That sounds nice. I prefer the slower dances anyway. The romantic music, the gentle touches… Mmmm.”
  93. >Pinkie Pie blows a raspberry.
  94. >”Waltz, schmaltz. I’m gonna groove and jam ‘til the sun comes up!”
  95. >”Now you’re talkin,” Rainbow shouts.
  96. >Applejack’s husband rubs the back of his head.
  97. >”Well boys, we’ve got our orders. Let us pray we’re up to the task.”
  98. >Everyone joins in a hearty laugh.
  99. >Twilight stomps a hoof.
  100. >”Oh! Girls! Before I forget, I had an idea!”
  101. >Que several variations of ‘what is it.’
  102. >Twilight blushes.
  103. >You urge her to go on.
  104. >”Since we’re all here, and since we’re all pregnant…”
  105. >She bites her lip.
  106. >”I was thinking that for this year’s gala group photo, we could do a picture that shows off our bumps. Um… our bare bumps.”
  107. >She smiles nervously.
  108. >Fluttershy is the first to speak up.
  109. >”I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, Twilight.”
  110. >Rarity rubs her chin with a hoof.
  111. >”It seems rather risque,” she says. “Ooooh, but that makes it all the more enticing!”
  112. >Pinkie bounces, somehow.
  113. >”It’s a great idea! All our bellies pressed together, just like those little metal ball thingies on desks that go ‘Plink! Plink! Plink!’”
  114. >”Ahhhh think I get what Pinkie’s sayin’. Ah’m in.”
  115. >”It’s gonna be the most awesome maternity shoot EVER,” Rainbow exclaims.
  116. >Starlight shrugs.
  117. >”Hey. I’ll take any excuse to sit down.”
  118. >Your wife taps her front hooves with excitement.
  119. >”Ooooh. This is wonderful! Prince, could you fetch Spi- er, the Chamberlain?”
  120. “As you wish, my Princess.”
  121. >You take your leave for the moment and look for Spike.
  122. >Or, the Lord Chamberlain, rather.
  123. >He’s quite proud of his new title.
  124. >Not that it’s gotten to his head. Much. If anything he’s become more responsible.
  125. >You eventually find him in the kitchen, making sure the line runs smoothly.
  126. >You explain to the purple dragon the situation.
  127. >”Gotcha, Prince. I made sure to get extra film for tonight, anyway.”
  128. >The two of you walk with purpose back to the grand foyer.
  129. >”Okay girls, all on the bottom step.”
  130. >With some difficulty, and gentlemanly assistance, all seven gravid mares manage to carefully sit down on the last step of the staircase.
  131. >Twilight is in the middle.
  132. >Each of the mares either part or undo their dresses to reveal their impressively large bellies, and tenderly press them together.
  133. >They hold each other by the shoulders.
  134. >Spike gets into position and focuses the camera.
  135. >”Uh, Pinkie, a little to the left… perfect. Okay, everypony smile!”
  136. >All seven mares grin with joy.
  137. >Their multicolored bellies are all lined up perfectly pressed together.
  138. >Flash!
  139. >”Perfect!”
  140. >Suddenly, a disturbance!
  141. >Twilight’s belly starts wriggling.
  142. >The foals inside her tummy act up.
  143. >Pressed against their second cousins on either side, it causes a chain reaction!
  144. >Soon all seven mares are sporting bulging, bouncing bellies.
  145. >”Oh, them foals are a-wigglin’!”
  146. >”Heheheh! It tickles!”
  147. >”Sorry, girls. Looks like I caused an avalanche of quickening.”
  148. >Flash!
  149. >”Spike!”
  150. >The dragon gives a coy smile.
  151. >Fluttershy raises a hoof.
  152. >”Oh, everypony? Um. Maybe we could do another one with our husbands.”
  153. >”Sittin’ beside us? Ah reckon’ it may be a bit cramped if we try that.”
  154. >”Oh, no. Actually, I was thinking we could sit in their laps. And they could have their hands on our bellies. And our hooves on their hands.”
  155. >She gives a shy smile.
  156. >”Well, that sounds awful sweet sugarcube. Mosey on over, y’all.”
  157. >None of you need to be asked twice.
  158. >You and your cousins lift your wives into your laps, and after careful coordination, everyone is in position.
  159. >You feel Twilight’s hooves cover your hands as you hod her fuzzy purple tummy. She leans back against you and you beam reflexively.
  160. >”Okay,” Spike says, cycling the film.
  161. >”Ready? Smile!”
  162. >Flash!
  163. >Now those precious pastel plump pregnant pony paunches are preserved for posterity.
  164. >The mares heave themselves to their hooves and thank the men for the shoot.
  165. >You help Twilight adjust her dress.
  166. >”You girls go on ahead to the ballroom. We’ll meet you in half an hour. Duty calls, after all.”
  167. >”Don’t keep us waiting too long, darling,” Rarity says.
  168. >Your cousins and their wives head off to the dance floor, leaving you and your wife to greet the rest of the guests.
  169. >Soon enough, the arrivals trickle to a stop.
  170. >”Huh. That was the last rsvp,” Spike says, looking over the list.
  171. >”Looks like everyone made it!”
  172. >Twilight looks at you.
  173. >”Well, my Prince? Shall we?”
  174. >You hold the royal mare’s hoof and make your way to the ballroom.
  175. >Spike announces your arrival, and the guests pause to bow with respect.
  176. >You wonder if you’ll ever get used to that.
  177. >You and Twilight bow back in unison.
  178. >You walk to the side where ponies of wealth and prestige mingle.
  179. >This is the REAL challenge of the gala.
  180. >You carry yourself with confidence.
  181. >You recognize familiar faces.
  182. >The head of the Royal Bank of Equestria.
  183. >The Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  184. >The Chief of the General Staff.
  185. >You like him.
  186. >He’s very good at Battleaxe 5,000,000.
  187. >Of course, some ponies, of all classes, view you with what might charitably be called disdain.
  188. >Some see a human in the role of Prince as an affront. An indignity.
  189. >A sacrilege.
  190. >It still bothers you, but not the way it used to.
  191. >All you can do is your duty, to uphold Equestria, her laws, and her people.
  192. >If that’s not enough for some ponies, then it can’t be helped.
  193. >Still, you and your wife manage to chat, schmooze, and make talk both small and large with ponies of import.
  194. >Halfway through, you take your leave to greet and mingle with some of the other guests.
  195. >Commoners.
  196. >Ponies who, frankly, you shared more in common with than most realized.
  197. >In the middle of a delightful conversation with a mare with a prosthetic leg, you hear it.
  198. >The chamber orchestra begins a familiar tune.
  199. ”I beg your pardon, ma’am. But I must take my leave. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
  200. >”Of course, your highness.”
  201. >You kiss her hoof and saunter over to Twilight as the dance floor clears.
  202. >You hold out your hand.
  203. ”May I have this dance?”
  204. >”You may.”
  205. >You take the Princess’ hoof and lead her to the middle of the marble floor, raising her up onto her hind legs.
  206. >You hold her steady, and begin the waltz.
  207. >You lead the mare in the dance, stepping, swaying, circling.
  208. >The two of you whirl as the musicians play.
  209. >After a minute, there’s a pause as other ponies join in, partners bowing and curtsying before the dance begins anew.
  210. >You lock eyes with Twilight.
  211. >You get caught up in those deep pupils of hers.
  212. >She’s so beautiful.
  213. >Impressively, the two of you manage to avoid bumping into other couples.
  214. >You think you hear Starlight stifle a yelp.
  215. >You know she’s in safe hands, though.
  216. >Twilight whispers.
  217. >”I feel like I’m in a dream.”
  218. “Twiggy, you say that every time we dance.”
  219. >”Well, it’s true. Every filly dreams of being a princess and finding her Prince Charming.”
  220. “Mmm. Want to know a secret?”
  221. >”I’m listening.”
  222. “Every young man dreams of marrying a princess. Even if only for a moment.”
  223. >”Well, I guess ours is a dream come true.”
  224. >Twilight rests her head on your chest.
  225. >Her belly presses against you.
  226. >Still you lead, twirling with her until the music stops.
  227. >You dip her down.
  228. >Twilight grits her teeth nervously.
  229. >You keep her steady, holding her back as that belly sticks straight up.
  230. >You pull her back up into a fervent yet fleeting kiss.
  231. >The mare is blushing furiously.
  232. >”You really are Prince Charming,” she whispers.
  233. ”Should a Princess settle for anything less?”
  234. >You wink.
  235. >The two of you walk off the dance floor, your wife clearly needing a breather.
  236. ”Taking a break before the next dance? The night is still young.”
  237. >Twilight shakes her head and sips a glass of water.
  238. >”Oh, no. I’m pacing myself. I have to save my energy for later.”
  239. “The after party?”
  240. >Twilight uses her magic to pull you down by your collar.
  241. >”For the AFTER after party.”
  242. “Got it all planned out, do you?”
  243. >”Have you met me?”
  244. “Met you. Married you. Put my babies in you…”
  245. >Twilight giggles, stifling a little snort.
  246. >God, you love this mare.
  247. >You and the Princess do your duties for the rest of the night.
  248. >Entertain guests.
  249. >Give speeches.
  250. >”Having fun?”
  251. >You nearly jump out of your uniform.
  252. >It’s Celestia, Luna and your older siblings.
  253. >Somehow, they snuck up on you.
  254. “Fun isn’t exactly the word. Though, I am having a good time.”
  255. >”Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” Luna says.
  256. “We could always use help entertaining our more talkative guests.”
  257. >”We’ve actually had our hands full, as it were,” Celestia replies.
  258. >”Plenty of ponies still go out of their way to talk to us as if we’re anything special. Old habits die hard, I suppose.”
  259. “I’m pretty sure after a thousand years, habit becomes tradition.
  260. >Luna scoffs.
  261. >”Please. We don’t look a day over seven hundred.”
  262. >That Luna has a better sense of humor than most realize.
  263. “Sooo… how are your kids doing?”
  264. >The middle brother speaks.
  265. >”At home. With a babysitter. It’s… kinda nerve-wracking but…”
  266. >Luna nuzzles her husband.
  267. >”They’ll be fine, dear. It’s only one night away. I miss them, too.”
  268. >As difficult as running a country with your wife can be, you realize it’s going to be much moreso very soon.
  269. >And yet, you don’t feel dread, but eagerness growing inside you.
  270. >Hours later, the party dies down. You and your wife take a carriage out into Canterlot.
  272. **********
  274. >The carriage comes to a stop at an unassuming doughnut shop.
  275. “Okay, I pull up.”
  276. >Twilight grins, raising a brow.
  277. >Rainbow shouts from the carriage in front of yours.
  278. >”Hop out at the after paaaaarty!”
  279. >Twilight shakes her head with a smile.
  280. >You hoist Twilight out of the carriage and onto the cobblestone.
  281. >”Okay, now you’re just showing off.”
  282. >You smirk and head into Donut Joe’s where the rest of the party is waiting.
  283. >”Wheeeewee! Ah cain’t buhlieve how hard it is to two step with young’uns in yer belly.”
  284. >AJ fans herself with her hat.
  285. >”Like I said. Spandex. Very underrated material.”
  286. >”I can’t believe I’m saying this, but perhaps I should have incorporated it into my own dress.”
  287. >Rarity leans on her husband with an exaggerated sigh of exhaustion.
  288. >Your oldest brother shrugs.
  289. >”I don’t know, I thought it went pretty well.”
  290. >His wife, Celestia, grins.
  291. >”Believe me, it’s very different if you’re the host.”
  292. >Twilight nods, munching heartily on a doughnut.
  293. >”Ugh. It’s rewarding. But so exhausting. I don’t know how you did it for so long.”
  294. >Luna speaks up.
  295. >”It’s all in the delegation. For example, we delegated foalsitting to our neighbors.”
  296. >”Can I delegate labor,” Starlight asks.
  297. >You all share a laugh.
  298. >Fluttershy sips some of her coffee.
  299. >”I am actually… a bit nervous about that.”
  300. >Her husband gives her a squeeze.
  301. >”Don’t fret, dear Fluttershy,” Celestia says.
  302. >”When it’s time, your body will know what to do. And it will be over before you know it.”
  303. >Rarity takes a sip of coffee.
  304. >Pinkie and Twilight scarf down doughnuts.
  305. >Fluttershy looks soothed by Celestia’s words and her husband’s embrace.
  306. “Our lives are about to change big time.”
  307. >Your oldest brother laughs.
  308. >”Oh, you have no idea.”
  309. >The lot of you relax, chat, and wind down after the high of the biggest night in Canterlot.
  310. >Donut Joe takes a group photo of everyone.
  311. >Twilight again shares the story of how the tradition started.
  312. >You never tire of hearing it.
  313. >Before you know it, you’ve said your farewells, and arrive back at the castle.
  314. >You’re tired.
  315. >But not quite as exhausted as before.
  316. >You and your wife climb the steps to the top of the Royal Tower which houses your suite.
  317. >You look down at the sprawl of the walled city and the more sparse buildings of Canterlot below.
  318. >Even at midnight, it’s a dazzling display of light.
  319. >However, it’s almost silent this high up.
  320. “Gosh what a beautiful city. It really is like a fairy tale.”
  321. >Twilight laughs.
  322. “What’s so funny?”
  323. >”Nothing. It’s just… You give me a different perspective.”
  324. >You tilt your head.
  325. >”I spent over twenty years of my life here. It always seemed- I don’t know- normal. Mundane even.”
  326. >”Home will always be special to me. But you helped me appreciate how truly magical it is.”
  327. >You smile as Twilight leans on you.
  328. >You hold her close.
  329. >”Like a fairy tale.”
  330. >The two of you stand there for a while in the cool mountain breeze.
  331. >Twilight nuzzles your side.
  332. “Ready to head in?”
  333. >Twilight nods and turns around, waddling into the suite.
  334. >Given the option, you could watch her waddle for hours.
  335. >The fabric is stretched and folded tight in areas around her belly, which prevents it from swaying as much.
  336. >”Oh, wow. I hadn’t realized how sore I was.”
  337. >You take off your sash and lay it on a small table, along with the medal around your neck.
  338. >You feel a massive weight lifted off of you.
  339. >Both physically and metaphorically.
  340. >”Prince?”
  341. >You turn to your wife.
  342. >”Yes, Twiggy?”
  343. >”Wanna help me out of my dress?”
  344. >You smirk and step over to your little pony.
  345. >Twilight lays on her side and rolls over, exposing her massive tummy to you.
  346. >Rarity’s improvisational work is stunning.
  347. >A row of silver buttons holds the dress to Twilight’s barrel and belly.
  348. >You kneel down and smooth over the dress with your hands.
  349. >The thin silk is moist. Twilight really exerted herself, tonight.
  350. >Twilight nudges you with a hoof.
  351. >”The buttons?”
  352. “Oh, right.”
  353. >You undo each button slowly, the fabric relaxing back with each.
  354. >At the last button, the dress snaps back, letting the Unicorn’s purple paunch loose.
  355. >It expands as Twilight lets out a long sigh of relief.
  356. >Heat wafts off of her body now that she’s free of the clothes.
  357. >She removes her slippers and crown with her magic.
  358. >She probably could have done it all herself.
  359. >She knows how much you like unwrapping presents, though.
  360. >”Goodness. That feels so much better.”
  361. >She stretches, jutting her stomach up towards your face.
  362. >She looks at you with a smile and half-lidded eyes.
  363. >You can’t help but blush at her gaze.
  364. >Your wife lets you have an eyeful of her roundness, but you can tell she’s losing patience.
  365. >She gets to her hooves with surprising speed and then leaps towards you, placing her hooves on your chest.
  366. >”Come on, Prince. Get out of those clothes for me.”
  367. >She starts fiddling with your uniform, trying to get you naked as fast as possible.
  368. “Damn, Twiggy. Hold your horses.”
  369. >She rolls her eyes at your dumb pun and gets more aggressive.
  370. >You help her along so she doesn’t tear anything.
  371. >You slip out of your shoes and socks, prompting Twilight to use her magic.
  372. >Your belt buckle glows fuchsia.
  373. >Twilight undoes the buckle with her magic, allowing you to remove your uniform jacket completely.
  374. >A quick shimmy out of an undershirt, and your chest is bared to her.
  375. >She nuzzles it, running her hooves along your pecs.
  376. >Her belly presses onto your lap.
  377. >You run your hands through your wife’s tricolored hair.
  378. >You can still feel the heat coming off of her.
  379. >”You wear clothes far too often.”
  380. >You laugh.
  381. “Do I, now?”
  382. >”Maybe I should pass a royal decree. No human stallions are to wear clothes unless given permission by their mares.”
  383. “Hey, I have rights.”
  384. >Twilight bites just short of your nose.
  385. >”No you don’t.”
  386. >The Princess slides down your body, hooking her hooves into your pants and yanking them down, leaving you completely bare.
  387. >Your swollen length narrowly misses hitting her in the face when it goes free.
  388. >She eyes you up and down hungrily.
  389. >”Now that that’s out of the way.”
  390. >Twilight slides her body forward.
  391. >Her swollen middle presses down on you, keeping you pinned.
  392. >Your wife puts her hooves on your shoulders and kisses you, forcing her tongue past your lips.
  393. >She moans, tickling your mouth as you wrap your arms around her.
  394. >Even though you’re naked, her furry body keeps you warm.
  395. >Her wings flitter as your fingers dance along the sides of her wide stomach.
  396. >In between moans and kisses, you manage to get enough air to breathe.
  397. >Barely.
  398. >Your wife breaks off the kiss.
  399. >Finally, she’s being merciful.
  400. >Or is she.
  401. >She kisses you on the lips.
  402. >Then on the chin.
  403. >Then down your neck.
  404. >Down your chest.
  405. “Twiggy?”
  406. >Twilight grins and flicks her tongue into your bellybutton, making you hiss.
  407. >She then trails down to your manhood.
  408. >You hadn’t realized how incredibly hard you are.
  409. >Your dick throbs visibly, twitching with your heartbeat.
  410. >She begins kissing your nutsack.
  411. >It’s painfully full of cum.
  412. >”Looks like you’re pretty pent up.”
  413. >It’s true. In the past few days you’ve been so busy you haven’t even been able to masturbate.
  414. >Watching your wife waddle with her wide load wasn’t helping.
  415. >She blows on your shaft, making you shiver.
  416. >”I could fix that for you…”
  417. >You smile and move your hand to pet Twilight’s hair.
  418. >She catches it with her magic.
  419. >”Hmmm?”
  420. ”Twilight, ple-”
  421. >”Ahem.”
  422. “Your highness… P-please.”
  423. >”Please, what? What do you need help with?”
  424. ”Oh, come on, Your Highness. Don’t make me beg.”
  425. >”Awww. But you’re so cute when you beg.”
  426. >You grit your teeth and sigh.
  427. “Please, Your Highness. Relieve my arousal. I beg you.”
  428. >Twilight smirks and kisses the very tip of your glans.
  429. >”See? That wasn’t so hard.”
  430. >You groan with annoyance.
  431. >”Oh, you’ll be fine.”
  432. >Twilight kisses your tip again.
  433. >A kiss that gets bigger and bigger as her mouth opens over the glans, taking it in.
  434. >So intense is the pleasure you nearly fall backwards.
  435. >Twilight opens one eye and uses her magic to push a large floor pillow behind you to support your back.
  436. >She’s an expert.
  437. >Your wife continues down your length, taking in inch after inch into her warm mouth.
  438. >You roll your head back and sigh as the familiar sensation covers your penis.
  439. >The Princess keeps taking in more and more of your manhood until her lips press against your groin.
  440. >The sound of a wet kiss comes from her lips.
  441. >She withdraws, slowly, leaving purple lipstick in the shape of a kiss around the base of your dick.
  442. >You thought her lips seemed glossier, tonight.
  443. >So that’s why.
  444. >”Clever girl.”
  445. >Twilight releases your shaft just long enough to respond.
  446. >”Rawr,” she says with a smirk.
  447. >Twilight resumes sucking you off, moving her head up and down your swollen member.
  448. >She rubs your thighs with her hooves.
  449. >You moan, much to her delight.
  450. >Her ears flicker to catch your every utterance.
  451. >The pony loves how a simple blowjob always has you completely at her mercy.
  452. >Her hot maw compresses around you, ensuring the slightest movement brings you that much closer to cumming.
  453. >You twitch inside her throat. At least, as much as you can twitch, her grip being as tight as it is.
  454. >Twiggy increases her speed, jacking you off with her mouth in swift bobs of her head.
  455. >Her tongue flickers against the underside of your organ, further driving you to the edge.
  456. >Your balls tighten, clenching and relaxing repeatedly in preparation to deliver a load of foal fluid.
  457. >Tasting your precum and feeling your nutsack move beneath her chin encourages Twilight to speed up.
  458. >She hums loudly.
  459. >Your voice wavers.
  460. “N-no fair!”
  461. >Were her mouth not full of cock, Twilight would be smiling.
  462. >One last time, she takes you all the way. Her throat hugs your dick as her lips kiss you at the base.
  463. >You lose it.
  464. >With a grunt of defeat, you cum.
  465. >A jet of thick, white seed blasts down the Alicorn’s gullet.
  466. >Twilight offers a noise of slight surprise, but doesn’t get flustered.
  467. >As you keep cumming in the tight confines of her esophagus, Twilight keeps swallowing.
  468. >You feel every squeeze.
  469. >In spite of your dick’s violent twitches, Twilight keeps hold.
  470. >With a last, silky spurt, you finish.
  471. >You breathe out steadily, toes curling and uncurling from your wife’s fellatio.
  472. >Twilight removes her lips from your length with a loud, wet pop.
  473. >”Mmmmmm.”
  474. >In spite of her attempt at cleanliness, a healthy amount of cum dribbles messily from the Alicorn’s lips.
  475. >She licks it up.
  476. >”Feeling better?”
  477. >You shake your head.
  478. “No. Still horny.”
  479. >”Good.”
  480. >Twilight scoots herself up your body, dragging that belly over your lap.
  481. >She pauses to rub it up and down your wet dick for a good minute.
  482. >The sensation of the taut tum and soft fuzz caressing your cock is agonizing.
  483. >Twilight grins mischievously.
  484. >She knows exactly what she’s doing.
  485. >”You’re so easy to tease, Prince!”
  486. “Careful. So are you.”
  487. >Twilight laughs.
  488. >She brushes a fuchsia lock out of her face and scoots her rump over your thighs.
  489. >Her moist marehood presses your dick down, and her swollen teats hug your tip snugly.
  490. “Do you need me to move?”
  491. >”Just a sec.”
  492. >Her horn glows and you feel your cock tingling.
  493. >Twilight wiggles her hips, and your manhood slips into her passage.
  494. >”There. I’ve got it.”
  495. >She sighs as she lowers herself onto you.
  496. >Her eyes roll into the back of her head.
  497. >”I’ve been looking forward to this all night, Prince. You wouldn’t believe how horny I was in that dress.”
  498. >You give her belly a sympathetic rub.
  499. “I believe it. Watching you waddle around in that tight dress all night was driving me crazy. I almost ravished you on the dance floor in front of everyone.”
  500. >Twilight stifles a laugh.
  501. >”Well, there’s nothing stopping you now, Prince. Go ahead and ravish me!”
  502. >You give your wife’s belly a slap that causes her to squeak.
  503. >Then you grab her legs and buck your hips as hard as you can.
  504. >She squeaks again.
  505. >You buck and you buck and you buck, driving yourself deep into Twilight’s love canal.
  506. >She’s just as tight today as she was on your wedding night.
  507. >Maybe even tighter!
  508. >She’s so warm and velvety inside, so inviting.
  509. >Your cock doesn’t feel quite at home anywhere else.
  510. >With every thrust upward, the Princess’ pussy gives you a squeeze.
  511. >Those mare muff muscles know what they like.
  512. >Your mare squeals again with delight and gyrates her hips.
  513. >Or tries to.
  514. >A big belly like hers makes things hard.
  515. >She stirs your cock inside herself, her wings twitching and flapping randomly.
  516. >You can’t help it.
  517. >You let go of her legs and your hands find their way to her massive, swollen stomach.
  518. >Her belly fur is so short and soft, it almost tickles your hands.
  519. >Biting your lip, you hold your middle finger with your thumb, and aim at the firm purple nub that is Twilight’s bellybutton.
  520. >FLICK!
  521. >”AAAH!”
  522. >Her pussy strangles your cock for a split second.
  523. “Ohmigosh, did you just cum?”
  524. >”Shush!”
  525. >You slap Twilight’s rump, digging your fingers into her flank.
  526. >Your penis strokes the Princess from inside, coaxing little moans and gasps from the pony.
  527. >Every time you tease her tummy, she clenches harder around you.
  528. >Soon, even you start to feel the heat.
  529. >Your loins tighten as the cum churning in your nuts threatens to escape.
  530. >Your fingers dance across the equine’s enormously engorged gut.
  531. >You give Twilight’s bellybutton one more squeeze.
  532. >And boy, does she squeeze, back!
  533. >Twilight tosses her head back and screams.
  534. >You hope the tower is soundproof!
  535. >Twilight’s twat wrestles your dick into submission and you give up.
  536. >A jet of jizz jettisons into the mare, coating her love tunnel with thick layers of cum.
  537. >Your cock twitches and twitches over and over, your heart pounding in your chest as you fill your wife up.
  538. >She rolls her hips front to back, riding out her own orgasm as you finish inside her.
  539. >Her fuzzy chest rises and falls, steadying her breath.
  540. >Her belly does similar, expanding and contracting with her diaphragm.
  541. >Twilight rests a hoof on her belly.
  542. >”Oh, wow. What a way to end the night.”
  543. >You pat the pony’s purple tummy, feeling a nudge back.
  544. >It appears some of the foals are less than enthused by your antics.
  545. >Twilight exhales.
  546. >”After all that, I bet I could sleep through as many kicks as they can muster.”
  547. “I’m sure they’ll take up that challenge.”
  548. >Your wife laughs and dismounts you.
  549. >”Well, as long as they have their dad to rub this belly, I’m sure they’ll calm down.”
  550. >You stroke Twilight’s middle lovingly.
  551. >The royal foals seem appeased for now.
  552. >Twilight uses her magic to float herself into bed, but just barely.
  553. >Her horn fizzles out right as she gets to her spot.
  554. >You crawl in after her and snuggle up next to the gravid mare.
  555. >Twilight rubs her eyes.
  556. >”I can’t-”
  557. >She yawns.
  558. >”I can’t believe how tired I am.”
  559. “Same here.”
  560. >You gently play with her mane.
  561. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
  562. >Twilight smiles.
  563. >”More like heavy is the belly that bears the babies.”
  564. “Just the way I like it.”
  565. >Your wife blushes.
  566. >”Thanks for tonight, Prince. I know it isn’t easy for you but… having you by my side makes the Gala much better.”
  567. “Anything for you, Twiggy.”
  568. >You pull the pony close and she clings to you with her hooves, resting her head on your chest.
  569. >You pull the covers up, and rub Twilight’s shoulders before gently stroking your foals.
  570. >She leans up, craning her neck towards you.
  571. >You lean down and give Twilight a much needed kiss.
  572. >”I love you, Prince.”
  573. “I love you, too, Twiggy.”
  574. >Neither of you have much trouble drifting off into Luna’s realm.
  575. >The cool night air balances the warmth of the two of you into perfect equilibrium.
  576. >You both get a well-deserved sleep.
  578. **********
  580. >You smell something.
  581. >Sniff sniff.
  582. >Jasmine.
  583. >You sigh deeply and stretch.
  584. >It must be morning.
  585. >Sure enough, you wake up, and while the early morning light flows through the curtains, Twilight is gone.
  586. >You slip out of bed and into some pajamas and slippers and shuffle down to the small kitchen beneath the bedchamber.
  587. >Small being a relative term in Castle Canterlot.
  588. >Twilight is steeping her tea in a pot.
  589. >You don’t say anything, letting her have these few moments to herself.
  590. >A few minutes later and Twilight pours out the two cups she made without having taken a sip.
  591. >Twilight cleans up after herself and waddles over to you to nuzzle your side.
  592. >”Good morning, Prince.”
  593. >You lean down and hug the little horse, who rests her chin on your shoulder as you embrace.
  594. >You rub her bulging sides, petting the little ones within.
  595. “Did you get enough sleep?”
  596. >Twilight smiles and leans back.
  597. >”I think so. Enough for today, anyway.”
  598. >Her hair is disheveled, though in a familiar shape.
  599. >Her eyes are half lidded, with a bit of sleep in them.
  600. >You like the morning look on your little bookworm.
  601. “I had the strangest dream.”
  602. >”What was it about?”
  603. “Well… there was an enormous school in Ponyville.”
  604. >”That’s an… odd choice for a location.”
  605. “And you and your friends were the professors. And there were international students.”
  606. >”It’s hard to imagine most of them being educators. What were they teaching?”
  607. “It was a friendship school.”
  608. >Twilight stares at you before laughing heartily.
  609. >”Silly Prince. You don’t learn about friendship at a school. That doesn’t make any sense!”
  610. “Yeah, it was wild.”
  611. >You brush a stray bit of hair out of your face.
  612. “What did you plan on do-”
  613. >Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
  614. >You can feel the vibration from Twiggy’s tummy with both hands.
  615. >The mare cringes.
  616. >From hunger or embarrassment, you’re not sure.
  617. >Maybe both.
  618. >”I think my belly has decided on the plans, already.”
  619. “Understandable.”
  620. >You pat the tummy gently.
  621. “It’s been working overtime, after all. Carrying foals, feeding them and their mom.”
  622. >”Well, I wish it would be more quiet about it.”
  623. >You heave yourself upright once more.
  624. “I can make breakfast. Eggs and toast?”
  625. >Twilight cringes.
  626. >”I don’t know if I want that…”
  627. “Pancakes with faces on them?”
  628. >”Noooooo…”
  629. “Crepes?”
  630. >Twilight’s belly rumbles loudly and she blushes.
  631. “Cravings, huh?”
  632. >”Actually. I could REALLY go for some burgers.”
  633. ”Don’t you mean A bur-”
  635. “Some burgers, then.”
  636. >Twilight bites her lip.
  637. “Twiggy, you don’t need to feel embarrassed. Princess or not, you’re carrying a boatload of babies. Nopony could fault you for being hungry.”
  638. >You cup her cheeks and kiss her snoot.
  639. >Her tail whips, betraying her joy.
  640. “Let me get dressed and brush my hair real quick, and then-”
  641. >POOF!
  642. >You’re on a cobblestone street.
  643. >Timber framed, thatched roofed houses are everywhere.
  644. “Ponyville?”
  645. >You had assumed the two of you were going to take a quick carriage ride to the nearest restaurant in Canterlot.
  646. >Looking at the sign on the building the two of you teleported to explains it all.
  647. >The Hay Burger.
  648. >Twilight walks in and you quickly follow, hair still a mess and in your pajamas.
  649. >The two ponies currently eating glance wide-eyed at the two of you and you give a formal wave almost out of reflex.
  650. >Of course, at this time of day, there’s no line.
  651. >Twilight waddles quickly to the counter, trying to hide her drooling.
  652. >”The teenager managing the cash register seems flabbergasted that the royal couple are here.
  653. >Hangry Twilight could be dangerous, so you mouth ‘Welcome to Hayburger,’ to the employee.
  654. >”Oh! W-welcome to Hayburger. Home of the Hayburger. C-can I t-t-take your order?”
  655. >In her starving state, the Princess doesn’t seem to notice how nervous the cashier is.
  656. >”I’ll have two number nines. A number nine large. A number six with extra dip. A number seven. Two number forty-fives. One with cheese. And a large soda.”
  657. >”Oh, I almost forgot!”
  658. >Twilight turns to you.
  659. >”What would you like, Prince?”
  660. ”Um… I guess a double cheeseburger. Large onion ring, large soda.”
  661. >”Will that be all, ma’am. Er, I mean, Your Majes- er, Highness?”
  662. >”Twilight’s fine,” your wife reassures the anxious teen.
  663. >She pays the small mountain of bits for the meals and the two of you sit down at a table.
  664. >Twilight rubs her tummy.
  665. >”The babies are acting up. I guess they’re as hungry as I am.”
  666. “The food will be worth the wait… isn’t this where we had our first date?”
  667. >”It was. Of course, I didn’t realize it was a date at the time.”
  668. >The two of you laugh at the misunderstanding.
  669. >What you had thought was a date was meant to be an interview.
  670. >Twilight found you fascinating, being a human from a completely different world.
  671. “Jeeze, Twiggy. I thought you were gonna give that filly a heart attack.”
  672. >”Was I? I didn’t mean to.”
  673. “Maybe it was her first time seeing royalty.”
  674. >”Maybe. I know most people in Ponyville from when I was a Unicorn. I don’t recognize her, however. She must be new, here.”
  675. >While the two of you wait, you take the opportunity to wake up.
  676. >You’re not a morning person.
  677. >Hopefully the soda does its job.
  678. >A bell rings and the gangly filly smiles sheepishly.
  679. >”Here’s your order to go! Thank you for choosing The Hay Burger!”
  680. >You walk over to her and take her hoof.
  681. ”Thank you, my dear.”
  682. >You bow and kiss her hoof.
  683. >She blushes and becomes frozen stiff out of shock.
  684. >Twilight looks at you with an amused look.
  685. >”You’re terrible.”
  686. “I know.”
  687. >POOF!
  688. >The two of you are at the royal dining chamber.
  689. >Smaller than the banquet hall, but still enormous, it’s where you and your wife eat most of the time.
  690. >Twilight magically lifts a burger out of her bag and immediately shoves the entire thing in her mouth, moaning with an almost orgasmic pleasure as her eyes roll back.
  691. >”Mmmmffffmfmmmmfmmmmm.”
  692. “You good?”
  693. >”Mhmmmm!”
  694. >You chuckle and eat some of your horseshoe-shaped onion rings.
  695. >With a mighty gulp, Twilight sends the burger down into her hungry belly.
  696. >”Ahhhh.” she says, giving her round middle an exaggerated pat.
  697. >Watching your wife pack it all away has you impressed.
  698. >She’s always managed to stay in shape in spite of her eating habits.
  699. >Pregnancy has filled her out, but not absurdly.
  700. >As you finish your own meal and sip on your bubbly source of caffeine, Twilight is still sucking down burgers.
  701. >Something about seeing her eat so ravenously activates something within you.
  702. >You Hop down from your chair and go to sit down next to Twilight on the ground.
  703. >Your head is about even with her thigh and belly.
  704. >”Whhtchh dhhn dhn thhrh,” she asks with a mouthful of fries.
  705. ”Oh, nothing. Just… I like being close to you.”
  706. >The Alicorn shrugs and ruffles your hair with a hoof as she stuffs her face with yet another helping of hay fries.
  707. >As you sit beside the mare, she gently runs her hoof over your head, petting you.
  708. >You pat her churning stomach.
  709. “My little Twiggy Piggy.”
  710. >She glances at you again.
  711. >You sigh and lean against her, chin resting on her plump thigh and ear pressed up against her swollen belly.
  712. >Through the smooth fur you hear a grumble and a groan.
  713. >The gurgling of Twilight’s hungry tummy is so intense you can feel it vibrating!
  714. >You reach up and run your hand over the taut flesh, listening to and feeling the churning inside, as well as the numerous heartbeats of little foals.
  715. >It doesn’t take long for the Princess to notice you paying extra attention to her belly.
  716. >She probably noticed you staring at her as she ate, as well.
  717. >”You’re getting off on this, aren’t you.”
  718. >It’s a statement, not a question.
  719. “Umm…”
  720. >You feel too embarrassed to form a sentence.
  721. >Twilight smirks and takes a bite out of another burger, moaning deliberately and then swallowing loudly.
  722. >She uses her wing to press your head firmly against her gravid gut, and the sounds of digestion get louder.
  723. >Again, the pony pats her spherical dome, forcing you to listen as she devours more and more of her meal, finally, topping it off with her ice cold soda.
  724. >”Aaaaah, that really hit the spo-AAAAGUUUURRRRP!”
  725. >Your ear is almost hurt by the sound of the thunderous belch echoing in Twiggy’s tummy.
  726. >Twilight blushes, instinctively covering her mouth with her hooves.
  727. >”Ohmigosh. Excuse me.”
  728. “It’s just the two of us, Twiggy. No big deal.”
  729. >”It’s hard to kick bad habits,” she replies.
  730. >”I really let myself loose on those burgers.”
  731. “It was pretty impressive.”
  732. >”Well, it’s not without consequences. I feel even heavier than before!”
  733. >Her belly roars and she stifles another belch.
  734. >Then she looks down at you once more.
  735. >She bites her lip.
  736. >She arches her back in her chair, jutting out her oversized abdomen, then pats it.
  737. >She slides out of her chair, moves next to you on the floor, and stretches again.
  738. >”I sure could use some bellyrubs, Prince. Growing foals is SUCH hard work.”
  739. >She bats her lashes, looking at you from the corner of her eye.
  740. >You get the idea.
  741. >You pull Twilight into your lap and give her a kiss.
  742. “My perfect precious powerful pretty plump purple preggy pony princess.”
  743. >Twilight giggles and kisses you back.
  744. >”Such alluring alliteration.”
  745. >Twilight’s rumbly tummy vibrates in your hand as it churns down the burgers.
  746. >She hiccups and moans softly.
  747. >”I can’t believe I ate all those burgers.”
  748. >”My big, bouncy, bubbling, bloated, ballonlike belly’s brimming with so many babies and burgers I feel like I’m about to burst!”
  749. “I should enter you into an eating contest.”
  750. >”You should hush and keep rubbing my belly.”
  751. >Twilight wiggles her butt in your lap and you squeeze and knead her belly obediently.
  752. >”Mmmmm. Just like that.”
  753. >Her belly roars again and she sighs.
  754. >”So… you like it when I eat?”
  755. >You wiggle uncomfortably.
  756. >”You don’t have to be shy about your fetishes, Prince. I won’t judge you.”
  757. >You give your best poker face.
  758. >She doesn’t fall for it.
  759. >”I’ve done some research about fetishes, Prince. I KNOW you love pregnancy.”
  760. “Well, I couldn’t keep that a secret.”
  761. >”Maybe not. But I have a feeling you’re not being honest about the rest. So… what is it?”
  762. >You stay silent.
  763. >”Feeding? Weight gain?”
  764. >Your face betrays nothing.
  765. >Twilight narrows her gaze and grins.
  766. >”Vore?”
  767. >You glance away for a fraction of a second.
  768. >A fraction of a second too much.
  769. >”So that’s it. You naughty boy,” she teases.
  770. “How do you even know what that is?”
  771. >”Have you SEEN all the books I have? But don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”
  772. “It’s the belly, Twi. I can’t help i-”
  773. >”I said I won’t judge you, Prince. And I won’t.”
  774. >You sigh and your tense body loosens up.
  775. >”I will expect bellyrubs after every meal from now on, however.”
  776. >She pulls your head down to whisper in your ear.
  777. >”And I’ll make sure you listen to my tummy gurgle it all away.”
  778. >She kisses you and giggles again.
  779. >You squeeze the magical mare and nuzzle her.
  780. >She wiggles her hips and her eyes widen.
  781. >”You seem happy.”
  782. “Sorry.”
  783. >”No, it’s my fault. Here, lean back.”
  784. >You lay back on the floor and twilight pulls your pajamas down.
  785. >You’re hard as a rock and throbbing painfully, your shaft twitching rapidly with your pulse.
  786. >Twilight presses down on it with the frog of her hoof, letting it spring back up.
  787. >She taps her chin with a hoof and smiles.
  788. >”I think it’s time for another experiment.”
  789. “Experiment?”
  790. >You tremble with fear.
  791. >”My hypothesis is that I can make you cum using just my belly.”
  792. >You tremble with arousal.
  793. >Your wife slaps her swollen stomach with her wings for emphasis.
  794. “Where’s the consent forms?”
  795. >”You’re so cute, Prince.”
  796. >She leans down and nips at your nose.
  797. >”I don’t need your consent.”
  798. >Twilight waddles her wide self until she’s standing over you.
  799. >Her sagging belly is firmly pressed against your cock, trapping it between your abdomen and hers.
  800. >Even though it’s loaded with foals, the digestive sensations of your wife’s stomach make it down to your length.
  801. >You can feel the vibrations.
  802. >Your hips buck, and the Princess’ belly wobbles.
  803. >”Well, that seems promising.”
  804. >Her tummy lets out a powerful grumble and you tense up with a gasp.
  805. >It’s like holding a vibrator directly against your dick.
  806. >The softness of the Alicorn’s fur and the warmth of her belly just adds to the pleasure of the sensation.
  807. >”Feels good, hmmm? Let’s try this.”
  808. >Twilight lowers her haunches and rocks forward, sliding her belly across your cock and your body.
  809. >You groan, much to your wife’s delight.
  810. >She pulls back, the warm fur tickling you as the tummy slides.
  811. >Then Twilight thrusts her hips again.
  812. >Even your nutsack gets attention.
  813. >”I could get used to this. No wonder stallions like being on top.”
  814. >You grunt and twitch beneath your wife as she fucks you.
  815. >And it’s clear, helpless as you are that she is indeed fucking you.
  816. >Your hips buck again and Twilight gasps.
  817. “Did I hurt you?”
  818. >”No, you’re fine, Prince. You just poked my bellybutton with your penis!”
  819. >You look up at her.
  820. >”I like it.”
  821. >She continues to grind her gravid gut into your groin, wiggling her hips playfully as she smiles at you.
  822. >”Use those hands of yours, Prince. You can’t let me do all the work.”
  823. >You wrap your arms around the purple Princess.
  824. >You even wrap your thighs around her to help with the humping.
  825. >”Hahahah. You really are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
  826. >”B-belly.”
  827. >”Yes, belly.”
  828. >She spreads her wings and flutters them as she bites her lip.
  829. >You feel yourself leaking out of your tip.
  830. >Your balls churn with boiling hot baby batter.
  831. >Twilight’s ass works overtime to push her baby bump across your body.
  832. >You buck harder into the belly.
  833. >Apparently too hard.
  834. >”BELCH!”
  835. “Wow.”
  836. >Twilight blushes, barely covering her mouth before a hiccup.
  837. >It seems every time you hump the girl’s tummy, it works up some air.
  838. >You buck your hips again.
  839. >”Urp!”
  840. “Heheheh.”
  841. >”You. Urp. Little. Hic. Pervert! URP!”
  842. >Twilight glares at you and licks her lips.
  843. >”Oh, it’s payback time, Prince.”
  844. >Twilight shimmies herself until you feel the firm nub of her bellybutton pressed against the base of your shaft.
  845. >Then she thrusts forward as hard as she can.
  846. >You throb and cling to her tummy, fingers digging into the flesh.
  847. >You hear Twilight’s breathing getting heavier and faster.
  848. >God bless this mare. She really does give it her all.
  849. >The mother-to-be sexually assaults you with her stomach, violating your cock with her fuzzy purple navel as her wings flap and flutter.
  850. >Her noisy belly trembles and quakes, teasing you more and more.
  851. >Your balls heave.
  852. ”Twi…”
  853. >”Cum for me, baby.”
  854. >You cling tight to Twilight’s tummy as you tremble.
  855. >Twilight rocks your body with her belly as you cream all over her fuzzy foal factory.
  856. >Hot cum rockets out of your cock, coating your shirt and Twlight’s fur with sticky whiteness.
  857. >You hear your lover whinny softly as she roughs you up with her bump, making sure you’re spent.
  858. >You pant, eyes starry from a very unexpected rutting.
  859. >Twilight lets out a smooth breath and shivers.
  860. >She plops down on her butt and looks at her cum-drenched dome.
  861. >”I’d say that experiment was a sticky success. Another victory for science.”
  862. “Sure. Science.”
  863. >”Couldn’t have done it without you, Prince,” Twiggy coos.
  864. >”Come on, let’s get cleaned up. We don’t need anyone seeing us coated with cum.”
  865. >You follow Twilight into the shower.
  867. **********
  869. >An hour later, and you’re both clean and dry.
  870. >The two of you are enjoying a quiet morning in the study.
  871. >In spite of the unassuming name, it’s quite spacious.
  872. >It’s even bigger than the Golden Oak Library, from what Twilight tells you.
  873. >Hand carved shelves hundreds of years old carry tomes of leather and leaf.
  874. >Leather which you were relieved to find out isn’t made from the sentient cows of Equestria.
  875. >Nor was parchment, funnily enough.
  876. >Speaking of which, on the desk before you is a map of Equestria and the surrounding nations.
  877. >The Crystal Empire.
  878. >Saddle Arabia
  879. >Abyssinia
  880. >The Griffon Kingdom
  881. >A few books and papers surround the map, as well as a thick folder.
  882. >Twilight is sipping coffee, burying her face in a book which hovers before her.
  883. >She’s surrounded by a fortress of books which have been piling up over the past few months.
  884. >You’re pretty sure she’s read some twice.
  885. >You’re also pretty sure she’s studying something no book can prepare you for.
  886. >As it is, she’s deep in study mode, which likely means you won’t be getting help with your little project.
  887. “It looks like the Equestrian and Abyssinian rail lines are the same gauge.”
  888. >”Mhm.”
  889. “They also have extensive coal resources, but little in the way of steel production. At least compared to us.”
  890. >”Mhm.”
  891. “Their communication lines are out of date…”
  892. >”Mhm.”
  893. ”If we started in winter…”
  894. >”You aren’t planning an invasion with the Chief of Staff again, are you?”
  895. >You scoff indignantly.
  896. ”What? N-pffft. No!”
  897. >You quickly slide a folder labeled ‘Invasion Plans’ under a stack of books.
  898. >Twilight takes another sip of her coffee and goes back to her book.
  899. >”Did you know that foals can hear outside the womb?”
  900. “Wait, really?”
  901. >”Mhm. In fact, foals can start to recognize individual voices at around eight months!”
  902. “Isn’t it around that time?”
  903. >Twilight laughs.
  904. >”They started kicking when you spoke up a second ago.”
  905. >You smile.
  906. >”Actually, I need to start playing Beethoofen. Studies say that foals who listen to classical music during development show increased brain activity, especially in the-”
  907. >You sigh and listen to your little nerdy horse ramble on.
  908. >She’s cute when she goes into her little science expositions.
  909. >”-is why I’m really hoping I’m not too late in getting to that. Or what about my diet? I know I’ve been eating enough, but what if the balance of nutrients isn’t conducive to the foals’ development. I could be setting them back by not-”
  910. >Uh oh.
  911. “Twi.”
  912. >“which of course isn’t everything but if they DO want to go to University, I’d want them to get into the best school, but I can’t use my position as Princess to-”
  913. “Twi.”
  914. >“could go any which way and honestly, I need to prepare for any possi-”
  915. “Twilight.”
  916. >Twilight pauses and takes a deep breath.
  917. “Twilight, I know you like being prepared but don’t you think you spend too much time with those pregnancy books?”
  918. >Twilight looks at you, appalled.
  919. >”Too much time?”
  920. >She sets her book down.
  921. >”Prince, books are an important resource for any subject.”
  922. “I’m not refuting that. But you were starting to go Twilynanas.”
  923. >”I was not! And you’ve been hanging out with Shining too much if you know that word.”
  924. “I don’t want you to get upset, Twiggy.”
  925. >”Believe it or not, I’m better at this than I used to be. Hormones. That must be it. Hormones causing me to have mood swings and spiral into anxiety attacks.”
  926. >You raise an eyebrow.
  927. >”It could be!”
  928. “I’m pretty sure you’re going through what every first time mother goes through.”
  929. >”I just want our foals to have the best outcome possible, Prince,” she says.
  930. >She strokes her tummy lovingly.
  931. >”No matter how much I read up on this, I still have no idea what I’m doing. That’s never happened before.”
  932. “Twilight, you’ll be a better mother than you think.”
  933. >”How do you know that,” she says, tail flopping to the side.
  934. >Her ears fold back as if she doesn’t believe you.
  935. “Because you already are a good mom.”
  936. >Twilight blinks with a realization.
  937. >”Spike.”
  938. “Exactly.”
  939. >”But I had help. Celestia took care of him the first few months. And my parents were there with me the whole time.”
  940. “Twilight, most people get help from their parents if they can. That’s how it works. I know it isn’t exactly the same, but Spike… deep down he sees you as his mom. And I know you think of him as a son.”
  941. >”I… I do.”
  942. >You walk over to Twilight and sit down next to her.
  943. “He’s grown into a fine young man.”
  944. >”Dragon.”
  945. ”Right. But that’s because of you, Twlight. Because of how you raised him.”
  946. “So yeah… you’ve got this.”
  947. >Twilight looks relieved.
  948. >She nuzzles you and kisses your cheek.
  949. >”Thank you, Prince. You always know just what to do.”
  950. “Or at least pretend I do.”
  951. >”Fake it til you make it works. But I don’t think you’re going to have to fake being the best dad ever.”
  952. >Twilight hugs you with her wing and you squeeze the round royal tightly.
  953. >”Now go back to your little wargames. Pep talk or not, I’m still reading these books.”
  954. “Well excuuuuse me, Princess.”
  955. >You tease her ear and she flickers it, rolling her eyes.
  956. >You settle back down at your table and read up on some logistics.
  957. >It gets close to noon.
  958. >You look over at Twilight every now and then.
  959. >She’s still engrossed in her literature.
  960. >She looks so gorgeous, laying there.
  961. >Her tricolored mane is so pretty.
  962. >Her fur so soft.
  963. >Her teats so big.
  964. >You rub your thighs together.
  965. >They really are something.
  966. >Ever since you knocked her up, those little milk bags have been getting bigger and bigger.
  967. >You’re tempted to just go up and squeeze them.
  968. >Staring at the fecund filly’s funbags, you notice movement.
  969. >Winking actually.
  970. >Twilight’s twat gapes open and shut every minute or so.
  971. >Your heart quickens just a bit.
  972. “Hey, Twiggy. Whatcha readin’?”
  973. >”Oh, um. Just a book on how to stay active while pregnant.”
  974. “Really. What’s it called?”
  975. >No answer.
  976. >”What’s it called, babe?”
  977. >”It’s er… Fun While Full of Foals.”
  978. >Her pussy winks again.
  979. “What’s it about?”
  980. >”Like I said, it’s about…”
  981. >She wiggles her ass and licks her lips.
  982. >”Oh, who am I kidding? Can you come over here?”
  983. >The duties of a husband are never ending.
  984. >”Your Princess needs some attention.”
  985. >You sit up and walk towards the mare.
  986. >Twilight’s horn glows and she yanks your clothes off before you can protest.
  987. >She looks at you and smiles.
  988. >”You’re quite the stunning specimen, Prince.”
  989. >You can’t help but blush.
  990. >”Now get down here.”
  991. >You get on your knees and rub Twilight’s tush.
  992. >Her rump is so soft and pliant.
  993. >She coos as you touch her.
  994. >You gently pull her tail and she wiggles in response.
  995. >Her winking intensifies.
  996. >The equine’s clitoris bulges out, her hungry hole drooling for your manhood.
  997. >Your cock bobs up as you tense your lower muscles.
  998. >How can this little horse make you so hard so fast?
  999. >Twilight parts her pussy with her magic and rolls to her side.
  1000. >”Can we skip the foreplay this time?”
  1001. >You want to tease her.
  1002. >Then again, you’re both horny, so you might as well give the Princess what she wants.
  1003. >”As you wish, Princess.”
  1004. >You hold one of your wife’s hind legs up and aim your tip at her opening.
  1005. >The heat wafts over your dick.
  1006. >You scoot forward, trying to keep balance.
  1007. >You wobble, and in the second you lose your balance, Twilight’s cunt swallows your dick.
  1008. >Her walls hug you and Twilight sighs.
  1009. >”I needed this.”
  1010. >You grunt.
  1011. “I can tell.”
  1012. >She’s gripping you so tight you can hardly get further inside.
  1013. >But you press on, shoving more of your solid length into the pony.
  1014. >Your massive member slides firmly against her clitoris, much to both of your pleasures.
  1015. >Twilight’s marehood chokes down inch after inch of human penis until you bottom out against her butt, her lips practically chewing on you.
  1016. >The feeling is terrific.
  1017. >Already, drips of Twi’s arousal are running down your balls.
  1018. >You reach down and grab one of your wife’s udders and feel its firmness in your hand.
  1019. >You squeeze.
  1020. >Milk squirts out of the pony’s teat, making a puddle on the floor.
  1021. >She whinnies and squeezes your shaft.
  1022. >”Do that again.”
  1023. >You milk the pregnant pony, making her squeak and sigh with every grip of your warm hand around her warm, plush mammary.
  1024. >You love how the warm, tender flesh easily gives way, how it feels in your hand.
  1025. >You give its sister some love, too, teasing the cream out of Twilight’s dark purple pouches.
  1026. >Your lover moans in a sultry voice as you play with her mammaries.
  1027. >You could do this all day!
  1028. >But the Princess has other things in mind.
  1029. >”Further up.”
  1030. >You move your hands to her belly.
  1031. >”Mmmm. Right there.”
  1032. >You run both hands over the baby-stuffed belly, messing up the previously even pattern of purple fur.
  1033. >It expands and contracts with the mother’s breathing.
  1034. >Her wings twitch as you give her belly some proper loving.
  1035. >”Your hands are so soft, Prince. It feels so much better than my hooves.”
  1036. ”Maybe its a grass is greener sort of thing. I like when you play with my hair with your hooves.”
  1037. >Twilight snickers and her pony pussy suckles on your length, prompting you to pump your pelvis into the pregnant Princess.
  1038. >Her belly wobbles from the impact.
  1039. >You thrust again.
  1040. >Again her belly bounces.
  1041. >Her titties jiggle in tandem.
  1042. >You want to take things slow and steady, however, so you pull back and gently slide back in, feeling around Twilight’s velvety insides with your prick.
  1043. >The mare’s vagina guides you in, matching your movements by conforming to your shape as Twilight feels your penis inside her.
  1044. >”So good.”
  1045. “You’re so smooth inside.”
  1046. >You gently make love to the mare, rubbing her tummy, teasing her tail.
  1047. >Her heavy breathing and yours are practically the only sounds to be heard.
  1048. >You feel a tingling sensation at your tip.
  1049. >Twilight’s leg presses into your shoulder.
  1050. >Both of you are getting close.
  1051. >With every meeting of your hips, your heavy balls press up against Twilight’s udders, dwarfed by the milk-engorged mammaries.
  1052. >Between them is Twilight’s sensitive pink nub.
  1053. >Firmly yet gently you glide in and out of Twilight, rubbing her belly with both hands.
  1054. >You push inside as deep as your dick can go.
  1055. >Suddenly, Twilight yelps.
  1056. >Her pussy chokes your cock, squeezing it with incredible strength.
  1057. >Your body seizes and your member throbs, gushing a torrent of sperm deep into the pony’s depths.
  1058. >The two of you are helplessly locked where man and mare were meant to match, riding each other’s waves of ecstasy.
  1059. >You pump the pregnant pony full of love, whispering her name like a chant as you expend yourself inside her.
  1060. >Twilight breathes sharply through her snout, biting her lip as she stifles moans of lust.
  1061. >After what seems like forever, the two of you are left panting.
  1062. >Your heart steadies in spite of the intense orgasm, and you pat Twilight’s tummy.
  1063. >”Whew… Thank you, Prince. I really needed that.”
  1064. “You’re pretty good, yourself. I think I went blind for a sec.”
  1065. >The two of you feel wiggles from inside Twiggy’s paunch.
  1066. >You pet your babies and smile.
  1067. >”Feeling them move inside me is so strange. But I love it.”
  1068. >She places a hoof over your hand.
  1069. >”I’m going to miss being pregnant.”
  1070. “All good things…”
  1071. >”Which is why you’re going to put some more foals in me as soon as these little ones are born.”
  1072. “Wait, what?”
  1073. >”You heard me.”
  1074. >Twilight’s horn glows and she levitates the book she was reading.
  1075. >”There’s plenty of pregnancy sex positions in this book. And we’re going to do every. Single. One.”
  1076. >Twilight grins evilly.
  1077. >You look into her eyes nervously.
  1078. >Twilight takes the opportunity to sneak in a kiss.
  1079. >”I love you, Prince.”
  1080. ”I love you, Princess.”
  1081. >You lay the mare on her back and rub her belly.
  1082. “Now get ready for round two. I’ve got some experiments of my own.”
  1083. >Twilight laughs as you dive down on her.
  1085. The End

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff