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The Fattening of Princess Cadance

By Tankris
Created: 2022-12-29 19:31:04
Expiry: Never

  1. “Cadance? Sweetie? Come downstairs already. Breakfast is served and you don't want it to get cold!” Shining Armor called up to the royal chambers. His wife and princess of the crystal empire, Princess Cadance, stared at her pink reflection in the mirror.
  3. Her eyes inspected her body with worry and doubt as she raised a shaky foreleg. “Goodness....” She blushed as her hoof prodded a thin layer of fat that had stuck to her usually slim frame. “Coming, dear!” Princess Cadance trotted down the stairs and through the winding hallways of the crystal castle.
  5. “There you are. I was worried you were getting lost in your own home.” Shining Armor nuzzled his wife and smiled as she draped a wing over him.
  7. “Nonsense. I figured my way around this castle in a week. It's YOU that keeps getting lost on the way to the barracks.” Cadance replied.
  9. It was Shining's turn to blush, his white cheeks turning deep red as he scratched the back of his mane. “Well...you try wandering this maze at four in the morning...”
  11. Giggling, Cadance guided them to the banquet hall where her breakfast was waiting. A nervous gulp slipped down her throat as she spotted just how much there was. A tall stack of pancakes, huge platters of toast and jam, entire packages of hay bacon and lots and LOTS of scrambled eggs.
  13. “Are we expecting company? You didn't tell me we were having guests.” Shining Armor grabbed a few pancakes and bacon strips while Cadance took a small breath.
  15. “No, darling. We aren't expecting anypony today. I'll have to tell the chefs to cut back or else so much will go to waste.” Even so, Shining Armor was impressed at how much food Cadance piled onto her plate.
  17. Thick, greasy hay slipped into Cadance's mouth, making it slightly easier to pack pancake after pancake into her stomach. Shining watched with fascination as he stared at his wife and her rounding tummy. Her horn lit up, levitating a platter of eggs as she shoveled the entire thing into her mouth. Loud smacking and chewing filled the air as Cadance struggled through her meal.
  19. “I know we don't want it to go to waste, but you don't have to eat it ALL. The staff can surely help whittle this down.” Shining Armor looked over to his wife with a bit of concern.
  21. Cadance grunted as she leaned back, her stuffed orb of a belly throbbing as she tried to relax. “It's alright...alicorns need more food anyway...” She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping that Shining Armor would drop the issue.
  23. “If you say so. Probably better to build up some padding in case we have to traverse the frigid wilderness up here.” Shining grabbed another pancake and stuffed it into his mouth, instantly making the unicorn ill. “Oof...I dunno how you managed all that.” Both ponies were rubbing full, stretched guts as the royal advisers began to flood the room.
  25. Cadance was in no mood for her daily duties. Her eyes were already droopy and all the food sloshing in her tummy made her lethargic. Her hooves barely moved as she made her way to her throne room. Ponies from all over the Crystal Empire were lined up, awaiting her arrival. “Look at her...so thin...so puny.” The whispers filled her ears, making her groan internally as she sat down in her throne and signaled the beginning of her day.
  27. “Lunch? But I'm so full from breakfast...” Cadance whined as a pile of sandwiches were placed beside her throne. The crystal mare in front of her outright refused to begin her speech until her princess began eating. One sandwich, then two, then three joined the cramped contents of her stomach, making Cadance feel sick all over again.
  29. Her subjects watched, never letting her stop eating lest they stop talking and hold up her entire day. Cadance whimpered as her impossibly stuffed stomach gurgled in her lap as the last visitor for court walked out. “Bleh...can't...move...” Another sandwich was pushed into her mouth, making her gag and cough before spitting it out. “Can't eat anymore either! I'm going to bed!”
  31. The sore, sleepy princess waddled to her room, every slosh of her belly making her blush as she slammed her doors shut. Her eyes glanced over at the book still sitting on her dresser. “Customs and rules of the royal empire” sat open to the final page, depicting a very plump and heavy pony with tons of food surrounding them. “I don't see the harm in it...but why so much so quickly?” Cadance rubbed her belly with a hoof, blushing even harder as she felt her body bounce and wobble.
  33. Exhausted, she slumped into her giant bed. “Cadance? You in here?” Shining Armor called out as he approached the bed. His eyes widened as he spotted his wife face up with her stretched belly gurgling loudly. “Jeez, it's almost as if they've been fattening you up like a cow.” He placed his hooves on her pink orb and gently rubbed it, making his wife shudder and whimper.
  35. “What....what if I said they were?” A bit of alicorn magic grabbed the nearby book and thrust it into Shining Armor's face. Cadance grimaced as she awaited his reply.
  38. Shining Armor set down the book after a moment of reading. “So what? Doesn't make you any different to the mare I married.” Cadance opened her eyes to see Shining Armor lower his hooves and rub her hips. “Well...maybe not the SAME...maybe....sexier.”
  40. It was Shining's turn to blush as he slipped his hooves over Cadnace's thighs. “You're such a beautiful mare, Cadance. No matter what.” A kiss on her tummy melted away the pain as Shining Armor slipped into bed and wrapped his forelegs around her gut. There was no mistaking his erection prodding into her rear as he rubbed and massaged her belly. “If they want you fat, be fat. You already got the best stud in the empire so why deny yourself?”
  42. “Are...are you telling me to get bigger?” Cadance moaned as he rubbed her cutie marks while giving a slow buck of his hips. “Not at all....I'm telling you to get HUGE.” They moaned as he kissed the back of her neck, hugging her close as Cadance finally fell asleep.
  44. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  46. The sun was barely creeping over the horizon when Cadance felt a hoof prodding her in the shoulder. “Sweetie...time for breakfast.” Shining Armor whispered.
  48. Cadance groaned as she rolled away from the poking and spied the clock. “It's....it's five in the morning. Breakfast can wait.” She tried to toss the blankets over her head but a spell tugged the sheets away.
  50. “If you wont eat for your subjects, will you eat for me? I took the whole day off to help you.” Shining Armor replied.
  52. Cadance wearily opened her eyes once more and spotted her husband grinning in the darkness. “You're serious about all this? About me being....fat?”
  54. Shining approached his wife and kissed her belly again and again. “I thought I made it clear last night. I don't care what size you are....but it couldn't hurt in the bedroom.”
  56. “Plus, you'll get pampered by me twenty four seven or at least as long as I can manage.” He kissed Cadance on the lips and placed his hoof on her own. “I've secretly wanted to see what you'd look like with a huge, sexy ass and now I finally get the chance to see it.” Her blush lit up the room as Shining Armor found an interesting spot on the floor to stare at.
  58. “Why so early? Can't I eat breakfast when I want?” Cadance pouted as she was forced from her bed.
  60. “You didn't even go to dinner last night. If you're gonna grow, you need all the food you can get.” Shining Armor offered her crown and regalia as she stepped from the shower. “That means expanding your stomach with lots of dense foods so you can eat more and more every day.”
  62. The thought already made Cadance sick as she followed Shining Armor to the banquet table. It was packed end to end with nothing but pancakes and bacon. “Fat, greasy hay for calories and pancakes to completely stuff you full.” Shining Armor boasted as he guided his wife to her seat.
  64. Cadance's magic spiked as she felt a surge of arousal pump through her husband, his mind swimming with rather improper thoughts. “Okay...if you say so.” Cadance sighed as she reclined in her seat.
  66. Shining Armor was all to eager to slice up every pancake and offer it to the pink alicorn. At first it was all too easy as all she had to do was chew and swallow. One pancake, two pancakes, three, four...they piled up inside her stomach and filled her up quicker than expected. “Here, some bacon to mix it up...and make you so fat and sexy, baby.”
  68. Shining kissed her stomach as more bacon filled her mouth, forcing little shivers to run through Cadnace's spine. Her body relaxed, releasing all the built up tension in her stomach and the full feeling began to ebb away. “Oh goddess...keep that up, Shining...I feel so much better.”
  70. A growing pressure caused Cadance to look down as Shining's white hooves pushed into her stomach. Cadance grunted as she forced a belch out, further easing her stressed stomach.
  72. “Guhh...oh goddess...” Shining Armor moaned as the sweet belch lingered in the air. Cadance melted under his touch, her pain and discomfort forgotten as a numb tingle spread from her core. The electricity danced over her coat as more food was pushed into her mouth, making her thighs damp as she began to feel full again.
  74. “Shining....how...how much is left?” She struggled to lean up with her impossibly stuffed tummy blocking her movement.
  76. “A few more pancakes. Can you do it? I wanna feed them to you so bad...please? Please keep eating, my sexy, bloated mare.” Cadance opened her mouth, moaning as Shining's syrup soaked hooves delicately placed each pancake past her lips. “You're doing so good. Just keep chewing. Three more.....two more.....just one more!”
  78. Cadance nearly collapsed as she struggled to finish her breakfast. Her final bite nearly pushed her over the edge as her stomach sloshed and gurgled nosily. The color drained from her face as she puffed out her cheeks. “Shining...I'm gonna....gonna....” His hooves quickly wrapped up her tummy in a gentle massage, working at the taut stomach and easing out all the pain and pockets of air.
  80. Instead of losing her breakfast, Cadance felt her throat bulge as another gigantic belch left her mouth. Both ponies groaned as the tension faded from the room and Cadance's massive belly. “You did an amazing job, sweetheart. Now relax, take a nap and digest.” Cadance could barely offer a nod in agreement before her eyes slipped closed and she passed out.
  82. Shining Armor smiled as he drenched his hooves in slippery oils and began rubbing. He had to resist at every little turn, finding himself growing more and more aroused with every soft touch or every noisy slosh of Cadance's stomach. Her coat and skin were shiny and slick as the magical oils were spread from horn to hooves. It seeped into her pores, relaxing her muscles and easing the tension that had been building since yesterday.
  84. “Princess? Wake up. It's time for court.” Cadance yawned as her advisers pulled her from her seat. She walked forward in her sleepy haze, ignoring everypony as she made it to her throne. Her attention was finally snagged as she felt a hoof on her slightly distended belly. “How did you sleep, honey? Ready for more?”
  86. “Wait, now??” Cadance blushed as the crowd watched another big serving of sandwiches were pushed towards her.
  88. “Of course. I'm not the only one looking forward to a bigger, fatter princess.” Cadance gulped before allowing Shining to push a sandwich into her mouth, causing the crowd of crystal ponies to cheer at her efforts.
  90. Every single pony blessed their princess with a kiss on her growing belly, radiating love and admiration for her. The kisses pushed her forward as Shining pushed more food into her stomach, expanding her capacity as she ate with heavy gulps of rich, fattening cream to drink. Cadance was too busy eating to reply to her subjects, allowing her aides and advisers to handle any actual work. All she had to do was eat and swallow while basking in the love filling the room.
  92. “You're doing fantastic, Cady. Look at how much we've earned thanks to the citizens. Cadance looked past her swollen stomach at the nearby bucket overflowing with bits. “Some of them are just offering money for a chance to watch you eat. Have another daffodil, they're the best.” Shining Armor teased as he forced another sandwich into her mouth.
  94. Cadance felt as if she was pregnant as her growing stomach began to sag on top of her lap. Everypony watched as another sandwich was pushed into her mouth and her stomach gave another angry grumble. Shining pressed into her tight stomach and smiled as his wife let out another massive burp into the throne room. Bits fell to the coffers as the citizens cheered in celebration. Many left court in awe, eyes glinting with happiness as they trotted away.
  96. The last citizen and the last sandwich disappeared without a trace, leaving Cadance moaning as she clutched her gut. There was no give at all, a hard pink boulder complaining in her hooves. “Shining...I dunno if I can do this...” His lips found hers for a sensual kiss before he lowered his head and kissed her belly.
  98. “I know you can. Please, just relax and rest some more. Some sleep and a massage will stop the pain.” Cadance whimpered as the oils and lotion were slathered all over her body once more, relaxing her into a deep sleep. Shining was pleased that she had finished her meals, his hopes of Cadance fattening up a reality in his slick hooves. He rubbed and rubbed, imaging his wife getting fatter by the second.
  100. “My prince. Dinner is served.” A starry eyed servant announced to the hard working prince.
  102. Shining Armor took his cue and slowly nudged at his bloated wife. “Cadance. Sweetie...my perfect little piggy. Time for dinner and then bed.”
  104. Cadance grumbled as the mention of food made her skin crawl, yet she couldn't deny the fact that she wasn't COMPLETELY full anymore. Shining helped her to her hooves and aided her to the dining hall, his eyes locked on her pendulum belly and her wobbling hips.
  106. “Pizza time! I know you love stuffed crust, just like I love my stuffed wife.” He nuzzled her belly and cooed, making Cadance blush like crazy.
  108. “Sh-Shining! Please...somepony could be watching...” The thought made her tingle all over as she felt another spike of arousal oozing from Shining Armor.
  110. “Good. They get to see me worship the hottest alicorn in the world.” Shining said.
  112. The first pizza was offered, heavy with grease, cheese and thick dough. Shining Armor was careful, making sure that nothing spilled on his pretty pony princess. She reached out and chomped into the pizza, savoring the rich sauce and delicious cheese while the grease helped her swallow slice after slice.
  114. Her stomach was filling up again, stretchy and elastic after her previous stuffings. “Not feeling it yet? I told you this would help.” Shining Armor teased as he began feeding her two slices at a time. Even then, Cadance could only coo in delight as her muscles finally went slack and allowed her to eat and eat long into the night without any pain.
  116. “How many calories did I even eat today? Oh gosh, I'm gonna get so fat!” Cadance mumbled between bites.
  118. “You'll be so beautiful...so sexy....don't worry about anything more than eating and swallowing.” Shining Armor pulled his wife's thoughts away with another pizza.
  120. Cadance did just that, tossing out the silly notions as her belly was fed and pampered “I'll rub as much lotion on your body as you need. Your skin wont tear or blemish at all.” Shining Armor kissed her tummy again, savoring the slight jiggle from her body as he pulled away.
  122. “C'mon. One more...” Shining encouraged.
  124. “Can....can I finish it in bed? I'm about to pass out.” Cadance was barely conscious as her massive food baby demanded her to shut down.
  126. “Okay. I'll send the pizza up and we can cuddle while you eat. Such a good little piggy princess.” He nuzzled her belly before helping her to her hooves.
  128. The walk to her bedroom was slow as Cadance nearly fell asleep on her hooves. Shining nudged her along, his hooves discreetly fondling and pinching her body as she waddled up the stairs. The faint smell of pizza guided her as she fell towards the bed, her tummy sloshing and quaking as she belched and jiggled.
  130. “Open wide. You promised to finish, remember?” Shining Armor removed her regalia as his magic stuffed another slice into her mouth. His hooves soon wandered to her belly once more, massaging the rest of the oils and lotions into her skin. Cadance sighed as her gut relaxed and softened, allowing her to finish off the pizza with ease. “Good girl. You really did it.”
  132. “Do...do I have to do that tomorrow?” Cadance sighed as she helped Shining in his loving massage.
  134. “Not EVERY day. Tomorrow, we'll focus on calorie count instead of capacity. You think you ate a lot today? Wait till I have you drinking butter and eating nothing but bacon for breakfast.”
  136. Cadance gasped as Shining pushed a hoof between her legs, teasing her as he talked. “You'll eat what you had for breakfast and not feel the slightest bit full. You'll be craving the greasiest, fattiest foods all day. You'll balloon out in a month and you wont recognize yourself under so much sexy, irresistible fat.” Cadance whimpered and nearly screamed as she clenched her thighs around his hoof. “And then? When you're the fattest princess the kingdom has ever seen....I'm gonna make you MINE. MY big, fat, unstoppable fatty.”
  138. The full princess moaned as her orgasm washed over her. Shining's hoof was slick and sticky with her honey, prompting him to give it a good lick. “Mmm, sweet. Have you been eating lots of junk food lately?” He teased as he took another taste. Cadance was already asleep, a massive smile plastered on her face as she began to dream about tomorrow's breakfast.
  141. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  143. No matter which angle, lighting or pose Cadance took, there was no denying the not so subtle changes to her body. It had been weeks since that sinful night with Shining Armor and the results showed. Her slim tummy was gone, replaced with the cutest chubby tummy in all of the kingdom. Her legs had plumped up, giving her thighs a bit of a jiggle that rippled up to her wider hips. Cadance blushed as she peeked at her rump, her glorious cutie mark slightly faded as her ass had stretched and ballooned.
  145. Her shiny regalia didn't dangle from her neck but rather clung to the slight pudge that had gathered on her chest. It was slightly uncomfortable as every step she took jiggled her body so slightly and caused the necklace to pinch her skin. “I'll need a replacement soon...but what happens if...when I outgrow that one?”
  147. Cadance used her magic to pull out her favorite dress from her closet. She draped it over herself, wincing at the idea of putting it on. “It's just a little outing. Do I need to be THAT fancy?” Shaking her head, she put away the complicated attire and pulled out a simple, white dress. “I can slip into this...right?”
  149. She raised her hooves and wiggled her body inside. The fabric clung to her like a second skin, making it tough to tug and pull the garment over her. Cadance felt her body ripple and wobble as she struggled to pull it far enough to her head to pop out of the neckline. The plump mare gave one last tug and smiled as she slipped the dress over her body.
  151. “Ah! I did it!” The tubby princess let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, letting her flabby stomach press against the tight dress. Her ears flicked as she heard fabric ripping under the strain of her titanic gut. “Oh no! No no no no!” Sure enough, her soft, pink belly was oozing through a tear spreading through the bottom of the dress.
  153. “Wow. How do I get you to do that again?” Cadance gasped as Shining Armor reached under her tummy and tickled her exposed flesh.
  155. “Shining...I've really let myself go...I'm...fat.” Cadance began to cry.
  157. Shining Armor instantly dove into damage control by pressing his lips against hers. “But it's been fun, right? Eating all you want, as much as you want and sleeping all day. What a life.”
  159. Cadance stopped her crying an forced a weak smile as she poked her husband in the stomach. “Oh yea, why aren't YOU getting fat, then?”
  161. “I'm still captain of the guard and I HAVE to keep a slim figure.” Shining kissed Cadance along her neck and nuzzled her cheek. “Besides, I need to be fit if I'm going to pin you against the wall after tonight. We're going to the fanciest bakery in town.” Cadance blushed as he poked her belly again, knowing full well she was driving him crazy. “How about I take this off for you?”
  163. Shining powered up his horn, using his magic to tear the dress off and completely ruining it. “...I liked that one.” Cadance pouted as she looked at the torn clothing.
  165. “With the way you've been gaining, you need to FORGET fitting into anything ever again.” His hooves eased her regalia off her neck and set it aside before gently coaxing her out of the bedroom.
  167. The guards stood at attention for their princess, but couldn't deny themselves a quick peek at her plump rear as she walked away. Braver guards did more than just look as the sly catcalls began to echo through the halls. Whistles, words of encouragement and several winks were aimed at Cadance as she walked out to the castle gates.
  169. “Okay, confess. How bad did you sweet talk the guards to do that for me?” Cadance asked her blubber loving husband.
  171. Shining Armor shook his head and smiled as they made it to the town proper. “Me? I didn't tell them anything. They WANTED you. They're jealous that I get to sleep with the sexiest mare in the kingdom.” Cadance frowned as she noticed a few crystal ponies staring at her.
  173. “See? They all notice it...” Cadance whispered as she walked and jiggled ahead of the crowd. She couldn't bear to look at them all until a foal cautiously approached her.
  175. “Um...miss..I mean...Princess Cadance?” The little boy was blushing as his hoof spun circles into the cobblestone street. “My daddy told me that rubbing the princess's chubby belly was good luck...can I?” Cadance looked at the young boy and blushed as she raised her foreleg.
  177. He placed his hoof upon her belly and gave it a small pat, his smile growing as big as his face. “No way....this is so cool! I got to rub her belly! I'm the luckiest foal in school!” Cadance couldn't help but giggle as he raced off while holding his hoof in the air.
  179. “See? You're admired for your size. EVERYPONY loves you like this.” Shining Armor smiled as he watched the little foal run to his friends.
  181. Cadance raised her head a little and resumed her walking. As the little foal raced off with his victory, it had opened the floodgates. Several subjects ran up to their princess, eager to pat, rub and fondle her new body as she wobbled with every step. Each soft hoof made Cadance blush harder and harder as it became impossible to walk. “You...you all REALLY like me like this? Gosh...”
  183. The crowd only parted once a particular pink belly grumbled in hunger. “Don't worry, citizens. I'm off to the bakery for a little snack.” Princess Cadance announced.
  185. Several ponies gasped as they withdrew their hooves instantly. “Go, then! Don't let us stop you. Go and eat for all of us!”
  187. Shining Armor smiled as he hugged his wife close. “You have nothing to worry about. Let loose and enjoy it.”
  189. “Princess! What do we owe this great honor?” The bakers gasped as Cadance jiggled herself through the doors. “I'm simply famished. What would you recommend for a growing mare like myself?” Hooves stomped through the back rooms, gathering up as many treats as they could. Cadance and Shining Armor sat down as the first of many platters were pushed to their table.
  191. “Try these doughnuts! We made them minutes ago and they have such a rich, creamy filling.” Cadnace grabbed one with her magic and bit into the fried dough, feeling a surge of sugary icing spill on her chest and flood her throat.
  193. She moaned as she slurped up the innards of the snack before munching away at the soft doughnut. “Yummy! How much?”
  195. “The princess's money is no good, here. Eat, EAT! You're as skinny as a stick.” Shining Armor smiled as his wife bit into another doughnut, watching her belly jiggle as she slurped and sucked out the cream of each snack. Three dozen of the fattening goodies were already in her stomach as the platter was emptied.
  197. “What's next? I'm STARVING.” Cadance licked her lips as a cake was pushed towards her. The bakers grinned as her eyes widened at the imposing pastry. It was far taller than her, reaching to the ceiling and topped with candy and heaps of frosting. “I don't know where to start....” Cadance thought. She gave a shrug and dove her muzzle right in, moaning as the sweet chocolate filled her mouth,
  199. Soft serve vanilla ice cream began to pour from the inside, covering Cadance's muzzle all over. She guzzled it down as fast as she could, grunting as each gulp began to press her belly into the table. Shining began to sweat as he watched the cake slowly disappear into her gut. The cake wobbled as her belly began to rock the table with each gulp, forcing Shining Armor to slowly pull the swaying square away from the ravenous princess and her swollen gut.
  201. Shining Armor was quick to dive under the table and offer the rock hard belly a rub down. His gentle touch and loving kisses kept her going, her face scrunched in pain and pleasure as she never stopped eating. The bakers gasped as the last glob of frosting was wiped from her lips and shoved into her mouth. Cadance let out a low moan before her lips flew apart in a roaring belch.
  203. “That was AMAZING, sweetheart.” Shining Armor had to prop up his bloated wife as they walked home. Cadance's tummy was a maelstrom of gurgles and dull sloshing as she tried to rub her gut.
  205. “I..I did so good....they keep cheering...” Cadance blushed as her citizens continued the praise all the way back to the castle.
  207. “Rest. You did good today.” Shining Armor gave his wife a kiss before walking away.
  209. “Shining...I....I need you.” He turned around to see Cadance spread her legs wide and reveal her wet pussy before her belly sagged between her legs. “I can't take it anymore...all the love in the air. Your constant affection...fuck me.” Cadance whimpered as she gave her gut a small pat.
  211. Shining Armor found his mouth dry as he stared at his princess. “Are...are you sure?” Cadance scoffed as she lifted up her stomach and let it fall, jiggling between her legs and making her moan. “You've been telling me for weeks about how hard you're going to fuck me when I'm big and fat. So aren't I big and fat NOW? Or do I need to be even BIGGER to get you off?”
  213. The stallion didn't wait any longer. Her jumped on the bed and gasped as his erect cock pressed into Cadance's hard gut. They moaned as Shining kissed her, trailing down from her gorgeous face to the little fold on her neck to her soft chest. Cadance could feel him getting more and more aroused, moaning as his erection poked and prodded her stomach.
  215. He gave one long kiss to her tummy and rest his hooves on it, rubbing it and dulling the last few aches in her stomach. “Ready?” He teased as she felt his tip press against the underside of her gut and tap her folds.
  217. “Do it...fuck me...fuck your piggy princess!” Cadance begged. He thrust hard, sending her belly bouncing hard and forcing a ripple to jiggle through her body.
  219. Cadance was speechless. Her stomach was endlessly sloshing about as it struggled to digest with so much movement. She felt his lips on hers, savoring the last few bits of dried frosting still on her face. Shining gave another buck of his hips, sending another small ripple through Cadance.
  221. “Yeeessssssss. I needed this!” Cadance shuddered as she felt Shining's tip flare out and REALLY fill her up. He grunted as his thrusts drew faster and faster. The gurgling and noises from Cadance echoed through the room as Shining slammed hard into Cadance. Her gut gave a hard bounce and forced a belch from her mouth.
  223. Infatuated with such a sexy emission, Shining Armor lost himself. He thrust without abandon, forcing Cadance into an endless fit of jiggling, bouncing and belching. She felt every roll, every ripple move against her own will, making her shudder and whimper as she finally accepted her fate. “Big...fat...piggy....feed me more...make me fatter....doughnuts....cakes.....sugar and honey all day...”
  225. “I'll put Celestia to shame. Ponies think she eats a lot of cake? I'll eat ALL the cake so she has to lose weight!” She managed to push a hoof over her forever bouncing belly and pressed her clitoris, drawing fast circles against her winking nub. It was too much as Shining Armor let himself go, pouring what felt like gallons of hot cum inside his wife.
  227. She moaned and shuddered, rubbing herself and her belly before she ran out of breath. “Oh gosh...that was so intense.” Her stomach rose and fell as Shining Armor cuddled next to her.
  229. “Imagine how good it will be when we get you even bigger. You'd be so big and irresistible.” Cadance shuddered again, pressing her thighs together as her thoughts ran wild.
  231. “If you're gonna tease me like this, either fetch me more food or get back to fucking, you stud.” Cadance teased.
  234. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  237. The trip to the bakery had left a lasting mark on Cadance as she finally embraced her new role as the fattest leader in Equestria. Never was the pretty pink princess seen without some sort of snack in her hooves or some delicious treat crammed in her mouth. Her weight skyrocketed as she willingly stuffed more and more into her growing belly day by day.
  239. Cadance started the day just like any other. She stared at her reflection with a smile on her face as she inspected her body for any new rolls, jiggle or wobble. “Looking good. I can't wait to show off my new curves to the public!” Today was another outing for the pudgy princess, one that she had been looking forward to for days. She levitated the pamphlet from her dresser and drooled as the delectable pictures of food made her mouth water.
  241. “Crystal Empire Cuisine. All you can eat, plus more!” Stacks of hay burgers, fries, bacon, greasy fried hay, mashed potatoes, candied apples, pastries and everything under the sun caught Cadance's appetite. The promise of all you can eat was too tempting to pass up as Cadance dreamed of how full she would become. It took far more willpower than she admitted to skip meals nowadays, but she planned to stuff herself until she couldn't move.
  243. She bit her lip at the thought, blushing as her thick thighs grew damp. Even the mention of food caused her to swoon as her hunger wasn't the only thing out of control. Cadance took a few awkward steps, using her tail to wipe away the glistening honey from her legs “Shining! We need to leave before I get too horny to walk!”
  245. Shining Armor smiled as his beautiful wife stepped from the bedroom. His eyes were locked on her body as her belly lightly slapped her thighs as she walked or how her rump wiggled back and forth. “Well then we better get going before I get too horny to feed you.” They laughed and giggled like foals as they began their leisurely stroll through town.
  247. “Look! The Princess is here!” Dozens of crystal ponies gathered around Cadance, all cheering at every little jiggle or bounce to her steps. She smiled and waved, offering her body to any who desired a rub, pinch or even slap.
  249. All the attention only made her hungrier as her tummy began roaring for food. “How much longer, Shiny? They didn't build this place across the whole empire...did they?”
  251. “Unfortunately, they did. We gotta make sure you eat tons and tons of food to get you into proper shape.” The walk was nothing for the toned, muscular guard but it was quite the opposite for Cadance. The weeks of doing nothing but eating had drained her energy and sapped her stamina and the added weight certainly wasn't helping.
  253. “It's so faaaar!” Cadance whined as she stepped over to a nearby bench and slammed her rump upon it. Her ass squished so far onto the small bench that it barely left any room for Shining Armor to sit beside her. “I'll make sure to have something figured out for next week.” Cadance was panting hard as a few drops of sweat fell from her forehead.
  255. “A chair with wheels, a wagon...even a wheelbarrow would suffice!” Cadance wiped the icky sweat from her face and groaned as she landed back onto her hooves. Her pace was rapidly slowing down as more and more sweat was building all over her body. “We're almost there, sweetheart. Just a little more. All the food you could ever want a few steps away.” Shining Armor pleaded as he aided Cadance with the last few feet.
  257. “My goodness! Princess, are you alright?” The staff rushed over to her, fanning her off with several menus as she waddled over to the nearest table.
  259. “A bit of a struggle to get here. Regrettable that you aren't closer to the castle.” Shining Armor frowned.
  261. “Soda....water....I need something to drink!” Cadance lit up her horn, levitating a whole pitcher of soda for herself and greedily guzzling it down.
  263. “Ah, I see. Well, consider her meal and any future meals gratis, my prince.” One of the workers bowed as low as he could go.
  265. “We appreciate the offer. You better start cooking more this very moment. Wouldn't hurt to start restocking, either.” Shining Armor warned as he levitated several plates around himself. Hay burgers, piles of fries, fried hay, pizza, macaroni and cheese and giant sandwiches weighed down each plate as Shining Armor made sure to grab as much as he could.
  267. “Is...is the princess going to eat ALL of this?” The staff asked with worry as Shining placed the places in front of Cadance.
  269. “Of course she is, for starters.” The staff gulped as several ponies rushed to the back. Cadance couldn't help but smile as she levitated a burger to her mouth.
  271. “Serves them right for building this place so far.” She bit into the burger and moaned as it slipped into her tummy. It had been the first thing she had eaten since yesterday's lunch and it had been the tastiest bite in the world. The first burger was gone in seconds, leaving a lone ketchup stain as the only trace it was ever there.
  273. A napkin dabbed off the stain as Shining Armor smiled. “Lemme help you out.” His magic sent a flurry of napkins over her body, wiping up as much sweat as they could. Cadance moaned as she felt the napkins jiggle and tease her, making her belly bounce in just the right ways.
  275. “Shining, you devil...not here!” She giggled before diving into her next burger, demolishing it into crumbs.
  277. Time stopped as Cadance lay waste to her food, leaving grease and crumbs in her wake. Huge globs of mac n cheese went missing as pitcher after pitcher of soda was sent sloshing into her tummy. Her fat pinched the table nicely, slowly pushing it away as she packed away a meal fit for a small army. The staff placed fresh food out, only for Shining Armor to gather as much of it as he could for his piggy princess.
  279. Ketchup splattered all over the top half of Cadance's gut as she lazily munched on her fries. Sauce smeared on her face as each greasy slice of pizza was pushed past her lips and swallowed whole. “It's so good! Waiting for all this was worth it.” Cadance stopped and sighed, easing her muscles and allowing a massive belch to rattle all the messy plates on her table.
  281. A sandwich was thrust into her mouth and Cadance giggled as it fell down her throat. She picked one up with her hooves and shoved it at her lips, smearing mayonnaise all over her cheeks. “Oh look what I've got. A nice thick, meaty submarine looking to deposit a fat load inside me.” Cadance wrapped her lips around the bread and sucked hard.
  283. Shining shuddered as she watched her throat bulge out, the contents of the sandwich falling into her bottomless gut. He could feel his cock inching out of his sheath as she continued to tease him, making sure to smear as much goopy mayonnaise all over her face. “Cadance....by the sun, you're gonna make me push you over this table right now.” He was panting as he struggled to contain himself.
  285. “So? Do it. I doubt anypony will question us. We're the bosses around here.” Cadance gave a little wink before slurping down another sandwich.
  287. “You tease. I'll be the one in charge tonight when I shove you on your back and watch that tummy heave as you struggle to breathe under all that fat.” It was Cadance's turn to shudder as she tried to squeeze her thighs together.
  289. “Damn...backfired.” She grumbled with a giant blush on her messy cheeks. “Well, maybe we should call it and head home...after dessert.” Cadance tried to push herself away from the table but her massive belly was in the way. The table scratched the tile as her belly demanded more room. She fell onto her hooves with her body rippling and wobbling like an ocean during a storm. She waddled over to the soft serve ice cream machine and pulled the handle with her magic.
  291. Cold, sweet cream filled her mouth as the machine slowly dispensed the chilly dessert. Cadance popped her lips over the spout and moaned as more and more ice cream piled into her stomach. She closed her eyes and concentrated, imagining the ice cream spreading all over her body and making her heavier by the gulp. She grunted as her legs were forced apart by her distended belly as it inched towards the ground.
  293. The machine gave a whine as the creamy vanilla was sucked clean. Cadance released the spout with a sigh before pulling the handle for chocolate. Everypony watched as she guzzled it all down, her stomach nearly scraping the ground as she struggled to drink and breathe. Another buzzer sounded as the machine was completely dry, sucked clean by Cadnace's powerful throat. “Let's go....sweetheart....I now I'll need a shower after the walk home.”
  295. Cadance waddled slowly out of the buffet, her belly audibly sloshing with every step. With the added weight of all that food, it became even harder for her to move. She was sweating before they even left, making her pout and groan as Shining Armor aided her movement. The staff watched her leave with wide eyes, gasping as the windows rattled from her ear splitting burp.
  297. “Need....shower...” Cadance huffed and whined as she finally made it back to her room. The poor mare was drenched, darkening her coat and forcing her mane to stick to her forehead. Her crown was tossed onto the bed as she waddled desperately to the shower. Cadance eased her forehooves past the glass frame to their shower and approached the taps.
  299. At least, she TRIED to. Her hooves slipped over the tile as she pulled and pulled. “Shiny? I think I'm caught on something...” Shining Armor whistled as he gave his wife's hips a good smack.
  301. “That's because you ARE. You're too fat for the shower, baby.” Cadance felt a chill run up her spine as the words echoed in her head.
  303. “Too...fat? Oh gosh....I'm....I'm stuck?” She gave another tug and moaned as she felt the walls pinch and pull at her body.
  305. “Shining....I...I need your help...” Cadance spread her legs and raised her tail, barely revealing her pussy under all her packed in flab. His hooves gently pressed into her massive cheeks and gave her a push. Her flab rippled and smacked the frame, but she didn't budge.
  307. “Wow, you really are stuck.” Shining Armor giggled as he tried again, using a bit more force. Cadance moaned with every shove, growing more and more aroused with every jiggle.
  309. With a mighty push, Shining Armor finally popped Cadance into the shower. His hind hooves slipped on the tile, sending him inside along with his massive wife. “Cadance! Look out!” She pushed her body against the walls of the shower, shoving her husband to the back of the cramped room. “Great....we're trapped. Now what do we do?”
  311. “Thiiiiissss.” Cadance moaned as she pushed her rump against his crotch. Shining hissed as he felt his cock pinned between her gigantic cheeks. He reached his forelegs out and gripped her rump.
  313. “I have a better idea.” He teased as the water cascaded over her body as she pushed and bucked her hips. Shining used his magic to lather up his piggy princess and scrub her huge ass all while her slick rump teased his cock.
  315. “One day, I'll be so big that you wont be able to see that tip when I grind you. All that huge length trapped in all my fat.”
  317. Shining Armor shuddered as his climax nearly peaked. “You big, fat slut. All you want is more food and this cock. I didn't know you were such a whore for calories.” Cadance felt his balls slap against her pussy as he came, splattering her cheeks and dock with his hot cum. She shuddered and gasped as the hot jizz leaked all over her pussy, teasing out her own climax.
  319. “As fun as this is...we're still trapped.” Shining Armor giggled as he resumed cleaning Cadance as best he could.
  321. “I fail to see the problem. We'll call a guard when I'm all nice and clean.” She tensed her cheeks, forcing another spurt of cum to dribble down her rear.
  323. “You'll never be clean at this rate.” Shining Armor smiled as he felt another push against his crotch.
  325. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  329. Time passed in the blink of an eye as Cadance continued her gluttony parade. Weeks finally formed into months as she ate and ate, showing no signs of ever stopping. It had been three months since the first trip to the buffet but it certainly hadn't been the last. The results were as clear as the triple chins wobbling and handing from the piggy's face as she gazed into her new mirror.
  331. Cadance stared at herself, huffing and panting as she struggled to waddle around. She had only been awake for near a half hour, yet her body had already generated enough heat to force droplets of sweat over her forehead. “This new mirror is great, but I can't keep turning around. I'll need a few more to properly inspect my gains.”
  333. Her belly slid along the floor tile, making it awkward to waddle towards her bedroom door. Face red and sweaty, she struggled to force it open with her magic as she waddled through. Her hooves reached over her belly, only to scrape the shiny tile. Her plump thighs pinched together as she suppressed a deep moan. Cadance pulled, tugged and kicked but it was no use. Her gigantic, flabby body had gotten caught on the wide door frame...again.
  335. “Shining! I'm stuuuuuuuck!” She hollered through the empty hallways. Cadance allowed herself to sink lightly into her flab as her horn shot off a signal pulse to her husband. It wasn't long till his magic pinged back before he came trotting through the halls.
  337. “Stuck again? We'll have to make the door wider for you.” Shining Armor teased.
  339. “We'll be stuck widening it forever! Make a NEW door, a door that is two...no, three times bigger than I am now.” Shining laughed as he focused his magic for a short teleport.
  341. “I still don't see why you can't use your magic to get through this door, sweetie.” Cadance moaned as she felt her cheeks spread apart as Shining Armor applied a bit of pressure to her backside.
  343. “This is WAY more fun to do, plus it's an amazing to see just how big I've become.” Princess Cadance giggled.
  345. Shining Armor gave a push, watching his pretty pink princess jiggle in all the right places. Every time he pushed, he caught a glimpse of her clit winking at him as her thighs clapped against her sex. “It's not so you can get off at my expense without me having any fun, is it?” Shining teased as he felt Cadance moving forward. His reply was another husky moan as he mashed her fat together and rubbed it against her crotch.
  347. With a pop, Cadance was freed from her prison. Her mane was sticking to her face in sweaty strands and her face was more red than pink. “Thank you, honey. I'll have to make it up to you tonight.” She kissed Shining on the cheek before waddling off to the dining hall. He helped her along with his magic, lifting up her belly so she would waddle faster and wiping away the sweat off her face.
  349. “Good luck today, Cady. Go big or go home.” Shining said with a wink as he walked off to resume his duties. Cadance threw open the doors to the dining hall and teleported herself in front of the table. The staff all bowed as they uncovered platter after platter of food, making her mouth water. Pancakes, waffles, eggs and hay bacon, toast with butter and jam and pitchers and pitchers of orange juice were presented to the starving princess.
  351. A flurry of hooves gripped a piece of food and shoved it down Cadance's throat. Her servants used their magic to cut everything on the platters, allowing Cadance to swallow endlessly without much need to chew. She moaned as the servants lacking magic began to rub her belly, sloshing around the contents of her swelling gut as she gulped it all down. Everything paused as Cadance gasped for air, her face red as she struggled to breathe. A titanic belch rattled the walls before her magic pulled a patter at her face.
  353. Breakfast slowly morphed into lunch as the greasy hay and syrup soaked sweets swapped out for sandwiches, chips, extra cheesy quesadillas, thick, overflowing burritos, soda and piles of candy slowly mixed into Cadance's feasting session. Everything was shoved into her impressive belly, stretching further and further away from her as she consumed it all.
  355. Spicy mustard, ketchup, hot sauce and chip crumbs smeared her face as it was shoveled into her mouth. The burritos were the most impressive feat as Cadance simply opened her jaw wide and slurped them down whole. Her stomach was loud and noisy as it struggled to accept every bite, digesting as fast as it could and spreading more and more flab all over her body.
  357. Dinner was served around sunset and Cadance still hadn't stopped. Her stomach dominated her body, forcing her to face away from the table. The pressure building in her gut made her moan and gasp between swallows as her legs were forced farther and farther apart. Hundreds of pounds of food was desperately trying to find more room in her stomach as the millions of calories continued to make her fatter and fatter.
  359. Cadance snapped her teeth around the last bundle of fried hay sticks and shuddered as she felt it join everything pressing against her stomach. “Impressive! You've eaten non stop since you entered, my princess!” The staff cheered as they all gathered to rub Cadance's taut, rock hard stomach. Her gut angrily rebelled as it churned up all the stray pockets of air and forced out a burp that shattered the windows of the dining hall.
  361. The piggy princess smiled as she leaned forward onto her belly. Her hooves wiggled in the air for a moment, making her shudder and jiggle before they smacked into the ground. Cadance pulled herself along slowly, belching and moaning as she pulled herself along the tile. Her sweaty belly helped her slide forward an extra inch or two as her hind legs helplessly sat atop her lower stomach.
  363. Celestia's sun had finally set by the time Cadance had managed to haul herself into bed. Her belly had shrunk, yet her body showed visible signs of her massive meal. Every inch of her was rounder, flabbier and shook with her every breath. She barely rolled into her bed, moaning as she felt the bed buckle under her weight. “Oh Cadance, my sweet, sweaty piggy. Are you ready for dessert?”
  365. Shining Armor smiled as he placed a giant cake on the quivering pink belly towering above him. “I can always eat a little more for you, my big stud.” Cadance struggled to roll on her stomach, her body jiggling and belly sloshing as the bed creaked. Shining Armor smiled as her muzzle dove into her cake, spreading it all over her face as she gobbled it up.
  367. “Oh yes...just like the fat hog you are. Eat up, piggy.” His hoof spanked her flanks, sending a monster ripple through her body.
  369. It was all too much. Shining Armor jumped onto the bed and pulled her tail up and over her flowing cheeks. He had no idea where he was thrusting but every inch of Cadance's fat ass gripped his cock. He gave a thrust and plunged his erection as far as he could into the vast expanse of rear splayed out for him. “Am...am I even close?” He moaned, trying his hardest not to cum.
  371. “Not really...but keep thrusting!” Cadance shuddered through another bite of cake. The ripples of her rump teased and tickled her sex, leaving a river of honey dripping down her flabby legs.
  373. Shining bucked again, ignoring the whining grunts of the bed. “Keep eating, you pig. You hungry slut. I know you wont be satisfied till we break this bed!”
  375. A poor choice of words as another thrust sent Shining Armor falling into the wide cleavage in front of him. The bed frame had snapped, sending the mattress falling to the floor. Cadance screamed, not from panic but from pleasure. Her massive body jiggled all at once, causing her to groan in a low, husky tone as her incredible climax peaked. Cadance could feel her whole body tingling as she was left panting and sweating hard.
  377. “Shining....I did it....I really did break the bed.” Her eyes were like beads as her gaze darted around the room. “More...I need more!” Cadance lit up her horn and fired an emergency flare at the door.
  379. “The guard signal? But why?” Cadance only giggled as several guards rushed into the room in full gear.
  381. “Your Highness! Is there an emergency?” They called out to the bedroom, only to see the lewd, jiggly scene in front of them.
  383. Cadance smiled as her hungry eyes drank in the sight of her guards. Each one was a pony at their peak, muscular and toned. “The emergency? I'm the horniest I've ever been in my entire life! FUCK ME!” Shining Armor was in shock as Cadance's magic forced a mare out of formation. “You'll do nicely.” Cadance purred as she pressed her lips against the intimidated mare.
  385. “What in Equestria has gotten into you, Cadance?” Shining Armor found his voice as the two mares broke away.
  387. “Shining Armor, I can't believe you. Two mares kissing and you aren't turned on? You LOVED that kinda stuff when you were younger.”
  389. Shining blushed as he watched the two mares continuously make out as his guards watched. “Well...um...if you get all the guards at once, then I get something I want!”
  391. Shining Armor forced his wife onto her back with a heavy shove with his magic. Her belly bounce and wobbled as he awkwardly climbed up her stomach, grinding his cock along her fat as he inched himself to the top. “This is my hole tonight. Nopony else gets this!” Shining Armor shouted as he pushed his cock as far as he could into Cadance's navel.
  393. The guards gasped as their prince as he forced the massive pink belly to wobble hard. It became harder and harder for the stallions to ignore their erections and the mares were flicking their tails wildly. “Come on, now. There's PLENTY of her for us all!” With crimson cheeks, the guards tossed their armor aside and dove at their princess.
  395. A cock was pushed into that glorious, greedy mouth. Legs were spread and wet slits pressed against various rolls of fat and blubber. Two enthusiastic stallions took the plunge and pushed their dicks as best they could into Cadance's rear. Soon, the entire room was filled with at least a dozen ponies panting, moaning and slapping wet, sweaty flesh together in a cornucopia of debauchery and degeneracy.
  397. Shining Armor howled in pleasure as every inch of his cock was smothered in warm, soft, pink pony fat. He could barely look down past all of Cadance's chest flab, only to see her throat bulge as one of the guards blew a load into the back of her mouth. A stray mare pressed her lips against him, enjoying the taste of his sweaty coat on her tongue. “C'mere, you. If Cadance gets some extra fun, so will I.”
  399. He spun the mare around and dove his muzzle under her tail. The guard moaned as his tongue pushed inside her pussy, probing and prodding her depths as he continued to thrust inside his wife's slick, sweaty belly button. The guard's thighs snapped around his head, blinding his vision for what felt like hours. The mattress was easily soaked through with tons of sweat, gallons of cum and a few smears of chocolate as the crew of horny ponies fucked, sucked, jiggled and climaxed long after the sun rose into the sky.
  401. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  404. “Happy anniversary, dear.” Shining Armor softly announced as he rose for his daily routine. Cadance mumbled in her sleep, eyes barely cracked open. She stared at her husband in the dim sunlight as he stretched and popped his joints.
  406. “Anniversary? Our wedding date isn't for another few months...” Cadance groaned as she tried to think in her sleepy daze.
  408. Shining Armor giggled as he placed a kiss on his wife's soft, plump lips. “Not that anniversary. It's been a whole year since you dedicated yourself to growing as big as our kingdom.”
  410. Cadance blushed as his kisses drifted from her lips to her sagging cheeks, the flowing rolls of her chins and neck and down to her enormous belly. She lost sight of him as his mouth drifted all over, peppering her jiggling body with loving kisses. “A whole year? It feels like yesterday that I was too chubby to wear my dresses around.” Her shudder sent her rolls vibrating and jiggling endlessly, much to Shining's delight.
  412. “Now look at you. My huge piggy princess. I'll leave you be. Sleep well, darling.” Cadance closed her eyes as Shining's hoof steps faded away. It wasn't long until her belly gurgled in hunger, sending a massive roar echoing through the entire castle. “I'm starved! Better get to the kitchens, quick!” Cadance began shoving her belly side to side, wobbling her bulk further and further until she landed on the tile with a THUMP.
  414. Her hooves reached for the ground, but all they found was soft, squishy flab. Cadance winced as hunger pangs tore through her as she desperately tried to waddle forward. “I....I can't move...I'm stuck!” She focused her horn and teleported herself forward past the door, only for her magic to fizzle out. Cadance looked at her mirrors and watched the first beads of sweat slide down her face.
  416. Magic and hooves useless, she sent out a pulse through the castle. It wasn't long until a crew of eight stallions marched in with a giant palanquin on their back. “Princess, please relax and allow us to help you.” Their magic slowly lifted her up and placed her on the soft throne of pillows awaiting her. “Ready, boys? One, two, three, HEAVE!”
  418. Cadance was thrust in the air as the bulky stallions lifted her up. “Today is a magnificent day. We have a lot planed for you, my princess.” Cadance was in awe as they walked through the castle as every servant, guard, maid and steward was present. They all cheered at her every jiggle as the palanquin was marched outside.
  420. Once outside, the cheering exploded as the whole kingdom was crowded around the castle. Cadance went scarlet as the throngs of her subjects celebrated just for her as the gates were slowly opened. The palanquin was sturdy enough for such a heavy load as Cadance was marched into the heart of the city where everyone had gathered. Shining Armor stood on a small stage, his smile stretching from ear to ear as his massive wife was set down next to him.
  422. A dial popped up behind Cadance as the palanquin was set to the ground. “Fillies and gentlecolts of the Crystal Empire, today marks the one year anniversary of our princess, Mi Amore Cadenza, graciously waddling down the path for our empire's success.” The crowd cheered again, tossing food towards the stage for their princess. “Now that she is, without a shadow of a doubt, the princess you need for this kingdom, lets see how big she REALLY is.”
  424. The hands on the dial began to spin, winding around and around as Cadance was weighed. The crowd went wild as the hands passed the three hundred mark and continued to spin. Even Shining was shouting in joy as the dial spun past six hundred. The scale almost seemed to shudder at the impressive weight as the hands finally stopped.
  426. “One thousand, one hundred and eleven pounds. Our princess weighs over half a ton!” The roar of excitement was deafening as even more food, flowers and praise were showered upon the princess. “Now, for a measure of her belly before the festivities begin.” Shining Armor levitated a measuring tape that seemed to stretch forever and ever. It was a struggle to slip the tape under Cadance's sagging gut but with some assistance, it finally slipped under the last heavy fold.
  428. “One hundred and twenty inches! She's a glutton all right!” Shining Armor leaned up and kissed his wife, savoring the excitement of the crowd as they continued to celebrate. Cadance's stomach growled in protest as Shining Armor pulled away. “Sounds like she's ready for more, everypony. Time to feed this piggy till she can't eat another bite.”
  430. Cadance felt her mouth water as each pony walked up and offered her a meal fit for a whole family. Impressive dishes ranging from pancakes, crepes stuffed with sugary jams and slathered with butter, greasy, thick bacon, doughnuts, muffins, cupcakes and breakfast pies were pushed in front of her face. Cadance wasted no time as each bite was graciously offered to her by her subjects. Many shoved past each other for a chance to rub and jiggle her fat as she continued to grow before their very eyes.
  432. Her mouth was greasy and stained with frosting, her face was red and covered in sweat, her mane was sticking to her forehead and yet she continued. Nothing stopped her from gobbling up everything in front of her. Everypony watched as her body slowly expanded as her massive stomach packed away all the food like it was nothing.
  434. “Come with us, dear. The local shops have been kind enough to offer some food for you.” The squad of stallions lifted up the palanquin for Cadance as they followed Shining Armor from business to business. The owners waved as they approached, offering up “samples” that looked like they could feed a small army. Each dish was placed upon the palanquin for Cadance, disappearing into her tummy in seconds.
  436. “We thank you for your offering.” Cadance hastily mumbled before diving into her food. Thick, rich sandwiches, soups that were stored in small tanks, boxes and boxes of pizza, dozens of hay burgers and massive platters of french fries were offered to her and all found a home in her titanic, ever growing gut. Her belches echoed through the streets, filling each restaurant with pride as the palanquin was heaved to the next shop.
  438. Cadance was stuffed with food from anypony that offered. Small foals with candy, elderly couples with a family made dish, buffet lines worth of food from the shops. It was all a blur as Cadance never let her mouth go empty for long. The palanquin was set down in the center of town as the sun set on the empire. “We have one last treat for you, Cady. Hope you're ready for it.” Shining Armor teased as a steel tank was pushed next to her.
  440. “It's your favorite. Strawberry milkshake with lots of lard and butter added in. Hope you're thirsty.” Shining Armor grabbed the hose and attached it to Cadance's head, making sure not a drop was spilled. “Is everypony ready for the finale?” Shining Armor was nearly knocked off his hooves as the crowd let out a massive shout. “Here we go! Keep your eye on the fill line.” He shouted as he turned the machine on.
  442. Instantly, Cadance felt the thick, fattening shake splash into the back of her throat. Her body rippled with every swallow as her stomach was forced to expand bigger and bigger. The hands upon the scale began to inch further with every blast of milkshake flowing into Cadance's gigantic gut. “She's already past one thousand, three hundred pounds, guys. How big will she end up?”
  444. Cadance closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of her growth. Her skin was stretching tight, leaving little stretch marks all over. Her body never stopped wobbling about, constantly in flux as her growing body jiggled and jiggled. The tank was only down by ten percent, yet Cadance felt stuffed. She continued to chug it all down, forced by the hose crammed in her mouth.
  446. Everypony kept their eyes focused on the scale and the tank. Cadance was moaning with every gush of the tank, yet she couldn't quit. Her belly was spreading over the palanquin inch by inch, threatening to spill over the sides. The wood began to groan at the halfway point as the scale tipped to fourteen hundred pounds.
  448. GULP GULP GULP. Cadance's stomach was sloshing harder than the ocean as all the food and shake struggled to find room in her belly. Feeling so full spread a tingle all over her, making her blush as the highs of extreme gluttony spread between her legs. “Keep drinking. You're almost done...thirty percent left....twenty....ten! You've almost got it done.” Shining Armor whispered into her ear as the last few drops fell down her throat.
  450. The belch that escaped Cadance's mouth toppled over the crowd, leaving them all in a tangled heap. The scale quivered at fifteen hundred pounds of fat, food and milkshake jiggling on stage. “Oh gosh...so full....it hurts so good, Shining.” He stole a messy kiss from her lips before the crew of stallions struggled to lift her up.
  452. “Citizens! We hope you enjoyed feeding your princess today! We'll see you next year with an even bigger, fatter, more corpulent princess!” Shining Armor shouted out to end the intense day of feeding.
  454. Shining Armor was thankful the palanquin or the stallions didn't shatter on the trip back. Finally alone, he circled his wife with growing arousal and lust as she continued to jiggle and belch on top of the remains of their long lost bed. “You're so amazing, you know that?” He nuzzled her belly and sighed as his hooves sank deep into her body.
  456. “A widdle piggy, body long gone into a circular blob of sexy fat.” Shining slapped her ass, making Cadance moan and belch as her flab rippled for minutes. “You've committed to this forever, you know? You can't move. Can't exercise at all anymore. You'll be my huge, enormous piggy to feed and fuck for the rest of time.” Cadance whimpered as he continued to toy with her body, face red as she struggled to pinch her tree trunk thighs together,
  458. “I can't even lay in bed proper because of how much room you take up. I'll have to use you as a bed, you glutton.” Cadance felt his weight sink into her body as he slowly climbed up her body. “Good thing you're nice and soft all over. Every part of you is a bed, now.” Shining Armor yawned as he lay atop his wife with the biggest smile spread across his face.
  460. They sat there for a moment in silence, enjoying each other as Shining toyed with her body and sending little ripples all over her flab. “Of course the drawback is that I'm so incredibly turned on right now.” Shining Armor moaned as he pushed his cock right into a wobbling, jiggling flabby roll on Cadance's stomach. The ripples continued to tease her, forcing a moan from her as Shining's hips crashed into her body.
  462. “And since your ass is too big for me to fuck properly, I'll just make my own little pocket.” Shining tensed up as his dick was smothered from all sides by pink fat. “Oh gosh....I could do this anywhere, too. Your belly....your back...your wings...” Shining Armor shuddered as the first bubbles of climax tingled at his crotch.
  464. Cadance whimpered as another ripple teased at her sex. “Shining...keep going. I'm almost there.” Shining moaned as he felt a glob of pre smear all over Cadance.
  466. “Oh, I'll keep going all right. I'll keep feeding you...keep fucking you. You're MY piggy! My fuck toy and I'll please myself however I see fit!” The two of them shouted loud as they climaxed together, making the blobby mare stickier and messier as cum leaked all over her coat. Shining pulled out his cock with a pop, only to plunge it into another random roll of fat. “I won't be done till you're white and sticky all over, you hog!”
  468. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  471. The night of sin and seduction blurred into the next day. Cadance wasn't bothered from her spot as the staff simply teleported in more and more food for her as they day passed. Shining Armor made sure the empire was running strong by day but would always return by sunset to personally feed, pamper and fuck his wife till they passed out.
  473. Days passed, followed by weeks and months. It had taken about twenty stallions to haul her out to the next anniversary celebration where everypony cheered louder than before. Even with their princess eating vast amounts of food every day, the kingdom had never been richer, healthier or more powerful than before her gluttony had started.
  475. Her hunger was eternal, never stopping, never resting. The only time Cadance didn't eat was when she was fast asleep after a thrilling night with Shining Armor. Her body was kept clean and fresh by the staff every day with their admiration for her health and plenty of magic to clean out her immense body. Cadance found her every need met, fending off boredom during her endless eating, ponies to chat with and citizens to smile upon when they visited her with their own delicious food.
  477. There was no way to measure her anymore. No scale nor measuring tape could deal with her ever expanding body. The Crystal Empire simply took solace in knowing that their princess was the biggest around. Even tourists from around Equestria came to see the titanic princess in all her glory, bringing food from around the world to sate her curiosity and hunger for foods around the globe.
  479. It was awkward trying to answer the millions of questions Twilight Sparkle blurted out when the other princesses of Equestria came for a visit. Shining Armor was forced to deflect issue after issue as Cadance had a small chat with her elders. It was a small victory seeing Princess Celestia with a bit of envy on her face as Cadance took every chance she got to cram an entire cake into her stomach. Still, Cadance was happy as ever to see Twilight and the princesses and show off how good she had been doing as leader of the Crystal Empire.
  481. It was only when the third anniversary came and gone did princess Cadance reflect on herself. She was happy for herself and her kingdom and she knew she had one pony to thank. She waiting and waited for her husband to return from his duties with the burning need to talk to him and him alone. His bright smile always warmed her up in a way that nopony else could as he trotted into the room. “Shinin? Whot do yoo think of ush now?”
  483. Shining Armor giggled as he watched her cheeks bounce and sway as she attempted to talk. Even her lips caught her up as her plump, sexy face was riddled with as much fat as she could handle. “Aw, what's got you so worried? Think I'm gonna run off just because you gained a few pounds?” They laughed together as Cadance wiped her mouth clean with her magic.
  485. “I jus realiz that I oww yoo a lot. I neva woul have done any of dish if yoo hadn't convished me to eat an get fhat.” Cadance's stomach gurgled noisily as it demanded she resume eating.
  487. “D'aww, no need to thank me. You were destined to be the best princess this kingdom ever had.” Shining Armor stretched up onto his hind legs and kissed his wife on the cheeks. He inched himself over and made sure to sneak a few kisses on her lips when she wasn't stuffing her face with more fattening foods.
  489. “Wanna see how big you are? It's super impressive, honey.” He tugged at a cord and watched as a dozen mirrors surrounded Cadance, reflecting every inch of her incredible size to her. She watched as every gulp from her fat cheeks sent her whole body wobbling and crashing together as the millions of calories in her gut forced her to spread all over the floor.
  491. “I'm sho beautiful.” Cadance whispered before shoving a whole pizza into her mouth. Shining Armor circled around her, playing and wobbling her fat for her to see. Dozens of her reflections showed off her gigantic ass, her wide, rolling hips, the tummy squished tight against the floor and her adorable face as she continued to eat and eat.
  493. “Yes you are. My big, beautiful wife.” Shining Armor cuddled into her fat, closing his eyes and smiling as he listened to the endless gurgles of her tummy and the soft thump of her heart. Satisfied she had enough food for the night, he climbed up her back and snuggled into her wings. Her body molded to his body while her wings acted like the perfect blanket to keep him warm for the night. “Good night, my sweet. Wake me up if you need anything else from the kitchens.”
  495. Cadance smiled as she continued eating long after Shining went to sleep. Her size meant he slept well, her flab relieved his stress and her gluttony brought prosperity and peace of mind to everyone in the castle. It was a struggle to keep eating as the first wisps of sleep encroached upon her, yet she still tried to keep shoveling more in her mouth via her magic.
  497. Her eyes finally shut as her body demanded rest to digest the intense load sloshing inside of her. Cadance's body billowed out in her sleep, growing forever massive as her stomach struggled to digest. A smile sat on her sleeping face as the sturdy floor began to crack under her girth, a sure sign that she'd be sleeping on the dirt before long. It didn't matter to her if she was forced to sleep outside the castle or even in a meager hut. If her citizens and her husband were happy, she'd keep eating no matter what.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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