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Teatfire (In Progress)

By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2022-10-30 09:19:00
Updated: 2023-01-30 04:24:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >What a beautiful day.
  2. >The sun shines high in the Equestrian sky.
  3. >Birds sing, zipping past with naught a care, save to sing to the denizens of Cloudsdale.
  4. >A crisp breeze kisses your skin as Wonderbolts HQ comes into view; no turning back.
  5. "I can't believe you're actually holding me to this."
  6. >Rainbow Dash waves a wing and laughs. "Told ya I could do it! And you learned a valuable lesson!"
  7. "Yeah," you say, scoffing. "Rainbow Dash is worst pony."
  8. >"Hey!"
  9. >She stomps on your foot, bringing a premature end to your cackling.
  10. "Ow! Damn it, Dash!"
  11. >Rainbow looks over her shoulder, making sure you see her smirk before she returns her attention to the Wonderbolts compound.
  12. >"Seriously though, Anon, thanks for doing this."
  13. "You say that as if I had a choice."
  14. >Fucking Pinkie promises; never again.
  15. >"Ha! You got me there." She hovers at eye level with you. "But I'm serious. I'll be able to get some extra training in with you covering for me on this detail."
  16. >Rainbow does a dizzying series of loops around you, touching you in random places at times.
  17. "What the hell are you doing?"
  18. >"Making sure you look presentable." Rainbow answers, skidding to a mid-air stop to adjust your shirt collar. "I gotta get the Captain to sign off on this whole thing, so you need to make a good first impression."
  19. "Hold up." You stop about ten paces from the stairs that ascend to the front doors. "There's still a chance this bet could still go teats up?"
  20. >Rainbow tries to hide a blush.
  21. >"Well..."
  22. "Dash..."
  23. >She throws up her hooves. "Well, yeah, technically it could..."
  24. >Her hooves tend to a few stray locks of hair near your temples.
  25. >"But I'm like, ninety-nine percent sure Spitfire will be cool!"
  26. "Ninety-nine percent."
  27. >"Uh huh!"
  28. "So there's still a one percent chance she'll tell you to pound sand?"
  29. >Another scoff.
  30. >"Yes, Anon. But I wouldn't get your hopes-"
  31. "Blessed Celestia, hear my prayers in my time of need."
  32. >Rainbow pushes you towards the door. "Come on, Anon! It's not so bad! It's only-"
  33. "Bitch work. A month of bitch work in a strange town."
  34. >Dash's sheepish smile says enough.
  35. >She opens the door and holds it open for you.
  36. >Her hoof steps echo off the waxed tile floor.
  37. >Portraits of former 'Bolts line both sides of the hallways at regular intervals; trophies mixed in every now and then.
  38. >The halls are empty, making the walk seem that much longer.
  39. >"Hey." Dash bumps against you. "Do you remember how to get to my parents' house?"
  40. "Yeah."
  41. >"Cool. Just head there after Spitfire releases you for the day. My mom usually has dinner ready by six."
  42. "I still feel kinda weird about staying there."
  43. >"Psh! Don't worry about it. My mom will be glad to have somepony else in the house while Dad is on his business trip."
  44. "I can sleep on the couch, you know. You can have your old room if you want it."
  45. >Dash shakes her head.
  46. >"Nuh-uh. I'm going to be staying in the barracks for this training cycle. Eating all my meals in the chow hall- the works. I won't be leaving the compound for the entire month, so the room's all yours."
  47. "Is it safe to assume you won't have much time to hang out while I'm up here?"
  48. >She sighs. "Sorry buddy..."
  49. "Eh, don't worry about it. It's only a month. Not a big deal in the grand scheme."
  50. >You turn right, now headed into a hallway dimmer than the others; some lights flickering.
  51. "Still... it'd be cool to have somepony to hang with after work."
  52. >"I know, I know." Dash comes to a halt before a large brown door adorned with an engraved brass plaque:
  55. >"Don't walk in until I say." Dash whispers. "And remember, Anon... be cool."
  56. >She knocks on the door before you can make a smart-assed remark.
  57. >"Enter!" a muffled mare's voice calls from behind the door.
  58. >Dash opens the door and stands rigid, eyes fixed upon a mare you can't see from your position. "Ma'am? Can I talk to you for for a minute?"
  59. >An exasperated sigh emanates from the office.
  60. >"I dunno, Rookie, *can* you?"
  61. >Rainbow's ears flick aft, if only for an instant.
  62. >"I mean, uh... *may* I talk to you for a minute?"
  63. >"Yesss, Rookie, what is it?"
  64. >"So, you know that detail I'm assigned to this month?"
  65. >"What about it?"
  66. >Dashie scratches her mane. "Well, I... You see, I made this bet, and the thing is-"
  68. >Celestia heard your prayers.
  69. >There's no way this ends well for the Dash.
  70. >"I'vegotsomeponyelsetodoitforme!" Dash says, looking back to beckon you forth with frantic hoof waving and an expression that begs for help.
  71. >Sorry, Skittles... Anon can't squander this opportunity to get off the hook on a technicality.
  72. >Smirking, you step into the office ready to hit the boss lady with the ol' shitbag razzle-dazzle.
  73. "Sup nigga, the name's An-"
  74. >Your voice dies in your throat when your mind comprehends what you're looking at.
  75. >Before you sits what has to be the HOTTEST pegasus mare you've ever seen.
  76. >This must be THE Spitfire.
  77. >You'd heard of her, sure, but you'd only ever seen pictures of the mare in her full flight suit- goggles always obscuring the amber eyes that now scan you; enchanting as they are intense.
  78. >Whether it's her fire-like mane, her impeccable female facial features, her wild, captivating eyes, or her immaculate blue service uniform, everything about this mare makes you wish you'd worn your boner pants.
  79. >Spitfire cocks an eyebrow. "You're who?"
  80. "Y-you too! I mean, fuck!"
  81. >The Wonderbolts captain leans forward.
  82. >"'Fuck', huh? Interesting name for a monkey." She shrugs, her muzzle showing only the slightest hint of a grin. "Nice to meet you, Fuck Monkey!"
  83. >Goddamn it.
  84. >Dash stifles a giggle behind you.
  85. >"Something funny, Rookie?"
  86. >Rainbow snaps back to attention. "Ma'am! No, ma'am!"
  87. >"Then tell me why you and Fuck Monkey are in my office."
  88. >Pride Parade takes a quick, deep breath.
  89. >"Ma'am, I'm here to ask if it would be alright if Anonymous here-" Rainbow points a cerulean primary feather at you, "covered for me on the compound maintenance detail I was assigned to for this month."
  90. >Spitfire brings her hooves together with a faint *clop*, then rests her chin atop them whilst her eyes dart between you and Dash before finally fixing on you.
  91. >"The maintenance detail is no trivial assignment. How'd she talk you into this?"
  92. "I lost a bet."
  93. >"Is that so? What'd you bet on?"
  94. "Something retarded," you say, unable to maintain eye contact a second longer.
  95. >The captain gives a faint hum and jumps off her chair.
  96. >She walks around her desk then straight towards you.
  97. >Unsure of what to do other than try not to make an ass of yourself (more than you already have), you stand your ground in silence.
  98. >Though you tower above her, the mare's presence makes you feel rather small- a first among these little equines.
  99. >Spitfire takes her time, walking the perimeter of an invisible one meter circle around you.
  100. >With her lower body no longer obscured by the desk, you're able to check out the Wonderbolt's rump.
  101. >It's nice.
  102. >Like, *really* nice.
  103. >Daddy likes.
  104. >She takes another lap around, moving even slower during this iteration- at least while you can see her.
  105. >"What kind of creature are you anyway?"
  106. "I'm a human."
  107. >"Never seen a 'human' before, let alone heard of one."
  108. >Spitfire stops, performs a flawless about-face, and turns her attention to Dash.
  109. >As she now stands to your two o'clock, you've got a perfect, unobstructed view of her goods.
  110. >Well, notwithstanding her tail, that is.
  111. >Nevertheless, you take full advantage of appreciating what peak pegasi performance looks like as far as rumps are concerned (gawd DAMN) while she says something to Dash.
  112. >Come on, babe, just swing that tail a lil to your left... damn it.
  113. >"Hey!"
  114. "Huh!?"
  115. >Smooth, Anon.
  116. >Spitfire frowns. "I *said* I don't care if you take over Rainbow Dash's additional duty, so long as you work hard and to the jobs right. You're the one who would be working for free, so as long as you're fine with that- working as a 'volunteer'- there's no issues on my end."
  117. >There it is, Anon: your get out of jail card.
  118. >Thank you, Celestia.
  119. >You'll be sure to snap one off in her honor.
  120. >Funny thing is, now that the opportunity is yours for the taking, you're reluctant to capitalize.
  121. >Following through really would help Rainbow out, not to mention it'd probably sit well with this smokeshow of a mare standing near you, to show that you're a man of your word.
  122. >Yeah, you wouldn't mind being around her every day for a little while.
  123. >Besides, it's not like you have anything better going on.
  124. >"Well, Anonymous? What's it gonna be? I don't have all day."
  125. "Yeah. I'll do it."
  126. >Dash breathes a sigh of relief behind you.
  127. >"Excellent." Spitfire says with a new faint grin. "I look forward to you being my fuck monkey."
  128. >You choke on air whilst Spitfire chuckles to herself.
  129. >For all your shock, you can't deny how hot it was when she said that.
  130. >Spitfire looks at you, but not at your eyes.
  131. >"Hey Dash."
  132. >"Yes, Ma'am?"
  133. >"Are humans able to time travel?"
  134. >You and Rainbow exchange confused glances.
  135. >"Um, I don't think so. Why?"
  136. >Spitfire smirks as she low-key struts back behind her desk.
  137. >She keeps her half-lidded gaze locked on you, even when she finally replies to Rainbow. "Because this colt just jumped from six to midnight in about five seconds flat."
  138. >Facepalm.
  139. >"Huh? With all due respect, Ma'am, what are you talking about?"
  140. >The fiery mare waves off the question. "Don't worry about it. Be ready for drills in half an hour."
  141. >Rainbow renders a salute, then turns to leave. "You got it, boss! See ya, Anon!"
  142. >"Oh, and one more thing."
  143. >Dash freezes mid-turn.
  144. >"I'm only allowing this arrangement because *you* need extra agility training, *Crash*. Being fast is only part of being a Wonderbolt. You need to develop all skills if you want to last here. Now get out of my office."
  145. >Rainbow gives a final salute to Spitfire, then gallops out.
  146. >Spitfire turns her back to you and stares out the window that overlooks one of the training fields.
  147. >She stands there, watching the various pegasi go about their business.
  148. >Her voice lacks the gravelly edge it possessed earlier when she finally addresses you; back still turned.
  149. >"Join me, Anonymous."
  150. >So you do, taking a spot in front of the large window, just to her right.
  151. >Together, you watch both experienced and young up-and-coming flyers put themselves to the test.
  152. >"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asks, her voice much softer, more smooth.
  153. "Generally-speaking, or is there something in particular you love about it?"
  154. >"Both. You don't get all this-" her wing gestures to everything visible through the window, "without the qualities each and every one of these ponies brings with them: discipline, attention to detail, professionalism, and a burning passion to push themselves to their absolute limits."
  155. >Spitfire looks at you for the first time since Dash left.
  156. >"That's what makes us the best in the world, Anonymous. As for you..." she looks you up and down, "... believe it or not, the work you do here will help us get better."
  157. "How? I mean, let's be honest, I'm just doing bitch work."
  158. >"Yes, but it's bitch work my flyers won't have to do, especially Rainbow Dash. She's got tremendous potential but needs a lot of coaching. Remember that when you're busting your flank these next few weeks. Take pride in what you're doing, as tedious at it may seem at times, because you're doing your part to help us improve."
  159. "Huh. Never thought of it like that. Anything else I should know?"
  160. >Spitfire nods.
  161. >"You'll need thick skin if you're going to work here. Your days will start at zero-six-thirty and end at seventeen-hundred, sometimes later. Be on time, in the right place and in the right uniform-"
  162. "Uniform?"
  163. >"More of a figure of a speech for you, but quite literal for them," she says, waving once more to the ponies training outside. "Oh, and Anonymous?"
  164. "Yeah?"
  165. >Spitfire leaps and settles into a hover such that you have to look up slightly to meet her eyes.
  166. >By Luna's massive moon milkers, this mare is a natural at making you feel intimidated yet turned on simultaneously.
  167. >"During working hours you will address me as 'Ma'am'. If you feel the need to use my name, you'd damn well better put a 'Captain' before it. Got that?"
  168. "Yes Ma'am."
  169. >"Good." She flutters down into her chair, keeping her eyes on you all the while.
  170. >Why is she smirking again?
  171. >Oh... right.
  172. >Should've worn your boner pants.
  174. -----
  176. >Windy Whistles greets you with an enthusiastic hug and an excited smile the moment you walk through the door, just as she's done every day since you've taken up residence in her home.
  177. >"Good evening, Anon! How's Equestria's best Wonderbolts helper doing?"
  178. "Same as the first three days, I suppose. Tired, sore, and sweaty. How about you?"
  179. >"Oh you know, just keeping busy! Busy, busy, busy! Heh heh!" Windy says as her eye twitches. "So! How was your daaaaay?"
  180. "Fine..."
  181. >"Oh, that's good! Great! Awesome to hear!"
  182. >She leans closer to you.
  183. >"Did you see anything... or anypony... awesome... today?"
  184. >You know exactly what Windy's wanting to talk about, but it it a good idea to indulge in her favorite subject?
  185. >Come on, Anon, she's providing you with free room and board.
  186. "Well, now that you mention it, I did see Rainbow Dash-"
  188. >As over-the-top as Windy is when it comes to her daughter, you find it kind of endearing, especially now that she's beginning to dole out some of her hyperbolic support to you.
  189. >So you tell her all about your interactions with and sightings of Rainbow Dash, sparing none of the granular details, regardless of how brief they were, whilst you take off your shoes and get ready to shower.
  190. >Fortunately, Windy leaves you to your devices when it's time to strip down, choosing to get started on dinner instead of sticking around.
  191. >Hot water washes away the dirt and grime from today's toils, along with some of the aches and pains you accumulated.
  192. >Spitfire certainly ran a tight ship, and despite yoyu not being a Wonderbolt, let alone a pony, she certainly expected a lot.
  193. >With only four days of employment under your belt, the captain was still very much an enigma to you.
  194. >She's a strict military mare to the core, though you've seen glimpses of a softer, more playful side shine through... even if it's only when she's messing with you.
  195. >Regardless of the situation, your interactions with Spitfire never failed to leave you more than a little hot and bothered, something you're convinced she knows.
  196. >The day's grime now washed away, you close your eyes and let your thoughts linger on Spitfire.
  197. >She beckons to you in your mind with smoldering bedroom eyes atop a sultry smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
  198. >A heartbeat later she's right in front of you, asking you to help her out of her flight suit.
  199. >Spitfire hums as you peel the suit off her forelegs.
  200. >You earn a knicker and a nip to your right ear when you ease her wings out of their respective holes in the skin-tight material.
  201. >She keeps her hungry eyes locked on you while she turns round.
  202. >Up flicks her tail, and there it is, the marehood you've yearned to see since meeting the mare.
  203. >It prints against the blue membrane that partitions it from your eyes.
  204. >"Wait are you waiting for, Anon?" You swear you hear her voice. "You've got a job to do."
  205. >Yes Ma'am...
  206. >One hand peels the suit down her rump, the other grips your throbbing cock, ready to guide it straight into Spitfire's winking sex.
  207. >Just as soon as you expose it that is.
  208. >Here we go-
  209. >"That's it, Anon! You're doing great! Keep stroking your cock and shoot that stallion sauce!"
  210. >Veins turn to ice, making you channel Hank Hill.
  212. >Some additional panicked noises and hand-flailing later, you wipe your eyes to see Windy's beaming face looking straight at your junk.
  213. "Windy!" you bark whilst scrambling to cover yourself.
  214. >"Hi, Anon! Dinner's ready!"
  215. "I- what? You couldn't have just told me from the bathroom door!?"
  216. >"I did, but you didn't respond, so came in to try again!" she says with another bright smile.
  217. "And that's when you thought it a good idea to take a peek?"
  218. >"No, I did when you started moaning. I thought you might be hurt, so I wanted to make sure you were alright!"
  219. "Well, that's very kind of you, Windy, but I'm fine."
  220. >She giggles and bats a hoof at you. "Well yeah, I realized *that* after I saw you cranking your hog while saying, "Spitfire" several times!"
  221. >You facepalm without thinking, and expose yourself to Windy, who just clops her hooves.
  222. >"But it's okay! I'm here to encourage you! Don't stop on my account- you're still nice and hard!"
  223. "You can't be serious right now."
  224. >Windy produces a green pennant bearing the word "ANON" from under her wing and waves it whilst shouting, "Wooo! Go Anon! Anon! Anon! He's our man! If he can't cum, nopony can!"
  225. "Windy," you groan, rubbing your temples, "I'm not going to beat off while you're watching me."
  226. >"Why not? There's nothing to be ashamed of! You've got a great cock, Anon! Why, if I was a single mare, I'd love for you to beat my-"
  227. "OOOO-KAAAAAAYY!" you cut off the water and step out of the tub.
  228. >Windy offers you a towel, which you snatch from her wings and fling around your waist.
  229. >Contemplating what the fuck just happened makes getting dressed take longer than usual, but at least you were alone for it.
  230. >Windy beams at you when you finally emerge from Rainbow's old room, as if nothing had happened.
  231. >Too tired and mentally-fried to care, you're able to enjoy a quiet home cooked meal.
  232. >"Spitfire, huh?"
  233. >Well, it was quiet was nice while it lasted; all three minutes of it.
  234. >"I can see why you'd want to cum to her, Anon! You've got great taste in mares!"
  235. "Windy, while I appreciate the vote of confidence, can we please not talk about this?"
  236. >"Okay, let's talk about it after dinner! Great call, Anon!"
  237. "No, I don't want to talk about it at all."
  238. >"Aw, I just want to help, Anon."
  239. "And I appreciate that. I really do. But I'm not comfortable talking about this kind of stuff, okay?"
  240. >Her ears flatten as she looks down at the table. "Okay... I'm just worried about you is all."
  241. >Man, your heart.
  242. "I'm fine, Windy." you say before scooping the well-meaning mare into a bear hug.
  243. >She hugs you back with surprising strength.
  244. >"Good!"
  245. >Her smile's back.
  246. >"But you should really take care of yourself soon. You've worn your boner pants for the last three days!"
  247. >Why'd you have to tell her about the boner pants?
  248. >"They're going to get worn out if I have to wash them every night."
  249. >The food is excellent.
  250. >Silver linings.
  252. -----
  254. >Today's workload was lighter than average.
  255. >Not that you're complaining; far from it.
  256. >It was nice to finish working at the same time the 'bolts finished their training for the day, instead of (on rare occasion) hours later.
  257. >Regardless of the time you'd fulfill your obligations each day, Spitfire was there; always the first in and the last out.
  258. >Equestria's best fliers stand at attention in their signature blue flight suits; three rows of six abreast.
  259. >If it wasn't for their manes and tails flickering from the high-altitude breeze's influence, they very well could've passed for statues, bright colors notwithstanding.
  260. >Spitfire stands at the head of the formation, likewise dressed in a flight suit that seems to be painted on.
  261. >They're too far away for you to discern what the Captain is saying to her subordinates, but the disciplined group soon breaks with a cheer, each of the fliers making a bee line for the locker rooms.
  262. >All but Spitfire, that is.
  263. >Though you can't hear it, her slightly drooped head and collapsing barrel tells you she just sighed.
  264. >She regains her composure as quickly as it faltered and walks back to the headquarters building, albeit with much less pep in her step than her subordinates.
  265. >Should you talk to her?
  266. >Something has her down, but what can you do about it?
  267. >The last thing she needs is for your autistic ass to inadvertently exacerbate the situation.
  268. >Yeah, it's probably for the best if you mind your own business.
  269. >An eerie stillness pervades the headquarters building by the time you put away all your tools.
  270. >These ponies sure don't mess around when it comes to taking advantage of their time off.
  271. >All there's left to do is check in with Spitfire and get her blessing to take off for the day.
  272. >Heh... "take off".
  273. >The irony of that phrase makes you chuckle... a low, half-hearted noise that echoes down the hall leading to the Captain's office.
  274. >You knock on the door.
  275. >Nothing.
  276. >Maybe she left before you?
  277. >Eh, that'd be a first, at least for your short tenure here.
  278. >Should you knock again?
  279. >You don't want to disturb her, but...
  280. >Fuck it, what's the worst she could do... fire you?
  282. >This time you hear a rustling following your knock.
  283. >"Anon? That you?" a muffled voice calls back.
  284. "Yes ma'am. I-"
  285. >"Oh thank Celestia. Get in here, would ya? I need your help."
  286. >Does she now?
  287. >You open the door to find Spitfire half splayed-out on her desk, fighting with her flight suit.
  288. >It's honestly quite adorable, seeing her struggle like this- a mouthful of suit secured in her bite.
  289. >"Good. Anon, I need you to-" Spitfire grunts and spits out the sleeve she'd been trying to manipulate. "Agh!"
  290. >She slams her front hooves on the desk and shoots an exasperated look your way.
  291. >"Can you help me out of this damned thing, please?"
  292. >Oh boy.
  293. "Uh... okay..."
  294. >It's only about a ten-meter walk from the office door to Spitfire's desk, but the way she stares at you makes the few seconds it takes to reach her feel like an eternity.
  295. >There she is; within arm's reach.
  296. >Spitfire's visage, though changing, never fails to highlight the fire in her eyes.
  297. >Her mane defies gravity, looking more like a real fire frozen in time the longer you look at it.
  298. >"So, you gonna put those dick beaters to use, or are we gonna continue to get lost in each other's eyes until we-"
  299. >She waves her forelegs in figure-eights and rolls her eyes.
  300. >"-have some profound shared spiritual experience?"
  301. "The fuck? Uh, *shit*, Ma'am, what I meant to say-"
  302. >Spitfire chuckles. "At ease, Anon. I'm off-duty."
  303. >Her primaries pinch and tug at a section of material covering her barrel.
  304. >"But it'd be nice to *feel* like I'm off-duty. That's where you~" She taps your upper thigh three times with the tip of her left rear hoof, "-come in."
  305. >Great googilly-moogilly, that was danger close to your junk.
  306. >She should've been watching where she was aiming that thing instead of wiggling her eyebrows at you.
  307. >That's not the only thing she was wiggling at you.
  308. >"Whaddya say, big guy? Will you help me out?"
  309. "I, um... what do you need me to do? I mean, obviously help strip you down-"
  310. >Nice phrasing there, high-speed.
  311. >Stupid sexy Spitfire.
  312. "-but, y'know... where do I start with this thing?"
  313. >Spitfire's voice softens considerably, not growling like when she's barking orders, but smooth and subdued.
  314. >Yet there's still this edge, this sultry, raw, potent femininity to it that makes your heart jackhammer and gives your dingle plenty of tingle.
  315. >"Relax... I'll walk you through it."
  316. "Cool."
  317. >"Okay. First, I'll need your help pulling the collar down and getting my forelegs out of the suit."
  318. >Sounds simple enough.
  319. >"Here..." Spitfire rears back upon her hind legs and leans her ass against her desk for balance. "It might be easier if I'm standing like this."
  320. "Alright, so you just want me to grab in there and start peeling this off you like a banana?"
  321. >Spitfire snorts and taps your chest.
  322. >"Ha! Never thought of it like that, but it works! Go ahead, Anon. *Peel me*."
  323. >There's no way the smirk she sports right now wasn't caused by seeing you turn beet-red- a smirk that shines with a light from her fiery eyes, a fire that seems to burn straight into your soul.
  324. >You reach for her neck quickly, perhaps a little too quick.
  325. >It was either that or take your time reaching out so she could see your hands tremble.
  326. >Nevertheless, the Captain doesn't so much as flinch when you hook your fingers under her collar and begin to pull.
  327. >By Luna's heavy teats, this mare is *warm*.
  328. >It's a surprise this suit hasn't melted.
  329. >"There you go... just a little more..." Spitfire mumbles whilst she shimmies her left, then right foreleg out of their respective sleeves.
  330. >A faint, but distinct, musk fills the air, intensifying ever-so-slightly the more you expose Spitfire's sweat foam-soaked coat.
  331. >Spitfire closes her eyes, stretches her newly-freed limbs out wide, then waves them around in small circles.
  332. >"Aw, yeah. That's the stuff."
  333. >She rests a hoof on your chest.
  334. >The ol' ticker skips a beat, then accelerates.
  335. >Annnnnd there's her other hoof, right next to the other.
  336. >Those intense amber eyes open again; fixed on you.
  337. >The heart rate has been doubled!
  338. >"Alright, Anon. Pay attention, 'cuz this is the tricky part."
  339. "k-kay..."
  340. >"I'm going to fold my wing like this," her wing extends to the side, but the feathers stay tucked down, "and you're going to grab the suit at the wing hole and start stretching it open."
  341. >Again, heat and moisture greet your fingers when they hook underneath the blue material.
  342. >Spitfire looks over her shoulder. "Don't worry, you're not going to tear it."
  343. >You stretch the wing hole to several times its original diameter before she tries to pull her wing through, though the attempt doesn't last long.
  344. >"Ssss!" Spitfire hisses and returns her wing to its original half-extended position.
  345. "You alright?"
  346. >The mare grits her teeth as she waves her wing to and fro.
  347. >"I'll be fine. Just need to get out of this suit and in the shower. The heat will help loosen me up."
  348. >She tries again with similar results.
  349. >Her forehead thumps against your chest, joining her hooves.
  350. >What do you do?
  351. >Though you've been in Equestria long enough to know things can be touchy (no pun intended) when it comes to a pegasi's wings, you're by no means equipped to navigate the cultural nuances surrounding their feathery limbs.
  352. >"Anon?" Spitfire asks, her head still pressed against your chest.
  353. "Yeah?"
  354. >"I'm gonna need more help than I thought."
  355. "I... what do you need?"
  356. >Her breath begins to penetrate your shirt and warm the skin above your sternum.
  357. >"I'm going to pull my wing in towards the hole. When the joint gets close, you're going to very, VERY gently grab my wing and coax it through. Can you do that for me?"
  358. "Of course."
  359. >Her nodding rubs your chest.
  360. >Spitfire tries yet again, growling through clenched teeth whilst pulling her wing in at an awkward angle; further than before.
  361. >Any reservations you had about touching the mare's wings are distant memories.
  362. >Your palm meets her wing's leading edge; fingers grasp feather-covered muscle and bone.
  363. "Do you want to rest a bit or-"
  364. >"Just do it!"
  365. >With a final tug on the suit, you direct Spitfire's wing joint through the stretched hole and guide it through.
  366. >Taking the initiative, you peel more of the suit down and slide her other wing through its respective orifice with much less resistance.
  367. >"Oh, thank Celestia," Spitfire says, tapping her right hoof on your chest.
  368. >She has yet to pull her head away.
  369. >You certainly don't mind.
  370. "Spitfire?"
  371. >"Just... give me a minute."
  372. >Would it be too much if you pet her mane?
  373. >Probably.
  374. >A shame, since your hand is having a helluva time resisting its siren song.
  375. "Do you have to deal with this after every single practice?"
  376. >The innocuous question coaxes her head off you.
  377. >As the song goes, "Nothing lasts forever."
  378. >Fuck man, those eyes are something else- so intense, even when the rest of her is relaxed.
  379. >She shakes her head. "This is a prototype that just came in today. It's supposed to be an improvement over our current suits."
  380. "How so?"
  381. >"It's supposed to help us withstand greater g-forces than our current flight suit, reduce drag, be more durable... that sort of stuff. To be fair, it does what it's supposed to, but the big brains who designed it obviously didn't try to don and doff this thing by themselves. Especially after a full day of training."
  382. "I take it the standard issue flight suits are better in that last regard?"
  383. >"Absolutely. And speaking of..."
  384. "Ah. Right."
  385. >Well, you can begin to imagine how this suit helps with the g-forces, as much as it squeezes everything it covers.
  386. >Whatever material this suit's made of, it certainly is resilient- anything weaker would've ripped long ago as you struggled to literally peel the suit off the yellow mare.
  387. >Spitfire throws her head back and sighs when her barrel clears the restrictive suit.
  388. >"Ohhh, you have no idea how good that feels. Keep going, I can't wait to get out of this."
  389. >You drop to your knees as you continue to pull the smooth, stretchy fabric down her body.
  390. >It doesn't register at first, what you're about to uncover.
  391. >In your defense, the suit does a damn good job at hiding her assets- so well, in fact, that you forgot about them.
  392. >Until they popped out, that is.
  393. >You were not prepared for this.
  394. >You were not expecting this.
  395. >These teats are nothing like the small, underwhelming mounds between Rainbow's hind legs- yes, you've looked; several times.
  396. >You are a red-blooded man, after all.
  397. >No, these are much larger than what you'd expect to find on such a lean, athletic mare.
  398. >Granted, Spitfire's no Hootershy, but she's nevertheless rocking solid handfuls, capped by long, hard nipples much darker than the yellow skin surrounding them; glistening with perspiration.
  399. >Your jaw drops in spite of your self.
  400. >Likewise, your hands forsake the suit and fall to your sides as you stare.
  401. >While her nipples point away from each other at an acute angle, one happens to be pointing directly at you; begging to be tweaked, daring you to to suck it, and maybe even risk a gentle bite.
  402. >"Enjoying the view?"
  403. >Oh fuck.
  404. >You snap your head back to tear your gaze away from those beautiful teats.
  405. >Spitfire stares down at you with crossed forelegs and a lifted eyebrow.
  406. >All you can do is move your mouth without producing a sound, not unlike a fish out of water.
  407. >Blood rushes to your face as your mind races to come up with a compelling excuse for ogling your boss's crotchtits.
  408. >The Captain's face is an amalgamation of a frown, smirk, and blush. "Focus, Monkey. We're not out of the woods yet."
  409. >There's no way you can keep it together to finish the job.
  410. >Especially considering what you're likely to get a peek at, lying in wait immediately below her teats.
  411. 'Are you there, Luna? It's me, Anon. Hey, I know I don't appreciate the night as much as I ought to, and I pray more to Celestia than I do to you, and yeah, maybe I've slung significantly more yogurt to her and her giant ass than I have to you, but... the sun's set today and I need a miracle. Can you help a nigga out? I've still got a couple weeks left before this job is over, and it'd be really cool if I could finish them without any drama. I promise I'll make a point to watch the moonrise every night. Oh, did I mention that your tiny butt excites-'
  412. >Something hard presses down on your shoulders, disrupting your desperate prayer for aid.
  413. >"Hey. Anon. Spitfire to Anon, how copy, Anon?"
  414. >Shame amplifies gravity's efforts to keep your head bowed, making the eventual reestablishment of eye contact that much more awkward.
  415. "Heyyyyy..... heh heh heh..."
  416. >Spitfire looks at you as if she's trying to solve a third-order partial differential equation.
  417. >"What's the big deal here, Monkey Man?"
  418. >She diverts her gaze to her teats, which she squeezes together with her hooves before rubbing them against one another.
  419. >"They're just teats. Nothing special."
  420. "Yeah, sure... ha ha. Okay."
  421. >"Are you a teat fetishist or something? It's cool if you are, I guess. I mean, it's better than being a hoof perv..."
  422. >She shudders, then awaits your response with a rather neutral expression; even the eyes burn dimmer.
  423. >Luna, please.
  424. >Lo siento, mijo- looks like you're flyin' solo.
  425. "No, it's not that, it's just..."
  426. >You huff.
  427. "Look, where I come from, we wear clothes, and not just to protect ourselves from the elements. And, in addition to covering their junk, women- uh, female humans, would cover their tits. Teats. Same thing. So seeing a woman's teats would only happen in intimate circumstances."
  428. >To your relief, Spitfire doesn't mock you, opting to give a pensive hum and nod instead.
  429. >"Oh, so it's one of those cultural difference things. I hope I didn't make you feel too uncomfortable. You don't have to do this if you don't-"
  430. "No! Heh... no. It's cool. Definitely not offended or anything."
  431. >Spitfire breathes an exaggerated sigh. "Phew! Last think I need is an inquiry from Pony Resources. So, you good to finish getting me out of this suit or what? I'm so spent and tense that it'll take me another hour to get out of it on my own."
  432. "Yeah."
  433. >"Cool." She hops and flutters a few seconds before touching down on her desk. "Here. Might be easier for you if I'm up here, so you don't have to kneel."
  434. >Her hot, damp fur greets your fingers yet again.
  435. >As the material stretches and rolls off her coat, it launches tiny sweat droplets your way; an intoxifying aerosol.
  436. >Spitfire's mare mist is a lot headier this far south.
  437. >Maybe you inhaled through your nostrils just a bit too loud.
  438. >Fuck it, just get this over with.
  439. >Spitfire lifts her left hind hoof to allow you clearance to slide the suit off, planting her front hooves on your shoulders for balance.
  440. >It just so happens that this puts you in an optimal position to ogle Spitfire's teats without her seeing.
  441. >Not that she wouldn't know what you're doing, but it's the illusion that counts.
  442. >Perhaps Luna heard your prayer after all, because it's trickier to get the last few inches of suit off her leg than you anticipated.
  443. >At least, that's how you'd attempt to explain away your deliberate slow rolling should you have to.
  444. >If Spitfire minds, she certainly hasn't let you know.
  445. >The process repeats, with her jiggling teats teasing you a hand's breadth away the entire time.
  446. >Unfortunately, this too must pass, and she returns to all four hooves once the suit clears her final hoof.
  447. >"Thanks, Anon."
  448. "No problem." You manage to say with a steady voice. "Did you need anything else?"
  449. >She's just about to shake her head when her eyes dart towards the floor for a moment, then her eyes sparkle.
  450. >Spitfire leans in, bringing her face into your personal space.
  451. >"So..." she begins in a low, sultry voice. "You really like my teats, huh?"
  452. >You choke on air.
  453. >"Nopony's ever reacted this way to them this way. I'll admit, I'm kinda flattered..."
  454. >She pivots on her desk until her tail faces you, then she spreads her legs whilst raising her tail- not far enough to expose her vulva, but enough to grant you a peek at her other goods.
  455. >"I hope that won't be a distraction and prevent you from completing your work on time and to standard."
  456. "I um..." You swallow hard and shake your head. "N-no, ma'am, it won't."
  457. >Spitfire whirls around and lunges forward with surprising speed and grace for somepony who's supposedly so "spent and tense".
  458. >"I told you, Anon..." she whispers, her lips tickling your ear. "When I'm off-duty, I want to hear you say my name."
  460. -----
  462. >"Somepony's awfully quiet. Long day at work?"
  463. >Please, Windy... not now.
  464. >"Must've been, seeing how late you came home."
  465. >Windy freezes with a forkful of green beans hovering halfway between her plate and her mouth, then she smiles; clearly forced.
  466. >"Not that there's anything wrong with that, Anon! I know what a hard worker you are, and I'm so proud of you! And I know that Rainbow really appreciates what you're doing for her! I just don't want you to overdo it, okay?"
  467. "Thanks, Windy." you reply, barely louder than a whisper.
  468. >You can feel the pressure of her gaze rest upon you.
  469. >Just ignore it.
  470. >Finish dinner, get cleaned up, and go the hell to bed.
  471. >Hopefully that'll limit the amount of cheerful interrogation you'll have to endure tonight.
  472. >You stare at your plate- mashed potatoes, green beans, and baked salmon.
  473. >Thank goodness Windy's one of those cool pegasi that eats fish, because you can only tolerate a herbivore's diet for so long.
  474. >These mashed potatoes are something else... you wonder what Windy puts in them to make them so light and creamy.
  475. >A lot of butter, perhaps?
  476. >That might explain why they're so yellow.
  477. >Heh, yellow like Spitfire.
  478. >You stab at your salmon whilst keeping your eyes locked on the two piles of yellow goodness that flank your green beans.
  479. >The more you think about, the more they kind of remind you of-
  480. >NO.
  481. >Don't go there.
  482. >Save it for the shower.
  483. >On second thought, a safer bet would be to wait until after you go to bed, lest you want to risk incurring Windy's "encouragement" again.
  484. >"Anon."
  485. >Windy's ears fold, her voice loses its usual cheerfulness.
  486. >"What's bothering you?"
  487. "Huh? Nothing! Nothing... I'm fine." you say as a flake of salmon filet falls off your shaking fork, crashing back to the plate with a faint wet, *plop*.
  488. >Windy raises an eyebrow but says nothing as you attack your food with a new sense of urgency.
  489. >"Well, I'm here if you need me for anything."
  490. >A grunt and several rapid nods is all she gets from you.
  491. >Hopefully she's not offended- it's not like you're trying to be disrespectful.
  492. >It's just that you can only handle so much in a given day, and you're dangerously close to your breaking point.
  493. >Your host, usually bubbly and chatty, watches you inhale the remainder of your meal in silence and says nothing when you stand, save for a soft, "You're welcome," when you thank her for dinner and take your dishes to the sink.
  494. >She clears the table and deals with leftovers whilst you shower and brush your teeth.
  495. >Though tempted as hell to relieve yourself in the shower, the last remnants of your willpower carried you through your personal hygiene routine without letting you succumb to your libido's influence.
  496. >You'd have to deal with achy, swollen balls for a short while longer.
  497. >The house is dark and still by the time you emerge from the bathroom, a box of tissues secured under your left arm.
  498. >Concern gives you a moment's pause upon reaching your room without hearing so much as a hoofstep from your host.
  499. >Eh, she's likely out cold.
  500. >Sorry, Windy.
  501. >You'll smooth things over in the morning, but there's a couple weeks of frustration you need to offload before that.
  502. >Tiptoeing into Rainbow's old room, you don't bother shutting the door, as the hinges need to be oiled and you'd rather not risk the noise.
  503. >Peeling back the comforter and sheet, you slide into the cool bed with a fistful of tissues.
  504. >Hopefully it'll be enough to contain and clean the unholy mess you're about to unleash.
  505. >Spitfire illuminates your imagination the instant you close your eyes and grab your junk.
  506. >You replay the encounter with the Wonderbolts captain, doing your best to recall every granular detail.
  507. >The jiggling of her teats, the heat of her breath on your ear, her sultry voice.
  508. "Stupid sexy Spitfire..."
  509. >So focused are you on the fantasy, you could swear you can hear her voice as you near your peak.
  510. >"There you go, Anon." she whispers. "Keep going. You're so close."
  511. >You kick off the sheets and suck air through your teeth; almost there...
  512. >"C'mon, Anon, don't hold back." the whisper continues. "Imagine Spitfire is begging you to cum all over her."
  513. >Oh yeah, that's so fucking hot-
  514. >...
  515. >Letting go of your cock, you begin to sit up and reach for the nightstand lamp.
  516. >Click.
  517. "Windy!?"
  518. >The cerulean mare stands at your bedside wearing a cream-colored silk nightgown and a sheepish smile.
  519. >"Hi there..."
  520. "WINDY!" you shout, scrambling to pull the discarded bedding over your crotch. "What- what the HELL-"
  521. >"Shhh!!!" Windy presses a hoof against your mouth. "Shhh... you're going to wake up half of Cloudsdale."
  522. >You huff through your nose.
  523. >"Will you please talk to me?" she asks as she retracts her hoof.
  524. "Windy, I..." you throw up your hands and scoff. "Unbelievable."
  525. >Undeterred, the mare jumps up on the bed and sits at your feet.
  526. "Alright. What would you like to talk about, Windy Whistles?"
  527. >She drags a hooftip in lazy figure-eights as she searches for the right words.
  528. >"I... hope you're not *too* upset with me."
  529. "Are you for-"
  530. >"It's not what you think, I promise!" she frowns. "Well, it kinda is, I guess."
  531. >You cross your arms.
  532. >"Hear me out! It was obvious something was bothering you at dinner, and I tried to give you your space, honest! I went straight to bed after cleaning up dinner and tried to go to sleep but... I couldn't stand the fact that something was clearly eating at you and I felt terrible for not helping you overcome it!"
  533. >She really does want the best for you, Anon.
  534. >Shit, she even had this minotaur-sized bed ready and waiting for you when you'd first arrived on her doorstep.
  535. >For all her quirks, including her apparent lack of respect for your privacy, the mare really does mean well.
  536. >Considering everything she's done to make your stay here as pleasant as possible, you find it impossible to stay upset with her.
  537. >"I heard your bed shaking all the way from my room and I got worried that you might be having a bad dream, so I came to check on you, and, well..."
  538. "That's when you saw me beating my dick like it owes me money."
  539. >Windy smiles and nods.
  540. >"Sure did! When I heard you moaning Spitfire's name, it all made sense!"
  541. "So you just decided to stick around for the show, huh?"
  542. >Her ears flatten. "It's not like *that*. I just wanted to make sure you got off before heading back to bed!"
  543. "Um, why?"
  544. >"Because you're so backed up you can't think straight, silly! I'd feel a lot better going back to bed knowing you got some relief so you could get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on tomorrow!"
  545. "I appreciate your concern, Windy, but I'll be fine. Let's just pretend this never happened, and-"
  546. >"Will you let me help you cum?"
  547. >Your jaw drops.
  548. >"Please?" she adds with puppy dog eyes.
  549. "What!? I- no. Look Windy, I can't- WE can't do... No. Just no."
  550. >"Aww, Anon..." she whines. "Why not?"
  551. "Because you're *married*, for starters!"
  552. >"Oh, it's fine! If Bow was here, he'd want to help too!"
  553. "Fucking what."
  554. >"It's not like he'd touch you or anything like that, but he'd want to cheer you on, just like me!"
  555. >She produces the green "Anon" pennant from last week's shower fiasco and waves it around with her wing for added effect.
  556. "You're one-hundred percent serious about this, aren't you?"
  557. >"You betcha!"
  558. "Well, I hate to break it to ya, Windy, but I'm not hard anymore. I promise, I'll be able to sleep and-"
  559. >"Get hard for me."
  560. "What?"
  561. >Windy's smile fades.
  562. >"You heard me, mister. I want to you to get hard and then I want you to start stroking your cock."
  563. >Is this real life?
  564. >A sharp pinch confirms it is.
  565. "Windy, I'm not in the mood anymore..."
  566. >A blatant lie, but it's the best resistance you can offer in your current state.
  567. >"Then you'll just have to get back in the mood, won't you? C'mon, Anon, what's got you so hot and bothered?"
  568. "You mean besides not getting off since I started staying here?"
  569. >"Anon, honey," Windy rests a hoof on your shoulder, "we talked about this..."
  570. >How the hell is she making you feel like you're at fault in this situation?
  571. >Somehow, against your better judgment, she gets you to recount what went down in Spitfire's office before you left work.
  572. >You spare no detail, and find that you're rock hard by the time you've completed your tale, though you do your best to covertly conceal that fact.
  573. >Windy is having none of that, however, and rips the sheets from your grasp before you have a chance to react.
  574. "Hey!"
  575. >"Hay is for ponies," Windy retorts with a giggle as she stares at your junk.
  576. >Your feeble attempt to preserve your modesty is countered by Windy's hooves, which bat your forearms away.
  577. >"Ah, ah, ah... I know you're ready. You know what you need to do."
  578. "I don't think you understand, I'm not an exhibitionist! Having somepony watch me jack off isn't my fetish, Windy, teats are!"
  579. >Windy's sudden smirk is eerily similar to the one Spitfire gave you earlier tonight.
  580. >"Well, in that case..."
  581. >She stands on the bed and begins collecting pillows.
  582. "What are you doing?"
  583. >"I need you to sit up."
  584. >You really should be fighting this, but you just don't have it in you anymore.
  585. >Windy drops a stack of pillows in front of your crossed legs the instant your back hits the bed's headboard.
  586. >She gets you to uncross and then spread your legs such that the pillows rest between your calves.
  587. >"Bear with me a moment..." she says when she steps in between your knees.
  588. >The mare sits on her haunches, leans back until the pillows support her reclined position, and finally kicks her hind hooves up and over each of your thighs.
  589. >Windy's wings draw your attention to her lower belly, where her primary feathers begin to caress her silk-covered mounds.
  590. >Her nipples harden within seconds; pitching twin tents.
  591. >"Well, Anon? What are you waiting for?"
  592. >The last of your misgiving slip away when you see the look Windy gives you.
  593. >You start off slow, wanting to prolong with experience as long as possible.
  594. >If you're walking on thin ice, you might as well dance.
  595. >"Can I tell you something?"
  596. "Hmm?"
  597. >Windy blushes as she watches you rub your length at a slow, steady pace. "I know I've told you before, but you've got a really, *really* nice cock, Anon."
  598. "T-thanks."
  599. >She frowns. "Why'd you stop?"
  600. "Because I'm close, and I..."
  601. >You sigh.
  602. "As wrong as this feels, I don't want it to be over so quickly."
  603. >Windy giggles and fans her face.
  604. >"Stop worrying, Anon- I told you this is fine. And take all the time you need. I'm here for you."
  605. >That makes your cock twitch, even though you're no longer touching it.
  606. >You spend the next few minutes watching Windy play with her nipples through her nightgown, with your eyes occasionally meeting every so often.
  607. >Eye contact is fleeting the first few times, but every subsequent encounter lasts longer, until you're staring in each other's eyes.
  608. >"Come on, Anon," Windy whispers. "Stroke your cock for me. I want you to look in my eyes while you do it."
  609. >So you do; slower than before.
  610. >"That's it. Keep going."
  611. >Windy's wings abandon her nipples and spread out to her sides until fully extended and twitching.
  612. >Her front hooves slide down her belly, but instead of stopping at her silk-clad teats, they continue all the way down to the hem of her nightgown.
  613. >"I think I've teased you enough. Ready to see my teats?"
  614. >As if she even had to ask.
  615. >One hoof covers her marehood while the other pulls her nightgown up at a glacial pace.
  616. >She pauses for an agonizing second prior to exposing her nipples, then pulls her gown up to her chest in one swift motion.
  617. >You gasp and start to leak precum at the sight of Windy's teats flopping out from under her gown.
  618. "Holy shit."
  619. >Windy looks down and presses her teats together, just like Spitfire did.
  620. >"Do you like them?" she asks while giving them a quick shake.
  621. "You have no idea..."
  622. >Unlike Spitfire, Windy's crotchtits aren't very symmetrical, with her left being a bit larger than the right.
  623. >Her purple nipples are cock-eyed, too; one pointing up, the other down.
  624. >"I'm sure they're nowhere near as nice as Spitfire's, but-"
  625. "They're amazing."
  626. >"You're just saying that."
  627. "My hand to Celestia," you say, releasing your cock to hold your right hand out.
  628. >Windy's blush intensifies.
  629. >"Well... thank you, Anon. You're really good at making a mare feel attractive."
  630. "I don't have to try. You're a total smokeshow."
  631. >"Am I helping you get close?"
  632. "Oh yeah."
  633. >"Good. Now get back to it. I want to see how much you can shoot in one go."
  634. >While you get back to working your shaft, Windy's hooves tend to her teats, squeezing and shaking them as she did before.
  635. "Fuck, that's so hot."
  636. >Windy smiles. "Yeah? Do you like it when I jiggle my teats for you?"
  637. >You nod and stroke faster.
  638. >"There you go, Anon. I love seeing how hard you are. I love watching you stroke your cock. And I love that you're getting off to me."
  639. >Faster, faster, faster.
  640. >"Oh Celestia, Anon. I wish I could lick your tip clean and then shove it inside of me. Would you like that, Anon? Would you like to rut me? You know, you'd be able to hold my teats if you took me from behind..."
  641. >One of her hooves slides down to her marehood.
  642. >"Just imagine it Anon- imagine how good it would feel to slide into me, to pull back, grab my teats, and slam back into me as hard as you can... again..."
  643. >She slaps her teats.
  644. >"... and again... and again. Until you've drained your balls into me."
  645. >*Schlick*
  646. >"Oh, dear." Windy's half-lidded lecherous stare makes you heart skip a beat. "I'm so wet. You're making me so wet, Anon..."
  647. "Yeah?"
  648. >"Yeah. See?" She raises her right foreleg to reveal glistening hoof. "Oh, I'd rut you senseless if I could, Anon. I'd let you spunk all over my teats once, but I'd make you breed me every time after that."
  649. >This is it, you can't edge any longer.
  650. >You stare at Windy's jiggling teats and attack your cock with reckless abandon while she continues her dirty talk.
  651. >"What do you say, Anon? Would you like to rut me? Would you like to see your cum dripping out of my pussy after you've taken me for the third time in one night? "
  652. >You tear your eyes away from Windy's cunt and reach for the box of tissues beside her.
  653. >"Nuh uh." she says, batting your hand away from the box. "You're going to cum on me, Anon, and you're going to give me every last drop. Got that?"
  654. >There's no time to respond- you lean forward and point your tip at Windy's right nipple; mere inches away.
  655. >"Cum on me, Anon. You've done so well, now it's time for you to cum for me. Cum for me, Anon. Cum on my teats, Anon. Cum on me, cum on me, cum. ON. MEEEEEEE."
  656. >The combined physical, visual, and auditory stimulation sets the nerves in your cock alight>
  657. >You cum so hard that you hear the first rope splatter when it hits Windy's crotchtits.
  658. >The second rope misses her teats altogether and plasters her right eye closed.
  659. >"Oh!" Windy flinches but is quick to resume her encouragement.
  660. >You're seeing stars, but keep stroking.
  661. >"Yes, Anon! Yes! Keep painting me! You're doing great!"
  662. >Your aim on the third, fourth and fifth spurts aren't much better, and soon Windy's belly, forelegs, and inner thighs are drenched with cum in addition to her teats.
  663. >"Keep cumming, Anon! I want it all!"
  664. >By the time you've finished, there's barely any part of Windy's fat tits that isn't glistening with your spunk.
  665. >Hell, you even got some on her wings.
  666. >"Oh my. Goddess help me, Anon, you came so much!"
  667. >Her jaw hangs open as she inspects the damage with her good eye.
  668. >"Wow! I'm so proud of you, Anonymous! I've never seen so much cum in my life! And to think, I helped coax all this out of you~"
  669. >She grabs the tissue box and spends the next minute or so cleaning the cum from her eye while you catch your breath and wait for your heart to slow down.
  670. "Hey, Windy?"
  671. >"Yes, dear?"
  672. "Thank you. I really needed that."
  673. >"Anytime, Anon." She rolls over your leg and flops off the bed. "I'll let you cum on me as much as you want while you're here if it'll help you stay on your A-game at work."
  674. >She leans in and kisses your cheek.
  675. >"Goodnight, stud."
  676. >Just when you thought the mare couldn't surprise you any more, she stands on her hind legs, drags a primary feather across her nipples and then licks said feather clean.
  677. >"Thanks for all the cum."
  678. >With that, she moseys out of your room.
  679. >All you can do is lay there and try to process what the fuck just transpired.
  680. >Sleep eludes you for quite some time.
  681. >At first, it was your conscience that kept you awake.
  682. >After that, it was the heavy breathing coming from down the hall.
  683. >Windy's muffled moans grow louder by the minute, culminating in a whinny that could wake the dead.
  685. -----
  687. >Sleep was brief and fitful, despite Windy's wishes.
  688. >4:03 AM
  689. >Over an hour until your alarm goes off.
  690. >With a low, exasperated growl you rub your eyes and try to understand why you woke up feeling like you're crashing from an adrenaline spike instead of feeling well rested.
  691. >Fatigued as you are, the maelstrom of anxiety in your gut isn't going to let you relax, so you roll out of bed and tiptoe to the dresser.
  692. >What are you so worked up over-
  693. >Oh yeah... *that*.
  694. >That really happened, didn't it?
  695. >There's enough moonlight pouring through the window to preclude the need for your lamp, thank Luna.
  696. >Now dressed, you turn your sights to your bed.
  697. >Had you still been a newcomer to this magical equine land, you might be disturbed by the cum stains on your comforter; glowing unusually bright in the moonlight.
  698. >Not all of this is yours either.
  699. >What the hell are you going to do about Windy?
  700. >It's not like you didn't like what she did last night; you loved it.
  701. >But that's the problem, isn't it?
  702. >Sharing the most lewd experience of your life with a married mare, and you couldn't have been more thrilled.
  703. 'Nice job, penis. That's the last time you get to drive.'
  704. >'Whatever, dude. We both know you don't mean that.'
  705. 'Last night was a mistake...'
  706. >'Suuuuure it was.'
  707. 'It was. Not happening again.'
  708. >'Hey Anon.'
  709. 'What.'
  710. >'I guarantee that if you woke up Windy RIGHT NOW, she'd take care of this morning wood...'
  711. "Oh, get fucked." you flinch and crouch down at the unexpected sound of your voice.
  712. >You breathe a quiet sigh after waiting in motionless silence for a solid minute.
  713. >'Hahaha... I'm counting on it...'
  714. >By some miracle you're able to retrieve your bag, tiptoe down the hall, put on your shoes and exit the house without disturbing Windy.
  715. >After another silent prayer of gratitude to your new favorite princess, you set off down the familiar route to the Wonderbolts compound.
  716. >The novelty of walking on clouds never gets old.
  717. >Note to self: send Twilight Sparkle a nice thank-you card for casting whatever magical bullshit spell that allowed you to cloud-walk.
  718. >Would've been cooler if she'd imbued you with magic flight power as well, but beggars can't be choosers.
  719. >Twiggles may be an odd duck at times, but her magical proficiency is something else.
  720. >Headquarters comes into view; tranquil and quiet, just as you'd left it.
  721. >Glancing at your watch (4:28 AM), you sigh, enter the compound, and make your way to your locker.
  722. >Ponies begin milling about the facility about an hour later, though you don't notice, engrossed as you are in your work.
  723. >You never thought you'd find a strange solace of sorts in this job, but then again, you didn't anticipate having to help your boss undress, or everything that happened after.
  724. >A warm fluttering breeze distracts you from your meditations.
  725. >"Well. Somepony's here early. What's the occasion, Anon?"
  726. >Think of the devil and she shall appear.
  727. "No occasion, Captain, just-"
  728. >The mare squints and crosses her forelegs.
  729. >"Captain *what*?"
  730. "Spitfire..."
  731. >"What was that? Couldn't hear you."
  732. "Captain-"
  733. >The mare hovers higher as you begin to speak- high enough that two certain somethings are now eye-level with you.
  734. "-aaaahhhhhhhs-s-sspitfire..."
  735. >She frowns. "That's not my name, Monkey."
  736. "Captain. Spitfire."
  737. >"Much better, *Anon*." she says after a brief chuckle. "Seriously though, you started working two hours before first formation. What gives?"
  738. >Spitfire flutters her eyelids.
  739. >"Did you miss me..." she glances down and pushes her teats together to give them a quick jiggle, "... or just these?"
  740. >She stifles a giggle at your stammering before zipping away.
  741. "Stupid sexy Spitfire."
  742. >The remainder of the morning passes without further incident, thank Best Princess.
  743. >Spitfire releases the 'bolts early for lunch at a quarter to noon, you included.
  744. >It's only now that you realize you'd forgotten to pack your lunch in your haste to leave Windy's house this morning.
  745. >The bitter feeling in your gut may have suppressed your appetite enough to forget about breakfast, but it's fading fast.
  746. >Trudging back towards the main building, you weigh your options.
  747. >Sure, you're welcome to eat in the chow hall with the flyers, but you'd prefer not to- socializing is one of the last things you care to do today.
  748. >You've got plenty of time swing back by the house and grab something to eat, though you're not ready to face Windy yet.
  749. >Picking up something in town is also an option, but it would be wise to save your bits, especially since you've got another two weeks of unpaid work to complete.
  750. >Looks like you're going to fast until dinner.
  751. >"Pssst..."
  752. >Huh?
  753. >You shut your locker and look around.
  754. >Must've been your imag-
  755. >"Pssst! Anon!"
  756. >Pivoting on your foot, you find... nothing.
  757. >The hall is still deserted, save for you.
  758. >With a sigh, you spin back towards your locker, only to find a mare blocking your view of it.
  759. >A very pretty, very familiar mare whose smile seems to brighten the entire hallway.
  760. "Ah, shit!" you stumble backwards and fall on your ass. "Windy! What are you doing here?"
  761. >The mare smiles wider and helps you to your feet.
  762. >So much for avoiding her.
  763. >"Hey there, Anon! You left so early this morning, I didn't have a chance to make you breakfast or pack your lunch, so I decided to bring it to you!"
  764. >She pulls out a brown paper sack adorned with the word "Anon!".
  765. >There's even a heart drawn around your name.
  766. >"Look at you! Going to work before anypony else! I'm sure you're making such a good impression with everypony here!"
  767. >Her smile diminishes, and she flutters up to rest her front hooves on your shoulders.
  768. >"But Anon, sweetie... you gotta make sure to not overdo it, okay? You need to make sure you're taking care of yourself too!"
  769. "Good thing I've got you." you say without thinking.
  770. >Windy looks away- her hoof can't quite cover her sheepish smile.
  771. >"Hey, Anon! You still out there?"
  772. >Both you and Windy jump at Spitfire's muffled voice.
  773. "Shit. Hang on a sec." you whisper to Windy before calling out down the hall in the direction of the Captain's door. "Yes, ma'am!"
  774. >"Come in here, would ya? Want your opinion on something!"
  775. "Moving, ma'am!" you shout back, then turn to Windy. "Sorry, I... I gotta go."
  776. >"Is that Spitfire?" she whispers.
  777. >You nod, to which she raises her eyebrows and murmurs, "Ohhh..."
  778. >Windy pulls you in for a tight hug a moment later.
  779. >"Go get 'em, tiger!" she whispers in your ear.
  780. >You start to pull away, but Windy pulls you back in for another hug, though this time she rubs her head all over yours, not unlike a cat.
  781. >She releases you, and you've not walked two steps when something hard smacks your right ass cheek.
  782. >Whirling around, you see Windy crouched down, like a cat ready to pounce.
  783. >The blue pegasus pretends to swat at you and whispers "Rawr!" with a mischievous grin plastered on her face.
  785. >You start to mouth "sorry" to Windy, but she cuts you off by with a shove towards the Captain's office...[spoiler]and another hearty ass slap.[/spoiler]
  786. "Sorry about the delay, Captain," you say as you stride into Spitfire's office, "uh, I mean, Captain Spitfire, I-"
  787. >You glance back the way you came and breathe a sigh of relief when you see no trace of Windy.
  788. >However, there's no smoking-hot fire pegasus to be found in the office.
  789. "Spitfire?"
  790. >"Over here."
  791. >The top Wonderbolt trots out from behind a folding screen to your left, sporting a new flight suit you haven't seen before.
  792. >"I'm trying more prototype suits," she explains whilst diving into a downward dog pose. "Figured it would be good to get an outside opinion on the aesthetic side of the different designs."
  793. "Yeah, sure."
  794. >"Okay, cool. I'm just going to be trying different poses to feel how the fabric stretches before I take them out for a spin, All you have to do is sit there-" she points at her oversized office chair, "-and think about which suit designs you think look the best."
  795. >Simple enough.
  796. "Alright," you say as you sink into the seat cushion, "Is there anything in particular you want me to be looking for?"
  797. >"No. Just let me know if anything catches your eye. Looking cool is the cherry on top of our performances, after all."
  798. >With that she begins to strut around the desk, sashaying whenever she walks away from you.
  799. >This suit features a blue that's more metallic-looking than the traditional one, but one thing's for certain- it does wonders for accentuating Spitfire's sculpted ass.
  800. >"Whaddya think, Anon?" Spitfire spins around and performs another downward dog- facing away from you, of course. "Do you think the fans would be able to see us very well in this lighter-colored suit against the sky?"
  801. >You manage to not look at her ass for about one solid second, but then she lifts her tail.
  802. >May Celestia and Luna bless whomever developed this fabric.
  803. >Though you can't see her goods per se, the suit, while skin-tight and stretchy, seems to mold itself to every curve, accentuating her puckered-
  804. >Cadence help you, Spitfire's clit now threatens to punch through the impossibly-thin barrier that partitions it from the open air.
  805. >She flicks her tail down with such force that it fans your face, propelling the faintest hint of her scent your way.
  806. >"I dunno about this suit." Spitfire dips her left shoulder and rolls onto her back.
  807. >Aaaannnnd she's spreading her legs.
  808. "How-" you take a deep breath, "so?"
  809. >The mare gazes to her erect nipples; trying their best to piece the suit.
  810. >"Well, its greatest asset- the material- is also its greatest weakness. I love that it's so light and form fitting, better than anything I've worn in that regard."
  811. >She shakes her hips, and by extension, her teats.
  812. >"To be honest, it feels like I'm wearing... nothing at all!"
  813. >Stop staring, stop staring, stop staring, stop staring!
  814. >A stronger man would have resisted these lower urges, but as you learned last night, you are not that man.
  815. >Spitfire's smug smile intensifies when she slides her front hooves down her belly.
  816. >"However, comma..." she chuckles, "... with a material as thin as this, I have concerns about its durability."
  817. >She pinches a section of material above her teats with her hooves and gives it a long, slow pull.
  818. "Ssseemstobeholdingupjust fffffine."
  819. >Of course the suit rips when you start to say "fine".
  820. >Spitfire hooks her wing tips into the hole and stretches it until her teats lay exposed, smirking at you all the while.
  821. >"Whoops..."
  822. >She rolls onto her hooves.
  823. >"Guess this one won't make the cut." she says, strutting back to her folding screen.
  824. >The process repeats for three additional suits- Spitfire changes behind her translucent screen, she strikes various provocative poses (with a few well-timed soft moans thrown in)- and then she saunters out to pose again within arm's reach.
  825. >Who could've guessed that the material for all these prototype suits would "fail" around Spitfire's genitals?
  826. >Unflappable as she is, the Wonderbolt's leader didn't let a few wardrobe malfunctions stop her from asking for your opinions on the various suits, no.
  827. >She simply changed positions and stared as you clenched your thighs and stuttered out responses.
  828. >By the time she's slinked out of her last suit, you're a shaking, sweating mess with your left leg doing its best sewing machine impression to boot.
  829. >After everything you've witnessed these past thirty minutes, you're beginning to believe being naked is Spitfire's least lewd form.
  830. >"Thanks for your input, Anon!" she jumps into her office chair and straightens a stack of papers on her desk. "Go ahead and take the rest of the day off."
  831. >Nodding, you stand without a word and power walk to the door.
  832. >"Oh, and Anon? Before you go?"
  833. "Ye- guh!"
  834. >Something soft to smacks your face the instant you turn.
  835. >Cat-like reflexes enable you to catch the projectile- the prototype suits, tied up in a very loose ball.
  836. >"Dispose of those on the way out, would ya?"
  837. >Nod again, pivot, and set a possible land speed record between Spitfire's office and your locker.
  838. >It could be your ears playing tricks on you- it sounded like she shouted something on your way out, though you can't be arsed to check.
  839. >You fling open your locker and toss the garments in without a second look as you continue your urgent march to the bathroom.
  840. >Continuing down the hall, you turn left, burst through the door marked "Stallions" and lunge for the sink.
  841. >Splashing yourself with pitiful handfuls cold water isn't enough to purge the lustful thoughts that crowd your mind, so you turn the faucet on full-bore and stick your head under the icy stream.
  842. >Ah... that's more like it.
  843. >It's here in this position you stay (how long is anypony's guess) until you've cooled off in every sense of the phrase.
  844. >Damn it, you got water in your ears.
  845. >Slapping the sides of your head doesn't remedy the discomfort, regardless of what your childhood cartoons led you to believe.
  846. >Yes, you've abated your impure thoughts for the time being, but at the cost of walking back to retrieve your belongings with sloshing in your ears.
  847. >The shivering sucks as well.
  848. 'Fuck it,' you think upon returning to your locker.
  849. >You're on autopilot as you consolidate its contents into your backpack and slink out the back entrance- away from the Captain's office.
  850. >In retrospect, soaking your hair- and by extension, the upper part of your shirt- was a poor decision.
  851. >The stiff breeze rushing through the streets of the airborne city drives that point home.
  852. >Perhaps you've got a serious case of Resting Bitch Face going on, or maybe it's the fact that you're half soaked and speed-walking back to your temporary lodging- whatever the case, ponies you encounter give you a wide berth, to the point of looking away when you pass.
  853. >Friendship is Magic and all that, but sometimes everypony just needs to fuck right off.
  854. >Don't take it personally, citizens of Cloudsdale- Anon is simply all social'd out for one day.
  855. >Oh look, you're home.
  856. >"Home".
  857. >To be fair, you haven't wanted for anything material during your stay.
  858. >Notwithstanding Windy's... well-intentioned eccentricities, living with another pony has been an unexpected, but very welcome change of pace.
  859. >No, not just living with somepony else; being taken care of.
  860. >Yes, I just ended a sentence with a preposition, Nigga, do something.
  861. >You've been on your own for so long, both here and back on Earth, you've forgotten what it was like.
  862. >And brother?
  863. >It feels nice; fantastic, even.
  864. >Especially when the pony looking after you is Windy Whistles.
  865. >That bubbly mare cooks all your meals, cleans, does your laundry, [spoiler]lets you jerk off all over her teats, *while talking dirty to you, no less*[/spoiler]... all of these things just to make your life easier.
  866. >What a fantastic mare.
  867. >By Princess Cadence's unsurpassed beauty, you'd take Windy off the market in a heartbeat if she wasn't already.
  868. >Oh hello, Guilt, you can fuck right off with the rest of Cloudsdale.
  869. >Except Windy, of course.
  870. >With loud sigh, you open the front door and kick off your shoes upon crossing the threshold.
  871. >"Anon? Is that you?" Windy calls from the living room.
  872. "Yeah!"
  873. >Here she comes at a trot, stopping by way of half-tackle, half hug around your midsection.
  874. >"Is everything okay?" she asks as her wings and forelegs feel your face, neck and shoulders. "I wasn't expecting you home for at least another four hours!"
  875. >She waits with her eyebrows raised, those large purple irises of hers peering into your soul.
  876. >Man, you love ponies' eyes- how big and beautiful they are, especially the ones in front of you now; so easy to get lost in.
  877. >"Anon?" Windy tilts her head to the left. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
  878. >Oh, right- you're supposed to open your mouth and let words come out... or something to that effect.
  879. >A hug sounds better at the moment.
  880. >You drop to a knee and slide your arms under her forelegs and snake them under her wing joints; pulling her close.
  881. >She squeezes you back with equal gusto, even more so when you bury your nose unto her mane, just behind her right ear.
  882. >Her scent is something else- like the smell of rain with a touch of something fruity.
  883. >Oh shit, you've been smelling her mane and the back of her neck for like ten seconds.
  884. >Though you stiffen upon gaining this tidbit of self-awareness, it doesn't become awkward.
  885. >As if taking a cue from your tension, Windy relaxes you right away by nuzzling the side of your neck, topping it off with a kiss on your cheek.
  886. >"Mwah!"
  887. "Thanks," you say, looking at the floor after pulling out of the hug.
  888. >She kisses the tip of your nose. "You needed it."
  889. >You could probably cook an egg on your face, hot as it feels.
  890. >"I'm happy to see you again so soon!" Windy rubs her head against your chest for a moment, then stops. "You don't have to go back today, do you?"
  891. "Huh? Oh! No. No, Spitfire gave me the rest of the day off."
  892. >"That's nice of her!"
  893. >Windy's primaries wrap around your hand and pull you towards the living room.
  894. >"What's it like working for Spitfire? I've heard she can be pretty intense!"
  895. "That's one way to put it."
  896. >Having guided you to the love seat near the room's picture window, Windy releases your hand, jumps on the little couch, then pats the unoccupied cushion next to hers.
  897. >You plop down in your designated spot and groan whilst rubbing your forehead.
  898. >A slight pressure on your thigh gains your attention; Windy's hoof.
  899. >"Did something happen after I left?"
  900. "I-" you pause, and then chuckle in spite of yourself. "How...?"
  901. >She leans in, eyebrow cocked. "Honey, I can *tell*."
  902. >Are you that much of an open book?
  903. >"Do you wanna talk about it?"
  904. "No."
  905. >Windy's ears drop. "Oh, okay."
  906. "I mean, I don't want to right now. Later, I promise."
  907. >"Great! I'll hold you to that!"
  908. "I know you will."
  909. >Funny how your problems seem to melt away when Windy gives you her signature smile.
  910. >"So! What do you wanna do?"
  911. >Your growling stomach answers for you.
  912. >"Oh! Sounds like somepony's still hungry. Did you not like your lunch?"
  913. "Never got a chance to eat it."
  914. >Quick, before her smile fades again!
  915. "Again, I'll explain later, preferably after dinner."
  916. >"Sounds like a plan! How about we figure out what to do with the rest of the day after you eat? While you do that, I'm going to finish what I was working on before you came home."
  917. "I like where your head's at."
  918. >Windy winks at you, giggling.
  919. >A quick nuzzle from the mare and she's off, humming to herself as she walks down the hall, towards her room.
  920. >You follow in her wake towards your room and toss your backpack on the bed, which happens to be made with a fresh set of linens and blankets.
  921. >Unzip the pack and...
  922. >What the hell is this?
  923. >The pieces fall into place as you pull out the unexpected ball of brightly-colored cloth.
  924. >"Dispose of those on the way out, would ya?" Spitfire's request echoes in your mind when you unravel the ball of damaged flight suits.
  925. >Well, you *did* "dispose" of them.
  926. >fromacertainpointofview.obiwankenobi
  927. >It'd be a shame if these ended up in a dumpster, especially when there's a good chance they still smell of the mare that wore them.
  928. >Do they, though?
  929. >Only one way to find out.
  930. >*Sniff*
  931. "Oh fuck me, they do."
  932. >Reposition the suit in your hands until you're staring at the tail hole.
  933. >*Sniiiiiiiiiiiifffffff*
  934. >They absolutely do.
  935. >You take deep, desperate whiffs from Spitfire's discarded flight suits until you get lightheaded.
  936. >If there's one thing living in Equestria for a few years will do to you, it'll make you much more reactive to scents.
  937. >Not that your sense is more sensitive per se, it's more that you've learned to "appreciate" certain smells, and a mare's natural musk is near the top of that list.
  938. >With careful urgency you fold and stow the suits under a stack of your shirts in one of your borrowed dresser drawers.
  939. >Back to the issue at hand- lunch.
  940. >Where the hell did it go?
  941. >Dumping the contents of your pack yields exactly zero sack lunches made by your milf roommate.
  942. "Goddamn it."
  943. >You return your various effects to their rightful spots in your backpack whilst trying to figure out where you misplaced your food.
  944. "Hey Windy?" you call out.
  945. >"Yes, sweetie?"
  946. "How do you feel about having an early dinner?"
  947. >She doesn't respond, but you can hear her hoofsteps on the hardwood growing louder.
  948. "I don't know what happened, but my lunch is missing," you explain when she enters the room.
  949. >"Aww, I'm sorry Anon." she says before patting your shoulder. "But I've got something that may cheer you up."
  950. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
  951. >A grin spreads across Windy's face, she begins to bounce in place.
  952. >"C'mon, I'll show you!"
  953. >Her wing grasps your wrist and next thing you know, she's pulling you towards the kitchen.
  954. >"Close your eyes!" she says, almost prancing in place when you've stopped near the fridge.
  955. "Okay."
  956. >You can hear Windy open the fridge and set something on the counter.
  957. >"Okay, and..." she nudges you forward and tilts your head down. "Open!"
  958. >A butcher paper-wrapped package sits before you on the counter.
  959. >Could it be?
  960. >You peel back the tape that holds it together to reveal a whole chicken- plucked, cleaned, and ready to roast.
  961. "No. Way."
  962. >Windy grins ear to ear, nodding so fast you can almost hear cartoon sound effects that would go along with it.
  963. >"Yes! A griffon set up a stand at the open air market this morning. Normally I get fish from them but I remembered that you love all sorts of meat, so I wanted to see what else she had. Turns out she had a chicken!"
  964. >As you're too busy slack-jaw staring at the bird, she keeps going.
  965. >"Did you that Princess Celestia supposedly hates chickens?"
  966. "How could she hate something so magically delicious," is your monotone, drool-accented reply.
  967. >"Rumor is she's terrified of them! Isn't that silly? Her! The most powerful pony in all of Equestria, scared of little chickens! I don't believe it, mind you, but it's still funny to think about."
  968. >Rub those brain cells and collect your thoughts, because Windy looks like she's going to keep beaming at you until you show some emotion.
  969. >A better idea comes to mind as you wipe the corner of your mouth.
  970. >You kneel and her smile widens, wings pop when you pull her close.
  971. "Thank you, Windy. You really are the best pony I know."
  972. >She sighs, seeming to melt into your arms as her wings join her forelegs in the hug.
  973. >After a moment, she stiffens.
  974. >"Um, Anon?"
  975. "Yeah?"
  976. >Windy wriggles out of your embrace and rubs her left forehoof over her right pastern; ears flattened and face tinged pink.
  977. >"I, um..."
  978. >Her voice softens as she turns to hide the beginnings of a sheepish smile.
  979. >"I kinda... don't know how to, um..."
  980. >She looks at the floor and mutters, "how to cook a chicken" out the corner of her mouth.
  981. >Your sudden, barking laugh makes her jump, but she's quick to join in the merriment.
  982. "Lucky for you, I do. Tell you what, how 'bout I make dinner for you for a change?"
  983. >"Really?"
  984. "Really. I'm going to cook you my favorite dish from Earth- chicken alfredo."
  985. >Windy's gasps; eyes widen.
  986. >"Oh wow! Earth cuisine! How cool!"
  987. >There she goes, prancing in place again, though she ends it by throwing her forelegs around your waist in a crushing hug.
  988. >"And I've never had a stallion cook for *me* before-" she cuts herself off to press a feather to her chin, "Well, I mean, technically I have, but restaurants and my dad don't count."
  989. >Another hug and a nuzzle.
  990. >"You're the best, Anon!"
  991. >Windy watches, eyes wide whilst you show her how to break the chicken into pair of wings, breasts, thighs, and legs.
  992. >She takes notes as you talk about the sauce, and the perfect ratio of butter to cream to cheese.
  993. >Likewise, Windy looks like you just explained how magnets work when you demonstrate your favorite way of cooking a chicken.
  994. >Conversation shifts from instruction to more casual conversation and banter as you progress beyond the more involved portions of cooking.
  995. >It dawns on you, this synergy that exists between you and Windy in the kitchen; each anticipating the other's moves.
  996. >Between the cooking and the good company, all your accumulated anxiety fades away.
  997. >Though Windy's enthusiasm for nearly everything seemed over-the-top during the first days of your tenancy, you've come to find that quality endearing, and a boost to your confidence when you pull the chicken from the other.
  998. >She licks her lips when you plate everything and leads the way to the dining room with more adorable prancing.
  999. >You watch with trepidation when she takes the first bite of chicken.
  1000. "Well... verdict?"
  1001. >Windy closes her eyes and hums. "Mmmm. Mmm-hmmm."
  1002. "Good?"
  1003. >A quick nod from the mare is all you get before she attacks her plate.
  1004. >Okay then.
  1005. >She's well into her plate before she bothers to speak again.
  1006. >"Goodness, Anon!" she says, wiping a napkin over her mouth. "This is the best meal I've had in, like... forever!"
  1007. "Heh. I appreciate the praise, Windy, but I don't think-"
  1008. >"I'm serious! You could totally be a chef! You could be the best chef in Equestria if you wanted to!"
  1009. "I-"
  1010. >It's weird having this kind of unwavering support.
  1011. >Is this why Rainbow has been so successful- having this kind of wind beneath her wings?
  1012. >Elysium only knows how your life back home could've been if you grew up in a similar environment; not that it matters now.
  1013. >The rest of dinner passes in relative peace; both of you lost in your own worlds.
  1014. >A blue hoof comes to rest on the back of your hand after you swallow your last bite.
  1015. >"Thank you for this, Anonymous. I can't tell you how special this has been for me- to have somepony cook for me in my own house, and for it to be as wonderful as it is."
  1016. "Oh, it's no problem. The least I could do, considering all you've done for me."
  1017. >"You're going to make some lucky mare very, very happy one day, Anon. Believe me."
  1018. >She looks away, shakes her head, and sighs.
  1019. >Her ears perk up.
  1020. >"Oh! Speaking of mares, I believe you have a promise to make good on..."
  1021. "Huh?"
  1022. >"You were going to tell me about what happened with Spitfire today, remember?"
  1023. "That's ri-" you stop and squint at her. "Hey... who said anything about Spitfire?"
  1024. >Windy stares at you, an eyebrow lifted.
  1025. "*sigh* Okay, so remember how she was calling for me when you stopped by?"
  1026. >"Yep!"
  1027. >With a little gentle prodding, you give Windy a blow-by-blow account of what transpired in Spitfire's office.
  1028. >Windy is quiet for the most part, only stopping you to ask specific questions here and there.
  1029. "... and then she asked me to get rid of the suits before I left."
  1030. >"Hmm."
  1031. >She rises without another word and starts to clear the table.
  1032. >You follow suit and carry your dishes to the kitchen, hoping Windy will elaborate beyond a contemplative hum.
  1033. >No such luck.
  1034. >The dishes are clean, leftovers put away, and you're back in the living room when she finally speaks again.
  1035. >"I take it this isn't the first time Spitfire has teased you like that."
  1036. "Nope."
  1037. >Windy pulls the blanket that drapes over the top of the couch and offers it to you.
  1038. >It's big, sky blue, and- you guessed it- has Rainbow Dash's cutie mark decorating most of its surface.
  1039. >"That explains a lot," Windy adds as she gets comfortable under her half of the blanket.
  1040. >Facepalm.
  1041. >"You know, Anon," Windy adds, "Spitfire keeps teasing you *because* you get so flustered by her."
  1042. "You think so?"
  1043. >"I know so."
  1044. "How do you figure?"
  1045. >"I know her type."
  1046. "Okay, so how do I deal with her? She is my boss... at least for two more weeks."
  1047. >Windy smiles. "It's simple, Anon. Fight fire with fire!"
  1048. >She giggles.
  1049. "Har, har. Seriously, though."
  1050. >Your host shrugs off her half of the blanket, then pulls it off you.
  1051. "Hey, I was cozy!"
  1052. >"Cozy time is over, Cadet!" Windy barks, her voice now gravelly. "And you will address me as 'ma'am'! Is that clear?"
  1053. "The fuck?"
  1054. >The look she gives you makes your asshole pucker.
  1055. "Uh, yes... ma'am?"
  1056. >"I can't hear you, Private!"
  1057. "Wait, am I a Cadet or a Private?"
  1058. >There's that look again.
  1059. >"Titles are irrelevant! You need to sound off like you got a pair!"
  1060. >Without warning, she lunges forward, driving her front hooves into your shoulders and pinning your back to the couch with surprising force.
  1061. >Her lips brush against your ear.
  1062. >"And I *know* you have a pair," she half-moans.
  1063. >The ol' ticker starts to redline when Windy climbs onto your lap.
  1064. >"Help your Captain out of her uniform." she says, rubbing her face across your chest.
  1065. >At first, you comply... until your fingertips make contact with that thin jacket she wears often.
  1066. "Uh, Windy, I... I don't think this a good idea-"
  1067. >"Let's go, hover hands!"
  1068. >Okay then.
  1069. >Her breathing quickens when you slide her left foreleg out of its sleeve.
  1070. >A mild reaction, considering you've already reached full circus tent status.
  1071. >Guide her left wing out of its hole whilst trying to ignore how Windy's eyes bore into you.
  1072. >"Anon..." Windy's voice loses its newfound edge, though its softer, more subdued than normal.
  1073. "Y-yeah?" you say, still avoiding her eyes.
  1074. >"Is this how you are when Spitfire acts this way around you?"
  1075. >The question, while benign, exacerbates the uncomfortable, shame-tinged feelings you're trying your best to ignore.
  1076. "More or less," you respond, sighing.
  1077. >"That's what I figured."
  1078. "That's a nice way of saying I have no game."
  1079. >"Don't feel bad, Anon!" Windy responds, patting your shoulder. "You just need a little coaching is all!"
  1080. >She nuzzles your face.
  1081. "About that," you say, gently pushing Windy back. "Look... we really shouldn't be doing this."
  1082. >Windy's smile fades, giving way to a frown.
  1083. "Hey, don't get me wrong, fooling around with you last night was the hottest experience of my life, bar none. But we can't keep messing around... you're married!"
  1084. >"Anon, I told you last night... you don't need to worry about that."
  1085. "Why not?"
  1086. >"Anonymous..." Windy's voice loses any semblance of her trademark spunkiness. "Please. I *don't* want to talk about it. Just- just trust me. You don't need to worry about anything."
  1087. "Windy-"
  1088. >She touches a hooftip to your mouth, gentle as she can be.
  1089. >"Anon, sweetheart... we're having such a wonderful evening, let's not bring it down... not now. Please?"
  1090. >Her eyes echo her plea.
  1091. >Your rational mind warns that this probably won't end well.
  1092. >Rather than agreeing with your mind and stating the obvious, your gut isn't convinced one way or the other.
  1093. >'Fuck yeah, nigga! Green light to smash!'
  1094. >Penis is consistent as ever.
  1095. >"Well, Anon? What do you say? Are you willing to give ol' Coach Windy a chance?" Windy asks with a hopeful smile.
  1096. "I..."
  1097. >Windy blinks, trying to maintain her smile.
  1098. "Yeah. I will."
  1099. >"You will!?"
  1100. "Of course I will."
  1101. >She throws her forelegs around you, pulling you into a crushing hug.
  1102. >Though you've no idea of what kind of "coaching" Windy has in store for you, her reassurances coupled with your conscious decision to jettison your inhibitions (as much as possible) have brought about an unusual restrained excitement that makes your body tingle.
  1103. >Emboldened, you decide to finish what Windy had you start and resume undressing her.
  1104. >"Huh?" she says, breaking from her hug. "Oh! Oh... good thinking, Anon! Way to take charge!"
  1105. >She helps pull her wing free from her jacket.
  1106. >"That's it, sweetheart," she coos as she pulls her foreleg free; now fully naked.
  1107. >Biting onto the jacket, Windy flicks her head to the right, tossing the garment to the far side of the living room.
  1108. >She centers herself on your lap, then sits back on her haunches.
  1109. >With a faint blush, Windy begins to spread her wings, her eyes locked on yours.
  1110. >You've never had a pegasus mare present herself to you like this before, and as such, you're quick to pull your eyes away from Windy's exicited stare to admire her plumage.
  1111. >"Do you like them?" Windy asks, fanning her feathers out more.
  1112. "They're really pretty."
  1113. >"You can touch them, you know." she says after a short giggle.
  1114. "Really?"
  1115. >She nods.
  1116. >"Don't be shy, honey. You're not going to break me. Confidence is the name of the game with mares, especially with a mare like Spitfire."
  1117. "If you say so..."
  1118. >"I do. Now show me what you can do with those hands!"

Twilight Velvet and Anon (WIP)

by DaybreakerAnon

Dommy Celestia Shitpost

by DaybreakerAnon

/Marital Problems/ Short Stories

by DaybreakerAnon

Anon Vs. the 'Mane-iac'

by DaybreakerAnon

Homeless Glim-Glam Shitpost

by DaybreakerAnon