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[FLUTTERRAPE] Dawn of the Shy

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-03 13:15:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: March 23rd, 2013
  2. ---
  4. >Day Supernatural in Equestria
  5. >You are Fluttershy
  6. >It's the middle of the night, and you haven't slept at all
  7. >A large red circle surrounds you in your cottage
  8. >Angel bunny is tapping his foot impatiently
  9. Now now, Angel! We need to do this just right or the ritual won't work and we'll all die a horribly bloody death!
  10. >His eyes widen and his foot stops tapping
  11. >Stroke his head
  12. Now go and get me the book, good boy.
  13. >He scampers off as you smile to yourself
  14. >Anon has been quite the problem.
  15. >All you want is to have incredibly hot and passionate sex with him, then marry him and start a family and bare as many foals as possible
  16. >You sigh and look at the floor
  17. >But he says that that's "dumb"
  18. >Manage a smile
  19. >But tonight is different
  20. >You have a plan that will surely win his heart!
  21. >Angel scurries back, carrying a large tome on his back
  22. >It seems to be made of skin, and a horrifically distorted face adorns the front
  23. >Written in a dark red substance you dare to assume is blood, the words "Black Rituals and Demon Possession for dummies" are scrawled
  24. >You shudder to imagine what kind of twisted madpony wrote this sin against nature
  25. >Open the tome to the page you bookmarked
  26. >Look nervously at Angel
  27. >He seems just as uneasy as you
  28. >Look back to the book and clear you throat, uttering the dark incantation you desire
  29. Biggie smalls, biggie smalls, biggie smalls.
  30. >The moment you utter the last word, the ring around you catches fire
  31. >You yelp in fear and Angel runs screaming out the door
  32. >You find that you can't move
  33. >A dark shape forms from the fire's smoke in front of you
  34. >It takes the shape of a typical demon
  35. >That is - Absolutely terrifying
  36. >It glowers down at you, eyes burning with hellfire that pierce your very soul
  37. >It's smoky body seems to dark the entire room, barely leaving you space to breathe
  39. Umm. C-can you get Anon to love me?
  40. >The demon's eyes narrow
  42. ...Y-yes...
  43. >He is silent for a while
  45. Oh no, nothing like that, thank you. I just want him to love me.
  46. >You smile at him as sweetly as you can
  47. Pleeeeease?
  48. >The demon growls, his guttural voice shaking the entire cottage
  50. Oh n-no, I d-don't offend you... Please... Umm...
  51. >You feel as though you're losing control of the situation, and your words start to fall over each other
  52. P-please... Love, h-have money
  53. >You throw a sack of bits at him
  54. >It passes straight through his body
  55. >The room starts to get a whole lot hotter as the demon's rage becomes more apparent
  57. O-oh, g-g-good. Thank y-you
  58. >He laughs malevolently
  60. >And with that, all smoke in the room surges down your throat
  61. >Tears streak down your face as you feel the dark will of the demon crushing your mental barriers and taking control of your entire being
  62. >Fucking Demons.
  64. >Day 666 in Equestria
  65. >Contrary to popular belief, '666' actually refers to a Roman Emperor, not the devil.
  66. >The more you know
  67. >Unfortunately, that also means that today bears no real meaning.
  68. >Tough luck, reader.
  69. >Wake up and yawn
  70. >You yawned too hard and now your jaw hurts
  71. >Great start to the day, right there.
  72. >Climb out of bed and lumber over to the bathroom
  73. >Shit shower shave
  74. >Pull on your favourite clothes
  75. >A suit and tie
  76. >Gotta stay classy
  77. >Class is what separates you from the ponies
  78. >Stroll into your kitchen and prepare some toast
  79. >Chew on it and think about the delicate workings of the human mind
  80. >And also hot pony ass
  81. >A knock on the door pulls you out of your Cadence fantasy
  82. >Go over to the front door
  83. >Pull it open
  84. >As usual, Fluttershy
  85. What do you want, Fluttershy?
  86. >Fluttershy stares at you
  87. >She looks a little bit different today
  88. >You can't put your finger on why
  89. >Peer at her
  90. >On closer inspection, her fur is dirty, like she was just down a coal mine, her eyes are sunken in to the point of being mere shadows
  91. >Her head is cocked to one side and she's drooling a thick green goop from her mouth
  92. Uhh, you ok, Flutters?
  93. >"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh..."
  94. >She hacks up a glob of green shit and spits it at your feet
  95. >Then goes back to groaning
  96. Ooookay then.
  97. >Walk past her and lock your front door
  98. See you around then, Fluttershy. Take it easy.
  99. >"uuuuuuuuuuuuugh"
  100. >Walk into Ponyville and straight towards the library
  101. >Before you can even reach it, Twilight runs out her front door and towards you
  102. >"Anon! We have a problem! One of the books from the forbidden archive has been stolen!"
  103. Well shit, how did that happen?
  104. >"I don't know! Come and look!"
  105. >She drags you into the library and shows you a cardboard box with the words "Donut Steel" written on the side
  106. Damn, that sure is a safe and secure archive.
  107. >"I know! But the book in question is an evil book that should have never been written! And now it's been stolen!"
  108. An evil book, eh? What does it do?
  109. >"Evil things!"
  110. Anything more specific?
  111. >"Eeeeeeeviiiiiiil"
  112. Wh-
  113. >Twilight sticks her face into yours
  115. Right. So what, you want me to help you?
  116. >"Yes!"
  117. >You crack your knuckles
  118. >Looks like you've got an adventure to go on
  119. >"Soo... You'll help?"
  120. >Look down at her and smile
  121. Fuck no, I got other shit to do.
  122. >Walk your ass outta there
  123. >She can sort out her own problems
  124. >You hear Twilight screaming with frustration as you go
  125. >Head towards Sweet Apple Acres to talk to Applejack about Apples
  126. >A perfectly normal and sane thing to do
  127. >On the way there, you take note of the lack of animals
  128. >Not a single bunny or bird
  129. >Just silence, save for the wind.
  130. >Odd.
  131. >Reach the farm and find Applejack pottering around, inspecting trees
  132. Hey, AJ!
  133. >She trots over, a concerned look on her face
  134. >"Hey, Anon."
  135. Something wrong?
  136. >"It's the apples. Do they look... Ah dunno, weird?"
  137. >Look at them
  138. >One or two are a sickly green colour, not the normal healthy red or green
  139. Bad crop?
  140. >"Not sure. But ah've never seen nothin' like this before. Seems to have just happened overnight. You seen anythin’ weird today?"
  141. Nah.
  142. >You don’t count Fluttershy. she‘s always been weird.
  143. >Applejack frowns
  144. >"Is that... Oh! It's Fluttershy! HEY! FLUTTERSHY!"
  145. >You turn around and see Fluttershy slowly making her way up the path towards you both
  146. >She's dragging her feet slightly and coughing up more green shit
  147. >She must have a cold.
  148. >Applejack leans her head towards you, eyes still fixed on the nearing yellow horse
  149. >"She seem... Off, today?"
  150. >Shrug
  151. Maybe she's just sick
  152. >"Yeah, no kiddin'."
  153. >Applejack turns to you
  154. >"While ya here, ya may as well help out. Fetch me bucket out the barn, would ya? We'll see if we can't get rid a' some a' these bad apples."
  155. >You nod and head towards the barn
  156. >Applejack walks over to Fluttershy while your back is turned
  157. >"Heya, Fluttershy!"
  159. >Walk out the barn some time later
  160. >Those buckets were hidden in a small dungeon under the barn
  161. >You should tell AJ about the giant spider living down there
  162. >Look around the barn yard
  163. >You can't see Applejack or Fluttershy anywhere
  164. >Call out
  165. Applejack?... Fluttershy?
  166. >Nothing
  167. >Turn to the left
  168. >Applejack is stood right next to you
  169. JESUSFUCK, Don't do that, AJ!
  170. >She doesn't answer
  171. ...Applejack?
  172. >She moans in a raspy voice
  173. >You look at her foreleg
  174. >A large bitemark is openly bleeding
  175. You're a bit messed up there, Applejack. Do you need... Help?
  176. >At the word help, Applejack's lopsided head shakes ever so slightly
  177. >"nnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh"
  178. No? Always the stubborn one, aren't you, AJ?
  179. >She leans towards you, her mouth opening slightly
  180. >You see green drool all around her lower jaw
  181. >And also that her eyes are now sunken in
  182. >She lurches towards you
  183. >Jump back
  184. I don't want a hug, AJ. This suit looks better without green slobber all over it
  185. >Applejack seems confused at your sudden movement
  186. >She looks at where you once were, and at the place you now are
  187. >She groans again and shuffles towards you
  188. Alright, you're just being as weird as Fluttershy. I'm gonna go now. Say hi to Fluttershy for me will you?
  189. >Stroll away from her
  190. >Shout over your shoulder
  191. And get that bite looked at! It might get infected!
  192. >It's midday
  193. >And damn, you're hungry.
  194. >Walk towards Sugarcube corner
  195. >On the way there, notice a pony slumped against the wall of a building
  196. >Walk over
  197. >It's Bon Bon
  198. >She's got a bite mark on her neck
  199. >Look around
  200. >No one has noticed her
  201. >You're about to call out for someone when Bon Bon moves
  202. >Her head slowly looks up at you
  203. >She groans
  204. Heya, Bonny. You have a really bad mark there on your neck
  205. >Her hoof slowly moves towards it, but drops before it touches the bite.
  206. >Instead she just groans at you and moves her hooves towards you
  207. Hey, no hugs. The suit is expensive.
  208. >She waves her hooves around in the air whilst groaning slightly
  209. >Well this is just getting weird
  210. >"Bon Bon?"
  211. >Turn your head
  212. >Lyra runs over, panting
  213. >"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
  214. >Bon Bon groans
  215. >Lyra laughs
  216. >"Too much candy again? Seriously, Bon. Lay off the sugar."
  217. >Lyra hoists Bon Bon onto her back and smiles at you
  218. >"I'm gonna take her home. See you around, Anon"
  219. >You wave and watch her go, Bon Bon seems very disgruntled at being carried
  220. >Walk a short distance and reach Sugarcube Corner
  221. >Push open the door
  222. >Pinkie Pie bounces on over to you
  223. >"Hi Nonny! Want something to eat?"
  224. You know it!
  225. >Settle down and chew a pastry
  226. >Lazily look outside the window
  227. >Watch a couple run through the park
  228. >The mare is laughing
  229. >Her boyfriend is staggering after her, looking tired as hell
  230. >The girl laughs and hugs him
  231. >He buries his muzzle in her neck and pushes her over onto the grass
  232. >The roll into a bush
  233. >The bush starts rustling violently
  234. >Roll your eyes
  235. Ponies. No public decency.
  236. >Pinke Pie wanders over and takes a seat next to you
  237. >"Whatcha lookin' at, Nonny?"
  238. Oh, nothing. So what's new, Pinks?
  239. >"Well I saw a lot of my friends today being super tired! They're all "uuuugh"
  240. >She puts on a comical expression and waves her hooves around in front of her
  241. >Then she giggles
  242. >"So I told them some jokes and that seemed to liven them up! Those silly ponies"
  243. >She giggles
  244. >"I gotta go help the Cakes with a big order, see you around, Nonny!"
  245. You too, Ponko.
  246. >She smiles and bounces off
  247. >You finish your pastry and head out the shop
  248. >Stretching, you look around and check your watch
  249. >1:15
  250. >Look around Ponyville
  251. >A few ponies trot around on their daily business
  252. >Seem to be a lot less than normal
  253. >Must be that cold going around
  254. >Decide to head back home for the day
  255. >On your way through the town square, you notice a grey, sharp looking stallion pulling a wagon into town
  256. >It's a simple, run down little thing
  257. >The stallion sees you and nods
  258. >Walk over
  259. Hey there, you new in town?
  260. >"Well I'll be. I've never seen a creature like you around these parts before. What's your name, son? What's your story?"
  261. Anon. Human. Alien. Magic.
  262. >He nods
  263. >"Well that's fine, that's fine indeed. My name is Reverend Jay Lee. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mister Anon."
  264. Y-you too.
  265. >"So what's the deal with the town, boy? It seems mighty quiet around here today. I'da thought that there would be a market set up."
  266. I dunno, really. Must be a cold going around.
  267. >"A cold! Oooh that's mighty unfortunate. Can't do the Goddess' work with a cold. Most unfortunate indeed"
  268. >Raise an eyebrow
  269. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a reverend on this world. And I've been here a long time now.
  270. >He chuckles
  271. >"Not many of us left. But I do my duty because no other will take up the burden"
  272. Burden of what?
  273. >"Spreading Celestia's light where there is darkness and preaching the word of our most beloved leader"
  274. Well. I don't think we really need telling how about how great Celestia is. I mean, she raises the sun.
  275. >He nods fervently
  276. >"That she does! Praise the sun!"
  277. >He looks directly at the giant ball of nuclear fission hovering in the sky
  278. >He sighs
  279. >"The burning of the eyes is proof of her love"
  280. >So even the priests here are insane. Lovely.
  281. >He looks back at you
  282. >"So what do you do arou- Wait. What's that?"
  283. >You follow his gaze
  284. >A pony is sluggishly wandering through the town square alone
  285. >You hear her groan
  286. >Look back at Jay Lee
  287. >He's glaring at her
  288. >"What in Her name is that pony doing? Is she afflicted?"
  289. I told you, man. There's a cold going around
  290. >The Reverend canters up to the pony
  291. >Follow him with your hands in your pockets
  292. >Nothing else better to do after all
  293. >The Reverend grabs the pony's face and smushes it between his hooves
  294. >His eyes bore into hers
  295. >"By the Holy Light of the Sun. This pony has fallen to darkness!"
  296. You what, mate?
  297. >He grabs your face and smushes it as well
  299. >He points at the pony
  300. >She tries to gnaw on the end of his extended hoof
  301. >He pulls it back with a cry
  302. >"We must Exorcise her!"
  303. I dunno, people around here are pretty fit as it is.
  304. >"Not exercise, you foolish boy! Exorcise! We must rid the spirit from her body!"
  305. >He runs back to his trailer and roots around in a chest at the front
  306. >Look back at the pony
  307. >She's staring into space
  308. So uhh, what's up, Berry?
  309. >"N-not much, Anon."
  310. >She hiccups and groans again
  311. >"Tried to experiment with beer mixing. Didn't work out well. I feel like crap..."
  312. >You want taking home?
  313. >"I... I think I can make it. But I'm so hungry, I don't think I've eaten in like, 2 days."
  314. The fuck have you been doing?
  315. >She sniffs
  316. >"Drinkin'."
  317. Makes sense.
  318. >The Reverend runs back and throws water at her face
  319. >"The power of Pone compels you!"
  320. >Berry flinches
  321. >"Knock it off, asshole. I'm drunk. Not possessed."
  322. >She pushes the Reverend away and continues her slow trek home
  323. Nothing to worry about, Jay. Ponies around here love the sauce. Berry wasn't possessed.
  324. >The Reverend shakes his head
  325. >"She wasn't. But HE is."
  326. >You turn around just in time to see a stallion tackle Berry and tear out her throat with his mouth
  327. HOLY SHIT!
  328. >"NO, ANON. UNHOLY SHIT!"
  329. >You both run over and kick the stallion off Berry
  330. >Her eyes are lifeless
  331. >You can't believe what just happened
  332. Reverend... Why?
  333. >He grimaces
  334. >"Dark forces are at work in Ponyville. We must rid the town of the curse of undeath."
  335. Undeath? You're not saying that-
  336. >Berry's eyes snap open, her eyes sink back into her skull and she begins to salivate green goo
  337. Oh fuck.
  338. >She clambers to her feet and lurches towards you
  339. >Kick her in the head before she can reach you
  340. >The stallion that you pushed off her growls at you and tries to crawl towards you
  341. >Lift your leg into the air and bring your foot down on his head as hard as you can
  342. >His skull shatters, sending blood and bone everywhere
  343. >Stare at where his head once was
  344. What.
  345. >"Anon! Beware!"
  346. >Turn in time to see Berry get stabbed through the eye with a shuriken shaped like Celestia's Cutie Mark
  347. >She falls backwards and stays down
  348. >You look at the two ponies in horror
  349. >Look back at the Reverend, who is now wearing a religious getup, adorned with gold rims and images of Celestia's Butt Picture
  350. >"Anon. Would you be so kind as to help me rid this town of evil?"
  351. >Check your watch
  352. >1:33
  353. >Yeah, you got time.
  354. But first we gotta check on Twilight. She might be able to help us
  355. >The Reverend's eyes widen
  356. >"Twilight Sparkle! Of course! The Goddess' personal student!"
  357. >You lead the way towards Twilight's library, the streets are now deserted and the whole thing seems totally surreal
  358. >Reach the tree
  359. >Knock on the door
  360. >Spike opens it
  361. >"Heya, Anon! Who's your friend?"
  362. A pony of god. Let us in, Spike. We need to see Twilight.
  363. >He shrugs and lets you past
  364. >Twilight bursts out of her bedroom, looking frantic
  365. >"Anon! Have you found the book?!"
  366. Hell naw. I had better shit to do. Listen, we have a problem. There are Zombie Ponies running around eating people.
  367. >Spike faints
  368. >Twilight screams
  369. >"I knew this would happen! Nonononono! Why did I have to look after that book!?"
  370. >Jay Lee steps forward
  371. >"Ms Sparkle, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down."
  372. >Strangely enough, she does.
  373. >"Now, what did this book look like? Did it have a name?"
  374. >She nods
  375. >"Yes! 'Black Rituals and Demon Possession for dummies'"
  376. >The Reverend shudders
  377. >"Truly, the darkest of magics has been unleashed on this town. I shall not ask why you had such a tome to begin with. But all that matters is that we rid the town of the curse"
  378. >Twilight nods again, looking more sane now that someone with a plan has shown up
  379. >"Of course!... How? We'll need the book to dispel the ponies with the curse!"
  380. >The Reverend shakes his head
  381. >"No, Ms Sparkle, I'm afraid that the curse of undeath can only be cured with more death."
  382. >He grimaces
  383. >"This entire town must be purged"
  384. >Twilight gasps
  385. >"How can you even consider that!? There's got to be some other way!"
  386. >The Reverend growls
  387. >"Dammit, Ms Sparkle. As a disciple of Celestia I order you to purge this town!"
  388. >Twilight retorts with just as much anger
  389. >"You are not my superior, Reverend. Nor would I obey that command even if you were!"
  390. >You feel like you've seen this before
  391. Listen, guys. As much as I'd like to sit here and shout cool lines at each other, the dead are rising and killing innocent people. Now I'm going to go out there and sort it out because it's been my dream since I was a 13 year old boy browsing Youtube for videos of zombie movies I was too young to see. And I'll be damned if you're going to stop me.
  392. >The two ponies stare at you
  393. >Twilight clears her throat
  394. >"B-but are you sure there isn't another way? I still don't know who took the book."
  395. Probably Fluttershy.
  396. >"What?"
  397. Fluttershy. She was the first sick pony I saw today. And only last week she trained a horde of bears to ride unicycles to see if Russia was my fetish. I wouldn't be surprised if she was responsible for this.
  398. >The Reverend nods
  399. >"Then our course of action is clear. We must destroy this Fluttershy."
  400. >Twilight cocks her head
  401. >"Can't we just go to her house and take the book back, then use it to stop the undead?"
  402. >The Reverend looks at you
  403. >You look at him
  404. >You both look back at Twilight
  405. Nah.
  406. >"Nah."
  407. >You, Twilight Sparkle and Reverend Jay Lee stampede through Ponyville on the way to Fluttershy's cottage
  408. >The Reverend talks as he runs
  409. >"Now! The Original Undead will probably be much stronger than it's weaker comrades. We must be careful when dealing with it"
  410. >Twilight answers
  411. >"How are we going to do it?"
  412. >The Reverend laughs
  413. >"We'll improvise!"
  414. >The cottage nears and you all slow to a walk
  415. Alright, she's just down this path. Sure you'll be able to reverse the spell, Twilight?
  416. >"I hope so"
  417. >You all turn and see Fluttershy's cottage
  418. Oh sweet Jesus.
  419. >"By the Goddess..."
  420. >Twilight just gawps
  421. >Every single pony in Ponyville is swarming around Fluttershy's cottage
  422. >The skies above it are thick with swirling black smog that darkens the land beneath it
  423. >The moans of the dead reach your ears
  424. >Turn to your comrades
  425. Any ideas?
  426. >The Reverend shakes his head slowly
  427. >"I never imagined this many so fast. You say it started just this morning?"
  428. Yup.
  429. >"Hmm..."
  430. >Twilight whines
  431. >"I'm not comfortable killing my fellow citizens, guys. I'm sorry."
  432. >They both look at you
  433. >Twilight frowns
  434. >"What do you think, Anon?"
  435. >You look around at the various front gardens of the nearby houses
  436. >See a lawnmower lying unattended a few metres away from you
  437. Hell yeah.
  440. >The moans of the dead are almost deafening now that you're stood right next to the horde
  442. >You rev the lawnmower and lift it up so that the blade is facing away from you and towards the zombies
  443. >The dead hear the noise and stop groaning
  444. >They all look at you
  445. The social gathering has ended.
  446. >Twilight moans at your coolness
  447. >You rev the lawnmower again and run screaming into the horde, limbs and blood showering everywhere as the lawnmower blade hacks and slices effortlessly through the citizens of Ponyville
  448. >Twilight and the Reverend are stood by you, kicking away any zombies that get near to you
  449. >Twilight lets loose a few spells and you see several zombies launched away from the group
  451. >The dead are closing in around you, the path you had previously cut being filled up with more undead
  452. >Finally you reach the door and kick it open with a foot, Lawnmower at the ready
  453. PARTY'S OV- wait, I already said that.
  454. >You pull your friends through the door and slam it shut
  455. >The zombies howl outside and start scraping at the windows like a group of overly dedicated Mormons
  456. >You look around for anything evil looking.
  457. >Twilight shouts over the noise
  458. >"Everyone look around for the book! It's made of skin and blood!"
  459. >Twilight runs into the kitchen
  460. >The Reverend starts overturning furniture
  461. >You run upstairs to Fluttershy's room
  462. >Shoulder barge the door open
  463. >Run over to a box called "Secret things"
  464. >Throw it open frantically
  465. >Start rooting through it and throwing various objects over your shoulder
  466. >An album of your semen
  467. >A stack over over 1,500 photographs of you during your daily life
  468. >A wad of sticky tissues
  469. >A dildo the size of your forearm
  470. >A pair of your underwear
  471. >A childhood photo of Fluttershy wearing braces
  472. >Her face was also covered in semen and surrounded by stallion dicks
  473. >A book made of skin and blood
  474. >A shrivelled looking cucumber
  475. >Wait.
  476. >Look back over your shoulder
  477. >The book looks back
  478. YES.
  479. >Grab it and run down stairs as fast as you can
  481. >The Reverend beams
  482. >"Excellent! Now we can destroy this dark work!"
  483. >A bestial roar echoes above the moans of the horde
  484. >Twilight appears from around the corner, screaming
  485. >"GUYS! I FOUND-"
  486. >She is swatted aside by a hulk of a creature
  487. >Her body slams into the opposite wall like a ragdoll
  488. >You and the Reverend gasp
  489. >Fluttershy, or at least, what you think is Fluttershy, stomps into the room
  490. >She stands on her hind legs, which have grown horrifically disfigured feet
  491. >Her hooves have also mutated, and end with claws the size of daggers
  492. >She grins at you both, her face missing all its fur and skin, and showing you the bone and muscle beneath
  493. >Various parts of her body are exaggerated by random sharp bones sticking out of various parts
  494. >Every part of her body, however, is covered in grotesque tumour-like muscles
  495. >She also stands much taller than you
  496. >And is licking where her lips used to be at the sight of you
  498. >You turn to the Reverend
  499. Any ideas?
  500. >"Yes. CHAAAARGE!"
  501. >With a mighty scream and the passion of his religion burning through his veins, the Reverend charges at the monster, evading her slow swipes and blows with a dexterity you didn't expect from him
  502. >He delivers several kicks in key places and brings the monster to her knees
  503. >She roars and swipes at him
  504. >He ducks just in time before the claws take his head off
  505. >He abuses his size and agility to dance around Fluttershy, delivering blow after blow to her with reckless abandon.
  506. >But no matter how hard he hits, he only manages to piss off Fluttershy even more
  507. >You pick up the lawnmower and rev it several times
  508. >The blade spins to life and you jump into the fray
  509. >Fluttershy swings a claw at you
  510. >You block her hand with the lawnmower, and she gets it stuck in the blade
  511. >She shrieks in pain and fury as the blade rips her hand to shreds
  512. >She kicks out at you
  513. >Jump back to avoid it then run at her again
  514. >The Reverend jumps onto her back and begins punching the back of her skull over and over again
  515. >The monster's head lowers from the repeating blows
  516. >You take the opportunity and ram the lawnmower right into her face
  517. >A scream like no other fills the air, drowning out the wailing horde outside the cottage
  518. >Fluttershy's face is reduced to mush from the whirling metal
  519. >Satisfied, you pull it back
  520. >Fluttershy staggers for a bit and waves her remaining hand at where her face once was
  521. >She lets loose a low moan, and topples backwards, narrowly missing the Reverend
  522. >You drop the lawnmower and look at the body of the creature
  523. >Blood soaks you and the walls around you
  524. >The Reverend's hooves have deep gashes in them from punching the creature's jagged bones
  525. >Twilight's body stirs and she staggers to her feet
  526. >"What... Did we... Win?"
  527. >You listen
  528. >The horde has stopped screaming
  529. >Look outside
  530. >Each and every pony looks normal once more, and are all sleeping contently amongst each other, and the sea of gore around them
  531. >You look back at Twilight and nod
  532. We did.
  533. >The sun streams through the windows, as the black cloud above the cottage has also been lifted
  534. >You notice a large bulge in the creature's belly
  535. >Prod it
  536. >It wiggles and you hear a squeak inside it
  537. >Sigh and punch the bulge
  538. >Your fist just sinks straight into it and touches something soggy inside
  539. >Grip it and pull
  540. >The monster's belly bursts open and the real Fluttershy rides the wave of blood and bile out of it
  541. >She trembles and squeaks on the floor at your feet, utterly terrified
  542. >She looks up at you, and despite being covered in the foulest substances
  543. >Despite having raised the dead and caused unknown amounts of carnage
  544. >Despite being trapped inside the belly of a disgusting parody of her own self
  545. >Despite all that
  546. >She looks up
  547. >Smiles
  548. >And says
  549. >"A-are the undead your fetish, Anon?"
  550. >Your eye twitches
  551. >Draw your foot back
  552. >Punt her out of a window as hard as you can
  553. >Give everyone in the room the middle finger
  554. >Storm out the cottage
  555. >Past the ocean of blood and body parts outside
  556. >Walk right back home
  557. >Slam the door
  558. >Spend the rest of the day scrubbing blood off your face and furiously masturbating.
  559. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  561. The End

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

by Nebulus


by Nebulus


by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

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[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

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