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Trixie's Quest for a Special Somepony (Unfinished, Archive)

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2023-03-31 09:34:03
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:53:22
Expiry: Never

  1. (Originally started on 12/20/22)
  2. >"Don't you think it's time to find someone else to spend your time with? Somepony you can be closer to?" Starlight Glimmer says to her friend that's currently accompanying her on some errands
  3. >"No, Starlight. The Great and POWERFUL Trixie does not think it's time to do any of what you have said!"
  4. >Starlight stops and turns around to face Trixie.
  5. >"Hmm... Trixie..." she says with a concerned tone
  6. >Glimmer touches Trixie's shoulder
  7. >"Friends are great, and I'm glad we're friends, but I don't want you to be a marecel." Glimmer tells Trixie, as politely as possible
  8. >Trixie scoffs
  9. >"Trixie? A MARECEL? No no. It is everyone else who is a TRIXIEcel! They wish they could have muah, but they cannot! For Trixie is too good for any stallion!" Trixie smiles
  10. >Starlight gives Trixie a concerned look
  11. >"Well... maybe you could... look for somepony? If not for yourself, then for me?" Glimmer negotiates
  12. >Trixie snickers
  13. >"Starlight, you and Trixie have totally different tastes in stallions, I mean, you like-"
  14. >Starlight quickly covers Trixie's mouth with her hooves
  15. >"Ahh! No need to say what I like shh be quiet aha ha." Starlight blushes and looks around, in case anyone was listening in on what they were discussing
  16. >She quickly regains her focus and addresses Trixie again
  17. >"Don't find a stallion I'LL like, find one that YOU like, and 'do it for me' means do it as a favor for a friend. I know you can do it."
  18. >Trixie looks at Starlight and thinks, then with some sadness, replies
  19. >"Why? Is Trixie not totally your greatest and most powefullest friend? Are you Trixie'd out? No that's impossible-" She's interrupted
  20. >"No! It's nothing like that. I just think it'd be good for you to have more than just one friend! And seeing somepony romantically certainly wouldn't hurt." Starlight smiles at Trixie
  21. >Trixie thinks again, and puts a hoof to her chin
  22. >"I suppose you're right. Trixie can feel lonely when you're busy for long periods of time, and I've always wanted to prove ponies calling me a 'marecel' WRONG!" Trixie stands confidently
  23. >"I know you can do it. Look, I have to more things to do. Maybe you can get a head start right now and tell me all about your great and powerful adventure next time we hang out!" Starlight cheerfully says
  24. >"It shall be done!" Trixie jumps into the air in a triumphant burst of energy
  25. >"Yeah... I sure hope so" Starlight awkwardly smiles before teleporting somewhere else
  26. >Leaving Trixie all alone
  28. >Trixie looks around
  29. >That's right!
  30. >Starlight was out getting fruits or something or other when Trixie joined her
  31. >Well, Trixie thinks so anyway
  32. >Because there's a huge sign that says "Fruit Market" above her
  33. >And several stands of ponies selling their goods
  34. >"This is going to be easy!" Trixie says out loud to herself, noticing the large amount of hoof traffic the market was receiving
  35. >Trixie starts walking about, looking for people she deems potential worthwhile friend material
  36. >Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
  37. >None of these simple ponies could ever mesh well with Trixie
  38. >Trixie begins to wonder if she'd need help from someone...
  39. >No! Not possible. Trixie is perfectly capable of making friends, even with those beneath her!
  40. >So Trixie starts to match the pace of the least simple looking mare
  41. >"Hi." Trixie greets the mare
  42. >"Oh uh, hello" the mare says, focusing on produce rather than the blue pony
  43. >"I am the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE! Though you probably already knew that." Trixie laughs a little at her own joke
  44. >"I... can't say I did know that. Nice to meet you." The mare replies, still focused on some fruits being sold
  45. >"Mhm. So um... what are you doing?" Trixie inquires
  46. >"Oh... just... buying some food for my family." The mare bluntly states
  47. >"Trixie doesn't have a family." Trixie tells her new companion, smiling
  48. >The mare looks at Trixie, perplexed
  49. >"I... I'm sorry? Or that's nice? I-I'm not su-"
  50. >"Oh no no. Do not be sorry, for Trixie has no need for anyone but her bestest friend ever, and Starlight!" Trixie jokes
  51. >"Who's your bestest friend?" The mare questions
  52. >"Why, it's Trixie of course!" She laughs and smiles, again at her own joke
  53. >The mare rolls her eyes
  54. >"Look, I'm sorry. I have a family to feed, I can't be burning daylight listening to... to what it is you're saying. I'm sorry" the mare begins walking away from Trixie, leaving her behind in a highway of ponies trotting
  55. >Trixie scoffs
  56. >"Yeah? Well, uh, you're missing out! Trixie's a great friend! Not that... you'd know." Trixie's arrogance turns into slight sorrow
  57. >"Maybe Starlight was right... making friends might be a bit harder than I initially thought..." Trixie says to herself
  58. >"But stallions... stallions are probably all dying for the chance to worship the hooves of the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE!" She shouts with bravado
  59. >A few ponies stop and stare at Trixie in response to her outburst
  60. >Trixie blushes
  61. >"Aheh, y-you know it’s true!" Trixie defends herself
  62. >They all keep staring at her, awkwardly
  63. >"Just go back to doing what you were doing!" Trixie commands
  64. >The nosy ponies shrug and continue on
  65. >"Now to just find a stallion..." Trixie says to herself, looking around.
  67. >Suddenly, she spots a familiar sight
  68. >An orange mare with a cowboy hat selling some apples behind her stand
  69. >She has a brother right?
  70. >Before she even knew it, Trixie found herself right in front of the Orange pony's stand
  71. >"Howdy, Pardner! Lookin to buy you some delicious apples?" The salespony asks
  72. >"Something like that... You have a brother right? What was it, Apple... apple-" The pony at the stand interrupts her
  73. >"Applejack. And yes, ah sure do! Ol Big Mac. What about 'im?" the pony asks, somewhat suspicious of Trixie
  74. >"Well, he needs a marefriend right? And who else but the Great and Powerful Trixie should-"
  75. >"Ah, sorry. Big Mac's got a mare. Not that he'd be interested anyway. He ain't real fond of... well, ya know." Applejack says, with a hint of smugness
  76. >"I don't know how many times I have to apologize to you all. Trixie is- no. Ok. Whatever. Do you know any single stallions?" Trixie asks Applejack
  77. >"Hmm... Ahm not sure." Applejack thinks, her hoof to her chin
  78. >Suddenly, her face changes
  80. >"Hey, why do ya want a stallion anyway? What are ya up to?" Applejack interrogates Trixie
  81. >"Well, Starlight said it'd probably be good for Trixie to start seeing one." Trixie explains
  82. >Applejack thinks some more before seemingly coming to a realization
  83. >"Sounds like yall just broke up." She says bluntly
  84. >"Broke up? Not at all. Trixie and Starlight remain good friends! Best friends even." Trixie tells Applejack, stomping her hooves for emphasis
  85. >"Mhm. Sure. Well, ah think ah remember Fluttershy sayin somethin about a lonely critter. Aint a stallion but I reckon it don't matter to you much." Applejack says helpfully, with a hint of sarcasm
  86. >"Hmph. Trixie thanks you for this information, even if your simple mind cannot comprehend my actions or intentions." Trixie strikes back
  88. >Suddenly, Trixie's demeanor changes from standoffish to meek in a matter of seconds
  89. >"Ah... um... where is Fluttershy's home again?" Trixie asks, nervously smiling
  90. >Applejack, thoroughly disrespected, glares at Trixie before pointing eastward with her hoof
  91. >"Ok... uh, thanks." Trixie awkwardly blurts
  92. >"Sure, but next time yer flank's buyin somethin." Applejack tells Trixie
  93. >"I suppose the Great and Generous Trixie will purchase a few apples for taking up your time and to make up for YOU taking up my even more valuable time." Trixie offers up a few bits
  94. >Applejack scoffs before grabbing a few apples to give to Trixie
  95. >"Yall can head on out now." Applejack suggests, absolutely tired of Trixie's attitude
  96. >"Yeah, I will." Trixie abrasively responds to Applejack's demand
  97. >And with that exchange, Trixie grabs her purchased apples heads eastward, to Fluttershy's place

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

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The Rapening: Day 1

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The Rapening: Day 2

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The Rapening: Day 3

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