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Muffins and Coffee

By Tankris
Created: 2023-02-17 04:06:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Rainbow Stars didn't actually care where she sat for her daily muffin, only that she was able to relax while she did it. She didn't mind sitting next to this brown coated stallion either, as long as he didn't bother her while she ate her muffin. What DID catch Rainbow Stars's attention was the fact that the once pushy stallion had a banana nut muffin in his hooves. “Oh. Those are my absolute favorite.” She found herself saying as she picked up her own muffin.
  3. “They're the best! The texture, the crunch, the sweetness of it all. I absolutely love em.” The stallion moved his hoof forward and tapped his muffin against Rainbow Star's muffin. “Cheers.”
  5. Rainbow Stars blushed. “Cheers...mister?”
  7. The stallion put a hoof to his mouth. “Oh goodness, we don't even know each other properly yet and here I am rubbing my food against yours. My name is Coco Crusoe.”
  9. “I'm Rainbow Stars. Nice to see a fellow muffin mate with good taste.” She said before biting into her muffin. “Mmmm, perfect as always.” Rainbow Stars mumbled out as she chewed and swallowed.
  11. “Oh, but have you tried the chocolate chip? If for whatever reason I can't get banana nut, I gotta get a chocolate chip.” Coco Crusoe said.
  13. “Please, chocolate chip is fine but you might as well just get a pastry if you want the sugar overload. The second best muffin is lemon poppy seed. THAT'S a REAL muffin.” Rainbow Stars boasted.
  15. “Huh. You started out so strong but I guess I was wrong about you having good taste.” Coco Crusoe taunted before taking another bite of his muffin. “At least your favorite is a decent pick.”
  17. Rainbow Stars rolled her eyes. “I do too have good taste in muffins! I love muffins so much, I bet I could eat half of the menu without a moment's hesitation.” She puffed out her chest and smirked. To bolster her claim, Rainbow Stars yanked off the last bits of muffin wrapper and shoved the other half of her pastry into her mouth.
  19. “Put your money where your mouth is, Rainbow Stars.” Coco Crusoe slammed a bag of bits on the table. “I'll order a dozen of my favorite muffins for you and you do the same for me. The pony that finishes first, buys the winner a dozen muffins for breakfast for a week!”
  21. “You're on! Come on, let me show you why I'm the muffin expert!” Rainbow Stars grabbed her own bag and ran back to the muffin shop. Coco Crusoe was quick behind her, shouting out his order to the counter as fast as he could.
  23. “Ready?” Coco Crusoe asked. The muffin loving ponies had twelve of the most oddball combinations of muffins at hoof, unwrapped and ready to munch. Rainbow Stars licked her lips as she planned her attack.
  25. “GO!” Coco Crusoe shouted as he grabbed his first muffin. He took a big bite and looked at his opponent who had already grabbed two muffins and was chomping through them with incredible speed. “No way. I'm already behind!” Coco Crusoe shoved the rest of the muffin in his mouth and instantly regretted it.
  27. Rainbow Stars was in heaven. Even though these weren't her favoritest muffins, they were still expertly made and incredibly delicious. She gobbled them up like they were nothing, not even as her tummy started to bulge and bloat with each bite. “Mmmmm, I think I'm in heaven!”
  29. Coco Crusoe did his best but he could only chomp through four of his twelve. Rainbow Stars sighed as she leaned back on her stool and rubbed her belly. Counting her breakfast muffin, thirteen wonderful, delicious and rather large muffins were sitting in her distended gut. “Ahh, it's been a while since I indulged like that. Thanks a lot, Coco.”
  31. “Okay, okay. I know I've been beat. The muffins I ate are okay, maybe even good. I just can't stomach as many as you can.” Coco Crusoe groaned.
  33. “Speaking of...” Rainbow Stars licked her lips as she looked over the table. “Gonna eat those?”
  35. “Wh...You're still hungry?” Coco Crusoe asked.
  37. “Well...it's a crime to waste perfectly good muffins.” She giggled as she grabbed the remaining eight muffins on the table. Oh, and make good on your promise. Order me a dozen more.”
  39. “A dozen more? Didn't you just say wasting muffins was a crime?” Coco Crusoe looked at his shrinking coin purse.
  41. “I don't plan on wasting a single crumb.” Rainbow Stars rubbed her big, squishy gut.
  43. The first twelve were easy. Eight more was a bit of a struggle. Perhaps ordering another dozen on top of the dozen that Coco had bought was a mistake. Still, Rainbow Stars enjoyed every crumb just like she said. Her belly was bloated beyond relief, sloshing and bubbling with every step. A small blush had spread over her face as she could feel the pounds already padding her already soft rump.
  45. “Thanks for walking me home, Coco. I appreciate it.” Rainbow Stars groaned as she took small, slow steps towards her house. The initial outing for a breakfast muffin had turned into an all day binge, the sun already setting behind the Canterlot Mountains.
  46. Of course, saying Coco was walking WITH Rainbow Stars was a bit of a stretch. His position was behind her, eyes locked on a certain jiggling, wobbling part of Rainbow Stars.
  48. “Heh, no problem...” Coco Crusoe trailed off as they approached the home of Rainbow Stars. “Oh no...I knew those three dozen muffins were gonna be trouble...there's no way you're fitting through that door!”
  50. Rainbow Stars smiled. “Bet that's good news for you with all that ogling you've been doing.” She teased.
  52. Coco Crusoe broke out into a blush. “Wha? Ogling? I'm not...I haven't!” He began to sputter and spout. “Wait, what do you mean good news?”
  54. “I'm glad you've been enjoying the show and all, but..ummm...” Rainbow Stars began to blush as well. “I'm DEFINITELY gonna need some help wiggling through this door. Perhaps if we both get inside...we can maybe enjoy some coffee and talk a little bit more.”
  56. Rainbow Stars opened the door to her house and stepped through her door frame. Sure enough, her gurgling, bloated gut and her doughy rear got stuck. “Come on, big boy. Show me you have SOME good taste, okay?” She stuck out her tongue and winked.
  58. Coco's whole face was beet red. “S-S-S-S-Sure!” He rushed forward, marveling at how far his hooves sank into Rainbow's soft rear. “One...two...three...here I go!”
  60. Rainbow Stars wiggled through the door frame and popped out to the other side. Coco Crusoe fell forward, falling face first into Rainbow's tummy. “Thanks, big boy. How about that coffee?” Rainbow Stars giggled before using her hooves to smush Coco into her big tummy.

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