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Musical Gluttony

By Tankris
Created: 2022-11-11 18:13:54
Expiry: Never

  1. The late morning sun stared down at Octavia from outside her bedroom. No matter how much she tossed and turned, Octavia realized she wasn't going to get back to sleep. “Bah, what's the use? I might as well get up. It's only.....ELEVEN!” A rosy blush spread along her face as Octavia slipped out of bed in a hurry. “Goodness...I've never slept in this late...” Her eyes caught a small frame on her dresser, forcing a smile on the disheveled mare's face. Her band...her OLD band, happily accepting another award from the Princess herself.
  3. “What a wild night that was. Partying with the princess...selling most of the rights to our band away...making so much money in one night, I could never dream of spending it all.” A sudden, early retirement was hitting Octavia hard as she took another glance at the clock. “I should really wake up at a decent time tomorrow. Or else I might end up like...like Vinyl.” Octavia giggled to herself as she changed into a simple blouse and a snazzy skirt. “Maybe she's awake and already started on something to snack on...”
  5. Vinyl stacked another pancake onto the plate and smiled. “I wonder. Is a dozen too many?” The question hung in the air for a second before the snarky mare shrugged her shoulders. “Nah. You can't have enough of a good thing.” Her mind wandered to her room mate as she poured a generous amount of syrup onto the food. A glass of orange juice sat next to the plate as Octavia made her way into the kitchen.
  7. “Good morning, Vinyl...having a bit of a snack?”
  9. “Nah, I already ate. These are for you.” Vinyl slid the plate towards Octavia, making the gray mare's eyes widen.
  11. “Vinyl, a DOZEN pancakes is enough food for an entire day! I shouldn't even be thinking about this for breakfast.” Before Octavia could protest, Vinyl pushed a fork into her hands via her magic.
  13. “Don't worry so much. Indulge. You're a retired mare at the age of twenty three. ENJOY LIFE for once!” The unicorn insisted.
  15. Octavia sighed as the fork inched towards the pancakes. “I suppose...but please don't make this a daily thing, Vinyl. I shouldn't be eating like this every day, you know.” The fork easily sliced through the pancakes, allowing Octavia to shove a massive bite into her mouth. “Mmmmmm...these are delicious. I'll never know how you learned to cook so well, Vinyl. One would assume you'd be more at home ordering out every meal with your lifestyle.”
  17. “Hey! What's that supposed to imply? I can cook just fine, baby.”
  19. Vinyl watched as Octavia tore through her meal. The usually reserved mare moaned with every little bite, completely lost in her eating trance. Another bite, another moan. Octavia sighed as she set the fork down and took a drink of her juice. “Oof...I told you it was too much. I'm barely halfway done and I'm stuffed!” Vinyl didn't need to be told that, as her gaze was locked on the tiny lil belly poking out from Octavia's slim frame.
  21. “You just aren't trying hard enough. I bet you could finish off that stack no problem.” Vinyl's taunt hung in the air, ringing through Octavia's brain like a pesky song that wouldn't fade away.
  23. “Is...is that a dare?” Octavia smirked as she picked up the fork again. The white unicorn could feel the heat in her face as Octavia resumed stuffing her already bulging tummy.
  25. “She's really doing it....oh my goddess....” Vinyl watched with eager eyes as Octavia slowly demolished her breakfast.
  27. “Oh....oh no....this...was...such..a..baaaaad ideeeaaaaa.” Octavia whimpered as she rubbed her aching belly. Vinyl watched with glee as the overburdened mare gently rubbed at her tummy.
  29. “Man, you really ate it all. That was amazing!” Octavia moaned as she pressed into her taut stomach. Her cheeks puffed up before letting loose a massive BUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRP into the room.
  31. She blushed, covering her mouth and turning away. “Ex...ex..excuse me!” Octavia muttered as she tried to run away from the table as quickly and as quietly as possible.
  33. “Haha! Hey, don't worry about it. Need a hand?” Vinyl smiled as she reached under Octavia's arm and eased the stuffed mare to her feet. Thankfully, Octavia didn't notice the stare as her belly wobbled with every desperate step to the couch.
  35. “Thanks...Vinyl. I think I should just...sleep this off.” Octavia almost whispered, her eyes already closing. “No problem. Just relax and you'll feel better soon.”
  37. Vinyl yanked her phone from her shorts and turned on the camera. She fiddled with the settings and held her breath as she took a picture of her room mare. A small smile was on Octavia's face as she snoozed away, unaware of the small photo shoot on her behalf. Satisfied, Vinyl stashed her phone and grabbed her keys. “Oh man...this is gonna be AWESOME.” She thought to herself as she planned out the best route through town.
  39. Octavia slept away the rest of her morning and a good chunk of the afternoon. Her belly deflated as she slowly digested her breakfast. The hundreds of calories inside her tummy soon became small little rolls of plump fat on her lithe body. Nothing that anypony could spot, but more than enough for a certain room mate. The stuffed mare was startled awake as the front door slammed open. “Octy! Lunch is heeeeeere!”
  41. “L..lunch? But I just ate!” Color drained from Octavia's face as she glanced at the clock. “Goodness...I seemed to have slept the day away...” A gray belly gurgled as the smells of greasy burgers and tacos filled Octavia's nose. “Wait, did you get cheeseburgers or Mexican?” “BOTH!” Vinyl grinned as she dropped six different bags on the table. “Why so MUCH? You can't possibly be suggesting we both eat all this NOW?”
  43. “Hey, that's what a fridge is for, right? Just grab a bag, man.” Vinyl smiled as she held up her own share of food. Sure, it might be a bit lighter than the others, but what Octavia didn't know only hurt her waistline.
  45. “Oh...all right. Maybe just today, we eat what we want. Tomorrow, just fruits and tea, got it?” Octavia's threat sounded hollow as her tummy let out another desperate gurgle for food.
  47. “You do your teas n junk. I'm gonna dig in!' Vinyl made a show of unwrapping her burger and tearing into it. She watched as Octavia let the tiniest drop of drool slip from her mouth.
  49. “Ohhh, you tease.” Octavia whined as she reached into her bag and unwrapped a monster burrito. Her lips wrapped around the tortilla, moaning as the cold sour cream and the warm meat filled her mouth.
  51. “Octy...hey, Octy. You got something riiiiiight here.” Vinyl gestured at her own mouth, but couldn't pull Octavia away from her meal. The hungry mare moaned as she continued to stuff massive bites into her mouth, only stopping to wipe a small bit of sour cream from her hands.
  53. “What was that, Vinyl? I...umm...didn't hear you.” Vinyl was at a loss for words, barely able to keep her focus on Octavia's face. She could feel a tingle between her legs, a naughty shudder vibrating her core as she tried to calm down.
  55. With a shrug, Octavia dismissed Vinyl's odd behavior and reached back into the bag. A crunchy taco here, some chips and cheese there and the bag was empty before Octavia knew it. “Ahh, what a meal.” Her hands pressed into her belly, cooing as she leaned back and relaxed.
  57. Vinyl had finished her meal ages ago, yet still sat down cradling a bag. “Want me to put the rest away? You're probably still stuffed from today.”
  59. Vinyl moved towards the four remaining bags, but she was stopped by eager, gray hands. “The fries smell too good...and they always get soggy if you chill them....and if I'm going to have some fries, I might as well have a burger....” Octavia didn't seem sure, but a fresh whiff of the salty fries caused her stomach to whimper in need. “Oh well, I did say to indulge.” Octavia shrugged before grabbing the container of fries and tilting them towards her lips.
  61. Octavia smacked and licked as the salt clung to her face. “Guh.....drink...Need something to drink! Salty!” Octavia moaned and protested until Vinyl shoved a bottle of soda in her hands. The cap tapped the ground as the parched mare pulled her head back and chugged. Vinyl's gaze slipped down to the shrinking blouse around Octavia's tummy, the buttons slowly showing off the stuffed belly hiding underneath. Nearly half of the bottle sloshed about inside Octavia before she yanked the bottle away.
  65. “Ah, they always over salt the fries. I suppose to sell the sodas.” Octavia frowned before unwrapping a burger. Vinyl watched in amazement as Octavia managed to slip a double patty burger into her belly, along with even more fries and the rest of her soda. Her tummy looked and sounded so happy as it gurgled away. Beyond stuffed all over again, Octavia slipped into another food coma. A tiny blotch of ketchup was still clinging to her lips as Vinyl took a few more pictures of her snoozing room mate, desperately wishing she could give that chubby gut a small massage.
  67. The snoozing mare awoke with a start as her head slipped from the top of the couch. She stared towards the television blaring in the dark room. “What in the...oh darn it all. I fell asleep on the couch again.” Her blush was almost visible in the darkness as Octavia eased herself into a standing position. She moaned in discomfort as the band of her skirt gently cut into her soft flesh, driving her to itch the irritated skin. “I need to cut back on my snacking.” Octavia threatened as she wandered into the kitchen.
  69. “Something small....a sandwich with weak tea before bed.” Octavia nodded as she opened the fridge. What met her was the remaining bags of fast food sitting on the top shelf. “She didn't eat anything else? Probably off getting free food at her gig or something.” Octavia shrugged as her hands grabbed a bag of tacos and a soda can. “I'll put some tacos on a plate and that'll be it for tonight. I've had FAR too much today.”
  71. However, Octavia's tummy growled in protest. “You can't STILL be hungry!” She whimpered as a massive hunger pang rocked through her stomach. Octavia eyed the bag on the counter and slowly placed in on her plate. “Well...it's on the plate, right?” Her belly gave a happy grumble as Octavia put on some light music and began eating.
  73. She pulled her blouse from her skirt, truly relaxing as she leaned back and ate her tacos. The bag grew lighter and lighter as Octavia became heavier and heavier. Without her blouse tucked in, her stomach was free to inch itself from under her shirt. She rubbed it with a free hand, blushing as she cradled her belly. “It is kinda fun to let loose, I suppose. Maybe this is what Vinyl has been talking about all this time.”
  75. Octavia sighed as she finished off another soda. Her bag of food had become a bag of trash, allowing the stuffed mare a chance to breathe and rest. She licked her lips, mind wandering to the burgers and burritos still waiting inside the fridge. “Vinyl wont notice. She'll have something already in her mouth when she knocks down the door at three in the morning.”
  77. The plate was left in the sink as Octavia yanked both bags from the kitchen. A dull throb rippled through her belly as she forced another burger past her lips. Her mouth was sticky with ketchup as a box of fries were slowly pushed down her throat. Constant bubbling and sloshing of the soda in her tummy forced a flurry of small belches from Octavia, forcing her to blush. The last item remaining was a heavy burrito, a thick tube of pure heaven that Octavia wearily unwrapped.
  79. Octavia was silent. She looked at the huge meal and began to sweat. “No way I should be eating this. I feel as if I'm going to pop!” Her stomach sloshed in agreement, yet the rounded mare continued to inch the burrito to her lips. She nibbled at it, easing little bites into her tummy. Octavia swallowed and moaned, her tummy desperate to digest her meal in order to make room. It took the better part of an hour, but Octavia giggled as she pushed the final bite inside her mouth.
  81. “I...did it.” Octavia smiled at her triumph. “Better clean up and get to bed. Goddess knows that Vinyl wont let me hear the end of it if I left all this trash around.” Octavia yanked down her blouse and grunted as she slowly strut to the kitchen and tossed everything away. She almost seemed to cradle her tummy like a mare heavy with child as she entered her room. Clothing off, she eased under the covers and passed out.
  83. “Oh man, I'm starved. Where's that massive burrito I bought?” Vinyl whined as she headed to the kitchen. To her surprise, none of the bags were sitting where she left them. “Did...did she?” Vinyl gasped as she noticed the bags sitting in the trash. “Oh gosh...oh gosh oh gosh!” Vinyl was short of breath as she fantasized about her room mate pigging out on so much food. “Aw, I missed out on such a good show!” Vinyl grinned as she grabbed a quick meal from the cabinets. “Guess I better prompt her for another stuffing. Soon...soon.”
  90. It had been two months since that fateful day. Octavia didn't seem to either notice or mind that Vinyl's choices for food was plentiful and fattening. Heavy pancakes with greasy meats when she woke up, fast food and snacks all throughout the day, then a heavy meal just for her after Vinyl's concert. The gray mare certainly didn't notice the changes slowly rippling through her body.
  92. Octavia yawned as she slowly pushed herself out of bed. Gone were the late morning of lament and guilt as the mare didn't even gasp at the late hour. The only thing she was thinking of was breakfast at noon. Her wardrobe was a mess of skirts or pants in desperate need of altering or repair. Her neat, white blouses were littered with tears and most were missing a few buttons. “Silly things. Need to remind Vinyl to change the detergent again.” Octavia huffed as she sucked in her gut and barely looped her pants shut.
  94. Her heavy muffin top jiggled between her tight blouse and even tighter shorts. None of her bras dared to contain her soft, plump tits, leaving her breasts to jiggle and bounce with every step. Thighs ripe and soft were pinched by her pants, and fat oozed through several tears. Still, Octavia said nothing of her condition, only sitting down at the table staring at her breakfast.
  96. Pancakes, waffles, french toast, eggs, bacon and sausage sat on a massive platter. Syrup and butter drenched every inch of the plate, making the entire meal far too sweet and sticky. Vinyl set a glass of orange juice down and smiled as the drooling chubster. Her eyes flicked over to Octavia's overflowing cleavage for a moment, making Vinyl weak in the knees. “How's it going, Octy? Sleep well?”
  98. “Yesh, ah did!” Octavia's answer was drowned out by the half a pancake crammed in her mouth. Syrup splattered on her lips, forcing her to smack and lick at her face while raising a few strips of bacon to her mouth.
  100. “Good to hear. Lemme know if you need anything else. I'm gonna chill and watch some TV.” Vinyl slipped away, peeking at the underwear turned thong wedged deep inside Octavia's cheeks.
  102. Octavia was too busy eating to notice Vinyl pulling out her phone. The horny unicorn blushed as she turned off the flash of her camera and snapped a pic or two. Octavia's rump was overflowing off the edges of her seat while her stomach and love handles jiggled with every little movement.
  104. “Oh maaaan. She's gotten so big! <3” Vinyl bit her lip as she watched Octavia cram the rest of her sausage in her mouth. The little piggy still had so much food to go, yet she was already filling out as she ate.
  106. “Oops. Darn this shrunken shirt!” Octavia fumed as she felt a bit of syrup and butter splatter on her exposed chest. She ran a finger over her body and moaned as she lapped at the mess dripping off her finger. The little moans of pleasure made Vinyl nearly collapse as she imagined Octavia plumping up with every bite.
  108. The pudgy mare swirled her final bite over the syrup soaked plate and shoved it in her mouth. Her sticky hands smeared a bit of syrup all over her belly, but Octavia didn't mind. She reached out and lifted the plate, easing it to her lips and gulping down the buttery syrup. “Mmmmm. So good!” Octavia giggled as she drank her orange juice before heaving herself out of her seat.
  110. She plopped herself down on the couch, making it protest with a grunt. “You certainly know how to spoil a mare, Vinyl. Thanks for breakfast.” Octavia gave her stomach a tiny pat, making it ripple and jiggle. Her cheeks puffed out as a massive belch echoed throughout the room.
  112. Vinyl returned the smile and shrugged. “No prob. Wanna watch anything in particular?”
  114. “Nah. I just wish I had remembered a soda. All that sticky syrup has me parched.” Vinyl gladly wandered to the kitchen and grabbed two cans of soda for her friend. The day continued as such, with Octavia begging Vinyl to take a small trip to the kitchen for a snack or two. Vinyl watched as the already bloated, stuffed gray orb of a belly grew and grew as the glutton kept her stomach full all day.
  116. DING DONG
  118. “Hope you don't mind, but I ordered pizza for lunch.” Vinyl smirked.
  120. “Pizza?” Octavia drooled over her lips, even as stuffed as she was. The motivation of food was enough to force her off her seat, making her huff and pant in the process. Octavia walked as fast as she could to the door and flung it open, sniffing the air for her prize.
  122. The delivery boy gasped as Octavia accidentally pressed her cleavage into his face. “Ex..ex...excuse me, ma'am! I...I....” He stuttered, brain completely fried as he savored the feeling of soft, plump breasts in his face.
  124. “Ohhhhh, Vinyl DID order pizza. Thanks for bringing it, sir.” Octavia scooped the boxes from his hands and walked back inside, granting him a peek at her panties as she left him stunned at the door.
  126. “Octy, did you even tip the poor guy?” Vinyl smirked as she grabbed a plate for herself.
  128. “Umm...well...Does accidentally letting him motorboat me count?” Octavia blushed as she finally realized just what she did to the poor fellow. “Should I go back and apologize?” She worried as Vinyl placed a whole box in front of Octavia's chair. “Hey, if I know how guys work, he probably thinks he owes you change.”
  130. Octavia giggled before flipping open her box. Greasy cheese, savory meats and soft, spongy bread awaited the somehow hungry fatty. Octavia grabbed a slice in each hand and alternated her bites. Vinyl watched as sauce clung to Octavia's lips and cheeks, making the hungry piggy quite a mess. In seconds, half of a pizza was already sitting in Octavia's belly, along with her breakfast, snacks and all the soda she had forced down that day.
  134. A sigh left Octavia's lips as her belly visibly deflated. Another button had already popped off her blouse, allowing even more of her xtomach to spill out of her clothes. One little, insignificant button was all that kept Octavia modest, if you could even call it that. Her jelly rolls were pouring over her shorts with every swallow, making Vinyl bite her lip rather than the pizza.
  136. By the time Vinyl had finished three slices, Octavia had finished three whole pizzas. Her tummy began to protest every bite, gurgling and sloshing while pushing out any built up gasses it could. “Jeez, Octavia. If you were THAT hungry, I'd have just taken you to a buffet.”
  138. Octavia's eyes lit up as she began eating the half eaten pizza sitting by Vinyl. “Not a bad idea but we REALLY need to go shopping after a buffet trip. All of my clothes have shrunk.”
  140. “Right....shrunk.” Vinyl nodded as Octavia polished off the last of the pizza.
  142. The heavy, gray mare sighed as she leaned back and patted her belly, smearing grease all over herself. “Oops. I should go take a shower. I'll help clean up after fix this dreadful mess.” Octavia wiped her face on her arm before waddling towards her room.
  144. The shower invigorated Octavia, the warm waters easing the tension on her bloated, rounded belly. She moaned as she rubbed the soap into her coat, blushing as her fingers squeezed her tummy and toyed with her navel. “Goodness....hopefully Vinyl heads off to a show after dinner...”
  146. With her wardrobe dwindling, Octavia was forced into something she never thought she'd ever wear. A baggy and rather tacky pair of sweatpants and a hoodie was sprawled over her bed, all with Vinyl's logo and face all over it. “The only thing that hasn't shrunk...because I simply can't allow myself to wear such garish clothing.”
  148. Octavia pulled the sweatpants up and turned a deep scarlet as the baggy pants clung to her every curve. The bands in the waist were fully pulled out, yet they pinched her belly tight. The hoodie was no better as it barely covered her belly button, showing off her navel to the mirror. “These...these are a LARGE!” The reality of it all crumbled around Octavia. Her clothes weren't shrinking...she was GROWING!!
  150. “Octy! You doing okay? Need a hand or are you ready to go?”
  152. The earth mare let out a whimper “WHY? Why did I even suggest going to the buffet? I'm not even hungry!” Her hands squished into her belly, making Octavia shudder in an odd pleasure that felt so familiar. Hands and fingers wandered around, finally appreciating her new body. Gray flesh wobbled and jiggled in sensitive areas Octavia never knew she had. Her blush seemed to creep down her neck as she squeezed her plump tits, jiggled her spare tire of a gut or spanked her bubble butt.
  154. Through the crack of the open door, Vinyl spied on with her own lust. “Oh yea....jiggle that tummy...you're so big....fat....unnnfff.” She had to bite her lip and hurry away before the unicorn got caught. Vinyl did her best to seem uninterested as Octavia waddled into the room.
  156. “Vinyl...I'm...I'm so hungry. Can we please head to the buffet now?”
  158. Ponies stared as Octavia rushed over to the buffet. The stuffed mare stacked two plates for herself before Vinyl even had the opportunity to pay. “Hey Octy, slow down. The food isn't going anywhere, you know.” Octavia didn't hear her. All that mattered was the food in front of her.
  160. Juicy ribs, cheesy macaroni, grilled veggies and heaps and heaps of potato salad sat on one plate while chicken wings, pork sausage, french fries and slices of ham sat on another. An entire pitcher of soda was placed on the table as Octavia dug in. In seconds, her face was slathered with food, and even more was dripping on her hoodie. Vinyl watched with wide eyes as Octavia pushed her limits beyond either of them ever dreamed.
  162. Fingers were greasy and splattered with sauce, handfuls of fries and potato salad was missing, stacks and stacks of wing bones sat on the table. The piggy pony slurped on her hands before chugging her soda. Vinyl peeked over the mess of plates and watched as the bloated stomach pressed into the table. Both mares let out a small moan, blushing as their eyes met.
  164. “V...vinyl..would you be a dear and get me more?” Vinyl's shaking hand gripped the empty pitcher as she stood up. “
  166. More...what?” She was sweating as Octavia gave her answer.
  168. “EVERYTHING, of course!” The deejay had never run so fast in her life, stacking plates upon plates of heavy, fattening foods for her room mate.
  170. Octavia ate and ate, taking pleasure with every inch her belly pushed at the table. The table scraped the ground every few bites as Octavia continued to grow. Her stained, greasy hoodie was losing the battle of keeping her tummy hidden. Her fat belly oozed from her clothing, catching a fair amount of stains and smears.
  172. Vinyl continued her food fetching right until the staff blocked her from the bar. “Umm..miss...You and your friend need to leave...”
  174. “Hey, Octy. The losers here say we need to go.” Octavia whined, desperately scooping up another bite of ice cream.
  176. “Right...gotta go anyway. Feeling kind of full.” “Kind of” was a generous statement. Octavia's belly throbbed with every beat of her heart, skin tingling as it did it's best to stretch around all the dense foods packed inside. “Help me up?” Vinyl grunted as she eased an arm under Octavia's shoulder and heaved her into a standing position.
  178. “Mmm...thanks, Vinyl.” Octavia whispered as they walked towards their house. Vinyl was as bright as a street light as her arm hugged Octavia close. Close enough that a generous amount of breast fat was sagging over her fingers. “No problem. Anything for a friend.”
  180. Octavia laughed as she eased herself inside their house. “Friend? With those looks you were giving me tonight, I don't think you wanna be friends.”
  182. “What? Of course I doooooommmmmmmm!” Vinyl's response was cut short as a pair of greasy lips met hers. Both mares moaned into the kiss, enjoying the pleasures of each other. Vinyl's hands inched out and rubbed at the massive belly squishing into her before reaching out and grabbing a handful of Octavia's fat ass. They broke away, panting hard while they stared into each others eyes.
  184. “Bedroom.” Octavia commanded. She reached under the hem of her hoodie and pulled, revealing her jiggly tummy and her plump breasts. Vinyl cooed in delight as Octavia grabbed her room mate and dragged her to the bedroom.
  193. “Octy? Octyyyyy Get up or you'll be late for breakfast!” Vinyl jabbed at the flabby mare, half annoyed, half entranced as the blubbery gray mare jiggled so violently to her touch.
  195. It was well past noon, yet the heavy sleeper refused to budge. “Fine. No food for you, tubby. Think of all the sad foals who would LOVE more than just cereal every MORNING.”
  197. Octavia mumbled before rolling on her belly and pushing herself up. “You know that threat doesn't work. The only place that food is going in my stomach and you know it.”
  199. “Well then get up! You know it's gross when it's cold.” Vinyl left the room, leaving Octavia to roll out of bed herself. The massive mare yawned before sitting up and pushing herself out of bed. Just the small effort left her slightly breathless and sweaty. Octavia peeked into a mirror and smiled at the results of half a year of nonstop binging.
  201. Gone was the classy mare of high society. The famed cellist of the most sought after classical band in Canterlot. In her place was Octavia the glutton, the piggy, the over eater. She placed her hands under her belly and lifted it up, watching with fascination as her tummy bounced and jiggled for minutes on end. Her tits, completely unrestrained, bounced atop her belly wildly. No bra dare sought to hold back her melon sized tits, and Octavia was in no rush to find such attire.
  203. Her rump stuck out like a shelf, easily wedging in any door frame Octavia dared to slip through. Plump thighs constantly pressed and jiggled against each other, making anything other than a waddle difficult for the glutton. Satisfied, Octavia walked into the kitchen and smiled at the feast waiting for her.
  205. The whole table seemed to be decked out in plates just for her. Stacks and stacks of pancakes, whole cartons of scrambled eggs, packages of sausage and bacon laid in wait for Octavia's endless hunger. “Octy! What did I say about coming to the table nude?” The piggy was already stuffing her mouth with her hands before turning to her room mate.
  207. “Do it more cause it's sexy?” Vinyl watched as syrup and butter freely splattered on Octavia's huge chest, making the unicorn shudder in delight.
  209. “Yea, that's what I thought you said, pervert!” Octavia teased as she heaved her breast to her lips and licked away the sticky mess.
  211. “H HEY! Do...do you wanna eat breakfast or am I gonna drag you back into that bed?” Vinyl stuttered as she watched Octavia bounce her tit back against her belly.
  213. “You don't have the strength anymore.” Octavia warned as she grabbed another two pancakes and shoveled them into her mouth.
  215. “So hurry up and eat so you can begin snacking!” Vinyl desperately whined as she began stacking boxes around the couch.
  217. “Jeez, you almost seem more excited than I am for all those doughnuts.” Octavia jabbed as she cleaned off another plate. She drained a whole bottle of orange juice and sighed as her tummy sloshed and jiggled against the table. “Might have to turn my chair tomorrow. It's getting difficult to grab everything with this big, fat belly in the way.”
  219. “Stop teasing!!” Vinyl whimpered. She watched as Octavia slathered a bit of syrup on her lips and pushed herself up. Big, supple hips swayed as delicately as they could as Octavia approached the blushing unicorn and gave her a sloppy, sticky kiss.
  221. “Snack time.” Octavia giggled as she sat down on the couch, making it whine and bend as she rested her weight upon it.
  223. “Open wide!” Vinyl cheered as she grabbed a doughnut and pushed it into Octavia's waiting mouth. The unicorn pushed a palm into the massive gray belly sagging off the couch, making Octavia moan in relief.
  225. “Ahh...the best tummy rubs. Or should I call them tummy wubs?” Vinyl groaned as she stuffed another glazed ring into Octavia.
  227. “Every day, you make that joke. Even I have limits you big, goofy tub of lard.”
  229. Empty boxes towered over the couch as Vinyl fed and fed her pleased fatty. She watched as Octavia's obese gut swelled outwards and pressed her fingers apart with every new calorie she swallowed. The belly rubs kept Octavia going, helping her digest, grow and belch up any trapped gas right into Vinyl's face. The duo were unstoppable, right until the doorbell rang.
  231. “LUNCH! Lunch, lunch lunch lunch!” Octavia chanted as Vinyl pulled her up from the weary couch. Completely nude, Octavia waddled over to the door and grinned as a squad of delivery boys began ogling the overfed fatty. “Hi there, boys. Got something for me?” Octavia smiled as one by one, each delivery boy dropped their packages at the door while she jiggled her belly and groped her tits.
  233. She left them stunned and sticky, a few getting a nice face full of her fat tits. “Ha, that never gets old!” Octavia boasted as she gave her rump a smack and closed the door behind her. Her free bounty of burgers, Chinese food, tacos and whole chickens needed quite a few trips to sort out. Even after so much food, Octavia's stomach gurgled with a deep need to eat as the delicious smells filled her nose.
  235. “I'll start on dinner. You gonna be okay in there?” All Vinyl received in response was the noise of somepony pigging out on a box of rice and egg rolls. The crack and fizzle of an energy drink can could be heard as the piggy needed all the calories she could force down. With Octavia busy on her current meal, Vinyl pulled out two giant pans and began to work. The oven preheated just in time as the chef sprinkled the last of the cheese into the pan. Two big, thick pans of lasagna slipped into the oven, left to cook while Vinyl inspected the damage.
  237. Octavia was snoozing on the couch, crumbs, sauces and greasy smears all over her face, belly and tits. Vinyl pulled out her phone and took plenty of pictures, permanently capturing her cute fatty while she snoozed. It joined a gallery of hundreds of snapshots, a massive slide show of Octavia's descent into a slobbish, hedonistic lifestyle. Vinyl swiped through her favorites, biting her lip as she watched her room mate grow in seconds.
  239. Magic made cleanup of the discarded wrappers and boxes a breeze. Two or three bags were tossed in a small pile of trash outside, all filled with the same discarded food wrappers and containers. The ding of the oven brought a smile to Vinyl's face as she pulled out the lasagna and left it to cool. “Octavia? Time to wake up. Dinner is ready.”
  243. Vinyl's hair flapped in the “breeze” as Octavia belched herself awake.
  245. “Dinner? Already? 'M starvin....” Octavia sleepily forced herself up and waddled to the table, making sure to sit sideways as to not pinch her belly.
  247. “Mmm. Lasagna.” Vinyl was seconds from cutting into the thick meal when Octavia simply grabbed the whole casserole pan and pushed it towards her lips.
  251. A trickle of blood was slowly running from Vinyl's nose as she watched Octavia DRINK her pasta down. Her gray stomach visibly bulged and fattened before her very eyes, turning Vinyl on like she had never felt before. Octavia's growth slowed a tad as she spent a few minutes chewing away at the soft layers of pasta but instantly resumed as the desperate glutton let all the sauce and cheese slide down her throat.
  253. Bigger and bigger Octavia grew, her face slightly stained with warm sauce as she continued to shovel the whole meal right into her belly. Her tummy let out a strained gurgle as it was finally filled to the brim, yet Octavia kept eating. The pan clanked on the table, empty, as Octavia struggled to catch her breath.
  257. The second pan was pulled to Octavia's lips, making Vinyl gasp. “No way....” She whispered as the stuffed piggy began drinking all over again. Sauce began to run down Octavia's cheeks, dripping all over her tits and her massive belly. The only sound in the room was the soft panting of Vinyl and the desperate gulps of Octavia's frenzied eating. Her chair whined with every gulp, the legs bowing out and weakening with every pound she gained.
  259. With a shudder, Octavia finished her food. Her face was red as she struggled to gasp in air while she tried to wipe away the wall of sweat on her belly and forehead. Octavia's whole body jiggled with every breath, making her chair grunt a little louder with every hypnotic jiggle. The massive mare dared to lean back and relax, but the strain was too much. Her chair shattered, sending Octavia right to the ground in a jiggling fit of motion.
  263. Octavia sighed in relief as the force of the impact loosened a belch deep from her tummy. She didn't have long to catch her breath as Vinyl kissed Octavia, not minding if her face or clothing made contact with the messes clinging to Octavia's plump, obese body. “We gotta get the piggy cleaned up. Can't leave you all sticky on the floor.”
  265. Both mares were panting and sweating as they barely made it to the bathroom. Vinyl eased herself out of her clothes and growled as she watched Octavia jiggle her way into the shower. A pair of soapy hands “helped” Octavia clean up, rubbing off all the sticky, greasy mess from her body. White hands groped, jiggled and explored the blubber gray expanse of fat and belly, making both mares blush with every delicate squeeze.
  267. Spotless and clean, Vinyl helped Octavia into bed. The unicorn shuddered as she straddled Octavia's big, flabby gut between her legs, letting out a moan dripping with desire and lust.
  269. “Hey, Octy. Want some dessert?” Vinyl charged her horn and grinned as a chocolate cake floated into the room.
  271. “Aww, Vinyl...I'm already so stuffed...You just want me fatter for your own lewd desires.” Both mares giggled before looking deep in each others eyes.
  273. “I'll be clean, I promise.” Vinyl whispered as she leaned down and kissed Octavia. Vinyl's magic eased a nice, big glob of cake into Octavia's mouth, making them both moan. The huge, gray belly rippled as Vinyl couldn't help but slide along Octavia's huge, thick tummy. Vinyl was sure to grip as much fat as she could as she stuffed her helpless fatty full of cake, gasping as she felt the massive tummy grow bigger and bigger under her.
  275. A silent grunt along with a final bite signaled the end of dessert. With both mares finally sated, Vinyl eased herself off the bed and dressed herself. “I got a show to get to. Love ya, baby.” She pecked Octavia's cheek with a kiss, making sure she didn't rouse the already sleeping piggy. Vinyl happily skipped outside, her heart soaring as her head was filled with new ideas for her music...and new recipes for her lover.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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