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Greedy Queen Gilda

By Tankris
Created: 2022-12-28 21:09:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Thousands upon thousands of beings were crowded around the bustling city of Griffonstone. Griffons and pegasai flew through the air in excitement while hordes of earth ponies, unicorns and yaks could be seen hiding in little pockets of the mob. The roar of the crowd was deafening as every being was chatting happily with each other, something not seen in Griffonstone for decades. All eyes were locked on a elderly griffon as his talons clacked along the stage. He tapped the mic and hushed the crowd before unfurling a massive scroll.
  3. “Beings of Equestria! Griffons, ponies, yaks and all those present, we are thrilled to have you here. Through the kindness of Equestria, we griffons have seen the error of our greedy, stingy ways.” The ponies of the crowd gave a loud cheer as the speaker smiled. “As the royal adviser, it makes me proud to announce that we have regained our former prosperity due to one amazing griffon. I would like to introduce to you all to Queen Gilda!”
  5. Gilda's smile was kind yet smug as she walked over to the presentation stand. Her crown shone atop her head, filling the griffon with pride. A cheer from the clouds caught her attention as Rainbow Dash zoomed off her cloud and spun through the air. “Beings of Equestria, it fills me with joy to be here today. I started off with a small little stand of scones and the lessons of a very dear friend.”
  7. “But through kindness, friendship and sharing, I was able to expand my little cart to a humble store in Griffonstone. Through every order I made, I found a friend willing to aid us in our time of need. With my funds, I expanded trade and eventually brought new capitol to every griffon here.” The shouting crowd almost knocked Gilda off her feet as the griffons celebrated at her words.
  9. “I aim to further expand our trade routes and increase the wealth for every being I can. I ask not for handouts but a chance to use our money to make things better! More food! Better relationships with our neighbors and most of all, the ability to take care of every griffon, pony and anyone else who needs our aid!”
  11. A massive shockwave cut through the air as Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier and decorated the sky with a massive sonic rainboom. The crowd cheered and shouted as Gilda left the stage and led the giant crowd to the feast laid out through town. “Everyone, enjoy yourselves. Please have fun and eat your fill.”
  13. Gilda walked among her people, watching as those who once shut themselves off from any contact happily talked, ate and laughed with the crowd. There was still a lot of work to do, but Griffonstone had finally recovered. “That was a lovely speech, Queen Gilda.”
  15. Gilda turned to see the four princesses of Equestria smiling back at her. “I highly appreciate your kindness, Princess Celestia. Is there something you'd like to discuss?”
  17. Princess Celestia giggled. “Not quite yet. I'll schedule a date next week with your adviser about how we can help aid Griffonstone as much as we are able. For now, I only have one question...where is the cake?” On cue, everyone's stomach let out a small rumble at the mention of the delightful treat.
  19. “No worries, the staff have made sure to get as much food as possible for today. For which I am grateful that Equestria gave such a sizable donation towards.” Gilda said.
  21. Gigantic tables were lined up in the center of town with more food than most griffons had ever seen. The Equestrian love of sweets and chocolates ensured that hundreds of cupcakes, muffins, cakes, pies and sugary confections littered every table. Even with the entire mob swarming around and treats soaring around, barely a dent had been made in the piles of food.
  23. The princesses and the queen all sat down with their own cake, each dessert baked to perfection and decorated with the sweetest frosting. Princess Celestia was quick to use her magic to slice up her cake in manageable bites and began to stuff her face. “Hey, I like your style, Celestia. You don't let anything slow you down.” Gilda slipped a talon into her cake and moaned as the sweet sugar exploded on her tongue.
  25. Gilda's hand gripped a messy wad of cake and crammed it right into her beak. Not wanting to be outdone, Celestia gripped another slice with her magic and slid the entire wedge down her throat. “...Eating contest?” Gilda smirked as she scooped up as much cake as she could and pushed the chocolate flavored confection into her mouth.
  27. Twilight and Cadance blushed as they watched their ruler swallow half of a cake in a single bite. “Sister, please! Drop these shenanigans at once before anypony notices!”
  29. Gilda took a breath and shouted to any griffon nearby. “Citizens! Princess Celestia has challenged your queen to an eating contest! Someone bring over more cakes so I may demolish her!”
  31. A dozen griffons pushed a dozen cakes towards their queen as twelve unicorns levitated twelve cakes toward Celestia. The rulers took one final glance at each other before they pushed their mouths towards the growing pile of food. Gilda moaned as the sickly sweet flavors hit her tongue and the rich, moist cake filled her tummy.
  33. “Go Queen Gilda! Beat her at her own game!” Gilda pushed another cake into her mouth, chomping away as more and more of the gooey, frosted confection slid into her stomach. Chocolate frosting and crumbs began to gather all over her beak as she continued to eat and eat. She looked over to her opponent and gasped as Celestia had already downed three cakes while Gilda had only managed to eat two.
  35. Gilda grit her teeth and grumbled as she began working on her third cake. Her stomach was already so full yet she didn't dare show weakness. Gilda forced through another bite as she heard Celestia stack another empty platter to her stack. “Goodness, it has been decades since I last enjoyed myself like this.” The white princess smiled as she licked her lips. Her stomach looked as if she hadn't eaten a thing in days, yet Celestia was already pulling over her sixth cake.
  37. Meanwhile, Gilda was certainly looking stuffed. Her tummy was bulging outwards, round and taut like a balloon. She rubbed her stomach, smearing a tiny glob of frosting over herself before pushing to finish the fourth cake. “How...do you eat so much?” Gilda whimpered as she set down the platter and stopped.
  39. Princess Celestia sighed as she licked her platter clean. “Centuries of practice, Queen Gilda. Anypony can tell you how much I love a good cake or two.”
  41. Gilda leaned back and relaxed, full beyond measure. “They certainly were delicious. Hopefully there will be some food left when I'm not so stuffed and bloated.”
  43. For the rest of the day, Gilda simply walked through the mob of citizens and chatted. Her belly sloshed and gurgled with every step, forcing her to stop and suppress a belch here and there. Good spirits returned in full swing as the happy crowd re-energized Gilda as the day turned to night. She flapped high into the sky and spread her forelegs as wide as she could. “Griffons of Griffonstone and beings of Equestria! Enjoy one final show for the day before we call it a night. Cue the fireworks!”
  45. A colorful explosion rocketed through the sky as everyone cooed in delight. Gilda, the princesses and Rainbow Dash soared into the sky, dancing together as the magically powered fireworks sizzled and burned in the darkness. Everyone cheered as the show ended with a gigantic burst of color as their new queen soared over her new empire and retreated to her new castle.
  47. Her face drooped in tired relief as she was finally alone. “God damn, it's hard being pleasant like that all day. How in the hell do the pony princesses do it?” Gilda's smile returned as she opened the doors to her new private chambers to see her real prize awaiting her. Stiff drinks, meat as far as the eye could see and several studs laying on her massive bed.
  49. “Time for MY celebration.” Gilda smiled as she picked up a nearby bottle and dove into her bed. Her personal harem of griffon males all cooed as they stroked her body and massaged every inch of her. A juicy cut of steak was presented to her, making Gilda's beak water in anticipation. Her boy toys let her rip through the tender meat, sending little moans of delight through the greedy queen.
  51. Her stomach began to swell out all over again, rounding out and gurgling loudly as liquor and far too much food was packed away. Gilda felt warm all over as the caressing touch of her griffons ignited a fire under her tail. “Which one of you studs is manly enough to fuck your new queen first?” Gilda spread her legs wide and moaned as a soft beak pushed and prodded at her folds.
  53. “Oh fuuuuuuuck....” Gilda hissed as her wet pussy was expertly licked and serviced. She had to use all her might not to crush his head between her thighs, instead rolling onto her tight, stuffed tummy. “Screw foreplay. Give me that hot cock.” Gilda screeched as one of her studs penetrated her hard. She stretched her mouth wide and moaned as a thick cock was pushed into her beak. “So full!” Gilda shuddered as the royal pounding began.
  55. Time blurred as more and more alcohol and dick was slipped into her. Inside and out, the new queen was decorated with a liberal coat of cum. Her ass bounced as she was pounded from behind as her face was pushed into another raw slab of meat for her enjoyment. Her talons cradled her stomach as it jiggled with every thrust, forcing dozens of air bubbles free from the pits of her tummy.
  59. It wasn't until the sun crept into the horizon did Gilda find rest. Her bed was beyond ruined with food stains, sweat and seed but she found peace among her destroyed bed sheets. Her fluffy tummy was still round and swollen as she snored away the early hours of the day.
  61. “My queen, wake up! There is much work to be done!” Her adviser poked and prodded her swollen gut as he dared not touch anywhere else.
  63. “Huh? Whuzza?” Gilda snorted as her tired eyes pried themselves open. She looked to find a small, meek looking griffon wearing a funny little hat about to jab her in her soft gut once more.
  65. “My queen, please! We need to get ready for the morning. There is work to be done!” The small bird insisted. Gilda slowly rolled off her bed and closed her eyes as she barely navigated herself to her bathroom.
  67. A cup of warm coffee slid towards Queen Gilda as she struggled to stay awake. “Is breakfast on the way? I need something to soak up all the booze...” Gilda mumbled as she cradled her throbbing head.
  69. “I'll have the chefs prepare something light for your highness.” A whiny gurgle escaped Gilda's tummy at the thought of such a meager meal.
  71. “Your queen owns a bakery and the best your chefs can do is toast? If you don't hook me up with a REAL breakfast, something greasy and delicious, you'll be out of a job!” Gilda huffed as her adviser rushed off to the kitchen. She nursed her coffee and looked over a few of the scrolls, impatiently rapping her talons on her throne as she waited. Her mouth watered as the sizzle and smell of bacon and meat filled the air.
  73. “As your queen requested. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, a hearty slice of ham and a muffin. I hope you don't mind as the surplus from the feast was hauled to our storage rooms after the fireworks display.”
  75. Gilda smirked as she chomped through the muffin in a single bite. “Not at all. Could use a cupcake or two with all this.”
  77. Gilda tore through the ham with ease, letting the savory juices run down her beak and chin as she swallowed. “Well, now that your majesty is prepared, I shall begin our daily routine.”
  79. Her adviser droned on, describing each detail in such monotonic suffering. “Is any of this IMPORTANT?” Gilda squawked as the adviser finally put down his lengthy parchment.
  81. “Of course! We need to allocate funds to build new structures for the citizens! Form committees to handle it all! No time to waste.”
  83. Gilda groaned as several griffons hurried into the throne room as the elderly griffon continued to prattle on and on. “Just....get me some more coffee and something to snack on.”
  85. If it wasn't for the impatient poking at her rounded belly, Gilda would have slept the day away. Only her constant chewing of some sweet pastry kept her focused enough to nod her head or stare blankly at her adviser. “Only seven more hours of all this crud...” Gilda grumbled between shoveling cookies into her beak.
  87. The clock struck noon, forcing Gilda to stretch her legs. “LUNCH! I NEED A BREAK!” Gilda huffed as she walked out of the throne room, leaving her crew to ponder just where she was going to put her meal. Her belly bulged outwards, almost pushing more to her sides than drooping down to the ground. It wobbled and swung like a jiggly pendulum as Gilda waddled her way to the kitchens.
  89. Gilda slumped into the dining room desperate to sit down. Her belly was throbbing with fullness and she could feel her breakfast feast and dozens of cookies sloshing around her gut. The smell of well seasoned ribs and mashed potatoes made Gilda's mouth water. “Maybe just a small lunch...to balance out all the cookies.”
  91. Her meal was nowhere near little. Ribs drooped over the fancy platter and the mashed potatoes looked like a mountain to her bloated gut. Still, Gilda licked her beak in earnest and tore into the meat. The soft, perfectly cooked ribs slid down her throat, making it easy to stuff herself bigger and bigger. Her rock hard gut resembled a griffon ready to deliver at any moment, constantly shifting and sloshing as more and more food was packed into her taut stomach.
  93. Satisfied, Gilda cradled her belly and leaned back in her chair. It whined as creaked as Gilda's full weight pressed down on the wooden seat. Her body shut down, refusing to move as a drowsy haze clouded Gilda's brain. Her snores echoed through the dining hall, signaling to all that her work was done for the day.
  95. “Queen Gilda! You've wasted your entire first day! Nothing was done about anything!” The miniature griffon followed her as she retreated to her bedroom.
  97. Fed up, Gilda turned around and pushed her beak right into his face. “Look, you guys made me queen because I made us money. If you want, I'll just pack up MY money making empire and leave for Equestria.”
  99. “No! Please, I simply wish to aid you to fulfill your promise to the people!” Gilda smiled as panic spread across his face.
  101. “Look, I have no problem admitting I'm not cut out for this stuff. I only accepted this position so I could sit around all day.” Gilda chuckled as she pulled a scroll from his talons. “Anything that REALLY needs my approval? Ask me. If it's some thing you can easily do yourself, PLEASE take care of it and don't bore me with your bullshit.”
  103. Gilda whipped her tail at his face as she waddled into her room. “Call the apothecary...I have an upset stomach and these boys need something for stamina.” Her harem cheered as they aided her to bed, cocks already willing and ready to fuck her senseless. The adviser blushed as he quickly walked towards the royal apothecary.
  105. “Ah, something to stoke the flames of lust? I believe I have just the thing.” The zebra quickly gathered up a few vials in his cabinet and put them in his saddlebags. He swiftly trot through the halls, grinning as he heard the telltale pounding of a bed frame slapping against the wall. The door creaked open, revealing the queen moaning as her biggest, strongest sex toy was busy picking her up from the bed and plowing her in a reverse cowpony.
  107. “No stranger to lust, I see. If you want the party to rock till dawn, I suggest you all drink these.” The apothecary uncorked the vials and offered them around before pouring a dose of potion into Gilda's mouth. He wiggled his eyebrows as he drank a dose for himself and jumped onto the bed. “I've always wanted to fuck a royal.” He teased.
  109. Gilda shuddered as the potion slipped into her body. Her blood was on fire and her skin itched like crazy. A heat roared inside her and it wouldn't ebb away. “Cock...cum....I need it...FILL ME UP ALREADY!” Gilda pushed the zebra down and pushed herself on top of him, writhing as he filled her up beyond anything she had ever felt before. In seconds, he was already blasting gallons and gallons of cum deep inside her.
  111. “MORE!” She screeched, forcing one of her studs to force himself inside her already stretched pussy. Gilda felt her tongue slip from her beak as a line of drool escaped her mouth. She had never felt anything like this before and she only wanted more. Gilda felt her stomach bloating out all over again as the constant influx of semen filled her to the brink.
  113. No one could tell what was sloshing around more, The half digested food or cum inside Gilda's stomach. She was bloated beyond belief, hard to imagine her svelte body soaring through the fireworks only a day before. Gilda scratched her tummy in her sleep, slipping a belch from her beak as her body slowly began to change.
  115. The thousands of calories sank deep into Gilda's body, softening her up and completely ruining her figure. Her poor, stretched stomach began to rumble early in the morning, desperate for something to fill it. Gilda opened her eyes and grumbled as sharp pains filled her belly. “Food...need food!” She jumped out of bed, jostling her stomach and instantly making her ill. “Need....ugh!” Gilda waddled off, holding her beak as she tried not to vacate her stomach everywhere.
  117. “APOTHECARY!” Gilda shouted between dry heaves. The zebra lying on the floor rolled to his hooves and slowly stepped into the bathroom.
  119. “My queen, what is the matter?”
  121. Gilda yanked him by his mane and moaned as another wretched heave lurched through her body. “What do you MEAN 'what's wrong with me'? Why am I puking up every meal I've had since I was born? What sort of apothecary are you?”
  123. “I'll go get the bottles! I'm sorry my queen!” The stallion skidded his hooves across the shining tile as he retrieved the vials scattered on the floor. “Oh....” He meekly trotted back in with the empty vial in his hoof. “My queen...please....PLEASE don't be furious.” Another pull of his mane left him whimpering as his snout hit the floor. “AHHH! THE...THE POTION! IT WAS FOR FERTILITY AND NOT LUST!”
  125. Gilda wiped her beak and moaned as she lay down on the floor. “Fertility? You mean...pregnancy?” The color drained from Gilda's face as her talons wandered to her rounder, fuller tummy. “...Shit.” Gilda blushed as she felt her hunger awaken, stronger than ever. “How am I gonna explain this...”
  127. “This...is AMAZING NEWS!” The royal adviser was beaming as he scrambled around and gathered his scrolls.
  129. “Amazing? I was thinking maybe this was a disaster?” Gilda scratched her head as her stomach growled even louder than before.
  131. “No no NO, this is a BRILLIANT idea! How else do we show Equestria that we have recovered as a nation? Our queen is so fertile that she is already conceived a new generation to aid us and build her empire!”
  133. An army of griffons burst into the throne room all carrying entire cuts of hams, chickens, streak and dozens and dozens of cupcakes. They set their platters down and began offering juicy, fattening slabs of meat to their queen. “You need your strength, my highness. I suggest you eat as much as you can today. If the apothecary is correct, we can expect multiples in that fertile tummy of yours.” The closest servant came rushing up to aid his big, gravid queen.
  135. A soft talon began to rub at Gilda's chubby middle as a slice of ham was dangled in front of her face. “You mean...you WANT me to sit around and be a greedy fatty?” Gilda shuddered as she let her aid feed her all while continuing to rub her gut.
  137. “Well, it's like you said last night, your majesty. You can be the powerful figurehead of our empire while we take care of the small details.”
  139. “We can't distract you and stress you out now that you are with child. As long as the apothecary and royal physician are in agreement with how you carry yourself, feel free to relax as much as you like.” Her servant said.
  141. Gilda hadn't heard a word as she finished off her first ham of the day. What usually filled her up before only seemed like a drop in the bucket for her expanded stomach. “I trust you fully with...whatever you just said. Just keep the food coming!”
  143. Gilda had to recline back into her throne as her stomach grew bigger and bigger with every bite. Her belly sloshed with every breath, bulging outwards in every direction until it squished into her claw rests of her throne. Gilda closes her eyes and sighed as she felt her belly rumble and quake as another gas bubble shot up her throat.
  147. “Oh my, are you feeling well, Queen Gilda? Do you need a small break?” Every claw in the room was pressing and rubbing against her tight belly, making Gilda blush as they worshiped her bloated body.
  149. “Maybe some cupcakes first before I fall asleep.” Soft, moist cupcakes were eased into her mouth, sliding down into her belly and pushing Gilda to her absolute limits. Her eyes slowly closed as her tummy let out a happy gurgle.
  151. The week passed in a blur of feeding, belly rubs and lewdness. Gilda was happy as a pig in mud as she slept away the morning hours surrounded by her harem as the chefs cooked away at her daily meals. She ate nonstop, moaning and blushing as her servants and aids tended to her every need while she felt herself blimp out by the day. Her face grew soft and chubby, her arms were padded and thick, her ass became a gigantic shelf of flab, two perfect pillows for the aids to enjoy between feedings.
  153. Gilda's belly, however, drew in the most attention. Her magically aided pregnancy was sapping away at her stomach, demanding food at all hours of the day. Instead of drooping low and dragging on the floor, her young pulled in thousands of calories a day, giving her the look of a griffon ready to deliver at any moment. In such a short time, her navel had already grown shallow enough to flatten out and disappear. Her belly continued to grow by the day and was sure to grow big enough to rub against the castle's narrow doorways, making travel difficult for the gluttonous girl.
  155. “My Queen? The day has finally arrived for the princesses of Equestria to return! I know you need your rest but we must prepare!” The royal adviser burst into Gilda's bedroom with haste.
  157. Gilda yawned as she scratched her belly as it began the daily demands to be fed. “Yea, got it. Lemme get a shower first...” Gilda slowly waddled to her bathroom, only to be caught in the frame.
  159. “Stupid belly....let....go!” She meekly pulled herself forward, sloshing about the heavy fluids inside her pinched womb. “So fucking fat and huge....fertile....big....the biggest queen ever.” Gilda gasped as she felt one of her studs pressing his member between her massive cheeks.
  161. “You need some help, my queen? I could sense your needs from my sleep.”
  163. He gave a hard thrust, pushing Gilda a tiny inch into the bathroom. “Oh fuuuuck fuck gaaahhhh!” Gilda moaned and whimpered as her pussy clamped down onto his cock. “Make....make me bigger....put more hatchlings inside me!” Gilda begged and begged as his crotch slammed and wobbled into her fat ass.
  165. A pull of her tail made Gilda squawk in pleasure as he released his seed deep inside her. “Oh fuck yes....breeed me.” Gilda shuddered, popping herself free from the door frame. She gripped her stud hard and pushed him into the shower, her sexual hunger nowhere near sated.
  167. “You'll have to forgive the queen, mister advisor. I think she might have forgotten the time.” The royal adviser blushed as Gilda burst into the throne room with one of her breeding studs sloppily making out with the gravid griffon.
  169. Princess Celestia gasped as Gilda waddled her way to the oversized pillow near the table and pushed her plump rear into the center. “Sorry. Had a bit of an itch I needed to scratch.”
  171. “Oh...um...no problem...” Princess Celestia took a small breath before unrolling a scroll and presenting it to Gilda. “I'll keep it simple to save us time. The kingdom of Equestria wishes to open up trade routes here and here on the outer skirts of the griffon lands. The only problems would be how harshly would you be willing to tax goods along this route?” Gilda smiled as her breakfast arrived, two dozen pancakes, a whole ham, three cakes and a massive steak with eggs.
  173. “Tax? I like the sound of that. I'll have my advisers do the math to find out what would be reasonable for both of us. What would I get in exchange for so liberally opening our borders? Comeon, princess, how else can you sweeten the pot?” Gilda emptied an entire bottle of syrup onto her flapjacks and began tearing into her meal.
  175. “Oh, I thought we could just go with the usual standard of five percent on all goods” Princess Celestia watched as the pancakes quickly disappeared into Gilda's gravid stomach.
  177. “How about this, we open borders for trade, travel, employment and all that for ten percent tax and you allow me to establish my griffon bakeries all throughout Equestria. We split profits of my bakeries down the middle while you promote how delicious and exotic griffon pastry is.” Gilda licked her beak before tearing the ham to shreds with her talons and shoving massive clawfuls of meat into her hungry belly.
  179. “Oh...that's quite an offer, your majesty. Do you really think it wise to open the borders so much?” The royal adviser finally spoke up.
  181. Gilda shrugged as her belly rumbled in delight. “Can't say. But ponies and griffons intermingling doesn't bother me at all. Let all the ponies come over and have a good time and we'll do the same in Equestria. Imagine the tourism for both of us.”
  183. “I can't see why we should restrict our borders if it means friendship and prosperity on top of extra coin.” Princess Celestia smiled as her adviser drafted up a royal contract. Gilda sat in silence, savoring her steak as warm grease dripped down her beak. “You seem quite famished, Gilda. Do you mind if I ask why?”
  185. Gilda moaned as she felt an aid rubbing her swelling gut. “Mishap with the apothecary. He says I'm eating for five or six in here.” Gilda suppressed a belch before reaching for her cakes.
  187. “Oh dear, is everything alright?” Celestia covered her mouth in concern as Gilda pushed her beak right into the delicately frosted treat.
  189. “Everything's great! Us griffons gotta start a new empire somehow, right?” Gilda spoke through heavy bites.
  191. A messy talon reached out and smudged frosting on the contract as Gilda signed her name to the parchment. “Excellent! I can't wait to share the good news!” Celestia gave a small bow before she trotted from the room with her guards and advisors.
  193. “Queen Gilda, do you think it wise to reveal your condition so casually?” The advisor asked.
  195. A mischievous smile spread over her face as she turned to the fossil pestering her. “Ponies will eat this up faster than I can eat a cake! Do you know how many ponies will visit just to possibly see me so pregnant?”
  197. Tourism skyrocketed as ponies from all over Equestria came to visit their new allies. Ponies crowded in droves to bear witness to the pregnant queen as she waddled around between food breaks. Numerous doorways of the castle were widened out as Gilda continued to grow wider and wider, her gravid womb demanding extra space in her tightly packed belly. Her excessive eating continued to add roll after roll of fat to her body, making her grand and royal as the prosperous griffon leaders before her.
  199. Her rump was incredible with each cheek bigger than an adult pony, forever wobbling as she moved and shook her booty for all to see. Her legs were as thick as tree trunks, plodding along as they struggled to heave her growing body around. Gilda never stopped eating, her belly nearly scraping the ground as she wheezed and gasped her way to bed each night.
  201. “God, I'm so big and sexy.” Gilda cooed as she stared at herself in the mirror. She swung and bounced her ass, watching herself wobble and jiggle with every movement. She pushed her rump higher as gasped as she spotted two swollen lumps under her legs. She reached a talon under her belly and squawked as something white squirted from her teat. Red and panting, Gilda gave her body another tug and moaned hard as she pinched her nipples. “I'm....lactating!” Gilda felt her legs grow weak as she continued to tug and pull at her bloated teats, spilling milk everywhere as arousal dripped down her hind legs.
  203. “My goodness! She's so big!” Ponies could be heard muttering around Griffonstone. The simple thought of everyone speaking of her size seemed to fuel Gilda even more, pushing her limits to the brink every day. Ponies were always offering treats and cakes as they rubbed her belly, making Gilda wet between her thick thighs as they pampered her.
  205. As the ponies for the day were leaving, Gilda caught her apothecary walking up with his saddlebags draped over his back. “My queen. I have found what you have been looking for.” Gilda's beak cracked into a massive smile as she rose from her pillow.
  207. “What do I need to do? I HAVE to be bigger!” Gilda let out a purr as she felt her teats leaking behind her as she followed the crafty zebra to his workshop.
  209. He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a small collection of wooden idols. Each depicted a pony more gravid and swollen than the next. “Simply place your claws around the idols and drink this.” Gilda instantly recognized the potion in his hoof and she gulped it down in seconds. “Good. Now with the right incantation...” He painted a small swirl along her fuzzy coat, humming and chanting in a strange tongue. Gilda felt that burning warmth tickle her skin all over again as the paint on her body began to glow.
  211. With a flash, the idols began swirling around Gilda. Her brain was fuzzy as her body violently reacted to the potion. Milk began to spray from her tits like a fountain as her other four teats began to bloat and drip. Gilda's already massive stomach surged outward, stretching her skin to impossible limits as her body changed even further. The apothecary shuddered as he slipped his cock deep into his queen's fertile pussy, gasping as her grip forced him to stop lest he explode his seed deep into her womb.
  213. One by one, the idols shot towards Gilda, passing through her belly and fading into her womb. She felt her tummy grow, sides growing tight and swollen as the crest of her stomach pressed into the ground. Her belly button slipped out with a lewd pop, grinding itself into the floor. Gilda screeched as her whole body ignited with forgotten fertility magics.
  215. It was over. She could feel the apothecary spilling his seed deep inside her. Bigger and bigger her tummy grew, pressing more along the floor as the dozens and dozens of eggs were assaulted by millions of sperm. The zebra stallion grunted as he thrust his flare deeper inside Gilda, plugging her up as another few gallons of cum filled her up like a fire hose.
  217. The floor was stained with milk and cum as the rite finally ended. “Holy fuck.” Gilda barely managed to wheeze as she eased herself to the floor. Her belly squished against the floor, making it impossible for her to roll onto her side properly. “I'm...gonna be massive....HUGE....” Gilda couldn't help but press her thighs together and grind her slick flab against herself.
  219. In that one night, Gilda went from overly gravid to impossibly pregnant. Her belly once again scraped against the door frames as she dragged her swollen, heavy belly around. “My queen...would it be possible to convince you to simply stay in the throne room? It's too much stress having you waddle and drag yourself around as such...” Her adviser blushed as Gilda's response was drowned out by her harem taunting her and teasing her with their thick, heavy cocks.
  221. “I can't keep up anymore. My arms are too tired to feed myself...” Gilda huffed as she struggled to push another slice of cake into her food stained mouth. Her aids groaned in agreement as they swapped nipples.
  223. Several dozen griffons clutched their own massively bloated stomach full of their queen's delicious milk. “We simply can't have you leaking everywhere, my queen. and the only thing that seems to keep up with your babe filled womb is your own breasts.”
  225. Gilda felt a flurry of kicks against her stomach as hunger gnawed at the back of her stomach. “So hungry...do it...” Gilda begged as she felt the pressure building behind her massive udder sized tits. Her nipples were already leaking as her servants struggled to find something to relieve the building tension in her breasts.
  227. That something had to be ordered from a dairy farm. An industrial milk machine that was meant to service ten cows at once. Nothing was spared for the comfort of the needy, milky queen as it was sent to the Gilda's room immediately.
  229. With the milker properly assembled, she shuddered in anticipation as the warm glass cups attached themselves to her bloated, leaking nipples. The machine whirred to life, instantly drawing in gallons upon gallons of milk right into Gilda's needy mouth. She moaned as she finally felt full. Her babies slowing their hard hitting kicks as her nutritious milk was finally put to good use.
  231. As Gilda drank, she felt it. That slightly warm heat creeping over her skin all over again. The thought of blimping up even bigger made her climax instantly as she felt another of her studs penetrate her soaked pussy. The thick hose constantly gushing milk down her throat meant there was no time to warn anyone as she felt her stomach widen and stretch with every gulp and every slap of her fat, titanic ass as she was bred over and over.
  233. “Breed me! Fuck me, make me the greatest, biggest, fattest leader that Griffonstone has ever seen!” Gilda begged in her mind as she felt her womb expand against the walls of her throne room.
  235. “My word....she's getting massive! Every griffon out of here!” Gilda only moaned harder as her impressive womb drove her aids, studs and her adviser from the throne room.
  237. “I can't believe it's been six months since Gilda was crowned queen! How awesome is that?” Rainbow Dash smiled as she hovered alongside her friends.
  239. “It'll be nice to see how she's holding up, although from the looks of things, she's been doing a great job.” Twilight looked upon Griffonstone with pride as griffon and pony were working together in harmony.
  241. “Ah, Princess Twilight and her friends. What business do you have in Griffonstone?” The royal adviser asked as they walked into the castle. “We were looking to chat with Gilda, if she isn't busy. I hope she can take a break to go fly around and catch up.”
  243. The adviser chuckled as he opened the doors to the throne room for Rainbow Dash, only for a massive patch of furry belly to ooze out of the door. “As you can see, Queen Gilda is quite busy at the moment...and probably wont be free for a LONG time.”

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

by Tankris

Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris