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Full Moon

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-12-14 09:07:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Full Moon
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be on an airship
  7. >Be fighting to steer through a vicious storm
  8. >The dark clouds were upon you before you knew it.
  9. >One minute you saw a dark spot in the distance.
  10. >The next you were fighting against ferocious blasts of air.
  11. >The weather ponies were wrong.
  12. >Not that you can blame them.
  13. >Meteorology isn’t as developed in Equestria.
  14. >Not to mention this part of the world isn’t as well-documented.
  15. >The shoreline of this section of the South Luna sea is mapped.
  16. >And that’s it.
  17. >It was recently discovered that the air currents around the coast make this a fast way to get to Seaquestria.
  18. >This did little to change air traffic.
  19. >Only the bravest or most foolhardy dared to take the seas or skies that ran between the southern lands and the Storm King’s Realm.
  20. >You may be the latter.
  21. >This last shipment is your most lucrative yet.
  22. >But right now, you’re wondering if even half of it will make it intact.
  23. >You barely had enough time to furl the main sail.
  24. >The rest will have to endure the storm, and maybe help you steer if they don’t hinder you, instead.
  25. >Your arms ache from keeping the wheel in line.
  26. >Your hips and knees are going week from trying to keep standing in this wind.
  27. >By now, the intensity of the winds buffeting your dirigible make denial impossible.
  28. >This is a typhoon.
  29. >The winds are relentless, pounding you with air and rain that has you soaked to the bone.
  30. >You’re as much at risk of drowning as anything else.
  31. >The blankets of canvas on either side of you flap loudly, almost vibrating from the abuse of winds well above a hundred kilometers per hour.
  32. >But if you can just make it back to shore.
  33. >It’s hard to make anything out through the blanket of torrential rain.
  34. >Yet, just off the port side you can see the grey shape of the rocky coast of the desert.
  35. >It’s a long way off.
  36. >You bat away your shirt as the soaked fabric plants itself on your face, suffocating you.
  37. >You take a moment to rid yourself of the hindrance and it flies off into the distance in seconds.
  38. >It’s a good thing you’ve tied yourself to the wheel.
  39. >For now.
  40. >A streak of lighting penetrates the air starboard of your ship, illuminating the plaque on the main mast which bears the name of your vessel.
  41. >The Moon Princess
  42. >As if you would have named it anything else.
  43. >Another bolt of lightning and the shockwave rocks the ship sideways.
  44. >As the horizon tilts nearly vertically, you can see the churning waves below.
  45. >The sea is a swirling tumult of waves and maelstroms.
  46. >You heave yourself to starboard and manage to right the ship.
  47. >Just in time to see it.
  48. >A massive waterspout heading straight towards you.
  49. >The swirling, serpentine funnel of water and wind looms closer with a deafening roar.
  50. >Your heart sinks.
  51. >You grip the wheel and plant yourself firmly on the slippery deck.
  52. >Guilt takes hold in your mind for a split second before the grim determination to survive breaks the surface of your thoughts.
  53. >The Moon Princess’ midnight blue sails are stretched to the limit.
  54. >The hardened timbers creak under the strain of the unrelenting gale.
  55. >The entire ship shakes with a rapid rhythm that threatens to break the whole thing apart.
  56. >By now the waterspout has you.
  57. >You grit your teeth and hold on to the shaking wheel.
  58. >Gravity lurches forward and then back as you start swirling the massive vortex.
  59. >A rope snaps and you duck just in time to avoid decapitation.
  60. >Wood splinters and fabric tears.
  61. >You yell as you strain with all your might to keep the Moon Princess steady.
  62. >A deafening explosion blows hot air into your face as lightning strikes the envelope, splitting it apart.
  63. >The internal gas shoots out.
  64. >Part of the pieces crash along the bow of the ship, breaking apart the hull.
  65. So that’s it then.
  66. >You pray.
  67. >As the words escape your lips they are immediately lost in the roaring winds of the storm.
  68. >You feel weightless.
  69. >And then you realize that the waterspout has finally flung you away.
  70. >You’re losing altitude fast.
  71. >Your tears mean little in all this rain.
  72. >You struggle to upright your position, prolonging the descent.
  73. >Yet still you fall, the roiling mass of ocean getting closer and closer.
  74. >You look up at the clouds.
  75. ”Luna…”
  76. ”I’m sorry.”
  77. >Suddenly, the clouds swirl into a familiar shape.
  78. >An equine face.
  79. >”Moonshine,” it whispers, its voice echoing even over the sound of the winds, rains, and waves.
  80. What…
  81. >”Moonshine!”
  82. >The face appears closer, the clouds surging towards the ship.
  83. >They coalesce into a much smaller shape.
  84. >”Awaken!”
  85. >You nearly lose your breath as your ship’s namesake touches down on the deck and gallops towards you, seemingly unaffected by the gale.
  86. >”My love, ‘tis but a dream,” she screams.
  87. >The equine leaps and pounces on you, wrapping her hooves around you.
  88. >”Moonshine, I’m here!”
  89. >Her fur is dry and warm compared to your soaking skin.
  90. >And still compared to how badly you’re trembling.
  91. >Luna squeezes you tightly and as you look over her withers, you see the waves reaching up, clawing at you.
  92. >This is it!
  93. >Yet just as the waters come up to grab you, a blue light flashes.
  94. >You gasp.
  95. >And you awaken in your bed.
  96. >You heave for breath and glance around.
  97. >You feel those same hooves wrapped around your sweat drenched body.
  98. >”Moonshine! Oh, Moonshine, you’re awake.”
  99. ”L-luna?”
  100. >Your eyes are soaked with tears but you can make out the wavy shape of your wife’s face.
  101. >”You were having a nightmare, my love. Oh, I’m so sorry.”
  102. >She pulls you close to her chest, pressing your body against something large and fuzzy.
  103. >She strokes your back.
  104. >Her warmth calms you.
  105. >She whispers as she caresses you.
  106. >”Shhhhh. Shhhhh. It’s only a dream. You’re safe, now.”
  107. >Your beating heart stills to a steady rhythm and you dry your tears on Luna’s chest.
  108. >She squeezes you once more.
  109. >As you relax and she resumes her petting, you speak.
  110. ”It was the same dream again.”
  111. >”The shipwreck?”
  112. ”Mhm.”
  113. >”Oh, Moonshine, I’m so sorry.”
  114. >You lean back and sniff.
  115. ”No, I’m sorry. You can go ahead and say, ‘I told you so.’”
  116. >”I’d never do that. Not after what you’ve been through.”
  117. >Luna runs her hoof across your cheek and you see, even in the dark, the pity on her face.
  118. >You have mixed feelings on that.
  119. >”It’s true, I didn’t want you to go on that dreadful voyage. But I’m just glad you’re safe. What happened wasn’t your fault.”
  120. >You’re not so sure about that.
  121. ”I’m still sorry. I couldn’t help it, Luna. I’m a man. It just doesn’t feel right not doing anything. A man’s job is to provide.”
  122. >”Your job is to love me. That’s all I ever asked.”
  123. >The Alicorn boops your nose.
  124. >”I need you to be alive to do that. We all do.”
  125. >Luna smiles and looks down.
  126. >Her hoof rests on a huge sphere of dark blue fur.
  127. >”These little ones need a father, don’t they?”
  128. >You place your free hand on Luna’s pregnant belly and run your palm across the fuzzy surface.
  129. ”They mean everything to me, Luna. You know that.”
  130. >”Then you need to be safe, alright?”
  131. >You sigh.
  132. “Alright.”
  133. >”You wouldn’t want to leave me a single mother, would you?”
  134. >You smile and place your hand on Luna’s hoof.
  135. >”Moonshine…”
  136. ”I need to talk to a therapist, I know.”
  137. >”Head Space is a very wise stallion, Moonshine. I can help you interpret your dreams. But the trauma you’re dealing with is beyond me. He can help you.”
  138. >You groan.
  139. >”Please? For us?”
  140. >You can’t say no to that beautiful face of hers.
  141. “I’ll make a call on Monday.”
  142. >Luna closes her eyes and presses her lips against yours.
  143. >”Thank you, Moonshine.”
  144. >You pat your wife’s pregnant belly a few times and stroke it lovingly.
  145. >Her engorged middle is so large it makes a mountain under the bedsheets.
  146. >”I’m getting rather large, aren’t I.”
  147. “You’re about to give the planet a second moon, babe.”
  148. >Luna snorts.
  149. >”You cad.”
  150. >She smiles and gives you a nudge in the chest with her hoof for your insult.
  151. >”Acting as though you don’t adore my roundness.”
  152. “Oh, I certainly do.”
  153. >You run both hands over Luna’s belly.
  154. >Your hands glide from her chest to her middle and all the way down to the bottom as far as you can reach.
  155. >Luna bats her lashes at you and kisses your forehead.
  156. >”Let us go back to sleep, Moonshine. You most certainly need rest after your bad dream.”
  157. >The (former) Princess of the Night pulls you close with her hoof, resting your head on her chest.
  158. >The midnight blue fuzz is so soft you feel your eyes getting heavy almost immediately.
  159. >Luna strokes your back and gently hums ‘Music of the Night.’
  160. >Curled up against her baby bump, the foals snug between the two of you, and the scent of lavender in the air, you drift back to sleep.
  162. **********
  164. >Something’s tugging at you.
  165. >You blink and open your eyes.
  166. >Everything’s blurry, but you see something greyish wiggling in front of you.
  167. >It’s Luna’s pet possum, Tiberius.
  168. >He’s tugging on your shirt with his mouth to get you to wake up.
  169. ”Hey, little guy.”
  170. >You rub the small marsupial’s nose with a finger.
  171. >He tugs on your shirt again.
  172. ”I’m awake, I’m awake. Just-”
  173. >You yawn.
  174. ”Just gimme a minute.”
  175. >You lean over to your wife and stroke her cheek.
  176. ”Babe? It’s time to wake up.
  177. >Luna remains motionless.
  178. >”Mmm.”
  179. >She has such an amazing command of the Ponish language.
  180. ”Luna?”
  181. >You run your hand through the Alicorn’s mane, the stars falling over your fingers in a river of twinkling light.
  182. >”Mmnnnnnnn!”
  183. >A blue shimmer surrounds your pillow.
  184. >It gets yanked out from under you and covers Luna’s head.
  185. >Tiberius’ face goes blank.
  186. “Yeah, I think we need backup.”
  187. >Part of you feels guilty for what you’re about to do.
  188. >Part of you.
  189. >The other part of you thinks it’s hilarious and wants to do it as often as possible.
  190. >With the tip of your finger you gently prod and poke at your spouse’s big blue belly.
  191. >Your prodding appendage rouses the litter of foals inside Luna.
  192. >So rudely awaken from their dreams, the babies wiggle and squirm, slowly at first, but kicking up a storm inside their mother’s womb.
  193. >”Uhhhhggghhhhh!”
  194. >Luna lifts her head from under the pillow and glares at you from tired eyes.
  195. >Her Messy mane creates a chaotic night sky behind her.
  196. “Oh, good. You’re awake.”
  197. >Luna gives an equine grunt and narrows her eyes.
  198. >”Yes, dear husband, I am awake,” she relents with a sigh.
  199. >”No thanks to you and your unruly children.”
  200. ”I see.”
  201. >When the foals are being cute and Luna is proud of them, they’re ‘our’ children.
  202. >When they’re misbehaving, they’re ‘your’ children.
  203. >You shake your head with amusement.
  204. >Mares.
  205. >The former princess yawns and rubs her engorged stomach, trying to calm the foals down.
  206. >Her circling hoof does little to dissuade their kicking and squirming.
  207. >You lean down and kiss the tummy, one for each life inside Luna’s heavy middle.
  208. “Sorry, honey.”
  209. >Luna huffs and crosses her forelegs over her stomach.
  210. >You snuggle up against her.
  211. “I love you.”
  212. >Luna rolls her eyes and kisses you on the lips.
  213. >”I love you, too, Moonshine.”
  214. >Tiberius hops onto Luna’s belly.
  215. >”Yes, I love you, too, Tiberius.”
  216. >Luna gives the little possum a smooch.
  217. >You slip out of the round bed with its royal blue sheets and head over to the balcony.
  218. >You take in the cool autumn air and feel refreshed.
  219. >From Luna’s tower at the Castle of the Two Sisters, you have a commanding view of the Everfree Forest below.
  220. >And above, the expanse of the night sky.
  221. >The moon is glowing, veiled partly by gently moving clouds, like a woman covering herself while caught changing.
  223. >You and your wife function so much better at night.
  224. >The solitude and the dark suit you.
  225. >Behind you, you hear a yawn and the creaking of springs as your heavy lover rolls out of the bed.
  226. >She clops over to you, eyes still tired, and looks up.
  227. >”Princess Twilight is getting much better at creating a night sky.”
  228. >Tiberius is sitting on her withers.
  229. >”Notice how she’s been rotating it subtly each day? She’s been doing her research.”
  230. >You nod.
  231. “Yeah. It’s almost full. Think it’ll be all there in time for tomorrow night?”
  232. >Luna brings a hoof to her mouth and yawns once more.
  233. >”I’m sure she’ll do a fantastic job.”
  234. >Luna leans to the side, resting her head on your arm.
  235. “You excited?”
  236. >”Give me a few minutes. I will be.”
  237. >You watch the stars twinkle and glitter in space, and wrap an arm around your wife.
  238. >You love waking up in the evenings with her. Just taking everything in.
  239. >”Thank you for waking me up, Moonshine.”
  240. “Hey. What are husband’s for if not being annoying?”
  241. >Luna laughs, bringing her hoof close to her mouth.
  242. >”Let us go eat breakfast. Perhaps that will help.”
  243. >Tiberius, hearing the word ‘breakfast,’ hops down from Luna’s back and dashes towards his food bowl.
  244. >Luna spreads her wings and flutters, shaking the feathers as she stretches.
  245. >Her bump sways lazily beneath her, the foals still moving her and there, but largely having given up harassing their mother.
  246. >The sleepy pony princess trods forward.
  247. >You wait for her to pass you before following.
  248. >Your eyes invariably focus on Luna’s lovely legs and her plump plot.
  249. >Pregnancy has definitely filled the lithe mare out.
  250. >At least where it counts.
  251. >Her teats have filled out, too.
  252. >Where once they were almost unnoticeable except for a pair of small, navy blue nipples, they’re now twin flesh sacks full of milk that slosh around every time she moves.
  253. >How did you get so lucky?
  254. >Luna pauses and looks back at you with those exhausted eyes of hers.
  255. >”Moonshine, why do you always walk behind me?”
  256. >You smile.
  257. ”Oh… just admiring the full moon.”
  258. >”But that won’t be until tomorrow, dear.”
  259. >She looks forward again and makes the trek to the royal dining room.
  260. >You follow, making sure you’re decent.
  261. >When the two of you arrive, Celestia and your brother are eating a late dinner.
  262. >A plate of fruit-topped pancakes are laid out for both of you.
  263. >Luna smiles.
  264. >”Good evening, Luna,” Celestia says in a graceful tone.
  265. >”Good evening, sister. How was your day?”
  266. >”Oh, it was so much fun. Angel and I went to a pumpkin patch. The fall leaves are delightful. We even brought a few home to decorate with.”
  267. >”For Nightmare Night?”
  268. >Celestia nods.
  269. >”I’m going as an incubus,” your brother says proudly.
  270. >”And what shall you be, Tia?,” the younger sister inquires.
  271. >Celestia folds her hooves over each other and rests her chin there, smiling deviously.
  272. >”It’s a surprise.”
  273. >Luna looks intrigued.
  274. >”Well, I’m glad you two enjoyed yourselves. Moonshine and I have some decorating to finish.”
  275. >It’s all part of the master plan.
  276. >Seeing as Luna is in a motherly way, and so close to birth, it seemed unwise to travel this Nightmare Night.
  277. >Of course, Luna loves celebrating, so you had to think of something.
  278. >So you’ve decided to post a notice that the castle will be open to trick-or-treaters.
  279. >Even a renovated castle makes for a good haunt on Nightmare Night.
  280. >If properly prepared, of course.
  281. >You and Luna finish up breakfast and thank Celestia for the pancakes.
  282. >”Well,” the solar Alicorn says.
  283. >”It sure is getting late. Angel and I are off to bed.”
  284. >”Don’t forget to tell the foals Aunt Luna says goodnight.”
  285. >Celestia eases out of her chair and goes over to Luna to give her sister a hug.
  286. >”Of course. Good night, you two.”
  287. >Luna clears her throat.
  288. >Celestia chuckles.
  289. >”Oh, of course.”
  290. >The taller mare leans down to give Luna’s belly a chaste but loving kiss.
  291. >”Auntie Celestia can’t wait to meet you.”
  292. >You hug your brother good night and watch the two exit the kitchen.
  293. “Celestia hasn’t slowed down at all. I figured giving birth to seven foals would have her bedridden for at least a month.”
  294. >”I’m as surprised as you are, Moonshine. But if she can manage, I’m sure I can, as well.”
  295. >Luna sighs and rubs her belly.
  296. >She closes her eyes for a moment.
  297. >Her eyes shoot open.
  298. >”Full moon! I see, now!”
  299. >Oh, she finally gets it.
  300. >”You were ogling my posterior.”
  301. >You grin.
  302. >”What is it with stallions and their fascination with a mare’s rear end?”
  303. “Well… it is getting round. Almost as big as Celestia’s before she got pregnant!”
  304. >Luna looks at you with forced disapproval.
  305. >Yet she blushes in spite of herself.
  306. >”Do you think I’ll get to keep it when I lose the baby weight?”
  307. >You shrug.
  308. “Celestia’s kept hers so far. Not that I’ve been paying too much attention.”
  309. >Luna raises a brow.
  310. >Clearly she doesn’t believe you.
  311. “But hey. If it goes away and you want it back… I can always knock you up again.”
  312. >Luna can’t suppress her grin at that statement.
  313. >She drinks the last bit of milk from her glass and heads back for the tower.
  314. >”I’m going to take a shower. Hopefully that will help me awaken.”
  315. >You have some ideas of your own.
  316. >Luna’s plot wiggles and bobs with every step of her hooves.
  317. >It’s downright hypnotic, what this mare does to you.
  318. >Which surely means what happens next isn’t really your fault.
  319. >All the way up the stairs, you hold yourself back, feeling your penis grow in your pants.
  320. >By the time you reach the main door, you’re in pain from how confined your erection is.
  321. >The fabric of your pajamas is stretched to the limit.
  322. >As soon as the two of you are back in your suite, you close the door.
  323. >Luna is walking toward the bathroom.
  324. >You pounce on the powerless pregnant pony!
  325. >You grasp that blue bottom of hers with both hands, digging into her flesh with your fingers.
  326. >Luna yelps.
  327. >”Moonshine!”
  328. >You grind your groin between her cheeks and growl, leaning forward.
  329. >Luna bites her lip.
  330. >”Hu-husband, I’m still not-”
  331. >You slap her rump, which earns you another squeal from your wife.
  332. >So powerful is your boner, you manage to wiggle it free from your pants, letting it slap against Luna’s nethers.
  333. >Luna’s wings flutter and she wiggles her ass.
  334. >In spite of the shock on her face, she isn’t exactly struggling.
  335. “Your sister has a nice ass, sure,” you tease.
  336. “But yours really takes the cake.”
  337. >”Takes the cake, Moonshine? Really?”
  338. >Again you smack her butt, and again Luna squeals.
  339. >She lowers her head, planting her hooves into the floor, balancing her belly beneath her.
  340. >Her tail flicks your face and you shake your head so you can see what you’re aiming for.
  341. >You see it.
  342. >That dark navy torus just beneath your wife’s tail.
  343. >It’s squeezed tight. But that won’t stop you.
  344. >You prod the pregnant princess’ puckered ponut with the pink tip of your penis.
  345. >”Moonshine, wait! That’s the wrong ho-HOOOOOOO!”
  346. >You throw your hips forward with a burst of power and that tip forces Luna’s asshole to give way.
  347. >Reflexively, Luna’s rear clenches, trying to expel the intrusion, but you don’t budge.
  348. >Deeper and deeper you delve into the depths of the girl’s derriere.
  349. >With every thrust of your cock, Luna bellows with a rasp.
  350. >If she really wanted to, she could stop you.
  351. >And if she really wanted you to stop, she knows she could tell you.
  352. >But she says nothing.
  353. >She simply gives her ass a meek wiggle and looks back at you with feigned anguish.
  354. >Again, she flicks her tail under your chin, and you feel her ponut squeeze around the base of your dick.
  355. >You look down and see her vulva begin to open.
  356. >You rub along Luna’s cutie marks with both hands and pull out.
  357. >She takes in a sharp breath, preparing herself for the anal assault she knows is coming.
  358. >You pound your pelvis into her plump plot, the impact rippling across her ass flesh.
  359. >This time, Luna’s butt feels a bit slicker as her body accommodates you.
  360. >You start pounding away, fucking Luna as deep as you can.
  361. >Her ass makes a nice cushion for the impact.
  362. >It’s just bouncy enough that it sends your hips back every time you hit it, aiding you in working up a sexual rhythm.
  363. >Luna arches her back.
  364. >She lowers her forelegs and props herself up to allow you to hit even deeper inside.
  365. >As stoic as Luna normally tries to be, beneath her poised exterior beats the heart of a very thirsty mare.
  366. >A thirst that has only grown along with the size of her swollen stomach.
  367. >She needs this even more than you do.
  368. >You’re only too happy to oblige.
  369. >”M-moonshine. You’re. You’re too rough! Please!”
  370. >She says this even as her horn glows and you feel a tingling force push your hips even harder forward.
  371. >”It hurts!”
  372. >Between clenched teeth, Luna utters a curse long out of use.
  373. >You get a rough idea of what it means, however.
  374. >Your balls are now drenched with juices from having slapped repeatedly into the mare’s thirsty pussy.
  375. >Luna’s bowels hunger for your spunk.
  376. >You feel your groin tighten as you get close to release.
  377. “Gonna fill you up, little filly.”
  378. >Luna pants, sweat building up on her brow.
  379. >You spank her again and Luna screams.
  380. >Her asshole seizes, gripping your cock tightly as her wings spread wide with a gust of air.
  381. >Her reward is a throb of your girth that stretches her hole wider than before as a gush of sperm floods her interior.
  382. >With loud plaps, you buck into the pony, spending every drop of your orgasm inside Luna’s ass.
  383. >Luna shudders as the warmth fills her tummy.
  384. >After a minute that stretches on seemingly forever, her sphincter relaxes enough to allow you to exit her body.
  385. >Her ponut puckers around your glans, and not a single drop of semen escapes.
  386. >Luna’s breath comes in exaggerated gasps.
  387. >Her legs wobble and she sways from side to side, her belly’s momentum carrying her to and fro.
  388. >”You… you barbarian.”
  389. >You smile, patting your lover’s rump.
  390. “You’re welcome, babe.”
  391. >Luna snorts indignantly and glares at you.
  392. >This only lasts a few seconds before she breaks out into a smile and kisses you on the lips.
  393. >”That certainly woke me up, Moonshine. But now we DEFINITELY need a shower.”
  394. >You join the mother-to-be, aiding her into the stall.
  395. >The edge is only about an inch tall, so it’s not really necessary.
  396. >She appreciates it all the same.
  397. >”You still haven’t changed, my noble knight.”
  398. >You rub under her chin and she wiggles her ears.
  399. >With a twist of magic, the water rushes over the two of you and you help each other scrub away.
  400. >You shampoo Luna’s shimmering mane, and glittering stardust swirls down the drain.
  401. >You work a lather into the fur of her belly, slowing down to admire how wide it’s gotten.
  402. >Luna indulges you, letting you take as long as you want.
  403. >When it’s your turn, Luna gets the loofah and scrubs your back and legs.
  404. >Whenever she gets done with an area she finishes it with a kiss.
  405. >”Turn around, Moonshine.”
  406. >You do so, and Luna braces your back with a hoof.
  407. >She magically cups your balls and gets you just erect enough to guide the loofah’s hole down around your dick.
  408. >Your wife jerks you off with the soapy scrubber until a jet of jizm splatters against the wall, where it’s quickly washed away by the water.
  409. >”I want your member extra clean,” she explains.
  410. >”Just in case.”
  411. >She gives your tip a kiss and winks at you.
  412. >The two of you finish up and dry off, refreshed and renewed for a day of decorating.
  413. >Luna puts her night sky hair into a ponytail.
  414. >First, your wife replaces all the plant sconces with fresh lavender.
  415. >It’s a small touch Luna does to ensure the other ponies who live in the castle have a good night’s sleep.
  416. >You reach the great hall, which is flooded with boxes.
  417. >You’ve gotten items shipped in from all over Equestria, along with frequent trips to some stores in nearby Canterlot.
  418. >You open up a cardboard box and pull out some tombstones.
  419. >Luna looks at them.
  420. >”How delightfully macabre.”
  421. “You like it?”
  422. >”It will go perfectly with this skeletal hoof. We can have him clawing his way out of the ground!”
  423. “Hey, I had another idea.”
  424. >”You had something in mind?”
  425. >You grin.
  426. “Animated armor. You get close to it and BAM! Spooky!”
  427. >”Very creative, Moonshine. I think I can work some sort of enchantment.”
  428. >The two of you head out to the castle grounds and start setting things up.
  429. “It looks like the others have a head start on the decorating.”
  430. >”The Nightmare Night spirit is infectious. I’m so happy to see them celebrating.”
  431. >Luna digs a hole and puts the skeletal hoof inside.
  432. >You prop up a tombstone behind it.
  433. “Pretty impressive, Luna. I like it.”
  434. >”Take a closer look…”
  435. >You lean in.
  436. “What am I supposed to-”
  437. >The hoof reaches towards you!
  438. “GAAAAAH!”
  439. >Luna laughs hysterically, her hooves draped over the headstone.
  440. >Her horn is glowing.
  441. “Jesus, Luna. You scared the shit outta me!”
  442. >”I… Oh, goodness, I’m so sorry, Moonshine. I could not resist!”
  443. >Her laughter calms down and you regain your composure.
  444. >You scratch your head.
  445. “How did you move it without it glowing?”
  446. >”It was glowing. Sort of.”
  447. >She moves two of the plastic bones, tugging them slightly apart.
  448. >A small wire connects the two.
  449. >”I merely manipulated the wires inside the hoof. Not the outside.”
  450. “Pretty clever, Luna.”
  451. >Luna smiles and waddles her heavy self over to another box and pulls out a scarecrow.
  452. >It has a scowling flour sack for a head and one of Big Mac’s worn out shirt on.
  453. >It has a well-worn and weathered look to it for extra spooky points.
  454. >You get out a thin, white, tattered sheet, and hang it from thin wires from a scraggly tree.
  455. >It should make a fine ghost.
  456. >”Moonshine. Could you please set up the phonograph? There should be a recording of horror ambiance in the box.
  457. ”Sure thing, babe.”
  458. >You head over to the old, stained box and heft out the contraption.
  459. >It’s pretty well taken care of in spite of the age.
  460. >You set it by the front door underneath the arch where the sound can bounce off the walls and get a nice echo.
  461. >You rummage through the records in the box and smile.
  462. >Claude Debussy’s Suite Bergamasque.
  464. >You pull the vinyl disc from its slip and place it on the turntable.
  465. >You adjust the needle onto a particular point marked in white.
  466. >There’s a static hiss and piano notes flow into the grounds.
  467. >Luna’s ears perk up and she raises her head for a moment as she recognizes the tune.
  468. >Her eyes widen, the moonlight sparkling in her eyes.
  469. >She turns to you.
  470. >You walk towards your wife and she meets you halfway.
  471. >”Clair de Lune.”
  472. >You nod.
  473. >”Our song.”
  474. >Luna grins and rears just long enough for you to catch her forelegs.
  475. >You bring one hand down to her swollen middle.
  476. >Her hind legs stomp on the ground as she tries to balance herself.
  477. >”I… should have thought about this.”
  478. “You’re fine, Luna.”
  479. >You sway side to side. As big as she is, Luna finds it hard to dance.
  480. >Even the smallest movement swings her belly, and when that happens, the momentum carries her along.
  481. >Fortunately, she has you to lean against.
  482. >Her middle rubs against you constantly.
  483. “You don’t have to apologize for being pregnant, Luna. You know if it were up to me, you’d be like this all the time.”
  484. >”So I’ve gathered,” she chides playfully.
  485. >The two of you dance in the moonlight, surrounded by fake headstones and artificial cobwebs.
  486. >Luna rests her head on your chest, her ponytail swishing as you guide her body.
  487. >No special, fancy footwork.
  488. >Just the two of you embracing under the moon and stars, swaying together.
  489. >You get lost in the dance.
  490. >You only notice after a while that the record has reached its end.
  491. “Heh. Better go turn that off.”
  492. >You ease Luna down, when suddenly, she winces and doubles over.
  493. >She twitches, flopping onto her back too fast for you to catch her.
  494. “Luna!”
  495. >You fall to your knees next to her.
  496. “Luna! What’s wrong?”
  497. >Luna’s face contorts into a grin and her eyes water.
  498. >She’s laughing?
  499. “Luna?”
  500. >“I-I’m sorry, Moonshine. The babies wiggled and it tickled me.”
  501. >You sigh, feeling dizzy from how quickly your body went alert.
  502. “Baby, you scared me.”
  503. >”And you came right over. My knight in shining armor.”
  504. >She caresses your cheek with her hoof.
  505. >You lean next to her, looking down at her, rubbing her stomach to calm the little troublemakers down.
  506. >You shake your head, looking into her eyes.
  507. “You’re going to be a great mom.”
  508. >”And you a great father, my love.”
  509. >The two of you stare at each other for what feels like forever.
  510. >Luna shifts.
  511. >”Sit down, Moonshine.”
  512. “Huh?”
  513. >You sit, and Luna puts a hoof to your knee to spread it aside.
  514. >That’s when you see your pants are tented.
  515. “Oh. Sorry.”
  516. >”No need to feel ashamed, Moonshine. I know I look stunning.”
  517. >She winks and sticks her tongue out at you.
  518. >”Let your wife take care of it.”
  519. “But Luna, what if somepo-”
  520. >She presses a feather to your lips, hushing you.
  521. >”Everypony is asleep.”
  522. >The Alicorn’s coiled horn glows with azure magic.
  523. >Your pants come unzipped and your fly opens.
  524. >Your length pops free, and you realize just how horny you are.
  525. >You’re already leaking from the tip.
  526. >Luna leans down, her ponytail floating behind her like the tail of a comet.
  527. >She licks the dewdrop on your tip and glances up at you before closing her eyes and slipping her lips over your swollen member.
  528. >Your fingers dig into the grass and you hiss.
  529. “Ohhhhh.”
  530. >Luna takes inch after agonizing inch of you until her snout is buried in your jeans.
  531. >You think you feel her chuckle around your cock.
  532. >As your dick twitches in the mare’s maw, she slides back up, pressing her tongue against the bottom of your length.
  533. >Right as her lips pucker around the tip, about to let go, she goes back down.
  534. >She works into a pace, bobbing her head up and down, sucking on your dick and licking your length.
  535. >You try to keep quiet, but you can’t help the occasional moan.
  536. >Luna dutifully sucks you off, her head moving up and down in your lap.
  537. >Soon, you feel your nuts tugging.
  538. >”Baby… I’m close.”
  539. >The mare doesn’t flinch.
  540. >She keeps up her pace and only pauses when she feels her mouth suddenly fill up.
  541. >She holds your pink glans in her lips like the head of a lollipop as you cum, gushing ropes of piping hot spunk into her mouth.
  542. >Her cheeks bloat with the sheer volume of your orgasm as your dick throbs with every burst of seed.
  543. >The princess’ eyes widen as she reaches her limit.
  544. >Cum gushes out of her mouth, drenching her lips and your dick with creamy white cum.
  545. >The last rope lands across Luna’s snout.
  546. >She takes in a deep breath and raises her head.
  547. >She struggles to swallow, finally sending your load down in one enormous bulge that gets forced down her throat.
  548. >She gasps and strands of cum dangle from her mouth, blown to and fro by her breath.
  549. “Wow. Luna, what the hell. I… Just wow.”
  550. >Your dick softens, finally tamed by your wife’s mouth.
  551. >Your princess looks worse for wear.
  552. “Babe, you okay?”
  553. >”Still not as good as Tia’s.”
  554. “Huh?”
  555. >Luna blinks.
  556. >”Oh… perhaps I spoke out of turn. Or rather, it’s not my place to say.”
  557. “You can trust me.”
  558. >Your wife, still with a mess around her mouth, sighs.
  559. >”My sister claims she can perform oral stimulation on your brother without, er, missing a drop.”
  560. >Luna’s face attests to her shortcoming.
  561. “Well, maybe. But I bet she can’t make him cum as fast as you made me.”
  562. >You take your finger and gather up the spent sperm around your wife’s lips and snout, and let her lick it up.
  563. “Good girl.”
  564. >You stand up off the ground and zip yourself back up, looking down at your round ball of a lover.
  565. >She blushes.
  566. >”Um… do you think you could… pull me up?”
  567. >You help roll your pregnant wife to her hooves and she rubs her foreleg anxiously.
  568. >”So undignified.”
  569. “I’m sure Celestia had her moments, too.”
  570. >Luna smiles.
  571. >”Once we finish, would you like to head to the café?”
  572. “Sure. We can probably wrap this up in a few.”
  573. >The two of you turn the grounds of the Castle of the Two Sisters into a spooktacular realm of frights.
  574. >Definitely a master class in Nightmare Night decoration.
  575. >One of the Earth Ponies, a night owl herself, manages to grow up some thorny vines to give it an unkempt touch.
  576. >Once everything is good and haunting, a pair of Thestrals arrive to take Luna and yourself to her favorite café in Canterlot.
  577. >The conveniences of modern technology mean that there’s more light.
  578. >This in turns means more ponies are able to appreciate the night.
  579. >Just in time for Luna to no longer be in charge of such things, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
  580. >Especially since it means there’s fun and food to be had around the clock.
  581. >You and Luna enjoy a leisurely stroll and some coffee before heading back to the castle.
  582. >Before you know it, the sun is rising.
  583. >Luna yawns.
  584. >”Oh, goodness. How time flies.”
  585. “I really should start carrying a watch.”
  586. >”Why bother? We have all the time in the world.”
  587. “You know she dies at the end of that movie, right?”
  588. >”As long as you don’t have any arch nemeses, we should be fine.”
  589. >You catch up with Shade and Grey Runner.
  590. >Shade finishes his soda and tosses it in a bin before the four of you fly off back to the castle.
  591. >Halfway back, you feel your wife’s head fall on your shoulder.
  592. >You wrap your arm around the sleeping mare and smile.
  593. >You sure lucked out with this girl.
  594. >You lean forward, but just barely.
  595. ”Hey guys? Soft landing, please. She’s out like a light.”
  596. >Runner glances back and whispers.
  597. >”Got it, chief.”
  598. >The bat ponies expertly touch down on the grounds, light as a feather.
  599. “Thanks, you two,” you whisper.
  600. >You carry Luna out bridal style and into the castle, all the way up the stairs to the towers.
  601. >You catch your brother and Celestia coming down.
  602. “Sorry about breakfast guys. We got a bit sidetracked.”
  603. >Celestia smiles.
  604. >”It’s alright, dear. Mom needs you to take care of her.”
  605. >Your brother sips some coffee.
  606. >”Besides, isn’t it a big day for her tomorrow?”
  607. “Sure is. She’s been looking forward to it. Not as much as she’s looking forward to the foals, though.”
  608. >”She’ll need plenty of rest. Look how peaceful she looks. You carry her off to bed now.”
  609. >You nod to your sister-in-law and continue on your way.
  610. >You ease your wife onto the mattress, making sure to fluff her pillow before disrobing and scooting in beside her.
  611. >Her eyes open just wide enough to see you and smile.
  612. >”I fell asleep, didn’t I?”
  613. “Yeah.”
  614. >”Sorry.”
  615. “No. I think it’s cute. Besides, you spend so much energy growing those babies.”
  616. >You pat her tummy.
  617. >”I suppose I failed to consider… how much it would tax my reserves.”
  618. >She yawns.
  619. “That’s why I’m here to help.”
  620. >”My night in shining armor.”
  621. >She kisses you.
  622. >”Good night, Moonshine.”
  623. ”Night night, Luna.”
  624. >Luna wiggles close to you and puts your hand on her rotund belly before passing out once more.
  625. >Her chest and belly gently rise and fall.
  626. >The curtains block the sunlight that you know is growing outside, and you fall asleep, lulled by the scent of lavender in the castle halls.
  628. **********
  630. >You shift in the bed.
  631. >You feel the soft sheets rubbing against your bare skin.
  632. >After a big, protracted stretch and a sigh, you turn.
  633. >Now, you’re lying on your side, comfy and relaxed.
  634. >You notice the familiar warmth of your wife is absent.
  635. >Maybe it’s nighttime?
  636. >You slowly open your eyes.
  637. >The blurry vision of sleep focuses into Luna’s beaming, happy face only a few inches away.
  639. >Luna’s booming voice blasts the covers away and blows your hair back.
  641. >You blink, shaking your head awake.
  643. >Luna’s wake-up tactic has nearly given you a heart attack.
  644. >Your heart is beating faster than you can imagine.
  645. >Luna puts a hoof to her mouth.
  646. >”Too much?”
  647. >You steady yourself and exhale.
  648. “Sorry, just wasn’t expecting to wake up to the Royal Canterlot Voice.”
  649. >”I didn’t interrupt a good dream, I hope.”
  650. “Oh, please. You can tell when I’m dreaming or not. Besides-”
  651. >You reach out and run your hand across Luna’s blue cheek.
  652. “-No dream compares to the reality standing in front of me.”
  653. >Luna blushes and tilts her head into your hand and you rub her ear.
  654. >”Such a charmer.”
  655. >Your wife closes her eyes and leans in to join her lips to yours.
  656. >You taste blueberry on her lips.
  657. >She must have eaten breakfast without you.
  658. >Hopefully it isn’t too late.
  659. >Luna breaks the kiss and you yawn.
  660. “Mmmmmm. What time is it?”
  661. >The Alicorn checks the clock.
  662. >”Almost seven. We’d better get ready. The younger foals start trick-or-treating before sundown. It will take them a while to get here from Ponyville and Canterlot, but-”
  663. “But with the trailblazing done this year, it’s about an hour’s trot each way.”
  664. >”Precisely.”
  665. >You arch your back and slip out of bed, and you can’t help but notice that your wife is trembling with excitement.
  666. >She’s like an excited little filly. Except not little and actually quite big.
  667. >You also notice that she’s already bathed, groomed, and ready to go.
  668. “Well, hopefully there’s still hot water left,” you remark.
  669. >Then again, Rainbow Dash mentioned taking a cold shower helped fight inflammation. She seemed to be right so far, even if it was unpleasant.
  670. >You compromise for the time, stepping into the stall while the Princess of the Night replaces all the lavender in the castle.
  671. >You stifle a scream as you finish yourself off with cold water.
  672. >Once you’re done, you shave and stroll to your closet.
  673. >You put on some leggings and an undershirt, followed by padded cloth.
  674. >You also put on a pair of ankle high black boots.
  675. >Opening a small drawer, you pull out something remarkable.
  676. >A full set of black chain mail, which just barely catches the light.
  677. >You fasten it over yourself.
  678. >Opening the twin doors of the tall wardrobe, you reveal it.
  679. >A suit of full plate armor, flame blued to a stunning purple.
  680. >The elbow and knee joint guards are made to resemble bat wings.
  681. >On the chest is a blue, serpentine eye surrounded by a silver star.
  682. >You touch the eye and stand back in a T-Pose.
  683. >The enchanted armor surrounds and encases you, fastening its leather straps over you of its own volition.
  684. >You grab and strap on the sword belt.
  685. >You take the shield, with its symbol of the crescent moon.
  686. >You stand proudly, as the Captain of the Night Watch.
  687. >It’s not very often you get an excuse to wear it, even though technically you’re always on duty.
  688. >You leave the room and make your way downstairs, carrying your helmet in your arm.
  689. >In the great hall, where the thrones sit, cobwebs stretch from various nooks and crannies, along with stones deliberately pulled out of place.
  690. >Damn, no expense was spared.
  691. >Even some bats have made the hall their temporary home.
  692. >Being nocturnal, they flitter about high above you.
  693. >You hear a wolf howl, likely from the ambient record you set up.
  694. >Luna is setting up a wooden chest full of candy in between the thrones.
  695. >Tiberius is busying himself with a jawbreaker that he manages to shove into his mouth, bulging one side comically.
  696. >Having mastery over your plate, you manage to sneak up on the engorged equine.
  697. ”Isn’t the tradition for ponies to give YOU candy?”
  698. >The mare yelps.
  699. >”Moonshine! You startled me, I-”
  700. >She pauses as she looks at you in your resplendent armor.
  701. >Her eyes widen and gleam with joy.
  702. >”My knight in shining armor!”
  703. >You kneel.
  704. “At your service, my Princess.”
  705. >Luna bites her lip and offers her hoof.
  706. >You take it and kiss it.
  707. >Your wife blushes as though it were the first time.
  708. >As though you hadn’t filled her with foals.
  709. >If only she knew how hard it was for you to hide the same bashful response.
  710. >”You’re as handsome as the day we met.”
  711. “Somehow, you’ve gotten even more beautiful.”
  712. >Luna wiggles and leans forward, nuzzling you and giving you a kiss.
  713. >”You’re going to rile me up before the night even begins,” she whines.
  714. “My apologies.”
  715. >”No need, Moonshine. Or should I say, ‘Captain.’”
  716. “Well, come on. Let’s head to the lookout and watch the ponies come. I wanna see how well we did with the prep.”
  717. >”I’d say you’ve done quite well.”
  718. >”Tia!”
  719. >”Luna spreads her wings and with several flaps manages to haul herself over to her sister.
  720. >Celestia is in a sphere of yellow papier-mâché with a sort of orange halo around it.
  721. >”The sun, sister? Isn’t that a bit on the nose?”
  722. >”Well, I was hoping the pregnancy would last long enough to paint my belly yellow, so this will have to suffice.
  723. >The taller Alicorn leans closer to her sibling.
  724. >”It’s not too late to paint your belly grey.”
  725. >Luna laughs.
  726. >”I think I’ll pass on that opportunity. Besides, who would be the Earth in this scenario?”
  727. >Your brother comes down the stairs in a rather risqué outfit.
  728. >Or maybe a lack thereof.
  729. >He has on red podypaint, horns, skintight pants and a transparent shawl with no shirt on.
  730. >Of course, ponies wouldn’t know any better, being naked most of the time.
  731. “You really think you’ll get away with that?”
  732. >He shrugs nervously.
  733. >”I’m gonna try.”
  734. >Celestia licks her lips subtly and narrows her eyes.
  735. >”My angel is going to be a devil, tonight.”
  736. “Watch out, I think she’s got plans for you.”
  737. >”Well,” Celestia says.
  738. >”We must be off. Have fun on your big night, Luna.”
  739. >”Where are you going, again? Was it Whinnyapolis?”
  740. >Celestia shuffles in her yellow contraption.
  741. >”Fillydelphia. To be honest I’m… rather anxious about leaving the foals here. We already spent yesterday away. But if you two really insist we go... Are you two sure you wouldn’t rather focus on Nightmare Ni-”
  742. >Luna stops her sister with a hoof.
  743. >”Tia, you’re beginning to sound like Miss Sparkle. Relax. Have fun, tonight. The foals will be asleep most of the time, anyway. I’ve set up everything so that if there’s ever a disturbance, both Moonshine and I will know.”
  744. >”You’ve really done this all for me?”
  745. >”What are sister’s for?”
  746. >Celestia smiles and hugs her swollen sister tightly.
  747. >”Now you two get going. Fashionably late is still late.”
  748. >Celestia steps back and grabs your brother’s hand.
  749. >”Thank you both. We’ll see you in a few hours.”
  750. >You and your wife wave happily as the two vanish in a flash of magical energy.
  751. >Luna turns to you and shudders with excitement.
  752. >”Ooooh. Let’s go see if anypony is coming!”
  753. >Luna glides down the steps with her wings unfurled and waddles hastily to the front entrance.
  754. >You’ve never seen a pregnant mare move so quickly.
  755. >You almost laugh as her belly wobbles and swings side to side with her heavy hoofsteps.
  756. >On the balcony above the doors, the two of you observe the castle grounds.
  757. >Immediately, you’re awestruck by the light of the moon.
  758. “Enchanting. The moon is so beautiful, tonight.”
  759. >”Do you like it, Moonshine?”
  760. “You did this?”
  761. >Luna smiles, brushing her hair back.
  762. >”I asked Miss Sparkle to let me do this one.”
  763. >You wrap your arm around your mare’s shoulder.
  764. >”It’s beautiful, baby.”
  765. >The full moon gleams like silver in the night sky, surrounded by glittering stars and dense clouds that float slowly by.
  766. >You get so distracted you almost miss ponies walking along the trail in the distance.
  767. >”Hey, honey. Look!”
  768. >You pull out a spyglass and extend it.
  769. >Tiberius hops up on the railing to look out, as well, still sucking on his jawbreaker.
  770. ”Looks like about… oh wow.”
  771. >”What is it? What do you see?”
  772. >Luna trots in place giddily.
  773. ”Must be about twenty or thirty ponies.”
  774. >Luna rears and kicks her front hooves with joy.
  775. >”I cannot wait to see their faces!”
  776. “Just don’t forget, they’re mostly foals, Luna.”
  777. >”Of course. I won’t overdo it,” she scoffs.
  778. >She spreads her wings once more.
  779. >”Stand back, please.”
  780. >You take a few paces back, and the wind shifts.
  781. >The dark clouds swirl around the circle of the moon, and the leaves below are whisked aloft by the wind.
  782. >Luna’s horn glows and she floats off the ground, her six limbs lengthening, her starfield mane growing longer.
  783. >Her coat becomes black as night, and armor magically covers her, transmutating from her crown and ornamentation.
  784. >Her wings are now spread out like a Roc of old.
  785. >The little possum hops onto you and hides behind your pauldron.
  786. >The Princess’ pupils narrow into serpentine slits, and her teeth grow fangs.
  787. >When at last the transformation is complete, she lets out a tremendous laugh that echoes all across Everfree, such that the leaves tremble.
  788. >It’s enough to make your hair stand on end.
  789. >Part of you is truly frightened.
  790. >Another part is turned on.
  791. “Whoah…”
  792. >”Impressed?”
  793. “Very.”
  794. >”Well, there’s more where that came from.”
  795. >Luna leaps from the balcony, ebony feathers fluttering in the air as she soars towards the oncoming ponies.
  796. >When she appears above them, she laughs once more to get their attention.
  798. >You can hear the shrieks already.
  799. >”It’s Nightmare Moon! Aaaaah!”
  800. >”It’s her!”
  801. >”She’s real!”
  802. >The adults are more composed, but seem equally impressed, nonetheless.
  803. >Luna pauses in midair, flapping her wings.
  805. >One filly, dressed as the Bride of Frankenstallion, pipes up.
  806. >”We uh, we heard you have candy?”
  808. >With a crack of lightning, Nightmare Moon turns and flies back towards the balcony, and the foals bravely march forward towards the bridge.
  809. >Where you stand.
  810. “None shall pass,” you say from behind your helmet.
  811. >”Oh yeah?”
  812. ”Yeah.”
  813. >”But what about our candy?”
  814. “I move… for no pony.”
  815. >A red colt dressed as a skeleton points his hoof.
  816. >”Well, I say we fight you!”
  817. “Very well!”
  818. >Emboldened by their compatriot, the foals rush you!
  819. >Every time one of them bucks you, headbutts you, or assaults you with one of their foam weapons, if they have them, you ‘lose’ a piece of your armor, the straps unfastening themselves by your will.
  820. >By the end, all you have on is your helmet.
  821. >”We’ve beaten you, knight!”
  822. “’Tis but a scratch.”
  823. >”Your armor’s off!”
  824. “No it isn’t.”
  825. >”Well what’s that, then?”
  826. >You look at your armor on the ground.
  827. “I’ve had worse.”
  828. >”Awww, come on, let us through!”
  829. “Very well. You have proven yourselves worthy. But know this. Nightmare Moon does not suffer indignity. You must be brave to claim your prize.”
  830. >You stand aside and let the ponies pass as the foals cheer for their victory.
  831. >One of the mother’s trots up to you.
  832. >”It’s very kind of you to set all this up, tonight, mister…”
  833. “Captain is fine.”
  834. >”Right.”
  835. “And it isn’t really any trouble at all. This is Luna’s favorite night of the year, after all. I bet she’s as excited for this as the kids are.”
  836. >”Speaking of which, I’d better join them.”
  837. “I’ll join you,” you say, summoning your armor back on.
  838. >You hold back with the parents while the foals venture forth into the grounds.
  839. >Many spooks and frights greet the ponies.
  840. >Cackling crows.
  841. >Shifting trees.
  842. >Tombstones galore.
  843. >The scarecrow moans as the colts and fillies pass by, and a skeletal hoof reaches out for one who screams with a high pitched squeal.
  844. >Yet still the trick-or-treaters press on!
  845. >A howl sounds in the air, followed by a ghoulish chuckle.
  846. >The kids are on edge.
  847. >The phonograph is working better than expected.
  848. >This is going to be a Nightmare Night to remember!
  849. >Soon, the intrepid host of small equines stands before the arched doorway.
  850. >They pause before the massive wooden doors and look back at their parents who gesture reassuringly.
  851. >It is a house, after all.
  852. >Just a really big one.
  853. >”Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!”
  854. >The doors open of their own accord, creaking mightily as they swing in, revealing the great hall.
  855. >Shadows move subtly in the dimly lit hallway, the moonbeams illuminating the thrones at the far end.
  856. >As the foals walk inside, the suits of armor come to life, pointing their spears angrily towards the ponies as they pass between each pair!
  857. >Then they become motionless, once more.
  858. >The fillies and colts stand before the thrones of the two sisters.
  859. >Between them lies the prize: a chest, unopened.
  860. >”A chest!”
  861. >”What do you think’s inside?”
  862. >”I bet it’s candy!”
  863. >”No, chests have gold in ‘em!”
  864. >As the foals contemplate what could be in store, Nightmare Moon’s laugh breaks the conversation.
  865. >From the ceiling she descends, wings unfurled, her eyes glowing white as she falls.
  866. >With a subtle thud she lands, wobbling slightly as her belly sways beneath her.
  867. >Her eyes stop glowing.
  868. >She peers down at the foals.
  870. >”We’re here for the candy, Nightmare Moon,” a small Pegasus filly cries defiantly.
  871. >You speak up.
  872. “These foals have proven most brave, Princess. What’s more, they come armed with the power to defeat you!”
  873. >”YOU DON’T MEAN-”
  874. >You bring from behind you a bowl of the foulest candy imaginable.
  875. “Candy Corn!”
  877. >You kneel so the foals can reach the bowl.
  878. “Everyone, get her!”
  879. >The little ponies grab the waxy treats by the hooffull, pelting Nightmare Moon with them in a dazzling shower of orange, yellow, and white.
  880. >They also put a few into their bags, of course.
  881. >The Alicorn raises her hoofs in vain defense before collapsing in a heap.
  882. >She retreats behind the chest.
  884. >Her horn glows.
  885. >The chest opens, revealing some of the best gourmet confections you and your wife could find.
  886. >Chocolates, caramels, tarts.
  887. >Using her magic, Nightmare Moon places a generous hooffull into each foal’s bucket.
  888. >She slowly brings herself back up as the foals revel in their haul.
  889. >”Enjoy your treats, young foals. But know that Nightmare Moon does not suffer defeat easily. I shall return next year. Muahahahahahaaaaa!”
  890. >”Um… N-n-nightmare Moon?”
  891. >The mare pauses her dramatic laughter, looking at a particularly small Earth filly with a ponytail.
  892. >”You have a question for us, little one?”
  893. >”Um… why is your belly so big?”
  895. >Nightmare moon blinks and looks at you.
  896. >You look back at her.
  897. >She looks at the foal.
  898. >”Er, well…”
  899. >She smiles and leans down to look into the filly’s eyes.
  900. >”My belly is big because it’s full of all the foals I’ve devoured!”
  901. >Oh, wow. Good improvisation!
  902. >The little pony shudders and starts to cry.
  903. >Oh, dear. Perhaps not good improvisation.
  904. >The girl’s mother winces and holds a hoof to her mouth before rushing to scoop up her daughter.
  905. >Luna bites her lip.
  906. >You can see the pain in her expression.
  907. >This is Nightmare Moon’s worst nightmare.
  908. >Becoming somepony genuinely feared.
  909. >In a fraction of a second, she reverts back to her shorter, less scary form.
  910. >”Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry.”
  911. >The other foals exchange glances and step back from the awkward situation.
  912. >”Ma’am, my deepest apologies, I-”
  913. >”No, I understand. May. May, it’s okay. It’s just Princess Luna, see?”
  914. >Luna gives a sheepish smile.
  915. >The filly buries her face in her mom’s chest.
  916. >”B-b-b-but she said-”
  917. >”Shhhh. Shhhhh, you’re safe, May.”
  918. >Luna sits down.
  919. >May’s mother sets her down and scoots her towards Luna.
  920. >”See? Nobody’s hurt.”
  921. >”But… her tummy is big.”
  922. >Luna gives an inquisitive look to the girl’s mother.
  923. >The mother gives a nod.
  924. >Luna addresses the filly.
  925. >”I wasn’t completely honest with you, child. I only meant to tease you as Nightmare Moon. I’m sorry I frightened you so.”
  926. >The filly wipes her eyes, still looking very confused.
  927. >Luna leans back slightly, exposing her swollen stomach to the foal.
  928. >”My belly IS full of foals, my dear. But not because I’ve eaten them.”
  929. >The girl sniffs.
  930. >”Huh?”
  931. >Luna rubs her hooves over her middle.
  932. >”The foals inside me are growing. This,” she says, looking at the mother before continuing.
  933. >”This is where babies come from.”
  934. >May looks at the blue dome curiously.
  935. >”There’s babies in there?”
  936. >Luna nods.
  937. >”And once they get big enough, I’ll let them out, and give them names.”
  938. >The filly’s eyes go wide with this revelation.
  939. >She stares at the Alicorn’s tummy with wonder.
  940. >”Would you like to feel them?”
  941. >May nods and Luna guides her hoof to the soft paunch.
  942. >May rubs over it in awe and squeaks when something moves inside.
  943. >Luna giggles, as does May’s mother.
  944. >”It moved!”
  945. >”Well, yes little one. They do that quite often.”
  946. >May rubs and finds the activity follows her hoof.
  947. >”They’re kicking my hoof.”
  948. >”That means they like you,” Luna says, petting the filly’s head.
  949. >May laughs.
  950. >”I like them, too.”
  951. >”Alright, May,” her mother says.
  952. >”We’d best leave Miss Luna to her celebration. See? Wasn’t this a great Nightmare Night!”
  953. >”Nightmare Night is the best night ever!”
  954. >The rest of the foals agree with enthusiastic cheers and hoof stomps.
  955. >You share a glance with your wife who smiles back, eyes aglow with joy.
  957. >The little ones thank Luna for the wonderful experience and make the long journey home.
  958. >Another wolf howl makes it through the doors before it closes, leaving you and Luna alone.
  959. >Luna takes a deep breath.
  960. “You good?”
  961. >”Better than good. Ecstatic!”
  962. >Luna nuzzles you.
  963. >”This is a Nightmare Night to remember.”
  964. “You did great with that filly at the end.”
  965. >”Great? I made her cry!”
  966. >Luna pouts.
  967. “Yeah. But you made it all better. It was cute.”
  968. >”You think everything I do is cute.”
  969. “Heh. Yeah.”
  970. >Luna pouts and leans on you.
  971. “We should get ready. The next batch of kids could be here soon.”
  972. >”Can we check on the foals, first? I want to make sure they are well.”
  973. >You motion for Luna to lead the way and the two of you head to Celestia’s tower.
  974. >In the royal chamber, tucked away in their crib are Celestia and your brother’s seven children.
  975. >They’re sound asleep, much to Luna’s relief.
  976. >She swoons, smiling at the little ones.
  977. >”They’re so beautiful,” she whispers.
  978. >Luna wraps a hoof around your arm and her eyes water.
  979. “Can’t wait, can you.”
  980. >Luna shakes her head.
  981. >You smile and ruffle Luna’s hair.
  982. >She leans over the crib.
  983. “We can’t stay here forever, babe. We gotta let them sleep.”
  984. >Luna struggles to pull herself away, but not before giving each of the children a little kiss.
  985. >They wiggle slightly in response, but otherwise stay fast asleep.
  986. >The two of you walk out, and Luna gingerly closes the door behind.
  987. >”They’re so cute,” she whines.
  988. >You squeeze the maternal mare and touch your nose to hers.
  989. “Any day now, Luna. Don’t worry.”
  990. >She huffs and kisses you.
  991. >Then she gets taller and darker, becoming Nightmare Moon, once more.
  992. >”I suppose I’ll have to distract myself with some more fun.”
  993. >She winks and flies off again, and you hustle back to the bridge.
  994. >Four or five groups of fillies, getting progressively older as the night wears on, come to visit your creepy castle.
  995. >Each time, Nightmare Moon puts on a show, and each time everyone leaves with candy and memories to last a lifetime.
  996. >Or at the very least, until the next Nightmare Night.
  997. >When the last of the trick-or-treaters leaves the castle, the two of you let out sighs of exhaustion.
  998. >Not the exasperating kind, full of weariness and pain.
  999. >The kind you get from fun and a sense of fulfillment.
  1000. >You remove your helmet, shaking your damp hair, the cool air instantly refreshing you.
  1001. “Man, what a night!”
  1002. >”That was incredible, Moonshine! Oh, I haven’t had that much fun in ages!”
  1003. >Luna is back to her normal self, now, albeit damper than normal.
  1004. >Her belly has a sheen to it now.
  1005. >She lays against the candy chest, taking a load off after the biggest night of the year for her.
  1006. >She pops a caramel into her mouth and tosses a dark chocolate at you.
  1007. “I’m surprised there’s any left.”
  1008. >”Mmmm. So am I. But maybe we bought too much.”
  1009. “Too much candy?”
  1010. >The both of you burst out into laughter.
  1011. >You pop the chocolate into your mouth and savor it.
  1012. >You settle yourself into Luna’s throne and sigh.
  1013. >The two of you relax and share candies.
  1014. >Celestia and your brother arrive, looking about as exhausted as you.
  1015. >Exchanges are made, but just barely.
  1016. >Your sister-in-law is eager to see her babies.
  1017. >You can’t really blame her.
  1018. >Before she leaves, you and your wife earn a kiss for your diligence.
  1019. >As your brother heads up the stairs to follow his wife into their tower, you glance at Luna.
  1020. “Parenthood hasn’t slowed them down at all.”
  1021. >”Celestia was always more outgoing than I, but you’re right. If anything, she’s even more lively than before.”
  1022. >Your wife grabs a stick of licorice and nibbles on it.
  1023. >She glances at you, holding the sweet between her teeth, as if pondering something.
  1024. >She grins.
  1025. >Luna tilts to one side, then rolls her gravid self gracefully up.
  1026. >The momentum of her belly does little to disrupt her posture.
  1027. >It sways like a pendulum beneath her barrel.
  1028. >”Moonshine…”
  1029. “Mmm?”
  1030. >Now that our responsibilities of the night are fulfilled, shall we head upstairs?”
  1031. “Upstairs for what?”
  1032. >Luna chuckles.
  1033. >”As handsome as you look in that armor, I do enjoy seeing you out of it.”
  1034. “Oh, I see.”
  1035. >Luna waddles her way upstairs, trotting with just a bit of extra sway to her plot.
  1036. >Occasionally she glances back at you with a smile and a gleam in her eye.
  1037. >Almost as if this is her first time.
  1038. >You make it to the bedroom just in time for Luna to whip around.
  1039. >”Disrobe.”
  1040. “Wow, that qui-”
  1041. >You fumble both words and body as your armor unfastens itself and flies off into the wardrobe.
  1042. >Stumbling, you look at the Princess.
  1043. “How did you do that?”
  1044. >”Isn’t it obvious?”
  1045. >She saunters toward you, belly swaying subtly beneath her.
  1046. >”I may not be sovereign any longer, but I still carry the title of Princess. And you, as the captain of my guard, obey my command. As does your armor.”
  1047. “Oh. Well. That makes sense.”
  1048. >”Now, disrobe.”
  1049. “As you wish, your majesty.”
  1050. >You unfasten and toss aside your mail, your clothes, your boots, until you’re completely bare, your skin finally able to breathe.
  1051. >”Much better.”
  1052. >Luna, her starlight mane flowing behind her, nuzzles your chest and kisses it.
  1053. >You cup her cheeks and rub them gently.
  1054. >Luna giggles and leans up to kiss you.
  1055. >You indulge the princess, pressing your lips into hers.
  1056. >Luna magically tosses her peytral and crown aside, and kicks off her horseshoes.
  1057. >The mare corrals you onto the bed, and you flop back on it.
  1058. >Luna hefts herself onto the mattress, and you pull her.
  1059. >She manages to get on in spite of her immense baby bump.
  1060. >”Whew. Thank you.”
  1061. >She lays down on her back and looks at you.
  1062. >You brush her cheek with the back of your hands and she nuzzles it.
  1063. >Her pupils become narrow.
  1064. >Her pelt darkens.
  1065. >Her entire form becomes bigger and she smiles with fangs.
  1066. “Oh dear…”
  1067. >”That’s queen to you, Moonshine.”
  1068. >Before you can react, the midnight mare rolls on top of you, pinning you down beneath her titanic tummy.
  1069. >She laughs threateningly, and leers at you from above.
  1070. >”Oh, thou looketh so small next to my big belly!”
  1071. >You squirm, trying not to let on how excited you are.
  1072. >You don’t manage to move much, however.
  1073. >Nightmare Moon’s stomach has you trapped.
  1074. >It’s like a warm, fuzzy blanket, that’s also incredibly heavy.
  1075. >”Mmmm. What do do with thee.”
  1076. >You huff indignantly.
  1077. >Nevertheless, you nuzzle your face against the black fur of your wife’s belly, and run your hands over it in wide circles.
  1078. >”Good boy.”
  1079. >You can barely see her face above the mountain of her motherhood.
  1080. >Her eyes reveal a deep hunger, a near insatiable lust she fully intends to quench with you.
  1081. >Nightmare Moon licks her lips and rocks her hips forward.
  1082. >That’s when you realize her plump teats have been hotdogging your dick this entire time.
  1083. >Their warmth and suppleness stroke your manhood, awakening it.
  1084. >Your dick throbs and throbs, growing each time, becoming more tightly sandwiched between your lover’s mammaries.
  1085. >The Alicorn keeps rocking, rubbing her smooth fur across your body, her belly lurching forward and back in front of your eyes.
  1086. >”I know all of thy weaknesses, young man.”
  1087. “All of them?”
  1088. >Her eyes narrow.
  1089. >”Every last one. I can see thy dreams, remember?”
  1090. >You gulp.
  1091. >”Dost thou know how many dreams are about my pregnant belly?”
  1092. “I’m guessing it’s a lot?”
  1093. >The mare on top of you laughs.
  1094. >”Almost all of them!”
  1095. >Nightmare Moon spreads her great black wings wide, cloaking the room in darkness.
  1096. >With a mighty flap, she hoists herself off of you, leaning forward.
  1097. >Your reprieve is short-lived, however.
  1098. >She slams on top of you, nearly forcing all the air from your lungs as you’re assaulted by the princess’ pregnant gut.
  1099. “Oof!”
  1100. >”Art thou alive down there?”
  1101. >You wiggle.
  1102. “Well, now I know what Termina felt like at the end of day three…”
  1103. >”Oh? Not Chewbacca on Sernpidal?”
  1104. “How do you-”
  1105. >You’re cut off by the mare’s hip drop, which engulfs your now fully erect dick in her velvety folds.
  1106. >Nightmare Moon moans blissfully above you.
  1107. >She wiggles her plump plot on your thighs and folds her wings back.
  1108. >You can feel her vulva clench and unclench around the base of your shaft.
  1109. >All you can see now is black.
  1110. >You’re completely trapped under the weight of your foals and the amniotic fluid suspending them inside their mother.
  1111. >Your wife strokes her stomach.
  1112. >”Prepare thyself, mortal! We shall not stop rutting thee until the sun comes up!”
  1113. >You struggle beneath the gravid mare, but she doesn’t budge.
  1114. >She has you right where she wants you.
  1115. >She raises her hips, slipping her pussy over your dick.
  1116. >Then she plops her butt back in your lap, engulfing your manhood once more.
  1117. >Your hold onto your wife’s belly for dear life as she rides you.
  1118. >Sex with an Alicorn under these circumstances can be like surviving a hurricane.
  1119. >Something you have experience with.
  1120. >It’s exhilarating and terrifying at once.
  1121. >Aided by the fact that her interior can conform to your cock’s shape.
  1122. >The odds are stacked against you.
  1123. >Objective: Survive
  1124. >Your fingers dig into the mare’s fur as she bounces her black and blue butt on your lap.
  1125. >Your balls get jostled up and down, the cum inside sloshing about so much you can practically feel it.
  1126. >As your wife pleasures herself with your girth, she teases you.
  1127. >”Can thou feel it? Every hill and valley of my marehood, stroking thy cock? Hahahahaha. I can feel your heart beating through your dick.”
  1128. >You certainly feel it.
  1129. >Every last detail of Nightmare’s interior can be felt through your cock, as they slide past every few seconds.
  1130. >Suddenly, the pressure stops.
  1131. >You feel yourself slip out of the mare, and you gasp.
  1132. >Is she taking it easy on you?
  1133. >Your hope is dashed when you feel her lifting your hips up and spreading your legs aside.
  1134. >Balancing herself on her hind hooves, using you as a support, Nightmare Moon drops her hips on you again.
  1135. >The impact makes you dizzy, and your head swims.
  1136. >She has you caught in an amazon position, her belly looming over you.
  1137. >She laughs again, and starts bouncing on you, assaulting your dick with her pussy.
  1138. >Sweat and nectar mix, dripping down your nutsack as the Alicorn practically rapes you on the mattress.
  1139. >All the while, the mare’s big, balloon-like, black belly bounces above you, just inches from your face.
  1140. >Caught on your back as you are, you make the most of the situation by reaching up and rubbing the baby bump.
  1141. >”That’s right, Moonshine. Give us plenty of attention.”
  1142. >She’s using her forelegs to hold your ankles near her plot, your legs spread apart by her belly as much as her hips.
  1143. >You give your lover’s belly a hearty slap and it wobbles.
  1144. >”Ah! Why thou cheeky little…”
  1145. >Nightmare Moon drops her hips extra hard as punishment for your insolence.
  1146. >Your balls tug and clench.
  1147. “Luna… I-”
  1148. >”I beg thy pardon?”
  1149. “My Queen.”
  1150. >”Much better.”
  1151. “I’m… about to…”
  1152. >”Too much for thee, am I? Go ahead, whelp. Release thy seed into your queen!”
  1153. >You grunt and clench your eyes shut.
  1154. >Your toes curl and your balls quiver.
  1155. >Your cock pulsates and bulges as a hot load of cream gushes into Nightmare Moon’s matrix, flooding her already full womb.
  1156. >You hear her moan with delight above you.
  1157. >”A fine start, my dear consort. But the night is still young.”
  1158. >You slap her belly again and she hisses.
  1159. >”Ooooh. Thou art ASKING for it.”
  1160. >Nightmare Moon ravishes you relentlessly for hours.
  1161. >But you give as good as you get.
  1162. >You lose track of how many ways you fuck each other, until Nightmare Moon’s hind leg is draped over your shoulder as you buck your hips into her winking vulva rhythmically.
  1163. >Both of you are drenched with sweat and exhausted.
  1164. >”Is that… all thou… hast?”
  1165. >You grimace and lean forward, giving your wife’s bellybutton a playful pinch.
  1166. >She yelps and reverts back to normal, eyes and fur brightening back up as she shrinks to her smaller size.
  1167. >You smile, flopping down on the mattress.
  1168. >You pant heavily.
  1169. “Does this mean… I win?”
  1170. >”It isn’t… a contest… love…”
  1171. “You sounded pretty… confident before.”
  1172. >You laugh and pat Luna’s stomach.
  1173. >She looks perturbed, but flicks her tail to caress your face with it nonetheless.
  1174. “The pregnancy made it harder?”
  1175. >Luna puffs her cheeks and turns away.
  1176. >”Yes,” she admits.
  1177. “But it was good though, right? How many times did you cum?”
  1178. >Luna tries to hold her expression, but relents, laughing.
  1179. >”I lost count.”
  1180. “Same here.”
  1181. >You sigh and look toward the balcony.
  1182. >The sun isn’t out, but the sky is brightening.
  1183. “You know. We have time for one more round. We could take it slow.”
  1184. >Luna rolls onto her back, looking at you.
  1185. >”Would it be alright if you took charge this time?”
  1186. “Sure.”
  1187. >You kiss Luna’s nose and scoot between her thighs, rubbing her legs with your hands.
  1188. >Her breathing steadies and she lays her head on her pillow.
  1189. >You knead her swollen teats, squeezing them gently to let the excess milk out, taking your time to relieve the pressure and work Luna up for what comes next.
  1190. >She coos and smiles at you.
  1191. >You grab her hips and squeeze.
  1192. >You lean down and kiss her belly, which gets disturbed every few seconds by a kick from one of your foals.
  1193. >You smooch it gently over and over, much to Luna’s delight.
  1194. >It doesn’t take long for her vulva to start gaping for you, eagerly awaiting its partner.
  1195. >Your manhood is erect once more, twitching with need for its warm abode.
  1196. >Luna arches her back.
  1197. >”Don’t keep me waiting, Moonshine.”
  1198. >You lower your hips, pushing forward.
  1199. >Your glans slides effortlessly past Luna’s loving lips and into her love tunnel.
  1200. >Luna bites her lip and coos softly.
  1201. >You groan as her wet passage clings to your length.
  1202. >You push your hips forward, slapping your thighs against Luna’s filled-out plot, and her belly wobbles.
  1203. >You pull your hips back in spite of Luna’s vagina tugging you to keep you inside. But her pussy doesn’t have long to wait.
  1204. >You thrust forward again, hilting your wife with a slapping noise, and again her belly bounces from the impact.
  1205. >It’s enchanting, the way that perfectly round stomach of hers jostles.
  1206. >Naturally, you keep going.
  1207. >In and out your cock goes, massaging the mare’s moist depths.
  1208. >Her big blue baby bump bounces and bobs to the beat of your lovemaking, and Luna tosses her head from side to side.
  1209. >Your own balls jiggle and jostle beneath you, slick and dripping with your lover’s juices.
  1210. >You sense a familiar pressure building, and squeeze Luna’s hips.
  1211. >You hope you can hold out just a bit longer.
  1212. >Luna’s mouth gapes open, and her breath comes in rasps.
  1213. >Her pussy clenches tighter and tighter with every squeeze.
  1214. >Just a few more seconds.
  1215. >The princess’ pussy takes your inches over and over until finally, she lets out a cry.
  1216. >You thrust powerfully into her, joining your hips to hers, just in time for you to get locked in by her powerful marehood.
  1217. >”Haaaaaah!”
  1218. >Luna squeezes you with her thighs, hugging you close to her, holding you in as she cums.
  1219. >Secure in her embrace, you let go.
  1220. >Your balls belch forth a blast of baby batter that completely coats Luna’s cunt.
  1221. >You throb powerfully inside her walls, stretching her with the power of your pulse alone as your cock spurts every last drop inside your mare.
  1222. >Her greedy groin gulps it all up, wringing you dry at last.
  1223. >When at last you feel you have nothing left to give, you sink down, coming to rest on Luna’s gravid gut.
  1224. >The two of you take a while to catch your breath.
  1225. >It’s at that moment that the two of you notice the warm, yellow rays creeping across your bed.
  1226. >You see an orange glow out on the balcony.
  1227. “Hey… Luna, look. We made it.”
  1228. >Luna squeezes you with her thighs.
  1229. >”We certainly did, Moonshine.”
  1230. >You absentmindedly stroke the girl’s taut tummy with your hand as you look out at the sunrise.
  1231. >”Mmmmmmm. Thank you for a wonderful night.”
  1232. “You made it, babe.”
  1233. >”But only you can fill it with such light that it feels as bright as day. That’s why you’re my Moonshine.”
  1234. >You smile, getting teary eyed at her words, and give Luna’s stomach a series of loving pats.
  1235. >Luna looks over her belly and stretches her forelegs out towards you.
  1236. >”Come here.”
  1237. >You pull yourself out of Luna’s depths, which doesn’t let a single drop of cum free.
  1238. >You crawl around Luna’s legs and into her arms.
  1239. >She pulls you close, bringing your head to the very top of her belly.
  1240. >”Mmmmmm. My knight in shining armor.”
  1241. “My beloved Princess of the Night.”
  1242. >You look up at her.
  1243. >Her eyes, cool as a lake, captivate you.
  1244. >The two of you kiss, relaxing into each other.
  1245. >Luna’s horn glows blue and the curtains draw together, enveloping the room in darkness.
  1246. >The bed sheets pull up, just enough to still allow the two of you cool off after hours of lovemaking.
  1247. >Eventually, the kiss ends.
  1248. >”I love you, Luna.”
  1249. >”And I love you, my Moonshine.”
  1250. >You hold one arm over Luna’s shoulder, hand on the back of her neck.
  1251. >The other drapes over her belly, embracing your foals.
  1252. >Luna’s forelegs hold you close, and her free wing drapes over you, caressing your skin with the smooth feathers.
  1253. >You close your eyes.
  1254. >The last thing you hear before falling asleep is a faint whisper.
  1255. >”You protect me when we’re awake, Moonshine. And so I shall protect you in your dreams.”
  1257. The End

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff