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>Starlight collapsed onto the couch as she returned home one evening
>she was sweating profusely, every muscle and bone ached
>these exercise routines were the absolute worst!
>but the alternative was plain; the years rolled by, and she wasn’t young enough to just eat whatever she wanted
>just a year prior, she suffered the biggest embarrassment when her best shirt’s topmost button snapped off and hit Celestia during a high society party
>then it was from embarrassment, and today it was how she physically felt
>as she moaned, ”I’m literally going to die!”
>Trixie snickered
>and that gave Starlight enough energy to lift her head and glare at her roommate/friend-with-benefits/pain in the ass sorcery student
>”The heck are you laughing at?” Star growled
>Trixie sat, munching on a huge bowl of a poorly conceived breakfast cereal of Pinkie’s design that was predominantly sugar
>lightly seasoned with oat flakes
>and she was even following Pinkie’s even worse conceived suggestion of using chocolate milk
>”The Great and Powerful T-rrrixie is simply laughing at the jokes on this cereal box!”
>Star thought to herself, ‘wait for it…’
>”Also the state you keep returning home in. You look ridiculous! All that effort and you’re not getting slimmer.”
>Star forced herself to her feet and stood over her so-called friend with the dreaded judgemental arm-fold pose
>”I’m not *trying* to get slim. I’m building muscle. Lean muscle helps keep fat at bay by boosting the metabolism. Besides, you realise one of these days your *own* metabolism’s going to crash and burn too, Trix. And when it does, and your ass balloons until you’re suddenly the Fat and Flabulous T-rrrixie, don’t come crying to me.”
>since she was already standing, she figured she’d do some wind-down stretching
>and Trixie watched on with glee as she got an eyeful of Starlight’s jogging spats-clad thighs and ass as she bent down and touched her toes
>she poked fun, but Trixie *really* liked what all her roomie’s efforts was doing to her body; an underlying meaty thickness and little bumps and divots of muscle forming
>but it way *way* too much work
>The Svelt and Sultry T-rrrixie was still flat bellied, wide hipped and, not to put too fine a point on it, a Perfect and Perky Poster-rrrier
>and she had perfectly formed boobs
>still, Trixie didn’t have a heart of stone, and she’d had her fun
>… and more to come later as she continued to watch Star finish her post-exercise stretches
>she said, “So The Wily and Opportunistic T-rrrixie has convinced Applejack to sell her one of her special bottles of hard cider in agreement for me to performing at her next family gathering.”
>Trixie then presented the large bottle of rare as hens teeth and hard as a diamond alcohol
>Star paused and her jaw went slack. “Wow, that *is* impressive! We should save this for Hearthswarming.”
>Trixie huffed. “Heck no. I’m popping this open tonight.”
>”You realise it’s the running of the leaves tomorrow, right? We can’t be drinking the night before we both intend to spend the hours jogging. Not to mention that you *swore* you’d join in *and* claimed we’d come in the top ten.”
>”I do, we can, I did and we shall! The Great and Powerful T-rrrixie may not be *quite* as fit as her bestest of best friends, Ms. Glimmer, but I can easily see you in third behind Dash and Applejack, and me in a very impressive fourth!”
>Star pouted. “The only running you do is *away* from trouble and *towards* performance venues, and only when you’re running late. This is an endurance run! I’ve been telling you to take it seriously for weeks!”
>”Trixie’s going to open this bottle now. Whether her grouchy and miserable friend also enjoys some of the finest hard cider in all of Equestria or not is solely in her hands…”
>Trixie popped the cork, and the smell of sweet apples and strong alcohol filled the room
>Starlight frowned and sighed, then went and got two glasses. “Just a couple.”
>”Whatever you say, Star.”
>waking up next to each other was typical
>even being in a tangle of limbs
>the throbbing heads was less so
>”The Grave and- *ulp* Palpable Trixie wishes for death…”
>”Ugh… less long words. Or any words.”
>Starlight sat up and squinted at the evil, *evil* sunlight pouring through the window
>what time was it?
>there was a knock at the door
>”Hello? Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon? It’s Mayor Mare. The running of the leaves begins soon and we need all participants signed in within the next half-hour.”
>Starlight launched herself to her feet
>and promptly faceplanted as nausea and still-lurking alcohol flowed through her system
>the second attempt fared better as she helped herself up with the wall
>”Just don’t bother going,” Trixie mumbled
>”I’m not letting you skip this, Trix. You promised me!”
>Trixie suddenly sat up and hauled herself out of bed. “Yes! I’m up!”
>she blinked and scratched her head
>”What the heck!?”
>”Glad you agree.” Starlight said as she guzzled some water and some homemade hangover cure powder, and offered the same to Trixie
>”I don’t feel well…”
>”Nor do I, but this’ll help.”
>the magician nonetheless took the water, downed the powder, then immediately started getting ready
>within fifteen minutes, they were both dressed and…
>well, by their lidded, dark eyes and pale complexions, *ready* wasn’t the right word
>but they were soon out and up at the gathering station at the forests edge, just in time to finish their registration
>”I’ve *so* got this,” Dash said, sprinting on the spot at full pace so fast she was kicking up a dust-cloud
>as usually, the short girl was slim, powerfully built but compact and was the perfect fit for the event
>”Sure, burn yourself out, string-bean,” Applejack said with a chuckle
>she was gently warming up her tall, big, curvy, brawny body with push-ups, sit-ups and slow jogs back and forth across the waiting area
>Twilight was sticking to stretches, her long limbs and princess-powered perfectly balanced physique taller than even Applejack
> and she waved to Star and Trixie, but the glowing smile shifted to concern
>”Good morning… I hope?”
>Star offered a polite wave back, but Trixie groaned
>”It most certainly is not a good morning…”
>”But we’ll make do,” Star added, then insisted, “*right?*”
>Trixie stood up straight and suddenly saluted. “Yes ma’am!”
>she then relaxed and looked concerned. “The heck was that? What’s wrong with me?”
>”There’s no shame in stepping out if you’re not well,” Twilight offered
>”Don’t encourage her to quit, Twi. She promised me we were going to compete.”
>”Exactly! Like she said,” Trixie said, then frowned and looked confused
>”That’s what I like to see, Trixie,” Dash said and slapped her on the back. “To hay with any ouchies or upset stomachs. Dig deep, fight through the pain!”
>Mayor Mare climbed the small stage and pulled out a megaphone. ”Could all competitors please make their way to the starting line!”
>begrudgingly, Trixie and Starlight joined the bright-eyed citizens of Ponyville
>”And most of all,” the Mayor continued, “have fun!”
>”I didn’t realise torture would be considered fun,” Trixie grumbled
>”Could you stop complaining? Just focus.”
>Trixie clammed up and got ready
>”Three, two, one, go!”
>the crowd settled off into a jog
>all the more athletically inclined citizens quickly found themselves out front
>Starlight settled in for the long haul as her medicine worked it’s (literal) magic, taking the sting out of her hangover and easing her stomach
>although not having eaten breakfast, she knew she was going to be in trouble
>Trixie was already hitting the wall, but felt compelled to keep struggling
>the powder helped but as she tried to keep pace with Starlight, her shortcomings became *very* apparent
>the regular citizens started overtaking
>Trixie pushed harder, but stumbled
>”C’mon, Trixie!” called out Starlight
>the magician couldn’t answer, she was gasping for breath
>and Starlight was focused on her own condition, breathing and pace
>it became easier for the prodigy as she watched the leaves fall with the thundering of Ponyville’s feet
>she soon came to enjoy the run
>but after the hour long event drew into its final stretch, the lack of fuel kicked in
>Star slowed, and was overtaken
>but managed a respectable seventh, before promptly collapsing into a pile of leaves
>once she wasn’t in danger of passing out, she watched the finishing line
>Trixie wasn’t anywhere to be seen
>more and more people poured through
>then the stragglers
>then, finally, Trixie appeared
>held piggyback by Derpy
>Starlight had recovered enough to meet her at the finish line
>she wasn’t as angry as she could have been
>just disappointed
>”Well, fourth was right,” Star said
>Trixie, pale faced and looking sick, give Starlight a confused look
>”Fourth to last, I mean. Thanks, Derpy.”
>the screw-eyed postwoman saluted. “She was in safe hoo- uh, hands!”
>Derpy dropped Trixie off, and she finally walked past the finish line before Granny Smith, Cranky Doodle and a crutch-using, hobbling Bulk Biceps finished too
>but as soon as she did, Trixie felt a jolt run through her
>as did Starlight
>and a magical swirl of energy formed between them, before fading
>they both cried out, ”what the hay was that?”
>Trixie went straight home, feeling miserable and drained
>while Starlight went out to order some food
>her annoyance had been plain, and she voiced it clearly but calmly
>after all, Star didn’t want a repeat of the whole bottle incident
>”I’m disappointed, but what’s done is done.”
>as usual, when push came to shove, such remarks hurt Trixie more than she would ever admit
>but it would be fine, they’d had plenty of these bumps in the road this before
>and on Star’s return, she had several bags from the burger place Twilight loved so much, and Trixie perked up
>”Woo! That’s what I’m talking about! Real food! Less ‘quinoa this’ and ‘kelp that’.”
>Star thrust one bag into Trixie’s hand, and kept four for her herself
>with a raised eyebrow, Trixie dug out a single meal and soda
>while Star unpacked hers; several meals, two shakes, a giant soda and a family sized tub of ice cream
>Trixie held out her hand to take her extra share, only for Star to bat it away
>”Mine. You’ve got yours.”
>Trixie dig into her burger. ”So much for the diet and exercise, huh?”
>Star demolished her first in seconds. ”I’m punishing myself.”
>Trixie rolled her eyes. ”Seventh isn’t *that* bad.”
>”Not for my performance, Trix, but for letting you talk your way out of practicing and talking me into drinking. I’m going to binge until I can’t eat any more and feel sick, regret my decisions, and work off every single calorie to make sure I don’t fall for your crap again.”
>Trixie felt bad again, but she only agreed to join in with the stupid run to get Star off her back
>… and, maybe, because she just enjoyed spending time with Star, and she was feeling left out of all the extra time she spent exercising
>but as usual, Trixie couldn’t help but feel like Star wasn’t being fair
>”Right, sure,” Trixie said with a huff. “I’m everything wrong with your life.”
>”And here comes the victim game again!”
>the pair glared at each other
>then just silently ate
>Star was seriously pigging out
>Trixie was surprised at just how much she was packing away, then Star even seemed worried too
>she had just eaten he fourth full meal
>”How am I still not full?”
>before any answers could be given, there was a knock on the door
>Star stood to answer
>while her roomie’s back was turned, Trixie stole herself another meal and crammed it down before her roommate even reached the door, and guzzling down some of Star’s huge soda as the door was opened
>”Oh, hey, Twilight. What’s up?”
>”I just came over to retrieve the Book of Bonds and Bindings. Thanks for looking after it for me. Oh, and hi Trixie. Hope you’re feeling better.”
>Trixie went to respond, only to feel a shiver run through her and a heavy pressure in her stomach
>Star gasped and shuddered as well, and frowned down at her well toned midsection as she rubbed her belly
>Twilight looked at both of them. “Do you girls want me to call the doctor? Between earlier and the way you’re both looking now, I’m getting worried.”
>”The Great and powerfu*uooUUURP*!”
>Trixie clapped a hand over her mouth
>sweet Celestia, that was loud!
>”Uh… excuse me.”
>”That certainly was great and powerful, alright,” Star said with a smirk. “Maybe try not stealing my soda when my back’s turned, Trix.” Star then turned to their friend. “And no, Twilight, I’m sure we’re both fine.”
>”*ahem* as I was about to say, The Great and Powerful T-rrrixie was just having an off day. I can’t be amazing *all* the time.”
>Twi shrugged. “If you’re sure.”
>”Anyway, let’s go find that book. Now, where did I put it…”
>Twilight and Star entered her bedroom and left Trixie to fight down the blush from her gastric outburst
>the pressure in her belly continued to mount
>she rubbed her stomach and groaned as it, too, violently burbled
>then another shiver ran through her
>the pressure shifted… mostly lower, but it seemed to spread
>why was her butt tingling?
>Trixie stood up and headed for the bathroom, and looked herself over
>she still looked a little pale
>did something just move?
>Trixie looked down
>then turned to the side and removed her skirt
>her sexy and seductive panties really emphasised her butt, and she grinned as she felt her posterior
>perfectly padded yet tight
>she then gasp as she watched and *felt* her ass, hips and thighs suddenly swell out
>her butt alone grew by about three inches
>closely followed by her boobs grow by an inch
>finally, even her belly gained a little subtle padding as, with a final rumble and tingle, the pressure abated
>”M- maybe Star’s right. Maybe my metabolism’s breaking down…”
>she stripped down and gave herself a once over in the mirror
>weird as it was, she wore the weight well at least… she looked extra curvy
>”Trix?” Star suddenly called out through the door. “You weren’t going anywhere today, right? I’m heading out for a couple of hours and I need you to keep a eye on those other artefacts!”
>Trixie panicked for a moment and put on her underwear, then reached for the door handle
>the house door closed; too late
>”Damn it.”
>she left the bathroom, sat down and, still feeling a bit strange, decided to stay put
>by way of taking a nap
>”I have no idea what happened,” Starlight said as she and Twilight studied the Book of Bonds and Bindings. “I swear, I never wrote this.”
>Twilight shook her head. “I believe you, but that’s the problem; this book doesn’t just respond to writing. It can be activated by verbal contracts as well.”
>Starlight gulped as they both stared at the page in the magic book
>scrawls, symbols and musical notes were strewn about
>they glowed and changed colour
>Starlight didn’t remember much about last night
>but any time alcohol and Trixie was involved, it usually ended with angry words, angrier sex and a more level headed morning-after apology and cuddle session
>she hated how much she loved Trixie sometimes
>”So how do we work out what it says?” Star asked
>”I can translate it, but it will take time. We can instantly replay the contract spoken if particular phrases are repeated in its presence. Any idea what you might have said?”
>Star shrugged. “No idea.”
>”It could have been any incidental conversation so long as it contained some sort of agreement or contract. For example; if you pass me that book,” Twilight said and pointed to a nearby notebook. “I’ll shake your hand.”
>the magic book glowed, turned a new page, and more notes and glowing symbols appeared
>Starlight shivered, much like she kept feeling earlier, gingerly picked up the notebook, and handed it to Twilight
>then, Twilight shuddered too, and both magically gifted girls were compelled to shake hands
>the symbols faded, and the page was empty once more
>”Until I can get this translated, I’d be careful about what you do, Starlight. If you think of anything that could help, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll get on with translating and get back to you if I can glean anything else.”
>Starlight sighed and clutched her head
>what a mess…
>Starlight left Twilight’s palace, and went for a walk
>she hadn’t fulfilled her pigging out session, but she didn’t feel like it anymore
>she could eat, strangely, but she wanted to meditate and try to remember what had happened the night before
>they had been discussing the running of the leaves
>Trixie was being difficult, as usual
>Star knew she mentioned she wished she had Trixie’s lackadaisical ability to just eat everything she wanted
>… if the book overheard that, it would explain why she was able to eat so much earlier, yet felt nothing afterwards
>she just might have Trixie’s seemingly flawless metabolism!
>but what would she have said?
>”Howdy, Starlight!”
>a familiar voice broke her focus, and she turned to see a familiar face wave her down
>”Hey, Applejack. Great job on winning the running of the leaves! You were unstoppable today.”
>the farm girl blushed. ”Aw, shucks. That’s mighty kind of ya, but it ain’t about the competition. We’re all doin’ our part to shake the leaves to roll in fall. Y’all did pretty good yourself, even though ya didn’t exactly look your best.”
>”Self inflicted issue, that’s all, but thanks.”
>Applejack looked across at Starlight’s home. ”All the same, is Trixie okay? She wasn’t lookin’ well earlier.”
>”Again, self-inflicted. We’re quite the pair when it comes to messing up and having to learn hard lessons from the fallout. She’ll be fine.”
>”I was about to go invite you both to Sweet Apple Acres; we’re havin’ a thing to celebrate the fallin’. Y’all wanna go invite Trixie? It only feels right.”
>Starlight glanced at her home; it was time to prove a hypothesis, and teach Trixie a lesson at
>”Best not disturb her. She still wasn’t feeling well, but I’d love to! I’ll bring her something back so she doesn’t feel left out.”
>”Well, come on over then! No time like the present.”
>Trixie yawned and sat up
>she definitely felt better after that nap, though a quick feel of her inflated rump proved that, yep, that was still a thing
>… as nice as she wore the weight, she was wondering if maybe she should start joining Starlight in her exercises
>she began dreaming of herself, toned thighs and a little bicep action
>”The Fit and Fabulous T-rrrixie does have a certain appeal.”
>no time like the present!
>she knew the artefacts Starlight was examining were important
>and with incorrigible idiots like Snips and Snails around, not to mention the too curious for their own good CMC, The Mature and R-rrresponsible T-rrrixie wouldn’t leave until Star got back
>she did still feel cruddy for insisting they drink, after all
>so Trixie settled into some exercises here
>stretches first!
>bending here and there, pacing around the house
>she felt a shiver, and a budding pressure in her gut
>”Oh, what now?”
>Applejack wasn’t even eating anymore
>she watched, slack jawed, along with Dash, several other of the runners from earlier, and the Apple family, as Starlight gorged herself like she hadn’t eaten in weeks
>”It’s all so good!”
>whole pies, dozens of fritters, piles of cupcakes
>oh, it was amazing!
>and she didn’t feel a thing!
>”No, stop! Not again!”
>Trixie’s stomach churned and groaned
>and the tingling and pressure in her stomach intensified until it was painful
>then it burst
>like last time, it focused downward, but spread through her body
>her ass suddenly shook and quaked
>Trixie ran to the bathroom mirror just in time to watch her panties strain as her ass bulged against them
>”No, no, no!”
>her butt exploded through the already fully packed garment
>and her cheeks jiggled and swelled out until they were easily twice the size as before, spread across door-frame wide hips and Applejack-shaming thighs, but without the underlying muscle; just plush softness
>her belly then flubbed out a couple of inches, becoming just short of flabby
>then that was overshadowed by her breasts filling out, growing into overflowing handfuls, although her bra managed to weather the onslaught of titflesh
>Trixie stammered as she looked herself over and felt her expansive curves
>she *hated* that she kind of liked how she wore the weight
>but there was no way any of her clothes would fit!
>she couldn’t just turn up to a performance in any old outfit!
>half the mystique was the outfit, and they had to be form fitting!
>lure the eye to Trixie and not the trick, that was her motto
>though… she certainly would stand out-
>”Trixie! I’m back! You okay? I brought you some absolutely amazing food from Applejack’s place!”
>Trixie wrapped a towel around herself as best she could, and opened the door
>”There you-“
>Starlight’s eyes went as wide as Trixie’s butt as the magician struggled through the doorframe
>then she blushed and gulped
>”oh… wow.”
>”Don’t ask! I don’t know and I haven’t touched anything!” Trixie squeezed her ass and bit her lip. “I only just woke up from a nap.”
>Star continued to stare, red faced, at Trixie’s amazingly plus body before she finally said. “You haven’t been eating anything, have you?”
>”Not since the burgers earlier. I haven’t even picked at your leftovers, I swear.”
>Star approached and put an arm around Trixie’s shoulders. “It’s alright, I believe you. It’s probably tied to the book. Twilight said we might have triggered a verbal contract. You don’t remember anything like that, do you? It could be anything.”
>the physical support helped calm the magician down. ”The Ailing and Out-of-sorts T-rrrixie remembers a lot of things, but no. Last night is a blur.”
>Starlight glanced behind her friend and couldn’t fight off the smirk as she stared at the sheer size of dat ass
>”Well, if you do, just tell me. In the meanwhile…”
>she grabbed a handful of jiggling, smooth and pliable booty, and Trixie gasped
>”I’ve gotta say, this isn’t a bad look for you, Trix. Maybe your fast metabolism is more of a curse than a blessing.”
>”Trixie… kinda, sorta agrees, but all the same, I still prefer being slim. The Flippant and Hindsight-Considering T-rrrixie is coming around to the idea of going with you on your exercises.”
>”Okay, that’s fine. But…”
>Star stroked her friend’s pudgy belly and leaned closer, whispering and purring into Trixie’s ear
>”…it could be this ample and sexy form of yours is temporary. Maybe we could have some fun before Twilight works out the contract?”
>Trixie gulped as Star continues to stroke and rub against her enhanced curves. “Yeah… it would be a waste.”
>the pair took it into Starlight’s bedroom, and climbed into bed
>Trixie removed her bra, and her confined bosom was unleashed
>they were as big as her head!
>they hung over her subtly rounded, soft belly in a perfect blend of curves
>naturally, the real main event was Trixie’s colossal ass
>Starlight immediately took the opportunity to bury her face between her cheeks, wrapped her arms around the huge swells, and pulled them together
>it was like a giant marshmallow with the plushness
>Star moaned as she was enveloped in the warm, smooth and borderline spherical bliss
>Star could have stayed here all night…
>”I get it, the Thicc and Full-figured T-rrrixie is to be adored and admired, but come on!”
>reluctantly, Star complied, and climbed back over to Trixie’s pretty face and still respectably enhanced bust
>the pair began to stroke, grope and kiss
>it was an exciting change of pace to have Trixie, usually the weaker of the two, put her extra weight to work
>and definitely more of a challenge, and Trixie soon found herself on top of the fitter, slighter woman
>Trixie then pushed her tits in Star’s face, and pulled her in a tight hug
>she then slid one of her legs between Star’s own, and the pair began grinding
>which gave Star a great opportunity to reach around for more rear groping as they moaned
>she couldn’t help but be amazed at how she couldn’t reach all the way around her kinda, sorta girlfriend’s body
>Trixie was so much woman!
>but she also couldn’t help but worry Twilight would solve this situation before Starlight got what she was *really* after
>”Wanna put that ass to good use?”
>”Trixie’s listening…”
>”Sit on my face and I’ll lick you until you scream… over and over and over!”
>Trixie but her lip and giggled. “Trixie can definitely get behind that.”
>”Oh, I’ll get behind, alright…” Star whispered and licked her lips, slapped Trixie’s ass with a thunderous clap then narrowed her eyes. “I’ve just got to do one little thing first. How about you eat that pie I brought you from Applejack’s? And maybe you could put on that sexy-as-hell, lacy gown?”
>”Trixie wouldn’t normally want to eat in the middle of playtime.”
>”Oh, I just don’t want to be the only one doing the eating…” Star tan her fingers up Trixie’s shoulders and gave her the ultimate fuck-me eyes. “And I’ll be at it for some time. All night, if it’ll please you.”
>Trixie gibbered and her heart raced; sweet Celestia, she hadn’t seen Starlight so horny in a long time!
>”Deal! See you in ten minutes!” Trixie climbed off, and Starlight enjoyed watching all that flowing, juggling booty as Trixie walked away
>Starlight teleported herself on some clothes, all the bits she had in her savings, then teleported herself to Sugarcube corner
>a shocked Mrs. Cake yelped, blinked, then said, “oh, good evening Starlight. We’re technically closed…”
>she was in the middle of putting everything into storage
>Starlight threw her bits on the counter with a heavy thud
>”I’ll take *everything* you have!”
>she didn’t wait; she used her magic to take every cake, piece of bread, cookie, pastry and more and floated it together
>she then strained as she compressed it all into a super-dense, sweet singularity as big as a regular piece of candy, then licked her lips
>Mrs. Cake’s eyes went wide. ”I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Starlight!”
>”Probably not!”
>she floated it into her mouth, and swallowed it whole
>”But she… uh, *this* is going to be huge!”
>Trixie finished her treat
>she kind of regretted it, as today had made her wary of eating anything else, but screw it, that pie *was* delicious
>a message teleported in with a familiar pink flash
>Trixie floated it over and read it
>’Starlight, make sure neither of you eat anything! I’m still translating the contract, but anything you two eat is being multiplied and transferred directly as some sort of mass into Trixie! Something about you “betting her ass” about coming in the top ten at the running of the leaves? Just to play it safe, I’ve managed to add a contingent overlap spell that should stop Trixie from suffering any undue effects from the contract by balancing the focus of mass. I should have it all solved by morning. Be safe, Twilight.’
>Trixie scowled
>Starlight knew what was happening to her and was taking advantage of it!
>she hid the scroll away, and eyed the leftovers from earlier
>two could play at this game…
>she tore into the cold food greedily, then raided the fridge, emptying that too
>she groaned as her stomach gurgled from the binge, but it settled just as Starlight teleported back in
>”Sorry about that! I forgot I had to talk to Twilight about something,” Star said and wiped her mouth
>Trixie smirked and did the same. “I’ll *bet*. Oh, but where were we?”
>she headed for the bedroom, and grinned as she felt that familiar pressure begin to build
>”Your throne awaits, my lady,” Trixie said and gestures to the bed
>Starlight lie flat across the bed, face up, near the edge
>and with a flash of magic, she was naked
>”And *your* throne awaits, my lady,” Star said with lidded, eager eyes as she gestured to her face
>Trixie giggled and approached, then felt a tingle run through her so strong she gasped and stopped in her tracks
>she then patted her stomach as it loosed an especially deep, long and unsettled rumble
>both of them couldn’t help but let a little worry slip into their expressions, about how big she was about to become, but when their gazes met, it was all sultry smiles and they winked at each other
>Trixie turned, wiggled her rump, and slowly lowered herself over Star’s face
>the prodigy trembled with excitement as the gigantic, looming ass soon took up her whole view
>then the eager, wet lips between Trixie’s legs, spread and waiting, took centre stage
>Star took a deep breath, and her own arousal peaked as that meant she got a huge whiff of Trixie’s juices
>then they made contact
>Star was utterly enveloped in soft, plush booty fat
>then Trixie’s full weight was applied
>the bed creaked
>Star’s face was buried deep in Trixie’s pussy
>and as her senses were overwhelmed, she just ran on instinct
>and plunged her tongue deep inside
>Trixie immediately gasped and tensed up as Star began licking long, deep and familiar
>Star knew Trixie inside and out, and it showed as Trixie’s cries rose in pitch and intensity
>and then with a shrill scream, she came
>Star was sprayed with Trixie’s femcum
>then Trixie, even through the intense climax, shuddered as she realised the pressure inside had just burst
>the power mostly spread lower, like normal
>Trixie’s ass swelled, smothering Starlight until only her legs were visible
>and, as before, her belly and boobs tried to grow out as well
>Starlight was also overwhelmed by just being smothered by more and more Trixie
>her magic flared up and pulled one of her toys from a nearby drawer
>and plunged it into her own womanhood
>but then Twilight’s contingency magic kicked in
>more power was pulled from Trixie’s inflating ass
>Trixie couldn’t tell what was happening as she was still deep in the dopey afterglow
>things were getting… lower?
>her legs spread farther along the floor
>the bed’s creaks turned strained and stressed
>Starlight’s own climax rang out as she screamed, muffled deep within and under Trixie’s gigantic ass
>the vibrations started Trixie’s second buildup of pleasure
>and it was only then that she had the focus to realise what was happening
>Trixie’s hair brushed the ceiling
>her foot knocked into a dresser nowhere near the bed
>and her lacy gown shripped and burst even around her shoulders
>then one side of the bed gave way with an almighty crack
>”I- I’m growing? Ahh-!” Trixie moaned
>Starlight could only feel more and more ass smother her, unaware of the rest of the growing woman on top of her
>only Star’s knees downward were exposed now
>and she was concerned by the breaking bed, but to Star, it was just more indulgent ass covering her
>it didn’t even register that Trixie’s sopping wet slit had grown more spacious
>as Trixie fidgeted, Star got another lungful of air
>she kept licking, while plunging her own toy inside herself
>Trixie braced her arms on the wall and ceiling as she fought to find a comfortable position as her body continued to grow
>more, and more, and *more* Trixie filled the room
>the rest of the bed groaned and splintered
>”S- Starlight! S- stop! Ahh-!! Oh fu-l”
>the tiny woman was relentless
>there was enough room that, despite how it should have clued her in, Star pulled her arms free from Trixie’s engulfing thighs, and pulled Trixie’s lips farther apart
>and buried her head and arms inside, getting as deep as she could
>”No! N- aaahhh!!!”
>Trixie’s second climax literally shook the room
>her feet smashed through the walls
>her arms and head punched through the ceiling
>and her all-encompassing ass smashed through their home
>it was late evening, but the ruckus drew all eyes on Trixie as she tried to squirm free from the wreckage of Starlight’s home
>the thirty foot tall, ultra curvy magician hadn’t even recovered from her second orgasm when Starlight’s relentless efforts only redoubled
>all her magic was being pushed into massaging and penetrating Trixie’s clenching inner muscles, rippling and quivering like a giant vibrator
>the third and final climax rang out hard and fast across Ponyville with an almighty echo
>and, at last, with a ground shaking rumble, Trixie collapsed with all her weight
>she didn’t know how long she was numb from the overwhelming pleasure, but as embarrassed onlookers stared, another concern hit her
>she sat up, panicked
>still nothing
>Trixie looked around, tears forming in her eyes and she frantically searched for her friend
>then she felt a faint tap against her inner thigh
>Trixie reached down and plucked a drenched, disheveled and bruised Starlight free
>in a dazed, tired tone, she said, “did the earth just move or am I losing my mind?”
>Trixie wept as she clutched Starlight against her cheek
>”Thank Celestia you’re alright! I thought I’d lost you for a second!”
>”I’ll be alright,” Star said and winced. “Kinda hurt all over though.”
>in a flash, Trixie’s relief and joy spun into anger as she (gently) shook her friend
>”You idiot! The Great and Gigantic T-rrrixie almost smooshed you like a bug because *you* were making her bigger without telling me what was going on!”
>Starlight but her lip and couldn’t look Trixie in her giant, purple eyes
>”Sorry… I was having a little too much fun with… well, all this.”
>she gestured down to Trixie’s body
>the magician stood
>she hadn’t changed too much in proportion, although her ass *was* even bigger than before
>just all tied to a thirty foot body
>then the fact she was naked, and everyone was staring, sunk in
>Trixie covered herself as best she could
>Star levitated some sheets and curtains to plug the gaps Trixie’s hands and arms couldn’t reach
>there was a *lot* of Trixie to cover
>Twilight teleported in, gawped at the scene, and pinched her brow as she growled with frustration
>”Really? What were you two thinking!?”
>the maybe/maybe-not girlfriends glanced at each other, and both grinned
>”We weren’t?”
>Twilight wasn’t impressed, and asked, “and what did you learn from this mess?”
>Starlight scratched her head. ”That too much of a good thing has consequences on your health?”
>Trixie patted her ass, sending a ripple along the building-sized mass that took a *long* time to stop jiggling. ”And that That over-indulgence is bad and can harm those around you, even if you don’t intend to?”
>Twilight sighed and shrugged. “Sure, that works. Now let’s see about fixing this mess…”
>”We welcome you all back to a special do-over of the running of the leaves,” Mayor Mare called out
>the town had once more gathered
>only just before the start line was the giant Trixie, in a hastily sewn pair of shorts and a running top
>”Just gotta come top ten to break the contract…” she said and stretched
>she carried her weight easily enough, and having legs literally longer than people were tall?
>coming top ten was all but certain
>Twilight smiled up at her. “And everyone here is contracted to have their cardio work against your mass using the Book of Bonds and Bindings. You’ll be literally getting weeks of intense exercise in a few hours. My spell is still in effect, so you’ll shrink too, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough to get rid of all of it.”
>”Be that as it may, The Vast and Voluptuous Trixie’s still somewhat torn about losing all this weight, but it’s been fun while it lasted.”
>”It’s either that or you sleep in my barn, Sugarcube,” said Applejack, matter of factly. “And you work off the weight alone.”
>”it’ll be fine, Trix,” Starlight said, bandaged and still bruised. “And I’m sorry for taking advantage of your situation. I let my excitement get the better of me.”
>Trixie winked down at her, but couldn’t hide her shame. “And I should have just confronted you about it, like you have to my actions in the past. Sorry Star.”
>she knelt down and they hugged
>”Makeup sex later?” Star whispered
>”You bet- uh…” they shared a look. “For certain!”
>they shared a giggle
>”On your marks!” Mayor Mare called out
>everyone lined up
>”Get set! Go!”
>everyone ran and settled into a jog
>but a combination of the jiggling ass and sheer width of Trixie meant overtaking was… frankly, too risky
>and having been better rested and not nursing a hangover, Trixie made steady way through the already bare trees around Ponyville
>Dash and Applejack once again took the lead, but everyone else kept a respectful distance
>but Starlight, still injured, began falling behind
>until Trixie slowed, picked her girlfriend up, and carried her the rest of the way
>it was a unique experience; Trixie was shrinking as the run went on
>and as she passed the halfway mark and was still twenty feet tall, she didn’t care if she was still huge or normal sized at the end
>Trixie just had to admit, she was having fun with this exercise thing
>maybe there would be room in the future for the Fit and Fabulous T-rrrixie!
by SizeOfMT
by SizeOfMT
by SizeOfMT
by SizeOfMT
by SizeOfMT