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Magical Role Reversal

By Tankris
Created: 2022-11-21 21:12:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Blue skies, clear weather and the wind whipping through her hair. Quick Trip was completely at ease as she soared through the skies of Ponyville. Her current customer managed to scream out over the roar of the wind, grabbing Quick's attention as she slowed down. “Do you even know where you are going? We've passed my house four times!”
  3. “Sorry!” Quick Trip blushed as she scratched the back of her head. “I've never really been called out to anyplace besides Cloudsdale. Point me in the right direction, please.” The pony atop the magical cloud sighed as she pointed a hoof backwards. “Two streets back, take a left. Stop at the house with the red roof.”
  5. Quick Trip decided to finally slow down and make her way towards her client's home. In no time, she spotted the red roof the client spoke of. “There we go. All safe and sound. Please be careful disembarking and thanks again!” Quick Trip gave a happy smile as the earth pony handed over a small pouch of bits and entered their home.
  7. “Nice! Another satisfied customer.” Quick Trip stashed the pouch in her cloud and double checked the straps of her harness. “Well....now that that's over...what to do?” The blue mare extended her wings and lazily floated over Ponyville. She plopped down on her cloud and began to pony watch.
  9. Earth ponies of all colors were walking through the streets, going about their business. Walking to the markets, ducking into buildings, chatting and smiling. “Hm...I suppose I can't snag any fares. I don't know this town at all!” Quick Trip unstrapped her harness and pushed her cloud to a safe place. “If I'm gonna sight-see, I might as well do as the Earth ponies do.” Quick descended from the air and landed on the ground, eager to explore this new town.
  11. Her head was on a swivel as Quick peeked around town. A fancy looking carousel building, the town hall, a MASSIVE looking crystal castle...was Ponyville usually this decorated? Quick Trip continued her exploring until she discovered a colorful, candy shaped building. “Oh gosh...what's THIS shop about?”
  13. Quick Trip couldn't help but notice some very CHUBBY ponies walking inside. She peeked through the glass and blushed as she realized it was a bakery. So many ponies inside, all eating such sugary treats. Her face was burning up as she took a sneaky glance at everypony stuffing their faces. “Oh...oh my...” She forced herself to look away, only to slam into a purple unicorn.
  15. “Oops! Excuse me. I've never visited Ponyville before and I'm kinda looking around.” The purple unicorn stared at Quick Trip for a moment before reaching out and grabbing the pegasus by the hoof.
  17. “You'll be PERFECT! Come with me!” The unicorn shouted. Quick Trip yelped as she was pulled through Ponyville and right to the gigantic castle near the center of town.
  19. “What do you want me for? Hello? Stooooop!” Quick Trip's shouts fell on deaf ears as the purple unicorn kept tugging Quick's hoof. The front doors of the castle burst open as this crazy unicorn continued to drag along Quick until they found themselves in a fancy looking banquet hall.
  21. “Okay, would you like to stay for dinner?” The unicorn finally spoke after coming to a stop.
  23. “Um....I don't even KNOW you....and you kinda PONYNAPPED ME!” Quick gave a weary look as the unicorn frowned.
  25. “Oh gosh, I messed up again!” She took a breath and extended her hoof. “My name is Starlight Glimmer. Yours?”
  27. Quick reached out and shook her hoof with uncertainty. “I'm Quick Trip. Kinda odd to ask a pony you don't know to dinner..” Quick looked away, knowing full well she had done the same to a few fares herself.
  29. “Jeez, I'm sorry. I'm kinda in a bind, you see. I'm Twilight Sparkle's student. Student of friendship and all that.” Starlight Glimmer casually explained.
  31. Quick Trip gasped as she looked around the room. “Wait, you just dragged me to THE CASTLE of Princess Twilight Sparkle??” Quick Trip did her best to tidy up her messy orange mane and straighten her feathers.
  33. “Oh...yea....um.” Starlight trailed off as a blush spread to her face.
  35. “I'll lay it out for you as simple as I can. Princess Twilight gave me a friendship problem. I need to invite a NEW friend over for a meal. Nothing big, but something to convince her that I can make new friends in no time.” Starlight pulled a chair for Quick Trip and smiled. “Care to join me?”
  37. Quick Trip shrugged. “I don't think a free meal sounds so bad, considering what I had to do to get it.”
  39. Starlight nervously tapped her hooves together and looked at the floor. “Sorry I did that...I'm so nervous to please the princess....I've been trying to impress her with my knowledge of magic but she hasn't stopped pressing me for this lessons.”
  41. “Magic? How good are you?” Quick Trip sat down and grabbed a small sandwich. She bit into it and smiled. It was so good that she was compelled to take another bite instantly.
  43. “Well, that sandwich you're eating was conjoured, not hoof made, for starters.” Starlight boasted.
  45. Quick gasped as she took another bite. “Wait, just magic? How in the world?” She took apart the sandwich but couldn't find anything wrong with it
  47. Starlight smiled as she charged up her horn. The entire table was soon filled with delicious looking cakes, fresh pies, loads of cupcakes and ceiling high piles of cookies. “Try something. You wont be able to tell the difference.”
  49. Quick nabbed the closest cupcake and took a bite. The sweet frosting swept over her taste buds, lighting up her eyes as she swallowed the sugary treat. “Gosh, that's so good! How could anyone turn this kinda food down?”
  51. Starlight gave another sigh as she sat in her chair. “I'm one of the best magic users Equestria has ever seen, yet it can't please a princess.”
  53. Quick Trip giggled as she finished her cupcake. “I dunno what's so hard about making new friends. I mean, isn't that what you just did? A bit FORCEFUL but you did make a friend...”
  55. The unicorn giggled back as she leaned forward. “You're right! I DID make a friend!” Starlight jumped out of her chair and ran out the door. “Twiliiiiiiiight! I made a friend! She's from out of town!” Her voice echoed through the halls, causing Quick to chuckle to herself.
  57. “What a mare.” The hungry pegasus grabbed up another cupcake and devoured it, almost moaning at how tasty it was.
  59. “What do you MEAN she LEFT?” Quick Trip fluffed out her wings as the sudden explosion of Starlight's voice echoed through the castle. She heard somepony muttering nearby but she couldn't pick up what they were saying.
  61. Quick leaned towards the sound, only for Starlight to stomp back through the doorway. “Okay, change of plans. Can you stay for a while? I need to go fetch Twilight so she can see how good of a friend you are.”
  63. “Wait, stay? For how long?” Quick Trip tried to rise from her chair, but found a magical aura tightening around her legs.
  65. “She's in YakYakistan at the moment. Round trip would probably be three or four days. Stay! Have a bite to eat! Relax!” Starlight's wavy mane seemed to unravel as a cornucopia of spells short from her horn.
  67. “Hey! Stop!” Quick protested as she felt herself stick to the chair. A slice of cake hovered above the table and inched towards Quick's mouth. It stuffed itself inside, forcing her to chew and swallow the rather sizable slice down. “Starlight! Let me goooooo!”
  69. “No time! If I go now, I might be able to be back in TWO days!” Starlight raced out of the banquet hall, leaving Quick Trip stuck in her chair.
  71. “Somepony? Hey! Anypony! Help meeeee!” Quick sighed as she slumped back into her chair, only for a cookie to slip past her lips. “Well...at least the food is good.” She mused as she swallowed the tasty treat.
  73. Quick Trip did her best to relax. The chair was comfy and the room was rather pleasant. “Not the worst place to be stuck, I suppose. I hope nothing happens to my stuff...” Another wedge of pie had hovered over to her face, prodding at her mouth as she refused. Bits of filling were smearing on her face and crumbs were piling up on her legs. “I don't want anymore pie!”
  75. ULP
  77. In her moment of complaint, the pie slice forced itself into her mouth. Quick tried to spit it out, but Starlight's magic made sure she swallowed every crumb. Her tummy felt rather full as two cupcakes, half of a pie and a hoof full of cookies sloshed about in her stomach. “Bleh, this stuff is starting to get too sweet for me. I can't eat another bite!”
  79. And yet the food continued to move of its own accord, finding its way into Quick's mouth one way or another. She chewed and swallowed, moaning as her tummy rounded out with every heavy bite.”Is this what my fares feel like when I offer them food?” Quick muttered to herself as her stomach let out a noisy gurgle. The stuffed mare blushed as her tummy continued to slosh and glorp, even as her stomach was packed fuller and fuller and fuller.
  81. A small bottle of milk was eased to her lips. She chugged it down, thankful to cleanse her pallet of the sticky, sweet pastries and treats. Her stomach, however, continued to loudly protest and moan as another cookie slipped into her mouth. “It....it hurts...” Quick whimpered as she found she was able to ease her hooves over her distended tummy.
  83. Instantly, her hooves and wings began to massage her aching gut. “Oh gosh....that already feels better! I guess if I don't try to leave, the chair will let me move a tiny bit.” Her hooves danced over her belly, putting her experience to good use as she calmed down her tightly packed tummy. Even as she eased her tense muscles, the food continued to force itself in her mouth. “I can't take it.....I'm soooo fulllll!” Quick Trip whined as she continued to massage her packed stomach.
  87. Another blush rose to Quick's face as her belly forced out a huge pocket of gas. The tight feeling ebbed away, giving a small bit of comfort to the well fed pegasus. “Finally....I was so full, I thought I was gonna pop!” A wedge of cake smeared itself over her face, leaving chocolate frosting everywhere as Quick was forced to bite into it.
  89. The warm, fluffy cake was delicious and under any other circumstance, Quick MIGHT have asked for more. Unfortunately for her full tummy, another slice same followed by another. Her messy, sticky face was bullied by the angry cake, forcing her to continue eating every crumb. “So much food!” Quick moaned again as she heaved up her belly and let it drop.
  91. She watched as her belly jiggled atop her thighs. Fascinated, she lifted up her tummy and let it fall again. A satisfying PLOP of skin smacking skin filled the air, making Quick shudder. “I'm...I'm gonna...get...so...faaaaaat.” She blushed as she rubbed her foreleg over her face. The chocolate on her hoof taunted her so as she drew it closer to her mouth. Quick moaned as she felt the globs of sugar dissolve in her mouth, slipping into her stomach and converting into an inch or two of fat on her tummy.
  93. Thoughts filled her head as another wedge of cake was pushed towards her mouth. Naughty thoughts...lewd thoughts...fatty thoughts. Before she knew it, Quick was leaning forward as she bit into the cake before it reached her. Her belly squished against her legs, forcing the rosy blush back onto her cheeks. The pegasus rubbed her tummy, eager to feel another soft jiggle ripple through her body.
  95. Quick almost seemed disappointed that she had finished the cake. She looked down at her tummy and gasped as she watched it billow outwards with her every intake of breath. It dominated her lap, oozing down to her thighs as it let out another gurgle. The stuffed pony moaned, imagining every little sound was her body adding another pound to her. Another pie hovered near her face, snapping her back to reality. The massive wedge was devoured instantly, causing the magic in the room to speed up.
  97. Food was rushed towards Quick Trip, forcing her to chew even faster. She could hear her tummy protest every bite as it swelled bigger and bigger. Try as she might, the stranded pegasus couldn't resist any longer. Her thighs and rump squeezed together, teasing herself as she felt another pie slide down her throat.
  99. Before Quick Trip could devour the cupcake booping her nose, the food stopped. The long trail of floated food fell to the table. “What....what happened? Food? Where's the food?” Quick Trip looked over and finally noticed the late hour. “I've been here all day....eating....eating and growing....” Quick blushed beet red as she listened to her stomach loudly glorp and gurgle away, digesting the thousands of calories packed into her tummy.
  101. “Starlight....must be asleep.” Quick slurred through her drowsiness. “Gotta....get....up...” Try as she might, Quick was too tired to haul her increased weight out of the chair. Her impending sugar coma was quick to fall upon her, forcing the chubby mare to snooze in her seat. Her stomach digested all through the night, forcing pound upon heavy pound onto her once slender frame.
  103. Quick Trip woke up to something cold prodding her lips. She slowly opened her eyes and moaned as she remembered where she was. The cupcake was smearing itself all over her face, layering more sweet frosting over her already dirty cheeks. Without thinking, Quick opened her mouth and devoured the treat.
  105. “So....hungry!” The empty pegasus moaned. Her stuffing session had left her stomach stretched out, amplifying the usual hunger pangs for breakfast. Quick Trip readily opened her mouth, accepting a few cupcakes before laying back in her seat. Her eyes widened as she felt her body jiggle slightly as she moved in the chair.
  107. She watched as her belly held a bounce unfamiliar to her. It had shrunk during the night, but it was noticeably rounder than before. She moved her body around, watching as her belly lightly jiggled from left to right. A quick bounce left her moaning and red in the face, just in time for a small stack of cookies to disappear into her mouth.
  109. Quick found herself trembling in delight as she felt the cookies melt down her throat. “Did....did I really gain this much in half a day?” In her semi addled state, Quick found it hard to concentrate on her thoughts as more food was rapidly stuffed into her mouth. “Starlight...said....two more days? Three? I've never been to YakYakistan before.” Quick Trip tried to clear out the fog in her mind, but every bite seemed to distract her as her thoughts were pulled towards her growing body.
  111. Quick Trip was astounded as she managed to chomp through an entire care and not feel completely stuffed. Another cake was lifted to her lips and she readily accepted it, eager to test her limits. One cake, two cakes, three....only by the fourth cake did she feel any sort of tightness in her belly.
  113. She listened as her stomach was already churning away, pushing those calories onto her body. Quick Trip swore she could see her belly fattening up before her eyes, a thought that sent her crazy from her hooves to her softening face. She licked her lips as a train of cupcakes were pushed into her mouth as she let a small stream of drool drip off her chin.
  115. Her hooves began massaging the instant she felt anywhere close to full. Quick smiled as she sank into her own flab, biting her lip as she made her tummy bounce and jiggle as she pleased. “Maybe this isn't so bad....Who said I couldn't be my own feeder AND feedee?” She chuckled to herself before reaching out and nabbing a cookie out of the air.
  117. The chubby pegasus managed to grab more cookies out of the air as the massive table of food took its time in selecting another dessert. She demanded more, enough to make her belly spill over her lap. It rose and fell with every breath, never filling up as more and more food was piling up inside Quick's tummy.
  119. Suddenly, the door to the banquet hall creaked open. “Hey, who are you? How did you get in here?” A male voice called out. Quick Trip turned toward the voice and gasped as a baby dragon looked up at her. She forced a hard swallow to clear her mouth and smiled. “Hi! I'm Quick Trip. Friend of Starlight's.”
  121. “Friend? Oh, why didn't you say so. I'm Spike!” The little guy extended a claw and shook Quick's hoof, not bothering to hide his disgust as the messy hoof smeared frosting over his hand. “So...um...mind telling me what you're doing here?”
  123. Before Quick could reply, a wedge of cake was pushed towards her lips. She chomped away at it as quickly as she could as Spike watched in amazement. “Starlight asked me if I wanted to come to dinner so I accepted.”
  125. Spike put a claw to his chin and hummed. “Oh yea, she said something about that....wait, have you been here this whole time?”
  127. Another wedge of cake was pushed into Quick's mouth, stalling her reply. “Yup....kinda...trapped here, actually.” Quick blushed as she shifted in her chair and felt her hips and thighs brush the hoof rests.
  129. “Oh my gosh! Let me help!” Spike reached out and gripped the chair, only to get blasted back from some sort of magic. “Starlight! What did you do??” Spike watched as another slice of cake was forced towards Quick's lips.
  131. “I dunno..but I've been eating since she left...” Quick mumbled as she stifled a belch. More cake was already hovering by her face as Spike turned towards the door.
  133. “I'm gonna send a letter to Twilight. Stay here!” Spike shouted as he ran out of the banquet hall. Quick would have laughed if not for the half a cake stuffed inside her mouth. “Not like I have a choice...” She thought as more cake sloshed about inside her tummy.
  135. The beginning of the true stuffing began after Spike left. Quick could already feel herself bloating out as another cake disappeared into her tummy. She winced in a slight twitch of pain as she resumed rubbing her belly. It was hard for her to hide her spike in excitement as every slosh and jiggle made her moan through every bite. She could almost feel her hips beginning to press into her hoof rests a bit harder as she was forced to consume more and more.
  137. “Does it hurt?” Quick Trip felt her wings launch from her sides as Spike's voice rang through her ears.
  139. “Um...a...a little?” Quick half bluffed as she tried to hide the burning heat radiating on her face.
  141. “Here, let me help.” Spike carefully reached out and sighed as he passed through the magic barrier unharmed. His claws sunk into her belly, making Quick shudder to his touch.
  143. “That feels so good! Could...could you rub for a tiny bit?” Quick managed to ask before half a pie was pushed in her mouth. Spike concentrated on Quick's blubbery belly, watching in fascination as it bounced and jiggled to his touch.
  145. “Whoa, it's making a lot of noise. Have you REALLY been forced to eat all this?” Spike asked.
  147. Quick nodded as she finished off her pie and took a swig of milk. “Yes....Starlight was so focused on her friendship duties that she might have gone overboard.” The stuffed mare sighed as the slight pain faded as Spike groped at her belly. “You're REALLY good at this. If only I had claws like yours.”
  149. “Not the first time I've heard that.” Spike laughed as he gave the fat, blue belly a little pat. “Well, I sent a letter to Twilight... no telling when she'll get it but hopefully soon.” Spike eased himself away from the magical barrier as he continued to watch the food dance along the table. “Wow, you've managed to eat almost a quarter of the food here. How in Equestria are you doing this?”
  151. Quick Trip had to bite her lip. Her moan was caught in her throat and her breathing increased. “Oh...I...um...it's magic food. Starlight conjoured it up. It must be special or something.”
  153. Spike whistled before looking over at Quick Trip. “Well, for fake food, it sure is fattening. I hope Twilight can fix this.” Quick was sweating as the words rang through her mind.
  155. “Fat...he called me fat....so big...flabby......fatty fat fat...” The word chanted through her brain, causing her to moan and jiggle her belly about.
  157. “Whoa, are you sure you're okay?” Spike asked as Quick Trip forced herself to calm down.
  159. “Ye...yes....it's been hard to focus with so much distracting me. I'll be fine.” Spike shrugged as he reached out and snagged a cookie.
  161. “Mmm, these ARE pretty good. At least you've got that going for you.” The little dragon smiled.
  163. “I hate to leave, but I dunno what else to do for you. I'll come back if I get a message from Twilight, okay?” Quick Trip was thankful for Spike's departure as she released a needy, desperate moan. Finally alone, she teased out a few desperate moans as she clenched her plump thighs together. As stuffed as she was, Quick Trip managed to cram another few pies in her heavy gut before the food stopped moving for the night.
  165. She sat in her chair, moaning as her soft flesh rubbed against the hoof rests and her rump sagged ever so slightly over her chair. Quick Trip felt her eyelids growing heavy when the door to the banquet hall slammed open. Spike ran in with a scroll in his claws with a pleased expression on his face. “Twilight replied to my message!”
  167. He unfurled the scroll and began reading. “Spike, if what you say is true, then we are on our way back immediately. Starlight Glimmer IS here, but she neglected to mention the spells she put in place. After she undoes the magic, she will have a LOT of apologizing to do. Keep our unfortunate guest as content as possible until my return.” Spike frowned as he rolled up the scroll. “Darn it. She wont be back for another day or two. Sorry.”
  169. “Oh well....not like it's a BAD thing.” Quick Trip mumbled. She pressed her hooves into her tummy and giggled as her flabby gut squished under the pressure.
  171. “Um...okay...” Spike shrugged as he walked out of the room. “Good night!” He called out, not noticing that Quick had already fallen asleep.
  173. A grumble startled Quick Trip awake early the next morning. She looked around the room for the source when she felt it. A gnawing pang of hunger that cried out from her very core. “Food! Need....food!” Quick whimpered as she tried to reach over her massive belly. It was only when her soft arms sank into her flab did she distract herself from the hunger.
  175. Her belly was indeed massive. A big, soft ball of blubber spilling over her lap and squishing into the hoof rests. Quick slapped her belly and moaned as she watched it jiggle for a few seconds. Her breathing was shallow as she let her hooves roam her body, pinching and groping her new body. It only served to drive her hunger into overdrive as the food finally drifted back into the air.
  177. Hooves crammed as much food as they could into her stomach. Quick was already moaning and panting as the magic sensed her hunger. Whole pies and entire trays of cupcakes flew into Quick's mouth, making her shudder as it all slid down her throat and into her expanding belly. The hoof rests were pinching her harder and harder with every gulp, making the sturdy chair creak as she continued to chew and swallow.
  179. Cakes came by the layer, trays of cupcakes were tossed aside in moments, stacks of pie tins began to wobble as they reached the ceiling. Nothing could stop Quick Trip or the food as she forcefully crammed it into her mouth. Her belly was sagging over the hoof rests, her metabolism failing as so many calories were converted to fat as soon as it entered her body.
  181. The door to the room slid open, revealing Spike with a small tray of hay bacon and pancakes. His eyes went wide as he watched Quick Trip easily slide a whole pie into her mouth. “I...um...guess you aren't tired of sweets. I'll just...save this....okay?” Quick didn't hear him, her ears only focused on the sloshes, gurgles and blorps of her belly as it continued to grow.
  183. Her chair was pinching her so badly at this point. Rolls and rolls of belly fat were piling over and under the hoof rest, jamming the wood into her body. Quick Trip huffed as she pushed out her belly as hard as she could, testing the wood as she continued to eat. A quick gallon of milk later and she felt the familiar bubbling rise from her tummy.
  187. Thick, heavy ripples slammed against the chair, weakening it as Quick Trip forced out a massive belch. The wood creaked, then splintered apart as the blue pony's gut was too strong. Her fat oozed from her middle, hanging off the sides and joining her supple hips and plump rear. Quick took a small moment to bite her lip and pant hard, blushing as the chair grew wet.
  189. Even with her freedom, Quick Trip wasn't satisfied. The magic still kept her rump glued to the chair, even as it continued to grow and droop over the sides. Her hunger never seemed to fade , even as her stomach grew taut under the multiple layers of flab rolling from Quick Trip's body.
  191. She took a small recap and shuddered, sending a long, violent ripple through her body. Over half of the food in the hall had been devoured and digested, something that Quick was VERY proud of. She had to finish it....the need burned in her stomach as it rapidly digested another cake into a pound or two for her body to relish.
  193. Her sticky, messy hooves rubbed her belly, not caring how much frosting was smeared all over her coat. Quick moaned and gasped, feeling her body as it continued to change and grow. She leaned back in the chair and smiled as the back rest gave out a warning creak of protest. “I'll...I'll beat Starlight at her own game....I'll bust my OWN WAY out of this situation....but I need...more..food!”
  195. Quick continued her endless gluttony, watching as her belly sagged over her legs. She could feel her rump pushing her forward from the chair as her ass claimed more fat for itself. Her face was chubby and plump, with an extra chin smeared with frosting. Even her forelegs had some jiggle to them as she reached out for another layer of cake to be crammed inside her mouth.
  197. Crumbs and frosting where everywhere. Pie tins and other plates were scattered around. Cupcake wrappers littered the ground and chocolate chips sat on empty plates. The roaring gurgle and sloshing of Quick's overfed tummy kept her awake, triggering hints of the lingering magic to continue feeding her all throughout the night.
  199. The chair had begun to creak with every jiggle. Her breathing made her massive body rise like dough. There was no denying it. Quick Trip had eaten herself far past the polite whispers of “fat” and had become an obese ball of a pony. She wondered what it was like to actually move around with this much flab, desperately wishing she could properly experiment where she knew she wouldn't be caught. Even with her determination, her eyelids grew heavy in the late hour and Quick Trip fell asleep.
  201. Chewing and moaning lulled Quick Trip from her slumber. Her eyes opened to see Starlight's magic hard at work, presenting her with the last tidbits of food. “I...I ate while I slept??” Quick's heart was pounding as the taste of vanilla frosting was thick on her tongue. Her face was burning up as she rubbed her belly, discovering that her hooves couldn't touch around her titanic gut.
  203. She weakly resumed her eating, stuffed from her unintentional binge. “So....big...” She whispered, desperate to jiggle herself over and over and over. Her attention was pulled away as a new voice was booming through the castle walls.
  205. The doors slammed open, followed by several sets of hoof steps clattering towards Quick Trip. “STARLIGHT! WHAT DID YOU DO??” A voice echoed through the castle.
  207. “Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry!” Starlight called out, rushing into the banquet hall and gasping. Most of the food was long gone, all stuffed inside Quick Trip's huge, wobbling gut. She lazily looked over between bites of her cake and smiled.
  209. “There you are, Starlight. Is this Princess Twilight?” Quick Trip tried to offer a small bow, but all she managed was a slight tilt of her pudgy neck.
  211. A gurgle echoed through the room as Starlight charged up her horn. The two mares looked over at Quick Trip as she took a mighty breath and opened her mouth.
  215. The crushing belch caused Quick to wobble out of control like a massive bowl of gelatin. Her chair finally had enough as the backrest and the legs shattered, sending the obese mare crashing to the floor. Twilight and Starlight rushed to her side as Quick Trip bounced, wobbled and jiggled for what felt like hours.
  217. “I....I'm free....” Quick Trip giggled as she licked her lips. Her hooves reached out and pat her gut, forcing giant ripples through her body.
  219. “Starlight, help me pick her up! She needs a bath...and SOMEPONY is going to make sure she is COMPLETLEY CLEAN before tucking her into YOUR bed while we figure out how to help her.” Twilight Sparkle nearly growled at her pupil. Starlight's ears pressed against her head as the two mares eased Quick Trip to her feet.
  221. Quick Trip waddled slowly, biting her lip as she felt her rump cheeks smack together as she waddled with the support of Twilight and Starlight. She could feel her tummy scraping the ground, making her whimper and moan as she was eased forward, step by step. “Don't worry. I'll fix this. I promise!” Starlight boasted as she let out and grunt.
  223. Quick Trip licked her lips and giggled. “Maybe next time, I can show you MY magical touch when it comes to food.” Quick teased as she jiggled her way to recovery.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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