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Trixie Tsundere (Unfinished, Archive

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2023-03-31 09:46:59
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:53:04
Expiry: Never

  1. (Originally began on 7/27/21)
  2. >"Anonymous! You have awakened Trixie from the most wonderful dream! You better have a GRRREAT AND POWERFUL explanation!"
  4. >"What?" Trixie rubs her tired eyes
  5. "Take a look!"
  6. >Trixie sits up and turns toward her clock and her eyes widen
  7. >2 hours past the initial starting time
  8. >Trixie turns to you, eyes still wide
  9. >Before closing them and lying back down
  10. "Dude. You gotta get ready or else they'll count us 'super' absent!"
  11. >Trixie scoffs before turning her head to you, still lying down
  12. >"That's NO way to talk to your beloved childhood friend."
  13. >You put a hand to your face
  14. "Har dee har har. You've been hitting the animes too much. C'mon, we're already late."
  16. >Trixie groans and gets out of bed
  17. >"Allow Trixie to use FACTS and LOGIC to justify letting her sleep more" Trixie grins
  18. "And I'll do the same, but for the opposite side, I guess"
  19. >"Good." She nods
  20. >She's still in her pajamas
  21. >A far cry from the normal zippered sweater and tshirt getup she normally rocks
  22. >This is probably the first time you've seen her like this ever
  23. >Which isn't surprising, since you only moved in next door your freshman year
  24. >Are you really childhood friends if you went to the same elementary, middle, and high schools but only started in high school?
  25. >Suddenly, Trixie snaps her fingers in your face
  26. >"Anon, you're not listening. Listen." she says
  27. "Some childhood friend you are"
  28. >Trixie's face goes red
  29. >"I say it ONE TIME" Trixie complains
  30. "You didn't call yourself Trixie that time. Congrats."
  31. >Trixie scoffs
  32. >"Before the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE kicks you out of her humble abode, she will list you the reasons why she will not leave THIS DOMAIN" Trixie begins
  33. "I'm listening."
  34. >"ONE: It's too late. Buses don't come by at this time. TWO: Trixie's parents would probably let her stay home because of fact one. THREE: I really. REALLY. Do not like school."
  35. "Yeah. That last one's obvious"
  36. >Trixie scowls at you
  37. >"Mhm. Well, if you're done being a JERK, you're welcome to walk to school and face the consequences of being late."
  38. "I wouldn't consider explaining to the nice lady in front why you were late to be dire or even a consequence"
  39. >Trixie looks at you with a smug smile
  40. >"Oh yeah? Why didn't you wake up on time then?"
  41. "Alarm didn't go off. Duh"
  42. >Trixie puts a hand to her face and chuckles
  43. >"Story as old as time. With an excuse like that, you're a goner." She laughs
  44. "It's the truth though."
  45. >Trixie stops laughing and puts on a serious face
  46. >"Uh huh, suuure. Ya see that guy? Over there?" She dramatically points to her right, where a window sits
  47. "No."
  48. >Trixie smiles
  49. >"Exactly! He was late, used that same excuse, and now he's expelled! For BEING A HEAVY SLEEPER!" Trixie folds her arms and smiles smugly
  50. "I... don't think that's how that works"
  51. >Trixie scoffs
  52. >"You'll be the one to find out for Trixie" she heads back for her bed
  54. >As she gets in her bed, you think
  55. >Not that hard, since you're pretty tired still, too
  56. >But thinking nevertheless
  57. "You got a point, though. I don't think my parents would mind a day off if I spun it the right way"
  58. >"Your beloved childhood friend knows all" she says, lying down, facing away from you
  59. "We've known eachother for 4 years and only spoke to eachother for 2. Not really 'childhood'-"
  60. >Trixie turns in her bed to face you
  61. >"We met as children, slowly aging into adulthood, and look at us now! Blooming adults! With hearts full of love, bodies full of LUST! And minds full of dreams!" Trixie beams
  62. "Why that second one?"
  63. >"Wink Wink" she winks at you twice and gets back in bed
  64. "I-is that like an invitation or something? You know, I don't talk to girls"
  65. >"You say that as if Trixie doesn't know this. C'mon, take a rest. I know you wanna." She pats the empty space beside her on her bed
  66. "I am NOT sleeping in the same bed as you. Not in a million years. What would our parents think?"
  67. >Trixie turns to face you once again
  68. >"There's blankets in my closet. You can sleep on the floor. Prude." She points to a sliding door behind her to her left
  69. "Thanks, free-baller."
  70. >You scrape up a few blankets and nab a non-anime clad pillow to sleep on
  71. >By the time you get your makeshift bed set up on Trixie's somewhat soft carpet, Trixie seems to be fast asleep
  72. >You decide to join her (not in the same bed) in slumber, and lay to rest in your diy sleeping bag
  73. >After a few minutes, you fall asleep
  74. >You dream about being in class, which isn't uncommon
  75. >For whatever reason
  76. >However, you realized it was a dream and awoke after an unknown amount of time
  77. >Looking left toward the window from your makeshift bed reveals what looks to be a mid-day sun
  78. >You need about an extra 2 or 3 hours of sleep, you note to yourself
  79. >You turn to your right side, ready to sleep again, but something catches you by surprise
  80. >Trixie's occupying a very small space in your floor bed
  81. >To the point where she isn't covered by any blankets, but is close enough to probably make contact with you
  82. >Not only that, you've also moved in such a way that you're facing her
  83. >And more importantly: she's facing you
  84. >Even more importantly: she's awake
  85. >You don't say anything
  87. >Neither does she
  88. >You lock eyes for about a split second before your collective spaghetti spills and your eyes scramble for something else to look at
  89. >Your eyes settle on her chest
  90. >Not that you can see anything, since she's still wearing her pajamas
  91. >And she isn't a milktruck. Far from it, really.
  92. >You sneak a quick peak at her face and she's looking at your chest too
  93. >Her face is red
  94. >Your heart is pounding in your chest
  95. >Your breath is heavy, and hers is too
  96. >If you don't stop this madness soon, you'll pop a boner and it'll really be all over
  97. "What are we doing?
  98. >Trixie stays looking down, her face red
  99. >"What do you mean? We're just... enjoying eachother's company, of course!"
  100. "While one of us is asleep?"
  101. >"Yes. Is that an issue?" Trixie asks, shifting her eyes
  102. "Normally, not really. Its just kinda sad. But this time I'm pretty sure you just snuggled me against my will"
  103. >Trixie scoffs
  104. >"Thats PREPOSTEROUS. Nobody would ever want to 'snuggle' with the likes of you"
  105. >Her eyes move up to your face as she finished her sentence
  106. >You smile
  107. "So then, what were you doing, exactly?"
  108. >Trixie goes silent
  109. >"What Trixie was doing does not matter. What matters is what YOU do next, anonymous."
  110. >Another smug smile covers your face
  111. "Well... in that case..."
  112. >Your voice softens
  113. >You put a hand on Trixie's chin
  114. "I've... always..."
  115. >You slowly move your face closer to hers
  116. >Her face gets redder
  117. >You pucker your lips
  118. >She does the same
  119. >Her eyes are practically glowing
  120. >As your lips about to meet, you say
  121. "...wondered why you never wear makeup"
  122. >You sandwich her face between your hands
  123. "I mean, seriously. Not even chapstick? And you call me a prude."
  124. >Her face morphs into a pout
  125. >"Trixie thinks it's a waste of TIME to appeal to vapid 'people' such as yourself"
  126. >She pushes you away and turns around
  127. "So... who are you supposed to appeal to then?"
  128. >Trixie exhales sharply
  129. >"I'm not so sure anymore, honestly." She says bluntly
  130. "Oh man I get that. I don't even think I'm attracted to anybody"
  131. >Trixie turns to you suddenly
  132. >"What?" She's close to you again
  133. "I don't think I'm attracted to anybody?"
  134. >"Yes that. Elaborate" she seems worried
  136. "Nobody's ever been interested in me, so I'm just assuming the ship's sailed already. Calling it quits, I guess you can say"
  137. >Trixie looks at you in disbelief
  138. >"That's... that's..." She sputters
  139. >Her face reddens and her eyes shine
  140. >"That's not true anon... you may be the biggest meanie, but you'll find love some day"
  141. "Do you know someone or something?"
  142. >Trixie's eyebrow furrows
  143. >"Trixie barely knows you. If I had friends, I'd probably be talking to them right now"
  144. "Instead of man-handling sleeping men."
  145. >Trixie is visibly annoyed
  146. >"You were NOT man-handled. Trixie simply watched you, for our safety."
  147. "Hearing that doesnt make me seem very safe in your care"
  148. >"Well, if you keep pushing Trixie, your fears will come true"
  149. "Doubt it. You practically melted in my presence earlier"
  150. >Trixie's face goes red
  151. >"Well... you didn't look so confident yourself, tough guy"
  152. "Well, I just explained to you why that is. What's your excuse, woman?"
  153. >Trixie thinks for a second
  154. >Then a smile dawns on her face
  155. >Then it falters
  156. >Then her face goes red
  157. >Then it morphs into a demented half-smile half-fearful face
  158. >"Wh-what if... I..." Trixie starts
  159. >Then stops
  160. >Her eyes meet yours for a split second
  161. >They're glowing
  162. >She quickly darts her eyes to the side and her face gets redder
  163. >Her breathing goes sharp and heavy
  164. >You are very confused.
  165. "What if you...?"
  166. >Trixie gulps
  167. >"What if Trixie... sort of... maybe, hypothetically, not in a literal sense, but maybe-"
  168. "You're stalling"
  169. >Trixie looks annoyed
  170. >"Trixie does not STALL, she ENTHRALLS and ASTONISHES those in her audience"
  171. "You're just kinda weirding me out, and I'm your audience."
  172. >"W-well. Her childhood friend couldn't possibly understand"
  173. "Not your childhood friend"
  174. >"Shh..." she puts a finger over your mouth
  175. "What were you going to say?"
  176. >Trixie takes a deep breath
  177. >"Well Trixie was going to ask what would happen if Trixie maybe sort of liked you." She spurts
  178. >You are VERY Confused
  179. "Huh?"
  180. >She covers her mouth
  181. >Guess she didnt mean to say that
  182. >"Wh-what I meant was... how would you react if, um, TrixieHadACrushOnYou" she said quickly
  183. "Hmm"
  184. >You look at the girl lying in front of you
  185. >She's not a terrible person to be around
  186. >She isn't ugly by any measure too
  187. >She's annoying and a bit retarded, but not malicious
  188. >It's still weird though
  189. "I'd be flattered, I guess"
  190. >Trixie looks at you with a perplexed look on her face
  192. >"ONLY FLATTERED?!" Trixie huffs
  193. "Well... yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"
  194. >"YOU- BECAUSE- WHAT!?" she yells
  195. "You're being weird"
  196. >Trixie clenches her left hand into a fist
  197. >"You should be enthralled by Trixie, madly in love! You should sell all your belongings so that you can live alone with Trixie!" She argues
  198. "I dunno. Sometimes people just dont feel the same way sometimes. Sad part of life."
  199. >Trixie's concerned face turns to that of sorrow
  200. >Uh oh
  201. >"So... you dont feel the same way about Trixie?"
  202. "I'll feel that way about anyone if they're worth the time and meet a few requirements"
  203. >Trixie's face glows
  204. >"WHAT REQUIREMENTS!?" Trixie has a determined face and a finger pointed at you
  205. "Let me think. I dont have them written down or remembered or anything"
  206. >Trixie scoffs
  207. >You think for a second
  208. >You don't even talk to girls, let alone have standards for them
  209. >Your days of lying to people are numbered, you tell yourself
  210. "Uh, responsibility"
  211. >"Trixie showcases that brilliantly" she smugly smiles
  212. "Um... kindness"
  213. >"You cant find anyone kinder than the KIND and... um... KIND TRIXIE!"
  214. "Hmm... cute, I guess"
  215. >"Trixie doesnt have to even say anything about that one." She smiles again
  216. "And last but not least, she's gotta make a good mother"
  217. >Trixie reels back in shock
  218. >Her face goes red
  219. >"N-no comment."
  220. "Why does it matter what I think anyway? You're not even fat."
  221. >Trixie snickers
  222. >"I'm glad you think so, but I have my reasons."
  223. "But, you do know I dont feel the same way, right? I don't know you that well, you don't know me that well. You're just desperate. You know that, right?"
  224. >Trixie looks at you with a blank face
  225. >"Eh... what?" She looks at you dumbfounded
  226. >You sit up on your makeshift bed, and Trixie follows you up
  227. "Yeah. I'm just the first guy you've talked to, so you're just projecting all that virulent barely legal angst and frustration and hormones all over me. Pretty obvious"
  228. >Trixie's face goes red
  229. >"Y-y wh-wh..." she starts
  230. >She looks at you
  231. >"Th-the..." she thinks
  232. >She's thinking really hard
  233. >Then she looks at you with a confused face
  234. >For a good uncomfortable minute
  235. >Then, her face wrinkles
  236. >She looks mad
  237. >Very
  238. >Very mad
  239. >She exhales sharply then calmly whispers
  240. >"I bet... you really believe that, too."

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

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The Rapening: Day 3

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