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By DaybreakerAnon
Created: 2023-05-17 03:41:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Fancy seeing you here."
  2. "Come here often?"
  3. >She giggles.
  4. >Together you sit, enjoying the peace and quiet.
  5. >"Just let me finish setting the sun, and then-"
  6. "No."
  7. >"Beg your pardon?"
  8. "Let it linger."
  9. >She casts you a sideways glance.
  10. "Please. For me."
  11. >She lowers onto her haunches with all the effortless poise you've come to expect.
  12. >"Bit for your thoughts, dear."
  13. "My dad."
  14. >Minutes pass.
  15. >"Anything in particular?"
  16. "I've told you about phones, haven't I?"
  17. >She nods.
  18. "We used to talk at night. When we were both off work. He loved the moon."
  19. >"Sounds like he'd have a kindred spirit in Luna, no?"
  20. >An absent-minded chuckle escapes.
  21. "You could say that."
  22. >Wipe your eyes.
  23. >Quickly now, before she notices.
  24. "Anyway, he'd say to me, he'd say, 'Son, look up at the moon.' So I would. Then he'd go, 'Even though we're hundreds of miles apart, you and I are looking at the same moon, right now together.'"
  25. >She says nothing.
  26. >It's hard to tell if she's even nodded in your peripheral vision.
  27. "I thought about calling him one evening, y'know."
  28. >Sniff
  29. "The moon wasn't out, but the sun was setting. It was beautiful, just like right now. I can still see how the dying sunlight illuminates the wisps of clouds above the mountains."
  30. >A hoof rests on your shoulder.
  31. >"Anon, honey..."
  32. >Keep staring West, just like you did on that day.
  33. >Your vision may be blurry now, but the memory is evergreen.
  34. "I picked up the phone. I scrolled down to his number, and then I hesitated."
  35. >"Why?"
  36. "Because I realized where he lived, the sun had already set. Night had come for him, just as surely as the twilight was upon me; then and now."
  37. >"Anon-"
  38. "Celestia."
  39. >"Yes?"
  40. "Please. Let it linger a bit longer."
  41. >"I suppose I will. It is that time of the year, after all."
  42. "Because it's Spring, but not for your ol' Anon?"
  43. >You don't have the energy to pout; fake or otherwise.
  44. >"Maybe partly for you..." she says, blowing a raspberry.
  45. >By the gods, she's brave.
  46. "Attagirl."
  47. >It's quiet; still.
  48. >The Light clings for whatever handhold it can find over the West, not going quietly.
  49. >Orange fades to pink, to various hues of purple.
  50. "I regret not calling him."
  51. >"You're sweating."
  52. "I don't know what I would've said. I was so lost in that moment, the implications."
  53. >Her muzzle brushes your forehead.
  54. >"Sweetheart, you're burning up!"
  55. "I miss him. Even after all these years, I miss him."
  56. >Golden light envelops you, flickers, then fades to naught.
  57. >"Darling, please. PLEASE."
  58. >You blink, refocusing on her.
  59. "What's wrong?"
  60. >Tears cut sparkling paths down her ivory fur.
  61. >"Don't."
  62. >She bows her head, her barrel shudders.
  63. "Hey. Hey..."
  64. >You cup her cheek in your palm, as you've done for ages.
  65. "Stay with me."
  66. >"I'm not g-going anywhere," she manage to say between sobs.
  67. "I'm not leaving, Cel. The girls. You have the girls."
  68. >"I can send for them. There's still time!"
  69. >Stars blink to life overhead.
  70. >You've always loved the stars.
  71. >And the moon.
  72. >But nothing like your love for the Sun.
  73. >Your Sun.
  74. >"Hi, Son."
  75. >Dad?
  77. -----
  79. Call your Mom. Call your Dad. Call your friends and family members. Tell them you love them. You never know when it'll be your last chance.

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