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Memories of the Sun

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2023-02-27 18:18:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >Celestia wandered the long hall beneath the palace
  2. >she didn’t like being here, a museum of Celestia’s incredibly long reign, but her advisors had long since held that it would be a helpful reminder of her life
  3. >while long since familiar with presenting herself in public gatherings, she always lacked the sheer ego to ever come here without feeling embarrassed, but… she had to be here today
  4. >Celestia adjusted her top and bit her lip as it didn’t help
  5. >this was one of her favourite tops, a soft, lovely and modest body wrap
  6. >it was… getting tight
  7. >her bare feet gently patted against the marble floor
  8. >her sandals no longer fit
  9. >yes, today, she had to be here
  10. >she had to remember how she felt, a thousand years ago
  11. >and she saw something of her earliest memories
  12. >an ancient painting, crude, as if made by a child
  13. >because it had
  14. >Celestia made it for her mother…
  15. >this was going to be the *best* painting ever!
  16. >Tia ran her fingers over the parchment with swirly lines of colour
  17. >a deep green field, a scattering of colourful flowers
  18. >and, inside a deep, blue sky… the sun
  19. >all glowy and shiny and yellow
  20. >Tia loved that part the best
  21. >her mother’s gasp made her turn
  22. >”Tia! It’s beautiful!”
  23. >the little girl beamed a smile, some of her teeth missing
  24. >they had fallen out
  25. >part of growing up, mommy said
  26. >she was wondering when her wings would fall off too
  27. >her mom was a pegasus, and her dad was a unicorn, but she was born with a horn and only later grew wings
  28. >just like her teeth…which then fell out
  29. >but they said something about her and her baby sister Luna being ’special’
  30. >this confused Tia; why would her teeth fall out but not her wings?
  31. >but mom gave her cuddle all the same, so that it was fine
  32. >”That such a pretty picture,” Tia’s mommy said
  33. >”It’s the sun! And the garden!”
  34. >mom smiled and ruffled Tia’s pink hair
  35. >”I can tell! You’re so talented…” she trailed off
  36. >”Mommy?”
  37. >”Tia… you know that man that’s visited a few times?”
  38. >”Swirlyswirl Beardy!”
  39. >mom laughed
  40. >”*Starswirl the Bearded*, yes. He believes you and Luna have a destiny. He believes you two might be the ones to stop Discord and his grip on the land… you aren’t like normal people. You’re to be as strong as the earth bloods along with your pegasus wings and unicorn magic.”
  41. >mom looked sad
  42. >Tia hugged her, and asked, “what’s wrong?”
  43. >”You must go with him, Tia. You and Luna. He will help you understand who you are. Who you will one day become.”
  45. >”But I don’t wanna go…”
  46. >”Your father and I and will visit! We would never leave you… but after what happened with Mr. Fluffikins…”
  47. >they both looked over to the charred, black stain on the floor
  48. >that poor plush toy…
  49. >Tia looked ashamed. Mr. Fluffikins would be missed
  50. >“I’m sorry…”
  51. >mom held Tia closer. “Don’t be sorry, you couldn’t control it… but that’s why you must go with Starswirl. As will Luna once she is a year or two older.”
  52. >Tia didn’t understand, but her mother knew best
  53. >the pair looked back at Tia’s painting, and just enjoyed it together…
  54. >Celestia sighed and stepped away from the old painting, and fought back the wetness of her eyes
  55. >… she couldn’t deny that what happened was necessary
  56. >but she still regretted not having a full, normal childhood
  57. >so much pressure, and so much of her development was set up before her, without her own input
  58. >Celestia just *was*
  59. >she looked at her hands and felt something shifting inside of her
  60. >that destiny still flooded her
  61. >as was evidenced when she gasped, and everything seemed to shrink rapidly for a few moments
  62. >Celestia clenched her eyes shut, and focused her magic
  63. >the feeling abated, although Celestia frowned as she opened her eyes
  64. >another couple of inches taller… and *bigger*
  65. >her already strained body wrap had begun to burst
  66. >with another show of golden magic, she teleported out the wrap and conjured some linen sheets from her bedroom, and coiled it around herself
  67. >”Sister!”
  68. >Luna ran up to her, and gasped, her expression sinking as she drew near
  69. >”Luna…” Celestia sighed. “I was going to tell you, but-“
  70. >Luna silently put her arms around her sister
  71. >it was awkward; Luna’s head was only chest high again after she had almost caught up and fully grew into the alicorn she was destined to be as well
  72. >and if there was any denial at Celestia’s changes, they were especially discarded now
  73. >Celestia, after nine hundred years since stopping, was growing once more
  74. >and while she was trying to hold it back, it was only a matter of time before-
  75. >”The Final Ascension,” Luna whispered. “I scarce believe it.”
  76. >Celestia nodded. “It was one of those things we just… assumed would never come. A thousand, a hundred and and eleven years more-”
  77. >”The alicorn’s spirit will finally, irrevocably soar,” Luna finished. “It is as Starswirl said.”
  78. >Celestia winced as she felt her body bulge a tiny bit more, but when you have been the same size for a thousand years…
  79. >it was just like back then
  80. >Celestia looked across to another display in the museum, and Luna followed her gaze
  81. >”Our old studying robes… goodness,” Luna said and walked across to the airtight case
  82. >Luna’s was intact, but Celestia’s had a button missing
  84. >”Ugh, this is so stupid,” Celestia growled and flopped apathetically onto the desk
  85. >”Telekinetic fundamentals do not have an assigned intellect, young lady,” Starswirl said with a twitch of his brow. “They simply are. Just as *you* aren’t paying attention, although perhaps your comments are a reflection of your *own* perceived flaws?”
  86. >Celestia stood and scowled at the middle aged unicorn at the roundabout insult
  87. >she liked doing that; she was growing fast and, despite only being twelve years old, she was already as tall as he was, and she *felt* imposing
  88. >and she knew she would supersede him, and very soon
  89. >yet Starswirl remained defiant
  90. >”Tia…” Luna whispered
  91. >Celestia turned her immature ire down at her sister, but her expression softened as Luna recoiled and fiddled with her hands, both afraid and too nervous to speak further
  92. >”… sorry,” Celestia said, mostly to Luna, but Starswirl seemed appeased as well
  93. >it just annoyed Celestia; she had tremendous power!
  94. >she could uproot trees!
  95. >boil ponds of water!
  96. >she could move the very sun itself!
  97. >why was she sitting there, fastening buttons with her magic!?
  98. >Starswirl looked expectantly at Celestia as he undid the one button she had succeeded to fasten before, and stepped aside
  99. >”In your own time,” he said, flatly
  100. >Celestia looked briefly at her cutie mark as it flashed on the back of her hand
  101. >the sun, like the one she used to love painting for her mom
  102. >… Celestia missed her terribly…
  103. >for all her powers, she couldn’t bring her back…
  104. >and now she was stuck here, buttoning a robe over and damn well over
  105. >fine!
  106. >she’d do it!
  107. >just to get this annoying, beardy jerk off her back
  108. >so she focused, and slowly fastened each one, slowly but surely
  109. >and… there!
  110. >”Hah! Finished!”
  111. >Starswirl looked at the robe, and nodded
  112. >he then undid the buttons again, and handed it to her
  113. >”You have passed the first test,” he said, “I expect you to wear this for your future lessons.”
  114. >Celestia growled and threw it on, “whatever. What’s next?”
  115. >”Button it without looking, of course.”
  116. >Celestia frowned but reluctantly did so; *anything* to get rid of him for a few minutes.
  117. >he continued, “spacial awareness through telekinetic feedback is-“
  118. >Celestia winced as a button popped off and struck Starswirl on the nose, and Luna giggled softly as she covered her mouth
  119. >in her haste to fasten them, she’d used too much force
  120. >Starswirl sighed and continued, “-of crucial importance, as without *seeing* what we’re doing, we can often use too much or too little force. Am I understood?”
  121. >Celestia pouted. “Yes, sir.”
  122. >she then set about undoing them with her mind, and repeating the exercise
  124. >Celestia’s gaze moved away from the robes, and she kept Luna close, with her arm around her younger sister’s shoulders
  125. >it was one thing to ‘feel’ powerful, but quite another to know what true power was
  126. >Luna pulled back slightly as they reached the next exhibit
  127. >Celestia looked at her, and saw the expression on Luna’s face
  128. >the flood of moments the display represented to her; trepidation, happiness, anger…
  129. >Celestia mirrored these feelings; great power, necessary even, but such things often bend and break those around them, from relationships to minds
  130. >The Elements of Harmony
  131. >this display had changed a lot, once featuring the artefacts themselves, and several
  132. >now, a painting of the amulet forms of the artefacts, and a branch of the tree of harmony after they had transformed
  133. >Celestia knew this is what made Twilight and her friends so special; they received the Elements and seemed to thrive on them, letting them pass on of their own will
  134. >”I am sorry, sister,” Luna said and held Celestia closer. “I should not yet keep allowing these memories to affect my emotions. We are past this.”
  135. >Celestia squeezed Luna’s shoulder and considered the Elements anyway
  136. >one last time…
  137. >”Oh, my! It isn’t often I receive guests,” Discord cackled, sat atop his throne, which was made of beds, that were formed from miniature tables. “And who might you two be? Wait, don’t tell me… Shiny and Gloomy? Smily and Maudlin? Red and Blue?”
  138. >Celestia and Luna glanced at each other; they had been warned this spirit of chaos
  139. >they had also come prepared; artefacts born of the persistent, concentrated chaos as a counterpoint
  140. >gems containing the powers that were the antithesis of the current ways
  141. >”Your madness ends now!” Celestia said as she brought her powers to bear, with Luna following suit
  142. >”Really?” Discord glanced around. “No, no… I still think things are pretty mad. See?”
  143. >a row of irate hares passed by
  144. >marched, if you will
  145. >Celestia blinked, shook her head, then said, ”no, what I mean is; we’re going to stop you!”
  146. >Discord scratched his chin. ”Hmm, well, I suppose you have, although I wasn’t doing anything right now anyway, so… congratulations, I guess?”
  147. >Celestia gritted her teeth, and blasted magic at Discord with her horn, only for the draconequus to vanish, and reappear behind her
  148. >”My dear, what’s your beef with me, exactly?”
  149. >Celestia spun to blast him, only to come face to face with a cow
  150. >she sighed and said, as flatly as possible, “get it? Funny right? Oh, and he’s back over there.”
  151. >she then pointed her hoof back at the throne (of beds made of tables) and Discord smugly smirked
  153. >”I’m genuinely curious, young lady… well, not that curious, but I *was* getting bored. What, pray tell, is it you’re trying to do?”
  154. >”We’re stopping your reign once and for all, you monster!”
  155. >”Reins? How did- Hey, what I do in my bedroom is up to me!”
  156. >he held up a set of reins, a ball gag and some cat-themed lederhosen
  157. >”I call it the Germane sainted tabby set. It’s quite a rarity!”
  158. >”That reminds me of something,” Luna mused, “but I know not exactly what. But it makes me wish to speak all the same.”
  159. >”What even is going here!?” Celestia balked and rubbed her forehead. “And what even… just… *you!*”
  160. >”That wasn’t even a coherent sentence, so I don’t know,” Discord said, “but I’m sure it’s beside the point.”
  161. >Celestia sighed and didn’t even need to look
  162. >but she did anyway
  163. >there was a needle tip, next to Discord
  164. >he giggled and gestured to it
  165. >Luna and Celestia shared a glance, then the older sister threw up her arms and said, “I’ve had enough. Blast him with the Elements!”
  166. >”Because it worked so well the first time!” Discord chuckled and reclined on his distinctively table-like, beddish throne
  167. >the elements’ magic surrounded the pair, and rather than a single beam, a rainbow cascade struck the cackling chaos spirit, turning him to stone
  168. >”That seemed… easy,” Luna mused as she looked at her three elements of honesty, loyalty and generosity
  169. >Celestia folded her arms and sighed. “Master Starswirl did say he had gone unchallenged for a long time. He clearly didn’t realise the powers the Elements would afford us, nor that he could ever be defeated. Besides, let’s take this victory as chance success. I doubt all villains will just sit there and let us thwart them.”
  170. >”Did… Discord just wink at some imperceivable viewer? Is there someone hidden amidst this… fourth wall?”
  171. >Celestia looked around and shrugged. “I don’t even know any more. We won, that’s all that matters. Chaos is defeated and, with luck, harmony may now rein.”
  172. >she marvelled at her own elements of laughter, kindness and magic/friendship
  173. >a voice from behind said, “you did it!”
  174. >Clover the Clever stepped forth, clad as always in a fetching cloak
  175. >”Thanks to the elements, yes,” Celestia said. “Discord has been dealt with. I hope Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum and Chancellor Puddinghead can at last rule in peace.”
  176. >”About that,” Clover said and approached Celestia. “It has been decided that, as the first of your kind, the Alicorns of legend, you and Luna should rule.”
  177. >Celestia’s jaw dropped. “Uh, no. No, no, no. NO! I know nothing about ruling!”
  178. >Luna bit her lip. “And I’m still a teenager!”
  180. >”Yet you understand the people well. You know the hearty and durable earth bloods, the militant and swift pegasi and the mystical and regal unicorns. You both represent the best of our all our kin, and we need those who understand the plights of each as well. Master Starswirl has already set about naming you both Princesses of Equestria.”
  181. >Luna gasped. “Tia! Your hair!”
  182. >Celestia cocked an eyebrow and glanced around… not just pink hair met her, but… green? And blue!?
  183. >Clover smirked. “As if we needed any further proof! Your power has grown so strong, you’re radiant.”
  184. >Celestia gulped, and considered her future…
  185. >she wanted to defer to the three leaders of their peoples, but… something else told her that maybe this was the right thing to do
  186. >she remembered the cautionary tale told when the three leaders almost brought ruin with their bickering, and the Windigos…
  187. >a unifier… that’s what was needed
  188. >”Then let it be known… I, Princess Celestia, shall rule this nation, as much as I shall serve you all. And with my sister by my side, and you all guiding me, I shall strive to usher in an era of peace!”
  190. >“And it has been quite the era, hasn’t it?”
  191. >Celestia blinked, and looked around
  192. >Discord was currently inside Celestia’s damaged robe, within the display
  193. >Celestia rolled her eyes. “I should have known you would find a way to involve yourself in this.”
  194. >Discord blinked next to Celestia. “And why shouldn’t I? You’re making a rather big deal out of this ascension business, as if you’re the first being to ever do such a thing!”
  195. >Luna poked the chaos spirit and chastised, “my sister is worried and changing and I will not let you make this about yourself, Discord!”
  196. >Discord chuckled. “Ascending isn’t so bad. It’s like exploding! A lot of build up, then-“
  197. >Discord promptly exploded, then reappeared. “-you embody the aspect most akin to you. Sure, there are some rules now tied to your very being, and restrictions to your existence, but I consider it a net positive. I am chaos, you’ll be the sun!”
  198. >Celestia looked at the ground in thought, then grunted as she suddenly spurted up a few more inches
  199. >”You’re close to going supernova, my dear! I should get some sunscreen and a deck-chair!”
  200. >”Shut up,” Celestia hissed and snarled. “Leave me alone!”
  201. >”And I’ll get everyone’s going to enjoy watching you fill the sky with your ‘full figured’ and sunny disposition. The first adult peep-show best viewed through sunglasses!”
  202. >”I SAID GET OUT!!”
  203. >Celestia’s hair and eyes burst into glowing white fire, and Discord yelped and varnished in a puff of flame
  204. >she seethed and snarled as the museum smouldered and charred
  205. >Luna cried out, ”Tia! Stop! You’re hurting me!”
  206. >Celestia gasped as her eyes and hair returned to normal
  207. >and with a wave of her hand, the flames abated, and Luna held her charred dress and felt her small burns with tearful eyes
  208. >”I’m so sorry…” Celestia said and fell to her knees and covered her face in shame
  209. >Luna hugged her
  210. >and Celestia realised that, slumped and sitting as she was, her younger, 8ft, was the same height
  211. And pause
  213. >”I can’t tell if I’m becoming a goddess or a monster,” Celestia said, after calming down
  214. >”Tia, you are *not* a monster, nor are you becoming one,” Luna said as she continued to hold her older and more much larger sister. “We knew this would happen eventually, we simply did not know exactly of what it would entail.”
  215. >”A thousand, one hundred and eleven years…” Celestia mused and slowly stood. Her eyes went wide as she realised how close to the 15ft ceiling she was. “It felt so impossibly far away, to the point I had almost forgotten how long I had ruled Equestria.”
  216. >Luna reached up and put a gentle hand on Celestia’s hip. ”I don’t even know if I am merely a few years behind you, or if my shameful turn as Nightmare Moon has arrested my development in some way, but regardless, I will remain by your side throughout this, and with luck, we will be together in some form not long after.”
  217. >with a pink flash, Twilight appeared in a panic
  218. >”Princess Celestia!? The sun started burning brighter! What’s happ-“
  219. >Celestia’s pupil’s jaw went slack as she saw her mentor, dwarfing the still young princess of friendship’s normally impressive 7ft height
  220. >”Wh- what’s going on?”
  221. >Celestia sighed and knelt down, putting her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I was going to tell you in a little while … I am ascending.”
  222. >Twilight stammered for questions, but Celestia shook her head and just smiled
  223. >”I don’t fully understand what will happen to me, but this body is… as a shell, I suppose. It sounds as if I will stop being an alicorn and a princess, and become something more… mysterious, and esoteric. Discord makes it sound like I will become like him; an embodiment of an aspect. For me, I suppose I’ll become the sun itself, rather than simply in charge or it. But I am not yet ready to let go. I’m finding myself taken with nostalgia at the life I have lived.”
  224. >Twilight’s eyes grew wet. “You make it sound like you’re going away… I can’t lose you! You’re too important to me! To everyone!”
  225. >”If I can remain in some form, I will. I promise you, Twilight… my beloved, dearest student.” Celestia hugged Twilight as firmly as she dared. She felt extremely fragile, but it was just clear Celestia was growing continuously stronger
  226. >she continued, “I just don’t know what will happen to me. My body is being strained to its utmost, and my powers are developing rapidly. But I am glad you’re here.”
  227. >Luna approached and put a comforting hand on Twilight’s back. “As am I. Tia named you her successor, and I think it would be best for us to be here for her ascension. We shall witness her true form together, so that we may tell the people of her glory, and ease Equestria’s fears.”
  229. >Celestia looked at the Elements of Harmony display once more, and put her arms around both her sister and pupil
  230. >She smiled softly. ”I almost can’t believe how close I was from having neither of you here for this moment. It’s only been a scant few years since I not only saw my first pupil ascend on her own terms, but to have my sister returned to me not long before even that. I am blessed.”
  231. >Luna once more showed her remorse as they regarded the elements. “You had others, dear sister. A princess as unanimously loved as you.”
  232. >”To begin with, I suppose I did…”
  233. >beside the display was a long hall, filled with portraits and statues
  234. >each bore an individual that made Celestia’s heart grow warm, then she felt the sorrow… it has been so long…
  235. >”Your majesty,” said a deep voice. “I’m sorry to intrude…”
  236. >Celestia sniffled as she sat up on her throne
  237. >”My apologies, Sir Stratus,” she forced out, but kept glancing at the empty throne beside her
  238. >she still couldn’t believe she had banished her own sister just a week ago…
  239. >her sorrow was still strong, but abating, but the void her slow recovery was forming was difficult to understand
  240. >”Princess? I can return at a better time if you wish.”
  241. >once more, Celestia snapped her attention to the brawny pegasus knight in the room
  242. >”No, please! Stay. I… I don’t think being alone would help my mood. Walk with me, Stratus”
  243. >Celestia walked out of the throne room, with Stratus in tow
  244. >she eyes the rugged man with a smile. “What can I help you with.”
  245. >”I was sent to report that early negotiations with the griffons has been very productive. Your diplomatic efforts in stopping their attacks has been truly remarkable. We’re blessed to have you, princess.”
  246. >Celestia pursed her lips, annoyed but glad for the distraction. “They didn’t need to send Hurricane’s soon-to-be successor to tell me I’ve done a good job. A letter would have sufficed. What’s this really about?”
  247. >Stratus chuckled. “Damn you’re sharp, your majesty. Commander Hurricane wasn’t really sure if you were made of the story of stuff the griffons would respect. He may have agreed to let you rule, but he expected… well, someone more of Princess Platinum’s speed; dainty and a bit snooty.”
  248. >Celestia grabbed Stratus by his armoured collar and hoisted him up with one arm
  249. >he was a large man, and his armour was thick, but Celestia was always growing stronger
  250. >although, while she didn’t openly show it, she was struggling to keep him up aloft
  252. >”Commander Hurricane is welcome to contest my rule with a challenge of aerosol jousting. Just as Chancellor Puddinghead an eating contest, or Princess Platinum a magical duel; like both of them, Hurricane will fail.”
  253. >Stratus’s wide eyes and sudden sweating told Celestia she had done what she needed to, and dropped him to the ground
  254. >Celestia sighed. “I knew the three rulers didn’t *really* expect much of me. I’m sure despite what Master Starswirl told them, they expect a figurehead princess, a puppet to be bullied into letting any of them get away with what they wanted without taking the blame. But when you crowned me ruler of Equestria, I made a vow!”
  255. >Celestia’s horn glowed, her hair flowed and glittered, wings unfurled and she hovered for maximum effect
  256. >”I am Princess Celestia, and I *will* rule fairly, evenly and with all the kindness I can, but I shall broker no attempts to fracture this hard-earned peace! Woe betide those who dare to try!”
  257. >she landed and swallowed down the sorrow as she finished, “even, as you should all know, my own sister…”
  258. >”Duly noted, princess! I’m sorry!”
  259. >”Now, was there anything else?”
  260. >Stratus blinked and cleared his throat. “No, ma’am.”
  261. >Celestia couldn’t deny she felt… good letting that side of her take control for a time
  262. >empowered and bold
  263. >it felt *natural* but dangerous
  264. >she hesitated before looking Stratus in the eye and asked, “are you married, Sir Stratus?”
  265. >”N-no ma’am.”
  266. >”Good.”
  267. >she pinned him to the wall and kissed him, long and hard
  268. >he froze for a moment, then got into it as well
  269. >Celestia broke away and smirked. “Care to strengthen our diplomatic stance, Sir Stratus? Forge a stronger bond?”
  270. >”… yes ma’am.”
  271. >”My bedchambers, one hour.”
  272. >she walked away with a smirk
  274. >Celestia would serve her people
  275. >but she would *take* something in return… every once in a while
  276. >something… anything to abate the looming loneliness as the ruler of Equestria
  277. >Twilight mused as she looked at a row of seemingly random objects, and broke Celestia’s reverie of her more sultry memories
  278. >”I’ve been in this exhibit before, but I’ve never understood these particular items.”
  279. >”These were… people I was especially close with,” Celestia said
  280. >she blushed as she remembered Stratus more tenderly
  281. >it was the start of a wild period of her life
  282. >she was insatiable, but it was ultimately a form of coping with her loneliness after losing Luna
  283. >at once it was about projecting a sense of invulnerability and power
  284. >she would dominate in all things, social, physical and… romantically
  285. >Stratus was her first, and after banishing Luna, Celestia clung to him, even as he grew old
  286. >and when he passed, she felt that hollowness again; the sheer loss
  287. >so she took another man
  288. >the following time, a woman
  289. >she was especially interesting…
  290. >after all, she arrived at a time when Celestia was beginning to feel a little self-conscious
  291. >as if on cue, Celestia winced, and Luna and Twilight looked on with awe as Celestia spurted up a few more inches, now 16ft, and her hair pressed against the ceiling
  292. >it was appropriate… *that* particular girl was *very* instrumental in Celestia’s life
  294. >Celestia fidgeted on her throne
  295. >the thing with being a living goddess was she never seemed to stop growing, both upward and… outward
  296. >to begin with, it was fun, as it allowed her to loom and simply intimidate by presence without openly showing hostile intent
  297. >and having been a few years since her last romantic partner, Celestia has cast out the net and sought good-hearted and less stuffy individuals with which to court
  298. >”I’m sorry, your majesty,” said one prospect, “I’m flattered but… you’re a bit intimidating.”
  299. >for the first time in over a century, Celestia felt deeply self-conscious, and heavy, and bloated
  300. >her curves dwarfed every other citizen of Equestria, and only the tallest men stood equal to her 7’6” height, especially in this time where svelte and petite was all the rage
  301. >Celestia knew it was silly, letting these concerns get to her after all these years ruling the land, but after several people had turned her down so immediately?
  302. >she sighed as another concern passed by the court, and she gave a sensible, straightforward answer, and she received the same elaborate bow and offer of thanks spread across about two paragraphs of platitudes
  303. >this was her life
  304. >nobody, and nothing, challenged her
  305. >and everything was too ‘small’ for her to deal with
  306. >the court announcer cleared his throat and read the next court visitor; a prominent farm on the edges of Equestria
  307. >much to Celestia’s surprise, the announcer rolled his eyes; it must be a troublemaker
  308. >”Now presenting Ms. Cherry Presse, representative of the Presse family farm on the north-western frontier!”
  309. >a wild red and green haired, huge, brawny and heavy-set earth girl stepped forward
  310. >”Yer Ladyship, I ain’t gonna mince words or bend over so yer guards can get a gander at my butt! I’m gonna stand straight, tall and tell ya that you’ve gotta help my kinfolk real quick or we ain’t gonna survive the winter!”
  311. >the guards circled around Cherry, and the announcer sputtered and bellowed, “how dare you speak to the princess like that! Leave at once or we’ll use force!”
  312. >”SILENCE!!” Celestia bellowed in the Canterlot royal voice, driving everyone into silence. “Ms. Presse. Step forward.”
  313. >Cherry, who stood over everyone else and probably outweighed even the burliest guard present, smirked and stepped out of the gaggle of armour and bluster
  314. >Celestia stepped down from the raised platform, and the two moved close, each measuring the other
  315. >they were the same height, with Celestia having a slimmer frame against Cherry’s stouter, more muscular one, but their busts were clearly equal
  316. >Cherry looked Celestia up and down and smirked. “Not hidin’ behind yer goons? Well good! Ain’t proper to not look a person in the eye if y’all’ve got a problem! Air yer grievances, that’s what my pappy always says.”
  317. >”I hide behind no one,” Celestia said, “but many forget their place and ignore respect.”
  319. >”Ain’t gonna respect no princess that won’t get get her hands dirty is all. Most frontier folk don’t give half a chewed seed for you, ‘cause you don’t do squat for us!”
  320. >”Fine. Goad me if you wish, but I’ll not have you besmirch the empathy I have for my people.”
  321. >with a flash of yellow light, the pair were teleported to the new, wild frontier of north east Equestria
  322. >Cherry gasped and looked around. “Dang! Ain’t that somethin’! Last time I saw magic that fancy, aunty Papaya accidentally covered half the kitchen in gravy ‘cause she got too wild with the spoon!”
  323. >Celestia folded her arms. “So, what’s the problem and how can I help?”
  324. >”Oh, right!” Cherry smirked, then scratched the back of her wild red and green haired head. “So… it ain’t the Presse family that’s got a problem. It’s a rival farm of ours, the Plum’s? Too stubborn by half, those fools. Their grandpappy once got hurt by a unicorn and they’ve been against all magic since.”
  325. >Celestia frowned. “Then all that bluster and brow-beating was a ruse? Are you just wasting my time?”
  326. >”Take yer fancy talk and shove it; the Plum’s’re in real trouble, but they’re too stubborn to ask for it! We’ve been feudin’ and barkin’ for years, but they’re all sick! I’ve been tendin’ their crops on their behalf after dark and it’s gettin’ beyond the joke.”
  327. >Celestia cocked an eyebrow. “They’re your rivals, yet you’re helping them? That’s noble of you.”
  328. >Cherry shrugged. “It’s the right thing to do. Now, are you gonna help or not?”
  329. >Celestia pinched her brow and sighed. “I’m here, aren’t I? Can you please explain what you know about the Plum’s?”
  330. >”Right, so here’s the deal…”
  331. >the earth blooded Plum’s were outspoken critics of Celestia, and unicorns and magic users in general
  332. >but hating magic did little to stop them falling foul of it; they had contracted a magical pox and refused help from the Presse’s, who had a few unicorn members, even though were predominantly an earth family
  333. >The Plum’s just swore the Presse’s off
  334. >even more annoying was that the pox was easy to cure with a little magical therapy; daily contact with magic or consumption of lightly enchanted food magic drew the pox away, otherwise it stayed trapped inside and caused non-unicorns to feel sick and waste away
  336. >Celestia realised she couldn’t directly help The Plum’s
  337. >”So why am I even here? They won’t listen to me; I’m not blasting f but I’m the most powerful spellcaster in Equestria!” Celestia said with a huff
  338. >”For a high and mighty princess, I thought makin’ big decisions and bein’ tricky and such was your bread and butter? Use that glowy, horny head!”
  339. >Celestia pouted. “You’re infuriatingly blunt, Cherry.”
  340. >”No offence meant, Cel! It’s just our way out here on the frontier.”
  341. >Cherry wrapped an arm around Celestia
  342. >as frustrated as she was, Celestia hadn’t had any friendly contact for a long time
  343. >and the banter was… deeply refreshing after years of sycophants and enforced protocol
  344. >kind of how she had to act subtly different when visiting foreign lands, following their ways…
  345. >when on the frontier, act as a frontiersman…
  346. >Celestia smirked. “So, what you’re saying is that I should be thinking like a yokel?”
  347. >”Hey, I take offence to that, Cel! We ain’t yokels.”
  348. >”Maybe not you, but the Plum’s certainly are. I find it offensive they paint all magic users the same way.”
  349. >”It’s just we gotta user our wits to get outta problems out here most of the time! Sure, some of my family are unicorns but we still gotta keep the simple ways alive. If a someone’s sick, we can’t just magic up a cure; we gotta use the ol’ medicines. If a dog won’t swallow a pill, we won’t force it in’em, but we will stick it in a hunk of cheese so it won’t notice!”
  350. >Celestia’s pondered for a moment, then she snapped her fingers and eyes went wide. “Aha! Cherry, you’re the only two households for miles out here in the frontier, correct?”
  351. >”Sure are, Cel! You’ve got the look of a cat that’s got the cream! What’s goin’ on in that pretty, flowy-haired head of yours?”
  352. >Celestia smirked and her horn glowed, and she disguised herself into the form of a small, wizened old earth woman
  353. >”If you’re still feeling neighbourly, could you make some soup and bread? Enough to feed the Plum’s.”
  354. >”Oh, okay! Sure, but they won’t take anythin’ we make.”
  355. >”You leave that to me.”
  356. >after being left alone, Celestia approached and knocked on the Plum farmhouse door
  357. >and was met by a pale, sweating and shrivelled young woman
  359. >”H-hello? Who are you?”
  360. >Celestia felt a her heart ache; the girl looked awful
  361. >but Celestia was resolute
  362. >”Hello, young lady. Oh, goodness! You look unwell!”
  363. >”It’s because we are. You’d best keep away.”
  364. >the girl went to close the door, only for Celestia to put her foot in the way
  365. >”The least an old lady could do is give you some help. I could go whip up a batch of soup! Old earth recipe!”
  366. >”That would be great…” the girl said with a smile, but she then squinted. “You’re not from that magic tainted Presse family, are you?”
  367. >”Who’re they, dearie? No, I’m just passing through. Now, you go rest up, and I’ll be back in a jiffy!”
  368. >Celestia headed away, but noticed some prying eyes looking through windows of several family members
  369. >so Celestia took another route; distinctly away from the Presse farmhouse, and into a nearby forest
  370. >only then did Celestia break her disguise and teleport to the Presse farmstead
  371. >there she was introduced to Cherry’s family, who welcomed her in their gruff but personable way, before they finished cooking the soup and bread, and put it in a lidded pot
  372. >Celestia then lightly enchanted the food, and teleported back to the forest, adopted her grandmotherly guise, and walked back to the Plum farm
  373. >she delivered the soup and bread, then returned the Presse’s the same way
  374. >Celestia stayed with the Presse’s, and did the same the next day, returning to the Plum’s with more lightly enchanted food
  375. >the same girl answered the door, and returned the pot as she took the new prepared meal
  376. >”Thank you for doing this, Ms?”
  377. >Celestia smiled and said, “just call me granny! And you’re most welcome.”
  378. >”What was in that soup? We’ve never tasted anything like it.” Her eyes narrowed. “Nothing magical I hope…”
  379. >”All natural ingredients! Nothing funny going on in granny’s cooking! Well…”
  380. >Celestia grinned but covered her mouth in a mock scratch of her nose
  381. >”I think my wooden spoon was once touched by a man who once kissed a unicorn. I hope that ain’t too magical for you.”
  382. >”I… guess not.” The young, sickly woman said. “Thank you again.”
  384. >Celestia returned the next day, and did the same again
  385. >the young woman happily enjoying the meals, and each time, Celestia slowly added a little more magic to the food
  386. >and each time, the subtle power drew out the Plum’s magic pox
  387. >but it also made the girl suspicious
  388. >so Celestia gave another story
  389. >”No magic in my food! Although I guess the chopping board was from a tree that was felled by a unicorn…”
  390. >the next day…
  391. >”… I suppose my knife was once repaired by an earth blood man who’s grandpappy was a unicorn…”
  392. >and the next
  393. >”… the potatoes were grown by a unicorn, but tilled by hand, love and care, I’ll have you know!”
  394. >all the while, Celestia enjoyed the simple life amongst the Presse’s
  395. >Celestia hadn’t lived a normal life since she was a little girl
  396. >she relished it, and helped tend their farm as well
  397. >she became fast friends with the family
  398. >and… something about Cherry’s demeanour… that sense of being challenged, but with respect
  399. >this went on for a while, with Celestia mentioning increasingly closer contact claims of the delivered food with magic
  400. >one day, not only was the girl outside, but the rest of her family were tending the fields, all looking well and chipper
  401. >”Good afternoon, granny.”
  402. >”I hope you’re ready for a delicious stew! Made with-“
  403. >”Magic, right?”
  404. >Celestia froze for a moment. “Now, now! You know me, I-“
  405. >”Princess Celestia, don’t insult me. I was well enough to go over to the Presse farm to thank them for working our land, and I saw you with them. And the sudden appearance of a mysterious old lady living in the woods, even though it’s far too dangerous? Call me ignorant I’d you want, but don’t call me stupid.”
  406. >Celestia shrugged and returned to her natural form. “Point taken. I trust you are well again?”
  407. >”You tricked us into touching- no, *eating* magic!” the girl snapped
  408. >Celestia may have been surprised at being caught out, but without the pretence of hiding her intentions, she didn’t so much as blink at the remark
  409. >”I asked you a question,” Celestia continued
  410. >the girl scowled, then looked at her family. “Yes.”
  412. >”I heard from Cherry how your parents were on deaths door before my intervention,” Celestia said and placed the stew pot on the doorstep of the farm. “I care little for your prejudices against unicorns. I care even less of your preconceptions of me, but let me make one thing absolutely clear.”
  413. >Celestia walked up to the girl and looked over her, and glared
  414. >and after a moment, put a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulder
  415. >”No matter what, I care about you. All of you. You may be my subjects, but I am *your* princess, and sometimes one must be cruel to be kind. I see that now more than ever.”
  416. >the girl tried to latch Celestia’s gentle stare, but relented and looked down at her feet in shame
  418. >”I know you have your reasons for hating magic,” Celestia went on. “But letting yourself and those you love come to harm out of spite, no matter how justified your hatred of magic may seem from an older family member’s own experiences, isn’t the way. Now, you can continue to loathe me as you wish, but please try get on with the Presse family. I wouldn’t be here if not for their impassioned demand for my help, and you might not be either. You’ll be stronger together.”
  419. >Celestia walked away
  420. >”Princess?”
  421. >Celestia turned and looked over her shoulder
  422. >the girl looked at the stew pot, her family, then back at Celestia. She whispered, ”thank you…”
  423. >Celestia offered a small smile, then teleported back to the Presse farm
  424. >things certainly changed
  425. >the Plum’s arrived the next day, full of humbleness and regret
  426. >and of course, both families being frontier tough, but breaking that hard exterior, they got along like a house on fire
  427. >as the families mingled, Celestia sat outside and smiled at the sharing of camaraderie within
  428. >Cherry noticed her and sauntered over, full of fine and good cheer, sat beside Celestia and put a friendly arm around her shoulders
  429. >”Y’all should be gettin’ in there! This is all thanks to you!”
  430. >”I simply did what was needed, Cherry. It was you who fought and got my attention, and forced me to get involved. I could have demanded the Plum’s to get cured from afar, but by getting involved personally, and hearing your desire to get along… the Plum’s are better people for it. This victory is yours, Cherry.”
  431. >Celestia put her arm around Cherry in return
  432. >”I’m going to miss this. And you,” Celestia said with a sigh
  433. >Cherry’s expression sank. “Do ya really gotta go?”
  434. >”I’m Equestria’s ruler. I understand the importance of learning, seeing and *feeling* the plights of my people, I still need to stand higher, and observe more to see further. It lacks the personal touch, but there are many people who need my help.”
  435. >”I get it, yer important and ya help folk… but who helps you?”
  437. >Celestia blinked and looked across at Cherry
  438. >”Y’all may be an all-powerful princess,” the earth girl continued, “but one tree don’t make a bridge. Makes a pretty crappy ladder too.”
  439. >”It’s my place” Celestia said, and gave a forlorn smile. “I cannot deny it; I was given this power for a reason, and I shall not see it squandered. Too many people rely on me.”
  440. >”Hogwash! That ain’t fair! You deserve a chance to live too!”
  441. >”I have ruled for 250 years, and almost all of that alone. I’ve had partners for a time, but it’s always political. I’ve simply become used to it.”
  442. >”Then to hay with it!” Cherry folded her arms beneath her impressive bust and stared at Celestia. “I’ll stick with you as long as I live! You saved not just the Plum’s, but now the Presse’s are friends, they’ll be fine together. Sounds to me like *you* need help now. I’ll be your friend. No guff ‘bout no princess this or royalty that; just Cherry and Cel!”
  443. >Celestia stared at the big, full figured woman
  444. >she again remembered how normal she felt living with them for this past week
  445. >so Celestia nodded. “I’d love that.”
  446. >”Then it’s settled!” Cheery winked. “Lemme go get a few things and tell my family.”
  447. >Celestia watched as Cherry turned towards the door, and a compulsion took over
  448. >Celestia slapped Cherry on the butt, and watched as the full, jiggly mass wobbled
  449. >”Sweet mercy!” Cherry exclaimed and blushed. “The heck got into you!”
  450. >”One tree might make a ‘crappy ladder’,” Celestia said with a huge grin, “but you’re welcome to ‘climb me’ if you so choose.”
  451. >Cherry stared blankly at the euphemism, so Celestia pinned Cherry to the wall kissed her
  452. >Cherry was surprised, then got into it, until they began to let their hands roam each others bodies
  453. >”What I mean to say is that a friend would be great,” Celestia said as she pulled away. “But I could use something more.”
  454. >”I- I ain’t been with a girl before… I ain’t been with much of anyone before. Everyone’s too scared of me, ‘cause I’m so big. I was worried I was gonna be a spinster…”
  455. >”i haven’t been with a girl either,” Celestia said with a giggle. “But I’ve been bored and lonely for a long time. How would you like your first to be a princess?”
  456. >the usually cocksure Cherry began to turn as red as her namesake. ”Ain’t this gonna be a scandal or some such?”
  457. >”You make it sound like I care what people think any more,” Celestia said. She pulled Cherry back from the wall, and spun her towards the door. “Now get your delectable inside inside and get your things.”
  458. >”Yes ma’am, princess ma’am!”
  460. >so began the first open relationship Celestia ever had
  461. >people knew about Stratus, but it all took place behind closed doors, and suspected about her second lover, but Cherry Presse was her lover and confident for all to see
  462. >she was officially Celestia’s advisor, and the official representative of the frontier
  463. >her no-nonsense style and sharp wit served Celestia well
  464. >and she relished in Celestia’s size as well; Cherry hasn’t ever been with someone as big as her
  465. >after Cherry passed, and as Celestia grew bigger, the princess never forgot that boldness, the unashamed presence that Cherry had helped her remember to stay true to who she was
  466. >Celestia stared at the display representing Cherry, and while the pang of sorrow was still there, she felt happy
  467. >Cherry helped finish cementing some of Celestia’s most important traits
  468. >that truky was when Celestia became who she was today,
  469. >more than anyone else, Cherry forced her to stop caring about constantly being a princess to all
  470. >even if those that became close to Celestia still often struggled with talking with Celestia naturally, Cherry helped Celestia understand how to separate station from the individual
  471. >Celestia looked down at Twilight, and smiled
  472. >sometimes the things Celestia learned from Cherry came and went, and Twilight fell victim to putting Celestia on a pedestal, but she knew Twilight had this lesson learned from the outset
  473. >Celestia gasped and felt her power soar again
  474. >her body bulged and swelled all over again
  475. >soon, 16ft was a memory as she shuddered bigger
  476. >her hair pulsed a burning white before settling on fiery versions of her normal pink, blue and green
  477. >and her eyes glowed purple as her growth slowed
  478. >Luna and Twilight looked up in awe at the now 20ft princess, soon to be sun goddess
  479. >it was going to happen, and it was going to happen soo
  480. >but there were a couple more things Celestia had to do and see
  482. >Celestia carried on her drive to get involved and keep in touch with the people from that moment on, and never forgot how important it was to pay attention to events, but not use force to achieve it; letting the people learn and grow was the most important aspect
  483. >not that it stopped people being afraid of her
  484. >although how much I’d that was Celestia’s size was up for debate
  485. >by the time she lost her beloved Cherry Presse, Celestia had finally stopped growing
  486. >well… *upward*, anyway
  487. >the big-eating, hard working Cherry had also instilled a love of cake in Celestia
  488. >and her alicorn body responded by allowing her to put weight on in all the right areas
  489. >Celestia was used to having to be careful in tight spaces
  490. >and not trusting ‘normal’ furniture
  491. >suffice it to say, being big was a double edged sword
  492. >between that and her magical prowess, and learning to ‘wield’ her size and power, this was when Celestia struck a balance
  493. >showing kindness to all, but always using her magic and 8ft, full figured self to keep people just off guard ‘enough’
  494. >and definitely maintaining an air of high authority, especially when it came to the other species; an aura of mystique was important, as magic was so ingrained into Equestrian society
  495. >Celestia crawled farther along the displays, to when her rule stabilised; flags, statues of her full figure, memorial trinkets and more lined the walls
  496. >Luna smiled. “Ah… truly, sister, this was when you had perfected your style of rule.”
  497. >Twilight nodded. “Yes! The beginning of the greatest era in Equestrian history. When the frontier was settled, the other nations had forged treaties and our borders were well defended, and almost everyone lived an idyllic quality.”
  498. >Celestia couldn’t help but blush as she continued her slow advancement through the displays
  499. >she didn’t plan to stop here, but her sister and dearest pupil were caught in the moment, but Celestia just considered it a period of maintenance; idyllic, yes, but straightforward
  500. >what she wanted to see before her ascension were the moments which seemed to now form her ‘Twilight’ years, she supposed
  501. >pun partially intended
  502. >diplomatic meetings with the many other species beyond Equestria’s borders were frequent, and she was only one woman, and often had to delegate due to how many appointments she had begun to accrue, and formed a circle of skilled diplomats, each of which Celestia had trained personally
  503. >with her own occasional appearances only being needed on rare occasions, and instead with Celestia remaining in Canterlot, things were running smoothly
  504. >by the time she’d reached her 500th year, she actually had time on her hands
  505. >so she began teaching magic at the School for Gifted Unicorns
  506. >Celestia reached the exhibit all about her time as a teacher
  507. >many moments in this hall tugged at Celestia’s heartstrings
  508. >but this…
  509. >Celestia felt the tears flow
  511. >the pictures, both drawn and later by photograph, of Celestia and her many students
  512. >from the crude but heartfelt art from the prodigal, youngest unicorns
  513. >all the way up to those many graduates, standing proud beside Celestia
  514. >there was even a section dedicated to Twilight, with the adjoined smaller display of her accomplishments and position as Equestria’s future ruler
  515. >but one of the last pictures gave Celestia pause for thought
  516. >while she had taught many unicorns, several were so gifted, like Twilight, that Celestia took them under her wing on a personal, one-to-one mentorship
  517. >Celestia was close to all of her students, but some were like family
  518. >no, they *were* family
  519. >so this picture was the one student who gave Celestia her deepest wound
  520. >things had improved, and Celestia was proud once more, but at the time, it nearly drove Celestia into her old, isolationist ways
  521. >Sunset Shimmer
  522. >Sunset had technically graduated, in all but the ceremony and official recognition
  523. >Celestia sighed as she looked at the graduation certificate
  524. >it was signed and ready, but Celestia certainly wasn’t
  525. >because Sunset clearly wasn’t either
  526. >not any more
  527. >her once admirable drive for self improvement had spoiled into a smug, self assured certainty for greatness
  528. >failing to understand that those around you defined you, not your own power
  529. >Celestia thought in those that had brought her this far
  530. >her early conquests like Discord, afforded thanks to Luna’s help
  531. >her relationship with Stratus may have been a dominant one, but never malicious, and was born of respect at a time when the three races of Equestria needed her to be such a figure; strong, assured and wilful
  532. >and of course Cherry provided her namesake on top of these lessons; to always have that personal touch, the close connection with your people, as well as friends and even lovers
  533. >but Sunset saw these connections as a weakness in the pursuit of power
  535. >especially ever since she saw herself in the magic mirror; a dangerously misleading yet prophetic object
  536. >and Celestia was the only person Sunset respected
  537. >and even that was tenuous
  538. >like her adventures with Cherry, Celestia decided she needed to try and connect to Sunset
  539. >so Celestia adopted a new guise; a promising young unicorn girl with two-toned purple and pink hair
  540. >and she sought out Sunset in her usual haunt; the restricted area of the Canterlot Library
  541. >Sunset wasn’t the most studious, but the allure of forbidden knowledge still drew her like a moth to a flame
  542. >Celestia waited outside the forbidden section, idly paging trough a book she had read literally a hundred times; Advanced Transfiguration and it’s Correlation to Wild Magic by Starswirl the Bearded
  543. >typical reading for a gifted student
  544. >Sunset left the forbidden section, and the gate closed itself behind her
  545. >Celestia stood and gasped. “Wow, you’re allowed in the Forbidden section! Cool!”
  546. >Sunset cocked an eyebrow at her, but went to leave the library without a word
  547. >Celestia pursued. “What kind of favours did you have to pull to get in there!? I’m Violet Nebula, by the way.”
  548. >Sunset eyed her and sighed as she finally relented
  549. >”Sunset Shimmer. And I’m Princess Celestia’s *personal* apprentice.”
  550. >”Wow, really? I’m so jealous!” ‘Violet’ said. “You must be amazing at magic!”
  551. >Sunset smirked. “Yep.”
  553. >Violet didn’t drop her innocent exuberance as she said, “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m gifted as well. It’s why I’ve moved to Canterlot to deepen my studies and make new friends!” The happy demeanour faded. “It’s just a shame I had to leave all my old ones behind… I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.”
  554. >Sunset huffed. “You don’t need them. You know that, right? If anything, they were holding you back.”
  555. >”I only grew as a unicorn because of them. Trust me, having others to rely upon and support me-“
  556. >Sunset laughed. “Uh huh. Whatever, Violet. I’ll tell you what; let’s see what you’re capable of. Let’s go outside and see how powerful you really are.”
  557. >Celestia winced; this wasn’t how this was supposed to go
  558. >”There’s no need for conflict! I just want to-“
  559. >”Oh, but I insist,” Sunset said and, with a flash of her horn, she teleported them both outside, beyond Canterlot’s walls
  560. >”Let’s start easy,” Sunset continued
  561. >she wrenched a tree out of the ground with her telekinesis
  562. >”Sunset, I just wanted to talk. There’s no need to-“
  563. >”You wanna talk, then prove you’re worth my time.”
  564. >the arrogance and forcefulness was in full swing
  565. >nonetheless, Celestia sighed and, with a flash of her horn, also pulled a tree out of the ground
  566. >she then returned the tree to the ground and patted down the soil
  567. >Sunset laughed. ”Oh, one-upping me, huh? Fine.”
  568. >she picked up the first uprooted tree, and ripped it into pieces
  569. >the pieces swirled, stripping and shaping down into smaller sections
  570. >with a final flourish, they formed a couple of picnic tables
  571. >”Top that!” Sunset said, looking smug
  572. >Celestia sighed, and teleported ingredients across Equestria to make an elaborate, exotic spread for a lunch
  573. >unbeknownst to Sunset, Celestia also teleported enough bits from the royal coffers to cover the cost to their appropriate locations
  574. >the strain of such rapid, precise teleportation, especially doubled with paying, made her Violet guise flicker as Celestia’s magic was tested
  575. >her form stretched taller for a split second, but thankfully Sunset was too distracted with the rapid appearance of all the elaborate food and drink
  576. >once Celestia refocused and raises her disguise, she smiled as Violet and said, “so, can we sit and talk?”
  577. >”Not yet! Let’s try something *really* difficult!”
  578. Pause for now. I’ve been lagging behind, sorry
  580. >Sunset visibly strained as she called upon all her magic
  581. >several more trees were uprooted and begun to split
  582. >and rocks were pulled from the high cliffs around the mountainous approach to Canterlot
  583. >then came clay from deep in the earth, and Sunset began to construct a fortress from the wood and stone
  584. >Celestia couldn’t help but be impressed; she knew Sunset was powerful, but the combined precision, strength and broad use of telekinetic might on display was potentially even beyond Celestia’s skill
  585. >but the taken material for the task caused the ground to tremor
  586. >shale and pebbles bounced and tricked down the cliff as the walls of the dirt began to take hold
  587. >and then a large boulder, and looked to be heading right for Sunset
  588. >Celestia yelled, ”Look out!”
  589. >Sunset glanced up and teleported out of harms way, but a full scale avalanche began to build
  590. >the incomplete fort was crushed, and both Celestia and Sunset retreated
  591. >but the ongoing carnage spread, heading towards the civilian road, with several travellers who had stopped to watch the magical display
  592. >Celestia called out, ”we have to get them to safety!”
  593. >any arrogance and pride from Sunset fell away, exposing the good soul beneath as the student nodded
  594. >they both began deflecting rocks while teleporting anyone nearby away from the road, depositing them in Canterlot
  595. >not then the cascade drew nearer to the city itself, and rocks began falling into the outer barracks
  596. >they combined their magic to form a telekinetic barrier, but the crushing debris continued to bombard the area
  597. >Sunset struggled but persevered
  598. >Celestia was having to dig deep as well
  599. >she couldn’t maintain her disguise as her Violet persona flickered
  600. >once more she stretched taller and fuller in figure, until she dwarfed her student as the ruler of Equestria
  601. >the tumbling rocks finally abated, and we’re cast aside
  602. >which was more than could be said between the mentor and student
  603. >”What were you thinking!?” Celestia chastised, “Moving that much material from beneath the cliff? You should know better than that!”
  604. >Sunset scowled. “Fine, I made a mistake, but I knew it was you! At least I’m not trying to trick other people into acting how I want them to instead of *embracing* their differences!”
  606. >Celestia sighed and calmed herself. ”I’m just trying to impart the harder lessons I’ve had to learn. I want you to understand just how important forging connections-“
  607. >”This again!?” Sunset groaned. “Not everyone is like you, Celestia! Stop trying to make me *you!*”
  608. >”I’m not! I just-“
  609. >”You refuse to accept that maybe I don’t want to make friends! Maybe that I’m content doing things my way! You know how strong I am!”
  610. >Sunset became quieter, but still seathed. “Look, I’m grateful to the lessons, the training and nurturing. But you know the destiny that awaits me, the vision of the future self I saw, so stop holding me back! Let me become the person I want to be! Let me make my own mistakes and overcome them! Let me be *me!*”
  611. >an uncomfortable silence fell between the pair, but Celestia responded first
  612. >”But then who stops you going too far?” Celestia put an arm around Sunset’s shoulders. “Who catches you when you fall? Let *me* at least try to guide you.”
  613. >Sunset sneered and pulled away. “Right, because you’re *so* good at *not* being the centre of attention, or always being right! I get it, you’ve lived for a long time, but the fact you think you’re incapable of making mistakes is ridiculous! It’s always gotta be *your* way! What happens if someone deviates, and tries to strike out towards their own destiny? Are you going to do to me what you did to Luna?”
  614. >Celestia stepped back as if she’d been struck
  615. >she might as well have, with the way her heart froze
  616. >after another laboured silence, Celestia felt her eyes grow wet, but a fury built inside of her
  617. >”So be it.”
  618. >Celestia teleported away, and hid herself from anyone else for hours, unsure how to proceed
  620. >as night drew in, Celestia went to apologise
  621. >Sunset was right; maybe she had been coddling her, and expecting her own standards rather than letting Sunset be the unicorn she wanted to be
  622. >she approached Sunset’s room, and knocked on the door, but silence greeted her
  623. >”Sunset? I’d like to talk about earlier… Sunset?”
  624. >Celestia opened the door
  625. >it was empty
  626. >a quick scan of the room revealed little else was missing
  627. >except Sunset’s journal
  628. >another sign of Celestia’s attachment; anything written within would reveal itself in a duplicate in Celestia’s possession
  629. >mostly it was used for quick messages, or Celestia checking and correcting homework when she was away in official duties
  630. >Celestia already knew where Sunset had gone
  631. >away from her influence, outside of her control
  632. >Celestia teleported herself to the magic mirror that had shown Sunset this supposed destiny of hers
  633. >she approached it, and tapped it, watching as the surface rippled and glowed
  634. >a strange world lay beyond the mirror
  635. >she could have pursued, and brought Sunset back
  636. >but instead, Celestia sighed; she wasn’t familiar with the other world, and she had no way of knowing where Sunset might have gone
  637. >and Sunset knew that… she did this for that very reason
  638. >so Celestia stepped away
  639. >perhaps there would come a time when Sunset would ask for help, but their final conversation repeated in her mind
  640. >”It’s now your mistake to make, my student. Or perhaps still mine. Maybe we’re both to blame…”
  641. >with one final glance at the magic mirror, Celestia left
  642. >and to begin with, as the hours passed by, she regularly checked her copy of the journal
  643. >but nothing appeared inside
  644. >and Celestia refused to write to Sunset either, out of fear of pushing her student further away
  645. >and eventually, when the portal closed, she only checked every other day
  646. >then every week
  647. >but nothing
  648. >Celestia had no choice but to assume this was what Sunset wanted
  649. >so she returned to teaching, and would not feel a connection like this until a certain young unicorn hatched a dragon egg for her test, and lost control of her enormous potential for magic, and Celestia knew it was time to try again…
  651. >”I know I’m not dying,” the still enormous, 20ft Celestia said, “and that I’m simply growing into the next phase of my life, but I cannot say I’ve lived a life without regrets.”
  652. >Luna and Twilight rested their hands on Celestia’s arm
  653. >Celestia smiled down at her sister, and the pupil who would succeed her, and was as a daughter to her
  654. >”Sunset may have not started on her own path in the best of ways,” Twilight said. “But I know her well and keep in contact with her, and I can safely say that things turned out for the best. She’s thriving as a tremendous person, bordering a princess, in the other world. No matter what happened, she still learned a great deal from you.”
  655. >Luna nodded. “And despite what happened between us, dear sister, it was as much my own fault for not speaking up. And t’is but water ‘neath the bridge now. Let our prior grievances not colour your future… *our* future.”
  656. >Twilight continued, “I’d say that I n the great scale of things, we couldn’t be happier with any of your choices.”
  657. >Celestia’s heart ached
  658. >but then it thumped
  659. >she gasped and her eyes flashed
  660. >her hair glowed white
  661. >more alarmingly, her skin produced cracks that seeped light like sunshine, and the already overtaxed makeshift clothes blacked and burned from the intense heat
  662. >with a loud cry, Celestia forced her powers back under control, and these changes reverted
  663. >but with a grunt, and with her powers still trying to become stronger, Celestia instead swelled outward
  664. >already sitting, her head presses against the ceiling, forcing her to slouch lower
  665. >the smooth marble floor cracked under Celestia’s weight as her body expanded
  666. >the last remnants of her burnt clothes burst away from her massive body
  667. >she flopped onto her belly, with her huge breasts slamming down with enough force to topple Luna and Twilight nearby from the tremor
  668. >several displays were bumped aside from her hips as they filled most of the walkway, and her legs extended back down to Cherry’s display
  669. >with a few more moments of steady, but slowing, growth, Celestia panted and recovered her bearings; that was a hell of a growth spurt
  670. >she was now 30ft tall
  671. >Celestia carefully picked Luna and Twilight up, helping them to their feet
  672. >”That was close,” Twilight said. “For a second I thought you were going to outgrow the hall!”
  673. >Celestia went to say something assuring, only for her to wince and grow another foot bigger
  674. >and another… and a third
  675. >she could feel more inside
  676. >”I don’t think I can delay my ascension any longer.”
  678. >”Sister,” Luna said softly and tried to hug Celestia, but could only awkwardly hold Celestia’s hand. “I still do not know if I am prepared for what is to come, I dare to imagine how it must be for you.”
  679. >Twilight joined Luna in reassuring Celestia, and said, “but we’ll be okay. No matter what happens.”
  680. >Celestia wept and gently pulled her closest family to her bosom; she didn’t care if it was awkward
  681. >”I know… I love you both, and I know you’ll do fine. Equestria’s safe in your hands, and as soon as I find a way to return, I’m whatever form I take as the spirit of the sun, I shall. Goodbye, for now.”
  682. >Celestia closed her eyes and teleported them outside, with Luna and Twilight appearing in the balcony of Celestia’s bedroom
  683. >Celestia herself appeared in the large fields between Canterlot and Ponyville
  684. >and she let it happen
  685. >with her power still suppressed from the precious growth spurt, it first hammered against her mortal form
  686. >Celestia violently swelled in size
  687. >her curves expanded to absurd sizes, with her breasts hanging down as low as her hips, as she hit 40ft
  688. >the ground trembled at 50ft
  689. >she screamed in a combination of pain and defiance as the suppression finally began to crumble
  690. >as she hit 60ft, the grass at her feet burnt and smouldered in an ever widening circle
  691. >her hair and eyes blazed like white fire as she reached 70ft
  692. >Celestia unfurled her glowing wings, which were wreathed in the same white fire, and she took flight
  693. >bigger and bigger she grew, and a corona of flame encircled her
  694. >she resembled the sun itself as more and more people looked to the skies over Equestria
  695. >and as she reached the zenith of her flight, she flashed and exploded in a sphere of magical sunlight, just as Discord said she would
  696. >fear and panic spread at the event in everyone beside two princesses, who looked at one another, and nodded
  697. >there was a country to reassure, and a celebration to conduct in honour of Equestria’s longest standing, and much beloved, ruler
  698. >Princess Celestia had passed, and lost one of the greatest people it would ever know
  699. >but the universe would gain a goddess in its stead
  701. >time passed
  702. >but what was time?
  703. >vast spans of emptiness, both literal and metaphorical, interspersed by tiny objects of little importance
  704. >they amused her for a time, but she grew bored
  705. >though one especially persistent sphere seemed to reach the same point around her at a strangely pleasing sense of regularity
  706. >she looked closer
  707. >a mostly blue sphere, with lands largely consisting of greens and some golden yellows, spots of white
  708. >far less uniform than the others
  709. >she wanted a closer look, but her resplendence would obliterate the tiny sphere if she *actually* visited it
  710. >so she conjured an extension of her form, an avatar
  711. >full figured female, white hair with a subtle flow of colours that flowed and flickered like flame, and glowing purple eyes
  712. >she appeared somewhere on the surface
  713. >mortals gasped and recoiled in fear
  714. >a grand temple stood around her
  715. >all celebrating an… oddly familiar figure
  716. >she was *almost* as glamorous as she was
  717. >one brave mortal stood, only as high as her knee
  718. >”W-who are you?”
  719. >the peon wanted a name
  720. >how amusing
  721. >she floated and spread her arms and wings in a divine display and bellowed, “I am the Sun. Giver of life itself! I am Sol!”
  722. >a pink flash occurred nearby, and a regal, *somewhat* impressive woman appeared
  723. >”Celestia?”
  724. >”Who?” Sol asked. “You presume to simply hurl mortal names at me and expect me to care?”
  725. >the name seemed familiar though…
  726. >”It’s you, or at least who you were,” the regal woman said, and slowly approached but looked upset. “Don’t you remember me? It’s me, Twilight Sparkle.”
  727. >*that* name
  728. >Sol gasped
  729. >a tiny, bright eyed unicorn girl appeared in Sol’s mind
  730. >such a precious thing
  731. >Sol’s heart ached as she stared at the woman
  732. >”M-my student…?”
  733. >Sol, no… Celestia…?
  734. >Solestia shrank
  735. >as appropriately grand as her size was, it interfered with her greatest desire at that moment
  736. >so she matched Twilight’s size, and hugged her
  737. >Twilight laughed as she teared up
  738. >”It’s been years!”
  739. >”It has?” Solestia whispered and pulled back. “I… don’t remember…
  740. >the mature and beautiful Twilight smiled warmly at the Spirit of the Sun
  741. >”Ten years, to be precise” Twilight clarified. “There’s so much we need to catch up on!”
  742. >”I’d like that,” Solestia said and smiled as fragments of her memories flowed back. “I do not know much of this… Celestia of yours.”
  743. >she gasped as she at least recalled something important
  744. >“What of… Luna?”
  745. >”She’s dealing with her daily duties. We’re both just maintaining the amazing kingdom you left for us to look after. We’re in important talks with- you know what? It’s not important right now, at least nothing for you to worry about.”
  747. >”I suppose so,” Solestia said. She felt very sheepish all of a sudden. “I feel ill prepared to meet she who was once my flesh and blood… I worry I am not yet myself. I may cause distress if I arrive and cannot fully remember my own sister.”
  748. >Twilight smiled. “Funny you should mention that. I happen to know of this grand exhibit beneath Canterlot Castle that just might help.”
  749. >they teleported into a grand hall, filled with all sorts of objects, pieces of art and seemingly random brick-a-brac
  750. >Twilight first presented a picture
  751. >a crude depiction of a green field, with a scattering of flowers
  752. >and a deep blue sky
  753. >Solestia’s eye was drawn to one particular spot
  754. >”This painting is most simple… but I quite fancy the depiction of the sun. It’s my favourite part.”
  755. >Twilight grinned and said, “allow me to tell you a story; once upon a time, there was a very special young girl… her name was Celestia…”
  756. The end

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT