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Speaking Her Language

By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2022-12-30 05:36:44
Expiry: Never

  1. God damn, I was in low earth orbit when I wrote this one back in September.
  3. >be loserfaggot anon
  4. >Currently strutting towards sugarcube corner, you whistle the melody from Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street" and play along on your air saxophone with reckless abandon
  5. >Walk around everywhere in a three piece suit and wear a green headsock with a question mark on the face because you're fucking retarded
  6. >No, not autistic
  7. >Well, hang on, if we're honest, you're probably on the spectrum
  8. >Whatever the case, you've got no sense of self-awareness, or tact, or-
  9. >Oh shit son, that guitar solo at the end though!
  10. >Dropping to a knee, you transition from air sax to air guitar and shred those last few bars before switching back to the sax for the outro.
  12. >The visual I have of Anon trying to vocalize the sax melody from this song, forsaking his air sax in favor of flailing his arms like Gary from Team America- you know that part in Gary's first mission where he ends up in the back of the jeep-
  13. >"It looks like he's saying, 'Kiss me, kiss me'."
  14. >"Smart-ass motherfucker!"
  15. >You know, that part
  16. >-scaring off any ponies within a ten meter radius of him is a lot funnier in my mind than what I'm typing. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
  17. >The song ends, and you open your eyes to see a ring of ponies surrounding you, none of them sure of what to make of the spectacle that they'd just witnessed.
  18. >Muscle memory delivers a perfect draw of finger pistols from invisible holsters, and you shoot a quick lil one-two pew-pew at Bon Bon, who just scoffs and trots away, prompting the crowd to follow suit.
  19. >Within seconds, the crowd's dispersed, save for one pony
  20. >Ackshually, Zecora isn't a pony- she's a zebra
  21. >Whatever.
  22. >She looks at you, her head tilted to the side, baby-blue eyes peering straight into your soul.
  23. "Didja like that? Baker Street is probably the best-known song off of Rafferty's 'City to City' album, but 'Right Down the Line' is actually my favorite track from it."
  24. >Zecora chuckles to herself and trots off, cart in tow, but not before giving you a smile
  25. >it's a nice feeling- to be smiled at.
  26. >most mares don't smile at you
  27. >pinkie doesn't count- she smiles at everyone
  28. "That feeling when no pony gf to cuddle with at night." you sigh as you rise and dust off your trousers.
  29. >Completely unrelated- The B-side of Supertramp's "Breakfast in America" album is underrated as hell
  30. >inb4 "b-b-but, muh 'Take the Long Way Home!'"
  31. >"Just Another Nervous Wreck" is the patrician choice
  32. >You visit with Pinkie Pie- one of the few ponies in town that you get along with pretty well- for a while
  33. >She tells you of her special project, donuts made specifically to help fill out Princess Luna's "mosquito bite flanks".
  34. >You damn near choked on your scone at that, but Pinkie assured you it was a super-serious commission from Princess Celestia herself.
  35. >Perhaps alicorns store magic in their ass?
  36. >The bigger the booty, the more heat they're packing?
  37. >Provisional headcanon: acquired
  38. >Anyway, it turned out that all the weight Luna gained from Pinkie's first batch of donuts went straight to her teats
  39. >tfw no moon milkies to bury your face in every night
  40. >Seeing as her mission was not yet accomplished, Pinkie bids you farewell and closes up the shop behind you.
  41. >Walk home alone, wondering how fat Luna's ass would have to be for you to be able to bounce a quarter off it
  42. >Man, that's going in the Spank Bank for later
  43. >Fast forward a few weeks
  44. >everything's pretty much the same
  45. >Everypony avoids you except Pinkie and Zecora
  46. >You've run into the latter in town more often lately
  47. >Now that you think about it, Zecora's actually very pretty
  48. >You decide to ask her out, since you've struck out with all the single mares in town
  49. >Normally, you'd be too much of a bitch to up and walk into the everfree unaccompanied, but you're backed up; ballsy in more ways than one
  50. >So off to the Everfree you go, whistling the chorus from Rebel Yell.
  51. >How should you woo this foreign beauty?
  52. >Several cheesy ideas float through your mind before you settle on what should've been the obvious choice
  53. >You'll speak her language
  54. >Now armed with a plan, you power walk along the trail to Zecora's hut
  55. >knock knock knock
  56. >The door swings open after a few seconds
  57. >Zecora's initial surprise gives way to a welcoming smile
  58. >"Mister Anon, I thought I'd heard you- nopony has a gait quite like you do."
  59. >Your knees are weak, palms spaghetti, the works
  60. "Uh, hi... Z-Zecora..."
  61. >Her smile fades.
  62. >She rears up on her hind legs and touches a hoof to your clammy forehead
  63. "Mister Anon, are you not feeling well? Did you come in search of a healing spell?
  64. >C'mon Anon... you can do this.
  65. >Be confident
  66. "Actually Zecora, I am feeling a little under the weather."
  67. >"Do not hesitate, Anon... talk to me, speak! Which condition afflicts you, what's the treatment you seek?"
  68. >Now's your chance, Anon- speak her language
  69. "I've got this strange fever, the old jungle type. The only known cure's an ass covered in stripes. Zecora, I need you, DID nofap for weeks... I want to plow into your DUMP. TRUCK. CHEEKS."
  70. >The rest, as they say, is history.
  71. >Seven years and a platoon's worth of ziglets later, you're at your wit's end, wondering how the fuck you're gonna support yet another foal.
  72. >How were you supposed to know that your rhyming would woo the figurative pants off Zecora that easily?
  73. >It's not like you knew Zecora was even more starved for companionship than you.
  74. >Better yet, who knew you could even knock up a little talking zebra?
  75. >Certainly not you.
  76. >One of your little savages whines in rhyme that his sister shoved his snout in poison joke.
  77. >Five others tell you they're hungry.
  78. >Something,something... Marital Problems
  80. The End

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