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Flutterhulk Origins (incomplete)

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2022-11-04 02:44:22
Updated: 2022-11-09 05:59:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >“Thanks again for letting me store this here, Applejack.”
  2. >“No problem, Sugarcube. I’m already givin’ Shy space for her critters,” Applejack said and pointed over her shoulder at Fluttershy, who was setting up some straw bedding for some rabbits
  3. > AJ continued, “… but, what is it, exactly?”
  4. >Twilight wiped her brow of sweat and removed her gloves. “This, my dear Applejack, is a chemical and radiation cleaning chamber for people who work in dangerous places but don’t have access to water.” She patted the device, that looked like a giant all-metal shower cubicle. “This not only has the ability to decontaminate clothing and hazardous material suits, but it also has a function to deep-clean a person, drawing out radiation from within!”
  5. >she looked appropriately smug as she patted the decon-chamber, which was a tall, cylindrical device with a thick door with a small port hole window and a complicated computer panel jutting out the side
  6. >AJ just blinked and said nothing
  7. >Fluttershy was impressed at the principle of what it did, since she had become a vet in her years since leaving school and even had an X-ray machine at her shelter, but this was (as with many of Twilight’s inventions) a bit beyond her
  8. >but who didn’t immediately worry when your friend asks to store an experimental device that dabbles in something as dangerous as radiation?
  9. >Fluttershy approached. ”I-it *is* safe, isn’t it?”
  10. >Twilight nodded. “Of course. It’s unplugged.”
  11. >Shy sighed with relief
  12. >Twi adjusted her glasses and continued, “though it *is* currently testing a residual gamma recycling… uh… cycle. It’s filling the backup battery at the same time.”
  13. >both AJ and Shy exclaimed, ”what!?”
  14. >they backed away from the thing, but Twilight ran over and gave the girls a reassuring pat on the back.
  15. >“It’s fine! It’s decaying the radiation breakdown of a teeny, tiny amount just to ensure it can still function when not powered. Just don’t touch the controls and it’ll be done by morning, and then I’ll be taking it to the Science symposium tomorrow!”
  16. >Applejack grumbled, “I’m startin’ to regret offerin’ the use of Granny Smith’s jallopy to haul this thing around. Ain’t no fan of no nuclear nonsense.”
  17. >Shy awkwardly rubbed her arm and said, “I’d best make sure the rabbit enclosure’s bunny-burrowing proof.”
  18. >Twilight asked, “still no luck with getting the shelter back from Filthy Rich?”
  19. >Shy shook her head. “He’s already said he’s not going to budge. Sunset and Rarity are chasing up lawyers to fight back, but until then, I just feel awful having to trouble all the shelter’s animals and disrupting them all. Oh, and troubling Applejack and taking up barn space.”
  21. >Applejack patted Shy’s back, making her stumble from the sturdy farmgirls strength. “It’s nothin’, Fluttershy! I’m use’ta handlin’ critters and the like, and we ain’t got use for this space since we sold off the harvest anyhow! Y’all take your time.”
  22. >”I wish I could help right now,” Twilight said, “but the symposium’s tomorrow and this could be my big break. In fact, if I put in a good showing, I could just buy the shelter back off of Filthy Rich with the grant money. Oh, it’s getting late, I’ve got a few time sensitive experiments back home, so I’d best get going. See you tomorrow morning, girls!”
  23. >Twilight headed off and left AJ and Shy alone
  24. >”Now,” Applejack said, “where were we?”
  25. >the pair stared at each other, and both awkwardly blushed
  26. >both were tall, with Shy being 5’10, lithe and busty against Applejack’s 6ft, bottom heavy and well muscled frame
  27. >Shy stammered, “I- I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”
  28. >”Me neither,” AJ said and scratched the back of her head. “We didn’t exactly talk a lot back when we always hung out in Canterlot high.”
  29. >”I was afraid to approach you,” Shy said. “You’re always so confident and sure. It’s always been a source of strength to me. You’re so powerful but sweet.”
  30. >”And you’re so kindhearted and understandin’", AJ said. She put her hands on Shy’s shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I ain’t ever felt this way about anyone before.”
  31. >”What about Rarity?”
  32. >Applejack sighed. “Rarity was fun… heck, a ain’t gonna beat around the bush, I thought I was head over heels for her when I realised I liked girls. Me and Rares used to fight and argue, and we got all riled up all the time, which was excitin’ in a way, but what you do… you cushion my hard-headed dumbass self. You take me and cool me off, make me understand my flaws without shoutin’n’screamin’.”
  33. >the pair slowly closed the gap, and their lips met
  34. >they then parted and stared at each other for a few moments, then AJ pushed back in, firmer and more assured
  35. >Shy moaned as Applejack’s raw strength pressed her back until they bumped into the barn wall, but AJ was relentless as she kept the pressure, her tongue pressing into Shy’s mouth
  36. >Shy then slid her hands under Applejack’s shirt and ran her hands over the farmgirls rock hard abs, then raised a leg between AJ’s to stroke against her wettening mound
  38. >as Applejack squeezed Shy’s ass in one hand and one of her soft, massive tits in the other, they suddenly both yelped as a rabbit suddenly dived between their chests
  39. >Shy scolded, ”A- Angel! This is not the time!”
  40. >the grumpy bunny scowled at Shy and gestured to his mouth
  41. >”Oh… right, I should get to feeding.” She giggled as Applejack cleared her throat and stepped back
  42. >”Heh…” Applejack stretched her arms over her head (with Shy marvelling at her physique). “Well, once we’re done with our business, I’ll see ya for dinner. We can pick things up from there.”
  43. >Fluttershy nodded. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
  44. >she turned and held Angel to her chest, and squeaked as AJ slapped her ass
  45. >”Go on, git!”
  46. >”Hey!” Shy giggled.
  47. >Applejack winked over her shoulder and wiggled her wide hips as she walked out the barn, and Shy set about feeding all the animals
  48. >it wasn’t easy; without proper enclosures, many of the different animals had to be separated farther apart in the paddocks
  49. >which meant lugging around the various feeds took longer, and without many of the feeding bowls she used to eyeball, Shy took longer measuring out the right amounts
  50. >even worse was many of the animals were still distressed at the change of environment; many just weren’t eating
  51. >this, of course, included a certain temperamental bunny
  52. >”Please, Angel, I know it isn’t just like you prefer, but I don’t have a choice right now…”
  53. >Angel jabbered in a huff about hating the barn, to which Shy’s geode glowed to let her understand
  54. >she sighed and petted him. “It’s not so bad, but I know; I’m frustrated too. I know Applejack says otherwise, but we’re still getting in her way.”
  55. >Shy stomped her foot (gently!) and she pouted. “Oh, that Filthy Rich! He’s been buying all sorts of places recently, and using those city restoration loopholes to force people to sell.”
  56. >Angel squeak a complaint about Shy not fighting back
  57. >”I couldn’t do anything, you’re right… I’m too weak.”
  58. >and then he whined about wanting a carrot
  59. >”I don’t have any, and I’d hate to steal from Applejack’s harvest without asking.”
  60. >Angel insisted he wanted one now
  61. >Shy grumbled, “oh, fine. I’ll ask Applejack if I can take one for you. Wait here.”
  62. >Shy headed off, but Angel grumbled and looked over at one of the storage crates near Twilight’s machine, with a tantalising carrot stem sticking out of a small hole on the stacked box
  63. >undeterred and impatient, Angel hopped out of the enclosure and realised he wouldn’t be able to reach the top crate
  64. >but the big machine’s control panel would make a perfect stepping-stone
  65. >he hopped up and bounced off the panel, which beeped a few times as he scrambled on top of the crate
  66. >Angel then plucked out the carrot, smiled, and prepared to each the delicious treat whole
  67. >only for a deep rumble to emit from the machine, so fierce and sudden, Angel dropped the carrot
  68. >it bounced off the control panel, setting off an low beep, then onto the ground and rolled into the machine as its door opened
  69. >Angel hopped back down and entered the machine machine’s chamber
  70. >a voice said, “new subject detected - analysing…”
  71. >Fluttershy peeked back inside the barn and asked, “Angel? What was that noise?”
  72. >the machine then said, “caution. Unsanitary material detected. No human in pod- Please stand by - eradicating contamination risk.”
  73. >Shy screamed, “Angel, no!”
  74. >she sprinted in as the door began to close, and hurled Angel out the door just as it closed
  75. >she then hammered on the door as Angel panicked and fretted outside
  76. >the machine whirred and spun up, and said, “cleansing in three, two, one… firing.”
  77. >Shy screamed again as it felt like her skin was on fire
  78. >the carrot at her feet smouldered, blackened, burst into flames and turned to ash in seconds
  80. >the machine suddenly said, “caution, reserve power low. Cancelling cycle.”
  81. >it powered down as Shy fell to her knees
  82. >the pain was unbearable she wanted to cry
  83. >no
  84. >it made her ANGRY
  85. >she twitched and snarled
  86. >her skin gained a yellow tinge
  87. >and her eyes glowed
  88. >her soft, sleek pale pink hair gained a deeper, neon shade, as well as turning wild and messy
  89. >Shy stood, she had to get out
  90. >stupid door wouldn’t open
  91. >”Want out!”
  92. >she pounded her fists on the door
  93. >her slender arms thickened and bulged
  94. >her slim waist broadened with rock hard muscle
  95. >her smooth, curvy legs extended and swelled
  96. >her dainty feet creaked and burst through her sandals
  97. >her view of the door became lower, and her head bumped into the machine’s ceiling, making her roar in feral savage rage
  98. >”Stupid tiny machine!”
  99. >Shy hammered her fists against the door, sending it flying across the barn and through the wall
  100. >Fluttershy stumbled out as her body burst through the last of her clothes and tearing her geode necklace off
  101. >the titanic girl’s skin was now a deep yellow and barely containing her ridiculously feminine curves and exposing her massive, rock hard musculature
  102. >as if her waning modesty was a challenge to her fury, her breasts then swelled even bigger, hanging large and low enough to obscure her topmost abs despite being gravity defyingly firm
  103. >and her hips and ass bulged so thick and wide she put Applejack to shame three times over
  104. >the newly formed, completely naked Flutterhulk stumbled out of the barn, confused and unable to think straight
  105. >but in the distance, she saw a lot billboard for ‘Filthy Rich’s modernisation program’
  106. >the eight foot behemoth of a woman flexed her huge muscles and roared at the sky
  107. >”Flutterhulk *HATES* Filthy man! Raaagh!!”
  108. > crouching low, she launched herself skyward
  109. >in a single bound, Flutterhulk flew at and through the billboard
  110. >Applejack exited the farmhouse just in time to see the board’s hefty frame lift out of the ground and slam down across the road in a shower of wood and metal, before a figure leapt in front the moon
  111. >panicked, AJ ran to the barn
  112. >”Fluttershy, you alright in there!? What-“
  113. >she saw the wreckage; Twilight’s device broken, the barn wall destroyed
  114. >and, huddled around Shy’s geode, Angel shaking in fear
  115. >Applejack scooped Angel up and put him in the rabbit enclosure, then looked at the geode
  116. >she held her nerve; there was no blood… hopefully that meant Shy was alright
  117. >”Whatever that monster is, it must have done this… and taken Fluttershy. I’ve gotta save her!”
  118. >she felt her own geode, which glowed as she felt her strength grow
  119. >a subtle inflation of her muscles strained but didn’t quite burst through her clothes as she got into Granny Smith’s jalopy, and drove toward the city
  121. >Flutterhulk landed on the concrete car park of a minimart, the ground shattering and caving as her massive thighs and calves flexed from the impact
  122. >all this strength and freedom felt good, but destroying the Filthy man would feel better
  123. >she looked at the animal shelter and her rage cooled for a moment
  124. >but then she saw the construction equipment and fences around the shelter, and the tarpaulin signs saying it was to be destroyed, and her meaty shoulders hunched up as she growled like an animal
  125. >something was gonna be destroyed, alright
  126. >as she saw herself in the minimart window, naked, another flicker of the girl she used to be
  127. >and as she ripped the metal fence open, she ripped the tarp down and wrapped it around herself for modesty
  128. >then Flutterhulk cracked her knuckles and dead-lifted a digger over her head
  129. >it felt as light as an empty cardboard box as she hurled it at a steamroller
  130. >the two huge vehicles smashed together on n a satisfying way, both tumbling and making a glassy, metallic din that was music to Flutterhulk’s ears
  131. >determined to hear more, she punched both fists into the fused wreck
  132. >and, pulling her arms apart, grinned as she tore the twisted mass in two, then smashed them together again
  133. >that beautiful sound of the Filthy man’s machines being destroyed made her growl with satisfaction
  134. >she then saw a pile of scaffolding pipes and other construction materials nearby
  135. >with a hop, Flutterhulk landed on them, her extra dense weight and strength crumpling them
  136. >then, raising her fists above her head, she slammed them back down and watched as a shockwave of destruction rolled out ahead of her, sending fragments of metal and concrete spraying all over the street
  137. >Applejack slowed with a squeak of the old truck’s brakes as she witnessed the destruction
  138. >leaping out the truck’s windows, and rolling her own muscular shoulders, Applejack stormed up
  139. >”Alright, ya big bully, I don’t care much for what you’re doin’ here, but where’s my lov- my friend!? Where’s Fluttershy?”
  140. >the beast stared at AJ and growled at her, despite the funny feeling in her heart
  141. >”Fluttershy weakling! Go away, puny girl!”
  142. >”Oh, is that how it’s gonna be?” Applejack cracked her knuckles and rolled up her sleeves. “Alright, I’m gonna whup your giant tiddy havin’ ass from here to Appleloosa. Let’s wrasstle!”
  143. >Applejack sprinted at the sneering Flutterhulk, leapt and superman punched her square in the jaw
  144. >Flutterhulk spun as she was launched dozens of feet backwards and landed on the ground hard enough to shake it
  145. >Flutterhulk then sat up, shook her head to ease the dizziness, rubbed the bruise on her jaw and roared as she charged back in
  147. >recognising the threat, Flutterhulk didn’t pull any punches
  148. >she took several more blows from Applejack who, while incredibly strong, wasn’t anywhere near as strong as Flutterhulk
  149. >and only being a hundred and fifty pounds of rough and tumble, super strength wielding farm girl, she was against a titaness who weighed somewhere in the vicinity of half a ton of massive muscle and huge curves
  150. >as evidence as when, with one glancing haymaker, Applejack was knocked backward so hard she skipped several times off the concrete and through one of the metal fences, and cratered a brick wall
  151. >scratched, bruised and bleeding, she gritted her teeth, pulled herself free and got back into the fight
  152. >they grabbed each other’s hands for a test of strength
  153. >and, try as she might, Applejack strained at the grinning Flutterhulk as she pushed the farm girl back, then down on one knee
  154. >”Puny girl,” Flutterhulk chuckled
  155. >”You… may got me beat in brawn, big girl,” Applejack said as she grinned back., “but I got one thing you ain’t.”
  156. >”Huh?”
  157. >”I can see past my tits, ya overgrown dairy cow!”
  158. >Applejack dropped and swung between the hulk’s legs without releasing her grip on the hulk’s hands, planted her feet, and pulled up as hard as she could
  159. >Flutterhulk was pulled into a flip and landed on her back
  160. >momentarily dazed, Flutterhulk soon saw a huge shadow loom overhead
  161. >as Applejack slammed another digger down on Flutterhulk’s head
  162. >again, and again, and again
  163. >Flutterhulk roared and punched the digger out of AJ’s hands, skyward, then launched herself onto her feet
  164. >she turned, snarling, then looked confused
  165. >Applejack wasn’t anywhere to be seen
  166. >only for the farm girl, standing right beneath the massive overhang of titflesh, to zip behind Flutterhulk
  167. >wrap her arms around the bigger girl’s waist, and hefted her overhead
  168. >and proceeded to perform a flawless suplex
  169. >then rolled them both over, and did another
  170. >and another!
  171. >Applejack finally released Shy, leapt over her crumpled body with a mighty, “yeehaw!” and landed a brutal elbow drop on the titan’s head
  172. >at last, Flutterhulk went slack
  173. >”Ow…” Shy said as she fell unconscious
  174. >”That’s what ya get,” Applejack said and wiped her bloodied nose. “I’ve been bodyslammin’ Big Mac even before I was fully grown! Now, where’s- huh?”
  175. >Applejack watched in wonder as Flutterhulk’s body shrank, her deep yellow skin fading to a paler, natural shade, and her hair turning from vibrant, neon pink to a soft, pastel tinge
  176. >her muscles deflated, limbs retracted and became dainty
  177. >and Shy’s gigantic tits even shrank to ‘just’ huge, and her hips and butt dwindled until Applejack had the superior booty once more
  178. >Applejack gasped. “F-Fluttershy!?”
  179. >before she could do anything else, sirens rang out from approaching law enforcement
  180. >in a panic, Applejack picked Fluttershy up, put her in her truck’s passenger seat, fired up the engine and drove as fast as the old pickup could out of the city
  182. >”It’s over,” said a distant-sounding voice. “There’s no way I’ll be able to repair this amount of damage before the symposium!”
  183. >Fluttershy winced as she stirred
  184. >her whole body ached worse than anything she’s ever felt before
  185. >her ribs, nose and head especially
  186. >she struggled to take a breath, which sent a sharp sting through her ribs; at least one had to be broken
  187. >”Look, I get the science thingy was important, but what about Fluttershy!? She turned into a musclebound giant and went in a rampage! And worst of all… I hurt her! Oh hell! I’m a monster!”
  188. >Shy sat up, swaddled in a rustic blanket and lying in the bed of the truck, to the frantic pacing of a tearful Applejack and a sleepy, disheveled Sci-Twi as she looked over the damaged gamma cleanser
  189. >Shy mumbled, “what happened?”
  190. >both girls looked at her, and Angel bunny hopped up out of his enclosure
  191. >Twi sighed with relief, Angel leapt into Shy’s arms, but Applejack all but dived to the ground by Fluttershy’s feet, begging
  192. >”A- are you alright, Fluttershy? I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was you! I swear!”
  193. >Shy winced as her ribs twinged again, “does anyone know what’s happening? I… I remember the machine turning on… and a lot of pain… but the rest is a blur.”
  194. >she stood and realised she couldn’t open one of her eyes properly
  195. >a quick look in one of the pickup’s mirror’s revealed she had a black eye
  196. >”I know, I’m so sorry, I’m an awful girlfriend,” Applejack said as she sniffled, and her runny nose ran red with her own blood
  197. >Shy felt a spike of a memory hit her, the image of her punching Applejack so hard it sent her flying
  198. >she squealed, “oh goodness! I hit you! Please forgive me!”
  199. >Applejack wiped her nose, then her eyes from the tears as they flowed on and she shrugged. “Ain’t nothin’, but I hurt you worse, I-“
  200. >”Stop it,” Shy said and hugged Applejack. “Whatever happened, happened. I… I don’t know what came over me, I just felt so angry all of a sudden… and I lost control. You didn’t know it was me. I know you’d never hurt me.”
  201. >as they hugged it out, Shy suddenly yelped as she felt a sharp prick on her arm
  202. >Twilight had just poked her with something, a little computer with a long needle
  203. >”Ow! Hey!”
  204. >”Hmm… interesting,” Twilight said and pushed a few buttons
  205. >”The heck’re you doin’?” Applejack said as Twilight suddenly jabbed Shy again
  206. >this time, it sent an electric shock through her, and she outright screamed in pain
  207. >Applejack grabbed Twi by the scruff of her jacket and growled, “I already smacked one friend today, and you’re fixin’ to be the second, Twilight! What’re you-“
  208. >”That wasn’t nice,” Shy said as she felt the rage bubbling up inside. “That hurt!”
  209. >Twi looked at the device again as she waved the pointy end at Shy, and the computer beeped frantically
  210. >”Very interesting indeed.”
  211. >Applejack stepped back as Shy’s black eye faded as it healed
  212. >and Shy felt her body do the same; the rib snapping back into place as, rather than feel relief, the anger just continued to rise
  213. >her tits swelled tremendously, as did her ass and hips as Angel fled
  214. >”You shouldn’t… do that!”
  215. >her mind became lost in her emotions as her already tall body rose even higher, her limbs extending until she dwarfed even the amazonian Applejack
  216. >and her thin frame bulged and grew huge with muscle, and the blanket fell away, leaving her naked
  217. >her hair burned a deeper pink hue as her skin turned a bright yellow
  218. >”I… I… grrr! Flutterhulk not like being poked!”
  219. >she flexed her arms and roared as her body surged up to its full eight and a half foot size, and she snarled down at Twilight, who obliviously tapped away at her computer
  220. >”Flutterhulk?” Applejack said and slowly approached the colossus. “You’re Fluttershy.”
  221. >AJ then stood between Twilight and Shy, gulped, and then added, “you’re my girl. My lover…”
  222. >Flutterhulk’s anger waned as she looked at Applejack. “L- lover?”
  223. >AJ reached out and took one of Flutterhulk’s huge hands in her own and gently squeezed it. “I know you’re in there.” She then turned towards Twilight with a scowl. “And you apologise, right darn now!”
  224. >Twilight blinked. “Huh? Oh, right. Sorry, Fluttershy.”
  225. >Flutterhulk didn’t really care about the apology, nor did she care about the source of her anger
  226. >because the anger had given way to another emotion
  227. >which she acted upon
  228. >by suddenly grabbing Applejack and kissing her as hard as she could
  229. >AJ struggled a bit, then settled into it as Flutterhulk lowered herself over AJ
  230. >she then ripped Applejack’s clothing clean off, and began caressing the smaller girl’s muscular form
  231. >and the farm girl responded, trying and failing to cup one of Shy’s gigantic tits
  232. >one alone was as big as AJ’s torso!
  233. >Applejack’s geode flashed as she shoved Flutterhulk onto her back and moaned as the giant’s thicker fingers dig deep into her skin
  235. >at first, pain, but then found the perfect level of rough-and-tumble pressure
  236. >before Applejack cried out as one of those fingers stroked her wet slit
  237. >Twilight seemed oblivious to the superhuman tussle going on, besides pointing the probe at Shy again and taking more readings before approaching the broken gamma cleanser and tinkering with it
  238. >Applejack was in heaven; she loved it rough
  239. >she used to get what she craved from Rarity, that girl liked *giving* but wasn’t good at taking it, too dainty
  240. >and she could give it back with her brief fling with Dash, but they quickly realised they made great friends, even better rivals and peers, but passion and heart?
  241. >Dash wasn’t a steady partner, and AJ respected that
  242. >but Shy had that stability, and now in this enormous body?
  243. >Applejack unleashed everything she had as she half-wrestled, half grinded against her transformed lover
  244. >”More!” bellowed Flutterhulk, and slammed AJ in a pile of hay, and grinded against her
  245. >the barn shook
  246. >hell, the *ground* shook!
  247. >”Hey, could you take it easy?” Twi suddebly called out, “my sensors aren’t able to get a good reading with all that super-strength movement.”
  248. >the pair ignored her, scissoring and stroking and plunging their fingers
  249. >”Yes! YES!” Flutterhulk roared as they climaxed together
  250. >the spray of femcum bathed both as they collapsed into one another’s arms
  251. >and, as they caught their breath, AJ felt her lover begin to shrink again
  252. >despite her euphoria, as soon as Shy finished shrinking, she turned bright red as she realised what they had just done
  253. >”Oh… oh dear, I can’t believe we did that in front of Twilight!”
  254. >Twilight poked her head out of the gamma scrubber and said, “no skin off my back. It gave me time to make some changes to my device. In fact, Fluttershy, if you could step inside for a sec?”
  255. >Shy stared at the machine and gulped. “I- I don’t know about going back inside that thing.”
  256. >Twilight shrugged. “You realise none of this was my fault, nor my gamma cleanser. Someone mashed the keypad, and I found white fur stuck inside the buttons. I’m the one operating the scrubber this time and, damaged as the door section is, most of it’s working fine.”
  257. >Applejack asked, “is this gonna cure her?”
  258. >”No idea!“ Twilight tapped the keypad and the machine hummed. “But it will try to draw out the infused gamma radiation currently stuck inside Fluttershy, so it might. Worst comes to worst, it does nothing.”
  260. >with a quick glance to, and a reassuring nod from, AJ, Fluttershy meekly entered the chamber
  261. >”Over here, Applejack. There’s potentially going to be a dangerous amount of radiation leaking from the door.”
  262. >AJ joined Twilight beside the machine
  263. >the cleanser whirred to life as Shy whimpered, and she felt a tingle run through her
  264. >and after a surprisingly short amount of time, the machine wound down
  265. >Shy peeked outside. ”Wait, is that it?”
  266. >Twilight nodded and gestured for Shy to leave
  267. >only, the second she did, Twilight jabbed her with the probe again
  268. >Shy squealed, turned around and yelled, ”would you cut that out!?”
  269. >Applejack ran up and held Shy’s arm. “It’s alright, darlin’! Easy now!”
  270. >Shy growled and her skin turned yellow, her eyes glowing deeper green
  271. >she continued, ”I understand you need answers, but maybe try asking!? It’s not nice just stabbing people with that stupid thing!”
  272. >Applejack watched as Shy’s arm swelled with muscle and her height began to rise
  273. >”I’ve had a trying day, heck, a trying *week*! And I don’t know how much more I can take before I just scream!”
  274. >her tits bulged and swelled so quickly it almost threw Shy off balance, yet she continued to berate a bemused Twilight as the scientist tapped on her device and logged more data
  275. >”Grrr! Stupid boobs! Ugh, I hate how much attention they get! And now I keep running around, mostly naked, any it’s only going to be a matter of time before people start taking picture of me!”
  276. >her ass bulged out with muscle and fat, as did her legs as she towered over both of her friends
  277. >”I mean, it feels good to some extent, but I’d like to try and keep control and not lose my mind every time someone pokes, prods or angers me!”
  278. >she finished growing, and took a deep breath
  279. >”But whatever, everyone just takes advantage of me already, so no doubt I’ll start talking like an idiot any second now and led around like an animal…”
  280. >everyone was silent, and Shy blinked a few times as she looked down at her gigantic frame, then scratched her head
  281. >”I’m… still me?”
  282. >Twilight smirked. “Well, it’s not a total success, but at least we seem to have cured the rage-induced depletion of your intellect.”
  283. >Shy stared at Twilight, then AJ, and finally back down at herself
  284. >she studied her body, began to smile, then flexed in a double bicep pose
  285. >Applejack began to sweat as she stared, then cleared her throat and said, ”well, y’all seem a lot more confident. You used to blush when I held your hand, let alone standin’ around in your birthday suit in front of Twilight.”
  286. >Shy giggled as she squeezed her bicep and marvelled at the sheer size of the bulge. “Maybe not in public, but wow… I look amazing! I kind of want to strut my stuff!”
  287. >she bent down, giving a red-faced Applejack an amazing view of Shy’s colossal cleavage, and stroked her littler lover’s chin
  288. >”Especially for you, Jackie…”
  289. >”First things first, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, “remember that kitten that came into the shelter with the broken leg?”
  290. >Shy gasped and her lip trembled. “That was so sad!”
  291. >”Or that hamster, Silky, that-“
  292. >then Shy started openly weeping. “I tried my best to help!”
  293. >Shy’s body shuddered and shrank rapidly
  294. >”Hypothesis proven!” Twilight said, smugly. “Sadness and, no doubt, other depressive states bring her out of her transformation.”
  295. >Shy wipes her eyes, realised she was normal, squeaked and covered herself up
  296. >Twilight continued, ”and I’d imagine any stimulating emotions will activate it, although thankfully it seems Fluttershy’s rage and obfuscation of typical neurological activity has been replaced with a… well justified boost to her confidence when she’s all big and bulgy. No doubt a chemical transformation that fuels her abnormal strength, as well as an irregular biological disparity when-”
  297. >”When she’s big, she’s bold, got it,” Applejack said as she started developing a headache and handed Shy a blanket
  298. >Twi shrugged. ”I suppose if we *have* to use layman’s terms, sure.” She turned back towards her device. “And now I’ve got to spend all night trying to fix this mess…”
  299. >Shy but her lip. “Sorry, Twilight.”
  300. >”Is there anything we can do to help, Sugarcube?”
  301. >”Twilight scratched her head. “Just… let me work.”
  303. >Shy and AJ left Twilight and headed back to the farmhouse and, considering it was already late, straight to bed
  304. >Applejack spooned against Shy and, despite each other’s presence putting them at ease, both were restless
  305. >”I don’t mean this like an insult, but I just can’t get comfortable tonight.”
  306. >”Ain’t nothin’,” AJ said and gave Shy a gentle squeeze. “I get it. Not every day ya get turned into a super strong gal as tall as a tree.”
  307. >”It’s going to take some getting used to… goodness, this is all so strange,” Shy said
  308. >”That’s sayin’ a mouthful.”
  309. >they lay in silence for a while, then Applejack reached over and turned on an old radio
  310. >the gentle country music helped
  311. >the tune cut out all of a sudden, and the radio host said, ”this just in; the police have asked any of y’all night owls if you’ve seen any suspicious folk out in Canterlot City. Especially in the vicinity of the former animal shelter down on Nicker Street.”
  312. >AJ and Shy glanced at each other
  313. >the host continued, “the police say a whole lotta damage was inflicted on Mr. Rich’s planned modernisation efforts. The vandals weren’t spotted, but the police claim the damage done would have to have been made by some serious hardware. Like other construction equipment. Contact the local police with any information for a small cash reward if it leads to an arrest. The man himself, Filthy Rich, was already notified and made the following statement.”
  314. >”These are the actions of old fashioned fools afraid of progress,” Filthy Rich’s said. “And considering they’re hurting the wallets of good, honest Canterlot City people with their vandalism, they’re obviously not looking out for anyone but themselves.”
  315. >the radio soon went back to music
  316. >AJ sighed, but heard a growl from Shy
  317. >and held her body subtly shift… she was growing
  318. >”Now, now, lover,” AJ whispered. “Nothin’ worth gettin’ a bee in your bonnet about.”
  319. >Shy’s breathing settled, and she shrank back down
  320. >”Sorry…”
  321. >AJ squeezed her girlfriend tightly. “Its all good. It’s a lot to take in, and make no mistake, that guy’s a jackass.”
  323. >”It’s not just that,” Shy said with a sniffle. “I’m really worried what’s happened to me is going to ruin… well, us.”
  324. >”We’ll make it work, Sugarcube,” AJ said and gave her another squeeze. “Or maybe you need a little extra sweetness to make me prove it?”
  325. >Shy gasped as Applejack’s hands stroked her body
  326. >”Although you’re plenty sweet already. And the prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.”
  327. >Shy moaned as her breasts were given a firm-handed stroke
  328. >”And the sexiest gal anyone’s ever gonna find.”
  329. >Shy squirmed as AJ’s hand danced down over her belly
  330. >and then stroked the tiny pink puff between her legs
  331. >then around her delicate nub
  332. >”You’re making me horny,” Shy groaned as she felt the power inside her spark up again. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m horny!”
  333. >Applejack purred, ”that a fact?”
  334. >Shy’s already huge tits bulged in size into Applejack’s hand, tripling in size in a heartbeat
  335. >and her ass filled AJ’s lap and pushed the farm girl back a few feet
  336. >Applejack snickered. “I ain’t convinced.”
  337. >”Ahh! More,” Shy moaned as her skin turned yellow and her eyes glowed green. “Make me huge! Make me big and strong! Make me sexy!”
  338. >Applejack smirked as she thought up more ways to tease and provoke her girlfriend
  339. >but she stopped and sat up
  340. >”Jackie? What’s wrong?”
  341. >Shy sat up as well, and her body immediately shrank back down
  342. >AJ gently put her hands on Shy’s shoulders. ”I just gotta say one thing first. I’m just worried, what with your changes and new confidence in that new body, y’all might think I think less of you as you were, and I’m only enjoyin’ the bigger you. That couldn’t be further from the truth. If you ever stop changin’, I’ll love you all the same. You’re already special. Perfect, even.”
  344. >Shy looked at her girlfriend with her big, pretty eyes in shock
  345. >and couldn’t help but smile
  346. >”That’s so sweet of you!”
  347. >she pulled AJ in and gave her the deepest, most loving and innocent kiss
  348. >as she pulled back, she winked and said, “but trust me, I want you to enjoy every part of me, the new and the old. Because I know you’ve got the biggest heart around.”
  349. >Shy’s eyes glowed brightly
  350. >”And you know what that big heart needs?”
  351. >smoothly and swiftly, Shy hulked out
  352. >the bed creaked, AJ’s face was buried in an ocean of jiggling tit flesh, Shy’s muscles bulged and swelled as her skin turned yellow and her hair burned neon pink
  353. >Shy lounged back onto the bed, pulling AJ with her so face was still buried in her cavernous cleavage
  354. >”A big heart needs a big lover. Now fuck to me until we can’t fuck any more!”
  355. >”Yes’m,” AJ said, muffled
  356. >and they did just that
  357. >two super strong girls unleashed everything they had on each other
  358. >the bed splintered
  359. >the windows rattled
  360. >and the sun was peeking over the horizon when Shy couldn’t maintain her giant body, and she shrank
  361. >”That… was amazing…” she whispered, collapsing on top of the lumpy mattress in exhaustion
  362. >AJ panted, mounted her, and chuckles, “heck no, missy. I ain’t done with you, yet!”
  363. >bereft of her strength, Shy nervously stared at the glowing geode around Applejack’s neck and whispered, “please be gentle…”
  364. >AJ shook her head, said “no can do, missy,” and began to grind
  365. >it was another hour, with the cockerels crowing, when the boundless stamina of Applejack finally waned
  367. >Applebloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith acted as if nothing had happened as they went about their chores that morning
  368. >but Twilight finally removed the earplugs as she slurped down some lukewarm coffee, and did her final checks on the gamma scrubber
  369. >she wouldn’t deny some scientific curiosity about the copulation between a girl with strength born of a magic pendant and a one with gamma infused super strength
  370. >not to mention it had… been a while since Twilight had any ‘fun’
  371. >she had Timber Spruce, but building the gamma scrubber had coincided with him running Camp Everfree for the summer, just like when they first met, so they were having a mutually agreed break
  372. >she guessed she could hit up Sunset for a fling, but she was letting herself get distracted
  373. >”Oh… um, good morning.”
  374. >Shy entered the barn
  375. >she wasn’t exactly walking straight and looked dead tired
  376. >Twilight could relate there as she yawned, but corrected, “it’s afternoon.”
  377. >Shy blinked and checked her phone. “Oh, right… my mistake.”
  378. >she went about feeding the animals, then asked, “so, when is that science symposium?”
  379. >Twilight sighed and said, “I managed to convince the organisation running it to allow me to go last in showing off my device. The big problem is I’m struggling to get the door to seal and I’m running out of time. It’s got to be there by four o’clock for examination and five for the demonstration, but it keeps leaking gamma energy whenever I run a test cycle.”
  380. >Shy glanced at her animals in enough of a worry that her skin flushed yellow, and Twilight hastily added, “relax, I’ve been running extremely low energy tests and I’ve got a lead sheath to cover the door, I just put a Geiger counter underneath it to read the leak.”
  381. >returning to her normal skin tone with a sigh, Shy said, “thank goodness. Um, actually, about my ‘condition?’ Am I immune to this gamma stuff?”
  383. >Twilight yawned and replied, ”I wouldn’t describe it as ‘immune’. The gamma radiation’s part of your biology now, so you can absorb a lot of radiation without it causing issues, and certainly not the usual radiation poisoning normal people would, but it’s like most substances the body can absorb, I suspect a strong blast would cause… something to happen, I just don’t know what. I’d like to experiment, but I’m just a little too busy trying to fix the scrubber right now.”
  384. >Shy smiled reassuringly. “That’s what I mean. Maybe we could use my resistance to make it seem like the device is safe. So I could stand by the door while it’s working to make them think there’s no danger?”
  385. >”That’s a big maybe,” Twilight pondered, “but your body *would* act as a gamma shield if I focus my repairs on one edge of the door, and you sit against the machine in the sole leak while the symposium judges scan elsewhere! Let me quickly put all the shielding on one side and we’ll experiment!”
  386. >Twilight took the door apart and Shy couldn’t help but wince as she saw the mangled lead lining inside from when she broke the machine
  387. >Twilight spent an hour with a high strength portable stove melting down the lead and forming it into a smaller panel, replaced it into the door, and then used the lead sheath to plug the rest, leaving an imperfect seal
  388. >with the door back in place, Applejack appeared, sweating and exhausted
  389. >”Hey, girls! I think I caught up with my chores for the day. How’s the experiment comin’ along?”
  390. >”We’re just about to run a test,” Twilight said. “Keep clear for a moment
  391. >Shy blushed and waved at AJ as she took her place, and Twilight activated the scrubber
  392. >there was some light clicking from the Geiger counter, but Twi’s smile slowly grew as she exclaimed, “it’s working! Let me turn it up.”
  393. >Shy shivered as the machine rumbled. “Oh, this feeling… I- I think I’m about to transform…”
  394. >her hair turned bright pink as Twilight pleaded, “try to resist it! Just thirty seconds more and this’ll be a success!”
  395. >Shy but her lip and closed her eyes as she tried to stop her body from changing
  396. >despite the intensifying feelings, Shy didn’t gain any muscle
  397. >”Uh, Sugarcube?” Applejack said
  398. >”Not now… I’m trying to focus…”
  399. >Twilight gasped and added, ”wow, that’s different…”
  400. >Shy felt extremely heavy
  401. >and she struggled to keep upright
  402. >a sudden ripping sound forced her glowing eyes open, and she squealed
  404. >she hadn’t gained any muscle, nor height
  405. >but her tits were steadily swelling like water balloons
  406. >each was already as big as her torso as she tried desperately to keep upright
  407. >which was somewhat easier, since a cold feeling on her butt signalled her ass was also bulging out with a vengeance
  408. >and her perfectly girlish levels of pudge on her midsection soon gained a Pinkie-ish roundness as she became increasingly chubby
  409. >but her burgeoning curves soon sent her collapsing as her tits soon outweighed her whole body, and she slumped over her beanbag bosoms and the clicks intensified
  410. >”What’s happening to me!?”
  411. >with a grumble, Twilight shut down the machine. ”If I had to speculate? Your resisting the change meant all the gamma energy has pooled in your soft-tissue areas. It didn’t penetrate your muscle, hence you’re not any stronger, and as a result it didn’t get into your bones, hence no height growth.”
  412. >the ultra curvy Shy awkwardly tried to stand again, but each breast had to be twice her weight
  413. >AJ approached, her geode glowing, and helped lift her girlfriend’s gargantuan breasts was she able to stand, and helped place them on some sturdy crates
  414. >she was a fertility idol in the flesh: each two-Shy sized tit bulged around a huge swell of soft belly fat, and her waddle only accentuated Fluttershy’s thick hips and super soft butt
  415. >Applejack said, “if y’all can resist changin’, what about forcin’ yourself to transform? Think about how annoyin’ it’s gotta be to not be able to walk.”
  416. >”Right!” Shy closed her eyes and focused, but just blushed again and looked at her enormity. “Um, could I get little help? I’m having trouble focusing on standing rather than getting mad…”
  417. >Applejack sighed, brought her hand up, and slapped Shy’s ass so hard the clap echoed through the barn even more than Shy’s squeal
  418. >she immediately burned yellow as the excess belly fat melted down into deeply grooved abs
  419. >her ass seemed to consume the pudge as her glutes creaked bigger, her hip-bones pushed out, and her legs stretched longer
  420. >her arms thickened and exploded in size, and Shy hefted her giant tits up just before they, too, shrank down until they were supported by back muscles and pectorals able to withstand the diminished, yet still huge bosom
  421. >AJ backed up on reflex as Shy loosed a roar and a flex of her recovered brawn and intimidating eight and a half foot height, but after she relaxed with a sigh of relief, Shy winked at her girlfriend and said, “thanks, lover.”
  422. >AJ winked back. ”You’re welcome, Sugarcube.”
  424. >”Now that’s dealt with, back to my machine,” Twilight said. “We’re no closer to a solution, there’s no way I’ll find any strong enough material to plug the leak on such short notice. Time’s almost up…”
  425. >Shy snapped her fingers, painfully loud thanks to her superhuman strength. “We had an x-ray machine in the shelter, complete with a leaded curtain. You could use that to patch the door!”
  426. >”Sure, but y’all ain’t gettin’ in there,” Applejack leaned against Shy and put an arm around her waist. “After what we did to the construction equipment, there’s gonna be police over that place like flies on manure.”
  427. >Shy scoffed. “I’d like to see them try. They won’t recognise me like this. I just need something to wear.”
  428. >Twilight smirked. “You could use a superhero costume. You’re like Saddle Rager from the Power Ponies comics, just no longer quite as savage.”
  429. >”If I’m going to do illegal stuff lin this form, guess I could use a pseudonym,” Shy said and ran a hand through her wilder, neon pink hair. “And I really don’t think adding copyright infringement to the mix by taking Saddle Rager’s moniker is a good idea.”
  430. >”Y’all called yourself Flutterhulk when you first changed,” Applejack said. “Though I guess that’s a bit too close to your real name.”
  431. >”Something to figure out another time, then,” Applejack said and gathered some blankets, a tarpaulin and even the demolition warning she had taken before, and set about pinning them together
  432. >as well as a balaclava Applejack once used for a halloween mask by taping a paper skull over it
  433. >a few minutes later, a crudely dressed Shy stepped out and limbered up
  434. >Applejack followed and said, “do you remember the first time you changed? Y’all could leap through the air like it was nothin’. If you can still do that, you could get there in seconds.”
  435. >Shy nodded. “It’s strange, but I remember the movements, but the more I try and focus on the specifics, the less clear it becomes. I’ll just go with my gut.”
  436. >AJ took Shy’s hand. “Just be careful.”
  437. >Shy smiled back, put on the balaclava and said. “I will.”
  438. >Applejack stepped away, and Shy crouched, then leapt so high and hard, the ground shook
  439. >and away she went, hurtling through the sky faster than a plane, landing only when she was a dot on the horizon
  440. >”I should practice doin’ that with my geode… eh, maybe later,” Applejack said, but then went back inside
  442. >Fluttershy, on the other hand…
  443. >”Ow… stupid boobies!”
  444. >she rubbed her chin and shook the stars from her eyes
  445. >apparently trying to land carefully, on all fours, from a several hundred foot leap meant her softer body parts would jiggle beneath her
  446. >and she jiggled pretty hard
  447. >and being as gamma-powered as she was, her boobs were as dense as a wrecking ball as well
  448. >for the second leap, she devoted herself to the landing feet first, as if she was drop-kicking the ground
  449. >the impact crater was more of a shockwave, several nearby rocks shattered
  450. >and she created a long gouge in the earth as is he skidded a dozen feet before tumbling head over heels
  451. >but at least she didn’t almost concuss herself with her own tits
  452. >the third leap didn’t have the same space for landing
  453. >as she crashed down on a parking lot on the edge of Canterlot City
  454. >and the impact sent chunks of asphalt through several windows
  455. >it wasn’t too busy, but people ducked and covered all the same as every car alarm triggered in a hundred feet of her
  456. >”Maybe I should run the rest of the way…”
  457. >as big and bulky as her body was, she still felt as light as a feather
  458. >though without proper support, her massive curves made it difficult to get into a proper sprint
  459. >she ended up making smaller hops from foot to foot, almost like skipping
  460. >and Shy grumbled as each footfall caused cracks
  461. >being superhuman was difficult…
  462. >a cop car from a side road blared up its lights and siren and drove out in pursuit
  463. >Shy growled and made a larger leap to where her animal shelter was, clearing several blocks
  464. >and obliterating another police car that was parked around the scene of her Hulk-fuelled battle with Applejack, which was flattened under her weight
  465. >about twenty cops all drew their guns on her
  466. >”What the hell is that!?”
  467. >”Hey! Don’t move! You’re under arrest!”
  468. >a reasonable fear froze Fluttershy in place
  469. >but she remembered taking Applejack’s super strong hits, and having a digger slammed on her head
  470. >so she rolled her neck and walked toward the animal shelter
  471. >gunshots rang out
  472. >it was like someone was throwing tennis balls at her
  473. >the most they did, as one struck squarely on her chest, was caused a ripple of her tit
  474. >and the sound of lead hitting the ground as the flattened bullets bounced off her body
  475. >she smirked, ducked down, and pushed through the shelter door as they stopped firing
  477. >she headed straight into the surgery part of the shelter, found the x-ray machine and the leaded curtain
  478. >with her objective in hand, she paused and realised where she was
  479. >the nostalgia and loss of this place made Fluttershy pause
  480. >all the animals she’d helped heal and look after
  481. >and all the pets she could no longer help
  482. >her broad shoulders slumped
  483. >and before she realised it, her view began to shrink lower
  484. >she was reverting back!
  485. >”No! Not now! Get angry,” she pleaded to herself
  486. >but then she saw the pictures on the walls
  487. >all the happy animals and owners she’d helped and had taken pictures alongside
  488. >all the sadness of those that were neglected…
  489. >in seconds, she was just Fluttershy again…
  490. >and she wept at the state of her animal shelter
  491. >angry shouting from outside snapped Shy out of it as the police redoubled their efforts
  492. >Fluttershy scrambled about and looked for somewhere to hide
  493. >and found an old storage closet, where she’d stowed some spare clothes in case of an emergency
  494. >she put them on, and checked the back windows
  495. >there were cops there too, and they looked ready to approach the shelter!
  496. >but there *was* a gap through one of the side windows
  497. >Shy pushed the lead curtain out of the window, then crawled out herself, hiding in the bushes
  498. >”Hey, who’s there?”
  499. >”Eep,” Shy squealed, then clapped her hand over her mouth
  500. >she felt the power building in her again, but slowly…
  501. >footsteps drew near, and an armed cop came into view
  502. >a little bird perched on her shoulder, and asked if she was okay
  503. >Shy glanced between the bird and the cop, but couldn’t risk talking
  504. >so the bird suddenly bolted from the bush and pecked at the cop’s head
  505. >”Ack! Get offa me!”
  506. >as the cop fled from the bird, Shy fled the scene, and made a slow path back to Applejack’s farm
  508. >Twilight paced frantically, despite a nearby radio’s calming music. ”Come on, where is she!?”
  509. >AJ was beyond worried but, like many of her emotions, she tried to bury them deep and be the pillar of support she always was
  510. >”Maybe I should go and check?”
  511. >the radio suddenly crackled and a newscaster said, “this just in: the police are asking everyone in Canterlot City to be on the lookout for a…”
  512. >the man stammered a bit and could be heard asking if the report was accurate, and if people were messing with him while Twilight and Applejack glanced at each other, then the radio
  513. >”… an eight foot tall, female bodybuilder… wearing some loose stitched blankets, a tarpaulin and a balaclava. She is wanted for destruction of private property and a police vehicle, trespass and resisting arrest. She was last seen-“
  514. >”Fluttershy…” Applejack said and bit her lip, then turned
  515. >as if summoned by her name, a very normal Shy stood at the barn doors, carrying a large curtain over her shoulder
  516. >”Sorry I took so long… this is pretty heavy.”
  517. >Applejack took the curtain off of her and handed it over to Twilight, who ran off to install it into her machine
  518. >she then pulled Fluttershy into a deep hug and said, “we were so worried! What happened?”
  519. >Shy explained what had happened, and finished with, “I couldn’t stop myself feeling sad about the shelter… I’m sorry.”
  520. >Applejack kissed her girlfriend on the cheek and said, “I know what that place meant to you, Sugarcube. I get it. And it ain’t in your nature to be mad. I almost wish I could take this burden from you.”
  521. >”I guess I’ve never exactly wanted to be a hero, or strong or anything. I just want to help animals, and not keep causing problems for you and Twilight…”
  522. >Applejack looked worried. “I don’t know about any ‘hero’ business. What we’ve done so far is just break stuff, even if Filthy Rich deserves it.”
  524. >Twilight finished packing the lead curtain into the gap of the door, wiped her brow and said, “and we’re going to need money to start fighting against him anyway, so if either of you big, strong girls could help load this thing into Applejack’s truck? It’s gotta be ready for show in… jeez, twenty minutes! Let’s go!”
  525. >the two lovers glanced at one another, then AJ put her geode to good use by lifting the device into the family jalopy while Shy strapped it down
  526. >as Twilight and Shy tied the machine up, Applejack got the old truck’s ending running, and they were on their way to the symposium in a cloud of smoke and thrashed engine roars under the strain of the big machine

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT