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Twilight's Magical Force-Feeding

By Tankris
Created: 2022-11-07 18:13:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight moaned as she noticed three things. One, she was sitting in a chair. Two, her hands and legs were restrained. Three, she had a MASSIVE headache. Twilight tried to pull her arms from their binds but found the rope was too tight. “No way I can cast any spells like this...” Twilight worried as she heard footsteps approaching from behind.
  3. “Hahaha! Who knew that defeating the weakling known as Twilight Sparkle was as easy as casting a knockout spell when she's reading?” Twilight rolled her eyes as the familiar voice irritated her throbbing head. “Hello, Trixie. What do I owe this honor?” Twilight scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
  5. “Fool! Trixie did NOT give you permission to speak!” Trixie shushed Twilight as Trixie took center stage. The tied girl blushed as she noticed Trixie wearing little than a bra and shorts. “Oh please. Like you have any control over me. Is your scary plan to tie me to a chair and insult me?” Twilight giggled as Trixie grimaced. “Such insolence! Tied and bound and still you treat the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie like some court jester!”
  7. Trixie slowly smiled as she snapped her fingers. Cosmic energies swirled in front of Twilight's face before poofing into a simple doughnut. “Oh NOOOOOOO. The great and powerful Trixie learned how to conjure food. What ever will I doooooooo?” Twilight giggled as she continued to mock Trixie. Unfazed, Trixie used her magic to stuff the doughnut right into Twilight's mouth. Twilight moaned as she chewed through the delightful snack.
  9. “Wow...it actually tastes good! No wonder you're sporting a little bit of chub on that belly of yours.” Trixie blushed, doing her best to hide her tummy with her hands. “Well....I HAD to practice food conjuration after YOUR insults damaged my reputation all across Equestria!” Trixie fumed and snorted, waving her hands in frantic motions to conjure more and more doughnuts. They spun around Twilight's head, making the tied up girl dizzy. “No one would watch my magnificent displays of magic, leaving me to learn to conjure my own food to survive!”
  11. “Of course, it tasted TERRIBLE...at first.” Trixie continued, making sure Twilight was nibbling on a doughnut at all times. “But that's when I figured out the cause. Most conjured foods go for a nutritional balance, allowing for maximum nutrients and zero fat content.” Twilight moaned as she swallowed another bite. “However, by altering how you conjure your food, you can mix the balance to make sweets taste a million times better.”
  13. Trixie stopped her spellcasting and reached out towards Twilight. The bound girl gasped as Trixie found a small roll of flab sticking to the still somewhat skinny eater. “There is a very REAL, very FATTENING consequence to such meddling with conjured food, Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie poked her finger into Twilight's belly, giggling as it wobbled and jiggled as Trixie's finger toyed with the fat clinging to Twilight's tummy.
  15. “So...so what? I've gained a few pounds.” Twilight blushed as Trixie continued to play with the innocent flab. “A few? What makes you think I'll stop at a few?” Twilight gulped as Trixie resumed her spellcasts, conjuring more than just doughnuts. Cakes, pies, cookies, caramel filled fudge, chocolate and huge pitchers of cream hovered in the air above the two girls.
  17. “I hope that tailor friend of yours has plenty of cloth in her shop. She'll need it if you EVER hope of dressing yourself again!” Trixie grinned as a cookie was forced into Twilight's mouth. Twilight was forced to chew and swallow, something she didn't really mind all too much...until another fifty cookies had been forced into her tummy,
  19. She groaned as she felt her tummy expanding over her thighs. So soft and warm, she was overcome with the desire to rub and touch her belly. Her face went red as Trixie fulfilled her desire, jiggling and toying with the massive ball of blubber. “Look at you, growing into a big, fat piggy. I bet you want nothing more than to keep eating and rub your obese body.”
  21. Trixie smiled as she forced a pitcher of milk onto Twilight's lips. The poor girl had no other option than to chug the heavy cream, moaning as it sloshed and splashed inside her gurgling tummy. With every gulp, her gut swelled out, growing rounder and softer as Trixie watched with fascination. “Ha, imagine all the workouts you'll need just to fit into your old clothes, Sparkle. I hope that loudmouthed, rainbow brat knows good workouts for piggies!”
  23. With the milk gone, Twilight moaned in her seat. Her stomach was rumbling angrily as it tried to keep down the massive meal. Her lips flung open, letting out a huge belch. “Strange. I thought someone who was raised by Celestia herself would have more manners.” Twilight blushed as Trixie lifted a gooey, messy hunk of fudge in front of her face. The fudge dripped all over her shirt and even landed on the growing tummy peeking out of her shirt.
  25. Twilight gulped down the fudge, moaning as her thicker thighs and billowing hips began to strain her shorts. “Quite a bubble butt you've got there. How are you gonna fit through doorways now?” Trixie reached out and gave Twilight's hips a nice smack. Both girls blushed as Trixie pressed her hands into Twilight's hips and rear, giving the fatty a nice squeeze. “Oh yes. Nice and soft. Fitting for a piggy girl like yourself.”
  27. “How does it feel to have actual breasts now?” Trixie continued her teasing. Trixie's breaths were growing short as she reached out and fondled Twilight's chest. “Forget a piggy, you're a real heifer of a cow with milk bags like these!” Twilight giggled as Trixie pulled her hand away. “Milk bags? Even I don't use such LAME metaphors.” Embarrassed, Trixie resumed her feeding, keeping Twilight's mouth too full to reply.
  29. “Oh yea? Well...um..your shirt is too small! It's barely a bra for those massive tits now!” Trixie grimaced at her weak rebuttal, making sure that Twilight's jaw was too busy chewing to work on another sarcastic remark. Both girls stopped as a small tear formed on Twilight's shirt. “Oho, I spoke too soon! Those breasts of yours are too BIG for your shirt!” Twilight simply kept chewing, doing her best not to moan in enjoyment of all the delicious fudge stuck in her mouth.
  31. The collar of her shirt wasn't the only victim of such a gluttonous feasting. Twilight's shirt rolled up higher and higher, leaving more and more of Twilight's soft belly into view. Her shorts were popping at the seams, letting Twilight's thick thighs and super plump booty ooze out from the worn fabric. Trixie watched in fascination as every bite, every swallow left Twilight a few pounds heavier.
  33. “Are you ready for more milk? Maybe I should enchant it so you can refill the pitcher on your own.” Both girls blushed as Trixie pushed the glass container to Twilight's lips and forced the girl to chug and chug. Twilight's belly was like rising dough, growing and growing with each steady gulp. Trixie reached out and jiggled it hard, making the food and milk slosh around violently. Milk began to drip from the corner's of Twilight's mouth as the pitcher was flowing too fast for her to drink.
  35. “Yes...bigger...fatter...big, blubbery cow.” Trixie teased and teased. Her hands rubbed and slapped at Twilight's belly, leaving small, red prints on Twilight's tummy. The fascinated girl extended a finger and slowly pushed it into Twilight's navel, making her gasp and moan as Trixie tickled the sensitive flesh. “Ohhh someone LIKES it when I play with her belly.“ Trixie continued to tease, pulling the pitcher away and forcing another belch out of Twilight.
  37. Twilight was a gasping, moaning, sweaty mess of blubber and fat. Her chair groaned as another few pounds settled onto her body. “Are you ready for the main event, Sparkle?” Trixie asked with excitement in her voice. The line between punishment and enjoyment were blurred as the most delicious cake Twilight had ever tasted was pushed past her lips. Twilight blushed as she let out a long moan of enjoyment as she swallowed the cake.
  39. “Ha! You ARE enjoying this!” Trixie smiled as she watched Twilight's belly sag over her thighs. “N..no....” Twilight hung her head. “Yes you are. Open wide, my glutton. You'll be bigger and fatter before you know it.” Trixie's hands trembled with excitement as she watched Twilight open her mouth and reach her tongue out for more cake. Trixie scooped up a wad of cake with her hands and stuffed the fattening treat into Twilight's mouth.
  41. “I knew you'd love it. Here, lemme feed you properly.” Trixie boasted. Her confidence cracked as Twilight licked the frosting and crumbs off Trixie's hands. “Oh.....gosh....” Trixie blushed as Twilight took a finger into her mouth and gave it a quick suck, grabbing all the frosting off the digit. Trixie increased her feeding, pushing her hands against Twilight's lips as she crammed more cake into the ballooning fatty.
  43. “More...more...MORE MORE MORE!” Trixie screamed as she jumped onto the chair. It gave a weary creak as Trixie balanced herself on top of Twilight. She wrapped her thighs around Twilight's belly and smiled as she continued her feeding. Both girls moaned as Twilight happily chewed through the enormous cake, forcing her belly to grow and press against Trixie's plump thighs.
  45. The chair creaked louder and louder as Twilight was forced to eat, yet neither girl seemed to mind. Twilight continued to swallow, even as the legs of the chair bowed and screamed. Trixie smiled as she placed the last little glob of cake on Twilight's lips and forced it inside with a finger. She moaned as Twilight sucked off the frosting, only to pull back and yell as the chair finally gave out.
  47. Twilight hit the ground with a massive slam, sending her body violently jiggling and wobbling while Trixie was launched behind her. Twilight moaned as she rubbed her aching belly and her butt. Her eyes widened as she raised both hands to her stomach. “I'm free!” Twilight blushed as her every movement sent a jiggle though her body. She craned her neck, frowning as Trixie lay unconscious on the floor.
  49. “Must have hit her head....gotta escape while I still can!” Twilight tried to pull herself onto a sitting position, but her stomach was too fill and too big for her to pull herself up. With no other choice, Twilight huffed as she struggled to roll onto her stomach. Her body wobbled and slapped the floor as she pushed and shoved herself as best she could. With a small grunt, she rolled over onto her tummy. “Yes!” She smiled as she pushed herself up.
  51. Twilight frowned as she almost fell back down. Her center of gravity was thrown off from her massive belly and her plump, sagging rear. Her eyes found a nearby mirror and she stared at her new body. She blushed as her reflection jiggled with every movement, her clothing ruined as her body continued to tear through it like wet paper. “No time for this! I gotta go!”
  53. The obese girl struggled to walk, forcing herself into an awkward waddle as she made it to the exit. She pressed forward, moaning as her belly squished into the frame. “Oh no....oh no no no.” Twilight grunted, pushing forward and squishing her belly with her hands. “See? I can fit. I....can....fit!” Twilight huffed as she felt her wide hips and rump press into the doorway. Her efforts were in vain, her feet sliding on the floor as Twilight realized she was stuck.
  55. Neither pulling on the door frame nor trying to push herself back inside seemed to work. She was stuck, plain and simple. “What do I do? What do I DO??” Twilight panicked. One thought came to her mind, one that made her frown and pout. “I...I don't have any other choice. I HAVE to do it.” Twilight waved her flabby arms, sending her own magic into the air. It swirled and spun until a familiar shape appeared in front of her face.
  57. One doughnut...two doughnuts....five...a dozen...They were crammed into Twilight's stomach, forcing her to continue her growth. The obese girl smiled as her frantic chewing produced the sound she was looking for. Her tightly packed belly pushed and shoved against the door frame, weakening it with every bite. Twilight continued to chew and grow, only stopping to conjure up another pitcher of milk.
  61. Twilight let out a small squeak of surprise as the wooden frame cracked apart. Her belly pulled her forward, slamming into the floor with a loud THUMP. A massive belch echoed through the room, making Twilight blush. Finally free, Twilight pulled herself to her feet and waddled away, hoping to Celestia that no one saw her in her messy, obese and almost nude state.

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