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Adagio and The Vestal Chalice (WIP)

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2023-03-20 22:37:44
Updated: 2023-03-20 22:49:04
Expiry: Never

  1. She set it ablaze...
  2. "Finally... after years of waiting... it's finally mine... my revenge... comes TODAY!"
  3. Suddenly, memories flashed through her head
  4. >After losing her powers to those pesky horse girls, Adagio Dazzle sought a way to regain power of any kind and use it to destroy the people who stripped everything away from her
  5. >Long did she look, and long did she act
  6. >And even longer did Adagio hide herself from others
  7. >Losing her powers left Adagio in a state of quiet rage for a long time
  8. >Her sisters handled it quite well at the time, realizing the error of their manipulative ways and figuring that the only thing they can do now is try to assimiliate with humankind and beg for forgiveness
  9. >But Adagio couldn't believe it
  10. >She had been robbed of the two things she'd wanted
  11. >Power, and a way home
  12. >Adagio understood the reasoning behind both of her sisters' course corrections
  13. >And she thought it was pathetic
  14. >Weak, even
  15. >But out of committment to them as the oldest and most competent of the three, she reluctantly saved face with them
  16. >Spending months clearing their names
  17. >Writing music from scratch
  18. >Living off of starving artist salaries shared amongst 3 people
  19. >Practices, rehearsals, revisions, recordings
  20. >All brought about by effort and practice
  21. >Practice and effort exerted over long stretches of time
  22. >Luckily, it paid off sooner rather than later
  23. >It wasn't long until a year or so had passed, and their reputations had turned around to everyone around them, almost
  24. >Except for those two-faced magic using sluts that still held a grudge against Adagio and her sisters
  25. >Even though THEY had taken her powers away
  26. >And THEY put her through possibly the worst periods of her historical life
  27. >Yet they had the audacity to accuse Adagio of using some form of stupid magic time loop on them
  28. >At the time, Adagio was able to play it off and reassure those harlots that the Dazzlings could have never done such a thing
  29. >Not that they trusted her.
  30. >She had her mind violated and her privacy intruded in the most sacred and secure place anyone can hide: her mind
  31. >After the hypocritical horse raped her mind for information and found nothing, they knew the Dazzlings were no longer a threat
  32. >Little did they know though, that Adagio isn't one to fall to simple, pathetic tricks like that
  33. >Nor is she one to use a simple time loop to defeat her enemies
  34. >No
  35. >She can play the long game...
  36. >She had to...
  37. >But little did Adagio know, it'd only take another year
  38. And a year passed sooner than even Adagio could've guessed
  39. >Almost immediately after that run in with the bacon haired human, she finally went all in with her revenge
  40. >She abandoned her sisters
  41. >Her love for them was strong
  42. >But revenge burnt much stronger
  43. >Besides, they were decently well off now that they had turned things around
  44. >Plus, all they'd done in the past was hold her back
  45. >Adagio would ensure that would never happen again
  46. >She searched through archives, looking for forbidden artifacts
  47. >Books containing secrets rumored to lead to treasures that contained power beyond comprehension>Neglecting her health for days at a time
  48. >All for the sake of revenge
  49. >She even considered taking steroids at some point after looking it up online
  50. >Adagio searched and searched everywhere she could
  51. >From libraries, to internet forums, to academics themselves until she finally came upon something quite intriguing one faithful afternoon, and in the most strange of places...
  52. "The Vestal Chalice..." Adagio says, intently reading out loud a label on a rather royal looking cup, her view partially obscured by the hoodie wrapped tightly around her head
  53. >"Yeah. We got this not too long ago, not sure where it came from. it probably wasn't even meant for here, honestly, but who am I to deny the opportunity for some shiny new product, eh?" The shopkeeper tells Adagio
  54. "Mhm." Adagio sarcastically answers back, still looking at the golden goblet, whose base and widest parts contained 7 awe-inspiring gems held in between the confines of silver rings. The jewels contained within almost served as extra grip.
  55. >The shopkeeper seemed to notice Adagio's infatuation
  56. >"Want me to ring that up for you along with everything else?" he asks
  57. >Suddenly, Adagio remembers where she's at
  58. >She blushes, half annoyed, half embarassed
  59. "How much is it?" she asks
  60. >The shopkeeper puts two fingers to his chin and thinks
  61. >"Hmm... 50 bucks?" he suggests
  62. "25." Adagio negotiates
  63. >"No." the shopkeeper fires back
  64. "30." Adagio tries again
  65. >"Still nope." the shopkeeper is stubborn
  66. "35, and I'm NOT going any higher." Adagio firmly states
  67. >"And why should I negotiate with YOU?" the shopkeeper asks
  68. "Because if this thing really is valuable and it doesn't belong to you, I'll call the police and make sure NEITHER of us have it." Adagio spits viciously
  69. >The shopkeeper raises a brow
  70. >"35 it is." he concedes.
  71. >He begins to start ringing up the Chalice along with Adagio's other items from this shop
  72. "I'm glad we could come to an agreement." Adagio smugly smiles
  73. >"Sure. Whatever. You're lucky business hasn't been the best lately." he says as he finishes ringing up Adagio.
  74. >"That'll be 125 smackaroos" he says
  75. "ARE YOU INS- ahem. Why that much?!" Adagio shakenly asks, loosening the tightness of her hoodie around her head
  76. >"Well, you need insurance on all these things. Plus, I'll even give you the box chest thing that thing came in for free." he explains
  77. >Adagio rolls her eyes
  78. "I guess it's a worthwhile investment..." she blushes and forks over the cash
  79. >"Alright, and finally... uh. i probably should've done this like the second you walked in, but can I see some ID?" the shopkeep asks
  80. >Rolling her eyes again, Adagio rummages through her pocket and pulls out her driver's license before putting it on the counter
  81. >The shopkeep's eyes widen slightly
  82. >"You didn't wait at all huh?" he snicker's a little
  83. >Adagio glares back at him, obscuring her face with her hoodie some more
  84. >"Alright, well, here you go." he hands back Adagio her driver's license
  85. >He reaches low and grabs a small ancient and regal looking wooden box and gently places the Chalice within it before closing the box
  86. >"And happy birthday" he snickers again
  87. >Adagio quickly grabs her bagged and boxed items and darts out
  88. >She walks briskly for a few minutes before she reaches her headquarters
  89. >Home sweet home: a suspicious alleyway secluded from society
  90. >There were many like it, but this one belonged to Adagio
  91. >She took a seat on a cheap foldabale chair she procured with money she earned doing odd jobs and placed the chest and bag within her lap
  92. >Starting with the bagged items, Adagio reaches and pulls out 1 medium sized object and 2 smaller onee enclosed within standard tool packaging
  93. >She blushes staring at her new implements
  94. >A flesh-colored object simulating an average human phallice, veins and all
  95. >A smaller metallic rounded cylindrical object that had an on button and removable cap for battery replacement
  96. >And finally, a small, silver object with a flat circular base that had a small narrowed neck before widening to an almost acorn shaped head
  97. >I'm sure you know what these are
  98. >A woman has her needs too, even if she's homeless
  99. >Adagio blushes
  100. "Hopefully these can... teach me how to make some money... eventially" Adagio thinks out loud
  101. >She shudders and puts the three objects aside before moving her attention to the chest
  102. >It was an old dark wooden chest with aged iron latches
  103. >It's edges covered in the same gold that the chalice seems to be made of, though it's dulled slightly compared to the fancy cup
  104. >It has some sort of marking denoting it's origin
  105. >It seemed to resemble... a phallice and a pair of breasts?
  106. >Adagio opened up the box and finally gazed upon the chalice again, it's beauty still unchanged
  107. >It shined majestically, especially since the afternoon sun hit the chalice at the perfect angle, creating an almost picture-esque image of a treasure once lost now found, preserved perfectly by time
  108. >The 7 gems within glistened, and the silver around it illuminated
  109. >Suddenly, Adagio noticed something...
  110. >The rings that held the gems in the chalice had engravings on it
  111. >Looking closer, she noticed it wasn't just a design or pattern carved into the metal, but rather seemed to make out words in an ancient language she'd seen in her research
  112. >Looking upon each of the 7 gems she noticed each ring had different words engraved in it
  113. >Her grasp of the language wasn't the best, but she noticed 2 words carved into each of the 7 rings:
  114. >"Life Essence"
  115. >Her curiosity peaked, Adagio searched the chalice for more engravings, hoping maybe there were more engravings she could glance at for more clarity
  116. >But alas, there were no such engravings on the cup itself, and Adagio gave up examining the chalice
  117. >However, as she began to put away the chalice, she noticed the roof of the chest contained text in the same language
  118. >Her eyes widened intensely
  119. >The words "Grants Great Power" was all she understood
  120. >But she didn't really need to understand anything else to know that she'd struck gold
  121. >Adagio cheered silently in her foldable chair in her alleyway
  122. >Quickly, she headed for her local public library, eager to translate the messages carved into the ancient artifacts
  123. >It took roughly 20 minutes or so, but she'd made it and after a few weird looks was able to get to a computer
  124. >After some refreshers on her previous research, she realized that the language was ancient equestrian
  125. >All that time in the human world really took it's toll on Adagio's equestrian literacy
  126. >Luckily for her, there was a cipher containing all the characters for translation purposes readily available due to the popularity of ancient equestrian artifacts in this world
  127. >One by one she quickly translated ring after ring, using a napkin she had handy and a free pen courtesy of the library
  128. >And the more rings Adagio translated the more peculiar she thought the messages were
  129. >The first ring she translated read: The life essence of a chaste maiden
  130. >The second read: The life essence of a chaste man
  131. >The third: The life essence of the destitute
  132. >The fourth: The life essence of the prosperous
  133. >The fifth: The life essence of the wedded
  134. >The sixth: The life essence of the crestfallen
  135. >And finally, the seventh: The life essence of the malevolent
  136. >Adagio was stunned reading these translations
  137. >She would have to... kill people?
  138. >She was deeply concerned, but at the same time, she was ready to do what needed to be done
  139. >Suddenly, she remembered the engraving inside the chest
  140. >Adagio translated the following from the chest's roof carving: For Whomever Possesses This Chalice, It Grants Great Power, At The Cost Of One's Purity And Soul
  141. >Adagio after reading this couldn't help but get chills
  142. >She was unsure of what that could mean...
  143. >But again, she was willing to do the impossible to exact revenge...
  144. >After gaining the information she needed, she returned back to her alleyway
  145. >In her foldable chair, she stared at the napkim with all the translations, trying to decipher what life essence could mean
  146. >She regrets not thinking to look it up in the library
  147. >But it's too late now
  148. >The library closes particularly early on weekends
  149. >It's pretty ridiculous, as if they close the second the sun begins to go down
  150. >She'll just have to wait until to tomorrow to confirm for sure
  151. >In the meantime, Adagio decided to use some of her new toys
  152. >She halfhazardly stood up the chalice on the chest a short distance in front of her before moving onto business
  153. >She decided she'd use the small cylindrical one, since it'd probably be easier to use than the other two
  154. >She awkwardly held it in her hand before clicking the button
  155. >To her surprise, it started vibrating quickly and creating a rather loud sound
  156. >And even more surprising, when she clicked the button again, what appeared to be a small built in light turned on
  157. "A vibrator AND a flashlight??? Who even comes up with these things?" Adagio was in disbelief
  158. >Finally, she clicked the button again and the toy turned off
  159. "Alright..." Adagio blushed and prepared herself mentally
  160. >She slowly slid down her jeans and panties down to her ankles
  161. >She noticed her breath was getting harsh and heavy
  162. >She'd never let her pubic hair grow out before, but looking down she a little orange bush obscuring her entrance
  163. >Looking at her nude body in such a way after a long time of living day to day seemingly brought a rush of desire to her she'd never felt before
  164. >She clicked the button to turn on the toy and almost immediately felt the eroticism of the situation jolt from the hand holding the toy all throughout her body
  165. >Adagio felt really warm
  166. >Slowly, she guided the vibrating toy to the top of her entrance and almost immediately a bolt of energy exploded throughout her body
  167. >She jolted and forced her hips forward onto the toy and seemingly in an uncontrollable reflex raised her head to look up to the sky
  168. "Oh... oh Celestia..." She struggled to say
  169. >She pushed the toy harder on her clitoris and her hips jolted even more
  170. >Adagio, at this point was on the verge of blacking out
  171. >She was trying her hardest not to give in to the pleasure fully, keeping her jaw and fists clenched and muscles tight
  172. "Hnng..." she strained
  173. >Despite her resistance, she wanted more
  174. >She moved the toy slightly
  175. >Big mistake
  176. >Another bolt of energy burst throughout her body
  177. >Suddenly, Adagio's jaw wasnt clenched
  178. >And her muscles were relaxed
  179. >Her mouth was agape and if she were to look down she knew that she'd let some drool leak out of her eager mouth
  180. "Gah... gah... oh..." she let out softly
  181. >Adagio decided to move it around more
  182. >She was able to move it in a semi-circle before the stimulation overpowered her mind
  183. "Oh Celestia... Oh Celestia!" she said, her volume increasing
  184. >Suddenly, her body was moving on its own
  185. >Adagio's hips moved while her hand guided the toy in a circular motion
  186. >Meanwhile her head looked on high into the sky, tears welling up in her eyes as drool began to leave her mouth
  187. "Ah! Ah!" she's moaning
  188. >She began to move her hand faster and faster before she screamed
  189. >Suddenly, her body tensed up violently, and a torrent of liquid shot out from her almost as violently and as hard as her body tensed up
  190. >Her mind was blank as her body moved as one muscle, flexing and relaxing all at once
  191. >Her vision went blurry as she momentarily lost all function due to the pleasure
  192. >Her body would tense up a few more times before settling down, shaking from the exertion
  193. >Her breath was heavy, but now satisfyingly so
  194. >Her chair was soaked beneath her
  195. >Adagio blushed and felt guilty
  196. >The pleasure was so overwhelming that she peed herself
  197. >What if it ended up smelling?
  198. >What if SHE ended up smelling?
  199. >She didn't have much time to have any sort of afterglow as reality began to kick in again
  200. "Phew... I can see why people do this as often as they do... If only it were cleaner..." Adagio thought out loud
  201. >She pulled up her jeans and panties and stood up to assess the damage done to her chair, quickly putting the freshly used toy in her pocket
  202. >As she stood up, she noticed something strange in front of her
  203. >The chalice stood atop the chest as it was when she out it down
  204. >However, a glow radiated from one of the gems on the chalice
  205. >Curious, Adagio approached the cup and reached to pick it up
  206. >The second her hand met the cup, she seemingly knew
  207. >The cup was wet to the touch
  208. >Adagio located the gem that gave off light and got the napkin with all the translations out
  209. >Apparently this gem represented the life force of a virgin female
  210. >Adagio was once again in disbelief
  211. >She put the translation paper back in her pocket and pulled out the toy
  212. >Using it as a flashlight she was able to see a slight layer of liquid cover the bottom of the chalice
  213. >Adagio was confused
  214. "Hmm..." She wondered
  215. "Life essence... I guess when... a man... he... but a girl? I thought I just peed... Though maybe it's not so much the liquid, but maybe the amount of energy used to 'get it out" of tje body?" Adagio thought out loud again
  216. >Adagio would have to test this, fast
  217. "If this thing takes jizz, then that makes my life a lot easier... and worse..." Adagio said, weighing the pros and cons of doing sexual antics versus that of violent crimes
  218. >Out of nowhere, Adagio's stomach growls
  219. >Right
  220. >Adagio hadn't eaten today
  221. >She was so busy getting paid and then analyzing her newly acquired purchases that she forgot to eat
  222. "I guess masturbation makes you realize what you're missing..." Adagio said, holding her stomac
  223. >She put the toy back in her pocket
  224. "Time to play Damsel In Distress again..." Adagio said, annoyed
  225. >She thought about local fast food restaurants around and picked one she always got wins at
  226. >But before that, she knew that this might be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so she took the chalice with her
  227. >After a 10 minute walk, Adagio found herself before a run of the mill Hamburger joint
  228. >She walked around the perimeter, scouting out for any potential victi- er, good samaritans
  229. >Suddenly, she spotted someone familiar
  230. >A nerdy guy sat alone in a booth with his backpack next to him. His glasses huge and his demeanor meek and submissive
  231. "Jackpot" she smugly said to herself
  232. >Adagio walks in casually before greeting the nerd
  233. "Heyyy... uh, you! Remember me? Adagio? We went to Canterlot High together!" she introduced herself to him casually, the chalice tucked behind her back
  234. >The nerd, seemingly shaken, pushed his glasses up with his finger and awkwardly stared at Adagio
  235. "Uh... mind if I take a seat?" She asked, taken aback by his reaction
  236. >The nerd nods and Adagio takes a seat across from him, putting the chalice to her side
  237. "So uhhh...-" Suddenly Adagio is interrupted
  238. >"Micro. Micro Chips. My name is Micro Chips." The nerd said, his voice weak and quiet
  239. "Oh yeah! Micro Chips... yeah... uh, listen." Adagio's demeanor changes from friendly to a bit more sweet
  240. "I need... a favor or two from you. Is that ok?" Adagio bites her finger and flutters her eyes at Micro
  241. >Micro takes a bite of his burger before saying
  242. >"Depends on what it is. I'm not doing anyone's homework again." Micro says, a little annoyed as he remembers his time in high school as "the nerd"
  243. "Its simple. See, a girl doesn't get paid until the end of next week, and I don't have enough to pay for a burger. Mind helping a poor girl out? I promise it won't be a lot, after all, a frame like this doesn't need that much" Adagio says, putting her hands around her hips and gyrating, hopefully seducing Micro
  244. >"I... I dunno... You seem really nice and all but honestly I don't really remember you-" Micro is interrupted
  245. "Hold on. Before you finish..." Adagio looks left to right
  246. "Come closer" she beckons Micro with a finger
  247. >He obeys and comes close
  248. >Adagio leans over and gets close to his ear before saying
  249. "I'll... let you jerk off to me if you buy me a meal" Adagio says, not nearly as confident or as sultry as before as the peversion of the entire situation hits her
  250. >"Deal." Micro immediately stands up
  251. >Adagio leads him to the cashier and orders, all the while holding him close and acting flirtatious
  252. "Thank you so much, handso... thank you so much." Adagio awkwardly confesses
  253. >After the order is recieved, Adagio and Micro take their booth again
  254. >As Adagio feasts, Micro asks
  255. >"I... I wanna see your boobs when I do it." He points at Adagio's chest
  256. "These... these things? O-oh yeah... alright" Adagio says as she grabs her chest, trying to keep her cool, disgusted by the whole ordeal
  257. >Despite fooling men into giving her food in exchange for sexual favors many times, this is actually the first time she's going to do what she says she's going to do
  258. >Micro then asks
  259. >"Wait, you said 2 favors, what's the second one?"
  260. "Well, you see... I, uh..." Adagio sets the chalice on the table
  261. "I'd like you to... 'finish' in this" Adagio blushes, her pride hurt by the interaction
  262. >"Are you going to... drink it?" Micro asks, his face turning red
  263. "N-no- er... well... I... I..." Adagio is caught like a deer in headlights
  264. >Micro Chip exhales
  265. >"That's fine. I've seen Neighponies videos where the girls will drink like 10 differe guys'-" Suddenly he's interrupted
  266. "Uh... nice... well. We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Adagio continues eating
  267. >The two sit in awkward silence until Adagio's finished eating
  268. >"You ready?" Micro asks
  269. >Adagio gulps nervously
  270. "Ready as I'll ever be..." Her entire being is on edge
  271. >"Follow me." Micro motions at Adagio with a hand as Adagio grabs the chalice
  272. >They both go outside and enter the backseat of a somewhat small car
  273. >"Alright..." Micro says nervously
  274. >Adagio is nervous too. This is her first time ever doing anything with a guy before...
  275. "Hey wait..." Adagio looks down for a minute
  276. >"Hm?" Micro inquires
  277. "You're a virgin, right...?" Adagio asks
  278. >"Pffft... yes." Micro solemnly admits
  279. >Adagio sighs
  280. >Whatever it takes for revenge
  281. "Me too... then g-get it out for me..." Adagio shamefully says
  282. >Micro Chip quickly removes his pants, leaving only his underwear on
  283. >Adagio couldnt helo but notice the bulge due to his literal tightie whities
  284. >"Your turn aha" he awkwardly says
  285. "Right..." Adagio exhales sharply
  286. >Adagio takes her sweater off, revealing a thin tanktop as the only thing covering her medium sized breasts
  287. >Her nipples were stiff due to how nervous and scandalous this situation is
  288. >Adagio thought she might as well make it a show
  289. >To make it end faster, of course
  290. >Never in her life did she think she'd ever do anything like this
  291. "No cheating... t-take it all off..." Adagio struggles to say
  292. >Micro obeys, and pulls down his underwear, revealing a member slightly bigger than the toy Adagio bought earlier
  293. >Adagio's eyes widen, and her face goes redd
  294. "Well, I guess Micro is only your name. Doesn't seem to apply there." Adagio says the first joke that comes into her head
  295. >Adagio's eyes widen even more as it twitches and gets slightly bigger in response to her joke
  296. "A-alright..." Adagio says as she lifts up her tank top slowly, her face red hot
  297. >She stops right where the boob begins, showing Micro Chip some classy underboob
  298. "You can touch it, you know..." Adagio suggests
  299. >Micro does just that and starts pumping to Adagio's body
  300. >Adagio's face is beet red and her eyes are horrified as her first sexual experience is in the back seat of a dork's car
  301. >But it's all for revenge...
  302. >She teases more of her underboob, moving her tank top left and right but never moving up
  303. >"Go for it" A masturbating Micro gently demands
  304. "Alright." Adagio blushes as she lifts up her tank top and her medium sized breasts flop out
  305. >"That's the stuff right there..." Micro says, noticeably pumping faster
  306. >Just when Adagio thought her face couldn't get any redder, Micro says
  307. >"Now jiggle them for me aha" Semi-joking
  308. >If Adagio wasn't so nervous and on a mission, she'd probably be on the verge of tears right now
  309. >But right now Adagio is knee deep in nerves
  310. >She starts moving her upper body left and right, her breasts swaying with it
  311. >"Oh yeah..." Micro says, pumping harder
  312. >"Now grope them"
  313. >Adagio's eyes are bordering on horrified, and her face is so hot you could probably cook with it
  314. >She puts both hands on each breast and squeezes gently
  315. >Adagio feels a tingle run down her spine
  316. >She gropes her left breast with her left hand
  317. >Then the right breast with her right hand
  318. >She exaggerates the movements of her shoulders to make it look as though they're moving more
  319. >Adagio is stunned once again
  320. >It actually feels... kinda good?
  321. >She loosens up some more and starts naturally fondling her breasts
  322. >Squeezing them in circular patterns, bringing them up and down
  323. >Adagio loosens up further as the pleasure of groping her breasts grows
  324. >After a minute or so of groping, she stops paying attention to her movements and checks out Micro
  325. >She notices it's gotten even bigger, and his technique is way more efficient than hers
  326. >A thought slides into her mind for a moment
  327. >An evil thought
  328. >Adagio thought
  329. >"I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to that"
  330. >Adagio quickly derailed herself from that train of thought
  331. >This was just a quick moment of clouded judgement, Adagio told herself
  332. >Even though she felt like she had a craving that can be satiated by his rod
  333. >She quickly snapped out of it and focused on the task at hand
  334. "You almost finished" Adagio asked in a genuine tone, her face more flushed than ever
  335. >Micro nodded and started stroking faster
  336. >Adagio had seen some women online do similar things before on during her research on how to manipulate people, so she decided to take a few pages from their book
  337. "C-cum for me..." Adagio said, half annoyed half confidently, at this point, she was beginning to lose her shame
  338. >Suddenly, Micro started going even faster, to the point where a wet sound could be heard eminating from his nether regions
  339. >He groaned and breathed heavily for a few minutes before saying
  340. >"Let me finish on your boobs" He huffed
  341. "Huh? No the plan was for you to finish in-" Adagio said as she reached for the chalice before suddenly feeling a warmth on her chest
  342. >Adagio turned in horror quickly and positioned the cup in front of him to ensure everything was captured
  343. >Although his first rope already launched, Adagio was sure to catch the rest in the chalice
  344. >Each throb producing more liquid she captured quickly
  345. >Adagio noticed a thick white liquid string coated one of her breasts and glared at Micro, even though her face was red at the same time
  346. >He nervously laughed and said
  347. >"Sorry... I got carried away! Y-you're really hot and- are you going to drink from it?"
  348. "Disgusting. I don't think so after your inability to follow instructions." Adagio said, annoyed
  349. >"Fair enough." Micro says
  350. >Adagio looks into the chalice
  351. >The white fluid outnumbers any fluid she put in there before
  352. >She looked around and noticed another gem was lit up
  353. >She put the goblet aside and said
  354. "Despite that. Thank you." Adagio struggled to say, her face still red hot from embarassment and annoyance
  355. >"I should thank yo-"
  356. "You should. Anyway, I'll be going n-" Suddenly, a flash stops Adagio
  357. "What was that?"
  358. >"Nothing." Micro says as he quickly slides his phone somewhere obscured
  359. "You will regret that. But right now I have no time to deal with losers like you." Adagio says
  360. >She wiped the spunk off her breast with a finger and put her tank top back on before sliding her hoodie over her head and leaving with the chalice in hand
  361. >"What just happened?" Micro Chips says to himself
  362. >She walked back home, curious at the cup's properties
  363. "Wait, I'm 'destitute' and a virgin! Why didn't it light up two gems?" Adagio wondered
  364. "Ancient artifacts truly are a mystery... one that I will solve and use to bring this planet to it's KNEES..." She said out loud
  365. >Finally, she made it back home and sat in her chair
  366. >It had dried up since her first self-love session
  367. >She felt the need to use it again after her lewd encounter
  368. >But she thought once a day should be more than enough
  369. >She looked at the hand she used to wipe the cum off her breast
  370. >It still felt a little wet, even after handling her clothes
  371. >She put it up to her nose and gave a hearty sniff
  372. >It didn't smell that good, but for some reason Adagio was immediately entranced by it
  373. "Is that what cum really smells like?" Adagio thinks to herself, still smelling her finger
  374. >She... wanted more?
  375. "It's for revenge... It's not because of anything else." Adagio reassured herself, still smelling her cum stained finger
  376. >She looked at her finger and almost robotically started licking it
  377. >Although the taste was overwhelmingly of her finger, she still had a hint of an odd taste she attributed to the semen on her finger
  378. >That, too, she found oddly pleasant
  379. >Her finger exited her mouth and she had a devilish idea
  380. >Her eyes darted to the chalice in her other hand
  381. "A little sip couldn't hurt..." Adagio said out loud
  382. >She brought the chalice up to her mouth and started drinking a small amount of the contents within
  383. >An energy flowed throughout her body
  384. >She felt more energetic, more limber, possibly even more strong than before
  385. >Was this the power of the chalice even at it's early stages?
  386. "And why does it taste pretty good?" Adagio asked herself, a sense of shame overpowering her new buff
  387. >One thing she noticed was that her womanhood ached more, too
  388. "This is dangerous..." Adagio thought
  389. "But the power... it's strong now... just imagine after 5 more people" Adagio smugly connives
  390. "I can control it. It's just probably a small side effect. I've controlled worse in the past." Adagio reassured herself
  391. "But I need more." Suddenly, Adagio's eyes glowed slightly
  392. >A rush of motivation she couldn't confidently claim as her own rushed upon her
  393. >She exited her alleyway in search for another victim, chalice in hand
  394. >Adagio's search would end after only a few minutes of what felt like robotic walking
  395. >A homeless man sat on some concrete, his belongings in a shopping cart next to him and piles of blankets and clothes draped over his body
  396. >Adagio walked in front of the man and bent over forward so their faces were closer in level
  397. "Hey you." Adagio said bluntly
  398. >The homeless man raised an eyebrow
  399. "Yeah, you." Adagio assured the man
  400. "I need a favor. I think it'll be worth your time" Adagio started
  401. >The man's face softens
  402. >"Look lady, you seem nice and all but I don't want any troub-"
  403. >Adagio sighs
  404. "Let me jerk you off into this cup here and I'll be on my way" Adagio holds out the chalice, her eyes glowing slightly brighter now
  405. >The homeless man looks shocked and quickly regains his composure
  406. >"How much will it cost me? I don't have much to spare. Unless you're a cop, then no dice" The homeless man looks side to side
  407. >Adagio smiles smugly
  408. "I'm no cop. Would a cop do this?" Adagio blushes and gently takes a seat next to the homeless man and reaches her hand under the pile of items the homeless man has rested upon himself
  409. >"I... I guess not..." The homeless man doesn't even know how to react
  410. >Adagio knows this is wrong, but for some reason she isn't feeling the shame she felt not even an hour ago
  411. "It's easier to just tug on it myself, right?" Adagio rationalized to herself
  412. >Adagio knew that wasn't her talking, but she was willing to allow the chalice's powers to take away some of the shame, so long as it actively helped her on her quest
  413. >Adagio's hands rummaged around until finding a warm stiff rod that was soft enough to squeeze
  414. >She giggled at the man next to her, her face red and hear breath getting heavy
  415. >Her demeanor seemed to mimic the homeless man's
  416. >She rustled around in his jimmies a bit more and finally released the snake from it's underwear prison
  417. >It felt decently sized, though probably not as big as Micro's
  418. >She slowly guided it in circles and it got stiffer in her hands
  419. >Adagio giggled again
  420. "He seems happy to see me" Adagio's face reddens
  421. >The homeless man is awe-struck, unable to make any sounds, let alone speak
  422. >Finally, Adagio took a firm grasp around his member and started pumping up and down slowly
  423. >Adagio's eyes look maniacal, and her smile was smug with evil intent
  424. >The power she had over people, especially men, was starting to become known to her
  425. >And that was without the power of the Chalice
  426. >The Chalice's power just gave her the push she needed to put her thoughts into action
  427. "How does it feel?" Adagio smugly asked the man
  428. >He said no words, but his heavy breaths were enough for her to know exactly what he thought
  429. >Adagio's mind was slowly slipping away due to the trip of doing something so dirty and vile with the most casual of mindsets
  430. >It was half her and half the power's corruption, Adagio knew
  431. >But if power felt this good, she wouldn't mind letting her own mind slip for a moment
  432. >And that's exactly what happened
  433. "Say... how old are you, guy?" Adagio said with a sultry voice
  434. >Adagio giggles,
  435. "You look old enough to be my dad, you know that?"
  436. >His rod stiffens more in Adagio's hand
  437. "Oh you like that? That's disgusting you know" Adagio teased
  438. >Her mind is no longer her own, and she is completely on autopilot
  439. "Then I guess you wouldn't mind knowing that I just turned 18 today, right? And here I am making you cum for me." Adagio explained
  440. >His member throbs again
  441. "Are you close? You're quick. I guess I'd be quick too if I were you." Adagio smugly teases once more
  442. >Suddenly, she stops
  443. "But I need something specific from you." Adagio says as she grabs the chalice
  444. >She lifts off all the clothes and sheets and reveals the homless gentleman's manhood to the world
  445. "Not bad. I've seen bigger today though." Adagio teased once more
  446. >She wrapped her hands around it once again and started stroking harder and faster
  447. "You like that I'm younger than you huh? You pevert." Adagio says, genuinely disgusted
  448. "I bet you're into freaky stuff, huh?" Adagio continues, her grip on his member getting tighter
  449. "I bet you want me to call you daddy, right?" She suggests
  450. >For the first time, the man replies, nodding and breathing harshly
  451. "You're truly disgusting, daddy." Adagio says, with a fake sweetness hiding her boiling disgust
  452. "You like the way I touch you, daddy?" She asks, pissed off.
  453. >Her hand speeding up
  454. "Daddy, I need you to cum for me! Can you do that, daddy?" Adagio wiggled her head side to side as if to mock him
  455. >Her hand moving as fast as it can
  456. >Suddenly, a warmth envelopes some of Adagio's hand
  457. >She slips the cup in front of the man's ejaculating member and catches all the remaining pumps of sperm released from the interaction
  458. >She lets go of the man's rod and licks her fingers clean of any leftover cum
  459. "It tastes surprisingly good..." Adagio thought to herself
  460. >Suddenly, it feels as though Adagio has been brought back to life after blacking out
  461. >Realizing what she's done, Adagio feels disgusted and guilty and ashamed all at once
  462. >Quickly, Adagio stands up with the chalice in hand, another gem glows, making it 3 now
  463. "Thanks, daddy. Your princess is all grown up now" Adagio says, disgusted
  464. >Adagio spits in front of the man and runs back home
  465. >She fights tears forming in her eyes as she sprints
  466. >She never thought her life would end up like this
  467. >Once she gets her powers, these people are dead
  468. >Finally, after some sprinting, Adagio is back home
  469. >After a long day of getting men off, she slumps down in her chair, chalice beside her on the floor
  470. >And she falls asleep
  472. Due to falling asleep early, Adagio wakes up early as well
  473. >The sun is barely on it's way up and the air is significantly colder than she normaly expects it to be
  474. >As a result she grabs the chalice and looks for a place to hang out for a few
  475. >Adagio knew she didn't need to take the chalice, but she couldnt resist
  476. "Just in case..." Adagio thought
  477. >Though she wondered if the cup had powers making her attached to it
  478. >She shook the idea out of her head and began walking
  479. >Most places were closed at this time, say for a few mom and pop stores
  480. >But those places usually aren't accomadating to the homeless population
  481. >Even if you are a barely legal woman
  482. >After a half hour of walking, the Sun had come out more, but it's still very much early. Maybe 6 or 7 am
  483. >But more noticeably, she noticed a pleasantly grimy building
  484. >"Nude Girls" read a sign on its exterior next to a bright "Open" light
  485. >Even more intriguing was a "Now hiring" sign
  486. >Adagio grew a devious grin, and with her chalice, walked toward the building
  487. >She was stopped by a bouncer at the entrance who asked for ID
  488. >She showed the bouncer and was promptly let in
  489. >Adagio looked around for anyone in charge
  490. >The first thing she noticed was the decor of the building
  491. >Despite looking dingy from the outside, the inside was rather regal
  492. >Royal red carpets and booths, each with a candle in the middle
  493. >She saw maybe one or two girls in skimpy outfits dancing around poles for an audience of maybe 5 people
  494. >Eventually, she saw a woman standing behind a bar, cleaning some mugs with a rag
  495. >Adagio walked up to the bar and before she could get a word in, the bartender asked
  496. >"Woah kid, what'll it be? A soda for your big sippy cup there?" Her eyebrows raised
  497. >Adagio scoffs
  498. "No. I was looking for work." Adagio says, hiding the chalice from the bartender's sight
  499. >The bartender's eyebrows raised even more
  500. >"Uh..." The bartender looks around
  501. >She looks back at Adagio
  502. >"Do you think you have what it takes to strip? Really?" the bartender starts interrogating Adagio
  503. "Well.. I'm pretty limber and agile so-"
  504. >"Wrong. you know how much core strength it takes to keep yourself hoisted up on a pole for hours at a time? Exotic dancers are masters of their craft. They worked to be where they are. You clearly don't respect the art." The bartender harshly scolds Adagio before going back to cleaning
  505. >Adagio sighs and her eyes glow
  506. "Fine, but let me try anyway. If it doesn't work out, I'll... I'll be a waitress instead."
  507. >The bartender thinks for a moment
  508. >She pulls out an unlit candle and sets it on the bar
  509. >Adagio stares at it curiously
  510. >"Look. This candle here represents your employment as an exotic dancer, alright? At least for tonight." The bartender explains as she lights the candle
  511. >"I'll give you an hour slot for..." She looks at her watch
  512. "Let's say 10 pm? Not too early not too late. Anyway, you can dance from 10 pm to 11 pm and if I like what I see and you see the candle burning at 11, that means the job is yours. If I'm not impressed... well." She grabs the lit candle and holds it close to her lips
  513. >Adagio thinks for a few moments so as to act like she's unsure, full well knowing the offer is generous and fair
  514. "Deal." Adagio reaches out her hand, and the bartender puts down the lit candle and shakes Adagio's hand
  515. "Till then." Adagio says confidently
  516. >The bartender nods and continues cleaning mugs as Adagio exits
  517. >Adagio walked back to her home to return the chalice, and by that time the sun was out and she was able to visit places nornally open at this time
  518. >Her first stop: a discount store
  519. >Why? You may ask?
  520. >Adagio has no idea what time it is and when 10 pm will come
  521. >All this time it never occured to her to ger a clock or a watch
  522. >Well, until now, anyway
  523. >She picked out a simple 10 dollar watch with a digital display and set the time in the store with the help of the cashier
  524. >Afterwards, she headed outside back into the world
  525. >She checked her newly acquired watch
  526. >Right now, according to the watch, it was about 9 am
  527. >Adagio's eyes widened
  528. "12 hours to myself?" she thought to herself
  529. >It's always good to be at work early, yknow?
  530. "Maybe I can get another gem lit up on the chalice. Maybe even 2 if I look hard enough" Adagio told herself
  531. >And so Adagio returned to her home
  532. >By the time she got home and situated, it was 9:30 am
  533. >She grabbed the chalice and looked at its contents
  534. "Old cum doesnt look nearly as appetizing... I gotta get the rest quickly before this stuff goes bad" Adagio says, pondering the idea of having to drink spoiled spunk and gagging
  535. >Adagio closed her eyes and closed her nose as she took a quick swig for some motivation
  536. >Her body jolts and feels warm all over as the contents slide down her throat
  537. >Her eyes light up once again and she goes on the prowl
  538. >Adagio notices that she has even less control this time, her body moving at a pace that she'd only reach if she were pushing herself
  539. >It's as if the powers contained within knew where to be at the right time and rushed to get Adagio there as soon as possible
  540. >Finally, after a few minutes of travel, Adagio found herself at a rather large convenience store
  541. >Before she could take in the exterior, her body forced itself inside and began walking the aisles
  542. >Suddenly, Adagio hears a man and a woman talking
  543. >She takes cover an aisle away from them and listens in
  544. >"... I... I'm just sorry. It's not going to work out." A woman says
  545. >"A-are you... breaking up with me right now?" A man asks, his voice shaky
  546. "I... I guess I am. I'm sorry. We just drifted apart, and I just... found someone else." The woman solemnly said
  547. >Adagio smiled smugly
  548. >Crestfallen nut secured
  549. >Adagio hears the man begin to sniffle
  550. >"O-ok... I-if... That's how it is, that's how it is." The man sadly says
  551. >"Yeah... well... goodbye..." The woman awkwardly states
  552. >Adagio hears a pair of footsteps pitter patter off into the distance
  553. >Must be the woman
  554. >Now's the time to strike
  555. >Adagio innocently walks to the entrace of the aisle the man is located in
  556. >She sees a man with his hands on his eyes and tears rolling down his face
  557. >Adagio innocently slivers to him, before putting on an innocent act
  558. "I heard everything... I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't think she deserved you, honestly." Adagio smiles
  559. >The man, eyes still covered takes offense to this, saying
  560. >"What do you know? You don't know-" he takes his hands off his eyes
  561. >"You-you-you y- Hi" he tries to play it off all cool
  562. "I know you're hurt, and I think I can help" She smirks deviously
  563. >The man blushes
  564. >"A-and how would you do that?" the man asks, jokingly
  565. >Adagio moves in close to the man's face and says
  566. "With my hand." As she mimics a stroking motion with her free hand, her voice seductive
  567. >"N-now? H-here?" the man is dumbfounded
  568. "Well, if you want. I bet I can make you finish quick." Adagio snickers and her face goes red
  569. >She didn't even feel shame saying that
  570. >She... kind of liked it...
  571. "So... what do you say?" Her smile sweet and her eyes flirtatious
  572. >The man looks around for anyone that might be nearby
  573. >"This isn't a prank, is it?" He asks
  574. >Adagio puts her free hand on his shoulder and puts the chalice on a free shelf nearby
  575. "Actions speak louder than words..." Adagio whispered, her eyes still on the man's face
  576. >She reached her newly freed hand on his crotch and gave a soft squeeze
  577. >She found the man's zipper and brought it down before grabbing the chalice and squatting in front of his crotch
  578. >Adagio reached a free hand into his pants and pulled out his one-eyed snake
  579. >Her eyes widened and she bit her lip
  580. >Adagio looked up at the man
  581. "I'm not sure why she left you, but I know it couldn't have been because of this big thing" Adagio joked
  582. >She grabbed the man's member with her free hand and played with it a little
  583. >Spinning it around and manipulating it
  584. >He was already rock hard
  585. >Adagio decided she'd keep this one brief and began pumping his impressive manhood
  586. >It was warm and twitched in her hands
  587. >She rapily improved the pace of her pumping
  588. >She looked up at the man with a seductive grin
  589. >The man didn't seem impressed
  590. >Adagio was shocked and stopped stroking him, putting her hand on his thigh
  591. >She'd done it before and it worked just fine then
  592. >"Yknow, after high school, handjobs are just kinda meh." The man explains, seeing Adagio's shock
  593. >He grabbed Adagio's head with both hands, Adagio was shocked and horrified
  594. >Her eyes were fearful and her mouth agape in shock
  595. >Big mistake
  596. >The man forced his large member into Adagio's mouth
  597. >The warmth of his length enveloping her mouth and vice versa
  598. >"Yeah. Much better"
  599. >Before Adagio could adapt to the large object in her mouth, he began to move
  600. >He thrusted his hips and guided Adagio's head to more efficiently swallow his length
  601. >Adagio's eyes watered and she gagged as his manhood touched the deepest parts of her mouth
  602. >Her mouth making the most lewd, wet, and sticky sounds she'd ever heard in her life
  603. >All covered by her desperate attempts at gasping for air
  604. >If she had eaten before this, she'd definitely have puked by now
  605. >Instead, a large trail of saliva leaves her mouth, pooling on the floor if it didn't get caught by her sweater
  606. >She had to hold the chalice out so none of her spit got inside of it
  607. >Despite the jaw exertion and feeling as though she were about to pass out, Adagio was extremely hot
  608. >Her squatting pose felt naturally erotic, and she seemed to find pleasure in the pain
  609. >Adagio wasn't sure if this was the curse of the chalice or her discovering something new about herself
  610. >All she knew was that she couldn't resist forever, and eventually gave in
  611. >Her eyes changed from a horrified look to a more satisfied, flirty demeanor
  612. >She tightened her lips and throat around the man's shaft
  613. >The man continued to violently use Adagio's head for his own pleasure
  614. >Every thrust causing Adagio to make an involuntary erotic sound
  615. >She wanted him to be more violent
  616. >She moved her head in sync with his hands and his hips
  617. >Adagio couldn't even think straight
  618. >His thrusts got faster and faster
  619. >Adagio loved every second of it
  620. >She looked up at him, his member still burrowed down her throat
  621. >If she could talk, she'd beg for it
  622. >Her eyes said it all
  623. >The man knew, and that alone was enough to start the fireworks
  624. >To Adagio's shock, the man forced Adagio's head down as far as it could go
  625. >He bucked his hips as hard as he could
  626. >And his member reached places in Adagio's throat it hadn't felt before
  627. >Adagio thought she was used to his manhood by now, but his shaft going deeper caught her off guard, and her eyes were horrified again
  628. >She looked up at the man as a thick hot liquid filled her mouth, wave after wave
  629. >His phallice twitching with every torrent of liquid deposited into Adagio's mouth
  630. >Adagio coughed violently the more semen filled her mouth
  631. >It tasted odd, but Adagio really liked it
  632. >After maybe 5 twitches, the guy slowly pulled away from Adagio's mouth
  633. >His member flopped down from Adagio's mouth
  634. >She let out a drop of his spunk before suddenly remembering that she was on a mission
  635. >She lined the chalice with her mouth and slowly deposited all the cum from her mouth to the cup
  636. >The combination of hot saliva and cum dripping from her mouth made her even hotter
  637. >She let out her tongue to help the remaining semen escape her mouth
  638. >She looked up at the man, her tongue still out
  639. >The man was shocked
  640. >"I didn't think I'd see that today" he said as his member twitched some more
  641. >Adagio giggled
  642. "And that's all you will see today. I have to go. That was fun..." Adagio smiled
  643. >"Yeah... you... you were pretty good." The man said
  644. "That was my first time." Adagio confessed
  645. >The man blushed
  646. >Quickly, Adagio stood back up and blew a kiss at the guy before running off
  647. >As always while she walks, she thought about her new found... "powers" so far
  648. >She noticed her attitude about these "transactions" had changed significantly
  649. >She's no longer sure what's her thoughts and what might be the suggestion of the ancient artifact
  650. >Is it influencing her mind?
  651. >Her body, sure, but...
  652. "All it's been doing is making me horny and moving me around..." Adagio thought to herself
  653. >She thought about the man forcing himself into her mouth
  654. >And how good it felt
  655. >Was it really all a façade?
  656. >Is it bad to feel this way?
  657. >Did she really feel this way, or was it manipulation?
  658. "And... why do I want to do it again?" Adagio once again thought
  659. >Adagio worried a war between temptation and ideology were brewing
  660. >After some more walking and internal conflict, Adagio returned back home
  661. "Oh yeah... the gems..." Adagio remembered
  662. >As expected, another gem glowed, making it 4 now
  663. >She quickly reached in her pocket for the napkin with all the translations
  664. >So far she had obtained the essence of a chaste female, a chaste male, the destitute, and now the crestfallen
  665. >She shook the contents around in the cup
  666. >She can see her saliva mixed with all the semen in there
  667. >Just looking at it made her blush
  668. >She was quite proud of her work so far
  669. >But all that fun wasn't for her
  670. >It was strictly for her objective
  671. >Adagio checked her watch
  672. >It's only about 11 am
  673. "More than enough time to sneak in some fun..." Adagio thought out loud
  674. >She rummaged through a bag and pulled out the still packaged phallice she bought yesterday
  675. "And where's the other- oh... right..." Adagio blushed again
  676. >She'd never removed the vibrator from her pocket since she first used it
  677. >Adagio quickly took a seat and took the dildo out of it's packaging to examine it
  678. "It looks and somewhat feels like the real thing. But the real deal's warmer..." Adagio said out loud
  679. >She looked around her to make sure nobody was watching
  680. >Before she shoved the toy into her mouth
  681. >It wasn't as good as the real deal, but it felt good to have something phallic inside her again
  682. >With her free hand she grabbed the vibrator and slid it down her pants
  683. >As she used her mouth, her body jolted with electricity as the vibrator made contact with the right spot
  684. >She forgot she's pretty sensitive to the sensation still
  685. >She made lewd slurping sounds and breathy gawks left her mouth as she moved the toy in and out of her mouth some more
  686. >She moved the vibrator like last time
  687. >This time, Adagio wasnt letting her body stop her
  688. >She moved it and even though her body wanted to jolt and stop moving, she forced herself to keep moving the toys in sync with eachother
  689. >Her eyes fluttered and her face grew hotter
  690. >The added eroticism of a dildo in her throat made her almost as sensitive as her first time, if not more
  691. >After a few more seconds of moving her hips and hands in sync with eachother, she finished
  692. >Violently
  693. >She bucked her hips and her eyes closed tightly
  694. >She pulled the dildo from her mouth and dropped it on the floor next to her
  695. >She ejected her womanly fluids violently once more
  696. >A stream launching from her as if her bladder stopped functioning
  697. >However, she'd forgotten to get undressed
  698. >Her lack of self control left her with wet pants and underwear
  699. >At least her chair wasn't as soaked this
  700. >Not that she cared
  701. >Adagio had a release so pleasurable nothing could kill her warm fuzzy feeling
  702. >She looked uo at the sky
  703. "Today truly is beautiful" Adagio thought out loud
  704. >Adagio checked her watch again
  705. >It had only been 6 minutes since she last checked it
  706. >Adagio blushed at her womanhood's sensitivity
  707. >Thankfully it isn't a contest
  708. "Well, I have a lot MORE time..." Adagio thought
  709. "I might as well take a nap." Adagio suggested
  710. >So in her chair she, got nice and comfortable before closing her eyes and getting some shut-eye
  712. Adagio eventually awoke decently rested
  713. >As well rested as anyone can be sleeping in a folding chair
  714. >She yawned and stretched out her arms and legs
  715. >She took a quick look at her watch
  716. >3 pm
  717. >Barely?
  718. >Adagio thinks for a moment
  719. >She sighs
  720. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to see if I can't find another person's essence to steal" She says out loud, somewhat annoyed
  721. >She lazily grabs the chalice and takes a small swig from it
  722. >The liquid amalgamation feels good going down
  723. >Suddenly, Adagio feels significantly stronger than before
  724. >Her eyes glow even brighter, too
  725. >It seems as though the chalice's true power is beginning to reveal itself
  726. >Adagio hopes that the powers are more than just physical
  727. >As she ponders, she notices that her vibrator fell out of her pocket, probably while she was sleeping
  728. >She bends over to grab it, only for it to fly into her hand
  729. "What... just happened?" Adagio says, confused
  730. >Did the chalice give her an extra power this time on top of its normal overall buff?
  731. >Adagio pockets the vibrator then rests the chalice on her lap
  732. >She imagines the chalice floating in the air
  733. >And immediately, the goblet levitates
  734. >Adagio grabs it with her hand and smiles
  735. "Jackpot... this is what I've been looking for!" Adagio laughs maniacally
  736. >Adagio immediately stands up and starts dashing into the streets
  737. >She's gonna have some fun with her new powers
  738. >As she's sprinting, she smells something delicious
  739. >Her stomach growls
  740. "Right... I haven't eaten today yet" Adagio thinks out loud
  741. >She turns around and faces a humble hot dog stand
  742. >Her mouth waters a little
  743. "I really need to eat more..." Adagio worries
  744. >No matter
  745. >She steps up to the hot dog stand with a smug smile on her face
  746. "Ahem" Adagio tries to gain the attention of the man working the stand, as if they have anything else to worry about
  747. >Adagio's eyes glow and she feels brave
  748. "I'll show you some skin if you give me a free hot dog" Adagio smugly offers
  749. >The man running the stand looks her up and down
  750. >"Not much to show if you ask me. Pay like everyone else." The man running the stand brutally shoots her down
  751. "Well, I would, but you see, I'm homeless and-" Adagio gets cut off
  752. >"Yeah, and homeless people have to pay too." The employee says
  753. >Adagio grits her teeth and glares at the man
  754. >She imagines his pants sliding down to his ankles
  755. >And so they do
  756. >As the man frantically squats down to bring up his pants, Adagio imagines a delicious hot dog made just to her liking
  757. >Her head pounds a little
  758. >But all the ingredients float in the air before the perfect hotdog floats into her hand
  759. >Quickly, she walks off, avoiding any further conflict
  760. "Hmm... I guess my new power is restricted to a smaller amount of objects, for now." Adagio thought out loud, in between bites of her hot dog
  761. >She wonders if there are limits on the size of individual objects
  762. >She'd test it out when she has more power
  763. "And my body DOES have a lot of skin to show. Just the right amount." Adagio corrects in her mind
  764. >After taking several hearty bites, Adagio finishes her hot dog
  765. >Satiated by her criminal cuisine, she begins to walk in the direction that feels the best to her
  766. >For some reason, the chalice's powers didn't control her like it did last time
  767. "Maybe I have to be aroused for it to take control?" Adagio pondered the possibility
  768. >In the corner of her eye, she realizes she's at a familiar place
  769. >It's the adult shop she got her stuff from
  770. >If she ended up here by just changing directions on autopilot, then surely that means she'll score here, right?
  771. >Score some power, at least
  772. >She enters the store and the same shopkeeper from the other day is there behind the counter
  773. >"You again. If you used it already, there's no point in returning it." The man says nonchalantly
  774. >Adagio approaches the counter, thinking for a moment before asking
  775. "Say... You wouldn't happen to be married, would you?" Adagio asks, putting on a seductive demeanor
  776. >"Who wants to know?" The shopkeep asks
  777. "Me." Adagio coyly answers, biting her lip
  778. >"I get you're 18 and all, but shouldn't you know how marriage works by now?" The shopkeeper asks, annoyed
  779. >He raises up a hand, showing a ring on his finger
  780. "Lucky guy, and I'm sure an equally lucky girl" Adagio flatters
  781. >"Why do you care?" His demeanor is standoffish
  782. "Well..." Adagio starts
  783. "I just wanted to ask for help on how to use this thing" Adagio explains, pulling the vibrator from her pocket
  784. >"And what about the cup?" the shopkeeper seems suspicious
  785. "Well, I kind of know how to use it, but I could use some help with it too." Adagio smiles
  786. >The shopkeeper exhales sharply then says
  787. >"You press the button and put it somewhere that feels good. Tap it again and now it has a light for some reason. Tap it after that and it turns off." The shopkeep instructs
  788. "Hmm... well. Maybe you could demonstrate for me... or maybe, on me?" Adagio asks
  789. >"Nope. That's asking for a criminal case right there" The shop keeper rejects her idea
  790. >Adagio scoffs
  791. "You know what?" Adagio starts up her eyes glowing
  792. "You're gonna let me milk the cum out of your lawfully wedded penis right now, or we're going to have a problem"
  793. >The shopkeeper seems worried, but also kind of... out of it?
  794. >"Geez fine, alright." He rolls his eyes
  795. >"How are we doing this?" he asks
  796. >Adagio looks around and sees a curtain
  797. >Above the curtain is a sign that says "Viewing room"
  798. "In there" Adagio points at the curtain
  799. >"Well... I don't think- well, I guess you'll see." The shopkeep has given up most resistance
  800. >Adagio motions the man with her hand and Adagio enters first, the man behind her
  801. >Adagio expected a decently sized room
  802. >Instead, she found a tight room with a wooden rectangular structure pressed up against a wall with a cheap tv not too far from it
  803. "So... people sit here and watch stuff you rent out?" Adagio asks
  804. >"Usually more than just watch, but yeah." the shopkeeper tells her
  805. "Well. I'll let you pick a movie and we'll take it from there." Adagio concedes, her eyes still glowing
  806. >"Alright." The shopkeep walks out for a moment
  807. >After some rustling, he slides a vhs into a slot in the tv and waits for it to play
  808. >He presses the fast forward button, skipping logos and titles
  809. >After the titles and logos are skipped he presses another button, letting the tape play at regular speed
  810. >On screen is a woman that resembles Adagio in build and probably age wearing a cheerleader outfit
  811. >She dances and does a little routine for a man on a bed and her panties flash every now and then
  812. >Adagio is disgusted by the tape, but the atmosphere was definitely set
  813. >Adagio takes a seat on the wooden seat and the man follows next to her
  814. >Adagio turns to the man
  815. "Get it out for me." Adagio's eyes glow
  816. >He does what she says, removing his pants and underwear, revealing his naked nether regions
  817. >Adagio stares at it
  818. "Is... is that it?" Adagio says, half teasingly half genuinely confused
  819. >The shopkeep's gaze hardens
  820. >"I'm a grower." He solemnly says
  821. "Right..." Adagio said, her hand gripping it
  822. >Well, more like 2 fingers
  823. >With the aforementioned fingers, she gently pumped up and down
  824. >She turns her attention to the film, still stroking the man
  825. >The woman in the tape is stripping slowly, gyrating her hips tastefully
  826. >It fades into a wider shot, and the woman can be seen taking off her bra
  827. >Her breasts are a bit smaller than Adagio's
  828. >Almost immediately, the camera zooms out as the woman bends over and fixes her hair to gently throat the man in the video's rather large penis
  829. >Adagio bends over and sticks the man's rod in her mouth
  830. >The best she can with the equipment she's working with, anyway
  831. >The tip barely passes breaches the soft pallate of her mouth
  832. >It's warm yet still very soft to the touch
  833. >Adagio moves her head up and down on his penis
  834. >She turns her head, member still in mouth, to see the video more clearly
  835. >She mimicks the technique the woman uses and takes his manhood out of her mouth and begins licking the length
  836. >Her tongue trails down, starting from the tip and ending at the balls
  837. >It tastes kinda weird, but Adagio kinda likes the texture
  838. >The woman in the video envelopes the man's shaft in her mouth, and so does Adagio with her man
  839. >Adagio slowly purses her lips at the tip before sliding down gently to the base
  840. >The shopkeep's twitching penis and bucking hips tells Adagio she's doing a good job
  841. >Adagio never thought her life would end up like this
  842. >Yet here she is
  843. >Gently sucking on and pleasuring a married man's penis
  844. >Licking his balls like a girl in a porn video
  845. >She gives the shopkeep's shaft a few more wet mouth-strokes until something peculiar happens
  846. >The woman in the video repositions her entrance over the man's penis, facing away from the man so her butt can be seen clearer
  847. >Adagio is shocked, as she keeps bobbing her head up and down the shopkeeper's penis
  848. >"Time to do that next." the shopkeeper smugly proclaims
  849. >Adagio's mouth is too busy to reply
  850. >Suddenly, Adagio feels something grab her hair and her head is forced off the man's shaft
  851. >"Come on. it's time for the main course" The shopkeeper says, holding Adagio's head up by her hair
  852. >Adagio glares and grits her teeth at the man
  853. "No." Adagio bluntly states
  854. >The shopkeep stands up and pulls on Adagio's hair
  855. >She stands up quickly to release the strain put on her hair
  856. "What the hay man!" Adagio exclaims
  857. >Suddenly, the man quickly forces down Adagio's jeans
  858. >Unable to properly move her legs due to the jeans and the chalice, she's at the mercy of the man
  859. >Or is she?
  860. >She imagines the man's arm floating, relaxed, away from her hair
  861. >The man's arm begins to slowly move where Adagio willed it
  863. Yes, the awkwardness and cheese is on purpose. That's just how I write.

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes